; r pit n"T Till; CAIIOLIMAIV. SALISBURY: 8ATPKDAY:.::"::NOVEMDEn 1. 1831. STATE HOVEREIGNTY No. 4. Wt p. 14 Wtvk, soot e itracta from speech of At lLo. John B-rgeot, Ml Ui Mimum fjnestiofl, In ppaartof Maui Sovereignty. Wt noWgive me from peer t another diaUiigiuln?dJYderalitt on the Fy gccaaMH !, UoMigti Northers man, ebty e apcd the Houlhtrn le of iImI controversy, mI. gwofb a FtduitluX, OMiUimicd for the HotHtnfhly of 8UU-s. Tb gentleman to whom we allude it limit Mcl,ne, a at toe period referred to, u a member of Uie tm uf R-preeiitaiive, I ml hat filled thrt-e of tliu lifhcat offices under Ihe preeent Adiniurtrstioii, ha ving bee suttetaiv.ly .Munater U r.ngland, rWi.-lary 0 the Truauiory, and Secretary 1 Slate. , The (olloiiig arc extract from hi able (recti, a awec Utat rendered hi 111 highly pnpnlar at Uie South : "The fundamental principle i f thia and of every Ke. saafct Government, k (tint the sovereign pow.-r re- tjet, anu is innrrnii, id ine nitpie, aim not hi tlielm. terninent piMi iIih nnn'il'- our Government, all the nnrngiil t m 14, Vinyl ; thev tr lit fountain tinr it all )( j ,4 u General Govermiient liat no other power tlitn WV i'Mipjc liave dolf(rl( to it for t'rilnal vur oar These art" Uie rfght am-rtcd in our Dc-hira- 1 J ln.l-tMnllH.e : thev art Hum r mhuK mir f-- (hea Bartended with Ureal Britain $ ami herevr man a found, he ta fouml I 111 Jn"J! vjlcm J" -ihe UIUtiiK'nroriTiu public authority, a gr.-at.-r or lew furtma wf puww Miajr ba d'-krratrd' by thp PpojiIo, tijr Jmrjr m(ft(ftmpnt ; but, whatpvi r inty Im- Hm pnw-arftW.-rtw Wumnywfy if tol lm)mtrt j, im it tat bjr (Artr wii, arxl nuir b mulUJ ur niulififd lataiue will. Iipii tlie riwl. himI utgccUuf tli' ir Ciatma miuirt- iL B fori Uiv fitruiatiii of tlx- L'iikmi, tilt P)li if rw Slalr were tmrrhgn and imli-vrn-irttl itwjr bd ctercuil Uiir tttyrtfiirntr tn tbf ninn- altof,Suuam-titutHiM.an.H;ov.-riim.'fiU; th.-v not Aaaia gaalaiiiiatjl alii MMtfMf alatai a Iw aata 4tao i I ia a a rw PtfltM bv tlie.r (.-l lul-. but thev r.Ml ll- r...ht an.) atW of altering and ctungmg their Coiwtitutiim at NU,,U! "lvd' u,"7 ,r lh,,7 '' " "ly ch ilL In virtut of thia Kovereign power. tte P.y.ple vf tl-t there ia any gr.Min.l U the rtate. the old Slato cona.Mitd to (fin a eowaoci of Uuhhi I m""- 1 t,e ,ruth the """' ebullition of tV their ,.,tu frty and emiality of nglita, atwl they ' If" . "'"""'S"1 P'l'l,' 'K pol'fcuina. eoo- uuxi U, veri in Um. Uovermnent of the Union rrr-. Judl'e W " dNledly the choice of an overwhelm am prwrr-, the better to guaranti to the He.-,le the ) "J""7 ,,M'J V"V of Tenner. But, t) y rnj.71u.-nl of the remainder. The pnwert . ttie (ie-1 V" 1hlr"'tl,,d "r " " ""'7 t("t anr.1 (e.venminl are, thereCre, linnte.1 ; and all the ! ,h"ir 'V C,M;,C"' "j Wl11 ,l,e,f vot" fi,r pr n.4 delejatwd renianu with the HTATEH,t tkr nmn w" P"" P"ncipK arxl will admi- u theix tWiluUiw. it, and mh the People In j U1Mhi' t"""" Pn Jeffe.aon. . all uth.-r repecU,UlC Sart and ikr Pmplr are a com- t. , , , . W,., erna aa they were b.f.e the I'm.. It f7jf u TS P,m"'i fckiwt. ttien. TriMn tlieae nrmrin .. Ihtt a RTATF it : fcx'y iy m. a untlri linfrlkT or fAr ir rammmi int rwf ; Uie term (Sutea) import Sttrrrtisnly." t The aubitaiice of the drepMiig ia aiinply thit: Ttie ivereii'iitv it out in sorcrnmml. but in du Pyir who form the guttTHinriU. The ioernmml . f the Union waa fiirmod, not by the People of Uie I hole territory aa one community, but by ttie compact if iktrlec mtrtig a irW. ponii wi tamrnmuUtrt calUi hlttft. .That, although Uieae couuuuuiUm of peopW vokmrarilf agreed tentetr jaW certain power to Ihey (oniinuo Government, Uiey did not Uiercby surrender Uieir Snniignt W , retained it, pnly purtinx with mne of iU ottritmtti, tor their own benefit That Uiey delegated to UihtXiovernment no power but what they cotuidered necewwrj for Fedrral furp-w llmt ia to y, for purputeo h related to mil Uie .Mute . ra (heir yrkforHfedi?ratea.