THE TERM CAROLINIAN. yBLIMHEl) WKHKLY: JOHN BKAUD, Jr, Editor and Proprietor XumUrfrom the bttnnin, 7CO: No. 30 OF THE XVth VOLUME. Salisbury, Rowan County, N.C. Saturday, December 27, 1831. WES - 5 VVjaw ".4 'A "., k iStiji i, "fa utj, f THE DEHTROYER. raine not with te f liltvring word, came not with a aptr, ' fit UraadwhrJ weapons in bis hand, To M tW lovalv frar. Tin MwM of youth u oo bis check, A ad sparkled in bis eye j . Jul afiroudiid in hi. yiwlhful Mil Were thoughts ot dorpnat dye. n mppkw ant with (; nor sought IV. battle's at-iny beat, -Where the eweywW and ttisrcnrirrncror find"" A rorv winding inWt; ()h! bVtb-r that In csnlail he Had hurl'd death's falal blow, Tit M aua'd at woiaaa'a IruatiMg Wet TIh) abaft tint laid her low. IJi- rariw to her with gentle wdi Ami win I'd love', witching mmlc; ttii could If dmmi 'neatli all liw Vow. Tlicre lurk'd the taint offline, for none could tmik on liim and tlunk TUt bit biu would deceive : Ami none could see her anjrel form. And tli ink that ahe must g rivu Hut aoon, hi. aoliiina oalh. fulfil, ll loft ber to her doom i Hm rock'd if wrong and falsehood led Th guilllaa. ti the tomb. Mm- atruggled on, but dark ind drear I far young life crifpt away; ril amw each hope prove faUe by lime, . - acb Imk of iy decay I Kb U44 SmC yt aiWiIy, . As Bower. beneath toe blaat; FIte Voaihed rsi murmur, shed no tew, Out kv'd hun to the hut: She cursed not he destroyer hiin Who cloaed not her aiure eye ; Khe lov'd whim death frnaw'd at hot hmrt. umkr r ircunutaiw peculiarly jrntifUl Miy, I aiNr U fore you u rcm:w the lfli"-. of IkIcIiIv nxiuinul tu 1 1. Ji .... or The Weateru Carolinian. SSt'KD WEEKLV.S :n-J0HN BKAUD, JR. tiki or rrBLirATiux. 1 Tkt Weatera Ctroliniaa ia published every 8 V.Dit. at Two DolIara per annum if paid in ad nine, h Two laJUrs and Fifty CeiiU if not paid btSre the tiBiratiur of thraa aionUia. 2. No Daner will be dincootinuod until all arrearage. in mmL anleaa at the diacrvtkia ol uio buiior. I 1 HuhaeriiitioiM Will not be received a lea. time i . ... t . i . j t!n one yew; and a failure to runny me riiu.r or a ft to discontinue, ai me ena ot a yuai, wiu uc mw smt u a new engagement. I i Any per who will procure n autwmhera lo the Vinhnan. and Uke (he Wwabla to eolloct aad tranaimt im aulMcrlptkm-mnney to the Wiior, anaii nae a pa- W (ritia during their eoot'muanc, I k frr Prrml i4Mt4 tathr Mito, Hmumit hiim tkrmf k tke Mil, at hia iial mnnidri thry Krt awn ,nBn " a j TtiMt r AiiTiiu3r Jot. HhoIii's Inaugural Addir. (7raiiVvn o (4f AVaur, ami of tkt Iloute of Commomt in oiiHiM!fice to the Mprwauon vour will. J .... lo my the atditinii t.l.l ..r ii .i... .. ' . .... . . l Iim I Maowlrnto. At an imtioHaiit in tli affiiira iwf jlieJUitg &uJ liiowia. (iutiutuuuuU, tU i4rKiaiaiure wn 0 CaU iiw from Whkly ililh-n-iil Niruila, to thin aim ion. The nlucUiiice and dilli.l-rre with wbicb I eulered upou itadutn, lurreaard the aiitiHy 1 fdt fo au. li a tenniijalion of thflin a would ju.tify, if not (lie flatteriiirr auti. cmwIioim of my friend., tlio rcamablt. expocUlioua the jmllic. I thatik (Jo.1, however, I hut I wit. IM perunUed at any moiiMmt eilln'r to belicfD or dVre (hat my arlmmintratioa would give umverwl atifHCtion. no of th; rmrlieat nuiiiiiui wWu-U wa. inipruited on my inoiuory taiiirlit me that he who pleaaml tli.