rV r r- I r V V -: i I the sai J bill was ordered to be enrolled. The bill vesting the Power tu authorise theerectiunuf gate ; across public road in the county courts, paifeeJ iu last reading, and was also ordered to be. enrolled. The bill to amend and suspend for a time the several Acts prohibiting the circulation of due bill . and notes under five dollars the hill lo etnanci ' pate Waller t the bill to amend an Act of 1745, imvo snnr i tiro " 1 vm C,r the better observation and keeping of thJ Lord'. : :dav,&.,and the bill directing the maoor.ru which '. it i i l . l i .i.: . ci... ..,. , suits aiiMU oe orougni nercmier iu una ouuv, uo rejected. ' it." --r'.' : r BiUa pretexted By Mr. Beard, further to amend an Act entitled An Act to establish a Bank of the State of North Carolina," Read the ' ' first time and passed. By Mr. Sawyer, suppleroeu ' tal to an Act passed at the present session, concern ing a Convention to amend the Constitution of the . State. Passed its first and second readings, and . laid upon the table. ? By Mr. Caldwell, regulating tlie time of holding the Superior Courts in the counties of Rutherford, Lincoln, and Iredell Read .; three times, and ordored to be engrossed. s 5 ": ' HOUSE OF COMMONS. MrMarsteller:ibni the Committee to whom ' was referred the resolution concerning the powers and immunities of the Cape ear Navigation Urn '" pany, reported bill to repeal in part an Act of 1832, amending the several Acts of Assembly in corporating the Roanoke and Cape Fear Naviga two Companies, and prescribing the mode of en. '? lorcin? the collection of tolls; which passed its T first resufiog.. "rT . "":7 ' Z' "" '' Mr Graham, from the Committee on Education, to whom sundry resolutions on the subject had been referred, reported a bill to authorise the President - and Directors of the Literary Fund to sell certain t. portions of the Swamp lands; which was read the I first time and passed, and, with the report acconv 3panyiflgt ordered to be printed. ' Dome time was spem in the eonsHieraiion of ine amendments proposed by the (Senate to the en - grossed bill concerning a Convention to amend the Constitution of the State ; and, alter various in said amendments were conrurred in, and the Se " nate so informed..Ordered that 50 copies of said :r bill be printed tor each member of the Legislature. - - ,Tbe House resumed the unfiiiislied business of Saturday, being Mr. Henderson's resolutions re ' latinc to a distribution of the public lands. The -question (raisiid on Mr. Haywood' motion to amend) to strike out the original resolutions, was '' decided in the negative 64 to 53. Mr. Bragg .' moved that the resolutions lie on Ihe table : which was negatived 70 to 38. Mr. Bragg moved to - : add the following after the second resolution, which was rejected- 68 to 41 : RemJved, TUitt this General Assembly highly " ; approve of the message of Andrew Jackson, Pre- stdenf of the United States, transmitted to the Se nnteof the United Sutes on the 4th December! 1833, cootainingjhis (Basons for withholding his ant to bill passed by Congress at its preceding WMaioiv usually .denominated, " Mr. Clay's . Land jj.ll,- , . . .. Those who voted in favor of the amendment w?re Messrs. Boddie, Bragg, Braswell, Brown, oum, Byrum,.iarteruAioort ieytont Y itzran dolph, Foushee, Guinn, G wyn, Hamrick, Haywood, II wider, Hutchison, Irion, Jordan, Jutlkins, Lee, Lvon, Marsteller, Potts, Powell, Kiddtck,- Register, Riebuckr SlaJv J. L. Smith, Swanner, Tat ham d'Taybr,ToroJiwnn, Wadiwrtht Walker, Whitfield f .