of en ca vil lor en. ilL MM wo, w, her MJ Ml I of a of tioo the a of tort ce. 1 ii leek- Bible iwef - Pit; St bsV vorld imoi thow HMDS"- :uliar timV iaals en- ou'rV teas- I BUT whki ris as aiT i sub-. tesfi s tbcj toiw ted em 20. lent anrWi jrjwri issue- irrtij!' lOrta- rr frail, nd tt- no m ietrr' nsnl uiiiiid 1, Ur in e itM exaa lis wilki ig rsrj fla I oak linUs will a- MJAT COCLUK. THE CAROLINIAN. t ; SALISBURY: (p In this absence of any thingJciu from Ra leigh Py om e ' "Register," following uncles, jiving information of the subjects of most im portance before tlie Legislature. It will be seen that the Instructions to Mr. Mangum Inve passed the Senate, by a majority of five votes. Tbe collar-men were true to their blind allegiance, it appears, notwithstanding the facta disclosed and tho in controvertible arguments adduced in support of the im policy of passing such, instructions. We never have believed that the small Jackson majority in the Legis lature represented the sentiments of the Pede of the .State; and we refer to the showing of the Register in support of our opinion. The battle was a hard-fought one in tbe--Senate ; and it proves wliat party drilling can do with certain men. In order to show the ef forts which were made to affect the incorrigible army - of King Andrew, and to give the final vote on the pas sage of the Resolutions, we have published the proceed ings nad upon them, in anticipation of the regular or- -aWef our Legislative Journal- : during the of Umt hody.to aiblywth thCyicwoTKtlringtn the deeertM rnSal in which case, we would humblv sdvi tl. n. . ,.r a law allowing him to retain the Arabian horses lately presented to him by his friend the Emperor of Moroc co.' Since the Hermitage has been unfortunately des troyed, we know of no other place, indeed, to which the "old Roman" could retire, with anv Drosrm f ih. peaceful enjoyment of his peculiar ideas of National nonor. tie would , there find a race of men whose TmsafcHosoam pure and exalted seeing that they get their subsist ence exclusively by robbery I . . JMyOopavom.lh eompkxiorr of the Senate's $ut at the same time disgusting, to see the arts to whictiTW hand-writing of the note, tliat it is from a lady and a Albany-Regency ism will make men resort in order to friend who enclosed to our address a communication uphold its cause. This has been strikingly exemplified. in Virginia during the whole of the last six montli,-T At the hut session of the Legislature of that State, in structions were sent to their Senators .in Congress, re quiring them to Vote for the restoration of the deposites to the United States Bank. This did not comport with Mr. Rives's ideas of duty to Gen. Jackson, and he im mediately resigned his seat in the Senate, with the ex pressly avowed purpose of bringing before the People an issue between himself and the Members of the State " " "cik" iveiaiions,inai eucn a clear view of this whole subject will be taken in their Report, as to prevent either House from giving its sanction to thg President's thirst for power of this kind. But we 'see it intimated, by Washington. Letter-Writers, that even the Constitutionalists in the Senate, in which branch they constitute a majority, appear disposed to act upon the old proverb of "Give a fool sufficient rope, and he will hang himself." Even if no one but the fool" suf fered, we should be forwithholding from him the pow er to.Jiurt himself ; but when it involves consequences so fatal to a nation, and so dangerous to the existence or Liberty itself, we think that such a course on the part of the Senate would be highly reprehensible. The President is already possessed of the sword and the purse, and if he should succeed in having added to those the power to declare war with a foreign nation, where would his violence and love of conquest end! But we do not place the slightest' reliance upon these initia tions : we look for better things from those who have already repeatedly andfearlessly thrown .themselves into the breach between the destroyer and his victim. INSTRUCTIONS TO MR. MANGUM. 