-m iwmt. waa not alwav. al.t. -t of fivirt faithful m-rvunt of the eolc. With this jwineiple lupins imi, 1 have endeavored, by a rigid adherence toduty, lo ancure tlio annrutmtion of my own coiiiicHtiKe aiKi to d !M:rve the (avomhln mli. mnlim of hntrw im-n. Tim find iioiiit haa bin aftaiimd, ami I have far mircMM in the ae- cmd, m to lie MiiKtuimxl, not ly the high tide of: any exciU'iociil, out anuriMt n curnm. L'jHlcr mck urcMiuataiicca, the o v whrrh terminaffi niv jNihlic career, will bn-ak upon a lighter heart than that which withrfrewme from the qietlrf, prtrate in". 1 .kill retire, I trurt, without anuuoaily to ward thoae by whom my rnotiv? have been mia- conceived and iiii.repreaeiilfHl, and with feelings of Vuzw-m-uxuriir-wkn h ttom can liet apfirariate who have exnerienccd aimilar fide. lity in try ing viciiMitudea. 1 have deeiiMNl it nut nmppmpriate to aneak thua much of my friemla anl iiivaelf. For mv coonlrv ...,i .: u... . 1 r loo cruua uenuUMU a wiucr range of obaervation. In my communication to yon at the commence. mem ot tne mmhoii, I pre-iaed fi)r your coniiide ration, the particular reiaUooe which Mbaiat be tween thia State and the Federal Government. The more I reflect upon thia aubieet. the more deenlv am I impreatwd with the conviction lhat the price 01 nueny n eiernai viciiancei and that power alwaye atwaling fnnn the many lo the few. Let any iiihii eiaiiune, impartially, the hiatory of the Con federacy and of thin State, and form the eoocluaion, a ne can, tnat me power and patronage of the Ge- ioriiiiiciii are nH aangcroua to public li berty. ay, mora let him acan attentively the characters and condua oT public, men. and mUo himaelf with the conviction, if he can, lhat (he famegeneral integrity and patriotic devotion are now exmutiea, wnicn cnuracterizeo: the early dava of the Rcpoblic The intelligent individual who mmtk aiiaTaTa nmlMllf llllltl aa.tlVaaT.aT ai'liall i HI a at ta-aaW. lal iaaaaaBaaaaw w---ajeTTTtaBrT,a-wTeww-- a'fvll-'l I w ai f 11 ayf tr Tf CV bt 'kAlmaaeta H1 4m eotWiicUOUIllf Hd Correct- ? uwerted, at 60 cent per arpwr for uie nrax meercro, la'ad 334 eenU fir each continuance llHTt; where aa a L..-:. 1 1 J . 1. i-,. UI Kllll 5 chnred or each inaerUon. I J. h wbo'diilre toWpg DW year", wip be kwaunodated by dodiictkal from theibuve ilmj fur trtatient custom. I T tti.M twmnt atimition to lUert addreflied jto the Etlitor, the poatage ahould In all caaoa be paid. . SILK OF iKKOES. Ac ON Satvrdag tkt 3d dny of JanunrjrVA ne'anltf'niiWnrtM m eredil. ai h dwemng housB (rf VVctfimrn Cowan, deceaeodrne Likely Negro Man, and a Woman. These Negroc belong lo the Eatate of the aaid deceased, and are eold to pay in ueoia. 1 t fa mm tim and place TIE BAIjANCE OF THE NET.HOKS Or Mill Eatate wiU be ItireU Ut fori yoarr r Tfie terma of credit, and other particula,w.ll -bi known on the day of "tie. u Admin'r. lecemlier 20, I'm. wai euertained, upon the part of thia Bute, lhat I ua, who neither eineel. nor ileatra bv naiuful and nameJ. wwal.L-Mul ir... .1.1 .1.. 1 .. . ' a . , .a . ' , r ' - - ' "t w aiaieaj va t ! kkaU lll(aU IQ c..niratively amall ahare f lb taxei pud by tier kborioua eiertkm, lo aecure tither tkme or comiw- ef the enauing year may not d.r materially from cjtiaena would be required by tit Federal Govcrt- lenee, but 0 mp the mmt reward which awaita that average. 