THE " WESTERN :AELINIAN.. PUBLISHED WEEKLY; JOHN D E A K D, Jr., Editor and Proprietor, RfisJ Xumbcrfrom the brinning, 7G7 : Na 37 OF THE XVth VOLUME. Balisburyrliownn County, N. C r Saturday, Fcbnmry I I, 1815. - ' . I -'nr '--w iVw4 I ia (W tux : it ii Lb Ait ttnai rDtma SJIo- ridf I ate" icffia y J an k iliMj or tba Sap efrt aJa pie. lute) odat, t? j sili-1 lord Ml )RSE Jb- ort it' L rift- fill ' 1 n ii , , , ,ii mgnrig ii . or Tbe lVratrru Carolinian. MHtEO WKKLY.ssstwa JOII.V BEARD, JR. Ttiai or pvanrATton. L The Western Carolinian in published every H tia. at Two IV)lf per annum if paid in advan, arT I'lln and rm uuu u utrt pais U-lors Um ausnUiou of thres umnUia, J. ,u pspnr win m discontinued until ill arrearage m paMi, unless at urn am:tuim w the Ivuiuir. J. fa tc notions will not be received ( a leas tin pta Mil, year i and a failure to notify the fldibtrof a a-.sS Ui discontinue, at the end of a year, till U' coini trml M a aew engagement i An perwsi who will procure six subscribers tn the .CtMlioxn, sad tko the trouble Ui collect and triniiiit fra mtrriitHitt-rrtsicy tn the Kditnr, shall hate a pa yn j rslis iltirinj their continuance. Jl Q-- Vrsons iHitrblrJ l Ikf I'.ililnr.may tmntmil ft !ia iknmgh thr M hia rt iiexmcrf Ihry ftl arkmiwUilil mrml f mprclabir prravM lo yrutr jgttutk ttmitiance tent fquUrly mmd$. TKSM or AOVfcBTIslftU. I A'lvertiM nla will lecon)iruiAjlyirwl correct- uwrVti, at .'ill rcn per square f if the hn maerMi, jad 3-1 cent dr -r Ii continuance : but, where an ad-irrtitfiiK-nt m ordered to go in r.nty twice, fit) ct. will itehnrifd dtt wli insertion. If ordered for one in stmo only, r-l will in all rim be charged. . 1. Person who i.eaire tn enirfe by the fur, will bp tmminnltRd by a reusonabledeductiim from the above abtrii f'f tranairnt fiiMmu. TO roiMKMT. - t To inaure prwupt atb'litkM to LrttPr adlmiwd Om lilitof, tita u4aiie abuultl in al caa-a be paid. Un,.n tofc5 l.rr"!: . ' "T Pl. -14 JL. tErnilfman ii.fornn-d ua. ml. iiew ion, cm w P-wrie.iiKJ N.. j.r k.i "17. J : "-'" pro ord.r i ih. rXEll L rfS. ., : " ?, "U U.P ?u,h bf lb. (Witutioo and , vi nam. mat UCI lktr ilia ..r .w IT: . .' .. U( lin Aln. iKfot lite utbnr Iuum Im in ihiJ lUw ... ,. ."' rgrtl to (ha Coratilulinn, wfi lUm Wit j,mm I 1... .1 , . ; w iw ui'piiT ineaa rauiuiwM main hi. II U ; it . .lT A7. .7" T "T" "7 ,uc7 '" il. H berw wd Lord- C-at ' :.,'' M , ' ' co? Coen., if ,U b I ...... . . .. " 7 " . I""""". uowremi of imiled mmmnhmt .H ki-ihiitd Awciiiunr'i ill iium ridn,i m. r. j . ' . I" Kir, nor anj one oi I Mm aingly, pmrm iriy authoritU-a or pwera but aurh a are given tprty, or tne fn.m raiiiab 9jr nltJ ,Ui,,'di compel Ilia imperial- puwr r, iMr Eurupra) ancMtora U4 my wye knuwlrdge eieiJ iba tl. priKMdmga of llouan fhc L il I . . - ' r IVVU hi ine UiKuuiiMia i-fllm other. Th a ... nutation of wiaduH, of tnjr ilK;f.iri. daiifMl t aemre dvliberative taniLlia Uom any olbr iiifliK iiwt ilian thoM of pHiriotiam, juanca, and Itulh, ilium cmn lu bo tit knv avail here, if a an implicaliun. la the power of lh Pfca.doiil re move IIMt rul.lM3 Kevriiue drnvvd fr. (k. r, .;. Jul ioo t If ii W,l have a riKl.t to oViihiim of ihuae whoalTifTO it, whal cUuanof ll Gmaliimion.eiibpr oymrm or hmms ciHiairut Icki, cinifri. auch txw. urriy m i Hiferrd J Tl i-niit nwii fn-ii llMliCi. LEGISLATIVE DEBATE. iu bf . i'. -..t -tr"rr .ml l..Knber lu A-I.ber.l. , tbn iimmJ.-.k:, of po., i ,w ftmnt,U., , aj, ,h ,)k Amh tm ., d,d ,bry wa ,,, .Wfu(n w,,a, hJ nf.m bim the dul, U, that Ihel... ,re Old Ihrv on v lliuiiire arlial rr.u... it . 