tha dangiy U uiM-Mitiitinal art aim b, irwtiad id intintrtiif the vi'iiffi ,iim e of taVmlid authority, prUP r local advantage, end bring in ir Irum the patruongs of lite Government, wa er, I far, tM so af. Taeuppnae I tin I berauao our Govern ment hM been iiiitntill fur the Irmfil of the Peu. , pie, it mu4 therefore have the power to do who ever may scent to conduce to the puMic g'sl, i aa error, into which even bimt mind r too lo till. In yielding thetmelve to hi fallacy, they overlook lh great consideratMsM iu which the Federal Conatitulinn u (lundcd. They fl.rjfrt that la CoOaoquenc of the cuncmM diversiti" in the interest and condition 1 the diiE.rcot Hiatus, ' it m foreseen, at tha period of Iu a4ptii, that although- particular measure of th Government might b beneficial and proper io one Htale, it uiihl be the revere in am-therthal it tu in Ibi rea on lit Htite would not consent to make grant to Hi Federal Government of Ihe general ml Usual powers of govemrma-it, but of tur.h only a -eTere. apeci fieally endirieraied, and t pndabkj effect of which they could, as lliey thoughCsafi 'y anticipate 1 and tbey fwrgot slao the paramount obh. gal ion upon all to almio try the eMnct then ao wsomnly, and, M It was hoped, so nrmlv establish ed. In adiliiion to tlx) danger to the Cmwtitutmo springing from tlaav sources I have staled, there ha brrn ooe which wee perhaps greater than all. allude to the material which thi subject haj af forded Ar sinister appeals to a-lfiah feelings, ami the opinion bercbifore ao extensively entertained of it adaptation to the punxsm of pcrannul ambition. With auch stimulants, it la not surprising that the da ana pretensions of the rodenu Government in thi behalf shoukl sometimes have born carried to M alarming extent. 'The questions which have a nam ufion tbi subject have rclalod let. To the power of making Internal Improve monla within the limila of a Htnte, wilh the right of territorial jurisdiction., sufficient at leant for thoir prrnervatton and uae, 2d. To the rieht of appropriating mnney in aid of aorh work wlien carrnl on by a State or by a cinMny in virtue 01 rnin auinomy, aurronuonng . iuo ciaiia juruKiictMii nq . 3d. To the pnpriHy of appropriation for im proveinenU of a particular claoaj vix. lot light houactf, beaciMDi, buoy a, puMic oiera, and fur the reimival of aaixl bar, aawyera, and otlHr ti'iniKv rary and partial impediment in our navigable river aitd harltor. The chii.'ii of power fr th General (Jovern ment upon each of theae point certainly prrm-ut mailer 01 me oocpoai imeruai. 1 imi nrai w, iu ever, of much the greatest importance, iiuwmiH h in'addition to the danger of unequal and im provident expenditure of public iiKNK;y, cooiimm in ail, inere 1 euperauoca 10 inai utn connx-ung iiinailictionaof trie reaiicctive ttovernnM-ot. hede ral juriadiction, at leant to tlw extent I have utatinl ha been juMtly regarded by it advocate a nncea. axily appurtenant to the power in question, if lliat cxiat by the Cooatitutioo. That the im4 injuriou eonflicta would unavoMluUy ariae between (Iki re atwetive jtiriadictkina of- the Stale and Federal Go YernmonU, in. the abaence of a conntilutional pro. tiaion marking out their respective boumlaric, caniKit be douwed. Ilie local advantage to be obtained would induce the State to overlook in the 'beginning the danger and djflicuitic to which they might ultimately be expiwnd. The power exerewnd by the Fencral (toverninent would aoon be regarded with jcalotuy by the Bute authorities, and ariginating aa they mut from iinlicatioo or aaaumption, it would be iinpoawWe to alfix to them certain and aaw limit. Opportunitie and temp, .tationa to tha aaaumptioa of power incotnpatlbic with 8tat aovtreignty, would be tncteaaed, .and thots barrier which reaiat the tendency of our yatem towarda conaolIdatKio greatly weakenod. -THootTker and centtof'the General Government might uot alwava have tlie docretion to abatain frxmi-imerineddliftg'-wtth- Btalo-wwofaaj f mni if they did, they would not alwaya tboanaiH. f .ri.