WESTERN CAE OILIMAN. pun! jSIIKI) WEEKLY! JOHN iilUUl), Jr, Jailor and Proprietor. XumUrfrom the begUnlkg, 757: Na 27 OF THE XVth YOMJMK. Saturday, Dcccmbri 0, 183J. TI Halisbury, Kowitn County, N. C. The IVf fclf rii Carolinian.,, ISSUED WEEKLY.:! joTTNTEAirorJnr Tt or n'iurTinn. 1. Tbs Western Carolinian m puMihed every Hi Ti D, tlTwo llullar x'f annum if pas! in advance, utT IolUra and Fair CottU if not past Uk lite Wpirat. of tn, I N.i asper will be discontinued until all arrearages iit pas!, wilts) at Ui dmreUm of the Editor. J. HuWripttona eill be received a bsw lime Ua fear j and fcdnr l rd tht Editor of a U.di to discontinue, at lb cud uf u, wiU mm- red M a new eiigrniit. 4 Any persi wbowill prime six suhsrribrrs to the Caniliuwn. ami lake the tnsible to wll-t ami transmit their suWriptum-nsrney to th Editor, shall hat a pa yrt grit during tiiir ei sit i nuance. Tfc or ovrBTrio. , 1. AJwtniiM'nta will rw cmipicuoti1y nd correc t 1 inserted, at .VI rnt per square the rW iiiserBMi, ami ;MJ c,l( rc' enniimiance : but, where an ad irrHmrmenl w ordered bpil (Mil twice, W ct. W ill r charged W ej-h niM-riion. I Pcresta who i.eaire to engage kjr the year, will be - -eomiiHUll by a reasonable deduct! from tlie above charges d tnuwicut custom, r TO t!OBr.lroPB:TS. liww fneiit attrntinvrtn lrrerg l&Trewrf tu lb EJilor, tlie postage slssiid in all wm m Pw. ""ZTr tJooks, Tamphleti, llAnriMlli, Circular, CurtN, lf. l " N'pattf PrntrJ at thjs t Mice. i'urrriil Frit-en of rroducr, Ae. .AT SALISBURY Dumber 3. . 124 a LVMolaiaw, ftmlt. Rtcoo, . . Brtmly, appl,' Ml a Ml Ha 10 2.') a 30 40 1 .Vai!, . . . . , 411 a uiri hi, . IA Kye, .... peach, , Butter, ." . Coltun, in eed, clean, CorVe, , , . 75 31 Hugmr, brown, . 111 a 121 10 luar, lfltlHSalu . . 40 ITallow, . l a SWToUceo, . 17 a V 112 a l ir) 8 a 10 Featlwrai i -Ufcaee)-iiat WWWWl, (Ui4iel) m a lt 11..L . . - 11W . Vbike. . . . V)iw . ...... lin4 Oil, pef tpillun, fil W J AT PAYBTTEVILIJl..NoTeii.berfi3t - Baeen, --- Brandy, peach, Bewwax, . Cotfre, ... x Cutluu, . -Gim, . . . . -12t -- limn, ' . U) a UIMulaaMe, . Jl40a5lrNil.cuU. 41! 31 Supar, brown, 12Jal4 l&a 161 lumm . kf, 11 17 00 73 rfalt. rUweed, Flour, . ami no Wheal,i (Ml a Hti 40a4-r ,;jWOa57NVhiik.y, AT CUUL.KW, (Si. C.)....Noember 27. ' Bitwl,'' i a .i Butter, . . is a 'JtR.aibk - v , 7ial 1 1 A IWtoAVPXstorlPA 4 ,om ' 1 - Wftrr. ' .-; 35 a vi buibel. Pt.iiie. 4nnor r".nillla 1. '- OMniiHW, . 0 a 10 - fln. - . ,700 , WitluiiH.l'" Irlrilr-JO lMTe-rr-v v .12ir W "MrVnrM. . . .fCift a Otll'J Wheat.. . . Ki a ll AT COUTSfBIA" ; C;lSeVeBjbcr 21 Boron, . . r . Brandy, Nnch, apjtle, IWw)t, , -, Btiiter, . . , Collee, . , . Com, ," - Cotlnn, . . . .! Flour, . . . Iron, , , , . . 1ft a l.tfjmb - . -r, , . 121 Li. . 75 ' MolaW. ... . 40 k Mntiickwl. . . .' IMi . IN) a 15Ka!t. in m ka, , 350 a W . 12 a 17 Susrar. brown, .- 10 121 V13T 8Ti " toiif i-Iuiiin. W " 20 . -i2 iVrnw, . , ,12115 .800 a 9SU Teaa, . . . .125 a 150 . 4 a 51 Whinker. . . . 40 ' AT CAMDEV.RC.y NovetnHer! Brainy, nmch, .' 75 I tt,;,,rCX,JI0 WW 000 appule. , 35411 a- WTO ": IWg wax, . . . , 12 L 121 "turn, , I'orn, . Prmitera. 13 WT'dlow,- 10 1 12 5000 1001125 75 87 :m & 50 Whmkey, . . WtnU ne . . JBut :come:afc2iast! (t.iroctfullv inform their friend, and the public in general, that their I'H'B expected u.ppljf of IVEW GOODS Has at lnt hem Received, At theifrStoreat-Fosters"MiH- t'licir new awwrtmeni fresh from the Northern Cities, and will be found to cwuiwt of "FIRST QUAIJTY DRY-GOODS, llAHD-WARE, Groceries, (lotlery, &c. M'hich, together with Ihelr Tinier stock, make thif preimht tupply " Very Large and Desirable. OT Being determined to aell cheap for Cash or Country" Produce, or on the uUl credit to punc tual ruMto.