1 I ' j , ' ' , .... , "... . ...., .now. nun ui minors inoiimix'iiiiinKiioll.r ... . , , m. eoo,, ,,., Mr A poW tU;n (M , ktrj Own nlririitf lirnfl. mmt I Iimi I i.. i fc . . Ti i .1 i . u: .y do H-Xuiumie to any of lli. ni ; and be wi " vinmm in bi'hfXTH OF Al R. GRAHAM, or llimwoKorau, Oil fr litrviutmnt f litttr Mt4 Mr. Muiffum. ,. Ma. Sr4rJ I amk! i4 eipreaa uiy try,tt llial theac Ueaolulfolte htive beeu iiilrodoced J ilia I ail twee alirady Jooe, by iuy vole to lay tbe in aa Uie table. I trunt.eir, tliat 1 eutertaiu all pro fit loyally to ibe Federal Cooalilulion, (hat 1 am avlj Miiaibleof tbe brnefite which il baa conferred aa lliia, ae well a I lie otber Htatea, and that no ant more cordially deatrea ila perpetual Uuralion Put one coiwwqumice of ila adpliim haa been oioal ''ai.driiiiMie for North Carolina. 1 allude lu ibe Tfjkt whtrh H baa bai M atbdrawiog lb aiteo tkm nf our penjb fr ir doutoaUc ailkira. iidfiiiiitf it uIiimniI aolely on euojevie oi oalional Mwrrn. LtketbnimarptietaWaalTIi Ut, who submit lu be crowded and " bored with eViv poiuta." and wilLJjfat punllyany degree 4 VkA iiKJonvwiiifme, thul they may kbold the ffhd iint tie-feT4u.-wbitblbAyJa fmfr, m we appea aHo;ether uuuuiaii'ul jJ' wliatl umidttlijly cirticcriia.Uie .State, out are aueeuy tliva tn.the (real ulTiirx whicti icrtiiin to the Ge-"aeral'tiiiveriuiH-iit. ' Our decayed Agriculture, our .Muck led C'onuiieree, lite promotion of Educa Uuu, llie iinproyeiiienl of our iiiIuikI iraiiHporlaiion, even llie aiiieinliiieiil of our t'oriirtiiutiori, if limy .faiua iciiiporary connidcrntion, miM all yield to wlmtever relutea lo iiiitioiml (xililira. A Prpai dfiitml election, like the rod of Aaron, awallowa vji all lix-til cilro vermes, hikI ovcry plan ol public ki ra fil iiiiimI he arretted until the reault. And all IV what f W hy, air, thnt we may bare oar proportion of rannon hrinj;, huiUMinfr, ami grog .... i . . . . aa unrnna proiee-1 ararce v am. i .M . ... .mm,, ami making over.ur,-. for rwc-vclwn- ,a deJuce il fro,,, anv or all , lhe.J pfovuaoi-K llllllllfh iM. lurk a......u .- ... i. lll I ii . f : '-- I"" "" rrr-cmii i anau apnaa Ine InnI of 4 hem flrat, aa U waa by ...,Muy Lpi ner aoxKiauce, waa at exercue I bat tlie removal U tU puUk axai empted friMn lite realr....,,, KU ol rarla4mat.l waa aecumululal. knA it , k. Ja aiMl . njiiyrd all ihe privib-yr. , a free port, Ihey that H ia Mnewhat remarkable, that wMU Ibe aaa i JiibJ iLmI i L. . . t - rv a a I aa . . ., ,a cauaF en u.eir auittrmg breibren Umatilulion waa umlar eooaroWaiion rwHiiady lo al tt.mum wa.ihecauMihe whole camlry, and ila adotrfion, Ihe pi.wer -.d,4afa oflker! aa ..... .njuiir. w.ih... .nr iibu emiurro ormina- wciia-loappoiiil Ihem.wae repreanilrd aa belona. d an imwiittUi Miveiance uf tbe. euipiie. W ben inn lo the Pr-widwl and HrvMlatWriat Ao. aiain. in Ilia PniviiK-ul ('u II. I. r.. ... I -t k..i ..... .1... Vi r . ' - . - ,- ii.; niai t", inai ine nrw ixmgreae conceded M April 1776, nor Delegalea in ihe Cimlmenial Con- lo tbe IWJrnt akme Una cxaMruclrun baa been gr-aa were iratrucied lu vote for abardute and Im- arquirwed in ever aince.and tf ia not neceaaarr Cr nuJI.u I..J.J-.. . i...r. u l . .. .i - . . ' .... ,Urr,r,C,nl uriiins .'ioai'nurin ine purpiawa l Ihia arriinienl that I amiuld denv ..... . .iuira iu uiu umprraie r i na iruin. Liiae ail the other powera of trovern. Iremily, the apirit of the primary aeembliawaT ment, however, il ia tru-i power, and can be k). m ine iworeeeuutiive council, and our (rally eterciaed only with reference lo Ihe pur p. illuotrKNia ancealora gave proof lo the world lhai fi.r whirh it waa a-ranted. I apeak of pmrrr in '""J wr,D luiw we" quaiiiieg ro una aa in im- conlra-iliatinclion in rtrkt. Ilv a riiilixxia mn r. low. Bui we peliy men, in the deeenerale lion. Ike President hne Dower lo remove fnim