t i- I' tLfA and trcawif of the dj Plate, and while we BIkm.M tm i1i)-h J to continue h Mil liberal po. Jiry to IM Jouiiger loriul,rr of tle ('"('0 d f" V , , which has i Urn trim 4 all ihe proceeding uf .the iirnrrnl (J.r rimx-iit, l nili( ih ii be cxpettro' of us la go fvifilrf. Al all emit, lb Hajihero but- having, during itrarty half century, ex. butrd llwir ftirri f in Ilia payment of botinlje lu the ingenuity of iM lUrrn, iimmI n4 be rufoed tltal a.t'yiaie reward may La provulod tt (Ua en terpr it f thai Waaler. Malee. " The exuding Terl.Tof duliea, which, happily for (ha country, baa la U anttctirily arranged, C Iba preanrf at bt; fita4 produc rvvenoe en. lipcly adequate Jo an t"i.uuutl aJuiiuulratuai of laa Mover, went, and tddiluaml r"urre will bul trod to pioJulily kirn cornin. I Iktu e-em , lo bo m ejnual , therefore, why tha olyvt "having; Wo a-KiiJ(lsl (? which lb. pinking find area created ihe imIkkvU domain alta.ll if 4 he divined, in I ha Miputaie pmportUn, among all Ihe member. 4 I ha tfcmlerery. lo the rtate llo. t wnwutila, H wiH affird lb Wwt important aid in "'"'" 7 the priavv-utiofl id erhemea of Internal Improve ItviiI, a'l lb difliwi of the mana of ediiratMai. AD experience privee that, if tha power could he rightfully axerciaed, I ha General (iovernineni i not competent lu lb) acemplihmnl f lbee great porpp f auf Iha heavy amount paid indirectly hy (hit Mala into Iha Treasury of Iha United Hlalea, under Iha npe ration nf Iha preamil revenue eyete m, if (bit fund be dttfiied ua, place iba av-cuinulalion of Iha requisite meane beyond our reach, within Bnv reaantiaole period i tune Mf nptniotie with rrajirrt In iha ixrrwify if a tjjmmlf mnd tfftc'mA pocutMi, by the Nat, uf a Oaoarwl Hyatam of Internal Iinprrmeiifa, were 04iiinuiiiralMj al iatith in I Ik Report iihkWi to lh- Gfwrml Aavmhly al tta UM awxia, hy the IVaird fr Irrtrrml ImpromtNTifi. It ie nil priMaawi ! Oiiruaa, al prrml, any ) uf Ihe tariva tpM-a which wr.luen fully nawMlcriM. Tha urr enca of aJK4hpr ynu ajfinia rjcluave proof thai individual aaam-iaiMaia iirar wilt, aitd nrvrr raa, aTxnjli(4i any plan cmnmraaaratf with fir Mr idea and rrjrt f. If iha max try al4M which ha bW aTbendml by li yltif rmiirila in i tha eff illrfi id WfpnrSMa7l'a'rtiaa cfTNinin I . . ' - . I IV xi napnr. aixl r I Ik inrwi!iiM iil ciiruin braiica oo our BUlula llo. 4, hai bwii arl-l ! Iha mmalnirlina of wrtii Word, ! a pnpf r point we abnvld have bad bcfira u an fvprriiin-iit which wiajld, 41 lawat, haa i(T'riW uaHul iriMrui li-rn. Tin- cotrfinuall; iucrTaifi currant f -iiraftirtl wfin h ia dprtvina ha if many of our hmimI in lli wnl and wilarpriaing cttrwtn, and a larpt prtrtion of our wealth, parlM-uluriy in the arctii ihn Hta htthrrto rriardnd a the ifMwt ihxiI'hih ainl Ofiuletit, imparta to Ihia aubjrrl a atiiiiil intT-f If iha nil arimitren i no rtnWv, allui4n l wmild ba both weak and iilla. Il ia nut, hownvltr, o caaadered. In iha rxlanl of hr r Irrritory, tha arMv 4" her modiK-tinna, the (t-rlitiiy of hr and luliritjMjiaa ailimaia, North 4 ami ma will aowtaara wdawBgiaiidy with the irKt prtwiaTouK wuilMra of tha 'mfrWary . Tlie otilrufiiiMi to iha natigatHA of our firns hy tlie full rrvated by ktnga of gram to which lraerM tb Stale from Nortb-9aat to South-wont, and Ihe iniiMwilHli lv of eiileruij ..fiiher uf jhe porta cotuiccli'd with Ihena nvera. with ahiiw of Ihe larvi-M rl, are certainly rreal natural di-atdvatilniica. It ia he Leed, however, thai thee ditfienliiea may he nb. Ttated to an extent which will enaura ua air the' Commercial faoililtea aaaenlial to a highly pmaper oua-ciatditiuav - H haw a am eilttrt tf 04 than any State in iha Union, ami the beat in- let Jtarbua -"Uh ? the-i'hejakrr-W have '''ihn power 'to 'onraiart ttiia harbor with nearly all . tha uarigabla weteraof the- State, and "thai bV ihjr' . tle Uaaainra of ctaniiterrw not aily In the dwrs of air own citizen, hut affiird a natiiaial highway tv our aiater- Slate, of a real immrtancnjiHieL ace, ami H tneiNiiuauio vame in nna 01 war. lea-iaaeh eirrwmatirc, lriiliriuit puhllc pro; Purify "eilhex lu docliu or aamain alalionary, ie u .,r,rt,lJJ frtno our duly aa it ia idjurvaM to our ime- . feete and ropugnaiU to our feelinga.. .The period ; cannot he distant when nibrr bwcti Jtwutlla dia. - '-""bufii.f,! , mjiu amauVr than the aggregate of 'gwlV expenaea, ahall. be