rimn, -iihIiI Iwite rl'md i ou r i'.sihJ mwi J t hi own lair 'ik ; end ,1' rvrr buigliti-r foaid pi If II, it wit surely on that in ll of horror. 1'jsIiisi and p,ir t bfinllnl with rkcmut-Jf. frit of lilUp.lilr inSiS -.M)ISS ts .uri. blades, tlx trry L H kl of drPS'lfol iiImImm (i HI, lis Mir lf. i ns nor by una lUry slod waSUnsf more tlisu tiiiijr l high, end iu succession were thot, Iwyxx I' J, and hurld back into the ditch? U-low. 1 hava heard it mm J thai Wr tlnit.xi himself a p. prated una h tgitalnd, u liV IImj Jrulli nn.if nllM'll illuminated Ibe horror of list uil.l, he aaw hit lrHMi f mIimJ bi llwir draper! and eocifMive f- aw in n Ilea M tdlHKUK'MlllIlt ua by Hi Jtlh li((lil whirh illumiinled lit lark-lir- fur, frwn U-stb itd lmtvt, HmikI-k rHimlf, Utzing bombs, tixJ til nianiirr of rinliLi , roll. h! 4mii like olcito torrmt- wlttle a U it.M of r Ikj im1 alwll ruif ikrnr;H ih air, hka tha ra.h ing of niiglitjr liirliwJiKl wltrn at I iik'Ii n ciiinnra into ilia tinro u Crc4 by uur IrnnM, ovrr ,lMllld walla, aitd brri onuiiiitf (liiMla of fira tiiinca rraJy (o ba aoruug tawimi fawmlk lltvir treniUing Pf, and lliey afpl aloiiK tliM(b t;lf "n, ainid r"""" of caiUMKt, kb'Hitii of icoiry and r(ii(i ', blanl of mUt auiguiK - lit cbargfl, and ahm k of tlie aai ked nly, all niwl Utf lli bitdtiight ky, like a clto'ru from Imll. , 'Hie work of (W rtK.tion waa nearly ovrr, m h n I f Mjiid nryatlf wild a jrly of our limn in oir ol IM hkikb retired rtm-iu, In pawing akaig wln h wo aixklotily enctiuiib'rfd wMiw rrniM'li aoliln-r in llui act of quitting a largo nook'-lookmg rimimioi, lt-rt lb love of ptuirfeT hiul india-nl liimi to lin ger loo Intig Pr in an iiMianl thr y wure bayonet ed by our lrxM aaimM lb wall. It wa iImmi that, thinking, I l-rd. iiMiiing wilhifi, I ritlcn-d llifl Ikxhb - a Urga Iwl liMily ItghM apnrtmiMit lay bt forv lite into which I mUaorwl, and by tlx; (Ujiik" of the glimmering Ump, Lo-lioUl iln body o( a vouuk Udy etrt-lchrd Um thr fl'x.r, and (hat of a Briliuli 'r'?lfJHU;ikal by -La ! ApplTKiribliif and Im1IiiIi? I ho lft I no to thr f.icr of Umium of- TU.k od !" r.rai.4 him, ""7 " .7" IT. ' . . ' ,M f . TV. auk-de-cmp RJUd up wrth I U bind T V 'T' T V . -.. - I r. I awl law I Ait ftaas ataa rnn in If in. iu,l I I f -My Lord.ji;ei-aI pktou is i ' 7 . . 7 ' " " - ,l - 1 H Mil CaiUMU'M U 1411 DUnrlll.lll Ha I IKS (NW M With ft IbtNUUld - . I .. i i . , .... . . .. . . , h u enabled to a how milter, went FT'.l' " f" J,M "" tin) lonorr, I loikixi iihi a m ature lovHy in dfulh, . . although her tmiutim Imk n jfmmnn nf rwrnt agony ; and her hair all rlniud With blnl, nircum- fd down orer hrr boaoui, frutn abkh tlta war ir- rent of her heart had gunlwd through a gliattly Wound, I Ihon tunmd thr lump to the fm-r of thr olTM cr, " ' In whinn, with a atari of horror, I n-cotfinvd my Cr frirod ItUix h, Bt.-rMl hi blo4, himI iIhdiIi at i II brtjatlKI, it wa eviih'iit Iim wikiimU were mortal, and that hia nl wa in-ar. In a altorl time, however, Imi oowhI hi -y, and gazing ou my Cu r, li ll out In IiuimI in toki:n bf recognition. The oiily rtorntiv- which I had about dm waa a little braialy in a lUk, which I PjiIknI to nil lipa, and in a lew miniilf ho ralliil ao murh an to be able to ap-ak ami thank nm ; a ml with hi dying breath to explain tli nrcumxtanrwi a in whuli ifututd him - Thry wrra to ttw fldlowtng rffiict t Aflar an entrance into the town had been 'flct- ed,m rahiiiif along tlie atrwtn with a part y of hia n- ' ' giiiHtnt, during tlie oaifrnwai of the ac.ence and the Jarliica of the oiitbt, Ulaoch waa aeNirMird from lham, and afler ft lung aud fruilkwa Haff f( nMfffl himaoir ftl b Joor thw hnnao in 'which' we f rn-n . Were, Hearing a noiw within, he auHportcd t li.it - amweof owf vera inigM berrlmxVnng wirh the View of preventmg which, he entered, at the ha- kaf4-of hia Ii6, and Wd fin! feaebed the mtim "- -.