- : '" . '' ""T"" " " ' - Tk we eormder a rnoul clot rand candid illustration .rf HfW WeTeTgtiry ajtyfrtien Wfrflort on ihtt ct- (uuuUncea udr which it watfiVen7rfid thtremmc terof Mr. Mclane, we cannot for a moment belu-ve ttat he had any agency ui writing Ike Proclamation, at arnno have charged hyn with. - ll m troe-ww have wilnemed hwny'aurprixing clwn- f r the aentitnoritii'df jioW menftan'iSmve 1 them, that charity will impute rather to the ...maturity I i eawiW and to the yie44n"of IwwUiy intltibed yna. cipl than to corrupt motive : but we believe Uiat loait Mr Lane waa too deeply convinced of the truth of the principles avowed in Uie above extract, to re- Jgy.'jmihemia..tho aln,- ofU iwepilde- faeto-anf Mpumenta to conflile theiri; am he waa too honorw V tu renounce Uie in without a conviction of their fat- f'mati' are totally remifrnan! To HiirtflliMPS M.rLst!-4n?,i Lei !ftirji&trjJhjitittin.jiul.aliue.. of the General Government, irreconcilable with all the "heratithority we have cited, and Ihcoirtpatihld with ' !h universnl understand mjr of every Republican, and larife portion even' of FcloraliuU. It will be observed that Mr. Ser?nnt and "Mr. Mc- ljue.ioth apreeely toII tfieOcmrtrtTrtinn tjf tlie Uni" teil Mates. a compact a compact between Sovereign Statf. We do not rerrumber Iwviryt .gt'JIlJlfeWjluaajMtei wy oujec ted to a incorrect, until Mr. Webster touK 'CFP.t.l.(!?!'JsJJ.l ,few.jfwaaiiicflia.thB-Soiaj4inAIt.- ebster is un(iuei.tionahly a great man, and we Uunk n honest politician ; give him a good poxi'tion, and no - fliaanrernfTtrnoTp altltflilly rindcWirrertare'hrtr -t&uuroHs, -that -le-caTi rrMnirtain evrrj weak "posmoTi ifint more than ordinary force but in the debate of ilz- M. on Mr. f-atlioun's renliitiiHis. 1 from every ground by that unrivalled statesman ; and ne even of bia warmest admirers admitted that when ''mid WtJttter waa driven to a ouibbleto a dispute Kutthe meaning of airhple Englisri woriliin- tirrJeT v actend hi pneition, hut cause must be a bad one, hi mne inttetemuble. It will have beep, reinarJted.Uat roost of the aoUn Tities we have hitherto quoted to support Ihe doctrine 01 state sovereignty, have been token from Uiat party hich haa always been most jn fhyor of t Btrong cen trsl power. The Yeasona for adducing testimony from many of Uie Federal party have, if wa remember rightly, been alreadv aaaiirned : but thev are obvious to J B 4 A ' My one, upon Uie slightest reflection. In controver "7 of my kind, Uie admission of a fact in reference to by those who are contending arainit . is invaria- . ,P ' I iy regarded aa Uie strongest "evidence of the tniUi of. ui tact Now we have given evidence enough, of Uiit kind, to convince -any man but a prejudiced partisan or a k sceptic. The latter are not-worth tlie pen Uiat " "nlg a fact i and is to the former those obsti- In clhrnmu to partk u!.r oL. .. 0 , b-rrJitary, or, r,U, mI, b-c.u U- Ur, -mc, ..owoj UM.Iy.tnthout MM.Jert.