t Ptatns, iobpiiilent of, ami )ii.if In, the action of Congress. To inch they limy be again reduced, wheurvsr il (lull suit tli g.sai pleasure of I lie Legislator.', AoiiMt m:U rd two, ilr Pre-' dVol cart protect W nA( by no exocutiv posr, but ouly by liis Lo"dliv negative. Among the tiotn of frfvloHi which our Isthert incorporated into our 1111 if Right, it la declared "thai I fro qwNit recurruuco to fimdamenlsl principle i b htnj M-cr la preserve lb bicasmgs of bber. 1 Mtr baa in truth or necessity bwu anor clsarly demonstrated, lbs by (ha alarum Intensions of Executive avwer now ot up for Hm rat time. Accustomed w are, almost at lb end of half century from th beginning of the Uorernment, to iew I ha President of th United ?(!, exercising the authorities ami dispensing tha patronage derived i) cooscqiiertce of luor that thousand statute, we aro apt to overlook tha relation of tho Executive to tbo other Apart. .cnenU of tbo Guveriuocul, and to miaUko lha de rivative; M ad original power. Hence wo bear, in tbo Protest to lha Senate, of "original Executive power," "kit unchecked by the Cunatilutiuo." . And of trvtlotftoa drawn from tbo power of "the bead of tbo Executive Department," "in lha Go vernmeot from which many of tha fundsmsntal principles of our syatam aro derived." nr, ' m Constitution, aa I staled in tbo beginning, eoiiierrsd only specific power on tho Prsssdeot, aa wall aa 04 tho whole federal Government, and did not P check" power before possessed. Ha dediicaa froe it bia wbulo odioial existence, and I tru4eat agaioet his derivation of any power (totn'jtyvr onre to the prerogatives of tbo King of Ureal Drnian. . Wo have bora alao told in Ibia debate, by tbo goutleinaii who preweotwd theao resolutions, .1 1 tho excess of adiniraiija for the Executive, in disparagement of the Legislative department of Oovernraient, that the la Iter had been alwaya an. diet ad to usurpation, and the rV-naJe i Rome waa Cited aa an example. I tbsjik God that tho liber tine of my country aro fixed aoaia more secure , than thiaw of any nation either1 of ancient or mn d-irn Europe. Hut for the amka of "setting hiatory right," would any a word in vindication of the Uwgiver of ntbnr timea. The Komane did not Ceaae to be free until the peopU had become tho riNijrMy corrupted by their ayatem of plundering the world and living on the epoiU. From the iuflu " aocei of venality and corruption in the kutnr day . of 4bo KapuUie, ekaa waa entirely exempt b-rt uiuVaa my recollection be untrue, the la at flickrring flame of Roman Liberty expired in the bHMto hnuae. And eveu alter all hope waa oat on the fatal held of Pharmlia, and the darkneae of military deapotiain had apread over (he land, 1ishtni02.ilih. fjtM firtt of freedom gU-jiiuod from the dagger of a Patriot senator I n aturdy Barona who eatabliahed Mafitm Chart, the llanindene, the Bidneya, and Ruam-U, who coo- tribnted at iiiurb to wreet abeiduie power from the a UHi of we mng, ana encure popular ngma, ine I - P irlianient of. 1 89, and tho American Colonial ' Legialaiuroi aro aurely exceptiooe to the general ' denunciation of tho fentleman, unleaa indeed it be ; o urpalioo in tho Kepreeentativee of tho people tn d-riy the atavrefi dortrinee of non-rrtatane and f p taajvo obwlietKse to. too divioo right at King. ' Our prodecoaanra ton, in theao hall, deaervo no onck imputation, eince, in tho lapee of more than htlf century, they hare not enacted more than ' h lf 1 duxca aUtutee. which the Judiciary haa de clared to bo beyond )h? limiia of their power. (7b h aoncluJrd next aawA.J rr posT-orncE.coRRUPnoNS. -; " UU"5irfiwiaf IleUigtmrx xfjmnmmry 27, JLlJhlfcpatiJHtJyi.M Ewiug, frptn the Comnuttee on the General Puat OtHce, (which, the tvader ariu fowHaal-oy.-roor H loo Benaio dunng I lie late reocea of Uongreaa) made a Report . Tha raading of-tbio ttaport ooenpiod the Senate the n-niwl buur of .adjourwiMuitT and waa- not -OKrtuued when llie Senate adjourned, r Aa it ia doubtful whether it will ever Je poaaible tor ua to publiah tho whole of thia Report, (however . deciniblo if would be to doo,)wo have availed to5Wtrh. "of t mt opportwAiry to make eocb an jtbitroctjo JKepfflrt C'lumia, aa time allowa, without limiting onraelvea to thai, part only of at Jwhiob baa bee rtud m the Borate. - - -The RenorW ootwithataBding ita birge volume, and the evidence which it carnea on it lace, and iutli-f Mat kbo Wareriir olP tie okv grea totwe perweerafler t not f ? ' 'lAiiiiive,' but tikWwi report otjfcogfwaiojfj tlie Committee, ao far a they have gone. i The report after elating