'Tbe discussion on the Resolutions of Instruction to &natur Mangum, terminated on Saturday afternoon. The vote on their adoption was 'XS to 'JH ; the only ab sentees being Messrs. Martin of Rockingham, Mcla ij of Mecklenburg, and McCormick of Cumberland. It is a remarkable fact, that the Resolutions were carried in both Houses by precisely a majority of the whole number of members constituting each, viz: 0!) out of 137, in the House of Commons, and ft) out of 65, in the Senate. They were introduced into the Lo "isltore for the purpose of showing that Jdr-Manifum miareiresented his constituenu; and, verily, the Van Bureniles are welcome to the triumph they have achie ved. The 34 Counties, the Senators from which (Mr. Speaker Moaely included) voted in favor of these in structions, are tit a minority of about 7(MK) of the Fe deral population of the Slato! If, therefore, the vote proves that Mr. Mangum is in a minority of the Se nate, it shows Mr. Brown to he ins decided minority of the People. Under these circumstances, can tliere beany difficulty in pronouncing which of them is the most effectually instructed! Convention QiijffoS; The Bin'm retatiim lu this subject," after undergoing a pretty tlioroiigh discussion upon its details, has been recommitted to a Select Com mitlce, composed of one member from each Congres sional district, who are authorized to hold their sittings during the business hours of the House. Our holies begin ttJ TCViv? ilittlCas to the ulUiiiateaccomuiou'a tiua of this distracting question at the present session. P, S. Since the above was in type, the Convention Bill has passed its second reading in the I louse of Com mies, by a majority of two votes there being four ab sentees. . Its ultimate tate doubttui, " POSTSCRIPT. ., The House of Commons was entraped yesterday, du ' rint tlie whole siuintf. in the consideration of the Re- -.fktiimi i-rlir'"'r: 4hVffieef Ihe-Attmwr Jewrat yicint-Uencral Sairndcrs appoarodit th Ikf-of the, House, and spoke at great length in vindication of his ' ngni io noiu uie appoinuiieiiu - fr See the "Report of the Board fbr Internal Im- srmimMUt" uisertad-in a pting ma BLlIIaywootl, bf tills city, has hei:n-J(K- pointwl, by the Board of Trustees, a Tutor in tlie Uni versity of North Carolina. ' William A. Graham, Henry 8. Clarkef, and Owen Holmes, are elected Trustees of tlie University. One vacancy yet remains to be filled.. The Bank of Cape Fear has decWred a dividend of 3 per cent for the 14 aix months, lb. ' ' Meaj0e)sMs PROBABILTTY OF A WAR WITH FRANCE. " W beg all, who think jwotf measures, (or a mere commercial war) are within the contempia- signed "Neighbor," is informed, (and we are sorry to disoblige a lady,) that tho political appetites of our read ers are so craving for fast particular kind of food al though we cannot say that they have not become vitia ted by it tliat we are afraid they would not peruse the Sermon, or Lecture, with the gusto it would merit, even if they could find it in their hearts to forgive ua lor occupying our columns with it Therefore, we are compelled to decline its insertion, at lcatt for the pre- sent. We have, according to request, sent it to our bro-l tion of the President's Message, to undeceive them. Eeglslaturenfr, Leigh was elected, by that body, to titer over the wav s and we doubt not, from a knowledgcl selves, Itetunulioiirfcinfre HilidtheWordini supply his place in the National Councils during the iin- j of his nWJlWy disposition, tliat ho will let no slight loot sequestration,) is what the President iotendu expired term for which Mr. Rives had been originally cause prevent him from 'doing the amiable' towards it when he rpcommends M reprtsab, to vindicate the chosen, and which runs out on the 4th of March next I 1 ' " national