I THE WESTERN GABOON LOT rllHLISIIED WEEKLY: JOHN BEARD, Jr, Editor and Proprietor. ?ZT r- Xumbcrfrcm iU lcghnitig,7Wi No. 29 OF THE XVth VOLUME. , - V C ; . : , , .... Salisbury, Rowan County.N,G " .' Saturday, December 20, 18aL . ; n 4 u ' . d M. rv r. lis,- '-A ba th. tV 4 I. " mii o tii h,4 1ft jud 4 ft a id ft -a- (ua i r uxt . I' tra fU SG lllj httir iriftrr lya U awitk ilrfr m lijm,a , on at ifitjfa., n,ac 'intflT (tjiintJrL. caaiiC "ratof i.t Vote itti flbeaiS IK Fit frtild fc :iii Hold. nole orwiti lors, or The Wf eteru Carolinian. ISal'ED WEEKLY:wuus:JOUN BEARD, JS. tbbms or rvBUCATio. t Tb Wter Caroluuea puMishod every 84 tvaa.i, at Two Dullars per annum if pud io advance, ar T Dollar and t'tft r C-U if But pud before tim xjirUr of three inotiUi, No pp will be discontinued ont3 all arroarag os an p4 nls at lb diacnrtiou of the Editor. j, BUrripuM will not b received C a leas tune thai M year ; and a Aului to notify the Kdiuw of a WMa hi dwcuatisua, at tha end of a year, will b cuui kra at a iMr anfifwiujut. 4 Asy person ho 'H procure six subscribers to the Cfulir ', and Uko th trouble U eolluet and tnnsniit lkr tulw:rii(MwiMjnfr to th Kditor, shall baa a pa per j rati during their continuance, & T P inirbtri tn Ik EJUnr, sny trtntmit tt km tkrrmtk th Mail, at hi rik frurioV' tkey git afe dkaowtm'rMmi of, rciprrlmhu frrtum to prow list racA repsd'anes mm rrgidarly mdt, TXBVS Or ADVEBTialWO. t Mvertimnta will be eoopicuoutlr and otTV 1. 4l at Ml utnla nar aunara (jr llw Lrat maurttud. aal 83 eenta lur each cunUnoanc i but, whura an ad artwnaont ia orJerod to f) in oul twica, 60 eta. will at caarfod tor eacli tnaorttoa. 1 ptTn wbo Jeatra to etijge by thn uar, will U coooimodated Ijf a reaaonaUa dtxiucUuo fruu tlje abore laaiin fce hauicnt enatora. " to coKroiDXRT. 1. To rnaora prompt attratimi to addread Io tba Editor, Um) puatae ahould in all caata be mL - Book, PamphletA, nandMiU, Circular, Cards, &c NaaUa Prmiad at th Oflie, - Omdxiti fnm eaar loaf. Ovr Ibroign relatione continue, with but few ex eapuooa, to Daintaia tho farorable aaptTl which lhay bora io ny laat annual mewange, and prvmiae to extend thoaa ad rant gee which the principlea Ibat regubtto our toteroourao with other natione are ao well caleulutod to eecure. Tho ouaatioa of the northoaatern bound try ia atiU pending with Groat Britain, and the proposi tion m&do ia accordance with tho resolution of the 8anato for tho oatabliahmoot of a bo according to tba Uwaty f 1783, haa sot boon aficvptnil by that Government. . Bolioriog thai erery diapoat tioa m fclt 00 both aidea to adjuat thia perplering auuitnA tA rha aalLJaflioa of all the partiea into- fMted ia it. tho hop io yot indulged that it may . a a a . 'a! pi etSxted oa the baata of um propoaiuon. V .1 h lk n,.rrnmntl nt Auatria. Ruaaia.Pl 'rnw Holland, Xflm and IWiinmrk. tba baat wa- aeraUnding oiwta. Uoronierco, With ail.it loeter. ad and protected by reciprocal good will, under Um aaocuoa of Irooru conronutaiui or icgu j)rui -U-tho-rmdat of-her wtarwal diffiealtiaa, the Queen of Bpaia Jiaa raUpod TStu JOl 'tba pay ment of tho cUiiiw, of our citita arising HOC 1S1 V. It W M WO -OOwraww w Vmmh ad cmrof ttianowlaid before -yon: fcr auch kgtalatioo aa may be found neceasary to ceabto tboae tntereawKi 10 aunro iu wmmi w . YmLlm. la th lore ef ireumatanrea, and to tb wiae counsels of time and experience, (hat . a a a a.. ! at. Power haa Bually roaolvoa no HHgor w occupy u umtatura,! position in which ahoatood to tho. new fi,.rnnvmta awtahliahod in thia hemiapherO. 