-nera, they hopf to merit and receive a ttnitinuance-of tin patronage which tbev liave heretofore enroyd at he hand of a liberal pub. lie. S. C. it CO. ' Rowan Co., Nor. 29, 1934. ! f . ' - (UnrJici i Tlie f,rilifratin wlikh it alwava afTrd me lo m intra the ai(iiblag of the iniiiMsJi. ate rrpnaei4iilivi f the projile, ta gmtily hniH trm d, ujxm lite ire nt m caatiKi, by tlw eruiiaf rinunwit4iicea umlr which ym have coriveiMsl. AIiIhnikIi we haVe m ilrw r, tt an intb-uwulenl Htate, nor a urto f lint cMitiiu)iit art ut gmat na tion, atlaiidnl tlw Inglieet degrre of jriK-rit and napaneaa within our mrli, we baVe rcaaon to be lice that wo hata nwilo iinpurUul iuiiimvenietri the H-ni-4 (if tfirtrrnincnt, and ha done inurh tu HTp'tuatn and di!fie the UUu of civil ami n'li(ioua fnilotn at homo ami abrMl. Hurh coniidftniliiMii) iiiunI eicile in every ol riot ic Uaom imH niercly riuolioiia t4 nlraaure. but the moat H-artfi'lt vrutiluile to the (ireut Author of IImo diitfmKuinlH'd hluuMMg. Ikvply M-nmUe aa we may Ub, Iniwever, of the aupmor advanie which we eniDV, in OMiiiMnwm with any other people, either am NMd or niokrrn4 we aliould tvctdbfl that Daliona, aa iidiiduaU, niuet coniimwlly preaa for ward in tlie ooolent fur human eicellnice, if they would prencne luat rtuiiva uutrorrty , pto trulh in pohlwal krienre la more clearly eatabliclMsl, titan that tlie public liberty can uuly be preserved bv llib dixtribulion, aiiMmg variuu rleperliiieni". 4 the powera h iroterniin'nt. Tint great rc'lk'iM' ot our lonauiution rouiMi in tiiia distribution, and however murh we may re- gret to witiHix a conflict for authority brtwivn theiw deimrtmwta, there ta no dilhculty in dvter miinng thai, w hile I lie checka aixl Iwlance are prvaerved, tba' prlilie harnKmy inay. be diriurbed for a time, tlie public liberty U aafo. It it tMily when too much power i )raprd by eillier, that the whole nyxtoin ut f nveranreut I Bo-Unre.!, 1 hat vour attonlion ahonUi be mainly directed to objecta of Slate logjulatioriv cannot be doubted. I hia doe not preclude naverth'les proper ue (tree of vigilance with iwpwt lo the pnn-eediiit f Ihe (it-ncral liocnwi:iit,M'l,4 9"f i ila adiuthUltuUou may depend not only puhliH pnMperiiy, but mhiivhiuai aerumy ana ircuoiu. rirrwi inir the Coume indicated by theiie aucffentiiaia, wiU proceed at once to the moat important Mib- jctw which are, in my opinion, pricier lor your etmiwlerattoru W theiwlhepropoiiitiiintoanii'uatlie CmiatitulHMi of tin Slate, hrat mtnidureU into tlie licuerai Aaaeiubly in 17 6)7, and win h baacouti iMted to cornnunvl the public attetrfion fir nearly half a century, ia regarded aa moat prominent. Llpoo a aubject uf auch .uiuveraal interest, and in volving ao many imporUiut coowilruiioo, you have a riirht to exw-ct an unreserved cominuinca- ten of Lhe iMiiwaia of tlwr Exejetrfi've- iV'jiart awnK TberarcuowtaftM wltkh, in riiy'r-stimuiioji, reVi iJered-Btich a cnurao uiiprnjier at tho vuunMHMu inetrt .of tho. last aewion. do not no anJ I avail nivwlf of the first fuir opportunily which has ben afionlcd to me to nrenrnt my new of lliis -The t'irtitMtinn , itself is silent on llifi .subjccl oT-awiiiaicnt, ati'1 tins etmmnlnnce ha pven rise to-srrfrt rhmwir nf opinion as to ttie modr in which a raw ho f ifocted. ft" frw nV'c'ontentlP, or. the tme haiuL thru if tha Leffidatnre w not ttlfltio. j-fottiri iA tLU- Inflhcrt attribut'ev f