--- Iere be Uasnjaj j when t lbe oppaHta end ""ofif flew open, and in brrathleaa tmror, aa if Hying frora puremt, a young Spanish lady niched Into the '. on. I'jmn eeeingth at ranger alie njak a aud ""liauito. urinff whScli. Wl h fiuile .aniazemiii. reciVnred ia the fair rirj before him, the livinir form oflier whnee tliailowy aiuulituile hail appoar-j ...'-ad ia bie abimbert on the nreeeffing Ittghf ouf Vii . f .Id waa that amazement iiwreaard. when, era he 0ul4 . apeak ahe- etclainied, wilh wild enrrgT, MyWHrnl-l hrtiyefint ja be 'tia he hiniaclf I " the wry brimr ot my dream, wh anrlania "iaat plghtTiita i duw cotiie to take uw tway IVoin ' the hirmre of this dreadml place 1" , 4 w. .At. that nwjuc at awlyr- be ;M Teply," ft Prty oT tlie enemy, who bad been auarching the Iiouae in qneat of pillage, ruabed into the room, and tbe sight of a British otlker on auch an occasion, ao e wperated the marauder, that, getting up 11? SJt?dL t''?li!,tuP,,nJ,i nt wiJblbeubft,yoaita,ftud 11ms poor Spaninn girl, who threw benjrlf between 'tliom and thoir victim, received not deatb-wiHtnd !1 the aainft motneitt with bim ah tried to aare l r Blanche coiild aay no, tnore--hi Ik'e mH lold, - . liia liiu waa faat elibing awav hia ajlrnph fqltered !!:hi : ."V'fttae atink" inlo ft whtHprr, ainj Hhe ligha of I'enth were 0n him.") He motioned me to mi; " , rhi brad, which t had no anoner done than hia eyes " begun to fit in the death glawi, and draw-.rT' l.iLihX.. nine,nn wurtTriniJ aign be aan.wiH- a ,THJ! SYNOD OF VIRGINl.V i An: ntetctmg--03 '-t'lHniiiuniiv nas nisi uassrti ini no i n'wt roi . . ' Kvmirl of .Virginia, nirreeabl v to aDDointment. Coin- ineweed !riwiriat -at'ssiou ficre vm firerafeT"bwrr; and coiKluUea ita labors on MoMiay. . jvdoui ininy ' - miniaters were present, The Ret, tor.McFarlanc -.Jnmt ebosra Nftlewtori imi' h Rerr rr VtiirltfrT -.v Clerk.-'" The procecjihgs Were characterised with i grwrtiligmtT7inooViiiton,nrt4t itmnenae assemblage, who attended from all guar. nTTtTsrtlioff WW. Iheii1 Vwlf 11e itiirious excroi 'com tuna by the Rev, TA '"tLMwrg and aerniona-wefe dcuYeriu'lIiTring The aittinj' by tIie"TleV. Mr. riummef, Ret. Mr. Arnwtrong, Rev. IV. Cheater, Rey.' Mr. Balch, Rev. Mr. Mitchell, V and otb geiitleinen wbo naoiee we do iht W. colleen- t)n Frily, ilurinff the sewrion, the pulpit of the Episcopal Church was occupied by one of .1 . '.j u...i .Ki uiuiij rt....k ttttMHi the lord's Supper was k3tifuiiste'red to perhaps 300 tMMnmunicanti. - :" " ;,--; . On Friday night, the Charlestown Temperance Society held a session, when resolutions were ofler. d in "behalf of tbe cause by the Rev. Dr. Edwards, of Mas&tchusetts, and the Rev, Mr. Hummer, of Rkbrmmd, who aeverally mipported their views in esceedingty 'ingenious, persuasive, and captivating arguments. ". The Synod," iimlorstand,' w ill hold ts next session ftt Hampden Sidney, Prince Edward eoun. ty -Cloth Ya, Rrtt frr. r 7 ... TAHTY MUVIIMILNTH. Ve ikt Ar Yi tvumr unj .'Myuirrr J " 1V he .!! m-tin rofc of tirU la m nut tillf, 1 iial wt defy any dgu pmt. f'i Uu-li u nuika u y f'HHJk" , -4 uc' Aklntingt 0ft f. The Tory prt-Mcs trter oke a tiuuf lliiug llian th-y did the day U f..re ycMfriUy, ami we Uiimi l'i rH-ofd the rarity iImI ihey did so Ihrn f .f they are n4 kfu u il i.k 1.) i ike itadttrltw f. Ilnw. eirf, llu-y fitir in one iiMrfame atuinl.Ud into a tnith, and we will inanilaiii I lie piwiinxi again! all f bIii.mci. 'I bey aili-d th ir co-l-U.ri'ri to ample mo iliume m riJK nUf no point in the aharp tTT ex. eiMl oT a good joke, aial no IikthI in cariralore. We prnfeM to be b-arneil in lore 1 thia bind; ba- r . . . . . ting, sad Mtrly rir John f'altalTt d- ripiHh of hia veteraim aa he iiMi-rlied them towania tlie field of Utile, Imt (lie bid autlMiolkated (hnmH'lea wtirrrui are wt forth tlie murfiuliiitt of the army of tlie immortal Jm k Cade. We have m-cii a back, womla iiiu4er in North Tardine, ami we have twice Witnraiird a paraoe nf the lHiiliilical in thia nly but, oh! gi'liiuaof liwiiille I Lull. invi'r,.