t 1 t i -4- SALISBURY: rUHD AYHKiii'JANU AR.Y-1 7r:l 8 3 5 , 3 The following trticle is going the round a of the newspapers, m something creditable to the piety of the lth century. - We conks oar inability to iee in it ny ' t'ling belter than the most inexcuasable ignorance of A .. . ' . . t.. W t.ie nature of our auty (owaras Dout our neaveniy ra ther sad our fellow-men. Only think of a creature pre suming to dictate pecuniary covenant with Jbegreat Creator of Heaven and Earth He in whose bands are all the corneri of the earth, and whose claim to slf we possesseven our lives is uvtuiouUble!! It ts mon strousit is blasphemous ; and we feel indignant that such circumstance should be paraded before the world as an act pleasing to Almighty God, or creditable to the man who conceived ft. We took upon the pecunia ry Covenant" thus got op and formally signed by Mr. Cobb, as nothing more than a miserable attempt to tribe - tha ." Lord of the whole earth" with silver and gold. in order that His favor might thus be propitiated.onti) Mr. G, could accumulate what? daily bread fur him self and family, peace in the enjoyment of his religion, and happy entrance into Ilia feat at last! o, none of .these 1 but filthy lucre to the amount of JiJy I fcmsmo' raWfcrt TothoseWte fries" k to be purchased by such mesne, we refer thetase of Simon Magus,' in the New' Testament j . Cnirn, whether hi thought or deed, Is t Virtue that we" greatly admire, and we wish to exercise it towards au men; wiv wnen we see lis neeventy principle so oe Ibrmed by ignorance of its first requirement, we cannot but express our horror of the perversion. - , 1 . JFVoss ihe American Baptist Magazine. A CHRISTIAN MERCHANT OP THE 18th CEN . The late Nathaniel R. Cobb, of the Baptist Church Boston, (who early made himself a life Director of the American Tract Society, by a donation of 174,) has left sn example that honors the cause of Christ. " Leero inf fur public profession he had not; but he had bu- lineti talents, and with them he resolved to glorify 'God! - In November, 121. at the aw of lafe-faree, two ZZ.Jeaji after establishing himself in business, end littte .jnors than one year after his marriage, he wrote and subscribed the blWwinjemarjUbUocumeja may perhaps be termed ; 7 Hi Pecuniar Covenant with Oof .' fBy (he Grace of God, I will never be worth more than fMUm ; ' ,By the Grace of God, I will give one-fburth of the nett profits of my business to charitable and religious purpose. ' ' "If I am ever worth 20,000, 1 will give one-half of -- mtuett wofltsT and IT Tim ever worth KHMKKl, I will give three-fburths, and the whole after 0,000. . So elp me uod, or rive to a more nulhful steward, and 'jetmeaside. "N. R. COBB. . "November, 1821." 1 . . To this Covenant, says the American Baptist Staga v tide, be adhered with conscientious fidolitr. Hedis r . trtbuted the profits of bis business, with increasing ra- - - tie, from year to year, till be had reached the point he - had fixed ss the limit of hie property, and then he gave In the cause of Uod all the money which he earned. ' At one time,' finding that hie property had increased Vyond 30,000, he at once devoted tho surplus, flftfiOU, a foundation for a Professorship in the Newton The. .'. 