1 - . H0TTTH vKhTV asf CJOJWal. HIE CAROLINIAN. m tifi i.m um Hi .eawwajsj - SALISBURY:, 1 TUnDAY- DECEMBER 20, 1834. fptn MJlh Carolina We bar tbeerinf; Mtelli ',m tin such u niut prove gratifying In avcry lover ' VaaMlM nruuicriy airtoncaw. i urn wiay is um re- of tar regu supply w "t una mumma, r. wnta . at present, fYura f imf many particulara, J4 Uus atsrh art able to gather (rum Uie enures ithla 0ir reach--- that a emmprmmUt has takes place tfeatW hiaWle aaXagmuat partica ia thai iiUto. that tltnir billor .mnsauly afaiiwt eath other baa k1 bres buried ia una oxntma i rata. Il iara gat the Oath of Allegiance Ma pwJ bulb I louars of tl yf tlaturr, and area engraftnl oa U I orislitutiim iJiat a Rrpvrt i1 federal RrlafiiSM (the partiro a frahire of which we have no white in atatod,) laUo ha passed, by a very large majority ( on ao opMl pf which latter, the Union Men in lte Lgiale MM iawmlailcljr expressed their entire concurrence ui r mm mum U lbs Armer, ami lbcii willuitfuuiai Ui ! party strife, ami rccciva the adoption of Uie Ro- & i- ij .1 i. 'it i p4 at a pnaoe-om-ring ibm obi uie anar uf UMiir uieeu gtaie. Leading men ia lite rank of each party ,ri their congratulations tu Uieir roiiiiiMja Country ! m lb amicable sutUement uf the unfortunate dtderea ikicb bad ao kf axialed and divided kMirxler Umw , aVwld bare but one Duad of bwa towania each tad gat priacipla of artirw Um tril other. Tbia floriiitM coeaummation and unkn 1 conflictinf auaeaa waa eabibrfed U a striking manmf on Um flcctjaa IjT Uvemar of tltt Buii, bkb Uk place on tt Via hatanL air. McUuffie waa lite only candidate jbrWeef aiaJ WiKMrry or, wrtn tbe ex trpuai uf Ivt, oa juint ballot of the two IbMMm! The bat Culuubia paprra coaUia bia Inaugural Kpoecb, in fn'mut aibicb tbey aprak in unqualified U-rnia, but sol km kirhly ijt tU weriL The (ul lowing ia the con- dWinf paragraph of it, and may aerve In cxmvey an Urn J tba (alrklima aod todtrpuiduice : iUrlf tliruugb the whole apeecb : "I am now prepared, air, (addreadnv the Rpaki-r, adrr the auleaw amncUunuf an ualii, to ptudge uiy v iuUed allegiance to the State of Huulh Carolina and It Um mam Uuie to pllce myarlf, uixlcr the aarne auc twa, to " prewnre, pnitect, and aVfend, the ConAitutitm tf the Unitrd Htatea," etea agauwl the violatiotM and infraction of Hast who may pretend to act under iti taUity We rr 11 ice at Uiia aUU of tbinga ia South Carol id. St remarked abora, wa bae nut at yet been able 10 ame at lb giM ef the Repurt Federal RelaUuna, Ibt ptaaage of which appear to have been the imme eaie eaoae of the ewnfuiiae ; but, kt it proviaioaa bt ahal they may, we are eure that the Stile Kighta Pirtj have not gives ap their principle, and we there in tgaia repeat that we rejoice at tbit bappy tennuv luua of party animotity in &uth Carolina. k order to enow the sentiment of loading am 00 kdi sidee, hi regard to the fhrtoaete lam which aflaire be saw taken, w fir below abort aketcbes of re aWka atailela both Iluuset of the LrgudaUre, on thin i ;.,, , io tk CtaVaia Teireepe. - h the Penatir on TorMiy - trprm- ortaaioa- of lbs fioC'ortlKr Ki-"rl of the Committee on Federal kaUanvtberemakapf ilry Rirfiardani www aa lU- ks. Mr. Ricbardanej fosr and said That the Rennrt of the JiHnf (.ommittee of rfiWl Rrmtmn, on the tallnemuriate wluUt beUd Uie biaiof toprcecnUpfTcrw, K tt waa, m mix t coocitiatum, and -adopted a a tnwwreof cnmiirunujie. ccftaiiilir did reiuovc Uic obji-,c- tinas wbicb be bad urged on Ktrnier occaaion aauut Hie amendinent of the 4tn Att uf Ihe Umntilultou.. u be ipurcciatul tua bit' hi r the mairnauimity of Uiat mnj, lu wimin a-w4etmt- mmttm of d uty -comptiiloL him make the eunrtwum of hia miMpprpQortinon or the pwauftaiid mieiaamofUiatawrdmath) maaealr w acknowMLre that it waa an estimate of conduct ItiaiWd on the mulia.hkh, be bulicYed VVA14 ectu- te, on a aimilar ocean ion, thune with whom be waa lrtirally coiinected, Ollered, aa be bclieted it waa, IS pod lnL,Tf wou!