wrtrt. reicnty, it has liie exclusive right to direct the linre ben.' ibB atmi.U bv hianl and the ntnuner in wbssU, it batf. f'twctsH ?aod that the aetata Conveiitiiwi aiibld wi'thisit legislalive sanctum mil.r l uri.ittw.nHrd and Tnid, (hrihe' othrf haml. it U insisted that imi change of the fuisla nsmlal law can be !e(itiuiate, unless it proceed from the DBonla in tlieir primary aasaiwUiaa ) and that U aU-n, n t b itllyj!L L,,.r is an usurpation of power. I appreneiio inai nei. ther position is true to the extent which ia aome tines eMitenoVd. That all political pWer ia vest ed and derived from the penile mily i is a leading principlein our-Bill of Iliahtivand it would !cm to lm necxssarv dwluction from it, that they tavejn the abseiice of all atipulatinn, the risht wlWlhSKB. Without enlerinir into any formal reawailiiK ui. Ihe subject, however, or even looking abroad for authority, U ia. believed that the argument may be aafelv rested unon the nremlent which havoxoiuo down to us, clothed with the sanction of the fi mera of i Con8titnt, and of the-tww aucce sive Convention to-which it has been wubuiitujd. fiirawrWlTlillf CorMiituHnti cannot be amunded, or entirely abro gated, am) a, new dystenT adopted, by the some 1 power, exercised in I lie an nie niwnner, wnicn gnve exTstence to tTieToriiier. 'niFlnctpmnt rneakircs Itowanls the adoption of the presiMit Omstitution, I prucuoiinu nemrf rMt-iT,'" y "' 11 "lu the people in their primary assemniiea, nor was n framed bv delegates chosen fr the pnrpoee only. TJ'ri ihe Otruif August, 1776, the Gamcil of Kafe ry, which consisted of two member from each of the six Judicial district tn the late, appointed Dy tlietNwiMNal- imgwiaa w-hicb aswmhlcd at Hali. lax in April preceding, adopted the ftlkwing Re solution k- ,' , jrTlie Rerarttivejrof the United 8ftTai of Ame rica, in Genewl Congress Assembled, at Philadelphia, the 4th day of July, 1778, having determined that tlie thirteen United Colonies are free and independent States, and in eonseqnraee thereof having published Declaration of InoVpeitdeticel IT " ' RrnlteJ, That it be recommended to the good peo ple of this now it,Jrrdet to pay ff?? attention to the election, to be held on the l-th of Oc tolwr next, of Delegates to represent tbnra m (xjngtesa, and to hsve particularly in view the importiint eonsjde ration tht it will be the hoeiness of the dWlegete then lv in make ka fi the good government oC tsit'also to form a Constitution fis-.thi Hute; that this last, it the corner stone of all law, so tt ought tn be fixed and permanent: ana msi sc.n UI or well ordered, it must tend ia the flrst degree to prwnot the hsppmew or misery of the Bute. The delegate elected to the Provincial Congress, - ihi menmmertdafion, convened in iT-W... .t mtmii nf December ' foUonin andi naiuAi.i"v - in Biklilioa lo the diachare of I he ordinary b'giala live, jiMlH ial, and eietutiv Uuihm, aiiojitiMi the pre kHti!d the pre-1 rrrrvyitrtrrrf fandareetiial fctwrl WCWma.4 lion thus Pirineil has twice UiKlcriNe amendment lo 17f9, the Osivi utiori whicb aaseniMcd Ut con. S1J47 the Federal Cunsiiiutiai, in cHiinliance with t recotiiiieiJutiin of Ihe (eiHtral Axs'inWy to I hut Convriiiiisi," to ciswtder ihe profirkty of tendiug to the town of Ka)i il illfl the right of re. ret.tilali(rii in Ihe lieneral Am iuMv, pasMSl an ordinance f tlial iwrpoMt. ''he Cmveiitnai which, 111 the iimnih of November f ihe fallowing ear, ad4plc-4 FeIeral Constitution, acling uo- uVr a siuular tecommeisbilisi from the General Aweiiibly, WMed the ordinance to estnMnth the pliu e