8hwiU they not ao ddler, the re- , . , , I - , , . 1 u lunmiK win prvuaoiv correepoM la) Hie revemie which accrued to the Dohiftl ire. 1 Kiv it aa an oi-inum which U the rwult of Mbatance with that of the mat vear. an l.e ury duriiirr that vear liidn mn. ihan i I mm l-l....; ..J ..t. iL. -;r..i ..... I :. . t . .1 j . . .1 ' ' . .. ' 7 .,',7 :. , 7 I ' '-"'1 r""" " cnangna vj mm wdom airwMni 01 ail iiiIImkm and a half of dollar, w.ich waa eqwivaleut ranoe ofita truth, that tim power and patronage the imiortalionetawhea compared with the abort i c!nitrm u rf "rvemyeat tmto on every of the General Government muat lo rclrkiod to average. IWauae (be claawee and value of arU. iimIivkIuiu of every caate in tie I'nitAd fliaara narrua.r Lmii-L t .;il kui inA ... rUa r... ....... .lu i- t . . n TJit fcUtr ftmiufi ra.ik rtl himl.ctaH-t probaMy be SmiTaranJ thrrate dutiei on like niai.nor, waa but nuwte ceule, or preciwly My view, aa to the beat rneaaura of reform al Ihem will not, by dialing Uwa, be eawntiatly al one fourth of the levy by ibeTederal authoritiea. nreannt Wilhin Mir mark, arum r.wmnuinu-i.liwl in IhuI lilt 1 1.. SI. 1 .J l-v- k 11 ' .... . ' . r . , . I I . .... . .... ...v w.m v. wiuiwi, n. A iJ ,,iw.r,fL!,.7er" 1 ,U,r1lCUW,,l, tW"ry tanff U r?JU-. U "venue frr.m lh .ale oT public Unla ha. fiventy.uveiniIlio re,iu.mi that thia ailjutmnia been ealinuned .1 b.lf . .n,J.'l .1. ' .. - - wiimiww aawa w iMaatf lirw 4 Estate Sale of IVegrocs, . AC. AN tkt frtt day f January next, I will aell lo l tlw higlieat biddrfll Uo. Couflhpuse in.g4: lidbury, for canh, I Beronging to the F-Mate of the late Dr. Ferrand, And on the day, itiMtwIiately after 4h ale, I will Hire Out. for 0it ? nr, On the uHi(i term-r, ; the rerrminmg Negroea be ongmg (o aaid Latate. Also, at the same time, Wtll to Kented 4Jut lor one year -December 13, 1834. tds. Admin'r. JVegroes for Sale. V'1LL BE m BEroRETHE COrjRTilOUSE OnTkvr$daf the dujof fumiturfikxt, Uetween Thirty-Five and Forty elonging to the Eatate of Joseph Chambers, de ceased, late of Rowan County. (KT Thia is, perhaps, the most valuable lot of "egroes ever ottered or sale in this section 01 tne country, the greater part of them being young, very likely, and of good character. A credit of 12 months wilt be given, upon bond and security, with interest after six months. SAMUEL REEVES, December 18, 1834. tds Admin'r. Ilaulill, Circular, Card, Vo. Neatly Priulod at tins Otlkc endowed with aphiloaophy, tle mimmowwio of which m h m avt impire. me wun. wtauotn, wuuhi atki greatly tmy-smn of happliiese. 1 earmot conaci- enikwly refraiiij getitlenren, from urging upon you; at torn time, the dulibcrate coomderatioo of this uu welcome tdpic ' "Our 'F alhers' procluiiiied, with prophctid' forecast," thai a frequent recurrence to fundamental principliut, would be eciitiul to the preseryatioa of hberty. ... ... Iliere was no one of the Colonics which, in the early period of American history, suffered so so- erely from Executive nnnrtik) as .North Carolina. The jealousy of absolute power, produced by thia circuiuitanet eonwtilutcs -trie -rrwet strihmg -trait in ftie cliarac cKizens; and