V . t s r i i i ''i-.l. VAHIETY. A l.LITKR ATloN. ing fnmU Raury fiu.t!, flJ fr from fair ftini-il-t n-mrrrfunr flrl.il, fliod tfl fir frowBSfljr fwu. iM f tnl tlia d,ll.ifi An fiourwhiag fcrswell fur 6Ui PlalUwinf friend, tartwcll f , Hope bath hung Iter harp im high, F.trry irflurt odc' Start MM ScriMU Sobbing igh Who) with warmest wUfcfS wn(fk Unsured kiflf k' Isinrtna1 Vk, hilml. Mill wUimoly afenwinft Fumost frith t fAU tuttouk mil . , , Pb-ing prospect po prukwtinf Innorearv is Inn I. Iftswrt djrtMT asligbU distracting , Far IVuut Psumr frowning fcui. Ilmaunr'i ploasuif path pursuinf. That thnwKh tearless ttrrvA I tread, Vagrant virtues vainly viewing, Nte will pasodo shining !. Filseftriaeioui (Hfifid, frrrwrfl.' " HiJl sorrowing sigh aUI bm Wp! T Imal tuns Ihf trouble lull, Why with weaMid wajJuruigs weep.-' IOPULAttMKANING8. AgrttahU m. (Jim who has a bow ami a emtio fir evory body abroad, and bwils In wife l i Loom. faai. A kind of barber' li"f, where (Ihi pocket is shaved instead of tbe fuce. t'aiUng. A legerdemain trick practised upon uua's crwWora. Gtnilrwmn. An animal thul frequents the Kwii, wail upa the ladies shopping, cVc. Lad j. Oue) who wear a Navarino bonnet or French I tat. lawful Interaat. Twenty four per cent per an num. landing Money. Advancing mm hundmd dol lars upon property worth a thisisand. Rrligian. Blindly and implicitly believing a certain tot of spiritual dogma without taking ihe trouble to anarch the scripture for yourself. Rrtpeetablt Mian. One who htL plenty of mo- ly ttHMa who havo plenty of caah, aud pilt by tboee whii have TxA. Vulgar Woman. Ona who tay at home and takca cart of bwr (aoily, (pwwe almost eitinct.) MARRIAGE ! - Mrriac U to a woman at once tbo happi?fit and aaiideat arent of her life ; it ia thu proiniae tf future bliaa, raiaed on the death of all pirarnt eo joytneot. Sb quiu her home her parent bur occupation hr amuaem:ul ci:ry lung ou mutch alia haa hitherto depended for eomfiirt -for aiFc tioo lor kujdaeaa for pleuure. 1 tie parent by whose advica abo baa been fukled tha aUtcr o whom ebe hoa dared to imtsjrt the vtry embryo tlwoghl aod feeling lb brother who ha played with her, by turoi tho counacllor and tho cmnwel. lod and tho yoururer children, to whom alio has hitherto been the mother and tho playmate-all are to ba (ors&keo at one full stroke every former I tie i k lose rind the spring ot every action ta lo be changed ; and yot aba flioa with Hy io tli untrodilm path befora ber. Buoyed up by tbe CKitklcnce of requrtod love, tha bid a fond and gratelul atluu lo I tlio Uo that ia past, and turns wiuS excited hope I and joyous anticipation of the hanpineas to come. I Then woe to tbe man who can blight such fair hopes who can Ueacbarously lure such a heart - fVuut U peacelul enjoyment, and ihe watchful pro . tectioo ti. home who can, coward likr brwak Uio illusion that have won bcr, and dutrtroy.tHnC'mfi--doncarwhlch loai IttowroJriw lo him wKo bat Uw'earlv withdrawn the toiidcr plant from the : wop and stsy of tnoral disciph'ne in whichr-ahc -tmt teenlultmid.nmcryWTmi Tlo'lifrirtTdBui)fJ' ' " tholr placet for on hiin tho teepfmiribility'nf her errora-on tirta who hM flrtt taught uer, by bis exampK lo grow earelearcf her duty;1 mntl tbem etposrxl her with a weakened spirit, and uiutatisfied heart, to the wild itorm aud tha wily temptations of a ainful world. Tkt nrie jVoeel of Uacrt, ,4'-''-,'iiMiiiiiii u. iiinii tmiei .r -r ; "Ti r-iTU.ill'r.Jir Ju nurAsii.