it op. ml., n. -at art f w eat rs. n 4 r km T L we, i L Ml H kd m TW Ms m. lit 4 V it a kj tin, r- ril ten I 01 kilt tb t ki fUff Jeut m, k pre. at k ff .U. , rtU fid W T' era Imp ST. rw ! ri s laf T h C the ScT i( le io -raJ tin tlx. it- Baked by tha MrUI tb iiH4i ba iad l make lhat ll rreai.Innt bad a.:- a. - ' a ... . ma norriu aiirniui. d kilM hii father. Uj failier w r.ngli'hmaiJ, who dmd many r ago In thi city. T n hi mar If waa ap. TalMed lAerward la a Mr. Clark, with whom ha fl rad tbree year. Mr. Clark, when called upon, II pj that ba wae ytng man or rieeiient halxia, Uajkef ana iiMJUMriuua mi urn uu pc ana Try frdicnliy,n waa wen acoainicu won nirn iince LTkad left ki family, and had beard nothing lo 1 lui disadvantage, until of lata ba wit Informed ikii ba quarrelsoma among bia frienda, tod treited ona of hit aiatert baldly. . Tba lotal absence ol any peraunal motive on lha prt of tha priaoner to (omiml the deed ba at. fitfted, baa auggeated tba idea thai ha rouat be bane, lit re waa, however, no evidence given j, the examination to authorise the euppnettion, iltVmjfh aeveral person intlmafidy arquainled silk him,' and om boarding in the same buie ritk biingava avidenca npon ibe occasion. Tba iVetearfnTof the prisoner when committing the Ktwhon ha waa aeiwsd when under eiainln joa,bora not tha slightest appearaire of phrenv, er esrangernaut of any mtrU When asked by Ibe fuurt if be wished tocroaa-etamine the witoesae, 0 u nke eiplanation, ha answered in the neg. lirsar-Mid that tboae who had eeen the act could nil the factsand at lha conclusion, whea asked jl a bad any thing to otttir, said be Could not cm rU ic what bad bnn (iven in evidence. The prisoner if a handsome y.aing man, well irewed, and pre posse suns iu hia countenauce. J s appeared periecilv ealin and eollecied in the sjtdst of the eicitemcnt and anttely which pre niled around him and the President, in con. lersing with u, since the event, observed, that kit aisnner, from the moment hia eye caught his, tti firm and resolved, until lha failure of his last ftiA, when he aceined lo shrink, rather than re a We were infnrmed by Mr. Wilson, the keeper af the R.turdo, thai be had frequently observed Iki man about the: Capitol so frequently thai he bid become an object of curiosity lo him that be kkd eudVavored lu draw bim into conversation, hi (iund him taciturn and unwilling to talk. whether Lawrenca baa caught, in bia visits lo tbt Capitol, th mania which hat prcrulcd during lk two last arssicMia in the Senate whether he become kifutuated with the chimeras which ate troubled the brain of the disappointed and Imtxtioiii orator, who have oV pic ted the President at a Casar wbb ought lo have a Brutus a a Crwnwell t Nero a Tiberius we knew not. If no secret conspiracy haa prompted tbe perpe - tattoo of tbe horrid deed, we think it not impro. riwe i im i some oeiusion oi .iniciioci na grown out af hi visit to the Capitol; and that hearing de. aotitm and everv horrible mischief threatened to IM reiHiblic, and revolution and ail it train of ca hmilie imputed aa tha ececeeeary consequence efihe President a measurea, it may be that tlie in tuated man fancied ha had reason to become V country's avenger.; If ba had beard and bt- Mr. CalNMi'a speech the day before yea tanlsy, he would have Paind in it ample hirtihca twlr hi attempt on one who wa represented Hike cause of the mnet dreadful ealamitiea to the we ejt una who. atari, parfitct-ruttenoeaa and wrupiion to pervade jho jital-uf-4be-4vern' "WnT, iiisimuucIi that it wa scarcely wdrth pre rvinu, if it were woenible. " Judge Craneh saw ttnthiiig in the conduct hf f h prisnoer, or in the evsdeace, lo suggest the idea that tie labored under aay menial nalady. He auiured wp an order that be should bis tailed, if he coald give security in $00t). TV l)itrict Al brimy said that the airociousoese of the crime at tempted should induce hi