for Ihe future seat of governnwnt. Neillter the CcsiKiituti si ilM'lf, nr either of the amend- ntenU, aa at any time subiuilli-d to the issi4e Pr ratihcatKMi : and it is remarkable that the resolu tion of 17h7 did Mt rtevmmnd In iht s-cir lo eb'cl iiMiiibers ! a C-isiventHm with power to n sider the projirtely i-f allowing a town iis-mls-r to r ayeltrvilb', but osiilis-d the discretion luiinedi- ali-ly lo the CisiveuliiMi calbxl lo osswler ihe l'e deral CorsriilulKHk With sit (Mirwiina tins discus sion further, the css lusiori may Isi fairly drawn, Uml a Uyt4ste' Mtoiiiiis'iirlnrinn to lti jsiVTTi -lect a ('Nivonli st, rl4hed with auihorily loeier cie the highest jJulkauf kgislaiiisi, U iu etrkt aa ordancu with first principles, and in preci con- lonmty to all the preceabnita aftorded by isir histo ry. It i iw it cisixidered necewary lo inquire into the validity of other nHli-s which have been wig. gesled a pnter to rllirl this obpct ; because the ise projNwed is entirely adwquaio In the end in View, is the only sia thai eotne within the legili- mate ranet k'gUluliie authorily, and lis twice received Ihe unauiin us sitiK-ti'Si ol'ihe fsifib'rs "f the (ioveniiiK.'nl. .Nor is auv disusi.si of Uk' principle ao frequently cisilroverled, tlmt a Cihi- vention niav Ut mveaieil wrth limited pi.wers, nr lieved lo be calb-d fr. If the precedents Isfon- us are authorities, the affirmative 1 concliMvelv establichej j fr neither lh Cunventii! of 17M, nor lliul of fell, loul ai.y oilier srter, tn esmet-si wilh the fclale Constittrtion, than to nltow Fayeite. ville a town member, and to emtsbtwh tin sent of government. The objecliijn, iisle-!, s"-in to ls altogether of n-cent origin, aisl not lo hsve Isvn even suggested in the frequ-nt discussiiHia which the subject untWwent at that period. 8tilied myself that you h ive auihorily lo di rect that a Coirveulijti shall be cisivrncd to coruo. tier tin; Constitution 1 ! prewiriU lm sjseiric. pow. ers with which it hll ho invested, a-nt thul any ait it my perform., which shall tmnwen.j those liioilHlKHis " power, will be void, I lsg leave lo state brii'llv some of the rwisrsm whicli nsta five tr rncommend that Cwentis with Unutt. powv rs sliull ts cullitl. A purtkulsr examination, of tho vjuumis cbani'ji which have Jrer pivposed to oar futvutroenlsl law, wihjIiI ihiI coniiK-rt wilh tlie character of this com mtiiiicjitiiLThi giiaobjcci 12 rwlM'sI eliaiigW 'Intlm-l- oTreseeidiilltm. -. It is iibvii uj tlmt ilw riHmm1n tif I til rnrrtrropla; tl n; other innnvnt ion nvm'lhe Coiistituti.ai than to aubstitntrrcithrt population rr taxation, ir .bjlh wthinisl,-elaiiMUl'li ciplcof cjsmty repreeenlatHHh wiltumt regard ei ther to numbers or wenhh.r eTorTtrfritorial" ex tent. 1 1 is bo!"vpd that no material innnvatioti is trnnei-ullv desired Ml the on-sent dav, im any other detriment of the lortJmc1ir,tU tlie leB'wlti ve unless the nnitswed cliange in tne iimsic 01 sujipty, mg vacancies in the Kxecutive di'portnsnt shall be ao coisiiilcred. This system of rcpreaentation had its origin, no doubt, in lb Univraardipoiliii which existed nKHig ttvajgAmjata, si the wjnigiii"iijf .lhril militicaT nciety, lo assimilate 1 our institution an nearly a practicable to those of the mother coun try. And although it has been entirely abolished of" greatly modified by all TtuMd SStnf., with (he exception -MaryUiiAid-rtn-Crliiird has not been adnfded by any 0110 of the new Slnle, it is believed to have prevailed universally jn the t!oTiltit f M'ia' oTiTOVcf MiiwitpTl wVil'wrpriaiDg ri.uiiUe of such high anliipiity in