-THE-W-EgTERM" C m miNMN - rVit li. USllE!) WKKKLY: JOHN MAUD, J,, and Proprutar Xumbtrfrvm the bc;hnteg,7Mi ,o. J3 OF THE XVth VOLUME. r.ii Salisbury, ItowairCoiinty, N. C. 4 f Saturday, November 8, 1KH. r "fully 'iftn fork r.fu. "At, 'I ti ft M alil 4 JUf th 41. 4W, 'I'. r ti jWie !) rfi 4 1 . t,H M 1 H i4 Thr U'rwlcm tnroliulnu. 1 : ' " c'l!r V K .V.:::: ':::: JO IV HI .'vf - - . . ... MM, JR. , ttMMm Of N SLIC4TIOV L The Western rroliniii it iiuliih.,l o. nil, st.Twu Dollars per milium if und iU advance rfToi"ll '"d Fifty Cents if ug uuij l,.wo Urn ,pAt uf OlM-e lmhtll, t ,Vppcr ill I' ilipcniiimf,! until U r poS, wiles, at the ilwcri'itmi of U, fc.li to 1 hWnpiimis will ih4 he rrtivg.i t , . i, , .osa yew; sud . Mmi :. . v '.. Jl ! " '"I" to dw .sitmoe, tt l . """7 "' L.vd w new U- ,,u Wl " ' ,mi C4"wl- I ."J4. JL.ll .... I """'I w HI 'i'"iiir pi Klim IIIMTP HI I III .u .iLiin.1 Luke the trouble (.1 chIIitI mi, iHf HjWrSH-iiHH'y to Hip Ivlilur, shall have -? f rati durwg fji'i cooliiiuiiueif, TM If AUVKMI l). I. A il vrtiMnt.'iit W.ll hm C4iijt 1 uonl)' 11 ii' I rorrevt , jtsil si, si "lO cents pT iimf fiirtlif lir.t iihut'uki, rents '"f r" cmi'iiiu : mil, wlicri- mi ml- Infill'"1" Of ITIM HI III OlllJ IW1TI', till. fJ loWeJ (if wu-b HUMTlimi. ' I 1 Jtt'iw whu ..iNtire to eii-.n-;! hy lh yrmr, II In- Lsntnlil'-d hjr t ruMialili ili-lui l mi frmii the itrfivr jlfJIM Jof IrtllMnl CH"M. ..tnMuuuimMi.Yr..:. t, T' inun iir-MiiiA lli n' mi in t tirr aiMm-m-m! y lh K l'lnr, tlin (Kmtkirt! iIhkiM III all cim- ! mmI. AT SAJJStr'KV... ....v. uiU r .1. TuV Biwn. B-iP f . . OilU. hi CI.ujI, ('o3f, . . . 1 'urn, . . . f'Mtll', . . Iaju-'I, 1 1 -1 rt.i. 4 I H'i.n--R, . . , .'ill ml 44 4 V n, .... h t J . $"1 1 nio.,1.. 'i'i;m . l"i Kv 73 l N.r, liruuii, . 1(1 all J . lit I kx.f, . . I7(H . lit l.SnlL, . . . IU l!"i . 4M 1T4II0W, ... b lu . ;kl itl Tulmrcu, ... b ..VK . 00jVlMiit. (ImjJk'1) Ml a l'Xi , . . ltd) jWlnnkry. . . . 4.) (i LiiKHiil UJ, (Nr jiilloii, f 1 l'.'J AT FAVF.TTKni.IJl. OcUiUf ilnm. .... 4 4i iiiiie, B-niit, . . CotWm, . . Kmir, . , , r'tix.Ty,, i v 4 iVNtite, rut, . . . 01 a (tl W 'rtujfar, brown, . tl tt l.'lali: lump, . . lit Wtlif W, . . IT- . 00a'Sa!U .... till .lUlU UlfVVlHI, W KMi .5Jil a 6jdVluki'y, . . . 40 43 . 8J--Woiil Hit 'JO AT CFimAW, (S:C.)....Oci..-r3(). B.r, ... 17 Muliis . . . 411 a Uteri, urw, 1. .. 11 :iKico, . . . .4N) a 5I0 L'.n , . . .'Ml a mrS.ilt, in i lrs . :MI0 P-t-i w. A:.:il.4li biisM ,.73. . . Pi.w.-.", . . .IIMI a liiiSiifemr.iN'iiii".. . 0 12 Eumy pifiJiM 1 :. -JxiMWwin,- - 4 a-4 ---"lUiiiW ':--'- WiT'm.p.Vi 2) tf-. , .: , ArlTJJluiMam;T.---- W ;' l"'r,;!i ... "'M'. ,;';1Vj"uf'- .liiatK' at com; Mm a. (.. c.i...o.r.)Vf Boui.lv, iv i, Hiitpf, . . Vtvvr .- Ul..n, . . Illl, 11' a 13 I - Mi 1(5 .VI.M;ir!(iT4-l. . . .fiila!H n - '-i Iihh.i.'I, . . 73 Un ItSnwWii, . I04M l.ml'&lu'iip, 10 a all . 10 a VI .L23aluU . 40 a Stl UN . . 11 a l:i J Tallow, . . . 4a SJjWIiiHkry, . II'fOM, . . , B'-'F-.vit, . ; . . . ''"II. . . . AT t'AMDKN, (S. C.)...Oct.)KT 1. . . . 14 a IMirWN.CaroA 1100 (ViO 33 a mnm, .... la a I'M 111 a IM-JiTmIIow, . . . lvtaL3 . i R7 KVIimkcv, . . . 