-' j nm' 1 Cmn or muring vam ao. r .vuiusiuna, uia cvuRijiimi JrrUation would wring op that . hurmony which hould err exiat between the Gtrtd.Gdrtrhmt-hl and each member of the Confederacy, would be frequently intrrnitet a apirit of contention would be eiigondcrcu aiki uie uongeraoi uiviaioa groai ly multiplied. -Tet -"Y know.-that, totwithitafWnng,',1he grave Objoclkxia, tlu dangeroua doctrine waa at one time apparently proceeding to tta final eatab IwhiiwnTwith Icarlur rapidity. Ine uemre to em bark the Federal Government in work of I11tern.1l Improveniont provailod in the highcat dtgroei du ring the first Kftaion of the nrat ixmgrea that I bnd the hwwr ta moot to my prewiUTitaattoo.: When the bill authorizing a aubucrintion on the part of the United State for atock in the Mayaville aoo. iy?u7S"JO- rnmiw..vpmpBiea, paaaine two Houaea, there had been reported, by tlie Conv nuttee of Internal Improvement, bill containing apropriatiou Lrauch. objccU, exduaive of thoae for the fJuraborlanu rood, and lor Harbor and light houae, to the amount of about one hundred and it milliona of dollar. In thi amount waa inclu ded authority to the Secretary of the Treasury to .Mbaanboior ihe-etocfcoJ UiuorwaVcompamo lo-a great extent, and tho renidue waa priiKupally for the direct construction of roads by thi. Govcm- raenb' inHtiw4eMlhaprjca been presented to the two Houaea under the aanc- im nivrt Miuunmnnitiillnn nf ill Air mxiMVlivn Cam. miton,IntornalJjproyea till pending before therCommhtoeB, and in memo- rial, to vongress, presonica, out noi mcrreo, uu - frrgnt Tfwiecty fbrTrork of a eimilnr crraracter: the expenae of which cannot be estimated with cer tainty, but must hava exceeded one hundred mil- jlii 6r dollar. " Retrarding tha bill authorizing a Aihacription to tne Btuca OI ine -nayvviuo ami ucAiiigiun 1 unijuao Company aa the entering wedge of a aytttcm, . . a m t aa a M . . ... -1 wh5ch;lioweverweak at fir4 miijhtr(a4iooie atmnff enounh to rive the band of the Union asun- - derrad beUeviagJkat if iu wwaage waaauioaced - in by the Exoeutiva and tha People, thai would no longer be any limitation upon the autliortty of L 1 i"1 ...A. .Aral !. Ia ilia iim-n. IIIO VI VliUl HI UVVVIIHIICUI HI HIV V - priation of money for auch olyocU, ! doomed it an imoerarive duty to withhold from it the EnocutlM j approval. Altnougn, irom ine ooviowny local cna- a. 1 a m 1 . 1 racter of that, work, 1 might well have contented myself with a refusal to approve the bill upon that gmmd, jret, aensib.ef the vital importance of the uhjoct, and anxious that my view and opinions in regard to the whole matter should be fully under, stood by Congress, and by my constituents, I felt it my duty to go further. I therefore embraced that early occasion to apprize Congresa, that, in my opinion, the Constitution did not confer upon it the power to authorize tho construction of ordina ry rd nd aanala within tli limit of a relate, aial to aay I'-)" ifijlly, lai tall admitting ata h a jawi r ciaild n'ive my ial ua Uai. 1 did ao in the CiMiinlcnl d'.latiai thut llxl -ly t-iW-turtit of tic puMic niind iiai tha hIl.I.i ulji I wtnji.j im gn.aiJy W ililaii J by 11m? ililL n ia e Uu Iwot'u llm two liiNi-a aixl liiia- II-, and tlitl I In hanixaiiiaia a (Km of the aeve ml (..irlnx.H i llm Fl o ral Goteninmnt in r grd to it wmiI.I b ultimately secured. Ho far at bat a it regarl (Km lnaiH U of the auhiect, my Ixat boa have bfil n-aliwil. .Near ly tair years have eU-d, ami w un of CMigre have intervmrnd, ami no aiii'ini, within myTCroMcction, liAJ lan tnade lo imloce Congrcaa io exerciae tbi power. Tlie aplirationa for tlie coma ruction of ruwil and canaU, which were for- ineriy multiplied upnq your fik, are no kaiger prevented and we have gixid reaanA to infer that ine current 01 pontic aeMiment haa become ao an cidwd againat the prrtentiun, aa el(ctually to di courage U re-aaaertiai. Ho thinking, I derive the gruaicat satraftieliMt from thiifouyicljnn that lhu much at loaat ha been secured