3 Kiesesw'-KKSs; ilU, fly pUBLlSifiJ) WEEKLYOHN BEXltD, It, Edilw and Proprietor. Number, from the beginning 7G3: No. 33 OF-THE XYth VOLUME. , Salisbury, Rowan County, N. C. J, Saturday, January 17, 1835. : : - I .r "' aba ' I ten- ivu' i iV , Ttifi. II.' 'but antj. ays'. ' n f -f.thi yini" tana Bomi ITLV LEGISLATIVE REPORT. THE LAW OF DIVORCES. trohed. Ami it h H- Committee on the Judiciary, to which , too- eftc of, he Act of XTmSKEZ II.J ferred a Resolution instructing then to iiniuire ed and eiiforced. ha been .rrl L Z."-1 ZT' 7"r "-"T. . " "a ,enlict, eilber froirr the bonds of natnmony, or cants to this body, and at the same tin restrict thousand dollars, reeoverable before any from bed and btrd-huving considered the same, fhe power of divorce in the Courts! To this, the jurisdiction, to the use of the county wh. respectfully RbPUK 1 1 Committee answer, by inquiring whether it be con- he is. And it shall be the duty of 4hm JiatW ncr-Hi ctrtik. fan ie. fontl to Ww nxcX- i urn ft(ti. I CtOn , V ilwiyi V ei to ails ctuiumer Fink ablk ia p r. hn htMftft' tfitlliims o,iirjW mtrfi : ihere Cilitt, ; and, u Im (orkmii! oWierhitiS and seo. f WOTt tmi HaMMm h Ibr cattinf work. . . the propriety of extendimr the power of the and wisdom of tU -llTZZZ' 7. rAr""-- "T7 ,ms,r P,ace 10 lhe maa' Courts of this State in granting Divorces tioo to prescribed " " -T uZSSZtZ M also a Resolution grueling them to report - But it may be askl-W the Assembly , l.K TSJtH 2 --. B ll providing that, in all applications hereafter the rule to irovern this discretion in .to, J.L- v,....: Jr.f " T esDhpLlh bthe petition and specify ihe cases in which, in tb.ol tSlZZXZL "MBf. ---v- r- gmuirc iranie a uw witn such provi. said ektions shall fiiil to comply with the remriri. uiun wiau p-- m.."., w a,,, , m cimci, hi uiniuuon ine Dumlieroraniili. thmsoTthui Act. he alml! h l.ulJn A . fi.u. . competent whose oflicer illf w ittAjuuiulhi b That the object of these Resolutions is to insti-1 watent with sound policy in the Leirislatum. tn I liciion t nmm. ..t. , W J, . . 1 O V . - I ' " SMVU tVIW r --, -. , tlrte an inquiry whether the jurisdiction in all ca jend tlie power to divorce at all, beyond its present V I L Be it further enacted. That all persona of Divorce cannot, with propriety, be trans, limits, as fixed by the adjudications of the Courts, qualified to tote tut members of tlie House of Com. jerred to the Courts, instead ot tlie Legislature. IK1 ine cases now designated by taw If not, then mons, under the present Ckmstitution, shall be en If a literal construction nau been given to the " ea o ine question. It it is sate to en- titled to vote tor members to said Convention. And Act of 1827 by which the Superior Courts have 'arg this power, then the Committee are met with all free white men of the age of twenty-one years, mle and exclusive jurisdiction in all cases of ap- tire obvious suggestion whether it be practicable to who shall have been resident in the Stat one year kations for divorce, whenever they may be sa- enumerate and classify all the cases proper to be previous to, and shall continue to be so resident at Jxd, uion due evidence presented, of the justice "eard by the Courts so as to embrace all applies, the time of election, shall be eligible to a seat in fwch application" thia object would seem to tions, and prevent entirely the necessity of legisla- said Convention t Provided he possess the freehold kve been attained. But that Act having afforded ve interference. The Committee believe that it required of a member