honor to reqmre bail in a higher penalty. The Judge seemed moved '6?'thiiif Imt a thfi ronstitution, ho 'Mid,' provided tUl exccHsive bitil ' should not be demnndml, he umUi i .ol require tH4ud Cr ntore than 815001! So, if soy of mr patriot should Hunk lit twtur aish lltu sum to aland the forfeiture, we may have this desperate men with new weapon of destruct ion at the next Presidential Leveed VV'e atleixled tlie Court, and being asked to exa : aww tbe Iliad w ff. the ftaWUf drew jout with I s-rcw a bull, of which about aixty would make a pound. It waa well patched, and forced down tight on a fun cbarirfl of excellent glazed powder. How the cap Could have exploded without firing the powder, i miraculous. Providence, baa aver gwirdod the life of the auto who haa been destined la, preserve and raise hia country glory, and anintarfr" the eauee oT the People, le the "wlti tode of insrancei in which he haa hazarded hi person for hit country it.. .u. never in more im ninent danaer than on veaterdav. when, in a fu- eral procession, followed by his Cabinet the Se tune and the Representative of the People. MEDICAL EXAMINATION or THE ASSASSIN Two Medical Gentlemenjifbigh standing in Wash ington City, (Mesar. Csusin and Sewill,) visited Law mice in prison i few day after hia attempt oh the Pre- , lt'g life,, forjhe, pujrpone ofjasertaining the, rtateof m mind. They make a detailed report of his conver- . i. . . . . .... ..t i II .nnm, jMU Onw no eoociuiuoa at meii own wua regara 11 ito his sanity or.insaaity. -A reat deal uf what he said m spptrently rational eoojipk ; bat it waionly the r -Joinlity of aadnesv, aa the fbSowing extncU from the port of the Physiciana wiiribundantly show. - The man Redforn, metitkmed 1n the extrarta, appeanr Wise we brother-in-law of Lawrence, and a friend of Gen. "JlCKsorT and we are disiwsed to lliiiit TTiaTTlilMesf . keld out by him. to Lawrence, "that he aboutd have ne nor work, beeaase he wa opposed to the President, cting upon a mind soured and crazed by idleness and (appointment, waa the immediate cause of the dia. blicr attempt on the President Ed. CarotimUn. ') m im nnv TM ItMIT. Upon being interrogated a to tlie'rircurnetance toonected with the attempted aaea9sination,Tie aaid pwt, and that ha had called at tha President' house 'bout a week previous to the attempt, and being' inducted to the President' apartment by the por r, found him iri eonvenation with a member of Coogresa, whorr, he bejieved to have been Mr. Su erfand, of Pennsylvania ; that he atated to the President that be wanted, money to take him to England, and that h, imwt give him check on e Bank, and the President remarked that be waa much engaged to attend to him-r-he must call tbrir time, for Mr. Dibble waa in waiting for an WeTvievr. . He was questioned whether ha had any frknda pffwnt, from whom he expected protection. To Am he replied, that be never had mentioned bis io- .ui the priaoner, when I tendon lo invnMi. in.1 th.i .Ii i . . ' ' in particular Iukjw bit tlcwrrot sVw fa.' ft. . J J - U'L I . . ' uiurrogateo: m lo (!. whick in. dured bun to attempt the rtoawaalan. of lb, p. ne rep ui he had bn ,4J that It Prrmdmil bad caustxj hia Urn o occupation, and urin wain of UMMITV. and ha MmiJ tk.l Jo put fain, out of tU way ww tha only remedy t thi svd Lul lo II, interrogatory, who told you IniiT ha could oit ioeniifv an n L.. L.j that hit brother-in-law, Mr. Kedfera, iM kit, tkat kt tkoutd kare aa Marf busintu, lacai'ia m wai orrosao to tmi I iksidbnt end ha believed Red lro to bs ia league with ibe VnKt again him. Again being qijMtioned, whether ba bad odea at tended tha debate in Congress, during tba preernt session, and wbellier they had influenced him in making thi atlark on the person of the President, Ira replied that be bad frequently attended the die. coaemns in ixan Dranrbea of Mmgrp, but that Wlr7 Md in no degree influenced bia acUun. a a - On bmng asked if he knew any member of either ,"""" v-wigreae, no rrpiim ihat nedtd Dot and never etxAe to one in bia life, or thrv to hi in. ()n bfing aaked what bsm-fh be eipnctel to bimarlf ina ui ucaln of tbe freeufenL be anawerMl ba ciuld nnt rum unlrai the Prraident fell, and that be expected thereby lo recover hit liberty, and that tbe mrchanice would all be benefited: thai the me. clianica w.iuld have plenty of wik and that mo. ney would be more pfcnly. On being anked why a would be more plenty, be replied, U would be more eamly oUaioad from the Bank. ()n beimr awna wnai liank, he replied, tlie Hank of the Uni lad Btatea. ()n beiiiff aked if he knew the Preai den(, Dirnctore, or any of the officer of the Bank, or had ever hdd any intercourse with them, or kiww Ih.w he could get money out of the Bank, be replied do. lie to aaknd if he ever threatened to ehnnl Mr. Clay, Mr. Webaler, or Mr. Calhoun, or whether be would about I Hera if he had an opportunity ! lie replied, No. When asked if ba would eho4 Mr. Van Buren T lie replied, lhat bfl once met with Mr. Van Buren in- the Roiunilo, and told bim be waa in want of money and muat have it, and if he aid not get it, he ( M r. Van Buren) or Ueneral Jack eon rmiHt fall. i He further stated, lhat, believing lb President Ito be the aonrce of alT bi difficulliea, "he wa still 1 fixed in hi purpose to kill bim, and if hia oecessor 1 pursued the same course, to put him out of the way alsn and drrlarrd that no awcr in lit roenrv etmld pvnisk kin for dot ag so, hrcatim il voU be milled by Ike Power of Europe, ai well at of ikit rxnint r. Jit mis tinted, tknt kt kod been long in eorretpondenet ritk tkt fWer of" Kttrope, nnd tknt kit family kmd been wBonorrtLT DRPBtvBo op raa caoww op Erglako, nnd tknt mm tkould yet live to regain it nnd tknt kt eon. nderrd tkt Pretident of tkt United Slalet notking more than hit Vlerk, 0" Temperance. The Anniversary MmsI -of limey 8rttlflinff nt 'Twnpwwiicff Socielf will he held at V?eley.Chapel, on Tac. day tie 24A taafqaf 1 tha day of simullanenua meeting of Temperance Socieliea throughout the .UuionV The Rev. paniel Jenkin will preach the Anniversary Sermon. The friend of Temperance and the public generally are invited to attend. - WILLIAM PMUORE, Secretary. ...February 1, I8y. :.---"-a - .A. Sfuall Snpply of , . jEilmanacs -m 1835 Just Receired And for Sale at .. ...?2i:a cmas.""" February 14, I8T.' Price 10 Centt. Ebcnczcr Jlcadcmy. THE Exercise of thi Institution were rMwn menced on the first week in January. The Coursai 6T13lufiiv moo into the University of our state ; yet it will always bo Tirid. to accommodate such Student aa wish to enter any other College, i ne loiiuw ing is the Course : In the Latin Adam's Grammar, Historin 8a. Cras 144 chapter, Viri Rome through the second Punic war, Ca?aar 7 hooka, Sallust the whole, Ovi dii Expurgate the whole, the Eclogue, Georgic aod 6 book of the Eoeid of Virgil, Cicero 9 Ora tions, Horace the whole. In the Greek Goodrich'a Grammar, in the Testament John' Gospel and tha Act of the A pn. ties, Jacob' Reader 50 paga, Gives Minora the whole, Grwca Majors 100 pagea. - The scholastic year ia divided into two session of 5 months each, commencing on the first Mon day of January snd July. 'Tuition is $4, t, jHO, per session, sxordiii to the grade of studies. ' Bollrd'caroirlMa1ile4 in Tesnectsble famiiies, at 1 25 to 1 50 per week, Having defoled. se.y?ral yfsri to the bu. rress T)f Teaching, and intending to pursue it thro life should his heallh permit, the Subscriber haa mak rival exertion lo keep pace with tba w- pTovemeiitslhataTe-hewgwadeiirt He therefore eonndenuy nopea io do auio vi iwm I I Kl.rt iui ( r ana ' ' T OT'1TTr T" 1 Bi,iTril u tilt t Bethany, Iredell County, N.C. ) February 14, 1635. Earthen-Ware, China, T. J. n Alt ROW & CO. i RE now receivirir snhcommonlrgrest vsri- Il ety of Goods in the ebovo line, selected