-t Hit Pnl of fndk and How of fun, hate we In-held I Ik- like of tin I Oilier porlMMtaof tin miprrb gla ilaHi-rire iiiiiiH.rlul tiiiinn;iiriliKi, Imt I Ioiiht linn aelf could'lit gel all the whiliwicalllH- of a Tory celebration of ib-leuta iuln one 1I1111I. . Our Ilium- on ly doata, at llui time, with the b Iik Iuih-oI if Van fturaiiimn wln h budilel m ('fi-e Houm nhii ami )ir-ail Cirth it blotning In-auliro at Hall mnt't. Nor can we do more lowarcU IbroMing luiiiMrtalily upon thai, limn lo hint at it Miblunily, and glorify it by a glance. To go into oVtuil would be rather Ut moch. - The (ml rntrmhlt wan too ovt-rwhi-luiiiigly axioniMling to adinil of any lolcra- I bleib-gnje of particulariaalion. In the (irt nUcr, we are emlMrrawd by the oUi'nlioo we fin-l our. (M-a.uudut. w rvbukw the mwhthty-of twr ttu wIhi wiinrirf the ncver-to-hrfirgntten dilav, imI who, i-diii lu irrev'i-ltfUe groteaqiH-neiM, rni hitil'dip.aMd lo Uugh al it miirigUt 1 ixil thut will m-vnr do! For I lie jiropU of all cjnw we li-cl a iMiitml, if ynu pli-av, an iiwtinclive ronpoct. Iliey nhall never be laughed al thnaigh the iw-di-mn if thi pnper : and rrpn, an lhei were the pt-o. pie th-y aha II lie pokeii of a (h-y d'ncne ; al-Ix-il (hey iniylit Imve goml eaitw lo roinplnin were we loo hb-ritl in (hi ih-trrmiiuition. VV'e liegiu, ihen. The Wall lret jrt-oowoou inwarda Ca.-ille (iuriU-n, wln-re I lie Toren went to lairn powder and drink New Knglnnd rum in commemoration of llieir own hHi4ter, wun, lo way (lie IcuM of ll, one of (he iiMn gluriou eroiiifculiin of humbug evr y et exluhilrtl lo an " admiring world." The vanguard bore a banner of pointd anil cloth, iiMcrilx-il " .Vo nductum of vaqrt? or aoiiH-lhin like it, and "Was nmile up of aoiw- thiriv r forty aailura, or Uial number if raggarmrtniw (Wkpd mil with tattered tarpuulina to rr-n-mble iIhuii tlnaigh U ntual be cocelel that the atleiiiiit wan a vile bnrlnsque iixm tlie American Inm, fr there were not five of the whole iiuiiiImt who could tread (he paveiiM-iit ilnpauups or who, in our opinion, rmild have aplined two aiMilencenof FHigli-dt Imiro together. Tlwy bniked ma rvrtlnmrty like an nianvlirokeii down loblolly boy, who had been hired at two nhilliiur piece to couutert-a the true blue Yaukee aol a moat cltimay counterfeit wa it. Another banner bore tbeiiiatriutiiMiiiitauieraia of tki- Fonrik IFurjt" and w are heartily in hupee that there are no more wic-hiii that ward;' for, not to flutter the 1 ll too groanly, flie 'devil hi mm-If would have buen aahamed of d (hem at leart. We are mil- ajieabirftg nw' of ihe twp'nr ihrM liiiCviJuals who alagenl Upon a lamp port iieiir the Exchange '-being, a it -werw, Wdruuk to Walk Mtaaightcr w have refrrence to the corpi li lit collect. ive . cnaracter. n hen tin tx-lv ol (he 44 lory Party" reacbeU .thia region of Wwll--iwreevtbe Mamlml, we presume be waa, fruii the blue ribbon which decoruted hia pt-rwon, and the peculiarly hint title iif bis while ,.tpan, ftt'WM evidenced by1i lloriiiianal(ip, ruined hi RoHinante and directed riUvJvd Jkctrd;,.iniwkiatui l. piay the Rogue's Marcli" which wui at ruck up with a npinl-winch Couviuced ua tbut Uieao fl-lhiwa knew very well what tunc waa moat applicable to the Corp. A llalbillion never stepped to more appropriate mqxk since the retired "convicts Jrom 'ewgntg .daikCL'd quiuTrinealoWttn'11' a'r f " Go t the devil and shake yourselves," .The Toria of Kingi Covntg were ronspicuoua in the cavalcade, and set-im-d redolent of Jacksmiism and in-aling, though to do tliein jiwtice, we must say thl they marched with nor feroendienbtrity and- tmi-ked tiivt filled lesa frequently than some of their nautical cbmpa. array". neared to us to do the thing with more dignity than tome of the older lories, and many of (hem;-it they tiart paid anawnncmron tnmc paicn irig of thoir Ctillrttft, and had washed thoir fnces and hands, would have done honor to ft procession of 1hS aiicienT and hiMMirable frae 1 t ne oivs, nlv", tfid theoest they could, and seemed marvellously pleuned with the attentions beaUd-4iputt Uittui.by-tlia.bnv dLblackks. who