nmnav daya, la Hid ui in our rteierminalion, must needs j Tin puaer ia out given epraa4y, and ia- ianplied dq iou oi me - acunirs ana uonigs oi oiner atatea,. irom the diHiea which are inimwiid on that officer. and clculate the chancea of being in a majority, j If, for Ihe pcrlvrmaiice (f any" of Ibeae tfutlw, the ou,iae mauer uciore ui riaea in niun pre emmeiice I removal ol an Itilonor olfirer beconvp ncceman'. bove mere lemfiorary party conNiderationa. Il it may be legally made : but if not ao remlefed ne- ia not a petty coolrovrmy only for the vacatiim ceanarv. ft' cannot be made without a vii.lalioai rr . : x c u.jr t:. - i . - i - - I - --.. - r-r . n -, -: r r ' r- . --r- i a piece 10 oo niieo oy wmi ot oursrim, nricunstllullunai otiiy. ,i lhal, alllHHi(h Iimv I raaf. JrOmeof oorfriende, or to iiirtuence the reautt ofldmil baa powff lo remove frorenxTK-e af libitwm, . D.:.l-.:.l "Pi...: rt.- a:J7. I l. l . L. .r j.- i . -.t.ii-t - jvbich we are about.lo pronoonce is not only aeii pre atnted. The fact thaf llierfl ir mv ambniirr oualy to aflect an able and an hnornb.e nmn.' wlio provliled tocontrH him in Iheexerciiwof hiiiollirial ia no here to be heard tn bia defence, but j cor. powera, doer not licea. him lo ue then) eapriotoHa. rectrieaa, under Ihe tight which we pnear-M, deep- y or wirkedty. Aa he wotiJJ frnidy" violate hi ly concern our consciencea, and jnay, in future, I duty by (lie appoiutruenl of a foul or t fcnave lo A vitallv affect our libertiea, - . '".-rrlrespijnsibfr The innlniclion prnpoeed to be given ia, lhal our in diamiaaind a piiblic aerTanl eicept for onfaithful Srnntor shall vote to expunge from the JournaN of. new or inrornpetency.- A grant bat power-to take the Senate, a Resolution of the lust Snwion of Con- the life of a man a tmtee haa power to convey. irrcaa, in which it waa declared that the Prcaident, v the legnl catate, and defeat the intention of inose w no C(.iiiHicHiiriM01-ra-4Ure 4be otlkera of Uovcrnuiriit, tinder pretence of r e cuwig lawa, to perioral bia ei Unary will. Albx mt tu add another aaainoU bv wav of illuatraiiua. Ilia lemlonaj Judges of tb failed tKalea bold their oflice (W four veara. and. I beliavo. ara aub. Jci lo removal by the rresnJrnl. Iippaaa that by to. ... . . , I .. . """ cnm'nei wk ica, cxmirrKitiiig ine coin mr inatance, is p-MnsliaUa by ftiw or ioiDriaonuvaul or deaib, al lb ducretaai of tbe Courttaat an otRtflder bu Beo tMovlcted UiMirr Ihia act. and tba Jiidginenl ia aUsjl lo be reulered-.b Pirtadent uitorma Ibe Judga Ut tba) culprit rnttst be cut oaT im Judge, belarvHig IImU lb ca-a ia nul of bigh agifravaiwn, eerttlma bi oprnton to that ellncl, and is about to punish by fine I ha Prtsadtinl disndsaee biia instuLily, and eelorte frwu ibe berd of niiiiiMta, wno Ibrtmg Ihe galea of power and awiroaaga every wnere, an aasaasw who will do Ilia deed uf death. Let me not be niiMwlerstoud la impute) auch a dia poa.Ha1o Ibe ptreaeirt o ba Preaidnic list uflice. Uui iu auch a Irsmradnus eilmmitv ia 14 tound iMr4Hary lo ettend hiaeonatiluliial pow. era, la vindicate his " proceedings in relaliiai lo im rubiio Kevenun." Araiu. if Ihe Act of Loav greaa U Cire iiieiitioud, ioatead of allowing ibe He- cretary to couirterman.1 ihe paytm-ni of Ibe rere uea into Hank, bad directed ihem lo be deposited mere anaoiuiely, ihe riioVnt a power of removing him w.wl have eiiKled in aa full force then, aa il does under tbe present provixions uf the Art; jet one will be luund bardy eiaiugh lo aaxert that, in Ibal event, the iWilenl could have bxeti eicuaed ie lermng out the recretary for refusing to iaaue auch an order at bit eommand. Ttie right to re nive from offrre anrrly cannot be interpreted into a power of