with great care by the senior partner of the firm, who f. in F.nolnnd exDreaslv for the purpose of pro curing the iveiecat and sums' FtukionabU Stylet. As tbeir purchsses have been made at the low est rates for Cash, they confidently invite tbe at- tention of Customers and Merchant generally io their very large and handsome Stock, assuring them of a determination on tbeir part to offer the beat advantages in poiol of prices and liberality of terms. ' . . . Every attention will be given to pscawg ano forwarding our Goods, and all Ordera exocuted with fidelity and pitmiptness. " " New York, February i viooo atT vcojtn. THE CAROLINIAN. r it ,rr aa my nam SALISDURY: Batnrdiiy Morning, Febrotry 14, 1135. TOWN CmCEHA Oa Raturday last an EJecUoa wa bald a Utai. ... t uaui of txmoa aad two UooMissiuaars le tba Buroark m . a . n"7 f l fnsuiag year. The (UWwing fan- uswtssi were aiscipa : ; Mmgieirate of PstW-Wsa. Cbawbrfa, Ess. Csaisiiwsasrs Cut. sVUrJ W. U anouWpartaf thissaper will be (band a circumstantial account, fsaesj from Ike Qhoe, uf a re cent aUsmpt lo asssauaale the PrssWMit. Wa abhur tasusinsUoo anoVr aay eircumsUncM : but B irs arpecially woald war feeliaga and our fttfjmi revolt at tbe eooMimissboa of aock aa act aa was U tempted oa the occaswa rrfrrred to. . And. sluWh s Isrge purtast af tba Amerkaa People snlerUm ii ooi- h'uA that President Jacksua bss dune aiarb, very muck. lo aring our RepuUiraa lastituliuw into dsrepnla. and even to iaipair conndeace in the perms neact of aucb OMtrtutmna, still we eaawit think uut thine is a single individual ra the country, of good sense and reflect!, who woald in pallia t the crime which was medita ted by tba siaduaa LawrewM. . Io tbs account of this aAair rive by tba Globe, there i a bass and iasidinaa insiaaaiiaej that the diabolical at. tawipt rfigiaated in a - aecrrt enomrac v." ! And aRerwards the name of Mr Celhoua a intra) sretf, aa one who, eoaduet wa calcabiled, if But desigaad, lo instigate aome aespniaia nifBaa lo tbe prrsrlraUo of such s deed of horror. No one wba kauwa aay thing of the noble .magaaaunity of Mr. Calboua, of hi luAy pau-iiaisin, or of bis pur and elevated moral smiu ments, ca bear of sock a insiauatioa) against bim, bowsvsr rswole, without a feeling of deep mdtfaatioa and unmitigated score fur the depraved tools of near- rupt party, who would thus endeavor to tarnish hi fair fsma, wloch ought lo be tbe pride of ki coootrr, ts H m aa honor to tbe bumaa race. For our part, we have ao idea that tbe attempt of Lawrence proceeded from any other Cause tbaa imani- But, if there waa aay oonsptracy ia tbe casa, w would much more readily impute it to the desperate spirants of that party which ia becoming bnpeles of success, except by tbe demise of the President before tbe expiration of bia tana of office, tbaa to those who have evinced tbeir devotion to Ibe Constitution and lb L wa of their country, and their abborrenee of all eaca Who would b pnjfitnd si iaasaadisiely by the death of the President! Upoa wbota would tbs Crown descend t Would it not Ml to the adopted po litical heir the be ir -apparent tbe Magician of Kin- dcrhoukl AniLwbo, then, rsn find a deeper interest in tbednatbef uW glorified s,46d cbivf, tbaa Martin Vio Buren and those who look forward lo hi aoceasioa for the realisation at tbeir ftordsl bopea! We do not Heaves turbid tost WS should msinu te that the Vice-lresideot eould be capabts of auch atrocity ; but wa merely state the case to show bow. moca mora puiastoiy sura a auspvcaai migni since is him tbaa lo timas who eould not babeoefiUod by such aa outrage. The servile Editor of the Globe asems shocked that the bail-bond required of the prisoner should not have been ao large, notwrthatanding the- prokibtUons of the Constitution, u to eneure.the dose. roftKment of tbe. wretched maniac But we are sot surpmed at thi. We are rather rarprieed that thta snpple