honor." Who has ever heard of a viu- During the time between bis resignation and the co- 'The compositor is willing to call any one "fnend, dicatioq of Natttmal Jlonor by tcquettrationT mirfg on of tlie' April elections. Mr. Rives and his Re- bA when writing . for tlie paper, will so attend to pot- Seeing upon a man's goods to revenge aa aflront I gency friend, rtrahied ever, naVve, and resorted to f We n ,hoM who ,'"nk M V Hj rr artifice, to maks ot thjJlItwn hinlf .nd ""derstandable order. ir mder that, the Nati.al Honor of the United Gen. Jackson on the one side, and Mr. Leigh and. the .. Rickmtmi Wa , This valuable bur- ?.1b,VW,. IJST mey succeeded. JJut tbe 1 eople of the Old Dominion, t iu w Iu other respects, iv declarations on this subject Tbey corroborate and nrownmgmd.gnantly noon the cUim. of mere ito tble tnd numerous correspondeata, not- -.-. of the "President and Ai, Secrtariea. If no charlatans, expressed their approbation , of tiie opinions witlwtan,inf mutfwtune, (ppmred to with a thought of hostile operation baa entered into the me igiaiauire, and uieir dregard of Mr. Rives s clcarer view tluQ inU) enormities.of Al- mind of the Executive, what means that paasage of ruu. uv uHowncr, c u cou.0 bany-Regencyism,which His it present soughtto saddle the Annual Treasury Report vbich refers to the- not be misunder-Theylected a Urge majo- npon Ancienl we advise Contingency of nil increase of our ARMY nd rity opposed to Mr. Rives and the Administration, and i,, , l: .n, m,i. u ,i,a T. Nn mwnAituret rminir fmm thnae'unfortu- i I WS UIUUIVI M IVIHHW 1KB WDV1I UlblllW v . ' - ' g J ------- . " Q ----- - , 1 (r What it Honor ? We wish some philan thropic society or individual could be induced to offer premium for tlie best essay upon the subject of Honor, as well national as individual. We are aware that eve ry one has some idea of it, in tlie abstract ; but their views differ as widely as the polls, according as their education or associations may bias their minds so tliat there is no true standard by which to compare the van ous rules that guide men and nations,--The man who goes through life exercising honesty and charity toward his fellow-men, and who does H unto them as he would they should do unto him," thinks tliat he has the cor rect rule of Honor; the hotspur is of opinion that all virtue resides in gunpowder, and tliat true Honor is to sought and found only in the pistol-barrel while the man who has been raised in camps, and amid the din of war, thinks that Honor (aye, even National Honor!) may be impaired by the delay of legislation in another iuspectimr : thev were told anv thinir that would best piuinl rw rr IHn pnluual rtt t I DAiintMi In m tiaa anAj. wuiivi j vrs miv it'iuma-a vi uiuv WUllll J J I J nw'" J tliat we claim, but that we may heal its wounds by an indiscriminate rtxmn and sTTEPEB of ItS Uiofluiuive citizens ! ! What is I lonor 1 .n.H.y .o a.r. ugn ana a resummon pi me puonc ric B,(0uld make Ww JeM ,)ie rf money to the place selected for it by law. .... keep Finding that they bad been cast of? the ex-Minister I,.-. nnimn.:j ; .), nrMPn. -.test with the and his party determined net to give up uiiH Uicy-Ead LMweni of darkness." aa Jackson-Van-Burenisra has -usivjna.jajsij been very Tippropriately termed. " nate collision to which all nations are liable that " feci disposed to sustain the faith of trtatUt, and mHdiMtttharJwbUeJ4gkU.,' From the United States TtlegrapK Our readers at a distance cannot appreciate the mined to take an appeal from the People to the Peo- 03 X Pun. A friend "of ours in r9sing along causes that are rapidly driving us into a war with pie ! tliat is to say, from the virtue and intelligence of gtroet a few days since, saw a creature lying lielpi Fra"ct) ! It is a measure of the Administration, the patriotic and the free, to the vice and ignorance of emy m llttcr froin lhe eflocU intoxication. for reasons the most