(T6e received a apeac dlfcrinp; wairh they were not more willing to tender, than he u to accent He believed that it would beat tile distractions and awUm the aiurrv feclinn which bad ao -a- - - . . . n . k M ww - -. raw bng agitated and eonvulanl the Bute, for nioieeil it liume wntwm opinuoa be wat Dixie the organ to ex-n-a, on tliia AW. and be b.-liTel, ( tbm whom tWy had the honor to reinwetit,be could ay, that, bury. lint jiauiful romuiucenaca uT the pant, and kxikin? ta the orhrtu, utiitinns t the future, thev were illm u devote 1 tlieir encrelee )n coutmm, tSirt t revive and invigorate the languishing energies of the Slate. - wrl Hamilton vary briefly replied in nearly the (Ikiwiiif; icrma: That he hal Ibaened to tlte dncla ration of the gen Uiin fmoi Clarendiin with uiifeifjned gratification, fr nirt IT hi Oie' sntiie jirU of cordial rcciprocityVanil be fi lt laired UiaV whilst it wa calciikted to dif the uliiMwt iiiv throuirliout the State, none 1 could to"'iViorecIa to the enl ivhutned a nnoa tr iotic leelmSai by which the gentleman and Uiose acting with him had bren impelled in making thecommunicatiou in (question. In the nouse of Representativea, upon the same oe- kirrBimorxuMiiM lorv'the" femar ere nearlv in these words rwrj; Mr. ' Hpenker, to withdraw the notie which I kK.4y.gn cb)imiHgt.!nn..b8MCiCib !?: "W, the privilege of entering upon the journal of the ' protest egewwt the amendment of the 4th "Article of the Constitution. CircumsUqcea which bve jiwt occurred, render auch a protest wholly unne-''-'ary. h may not, sir, be strictly within parliamen tary rule to refer to such circumsUnces: but it would be doing injustice to the feclinga of my own bosom great injustice, both to them and to Uie spirit of conci iMthin with wbicb t am now ainironled. wore 1 not in e manner to gif .Uwm utterance. rn my own name, air, and in thi I name of those Willi bom ,it has been my proud destiny, to act, 1 accept hi Report, as an offering hud upon the altar of our fwuitryj I fool prepared, air, with feelinga of the he 'ncerity, to join in propitiating Uie Divine fcvour that it ma be received and Tegarded by our hole people as a "pear offering :n and Uiat thia land over which discord has so triumphantly reigned ZriSSE?? S3 nder the shade of bis own fie tree, with none to molest " - vti v uiwujUail liisa j iiviav. v" ' I nuke him afraid. . - I trout in God, Mr. Speaker, that our political din "iion are now ended; and that they shall never befeafter be remembered, nnlete to afford instructive lpoa of. forbearance to the patriot and atatesman: thu we shall now see the son return, rejoicmjrly, to Jhc paternal roof brother once more fraterniling with wtxher the ancieut frienyiips of Cuouna (once ber at Umi and hrrifU-f, when,,, M u,. wa rnaydifT.f , p.J.t B. we mtPf ijf4- MM hUU. ilracf Ltttrr ktjk 7Anr, JUiU Th bllUM I,I..U,.mJ by the friend of a Cnajventiiai, Oiat the Kvmn .ld aueeeed thia eMon,ara klimal utmguUld, and it baa aoewne the nnarly nniverml smtiuMnt of ttm Wira Membnra that the preanrt ntniuM bt 0! 14 amal to tofpilioj of the Lrffialature it the adiiMtimnt a wai nimmum, hi mid Ul protMulaNl wil made by an Wra gvnllrman, but I have very Imle b"P that U will be such aa to roceivs Umi imOtU of that siinoriiy id tin, IgUlature wlto retKoawit a imv aa-uy of j'e, of Carulm. Wa bad anoUier funeral to-dav : Mr. Adama. km U um i4miiirM re man luiltd tnvity, wlm drutrvi (lit l.fn im HiirK.Ujr Hiftbt but, cun.nfaad to the w M ui grave, Willi t(ifiiiriate public bmiucc . I.N ArOURATH)N OF GmTRNOR. Tbia erramony UmA place on tie l(Kh irwtanL in the (.vrrnm.til IhaMe at lUlnj in the priwnre uf holji branrhi uf the l'giplalure, and a Urgr aamihlaga of citiim and strangura. Tlie (Jatlia uf Ofum were ad- uiiiiMtercd liy Judge H-aell ; after whrb (Jo. Hwain d' livered en apftroprwte Aldrea, wbirh ia ao hiiftlly pokes of, lint we regrrt our inaUlilv to Uy it before our rraucra w uii aumur-r 01 ine t4rolinn. VIRdlMA