accouipunicd the pnioeasion'by way of flatiV tuard. Like slkwcll appointwl espeditKMw of this descrfp twnparhnWnlhrtrthrit'Hf up by bngjige wagons, and some half a dozen emp. tyrivftl eArtirIai6wedH1n"lTie"lraTii for- ward the wounded, lo record notnnig dui iruin, hnwcvrr, Hnd Wff flrfl resolute In tin) tlelermumtioii to do (Imt, we must say that we didn't remark that they had been put in "reqiiisition, X'ot one of tlie IwHley gnaipliaiTTiecoine w overx-ome eiiner with imtrititism or alcohol as 'to require trundling to wards tlie cantle. At b-nsi this was the case when they jmased iwr office, though it must be 'ftcVooxv'. lodged thnt numbers of (hem rwIedJearfully, knd we wouM be unwilling to nmke affidavit that they were catwble oj nclnug .uroaiiway ny me unas . 1 - aa I 1 I . not. But. no matter : tins is a taitniui account 01 oikf detachment of the Van Buren jollifiers upon tbe august occaitiori-i-let those who witnessed .the rest of tbe concern, describe it. . u. tbe Kw York Star says of tlie late Jackson celebration in that cityl Tliere was a part of this exnibition, which, if any of our revolutionary sires were present, rmisi bnvA drawn ' forth "burning hitter tears. The standard of the Constitution, instead of being un furled at the head of tin procession, was placed i, rft , a J, - T 'l fl n ftJ V xaJi-1 IV ft MP llt Ufll ,viiniiav rT "i mniw-i rriiu. TnnriwTnrrF fpi rim nr w U.t of all al ll.a ery Mil of ll.a loollr ff.ip.j.a Wrr, (during lat wr U'siUwain of the comnnttnl loth rare of lle-e who draggiil lt.e (si.tiiuii'Sj fr igl ;) frtrr Wolf, Captain Ja a.frd brnioer ihrisiiih lb lliiro aa Ibry ita-ed ; UuHltrJf., I at Lieutenant j Jumrt I'rartoll, hl abrng. Waa tin a.Nrij ornSwignf I it aisv llier of the etneriinciit to t rrtsui whether lha . . . 1 . .t . 1 eiiieriiiifiii Ut a-rtiii wiiemer in ! ... .. . - r rrartr n TWIT On IW if lie r i.iu-nU. tiva govrrnnienl T J In 11 the lole of trying IM public puln. The cap 1 liberty ia been struck down. Ttie mot(o of (be peo,la ha been erased, and tlie nVvotn) psriuana throw up their bats and cry bum. The banner 1 the CisMttitutKai bas been di.craceil, and still tha follower id Van I lu re n cry burui, preparf tlie croan, wa are your lov ing sublet U.' Whole llot the Tortr of thi city were not lost to all erue is Piling to all resrl for oVeory (hey certainly wsjd btub al tlie recJ (rrlaaiof the figure they cut on M sslay, wln-n the ommI riaiapkuiaia bavur. iu lbcir. pruixsiaiai aa a veriubU whole Jfag, rtmtlrd and niirndtd ! Itrrrn tiro hickory jhJo, in I lie tear of which the 61ilhf.1l irmn-worwhiirrsof Yun Durtnhm uxi.ll . - ' with all due revereiHv. and from tune to limn sent forth hum for Old Hickory and the pork Party ! Ileal (hia ye ut fawning of Fins,an ayopbaiit if you caju Cuurirr and Iliujuirrr, from Ike Cimrtrr and f.'riymrrr TIIK TRILMI'IIM. VVAil-l TI.J. alus... 1-.1 It llllf I " C.r ll.n imp. p.abyll,e WhlgC.t.ien.-rNew.York.....rle.lMl '""'""'' .h, iron, ine 111,.. ami to'ckk veler.l.vi,s.rim.Kfrom.lH.(iMo W,,r- "' ,''"kl,,, -I'"" I !- pr.-eMio,, ,J re.ir.t;,mlH.r v.,v.ge,a' glorv..Ml,la.ul...,.s,, . 'I"-". . ! . will pr,--,l growlog .ail of IU rensit triumph of rrr ( prm- 1 f T ! ""' " 4 ' M-T c.,de. in our iter Mn,leihe gon.ais Qu-vi. " Mh " U I' j .y aa may be ot' I lie We-t." dawdling lM-r own l.sliug ihi tin. , ''r',',' "" "ur heart cheering event, New. York h tak"ii it for " granted that tie- inlelhg, will I- eT. ,lly grail- . RtTl'R.N OF TIIK CONMITITTION AM) OHIO, fying to our fellow eiliten of the interior ; iiihI lie ' W u leariilhal Ihe Oluo, 111 her whole csir up has therefore determined loafiread the joyous new ' Hu.ln,"wa hulled by tlie 1110.I eolliUialic along Ihe broad water ( the I Its l-.11, nn-l lo the j ,l" Ibe iuuihiwh c.HM-.Kirr ot Plople who UtiirMl exlremily ionr whole isible hoe isTcaiwU, '"" d horea, ami the r.siunt nsir of arlillury from Ihe eapi(al'tn Huifiln 111 css direriiou, and to prepared for I lie purpose ot gristing tin novel de Whitehall 111 the