eflnaidered a lulliiig williiii.xhe Wgitimate range of your dutie. Tlie v 1 high - eal io4 Wtoat rapiaiaibie funclniariea recogniird . by tna theory 4. our Ooyemmefit, ar aeiecled and Cooveiied foV the. otUiumenl af obweta eaaential to - the public wea.Ir which cannof be effi-cted by indi i.Jual f fnf. I am aalixhed mvaelf. thai (he ctajrae . dMculafiiSA hitherto pursued, ji lu be Bucribod to . local diVu4(Ku4 more Hian to anjrj4hereauaeLa4)4 "Ihe" hope m taaiiycherialied lhal you will not ae " .fMrate, .ithout Ine adoption of aucb meaaurea aa t f Stwlt make ua a omrcd peopK M'welHn Teeliiig ai lit iiteref. - - T-The-reyemie-eyatein of thia State ia radically inenr. ror aoitieyeaMpa, thedmbiirieiiHntHfroni , " the Putinc Treasury have exceeded Ihe ordinary receipt, and we ha-Ten gruWHr uming the erinciiad of a producliw fimd wbich had. been accumulated by Ihe economy of. preeediiig yeara, ' ; . 1. i . l - ilie mveatmenw wnicn nave oeen nmim in mo . ; .,.iS Jeajeniijw lancet 1ft out n:er. fet puwue. tbisi j uting: probesa; and we are compelkHl lu provide - oilier tueanaiq. Or 1 ray meexpenw-aiatnc mn " meuL ThitL it ia bidksved, may he efkVled with I- tf-meytaimi ie fid t aecure, feirjahwthin of . -leaJ ertate Biia to ifce A,,U leallv liable to noil tat. I The Government of the e.amry awmld never Kohl nH temtitnttnn to ila citixona to do wntn. "Such, however, la ihe IpaniM lendetvryof the. moat important fralurea .of. tair fiactl wyetem. e raciice, wiiBiryer imy Mn been thellwrtretical ncttlaa ni Ilie taw iver. evert owner of real estate eaeM the va -Tue ot hia nwii freh-Wtft.it i JhN.MIJf?CSr. a'rr Wmerwieiice. thai the j jirfividiml j1h ja Tip. nt umler alUcircunisHmcea cJHitnbulea hia bu mpnrtioo to the mainlenajire of Ihe Goyernimnt while lie who ia Ka cHwreuuw -reef reward ftr Ma Wdi--. r-- Tha aame obiectiw aindiee, with atill greater fim-e, to the regulalKa'ia mkr which Ihe noil tax U levied, au aiave mnr ,--i.r, ..-. ..... n . . - - ..... .... - 4 A . . . a ti i . stuf tiniinr tiifv All a lave over twelve, ana unaor nnv are aubiect to eapitafion tax. ll every tlave owner in the cmimunity were entirely An,A m An an. it i no nW teak to tacert fu; ...enrpfelv the pronortK of hia alavea who. re between twelve and fifty yearofa?e. Hecorda re rarely kept of the .cea t4 h.W U.ni.up.in'mir - i ..m -m t,.wi rf.ft rreater dimVullv in a- Mmt'.ninit the aeea if auch m have been acquired nnt arrifi1..ifc.!y K4wl,Hiy nh-ty In c xiwl'ure by ry oji1n ml iiHuirKM, ln n lltey agree with ia mtrri at aiul IIm iiHliiNiual Im la rutin ly bo wid Ua inlVi' iH a td inrl c t" Hiay eomnul fraud wttb impuMiy 'Aiit-tnpta ta drim.l cnaiva 4 Ihia charat lef, are ratably tole ami, if they al ra tiMra fmituent. auceew, in Ilia nature of ihinira. ia iifarty imixawiM. A ainU aiaiopla will aullicc In rthludi Iha correclueta 1 lhaa retuarka, and how Ilia Client to which iha rrvroua ia oVImmJod. TIm a;f regale rfimher of alavea in Ihr Htale, in 111, waa V4UU. A I lea4 nm half of Ihew, by evert autliorimi principle ,4 rotniiuiMtioii, were Ulaeen iha agna of larlve and My veara, bim), al Iha rale of twenty eenla ea:h,abuuld have contri buted i ih PuUir Treeaury WiOlfl doliara. Tba entire amounl of poll a ilertved in thai tear, Crow Ihia aourcfl; ami frtnii tha aame rale of laatMat iin ptaed on every free male betwenn the ageauf Iwen. y-one and Prty-ive, 111 population uf hltle leaa han half a million, win 1,11 35, eicluaive of Iha Hi per cent, conimiaaiona retained by Iha Site, rilfi fjr CiJlcciiuo. - It WeonfitWllr heheved tti4l if a Ut nxala Cr iha valuatliMul of Unda ware pro. tided, end a propter ayatatnof eccouulnoilily ih-viaed with mperl In iha poll tat, tlie aiu-ainl of re- teiMie derived front the aourrea would be inrrea ed ooe ftwrth, and lhal Ihia reform alaie would mieldn Iha Public Treasurer lo me- the ordinary tpeodiiurre from hi ucpartiiieiit. V ith repetl In Iba taa on alavea, 1 aiinple, eaay, and effM-wiil Kinetly, would pruhuUy ariae from aUJmhmg iba dMcriiniiialiofi of airee, and impimiiie a tai mi each. n practice, it will he found no more hor1lwiiiotiie, and Ihe prceae liMre niinple, to give 111 the whole number of alavea al leu cent, than In aarertain Ihe iitiiiila-r llniee la-lween twelve and fifty, who are ubH-ct to tweuiy rent; ami lhe who mw niia. reprrortit Ihe a- if ibeir lnve, witb'Hil the fear of