1 bar the great aatwfactioo ofjUting to you Utal r ik am Jok the restoration of nar mooy between thoae who haro aprung from tho bum ancestor, who aro allied J common into reata, profca the aa roe religioo, aod aieak tb ih- United State bar been ao tiroly inatrumeutal. J Our effortt to eflbct thia good or wtli "bo poraoaorea aa m wy ad useful, to. tho paxtie,aDd out entire diamtoreat. tWo li;nua in hj fell and understood. The V'llJUBEU llaw' wm M fncrw"i to . coonterwan Jthe diacnmina tins Hiltlra. loviiiff to lU '.' li mm tit w naviira tion in Cuba nud P0H0 Rico, has been transmitted to the Minister of tbo United Btatea at Jiaorio,w be communicated to tho (avveroment of the Queen. No intelligence of iU receipt haa aa yet reached M Department of State; If the preaent condi- two of the country permit trie uoernmeni 10 make a careful and enlarged examination of the tree intcTCsta 01 ineso Tmpnam pumuiw w dmntniona. no doubt ia entertained; Ibat Xheit. &i tura intercourae wati th Uuiled State ft ill be rinroA nun a'mnr Kiat and liberal basia. Th FU.U !.. basanot vet -been Act M ami ri.lirMi. Kecent orders nare oeen otin .... . I I A to the Agent of the United 8tate at Havana, to fetUM wttn aU . tuaL.ne.can ..ounun, u uuu. uf nau K in WaJilmrtnft Iielor the OeatjoA of the Bnpreine CouH, to be ued in legal qwytiona there 1 liiteriwl tranquillity ia happily restored to Por tugal. The distracted -elate of tho country rcn- ttred unavoidable the poatpooemeni 01 a unai pay ma nf our citizens. Our. fli pTicf re bo aooo reaumed, and the long subsisting friendship with tnal rower anoras tne stronceal cuaraotee tnat me otuauca uuo u reiri-fl hrnmnt attniltinrju . jr . r 1 .1 o : - u Mini iiimwiiuvm www lit. iha VlnunT the Two Sicuies. I Via ;, inslulmAnl 1I11A lllUIAr IIM tODTCUllUII ba been duly received, and an offer baa been made to extinguish th whole by a rompt payment- an offer which I did not conaider tftyaelf aathori ed to accept, aa the indemnification provided ia the exclusive property of indi vidual citizens of the united states. Tbe ongioai aojuauucui w rlnim. .rul Ik. Hinnlavnit to fulfil at OnCO Hie stipulation made for the payment of tbem, ore highly honorable to tti uoveromciii i iut. Two ftirilipa. Whon it ia recollected that they J ere the result of the injustice of an intrusive irowar, temporarily dominant in us .erniury, aa beea tMnthar unnalural m maMrJ ik eircumatancea cannot iail Io exalt ita character for iualwa and fxj failh ia tba eyea of all Mttona. ivij vi AiniiT wki miwigiw aaaaraaai tU United Bute and Belgium, brought to your nutica in my laat Annual Meeaaga, aa aaartmwd by tho Senate, but the ratification of which had but been eichangod, owing to a delay la ha re crption at Rruafula, and a euLaequeut abaeora of niaatawat a?aaiM k Tm " "w ""ivi f m wivin Auaii, ww ajaava.Hi after mature doliberalioo, finally diaaood by that (Jof mmcut, aa incotwiiatent with tba powere and inirtructiooa f,ru to their Minuter who aego ciated it. Thia diaavowal waa eotirelr unextxiet- ed, aa lite liberal pruicij.lca enbotLed ia tho Coav veutioo, and wbicb form tho gruuad work of the objectiona Io it, were perfcxtly aaUactory Io the Belgian Kopreaentatirc, and were auppoeed to be ocit only within tho power graotod, IhiI ipraawJy cnnfortnable Io lle inatructiia fire bus. Aa ofltir, nut yet accepted, hu bneo nado by Belgium Io renew ngiciaiiona t"f a Treaty leaa kberal in ita proviaiuia, on qucatioua of general minliraa law. Our newlv eatahtiabed relaiiana with th &1W I11110 rorte promise to be useful to our eosnnwrre. and aatudactory 10 every respect to thu) Govwra menl. Our ititerrourae with th Barber Potreta couIiducs without iiuportant change, except that mo present political auie 01 Aigiera aaa laauceg me to terminate the resideoc tber of a aalained Consul, and to substitute ao ordinary Cnosulai, to remain ao Inns' aa the also continue in th bob D r rsaion 01 r rsuce. vur pm irnaiy wiia 00a w ItieaA I 1 1 M 1 till, rmmtmr nf M nrrirrn arna formed in 1780, and waa limited to fifty yeara WH. . . . ' II I . ' I t I II . I . 