obvious. Tho who, coming the prejudiced and the mercenary. Accordingly, the A crowd were Ending by, taunting tlie impo- into Iwr-W-ry- ofecby and relreiMjh. Regency screw were applied to the leaders, and an efforts of the. inebriate to extricate himself from nK5n! have ifkreaaed Jhe public expenditures one outcry raised simultaneously from one end of the State hil di ting M After ti creature for hundred per cent on the Administration , of J. Q. to the other about the "right of inaction." Mr. R. , ,8be to recognize hi. featurea, X JL 1: 1 "k nimseit, and us co-laoorera, well knew mat una was a . fr- d inmiired hb nim. . b.er. who re- '""-IT" "P. - :rr-. fim doctrine in Vhniarxnd they hopc the. party in powei iallied in wippoft jtfjU. preseiit leaders. I OCT National Honor. Could we be persuaded that the Honor of the Nation were at all involved by even a drmt refusal of France to pay oar citizens the money in dispute, we would listen, with some degree of patience, to the outcry which is made about its being in jeopardy because we are not disposed to submit to real National injustice and insult, (such, for instance, as was exercised towards as by Great Britain previous to thcJatCLwarj) any morethan thosewho arejnore cjamo-l auading the unlearned and violent that this right was lif for l perceive he-is quite far gone." hi jeopaiuy, to uniw uiuin mio an iiiiiiieuiuie aim rnsn exercise of it, and tlius give him an imietus which Wise Legislation A bill has been intro- snould force him into power, in spite of the clearly and iaC(A inU) u,e Senate of Pennsylvania, tlie object of openly expressed wisiies oi a majorny ot uie quanneu which ig b) compcl lne City Authorities of Philadelphia voters oi uie Biaw. insirucuon-ineeiings were got up, w publish, al slated periods, Uie names of their Police and harangues made, in which every question but the Agents. .. The honest. J&wmakera tor the 14 key-atone" bonesl bne was endeavored to be palmed upon the un- 8tate M(,ga that Uie secret operations of Uie police, in catcliinc thieves and house-breakers, are dangerous to suit Uie minds of Uie hcarere-and we believe the only . liberties 1 1 Trul v. thev are a iealous and a deep- "'"r tinted body of -men,- those fregiriator, .. each oilier was Ui monstrous assertion that the true and I main question was " Bank or No Bank," wheUicr Uie (&- New York Police. An extensive depot tor I 0u.r b7)thcr "tf the St. Croix (Maine) Courwr Uiua People would retain their Liberties in their own bands, cn WM ,atel, dilK;ovor!d in New York. The 5fT! .ST" "?rr or entrust them to the keeping of a vile and corrupt mo- trnoiinting to several cart-loads, Were conveyed Married, on Tuesdav eveninir the 21st instant b neyed institution and moneyed aristocracy ! It was al-1 Polic0(rlc tD4 ico given ta dm way s said, loo, Uiat Mr, Leigh was a friend of the form- had been robbed to come forward and identify their pro-1 Editor and Proprietor of tbe 8t Croix Courier, to Mwa . t i.i .- 1 " U1UT1I1 IRJi i Lv rtk ain .T Ul Unrf rI..sa er.andaraemDeroiuieiaiier.aiuiougninconiroveriioie ,rt- The nanera state Uiat unwardiof three thou-1 wvi, v.i, , ... XONGRESSIOXAL PROCEEDINCa Oar columns have been so taken up by State con- .CetM.4if. interest. sTOgthtrccmTTnCTIc'e'nient of Uie sea- noo of Congress, that we have not been able to devote as much attention to Uie proceedings of Uiat body, as mr readers probably desire. But they have lost nothing " by twr lninentksn;bocaQe nothing of Importance has M jet. Itawpkedo 4J-ATtl . LegsIAreSScB " tits discussion that arose, incidentally, in Uie House of ReuresenUlives, on Uie subject of our relations with France and a notice of which was given, in this pa par, two or three weeks ago,:. Indeed, Cougreaa never gets seriously and industriously engaged in the duties of the two Houses, until after the Christmas and New Year holidays ; previous to which time, the various Committees meet, examine