of the House of Commons at rule or standard by which the Courts, in the ex- would not be practicable to meet every variety of under the present Constitution. sccisiMif thiamiUmited discretion, should be regu lease and, should the cause of divorce be defined, VIII. Be it further enacted. That each county ktti, they have settled on a construction which unUza ithe application caine whoUy -within the deft- in this Stare "shall be enTitled to elect two Delegates larrowi the exercise of ihe'power Th the Courts, to nition.it must be refused, for reasons now given by to said Convention, and no more. --- -- - - ivjros,to limits which embrace Httlo more ttian the Courts, :and ty virtue of a construction which IX. Be it further enacted, That if any vacancy the eames Cr which, under the Act of 1814, divor- na8 f,,r ',9 "hject the wise policy f preserving the shall occur in any county delegation, by death or ,ire allowed. "If we are to 'judge from the ge- marriage obligation sacred and inviolate. The otherwise, the Governor shall firthwith issue I Writ wral hraiology of the Act of 1 827, this construe. Committee, are satisfied that the adoption of any I to supply tlie vacancy and the delegates shall con- tm has, to some extent, dtieated the intention ol pnncipm wmcn wouia oewroy or weaxen tnis poll-1 vene in or near the city of Kalcigh, on the first ins .ixgismi'ire aiinougn ii is acarct;iy poraiuie i -j uk,iiciiiciii uu uijuutuuua iui nuruunjr ui uim nexif ana provmea max a quo- tM the Courts, which are usually governed by tlie Legislnture. I rum kes not atteud on llw day, the delegates may fad rulua. could have concurred in a diflerent con.4 As to the . Resolution which sncjests that the Ju-1 adjiurn from day ta,dav until a auorum is nrest-nt : ID-action of H Act which invests them with the ry instead of the Judge, art' to be invested with J and a majority of delegates elected shall constitute mA wild and unguarded discretion in a matter in- llw uiscretion ot declaring wbctner the causes set a quorum 1o do business. uling the morals and welfare f the whole com- fwth an application for divorce are sufncienl or - X. Be it further enacted. That no Delegate awtvr Thia adiudication hayinir been "made, it not, the reasons which induce the Committee to elect shall be permitted to tahe his seat in CtMiven becomes necessary to inquire whether the Le- helieve that it would be improper to entrust the lion until he shall have taken and sulncribed the ruUure will again invest the. Courts with iinijimi- Jldge with this dangensia power, am. still more Wlowing oath or affirmation i Ir A. B., do solemnly hi power on theaubject of Diyorce and whether forcibly and obviously true when applied to the swear, (or affirm, as the case may bej that I will ft will establish anv rules roverninir them in the Jury. - not, either directly or indirectly, evade or disre- tuRise of this power; for, without these standards, I The Committee conclude with the conviction I gard the duties enjoined, or the limits fixed to this the power would be ineffectual. This is the ioqui. that it is bad policy to extend the power of Divorce I Convention, by the people of North Carolina, as set n submitted to the Committee i and, in the inves- beyond the limit of the present law, and ask to be forth in the Act of the members of the Assembly and officers of tlie State, or those who hold places of trust under the autho rity ol this State, iroin being or continuing such while they hold any other office or appointment un der the Government of this State or of the United States, or any other Government whatsoever,. 