Ujion tlu important and embarraaamg auiinxt. rroiq aitcnqit to appropriate the miton! luixl Iu otHocta which are omteaaetlly of a local cliarac lor, we eaimtit, I truat, have any thing further to am-rvtM-od. My view in regard to tlie expedten cy of making aiproiriaiiina lor work which are claimed to be of a natuaial character, ami imaax-u ted under' Wute aullnifily, aaauming that Imve the right to do ao, were ataled in ray annual mcanage lo longrca m JH.'d, ami alao in thut containing my otiji'Ciioo to tm1 Mayrvilio Koa-I Hill 80 thoroughly caivincod am I that no auch ap propriahiaM ought to Ui niuilo by Congrea until a auiUiblc cooatituliotud proiii i nuolu Umji iIkj auhject, and ao emfiitiul do I regard tho point to tho higbeat inti ru of our country, tluit J could not CMiaider inyif aa diwliarguig my duty to my cooatilueiita in giving the Ktrcutive aanctnai to any bill containing auch an airrialii. If thi; I'ooj.lo of the United Hlatca dcain) tluit tho Public Treaaury aha II be reaorlod to fm tlie mean to pro. eculo suet) works, twy will concur in an amend, ment of the Cawtiluinai, preacrila'iig a rule by which the lutt m am I character of the wnrka ia lo be IcatcJ, aod by which the greatest practiraUo i-'iiiul ity of la-iK'fita may las atrurod lo each member of ine lotilieracy. Ilie eIRcta of aoch a regulation would bo imMt aululary in prevcoling unprofitable exp?mhturc, iu aecuring our kgitluiion from the la-miciou conaeout-nre a acramUe tr tlie t- voraul ljiiveruiiM:iitt aud ui repreaaiiig llm nnrit ol diacontciit which inuat incviUiltly ariae from au un equal dutribution of trcs-wre which belong abke to all. There ft another etaa of appropriation for what may be calkxJ, witlnajl impropriety, internal nn provmnenta, which liave alway bix-n regnnled a atamling upon dilS rrnt groumla from tbmto to which I have reiorred. I allude to auch a have for their oJif'ct the improvement of our harlaiia, tlio remo val of rtial and temporary oMntction in our iia vigmble river, for the facility and security of our foreign commerce. 1 ne gnainda uimni which I diatinguihed appropria'.iooa of thi character from other, havo already been at a ted to LongreM. I will now only add tliat at the firat NeaSkai of Con grea under the new Ctaiatitulion, it wa providt'd, by law, that all expense which atwaild accrue frNn and alter the lath dav of Augoat, 17 M), Hi he ne ceaMiry oppirt ami maintenance ami reaiir of all hghl-bou , beaoai, buoy, and miotic tmra, erec ted, idaced, or aunk la-lore the tmmmwe of the Act within any bay, ink-t, liarhor, or port of the United State, for rciidering l)ie naviirBiiua tlierof eaay and aaje, ahoMld U defrayed out of the Treamury of the United Stale ; ami further, that it aluaild be the duly of the Secretary of the Treasury to pro vide by conlrarta, with the approhatHm of the Pre wdeiit, for rebuilduig wheu nnffaw ry and keeping ui t. repair the .Jight-hrwaeii: beaeona, Ukv, and puWie nifTwmrhe wrvrnu wafe, ami 7r fur niahtng thenr witlu wipjilic. Appropriations for aimilar object havehf'ri cootiuued from thut lime to'the preapiil wi(hail interruption or ifiaaite. a MturalcotMequence of thrinerewaH awl extcn.siun of bur foreign commerre, porta of entry and deli very nave boon mullipliod ami oauiliiiatied, i4 only upon our aca-board, but in tho interior of tho couu- trrjrTOW our' lakes and navigable nverS. rile" convenience and aiety of this commerce bare led to the gradual extenmon of theae expenditure ; to the erection of light-houatw, the- jmcigr planting, and "inking of buoy,- beacona, ami piera, and to the removal of partial and temporary obHtructiiaia in our navigable nvera, and in the harbor upon our great lakeit, a wrtrll aa tm tlie aeala-md." Af- though I have expressed to Congress my appre keihttoo that these expenditures nave sometimes been extravagant' and diprepiTtiwmte to the ad; vantages to be derived from them, I have not felt it to be my duty to refuse mv ament lo bill con- taining I hem,, and . have cwteiited. myself to follow