detecti.io, will finil il much more dillH-ull lo con ceal their niiriioer. I have beretofora ventured In exprena the oiii nion lhal too large a proporlaai f the public bur Ibeo i impowd uimmi thoMe wIhi are aulmTt In poll lav only, ami that the ranr of taiaiiiai ahould he extemled. HulMeqiienl n-tt'climi ha eittinlied me entirely of the t orrertneM of the piwition. Tlie pn tamrrthedirtntKirrr and Tti'rapiranT1a pre Cle1y Ilia wiine; ami it ami .'inie" hnfHien thai the Utter, like Ihe loriiier, i uim-! lo m olher pnciea f rmitrilmtimi. In tlie one raae, it ta an mieitiua impoMltMffl ; in tha oilier, a tax a thooviml fold greater might orraiai no wtwible incmivenienre aneiiM al et to he worthy of C44MiidralHin, whether pknitore carriage, ami oilier article of umrv,aiidepeciaUvCoIIaUrai inhtsrilaiirea.idHiUHl not be brought within tha operation of our revenue taw. The Report nf ihe Public Treasurer will exhibit detaib-d atatrment of ihe receim end rxpemli- turea f ihe Treaury Ih-partmenl, which will preaem all tlie information that can be demred up. mi ihe auhiert. Ilia viewa with reniiecl In our financial aanm will command attention, and afPH ttinfjirnrr eviilenre of the diligence ami ability with which hi dutie have been ilinrharced. The Itank of the Slate of North C'anilina, incor porated hy an Acl of the laul Legilttlure, haa gmie into operatimi at an earlier perikf, ami under more fHyorablc auspice, than ni anticipated by it mont aaiiguiiie fitem!. I he entire anwiuiit of atock au thoriwd lo tie mWrild by bdividuula (WOO ,000 doliara) had been taken, and Ihe bavuienta made ith mora than ordinary pon!rbalifT. Of the l.rk reaerved for tlie State, (DOO'.WK) dollar,) but one-lurlh haa been auhacnbed tnd AHht for by the f uWic I reaurer. I be remaining three-fourth mtnrt . be. wcurcd wtlhiir I lie period of t wu yaara Irotn the f! rat oT January "next, or tlie privilege reaerymt tTtlie State will be forfeited. I our at- lention ie Ihu ealVly directed to tW euhjeet, thai proper nMUMUtiea may be- adopted, by a jndici(Hii atnt k, or by resorting to a- loan, tu attain mat orttie Icaillng olmtU .cuulemplate4 by the charter taf thia mutittitem. - - .Ann Icgin'ation ia neceaaary with reaped to tbeJ publtcatiua and diatribuiiun of tlie Acta of Aarm. M)liJTie-iraiiaiiiiiMHw- cnpyTn'Tlie Executive of each Slale, U at pivnent authorized, while we receive from nearly all the State a copy for the Executive IVpiirtnient, and one, for each branch -'ihSe' liegralaturej-lt w the-dittv "of the becretary of State In ib'liver to the Public Printer, at an earlv permd after 'ttm aninfininHnif'br the General AeinUy, copie caf all Acta which hkve been paaaed. Bul it ia not nmde Ihe duty of any one lu arrange the or der of publication. In prepare jndexef and marginal milea, ttjxt trt- reviwe -the pniof-hee. T'"! iV.lL DM JieciLUicreaaed by the anxiety which prevail al Ihe cbwe of the aeatiioa. to expedite Mhuoeiaj. by the emplnvment TaftiWpvrlencedengnaw The miKtakea which ItuA winter escaped the vigilance of the ex- aiinning cmninitteea, have not only deformed the 4aJulWr4rt hew-maalfy' ftflerred the con- atnwlion of aomeof the moat important enactrueut' fleTt'hJamea Grant, Enquire, late Comp troller nf the Puldic Account, haa deprived the SiatenT Ihe aejvjcee "itif liiithMnd Visitant offi. eer. Thia event eccurred at too late a period to 4im-f -trrylrWemWirh with. yiew to.g .tempiirary amaMiitnauitrAurt iiw titnee ia therefore vacant. ' TTie dutiea of the Comptroller .have devolved upon the Treasury Department at the bumeat annann of the year, and at aa euriy duyw praeficaber ' I I",". ffr-ijtg ed for auggeatiitg that Ihe practice whicn na pre vailed of Inte year, of aeteeinj CoHnrillora from rcnwite pwclwwe of the State, i a virtual infraction of the Ctojttitution. For I lotig-pfriod anbsetjuent to the xntahlMimmit ot our Government, the nirniher of the Council were clniaen from tlie immediate viciuitv of the Governor. He waa thus enabled. Bluai..witbAexpeiiav-l the pntdie; And witbt.WXrMfIt. f HtstitutjiMl; at advianra on all iiuhii-cta tit itiTnnrtance. Even annlicationa for nnrdon, in capital caaea, were inva. riably anlimitted t thia body, which waa, in fact aa well a in name,, branch of the Executive De. partment The itiennyenienee of thi inmwation may, It "nft dialaut day, operate most iijurinusly. e.V. It ... n .Il.. U.A j;4 . C u.u.L oarli. . 