3rd, To provide that capitation tax on slaves and free white pulls shall be equal throuirhout .the Slate. 4-4th-To providn IbrToinBTrnoao of appointing and removing from oilice militia otlicers and just ices of ine peace, dtitorent troin that which is now prac ticed. 5th. To compel the members of the Gene rat Assembly to vote vtva toce in the election of of. ficers whose apfioiutment is conferred on that body. Oth. To amend the thirty-second article of the Con stitution of the State. 7th. To provide for supply ing Vacancies in tlie General Awembly of this State, when such vacancies occur by resignation or death, or otherwise, before the meeting of the General Assembly. 8th. lo provide for Uennul meeting instead of annual meetings of the General Assem bly ; and if they shall determine on bk-nnial sessions, then they may alter the Constitution in such parts of it m renin re the annual election of members of a a a rt . t Assembly arui otlicers of mate, ami tne triennial election of Secretary of State, ami provide for their election every two years. Oth. To provide for the eleetkm of Governor of the" "St ate" by "the qualified voter Rr tt members oftho lioU)e oTCominiMis; and to prescribe, the terra for which the Governor shall be elected, and the number of terms during which he shall be eligible. And the said Conven. lion shall adopt ordinances for carrying iutoefSxt the amendments which shall be nmdc and shall submit such amendments' to the determination of all the qualified voters of the State ) but -they shall not alter any other article of the Constitution, or ImII of Rights, nor propose any amendments to the same, except those which are herein before enu me rated. , . XV, B it further tnaeiedrTUt if tirslioa of the subject, they find It involved in more discharge froi tor further twiwderattotr oribe I Jiiculty than a superficial attention would indicate, I Kesohitions. II Oi the one side, the Committee are sensible that L Respectfully submitted. I the tit'ne of the General Assembly is very impro. I D. M. BARRING ER, Chairman. 1 rrlv consumed, by bearing the frequeiit amilira- ' .' r t: 'iMJ-:tr-nrr uZ ' I . feWWmtW TTt T r wwiuroivorce, wnicn are suumiueu lor na csm-I wvnimimn . 1 Jntioo That if the Legislature have the power! J.",.' ' ' .. r 1 1 divorce; which Uf well doiiltedit Is very ohvi.l ' ' A5I -T- that it is a trilsinnl every way unfitted il its f-voncermng a uouveniion w amena me uonmuu- fUffisp .tiiyli'altouhl never fae mttsjmpted but on prL"Jwa) of tli StatdV ; - ,J most extraordinary xawms that mjusticeis y;, lBe General Assembly of North Caro- nfo o.sie.to one or the other ot the parties, and im a ro believe that a large portion, if General Assembly passed in IVM, entitled " An Act concerning a Conven lion to amend the Constitution of the State of North Carolina," which Act was ratified by the people so help me uod. niwthtfii. Pttrnt U llrwrdtttla inv a ta MKbsfuaWd! XI? Be if further cnaWrrf, That the Public Trea surer be, and he is hereby, authortHed to pay, upon the warrant of tha.Govemor, such sums of money as may ba.necesanry forthe eontingnnt charges of the Convent ioa and W to pycaclv oeiiiler of MMureuMfr-oaw-dnllar and fifty ecnta per day du ring his attendance thereon, and five cents for eve ry mile he may travel to and from tne Convention. (dwKratiiia interested inthejnosl aokmn ao4 i- iJL. fl.