30 a KI Travellers' Inn, fell! VITTi S TMWKS IHM'JUi, I I III. TOWS :J rPUlC fehseribrr mil l! at Piililic Auction, at Hie citr-r-Mtore f irnn-rlv (x;cuiiei by Cado A; Cmiiin, in the Town of Salisbury, Oa Monday the 17th of November, flint li.-iitjr t(r 'first day of llnwaii County Court,) (?ttwistifi of h varioty of Fine Winter & JSiimmer' (io-w: - : AL80, :. -, NEW SET OF BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, (complete.) And on Toesaay tUe 25th, "he Stture of tlw' Subscribflr. ten miles went of Sulisbury, he will sell The Remainder of his Stock, convicting r a piod'atwortincnt of aRI)VA3tE,isuTLERVtCB0CgERY, ) Ac. Ax. Ac. - ' Term will be madalnowir-onlhe days of, i " uir CMiti'Kiwfl limn an is wn. n . ' GEO. McCONXAUGHEY, 0 lobf.r ?5, 1-334. 3t , Come and ttcc, any Wv AMI ALL CUllWMll 'run suWniw b u t ii;inn i,i, (VirruU ami lit fmUi-Mbui lie ii m;w Mi ming, .lintt from I'liilmli lplua aiuj Ni-w York, hi Full and Winter Good, Whiub lMli.irn imrrliaMHl fromtlm UirM imMir. talMMM, f.,r tlio Fall of :M, uimI roi.nM ..f Fnnrvnnd Domestic I)r)-Uoodsi, Ilanluiirf nnd Cutlery, (iiicniMwiirc, (-Jrocprics, Vc. Cr- I If will In- liniiV to have hi frircwU ami the (Mililic cull and ennuiinf lui ; ami h li"j- ami trut lui will not fktl in lit altfinitti to li thrill. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PROfMVE IMU'iiHT AT THE IIK;iHaT MARKET. I'RICIX 'FI' I'iriluT fix-te grati-fiil for pa4 Httnma, amf liojim, by iilrii t alt.-iiliHi bi" liu-im-iw, f.7 im ril ami nrriK a cooiiminm-r uf iIkmi fuvora ImtHo. fin l-lwtl ukki him bv hia fricmfi ami the nub be, WiLUAM ML'UniY. N.B. Ai my aijfn mv 4 NfwCmnpCah Hlorf,' a hlx ril ilm mini m ill Hmiiivi-ly lie nmiln t'i thoe h U.IV CASH on the nVlivrry of the iiiik Silm'teiry, .Nov. 1. 131 tl W. M. C"" NORTH C iltoi.IN t STATE LOTTERY, 5th CLASS, FOR 183. To Ik- Drawn in ibe i I of If-lei Rh, On Friday ikr. Wit of inrrmhtr, lt3 1, O.N TIIK KOI'UIR Terminatlng-Figure System. STEVENSON & POINTS, MANAGERS. CAPITAL 1-HIZI2 1 07, ! doh::i 1 PriMof 7,000 DOLLARS i $7,000 3,000 1 10 " - - ia - 15 50 " ' ion ' 00' "" " aao 6,000 44 'C'tiofl'"'. of 4,000 DOLLARS in of 3,000 DOLLARS m - w-,too-iorjtiii5-1- of lXX) DOLLARS in 10,000 of . SOO Dt)LXAR A.vO 6f WH) 1X1LLARS 1 '3.P00 of 2(H) DOLLARS it 3,000 of 100 MILLARS i 5,000 -of- of -of "of v( of" 50 Dyl. LARS h 5,000 3U I)OLLARS-47,41ia. "20 IK)LLARS 1s " 4,000 1.V IK1LLARS in .4,050 MO DOLLARS TroJ.lioO (J 1KJI.LARS ii :Ui,ooo 4 . DO L"L A IfS 7s "2 i,TH)0 ' i10 I Pri., anxMiiitiii to 1 h0,000 A Pnrksrof 10 Whole Tickm'will cost : And muht draw nutt ft tkr 17 00 9)'M 00 A crtificale for a Package of 10 Wholn lit ketN wilt bo " : vr-vx. - . v . F.r 10 Half 4ifkrt, 1 1 50 For 10 iiuarter tickit, - 5 75 All Order from distance, by mail (prt. fiid) or by private conveyance, pnclftMng ibe-cmJi or prize-titkel in our prev'ioua Lotteriea, will re 'jS 'I"3 mo,t p""1"?1 Opn'i"i 'f addressed to cmnt WAeJrawiiiJwaiTK, gp c IJT'aller itn ewiit. . " Whole Tirkot, - . . 