in this reNwct in the lootstejai ol all my pmiecea- ora- isenaiblo, however, from experience wiut ob servation, of the Eraat abuse to which the unre stricted ewfctue wlhls authority by Umgretw was exjHjrtod, J have pmcruMtti a luiutiition for tha go. vernment of my own conduct, by which expendi tures Of this character arc confined to place below thjpofta pf tUy or-dUTOry-viitwUi-hed,iylaw 1 am very Benaiblelhnt this restriction is not an "ntisfHctory asCfMild be desired, and thnt much etn- part ment 4n its execution, by amirojirmtions fr re mote and not well understood objects. But. as neither my own reflections,' nor the lightswhich I jhay priie"rly derive from other wmrCej have siip plied me with a better, I shall continue to apply rule upon w hich it is fUindcd. I sincerely regret that I could not give my assent to the bill entitled "An Act to improve the navigation of tlie Wabash river but I could not have done so without rece- ding from the ground which I have upon the fubV .M.ccMJldcmtiontakca upori; this suhject,.,and of which Congressjias been heretofore apprized, and without throwing tho subject again open to amino which-no good citizen, entertaining my opinions, could desire,. ,,... ..,-.,;... - -I rely ttpnn the intelliwHice and candor of my fellow-citizens, in whoae lihenil indulgence I have already so lamely particiited, for a correct appre ciation of my motives in intcrioaing, as I have done, on this, and other occasions, check's to a courae of legislation wluch, without in the slight est degree calling in question the motives of others, I consider as sanctioning improper and unconstitu tional expenditures of public treasure? I am not hostile to internal ironrovementa, and wish to see them extended to every pur of the r. m an a 1 l country. - lut 1 am tuuy persuoaeo, u uiey are t4 cm,m.wl iu pro,-r iwrotr fonf.ond loJCar M f-T- a-rert4 aiurf pf'i-r uly U, sml caalm led uiak-r ao solidity J llre In a.y U lU lirbr. wlrk crt Ue m tj g-orrally ronrbHl lo be rightful, thai a eurj diverted f;o tUdrt to wWh iVyn ' It" fid pr.-aruti.m of them caiuail be rcaaiaialJy ex-, at prra.nt ami a-kM to the Utmry I ens. t- U;l Tli att' ri.t4 will meet with rrwnceM' tid.iM by Uw U tU aitatiawiiJ U mmh tav . 9 . I S . - I . - I a a mt I . .1 afe aaax. whom A uUl vtWai-o rutuu aupiairU and in. j luriuaiuiq aa ui.muiiM uc t-vr-ab-ad of atreugthoiung the laaala iour Caifiikra- i grd to Ik prearn- torlriirar aalftxta faaeaae4 cy, it will wily muliiiily and apifravate the rama ofdtaonion. A.NDKLW J.VtV).N. lM4KHBCa STATE LEGISLATURE. (warns ran a tm UTiemr balxium rrtsa-J MM lndij, IhrcmUr ft, 1931. BENATH On motioQ of Mr. Drituin, the Committee on Ctierokee Lands wu Instructed lo inquire into the expediency of soiling thai portion of lee 4M acm of Public Land which was reaerved for lite future diatuaitiiia of the Legislature by tho Act of 1&1V, ami which remain unsold. " On motion of Mri Lnrkhart, RftvlptJ, That the Committee on the Justiciary be instructed lo inquire into the expediency of amending tlie Law against fiautingao a to in crease Ilie penal tie lor a violation tlH'arsif hv itin erant or profoaand gambler, comimaily collisl hlnrk Uri, ami tha who alCird tiK'iii fiu ilitM in exhibi ting their tables of hazard or other iiMtruinouta of gaming ; ami also against keeper irf Ibsw of l-n- Icrlaimoeiit, ami otliera, who exhibit guuuug tabka or eugago in ginning tlietiiMdvea in tln ir own Inai sra ; and thnt said Committee; be fnrtm-r inatrad ed to inquire into the exp-di-ncy of prohibiting un usual and barbarian, sports, which have a tendutt) tu.corniit the jajUic mind. HOUHfi OK COMMO.V.S. 7i jrrtrntrd.,y Mr. Lilly, for tlie better governinenl of the town of Lawrenccville, in Miait gHiM'ry dsiiily. By Mr. 8fnwHI, to imuirMirate the Fayettevillo Muchanic'a ll-iievoeiit Ma-i'ty. By Mr. Tathom, t iiicororntu tlie TuckuKst ha Simikcy Mouutain Tunipilio Company. Itcud the first lime. JLr. LhuiicL submitted a Resolution instructing the Jmliciary (Hnmittee lo Inqiiiro "iliM the cxpr dienry of so ammding ttifl law U toluthori3!, Pe. tilHHia for divorce to be filed in the Gairta of Fpu ty, and of giving to the Judge of the Hoprriiie ami rkqa-rior Ciairia the power to iaMje writs of wipM-a-talion ujnsi nch petition, and sox h otln'r prorc-w aa the rules of law may warrant in Fqmty proceed mgs, and the fai.ts iiiuy r' lakr iitli ssiiiyr Tito bill In n-atore to cmlil Jimeph Wilson, of Bonrombo county, was read the second lime, and rrjrrtrd. Mr. Outlaw, from tho Committee of Privileges ami F.loctiHM, to whom was ffrrr4 certain atMTa relating lo tin' im-lii;ihilily af Robert Potter, nuuk? a reMirt thereon, alhrmiiig the ri;ht of tlnj aiding iiMiinber to his wal. Tlie Reort wa concurred in. The Mmise again pnceslel to the consideration 1 the Political Resolution submitted by Mr. Pott. Mr. Craige cisicluded hi remarks, ami was f!4low- ed by Mr. Fleming, wlio, though avowing himsulf a Jack! man, opNsrd the pnasage of the KcmoIu tiiMis. He was snocc-oVd by Mr. Guinn, in favor of their addition ; by Mr. Manly, iu opM,ition to thfm; and by .Mr. rotter, in favor. .Mr. Craige now moved an adjournment, which was dec k led in the nejrntive 75 lo 5U. Mr. I lMalerai iIm-ti do livered hia vwwa in oimmsmIksi to the RnatlutuHK, ami a molioo for adjouniment wa carried bykhe canting vote of the Speaker. Satvrdaj, Dtcemkrr 8,1831. FKNATR. Mr. Montirofnery. of Hertford. nresented.the CJ. owing Resolution, which wa read and laid on the UUet Retolrrti, That thi Legislature adjourn on Sa- tiiWayt;"1hhhTmhC nukenp tho estimates. Villi rrenttd.Uv Mr. WiUonra bill reward ing persons fr taking up runaway slaves, the pro perty of ritiw;ns ol" this tule, iK-yiNid tho biHinda rtes of this .State. Read the first time -and ordered to be printed. Tlie following engrossed bills passed their second and thtrd readings, and were ordered to be enrolled: the ifftl to incorporate theGermanloti Academy ; and the bill to prevent obstructing the passage of full up Koaruig luver liHYUKca couoiy. Tho Semite entered upon the order of "the day. HOUSE OF COMMONS Mr. Foushce presented a bill to reduce the sala ries of the- Supreme Conrf Jnrfges; Mr. rCtarte moved that it be rejected. The quefion th?reoii was (kided in ilie mgutive by a vote of 60 as 55, and the biff passed Its first reailitig ; tm motion of Mr. Muiinev, a message was sent to the Senate, informing tluit tho mnis of William R. Lock hart is added to the pouiinutiou for Public, Treasurer. ' TIm llinuai proceeded to tho onktr of the day, mi took up the unfinished business of yester day, being tlie conMiik:rftion of Mr. Potts' resolu tions. I he del site was ro?uiDed, ttini coutined lo a late In sir ; when the Hmise adjourned without ar riving at any docUion on the subject. - - Monday, Deermber 8, 1834. EATE- ' ... . - JCjp resolution; 1 RtttJpfd, That a. Joint Select Committee, con- 8isting trrur nieinbera Trohi caich Tlouscj be risedj Id liiqiiire 'Tiitolfie expency of mincing the sa lariea of tho Suiireine Ciairt Judires, Treasurer. and Comptroller of Public Accounts, and that they report by bill or otherwise. Mr. Wilson moved to amend the resolution, bv inserting after the word ". reducing," the words." or increasing;" which amendment was agreed to, and the rcaolutiuii, as amended, was adopted, , ,,e f; . ( Tlie fidlowing engrossed bills pasaed their srcond and third readings, and were be enrolled : Tlie bill concerning the appointment of commission ers of a public road in Haywood county ; the bill to provide tor lite holding ol a Superior Court in Yam ccy county ; and the bill to incorporate the Iredell Manuluctunng Company. The Speaker laid before the Senate the petition of Isabella A. Potter, of Granville county, praying iq ne uivorceu irorn ner nusoana itoocrt 1 otter; which was referred io the Committee on Proposi tions and Grievances. On motion of Mr. McQueen, the Committee on Education were instructed to inquire into the ex pediency of providing by legislative enactments for the enlargement of the Literary