into, discuss, and report fw, the numerous subjects referred to their conside ration, interest, however, might be derived to many rcaJcnvbx abatements of what matters may have beep to referred; but it does 'not 'cw'iie wTUltrTthr ibitfty of sheet to irive even those announcements, and t2 W" V in 't columns " the insertion of matter which may prove ol lnipm- lance to readers generally. But we have another rea- fir our course in Uiis particular which is, Uiat a freat many matters are hatched up by Members, and '! to Committees,' by whom their trivial and unimpor- lant buartnira are discovered at a ehutce, and who suf- 'f tlipm to find and occupy undisturbed Uieir appropri- roua. But we have never been able to arrive at Uie re fined pweptiw which shows la be. degndod bj art act of dishonesty on Uie part of tile debtor and we must Uierefbre be allowed to express our decided opposition to any warlike, indications towards France ; because, 1. Money, under any circumstances, cannot be a suf- friends and kllies, Uie French, or Uie bves and property of our own ciUxcns: - . , . -. , 2. iLwiTJKttuH nf t"1 1" "i .iiW i"-f cure Uie money in question; because Uie first shot Uiat is fired in such a war, or Uie first ship that is taken, squares Uie account with Uie creditor while Uie pro perty taken goes to Uie captor, and not to thecJMinant en whose account Uie war was undertaken & instead of bemg bettered -in such a'writest, we should be infinitely worsted : for, while France has an immensely greater Naval armament than we have, our merchant ships outnumber ber's as ten to one. In ad dition to-whieh, pmateers from-every other nattorrin the world would sail under the flags of Uie belligerents, and seize Uie property of each, as occasion might offer a game in which our interest would be by far the greatest suflbrers : "Z'.""' A. Such a war would increase internal taxation, bur den us with another National Debt, give excuse for a high tanfr, enable the "powers mat be" to. gloss over Uieir preseuT "extravagancies and corruptions, and pre pare Uie way (by giving fcloeae to Uie vices attendant upon an inflamed and successful soldiery) for any ambi uou anarcmti authority, and grasp Uie w places either upon or under Uie tabTe! Now, Uie 'Sl.nMiftnfieiifef UifsBTH'iaw rirterewt te-CPiiahi 17. Hunluau; bill, u 11 wre in our powerto notify Uiem uit such proimilions had irone to Uie Committees, it iglit lead thcra to look in vain for Uieir re-appearance ader Uie sanctions of Reports, and thus needlessly B thm to (tiiMtinnlntiiuinl . "at felt. ""me of the above remarks will apply to our course n regu-d to Uie proceedings of our Legislature. We "ke it a point of duty to notice every movement of .5H.k.tb tte as such, and to aejnwHNe pirtKM of Uie people among whom our paper circulates, Uinir nrighburhoud capacity ; but when a person ap H1" to Uie liTtrislature fbr Uieir interference In his in- (IiimuuI UUlf, and Uiey reject his Brayea, iiA, we da "" generally feel bound to occupy our columns with tice of his bad success. Those who are unsucceas- in Uieir applications to be rtstorti to credit, will be "nkful for our silence ; and, if others, who may be "'e unsucrtWlil. hut who have reasons to desire C"ter publicity, should take exceptions to our course, b"g them to recollect that an Editor's duly is to Uie not to the individual Uiat he is bound to look to lbs greatest good of Uie greatest number.' Advices from Washington inform us that President's violence of speech and manner whene- our relations with France is made Uie topic of con- wtion, exceeds even what he exhibited last winter the Bank was mentioned. lis Uireatona, if Coo f aliould refuse to entrust to bim discretionary pow f W. issue "writs of plunder" against French property MARRIED, " In Mecklenbnrir County, on the 5KVI ultimo, hy the Rev. Dr. Robinson, Mr. EL1AS ALEXANDER to Mrs, BETSY GILLESHE. : : " "T In RaleiL'h. on Tuesdav eveniner