4 00 llNivois 2 00 Qtiartw, - - 1 00 To bb hud, in the greatest variety of numbers, at SteTcnson ArFoints's Offire;- SALISBURY, N.C. Drawinff of Fourth Class. TJTN7'T)t3rwn if Five Thouxaml Dollars, was itold in a J'nckae Bf..QiwfirA.Tin;b?. JOiSr''?ight.oji tJbtf of the drawing; and the cash was advanced to the fi1ilmia'i6'Tl'tl(tisr, (by the-"Manngppr,)-on-t1iirftt. lowinfr morning. tVr Nn. a7.454,-whlf.ll dr-w a Prim! of nit1) Hundred Dollars, was sold in a Half Tkket.at Lin- coluton, -S. & P. November 1, H34. tdd . " DISSOLUTION. BY limitation, and the mutual consent of all Con cerned, -(lit' ill-hfalllof m f ,the--fartiw m requirins him to withdraw,)the concern of MAC N AM A K A, I'll EL A N, U Cik, wf Chcraw, South Carolina, is dissolved. ,Mr; : RICflARD - Pi IF. LAN corrtinoe to con duct the business on bis "own account, and will set tle all claims against the concern j those indebted 'to said firm are requestel to make payment to him. JOHN MACNAMARA,. . RICHARD PHELAN. Cheraw, S.C., OctoTier 1 1 Q34.3t " TA2T?3S;;;"" . - i A Jotirnejnian Tin-Flat e Worker? YNE who is arquained with Machines, and ac " customed, to working' by tho "Yanlcre Bill? will hear of itiiation by applying to the sulwcri- Sr. ' josEpiixiervey- Cberaw,6ctoterl34", . -to Planter's Hotel, fa yi:tti; xi ij jl .v t.i f IMIK Siilwrribfr baa opened a llsie (r tlie re- ceitoii of Travellir and Hoarders, known by the nameon HE PLANTER'S HlrEUand ao hriia a part of public ptMiia(,'iS. TlW llmn be. iiiff hiric, ami hi Hie iimm( elevated place in the Town, ami tin In a Urf Cmntaln of pin tyring W'alrr. Ilii-tlililifiii'iil alwll always br funu.li. ed wild cwry umomary that lb eoui'itrv ain.nl. MICHAEL Mi'CARY. Favelteville, (Vtolu r 11, hlH. 01 1& tmmftmm, mm ft ri"F n mmmt m MWM V U FOR Ji.34-35. HORACE IL BEARD, Tailor, II E(iS leave to inform kis friends, and the jMiblic 'in Ketrral, that orders in bis tine will always be ilutuklitlly riTfivml by him, and executed in I fie nioMt Neat, Fahimilile, and DuraWe nianner on li rms as n-awmalile aa any in this section uf Cimn. try. II. II. It. hojNn, ffm bia lonjr practice of bis buaiiHHM, (a minnVr of ymrs of which time he nui'M hi the cuy of PbiUuldihia,) and from the gfneeal mmiiim(ta k W UrOotiwi gincu to lua nuim rous reMjioctabieaad (kshiotiable cuxtonif rs, to merit and rocefVe a portion of the patronage of the public in tpitmnL ; (T He rktlora hiio-lf that his CUTTING is rralty mjHrHr to any done in this State, a may be ti'4ted by the iimliptited ele(unce of lit which allemls KitrineiiU iihhU in bin mtfsMishrnfnt. - He in the n-iftilar m'iit of tbf Rcporls of the Fa iihiiais aa they ihanire both in the lare cititM oi this csinlry ami of Eurojie mi that fiitlemcn may lie salmlim! thut tlteir orders will always be eteruleil in llif very Intent style. Orders fnm a Hiitsnee will altemb'd to with the' same punctuality. and care as if the customer were preieiil in ru. Sdlmlsirv, M.iv 17. 111 Iv Dissolutiou of Co-I'artiK'rlti. VOTICE is hereby (riven, that the prm hen-t.i--A fire-fristinjr, nrnW the name of II RRIS e. SHAVER, is diswtlved, by miitUHl cmi.ui i the parlies. All persons indelileil to tlio mhiiI linn are requrwted.to come fnrwanl iminoilHilelv ami mitle I heir acc(inti; ami thio To win mi we are imfi'lited will please render thir arconnts to us Pr ikiyiiicui. GEORGE M. IKRJtl::, JOHN I. SHAVER. 