slavish flat terer of llit Majesty did aut recommend that all the Senators in the opposition should bs imprisioed, and that Lawrence should be .tortured ike Kavillac. " " DEATH OP TUB HON. W; K DAVIR--- Ia tbe House of Rf present tires, on Thursday the 39th of Jaauary, imejsdiatoly aAat the reading af tbe strnal, Mr. Pickens arose and announced to the House the death of the Hon. Warren R. Davis, a Member from South Carolina, who departed Uua life ai 7 o'clock on the morning of tbe aam day. . After paying 4 pro per tribato to Ui character jot thai sVweaasd, Ms. Tick- ens one red the usual- resrdittioiiej which arere ansoh inoasly adopted, and a Committee of Arrangement fcp- pninted to superintend the fbneraL Ia tbe Senate, on same say, tbe Clerk of the Iloos of RepreseaUtivea having announced tbe decease of the Hon. W. R. Divia, a kpresentativ from the Sute of South Carolina- Mr. CALHOUN rose, nd said : In rising to move the ordinary resolutions on this melancholy occasion. be fell it to beoelo hwHvn rrhor as-well the memory of the deceased, to ms be a few preliminary ob servatioaacoaimeuiorativ of hie many excellent qnali tiei l knew the deceased (siid Mr. Cyfonf and Intv niatelyT Be was my near aeijHibor, and porsonal and Dolitical friend, and we stood closcljr connected hf ties of affinity snd the strictest friendship ; and I cannot but say that, in passing through life, I have rarely knows an individual more richly endowed, . His mteileet was of the biirheat order, clear, rapid, and eompreheasive. Combined Trith a-wWlerfal aaedky ef eipressiag ad Illustrating nia weas, dou in converaauon ana in oe haiejKesjrfjLncbJrogtiu eate taste, a gentle and sportive wit, and an uninter rupted flow of good humor, that made him the delight of evefy circle ia which ba mingled. Nor were hia .... . . 1 . 1 moral quaiiuea was Deserving 01 raspv ana aamira. tkm. He was generous, brave, patriotic, independent, nd disinterested, almost to a fault - For the troth of this picture that it ia not tbe exaggerated effusion of friendship I can appeal to many i bearer aroond me, who knew turn weiL Bocn waa wamasn kajsjou Vk- mm 1 f . . .L 1- M via. tie w now no more, ue arpanea una ue , cldci tlii morninfc . I wilnessed tbe departinc scene. . When my BMst excellent friend, the Senator from klis- , (Ur. Inn,) annoaneeo to nira bis apvroacning thouffh the sad event waa unexpected to bim, he received the information with fortitude and firmness, while he thanked him for his kind attentions. Tbia communication waa made to bim immediately after the adjournment of the Senate yesterday. At one o'clock v r 1 1 . .t - j m 1 1 una morning ne leu 111 10 a genua siumuar, ironi wnica be never awoke. He departed without a struggle or groan, lost forever to his friends snd his country. Tlie Senate then agreed to attend the funeral oathe next day, and to wear the usual badge of mourning; and, aa a, farther mark of respect for bis memory, tbs Senate tbaa adjourned, oa motion of Mr. Preston. leaVornal teteeted arTidet crovdid out Ikit week by molten f mora imomUuut, ' (ft" Afrie and He-Miring, . sinpijlsr d tooortifully intarmtisg i-U le was eiliibnj in our tract oa Hal unlay tlx 7th umuiiI. Two aumpauies of " mover" met oa the Courtlmoaawhill, the one seek lug a mure eligible dwelling-place in the wwtb-ws the other resuming in the obi residence ia tins Huie, arW having ia vsia sought better in Ur Und of pm. Balsa" ki the west Tbe cavalcade going west consist sd of about doaea carta, aaJ a Isrge number of wlb disssod aad hearty-tookuig mm, woumni, and children. white and black oovsy,ii to lha snecUtor aa idea of comfort and iadepsadsncs - while the one rataraing to the homes of tbeir youth counted 001 two poor old horses, epo one of which was tumething that bad ap parently to perform lha double duty of a bed by night and a addla by day, and apna which ware aeaiad a nomas and two ar three