tho meeting of tho co.nmittee ia thia city on tho 19th of September ""lif, and tho accomodation of a room in thai Poet ' it Bee afforded to them for their aitttnjja, commence with 'a deacriptioft of tho ennfuavd elate of the -B-iokaof tho-.Puat CMke which .rendered it im- pntctteabie-tooocertaiti with anything tike acenra , cy the true atate of tho nnnnoeo of the Post Office, 1 or of tho' aeeounta of individual with it. ' Jn nw- tkulare. wm only to be giuhcrcd illieMiCaarBV. irt tho margin of the book. Of tho inaccuracy of T-feas Bsttaa eevei! instance- are etrttea ot " riTy" be Very brief t a aingle instance, quoted from ;M Report, a tollowa, mum aervo aa an exampien .m,.Mrafcyanr fjumratttee wilted wtho exieouia at Joie Resi and it waa ahowa them on the ledger," when ' t!i"re aDiwareil a balance against fcim, on the 1st April, I'nf 8l13 07. -rm aueouating nnicein, nuwe-t 1 r, Informed your Committee that the ledger did not present ail Uie creoiia to wnicu nr, bwo wa riui tl"d, and they have aince exhibited an account craitain . in 2 manv additional credits, by which there appear to . b? a balance in hi ftvor, on the 1st July, 133!, of $)7, (24 5, making a difference of about 81,fl0a Rome . as the erediU bear dato between Ue 1st of April and . ilia 14 of July, but a targw aart of the amount made .tV of entrie which, if entitled at all to a place in the . accounV belonged to date prior to the' Jt . April 1834 "T!ie' tinrrocttfea iif IheseTWveTar creditr rdHbe'ttKf . aidereUn another : pft of- thit Repor-. - , lo consequenco of tho difficulty' experienced by the cominitlee, from these Causes, in arriving at true reaulta, from the books, the committee employ. -1 two accountant, onammoMsly approved, to ex . tmiM and audit the books, in which business these Mrsona have boon and are atiJI iCtigently engaged', the result of whoae labor the committee will re port when orrired at and examined. Meanwhile, with tho material 5o theirpoaeeaeiim, 4ho committee enter into an elaborate comparison of tho report of tho preaeoUind Uie Poet ma titer General, and of the report of tho present Post mooter General with fict djewloeed by the booka, dt. to which nothing buf a literal franaenpt (which we have now no opp'trtimity of timkm) of lha whole of I lua part A ll rrport ca.t du )niu'-.-. Tim re i one parngiaph of it, howtivrr, Iim b forcibly attract! tair ittUulwat, tual at have thought it pr)a-r, by rxlrmiinj it, lu imtke it aa exciptMin to lite rnt. It la a follow i "Tlier if imtlirf il.'ia iilnluca into the atitamitnt I of the kof ieretflhr, Hit, of which your t-Vnmit- tea an notimiK until auM-a Uwir lfiiiT HtxwL nj did out eve vpl IU xwtitnre.r-It la a baUneei rtinal tmu-hw, U p.y.ni.U made Um Urfiire tha tat " pril, pa Uie current aervice of the quarter which ended that day, and fur prior satvica. wkk had B4X yet txtn placed tn Uieir cradit, rl7 !W, Vwur Uauuiitte Jul M aupwa a fund of Una character snd siuount exurfed in the credit of Uie department, becsuas iney anew, by Kiriiier UteinrnU, that tiwre wre very urge sum scufy tm to Contracts-, for service rut Iv and faithfully psrfiamd ia prevmu quarter, which the Department was Uaind, ia gwid faith and ia justxa, to pay. These sums, srtually due, were not paid ft want of funds lorge sums were alao burrowed from Banks, on interest, snd It seemed ineunoeiveable that. under these eircomstaacss, so Urge a sum uf onstey should have been advanced lo a fsw contractura, beCirs they were sntitled to ruceiv it by Die terms uf tiieir ..... .-. . . contract, nut me present inveatigitasi has ssiwnsa your CVsnmittee Dial very large sums were, a at still are, due from co-itracUirs for illegal payments snd ad- vancea of money; and that this sum, at least, swl pro bsbty a much larirer suia. ooilit to be reclaimed from them aad piacsd lo the credit uf the DeoartiaenL" -Tho next topic embraced io tho report is that of tho removal ot Puatimvitera wittviut cause, to make way fur mere parlixane, in many cases wholly urn worthy of credit or eoniileiice, ate. In the prose rut ma of their inquiry into the cause of these re movals, tlie coumuiIUjc were, as the reader already koowe, met by a refusal uf the Postmaeter General to furnish the committee with the mfiirmation de mantled, in a letter which the Postmaster General, with a dian-spnet toward the committee that is merely alludod lo in the report, caused to be pub lished in the otlicial journal here within a few days alter tho date of the transaction. Thia branch of (he Report cmicludes a follow ; " Vuur (amimiii(is did not think it incumbent