the pa rent Mate, and wiiicn nat-i..x ,k in.rwrnl sitnction the cobMiies, slssjid have tours! layor with tlx) Congresf which framed nr Constitution. But that it should have w-en acquiesced 111 for nearlv half a ccnlurv :" after "lUiBd lsm rejected bv most o ya8utUViWJMMDtya mand the concurrence 'of Ihe united wisdom of all I of them in the Convention that framed the federal Constitution, exhibits striking evidence of the pa. tifiiwe afid patritdiCTirwanttki '6rinacus"wu regarded TuKiwcTveTa aggrieviwl by Us inequnhly. . Fimii an wily w&mrfo&ii this basis of repreeenlatHMi has been the source 01 eonstaiit dismnetnde. An Act of Allfnihly, p"""d Tnl746, when there were lait fourteen counties in the province, recite that the inhabitants of several of the northern counties claim the privilege of be ing represented iu the Assembly by five members, whiteThnwnjf Thw-avrrrsWaai4utfra ewmiei, who are more n vmerovt,. and contribute hiiuch ' niore to thoTPewmi' to of the prevmce,tire represented oifly by two members from whiph in eaualitv great mischiefs and diaordera have nriaetr, and the best schemes for the good and welfare of the- province have-beerr utterly defeated. " The projssntloa to change the system in 1787 and the following year, was introduced and sustained by tome of the most distinguished statesmen of that era, who were atsn eonspicuoii member of the Congresa which framed the Constitution itself It was adopted in both instance by one branch of the Legislature, and would roost probably have succeed- ed in the other, but for the nearly unanimou op position of the menile rs from the countiea which now constitute the State of Tenneaeee. It waa then, as at present, the source of contention 'be tween the populous and sparsely settled counties, and hence the change, was universally desired iy Ihaiturie portion of4be State.-Tlie cession of our weateni territory to lle General (Jovernment, bbvuiU - d, tu aotiM lei,i, im inennaiity previouiiy f plunati bf W n-tuml iDinporary hfiwuy la our iuUic csiicils. ft is unnecessary to illustrate Iha prwlM-al operalwsi of thii system by particular eiaiuplea. It m curtain that at aultjert lb Ins jo. rity In Iha will of Imi minority, ami usifcr tm tksae who pay cotnparalively but amall ns,sir. litm of the public eipent, the power lo control Ilia entire resuureea of. I he cainlry. If iha wisdom, patriotism, and spirit of compromise, reuisile to the sniMinett and salirfactory ailjusinauil ut lliis coo. truversy, shall be f siisl uitilnl in tlie present (icne ral AaM-mbly, yisi will achieve a triumph 1 iiawli mable importance, and Col 1 lie yourselves to the last, ing gmliimle of posterity. Il is perfotlly certain that, until this wsirce of ciailenlHSi shall be wiltHirawn, the bars till spirit which distracted our cobsiisl a-emblK-s, will con tinue to Ihwart all rlf.rls towanla ie am) liberal egilutHHl, and defeat " llie prat scheiue for the gissj and welfare of ihe Mate," A next in importance to this fundamental que, test, the relations which exist IsSween this Hlal and the General Govemnwnl win rlaini yisjr cisi sKb rsti'si. Tliia iJjectAjLsilLbl . KCuUl"CUnJ.. was relrrrej lo in ihe last auiaial nsaage, aisl I lie dispwiiiim iutiiiaiied lo discuss il at a future peri hL TU hh.si then expressed, that the grrralh of this ftale in swer and wealth, relardri) aa it luu been by certain natural disadvantages, ha also Is-en greatly iuisJcd bv the clSs ts rrailiiug from variu act of Federal Ipsbjiast, remama uu c bunged. A simple statement of fltrt will render it apiwrent that we austainrd great