Uie 20th ultimo, by the Rt Rev. Bishop Ives Mr. ALBERT O. HALL. Merchant, of Wilmington, to Miss REBECCA, socoud danghter of the lata John Haywood, rrr Now pw6 to the contrary redUiem in the race at turn, xiavtng, as uiey nopeo, sumcienuy exciioa uie tj,e y, . anwl,g Uiem was a person lugct to butler theeos ; but may it be Kwrsesl of free fean and tbe pejudiccs of Uie high-minded population Somerset, f N. J.) who went all the way to New from sMmas and rMTS, and Uie f swihw so secured ss they were desirous to bias, they put instruction-papers York to inspect this lot of furniture, precious ware, and to prevent the sheet from mmckliugr ' So boil ; mta thebandaiif such demagogues aaiuira willing to k)Uis, seareb of aatolen aw-lteid4reioutd ,p, . ,, ... . t, . ... i.ffJUw!rb ttmgs.toall men. in order.to when the clerk assured him Ut therttwas no horse lnJji. 2.k Lti-w.n s.r thkA.u.,m. 7 secure sigiuies smirk k the biit rf to wheedle and flatter Uie industrious mechanic and 6r j. wh iliif nt ma not it in the naners that stolen their dotairo tRuleieh Kerister. ' f "j t r 1 1 . 1 0 mer, to drink with the toper in the ale-house, and to Droporty of all kinds was to be found berel" be Uie companions in vice with Uie frequenters of the tyase, rude Boreas ("A man by .Uie name of Bc tiringiratfcgnvTtesJ.thcj were denied even a par- orkto'aUertotmilo kiVlKnfoM,'iin'Uiestreet ' tiai prospefit of success ; and wis mey not only chum, but even torturejtjnto .themot fflgusuiigJgauV We call this a good hit for so dry a subject ondkfoirSale,: 1 tY Virtue of a Decree nf. tha UoboMye' JaAcmrrz- U :" . - . . .. t Of 05r The Infuenxa. We understand that this diasgrceable "influence" baa reached our town, from Uie North, where it has boon raging for some Ume past 1 It generally makes the tour of Uie continent when it seta out, and is attended with a great deal of suffering! fcragff ta&JV&i-, W are happy, to statu, hnwi lllli. IHI aviiai ii ..j. wHsr Rnrtgnr Star says that there are but few individuals in Uiat com- ciaa of complete triumph. But we are satisfied Uiat THEY HAVE FAILED, and that the People of exalted and honorable Virginia are not yet debased by Uie sin of rnan-worshijvor shackled by Uie collar otTanTlu- ren Regency servitude. No, no Uie freemen of Uiat Ancient Conimon wealth" have, not yet been lowered from Uie elevated stand which they have so proudly held among Uie free and the brave of earth. No, no Uieir Mother will continue eminently to occupy her own natural and prominent place in Uie love and vene ration of her tm sons, long long Aer the names and th ashes of thus who would degrade her are coo aiinod to t dark Impenetrable Oblivion. ; But we must conclude our remarks I for Uie present.. The caption to this article was selected, for Uie purpose of prefacing a few anecdotes of Uie signature-seekers, which we intended to give as illustrations of Uie hard ships of blind man-worship, after briefly stating the wr cumstances which led to its introduction into Virginia 1 but our brief statement has itself extended to too great a length for Uie editorial eohrmni of a weekly paper, and we are therefore compelled to defer the rest (& Length of the PrestiUW JUM. .The newspapers throughout Uie country have concurred in Uie opinion Uiat Uie President's last Annual Message waa a M long document, but we presume Uiat few of Uieir editors would hare believed its-actual lengthin the Court of Equity of Iredell County. 1 will aell. I ' On the Utkiafjf FebwrjilWS, -Q&SmaTt Toi. 1m horrible disease, as we learn from a Northern paper, is raging -fatally among tY.j atauAksa in lliA tsVtAalft SVOTl VMirf f f tWtPfrisi Tha IsiSst Halifax N. C) paper states we 'wciirrence of another AnhOTace where Samuel Guy lately lived, 'he case in Uial towiwUie serVant of the inan whose ease LANDS whereof (he said Samuel died possessed, was mentioned a few weeks ago. - Contain IDC 230 1-2 AciCS. ... ,' . I .1 J t ' M, I, . . I . (Or Ah "AJairof Honor! A Dtit recently ., f i. n., j' ;;. tk.. . ( - - - - a ' t CI- a I sjiuwisx vi rtlan" "Vi ui"iuiii Slav IUUTO took place between two gentlemen of color m MmmLtb LANDS whereof the said Alex.n.' unsvuie, mwisuuis. 