arresting all laws, and soUinuliiif llie Prewident'e will aa llie rule of caiduct Ur airoiTt. and M II la eeriea ai;r extorted from Ihe graap caf Eio. cutivt uaurpatiun the native libertiea of man, and bequeathed them to then, as a glorioue beriUg. " et with tire light of all ihia eiperieoce, and iih Ihe poaiiive oVlaratiofvi of iha (Jonaiituttoil afartng Ibeai b IU lace, there are those wb inaiat oolU ej llugiaoi - all enerutivo pownr k in the Preaixletit keep tba puUte onry ia aa Eaeeutiv powar . berelurs) ihe eutody of the public inoney ba b-V to Ihe rnmdmu- Yrt air, the Tivaidaiit himself bu been induced to aire a frUeef. in which, after atatinf thai tba custody of I be puhiw ftiHMtiy baa alwaya beea coiiaidered an apfwoori. ate funclMw of ike lUeculive department, i tbia . .i . .11 .L ... . .... v uinwr irrTfraiiasnLa, ii ia oeciarea thai Pul-oioiiey m but a apeeie of public property v carnal ba raised by taiatio cttaoeaa. ant- V brought iarto ba Treasury ia any other way eicept by law but, wherever or however obtained. k ciietody alwayi baa been, and alwaya maat be, wax leaa Ihe Cunatilutiua. be changed, entrusted to Ibe E.eculive Drpartment. No ofl'tcer caa be e reeled by (.gietw llie purpiM . hove aiipointniMit would" w at once devulva cat lnPrestdetit, and who wtartd out bo reapuaailito ro . him tor the fmtuM performance of hia dutk-a. WeroiheCwikeaatoaasunie.wilhor wiib. oul a Legudative Act, llie power of apooiniina orn. eera iodenen.Utly of ibe Prcaident, to take charge, and custody of Iha public properly contained la the military end naval araenaU, ntaptlnea, and etorev. bouaea il s believed that auch an Act would fto rav garded a palpable usurrieliiHi of .eculrve now. er, subversive of (lie Prrn aa wall ae the futrdanietit " I princijdeaofoiir government.- llul where ia Iha iHerrnce in prmriple, whether the public ; on me fir he in iha (twrn mt a - --.-. i i.m . JT . . . ... ' eera. Nor caa be derive ant power over Ihe Public i pljr,, or gW ilH r Un btAr.JHoat cii '- fJttS!!! Congrea. ' be faithfully exectrtcd." In th rmrie-r Wlrai Tio he acta merely aa Ibe servant of llie Omgresa cu,iw IVDartmenl iha cu.i,wt. of thm r..IJe a, and must obey the rules nert v or nntrv. witlv.i a r t.... - which made those lawa, i .l::i. IL..V ,l -H.. .. f ..- . r"' Jl aUKIVHOU woi.n Uicv nave prcSCriUOU.. 1 ne WW naa Uircci. I liva aaarae. mmA a u.tM.. f iL. r.. L .! ed, aa we have before aren, that the Putdic nMmey nf ika r,mmt,itiM h;.. ;r i. i- atiouW be kept in Ihe Hank, unlea. Ihe Secretary ihe awful pmTicli.aiof Patrick Henry bat been fu. ahould deem a place expeilient ; that law filW, ,nd your PreaioVnt, your Rcpublicaa Proai. " aa undergoing e .eculion in the reaular course pur. Uni. is MWn a .ut--k !;.-..: I- J ". - aued Crljllorn yearsno empl.,t waa made from didIaaytbediadeamllbpuri.Wreonly wanU , any qiarler thai Iha money waa the ig W aoual.lutean tba allribulea ef mijiy,. -Ilank bad tailed rn4taduliea in paymr rt wherever -.V hat hold uaumaiia. U iKm 1n ita and whcwverrrvjiiired, nor thai the H, -cretary waa J - U,lt (ngWai cannot take, out ofLbe baodaof tba nA executing llie inteiit oTCigreaa l9 ita very Execuliva department tba cuatady at Iha puldic tetter. Such waa llie elate of thine when Ihe Pre- nentwH. . . .ikn..t .. Jr.. - ai.ftiil Interwsied and au-iiiended the ex ecution nfl euiiva nMer. a a r ii i;-- ' iJieUwjelativeo PM.bere werelhf fyeaot aad loaoed lhsii UnlUsr lUuks-Te im H m paaa. j the writer of that Proteat.lhat be failed to arV iha wigat bjwa I all j in certain Executive proceedings in r'lHtiori to i 'rhicT puMFc Ueveiiiiej'biiif aiTiH'd uiionlnniM-lf aul aul ho- return a verdict iijpnnm law and evidence vet, lo rilv and unwer not conferred lir the Constitution enfon-e these, would be flagrant violationa of their drinkimr al the close uf ibe .xouieat. .TUmI jutd Lw. but in reroX.ilHi of both. Tlieae Re. reflective duima. w nen, uiereiore, im power o . -.:.