ns in tlie partial adjustment of tlie l-lds incurred by the Con lUWacy and the Btatea in tlie ReiWiary war; that the fixcxl system rrmk red accesaAry b the t aa. a. a s.t . . .1 m a ouition ol II to m iss of irte rsairs, nw uss pan of the Federal (overuurnt, was deeply frjo.1 ml to our inlenMs ; aisl that nw. hen . osIhssiI debt is extuigundxtd, we have) clear ngl I tosirli iiNlrmniiy aa may be afC-rdeJ, by an fSMiitalJe dis. IrilsiliiSl by Congress 1 the fuisl creaeml, but no longer needeil, fur that pnrprei; "Z - Il is iwl pnp ssd to examine lie details est- nrrtrd wj;h rnir cLiims Pr eipomriture tlurmi; tlie war of tlie ReviJulii. A mere r C-reia to llie rule by lm h tlie adjustment was madi,ia all thai in necesxarv to a correct view of tlasa aubim-t. Hy the Arflcfhiof Omfr Vratiiai, it was stipulated that all expenses incident to llie common ilefcnce pimI mifraL welfare aliuuld be paid out ol a cmmi.h Ircusury, to be supplied " by ta rverl ttnle in prrpoflinn to the Vslue of all land wiiliin eacli Slate granled to or iwwyed Jor.any. pi'.rwMU $i,rl fowl ami the buihhngt and tmi.roprmnlt thrreon hsiM be evtimaleu.V in the mnnner thai ntiithl- thereafter b..dirccttJThe Acl t,Ct irreis of I7U0 tbangwl this rule, and provided that Uiol.exnensea incurred by tb ConCskirati m tlie cvmnMsx drpwe and general welfare alioutd be paid by llie Wale in prinortna to the federal po- eTTtv aa anui'wrati"iili:K wa ibea 4tfwwl tt -hr tnkrn. . Ia.1h Hiwaw-nf Keprwwitairre m tlie Csi'n'ss whkh" adopted this B)srtisins-iil, Lthif Hilo. andjSoulh Carolina, liudtf the nil tsf re. nrc'iitiiti.si eabliilii d by the .CoostilutkMi, had five Wm1rs c4t; or tmr-f jk.f JtiRrlinlf : miiiihcf "tif wTikVlKFTsidy wa canpoaed. Bv this stilMiluted rule of amrtisiiimnt, liowever, North Carolina liecame ch8.rgeable.will), pnr-fritlk, ainT Rsilh Cmnawiirrw-arrrnrrrft, of lie tlebl. North Carolina waa made s debtor Nate ta the" amount . Vf about balT i'iiiflu'tMviil' titulars, while South Carolina received-from theTreasun of tlie United Stale more than twice that sum. Il W-apfareut,-tf th-eriemal principle reco&liitim hjJ.hJl.rliclraj.CC tofthat tin? result would bate been widely diircrent, and that Ihe one which wa obweryrd operated tuoat unequally in regard to our interests. Anne alien. lki t the delaila of the settlement, Haa' produced upo--4ia-4liaTitiHTeesit-trmt-we were-scarcely more uuAtrluuate in the selection of the rule, than in ifinyjilwatk VtaHfM luucbuin our expenditure determined oy ine commiasi oners. Ill proper lo remark that comparison lias been instituted between this His la and South Carolina, not lst soiR, i. . . msutiaa-mam irmatA than one or two olhcr iimlsnce that ought have Deen rnlerred to, but principally for the re son that bur proximity to us, anil ainiilarityof ifuajiooujpejn, The anme Act of Congresa which prescribed the proportion in whioli tlie debt treated duriug.the Revolution shisibl be paid by the everaLbtate, .yTI",0 ttw witiftjnavBni nrhLiJi has prevsilet) until tlie present period. ' It provided like wise .jjiim. Uf. the General Gvvnkv ns id of debt which had been contracted by the individual States, to the amount of twenty millions aiid 'a half of dullarsj and fur ttlB Milmd rede 11 1 p. tion of .the whole debt, foreign ami domestic, the iroceetl & tlie p-iblic land -, which had been ceded y the several ctatcq, and an impost of seven and a half per cent, ad valorem, were cotistitutcd a sinking .ilindL. . k.ia evident .that at. Uie period -of Una enactment the public domain waTisKed to as the principal atairce froin