-WiUeyr Jacob W ulums, Zigl&nrr 'Those who Toted against the amendment werellvfl k f " "f Messrs, Atbritton, R. II. " Alexander, G. IU-A tffiTT Lajider,- Baker, Barrinser. Battle, Bedford, Bell ' r:--Blatchfordr Blalockv .Brandon, Pray,-BnimmcU, s..MWiri CleRMot, Craige, Crump, Iwckery, Dod- 'ley, Fleming, Foreman, Uorrell, urahara, Haw. kins. Harper, Harrison, Hardy, Henderson, Harris, Hoke, w. iiorton,. iioru, iiowaw, ring, ruij Trell," IiihainV LillyT Lindsay , Locke, Long, Lou dcrmilk, Mauly, Manocy, Martin, Matthews, Monk . Chisby.XhitlawrPerkiiis, PlvleStef JRjwhJl rvsr&oMiuanWiSHTGrSn . Ft(&l Weaver i ' WkV -Wlliamtef Geene, tf-jjfc. Yi dlutiua of Rif bnnidT Witrtmr. ' ' ' n ? ' :s ' Mf. Haywood moved to add to the second reao- i lution.ine Mowing worus t- - Ana sucn ununuu tiu ought not to be made so as to give any preference - :J a,, llistosw States. UltO that proposed, m be bill .'...euinnHpiy .tIC4.Jfn. PvV JnJBintwbjchwM j. J Tt-toed by Presldont Jackwsi.N .'Air. Dudley moved V "V to strike out ajl oT id aniefxlment kfter tlio word V Tr. trW Stotet n which was not agreed to e bird in 1 . n TtM question then recurring on the adopt wu of the I- ,1 sMnenilment 'offored by Mr. Haywood, it was deci jr . dad isj the oegalivs 59 to 57 The original reso. I lutionf, as submitted by Mr. Henderson oo the 29th I - - ultimo, wsrb ihn adopted and erdered to be eo f f naped-rysas 82, nays - - - ' . - "' . Tea -Messrs. Albrilton, R. IL Alexander, O. t IL Alexaniler, Allison, Buker," Barringw, BattK I . Bedford, Bell; Rlatohford, Blalock, Brandon, Bray, f DruinmeU, Caixder, Qemcnt, Coor, Craige, Crump, I IMvwiport, lAxaery, iMrtley, rieming.omman, ' V ' ii;lIarTtey; liettdemNSIonry, Hoke, W. Hor- laOyii ItortiioJUauldCf, Jiowardj, Kmgt Kittrelt, Latha.m," fitter Lindsay," Locke; Long, ' Iowfcr . milk. Manly, Maaney, Martin, Matthews, Monk, W ullVAl'jlJlfCse, M'Lcsuv MlNeilL MThersuo, "Norcom, Ousby, Outlaw, Perkins, Piwndetter, ,RMm, 8rwel, Sloan, Small wood, G. Smith, Stock. ard, SwindrIL Taylor, Tillett, Tomlins-m, Wdi ar.irib7Witte"r7'Wllw, Waugh. Weaver, Jaewb . WilUania, Williams of Greene, Williams of Rich bsoikL Witcbec Z iu lax A . . . i ';-. .. j iVsys Messrs. Boddie, Bragg, Braswell, llrown, Bynum, Byrum, Carter, Ficroi)Jh, FuusUm, 'Frink, Gwyn, flarrU, I lay wood, Hutchiia, R. Junes, Jujdklns, .Keoah,' Lee, Lyon, 3IarsrcUcf, I Very, INXta, towHt, Register, Korlsirk, Nadn, J L. Smith, Swanner, Tat ham, Whitfield. William- TuetdauJnmmarf , 1633, .- " SENATE, Mr. Hawkins, (Whii the Cnmmittne nn fntemal tmprovemout, te wbotn resolution on the subject bad been 'referred, reportAit in (aw of granting charter t Rail R4 from the sealssird mia tha Seal of Government, to the Yadkin but against the Stnte taking two-firths of the stork. Laid on the table. Mr. H, also reported against the evpe. lirvy of granting an appropriation to out a Canal from Goose Creek to Jones's Bay, and reenmrnend e l the rejotios of tbe bill to asuniid the' road laws. Concurred In, " " Mr, Wyche, from the Committee on Finanee, i 1 a retMirt, staling that Samuel F. Pattvrwn til xcute4 the hutida re)uiro4 by law, Ate., and entered upon his office as Public Treasurer ; letting turth the condition ol Hie i rrHury ; anu re coin- tucuduig ihe Jidi iptiuu of a . reIuUju..-auliioniug the Treasurer, should it become nece-ssary during the ikcal year, to borrow, on behalf of the Slate, sum not exceeding 40,000 dollars'; which resolution was read three times, and ordered to be engrossed. Mr. Wellborn presented a bill to repair, alter, , . .. r l e t e .u Mimid, tln road leading from the ford of he river Vadkin, where ,Caj flirnierly lived, to the Aslie county line; which; was read three times, and ordered to be engrossed. - ' ; The engrossed resolutions from the other House, relative to the distributiountong the States of the public land, was laid upon the, table yeas 33, nays 24. "I, reo -Messrs. Arrington, tiaker, lJnttain, Burns, Cooper of Martin, Cowper of Gates, Dob- son, Durham, Edmonston, Edwards of Person, Ed- wanls of Warren, Ennett, r lynt, t lowers, bavin, lawkina, Holmes, Howell, Hussey, Kerr, Lindsey, Lockhart, M'Connick, Montgomery of Hertford, Move of Greene, Staley, Spaighti Stephens, Wil. der, Whitaker, Whitehurst, Wyche, Wilson. Aavs Messrs. Barco, Bateman, IJeard, Cald- wellTTJawd, Fairtey7llarrison," Hogan, Kendall, Little, Lowry, M Millian, M