other. The eallmil lasit wa le- potation from Hie W ing of New York. At t'atj coraled from stem lo stcra with lla.ii Wrner.kil1 il. and frmn thrnce up to ATlsnTf, Is-irTug Vppnijiriaie mo(lW, aisl pmvi'Jeti with ar- (wfich pari of ihe Irip wa muile after duik) Hon lillery lo proclaim in a voke of thunder to every j "'' U,M R'S'kel every whare marked ihe pic. town and villain isi ihe naite (lie tlirw-e Kloresia " lux 'f Uw IV.Ie, and the roar ol aridkry, from rewilt of the strngsle in which Ihe Whigs -f Ohio ,"e l"e ami from Ihe wuler, pns iaiim d Ihe have gamed for Ihemwlves so much ims-rishsble 'synislhy exuling la-tween the gallant spirits on .wo., ami for tmir nsmtrv an proud a testimsiia ' '"rtJ ,nr R""t and their bfulhe r W'kigt on Ihe of American Miiiotiam. ' As lite Ohio b-ft , , Ranks of the Hudat. wharf", Ihe hand of -ernl hmsln-d W hi a who had j On the arrival of the Ohio tt Mi v's f'ursi, eiulsirked 111 her, received the hearty cheers of the oelaied tome hour III ploughing up I lie inullituite on Hm- spa" to gnt their defatrlure, and sand and rrmnring thr dtjioiitct, but 111 1 lie iman the greeting was resisuaied to by lhise ni iMmrd. j "" '"'r R'S-kv-la and Artillery proclaimed lo llm The sjth-ndid biile Wing frigute C misIiIiiIhmi ha- Whig of Albany her pretence in Iheir vicmily. vmg Iksii pr-ioulv taken on lusird umler an escort I I be Steamboat Jok Muon wa promptly du- of pdly turs a luiud of hovsthat t(Mke. ami walk- 'l, iiimI spike, like I ankee sailors isrrrt-r-as un like the wn-tched Isirk-ispie exhibited ihnsigh isir stre-ison MiShIhv for seaiiM-u, as a sliivish (ruck ling to ileniNiliHin is lo the (Mire spirit of manly free. ill mi (ha; himdexl mms waa fired by ihe Ohio as she left New-York, and Ihe salute was returned by the Whiir assemljed at lloboken, and by lho4 of the tilth ami ninth wants, as the Isstt passed. Tlie fidlowuig- Iettrr, just receive! from hard, details the proceedings of Ihe messenger exp-di- liiai as faas 11 had reached when Ihe htier was dt sjialrhed, and w hair no reason to doubt thai sir glnd lidimia will be bru 4 hut der tonned to ilia uiiimwi verge of water eonniiutiicslion, and thai our brethren cm the bank of Erie and Cham plitt shII lie nsrsed to the -im porta nee- of-our re cent vic'ory, and aniqmled to the nnsit vigorous arPta-tn tmiiate it, bv the first - voice of deep mouthed artillery that ha been beard on the wa- (era of those memorable lake amce Perry and Mclbmough prostrated the ocean chivalry of Bri- t taiu, and gniwd A conquest -hardly . uwire inrpor- taut- to Ibeir eotiulry than the just achievciT in Ohio over l raiiny and misgovnrnmcnl. Rut we can only , at thuumoruerav aubjnlu tbe-luttcr, and wail until the Ohio reaches her destination, for more particulars. " " NcwaraoH, Hrr rvirr o-sr. The Hudson is a noble river. Y si cannot con template ita deep wild current, sweeping mjett cally through scenery of every variety of (he grand and beautiful, and rolling to the ocraa the rotleeted and esbaustless wealth of water that cir culates through The innumerable veins and arteries of the Empire State, w:fhout An elevation' o? feel- ing thai makes the moment of it enjoyment a jewul won from romparative desert of existence. a . , 1 . ai 1 l -... 1 - i.n44 wHitr -i ne TTiirn-0Tr7iii4 proud asso. calimis. On her boHera were r.sight revolution- Times, and to wbkb. we ton have borne freble 1es arv bailies. She haa witnessed a Urowth of na- llm. i ki. s in0...i.r . ir ...... tt.mal wealth, hnppim-8s,a..d .mporlaace. unexam. jiled in the -part. 