antai children 1 lb other boras carried the remaining property of lbs) little band, aad waa abas ridden by a woman: awe balAgrowa youth on foul, and carrying aa sxa, appeared la b tha aula protector of lb jnumey, who, being eaeetiooed about U father of U faaily, repled that be died ia Tra- r These two partise hailed and the lotense interest with which they gasad oa each other, wa dis tressing to toe Beholder 1 whils the difference ia their appearance, pecuniary and personal, meda bim forget the loss which w encountered in the removal of tbe one, by the stronger feeling of sympathy for the die- Iran af the other. It would reeair the sewed of a Ibigartb todojuetiee to tbe aretv: oa) tbe ewe band, a Urge aad prusyerou fkmily leaving tbeir boms, (Heads. and all the endearing connections of childhood aad manhood, to seek a kindlier dwelling among stranger while, oa tbe other, a poverty-stricken, wo. begone company, reduced both in numbers snd energy, return ing to spend the remainder of their miserable live ia the very homes which they bad previously left ia tkr happier and better day I I I il to ba always tbut V ill nothing ever he done to avert the dire necessity which our cUiaen are under of leaving the State with their substance I And will nut tbe above picture have the effect to 'deter from a hasty movement those who desire to emigrate to aaknowe regions, and who, praei- My, awy have to retrace their steps ra poverty and da- tress, aad drag out their day in tbeir native Mute t (ttr Tribute to departed a-orfi A I a meeting of tba laeeutive Cataiaitlao of tbe IJavveesrly at North Carolina, recently held at Raleigh, the following lutiona, among other, were adopted : ofiee.Tbl Professor Anderwm be requested to prepare a Memoir or Oration oa the Life and Character of our deceased. President, the Rev. Ur. Caldwell, end to deliver IM as me in the lollege-(Jhapel,oa the Wed eeausy afternoon preceding the next AaaualCuaimence ment, ia the pwaiiiaa of the Trustees, Pacnltv. and Htu- denta of the Inatitutinn, who on that occaaioa wdl wear the wane! bads of mrmrnmr on the left arm. "Rmdotd, That Messrs. Naah and McPheeters be appointed s Subcommittee to prepare and report a plan for aa appropriate Monument to be erected over the re main of the deceased, ia the burial-ground near tbe university. 03- The late Cold Weatker During the taller part of but week, and the drat part of this, tbe weather a) to have been colder than it has been known ia thi regitsi since tlie winter of 17TO-'80il which time the Yadkin River waa crossed oa the ice by kwded wa gone. ia Ui Tv a, the mereury jm JTarenheit's Jer- On Saturday tbe 7th, t 4 to 9 deg. below Zero. On Sunday the 8th, at 5 la 1 deg. beluw Zees, On Monday the pth, at 4 to deg. below Zero. tf&jack j'rott nmong AtJlmtmVin under. stand that a cotisiderable auanber of Rait have been found, sioc tbe lata "sDsp," completely dead, from tbe eflecu of the coki I This may be. .termed tba atate of tbe ssi'aaW thermometer." Our town is very much infested with Rata : aad wa snaneet ruir riliuou unaiU be glad to bear from Winter more frequently if tbe old grey-beatd will go ahead "-in the wtrk--tliw hepprlr aegua among tnese doxkju vermin. (T The Mailt. The Sortkern Mail on Mon day brought w nothing not a single paper, from be yond Oxford in tbia State. By the Southern Mail on Tuesday we fmivedme Washinjtoa paper, the Telw; graph of the 31st January I and a letter from the mm place,dated January 30th, and post-marked the 3d of February. .. We know not why, where, or how k happen, but for more than twelve months past we have received certain papers, printed Worth of Una place, much frequentl by the 8uuthern.tba tba Northern Maila, The "searching operaUon h artodfu&y needed where. "Tbe ice-boat "State Righta" of the Camden and Amhoy Rail-Road Line, made toother effort vesterdav afternoon to open lb aavintioa; aha auoeeeded ia