-w, tiara no kfw f ehangiii ' "',11"" iritf " ll uf lha taiut ujiiriMi atiJl." Bui Uira vt wan; kuoe iq,,,,,, iftf in,,, r roaJjr Ui rwre.rt it U Um.it JudiBrot it t0f,,i. cl Kur u a our buiabU t(JUta Uavt Ui J aUU mUniM to U tnrW. 4 tr Tb. mihjl ali.11 b rMuiMi Uilla it prtMnt f muM tnurrnit t a Mka, at our ittMit.ua b rxjiiirrd to rthr oiattm. . IXCRATITUDrTof A STATE. T.terj bud; kuu bu much VtwAvM JacUm and the Huu- of TrntMwt fui , dcU to Mr. Van Burcn ""njr.ng ui maur m Kew York U, tl.t MMi.t of ui-nrrai, jfrr U rr mlJoetor mtrrrlainfj, b9 New Tort. Tlie Cinral haa Uf aim dwIiofH hiipart i- mo oOlitrataMi, by p..riiuttinjr Van lu'arrw undrt biw, whith. Van ), ia - gUj nuKurh." But Tnnar-rlui-a not m- m to Iw a. williru to pay hrr drbt of gtati. link Our wr.t-rn i)ugliU-r w pri'y amart at a Ur iraut, frmu a km -trap to tn 0tfiem j( aa prr in. num. Vi t ali i., afW all, at dinuurnitd aa nvat oioipla : f, if ie canl (f.1 tlr bartrain hrrti-H J" ! im particular otij.-cli.Mi Uiat it aliould im had by ou Imj haa U'fru.'iukal tu-r. Th fi.llowipif rxliacU fiooi tho Kimji ville Ri'tfuxtrr, a hading T-niM-r paper, wliwt taken in cuuiwiun With Mn.' tliut e havt giwn fnm othrr paprni of die mum' Hut, Hill eaplm our meaning, and ahow that the New York Magician may yel mm the figun in Probably U,e aigrr. ttt .hall appear ,n the Empire ' I on the MHll, , WraW.will be the I Hit tore progiKtica of hit lurk in Term A liaifil.j. I riUl tun ia not apt, in Una ookl world, lo miu-L U. vur ..vi.n Mtt) fti.uM Mtl... i..l. - I i "ra:V"' i 1 1 1 ' t l le he IU tllM flarloi . hia mtrm I I Vnw VnrV U, V. n . , 1 Which I. the rl.taa. d.'v. we r..l,r. ,U. M " m,.,! : . , ,. V "-1-. , of leat magnitiMle will oion diarnior that Uie little Dutchman " it not wliat he haa been cracked up fur." tni tuiini 'l Wt have teea a autf.-eaHoo that the nomination . Jmlga White in a Tenneee and in Alabama paw-r, ia "" ' Mr. Van Buren. We do m beheva a ntareaaiwnea eocn an onject coWJ out . wanpliali.-d witlNit deb-ctMin. Tlmae who Clx.-e Uiat Htnte, at a candidale Ibr the I'rcaidency. Thia loukt an if Van Bnren ttnek waa low in that quarter. The Prendent ia therehootaaow, and will awm art the dia- e " M '" iroin afh-ctud rurhl uam that point Van w hit Haline, and he cannot think of any una elae intrudm npnn the tine of tucceawnn long amen arranged. Ju.lt 'Ige White will have In back nut And the preaact makinir Uie demon atration will And plauaible rcaaona fur dropping him, readyjt hand, whenevet tha comma nd m riven them " On tha above, which we copy from Uie Virginia Free Pre, it may. miaa to boatow a mwem noliee. Without reference to the standing of any other gentle man, we may, we think, aafely tay that Judife .WM. it decidedly 'more poniilar in 1 eiineseee, than any other man in ihfl 16n, (if we eiceitl Gen. Jacktr.n ) and, entertaining, a we do, Uie higtieat opinion f hit ca pacity, tinnnes and integrity, we would irreatl)- prefi-r him MtheaucceiiBjornf the pretcnt vennranie incumuenT. We,, therefore, honrafry and aweortdy dewr to-havf.aft oiwortunitv toauppnrt bim.Tl.w we Vrill do.beciue we beliuve bw cttanco M tueeiw better uiitn. itntot any ,hr ujdividuai miokea oft, end becaute wo are aa tish.-d that he w.mlil ailiimiister th; roeNum.