11 ins iHita VHifinnnmrr .imw u. w i'. it w.t no . -- ... . . . - . . ..1.1 I L-. . iuuu 1 1 1 1 a . hovii pamnluul n woum i(tt ,..--v .p.. hia olace in time for the settlement which the jSherifla are required to complete by the first of U-cfnber in eacti jear. no nearly na una popim of Executive power been annihilated by moderh practice, that those who .re presumed to Ntfrcjue it Imve not been convened at any perioq aurinjr my j dnimttralinn. . , pre cwdinca of tneelinjj! t( l1e citfwne of M'llmirtj' 1., tailed to connider " tle outrage recently cone milled ot American citizen al ,Naia, Near I'ro- Viih m e,' ty cenaiq Ktfren of ilatt uIuimI." 'p , td..pUV Ha. Ul k-JJ fJtrSXJZL Vl rciolatioiii auJ.,, yiAi, at Ihe ouumiraa rwi "lie in (Mnuriiiiw km u !' I .1.1 u . . 1 ' 1 . .l..Jm ... 1 I.M. porl.nce of the u.lecl, ami lli'f teepecUble a-airc inm winch Ihey amanale. I5-'1.W td, j of eurh eaure a Vial may dee id tiiltiaabU with . . . . . . 1. j .1 1 . L rnapeel In I In allair, 1 regret lo ewe inai pkm legndatHiO aaenui to be ueceaaary io tiJvti Hie rtghla of our eiliea to Iheir alavea from nma. tic aggreaaion. The commnalmna which exiet Id mm of I lie eaajlern ritiea, In preyant, by Ilie ei- penae lucident lo prntrarled hiiualmn, Ilie recap- teal ef fugitive alavea, have remWed il Ilie inter eat of Ihe owner, in many umlaire, lo abandon hia title) lo auch erooertv. An individual of tin city, in a coutot of thia character, where tlie proof adduced waa more clearly made out than would, fr-rhnp, lie pmwiblo ID, uue bulut mualeert cawea, puim! il nereaaary lo exieial, in Ihe nrogreiai of a ml finally decided by Ihe Supreme ( mirt of New York, much larger aum than I lie value of the alavea. The evil might fiml it ajmrofiriale reme dy in Ihe levy of a lax mi lave owner lo defray the exieuae of a aniular liligatimi in future. The knowledge lhal aoc.li a fund rxinled, would doubt ba obviate neceeiy of fn:)m-iil expenditure. If aUml me pleaure lo late (tint the Alloniev General, who ha been charged with the duty ofl pre wing our rlaima Pr rxiemliture during ihe late war with Great Britain upon tlie cmntiilemlioii ( the War I)eiar1neiil, eiiterlHinciifileiit boie of a iedy and equitable mHtk im iit. Ill corn--pomlence upon till aibji'cl will b traiu-liiitted tu ymi in Ilie progreaa of (lie wiwiiai. The Act iMuaed at lb lal eion of tin; Gem' rat Amcuilily, directing the Govermir to iiil (hre eonimiiMiotM'n, whoe duty it almuld be to revie and dige4ylhe mblic atatiile luw of iIim State, haa been coni)tii-t with. The tni-4 a a, at au early period after (be adjournment of ihe Is ginUture, ronnhvl lo William II. Rutlle, Gavin Hogg, and Jaim- Iredell, Fiinre, who entered jn52j!iniiiie(liHte1 di icha rjefjlii;irdulieaj I iKt.aevere UMliKpnaituai'4- una i none yenitemen ha gn-ally iniN'led the progreMa of the work, though il i lnlieved il may be comph't'-d within (he period hunted bv law. A report upon thii anbiect It underHtiMxl (o be in preiara(iiHi, and will pro)llv be Irimmilted (o you in a few day. Mv Letter Bm.k, loyetlK-r with the variou re- aignation which have been traiuunitled to thia lie partment aince the adjiHiniukeut of the Iai I'gi'- iHlilre, will be laid before you by my private Secre tary. Trie variou important tHie with reaped to which I have considered il my tint) toexpreiu my opinion, have exteixH'O Huh mcHMage in an lucmi- enienl length. I have found ll nereKrv, never ihelfMa lo reaerve aoine mutters of It; general Irrtereat, which will be aubuuttiid C.r v.mr c.WHi.U " . rntimi m the prngrem o the Nrmjon. In com iu aimi, I have only to HMiire yii of my hi'arty co-ojie. ratimi in to very men-Hire which may be rnlculated to preserve the liberty and promote the prtiierity and happiiH'p of our ctauititueiiti. DWHU.. SWAIN. Eirentirt Drpnrlmrnl, .V. t '. ) AWmW 17, HH ABSTRACT OF Thf Public Trr.inirrr'it Krporl, SKokrtnp Ihr itatenflHe hSntwrialXZtnrtrnt nf .VorA Cdt4in oh the t-"f ynvrmberc I. Ofth Public or Uruipirvpriattd Revtmue, and - Pj-.,,;.,,, It apoeare that Ihe b lance in Uie Trearury. oa ' 1,1 .uT-mt-i, 1 www - v, JUa tliat the recmptH r the" year ending' - " - November UVSl iramilitju . ... . 