liJISITi:RF The election O HUU I'riuUtr took plare in thk braly on Haluntay Oib (kli inMant, and rci!ld in the cImikt of Samuel Khfpherd, by a majority of 11 vote over tlte hditur of lh Richrmaid fjuirer. The Utter gentlo man liaa kiU ik ojjut tin Uie Uat twenty yejra, but tlie in met baa executed the work ; " Noua VrrMi" gaUMrrd the Idnu, while tlie more Uitliful AV ktri wa kbnring for the Suck. Of courao, our ve nerable coteinpurary makes a brooming aplulter abmit ptuacripUr Aa Ibrttlena the mejjntjr of the Lo gWlature with the vengeance of lie 'topic at the April etortama, We " reck" uncle Tummy wdl find it lo be " great cry, twt liuio wool AlU-r CMMMueralde difliculty between the two Home is relaUm to the day upun which they would proceed to the election of United Mutes Henator, tlte '7th day j baabomiaxioal upun id that puqawa. On the 1 1th imrtaut, HuliH-y R BaxUr waa elected AUorneyimeral uf Virginia, over Mr. Palum. Tlie Richiuund Whig My that Mr. llaxttrr ia a CuMtitution alwt, but that the electam did nut turn 00 Federal po litic. Mr. & is comparatively a young man. GOVERNOR TAZEWELL The Meamge of thia gentleman, at tlie opening of the present seamon of tlie Virginia Legislature, ia doce ment well worthy the head and heart uf the able atates. man who penned it. Us lucid exposition of the concern of the M Ancient Dominion," while it gives bright picture of her internal happiness and progressive pros perity, indicates a master-hand a the delineatis- of her present and future priwpocta, But the independent and it the at me time psssionleaa manner in which Gov. i , review ber relatione with the General Government, and speak of the dangerous encroachment of tlie laU ter upon the rights of the several Butes, and upon the existence of Liberty itself, not only reflect honor upon the Chief Magistrate of Virginia, but assure u that the at still where il baa always buun tha furj at bur Irua snns lb see ber.'ie the front rank of tlie friends of puli- tiril lihr rtjr long may abs nrriipy that noble and en viable atondt end aoun nary-her leas vigilant sister arouse from their lethargy, and follow ber in the path which her majestic treed baa marked out so plainly b Ibre Um I . - : Wbee we mad a Muts Paper ef wactaloe-ae-the one mentioned, we" exceedingly regret. Uie ;corrtricted meana in our power to lay U befure our r-adcr ; but local matter of more immediate imporUnee'to Uiem de- mam) cor first care, and we must therefore bo content. it pwaublo, we ahall next week give a few extract Irum Uie" Jloisage of Cuiexnor TaaweTL MORE NULLIFICATION! Did Mr,"LA'o Vemni" of tlie Richmond Eniui. ret has turned rank Nulliber, and Ulk with very good sense about the urrttir'r of Virginia." 1! I lluar the venerable prophet: "The Oovuftora Message etatea, with great force, his objections to an appeal of the Hute of Virginia to tit SuiirenMt Court of the Unitwl Statoa, fur the docb '. . . -.a an a nr. . . ion of lU lerrihiriaJ dispute wiin iMamanu. we nn eurdmlly concur in all hi view of tin subject. We would isrser wbmit the Sovmzntj of nrgiti o the adjudication of that tribunal. We would have no lot or nart in Uie matter ot auv suitoj iuaryianu. lie may go there, it she pleasea. we nope v irgmia win dot tii m MbmU herself at Uie feet of the Federal Judges." , . , . . . ... . m d yet thi same 3Ir. Ritchie wat for fircihly bow ing a Sovereign Bute "at tlie feet" of Gen. Jackson ! Oh fie, thou pink of consitftency ! What more of sove- j-retgrrty eanst tiiorr see in Virginia, thi rr n ab pmm- ed by South Carolina ! Or canrt thou trout Andrew Jacl3i)b Jolin Marslinll and his contemporaries ahall ailvise in a suit between twa Slalet in relation to boundary lineal It hM been for some time hinted, by letter-writers at WuKuigton, amFoihur, that tbTrWucai mtenJcu to attack Jie Siipreme Court jn his late Mrawigc, . aj re duce the Judicial Pcpartment of tlie Government to Uie salne fiunible fcibservteiicy to hut nod, which