-irihi. JW"iW4htir Tlwrt ttwndtlNrttMr r . I IIIIW kl IttA liJlHlirlknP IimiiumIiuIsiIw VjIIa Ihsl Sail , I v uw-tnr iiniiruiiinii ij mwi i wi ini WAe ta.w;ar4TOlbTCca 6y every oWi- mxiMt to amend tha Constitution thereof, in or fHwe ot morals and religion. fn tlie other nam , ui -,rliea.a"fw heremaher specified ; and whereas fcrert the Courts with buli.mt.xl discretion (which mhlU) tbfl C,catnl Assembly disclaim all riiht and ncafronnt mm act, to transmit a copy lo eoc Comity Court Clerk in the State, and cause it to tlie only mule to elfect the object conteinMated r r ; lK.m... , m.L ,k- inAl,npn7l b... te lWwhed until the meeting of the Convention, in Wthft mliilUina in llw mwr tn divnrr with I !i j.--. I -i- :r. the nrwspnpcrj bf the State. .- - JnctiT the will tartWtoMUneK al ? U"1 T" about dufiniiix tlie limits and nrescribin the L-u ,kj,McMm:n(, tK, .;il ii prof-tions shall be submitted lo the pwle for their . i :-u .u:. j: u.ll I . 1 lamrnt or dissent tn tlie um l Inn fornwr whirh shall be understood as expressed by the votes M for wtanla according to which this discretion shall t4certaincd ; therefiwe . u i-J L- .1. j i,r r ii. i XLj-llZi ZZmZj I Convents" .,kI the latter by the vote - no Coo- if a, -n . W difected, would be pruductive of the most rain , Mind embarrassing results. The law, in its opo. Whjo, troUTa ' be- destitute t. .(he first csMentiai fsaieipla of all leirislation in jrovcfhmont of laws-, issiforniitv in their aduiinistralion. -The discretion ISI SacK JiulffM anmlil tw. kia nil tX Kr tiitn which I n .l. . J r I k.ll . vu l r. .cjv., ,hi. d v, uw. "T r ' .r trim of thi. state, .. to the uVl . rn' T f-- I number of members in the Senate to not less than wwo must nocossarily be as unfixed and mictu-1 ech nd eTcry ckxrtwn precincl la said counties, I, . , ,i... r.n i ui t j.. e . 1 lur umniuiuwi w wwit wv vis nr iin imnpu . , . . . . . . . ,,, ... . sArti.rnt fmnY ich ntronolicants for di-1 k.- n.j?' Ci..: -... WUiCB.oisincia snau iJwa.ai mb ... : " " . ilWIH V.IWIW IV-' "( " I anjl fuuvriLtn imn. J. Ku ..unJ it. I.. " irjoww, --"" 1 ijonvcntion. . Ana u any cuun or couii uuui wn i .!... r, - -i , p- iras-tbe oVcan of tafcda would b-leveraed t iI..f,rirMrVi.r" w '".r ,Ml' t"'" ." 1 - 1 iu iiMiati anF. la KinsimiiKiNM ww v v -m i.i t. . . a . . . 1 p. n m .w-.,Kl,newh(4esuliioct w.aild be thrown ..i,,. to h ,ha be the duty of TuJ 'T: . cwfiMion ..Ml utKrertainty. The demorahmng (t. or the prrwn actio, as his deputy on T', 1TL ..l" ' " 1 " fciry of such msilts are apparent on the slight. -Hitum. All viMtr-roim. as well as theory, wtaliNtHd the Hislice of the policy whicn prr- ,u tar m pMibM, the wparathm of man snd sml has shown tbe unhappy consequetw-et on I'" romimimty, which a knowlixlge of the fHcility l"ihirh HivomMi him v Im olrfaiiMHl. moid mrvi- Itcaaand ter Sem. of each aoAeycrx cuun, T'r '"V'" r ryhe.te7.t tha rr ' . . , . , , ,, , ,, . Jassemblrd, shall fra me and devise amendments to STATE LEGISLATURE. loOMFMJW KXCbllSIVKLT VB0 THI OiXXIOH ST.S. '. Saturday Janvar 1018331: A frt of the praeeJingi of thi Joy wi ti in our Uttfmftt I the foliomng rnddilumat fortwn tcu aoi te&ii)td t 4Mm U mpprar at the tanut Um nd is given now in trder to complete our Journal qfl. pfocHdfcgi'fbrthWmaf.Ed.) house of Commons. - . Mr. Slade presented the following ceaolutioni uvrros lira jLargisiamre, a iw esaiooi U ine year lsaj, passed a resolution. In the following - . words: Hesolved.lhat the Secrelary of State be, and he is hereby, directed to issue to the Trustees i"" of tho University of thia State, warrants in each case on the muster roll of the continental lhif : this State, where warrants have not