21J'27 Making.JwiUi tha firt balance, the aum of JMMX4 -Vi The blowing are the itein. apecfied m tire Report, ceTv'eTdiinng the last year : Fnan the Sheriilk, for the Taxe of l0, itHl'0 36 From the State Bank, dir. of capital atock, OU IViHn ditto, divulebd of protiU . iiiUi 00 Frmwthe-Newhern Bank; dividtf of c4(J,ttir3'Wn(r 00 From ilitUi, tor tux on it, 1X1 tt) From Uie Cape fuar. Ruik, for Ux .hi it. 3,04-V fi From. diiUs divid. of wotit. dO 00 1 From J. I. Ileiideraon, Clerk Slipreme Court, 8.")0 00 riruin tlie Clerk of Boncomhe tuunty Court, on judgment niinxt him for tavern license, 675 FponvtheRenl td" PttH'ic lwa; -c10 From the Principal ami InLuruct on old Bond on Land wild, 013 BL .. .1 . .1. 1- M. L.: L '. ......... v -ii ... arrv-Mirvi nu wo.. ymyi-nj, - - ,..( . i . Making the above total of ; Jri02,l'J7 5 "TheTSxpenditures f!ir the year v . i a.ipnint M (he iul Vta.aw W. ' " aftinof if 191,571 11 And coinpripe'the followtng items via: Expenae of the General AMaembly, - $4?,4'J4 1 Re-building tlie Capilul. - tK'ittO 00 Kxpeoee of the Jmitraary nf tha Stater ai,!HIT T5 Treaanry Note burnt by the Committee of . -.finance mirT.ethe-aeiwwtrt,y4, 1(115 41 Expeiweaof Kxecftttvc lwrtineqv..,. 25.(10 " Tieaaary IVpartiiicnt, 4 Department of S(au, - " Coinptrollnr' Department, Paid for Stock in new Bank of the Stale... Piirf lor Hix.k f!jir Swte Library, Contin)fejicie, - .....: Paid the ipter of Jamee N. Fmnyth, Paid SherrH tbr aettlmg taxe. - " " Paid tlie PuUic Printer, - 2,000. 00 1,19:) oo 1.000 00 3WWQJX) iih as 5,792 85 K 50 . W4 37 . JUKI 00 s T7.1 30 . 200 00 . 55 50 Kxpenaea of Adjutant-General' Office, Bogue Bantu, ... . Making the above tptaX of - f.191,571 11 Which sum, deducted from (he foregoing ammml of 300,004 53, hjaven in Uhapphpriated balance in the Treasury of the State, on Uie lt of November, 13&4, Of 08,-l3; 41. - II. Of Ike 'titrrary Fund ; . , The amount of funda in the hand of Uie State Trea aurer, aetihg aa Treasurer of tbe Literary Fund, on the 1st of November, 113, wa . . - . 117,024 81 J And the receipts to tbe 1st taf Novem ber, 114, amount to - . . 2279 1 Making x total of - - 139.403 90) The following are Uie aource front which the above sum of $22179 IS hw been received : Cash fi entriea of vacant land, $5,490 30 Ta on Bale at auction, ' - 3.)6 74 Tax on tavern licenaea, i - 2.417 08 From State Bank, dividend of capital, 8,400 0(f Ditto Uyidendo-pufit4 .- WOO hum ber Bank, dividend of eapital, tKQ M llto, eividniMt uf prultl, 'i-Wi (XI Mtkinf Ilia abuva wib of . rnu h .nt m, npmatrturt .ale torn that Hind tlrtht U Ijamd-rearfritatk in n.W LksL Uhwviag , the iMbb. Trea-iry. u .. . .1 . Ua ereun ua , un. u- - III. Of lit Fund f Mrfiwl atirenrawa , Hbbince on band on Nuvembir It, Htt, fitfTU i .. 1 m t 1 . ... 1. L I 1. . t ft't tr neceivae rrma mM pit hfi I'mw Cape rar flnk, dividend on atock, 41 IIP - . The cipeudiiuna Jruui Una Fund Lu lie. it hava amounted to 048 K), a pillow : fttlirtre la Kuoermtemleni'i aiUry fur lKO, w Ili alary and axpunaMe p Kt4, . HMII To Win. K. Hill. Mecrcurv of Uia ftanl. . Vl (U f living a UUnre on h.ml.Wl.KH.oTaIW tt lUXUPITUIA'M.Nr TU totettiunt kUtemeiita tbow baUnce of eh on html it Ihe elm of the buiin- of Ilia fined yr, a- dmg mi the UM uf (X'totier, 1SU, a folloa : AiiMKjnt I'uMic TriftMirer, - yW.Cl 41 Ditto a T re. Mirer of the Literary FiiimI, lO. ttRt 00 J Ditto a Treaaurrr of the Fund for Inter nal linproveineul, ... AA'HI Making an aggitgale aiiMun( 11 hand of tfUXQ Wl Tina aiiMHinl .. diaped of ( dir.-cled by Uw) 111 Iha follow mg manner, v.t : Il.-...Ual in (he Klale Bank rf N.th f.mhn at Ra- le.gh.and rrmaiuing alllarre,l.t. e U,e I'ul.l.c Tr.,- .1 n 1 j v i--u r-iii -e urer, on (ha lt 1 ay of .Nov lU, wwhvII Ci 1. .... ' n...L ..t m .. -A. a M vi iy ll lto in lirnik of Caiw Fear, Favetlet ilie, 1:1,401 In the vault of (he Public Treasury, (being worn Treaury Nutea, ilver change, ic ) 5,01 1 Making a correnponJing amount of ui..nti h3 1 It ia a fuel worthy of the flnrt mK.ce in Ihu. Report, tliat (In- Hlienfta have aiam hei n unitinly mclual in Ilieir aetileinenlji at thia office tiwr the tnrt year revc nue. For thia they cannot be too highly oaiiiiK-mleal. In the couraf of Lbe puat tear, much tune ami at(en - lion have been ucru ned in ilucbari'iiig (he imptant ilude ppit,'nel (0 tlie Puhlic Treanurer by (h Act pa- 1 al Uui but i uf Ke (ienral AaermWv, entil W . Aa Act to eatohlrah a Hank in the Bute of North Ca- rulina In compliance with the iirtiviaHKiaor that Art, the (.'ominiwMiiirra