upon them lo Mtter into a diacuaram with Uie Puatuuuter tiuucral on the subject of limir respective rights' and duties, nor do Uiey now thuik il proper in Uu paper to examine uuuu, or to bhmd sn argument on cmatitulioO' al law with the facts which they were required to ex amine and report to Uie Menale. Tins refuaal of Uie Pualmsaler-Oneral to peruul Uie innpectioo of Uuwe paper on allnigsd eoneUlutamal gruuuda, which appli ed ajike to lha whole class uf sbnve referred to, and which rest ua the aaius principle, of course put an end to thia branch uf Uie investigation. Finding the door cbwid upon thetn here, they turned their silentiuo to other subjects of iiMUiry, touching the condition uf uie lA-partiueut and the management of it concern. The Report th:o proceeds lo the exaruiualion of the practice of the Department tit hiaking ciaitmcU in a manner contrary lo law, and equally unautho rised bv a regard to equity and to the public inter est. The account of the Improved Bidf. which have had auch an unfortunate agency in tlie present in t vency ,4 (be Post Ulhee, will be new to many of our reader. We therefore copy it t "Tlie practice ha lately prevailed extensively In Ulla Ien the mail ' manner from that la which it ia in (set lo be carried of receiving bids fur carrying it io a ditfWeot manner from that ia which it is advertised, which are called " tmprmttd BuU,"o( accepting the bid a made all roctaer, and entering their acceptance a applicable to that part of tha bid which confirm to the advertise ment, and immediately chinglng thoin to the Tmsrosed 4 Did, sod ss exeeutmg theeonteaett thwa, in eftect, let ting or making the contract witooul advertiaaniewi. Thia is a vioiation of law, and has given rise lo, and is made the apology for, oilier violations of law and offi cial duty The Report then roes on to shew thai, in resard Ito.aH Jbi claasof J' improved- Udawhicit have been made the ground nf extra allowances, there are iinpurtaiit disc ru pa ncias between the Reports of Ihe.roetmaster Oencral and the tslue . Lions, (tlie printed list ot contracts and alUwaswos) sod be tween the Blue Book and (lie actual contracts ; and thai oooeof tbomsrotobaulied upon.-The prac tice of hI lowing these " improved bids," awl making these " extra allowancca," the Committee aay, throws the door wide open lo unfairness, favoritism, and collusion. And I lie Report, on the same sub ject, continues thus i - . "The Aubhe kuow nolhiiiff of the purpose or. the srisliiu nl tha I uiurtmarit in tha limn artil manner ii imiisnfi llllg uin inaun, CAt-in iinuuii hue iii-uiuiii of the public advertisement And the honest business nnn,' whtrirnuld "wtuh'to S a tontrart, thfeujh fkir competition, would naturally tuppoae that a bid, pun ant to the advertiaement, would be the one, and the on ly one, bv which he could procure auch contract And I . I . .. . . . 1 I L t .... J 1... lMl 00 woow oe oomw oy w " u , -K-y- k,. brw the Ttser rt appeirrto have been the case with the tmull eontraclort generally. But it ha been fax otherwise with a clnaaof Isrge contractor, who ap pear to be eo terms of mliewey ssd eoefidencs with many of the ofBeera of the Ueneral PusUMnee, sad wttuse sSkirsare intimitely blended whb the fiscal cim cerna of the Department Fur example: In looking over the bid of tlie Fall of 1831. it will be found that several: mdividuals-whc' obtamei-eontf acts upon the great mail moles, or a great number of the small ones united, included in their bids, not only a proposition to carry, the. mail according: to thaadvertiacment, but with stipulations that the bidder would bind himself to car- ry wis man in a fijjrrrm hwiiwt, i a nytr iki. Of the favored contractors, the bids to carry the mail pursuant to the advertisement are generally scry h, m m to cnahleihe. Depxrtuieul lo awaiiitheittilift em tract white their improved bid, in ponmsnce of which the eoniract ia at last executed, u very !, ensufyt to the extractor aii enormous profit The se- eeptance is, marked on the ; Pmposal Jkmk, qprswite.the sum wbicoWaa bid for carrying Uie mail, pursuant to the gdvertsjemenl, and the rival biddera will see, on sn the contracts are executed according to the improved bid, which is alwaya twice or three times the sum at which iris entered on the Proposal Book laid open lo the inspection of the public Of the general effect of thia mode of distributing at pleasure, the public money to favored contrac tors, the Report speaks thus : "It were tedion to enumerate the case in which this difference exist between the bid made pursuant tn sdvertrsement