which thia fund was to be derived, and that it was not iiiUtodi'd to hirve re course to any apocic of taxation longer thsn might be necessary, lo render the proceed vf the fornmr availubliv , : No prejudice if entertained agninst revenue arising from impost on foreign merchandize. . On tlie contrary, it ia regarded a the most convenient mode of taxation yet devised,' If exienrjGe haa shewn that if may readily be applied to fiivor the industry of one section of the Union at the expense of another, and (hat it afford an opportunity to the Federal Legislature to require from our citizen larger contribntiona than are necessary to an eco nomical administration of ihe Government, it ia an argument against the abuse, and not the legitimate exercise, of a neceaary power. A tariffed dutie imporJoodjieem zeu oy various acts 01 tue tegnriature of tnia state alavorii tissU of taxation. It i wtll known that ism of h trigt-4 argumriita rrsne upon I he timnd AssnuLly of.-Uni, ly -tj dvWgkixMt iu CtaigrrHi, to iisloi-e ha cessioa of our western terrilory to lite Ciailoderation, wa that, it aaj ne. ceasary to Iha intruduclioa of ihU system and that on no other cisslilnsi wisjld aom taf the eastern Htsles, and particularly Khuda Uland, subtnit lt a frr prr rrai, impost. There la no del connected wilh isir history utslcr the CotdedcratHai, more clearly MlaUished bbaa the ealy and conlinoad - anxiety of Iha Nai tsf NelH Carolina to provide an adequate reveuue C tins govemMieul, by tat upon iniporlalioti. The iniprvaatoii whith then prevailed, however, caf the relative projsrlisia of reveiHM abit h would be required by tba General Bod Ftale (iovenmsiila, aa ahewn I) the early le giskilM! of eat h, m fraught wilh Iu porunl iost rvr. lion. In 175, n impis4 of re fr real, ad uo rrsi, o providti luetuia lor Ihe rcJroiptM) sf a Ot U if tisiee than filly milliiaia, limiled ia llie term of its osilinuaiKe lo tweidy-live year, was pn posed by North Carolina, and wiled to obtain Lba concur ' retire of (he Ctailitk racy, . At the same session, . an impost of two per cent., and every ijmk-ios of tlirei:i.luXwhK;h -now prtvatU, ws (r the hlule (Jovernmeiil. Tlie Act of Ctaigrvsaof 17V0. Is'fore refi rred to, art atsirt for the peynwrit of the civil and csilingent li-t of the Umiml Nate Ihe sum of ' kumlrrd tktmmnd dollar,- U to very rk-r thai iisi the part of ihia Hlate no doubt was enlertainetl (bat a coniralively anwll share if llie (axes paid bv her cilixrna, wisild be rcqui. retl by tlie Federal Government. Instead, how, L fvef, thia expectation being realise,' we now " IuhJ HhiI the revenue accruing to' the I rewsnnr of U I'nil'tl rtalr frvui ibis fctsle is, uism the low est pnmiple if e-tnHitlroti, grcnier ty twenty ... ba man the aiiMsmt required lo suatatu the Mala Government ; and that ihe expense of ibe mil and " osiimgeiit liM, during the last year, exccetkal the entire biimsihi .f cimte debt, the assumption of . . which n 171W created universal alarm. --, t The prrdicttis.ii of hla o4 pslrtntw; talesmen " in our I tmveuiHsi which rejected die federal L'wi UlutKiu,tls a system of heavy taxatkai and latrish'T expenditure whiUI grow up uialer it, alllMMtgh cw. n l d at the tune as chimerical by ethers, neither less wiae nor palritiic than themselves, have lssn , rralixrtl to an extent which llie mont iiufuiaudliir -sighlid did not apprehend. Wbelber tliewo evibj -are ntrt ralht r lo be regarded as olivksn.ly rcfljltin from the abuse of 'delegated power, than aa elkVle... ... r hich might reasiKiaMy have rR.IHticiwUcd fruto ihe instruineiit