8ttlwburv, October 9, 1 S3 1. HALE! SALE!! UHE Hulwrriln'M being aipoiutiH Etfriitora nf the Uni Wit) and 'J'e-lsnieot of Cd.srl Casirr Smith, dee'd., will evmiMi In public ale, on 'I'kvrt day Ikt W0A daw of Morrmbrr ntlt at ll lute dwcing-liour of the dcccasri), in RiKaiiCmiuiy, (Juraey Setlleineul.) Ibe following Ppf, iiy, tin 14 Likely NE(iROl,rius4iiigof Men, W o . .men, and Children j Uowa-hold and Kitrhttu i'uniilure t I'liinlalimil tciwils Homes, Cows, ll.ipi, Klieepj A quantity of Wheal, Cora, Rye, Outs, Cotton, Hay, ami Fodder And many other artu;tes,Wj ImliutM l HMimffale. 1lie anle to nsilinue from day to day until all is sold. fonditiiMis will bn maiU' knowu on the day of sale. DAVID SMITH, Emu. CASPER SMITH, tws. 0" All perwNui indebted to the said deceased, will come forward and make payment i tlx we ha ving de mam hi against said deceased, will proMrnt litem to the Executors, legally authenticated, with, in the time prescnte-d by law, or tbia notice will be (dead in bur of their recoven-. - P. .V C SMITH, Executorfc Rowan Co., (Vlober 1I.H31. Ids L"A"ND'TOir'SAI"E: 'PIIE SuU riber ofR-ra fi.r sale valuable Tract of-LAND, eorirarmnjr-M H AriTWf ryirtg in Lincoln County, on tbeCutawba River, about H miles below lb stlie's Ford. This Land is of an excellent quality, well adnjH cd to Cotton and all kimU of (train. A etumidrr. able portion of it is low-ground and meadow. A Tb Iinproenii'nls,eiioilingof a Iwell wjjiiyr and all necessary oul-hou s, are new and ciMivenient. OOTbe terms will be imvle easy tntlie purclta r, ami can be asee rtaimi) by addressing the sub scriber, at llcuftie's Ford, or the Catnwlsi Springs IWOUVr. JAMF-S CONNOR. S piemU r fl, I Ml. tl s THE --'-r nERETOFORE carried on. by the ab..vo coite r, will tllll be continued byihe tm di'mined, iu ull in various branrhes, at the old ntuod vf IUrris.4 iiiv.(y. ., it m boyed ijiat 4he lilwrul imtronage heretofore extemlcd to imh of ns will continue to bo bestowed on our new caUblmh. IIH'flli' .. r.R''n.'U';wdeXidiicla.i'ft haml, and' will lie solJ cheap; and REPAIRI NG of mery description will bn promptly atloialod to, and exe-uted in the most faithful manner. JOHN I. -SHAVER 4c Co. Siilihurv, October II, 134. , tf TUomaw S.- Ilxixlerwon, CONCORD, (N. C J Reis)ctfully informs his customers and the public in general, that be Inis re--h vd-bi- - FROM MiU'-YORKj - And, having in his employ three or f ur workmen of firnl rate ability, he is pre. pured .ii do work in the most fashionable st vie, in the aliortCHt notice. CCT-Iwo goal. mat lunea-4a ll.-above4iuiiees are wanted, and can have constant employ with In in during the wiuter, if early application is made. Fcer -1 i BY THE GENUINE Rovvands Tonic Mixture, THE FEVER & AGUE HAS BEEN CURED IN 90,000 cam; -. Within the ; three, years thadt'::iiM.lmii'jn.'uws and the pat ieiits restored to health, vigor, and com fort, as they are ready and anxious to testifyi tiy The tTflnuine Mixture can be had at the Store of JOHN MURPIIYr-in Salwbury, N. C JOHN R. ROWAND. September 27, 134. ' 3m SAIJMIIKV Female Seminary. THE EXERCISES or mis INSTITUTION WILL BE RESUMED ON THE 1st of OCTOBER. -'T'H E priecTwtioB per session, (Smontlw, I- $10 50 Drawing and Painting, flOu-Mui thT,)TB uic 20 payable in advance. Sdlwlwirv, Aug. 9, 1 P34. '- ;- . BENJ: arrTRELL. . PrincimJ. iVvNiaala lor Fublikliiiif, In tlit Town of Morpinton, N. ('., A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, isnca