at present characterises the Legislative branch. We have seen indications which warranted this suspicion, in more than one journal of high' sUnding in the favor of Ike- party ; and had feared Uiat such waa the intention of Uie Pre sident But Uie above " indication" from Uie Enquirer, penned, aa il was, after Uie Federal Message bad been read by 'Mi. "Ritchie, and which conUina nota word in eejnnatkm rfthe Judiaryr m- belief Ut letter-writer have been mistaken in their surmises, or thai Uie contemplated attack on that body baa been postponed for Uie present Possibly the latter, to order to trite a clearer field for the operation of Uie belli- cose aspect towards France, assumed by Ui&J Icfdf and which, it is thought, will furnish M glory enough" for one nege. It may be, however, Uiat Ibis lucid moment bn Mr. Ritchie', 'menul obscuration wa. caused by hi. fear of losing the Public Printing ; and Uiat to thia cause we are indebted for the above remark from one who has latterly been so un-Virginian in but political prefcrencea. We could nope Uiat thia may have been the impelling motive of Mr. Ritchie rirt withstanding n .U mAA nothing to hi. character for independence, and has met with Buch bad success at the hands of Uie Legislature uf uie Ancient uwnwnwcaikB. sb,sb III -t a a to Cungreaai and would call the atimt- of th frA rr to tU grneril d-l.ila, as pmH-nling MmmUm b terrin to rry tUw of Amaru aa titiirna. . . We bare two arts b to t;;m, fium the IU linvmd Whig," and tf " Philadelphia Gaaetla," wbkh review ll mMi part f Ui M-asage in sut'h eutiimsi-sms arv f viLU language, Uiat we are sorry to be Mni to pstpuM Uieir iiwertaa) until net wek. "The UJobe" pmftwwa to be eurprifd tltalt any ns abould take exceptMl to the view uf U Prowb iit ia relation to Franca, sad bit remwet to be clothed With discrHamary power to go to war with beftAl might have bifO eipocted, Mr. lUair found bi astnnuhrnrtit usj the cafeloawmai GLORY," wbicb a) exhibit ed by Ufae who oppwe bis master m kit deauae and be even gos au far a to lik) Ut spirit of the present oiuUM,to UmI which actuated Ui Hartford Cunreav tionarfa I Tbi raving, huw ever, ia t part of Hut mm rahle pamler't duty to kit lord, and does not "aicito our spuria! wonder." We bad hoped that thai country bad purchaard " gbey enfMigh," and at snfftrlrntlv ex orbitanr pri1B1rfMiudy eveaUie extra vagant lunf ing of a self-willed "Military Onrfuia;" hut it ap-p-ara Uwt we ere to be laid under contribution fur Uie purchase uf nvirs of Uiie commodity. We are mis Ukrn, howeirr, if the American People, up a view of tlte probable cost of Mit "glory," do not M them selves cootrmiod to deny Uie policy of iu suiaitiuM. (ty The WaJiingtoo Letter Write re are again at llwir pa. We are ind Ud to these gentlemen I aeeMMttaaf lb by-pbry whtrh is earned ira by the great ones at Wajdungton, a. well as a great many mature uf mure interest, which never reach as Uirough the newspapers of Uiat city. Among tliis eorpa of Letter Writer re gentlpuiea of Uie highest grade of literary ability : Uie Bpy in Waaliiugton," of the New York Courier and Enquirer; " ," of Uie Baltimore Pa triot; and "O. P.' Q." of Richmond, exhibit epuaoiary qualinrilsai of the first ordef. We most endeavor to lay their production before our reader. occajMnnally, o suua aa lbs pras of publie doewments will permit wa The last letter from the "Hpy" aaya Uiat Uie Presi dent baa declared, "in the anost solemn manner, Uiat, if Corrt-"refWs to sirtUm arm, m hi destrt tor war with France, he ajiif rvrta las $11 ion kt now JUt." A conlempiaary aaya, of tbia threat, Uiat such a consummttii is matter rather of Aops than uf aiia. The same totunr ef Uie Rpy abn says; j "Gun. Jack a staled, yesterday, that be bad recei ved ailvlcr that the Frvm h Oiambera would be 1 rM-iTl iiiofith i-arTu-r OSn Uie" pi-riuTfo wliK-b IL Uen prorogued, ('3Mh Dec) To a rVx-nd of hw be an-1 iWtindi to explain the reason of this early srion. He said ho had writU q a letter himself to Mr. IjvinpMm, I our MmuU-r at Uiat Court, sUUng WbI'LTIM ATl'M, ami auikonting kim to eommunicttt ill contents It Ikt Uttg.