-in io.. . The . following loscri)tive notice of Mucklo Automaton Writing Lady, aml"othor tngouious mrrhimh-n!niroK"cnniwl-fTOttr"thDU State Gaiottw I - It is not Benerallv known to the public, that (hit ingenious pioco of mechanism ho lately ar - mod in thia country. " it i tlm work f thexehr-1 riTod in thia coutttry. ; . " Irated German artist, Mr. Mucklo the fruit of two year cfosft application and study. Tim figure j iivlf is as largo a life, aud ia reprvauutou aitting ( at a table opra on all tidrt, thoroby (Milting aile, - at once, tbo theory which naturally enough ooo . ta itself with Ihe Automaton Chasvlloyor, that , ti,u movemeutt are effocted by human agency. No stronger proof of the ingenuity and skill of t tho aru, oor evwonce oi me conipmxuy wi uic f - nwchinery, ia required, than the readiness with n-invia' tlmiwyrW knV aohtence rori.iest.nl b .7 6 ;,-.ir .; nf r,.n ;: mo nuin.jiR.-n. io .jr-;;v.ri has ootto aa mtorostoui appuarancev 1 be. mo ......... . . . ving of the eye and eye-lids just previous to it commencing lo write, and the poculiar inclination of the head and body, a though- miud- UmtK hd its influence on the position of tho fiirure, gives the aooearaneef tboughtliihiea and ttte To ihe Aut TW mtiehinerv ia so constructad aa to enable tho fi nM in mimilv itself with ink, a requirtKl. from ... :nL.nl nliuAl on the taUe: and to address I the audience by easy and graceful motions, Connected with thia womlerful exhibition of hu man skill and ingenuity, are eomo mechanical figure about two feet in height i the easy and na tural movements of which alFird the strongest evj: iutce that the bead, which .made . them was not - Anfainnt either in contrivance or execution. - 1 The neiipiow'V'M&ntKh" lllroatoMam,Tpro phy. ekcitea tho wonder and admiration of every j jn one; inneea. no is wiit muw"i -j aoce by the celebrated Mon. Ssubert The Store and Ware-Room attach- o,1 m the Mansion Hotch" This house L! ffiner; of burfnwMnd i. cV- ad J" Vr 7k- rv Is stands in Salisbury for any OHO OI Hie VCIT m v. . I I kiml 1 huainesa. Poosession can be had immedi- ser, 1- .A m,ni will lie tiHtderate, atoly, ano rent win mNNEa & k i al-rir Nov ' 1884. tf 1 , But como at Eiast! Samuel ('rale & C- Respectfully iitform ihxir fneails, and I ha public in gnocral, thai iMir Vg rited ,'ly of IVKW GOODS Has nl lar lrrn Itrrrlrrd, At their Uirc, nt Fosters Mill 11m if mw aaaortnwnl m frb from lha Nortbere Citiea, and will Im found ! ronaiat of - "nasT ciuautv . " DUY-GOODS, HARD-WARE, Groceries, Cirtlery. A:c. Which, lognthfr with thir former atock, makaa tboir praaani awpply Wry Large and Dealrable. 0" Drill determined to aell cheaa ft Caak or Country i'roduca, or on tha uauaJ credit to puoe tual cuatoniera, they b'Hie to merit and raccita lcintiiiuance of the palnniat which they ha burntolora enjoytMi at the baud of a TiLfirtf pub lic. D. L. 6c tU. R .wan C., No. 20, 1 34. if DAVID L. I'OOLy Clock nntl Wntoh Maker, JKWKLLER, AND BILVER-BMITIf, I FI'KCTFULLY mforma hia fronds and the iuhlic that he etill ctmlinura to carry oo lha alx;ve Inmiim'im, in all ila vanoo hranchea. CCT Ilia Khop ta Mill kp4 at the old atand on the Main Street in Baltabury, one door a bote lha Store of H, linly At 8i. WauJuia CI 4" ftery kind will he Rp. twelve montba. DAVID