1 nai periou nas aimnsi cxpirea. 1 enau iaa mom imipm tn -Mftftaf il ilk t Km rlnat aahVarfann. aa its stipulations are just and liberal, and hav be, with mutunJ natality and reciprocal advantage, cruulily fulfilled. Intoatio diasention have too frequently occur red to marth prosperity, interrupt the commerce, anil iltafraef th finmminMita nT fnfa rX I Ka sat. tiona of thia hemisphere, which hav aeparated .1 I r a Itfl . e j inemsciT w irom opaui. " neo a urn aau penam- unl MiJaralaiwIini vifk tKa n. Mtfif MBBatrV atiafl have produced a rormal axbamlodgmeot of their I a S .ft a B a aaw - a uMepeooeoce, an iue aooa 01 aangcr iroca uuu quarter caa be no longer entertained, tb fiiends nf frMwinm aivrL that thoaa enuntrie. ao favored hv nature, will be distinguished for their lot ofl nawtiee, and their devorjoa to too peace tut ana, . - - --o . . . , 1 to aasiduoua cultivation ot wdicb coxuera anonr upoo nations and sivea valu to huaaaa lira. Ia the mean time I confuJently hope that tb appteheav iiona entertained, that boom of tb people of those In rn riant reoinns ma ha temoteiL is a BBOtXtegt of on worthy diatruat of low owo ecfoetry tor in Miinvmrail r libartv. ta AOMkmit the too eeeamo) ii --vp error of purchasing preaeal repose by teatowwig on some laronu leaders in nuai gin n uTcepoar siKle power wilt awto reafiaed. WkhoWbeag UorertuncDta, and with that car itrasii, avs woei mvImI r.hanirea in our relation have occurred do- imt the nresent TearIj.FrOflUOia.a4pa5p-W . t .. complaint have ansen upon tbe part of the cttt- irramtlaf aettoa of the-eooatituted anbordinato a- .- tnoritie 01 tne maniimo regions, aou mohuik m fmrr. the 1 nailers or Dajliaana 01 moao ia axaos against tho oaUbliahed Governmeota. In aB ca sea, repreaentalioha have been or wiQ be made ; and. aa soon aa their Dolitical affair are t set- tlod position, it is expected Uiat.our inenaiy re- rmin si ranees will Do loi lowed trr aaeoaare reoreaa. The Government of Mexico made known, u Le- cemrjerTiT"tho "appOTntnent of Commisoaers and Surveyor, on its TMrt. to run. in fxmjooctioa with our, tji boundary lino Wweooj ka territo- no and tb United State, and axewseo we oeiay, In lh reasnna anlici Dated he Pfevalenc of Cl- wil - Thn fVimmiaairwiflra and SunOTOra BOt V 14 aa - .having -met within th time stipulated by tho leea- ty, a oewarrangemea. oecaiiiu waawmitj, lharge d'-Allairs waa insiruciea, in January hsx. to negotiate, in Mexico, an article a&aiitooai w the pre existing ; treatyT Thlslnitnicuon waa ac- UuMt, and no OiuiCUIty waa apprencooeu thn arnmnlihrnent of the obiecU Til ilrfc a tinn in'af MMiiui. thai additional article to the treaty will be obtained, and transmitted to this country, as aooo as it can receive" the raiiIr3oa Ai" ..a aVf aawtaoftn I in rr-aal thn then Stare of New Gra- uu iw-mii"" w ----- - i Vfjneufa:' and EtfUador. formiha: the R- public of. VoIombMr oeema every . giy.te swBoe more improoauie. 1 w yviMiiw" t A' Ei-ot m iinnnratnnd tn he now neirotiatincT'a just diviaioft of 4hMigttooBrtreed by them ml... iiniMxi nrwier on& tioremincm. a m um T II - war jn Equadpr, it ia beBeved-luu prevented tits tbo appointment of a. immisatonef one fwm rlv dsv. to submit, in the pro- per form, the appointment 01 a aipiumfluc agaaw. Venezuela. The importance of tho commerce 01 that country to the United States, ana inavivge claim of our citizens upon tho Government, ari sing before and since tne aiviauu 01 vminuum, rendering it, in. iL.Ii thia atnru. . - - - -'- 1 - Our ropreaentatiTes lo Central America, Peru, . r. ... . .1.. .:. in t; and tlrazti, are euner a, or on uw - MMiuiliva twMta. . From, the Argentine Repnblie, from which a Minister was expected to this Government, nothing r..ik. k.a hnm hpard. - Oecaaion baa been taken, IUI iii"i " on tho deporture of a new Consul to Bueooa Ayrea,- to remind that Uovemmeni tnat ws tong ju. at iniati.1 whose aonMntment had been made knnwn to us. had not. amved. (The por of the Menapt next tirl'rw. At auMRa or rr7rm. um a tn- - .M.