apia.ifited Ui receive aulacriptMNia in the City of llalru'li, tor aim k in "(lie Rank uf the State of N'otth Carolina," having inadu arraugeinenU fi.r cu - ini( buoka to be ofiened al the varwma plun iliKigna- ted hy law, met at th Treasury OITice mi the tint day of Fi-bruary laat Book of anlwcnptHm wi re immedi - ati ly openeit, and audi preliminary queaHon (t iiece - arily came within their province were eonaxlereil and wtlled. A large portion of the amount m b alirk waa to be received by the Cmumimioncra. It became Deciwary, therefore, to ileti riuiiif in the outat t, and lo makn known publicly, what would be received aa "an eUivalent for aiiecie," under the charter. The deter - minatKHiof the CominiRaionera upon (hi point wa una- nimmi, ami (hey had the gratification, at tlie auhae- uent uiectinir of liie atucklpihlerH, to have their ctnirae J PPW "T wncurraig vote. of tne wruc taxiy. 1 1. ih. t .u.MMtn.u I . t . . J.I. II..I U......A Ban... ant ,1 a 1-iiimmi.iu i S mKmw nil wimir ,111.111111 uuuiu-ri in t.m p, rmcil ( K-U w DUInDer efllerttl received by the Coiuiniaaioner haa aince lieen remler- jiiuoe llic aggregate valnatHin of tlie whole and tie ed available a apecie, and that t aingle dollar haa not ! artl amount of (ax that would ariae tberefrum. Not. b.-en lot in tlie pruce The Naika for receiving ub- withaUnding (he immenoely depreciated rata at wbirk criitKNi were, of courne, kept open, in the ft rat in-1 it i given in, in aome of tlie countiea, it will be ier tance, (or Uie ce of aixty Jay, to wit; until the e-tbl the mtertgt r4ef givmg m thmnghodt the f!uu cood day of April following. " At the expiration of that j in 1KCJ doe not fall very Ut alwrt of tbe aver;' ra tline, it liaving been acertainel that the amallmt nuro-1 luation per acre in ll.V the averajra rate al th-aYr-a. ber of atiaea required to be rohpcnbcd tr) ludikkluala, ler pervnd (115) being f'i fti; at the latter t'i L-. (V(I0) to give exirtence u the corpora Ik.ii, bad. not iTbia armea from the fact tint much of the land bad been taken, book were directed to be re-opened at the hated at all, nd, in neventl of tlie coualie, that wkdi everal place required by law, and kept open till tha i hated ia rated at a hieher valuation per acre (tut first day of .May, and rnimedialely transmitted to the , wa fixed upon it in 11I will a bo be perrrrW (xxntniwnonem In Raleigh. On the 3It day of April, that although about a million and a qmrtet ajt;rtxi it waa acerUiDed.by the rulurua bom -otbaf pbK, land Iwve bona eatwed eince'lSlVAdl the ouafti ty that 4,trj() piiarea were taken by indmdualx.'rhtireUp, . o". the Couiuiipuiur caue.l public notice to be given, i tliat the Erat ineetinii' of the Suck holder w uld be !irP WItR tM, '.Mice, the miharribi-r ca.veued at tlie I 1 1 nie appoiniei, ami proceoieu to orga tinh; the Jipouitutta'dwectairy time app.,inte.i, and proceeded to org ' Pr-inm C. - TT,. i. t.m n..- . , . T7 7 , 1 j r) ? izl ,.r .i..i. r .r . i. ...i - . r..Tzrr;:7r :'"r'. i:.rr...f?!Ma corrccu " " liTSS ZZZZLZSJZ Z M Bee. take, by the thn. ""nh ""T'V'.T I?" , !,nrt!l n ' !2 .i. . J"T f ,lt'nl TH ,Mtt'' .3SCLmm0miHl. rtwivul .nd paiu over to the Ualuer tha aum , of t'poa atock taken fiir the State, 1 i-t-jxi ll-xxi I rw , a All 4 ri4.l lOUIe, a. K U a . . , , .... According to the relative number of .hire held hy 08 inoividual and by llie.State, and m conforuuty with the OO'proVwiooH bTUie charter, eight director were elected by OHMmfmda&KaTix'kfioIder. Of tlie other two, on 4 ' the uart of Uie State, the Public Treaeurer ia one ex. A' . . . . , , .. :. . ' jT -ry- me rxouu. Aa uie re-qnimle amount fttt potting the H t- n ' -MLy','n 'rwT'Jrtt 'Wy - IB I .- ' . r- l)irec-UH lo open book for filling up the unnulii-cribed :-.-j4,Tnt5rilTOie im-au time, the freaident and alma, and k) Uxo Uie necewnry atep tor putting the B ink into immediate op:ratioii upon tlie receipt, from individuals, of tlie aim.unt siiecilied in the supplement to the charted.' At Ui'e.'muetiug in Autitut, thi whole amount uf individual atock wa taken, and more, than .naxiiitW-roe opera-' lion wa received. It waa, therefore, reeolved to com HHMweI.Twrfthorit day of Septeinbet.wa fixed upyu as the firat discount day ; ince which time the inaUlution 'haa been doing business, at the Principal Bank, in the usual ami regit-iV-n-aamr-rtording.