L. T(X)L Will uroar krrn on Ham! a Yarittv of Articlti tn ir line of butintii tuck ui J Pofchf Iever Watches,7EnIiah, French, Hunt- I, ml. I ing, ana iuicn Chains, Heals, and Keys, (gold and plated ;) Breaxt-Fina and Fint;er-Rings ; Ever-poiii((d Pencil Canes six) Leads ; Silver Ware i Htecfaclo Frame and Glasses ; Pistols and Dirks ; Pocket and Pen Knives, (Rodger'.) "Wwd and Silver taken in exchange for article Old Uold i P"' ! Shop, and io payment Tr work 4k,l,, ou " - Salisbury, Nov. 15, 1&34. lT tA . , . e r , , . DlSSollltlOD of Co-Partnership. VTOTICE is hereby given, that the firm hereto- ' fore ennting, under the name, of HARRIS V SHAVER, it dissolved, by mijtual consent of the parties. All pentuas iiMloittoJ to the said firm are requested to come forward immediately and settle their accounts; and those to whom we are indebted wiU pttmse render tbeir account to us fir jwymcnt. GEORGE M. HARRIS. JOHN I. SHAVER. - flniiatory; October ai9aLX:"I-:. the - 0) AHS&I2A!Ka.a ASLUndl , ffERETOFORK carri-d on by the above con 1 1 corn, will Still be Continued by the un- dorsigncd, In all its varioua branches. aL tho old - j ,.f lliir:. oi.,A;i---' t.'-;.i--'i...-. muhiw iiumsui. jiiuur. 11 ia hiwu iimi mo I Ulwral patronage heroUifore cxtondtid to one of u coiiluiuo toebesfowoil on our iww esUtiuab menr. Ready-made Vehicles, of various kinds, on hand, and will be sold cheap j and REPAIRING Jif cveVy description will he promptly attended to, J and exocutod ia tbo motf Ciilbfut uuuiwr. I JOHN I. SHAVER i Co. MtbHry.Octahw 1, 1S34.:. - - tf PUDMC SALE. IN ptinswnou f a Deoree ef the Court of Equi . tv,l will axpuso to public aalo,.oa the phioiisos, on ikurtday ike iHtk day of Dectmber next, all Those Valuable Lands, Known by the nnme ot tho " Mill luidti, lyin in m .WW WHim w. ntHi eomaimng, m an, About 70 Acres. House, and a valuable Grist and Saw- Mill, with othof'T.nprovements, uxm the premises, r" Tlw awtd- lianHa -wrwwell - adapted to tm?' eultiiret' rT'. ,"wta CJPFJ A 1 f Cotton and Grain of ali kmbv- Ibey -H-uponlnRidVnr'by privat. conveyance, eis-losing the cash I .1. v- it .. l i t.. . I l me I sumo iviTcr, mm t-iiiuiw.t a iuii-o uuuv ui i rttriugLOW-llROttN Tliose Land will be sobl in a body, or in eepa- ralo tracts, as may best uit iurchaers.. Tle terms will be a credit of 12 months. 07" Tbe sale will oositivelv take place on the day above named. JAMES ELLIS, Executor of the Estate of Anderson Ellis. ..November 1, 134. . . Ids - ... - . LAND FDR SALE. linilE Subscriber nflbra for anle a valuable Tract containing H4J.1. Afrra, lying Lincoln County, n the Catawba River, about mns ismi'w in umc mu. This Laid iuf an excellent quality, well adapt' ed to Cotton and all kinds of Grain. A consider able portion of it is low-ground and meadow. The Improvements, consisting ot a uweii- ing and all necessary out-houses, are now coimiont. - , , - , The term, will bo made easy to me purcna- . , , . . , . . , and can be ascertained by aildressing the sub-1 cri!er, at Itoattie'a toW, or tne cntawna ispnngs pOmoe, JAMES CONNOR. --1 Deptemocr o, ipji. I If nit y Classical School rVUK Fourth fcion of lha Claical H hl in JL ID VKimtTOI me t-aiawoa niirinffi.wiu cunt menca hi A jfr la Jaauar f 1) 35. -TU KUctibr, bavtng UmmJ lha aUia of .Younf Mt.ho i. a correct Kh.h Scho- lar, will hn enabled to devot hia time i . . . . . . a.. im and alien lioa