-at on pure remihlWirwthctnlija that in "lite lianuV-lUo.aabou would tie in'rhH-tly ante limn corruiiliun ami Tree ironn .... . . . . i danger of rtiwnlutrop. OUTRAGES IN PHILADEEPHTA. f r The wader wtfl' find, in a prfinjr'coliimn, tv Htnloint-ri tntcint-nia of the principal mie of Jit diabidical tcenn wl General Election. Thete articlet are copied from pa pers in Uie interest of each of Uie adverse partiea : we have done Una, not becauae we doubt Uie tUtementa of tbx-highly ntffi-rttkk wh;g paf 4om-whih tbefimt ia taken, but for Uie purpose, if it be possible, of dun connecting such disgraceful doings from Uie party feel inn of Uie times, and Wduur ihea-ap to that acora which they so richly deserve at the hanotof every ho. lure in .1. ..anJect,Wrltfc'ilng to hum0 feusedly exalted in every Uiing Uiat makea maa honor- able among hit apecies intelligence, and civil a Well as political liberty Uie spirit that is abroad ia truly to lie deprecated. Where it it to stop ! Is it contempts ted, by a course of tliia kind, to subvert the institutions uf.tlie tuuiilryv and to deprive uritiseaf the only mode they have left in which to make known Uieir opinions of the conduct of their servants, via. through the ballot-box L,9life( f8 and acted by a low rabble, woo glory in turmoil and revo lution, and who, take these, , niihlic occasions to satiate their helush appetite 7 We would be glad if we could conscientiously give an aflifHiUv-a4nwer-to-lbe- la-oneetron rfo would rid ear country of a stigma on its frrte Instituttorii ami its intelligence. But we are constrained to my Uiat ief f ""er, pnj tht we a,re nf opinion that Uie Philadelphia Riots were conceived and planned pre viously to Uieir execution, and were connived at if nt prompted, by men who call themselves Uie friends of gooderder aud equal rights, but whose perceptions of j Uie beauty of Uiese two qualities have been altogether perverted by Uie emoluments of office, and blind man worship. As a proof of Uie correctness of our convic tions; we "refer "to , tbeollbwing pa'ragnp which was inserted in all Uie Whig paper of Philadelphia some time before tha election. We did not at Uie time give it a place, Tn oor colnmns, becaoe we really did hope Uiat no one could be guilty of uttering such nionstrou advice; but as events have shown Uiat it was acted out on the day of election, and aa Uie Postmaster of Phila delohia hat not contradicted it! we feel at liberty to lay it before our readers, as a sample of Jackaonisro in the "city $f broUierly love." Prom the PkUadehhi Com. Herald. . During the last week a Jackson meeting was held in tha Kentinrrton District which was addressed by Col. James Page, the POSTMASTER of Philadelphia, who, in the course of al anost inflammatory and disgraceful appeal to the worst paMonsof an auditory, advised Uie m tnj to Lav noiM to mUht9 Wl th vImUoq. -My h f,,-,k HirKUHY-ftmi W XR HAM), AMi AN AIIM;iXU IN TIIK OT1 1 KK, aW (a 4l .Jj mmJ Jnmm mmt mnaamrmlm wuk tUam UlLt&i IIIH WKi WtlJ. hK MM." (Out th Jackann camlidaUit waa named A EIJKTK1.V RETt'RNM , PEXNSyi.VAXIA.-FuIl Murn. ka. been rwU trad of tlta r0Mi( 4eetMnan thw ttato? 1w Arlmmw fntioo will bar a, ia the neil Congre 1? fturxla ftum U Htalt, am) the ().-,t.n t har L In tht promiCorifrB,i8ijiwlly Urg mtwity from penn. tylrania aupjurti the irHMmirt of Ilia AdminwtratKi in II partirular,eiceit in th fruMile igaiiUl tlie R.nk but, in Umi r.t. ia c.wteat, Um collar hat been drawn one bole lighter, and Ui 17 JarkKHit hae pldir. XKW JER.SEY.-T1m. reeirt elrtiont in thMutt liave l. rm n.il in rinr the A'linlniatration Party we are glad to prrrrive," however, timt Ihejr havt 1 mueh wnaller vote Cmn at the hut electinna, and that ii. Vi l., . , , , , . U.e hig r..H .. Hwrni.injf. Aa .nfitrtunato aaaaiU between Um- Q---r. . the Mute, about the right to certain pri.p-rty, m lnrh Mr. Pn'linghuyaen arted aa CHinwl ht otie of tlie partiea, it and to havt had an important bearing upon tlx recent eleettnna in N. Jer ey itiKNiiurh, that three entire countiea, inhabited by " Kriervta" attar he-1 to It.e m d againat which Mr. Fre-lmir'iuya.