'ological Institution, ,.; . ' . : . On his death hed he said to friend, in allusion to 4. the resolutions quoted above, By the Grace of God' .. nothing tin by the Grace of Uod, I have been ena bled, under the jnfluence of these resolutions, to give Inwsy more than tt0,000. ' How good the Lord has - twiitffiMl 1 : T . - ' . a a a ... . a. a r f aIA - put Mr. uooo eta not wan mi oemta acquired a-m. JKH.balura Jie-bstran to Uot his money e religious -It -war in lJt while" he" was vet yojinir. and : ccKupmuiely a. poor man.Tecend esUbliahed in bu ' tineas, that he resolved ts give one-fourth of the nett Lnracseda of bis business to benevolent purposos. ' It was then uncerUin what should be bis succews; but he fcl I it . toe. hit duty. to. begin .tuen..jriULihft..resululion to moreass the proportion vf God should prospor him. ' IIT'iere'ireJmMii.Chrirtis.W'.wbo lhin.Jht if lbey eould accumulate a certain sum, they would then be generous. They jay tha fjiey must prst nske provi " sum fur themselvss and llieir fsmilies, ind then they T-wtt distribute tholf oionerTHHsrally.. "Mr. Cobb ilid - not act thus. He, from the. beginning, cave a large -proportion of his inooma, sal trusted in (Ihaa-waa. . .. aver should be neceauary bunseir and nunily would --. Mjsnppliejj,; - - Ibaaderl Yon know but very little (bout the1 life of an K-lrton anaf it W ot worts while fit isl6 try hi tell yoo what sort of a life he leads. Paper, ink, and types, feAont describe it . Pencil and paint may be essayed in vam. . To know bow an Editor lives, you must be- as an Editor. But we say to rou, as we have said to almost every one who has ever thought it worth while to edvuwwith us npon Uie suhjccV-dy'nt Jry it, "we'bfwMxJl oi " Stick to this Iaprftone?Vie shears, the sledge, the hMdsswiibe; plough' the. plv.r avea bra tawyer. and whiotl tut t client, and -you" may ehancs to "go ahead " but, as yoe value quiet and con- 1 aistsney, as yoe wish to hive Comfort by day, and rest -,,hy night, do'nt boss' Editor" J ' " ' ' '1 Do you ask why! Jusitliink fbr a moment whst an ; alitor mut4 do, and what be must not do; and your fitestioa will ha answered. . . - f ' " lis must publish all the news, and he must not pub . Iiih any thing that is not iKimled on fact .... , .... t Hs mM endesvor to nine the stamlard of puhlic mo ." v rata, but he moot not attack any eice, or error, or in f fnnily, la which any of his patruns or friends are sub ,- . , .. . r . He musl write, whether he w gloomy or glad some r sick or well r whether tlirmercury turns h'vzh or low : whether politiesl prospects ere fhir or foul; still write , as aiost; a o4 M.anuat prwluoe someihinp that w pretty -. - - er impulsri or he is deerrH stnpid fi-llnnf. . lis aaf itf ml isKjivr i iirnt n hjiylad v him . lnmtion,aeUer he ess read n or not, let has space i be little or much at tos very tune, and in Uie very taanner thai be is requested. -'-! . ! Hs must remember and daily eiecuU sfl erdera. ver pal of written that his kind jatrons are so obliging as to ilrrlare.-" 1 i - - - 7 Urn must be literally "all things to all men." and trv In Please every body, or be meat "take the resporoub- . hty " af aoUaf .aatia principlet. sasraue as indspesdsut enutss; lab to uphold Uta rights ana liberties, and to . J" Improve the moraM, of bis 'couuirj; dutormincd to by T " honest in the worst of times; write like i freeman, ". and tot) like a slave! wesr out his eraas snd-tveee. and ; - I oally hireself; and leave to his cliklren, if he can keep . - one, a id accumulate lbs other rood name and a file ; . . . . ef old papers. ' . Wrtkhettet Jlcrald. - fc-aV t4- -1 f easaassfj 0 aasas ' " j yOot oarf Bar.kt tori.