Uiieen, M Williams, Martin," Mast, Montgomery of Orange, Move of Pitt, Parker, Phelps," Sawyer, Sherard, bhipp, Wellborn. The bill concerning a Convention to amend the Constitution of the Bute, was ordered to be en rolled. The engrossed bill from the other House, to es tablish the Merchants' Bank of Newberu, was re jected 20 to 25. HOUffK Or CtMMUIM. Bittt pretented By Mr. Henry, to establish the sulphur Spnnif Academy, in Kuncombe. By Mr W. Morton, lor arming volunteer companies. By Mr. Marsteller, to repeal part of an Act of 1819 to provide a revenue for the pavment of the civil list and contingent charges of Government for the year 1820. - By Mr. Blalock, to authorise and em power the County. Courts of Yancey county to al ter the dividing line between the two regiments of said county. Those bills passed their first reading. Mr. Houlder presented a resotutijci recommend ing to the people siie(Mhcally to intttruct tlieir doln gates to the Convention to vote tor or against the borough representation in the Legislature ; which was postponed indefinitely. Mr. Haywood presented the petition of K. M Saunders, asking compensation for certain prots siooul services, together with a resolution to carry into effect the prayer of the petitioner. Kelcrred I he engrossed bill to make an appropriation ot 975,000 lor completing the Capitol in this city passed its second and third readings, and was or dered to be enrolled yeas 94, nays 21. The following mils were postponed indefinitely Providing a reward for the taking up of runaway slaves in Pennsylvania, New York, Ac. ; concerning the exercise of suffrage by free persons of color additional to the Acta now in force directing how femes covert lands altering the mimlier of company musters from two to fiiur in a year and ffivinir to the Superior Courts of Law cxclii sive original jurisdiction in all applications for di vorcos. Tlie engrossed resolutions to print the Bill to provide a fund for the establishment of Free Schools, and append the same lo the Acts of AssemMr rand authorising the Governor to procure and transmit the Acts of Assembly tit certain chiles fhereirt'lUt: med, and for other purposes, were read and order eorollod. IrWazadajr, January 7,1835. --SENATE.---T--- ' The bill to subject legacies, distributive shares, Ajc, to attachment in like manner as other proper. ty,- and the bill to incorporate the MiintgomeTjn Gold Mining Company, were postponed inoVfinitoly." A great many bills were matured and ordered to be enrolled. TSTT0 "T h8Jtlfn,'rter ' ami UlUUIglou lmil atu vKiiimiiT, wm ibiu uii the table until the 3d Monday of November next, on irMitioororMi75iiwliwid-Ayes 71, Nays 80. Mr. Long presented the following Resolutions: .IVsrVrss, .by the Gmstitution of the United Sta'.es, Congress ahms is ekithed with authority lo borrow money. o Ihe credit of the GovRmment : And whereas; the Portm)0teT--(le"rTl hw taken upon himselT the of this big pUWvS Tf MsV nXfUig V rtgWldWtheTp!rtf these Untttrf States without the authority of their Representa. lives i Rt tl iXrrrfore RetnlrfJ. tki Grnrral Aurm- bit of North Carotin, That the PorftnaMefUJo- neral, m borrow in t money without the oonaent of IConsrrss, has vi4ated the plain meaning of the Constitution, and that therelore the loans made to htm are not binding upon lbs nation. Rttoltti, That the Senators and Representatives from this State, ia Congr, he requeued to eon- tmue"the' invetigatKs already eiHnmenced, into lha alaiaan and mirriiirliiin vf I1' Apartment and that they endeavor to arrure taar"flietoiiir s ..... .i j . T.T!rfTTtwii,"srrerj..i.. more economical and faithful administration of its The anl Resolutions were reed, and, nn motion of Mr. Swannery laid on -the table Ayes 70, Nays 40. TWsdsjr, January 8, 1835. SENATE. Seveiai bills ef a private nslurn msnwing thftn the bill to Incorporate the BiMe Society of North Camtow, and tew bill to tnenrporato the liyard Gap Turnpike Comparry--werti M od de6. aJlely