heretofore i ' sued j and that, the aaid Trustees hold the same, and the lands to be entered by virtue thereof, in ., trust fcr the ofhceri and. sotditirs l porformed j the military servicos (ot which said warranto shall , , issue : Provided, that if no claim be exhibited by the said officers or soldiers, or their legal repre sentatives, within seven years from th. 1st day .iA.l.l JniiuHryjKJXt, the ' saiJ UuM shall cw and dcte---ftiiiie. And whereaa tlie limitation in the'aaid ( 2- i resohition has expired, and tmirlmiieat itaiawwt 2" to soid land warrants, or lands founded on .ibemT. j yet exist : Therefore, ; M -,. -z.'s S ; Retolre d, that a Select .Gmiinittee be raised tof " "7" f the purpose of inqiiiring into the necessity of login- r ' j lation on this subject, and report to this llouia the ;, ; result of such inquiry. L f " - "-'J The resoluti.m was adopted, aw) Messrs. filatlncr Ilaywond, Ikrringwr, Henderson, and Outlaw, ap. , , nre ovnxi womiiiilice. The House proceeded to the order of the day. . jorrryatt'epthrresolutiwiahcrclofiresulw .... of votera at the election first directed to be held Mr. Henderson, relating to tlie'jmJilic lamls., Mr. by this Act shall bo found "for Convention," it Brapg moved that the said solutions lieon the shall be considered and understood that the people, mhle which was negatived; 77 16 40LMr. J. VV. by their vote as afiiresaid, have conferred on the Guiim inoved that they be made the ordor of the delegates to said Convention the power and autho- day for' Monday next) which was not agreed tor- - j my 10 make alterations and amendments in the ax " ' ii nwriuoj imsions were succrs. . isting Constitution of the State, in the particulars 've,T made to "adjourn. - Mr. Haywood then moved . herein enuineraU-d, or any of them, but in no that the resolutions bi amended so as to- read as ","" ' otbi r- -Hi-- taken, tha ' XV. Bt Ufmrthtr Mr, That the aaid Cnit.. Mowsj adjounwd t ' 4 v ' , u . vention, after having adopted ameodaMnts to the : tutotttOy as im opinion of this General Assern. . . Constitution in any or all of said particulars, shall My, that the wbli(inain,fjlllha Paiud tjiat...- prftacribe..sonanwiht Cirths-ratificatinn oT'tlte which was Ceded jo, the National Goyernnient bV same, by the peofde or their representatives and thia State andty the1Mlief Wafe j'riisi'.un,..,. shall prescribe all necessary, ordinancea andregW' which behwiga to the Stales, according te the terras ktionsiur the; purpose ofgiving fuUperation and of the aeverat Acts of ci'sslon; -plijfwiM lV effect to the Constitution at altered and amended.:. nTtb btni Rational (overnment if theW"-. " '. XVJ.:JJei-iirirr fMrtrrf.-Thal the Conven- fd nhould, by any Art of .Omgrene-directly '"'" i; tion shall provide in what manner amendments or indirecjly given to the new Slates in i which tho ;.CJi shall in future be made to (lie Constitution of -the lands are located, without the previous assent of State.";" Rea4hree timM arw raTirHHT'Tn ' General Assembly. Cth Janua L ry, io.w. . y . . ) . v WMTJT ALEXANDER, 8. II. VLHDMOSELEY, -dlS.-- Buppiemcnui to an Act, passed at the present SFMion, : entitled An Act concerning a Convention to arheuil the Constitution of the Stste of North Vsrolina B it emitted h$ tht.Oemerid Aurmbtfif'ihf ... , r , . . ' i m h occasion, with the advice of one Mistice of the nrace, or, if none be present, with the advice three Ireenotovrv, v. woiut an inmiector or irpoc. lore hi the place of him or them who fail to act, which inspectors, when duly swora by some jutic of the peace, r freehoklcr, to perform tlie dutn-a of the place w iib fidelity, shall have the aame au- swtoriaj district 5 and when there are one or more counties having an. exeess of taxation above the ra tio required to form a senatorial district, adjoining a'oauity or counties deficient in such ratio, the ex cess or excesses aforesaid shall be added to t.e taxation of the county or counties deficient, and if. with such addition, the cootitv W countiea recei. 