-.W imtntr Lut ttaotr. Ed. Tho progresa ot our goia owng" .i ir.. thn mint, snd oroouaeB ro a short w im wuiwip v ,,.w . . , period to furnish the country witfc a aonwT and nor. . . . L- I III uu.k AltnintJh thn in. table currency, wmcu wm convenience to travenera of the want of a t-eneral Cpar nmaey, ahould tho Suit Dank bo lotap 1 of turasahsng iU Thoa kaaUiitiono hav al ready show tlw ajaulvaa eoaapeteat I pure has and pwaah aVaaamad tsxha&gf Lt th couraueoo of UaW, at reaauoaU rates and A a douU i eoter taiond that, is a abort period, aU th want of th country aa Bank aocoaaaodi.Uuoa and oixbange. wiU b supplied a prusopdv and cheaply as they hav hfeiaur bee by tho Bank of tho United Suae. If th eneral bate ahall b iivlueed gra dually to njjrm their batdtiag syslemaiaud prohibit tb aasu of all BDaafl ajoaaa, w shalL, n a few yeara, hav a cauroncy a aound, nod a littlo liablo to nWtiwipowa, aa any other eoeaoaercial eountry. TV retnrl ef its Bet rotary of War, together with th accoaapajrysag ducankBBta &osa th ecveral bumuixct' thai Dpjpsjlaisat, will exhibit th) aitua- tiu of th taxiowe object tofamittnd Id ita adini- BiatraiMMk. Na araot haa occurred einc your laat aiun reoJcnng aseassary nay aauvoaatasla of th army, with th exception) of th tipediwai of tb regv t c4 dragoon ante tho atrntory of thn wander aag aad Bawdaaory truja aonaUMUng ine western tVuauer aaid kving afjacetal Io th Mexican bounda ry. TVs tribe hav bee foetutuf known lo a raraaanaly bv their attacks apo our own citixcos and Bprpa other Lallana aoUlUd to th arotoctioo ofl th Ln.id Bute. It became necessary, fcr thai of th U-jaaista, ta ehecfc these habttoat ra- raads. and I asm haocrv lo ialuraa vou that tb ob ject ka bea eOoctod without the commisaion ofl any act of hoatiLrfy. Cut. tajdgo, awl tho troops satder baa cnmmawt, hav acted with equal firmness biiisoaitr. and an arraarement aaa been nsvie with tbna Isdiaaa, which a at hoped wiH nasur their peraaaaeot pariAc rebOtur-a with tho Umled State and th other tribe f Jndiaa upon that border. It as to b regietied that the prevalence of atckaesa ia that quarter ha deprivad tbo coun try of n Bomber of valuable live, and particularly that General Lavenwurth, aa officer weQ knowa and steejtd Car hie gaJlant aervice ia the lata war. aad for hts sobpa-qGcot good ouftiluct, has Ctllca a victim to hi seal and axertioas in th discharge of his duty. Tb army m in a huh stale or discipline, ita Moral coaditsua. a far aa that ia knowa bora, ia good, and thai various branch of th puhlie Bor neo aro carefully attended to. II M amply aum- cteot, nodsc il preaant orgajuaatauo, for prodding th nncf arr tagjsuo fo that son hoard and for th ddeoco of th ic terns! frontier, and also for meaarviag the etemcnts of military knowledge, and Lr i-rt-ti-a; taaoa with thoa im prove menta which roodcra experience ia continually making. . And thesa objects appear lo me to embrace all tbo legi- tuaal purpose fat mutch a parsaanaot military force should bo maintained ia our country. Tn IrjBjoa of kulorf leach ua iU danger, and tho ten- (Jcorv which exuaa to an increase. This can be beat met aad averted ay a just cautioa on the part I of the public ttacif, andofJtboe whoiiotteentlhemj - . . . . .. : , Cungreaa. From Ike dutiea which derolva oa the' Engineer ftpajPUBnf.' and upon the TutwraibpCAl iuifil- neara, a eaacrea Tgamaa ia mr aeems to pa ownsaoo ed by the public interest, and I recoounend. the . " " I J ' 7 J su'iject to your cooaocration. tto