and eeepr4 .i t,ntmtisutaB:. Vm? Committee have caused to be i prepared by Uieir Secretaryrand they exhibit herewith, a table compiled from books and papers in the Department, from the Blue Book, from the letter of the. Hotmter-Gcnersl of the 3rd of March. ISM, in reply to a call of the Se tute. and from hia Report of the lth of April, 132, which ahnwar in each individual case in the contracts I of 1831. the diffprenct between theiWM entered, on. the bid book, and the contract as executed, it snows, iUn. the casM in which no difference exieta. The same paper ahowa, ia armther colomn, opposite the name of each eon tractor, wnat extra allowance nave scon muc him, over and above hia contract as earecutssl, from which it will be seen, . . " L That the whole amnont of bid eeepted. pur suant to the edvertiaements in Uie month nf October, 111, wo - . . .jVMfiMM AnwunA of eontracU a executed for 4rtl,2.'i 40 Ma thing a aiiiKrence or . auJkwro "Afd it Will be n-n tlml tfii whole dufi rauca, to ti. eibifiiMMi tut-Mint U aWwa, ia luaiJa in Unit of not pvire lhaa contractor, er cmnpanuM of eoo lBitiira. inuat of arlwa vuur euiuiniUaa will Ami k tliair di Li nau-a h.rMnr ia tl.ia tmnrt. aa m mutnta oHm,, uecuuiary Utvn frwa the DviMrUMaut," . . ,j . j , ,l. , . cnaracter u m eaiiracia, ana ine uw J"""'"""" w pu" '"""J w r""" of accepting the improved bid 1 Tax, esampla, the mule from Philadelphia to PttlatNirf, which wm Arat accepted Oailr at tlJJW, aiai wiiH.h, by tha mudinad contract aursuant to tha tmpton ktd, m carried, a m alladgail, twice daily to Pittaiturgh, at amjJlX), araf axtendnd to Wbealinr at $njiWuo4 of the linaa from Philadeljihia tn Pitta- burg running at aa Increased apead. Now it etnnot bo eatabliahed aa a mathematical proposition. Out if a daily staii euta f7jK a mil twice daily should. by rar( arepartiea, coat fAlxaj( aor do we Uunl tiiat any oae who aiaiarsUad tbo aatore and value of service will be prepared lo say that the one bears any just proportion lo the other. It were vaia lo urge as an apology fur such exceaaivs increased allowance, that there is no mean of arriving at the true pro- port on which the original bid and the utereased allowance boar lo the aervice reedared under a: er to each othrr. If such arounaita cannot be arrived at. the law forbid the inert and allowance. But, ia truth, no law apulies to thia spacia of contract. It seams lo be of hybrid race neither sa origiual contract, which Uie law will recognise, nor a legal extra allowance for increased service. II i about efjui-durfaal between Uiein, and suHsined by neither. In a few words the reprt shows how this whole practice, and the allowance growing out of it, have been omcially screeiHtd friHii the view i Congress and the People, until I lie senate forced a roveUtion of the whole eyatein: M Your Committee have shown that the Pustnuutsir (iimeral did not report the incmand allowances mule in eiaianqumce of thnae improved beta, a any part of the original coulract in which Uiey were am bodied oitlr did be ntport timin as extra allowance when eallsd upon by rewtlutmn of the Henate to report the Mnount uf those allowance mail Sir extra aervicea aince the Oth uf April, lm Thev paas whollv with out bia notice in any of his report to Congroa. and srem, in hi judgment, to be referable lo no claasof ca sts whatever. Indeed, no one could but feel that they were wliully wiUvnit Ural warrant, and that they could, itwri-fore, nil uotbtf nu known WT head. - " Neve rthi.deaa, iinin;na uina rwaiey have, throngfa their maana, been transferred frnm the Department to the pucki't of individual; and tlie American Congroaa and the American I'ooiile have, until tin investigation commenced, been wholly ignorant of the existence of any uch mode of appropriating or diapoaing of the pub lic funds" Tlie report next proceed tn a further examine. lion of the manner of making thee contract and extra allowances, with especial reference to the Report of the PostmsMter General of the 1 Hth April, 1H32, which the Committee argne, from the fucti disckMl by this inveMtigntem, to have been wholly ouiuieve and cnlculattMl lo deceive, they go ao far a lo aay that it is eviilent, from the facts, that that report muet have boon drawn up and presented to Cong reas, deceptive a it is, purposely ao, and not by accioenC Upon which they make the fol lowing severe aoi mac I versions t "In whatever manner this matter may have been considered by the Ponastiw-Oenera, and whatever may have bnen his reasons for the presentation uf a re . port ia its tendency an carta ia to mislead ; whatever oiinasM or views onknowo lo yuur committse sctuatsd nun, mi lea lure ui hia repurt, acconling to tfteir den berate opiainn, cannot be luatifted. la, indeed, tttme- eeaaary to enter tnto i dieulaitioo upon tins subject ; it is a ejeeatioo refiwaUe to the forum of common sense and couuuoo hoooty.