-l'.'.'.'l (Kr A tsgUlaturt in Trmthte The tavern-keep ers in JcnVrsun City, Uie sest of Government of Mis souri, having entered into agreement to charge Mem ber, of Uie Legislature fivadulkra pur week, for buamL reanlutione were offered in both branches of Uiat august body, proposing to pack up bag and baggage, and re move to amne place where living w not o dear I In Um Bvnate, Uie proposition was rejected by only two votes; and Uie Honse gravely duKnased Uie important matter for eeveral dajra, without Coining to any dociaion ring which time Uie landlonla became' alarmed, and reduced their demanda to four dollar per week. The bont of con tent wa waa thus thrown esaW far ta ble, and Uie sapieut Legislators turned their attention to Uie difflsUw of mcire important b'ga,fwg JJuniface "reckoned without hi host" that time. The Ht lxii Republican aaya it wa. eeatiwiplatwt, trrThgla-M: kers, to go down to Uwt place by steamboat, or march to Columbia in caravan J ' OCT Tlie Vankeea are a 4nfeBnice,anI there. aa JpMtmff--t--Tbe followwrg Is a9 of tite- nucst isim.frotB Ue. ururcriwLnaXiga." ; Ja oroer that the frietnU of Mr. Brown may know Jww lo prej?late thi " otiinion "abroad" of their favorite, we merely re mark that ft la copied from, the Boston AUaa, leading Whig paper -IkMrofd Ufon; TJlf W-Tecleur SenatiifTnira North Carolina, 1 Uie jrre( gun of Uie Jackson f'arty, and will tak FWyth'apbicem'thfl 'Seiiite, Next to Simp ley, he is Uie muttt tUe, elmptmJ, mnd mecomplUked pettier ia Umgret lit xiu'wea Uie ttonato escaed- inirlv. bv alwava thmslin himseir litfwird In imm Mr. Weuater he doapiscs any kaa foroiHUUa antago nist. CO"" ComnendtbU SagteUif.-A Jackson Editor in this Bute, who has recenUy commenced businesa, say. he is obliged to keep a JUe of hi paper by him, ia or der to avoid saying, at any time, thing which might conflict with what he may previously have said. Come now, we like Uiis -it certifies us that one Jackawite at least desires to be consistent ; but we much fear Uiat he will have to sacrifice Uiat virtue of be is true to his IdulwhuM course thus far baa been so serpentine ax to make it altognther impossible to worship him accep tably without at one time insisting Uiat while ia black, and at another Uiat black ia white. (&-Dittreitiing Fire! Tlie village of SnowJIill, on tta Kajte waa almost, totally destroyed by lire on Uie niirbt of the 24th ultimo. An extract of a letter says : " Our village has now no ta vern, no courthouse or county -office, and, of the houses occupied on yesterday by mcrcluuidiae, all, save two, I are now amouklortiig ruimv-Some o? the-stitTcrer. ire left iMmselesg a were conifbrtable on yesterday, are now pooi.n The low is estimated at l50,W(dollara, ftT The Legislature of Penmnlvania has elected Uie Hon. Jamea Buchanan to the Benate of Uie United States, for Uie unexpired term of Uie Hon, William Wilkina, Minister to Russia. Turn about, they say, ia fair play. Mr. Buchanan was Minister to Russia, and has only changed office, with Mr. Wilkina. Mr. D. is, Imwever, iti our opinion, much Uie most, JTon," an( in dependciit oflhe two. " 7 The Ibm. Mr. linn bu been re-elected to the Senate of tha? United Sutea, for six yean from Uie fourth day of March next, by the Legislature of Missouri, No ether candidate waa put in nomination, (r A Cincinnati paper says that, Wild Turkiee are quite plenty in that city, being forced to the habi tation, of man in search of food, which ia said to be re markably scarce in the wood. The Cincuinatiana, in atead of having to bunt thi game ia iu native forests, are dodging around Uie corner of brick houses, gun in hand, shooting Uiera from chimney to chimney I The Beam and Squirrels, from the same cause, it is said, have abandoned Uie wooda, to forage upon the catUe uid Uw