nwrw unreredly lo lha Claaaical BtudonU ?dly lo led to! wno may i comntiiiea to ait care. For mora information with regard o tha School, Parent and Guardian art rtfrrred to Mra. Alfred M. liurton. Robert II. Burton, John (Jraham, liartlctt Bhlpp,' Maj. Daniol M. Fontejr, and Dr. McLcao. - ROBERT C. ALLISON. December 6, 1834. At I'hnalc Jlcadcmy, THE Trutei of tha Lincolnton Female Academj take thia occaaiua of announcing that, contrary to intention al tbe commencement of thia aaaaioa, (dating float September Utb) lb School will icouliuiM ia operation for an tntirt werly allowing short uilerinnmio! al Chriafma. 1 bey Leg it to bo umloralood, howe- rer. that ficboUra will be charted only from the data of their entrance, and the interval alludud will be mad ua at the end of the anaaion. nm uuocrio, inn en. n"i ia uiiikji mo uii;.iini of Mia A. THOMPSON. Lincolntoo, December fl, 1131.-3t i.iiuouiiuu mucin,. rPIIE Kiaminalion of the Students undor f - - . A cam of Uao.W. Moaaow wilt commence tha 2(itb of Ihi inalant,( Wednesday,) and (emu Data tha lay following raxenta and Ouarduna are particularly renueat- ad to attend. The Kiercises of tbe Academy will be resu med oo lb first Monday in January. CtX). w. morrow. N-B. The prka of .Tuiltoa per Sewncjo (in ad vance) for thn Lnnguagea aod Mathematics, will be tit 60 Cr Cnvlwh Uraouuar, (iixitfraphy, and Arithmetic, 1. G.W. M. Lincolnton, No. 22, Jft3. 0 OR n uir.i, AJWH r rom ino Racp grouiiii near Salisbury, on the 25(h ultimata. amail Sorrel Mare, About 14 hands high- She it a well comimcted poocy trot generally, but rack when descending hills i ha a long tail, and a lar in the forehead oo other marks recol loctod. She had on a saddle ami bridle, and only otto ahe, which was on one of her fore foet. A reasonable reward will be given to any one who will refurii the said mare Io the Subscriber, at Boon's Ford, Rowan County, or for i-uch infor mation a will load to her recovery. JESSE A. IIOIM5EN8. December fl, 1934. 4t CFLS17SZD NORTH C'AIIOIJNA STATE EiOTTERTf, 6th CLASS, FOR 1H34, I To be Drawn in tho City orRAlflgh, On Tuesday tkt 30(k of Dictmbcr, 1634, ON TUB. POPULAR... TermlnatUig-Flgure Syatem.- sTEYEXsoNot points," managers. CAPITA! SKfV?k fTh ffr I - -.-0 0 2-3 II Si - , 1 rriie of 7,000 DOLLARS i 7,000 1 1 1 10 10 - T.V 60 100 135 200 330 6,000 6,000 6,000 of 4,(XKJ DOLLARS ia 4,000 of 3,000 DOLLARS is 3,000 of 2,0(K) DOLLARS is 2,000 of Jf)m DOLLARS ls; HVHtO of 600 DOLLARS is 5,000 or3O0JKMJLAJlSia.a4100.- of aOO DOLLARS of 100 DOLLARS of 50 DOLLAR9 of 30 DOLLARS of 2( DOLLARS of 15 DOLLARS of . 10 WLLARS of 6 DOLLARS of 4 DOLLARS is ia is is is 3,000 6,000 6,000 4,060 4,000 is is is 4,050 60,000 30 000 is 24,000 IH,H0I Priwn, amounting to $ 80,000 A Package "(if 10 Whole Tickets will cost And must draw nett .... $40 00 17 00 --mnn tin A ocatrjjBag win ' - e'i mi i For 10 Half tickets, . - ll 6() For 10 Quarter tickets, 5 75 fj- All Orders from a distance, bv mail (post- or prize-UCKors in our nrevioos jLionenes, win re-1 - . . i . .... i .. -ii I STEVENSON At POl NTS, Snlidiury ; and an count f tho drawing will be forwarded immcdiato-j ly aitct its, event. : Whole Ticket, . ftl 00 Halves, - . ' 2 00 Quarters, - 1 00 To be had, in the greatest variety of numbers, at Stevenson &. Points s Ollke, (White Row, Mansion Hotel.) . SALISBURY, N. C. December 6, 1 R34. td OO-To a Scr.t