-U is simply whstheetaoehlifa- Uons of trnth extend or do not extend to the omen pa per of high public fiinctioosriaa. . If they do aotthit paper may jfied ; if they do, it is a breach of offi cial doty, r "There ia another circumstance touching the above named report, which ought not tn be entirely overlook ed. It was made oot and presented to Congress just before- the commencement of the Presidential eacivaaa in 1I2; and it was a paper, the tendency of which I was to bear upon Uiatelaction. It beW ewttoliW Ame rican reople a delusive view of the prosperity of an important Department of the Government, and natural- ly induced a belief that it was wisely ami economical ly administered ; ' while,' in truth, the public money were arjimndered without atint, and the Department was rapiiliy,sinking to insolvency, After ensstrasting the fs-artrce'of theyresent with j rormeTnaininistratioiis ot ttie I'uet uiiice, the Uorn- 1 .-i... rmir mittee revert to the Postmaster Generals Address to the People of the United States at the close of the but session of Congress, and rebuke some of its statements, die. The Committee then proceed lo re-examine in detail, Snd at very great length, some of the case of extra allowanow which were mom briefly niiticed in their last report to Congress at the last Session; and especially the case of J. F. Robinson, J. and B. Benoet, W. TllowT KeeaioV eootnwOa from He- geralown to MnOsineWwrg, from Bedford to Washington, from Cumberland to Blair's Gap, from Baltimore to Chamlierstmrg, from Philadelphia lo Pittsburg, Reesides and Slay maker'a extra $10,(H)0 per year, Resine'a enrttract from New York to Philadelphia, due. - The allowance to Mr. Reeside ire most dwelt on by the Committee, apparently because they are the largest and he is the most ex tensive cwitractorr To t his genlTeman, in one form or other, of contract or allowance, the Committee sav there haa iieen Wd, within two year and a ha If (frorn 1st of Janua ry;i 93?,"trjr 1 of July I htr carry wg tho 'Mails between Philadelphia and Now York, t4,37a 17; or 83,748 86 per year. The Committee ottoehMle thiokborious examioa-1 lion of contracts with the following summary, show ing the aggregate of payments which they aver to ave ooen uniawlully and unjustihablv made to a aingle contractor: " Passing over those cases in which a contract or aa allowance was made contrary to law, but 6 which an equivalent service, has been rendered, and taking only those in which the law did not warrant the allowance, and in which also no service whstever were rendered, or in which thevallswanc was much above Uie real value of the service, and then taking the excest only, of the allowance aver and above that value, your com mittee find the following sums paiik ,:ta lames Jbssdav since the 1st April, without any warrant of law er jus tice, to wit; i On the contract to carry Uie mail from Hagerstown to .TConnellitbiirg ... $2,932 00 From Bedford to Washington . . 7,733 66 From Cumberland to Blair's Gsp, fl2,- 659 62, less $1,500 a year for two . .jesrs. 1,IQ. . . Sifi&m From PhiUdelphia to Pittsboro, excess of allowance over service, $8,000 for two years and aix months . . 20,000 00 Same mute carrying newspapers in Uie most rapid line, half . 8,750 00 From Baltimore to Cbsmhersburg . 3,987 60 From New York to Philadelphia. Allow. a nee for expediting from January 1st, - lja, to DecembetJSlst 1831rfllJft services paid for Bot performed . 13,000 00 aam divipwaj 0j t)i Blue Duuk.) Detention, waiting 6s distribution or a reign mails aa unprecedented aikiw am e. sod witlioul anlfM lent evslunce UV)00 Carryijig maiLbc frvrt piuladeljifua te Nw wk euarg wiamy unprs ea.ieiiled . ' . Pur uanaporting the mail from PbilsdeU phis to risw Yurk rrma Ui I Janua ry, 4 to Uie 1st of July. 1W. two years and aix moiiUis, Reraids has t csived srt;tTi 17. Jlis original cow tract was .'l,tsJ0 a year t carrying a daily ssad but, in kw imprwsd b4, which was afterwards made ths eon tract, ha frewl. C.T a)ig,tltM, to ma 4wu Jaily maiia, and a Uurd aiail C . fljjOO, miking frjtlUU, ad lurnisn guard and tarry all expresses. This allowance, Ussigh srssinous, falls short of ths sum actually paid in two ysar and aix month on Uiat route, by 8.1.1W 17 Ho Uiat Uie whole