1 WB, al ii,- ,m of bis deal .....I 1. .j 1 :..t- s ti -i 1 , 1 1 " lately bad a shot al each otherV honor." One of them - ..IOn Wimilg i ACPCS. was bit m the hand, and Uie wounded character of each I A credit of one and two years will be riven waa unmeaiauiy restorea 10 11s original lairoess 1 1 ns 1 dooos ana approvea secuniy requirea dispute waa in ftrtauon to ooa ot Uie t rotewors. munity who have escaped a violent attack from it We have heard of no serious consequences from it in this vicinity. . e eupy Uie following welt-wtitten atcuuut of tttt ltsrHefdid tot leave the gate ot Uie Capitul until af- prevalence, Uie mode of treating it, in Boston, from Uie Morning Post of Uiat city : "InfuensicmL Almost every man, woman, and child, within five hundred miles of Utis ancient Metropolis, has snffrred with the Influenza in Uie past six weeks. I teadaches,' cotiL'Tui, agues; i elfeil lietds, and' fevers, are its natural ofpring : and sweats, poultices, blisters, herb tea. ipecac, and senna, Uie weapons wherewith to destroy them. " Mrs, 8nooks, bow 1 sneexe my eyes are painful and my head schea. "Mr. Hnooki, yoo nave cot the innuenaa yo must go 10 sea eariy ana take a sweat if your lungs are sore, have a blister up on your chest, ana a mustard-seed poultice on the back of vour neck for Uie head-ache soak your feet in warm water, and you will feel better to-morrow." Thus is a Door fellow stewed in hot water, plastered with smo king dough, fly-blown, (blistered) snd his body convert ed into a steam-generator, in Uie contest with Uie oom mon enemy of bis race, Uie Influenaa. There in no dodging it no coaxing it it most be met with the afiiresaid weapons, or, fee HcrcU, ten chances to one ou are its victim we are Jnst trom me arena ourseii. Uie Edile has not yet decided which is Uie victor.' The Cknlers in Richmond. This dreadful scourge having made its appearance and created some alarm in Richmond, Uie Legislature have appointed a Committee of professional genUemen to Inquire into its prevalence, and to report the probable danger to Uie hodfdtgisU- I ttse, from its ravages. AN Di ty Virtue of a like Decree, I wall sell, af , . .ih Courthouse in 8tateayile,. ,,- On the Wh day of February next. IM sUANUa whcreol joaepti Aluot u poam ea ti ino ume oi dm actio, coacuung or A Tract of 170 Acres, " : adjoining the lands of Elijah CampbeU and others i One Tract of 230 Acres, (&T Tlie present King ofJFrence, Louis Phil lipe, is said to bs the graatost miser and the richest maa in the worldf"" ; " T CtT TlTlr1-rreimiiwirl,,--A gang of or- poised thieves lately played" strong gams in Phila delphia. Tbey commenced Uieir depredations by forci bly entering a blacksmith's shop, from which they ab stracted a large assortment of keys, to enable them to adjoining the lands of John Bell and ethers t and enter oUicr bouses less suspiciously. I A (WracL.no JrieiiMip.1 ltemalnln8 Home Tract, with the guileful i lhirr;o1n actual admeasurement lne new lor. Conner and Enquirer had an Expreae on Uie road from Washington I From the Raleigh Rrrutrr ef December 9X to New York,-for Uie purpose of furnishing an earl J ' Trotrmcid Sitting. On Uie 24th inat, the Senate manj he resembles a coal. wbichiL ftTEH. . AHSIp NNfl THE,WIJX0 .DOM.TJ1.. wa i - " ZZJ. - ffinil fsinnrnvful Mrnritv rtiirA. " JOUN MUSHAT.ch.i. January 9,1834. sr oopv of Uie Message : and Uiat paper lately stated Uiat I remained in session from 10 o'clock Uiat day to 9 the ' . I , t.. s , m e ' sa ir --- neii Domiaa wuixa nosuiy urn wiuus u urn oc I tor Uie reading bad been conunenond in Congress, Lot Uist he passed Uirough Baltimore, a distance of thirty- six miles, before Uiat reading had terminated ! It may be imagined that Uie express-rider did not stop to-take milical miemt-uL the load over which he wu.carrjing Uie Message ; but thirty-six miles is an unconscionable stretch of the chain of Presidential talk. It did not, however, we opine, appear so long to its eoneoctors in Uie two Cabinet for we find Uiat, according io this estimate, each of its fathers bad only one mule of it under his paternal charge. 