-it w tonfldeHtiy "bcTTe" veiT," Uie appropriate facilitie and relief to tlie community riti- cipaiea irom iia openuiona. In autwcribirui. toiabKlL Bttdllialunir-DavineeM'there on, in behalf ot the State, an ehort haa been mane ao . . . F , ' rs J . in twaHnlf rtl Ika MlBiA L.a. k,.x, J reasury ol the use of it entire means, without indu4eeimit tnnA nnHov the rar.t avatem. and ill ; reasury ot the use of it entire means, without cuig Uie neceesity of borrowing to meet tlie currenttence unon the monla of the community, form a come demands, at Uie office. With Uiis view, aa will be per .m-iJIU .Un f :. r,: mt , - . Treasury, at the puriod immediately preceding the, tjr -riiii uy mic vjoiiii.niiee oi r uiaace, ine tami in uie -oi" .uus-aoinw rererrae Trom tlie Olienlla, was re duced to the lowest practicable amount, conaistenl wllb -the public iaftty. and economy. And, under a strict ana cautinua oDservance ot thi policy, it ha not been found necesHary, or Uiongbt expedieut,' by the Public Treaaurer. to (aercisa the auUiurity given by the Act supplemental to the new Bank charter, to borrow mo ney at hi discretion ia behalf of the State. Such au thority, however, ia useful, though not exercised, in, much a it affords a urety and protection to the De partment in venturing to the foil extent of it available means. There, ia not t prospect, from the preent re. amircea of the Treasury, of binr able to- mv for the mount of Stock which the Ptate haa reaerved Uie pri vilege of taking. Within the time limited Inr A-. . fii the event that no pro flon la made by the IgiKla. ture, UieTight will expire' on the 1st January, 1837. At Uie meeting of Uie Stockholder of the new Bonk in-August, branches were established at Newbern end TarVmgrr:irid agencies at Milton, Leakey ilie, Char Urtte, and Morganton. At the two first named place, bruchea have (one into operation. But, to enable the ag nti e I aa ah ly, armdinf Ie tU Ua u t- nt and mearnng tj tbt tharter, it m belJ 7jZ bhiiO fUrUir ctM.ff (if Iha lrgilalra a ill uL? -,y. Tl. op-rat U.k .re,.r,e, 1jM . p. wuh auiu im n ia amcmiiiieirt co be Tlie il.llu.ulty alluJnd lo gluat out of the ptir. uf the Wlh tMHi of Ihe Act uJt1iut b iJ,T In Uiat aecim. Ilia wuvd ".genci,4 t omiiuJ 1 it ahould Uiuw U.a word brmnehea." Um,-i?. adding fi.a the Hauk what Waa, bo uouU, mu-a-U) t payable at igenciea. In Connection with Una aubacL it M alao Uaaigbt promr to eugge tl HfmimJ, i liireciing the public tiepwuea, now made m u il, uf Nywbrrn, and in Ui old Sute Dank, to be ken? ft mane in me lunt of me Bute. Tliev ra -r- not wanted by ihe Bank winding up, ami aught btU. Tiiiiayraiua hi ih new UMnilUlMJO. U I lw puVm cotivvuienca lo have tliein pbieed iaj aa Ihauh1 active buatnn. ' " " Tlie jreai luaaof revrnae, and the ftiaduWt ancti. ce growing out of the prewnl mode of hating and 1 eaaing property U UtMfl (ft Ul BtaWiuaWwrtt (nUm atUiiiliuu of the l-gialalure la (lie bat Aftiiwl 10' port frmn Una Department Since Uiat Im puna have been Uarn In iiCerUm Iha amount of tu avil, where it rxuta, and the rinely. Under iht ti; Ming Uw, paaed in lilO, "every avr bound w land alia II return hi lint upon wilh, ml U Hffrttj numtttr arm, ami aliall afi Die value 10 each irtrl uf laivl, includintr the miiirovrmenla (Jiemin. mat LJ ' aa rae iu ur 10 im tmm by Ihr imri tmi dtr Ikt Uut rt 0 VMugrtn, frtmidmg far lk ut,, lkr "f tkr L'Ht"d ," (Jaa'y, lnu mf lu't1u,0 to 4 "J" ,? U J W " a -t udk setlfcw iinprovetnenla on the land or oUterwur. Tb i , v. . , , "e. 1 gregaUf valuatiou of lite land in N.eth Carolina ai u!. ..I .i .i .f .... . . and a half million of dolUr. Since that time, an u lo the lira! uf (be year Ktt. 1JUI1.7M acr nave M-en entered ami pau nleu w Uia Nut, auikav an im-reaaa, by tha( numlwr of acre, of the aam now liable lo uv tax. Theae UlWlai nlimU . .1 . 