tiii tit lb or tiii: mouStain u iikj. As the firs) impiiry , upon a propcstnl of this kind, generally is, " Wbut will be lint iiliLirl rlwrurler ot' tlie iiinr f" the Suliscnber will give on answer wilbmit the Icul rem-rve; Born ami cducited in Virtrinia, bis tarliest as well ss iSvor if lino iii.i.i prmciiii' c inrimia-a nyiuaui , .i -r"" im, mu tinruwlied ffllow-cituens wmi lavjjdjveUta A -frw 'dttys" dcstnnrx at Xhii nirl E-uuLIk. - . , i- ... ."i ' . i i ' - t i : jr ; - r tr . , H iwiieseii HHiwon'ii i'mwi t iiiiiii im nrrriire ky KemlutMHui and Kepurtsof ITtW and 1700, which were drawn up by ilium irreat utatfMiion and palrioU .Mnilmm and Ji'tlt-rsiin. cisiuin a true exDosifJoa ct. ihel nirhu ol iiui iiutus aiM of tits fwUuve evisra ofbe; Uiiieral and'8latc HKvcrmtH-ut'' -.-' " "llo'tlilulU tliiir'tlii "iurext way to annul chJIwimi wouW -bCTiy -rthnrlt"f T" Wfrr"fTii-V(Hiiiijif tlie KohrfTftition, and by sMaihinif tVisn tfls t'icY it any power, whether K he by the Uemral liovaniineut or. try liio-OtOsvtltnt ww ftWIyvlAsgiriM ltf the liirm, or et uleniij renerveil to tlie Jwtar. . i ue .con tlructive power, as it callud, Is naire to be dreaded than uoeu litfcc, bocaunx its ucr lumHtts are soatlenl ami prailual arf to excite little or no snirt'lieniin,wliile. at theswttie trmwthey wnsftacnirihui f the very' fiiun- nations of our systi'm. He thinks that nothing can justify an infraction oft the UMisiiiuiMiiL tftMi slight areacn win open uie way for amither, and that fis" a thint, Until every mtrictKHi lusts) its original strength, and wa become babiliNited to encroacliments. On this subject, as on many others, the trfmomtiwkf tli0 fffeftl iml rind WasliTuirbm are . k .... t .OT '.I -' jiiilirioiis and sniuiary. I'receuenis, sam lie, m nis rare well AdUrVsre daogarona Uiinga; Ut ar . aluium of Uf Omlitulum M rrprrkfndrd, If deloct ive, bit it be amended, bot nut sutibred to beuatnpled umn while it has an existence." ' '" . v . Th Subscriher has witnessed, with painful anxiety, the abuse of preri.lents wbich Jiavjeiajiiaibi to biU. t away the Conelilution, until, in practice at least, it is scarcely like the same Instrument that came from ehc.Tn,liiy.!ji Ibrm of Govexument will soon be radically aipv?(.'ps irrevocably changed. . ... At present, the dancfer from tins source is much riiewThretteirinf than ft baTever Been ai any fiirmer period, because those in power, who rewrrt to precedent sesstxi, so much uonularily, ttitt their acrtrrewtons are overlooked by k generous People, and who, insteadjof! repaying the roithilwncaof4heiowi4itiM pulons mlelity to their trusts, forjretful of every thing but the .'ratification of their unhallowed ansSkion or their inorilTiiatjiasBions.,, Enough lias teeiTaait) to indicate what will a4 the jtploxwo of 44 The AliiwMein Whig" in '?yxrd to general politics. !'', As in MUto enm'jrnar n will silmintfn s fJ W at um of the Constitution, a liberal system of Internal Improvement, an enlightened course of Agriculture, ami every thing else calculated to advance the prospe rity and honor of tlie Rditnr'a adopted State. ' ' , A due proportion of tlie paper will be devoted to Re ligious, Moral, Literary, and other useful