uomtpnanA. iiou) or COMMONS. The Mgnaliin of Judge Hoawcll and R. M. SrtUitnVr, as CooiiiMssionrrs fr re building the CaiHtol, were rrad and aorptd, Tbe bill to provide r a fair valualton of the lands ia this State, and presorihiiig the mode in which Ihe said buals and other taxable property shall bs given In by the owners lliereof taxation 4 he bill to alter the tin nf bidding the rlcctiiin dr Momhersuf the Astemtdy the bill authorising the entry of the unmirveved tin. Is acquired, by tree IV, from the Cherokee Indians .and the bill to ex. tend the hmiti f the City of llaWgh, ware seve. rally read, and," on motion, ImtoAoitcIv rswtponed. X hup Dumber of btTs were finally fasnd. Friday, January 0, 133. 8ENATE The bill authorising, the entry of the unsurrey. od Cborokee InU t enueemiog Cnrouers S J tbe bill to provide (of the temporary appoint ajeot of Registers in certain cases ; the bill W repeal an fcnyStrmhrde Act, paaxed tu 13V.6, to reduce the license the. red to amend the several Acts of Assembly, vesting the right of electing the Sheriiia in the People ihe bill amendatory of the Act to ertablUh a Bank of the State ; and the bill to improve tlie Cape Fear river above Fayetteville, were severally read, and, on motion, indefinitely postponed. 1 be Resolution declaratory of the opinion ot the Senate on the Right of instruction, was read and laid on the table. ' HOUSE OF COMMONS. .The bill to repeal in part an Act, passed in 1832, amendatory of the several Acts of Assembly incor porating the Roanoke and Cape Fear Navigation Company ; the Resolution authorizing the Govern or to employ an Engineer to survey a Rail Road route from Beaufort to the western limits ot the State the bill imposing a tax on Physicians, Law yers, aud Dentists ; the bill giving to the County Courts the power of abolishing the offices ot L-oun-ty Trustee and the Treasurer of Public Buildings; the tall authorizing the bovernor to BuoscriDe, on behalf of the Sute. for 1000 shares of the Stock of the Cape Fear, Yadkin, and Pedee Rail Roadj and the bill to encourage the discovery bflvlifies iii the State, were severally read, and, on motion, in definitely postponed. Saturday, January 10, 1835, SENATE. After some unimportant business, on motion of Mr Beard, Keiolved, unantmouuui That the thanks of the Senate are due, and they are hereby tendered, to tlie Hon. William D. Moseley, speaker thereof, for the able, dignified, and impartial manner, in which he has discharged the duties of speaker ot the Senate during the present session. The Speaker then declared the Senate adjourn ed sine die. HOUSE OF COMMONS. The House met for the ratification of bills; having done which, the following Resolution was KminiiHoiiWy aoV)ted, ainl the Speaker adjouTilcd tlie House nne die: Reioleed, That tlie thanks of ""t his House be tendered to William J. Alexander, Esq., the Speak er thereof, for . the able, imiwrtial, and prompt manner, in which he has discharged the duties of tlie Chair during the present session. CAPTIONS OF THE LAWS PASSED JY THfi . LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA, s 1A Se$,Um of 1834-35. PUBLIC ACTS. 1. An Act concerning a Convention to amend the Constitution of the state. 2. Supplemental to an Aet, passed at the pre. sent suasion, concerning a Convention to amend the Constitution of the State. For the provisions of the above Acts, see the first page of this paper. I 3. To amend the Charter of the Bank of Cape Fear. Providea that Stockholders, who are citi wins of otlier Slates, shall be entitled to vote for themselves or by proxy, at all meetings of the Stockholders; and that the Bank and its Branches shall receive public nKHicy hr deposite.! 4. To amend the Act of last session, to establish a Bank in the State of North Carolina. Provides that the corporation shall deal in promissory notes, i .l- r. r .i i .:...i. J so receive such of the public money as the T ma- -. -v -k" " ,. ' , " - surer of the state shall oner in depostte. 