it vwiWy irh- DreiWCit OjKMVouf iiw(ilutii). If save birth to the war of the Regulation, animated the patriots of Mecklenburg at tin first dawning of civil liberty ; clothed the Executive Department with no other power than the attribute of mercy, in the forma fronTf Ihe ute C tioa of -the .wise, diatrtwt, the exemplary caution, witn which the federal Constitution was constdoT- ed and adopted. It was exhibited; in no equivocal character, in the proceedings of ewry department of the Government, in 1790. The assumption by tne ucnrrw n . r th Apht rif rh St t to the amount of twenty millions and a hair or om- lurs, and the iiuiKNttion of a duty of seven and half per cent. 011 foreign merchandize, were sub jects of severe animadversion in tlie Annual Exe cutive Mowiic Tliiitcouiijiuiiicuti'ui resulted in a solemn protest on the part of both branches of the t.eneraTAmbTv;"'lTir6aih airvporf the Constitution of the United States "was scornfully refijHiBd Ihc use of the State prisons denied to the r ederal'Cotirts and trie anthonty of the re (feral Judges contemned by the judicial tribunals of the State. 1 do not allude to these facts for the )ur)ose of yielding to them even the feeble autho- buL to illustmte from mix ..own noMs.iha.flisnosi tion which prevailed to confine power within its prenbed limits, al the rjeriorjwhfin Washington," . . t - - r - - wawcontM rtiixI, the price af ur kbertica. we have shall not be disturbed. With regard lo the mihlic . 1 ;. .1 T " . TJJtTT rT donnun however, the que,, preit. iu- ll4 with o, million more than ,h. amoun. lor 1 W3. ... .,, .. -iu:i iiio cxiiciiRm which reiieweu arce ! 111 we, iiac improvKMtii aiwriii- estimate would hava hmn mmA .lill l.j prevailed Hk,,,, could bavjantkipatod. the ,rfoct thriU, having exhausted our ready funds, ,r,, Ui Thi JZ f 1..! : Z'fZt, complacency with which wfnowcmitemplatethefx. our real estate lo nasa into the amis of ireody al- rol-U J . l"n" " .77 ,7 " t u-ingH,cyoftlGovcn.ientf Buflbr me to coav venturers 1 This queation nnM be oW.deJ Jr d- hy tnmt1 Z ' '0 m'JTZ tmue this history as concifcly as I can to the ire-l vour-elve. and voJr comdi.nla. and, en- !k.1!...1i hr purpoaea, and not to . I period. In 1 00 f ths year of. the aumi- doavojed lo -.U, it (airly, I connnend it wiUkxiI rge' ., on la You nded Z Z Z 1 of Z n.s.nitionoftheehk-rAo.ra.,)thenation.lmenue furtl remark to your progreaiT for Lm S was emiaJ to a ryniiai;. i.f iS A.AU. ..i i ,i. ... i.... .n . .i... 1 g utrrrtm w' lime evinced the ..rty-lwo ce,s,hut of th, Btate to fiAoen cenla. I yield to no in admiration of the 7,1.1 Z ",L .s 1- JJ'L In lhio. fat the clow of Mr. JeiE ,-,'. A,lmii. C.r .J- TV T. . "Y . " . tratkm.) die national levy had Wlen to pne d.dlar pos of it. it is only ,HH.ry Iha't , ,7. Zmrl wJu ?o(L.TS.Z and il.irtv t. i .i ' . -j-.i. a..... . ..i I Ll.h 7.t i :... r ""caary wants ol our growing population y mm vi tira unmtv n iwoitv i nun uo auminnaerea wun us vimnii anq poniy i akl of Iha am nrania f.. l- . j . l - . I. Ibiui .1. .1 . . . ... f ..... . . iu i?iu.iiBiM Kiuni vnr n .nr. . i iumiiifi in 11. u ii i. mill nn n. i .: ! i :, . . ' j .M . . ' . " I. :w "r . r-. ifirnri wnica ineir nroduca ,l.i..i f S Administration.! the nmnortion waa aa am I vinim lh(-rpfon nn