-n was employed, and who pratknialy hvl aup porl.sl the Wing raur, have) Una year elected Jactwuo iiM n, ttie pirpie of ousting Mr. . fran hit aval in tlie S imie of tlie L'nilisi Htalcai OHIO Kcliirin fhMrt Una Sutt com in quilt alow. Wh.jt cau-,. ' 7" 7-' -IP' JtkW With over- . .... " 1 I . ' " ""7 wnw I... Vt'l . I . I I . L J ... J.'' "j. w.w ii"i'Wjw- iiin wFpniiria, we j ,, Jackaoo licketa have barely aucce. el, no canuHiaie r" " "'.' " a ivwnan vainoiic . r",'tti"n' Wh'C" ftcl ""'"""r h ". orrr, ma ta evwlent friwn hit rereivmy an It aun ' votea in manv cninliet win-re tlie Whig can.lidat.-a for r.,-.J ii.. 1.. 1 , . ... , CongreM atHl the Liegitltture atice.-e. UnI by lartre onea. , " " ' 1 " Ue are at yel unal.le to tay what will be the final re. ault in trhio, tmt mir frienU every win-re are oonfldenl f tucceta : he the nr.-M-nt contint divided aa it uiav. . we can clearly tee, 111 the re dution in puhlic aenli- ' mi-lit there, Mire aiunt uf the JumjIuIioii uf Jacktonttin and lit atu-nilanl evila. CI IO I. ERA IN WASHINGTON, N. C. From the Raleigh R.rfuitijr, of the 'tti ultimo, we copy the Mlomng parngraidi, by which H w.ll he mun that Uie Ik)m- expreiweil in our laat ix r, lliat lliel'lMi lera wouhl miUkIh hi Watliingtnn, have proved ftlla cioua. The Remitter tvyi : 14 We are pained to tUte that tint deadlv fiie to hu- man Hie naa re-aprt-nrel at alnngt.! . m . .... in. in tin rilale, . .A f 1.. . 1 a.wr . mierva, o, .eany a ,n a .or,,, ..Hire ma- lirrnant if rarata ih! llitin in llaaa Atsut ih,ri.iu.u W'.. I.-, bben fVvorH with th prrufJ of t private lettoTtWhich tit let that on Snmlay hurt Uie re were in that town nx unburied corpnea, all but two nf whom were colored. The letter mrrrtmnii, hrrwevpr. ttml lha weaUier waa again turning coot, ana atrong hope wer again enl.r- tamed of the d-seate htunif arretted. " ll will be seen, by in extract lIMn a PotorsUir antrfitui r n.....:..,- ... A. A . 1- rer,Uuh."JmapreCed.ngcdumtM SttZ i! "4.".1 lSUi h-N.rtW!L I a very nntigate.1 form only eii'ht pertoiis having .' died, out of 1.10 wFki litii be.:n attacked. - HORRIBLE BL.SPIIEMYt W. f...rf,.l lh. .Iu, .lark dan winch nreeede.1 UFrch fi.uilulkiarit UiHrba.Mv.d ciwiniry, and ?tat the mme np-rrtotinB t)f all Use liitli. tmrrcty mnv uiuiCMtirtiiK wli.cli we hnve wen of a dininjei wtn of a disimsilion, 1 on the rnrt of the deluded -wpportfrg of Jackson and his minions, not only to deify their patron-saint, but to bring in, as a weRponof ridicule (gaimtt their optn nem. the sacred prtnciplet and forms of 'the roligiona wondiip coast-crated tu the glory of Uie King of kings. Indeed, at in ju oily remarked by a Northera pap.-r, Utaiplii-rii- ijijiear to have 'become, one or the daily weauont of Uie Tone, as will appuar by Uie following I Panxlu on tUe LorW Vayer, w.nch haa recently been ', I from the fifliKO of IIih " lellnnttfiitn " one at Ui Tory Organ, (in New York,) and hawked about Uiat city in handbill : WIG'H PRAYER. Henry.Ckr, ho art in the Senate, glorihetl be thy name. Thy Presidency come. Thy will be done here aa it ia in the Senate house at Washington. Give u daily Uie delight of thy wieech- deliver on from Jackson arid speclfrpaymenrfljiHm art to be President, wrth power and with glory I Oam aarMi.' " CATECHISM. 