1 the other States. - :rJrftrtXTba.t tha hulJie donviin nt it : I'nited State, which was-purchased by tlie Cone. ral Government, is of riffht the common orom-riv of the States ; and any Act of Congress by which uumwaw wmh n wimij or iiKiirot iiy givefl 9 the-new Statr Irf whkh IImiso'TuikIs are located, without the nrevioui assetit of Ihe olliera, would h-'--i ftolafiort of lha righls of the other St a tea. . ,. .. tieotved lat whenever the proceeds oT tlie ; public hinds shall not be wanted tut the 'legitimate - ' rjTJT". K 'uoa4, Gireramnst, Himj pWivi. itliin 'niiiUMlunl aritk f l. IVnj!li! I . . . - ' lMlT f&?45. TWrt tTia follow, declared In the foregoing rvXu.i.; and I if mg propositHMis shall be submitted to Ihe ponle for the Constitution of the United 8tales, accor. Mn iir wnur ui-., in lira amnra whihut, ana (, true jneaning, forlwh? such provision to bemad under the same forms, regulations, and restrictions, by Congress, the aula uight tohe rHertrd to the " M were prescribed and wlopted m an AcT.-passed States for tlndr detBrminaiion, lhat they may do- - at the present session, entitled -An Act concern. 4trmirM tthM iU -,;il ". V..,.'. . a Convention to amend Ihe" Cuustitutioaof tbe 1 nnwer nr not."" " ' U. Stat North Canons -"'ITist the as id Con veil- . . lf , . , . ' ' tion may, in their disctrtinn, devise and prnpnaa - . Nmdah mawry 1,1834. the following atmstdments to tha said CntMifution, ' M ' 'BrNATH. . . or any of them, ae as, 1st. Td provide that the I mT' "yci.womuwtiwii-iimmitteelowbom, Attorney General ahall be elected for a term of w" xwrrea aoowcn the imveruor's Mewag - veers. 'Ami. lo nrovule a In miwl whfn-hv ih un irmiMuioa o. rruua rsiNie iu Jmlgeeof the Snpreme and Sujierior Courts, and wmenlu, am) the publication of the Acts of Assern. other officers of tlie State, may be impeached and "7 Be "P"" uwreon, accompanHxf by the tried W corrutrtion and mal-practioes in office- reitNis j which were read three iimea, 3rd, To provide that upon conviction of any jo. I ordered to bs enrolled, axcept the second, ' imxluco. It imtsiira Ihe sanctity and dogmrfes lhorilv m0nnattfA kv the court. HHtimnni rrinrni-lrr nf llin nuniaM - ' L- - ' 1 11 ' 1 1 " " ni lii law.so nerfbet 4s tha immom. two Bersnns mr il snail t Wn'alTlin'wllel ...k.f 25. 7.! 'Iwli pi ; rim.. t f A. luslS.11' ;(oli' Wi' ' , I w, (N-Cra)1;, )0I Jtrt. . St, mtC- S0 eclared to be Mr and in relicni so holy is iwinsnce, no srparatirin Is allowed (f"llial F'WliGod has Wsned together. The knowMge "a the grant of a prayer for divorco rested in the Musi of sini'le JikIlt. would, widen the dies in the eirrla of domealie hsnoineis and ... ... i inwinnary cause of oftt nor, fnwn the least "f passion, to the stain of deepest dye on TlkiJ lifi., wu,,, Ik, wmjjuI iftlT, and misaiid is ,rT7rt sr jiMlicial interfurencc. Sincerity of "n wisildjbe supplants by alienslKin ; and nnal unhanoimw. miwhI hv momentary f 4ry diwtinfi,-wirM find no Tiotie 'hT'tvTA in a int of rerfwilUruin i I Km Lmra nfWloinrviic "uld be ooeoed. and seldom chMed asain. that the tie. when once made, ia indtsso. r-thal wahiiur ahull sever itis the best seen H rmitu exertion to render each other happy. I Pfwoce a spirit of contentment with their lot (r these reason which relate to the poli. 