1 average 111 11. ami added In illat VMItiatajn, makM agKregate of oire than My-n million of AM. j jl. nce il i niailifeat Uiat the aapeapftwnt t? fM , .Im h (lie U received (hi year wa eollitad, ou 1 at Unit Ui be eipial lo that anin, ytekting a lietl hi d . nmie Uuin tlnrty-4ie lhoutan.1 dollar; and If Iha ap aeaMiient were made plrictly acrurding lo the RVLJ. eienw of ttie Art onl?,1r nuial nccuaardy W greit, er, uulepa reduced by the Board of Appeal eonpUwal i by that Art But let u compare thi reault with tha actual munt in KM. Acconlinff to the clerk' returaa. anJ 1 the tax collected llHTeon, Ilie aggregate vahiauaaaf ' Ihe lamia in North Carolina l lew lliau furty-lhree ajip Imn JMiwmg a defiuit in the valuation, at (lie kmrt , eatimate, of wore than airly millmni ; tlie a1t tax ae. ! cruiug upon whu b would be near-eight thouaand 4op " lara, or about oiit'-lhird of tbe a hole lax at preaent c ; leeted on renl eatate. It i a fact worth noting ia tlua i place, that tlie lami tax baa been gradually and iatari. uUj tlumniebing for eery inircetaHve year wnc tat year lf-tl, alien the present rale of taxation waa adopt 1 ed. Fnan the data collected on (hia (Object a labia ktt been compile, which, it 1 believed, embrace all tat inforination worth tlie attenlxai of the Lpg'alature. k j aho the valual! in each county ia Ihlft tnd ' : in.st,ui ine .ggregate, and me average per ecre-lat nimik... . .. n . . . . . . .. i I I . .now given iw fof taxatinn ti1reitun"alBia fivrwer "- tiod by cma-e than million uf lcrei rnd "eatiuiatmr the whole anrfarwof the State at 5"2,(XX0U) rea, on I about threftrarofrtBTelaxed.'" An attentive ekamination, in detail, of the Au-t rrtyi M Tlfc. '? cunntw wrtlj tbs tablfi 'Bbnve Blinded xt" . viuihi-. wmwmf PIT nuuimT 01 rue II P"" M.th jeountg-phtv wMdaw a 1 " rt - ! iv.r" ' "a - , corrected aoccdmg to (he kn. eata te W - .TB 2! OTlpTO "'"were oliveTved: In the 11 rat place it wu imp tl Boid exaegerataat in deUik in order to preveat wnctuKiomi It w.a expected to deduce, llenre tot wngui 1w h WnTken a the baakofXl 1 Uon tthoot "Hiking any allowance for the incream of j population fniin tliat time until tlie tax lit waa tokei i 111 . . .. . mm , I - "--vmiiiwiin nuiuiixn; ui uru wmw malM fWn 1 I. V .J.I . lfl aw if.. L. A1 I. t -oo. i ne cniuaexuioiu inn niimrterM Tree won J u w J axi XU , 11 111 aju ID W a IIIM W , to 50. and ao on. The nbier.t w.. tn aprerta.a tba L-etmuSer rteiw.iiMedtu from 21 U4. - Tmavraa done by adding together niaei tenth of those between 20 and 30, the whole of Iba . v. . n Mr TO. mtwt. UIV1III Ol OH oetweea 30 and 40, and one-half of tlaiee between proximation to the truth aa it ia oraclieable M ". (.. inn and may be . Ued.,eflrfry tonsniall tban toohtfa. tTbB hwe ..pma aerrid ait.i.,aaulaiaif ib number ot tree colored polls, and Uie number of alar taxable, taking Uie slave male and female between W age of 12 and 50. The reeult Bar each county, hv ther with the nett tax thereon, i placed in the table re ferred to, which exhibit, in tbe whole State, ao iutrea on tha noli tax of about 30 per eenL K la ptillhlhei- W ijieA.i-Mia.Miu..M''-'Mi)p t-"iiiji a Ion, at the lowest eetimate, of about 16,000 dollar a sum which, wim the present revenue,, would be.iboifc , flantly adequate to defray the onluuiry expense or u Government, heretofore eetimatcd t about M.OCOe"' lar. It is also nlain that the deficit arise from lb ne?leet m liatiiur the oolla and land, and aiainB-lbp- wtter ; and. Anally, that a remedy tor the evit can omj L- 0 : L .. J - law PI ' lIl'w'MrfMlii.. - m -: la... Im. A tlA twWPptV ant- a v "u.l niv uiisua ivvwia a w-pw a. - - -- -j i i: r r tT Ilci1i Hie Vifiptali.m thrown in the way of the eiurenw U1MPV. - 1! deration which it doea not helonirto thia DepartraeBt M ( .. xpt iirwa. . ... ......... - it puhlic lTvenne or State Ux. Let eximine recollected that the county taxes are levied BPJ,f same list and assessment aa is the State tax; no w of course Uie evil extend alike to them. Fw ? Uientic atatementa procured from fifty-fiveeornitwW is certained Uiat the average land tax paid thwu out Uie State, for rowaty pwrpoar, amounts to twe six tenta on Uie hundred dollar valuer end B'B verage poll-tax paid in like manner, for the aime P pose, amount to sixty cent on Uie pull. THrteJ' of Uxation, applied respectively to the 'mount of n deficit in the uwewment of real estate, and the nomtiei of poll listed in 133, will exhibit aloe of revem" ik. nr ,i mi. ..... r .... "iiwutap.fuiaoiiair i-' IWI lUC, VI Hfim ttr.xi Hfinj-liUtT ,nuu. - L . r -.L:- . :.... .l J JJI.n ! whlCP) with the low to the public revenue, swell the unom ta Upwards nf tfrenty-fvr ihfmmnit dollar Jj7 awaey awe than fmial lo I A irArdV of the J: eai at preaent collected by the heriffs and p " Uiisoffice. Tbia i a startling result ; but that l wfcreeVth; fccU. upOoa,lucb it-iepena-?.

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