5. Giving further time to pay in Entry money. Allows unu the 1 5th of December, 1 835. J "' 8." Prohibiting Lotteries in the State.- (Prohibits Lotteries of every description, except those aires- dy authorized, under a penalty of 95,000. 7. id quiet-the titles to -certain lands m this State. 8. Vesting the power to authorise the erection of gates across public roads in the County Courts. (.Giy$j.jhisjerjtohe Courts a majority of i tne justices ocing present. j . 9. Jtakiiigagjpprotnatu f r compjcting the Capitol in the city of Raleigh. Appropriates tlie sum of $75,000. 10. To amend an Act vesting the right of elect ing the Clerks of the County and Superior Courts in tlie free white men of the State, passed in 1832. Provides tliat, in case of the resignaiioa or death of lht SttperioriJourt (Orki -the Judge -sbatt- aa point until lbs next regular electius mud the Cuuo ty Cuirti ahaQ appoint in like matmerJ "i 11. Giving eompensatiua to Sheriiw and Coro ners for exocuting writs of cspias ad sutisfacien dum, in certain cases. Sheriffs or Coroners com pel led, by such writs, issued by, and returnable to, any Court beyond their own County, to carry any person to the Jail of the County from whence the writ isnied, to receive at the rate of three dollars f every thirty wwtek io going to and from the laid jail. 12. Regulating costs iu certain cases. Pro vides that Clerks shall not chanre any Stale lax ! or Altornev fies on biils retunMnl under the Art oi inoj, lor uie rout i oi noocta oeiMors, rxrepr an issue shall be trmde up ; m which rase, the par ty. castVshall pay all costs: and I list officers shall return all bonds and papors, token uiidt'r said AcT, on or befiire ihe sooond day of the Court to whicli they are returnable, under the penalty eoO.J 13. Autboriains the set Uainty Courts to appoint one or rr- Surveyors in their districts ,mnty. l'rvwie that tmy shall not rfMut more tfuta two nsr any one County. " 1 4. Oswe riiiiig-divorreai Giww tbe Courts of rprrty coocarreut jonwlictmn with the reporter Courts of law, in granting mvorres. 15. Appointing Commissioners fr rebuilding lite IspiM. I AmxxiiU Ihinran temeriai, it. Ian M, 8. F. Patterson, Cbarb Manly , and Alfred Jones, ti ore mor to fill varaneHM.1 16. Amenilalory of the Act of 133, concerning the injury done by the erection of mills. If da mage sssewwd tmiW said Act do not amount to 5 dollars, petitioner shall toot recover more costs than damage. 17. Prescribing la what manner copies of Admi. nisi i al in or returns of property of deceased per- ame in another State shall be read in evidence. When properly certified according to Act of Con gress of 1790, or by the proper officer if tbe State, wild the testimonial of the Governor, the said pa. pars shall be admitted in evidence in the same manner as oopics from Clerk's Offices In this State. 18. Tojeprel tbe second Section of the Act of 1832, making additional eompensmiiim to the 8e eretary ofraate certain services. . 19, For tunuiig or altering roads m certain ca fProvides that person through whose land t 9CSa public road P8, may turn or alter the same ; the 'ration, may then close iin tlie old road.l 20. To authorise the liovemor to procure a new Great Seal of tlie Stale." .aw i a -i 21. To establish the Merchants' liana oi tne town oi e1,'c"n iiifiiv . title, in Newbern, with a capital of 300,000 dollars. i T I rrJi.l.l.uku. . Ilniilr lintor thlM 1 1 Book, to be opened on the second Monday o. t enru- inrimiw iwww'Mf " ' . . -. , Waahinii nn IllllH I aaWPII. I Waynesboro,' Beaufort, SwansborougbaJjid Snow Hill. One fourth ot each snare to ne paia ai ine time of subscribing ; one fourth within 60 days af ter the Bank shall have commenced' business ; and the remainder within 9 months thereafter. When 100.000 dollars are paid in, the Bank may go into operation, and continue until 1855. Seven Direc- tors 10 De appoimeu, wpo auail cieci I rrwircni and other officers. Bank to pay a tax of 25 cents per share. No branches or agencies allowed. 