'He norstioo that the Committee believe r ould be wise in the Legislature to restrict, s vmihle. if m aliother. the power to P".' And Uni it U that althouch. by the 1 lflf 17, unlimited power U apparently given 7 euperior Courts, they have properly rrnsia s exercise In favor of divoror. except in tN oVsiimalMl kv iK ItruUhire bcfi'rs the 4 I W, and In rases of like kind. To asy vorce should be granted whenever a pro. ifoa xs made nut, according to Ihe discrrti Tr'.and without any fixeoT and aniform P known to the law, would be productive . i ii wMMWwMMiHiM.nn . . i n i i t"i I I lb d luriki. ruWrW. I lull II Bliall IM IM I . . . .. . - . -T- " ." . Itrtrt. u inal the ssid Usivcntioo snail lorm duty of the slieruls of lbercaj.ct.ra cmU . I, B fiirthrr tmifv1liyS), fo 1hj rj;. AalolA AfW. rri)w 9t fnr VTfrfll Lv-Iuwi nn. I . . . . . .. . - - - i nua, wtcwut reauceiMHUtiiiicr of members m cincts m s.hi , .i "k! of Coramons to not less than trmcty nor (lav. tlie 1st and 2d of April next: whoa and wbtr. - , . ... . . , all persons qualified by the tsseitutlott to vote members of the HmMn of CohumNW may vote or airainMt a State Civentim t those who wish mofjhan'onn hundred and twenty, exclusive of concurrvi j borough a.ls.rs, whkll the frmvmTlnn shalt have" ps of the j lb tUcretioa to exvMe in wh4 or m part ; and J a ., Li.-..k..u.Uk. : j LJ. "alarws i lice of the peace of any inftirooua crime, or of I a I insiLiirsj tw wCTufrtilf OlifirnBir which was stricken out t t Mill (.Ml lA tl aUwJfwt llS . l m A'.JLtm " Convention voting with a printed or written ticket ku, ,1,,,, u Irwnr fo.h-ml pop,hwU. a! f "i rnfivrnlHrfi,- ;st Ih.-i a ho .Vi nU ws.U a Cm. mnmn, which'sWt 1 ventHm, voting, ui tne same way, - m vwyco- by adding to the whole number of lion, or- Agaiowvoovnnion. I fma orrMMW. mcliMlins those bound to service M sinH-bvtt-anrtBW of the Lcgisv " fore disqnahfird rrwn VJding such appointment. " V w Uie umiea rtatrs sndi of the. iilu-To-pnisids.-foe-.4Ws mnvl of any nf-Tne aewxiVStaiewin thr C'n i cVipy "of ihe hiWw Jl.i ihe.ikiprtuuo or . Suprrior . Courts in iht 8ulQ " published aiuiually by tha entiNequsnce of mental or phymral maliility, upon Ji.. . rjl.'---- - 1 ciHicura,utrwkUM-fthir(irU)(hhniocu.l . 'r""t ine uovernor a asthorwed to Lrgi-Uuu-s. 6rh. T provile that tlie II' annoaiiy a persoa properly qualifiod to sr. the Juilges ahall not be diniiuiihed du- nK" ne oroer in waics ine laws shall he puWi-h- ring their continuaucs in o(W - 6ih. And ta prth I ' WHW lfm ,n?1' fnnlM. to prspsji agatiu4 uimoctMoiry private legialstitm. Tlh. Jco'',,,'i general wuei, and margmal ntiti, who JIL-B it further tnaded, TUt k shaS be thsl . lllIm vwtkiulMuMmmlmAmMm mat taxed. tbitytif Trra"t4Hfariomkia of all other prrsnosi and the roomers- of their polls in their respective eouniies, sssorn to (Kia (n to Woe ,1 coMvement and pmsenbed pen. brtore the i lent r ine vowny vwin, wn wyj M lods IM each county aiiau feava ai Mun one menv which shall be dcwMitrif In said cleia s oUice ana Km. m ik. I Intra nf Commons, allhotlub ii inav : tlie other copy trmimuiillcd to the Governor of the J c.in the requisite ratio of population. 