- The rnnirirnnnial fever is , racing to art s! irming,extent in our county at pre , sent. newil linn a number of cases in enottje I H'lumn, which have proved fatal. It is thought by Ih'va) best acnuaiuteo: with the nature of lh i disen!, to be highly improuVnt to venture within speakin finance or s luffjf especinlly if site be . . ' sfatv . Tt tf. ferity ami young 1 rsrrm tcray rtrriev. j TVo Heart killed hf Moate-Mr. Mouse, of Irnlmna.caine npoo twt bears the nther morning it s one and was sltacked bv the othnr i end after personal rencontre, succeeded in srelrsrur, Brain with t tomehawk. V, ., - FARR TIIKE WKMj. I mourn thee yet I do not weep . That thou art mine no more ;'" TTorelHripjrpI my W"fTms Slerp " in silence as oeiore. ' i A common loea might tears bewail,, Hut not s lone like thincr Ami words might nerve love's fancied tale, , But never love like mine. . I wronged thee, and the silken thread , ' That bound jour hearts in one, (I'hrough years of grief and anguigb fled,) "llast eever'd thine is gone! No others in thy gentle eye Love's tender truths may see, And I shall, gaze like them but spy No look of love for me. The smiles that once were alfmy own, Must be amrtliers pr'Hle; ' And tears that flowed for me alone, Now flow, Sir all beside. Nav, nay, I blame thee not! the wrong, I-suit, folly all are mine; . . For thou baiidt lived and suffered long, . Ere change of soul was thinv . A,'.',..' : .. Iioved one ! no tpar is in my eye. Though pangs my bosom thrill ; For I have learned when others sigh; To suffer, yet be stiJL Panmon, and Pride, and Flattery strove, Tbey made a wreck of me; But, ah ! I never cesned to love, ... I never loved "but thee! - My heart is with my early dream, And still thy influence knows, Still seeks thy shadow on the etreun Of memory iHia it flows ; Still hangs o er all the records bright. Of moments brighter still, -Ere love withdrew his (tarry light,. Ere thou hadst suffered ill Tis vain! His vain! no human will Can bid that time return : There's not a light on earth can fill Again Love's darken'd urn; Tis vain ! upon my heart, my brow, Broods grief no words can tell ; But grief itaelf is Nile now, Beloved one ! Fare thee well! From the Philadelphia Uatette and Intelligencer. .. Maav.ipiToiwul..amjme.nf..lhose. JUit as profitable to lauek as to cry; and though not al toifether pleaded with Uie result of the late election. I am quite sure that a long phiz will not mend Hie mat ter. The follies of "the party' will afford lotsof fun; and if rule ri lopt's is your motto as well as mine, we may, if you chmwe, ride together. Jacksonisn. Now white and now sable, now foul and now fair; Now mild and now raving, now here and now there; ore voices than Slenlor.;.and still, to trepan us, . ! Than Proteus more shapes, and more faces tlian Janus. la. . . ' . I d bow to thy linage but how shall I make onel Thou now bear'sl one form and anon 'tis forsaken. ThfMi now art a lion--Ah! hark to that roar! But look at thone earn thou art lion no more ! TImhi now art s hero, all stiff, grim, and awful, And now art a kitchen bay, cramming thy mawfulL r. en ne wual inou will still I pledge thee luy beart But, tor pity sake, say wust Uie d I Umm art ! lS35llI0r&0. - or . The Vrlcrii Carolinian. ISSUED WEEKLY.::::::::bv:::::::.JOHN BEARD, JR. TRRMS OF PtBLtfATtOTI. 