nwrilnt iwhiIikl I A.n.b'.. -att rr. ir fi ; . Vrr-; - , t -a "''""' "- ' r J. 1 " mmw ino IDroaa. T mU:'rJ r"" ,0.l'!ine!n. tow ' "The revenue from Bank dividend, ha. been VT'l. " cina year ot ueneral Jackaon's AasemMy, to aupport, maintain, and defend, the eirtiroated at aomewhat leea than Lerelu.W in iiumnmniii aa am wmt-m -4 1 wwaaaat 4 4 , ai -t. tl. a na a! " - - - - L.J ai.. I v,, viaaaa iu Hnrvi t iuiw I inwniiinHm wi ail t va.nirrii' wn wun ittc wnLi I 1 rrwiarnrttwruM hx bmIm waT M L. i. . i to twelve centa. Ia 17W. we uWed our. nation to viehl to nil its retirements heartv and Tl 1 1. ;.7 t.T n.r ,17 "TT in an attitude of almr-l direct V-rtili.y to cheerful ,5,ediee. I am W ready ,o lake the Z TTi ra,'"" r" 1 overn rnent. because we were reoui. oaths prescribcxl for mvaiaduSulioii. and euterftn V.a. .1 j , . - 1 050 dollars, and oa which the Treawrr can now receive no dividend, applicable to general purpo ses. It might, pertis ps, be advisable lo deduct 1 slill further sum lo meet any contingency like that ri.:r"'ii7.i ,;.;Tf:r,;T.:: ,he y." ih. united 8t.te. cents, selves the General sa44ewifihfiler ti'swi the arrowntWlhrpyirheUTi OfTiceT" nerai treasury winch we yielded lo our own. In 1 mt), the national exaction was lo that of the Stale, NATIONAL AFFAIRS. as nxlrrn to one. It is impossible to reconcile these facts with the idea of an economical adinini- tftrti.M J I.. : . e .1.. ! I I . I """ " oua w lira wciicnii wuverTimefii. 1 1 umbi-w. im i hwwimw unn B...L Ik r .I.:. rv If it be conteiaW ,ha, ,1, caintry ha. . fencer, laeT r J KSfi oK,ll i&T;t in population, and that a nronorf mlu trwrrM nfl Marl, hbim An UM 1 I t . ' . .w,,,l "J 1 . , 1 . . . . : I " r ' 1 warming 01 11s intention, aeiaed on about 170 041 taxation waa to liavn nn mnlu- I.Owl ii . ..1... . I Tl.. . ,.r ,L. C. i ..r .1.. r I ... ., iwwmu vtt avovi JiUji'll . . r. " , --ri 1 . . i .... v...7 v. m. . rnu. j ooiiars 01 1 ie estimated revenue from this 1 b lire iuci,iupon i no auie 01 ine rinanrea. reeenuv lam ne.iB.wi h :ii.k..i.i r .1.- n .i.. 1I..1 hit ik- j- . I w..u .iuvw me 1 uoiio 1 rcaau- ... "-u..j ln in.iruM.inni wirai iiw ioiw VHNurnna. occumea near eiffiii eoiumna o. ina 1 rw. ana im was someiiimg more than as three to National Intelligencer. From it, we learn that, la another part of the Renort we ha. tU CJ one-lira increase of taxation was more than nine The balance in The Treawrv on 1st Jan. 1834 w.. L.ilT Keport, we have the U. -TH ...I - I hi .to. mo aame principle, moreover, which 111. 702.905.81 1 .1.. .: ie. .. . u - . 1 - r 1 1 awiai aiixj y rawi uriiyrv uiun ni in a nmriaNfl would rcqtiire us to anticipate an augmeutahon of The rcceipta of the first three quar- want, during tmr enauinr rear for neLnturL hLT . ' "'L0Ur grWmg riHT"m' f r,',nd ,h wl'"' receipuof and of the probable receipt to meet them, it ha. - - aiau nMiiru ivrniu I - a uw aVWUI UIMIH1I VI lni AU.Uil . I ft I .afaa nMH aaf ft taut lhal (L 1 a ..1" I gard to our State fiances. During the saim pe-l ' " ZZZC2ZZi?l nod, however, although the popubuloo of the State Making an asffreffato of 32.327.023.25 at.;t.M. T..t. r.t.. at o. , L Tu WW bcarly oouWod, llie increajw 1 revemw was a.nnmtiiuraa f ik-, . I -m .. . . ' but orMvaixth. Aatonhihina' aa these results may I J.uJ at w- MJlglHOfl ai .u. ""STJ 'r. bT r" seem, at the fin glance, Ihey may be accounted I - ' - 1 " -". ponion 01 our lumis, then and now for lllton lha nHWt nliviml. nrirwinlna iJt ....I. I ll'L- L 'ii 1 . . I 00 band, at lb. fedueed mm Of Ofll almill ti . 