Fund, and to ex amine the diuWeut sources of the public revenue, l.v ilxi iMNa-le taf aVortk CanJ.oa. Mr. Lillle prrawnl a U8 to rTwI ike sewral proreaatwatiiig U wow sa f b lU Suar; wkstk was read the first lime, and paaaraL , The bill prohibiting L4trrsES air il smaad and third reading by a nae tf it aa 3, a4 was ordered lo be Mignaaard. IUM.sK OF COM MO.KS. Mr. Pudlry prraroled a ssraaiaml, migweA by John Wa.Hi II, of WilnaMloa, aa rekisuax to Ike tp-alipciit of hiimalf and allow (saaazsrrs by ike authorities of Naa-aui. ll-fc rrrd- - M r. I Mlrr, fmni the Oasmirtirw csa Fi mirteil a bill to aim-ad liar ckrtrr U tkc Bank lafl Caias Fear: wltM'k Tmmm ta feral rsajJilg On nattHSi of Mr. Clark, tm- Ct mh'w ssi F- liaiM e wrre' uui n"lxl ! OfUirr into itr eiprIi- cy of increaMiig the tax Bow trtaud by taw aa CiT cua rtwniauiH a. Mr. .Manl rrat-md a snrtwnl fmaa s-aadry ritiwoa taf Nrwta-rn. tn Uiw liar V f ' liar Ml, now la,-f..rr tlas, Iu rabJtaj the Mrt rhant' Bank of the town New brrav Kcad, ami hod ist tlx- tabk-. lUli WW. Bv Mr. Fk-ssan:. iUm- thorilinc r (ajirtv Cir1of Barkr aad marry lo aiMHsol cMiiiiuap.M-r far Ut Mt; t4f raU, Kr. By Mr. Talkn, a tall to pmssat ,rwrfia. the mhuk is M up llihwawr, .4iaJy. ami al kj' nvers, in Manaa oaway. By Mr. Wrwr, a lad (r the U IU r n gulalnaa if tbr bkIiIm.. Buat combe county. By Mr. Cimoo, a UQ to rr-aJ part of tlie Art if lu4 m, b-tirr to wra4 tlie a.liiiiinstralHi of pi-4tc m Mcm T- j As which paMI thi-ir nr4 rum; The ll'Siar wit jtria-mksl to thr ifaaialar d bav aim-sa of tSalunlav, brsn thr es-Vrralwi af Ik n-aoJuttuoa aobuwllMl b Mr. Puu. Mr. (kallaw hnvuiK obiaiissl the flm ia the Lnmm m, it to Mr. M Cks-xr. mli-mi.n thai lav m Jul as. lie on the tars& The iksrMbvl in tlie ia-jnilir m 5, nay il Thr (Ii-ii-iismiini waa aam fv-uMmj, wi rurfaaMnl aarfd a lute hi sir, h-n the H'a- tytMrard arriving at anv k tiai limr autaiTX. IVtnua; llw delaitc, m rtm tta fir uujcxtWid for adjiainum-ut were n-ak-. . Turmlay, Vrratkrr 9, 14. NK.N .TH Mr. Lowry pnrtiird the pHrfwai S.ka L. Heller, an Attorney at Law.uf SuaabtarUaaaw pa ing rnuMon to praiuoe law in Una Suic Rr ferred. Mr. Slierard aaked Inve to irtrodorr tk aaessn. rial and prtiliauf ibe rt4igaja airarfy af FnraaW, convened at .New Uanko, ss Umiiurd cuwaiv November last, praying ibe Legi4alure to rrpral all Ibe ArU ol Aaat-uUy pxifciUliaa laa Wrnn mat ruction of slaws, and aUu prJubtia afl oaVaar ed per sis in this Stile fruaa prrkuf, etknrtaac, &c. Leave being olijnrtod to by Mr. Cains, liar qucatHaa tliemaa wm ukra ami derairaj ij ike aflinnative aye 39 awes 23. Mr. Skanra! ikesj moved that the said meoKwial be cat ike table which motion wa arrrrd to aw f. jrs 1 1. Mr. More, f Pitt, frota the Cosssaatwa? Pr. :.: i - """in wn unmnon, w snaosa wa nlnw a petition on the sulijnct, ir-ported a kill to aavwfcr Isabella A. INrfter fmrw kre ha baii Raiarrt Pf4 ter; w hich wa read Ike first, arc L aaal tkwal times, pa sard, and ordrred to be Mr. I toga, front tke CocanuTtee ast tta) Jaalacia- rTi TrVntr? "U uTjjrt IraneaveVairiibBlm ares, &c lo atlarhmrra: aa like jm-tierty, w ilh sundry anwulasn was mmle theca! rf 'the day fcr .Ur. Jtogaa, fruaa two saane rnrmaainre, to wfitrk were rch'rreu rcai4uU4is anstrartiats ikrsa lot sa- 2uire into the exjJicucy at atiakdbAa asaam cafj uvea fnsn settlios rrnfl ma itov iaUnlati.ak I mtoula.m aui: ovenocr ; ol rraaalaag mnp ml ing the Act if l"22,fiar Ibe rHtefct" kaaanal mmUm debtor ; of aimnaling Ilie law irlatiie to tke aaar. riiigc uf.iuiaut fi null n isf aaauakan lli ktaa ia relation to guardian aad ararda; and rf arabng the taws against gawiirig, fepnrH-d tf T to Irskta tion is mvessary uwat tMase subject. The report M. Wilson presented ivwnlutiani reqwriisg tke Secretarr of Sute tocotntale and prrrare Car eajb- licatnai the names and grades isf all the, officer of me LxMituieuUil line of Ihia isatr sa the Bevaksbuav ary war ; and directing tke Public PriMter lo pnb lidi jbe.saiia? a aa appendix to the Mt f thii aiiaaiMif wkiek weeerrad the first time, ttatnki, ami bid on the table. Mr. MiailiMH.tery , of Oran, presnited a m lutikUU4MXVMlu. fo hc ajaaMiuriit taf a (nnt- tee to nutke such rianunalnai iiSo ihe cotahlwa of the Bank of the tfe of North Carutoaa, as at re quired by 'tlie Act of its locuqaa-aliua ; aback was mid and laid on the table. . Mr-? lwrham aessrsaJeal'W' biH te" leglliliusa 7S rah C, Wm. G, M-, and James S. Baxter. of Ru- therford ; which was read three ttntes, passed, and ftBllUml. tUiOfeV nBWfc.a.