1. The Western ('amiimajije. nuhliBhediYcry. Sa.- Toaoav, at Two Dollars per annum if paid in advance, or Two Dollars and Fifty Cents if not paid before the expiration of thre iiKinthi; " " -S.-No paper will he discontinued nntit alt srretriires ire paid, unless Hat the i discretion of Uie Editor. than one year ; and a failure to notify Ute Editor of a Wiifl to discontinue, at the end of a year, will be ...... . . .. . - .... dered Hi t new engagement "'" " 4. Any person who will pniciire sis suhecribers to the Carolinian, and lake Uie trouble to collect and transmit their subscriptiun-money to the Editor; shall bats a pa per grsus oirrmg trtetr tmuanee. b. 07" JVrsons indrhted ta the Editor, mat transmit to him through the Mud, at his rik mmwided them wet 'sfcsJ fSsveVaBHstfaBafJRa inm sue remuiance was regularly ma4e. .,.;........IEJlS,or.AV;TIJIVr'-':.rar.- 1. Advertisements will be conxpicuouidr and correct-' ly Inserted, at fsl centi per square fi Uie nrxt insertMei, and X? cents $t each.opntinuance : Out, where as ad vertisement is ordered to go in only twice, 50 cU will he charged fir each insertion. If ordered lor one in sertion only, f 1 wilt in all cases be charged. 2 Persons wbo tieaire to comae, by the year, will he accommodated by a reasonable deduction from the above chajgesfut tnuisienl cuatiau. ;- TO CUBSESroKDinTS. . rlr.To insure imimpt attrmtlon'to liters aWrNl to Uie Editor, the piwtage should in lljcsses be paid. University Hotel,; ii Rr AT CIIA PEL II ILK THE Subscriber informs the PuUie that he has nnftfMid a Ilnnaai ef rnUrlatnm.nl - r " v wa mm lllMU Cbnpel Hill, the .cite of the University of North Caroiinaw He has taken the buildings and" tots immediately ortposite Mr. Wtttsa Hotel, ind has erected large and commofli(Mi Stables, which will be attended bta faithful Ostler, and nluntifullv with-PioteinJei. 1 ,-' him: ha assures them that every exertion will be made, by biro, to please ind to mccommoftate. I. C, PATRIDGE. Jsnwary 10, 1634. -J - - ." 6l .V. VAst ot VifcUcrs x ;rr. At Iiinglon, X. V.) -JANUARY. V T Jane Brinkley Jolin Cslloway, jlubhard E. Doothet, Peter tester, Jivepb hvaiia, ckimiet II. Faraba, Nanev rv f tar if a it . . rieuia, v uiiaai a. uatuniore, A oner itarrett, Ileery Uortinan, Jolia Jarratt, Nathaniel Lann-r, Gfnrge Mil. ler, JJaUtew Maory, Christopher Owens, Jaa Palmer, Urury I'oeple, Kebeeca I'eepltw, Jiacph Roth rock. Ha. mual V otioru, iJautiel Warner, lr. WakeSrld. M. ROUNSAVILLE, P.M. Lexington, Jin. 1, Wft St. rou ui:t, The Slure and Ware-Room attach ed to the Mansion Hotel. This boom is in the verv centre of husiiieas, snd is ceosidored one of the very best stands in Salisbury tor any kind of business, rosseonon can be had iminedt. ately, and rent will be moderaitv - 1 ' CONNER dt LONG. Salisbury, Nov. 8,1 83 U - , tf A List of Letters jlEMAIMNG IN THE POST-t)FFICE JANUARY 1, l-fi. - . UtMK : SoWriher. respectfully inform the Public I A-Dsniel Acre,V Uliam E. Adams, MUesW. Aber- J. nathy. E.CoL EL Brevard, Chri:4iaa Bullmger, A. J. Bur- mnr ah. joon r. uunon, iiiiam ikiarawirn, lmim . 1 .. w, n ' .-. m . I. . .r. 1 1 Bi-ain, Sarah Bexter, Levenia Black, G. Blunt CDavid Crouse, Moses Cknmser 2, Jacob Cander, R-riCJ Csndor7Cthsjiue CUrk,' lleury Cawble, John Cam p-J, DDaniel Delinger, Jr., John Duky. . ' FHenry Fnlenwider, Daniel W. Forzabarger.Wil- liam ru len witter, Ileugh f lelda, Lmkh t Tnley. G01ier C. Greea. Geuve Uiuiirta and Jonathan Collens, Samuel Galea. I lLtl W. Harris. Jacob Harry, Iloffmaa & Rhyne, I James P. Henderson. Uwn Henderson. Eohraim D. Hsrr, JaclUfweO. Peter How.SrUwUewiL . - . ar J.