impurtant cfaang suu owing tnta awrm. Ta ken oiace ia tho coodiun of th Indian. Ar- rangement are ia pregreat for the removal of tbe Creeks, and will noon bo for tho removal of th Se minole. I regret that tbe Cocroa.ee cast of the Maanaairjpa hav not y4 -tejmin m exmraau nitr. to remove. - How loo th awraonal eauaea which hAveiarKhiijfewtafd.id lhat nltimat.ay in- vitablo nxasure, wiQ contiaaw to operate, I am eraahle to conjecture. It is certain, however, thai dekv was awanc with it aecnratibUed evils; Which will tender tneu conotuoa more sou snore unptca aatr TTiO experience of every year add to the . .. , ... . i . i conviction that intgration, and thai alone, can pieaui fran-uVatiWctiuathnreroTaiut of th tribe Bjiiut anaoitg aa. . Ta taciuty wua wuku tne nccesaane of hie aro procured, and the treaty ati puktiooa pnrviJing aid fur tbe emirrant JnJiao in tlietr afrtcultural punuita, and ia tb important concern of education, and their reeuval Irom i&oee m which have hereto! eVpreased all aod" de stroyed many of tho flibwa, caaoot fail ta stimulate Ibeir exertmns and la i rewanj theutinnugtry, " The two law pawed at tho hut session of Con . - . ... gress, on the subject of Indian afiairs, have been carried into e&ct, and detailed ioMrurtions for their admintstratioa have been jrtreaw It will be seea. bw the eatimade for the preaent arwkm;' that a groat ledisoioa wU tai f4ae in the eTpeodi turea of the dVpitnient m eonppjpei,oLJ 1ws.AJm1 Tlre"Isnreai that their ooeration wiQ be salutary, and that tbe colonization J- th Indiana the western frontier,-together with a judkiuua ayatetn of admuuwraUon,-wiff atiU further reduce the expenses of this branch of the wJir " am May aad-iaaVaJO ttaWBr pf OCnOtC. llS watfuhxes and ethcieocy. Ciitmatancea have been recently oWroped, oKnwinjr the exMteore of eitenaive fxauds under the rartms few granting pension and gratuities for PnynhiriraMry prtlfM. It m impOjanMO to OBO. nnmrtheanaiont whkh may havo been thus frati. dufcody obtained from the national treasury. am aatLsfed. however, it ka been rach aa to justi fy a le-examination of tho system, and tho adop. tin of the neoHanur checks m its administration. AIT will agree that the aervice and sufieringa of the remmnl or oar Revolutionary nana srtouui oc nmr rnowoated. Bid while this is done, every proper precaution ahould be taken to prevent tho adioisioa of fabricated and fraudulent cbiima. Io the nresent anode of prnceedinff, the attestations and cfTtificaie of Judicial officers of tho varioua .State. fm a ectanderaUe portion of the chocks which are interposed against tbe commission ofl frauds. These, however, nave neen, una nry oe, cwp-atmt and in -ti n wav as to eludo detection at the etatm'ng office. And, WeperdentJy of ntwrfical dtmcnltr. it airertained that these do enmrats are often loosely granted ; sometimes, even blank corOucalos havo been issued I aomctime pre pared papers havo been signed without inquiry and, id out instanoe at lt, tb seal of tb court ka been within reach of a person moat interested in it improper application. It ia obvious that, un der such eircumatancea, no severity of administra tion caa chock lb abuse of tho law and informa tion baa, from time to time, boon communicated lo tb reopaoo CXUcc, questioning of donying tb right of persons placed Uoo th ponaion lun, to the buuntv of th countrr. .. Much cautions are always athmded to, and oxajiuned. But a far mora gene ral Mvaatigatiua ia called for. And I therefor re commend, in eonformiiy with th suRgoation of lb Secretary of War, (hat an actual Upjhjcuoq should be snado, in each otatef into the eircumatancea enu claim of svery perw now drawing a ponaion. The bonest veteran has notlung to fbar frotn such a scrutiny, while tho fraudulent claimant will be dot oc ted, and