22. Amending the Act of fast session, regula ting the times of holding the Superior Courts in the 6th Judicial Circuit. Provides for the pay. ment of the Judge for holding Court for the second week in Mecklenburg county. lJ3rTrcHernirige- WgrdcwT)f the-poor. Provides for paying expenses of removing a pau per from one ounty to another. 24. To enable any two of the Judges of the Su preme Court to hold the same. When any one of the Judges is unable to attend, tlie other two may hold court. . 25. To prohibit hauling seines or drag nets with in two miles of certain bars and inlets within this State. The places provided for in the Act are Ocracock Bar, New Inlet, north of Ocracock, and Roanoke Narrows or Marshes. in. concerning tne publication oi ine Acts rela tive to a Convention, and payment thereof by tlie Governor. -..Governor to draw on the Treasurer for a sum sufficient to pay each printer who pub lishes mid Acts fra dollart, and to cause 400 co pies of said Acts for each county to be printed, and transmitted to their Members of Assembly. PRIVATE ACTS. 2 To repeal, in part, an "Act of 1S31, to prevent ob- . : ... .l j- i .. ti i i i kin rivers. 5 Authorising Michael Brown, of Rowan, to erect a gate or gates on bis own land. 13 Incorporating the Hurke Lounty Uold Mining Company. a I Concerning the appointment of Commissioners of a public road in 1 lay wood county. ....... 'i frovMlin? Kr the holduiir a superior Court in the county of Yancey. S lo prevent the obstructing the passage of huh up Roaring river, in Wilkes county. H Amending the Act of 182(1, to establish and regu late a turnpike road in Haywood, called the Tennessee Itiver Turnpike, 25 Establishing the Germanton Academy, in Stokes county. ii lor the better regulation of the County txNirta of Yancey. 28 Anthorisinr the appointment of two Surveyors in th eountie of MootiiBry, tUwoodr and Anhe. . 31 Incorporating the Iredell ManufacturingCompsny. 32 Granting to persons, therein named, certain land for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Frank lin, Macon county. 33 Appointiiur enmrnLwioneTl to lav off a road from Morganton, in Burke county, by lfWllle and Bar aett's Station, to the Tennessee line. .34 Amending the Act of 1822, tor the division of w"j. Kowan county, iiietiwaasee, iNotUly, and Valley rlvsrs, ib the county of Macon. 41 Giving exclusive jurisdiction to Superior Courts for the counties of Anson and Montgomery in all rases where the intervention of a jury shall or may be ae ceeflary. , , . .. , .-, . .,j 43 Coneernine the County Conrts of Hsywnnd. 45 Authorising John 8udderth and Patrick Henne. ee to erect gates on their own lands across a public ?r " 7' ' vr " 4o For ths better government of the town of Iw- renceville, in Mcmqromerv county. 52 RMieslinir nsrt tl Act nf 133. hetir to promote the adiuinistratioa of justice in Macoa coun - 53 For the better regulation of the militia of Bun- ssce uoniy.-i . . . 56 Jlmeodinr an Act to incorporate a company is the County of Mecklenburg, under tbe name of the rranklin Uold Mining Unmpany. on. Authorising tbe County Courts of Burks and Yancey to appoint Commiasiunera fir laying off mads. 60. Incorparatiiw the North Carolina Go) i GoM Mining Company. -61. fkipptemenUT to-A-W sesWrL to In prove the. Mats itoadt &; aaak. of Toskasege ra ver, ny ma wa; ot x rankiia. la Uie Ueargm uncv ' 62. To, prevent tbe felling of timber in, or otherwise ohstructing the run of, Lower Little river, in Iredell county. 63. Altering the times of holding the County Courts of Buncombe and Yancey. 64. Incorporating the Lincolntua Light Infantry Com pany. 67. Authorising A. K. T. Hunter, of Macon county, to erect a bridge across the Higbwaase river, near the mouth oT v alley river. . 60. AmendaUiry of an Act authoritinr the citizens of the town of Haywond to appoint Commiwoiioers. 