--;!..l-l-Ja. L. IIUL'SE OP CX)MMOXS. - Mt' Guina peeawotoii a kali ewaisaeg the Ka- '"""r."' litf rllimt put wain llan laaash idl thcnwlvc nt their de)aiUes tor colkctiuo. Read .the .final Una.Uil4Mdeni.ta - p-T-1 -...PfeflTu a cen tral rail mad fnsn the port of to the Tea- missee line, Ke1 the first time rr i-rJ ijJ dered to be printed. Mr, Potter offered a nsxilutiaa, fpmn that a Committee be appointed to take into cMesaJrratine the propriety of resurtiag to tke U eytaen of is suing forty-shilling bills, fnunded oa the ulh of the .'EitlkAJtam JsxJbtttet,tbs .ratat s The resolution waa rejected by a v4eof 85 to S8. Tlie debate on the resolution of Mr. Potta was resumed, and continued to a late kour, wbea the House adjourned w ithout taking any question on Vea tke JUrigK RrgiMrr a" JnaWr SL Stat Jorrc. Owing to the very en rente length of the Predent'a Message, and other mle reating matters which claim preceoaae, we are compelled to omit in tin paper the onuai detaO of Lgisiauve rroceedwga. He annex wticea ofl tne most prominent mctdenta of the week : Gen. Samuel F. Patterson, of Wilkes, baa been elected Public Treasurer, rice Wuluia & Mhoon, Esq., who declined a re-elecuai. We pablidhed two balhitings in our last. On the third, the vole stood: For Patterson, 101 ; WfJliam B. Luckhart, 7. A. - the Tarty- emlravd, J, k. aht,-to ralty th. sa 1L14 ekrtr nmm fkJ tult with our tLiawiis lU ,t tav. rtirrii as a W big Inomj. lllptt. n Bkflaaaa m.i . . rnnr val i rk of the hviaUo, , Unk " re-a; al t ut. C'.aVa, of Uwfe Awxim. aw tieaw Cwwaw . . aaaat Usg aa) ltgnaisMig Ck-,k, hi tlrrt :.f m ; w nnir,, whi. a u , a. a. a ,l. J . . iaa .tra.My, M mcsmIusi S-lnrU.,f a Ma-gw-... b, . JeT wartaf wmral tres i aa a antiaali wf A mU. . 'TV" 1 Jstk-aa, and now tm, partie, ,1 ararty k-lanrrd, a will be aerw by the ahrn la lb S-oaie, if the UnmAuttxni jmm at atBanty will -4 exceed ft. Wt !,, $m V ar aat taw main quest M4 h M IJ t mmmm. There were a auadar of n,., t. tsS-red, and varus rmatifiraiiisM of tke RasadMtHaas ofaaad, but Kitic NaWaamfT exarahte. -drtoil next THear pr-tHHaaast akaU fA j week. But to tha votet W tta fmmmgt mf lU krmlmlimu.Hom, e -eaaade,. AU . li-lt-W, KvUie, Brtr,, .-a. Biaam, Bvnwa, t aa-irr. Carter, tW rji. ta Ika. . Sst . a- H -etV Alr r. lanr kivw, Ik-yti KsraA-lA, J. W. (Hiinn, I. A. t.umn, Ikm llsalMM, lUrraaai, llartlev, ar J II I, a. - HmUrt, llutdo-sv Irirai. IbaVrt Jiatea, Waairy J, "' Aaailaa, Jiaiktaa. kcaaa, lalbasa, le, tvat. UfTj Miller. M-.Ne.ll. M'Rackra, Prrry. W p!J - - -. n -., , nuyw Skau. Juba L Sakutb, Hyi MmmiJi, HlnrturH, TilW f TMk.Tiliaaiat,WadaarUi, Walkrf, WasrV W- I anas-Mi, uiaiajaaat. it HrlKf, lAkt XgmmM Ikr Nil mt (ir CWmnmu , AlWitkia, R. IL AU-junJrr. Baker, Bamarr bTv IVIU B5.trl.Saol, BUUk. Bray, fruum (W tTarke, t'raife. Crump, ks-kery, IMley, fn,.t ru, tirabajn. lUrper, llarrwai, I bialeran, II ry. 'dlaaa llurtiav J-malitaa Ibaat, llowari, -, KUrrlU Ijllt. loiaUy,- Ijjrke, Laijr, LoMtir Mnly. MaiuH7. Mania. .Matthew, Mulle. ITr-,." M'laa. M'PWaia N.arnm, I hhj. Outlaw, P.