1 . .. ... ..n(.,r.uw w inii iNiniii. 1 n nirn aill i.. u. . ... i ,. .... a -... . - - . 1 w . . The fiscal sy stem of the General Government is i.t J. S of . 11 s,i jnatoad of l ,400,000 .. heretofore It- indirect in its oiiemlion, and that is eflectod insidi- From lhi. k k- ' ' ' out may M acairable lo Con b res. to pvauiwicu.M. uw nw waiK in aaraness. it us state the ca agaiiv In I70JI. Ihe XTencnd Go- vcrnrncnl levied a contribution on each individual in Ihe. Union of 78 cents in 130, of tl 9.1. j ; availabtc,'ejUntad at Leaving a real balance of The State on 1)10 other, haikl exacted 19 cents in 1 790J -and 1.2 cenf W i930Wlrjr d Wlnnf. WlU ness trn tnerrase instead of a diminution of your levicjt Rernuse, gentlemen, your opratiMM are sien and understood. Ynn annmnrh with f mm. wine fontstens a rnianled reservoir.-while rrfhnra Mve unforbidden access to the secret sources of tlie foimtain. Aim is there to be no end of these thinrs T Ne ver if-tlie- Status of ful -4lir- wa rights la the estimate, of the. year haw been tncluoVl the renwiinderC.;i the public debt, which, if not ac lually paid before the and of ihe ' yaarjha. a fund rrrcpurod ready t W meet it, ao lhaf on the 1st d January 135, tlie entire puhlio . debt, which in 1H16 amounted to ' 123,000,000, dollars, will hare. bocn dtschitr wt.' and dignity j lieedlesa1 of tha Wue of the xhecks J T1wmaie'M the yoaf 1835. provided by the Federal Constitution, unite their I are as follows : efforts to destroy even these safeirards of our Ii- Receipts from 6.000.000 berties. At all events, no such prospect 'ufpresent- Public lands. 3.600.000 eo ro us now. it tins been announced to the A me. 1 Rank divuluiula. ami i rican people, by the highest authority, that even at 1 MisccllaocOus receipts. ( kf. j... i . f 1 4. j. nun uuy, ui a. jieriou 01 proiouna peace, wnen 500,000 tlie national debt ia.eaJinguitihed to the utmost 1 , -jwaissm t'iO.OOttiKhi - farthing, that more ihan lwenty rnilliow 1 are nocce-1 Which added to t baiauce 00 lat 7 sary to meet the ordinary expensca of the Govern. I January ui uiese iwenty minions, iortti Carolina o,.oo,4,a ported. But it may be deur.hU i r Linowi IhaUhcni kajiroaiiect, during tU ensuing Vear. Of nllfV-in tymm fi.wk.. i 1,1,001 funa-Tnt wlti frjtiZ: 1 1 1 '? Of tn annoiiilnuwil r'ann ... . 5,58(J,232,34 by new compromi-e, and by mora rior.-- 1 .wiewKiraT wnere property exirs, o ' as to reduce further the wrwte arrmf from fjO.-" 1 as a jk xt iiii ruin 1 1 a 1 i " '"'i"? ! ng n mi. nope m realized.lha " "" "aiiiou arauaoie oaianefl will Ia that .... be increased. A minute analvai. and .l-.L !.... . -V v..,lM, V. 'r&rryrrl . JTWWilIf Loon con. pleter, and will be submitted in the supplemental Report ooo to be Liid M Oongre-., oil Ihe pre. sent mode of keeping and disburain. ik. .5ju Kywuaw . But.ou4h.rt her hand t,f. l.k.i .. ik:. 1.1 . "" - - 1 eausea, il slioufd be remembered, thai, nn ik. ai L day of December, 1635, another reduction of 10 P" murti .T 'M''ng lawa, be made from . a part ui the piesont tariff, and if ih .....1... 