cut ting her way through the ice, and caused poruoo of a 10 pas ap wiin uie ikm. A number of scientific gen tlemen were on board le witness tbe operation, tier effort for the last twodav were confined to a few mi- nutea, merely by way of experiment" PhiUdtlphia 03 Just what might have been expected 1 "State Righto" ia the cognomen under which all should sail who intend to make " expeVimtowag tioo whether consolidated water, or -consolidated go- vernmehC'Ttl a chaiiDeJ naine, none eaa ait Wbe adopt it' -r : -rz- " Our friewl of the Western Carolinian has hit hs tkirly, aad we acknowledge it- When we aaid lhat we a . : 1. ,l. .1 .. m t. . 1 v. . cwra ir imiww ujc ouiun uv uw naieign Kegiaxer inJaking-CCrtiinjttitttRr "irlly," wa muraly-svisW it to be understood that those gentlemen pissMssed a rreater command of temper than ourselves t: and we hope aad believe that they to understood us We know that the Carolinian wa in no doubt of the meaning which we wished to eoovey. W will catch the Caro linian nappins;' before long, snd retal ia te." Newberu Spectator. 07 No doubt, no doubt An observant "spectator" may frequently "catch mi napping " whea w can, sap m safety. ' But we caa assure our friend of Newbera that they" WuTtovW t i)d us asleep when cornipt ion threatena the ruin of our country." If they should do so, we will sgree to submit to a course of ' Lynch-law,' which ia rather more severe than le4nlumit" when administered with the lenity which characterises the Editors of the Newbera 8pecjttorjjj ; POSTSCRIPT L.vTbe ConTcntton. (C7Hr mm been requested to toy, Ikat.onTuetday neat, (it being GmtrUtotk,) a Public Meeting will be held at the Courthouse in Ikit Town, on the tuhjrct of Ike Proposed Contention to Amend Ik Constitution of tkt State ; af which several Speeeket may bt txpected to be delivered on Ik question. - SaJisbury, Saturday, Feb. 11th, lKJTx i"iiTtRiAi. cnrtnrnNt'rM'r. V AHlUTa I'liv, Jan. lid, 1 . '... ' Hf Pear fiif 1 TU Imuim uf bl h I Iu-a baa boen uenbd fr le days, by lha funeral trie. . u NiMa in honor of (lie nwmory uf Warren K, 1. via uf South Candir. Mr. !avis, aa yuu know, waa s. highly gilled geniWmarv a man of most pointed and finished wit, of o licele and refined taste, and a uniform gd humor that made hurt al once the iintaiiM-itt and d light of every cumpany into which he went. Hot he has sunk Mrio a pre mature grave, asking nothing of tba world but ibe charily uf Us silrnce." The Puaa-OtlHe Commute In tha Sonata be at length, reported. iTU Report is long one, and dietloeee a ecetrt of abuse and corruptioa which is both shameful and alarming. I speak now of tha charwetrr of hutb reports, for lha minority report, although somewhat palliative, discloses enough of corruptioa) to break ouwa any Admuustratioa that shall attempt to Justify or suataia It. I, tbertfors, think the party in power will ba compelled lo giva ap tha Post -Office gentry u, their fit J and lhat Itarry at kas. will have lo go out. I am aware of tba difficulty which lha Van Duren party will Ami itl doing I hie act of justice to sn byured People, -CuL Johnston k tba fast friend both of tha Post. master-General and hi sasistarvt O. B. Drown ba will therefore lake lha removal of his friends from office ia high dudgeua but there U no alternative. The misnianagenieot and ofTsrial corruptioa of I hie , Ueuartrnent la too glaruif . It caa na kuager ba defended by any honest rnao. Mr. Taney's nominal ioo to tha Puprema Court Dench is atill undeciW. It ia the opinion horn that tha Senate will reject his oominalMsJ. If so, I suppvae the President will nominal ao other un til he gHt a Sonata of hia owe reedy at nil times lo register hia odicta, whatever lhey mar be. iwlga of bia ouursa apna this subject from what ha baa done ia other eases. Tha Srnat t bourn! bee per to reject lha nomination of Andrew Stephestaoa as Minister to England. The Prewidewl baa