73. Incorpiirating the Tuckaleicna smoky JMountain Turnpike t ominny. ia MeckkwiMfg oiuaty.. PI. IncorpraUng the Pioneer Mdls Gold Mining fsuiw"Ti in A ahari us wsiiitT." " . WL Regulating the times of holding the Superior Courts of Rnlherfiird, Lincoln, and IredelL 91. Authoring the appointment of two Surveyors ia Aamn, Wilkes, and Richmond. 93. Directing the conveyance of tbe commons ad joinmg the town of Franklin, to the cbainuaa of Macoa County Court. 1 : 94. Authorising the Northampton Blues to draw ea th Adjutant General for I Dim of arms. -r - tNLAppouitrng erjmmkaanaen to raa and retablish the Boundary line ketweea Blades and Cabarrus. 97. Soppk-utenUry to ths Act to incorporate ths Cape Fear, Yadkin, and Pedes Rail-Road Compaay. " I1M Repealist; an Act of 1832, tpOMnting lay days oa Rocky river, joiaing Aasoa and Montgoinery coaa ties. 105 AauWitinr the eomnletioB of the Tonne ea river road, in Km county of Vaooa, aad to iacorpnrats a emnpsny fur that purpose. 108 Empowering the County Court of Ysocey to lay a tax to scourage ths oWuctioa of wolves aad panthers in said county. 10 Incorporating Poplar Grove Academy, In Iredell 110 Establishing lbs Sulphar Spring Academy, ia 113 Granting to the Mecklenburg Gold Mining Company aa amended charter. 113 AuUwrsHmi tbe makint I tommkaroad in Ilav. wood, aad to incorporate a company ft that purpose 116 Attaching the militia of Yancey to 15th bri fada. 117. Relativs to the brndf called to work the Bute road from ths Old Fort to Aatmille, 11 Fnr the prraervatine of Ihe puMis bnildings ia Buncombe, and the unproVcmcnl of Aabtvdla,- 123 Ref-ulating drill musters in the 88th nent of militia, in DavhJsoa owiity; w 125 Fur the belter Wjrulation of the count, , . wpwwiipurta: of KufafaliuwZ-ih'J-and Macon. J"ju, 127 Rnpealinffan Act of 1833. Concernintkir:ii . volunteer artillery company. , 1JU incorporaung the Nortliampton Maaufkcturinr , "v- . , . 132 Granting to persons therein mi.wd eeruin Watk junniinv. - X "MZ . ... . ' -wvrami, emmtv 133 Authorising the county court af Yatw. , ter the dividing line between the two rwiwenUrf. j county. .':-..;-'' " v ;.. t -134 Amendatory of ta Act of last session, gnu: r to persons therein named certain lands for the u the Methodist Episcopal Church at Fraakbn, in Waco, county.. :,,.".'. T, 138 Ta repair, alter and amend, the road lead;!, from Holemou's Ford to the Deep Gap. " 139 Tu repair the road from the Yadkin, where Ca fornierly hyed, to tlie Ashe county line. RESOLUTIONS. . 2 Relating to a map of the Cherokee lands. - 3 Directinir the AdiuUnt General tocollwi iK- .t lie anna ' . 8 In favor of Wm. Kenly, of Davidson. " ' A4 M Tsyor of Jolin lliuejpO.!IX,dii. 16 Instructing Mr. Mangum, one of our Senate.:. Congress, to vote for expunging from the journals of 0 Senate of the United Slates the resolution TeamuW tlie conduct of the Executive in relation to tin w sites. 19 Relative to the outrage committed al Nauaa, s the property of American citizens. ...'. 23 Directing new roll of the iusticesof the tic. 25 To append a bill to provide a fund for the t. blisliment of Free Schools, to the Acts of Aasemblr ' 26 Authorisinir the Public Treasurer. abouU it u come necessary during the fiscal year, to borrow, wmii is uie oiau;, win not exceeding SW,UUU,at kX -more than 6 per cent interest. - r 29 In favor of the Hon. James Martin, 39 Directing the Report of the Committee ofay nance to be appended to the Acts oT Assembly. , " 44 In favor of Asa Dolozier and Henry Reaps 45 Directing the Treasurer to commencs sails bonds for Cherokee lands. From the FhU. Gazette and ''W'yeaw:; CONSTOU&NCES XJf ArYfMmiTUXCt: One of the certain conseipjcnces'of m war tiik France, would be the re-election of MrTJUcluia to tlie Presidency for a third term; and. we arc t quite sure thut the desire to bring about that mai has not been at the bottom of the counsels of thosa bad advisers, whose influence has dnhuppity vailed in reference to tlie course that he Lai pur sued in. regard to (liat. nation. r Since he kurn. lion