0, What deiirest thou of Henry Clay, in Uns prayer I "A. 1 dewre-of Henry Clay, who, when oeionie President, is to give olnces to all Wigs, not to forget me, i or in v brethren ot the Wig cause that we may 1 I do. -And I pray unto Henry Clay that he Will give us all (especially myself) good appointments: that he will remeiu;our,aiiv-to popular indignation ; Uiat he will preserve ns from our dcaJlv enemy Jackaon, froia hard emoey, and from s" litical damnalwa. ,,JUd this! trust he will do, Uirongh tlie merits of Calhoun, Webster, and Poindexter, and therefore I say. Gammon. So aa it." (ftr MORE !-.We find the following statement in Uie New York Cdhrier and Enquirer, of Uie 21st ulu n hi. Really it chills our blood to hear of such mon strous profanity, .and we could not bring ourselves to record it, but with the view of raising our voice gfnst it, and of praying for Uie pardon of Uie miscreant who could niter it w Mr. Hair," of ifie'TIeventh Ward, or of the Tory Electinneerers, in exhibiting "Jackson Gold" to a voter yesterday, made use of the following blaaptiernont lan guage This .money tolongs to Um Bank of -Heaven, "of which Goo Alhiuhtt ia Prtrident, JaausCuanrr Cashier, and Aaoatw Jcasoi Fir$t-TeUer.n WW. JUDGE WHITE, OF TENNESSEE. The following nice hit at our Western daughter, for wishing to furnish the country with another President, in the person of Judge White, ia from the pen of the witty and talented Col. Webb, Editor of Uie New York Courier and Enquirer : "The Nashville Banner, remarking upon the fact that tha Tennessee paper are coming out almost anani mnonlr in favor of the Hon. Hneh L. White for tha Presidency, ay " It becomes Tennessee to be modest in thia matter, aa on of her rrt rent m tl (ifniK ft. ,f fu4r", with cnnaleraMe part of t lrm turn t. ptfed," U't tl.tik,rlt, Uxt tt would ixmitrt M very moii-at w verv annatla ia Tetmimna to ("'f aw i rj pn-H,r M -X ' , Hlefllm. Itu4 al tliia Imta U a in LJmiUi arD bIik led with on "tauerimenL" and it la '.it IJn, that, by tlie tun wt get fairly through wiU M, we atoat waiiMny owra "iwcininett from Tnmwn M ft" Perhapa no City ia tht Union prewnta a asanj object o( tlaaeic taauciatiun, to awny attrartaaoa to Um traveller of UU, a ara to W (iud la ILtog Mat tu vicinity, 8timt viai tor baa lately givoa a aWt alufteii, ia a lev tr publwhod la Um Baltinora PaUnit, of bm4 uf utijecla and, aiaatig athera, the (dkrwiaf but very ioadaiuU ptcturo of Mount AaWra. and titenatvt burying-placo that waa eowcratati a yaorattw M M"mnl Aubmm, whota aauira, ia arraorwtf iu leoa)- ajuil aluulua, lla aolema delta, lie warred tmlea, a reataof bmuliKk, pUcid Ukea,aod ftowery paiiaa, aawaaw dtined, by Umi bat tf lleavm itarlf. fur tbt laat rew mU1 ,nn ,n U, U" 7" oer among oiwiitaa, eiwimna, ana arm, cunaerraw wr j ... .o.u,.,, J, .JiU etW j mon Hp-irmlim, rVUma, Wetter, H'nry, aad mm :nf olliern, have their toor ipnale aepitlHirvw; bat a ''" temple of purnat luliaa nurWe, aa yet a la oh, deaignod I the family of Mr. A, in beauty : In the New England Magazine, I GrtoW, theira ia an article on Ilia aama tuhject, au beaat.fulty wraiea and repl.-te with tetitinxtiU tnd moditaUaai Cairw- laUid to trercwe a aalutary uiflonnca aaa Iba bawrV that we pubiit) it in lu-day't paper, aJaaoal aaUra. aa.i -rHl raa waaraaa raaautnaa. .Wr. FJir : I think I now ae throueb tbe tncka the National RepiiUican Wbiga. I alwaya bod a a . ,... 1 1 ... W mm . .V, . J . M.. VT, .7. " J ' ' . ' "V".- ""r"- a A e 4rii,fatito,aedetiiat arra?' .j . And theae Pmcfmlmm IVkitra Una l i ,. v.- n . aw-.