cornfivlde, and occasionally a child or so. 1 T Uu tat eotnpM the rretuknt t Vnasgt IMPORTANT M.XCVKRYl A Mr. Mt fiiUtab, K-naus; in Uie Confute tgUltirs, baa laU'ly rnale b, in whkb "he parucukrly adirrted la the ret f to ab ipt K uf ijitf Ylrglntl ll-l Krntocky ((-Jui.mm, at wbu b time be w an actus member of the K poUx tn party 1 and aUtod Uiat, at tha tune uf llrif praMu!k'itki, Us rraolutioti wer ) itfjtrr4.l lo rentmmettd foiciblif r-sitxanre to tlie otierwve law of Jhs Federtl I bivcmment and that Ik Jmlrtutt tf Ik ,u!li Brrr a aawfrfw (asm- Imn, a4 kmmtt It Ik HifMumn far if it Ikt daft of Jtfnnm."!l Tbia age la which ws l.ve m truly wn- dtitfuLJa briagutf to bgbtaWtoiinpartonea m the history of parties-bnt we are concerned bwt kt wis- baa should disrovet tin much. The ihove sutemcnt. tt instance, we Uiiuk, even "out-lleruda lUrod," sanasBBBBaBwaa OlT A Dill Km beeg intmdnced Into li Lrgialature of Georgia, (gilma! tlie feiiasaai of Dank Motoi of a toxt demsninatam Una TJ0. ' Goudt , Another Hill bat been introduced into Uie same body, Pru!"r,8 rwt birr Lti rutas AIum ane Wbere in Um Nato, .Our frismd " JJob Hbnrt" ratwa- menda, through Uie Augusta Hentinel, that tba Capitol aa Miltodgeville be ased fbr Ibis purpose bcaosn, be aya, tot the IMsU RuhU tos go brans, and Uie Ho. piul b not only found to be ready built k, Uteir ha ml, but even Uie nmst fit subjects for such a pUce alroady occuiymg it Good again t 0" At a recent balloting for Chaplain to Ue llouae of Representativea, the celvbralnd Mn. Anne Rtyi( received two votes for Uiat reverend station I Q3r The Legislature of Ohio convened at Columbue on the 1st day iT this month. All the ummI OfTkc uf Uie body were fillod by Uie election ai Wtoga. On hoard Uie par kot-Wiip Havre, arrived at New York on Uie 4th instant, front Fiance, came bearer uf despatches from Uie Amor ice n Minister c Paris. Pro bably be baa communicated amnething new and iuler estmg hi relation to American claun. Wa ahall see. (&" Wknl neti 1 Recent arcoui,u from Eng. land state that I JHSO if going Ifi Luuouo, n!axlung to crowd of people, and catling bimsrlf a MUtioimy m Makommte to convert th Lngluk kemlktn I (ft" Xulliratitm Defined. A corrtniioncb-nt of Uie New York htiquircr say. uf Nullification : " Like a - , a L mission on Uie one part, or paramount force on the other. by kicking Uie buein, sliall decide for Uw ruler Of Uie -,.11 (KT Smttnicml Jlinl I Though our " d I " never ahowe a forked tongue, we must omfes bis word, .re sometimes quite fainted ; Uie following my be called kit Uut: "This German-Text type, osed in su many of Uie paper, I reckon must be very emnmrnimt bo cause no body don't aeem to know when they mk niistakna?-Having auas of lha aiiiriiaMGaraaas Teat type among our assurtment we did nut fuel ourselves obnoxious to istpy ' sarcasm for mistakus in Ikmt parti- eular ; but we feel wire that some of our brethren of hit type were bit at beeaaae " bis Majesty " ie not in the babrt of wasting his breath when b means vxv thing. Wa ad viae Uiem to sea to k, and correct Uie error, of then" ways." CONGRESSIONAL ITEMS. We give below tha only matters of general interest which have aa yet' occur rod in Uie proceeding of Coa gruavWMou&yTilieM 1 lweaeoxw need the appwnt meat of lha SundlngCoov mitleea. On Uie l.Vh instant, Um Senate proceeded to Uie ebxtion of Uie Stamlmg Committee, of its body. " ' t5ENAT&-i.Voady, DermlrT,lAl.' .Mr. Gnmdy, of Tenn., off-red a resolution, at Ute unaaiinoua rwiMisst-uf the ( iismnittee prf tjs I'nst-OjTlctl and P6sl-TCnai)s7WsneniJinir the ,H4th rule of uie Mo nata, and continuing the CiMninmee on Uie Post -Office. and PostpHSMt) wna all tbuir powers; which rosuluUm win eohsvleted by tinaairoooi conarnf and uuauiuious- at fj)fjVfJltsgsJ- e(sa--Vw.' Mr3-fi .1. auaew- - " TWrVss, neetmher Jt 1SL. . . U-Mr PsimlcxtortLMiasiwtpvi. offi.To4 IhaJS.IW. inr resulutasv which, on bis motion, waa cunaidured and.sdulOdl ... .. -r-. Krtulved, That