p. hL" Tinkers . MERCHANTS, AND OTHERS. itTE are in the weekly receipt of a larsre number of . . r . rMowsDSDors rrom a iihkh an aaaners oi meiim. i ion suiiea, id exenange ror me vanmnian, ami would l be elad to bfive them taken off our hands at a reasons-1 hie price, i tioy comprise journals ot every grade in VK - . efmMltj o... ' th PPB UI WIl.WWUVH "I m V. I ij I. ill.. uvi nirtrnuilTfnf, I w,ws.mongprg) tbe jf-ri, politicians, merchants, and , ders having occasion fiir newspspei wdf finH it tb wntagenw to apply for them at THIS OFFICE. uausomj, iavihiki , j; i HI : "JS w4- Travolloro' Inn, - 1 j i mi if m JT1 Jjj -Ji. JLi iUd' X-t fT"K BuWriber reaperifuJIy jnforni tU r IT1TI I, Ktit'TtlH FYT fir TDK CuVuT ln Kuert, thai ihry bar recently J-i MIUA'TI.DW TWff llir; wi i I . ; aiiaiiMb aw air . - 1 I IJiH.llaTO.l, (.K. CAIlWIil.l A.; mil E 8uhcriber Ukea thia method of inarming I Traellera thai ha keeoa llouao of hutef D. uinmeut in Lexington, (N, C.) on .Main Bretf wiih aurinff all who ma kan .:l7i' Soolhweat of lha Coiirlhouo. , ... Ilia Tabla will alwaya be auppi.eo wun mo ur.i jWngera, Priat Ueullemeu, and Fa,b.rf faro that a plentiful neighborhood can afford. Hi ,n, accomniodUlioua at lha Moaim llotel llouao being capaciou, and attended by Mrvanta miffMim by any houaa in ihia Bute -who mtq indualrioui and kbJ(AI to plcaaa, Travel- W ith a well-built and well-arranged Lei leracan alwaya be accommodated with (JOOD gwi l),0ing and IxxIging Rooma. enTji B K D S in room with fire placcv Ami laat, not the Uaat important conaiduration, HUIiafcS UtMt BertanU, wel.fijrnibcd Table and L, an airaya rtetivt nek attrnlim, in Ike Stabh an acmiiKKlating landlord, tha proprUjion ,,tkt Subtrnbrr, (hat lliey may kaa it with io- Maxaioo Hotel Can with lha graetoet coJIT crew J ability to do the service of the road. An excellent Line of ArroiiuiKxIatioii Macra to fnves the IIouu of the Subacriher, FOR BA I-ISIU'RV, on tbe evenings of Monday, Tkur$ ouy, alio nuiuriitiy, ami rviuru io ioiiijjiou the succeeding evenings. 0" Fasaongera Kmg from South to North, entering their name aa fur a Haliabury only, 1,,f5rc ukj ij( ho AwoniIIMJ(Jll(rtl lMM , 1,, the li, hi. ran luivn 'heir rlioirf . .1 Idlli-r ulucn. be on i,. I0 Fifdmofil Line and the one which rune - ,y wav of Frvdurickaburg JOHN P MA BUY. Lexington, March H, 1n.'I4. IIIXKIVITH'M THOSE who arc afflicted with HF.AD-ACHF.S, 1 1 K A RT-II (' RN S, und other ditn-wing nymp Umsi of disordored utomach, bowels, and liver, may fold wliof in Dr. IWkwith'a Anti-D)'pcutac PilU, whicb can be had at Uda Odce prko Lly cents per Imix. I ne Doctor. wIk) once reidod in this nlace. but 1 I now hvoa in Raleigh, has, after a king and extern wve pnictn e. boen fiui el to comiMNiud a most va- I luabh remedy for tho chronic diseases if the di- gowtive, otann, sn -commrin lit Ssj'tfmrn climatic, esuocially with those who lead sedeutary lives. It would lie an ouny uuitter to make out cerlifi catct to prove llml tliene Pills are a "sovereign re medy" f!r "ail the ilia Uiut llosh is heir to;" but it is not protendetl that ibey are an universal anti- cuius and other ffttillemen can bo shown to sub. umu. ruitoHs oi inn iimist resnecuiiio rnvm. stantiate their etlicary in the particular das of KOWaild 8 1 OMG MUDir( diseawa above apoken of : and the Editor of thia EVER &. AGUE HAS. BEEN CUkOJ paper can testify that