- . . f -I J. I i: a. - .1 :a I a a aV . oils ol victo- aoliitiona then, aasume thnt that the Joaw waa t auuuruuiaw .oiutcra .im(-jq nf im falw, and in aubelance affirm that the conduct of lre,.k mi. llie niriu lo employ it, aave only with ttiA-Pfesidmn in tne trafwae4i.rel-iicvBBa. .the minJifM-atiinw Utfore slate.1, ia by no meana coo. authorized- by ihe Constitution and Ln wa, and waa coiled. IRiF the power (ro1iTOtnin-rTimirnW in derogation of neither. It then-fine becoiiice im- entHantive power to which other are incioV-nt, portanl to aiartain what had the President id the but ia itself merely incidental to the authority con United Stale done T What were those Executive ferred on the President in order to enable bint to proceedings in relation lo the revenue, complnined diachanre the dolie of hia etafioa. Uttlraw after of in the Rcaolution of the Senate. Tlie Jicls ' no other powera; and cannot, therefore, in the may be briefly stated. ' Congrei, by an Acfbfrhe "tter under cotv-ration,-give to the I'rwideat year 1816, had directed the Public Revenue when ny control over the revenue of the Government, collected to be onid into the Bank of the United Nor can the power to remove from office be con- SlnleH. The Bunk became bound, by the sanie ata- atniea into a power io ine nmcer in ine Mo". niH '"'only to VM-bltbri'' frnrimne-'-'aBWyt'b to prrfiarmenee of bva dtrtieav AH officer of tbe 4jtiK transmit it to any point where it mieht be wanted ted Nates, behw those of freMilent and Vice Pre for Ihe diaburiienlenta of thu Government, and over sident, are created and havetheir dulies prfrscrifaed and above to pay one million and a half of dollars by the lawa of Congress, and although liable to re to the public for the privilege of keeping and lining moval by the Prenideiit, are the aervanta of Con their funds from the time of collection until the grew In the perfiirmimce of tliese duties. If a lime of disbursement ; and this disposition ol tlietepecific act he required oi an interior ollicer, nia renerallv tieell Kir ahare of the " auol -ry-'J -U UuUer- il iU.IL"&L! oo the event of the ensuing campnTgnT I'liis uii-eW-pirtrreneenf F-Nlerai Jtiildl immetfiatelv concern the Slate, deeply injurious aa it has been to our hronneritv, haa not been less ro to our intellectual character, the fame, in fluence, and usefulness, of our public men. No ci tiieii of oura haa ever aspired to the Chief- mgia tracy of the Union. Few ever aat in any of its kih places.. Those bitter controvcrsiea, which have divided us and absorbed all others, have been waged for llie elevat'iin of men belonging to other me.iuljera of ihe Confederacv. whom most ol us have never seen, and wtio have been known here only by a general reputation of their patriotic ser .ices. These have been ao magnified and exagge rated by ai'-alo-uj .parlizans, llint we have been tioi;ht almost from infancy to look abroad lor all the higher exhibitiona of human excellence, and f'c(wrrt'1fb'oVpreWfte-rf'm- to:prrHribe,- bur own brethren. II is "i 'frietiincnoly-tnrth, which alt who hear me will, 1 think, attest, that such is the oeficiettey af-State- pula among uv thai .we.. not only nefflect our own affairs to take care of thwhf -I'lie natirmrarid undervalue oar own crti triW, i n "eft nt fWrismv wit h I bie f4iejlber Stale. but that we are loo ready, under the impulses of Biulv cassiun. to offer un a victims tn be eacrifi . . i - , . -! Ced the iiiiim! mire. it. B IIIIRt life1 