tbo pubUo treasury relieved to aa amount, I hav reason to believe, far greater than haa heretofore been auapectod. Tbo detail of such a plan could bo so regulated aa to intorpo tb necessary checks, without any burtheuaotne opera tion upon the peoaiofiere. The object ahould bs two-fbid I 1. To look into tho omnnal justice of the claim,. ao far aa this can be don under a proper system of reirulaiiuoa, by an examination of tho claimant thtBsolve, and by inquiring, ta-'J vicinity of their reatuence, into ttieir nuttory, ami uiio ine opinion eutertaiuod of Ibeir revolutionary sorvicea. 8. To aaoartain, m all cases, whether tb origi nal claimant ia living, and this by actual persooul uuuwctiiin. , meaaure will, if adopted, bo productive, 1 1 think, of tbe doairod results, and 1 therefore re commend it to your consideration, with tbd further suggestion that all pay incuts ahould bo eunpeoJod till the uecoasary report aro received. It will be Buen, by a tabular atatoment annexed lo the document tranamittod to Coturresa, that tbe appropriations for object connected with tho War j lA-partinenl, tnado at tne last Brwatoo, lor in air vica of the year lb34, excluding tbe pcrmanenl' appropriation for tbo payment of military gratuities under the Act ol Juno 7, ies, tne appropnauun m i two hundred laouaaiMl dollar for arming and eqtiip duut tho militia, and the ammrwriatio of ten thou sand dollars for the cinlizatioa of tho Indians, which are not annually renewed, amounted to tho sura of nine millions throe thousand two hundred and aixtv-one dollars, and that tbe estimate of ap propriations necessary for th name branches of service for tbo year l amount to um surn ot nve muiona seven nunureu squ sovoniji(ut uw sand nine hundred and sixty-four AtlUm, making a diOerenoe in th appropriations of th current year oyer tba eatimaloa of appromtions for tbe next, of three millions two hundred, and tweuty -lour tbou. sand two hunlred and ninety ovua dollara. - -; The princinoJ causes which hav operated at thWtiffp to produce tbi gaatdtuti rswea, ar shewn in the report and documeota, ana in me ootauon estimaio. , .pome of those cause are accidental and lempcrory-f while ether ar-pcrrrmnmit awl. aided by a just CoursQ of administration, way" con tinue to oporato Awcoctauy upon too puuiic expun &uire. 'rmm,r. A jnat' ec the public service roquiroa, and withholding where it doe not, is among th wdwponsaWe dutw ol the u o. vernrnent. " " I refer vou to the aceomoenviriff rcnort of tbe Socretaty of the Nary, and to the docuroents with it, for a full view of'th operations of That : impor tant branch of our eenivo duringtlie preaent yea f7 It will bo seen that the wisdom and liberality with which Congress hare provided for tbe gradual in crease of our navy material, havo been aeconded by a corrospoading teal and Bdeuty oa the part ol thoa to whom has boon confidod tho elocution of the law on the subject, and that but a short peri od would to now'reauired to liurin couuiumiuu a fuBce large enough for any exigency into whiclffCould the country may bo thrown. , a ..... t ....When wo reikjct upon our position in relation to other nations, it must be apparent that, in the event of conflict with them, wo must look.chiufly to our navy for tbo protection of our national rights. The wide sea which eeparate us from other govern- oients, must ot nasosaily ha th theatre ea watol) an enemy wm aim to aaxaii pa : ana, umess we are boared to meot him on this element, we cannot aaid . to possess the power roaoieite- to repel or prevent agjpiotiav,yyf nr wtih too much attention this arm of our defence, or cherish with too much car fhfi tficahs ty which itcaapoasssahenecaearye sion. To this end, our policy has Men neretolore .