-. Tortri have bealea the ifiere What re"1 I1!" f rmoref bv them with the name ef U ktmtl ' , B"1' U',,T, m"fh l"- kr,ww 1 foe I'm in fkvoc uf nobody who iuatiftwa the Prarlaan . .. . . ' ,'a l j . turn. Id rmtlH ae a UMHind Baiika deprivod af the dcpmilea. th.n .mk rW threatened witk 'he twi:; .but lhe Satumai Vktg$ aeew to think the Bank a better tlmn Mtatf, fur iher reiuicad mhrm the ttt ikmiw wia nruereu hi ne reimwen rrma nooia r.unta. ami put on hoard a ikim nf rr, but fairiv raved wb the putilic imiiw-y waa taken rVutu the Dank, ll'a mf opinHtn, if we were to put ne 1 thia wined breed aa the place of a whnU-kog man, it would only be "ewap ping Uie d I fur a wil. h." Y.Kir fi-n.1. DICK SHORT. . . . . . . 1 . DEPARTED THIS LIFE, At KUughter'a Hotel, in Uiw place, 00 the 27lk ah. m.s Uie H.Ni. JOSEPH PEARHON, formerly a Repee. aenlalive in (Vjngreaa, from thia duArict The deceased about ttl year of age. nd had hved, for M.W f yr, p, , ti )lrtflct J Gdumba : J 1 b waa beep 0 a vitit, with one of hi children, when the Ouid ""'"'i matched him from among ua. THE HERMITAGE BURNT. . hhviil Octobrr 1 4. Yesterday evening alumt fiiur o'clock, tbe rnraf atlenurfs to arre the i.nurreas . Umi fWa patajf tranulinfe Uw eaUre .ajaUfjct.witk JO; and ud dining tWffU. M in aftsw Btaira ouav launied. The vnualile fi nature in the lwer ati-rj lwnt fortuimtdy aaVed, tlmiigh much aroMa auad 'otherwise injured in getting it out. That a the ! ' "'? W UrnJerstand, thiefly derfnrved. (he tVkjrCf M'G'ZlnaM eaWaaf 4he ' t.:..... . k...t HUM vUn .i Hm Iimm- m iny 1 be BMimeruaa 'L'!!?. !!!! Jiirjl vbW ivale wtr 4 4he PeoaioWl aeeeo nrinili ,11 VVT""'.!- 'tv"" - KEW FASHION CARTETa AJitrfj writing frQin 'tm lojbe, JLauWJfounikL published in Londtai,' gives thia MtiWuMttioa : " I inual not coitflinlo my JnUap-artbuyt tallaaf vou of the lovely carpels we make.. 1 have al ready taken "ihy part iri'two of them, and tni jrX'Tl commence one for niyself immediately. lle iiwui is thia l you buy as many aquaree of coarse canvass at wiH cover your ruwnvnd ymr give a aqtare to each of your friemlt to fill up tx yoa, according to her UMie. uue docs a 4ing, aaxMner a nra, a third cut, toother ftowenw a 6Ah cImmm 4 Catkin more or a Greek, or Persian pattern s another per son does some other. Whet tier animala, birds, or flowers, the ground nf each square ia filled acced ing to the Utncy oOBe worker; so yrlu a. noare with htacK, another witn wnue, wue,rea, green u.,Kx.y,r ik-t-re, i variety poMible In colora and patterua. ben an ; an. .inA iKev am mahwI inamthttr in . mmttlku ' bft jUlchea amiuvi.ihlis.Md I c-uet ya baT18,S Friaa .aoaaiaf to I bO,OOf you have the moat bisarre and moat beauuful car- pet possible. Blood Itnrmtt Six Wood Horse, selected frora one of the heal atahlee in England, have mmved ta 4 Sweepstake wil) be run over tbe SALISP.D- -' KX lUUKSK on the 2th day oi omnber next three entries, $50 each, a4 ck-eaV Illli rKUI'tUfcTIUKS. Salisbury, Novemher 1, 1884. tdf ...... : dissolution; : Y limitation, and the Biutiial content of afi cerned, (the til-health of one of the partner requiring him to withdraw,) the eoncerecf MAC NAMARA, PI1ELAN, c Co., of ClKsraw, South Carolina, ia dissxdved. ' Mr. RICHARD PHELAN continue to eon. duct the buaineaa on hi own account, and wiU ket tle all claims against the concern ; those indebted to said firm are requested to make payment to him. JOHN MACNAMARV RICHARD PIIELAX. Chcraw, S.C., October 1, 19313t 1 xz r A : X- Harbor's Shop. 1 tuT4t ii rfu l y kairaM' la iW a U k-jy M wa.t ... ,1 tUol . 