3rd. That Slate, al Raleigh, immediately after lha election. I ta4 m Cunvcntioo shall ahw frame and devise IV. Br if further rnmrled. That it shall be the amendments to said Constitution, whereby it shall duty of the Governor, as soon as be shall have re be made necessary ff persons voting for a Senator, FirMl tha returns of the sheriffs, in the presence and persona eligible to the Senate, lo poasns lbs tf the Secretary of Stale. I uUc 1 reaaurer, and mn rcssdenca and Irerlnsd qiMliltraimos respert Comptroller, to compare the number of vctes for ively, in the snrwtorial diMrict, as is now reqmred .n.1 mnumm a Convention t and if it shall eppwlin the county I rrvrided, that they shall not in any ik.i no'iorit v of the votes pollnd are ia fa vor of manner disqualify any of lbs free white men of this it, be shall forthwith publish a proclamation of the Stale from voting for members in the House of fret in such of the aewspapers as ae may imna Uiramnns, who are ouaiinea 10 vow imarr ine ex. pmvrj and shall issue a writ of election to every ijng Constitution of this 8ute. 4th. That mid .nir nf lbs State, remiirinc bim to open polls for Convention may also eonaklnr of, and, in their die. ik .UtImm nf IVVntrs m the Gsrrmtion at the erst ran. propose Ihe following other aaaendments lo ammo places. and snder the sa rales as reseri.lbe said Constitiitkm, or any of them, to wilt Se bed for holding other State elertions, and al such iv lstTa abroffals f fnct f he tight of free time as the Governor' may designate." irgmee or muUttoss to vote for members of fhe V 1U U further tnacUd. Thai tl tame per- Senate or Houss of Commons. 2d. Te disqualify - t r To provide that no jodse of the Supreme or Sunn. I h"H tcve such competition as may be deemed nor V4airw iMiii, whilst retaimni their.iaakiallT"1 "','ulu" Jf wmg pw awndiea : office. bc.diiniUlU--MV nlhpr.-Birrii L il- dwlart.', r . t i : r " I v t j Tv.i .... n in. . . prrim! vin iMincn. r I . wwm, iwiiw umcnmr innu rje autnoriseil II.' An he if further enacted, 4tould the! w transmit to lira Lxecutive of the United Sutrs. people decide in favor of a call of a Conveattn,and of ihe several Sutrs; any public doruuwuta -as is providod tut m he before refrrred to Act lbs 1 Baf ba pubbJied by order of the pullia au. id Cunvenlion ia herrthv aulkunaMl ami Mmw. Ithorilics of th Stale. . . i ered to consider of, and in their dim-ml ion pronoan, 1 ardig Ifons for tabjng op rur-aT" the above aklilnsial amcndiuents to the amid Con-1 "V "." Plny w tiiirrns this Slsle, stituliosw or aav of thiHn. I aa Varisudy amended, paaaed Ihe third -r 7 i j. . . . Read Ihrea timrs and Alifted in ) una ororreo io i rnSroaMi. f fie tiff of lbs bill . .... r Im a.,!, hi n:n i- " r ... urorrai laacinixy, vq Janw- I ""'"'"X persons lor Uking ary, 1835. , , , , P runaway sTavts, the pmprrly of ritiarna of this VM f J. ALEXANDER, S. H. a WM. 1 MOSELEY, H. 8. State, I New , id lVmwjIvania, New York, Connecticut, Jersey, and Mssaarhnsrlts." The bill lo provide a fund for lha estsblisliment of Free rVhools in North Carolina, rUw.i.,.i .... tW" Jfort Jlfsa-iriri'jfc The following'dis. wcond reodinj j upon which, on motum of Mr." n was rrsiHved ihst tins mhI bill she! . printed and apw.(sW,lo ihe last passed a i! , The lions of Commons having eHvr ' ihe amendments lo the engmd 1;. II to n, r lh- Cwumy Courts Yaocev lo by a tnx U , n courage the destruction of wxJvm in . ; , gosling smtpnea orrurs in hitter riiMrn bf a Mr. R. tl. Ilsrris, lo the recent Vsa Bursa fun v nix brU is MiMsippit . V'.- . -Air f a ess innrr mrrwii is SliaHMinni thus ever bs had. AM the OM llin has tod is tnbr fcithful nnto death, and sra will five hua Crowa of UHJTJ I 4

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