a lew mourns ago, oi - vuoge n ntte name u a candidute for the Presidency ; ia opposition to Mr. Vaa Buren, by the Jackson papers of Tenaesjea, a portion of the office holuera bare po doubt be come alarmed lest the tenure, of their places might be changed from wbat they now suppus it lo be, or te, to one tor a term of yean; ioi they naturally desire to prevent a splitting sea the party to which they owe their share of "lis spoils of victory." Nothing could be so likely a prevent such an occurrence aa the reflects e? the inan upon whose penjonal piipularity tliey kara 9 rode into ottice, and as he baa been reported to mm said, that w to aavs the country he might bs anis eed to be a candidate fur. third IcrnvLil beams necessary Ittiixfjitethe emergency which wouH af ford pretext for requiring 'hiTmtcrplwt&'iivlU bow was this to be brought about T The tnK v Uou with whKh-we bairlauoiia thaieovw dnredjntfej. cause of war,.wa,. Fjranceiid.l: wards that nation "the feci in 'g of the Amentsi bonpte were of the most kiiidand frietkllycharoT Unfortunately, however, it was remembered lints the month of May. last, when, (lie news sT the it- jeclion of the treaty by the French Chamlrs " :i"r-wi :- r - t n i -r- reacneu wasmngton, tne l resident new wm of hls 'urtgovcniable sWoiis, and Ihrealfntd , ,wtw nwMngt, to Gmgress, receeasnd- trig hwrtiiriea,-8uch ranh rocavnwa an H- ...... r . ever ' ,,m d?f lw ,,ule ewt wwIr's. even of his most walous partizans, jceive their aijrobatioii, and he was prcvaiWsfS AapMjajiwjtuciitjutiijjie nt of vengeance, however, diwla ved on t h woecatioa. I on'btholding tlwtrpnty rejected which Mr? "Swa had publicly boasted through ibe newspsperi m obtained for he Atncrictut claimants won W their own comniissionera had awarded, furoukeit key for future operations, and we have ant a tVwk that it has ever since been stored up. as ths survative measure of the continued cohesio of tV r Evtx,!W,.who has viewed the procediiasj Waahincrtn "in iwnm mi amI' Is'st ai conversant with the secret machinery by our Govcrninenl is carried on, must be ciisri that the President is a mere instrument hands of men not resftuniiible to tbe CmmxiIvVI wwnry sir ineir conaus , viiiiials, actuated by private and eel6h com" lions alone, may be re carded aa the refit lives of the ofiWbiildiiig interests of the coxsny end Iheir rrbommendatitMis to the executive, ai concentrated result of their views of exprda? A man so eminently octi lo flatter? aa Mr. si si, becomes sn easy prey to designing . mm -mm x w iwwasawj brthe bsK stairs cabistet, would be suffirn knock ia tbetbead tW aaoat prudt.anifTj counsels that could be urged by bis cousunJ B II . advisers. rt kai! A greater calamity could not, we tmoa, aesj the country, than the ineasure to which w w adverted, aa it would break down tbe only .l.. - D j A- lift. I . Iu" rB"" e, f 1 v ..." Vet the examole so mlnotira v set bv "" ami a. scrupulously. sUtowsd.by rU,auwr of refuswif to sens bevosid second term, put aside, and especially by a popular a -a . .1 . . atsT OOP rttr we would souo discover insi toe powr " y ' would be irresiatiUeremi that the duratirsi!;y would he the future term of the Execvti tH as it was in France when Bonaparte was T Consul (of life as a step towards the crowa. patronage which belongs to the EfTL IB vwsar- " " - , nTuilicesof rt VI ftff nv w MtX asi'tlSW S SWVi asa assruar . or of proAt the tendency to corruptioa uxlf. Ihe very nature of a government whtcs; J bodies of land, and has a larre revenue to Tl over wide surface ef territory tbe the Post Office department, which enables rj tv in innmnia unoa ten intm'J inastsrs, and perhaps twenty thousand i i contractors, mn-aerpers, ana - - mnnuiJ (Kit -liva .innriH tsf thst SB'S J of those who am more devoted to their .1 ,i r .i. .ml. ewtinns hutalim nt vLtnia-nla. wliirh. SMSk DStCS I i A .A 01 o S . et l - l r e ft ii fi ai .p, at tl fa 3 M tv

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