fill, ail m of ihe State, upon a mere difference of opinion on an abstract question of Federal politics, or as the .character. and qualificationa of a favorite eandidata for the PreaiJencyT 7 Believing that these Resolutions have eprung from this diseased ate of the body politic, and that their entertain own! here would lend lo aggravate, I depreca- ted JbsMiawftsioo late, however, to dsdie4n unavaUin regret. Vt are WW tamt pnn a full aea,n and I mast Uke the current as it serves. The questions involved In the Resolutions are chieflu fliiMiiiux nf Cnnstitutional Law. Before I proceed to their di-cusaion, permit me to notice one or two remarks of ihe gentleman Irom rxjge eombe (Mr. Potte) by whom they were introduced. That gentleman, towards the close of hi Address, oflirled the banner of party, and calledon all those who had voted with him in the late Senate rial election, to aland by bim in support of the Re Nuiiona. Appeals auch asnhis, upon questions like these, are not only unfair in argument, but kighly unfavorable to correct conclusions. Ha ing sworn to auppprt the Constitution, we rriust ) it at the peril of our oaths, and are notat liber ty to give to it anyluteipretatrod which may bap- ptibtic rrmtieys, by bVpositing them in Bank, was to -nrvrjmoii- enntimie as long aa tbe.hartecMel, unteiai0 the usurp trliat b,aa been entrusted ttvthediaeretronbf Secretary of the Treasury shoulJ at any time the former. Neither the-(insfiliilh rAr Laws .othcrvvisejorder and direct, in which event, nisi will juaiuy ine eieri .a .tegai power wr ine , reasons were to be certified Id Uoflgresw mrrtnj aexwitipiwmeiw aa ainM.-aaa aasriaaHMM., tSrst opportunitv. 1'he arrangerneiita pmv i I this Act soon look eBect, and tor more inan aixieen i uiapmcmg irom vhiw, rwiipci . wh . vroanej wiiuiion ia to a .woaoa-u,,ja 4oieraMiung aM I m Ubief of tba Army aad- Navy, btrt irrrtit tbe Lf cia. " I years, the Public Treasure Was adimHtf that f ovanumot io all ita ertawwle I hlura liaaBaalba.lavaeaawiM, iha- I.- l! ? these means. In the autumn of 1 833, the Presi- before recited, that the fublic moneys were to be 1 tomtom, in Ut mrrebilesj t doy fMrtwahrr bf. bnt terrra sceptra b nrtip;n rifa may niaSa Ai .X ITniied Stntes. of his own mere motion, deposited in the Bank of the United States, unless partment must be reviewed in nVtermininir its limits, frentiea with the .J ,K:ie .- . . - , rj a v v, tv w ir biijbi in s naa ury Hmnjiu, nr but iiinr,! i mrrresiueiira iwiweis. we have aireadr seen. pended the pavment of the puldic inoneya into the Sec relary of the Trcas Bank of the United Stales, removed that por- otherwise -order and direel lion which it already held to the custody of other pending the payments in u nt,s aI.. ewnwl- hv the different States, and em. a judicial (liscrelioii, whicl ployed an agent to inspect and superintend the delegated either to a superior or 'inferiorT To Just newly selected Banks, at a salary to1 be paid by ify a removal of tbe Secretary from office, for fail- . r I ? .. .1 I.-. J .1 i Ihem aa one of the equivalents tor ine noon oi using ing io oruer mu un-.i. ,u m yiau ciacwirerc, is the Public money. I say the Presvlenl did these to give . to me rrepioeni, wrougn iiie purely : inci. atiA-ift-i4naS;nftorr)eCT ucmo. 11.. .T.-v.,.(). r"" eCTtion are all sTgr by ,rv hot his nreoVeessf.r had been displeced for rnent in evert instanre. My honourable friend, sury, uu. v , , , . . . nrf:- tfr n.iiu ;n,.r.ii k;. 