03" It is really sickening to see how tho Jack- son-men wheedle " the People," by professing to do every thing with an especial eye to their interest and copied in Uie disc union of Uie Resolutions to instruct Mr. Mangum, 1 be advocates of the Kcstuuliona, con fident of a majority, announced their intention of or- A LL persona indebted to tbe Subscriber are re. quested to Come forward quested to Come forward immedialelf and set. tie the same i those indebted by note, are inform. ring a vote on the Besnliiiinna that dem and trie eppo j ed that -tie- forger rndulgrnce Can be given J and oems of uiem, inougn in an aamruea minority, deter-1 inose paving open accounts with him, and who find . llinc(venieni io ,setiie itie seme. 'b CMh, are , requested lo call and close'tbera. by note. 1( is ' quite necessary that this notice should be attend, ed io by aij indebted lo the Subscriber, as be is desirous of turning over a new feaT in bis bu. -aiocss matters at the beginning of tbe New Yean, Ulw L SHAVER. mined that Uie vote should not be taken until Uie sub ject' was Uioroiiglily fovesligatedVl FortuuatoI7 the majority could not interpose the Previous (Jucition to check the freedom of debate, no such gag-law being auUiorixed by our. Rules of Order.-We were wot ism- sent, but understand that the debate and incidents of Uie night were of Uie most amusing character. Tbe Jacksonitee were at length fairly fatigued into aa ad journment, and frankly confessed that though they bad Uie advantage of their opponents In speed, they were so match fbr Uiem aa to bottom. . CtanctUort cf .Starr The following gentlemen, all approved members of "the Party," have been elect- glory. Precisely so has it been with the partisans of I ed Councillors of plats for tbe ensuing year, Uie whole every despot who baa arisen since the world began "Uie People 'the Vr People T has been the bur den of Uieir tongues, while Uieir hearts and hands have been devising and executing measures' for the degrada tion and slavery of the very objects for which they pro fessed so much concern I And it is the nature of man to act so; whenever "the People " come In as Salisbury, Dee. 87,1834. 8t ticket being an original one, with the exception of Mr. Skinner, vis: Peter 1L Dilliardof Rockinphsm, Geo. Williamson of Caswell, Henry 8kinnerof Permiimons, Uaniol Turner of Warren, Allen Kogera, Br., or Wake, I-rtiie D. Henry of Fayetteville, and William S. Ashe of New-IIanover county. ' Mr. Cogswell,- Rector of ths Episcopal School in this city, has beeo elected I'mlt or (irerk Ind Roman C3-To "Stnap-Dook" makers, MERCHANTS, AND OTHERS. l"yE are io the weekly receipt of a large number ct Newspapers from almost all qnarteis of the IW ted Btatea, in exchange for the Carolinian, and would" bs gla,d to have them taken off our bands al a reason, ble price. They comprise journals of every grado in point of literary character, and of every shade in poli tics, and would furnish the curious with many a tlienm of conversation and wonderment gcrs p-g there uews-iiMiiiin, urn mm, pmiucians, BierclisnU, n.l miicb attention rrom uie mourns wmm in power, we i jirrstore in uie nouw tannuia lollops, we earn-l otners having occamon lor newspspcrs, will find it say Uiat Uiat circumstance alone should put " Uie Puo I cstly hope he will not aeri.pt, but are nut spprixed of I rantagoous to apply for them at TUlij Ol'l'U plo "on their guard, for it bodes Uiem s good. ' ms drtcrmmalioa Raleigh Register. ' . , SI Salisbury; DJosmbus 13, XAi.