the 51th rule of the Senate, ao fkraa rmpecta Uie Committee on Public Land, be suspended; and that- the present Cmnmiltoe sontinue with all the power vested in them, and euhjoet to all duties enioin I eo on mem, oj uie sevenu nosoiuuoii of uia Benale, at Uie last session, relative to frauds ia the aaje Of the 1 J I 1 . L . - HOUSE 3foadsy, Dec 8, 1831 . tm motion or wr. Vlaytoo, Rrtnlvrd, That Uie Committee of Ways and Means inquire into Uie expediency of establishiiur a branch of wa simi in some central pomion ot wrist aenomma ted Uie Gold Regkm, lying between Uie States of Vir ginia and Alanama. ' - 7etoy, Ueeeinbet j, 1'u On motion of Mr. Counor. the IIuujs reaultrod itaalf into a Committee of Uie Whole Mr. Speiirht in Uie Chair for the purpose of referring the various part of Ik. D,Ui. ..... f I When Uie resolution proposing to refer Uie portion of me message coiiccrrunff JnuicejW tolVPuJttSiiio Foreign Aflkirs wa read- Mr. Clayton, of Georgia, offered an amendment to It w . purport bv wmwn . I . . a a. a- .. .. . pedient to go to war with regard to claim the Davmeut of which Uiere waa every reason to suppose had been postponed, rather from the difficulties attend ing Uieir adjustment, tnan rrotrrtny desire on Tptrrof Uie rr. (wivcrnment to evade aameirt. tipnsoa uie prolongation ot tlie time suggested in the essajre, for Uie action of (irr: and tliat the aiib. ject slsHild be sent to Uie Committee on Foreign Rels' Uim mui Juwruujonato ra n wn i in uvww ciwuhu on uie suujcci, AU.CUvUin dofniwlod bis prmwsitioii. at niiw Iniiinh. He waa warmly supported by Mr. Ckiburne, of Virgi. nia. Messrs. Wayne, Archer, and R. M. Johnson, were opposed to instructing Uie Committee, or indeed of act ing at an on me subject at so early a day of Uie session. Bv Uieir Persuasion. Mr. Clavton wa indiuvwl in iit. draw bia amendment; and Bie sirbject wsi simply re- iuiicu iu um coiwiucranun (n, uie votniuiuoo, logutaw with Uie other foreign relation of Um faHrnmn ..neso... 0r Rebberm-TUe dwelling-house of a jven'tle- iuan of Uiis village was entered one niirht bu w.v and robbed of a aumbar ef valuable articlea. An anu sual number of petit depredations have been committed in our vicinity laiciy. uxord Exttniner, Tlio New Orieana Courier f Jackson nnne pniposes to call public mcctinirs. in consenuenee nf uio uuniiM tu, mo iiermiiage, and got up fUly ccnl subscriptions for the purpose of building Gefi. Jackson awidier mansion on iu ruins. We should have no objection, if the General was not rich enough to build a mansion for hirnseto have a le. .u i : e . " . 1- vy inane ujwn tlie otlice.jiotikira for a sufficient sum. It would be as fccilinrnte an l)jct as contributions for the i esiablishineut of uewsmpcrs-Fir. - ty la Fvettevi!fc, on (U lCth lastarrf, CtUotJ was It til 1 4 J cent per (iruiil. -U.MTI.U IN WKI1.K K, ta Uila Gsinty, on Um tub infant, by tha Rev M. Mr. CbihltU RaU THAU Mr Imi.n'aI.H, pa.bof Ilia MrUWiat I.Wipa t'kurrb W tht Town, to II it MAttIA I I.IJM, dautrbtrr uf lbs lata AikIpi- 11 4. . Tkiirt ktfft Ikfflkt aspywaf f Ikrtr aiwd H usi genllt timet ttaM M MM nmgenimt miJ. Ia U.i County, on the I lib irwtant, by O. M. Fuiith, F.nuire, Mr. J A Mr HiKLWf,U J4uiigiciy Co., to Mia NANCY HI OKm Als on the Htb in.tant, by the same, Mr. J01LN KLltlihY U5 Um lUMU ANN RAIXY. la Charlotte, on tha 3nd int., by Ui lUv. Mr. Al len, Mr. M. W. CCRKY, of YorkviUe, H, O, to Mm LLiZAllbTH K IXTIXU, of Clialotta, Ia Charbato, on tha 7ih toatant, by Wm, W. ltig, . Erie, Mr. bOLOMON COO V Lit to.M-s jAMi 1MVIK. la Mecklenburg county, m tba 37th tilt, by Ales amler C-r. r-. , Mr. T110MA3 J. WALKLK to MasiJANe SAT i. . :. . -la MsckUmburg couulyron llie fih JnsUnL-bf thai. Rev. A. J. !aveiiwurth,Cept KiAAC WlLtiON to Mi LUCLMU M. WALUa fa MtkleUirff County. on tU 0th instant, Mr. Wt LKY GRAY to Mm. PRl'DtLNCK DA VIA . la Miaitgnmery (bounty, on Ute 11th instant, by the Rev.llevidlferrirk. Mr. IIKNRY HJIANKIi! to Maw HCKIJNA