1.., .... refusing lo do them, and ne was omugni uw wvn- '! " ". y. ; ,' " for that purpfwo alone, abd was the mere instrument ting the case of an individual who had obtained a of the President's 'will. To leave no doubt on this judgment in one of the Courts of the United Statea, subiect I "quote the words of the President himself, and haa sued out execution. The President informs in which he avows the removal of the depoite as the Marshal that he shall not do execution -the ..... . P. 1 RLff 1 I -u.M.n..M-.n 1 1. A I I.. Im tm-lnyl I... Luum his own act and relieves all otnersirom reeponsi- iimnini rciinnmnora., wnuu j ircn.y bility. In his Manifesto, read to this Cabinet on penalties to perform the command of the Court j the 18th of Sept. 183, after enumerating the of- the President declares that it shall not ba done r. .ua nanb. the President again repeats the Marshal proceeds in his duty, and is removed that he bees his Cabinet to consider the proposed forthwith. All our civil lawa are made to operate measure as his own, in the support of which helupon tbe insubordinate and delinquent through the shall require no 00a of them to make a sacrifice 01 (uagmeni 01 in yourw, y urc , tokbui, oy mis opinion or prfnciple. Its responsibil.ty has wen construcuon 01 nia, w mveswo who a J'A .fte, the mast mature deliberation and re- right of pardon to !J debtora and trespassers yea tlrxtifmrasrewJs 'Apreis of the I more, a power to prevent the anoret merit of any ; . . r . , w,,,r u, ,B, , mm, inai ne lauea to Sea IM l??V.rrfr- before stated ? That are Tuitlinilly executed, the President sbould 1 wi mJwI."!... ..-. .k .i.i:. c...Ti.'.Lrr. W mnse w belcloiliej with power ia arevent I the TniabVni' .' k..i' rt..TiV f.'--- j. i Itoir executi, allogetber. zz. -r Kn,M ery ,hin- Itrratratoinqmre.wlirtrierthrtp ..f",,i Ainve-rfroltr-Tbe clause;whicb tiirts w the Presi. ruW arai igtilatirinrTwnm a fid uVnt "the Exocutive power."' This deserves lo be other property belonging lo the United Slatear 4 particularly CMcred, hw btjeirtiot only in. Can any TJne-doubti for a mrjmentr bur that Coo. aiated 00 be re, but i tha chief ground relicAnptin. (na maydiiqiense altogether with the Treasury id Mpporrbf'claiinTHrnw rMeatlorin Se. Deiiarlnienris atraiicb of rhi Kveeohna i,.r -.if-r nate.s- These words are found in the beirinninf of reef the pablid'utoney to be bent in a atme. k.a the srond article jof the Curwtitutiou, and so jar under tba chair of tha Speaker of tba House of Re- f fiwtctailrriiii)f-Kj power inTmcwjoti,-rvalty eonr ffrraeiififj n - -; for no power at all. They are a mere label on the only by hia warrant I or thai Ihey may direel tha . doer of the Presidential office, the duties and pow revenue collected in each Stata to be paid to tha 7 " era of which, are in no manner described by It.btil Governor thereof, to ba by him kept until dishur ara.k, lovl6. dduie4 id thai and Ijba. reinaiojiig sed,, by1,AcU f CongmaavTbeaa ofBcera aurelr. - aectioiia of the aame article.-.-They mean no more enuld not be removed by the President's Execuliva than the phrase " llwra aball ba a Pieaident of the power, in any way contended by bim. Sir, the tJufteSta'(caf!ttt tWitatiiaofW'trrn Ml br lookrd (bt ift.Jhe.dher parts of that instru- ahoulderaof. ttia Prasidant no auch-AllanleaB -- ment. If it be true that, by these vagne terms, weight it exacti from him 00 such responsibility 1 heTaclothed with alt powers whichUn possibly be lilcoiifora UDonini no abMwer. "Tlii doiMMiiiniied Executive, then, it was highly imprp. I cutive department in every Government of laws, ' per to have allowed .him any share in legislation, j ia nwrery ministerial to the Iegialativr'. and is hut -- w itshuikwoi vwitim can ae ma rkecutor bt IU WHU4 ITrti : ir parlkuiar'ry ob. Ketid In the first instance without his assent served in tba tVmstitutioo of the United Stales, e first article of the Constitution as axpreaaly which,,by its first article, vests uaU Lecislaliva niv.. .ill I Aiolni.M f . ' . : 1 .. . 