'She tins tieeu (he chnrmel by which an immense jopuliiiion have in ft few. .years jieiM't rated iiifii the interior and raiverte pw.jsjM 'JW'i'nWrVr.riTiewest ; and she has, tl.rou.h the enterprie of American genius, licen the thea tre on which have been illustrated those triumphs of science oyer Ihe elements, that have., told. ao wiiiMlerfuTiy'ori "the prospenty of onr country, and are rapidly contributing to ameliorate the comli tion of man throutfhoul the world. Well may we never, since her shores first hstene i to (he accents of civilized man,wl,eo some two centuries ajro her Jriuiquil awd-ailyMry U-wi 6rH mrtb-d byr the- prow of the bold navigator w hose name she bears never, w'e take upiin wirselyea ,o. aver, has she witneswd nn event more interesting, to any the least, than (hat. wbub, as iHiblLC- iournalisls, it is our duty to chronicle the voyage, namely, of Ihe good steamer Ohio, winch commenced y day, to herald (he restoration of the proud Queen of the W est to politkal health, and cainmemorale ihe triumph of the ." Lugs of j21 in tlicir atruggle against the eflorts of traitors to destroy our liber ties. The event will be recorded in history as making onr escape from slavery, that shall render posterity forever gralclul to tlie generous spirits by whom the victory has been achieved. But to our account. At 8 0 clock the Ohio having on board tbe.eommiltee charged with car rying the purisTso of the voyage into effect, with a great number of stauitrh Whigs, dressed out in the.bravery of gay streamers floating in the breeze and bearing the mottoes of." Ohio redeemed " " Whigs Triumphant in Ohio" "Constitution and the Laws" " Seward and Stilwell " " No Mortgage," " No Regency," and various others, left tbe wharf at Fulton street, to the music of Our favourite national air, wmidst shouts of thousands. At. another wharf near the favourite miniature fri gale waa taken on board, officered and manned as follows: - . . ' " Commander 6f the Constitution, Commodore bug Mir J Jtmi 7oraoa, .iwbiiij t o 1 fin.- t..i . i. 1 m . ..in ri,..iu. nwo fi.Mf-j, uiu is at" - - - - r ..... 1 ..... j. 1 .i r..n 1 sat iir s, 3rd ( tad ajrars ow 14"M 1 lei, ana low aauors, iiaiKiauma i ' owa, and handwinwly dreiw-d. ........ Wt limn bounded with a sweep toward jerstty City, firmg ifiiuute guua, which were enwerd from that fflf, vAl every wharf, till beyond I lie City, thnsigrd with spM lalor, lhoi hearty but ta were eicbaired which ao well express unaiii- tuny of feelm end beartfi lt ioy. At the fis4 of llirrisofl street a aatute was fired at aha paased, by the Whi,s of tlaaw Fifth Ward, and the same by the Whig id the Niulh fmm the foot of Chtrle street. At a beautiful nrflage in ft grove oa the laland, is-ar iSlisimiugdule Road, a single lady eaiiMi down toward the shore, waving a whits flag. 1114 were idT in a moment, and we js.ve her a uni vrisal salute that made the welkin ring: " Al "all the landing places and little villages, aa wa ed, wbrvad rai-d and at several.'- I J L. I ...I 1 I I der fmm musket and pitut wa burnt, and hear ty cheer inlcichaiiged. We pen this hastily, war Weat Point, and e-M-ct, iu ten miiiiiti-S, lo meet 1 boat to hand it. The boa 1 will return lo New York on Katurday morning and lie in the slri-am 'till nine ; (lieu pro ceeil riHiml lo I lie Dry dock and hack lo llnrclay- ireol ; llieu, at half mI (en, prnceaust will b pa ""had lo her relief, but the (-oinmitise, and Crew of the Constitution, preferred wailing for the Ammj tide, and at sie o'clock yesterday morning ahe reached the (lis k al Albany , where ahe found some ihisjtaiHia ol M lugs ready lo receive her. ' The Capitol wa illuminalcd, and rix hundrtd fsinbeaus, 111 iddition lo 1Im lamis, rendered date ireei from Capitid 1111 lo Ihe boat, a light as al ! '"" day. Tlie depulutiiMi was received amidst Me deafening cheer of the assrnibled multitude, j d two huirflred guiai Irom the Capitol, prisjlmined ; Ht ,l"5 same time I lie joy ot the Atbamaus at her arrival and (he death knell of the Tory Rrgcucy. 