itself, it is im4 now proper lo inquire. But be who due tn4 psreuive theeormtant tuthlofl- cy of the Federal Government to extend it pow ' era, augment ila reaourveavnud mull inly it expen diinres, must be yer)' iottcnitM Jr past ihJ preaeui uisuiry . Injnriiai m waa tlw arrangeoieot lh Revoltt- v- tionljry clnlina to the .uitereela of this ftale, nr 1 'WCi-VS aa the. -ai system- oftbe Gl-temT GT erunsjul mm lawn to alt the Pouthern eilales, we : deTtre comaMut ion tn w f jTi J jejxii filial me b v- 0UTgfou,M ao4M degree, the cllect of the first,". ttl enjoy be prwpect of yetfef froin llieV" Jnat, iV;.7 have arrivtid, tuo, iit a perkal 'tfl our atijiira, which " aul horixt 1 the : expttctaliuti lhaltthugh m itnlttoutyi:; . CMoieif be eii:rded,aoiue rcputalioa may lav obtniir. ed f r Ihe njuriea we haye u Hi red. ,' he porplei. ing quetioiia coiuscled with the tariff system have Wi (juael 6TiM fmittMmhti, uo niwiiy sottied on the expiration ot tho Act of L932. ;Tke uatiuual debt ia exlinguishedVf.J lli natiimal donutiulia relieved from the pledge under -which irwaaheldfor ibe. boiKifit of the Grnrntl time arisea fi eonsideralinik.whal disposition shall 7 " be inne-of irt LntiiStTtmil quired by purchase, end, nf course, under the Cj 'I siitutkin of the United Stales, ar the eonimon prW. pertyc of the 7fliis:.'Alt Wttcr portmtM of the'pubi ucdoniaiil were reded in tlieCsilexlerapy.or Jiave, . as in ihe instance of ihia tMate and Georgia, been cimveyed to Ibr United aUatoeeinee the adonti.H. f xlie4Jnrattmmn,-aa means a well of hiisien. " . dig tht' extuigutauiiieut of IhadtdMs if establish. " ing the harmony, of the United Siatiw." All the (loud of cession cwiliiin a condition aulstfautiall .; thesamewrththat toUPsiiKlin ihedt-edexecuM ' "I rVKk"i"thttn,fand, ceded " shall be considered aa a common funiL W tl.ue,ai iv.nS'fYed'ria'ieS lSl ea, North Caroline liiclusiyeaccohling to Ihtir re. ' spective and usual proporti. in the general charge " and expenditure, and shall be taitKfully dkpoaed of lot thai purpose, and tor no other uaejM noji wbatoverV1 -r r "Jr-- .... . w17dcjCljlnJh created tn tne COllilnon detoiice anterior to the date 01 ine inatrumnnt, and Iha fund, alter Ihe extin. : gmshrnent pf Thin dphfTavaa In be apitllcrdiTMr,--r' use and benefit of t he United 8tatea.eenrd;., tlieir respective and usual proportion jn Ihe gene ral charge and expwHi(ure.l Thia would eeenf to be the obvious and fair construction of the deed t : and it result, as a noceeeary Consequence. Uwt SU.' ftnamttng' :tear:MirtrieWwi; ar t he jieriod " whtui her citiaen were least able to austnin it, with me.trnt nf the whole aHnt of the public debt. , ia entitled to receive a like portion of I ho fond wlwh remains undisposed o(.,,-X -Whatever conclutiott yoii may come to on thiw subjtwt, it sni to me that the promoU either to give these land to the States within which tbev are situated, or to reduce the price a, which thev have been bilherto disrsI (it, is wholly inad,i. . ible. Next to the operation of the n-venuo avs tem, no other measure of (l,e General Government has. so serniusly affected the interest of the ,, State, aa the tow priep at whioh emigrant havo bemenaWed to , obtain .the rwrnt fertile nmi m til0 alley ot the JUisaissinni. ,No ed to perceiva the diim.mlion in the value of rc.l properly in thi State already occasioned bv it or doubt for a motnetrt the mii.o.,.conaeqUPnrpg- m hVh mat reenh iionvn rtrTOhjctioh kffio price of public larula.- fhose landa were obtained 1.,. ,1...

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