1 . r . e. m p. .... ... ,,.,. v..jji,, mjii.imhijj po-vers oema graniea 111 a v-ongrees, which shall ' of a Senate and I loose of RerawHitatives, a the corrmst of a Senate and House of RepTesrntative,, ' second, tonic the" Executive on the J'r-aideM -Ae second article declares that Mtht Execuliva bat k never was eoneeived thai "by this ihey were power shall be vested in a Preei.Jent of tha United authorised to legislate without hia assent. "This Stated. TrHTqiki broad interpretation of general worda would even power? Why, clearly, upon the supposition that exclude tbe Senate from any ahare in ihe conclusion ibis clause grant any power, only that which ii of Treaties with Foreign powera, and in the a p. necessary to Ihe due execution of Ihe Legislative P?Ir;f, powers' before granted Until- law ire ermcted to be Eaet-mire uuweia,aiMl aieeVwy (tTtrrtedi tberearetna to ut ftad aJtfiooch oir:r-' The (sfitwlofl oTihe UnltRdtttfctes rfi olv Preildi nt has a aliaVe of Ij 'i'illiliv ruina mm " " consisti. of arioMp, .article, jeta SaulkiAapial. . Kill a-al rvainiaaSraU aaa aisirti'i lie aa - I ll J j. a t . . ' WV. .lh5-?.fu.,y!Cl l?!' A he whofo Cnjii I lpsJatora 'for their ereraiser- Ite'lt Commander flemitl1HV-Wff h (lwHianiMMi4lmiMM.MA . i n Mr t ..l..l.w. Tl.... .C .1. . C. i . I I w ' -r - r --- 1 . . . ... r..u. s.ii.. ii me utniam nic 111 wa'Kirs, mimsiers, cikisuis, Jungea, and others t but part Executive and, under a written Constitution a Ihhese powers require a previous action of the which defines the spheres of each of the governing Legislature to enable bim to fulfil them. Courts. """ powers by ifrnwnTMllv wbetlier-WDcrcme or inferior: mod t- -.t..J3 - not allowed to give to the Executive Department a by Law, before Judges are appointed e officers. power, because in our speculations. on the aubject I other than.ihose connected with our Foreiim R Mcem it to be Executive. : . , ; v hitiona, must be first creatod by Act of Congress. But why shall I labor to prove that the worda before the President can annoint th. vr.J latautoiM 1 An an apnronrdtinn of monev for their ..?... the public moneys, whilst the affirmative of the pro-Tand the ex pense of treaties; will alwaya be needed ' position is with Ibe other side j or whilst, by ex. I before officers of the latter class can be brought press terms, sit such powers are given to Congress. I info efficient action."" Ila im art-rv-.JL- This is clear, not merely .from their power " to lay " information f the State of tha Union" recom. and collect taxea," to pay the debts of the United mend meamires for their Consideration oh extra. States, " to borrow money," to coin money," otc. dinary occartons he may convene, and in a case of but they have also "power to dispose of, and make diegreement between the two Houses, aa to ad, all iwedful rules and regulations respecting the ter- nomroentv erhrniTo thbrn. But except m far Is i j r'-i-'-r ."d viiiiou i.inni wins, ne military force, either States." No people ever better understood ihe land or ham!, fo.eommami, no culprits to pardon maxim that money is power," thsn the Anglo, no treaties which he can fulfil m efficera to com' American race, or more fully knew the dangers to mission, and of course,- none to remove, no laws be apprehended to liberty, from entrusting the pub- -1 faith full f rirvf," no inoney fo deposite or lie purse, either for the purpose of collection, ces- remove, not even a salary of a single dollar to v tody, or etpemliture, lo any other than the irome- purchase hia food or habitation. Puch are the dtate representatives of the people. By means of humble powers of the President of the Unheal