'Alt accjHlnls unite in describing die alarm of ha Tories a( ihis triumphant voyage as excessive, "d P'Hir Croswell thai miserable pundrr for (Van Hurra recommend thai the Idea ol aeudiug : Ihe artillery iimmi the canals ahisjld Is ahaiuliawid, ' lessf tlie Uring should frigtiten ibe borwes endoy ed iu lowing the produce of llm tanners to mar. I kel I Psr fellow his " snduriu-'s is intolerable ' in couseipience of ihe glorious victory obtained by the " raacatty Wliigs of Oliio, ami be foresees- in their achievement the downfall oniryisin iu New York. he Ohio witt-retum to. th city 4bi rnoriHiir4 Mioold Ihe weather prove favorable, we iimIiiI" favorable, we indulee a hope Jliat all aye, M the Wkigt will turn out and firm sucb a procession as hat never before been witnessed in Anicrica. Tho Con stitution is iti dangerthe Liberties of the ("tain try are threatened and no business should prevent the fuood r.lbe Laws and our RepubiTcan Insti tutioua sacrifiQug all ol hoc business to take part iu this day's leatival. ... .,.....- A TORY IN TROUBLE. JTllJ!ipUabiuiy-f' tbe-Toiy-TrrreessifinTso g,umwv iiwisted on vester3av momin!? bv the ' ptf by a caaieiiluincd to us yeaterday, by a resis-ctable gentleman ( the First Ward. A Wbia from ConiH-cticul, with an old pair of shoes, the luckless visitor being mi nut that necessary append age of the understanding, from a "misfortune in busihess." The circumstances of the casetas..gt9j.L ted by himself- wore ""simply" these : He was an invited enest- being, nrobabh probably, one of the fifty To- party gained at the last elc- rv voters which that - ' 1 I s i ' W"mtmfiriirmfni metnbers'of tfie'cele- bruting imrtv, they robls.-d him id" twenty dollars, (all tho miaiey he had,) and his shoes, Uejaayal lie don I care much about the money " lis Irash, and has been slave to thousands." " But he who filches fl-dnt me thy 'oTf.shorsr"""' Takes from me that which not enriches him, - - - JUtt- makes me porrrTpdeed. And true emsigh it does. We Commisscrate his rswr fi'lluwnnd so Indeed did the grocer, for he loaned him the shss, and thus sn ed an uufortiiiwte aprout nf Van ikrenisin from tlie disgrace of going home tw hirliidglngsT'htire.' footed. There was something in this inhospilality to "one of the distinguished gentlemen from abroad," as the Times has it, whkh we marvel ve. ry much could have happened In a company so ve ry' highly rttfiectahU in their appearance, a$ the procemon irhich moved through our ttreeti on Monday! And which gay twelve cheers as ihey passed the Times olfice ! Iew kork Paper. The Legislsture or the State meets in this City on Monday next, and the busy hum of preparation is heard in every paH of the town, and increased activity is witnessed in every department of busi ness. The Session wilf be one of unusual interest, and its proceedings will doubtless be looked to with marked anxiety. We shall endeavor to do our duty faithfully as caterers for the public appetite.- Raleigh Regiitrr. - :2Zi-ZZ - - THK cirrroN chop o, tub lmti:d ' Tlw iinjsirtaiM o d Ilia CiHIon Cn, uf 11 tM ted Htabt, 1 t,vry je,tf bfcMi.mf bi-ttii rrihr?.'"Msny sSH-u.itas.s l.sv. Us-n tUkl"k m probable extent of , ,txtAte I uf iM V year. Nor tea lliese ajaxulalMaa. CoidwiL'" own country, for it U unbiiiaUy In j, " aa to the domestic iirhu-er. '"n tJtoi ll wa generally believed that (U eri4,,. irewnt year would exceed tW of bus i.J.! pr bag. i bis opinion waa based as row k L tig aspect f the trot, as uuou iU; us opiuion was baaed at m h L promising asiei 1 M i lie crops, as Upon (U ' aeo noinis-r is acres planted. Iwt, within ii-T (..9 .ML m I liM hnHi!Ml f..m .. ..I ... , ' a --1 an auuuuani ciuL been mia h overclakl. "'"" r" From Lsiiaana and Miasii t Ibe storm id" the 0th and 7lh of rs.iacn.uT' destroyed fruiuoM4.forlb. ta ooo-thtrd t . The latter raliumle i, iLaibtkua, too high. "5 is fair lo ctaa-Me Ibal I lie export front Net aj leans will be 60,000 baga short of the ert jT presrnl year. - Fnmi rssiili AbiUma tft bsim that aa is destroying wliole fa-liU which promised j, ussiih of AiiuuhI an alaindanl yield. From Carolina and Wcorgia we b-ara tin, Chob-ra ha spread soch a panic among llarCM mint 1 inoi.