1- .l. ra - ' ' - "viiniifl lull Miff Treaaury, by a year front next January, ahould - . 1 l " one or ,wo millions, ii could "7 J 1I"N too wa Jar su- Wtgr ttft a reduced rate of imnnat. Bn-t.; tifltia. the nrnkahU anal f k Tl .'. 6.586.232.34 ...A . r. T . " "oo. At all ..., ucu ia ma uncenainry on that auk .1 joflerson, and Hamilton, presided iu the Councils of our Country, It is not difficult to perceive the origin of the excitement, which then prevailed. It had been contended, by the advocates of the Federal Consli tution in the Convention which rejected that in strumcnt, that the great object to be attained was the establishment of a Government comietent to coiM)uctouiL.irjtiu:courj. with foxoicn nations, and exercise other delegated- powers, necessary to na tional prosperity at pome, and character abroad, which, in the nature of things, could not be exer cised by individual States that to these great purposes the attention of the General Government would be confined by express limitations, while all powers connected with their interna) government and police would be reserved to the States that the General Government, claiming comaratively few powers, expressly and clearly granted, would not only wield them with greater effect, but with less expense to the people, than under the Confe deration. I shall not repeat the reasons slated in my Message, to prove that " at that period no doubt , s . 1 .... ... . i 1 itiiB uiiunrji ra iiim rti ku,.l a contnwiies more thru, a million, while you, the Wjl) give, D. the tota of jneaiuv $258832,34 U.1 ; tna 'LZ., 71 "7 1 l-" unu . 1 r.L n . . "l im capi. lal of the Bank Slock be received, yet it is not riw T" a ten in ol the amount to annwi-r nil tlm wrpose of the State Uovcruimmt. Hut if twenty millions are nocessary now, what sum will suffice in esse of a foreign War, or tlie commencement of a national tytttm rf" Internal Improvement 1 f A trystem ofluternal Improvementa, which pro pose. to lavish "thl trtsiire W fh those sections of Ihe Union where nature has been BioBt prodigal of her bounties and leave tn utter destitution those whone aituntion the most imiicriously require relief. A system which would improve the Hudson and the Mississippi to almost T ! . I II. a . iaviog prooaoie oaiaoce on I si possible to for-, ih. ''V." 7. . Jan.la0f , 5,002.690.82 1, .JiU, .iT 1 Should, however, the total amount of former ap- nrchand or Vr Tle. of iJkTVT"' l ronriations that will ha ooiiarwlin- ik- 1.. ITr! "IT:?. or ',r ,u,e ?f laid, and fonae. ditures, arising from those unfortuoale Whrcn jjl nouona m li.l.i. a. . 1 djapoaedio auatoia tha &ith f treaties vindicate Iv. ....n.. 11..J r... .1. . l .. . ' ..' ... .nrcawj in OUrArfn ilr ' ,U""J v""0",'" urH,8 ye"ri ine would w.yy eipenditure., arising from those iinfi.w ;.T-- oe an apparent deficiency on the 1st of Janunrv lima Ia Mkn.k .11 ...1 ..... . iQ.n ' M--fi - " - - Vil" .wwifi wmmmm.m,MAm 1 ?" lln'"rt proceeas as loiiow. "1 hi. estimate of receipt. formed on the their nuhlie j . 