ke bos dorivod ejioody and 90,000 CASES permanent relief, in the ue of lliem, from a moat Within tho three yenra that it baa been ia so. diHlmwing kikI longontinuod huad-aclio. Some and the poiiouta rostorod to health, vigor, aWo of his fjicmls tried thorn, at bis suirraation. and ex- fort, aa they are ready and anxious in im, V tyLniuJ lU i I r. t .AT... ikwu iiu miiin m;iM'iiciai miocis. SaliiilHiry, June 14, 18.14. tf PALL & "WXlTTUn FADUIOITO FOR 1834-35. HORACE 1L BEARD, Tailor, businoss, (a number of years of which time 'be resided in tho cily of rhilituVlphia,) and -from the 1 guuuxiU aalisbiotion ba ba heretoittre riven to hi numeroui respectable and iiushionablc customers, to I Qicxu onu receive a poruon oi uo patronogo of tho public in general. (ET He flatter himself that his CTJTTINC ia really superior to soy done in this 8tote, aa maj no leaieu oy me untiirtputon elegance of fit w attends garments made in bis establishment. He .s in the regnlar receipt of thn Reports of the Fa, mis muiwy h rrtiropo m mat gentlemen ms-4)- witiifi- thftf their orders will alwavs be executed in the very latest style. Uruora I rom a distanoe will be attended to with the same iunctuality ami care aa if the customer were present in person. irv. 'I.iv 17. 1834 1 ' RQVAL.-Ilcnjainiii Tralev, - AILOR, informs his customers and tlie public in eer mii iiu uns niiiwvru km onp ui me notise aii-i 1 the M Buect wJwie he is prepared to do every drs ecripuon oi work in the line of bis business, in a stvln aupeiior to any done in this section of country, on as renitiilile terms as any, ami on short notice. n. r. reKumriy receives, irom the INorthern Cit.es, h r , v . . . ' " fj i nni wi IMF' npTvrria nr mo h i .n innu m hn. ... . .... . a I " uwuu ui nun win ij Wui msMiiinaDio ana uurooiu. narmenfs Umile by liis workmen will in all ea$e bt l wnrrantrii to jit the cutlomrr. vnrnmj-uui, mt persons who have their work made up clpewhere, will bo punctually attended to. Orders from a distance thankfully received, both for coiuinw ... 1 i ' f ul u iuninir gii wurs. To Tattor$: K F. respwtfuliy informs the Craft. that ho is Agant-4.sth Inventor of thc-yrenrHfaeT jof Cutting, which is now almost universally used at the North, and tlmt he will rite instruction to im n mny desire to be more perfect in Uial branch of tho art, I for a reasonable compensatjoij. naiwnury., lw. ly B. FBALEVi- rpiIE Subscriber wishes to purchase LIKELY ,4- NPfinORK frm i., i.. iV: .. - ' .en w imriy years oia, ana win pay me most, uoerai prices in Cash. - All who have such property to wm,Id J0 10 cau,on mm' or Mr John Jones, his Agent. well to call on him, or " uuu .?ir. s d i? inr a ii.itei ln i K-n - J i i." . , i m Arkaiwaw Territory, and will attend k sv terms as nmable as any m tl.w mtwn of coun- Bout.ty.Jnda, which, if mZZ to, H ry. H. H. B. hopes, from hit long praetice of hit TTT-T.i i ll i-" a.i:.k j a....... ... a, .. --""!'""' oaimiiury, miu nir, Jones ai VI. lloyd 8 Hotel in Charlotte. ' He thinks it proper to say, that he is not con- any other person All Jl . AU Lc,"M adressed to him, or Mr. Jones, will M Fw,lla,Iy ""ended to. , ROBERT IIUIK. ortuaoury, may 84, itui. tf " " m isomer i tlt(Ju,r H.ililMII It V, I, C. w "... - ia-akiu taa-K n b iahnidit. The dtem i i.nn. 7 Tt... A . 