sum paid to Reeside, which is foumfed on ao la wand aoap- parent justice, M . liu,llriru Jf the name of Mr. Roeside makes a thus pro minent fiiruro in this summary, it i because il doe eo in the Report, and not from any preference d" our. The private pecpniary tranaaxtimi oi ttie same citizen with the Postmaster General and with (lie Chief Clerk of the General Post Oluce are alao bnajght into view in cotinectiim with the large ness of his extra allowances. Ho also are his loan to Ihe Chief Clerk, (0. B. Brown) ami aaid Brown's alleged partnership in the contracts of K. Portea, upon which large extra allowances have been maile, fee In relatHMi to these paewgee sf the Report, as it ia impracticable for ua to give the whole, we forbear making extracts, which might only give a partial and imperfect view of them. Adverting again lo Ihe generally confused man ner in which tlie Isrgest and imsd important ac count of the Post Office am kept, the Report pre sent ihe following curious iiistsnrc : "In examining Uie account of Jas. Reeside, your committee fisind to hi credit Uie following : KM. April, .'. Cash depoei.ed in Uie Western Bank of iliiladelphia, 20,000 dollar.' " Your osnmiltee, while in Phildadelphia, examined the books of Uie North Western Bank, and obtained a statement of its transactions with the Post Office De partment, by which it appears that this sum was raised by Reside on a draft drawn by himself in favor of K C Stockton, and accepted by O. B. Brown, Chief Clerk, dated Uie 'Hh day of ApruV 1J-U and payable three months after date, which draft was paid by the Depart ment at maturity ; so that, aa Uie transaction stood sl Uie time Uie account of Reeside waa rna-Uj out and pre sented to the committee, he wss entitled to no credit arising from thia transactiiMi. If a credit were entered on the books at Uie tun Uie draft was nugutiated, Uteo, whew Uie draft waa paid by the Department, there should have been a charge ot an equal sum strainst Ree ssle, lo balance it Tins waa mil done; and it helped lo reduce a balance of aVVUVJO 07, which, nutwiUisUnd ing his Isrs e Ira-allowances, stood against him on tlie buok of Uie Di:iarunent on tlie 1st of April, 111. Your committee called upon (Niadiah B. Brown lo ex plain this transaction, and be stated Uiat Uie draft on which Reeeide raised this money had not become due until sane time in the ubsiUi of November, and that since Uiat time there bad been no settlement with the Bank, so Uiat the credit could in Uie ordinary Course of tilings, be entered. A member ot yonr lomimttee then, m the hearing of the witness, asked for the statement nf the Cashier of the Western Bank of Philadelphia, and the paper not being in Uie Committee room, it waa sent for, and Uie witness was dismissed until A aboold be brought in. After a abort Ume the witness rstwi ed; stated Uiat he had been mistaken ; that Uie charre against Mr. Reeside -was omitted by mists ke, and was sb bf mistake entered against SL C Stockton, btU that e M promptly corrected the entry on Uie books, and that it was now all right Your Committee direct ed Die Witness to bring ia the books in which he had made Uie correction ; be did ao, and showed no less Uwo Seven erasures sad caa,ge of entry which he bsd caused to be made in the bonk in the abort time Uiat your Committee bad respited him from examination. Tlie credit which i due to book tiiu kept and thus al- tared to suit-the emergencies ef the occasion, can be readily appreciated by the Senate. After reciting ihe testimony of C. K. Gardner, one of theAasistanl I uetuiaslers ttenerar, m re gard lo this particular transiiction, the Committee sum up the case as follows : M Thus, when Uiese acceptance are made, Uiey are credited .to the contractor as so much money paid by him tn the use of the Department, though he, in fact, psjrs nothing, but merely lend bis name as a drawer oreridoriier ilthe. aame.sunv is sliarged -le-the-Bank arf so much deposited to the credit of Uie Department, and the draft is st last taken up by a check, which, is cer tified to be for trontportolimt by Uie Mree officers who, according to the imnmverl ivstsm nf checks, nr itiKtiM-. roent, adopted by Mr. Barry, are required to certify eve ry cnecx wnicn uwues trom Uie Department But, by examining these debits and eredits, and crrtiftratet for transportation, no aecountaot,. however skiiful, could ascertain thst such expedients had. been resorted to, or money raised in that manner. These certificates, Upon whstever grounds they may be supprted, are contrary to the plain fact of the