-. . .T a af m wisely directed to the constant employment of a force 'Mfficnfto rapid accumulation of the materials which are no cessary to repair our VccU,and construct with 1 of war. . ;-""-"; In accordance with this policy, I recommend to your consideration the erection of tho additional Dry Dock doscribed by the Secretary of th Na vy, and also the construction of the i3tim :Batte- riea m wnica nu.a. rviwrwir n puqiuw i i testing their effwaoy a auiliries to t!io system ofi if.i i - 1 .e. .J' .i ' el aeicnco now in use. The Report of tho Poetmoitor General, herewith submitted, exhibits the condition and proepect of j that Uepartment. r rom that document it appears that there waa a deficit in the funds of Iho Depart ment, at Ihe cominencement of the present year, beyond its available means, of three hundred and fifteen thousand live hundred and ntnoty-nine dol lars and. ninety-eight cents, which on the first of July . last bad been reduced to two hundred and mxlv-eiaht thousand ninety -two dollar and seven- fl hi r cents. It appears, also, that tbe revenues r tho cntnincr year will exceed the expenditures bout two hiinored and seventy thousand dollars, wb'n h, with the excesiof revenue which will re- suit from I lie operafion of the current half year, may bo expected, independently of any increase tn tit gross amount of postage, to upt3y theontir" dekit beforo the end of lt35. But a this calcu la tion is. baaed on tho groM amount of postage which had occured within the period embraced by . the time of atrikinf the baknee, it ia obvious that without a progressive liter in the amount of postage, the existing Ktrenchment must be persevered ia through the year 1830, that tho Do parUnent may accumulate a surplus fuod suUicloet to place it in a ooodiuoo of perfect It will bo observed that the revenue of the . Poet Office IX'partmeot, thouirh they have increa acd, and their amount is above that of any former year, have yet fUleo sliort of tho estimate mora thaa a hundred thousand oWlarst Thia ia attribu ted, in a great degree, to the ibex of fred -letters, growing out of the extension and abuse of . the franking privilege, There hu been a gradu. Increase ia the number of executive otlrces to . wbicb it has been granted! and by ao Act passed ia March, 1833, it waa exteoded to member of Con , greas throughout the whole year. It ia belitrod ' that a reriston of tbo laws relative to the franking privilege, with some enactment to enforce more rigidly tho restrictions under which it U granted, would operate beooficially to tbe country, by ena. bluiJ UiftlJcpajInpaiit at aa eariieT period W to- " store tbo mail facilities that have boon withdrawn. . and to extend tbem more widely as the jyywipg '. settlements of tbe country nmy require." . To a measure so important to the Uovammenl, and ao just to our oonsiitucnta, wbo ask ho exclu sive privilege for tbemsclvoa, and are not wiling to concede tliera to other, I earnestly reoommend , .! ! ... ... m r ' tne serious aitciiiion ot uongr Tb imiKirtano of lit 1'oat Office IVrwrtmrnt, and the magnitude to which it has grown, loth in its revenues and in ita operatinrta, soura to demand ita re-organization by law. Tito whole of it re ceipta and diabunpeiucnti have hitherto been left entirely to Executive control, and individual dis cretion. 