--., IIIHI IIHIOr M.'US IU1VV tlr tally abniaksied. This will al Vast greatly tUti the early picking, and prevent the gstherina J r..n .' n i. .1 .!... c. . .. "'i mn . i.p. in imj piiaiut'i (iniiu ianercsas wns iH-t ralcubilt-d al any time to be greater tl thai of lust year.' I'ssi the whole, it wisdd be safe to estimate,, pnslucl if tbe Foiled Stale as follows: From Isusiaiia, Miai-wipH, IVimeaase, Abilsiina, ami ArkaisMis, 4(K1,(MK)L From Sisilh Alabama ami Florida, I30JJOOL. From North ami Hsilh Cartduai, Georgia, and Virginia, '550,0(fcj, Total, 1,100,OOOWji - If Uia utorm- 4n- Iiomarm-aiid"!frssIaTpJJ"w, be-n as deiriK-(ne as lln-re was reason 0 4 few days after it is-curinl, Ibe exjsrtl fron Orleans may Is- n-duccd b-bw rVi)fl00 brnta iu tb it case (he product of the w hole Fiiiled tka wimIiI not exceed 1 ,ll.ill,(NK) Isigs. Wlmt will be tbe probable demand f- f-niuT' lesi in I "- ! This ipuMlnsi is one if diffW-ult SoIuIksv there be a couliuuaiM-e 1 general Mare in Ilunai, there is p-asiai to Is-lieve the ciHiminiptii aJlaj thcr incruaau lliau docliia-, uiilesa checked by kiji pm-ea. Oreal Britain will npiiro from the t'niled Statn not less than 700,000 bp France and the Conlimmt of Europe cannot do with bus than ' 300,000 kxp And Ihe cisHumptiisi of the United Slate will be at kat 200,000 bu; Muking au aggragale sf " I.SM.oWlap This estimate is based upon the presumptine tbs presenl prices are maintaiiiod. If tliey should ai vance-.theconsnmpfi.m will fall 'aT; if lliev nVlia-, the cisimiiiiptuKi will increase. Hut admitfinj ityi t remain stationary, (treat Rrilain must seek fa 100,000 bag from other CutUat griwvkgrisjntm lo supply her manul'aclories j or tliere musl btari arradvaiae in the price of the raw nmterial, v check consumptiisi materially. The latter H a.si likely to be the case.' It ie tlierefore fair hi po sume that the value nfllie export nf Cotiuo ia tk U a r 18.35. will eimul WOOOOof d.4larw bo would have laimiosed, at the lias) fflij ney's Saw Gin was introduced, that the exports' Cot Ion from the Cni'ed. States would .have ever tv (txlNjeiuutb of .'ilie atuount of our estiiiair' Rut if the Consumptiofl'CoiiHiiuet 16 progress thp srne rapidity.oj in llm aans ratio, 6r tk ttt - , - eM i' !lBi.L..P?fdne.fot ihe too m fJ v ,ne ellPr ,n sitton from the I', puts w ill, in 184, exceed 100,000,000 of dollars. Tat the consumption must continue to iucreass,lnffl can be little doubt, because it ftirniatiea tbe cheay est fabric that can Is manufactured, and must aa ply in a great degree llie place ivf flax ; ij W mixed with woid in tlie manufacture of wiuief do thing, on account of the great reduction id cofl." iVrvs from iht Cwrfs. When Purant wi -CUXiUotliziug over 4m netgnbormgirraTlir float the other day, be dropped a number of Newspaper whkb-was, ww believe, the first instarsre'rsi'reror' of having news direct from the tipper regions. have heard of heaven-tent Kings, Pertatft,",Tj sidonta. btit ili-J'iASr dt "cloud dronned Pai e".n-t?r.'-c av-c-. ttl-iWaWifl lis I OIt HOT, The Store and Ware-Room tttacb ed to thtf " IVIansiori'TI.ifel. "" Tins dw is in Ihe verv centre of Ismiuess. and is consKKrn one 0f ,hp Very-etau in Salisluiry smy j kiinJ of business.- Possession can be had imnwaV " ai imaiin "jrsa a trr-cs. wimii vn CONNER & IX)XG. tf- Salisbury, Nov. 8, 1834. Hides and licalher. nHE Kubscrilier has coiiNtantly on hnnd a w BWa-nrtmAnt of heart Stut iered HIDES Also. LEATIIER of every I scription for sale on moderate te,rrns. rtT- I tnL.ru. fimvaNimt with rrish or citV SCeff" tances, will be attended to with punctuality " sinttch- SAMUEL CRUIKgHANK. .T"' -Vhorietton, 8- - November 8,J 834. W .DISSOLUTION. BY-limitation, audi the mutual tcorjsent of sfl v cetned, (the ill-health of tme ef the prtt"J requiring him to withdraw,) the conce''n f N A.MARA, I'lJELAN. d C,of tberaw.S" Carolina, is dissolved."" Mr. RICHARD PHELAN continue to duct the business an his own account, and tie all claims against the concern ; those j,br fo said firm are requested to make pey1' 'j1 JOHN MACNAMARA, -" RICHARD PHELA" Cheraw, S.C., October 1, 1834. 3t A Second-Hand Stove I?0RSALE, very cheap, if applied fain" ateyv Inquire of - TUB PRIN" NoTembeISW, " "

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