ease." - - After adverting farther to the erasures in the booka of tlie office, the conflicting testimony of witnesses, etc., an oi wnicn we are obliged by wanl of time lo pass by for the present, the Report comes to the' following conclusion, to which wo give inser- Hon at large, as no lew due to the importance nf the subject, than to the indofstifiable labor of the intelligent Committee by whom it 'haa been pre- " So numerous and great are the abuse which have grown up in this Department, that reform has become absolutely necessary v but tie. meaiures by which it is w oe enecteo are oy no means free rroin embarrass ment They are the more difficult, as many of Uie evils which require a remedy do not arise from defects in the existing la w. hut from an habitual disregard of plain le gal provisions, tney may, nowever, be principally traced to Uie. absolute and unchecked power which a stngteindrrrdaatnolds over IheTesources and disburse bents, and all the vast machinery of Uii Department," The checks of various inferior officers upon each other are of no value, when aU are guided and coo trolled in their acts by one dominant will. Within the comparatively short period of fifty-five yeara, this Department has arisen from a feeble begin ning, until it has acquired a revenue equal to that ot the Union itself at the time of its organization ; and its ex tensive snd diversified operations, its ostromure. its re sources, aod it power.-roust, by the were force of cir cumsunces, go on increasing indefinitely, with Uie in crease of our country in population, business, and wealth. "The annual Report of Uie Postmaster General are of little value as a restraint upon Uie Head of Uie De partment, or as a means of calling public attention to his official conduct These Reports jaiay be true, yet the state of affairs which Uiey indicate cannot be under stood without that careful eiamimitioa -which few or none will feel willing to give them, amidst Uie other arduous duties of legislation : or those statement may be false, and yet few will be disposed to bestow on them the IsW, bodily and mental, which would be necessary for their correction and to encounter Uie bitterness of party rancor, and the reckless violence of party calum ny, which thnae must encounter who venture to explore Uie Secret mysteries of grest patronage and high pow er, and exrie tiieir ernrinities Ui Uie piiblic gaie. j "From reflections en these aud other causes, leading I to th aam ymir C,-n,i.te w., fa Blofl Uiet Will bs few UlsUutoa lu U.- r..i.. i ' our oounuy of a full and searching inv-,-.,7 rf tlia cswliirt and maiUffe!W.iitliL. !, n.. . oh-iiL They deem it, li.oref.s,, Umir dul. u to pmpiis auch meaaurea of le laUtasi a. ..II u opinion, the most stfeeuially ofv,Wi ths recuiranrs! iuuhs, w whim annua lo tuuse wbu:h Una u.. tmn h disrkssid. This, they e.ceiv, ca, ClZ Seeled by a chsng io the uegamxatjon of tb IVflTT mens so aa io piac tue CoUeclkai and '-tmrannu'u j -f , .uw, luv convui af J. tcers entirely Mdenendeot of each etha. That department, aa at present arrant L.j ' gerous anomaly io aur fyMeui j and by whomaw JT concern aa IwreaiUr tsbsauadseW, ka or,MiMlJ" ought lo be changed eo aa to conform more aeaH. u IKalnf llliSHr imI IL.iIu.J l ... The accountability of iu orucer ouirht a lan u. lTT. dered effective; and their discretion limited, a lu- Jt coruMStcni witn Uis enicient perluruiaoce of th fu service. - , r" TUB ATTEMPT TO AJS3AB3LNATX. Extroci of m Letter to las Editor of ti, tMtT. sVk1 tMOSVOSJOsa JHaVCB WasHiavTON, Jaavaar 30th. 18M. A circumstance occurred at tlie (spit., M terday, which will be tlie source of uiany riisrt. senlalion. Hie Pressilent, as i hia custom, aU tended the funeral aervice of ihe Hon. Warrea . Davis of South Carolina and, aa the proteaiiu) uioved out of I lie Capitol, some assassin sospptd two pistol at him, both the caps of which expludej without igniting Ihe powder in the pistids. Ilsirai iinimMlialely apfireheisJed and Committed. Tbt man's name is liawreiice, for two or three yeui past a resident of this city, and recently betrayiw stnsig symptoma of denuigeiiHml, having nwd,a I understaiMl, an atteinit Uhsi the life ufhis Mar, A friend, who waa near al the tune, aay thai v never saw any man who exhibited a more tied m4 hatkr tedaal I lorisy 1 ilila- j i asd (h'teriiuiM-d purjxsie than did the assassin, nor man who emild meet Ihe attack with mora rate and uiirullled courage. Upon tlie crack by the first Htd, the President sprung, like i lua from hi bur, at Jhe assailant, but before he eaukl reach him, he had