I'EN.NLNGTON, daughter of Mr. UavsJ I'enningtoa. In CalarrtM Countv. on Um 0th instant, bv 1. Firtrot IViuire, Mr. )WKN DRY, aged KJ year, to MraCA- TIIAKIB I M JV, aged 7". I 'mm old mnd fating, tomt grmwt rnnJ g'ft Matt fit auuf jtM four wrmtng-mmy f Jiapmss Ikt I mm btjatt fom !av, 'ur lift it aWt, sad swa ssasl dit At Ceiitrwille. ((lea.) on Uie 13th imt. bf U Rev. John J. Groves, Mr. F.FFORI) C COIJ JKit, to Msaj KIJ.AIJKTII 8 , daughter of the Rev. West Harris, formerly of Rowan County. DEPARTED THIS LIFE, In Charlotte, on lit tkh instant HUMAN N- wife of Umi Rev'd. ArtbibaU Whyte, and daughter of the lata) Tbisna Grmr, lq ia the Xrtb year of ber age. In the same place, on 2d inst. Mr. WRHT F-NZY. naij; op iM:;iioi:s, ac tX Saturday ikt id dam of January, then will " be sold, at public ssle, on a credit, at tha lata dwelling-house of William Cowan, doceased, ooe likely Negro Man, and t Woman. deceased, and are told lo pay the delta. AUn. ml Ikt trnmt tint mnd time. THE BALANCE OF THE NEGROES OP SAID F.ute will be hired out tor 1 year. Tlie terms of credit, and other particular, will oe mauo known on (he day of aato. . JX. W, irLLJuliu, AdnuQT, December 20, lb34. St A tlaaira and ITIallirmaUcal JLCJitBUaVK.z: THE Eierciacsof ihs Rocky Hirer Acade TVIV wvill laa MtuirtMa-rl kn tlaJh Iti K arlav aTaaf Jnntt- sak v sara a waraav-ja , saav vsaw aas sbj w awiiasi ary next TuUmm at tba rata af 1 10 per sesstoo. - - Bmirding can be obtained in respectable tami lies it from $3 to fO i Tuonlhr-; " Tba course of studies taught at tbia Institution are as follows i In the Latin iVpartmentRudi men's Latin Grammar, Mair Ts Intrwluclion, Wal- ker's Lstin Reader, Virgil to the sixth JEtmd, Cicero's (bar Onttona in Catalinatn, Ballust. JIo i . i ii ... . . - i " rscr, arm tOTia eaiiuo expurgata. In the Greek Valpys Greek, Grammar, iu1 cob a Greek Keadrr the two first, books ofXene photi, and Unrca Majora throughrtha: UlslotkaT part, Demosthenes, Plato, and Langinua. .4,fartfra Wootlbridpi a (atMifiraplty, Hedge's LogtOy Ujair'irr: 4e?c yi rrs, innuiy castw a Aigeura throug um ua4ra - -ti- J-jjualiona, Cald wall a GeouMlr,, Plana am) r 8pherKal..Trifrooietrjrt Heights and liiatances, t -Surveyinfv and Natural Philosophy. l tie .subscriber designs teaching the Langua. , gernDn-thv-TOsfieaf tftfrrirfr nrrrr- Ira ntlatumAr eupported by the- woomrrwioatrorai of Locks and Miilon, which hss latelr been adoo. ted by some of the moat notable Lilerarv Inatitu. tioaa of .tba present day.. Its aim it to. obviate) . lb. perplexing task ef ttmrmitttnjf; to lnernoryirie"" Grammar without nndersunding it, which damps. lha spirit of most puoils during the first months of their pup'8 to tocililale a knowledge of the ' Lahguagea, eHd to render thwrDCTnsnl mora aore. ,r able. The subscriber promises lo spare do pains r to develop the faculties of the Student's mind, and to direct them Uito a proper channel ia seeking knowledgeIIia aim m to anable them to under. stand thoroughly whatever they ttudy, to far , . R. J. McPOWELL, PrinclnaU Chbarrus county, Dec 20, 1834 u ... y ... ..... VC . . .. . 1 i mw wuimuuati in De iwuwry, lor casn, Several -Valunble Ni?frma . Celoncinir to the Kstate of the l.i. n. v ; And on the same'u'ay, rimmediatclr ner the amlo." lonngto said Estate. Also, at the asm StrvTraJhLotatln me Town of Ballaburr Will be Rented Out for one year. ROBERT MACNAMA RA, December 13, 1834-tds. . . AdmirVr - Negroes for Salc7 lOOft IN SALISBURY. P ik,lttkdd9 JanUar9 XSxsis mL Forty Valuable JYcsfoc Belonging to the E.te fcf Joseph Chamber, dc, ceased, late of Rowan Coo,,, v "' d0" ITiis ta, perhaw, if,, most valuable lot of Negroes ever offered lor sale in tbhtZtiln.fti country the greater part of h m erv likely, ,r of good character. S Accredit of 13 months will be iriven ur and securitv. with s.- gven, upon j SIS mnntka SAMUEL BEEVES, December 13, 1834.tds Adintor.

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