1,7 calbrf al tV-ir rMHl m at baa ah. lie kaa tA.n liat Vwoaa i-twi'j urcotrwHl br Mr. TVtnat I V k oa taJut't tVt, a U tl. p t tuw Mr. Jut Mrpiv't 14.mw. artJ may b tiuj a baa M-y a aJ ttawna wbra) a4 pr4i-aaturany ad !4ar, Neher l.J3 8 Conic & Sec, an j or 'THW. fVtfawiflwf Vy Wit Id tin IU fiirmL' oad lW aaaVU.tbjag VW ta aw rereivMtf. direct ra rVJaaVlpkaa atU Nrar tock, kai Full and Winter Goods, Wbtrb kaa laaaw pawbafj fam lh klrat Uiipof tatiaaa. (a tb 'a8 X If Jl, il t.-e-iy i4 Fancy anil IXmieMie Hry-IIooJji, Kanluarr nn.l Cutlery, Q urcn rf , ( rtrer im &c. (tr IU ! bo Uff bv baa fnrtU and tha) fwldo: cwl aoal niawt kaa wdw aaal bo bpea atadtewata ktt m J a4 twal ia) baa artewtpta to plea ' ALL KIN Ik OP rorXTRT PRODfCB IKH'UIIT AT T11E HIGHEST MARKET' PRK1X I TV SaWtrnbai fcVia fvaae&l t paat Bairemf, of.atad kefea, by atrart tttralaa) to kamiaraa, to aanl af tkaatw avra kereto ( -wt brttoarea! atjaaa. kaaa W asVvafeeWtbpwb be WlLUlU MIRPHV. S JL Aa aaw aacai - .WCVn CWi ttot wa! ajnaatiaely ka aaoikt to Ikoafl k- fa 4J AMI ear tkw akHhaay U Uat M-fc. : S4awy. San. Ul- W. M. - PUBLIC aS.UtH. 1 N faaraaa V a IWaew at iba Caart af Equt- n.laai stftjVtka. MM ttSst ssWtsMsaVtlL m TlarasWf tU IttkaUyaf Jw taker afjf, 18 Tlwr Valuable IjinJ K-a to tWe BMssrtk - MJl Laadb," hwg ia UavaoWaiaW kV-aat aaatMtaatl tisataaaiag, ia all, AbMl JnOO .lrm. . . A 4 TWtw as aaarf.rtakts Dwe4hng. 14 - Ikw. aaJ a taaaakto Gnat ami tW. MM, wstsi tkr BOMBAeaarala, Bpuaj the savtnasaa, TW ossl LaaO are wrB adapttal to iba rwltur U Vstum ami Gtaaa of aJI kaadaw TVy he fepoa the Yadkaji tLn-r. aaal estbeaxa a large body of vaWaJUe LOW GRtiCMsA TW Laaaia m U aOJ to Mr. or ia tep. rate traela, a mi km am ytirrkinw ra. TW vevwar wi9 to a rreitkf nT TT anaJha. r" CJ Tbe wake wil Mtir hie -We oa Ike 4.T tow aauarA - - ' . " JIMIS ELLIS, Rwerw ad" tbe i'Tast of Aleraui TAYi7 Kiaveaaker 1, lJU - trJa LOTTERY; 5b tLASt, I UR t4, Tm he Drawa la tb tllj rCalrlshi Oa fraaUw tkr Th mf Xrmhtr, 153V.11- ,r::,r"." "jr." ..ivii tup. cwUm) V-. .-..-;':-wif.w - TETEXSOX 4 POINTS, MANAGERS. CApiTAIaC rnizc I Ptiae f JJDUO JXILUULi a flfiM . I a 4JUUU IkULLARS to Ajm a -... ajuuu. iwLLARd .ii.. ajwa 1- of jlJOO DOLLARS ta ,00 ' r ! - T IjUOt DOLLARS it 10,000 . l.-tf4JO- DOLL4 ttSar 5,eo--" It - U. SOU DOLLARS ia 8.000. 13 tf JOO IOLlAIliia-U)(KaAlJ. 100 - of 1S5 - ct j: soo - f .-- SM- taf 6O DOLLARS 5,000 4,0.50 30 DOLLARS tO DOLLARS IV DOLLARS 430; 10 DOLLARS to 80,000 , - - DOLLARS w MOO 4 DOLLARS ia 24,000- jm - ef APaciagetlft WkTsckawincoat $40 00 4423 00 will be - - . x - - . -. $u J 00 tor 1ft "'y tarfceta, T J n inillll M of JO UaaranJacketo, .;- ft -T3'" & AR Order iroaa m ahaaaace, by re.) (post. pert) or tn 1-naasw.cttvaaawm CMH. ofrLat5ttlt aa oaar prrv'auw Lutienea, will re ceive tbe aaoat ywaavat atseilltraa, sf aDrewed to STEVENSON cV POl NTS,-Ji)ory ; and ante. casawtof 1 be drawing will 1st jreirded inuaediataw ' lyjaftee ttaj AVbOa Tatketa, . V -. f 4 00 T' Ilil,",.-.,- .' S 00 Qaaatera, -i-ir'i't' OOT"-.' T U had, in tl graataet vanrty of numhera, at SteTenon & Points'!! 0l3cc.J ----"""SALisEriiT, n: er; : t" Drawing of Fourth Class. ft-.Xo. 51,44. wlkh drew the Capitdf TnVo f n TWaaJ DoHars, waatiilJ in. a Pcka cf Qwarart- Tirirta, at Grnborooifi, en the day the 2rww? ; aaJ the rm4i was advanced to the fjuaad" kwUers (by thai M4nager,) oa the fol kewi w."ir. . . CTjio. 57.-4H, hkh drew Prize of Tive lIcrMlrrd l2rsw ia nj" Ticket, at Lin. CoJ'.UiO. . s. 4( p.