aim! hi second, which ah snapped. The circumstance produced, at yoa any well si((sise, very grent excitement at lb Law, and lis boon the (heme of conversation erersmc. Tlie most wiMiderful port of this whole transacting iS th.nt both llie piidids sliould have siaipped, esps. cially aa it i well known that the rs-misswo Irrk. hardly ever (ail of fire. Some, therefore, brliev that the touch-hole muss have been stopped p ox purpsw to prevent the pistols from going off; whils other aro ao uncharitable a to believe that ths wretch waa instignled to (lie deed by others, f which there ia certainly no just fiMndatioo. h aaid, however, that the Pistdcnt intimated such charge against Mr. Puimlexler, and that the taller gentleman, haa a kl rested a mrte to the Presideut asking an explanation. Il U true tho President ass many bitter political eowmif, but none, I believe, so base as to wish to do him a personal injury. I, deed the whole of tho opposition would greatly pro. fer that Gonl. Jackson should serve bis tern '. than that Hi place should be taken by Mr. j Ruren, aa wouU be the ease non the death of ths President. No party, therefore, rejoiced mnraal this fortunate eacnpe of the President tluut did kss ild 1 political opponents. No party enuld gms s esv " by tlHTocalh: ofTTie Prcsioeiil a tTie friend of Iks Vice President, who .would bo Presuhmt U trat event. " But it ennnot bo . bvlievod that any kdj" has had any -agency in tfrw mailer, except the aa niac himseifr who is certainly deranged. . OCT Since the receipt nf the abose Letter th 0. S, Telegraph oribeTthTrwtam'lias'rrw furnishes Uie following additional informatma ia irkv tion to t,he charge made against Mr. Poindexter ky tb President Our indignation st Gen! Jackson's esarfsct io this aflVir.i so inteosc, that we can LanUjt aWt from Uie expression of opinions, which, while nsy might be considered excusable toward the rrssnsr, would cast obliquy upon the honorable office lie ouajrt. cea. But Mr. lomdcxter is fully capable of drfrnisw himself against the malicious attack of even Andrr Jackson ; and we have no doubt be will do himwlf an ple justice. Editor. raoai ths tisrrKD sTiTss TKiJwsAra. A;difingnihdMtidu son owes a deep debt of gratitude for his disinter ested support on one of the most trying occaaksn, and whose generous friendship has been repaid by the cteepest irrjirries, hearing that Geii. Jackson hW imputed the assassination to him, addressed lain respectful letter, desiring to kaow, from himselC whether it was possible that what no had beard eat true! Imdoad of magnommoosly atoiiing fcrda deep injustice,' the Presidenf has added UiatrtXtoi jury. Thus much we feel called upon to my"" The distinguished individual to whbiii w refof 1 I citizen who knows what ia due to himself and t his own reputation, and, knowing, will maiota them. Frost the Globe of January 31. ATTEMPT to ASSASSINATE th PRESIDENT. While the Jkksideivt was at the Capitol ve terday, in attemsnee on the funeral of the U iTorTf R. Davit, frorrr South Carolina, Rwhsri tawrchc ed to shoot him.- Col. Lane, of Indiana, informel us that he saw this individual enter the hall f the- House rduring theHJeirvery oTt nf fufiflrtl rt mon. Before its close, however, ho bad taken ha stand on the eastern portico, near -one of tb lumn.Tli0 Treasury on his left arm. on retiring from the Bs tundo to reach his carriage at the steps of the pot t'ico, advanced towarda the spot where Lswrenc stood, who had bis pistol concealed under bis coat, and when he approached within two yards and ha'lf of bim, the assassin extended bia arm and le velled tho pistol at hia breast; The percusswi cap exploded with t noise ao great that erf witnesses supposed the pistol had tired. Oo th instant, the assassin dropped the pistol from " riirht hand, and latin arwithar readv cocked fro Hia kft presented and mK-teftojj:-who at the'moment had raised" his atick, and war rushing upon him. Mr. Woodbury and ant fieiWv at Ihe him Siiataht laid hold of tW man, who gave way through the crowd and wsl last knocked down. . The President presseu a. him until he aaw he was secured. -Vft attended the examining court imrrrediat?lj,r ter the evenL Th Secretary of tho Treasury, the Secretary of the Nary, Col. Burd of tha Ho Mr." Kingman, and Lieutenant Gedney B whom ariliiMaA ihe axl mm esamined. and t a more minute detail of the circumstance tated. : ' -v.' Mr. Randolph; the Sergeant of the HiC aftendej thFMarshaT to conduct the pnsonw the City ILtll for euiuiualioD, gave in testing

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