subjects, toge ther with the iwssiiiff News of the I toy. both domestic .nd forpign; and its columns shall always beoniamenU t with extracts mini the igui i.iterxiore ot tne age, and such efforts of the Poet s snd the Wit's imatrina. live powers, as will affiirdfe its mtnmsthaf Variety" which is 44 the very spice of life. Nothinir will, be ro- jociea wnicn is caicuiaiea 10 improve me umiersuina- ing or me neart, wnue every thing et an oputsnie ten dency shall be excluded from Its cobuniuv.- .1 L -" TERMS, cVc. 1. The first No. of "The Mountiin"Vliiir will be issued as soon as the requisite nuUiber of Subscribers can oe ouuiinea w warrant uie ipaains; ot vie c;lces9a ry arrangements fiirtJwt purpose ; imf the undersigned would anneal te the friends of thd proposed umlertakintr ltftnFl t ffn r'y dyr? 7 it. It will tie printed once a weeluiinort m riieet o medium sie,witJi new type ami on tufod p8perTat Two JJuliars per year, payable on the receijit of the first Avg.Q, 18H R. II. LVDRA. MISCELLANEOUS. A 41 OTHER'S INJUNCTION, On frtmrmhng kit Hon Wtlk fff cf lis ViUa. ' Rememher, love, who gave thee tliLs, Wkea other dsys sll forttc, "WIm-m she who bath thy eailiest i'm, bUs-ps in ler narrow home 1 , Ri'SMfiiiber 'iwis a asitlief gave The gift o woe kbs'd die to save. Tbst tnother sought a pledga of love, bu!rit,t, f-r ber sun ... .. ..." J. ' . And froui Omi gifts of OmJ above, Nie thoxe a goodly one 1 She chose," firf tef arloved boy, ' Tlie source of lifkt, and bfr, and Joy. . She bade bna keep Ibe gift end, when Tbs parting hour Would CoOie, They might bava hope to meet again, lu an eternal borne i She and his (kith in that would be Hweet iocetiaa to her wenKsy, And should the seotTrr.'ia his pride, Isu;'h tUt Csvu-tvt faitb to scorn, yiiwi btd nun ran the pledge aMe Tbst ha from youth bai bmne. HJis bade him pause, ami ak bis breast. If be or the bad loved bun best. (rat Iraes with Uim bolv Ih m if: Tlie heart that wouUi n Uia the one. Mud to Ur (4Jm rVIinj. " Reim niU-r! 'tis nu aile turn" A mother's fitWRenienibrr, buy I ( Errrecf from 0 Srrtmn hp Its Uf s. A. Alitm. OS AUTUilN. r Tlie re is an "even tie" in ihe year a eeasisi, as we imiw wilms, when the sou withHicus hit propitiiHis light when tho wiuJi armcuid the -leaves full, ai J nature around us stcios to stoK into decay. It in mmI, in general, to be Ilia season i4 imduiM-lioly j ami if, by this word, be meant llmt it m the time of solemn ami of serious thought, it is umkitiUedly tho seaMSi of snebuitMy t-)ci, it il a imdancholy so snothing, so gentle in Osamirnnrhr and so prophetic in its inlloeiK-e, thut tiny who have binrtii it, feci, as if iiistinctively,'lmt It is the "" doing of God, ami thai the heart of man is Dot thus rinely loocheil, lut to line issues. 