-.Samel JarriU, David Jobnsnn, Wm. K- Jormenn. K-Mulw Kirtoev. WUlni 1L Keefaia. John fcl- lion, Jsne Kerr. Sunuel Rer. L .Prwkrick Uwis Daniel Ltnety. John JutaV I Frtnci J. Lawson, Latac Low, George Leonard, Alfred I I.r. I ..m.. I.J. h I ..11 I . M,.,r. torre Morrow. Jleltc rAnaeraio i simin. unraui rarriHi R J.ihn Richard. John RirA. Thomas Read. James 1 Rohertmn, Alfred Ranwour, Michael Reidhsrat 2. I o lianiel Mmld, Moms bhiply 2, J. ntepnens, 1 Michael Snerrell, Jacob Beagle, Tbuons C- Smith 2. 1 Johft Siedey.J.iliii R.rmv. m ueary n uuainaun, inomaa . ..." miamsno William P. Webb, Umon Woodfice George Wfl- boy, Maxwell Warlick, David Woice, Robert Mc Night Willsnn, Jsmes H. Tiite. Gmrge Wacaser, J as. Wells, John Wacaser, Sarah IL Williamson. C. a HENDERSON, P.M. Lincomton, Jsn. 1, IfXi 3t Entirely Jcw Assortment JEWELLERY, Ilritannia Warr. ne Soar a bore Jolt Mirphyi Store, and twa doors bclav lhinttl II. Cress s.) THE Subscriber has nnt received, from Phila-I delphia. an assortment of the above articles, and promises to sell much cheaper than tbey ever have been sold in this part of Ihe country. J His new Stock consists, in part, of the following I 'arfictes: t Patent Lever English, Swiss, Ai French Watches, J ST f"k , a i . rf- s 1 ur Kings, (latest lasiuuo,) set witn cornelian, i Agate, and Jet ; Fine Breatrt Pins and Finger Rings, set with Ca-1 meo, Jet, Pearl, Agate, Jasper, Enamel, A me- j thvst, and I opaz ; Gold Chains ; Gold and Plated Watch Keys ; Plated, .Gilt, and Steel Watch Chains and Keys; Slides and Rings ; Ribbon Watch Chains ; Gold and Plated Watch Guard ; Fiue Music Boxes, with shell Silver Pencil Cases and Tooth Picks ; Superior Stiver THIMBLES, ait sites ; Silver Spectacles, with Glasses tor all ages ; Superior Pen knives; Silver Butler-Knives; BRITANNIA WARE, die &c Ac. Watches and Chicks repaired at the shortest notice, sod warranted P.r TZ mootbs. Jewelferyl and Silver Ware msde to order. Old Gold and I Silver received as cash. r joirr cr palmer." Salisbury, December 27. 1H34. I . Lands for Sale . -4 IlY Vi1" of Decree o( the Ilooorable Judge vww s imwj vr savae vsua j e wiU sell. On the Hlk day of February, 1835, - J At. Uta place where.. S-iintr I Guy Utely lived, the LAN Ik whereof the said Samuel died poseeM-d, JU)ntainill 2JU 1-2 Acre. A.d on ihTli.7 ideMl.f Ale-utiW.Gyr sdjntivas the whore m-rntiotird, ihe LAM3 whereof the said Alexao - der was seised at the lime of bis death. Containing 283 Acres. A e.-xlit of one tiki two years wilt be giren ; bonds and approved security required. VND, by Virtoe of a like Decree, I will sell, at lie IGtk day of Fthrwy sr-rf. The LANl whereof Jnsrph Albea was aossess. ed at the linre of his death, es4inr of A Trart of 17(TAcre!, adjoining the lands of Elijah Campbell aud others: One Tract of 230 Acres, adjoining the lands of John Belt and others : and torty Acres Remaining of the Home Tract, AFTER ASSIGNING THE WIDOWS DOWER, Twelve months' credit will be given : bunds and approved security reemred. rrr . JOHN MUSHAT,T.w:nr i. . January L 193. , ffJnc6tntori A catlrnn. rpilE ExaminatKM of the SlooWs under the care of Geo. W. Mossow will enmronce on the 26th of this instant, (Wednesday.) and ten naie ine nay km lowing. Psesattesiid Guaidmu grf pintttitrTy"reqi ea to aiieoa. The Exercises of the Academe will be res. med oft the fir aopAfleJarVT -" GEO. W. MORROW. N.B. The price of Tuition per Sea-ton (in ad ranee) tor the Laugusre and Mathematics, wiU be tit 60 for English Grammar. Genera oh v. and Arithmetic, G.W. id. LinciJiiton, Nv. ?3, 1934. 