bmiwh- " nated no other, although we have with that nation subject of negociatioo of tha mast deliralo and important character. Wa have) bees on tha very verge af a war with France, and yet ao Minister st the Court of Bt. Jnmest If there is any swtiesi in Europe at whose Court w ought lo hsvd a Mi." nister at all times, it ia England and yet the PrS- aideut refusea to have our RepuLlia reprewented there because the Senate thought proper, la the) ex. errise of their institutional right, to reject lha individual arlected by hire! I tear that lb lira is not very distant when the Sonata will nnt bs at " towed fo express any opinion of their own. ll II Supreme Court. Thomai P. Devereux, Ear). haa been re-appointed Reporter of ibe. Supreme Court S sod wo understand, lhat t be ha asaocuited ith him in tha discharge of hia duties, Wm. II. Battle, Esq. of franklin. Raleigk Register. Tkt People are sh v Meetins of lha Pen. pi have beam held in Chowan and Tyrrell cuuttiiea, censuring tba conduct of the. mejoriiy ia lha Legis lature tut pauseiig the Kesolutmns of jnetnictloa Jo Mr. Man rum and requesting that gentleassa ant lo reeigtu . DLPARTED THIS L1PE, Al WsileebnriMirb, A sens emietv. en the 2nd inet.. oa tbaSkh ysai J hat sgs,Mra. rLOJLi J1CJO.TT,- relict or the lata lt. Joseph Pickett Hh baa left a larga amllf, to which she was kind nd fTrtionaU ia'T" every reUUoa, and numerous frnrnds, to lament tbeir km. Uut M to then? eonaoutioa to believe that ane is -new at rest baring lived for a number of years fa tha cuutmuniow of the testnt Kptecrpil Cborcb nd -during her illness expressed her resignation to the will of her &id, and her trust and hope in Cod a her 8a viouf. "He that believetb in mo, tbourh be were dead. 7-""" yet shall he bve."Ceaasissirsest. - In Raleigh, on tha 28th ultimo, aAer a Imrerinf ill nesa, which aba bore with alraust waeasisled satieess, Mrs. MARY MkUNMli iKLEMAX, cmwrt of Ld- ' round PFreemtn. r'-sq. She died pprfectlyresignedt and the numerous relative and friend who are left lo 'zf' deplore her untimely death, have the eoneolalKMi of be- lievmg that their loa ia her eternal pin. Reg ioter. In Lincola eountv. oa the 1st msC Mr. WILIJAM PRICK, m the 78th veer of hi are. lis wt a Soldier of tbe Revolution. - - ... . In Stokes eountv. on the 24th ultimo. Mrs. RIJZA. BCTlLlJa'RIlCjl,:otiasi.rf In Stoke eountv. oa tbs 24th ultimo. Mr. ARMS- WORTHY BEVELL, aged 28 jesr. . . . In Stokes eountv. on tbs 27th alt. Mr. ANDREW CRAUSE, aged 65 years, r . ' ; ; " (t Having made another arrangemeot tha Edi. tor of. the WeHteril Caroliuwn hereby gives oottoa" LnLMNJajnea B CampbeU it no longer htCoU sorting Agent, tod bis power of attorney is hereby ' revoked. . Salinburr. Feb. 14. 1835.. ust received and for T sale at the Sign -of TILE GREEN 1 Cf V GOLDEN ' 1 nrsn nice. .... Medicines, Paints, Dye Bluffs, WINES, Spirits, 8PAiMSIl CIGARS, , Fine Chewing dt Smoking Candlca, INSTRUMENTS,- Porter, Nuts, Vc Vc 1 T WHEELER, it BURNS, Salisbury," February "T, T183. t 4t", "Larid-JindiY effrocs TWERE will ha sold, aa Monday tkt id Jay bf Marrk next, on the premises, a VALUABLE ' TRACT OF LAND, situsted ua tba Catawba Kiver, ona half mile above tha Island Ford, in Lincoln Cinty. Also, Eisht Likelv KI'. A credit of one yemr will be fireo, upon enDro vs wvvaia iy , . . tz MicnAEE rnoKETr Adm'r. lest, annex, of J. Bberill, 0W0V FebnmryiTi&ia'!"K.v,;i. 41. , . ; EplKropal School. :i S iha ocremmodstions of tha Episcopal Scho4 of North Caroline ai insufficient to admit more Pupils than thneewhom namee bavaalma. Ay been fiirwarded to the Rector, tha Executive Committee lake this method of informing the Tub. lie thst further abdications, during the present arssion, cannot be received. But that ao soon as the accommodations of the School can be enlarged, notice of the same will be given. By order of the CommiHe. L. S. IVES. Chair...n Raleigh, Jon- 31st, 1833.-.3U