1 ho nriuciplo is a eouud tn relation to litis aa to any other IVparUnent of the Gorenuuest, that aa littlo discretion should bo confided to tlie Executive officer who controls it, aa is compatible with its efficiency. It is therefore earnestly o commended that it be oriranizod with aa Auditor and Treasurer of its own, appointed by tho Preset dent and Bonale, wbo shall be wanchce of t! Treasury Department " "r " V Tour attention ia sgaln rerwctftilly ivifrja theAToct which exwU in tne Judicial Bystctn of the United rJtatea, JSothing can .bq roore .dura, ble than the uniform operation of the Federal Jui . iliclary throughout tlie several Statea, all of which. standing on tne eame (otiru aetncmUr of the Union, liar equal rights to the advantage and benefits resulting from its law.' This ol)jvt is Mtattalat)d'by theuucTaT'Acts'oiiwnn forced becousa .they Joav ooVfvurth of the. &Uttca wilh.ni:. .. out Circuit Court.' '"" " 'x :- -Izz'Lz all lh Slata4fiewtrrfeeting it is uikmhiihtoit inv uuiv w vuicrca io uiar either by the creation of an additional number of' ' . aasociate judges, or by an enlargemcnt'of jhejcif - euita asMgned to those already apojiilcd, bo as to irkTude Ihd'licw Etatoi be' Ihrr? difliculty ia a. proper nrganixation of tip judicial '-systi-rnj so nf to secure it sfucieocy and unifbrniity " ;" ' In all parts of the Union, and at the same tim to avoid such an increase ot judge aa would encumber the auprcme appellate tribunal, U ahould not b al-' " ' loed lb weigh against tba great injustice which , the present. orraiiaa. of the ytta piucca. ;:JJL-.1 I trust that I may be also pardoned lor renewinrf - toe recornmcnoation t nave so oiicn ui)niiiiod to yoUFaireriiion, In regard to the mode of electing 1. tne i rem uent ana vice rreeiueui ot toe niiea State. " All the rtfloction I have been able to bo atow upon the subject, increase my conviction that the best- interests of the CXMlnxry wilt oe pro motod by th adoption of some plan which vili ao " ' cure, in all contingencies, tliat important right of -mXctmoAy to tlie direct control of In People--p -r-r; Could thia be aitauiod, and the terms of those offi cers be limited to a single period of either four or sis years, I think oar liborUo would poescs aaad"' vv"" ditional aalbguard. , ' ' ? ; ; At Your bit session I 'caHod the attention of Corurres to tbe doBtrucllon of the public building ooeupied by the Treasury Derrtincnt.""As th pubua wMArost nquire that another building should . be erected, with as little delay a poetublo, it ia hoped (hat the moans will ba seuwnably provide and ihat. theyil such an enfargemehfand improvcnient in tho plan of the building a will rnp.re.eifrctuully aoconirno. i- date fhe puMie oftoian wntjTlcpo.iujrmifTrom m I have not boen able to satwfy myiolf that tha - bill entitled HAa Act to improve thenavlCTtion of! thn VhajJi,-M B rlilt. . .. J close of your last session, ought to pass, and.1 Jmrol - - .j.. .irvii nuiw WVUI W Um KL Lilt inerwreiuuciain)av- return it to the Senate, the body in which it oritri There can be no rnjeetlon ennnrtet witK ihn adminigtration of public affairs, more important or ' j:ns 1. i .iv , .. r... nmr uiiucuu io uo Buusmctoruy ac wu thaa.. tharwuf wlaib to th rightful authority;-juidI:i: proper action of the Federal Govenunont upon the -, subiocf of Internal Improvements. To inherent embarrassments have been added other rnaultinrr from the course of out ' legislation, WMcrning it. y I hat e B6retoforB communicated fr&clv with Conirrosi upon this suhlect. and in advortinn- to it again, ! cannot refrain from expressing my increa sed conviction of its extreme importance, as well d re-p-xu io iia peanng upon the maintenance t,l the Constitution and the prudent management of the public revenue, as on account of ita diaturhinV effect upon the harmony of the Union. vye are in no danger from violations of the Con-, stitution by which encroachmenta are mado upon the personal rights of tbe citizen. The sentence of condemnation Jong since pronounced by the American People upon acts of that character, will, I.. 'doubt not, continue to prove as aaltttary jn ill effect a it i irrevefbible in iu nature. Dut agaiast V ' .inn. ' ! i-ugiianoB 10 acauowioage auu iu jm - III 0

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