9 KT To "f mp-nooL" nakfrm. MERCHANTS, AND OTHERS. "It TT. are in the wrkly receipt of a large aesjber sf ' NHWspapera from almost sll eeartets of Ux Unt tnd Kut, m exchange far the Carolmaia, aad wxmM L l- J I .1 . 1 r v Kiaa hi na.c wm laaeaoo oar aaais at a rrasiiii' ble orire. Thev nmii nnrm.U. J to point ef literary chsracter, and ef every aW- r' tics, and a-ould furaiah the curious with s-0T of oonveraaUoa sad wooOenwnt. rti7mj aewsewngera, Ute Uterati, sulitics-aa, jl VT others having oecastoa te aewuspers, will T " vsntagwws to spply fnr them m THUi"nCIi' , Saiistwry,Dopssberl3,lL Situated at the North CkHierof tlieCourtbouee, -.-.-i lbat they have recently purchased - Und taken p.k of the above well-known Ea- Mithmml. I Mr eD 11 OOOCaiJ ktmi w, , , , ,. f , , - - - iuh.u vau w us uui UOCC-. -Once f win-.-. - -- - i . . Mamvra mn iim aiiini it. iitn uunh m . n6ny cenventencea are aireaoy bwb iv iiw -1 b, nftet kcTVJ p rnises : They therefore content themselvea retnim : I ney inereiore Whc. iik .mnnf all who mav have occaswo 10 viau i . tttmiinK iKi BMtinn of rounlrv. (Slaire-1 j m itna in Him 1, ' --- . f 1 1 Paseensers. Private Uentiemen, ana r amines 1 wi " " .. . , r Z,tt- .L I th. .mrnod.tion. at the Mansion Hotel be turpaaeed by any bouse in this State. surpassed by any doom n mis e, With a well-built ana well-arranged house, ele- w ith a well-built ana well-arranged h n;: .! f fna.Iloom. clean and well- T . rw. fi.r.t (k. attentive and indua- " a.iia, aimirB asf-m- a 7. -Uj T.U- .mi R-r and M"" weH-furniahed Tabl and Bar, and anaomrnod.tiiif wuwiora, me propne,or. Manaioo Hotel cmwMM r-i m tasure to alt who mny honor their house with pn-1 I . m, -F r. r fi- (erpBcksALWenfonTa Stage cr. avtaWjb-Ajaaa ... - H iw IHIKVIUIUU WIU VWltw L"h -T I regularly arrive at and depart from the Mamnoa I Hotel, several times each week : and, having an ekteoasave and secure Stable, and Ostlers who are industrious and well-disposed, travellers in private MtMmvmmMr r.hjirk aiv inml that no f on horeeoack are asmim! that no P wM "P4"? to fit lhe,r hce " dMJ 0,1 ine roaa alter leaving ute esiamisomeni. HENRY W. CONNER, RICHARD W. LONG. Salisbury, November 8,1834 6m Travellers' Inn, EL MI I SITUATED SOUTHWEST or THE COt'KT- HOUSE. IN THE TOWN OF LEXIAGTOX, (X. CAROLINA.) rTHE Subscriber Ukes thu method of informing Travellers that he keens a House of Enter tainment in Lexington, f N. C. on Main Street, 1 South west of the Courthouse. His Table will alwavs be supplied with the best (are that a plentiful neighborhood can aSird. lbs llnuite being capacious, and attended by servants who are industrious end ceatous to pleasn, Travel icrs can always be accommodated with UUI u BEDS in rooms with fire-places. And last, but srv not the toast important consideration, HORSES triW efvays wrtee such attention, in the Stable cfde Suiinbert that they may leave it with in. creased ability to do the service of the road. JOHN r. MAnKl. Lexington, March 8, 1 834. 