1. ,r L lbiii io regard to lha location of Uia lloLT i man eon lenience are alra L.. SM" ,e,- public, or can ba aecn at a uing puoiic, or can m aeco at a ainala ... a nrntnian I th pre m lac i Tlwy therefor r,i, thrgh thia aectmo of euntr1 liul firat-rate dmia, ailentive aZTu - iimir auwsa anj mago, mrgv ainouut Ui OWWUOrlr - Liin oloiiin aiid Chert Ru-. - regularly arrive at and dtrt from tha MuL UUULJUULUlUUVWaMI Sjfi. I i . I -t ou "., uuki wh wwb , nu, aivinv emensive and secure Stable, and Oatler tkVk by induatrioua and wcll-diiMwfld, traveller! ia am and convey ancea or on horarback are assured th . lams win im apsreo w in meir Horses tn jgj. ll.n ..A mdt9 iMklno Ik. ui.l.li.l . ' IIF.NRY W. CONNFl RICHARD W. LONa Salisbury, November 8, 1H.14 Om t WANTED. 4 Respectable Lady, to act in a faraih; M i. v caiiaciiy of llouao-Keeper, and totakarl ofa fiimily of Children. ApiJr at thia Otj. Siilmbury, Di-c. fl, 134.-31 iW refill; of Ihe Dible Kocirlj. 'P'lIK Members of Ihe Rowan Count BiLfc . 1 ftety ro rMueUdto-iMH-iBt(Prei rian Church, in nnlinbgry.on lho53lhiyaW comiier do it, at lite hour of 11 o'clock A.M. The object ia to resuscitate tbo Bucietr. aW I b,ld tnAl thero will be a general attraetsi in i nose irK'ooj io i no mstiiatMUVl wui oo preacood on toe eccaston 6. LM LY, Preside!. November 29, 1834. tC Fcrer I n . c.. ;; A i nv ..,.. I Mm 11 k . K7" Tbo cenuuie Mixture can be haJ at a. Store of JOHN MURPHY, In 8a!iborr,5.t JVIW K, KOWAMJ. September 27, 134. gM LAM) JLOaGTICYs Letter (poat-paid) addreated tQ the FubprnH at Botcsville, Arkansaw. win be promrrlT t",rM rtar -rDltiD rkiniiarut. Septomber 27, 134 -, ,- , Cm Current Price of Produce, lx AT SALISBURYoccmlKalT. S;. UA ? n hs 1-VMolanoa, . VWVaila. . . pcacn, . auaotwiitta, I Butter, , I Cotton, in mnA. 1& ftyor 73 3 11 Sugar, brown, loaf. . lOtKi clean, '"eei . . 9 ' reatners, , . . malASaJt, , , . 119, U . 40 Taflow, . . . U , 30 a 33)Tobooo, t .550 a 600 Micat, (bushel) 80 tilt . 100 TiUW. . . . ASi I- I iajueed, Unseed Od, per galkii, Al 121 -. - AT FAYETTE VI LLE-.n ' Raenn, . . rzalVj'Iron, .... Ilfl apple, wa 7UMoiA8ses, . . . 31 is 60 a OOiNnik cut, . . . 61 Beeswax. . . 1H a 10 Hucar, brown, . 8 1 tf Coffee, . . . . 12 a 14 Cotton 14 a 14 Jumni . j 141 loaf, . . 16t IT lorn 00 a 6o! Suit. i . j . . n i.a.. ... rmww, r s--.ioii a iuvvncaL. . Tsorw AT CHERAW, (8. C.)....December llr IVicoii, v 15-alfflMwl,(fcar'ce,J Beeswax, 17 Molesaps, . . . 40i rsJ" Uutter, , 15 a 20 Nails, . . . . 7D Onts. f career . 85i "'wi 14 a IM n, ,.. 13 a 15 .. . ' V KlCC,, ..4UI?. 60-t BftffSaJHrgclm, Featheia, ... 354(4 hue heb 75 Fl"teod, . . .125 a 160 Sugar, prime,. 9al! ' "'P-t , fine Kta- rximnmn. 700 a loaf St lump. 15 1 Iron, 5 a rrallow.fscarcci. 10 Lard' 10 al2i Tea, . . . .128 1 1 Muckerel,. . .650 a 00 Wheat,. colli AT COLUMBIA, (S. C.)..Deccmber I Racon, . . . -. io a laLaro. a:: Urandy, peach, . 75 Molasses, . . apple, . 40 a 50fMackereI, . . Beeswax, . . : W) a 15 Salt, in tacks, BuUerT.rvTT:i:.,.lg.8nlvm. haftr-t; Cfrflfee 12 a lTISnmir lnlni. .ffitua 250iW .' lftls Cotton . . 14 a IM T.tlnW . 121 1 H n,. . .800 a 05frre. . . . .125 tW Iron, . . 4 a Siiwhiskey, . . . 40 1 AT CAMDEN, (S C.) December 13. Bicon, 14 a 001 FlourN.Cara). 000t Brandy, peach, appple, Beeswax, , . Cotton, . . . Corn, . . . Feathers, . . 75 a 00 fCanunilbi).W0ti" 35 a 40 12 a 16 13 a 16 Iron, i . . . Lard, . . . . tvii 101 n 75 a eThV'liiakey, . 30a5t!Vhuat,ncw, .100 t 13 la h ts