7' . .'r "nu,?w .:.:. .i... .l- ...I... . . . . i r ve- t " rrawci. emcrentlv th i uppo.,,,0,, ,ai u,0 luuD Di import, curing Ine commerce and citizens. Nn f,.Hi,.. j ensuingTear. and especial v of thosv navmo-A; l ik T..;ir .:i .1 . '"""vnon 01 . tn e .1 ...". I . . lurinor renuclinn nT Washington on the Tar, and Plymouth oulhaRoa. "m ,0" ,"L 1 nnuKllour W lpruden noke. A national system, which rnakea no provi-112 nv ' 1-,, f m , n red mtaijra xa . a .a aw j provi-1 i.- .-miKi ,Ir-; -,J - , - I . " . vr uivrcase m (M 1 anrT i. now morromie WesfernTorTor nineland internal trad k.. iTtZT": !,ffirwi !'. and not : 1 1.... . V siofnr any poi tenths of the Eastern, section of the State. with a view to questions much agitated hereto. I do not mere collection startles me, opinion that men to secure that afforded by a sin, rnent necessary I iioTh pur inese powers ana these duties, gentlemen, f we re in domestic,. nd t22.874.295 in foreiirn nro. Zah isS M .ZZlZ-?"" . l. a '..l ., " r 1 --1 ."..HmiKui cnanres snouni ha Un:,i . and Ihe occasional increase or i,i .e ravnmu. ,kUk . . . " ' " . -.v , vuicume. Decome proper for SmiM i.i. Tk- '. "" ". " . . ",rv'? -""u,u connecied with ani. to the evils which a rcdu. f wki,h 'o 7( oV rr.rr?:.T-V ccl r w "wcMre. Th Tariffi as ii the, . . . -,ii vvwi-ivi aw a w amaxs i 11m ai arrraawaa 1 a sai iianM.A . ihAj..a. ':-i a u - " " 1: 1 ,: . 1 . 1 1 1 iu au oiiutti ururanion. ana inia cireiimaianra I hesitate to admit that it is not the pled with the ireeaaiL. .J of larxro 8lim8 uf monnv. wl.irh Uia j...;- "I. 1 Vo""1 nB' " PPrnauonaf policy to be pursued a. t k. I am one of those who entertain Uie Ulul 2lii eoearierof life. - On governmcnU were instituted amor Ua aeseni ' protection which could not be tion mpfi1,-i1m Sii CZ T. ""u ,Mmot TOd ill mere . ' gle arm, and to effect the improve- pas, year. haVeon veragebeea a&l T! .Ehurf Z tTZT "t c"ce,, lo the wellbeiwr of -the comn.imi. nTa Lo Tk- .. j..?!'.!?" "T1 11 1 H f f "eullur-, and the revenue, thai a nolicv.aknnlJ iMJioriir BDDrnnriaieiv ana necuiuirv tn vnu. hva 1 j..... . 1...; . 1 J 1 . . . . ' z.' ' " uomg tom wren wun me precentnir vear.f ed. not been dcleiated. and Im nufMu ru,ft,1.l I : . a,.'a.. . . . " i""Tcu o ' vv..B incrcaao 01 ro,o.)o,l, ol WHICH S3,B02,390 elsewhere.' wew in articlea domeUc and 12.852.922 in 11 can scarcely oe necessary 10 advert particularly th.M of I . if A .1 I F " -"vw IVWIW MUIV IMJIPII mWL pal,mble to the observation oT every one. It has cor- in article, of domestic products, and 2 2,31 714 bv the ActofJl w-'h i sf. 11 i" now dJu, mpted the press, brought the patronage of the Go- in those of foreign. "'3,7H .t""'188. 'N ;ear 1842, tx. ,T v, ..8. pi ui ipe uo. no iimie oi iokm, .;: m.t . V Z6"' VGrnmcnt into connict with the fmMnm rl Alawttin. I ia i-.:n a . . . . ICCP " respeci ia sucn new remilaiirm t. j . j V .vhv., -n win ums ne seen inai tne importa of the renuired from tim J " Tt T and created associations of persons whose interests last year varied in amount 12,055,209 frorn til Hrfiffi??!? ,T ff lhe due nfo'f are directly at variance with those of the great averie of the three nasi La'. ,i.tlTJ! .V of that Ac.' other chmJ .1.. it :..:i.i . i . .... . i . i imr.nK i lira, u now ucciirmii'M m ...:..r.. .1 . . wiiwiiw not io,per-1 duties are be hevod to have varied nnuk to., i. Mr ik. "" ww great body of the Peoi ccivc that there map. earlier wmm befi,reodincatiouef without i departure iTotn th . .piril ..... ,