1 y LtOlCi YiXVCCTlU, fj j . - . mm . m ' superwr to aej amne m tnai sectioo of confttrr, QUb tRnillB ftt JsflQtllresjooshJeleraasasaay.aJadswsr Samuel Craisre & Co. Retfully inform their friends, and the public I in general, inai l itrri r long capccicu supjiiv ua NEW GOODS- - Hae a t lat brcn RcrriTedtJ4 i t .Ll!-.---rtr::7- u-n I fna a dUace tiisak xi lueir ouire, ai rosters iiiui. Their new assortment is fresh from the Northern Cities, and will te found to -consist of FDIST OJJALTTY- DRY-GOODS, HARD-WARE, .(inweries, Cutlery 'f&ci J Which, together with their former stock, makes I their present supply Vrrrliai-se and Drwiniblrr j OeF IVing determined o sett cliesp for Cih or 1 Ciauttry rruduce, or oo the usual credit to pone. tusl cu-o.-ner. they hope to merit aud receive a continuance of the patronage which they have heretofore enjoyed at the hands of a liberal pub lic, s. c dt ca Rowsn (V, Nov. 29, 1834. if r-SAITOATT. .... npiIK Sun-rribet is about to lnove to Batesrille, in ArkaitMaw Territon-, and will attend to me. j king purchaiwa, srllin land, snd paymg tases, tor I Msvresiileots. There are many tracts of Mililare Bounty LaiMls, which, if nut attended to. will be sold tor taxes, and hs4. Letters (po-t-paid) aildrewcd to the Suhs. riher. I at Batesville, Arkarwa w, will be pnmiitly attended to. IIAVIII KKINIIAKIrT- Latt of LimcolmJna, JV.C September 27, 1834. 6m. LJUND FOR SALE 'n.HEii!OTtr rrtW a valuable Trrt JL of LAND, containing H 1.1 Arm. Kin ruitaocauncainryT This Land is of an excellent quality, well adapt ed to Cuttoa and all kinds of Grain. A eorsnder. able port toe of it is low-ground and meadow. - ne lmprovernfbtAnitia!Wn. iMLiirg and all aeoesaary out-bouses, are aew ana convenient. ftfcTbe terms will ha atsds ssawtotheareha ser, and can be asoertainrd by atVirranng the sub- , senber, at UcatUe s t ord, or the Catawba Spnaga, lum-vniice. .'JAMh cVptentber 6,"TB34. ' " . . . a. V t a w r 'PHE S,thr.Vr w 1 NEGROES-com le'.0'"."1 ye-r,W. and will pay the hTJ ' , ait ik.. jave h P"perty to sell AU who,'1, ""ry lo meu WOUM do wvll to 1 on r" ' ,r- Jonn Jooea, his AgenL lie " Mr' S-aaThaw'a Hotel, ia 3,,,- and Mr. Jones at Dr. Boyd's Hotel, in fitM r Kit He thinks it pmner td sav. that Iwt i nns cemed in buineak with Mr. James Hu'te, or with any wner person. AO Letters addressed to him, or Mr. Jones, wiU be punctually attended to. a , , " ROBERT Hf IE. Salisbury, Msy Jt, 163t KCCTiTVlTn'S ' 'rnVT3t, . .. ' ' . " f BI ,5,; m n, jvlwi, XCtZZJ"'?! i ... 1 l. IV I. n ' cenis wr rxn. j i :., . t ' j. rv., tJ- i LLJ u a- i . . lex?. practice, bn iabW to cotnoound . , , . . .. - J ? . . lr c in sTaisnii r uc rnnaur si i sn ai n ar i e c , mm,;- era M S "I aire orvans. aocommcsi in iik. .1 . r .1. s W "Z cates to prore thai these Pills are a "soverei.; J . f M - r -..v.. . . . 3 ' .1.. . " n ia wnmw h ra rTlT' " -w.a. 0o,e' truacf respectable Phy i be o. JIT -rt-jj-' .,4- f 1 an.1 ihe VJ J thai la d-WJ 1 - - 1 wJI sir.i iZa SZZ??' am uiniwivw um nicruusB. sUai r. . ,. awsn naisf Its aaame kM.fw-al iftKwaa I . J FOR 1954-35. . A HORACE IL BEARD, Tailor, ' BEGS leave to iniunn his friend, and the 1 'in Mrrl lk.1 nnbn in tU V.r- -1. be thankiull y received by him, and enroled k iU most NcatyFtsdisomble, and Durable aaanrjtr-.4 terms as reaansnbte as any n this secuoa of rr try. It. Ik R. bnpra, from his long practice rfu buMneas, (a wrniher of years of which tifif ie resided in the city of PhiWleblua. and fk tU general satwfictiua Ve has heretofore gives U niitiuni.M fwnvtilJii wul C 1. L w. 1.1.. - . I merit and receive a porusa ofthe pabooae ef ttf public in general. . 