-iJ ! IWintrr. Ria. Hrawelt, Xmaliasaal, A lnrs !Wh, Hwimlett. TilM. Wat. Wtkk i ! baaw til, s, Vt'iilasM af Rirtommd 57. A M V brew mtnahs st Ullbcikiatl.iL , "sert whsrh is to do away with the Sani j C'sarl, aa al present organized, and rrstore tie af I l.i.fft-Teare teat. X IM kaa lataned the Senate, alaJishing nr at Iaa Stat, ia every shape and Ss-sv I.MH V.N Ml RDKKS-A-NU PROUABLE H'Af TW Skesntbiat Warrinr mved at thai aurt at h tJey. frn Pram da Vhtrm. We are aurry bkaa a- we aw to art 0ml the Indiana la that re; W raia keea tsywtfs'd ia hivttk. art am, at lhat Art - eraaaa lermianUai. A aburt tiaw aa I arty of the :acs and Fue attacked a aarty at Urn id tke Mrmaaiaeea, apiat tirant river, aad killal la r raaa. TW ae.nlenT wrre, SowrirrT, (it sal aa awara at Raek Ulaad.) sVbvered ap, to KeuUcbi Vtaraaseat of Uaitrd States sukuera, aader I n J of CapUia w They wet pat aa bane af a- lfaminat Wuwharo, thea aareading the Maaaaa, (ar the parpaa. of armg Ukea at a proper larsaf hi tat the day previous tu the arrival of tha Warns X Prairar da Ckiea, amsJier aiaiaiacre tuok sWeaiB If af Ihe mum tube of laiLaa. - Oa'as klaiia three atlea above the Prairie, a lodge of Wiasaaf aa ratablaJiea. It Was occupied at tb tune Vj aaea and chiH era only. Tke warrior heing (laea a aaataa; excanwax. RwUewly , the a asd P p J asaaV thew apipearaare ardre the knife, nd aX awaaaaakaal, aaa acalpad. tea af a iaaiialaa. 11 af law Kac wamurs hat h life, aad that by tar taal af a Wiaochaxu auy.abuat aftesa eiawaf art- TW faaa wa anaraw at taw aoor af tne Mtira pi-tewt i ' g" arolher aaal aairr, whea twauf lb wima aswaj tbew appearance; and foedLapua tW Keo-nertiar, naSislly, that a rva re warned a tk aaJjre trailed, he pmeared it, and awwibsj the esw taa Ibe, was aaa retreated S the purne of irU.r thearrwna. As snai as they arfearea k&Vt kavk BaaA aiaa at so of tkent. Bred, aud tmi toilet wt thmeb ihe h-artof ki enemy., lie liawi sactaal the uscriu at Mm lodffa, awsto kia way Jftem max Itaaat gnxt ioluraailaar of the aavaarra, at M CnwtCdL A detachment of tronoa wa msneialrv "eierrd eu( w purMut f the aiaideriira, tot, a at a sow a, Witaoet rercrsa. ..,..;.,, . . ..rnaaillcJXrtrJIia ffamLL A 15K SClTViJi Vesterdsy aflernosl Til ka a area swanmnnr acnaa tha Kaatera amachafsi mer. a.a half a aule above the drawlwidre,raajCV lata puat Iu Ihe opnwte mle. He lamlisl tmmt at aees oa the ahure of Mr. Baimtml ' tkni U as preseatly keart by a Ibat of rs and ne-rrw, ta anle koa take lo Ike waahv while their KskiweJ ck tkaikeekk The race wa terminated very ?avk ever." W antra climtane a tree, ia the aci of o"t waaca a staniy aaU-oiS' ijave him a pntlrrwr pif sa hai (urn ; hut brain did wh renrd it anv tool tbul Ba tMevfcar keenntinaed Is etmih the tt " i at ' Z ' ' I a a a . . ine oiar rter aim. Until the .latter, Ueennnr w be the kVuer part of vlor. to a- lMOTJt taaiWed lo tlie rroand from a height of sine tat tw iwm ur iree in nin, pm Br tkia tinm a km akwJ nf " whits aoirftt S aUtk"" had gathered roamt the tree, and the aaaa aUt was 6ml at more than twenty times, ast n Aat be ine wall mine of them seemed to lake e&a At lasfl rifle mil broutlitr ami alU-'rlwo or Ikr W hentrv Ihe bear, aneiued to aduwa Jedge thxl kr woaaoed, tWeh wot so desperately -as- lo aai ka k-eeirrlr W came verjln sarHy awa by the (teia of the tree, sml a ) reached the ground, et off t brisk trot . ateatora'wefe resnlveJ that eaeane he thouUBT" sat; w"Tfief iWitof aeKevF by gupudaA c&cted by kiowa, from club, Ac. Tbe.jBre.jit aWtLsatiefied aitlLWOod, Jajrv orean-with rivers; death with mankind, nor brigs cvf.t women with koers. Five Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from the Subscriber, oa ths iawtant. a Nerra Man named JACK. Be 23 or 24 years of aire, about the middle h'? 'iSiiytllw crmvplexioir t i " - f looamg man, Ivit when spoken to has a oows---and is a designing fellow. Jack bad eis wheaa seen, a pair of brows bontesnun pantaloons aw 1 round-about coat. The a bote reward promptly paid la any one who will deliver ki"1 satistNiry. risni Uecember 6. 1834. U fr P. S. It baa been ascerUined that Jsc ia the possession of spurious free papers i is more than probable he is endeavoring hia way to some of the Northern Ststes. IECillOEM WAITED. . THE Subscriber wishes lo wsrehass likely A GROES, from 12 to 25 years of a. IL ruiw" Sutcsville, Dec. 13, 1534. lie be llo -Rn kti Ci.n Ur kei

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