1. It is a m'smmi whU h tends ui wCautii.riJu The pnssiims of the w whl. Everx rns,4i, liow ever lm. and unworthy, is yet e. qmiit. Iimak to us of prewul enjoy imnt ; it U U us 1 what men have dono and what men may th, and jt sup. . K.rts useverv where by ibe example T many alt arouml us. AA'Im-o we ip out into tlie fields in the nko.Sjih1iIi stt4ee 4 eb eees was rTnrefolw'atjdr.T: wry etiienf was fi!W wiih lile, a'mi tlie aim of Heaven seemed to glory in hisasremlunt. He ia mw ciUl-ebled in hi power I tlie desert "mY" b w re bt0enirtitOliei no'"""" l . .. J. , - - -I T. J - ' ' more. (M ni auimijf .uie unm;ii'j kj jhe rartb -i -is strewed with lut .ttkgw.birbOTre Jryprdja'tri'l; Ihe ' magniiVHvi'e iTiwiiiiisir.'W'liatrver' timv ' """ " llie pMsxious wliH'h siCH-ly has awakenetl, we pnuU "isM sjjiiareiil detetioojuf jmture, VV it down in the luslgc of llie way fhriuivninu4lhe" wihh'riiess.aiid we leel that all we witness wtr,: ruibh? ib of ..our-4iw-fete. t'wcb.-nlwN,-in w iffZ V years, will be our w nmMlili..J.-Jir l&mnm'Zl our sjnnr-.the' pride of o-lf sunimerwill also faile into ileray , ami the pulse, that now beats Lili 1-1- . with virlmssi or with vicious desire, will gradually ' sink, and then must stop forever, we rim frm , ' . eur ineditatioiM wilik.Wrts sufWmt tm4iWTjftutd'. and we turn into hfe as itttfl a imiiibiwj-wi.' heru " " we hBVeri!isquieleit burtvesTiii vaiii." Such ia ' Ihe' first Impression which the present acmw-nf " iia tw4sv4it led -te make -tr inipreswiiiu which Mrtinndates the thnahtlnss ml ' "r gay f and, indmi; if there were no other reflect ii ''-' tha followed, I know ut that it wuld be the Ixi sinesa ofwjslomjQ.iTcroiii:iul eucb meditatirmi. "- It Is the cwnsequentes, however of such previous thoughts,, which' are chieily valuable and among these there are two which nmy well deserve our nrwiderntiiHi. - - ' ' ' e" " '"y .. ' v . Itts "r- l I ' sfilwniclnnclMTly ,' winch such seasons excite, that it is .i...nrft -r , itWt in 1mRvidiml''remriMmi"N it ia not the harsh language of huumn wisdom, which too nften m,- inn massuss sisieiii usii a "isiiai AM' V H.' -4- firWreinhl-li. of autumn aivb BMUihJ us. their voices sneak not in 'OHe yvtJnLcli also.ii ine late 01 an the generations of man. They which perish and are renewed. In such a eenti- iivm uirio m m kiiiu 01 suiiiiiiuiy mingled with its rticbuKl.J.y I our kisrs fall hut they ffi 4 fcrT50rsclves--sjid, tlio' tlie train of Our thoillrlila nmy nave begun, with the eelfishness of our own concertwfnre foel that, by the ministry of some mysteriMJs power, they end in awakening our con- eeni C every being that lives. - Tet A few years, -we think, ami all that now Mess, or ail that now cwwulse buinanity, will nl tmgnntrec piiifi'aiitry ol lita will passthe loudest " notes of triumph and conquest, will be silent in fhe irave f the wicked, wherever active, " wilj ewiso ?.f..fo,fWiug"..and i1iwary, whereTPi'elifF)r. " ing, "will be at rest." Umlef an jmpresmon so profound, we feet our own boarts letter. . Hie cares, Jtte aninioHities, the hatreds, which society -may have engendered, sink uii))erccived from our ' bosoms, k In the general desolations nf nature, wo foci the littleness of our own passions j we b'xjk forward to that kindred evening which time must bring to all J we anticipate the graves of thosn , we hate, as of those we4ov& Every unkiiid pas. ' sifn fidls with the leaves that fall nrouml us; nmt ' we return slowly to our homes, and lu the society Which Birroguds us, with the. wish only to enlight en or to bless them. 8. If there was no otber effects of such ftppcar. ances of, nature upon our minciV, they would . !l!l

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