07" II Batter trtnwelT TCl7rnXG m really soperior to any done n th State, as i Detected by the uodtspntcd elegaere of at attends garments made in bis establishment. is in the regular receipt of the Reports of the Ismons as they change both in the large cities ( 'bis country and of Europe o that gentk-net may or sausnea inai ineir oruera ana Biway executed in the very tuest Style.; . tJruWs from a drawee snB be artendrd to t uie name punciuwiiT WMmt carw as H uie Ctfci f were present te perwsa. Salssbary, May 17; 1334-1 y a-ivvrtTrav - wv :-.: , . U ' f1" V? wf ' kenii,lwt be has JZrswsW kia &U to the L lyoining the store oCNr.Wsa. Uerpiiy. at theeue. aer of the Coerthoe, ia the office of Mr. alattLn, ute jiaia sueet waere ae as oretares to do eitn ptio.ofsi. theJiBei saVsus Iiiinrsv4aie a E P. rernUriv reeaves, froas the Northers Cirt, Ute Reports of the Fuhkaas as) they vary; an4, aw fau constantly hi hat employ a auulirrof workara iW are brat-rate, he esauiied to assart the put-! that 4 wori eonejyjjiavwiaseartlt helissnlile aes i (iaraMa saaoe hy his workssea unU in uB camn warranted Safe the f ilaair. -r- -r-;--;v:r - CutOng-Out, "j, prrsiins lo mte thsir winkstaw 'uiW itemed, hnth it nitlar out and ankmg eai work. - - - OO" Produce received ia pert pay for work. ' ' '-. TV. Tsalsss, IV-JA ieaeectfyw wtCawsrlsefWl that be is Agent for.the Inventor of the 1-aJcst JUa oi i .BUic, waica aa now smaivt amiverstlly sac4 at as North, aad Ul he null give, ss-tiactka IB toy mi als" aw in an ani va rnsspsssetnsa. -j. - Salt-hurv, 1K34-- ly R 'FsWIXT.' s ' , AT S.VLISBURV laanary 8,1633 Racoa, . liiaim-w: t ell a 4-i Nails. . . 50a Brandy, anpler-i 7T eai Peaea. 4aOata. . . . . Butter,. . l-'i Rv .... 75 Cuttua, ia seed. e ! k .li . 3 Sugar, browi. c .li t kmL Coflee, . . lSalS.X ... .o'. Ifcstt. . 41 iTaltow, -. 10 Feathers, . . FVr,(rarce) rkawsed,. 30 a SXToaarco, . '. . a9 50 1 fJOft WTteat, (hjtel) a M 1UU . iUluaaev. -tits'. Liaseed Od, per galhja, AT FAYETTEVILLE-. IjVfjmWf ua i-j i rem, n- - A ... 1 4s4l . J a TO Molanm -. 50 a W Nails, tsV, . HalSe.r,brw. . i?l alt; ' hu. . .11.111 U . 65 a Til .""alt, . . JWalHUUlMt,.U-. . fts&'slWTnryi . . S a 3 Wot, ,f 30a CtM sM It tea 17 fiO Mi 18 s AT CIIERAW. f S. CVJf7 HsCTO, . ,.. ,lia 16Meai,(saJ ;S ixaswiT, ... ii iiiisaie" . al Better.. . . . 1.1a9ll.U ' . Al I Coffee,. . . .l4aKOats.fW0 J , . - mt,l Cora, . . ,75attSaltsrks, FeaetV. LI I FWr, sepefU lene, ... dtkerel." '. .2m I ' i-ri 13 s - 3 i L.jt rrrtl.' .M.roKr-v. 'laiia JBM lak. vvnt . . to a He AT WLCMlIA:. CjIIJsseary Baron, 11 U Brandy, peach, ITf'llaJL . Butter, . . . Cnoee, ... Cnca, ... CrtVav. . . Fkmr, . . . Iron, . . . V ht lans, MaMVacketeL. l4a a WaraSalt.aiSM-ks, . 300aS i.i a ai 1 1 . . in a ur .75ali kftJw-lw . He 151 Tallow, . . . 12" .730 s Wi Teas, . . v j . 4 a 5p"hkry. . 40 AT CAMDEN, (SlC) Jaseary 16V. ij . rat n . t rf.irmo ( fWmi, Baeos, . . . Brandy, prarh, Si, Beeswax, . . Coflee, . ..... , Cotton, . ' . . Cora, . . . FlaJtyeed,.. .... Fksir, . . . Feathers, . . BrmaJy, peach, apppK Cnttoa,. ..... Cw, ... FcaUtera, . - 73a00 (CwjiaJ0sII a 40 Iron, . . BilMi . 1-U a I7T-anw. . . . .MrjWhsakry.. . - yiaVVhesA aes-JUtt V :. '' 6 it :t of ia ss cl I fa' tl It e e s a a -I '3 ti i a t a t I 1 t t i i