-? I VAIIXUTY. A IVM.M II OF PKO.MIMi A Bote! I i1 wi tried lit" W4 ten el Worrtiitiif. Him, bedre U UmiIciC Cmuu 1'hwa. It aa.swse ImMi Toft trccli of UMfiiivx pmii, bl'HitfM hj a geo. tl 'uwa ijiul Uljr. To prtie ret m Ailnd. and the fru ui Dm tum- nt too-fly tlie: Tb "Mjr fur," by the tinm 1 lioi, was f"d In b maris! to k young gentleman by Ihe Baa of Itaith; but, by mi Pm:m or mtu, s minify, is the Uf-mu Imm, mm n.enccd snd tu urtmi m between hit Funny J Um ykwtUiti nlwimw it Paeahass.emi wlr lully .proud into an engagement or Mrr. ia( Uis course of tus lots lisvef did ruo siiMS"h." To fur damsel i.w.ted thai she sliould Jl-r bi 'fc'f first In, which Anally prevailed, l.ynde Hmiih and Vmnf tturum wre la du la-m pronounced limn and wife. Wbsreupuq lwis Pack ham, wbwn as md ki nsslf the taUtm of urifwiiild !, instead of beta king btmwlf to the ctuistal cup, and drinking iutos jtatiog draughts," ur y.uWu.g himself Um victim of green bim yjllow melancholy, win up Uj lbs temple nf jo-tics wait wilt to recover hi kt ali'etliona, or their eoaitsleiit in HV117. Il urged that, as the de fendant hid poaarsaml liurwlr of the fttfmal rliartrn of lbs fair mm, Um (!wit, bk riobsiMSt of old, otitfhl to make d.vswjn between them, tiid five h.i omasa- mm of Urcss rlwnua, sIim.Ii, it atwiiw.conucb'U 111 cer tain aerss of rich (Miturtr and fertile fee Ids. The esse u ably argued 011 bulb mi s, and lbs Jury sat up luge tlmr" till tbn willicliiiig Ikxit of mt.liiiyfit wii(iHit Uj. io( ol tu dcid tint dliaUi guivtiua wbHhftr Fanny h4 or had Dot fhiyd Um rurtli. Ho th prayrr of ,Lwta fix nAteti a4 utMHirriWul h uiiur aryaf hi The JUviiM)-l? (HlglHNj) 'I'll way lJHl r bM-wri)d tu print IIUKaK II 1.1 , it. It. Ac. If. M lurumi It M " f 11 fm"nl Way aivl, tM-llijf mtirvly hOhiiiimmi"iI, (tUl M to ay, "wi MAJkrit , if wlbN-f tin jC y M")1' LUal it wtU yu oil wiui f ni -giai. 11 The TrlQUr'i D-L 1 4 CrnlrnaritiH Sfintrr. Mra. ltnif , of Am Iwrat, Maaav) o tlw iiniiivrnwry of lnr minrlj nllk lurth day, whk-h orcurrH on tlie Vtflli Hep. iHinbrr laat, ajxiil "mtty kirnla iJ thirty llin ail of haiKinoirw wmll-n yru" f Tbo Ni tlui ni(l fi paipor aicUiiiM, H Whnl raNal wifo h WiHlM maka." Mr. ItoviMi km mmlr capital wife, we Intra imiiIouU 1 but we alum Id ourwlvca pnfcr 'mmh in Iht prftfnt Irntr, who 1 prnlialdy tn-ttpr jimh(il to pin "atrtft yarn." Coo. und tlni. TtmiHT'inrt Sncirt. We finH frmn th lnt t.. .L rS Tuin.uiM.ium Kj.fii'lt lliM 4 rtWii I ' ti M .1 ,, i r i. i ax t HHi thn-ati-WKt If) "tchytr u only fur " lln- aid Ihralil, thai the nuiutxr if ntuilirrs hi, , ... ; 1 MrlaiHlaml VV.U h HM.44;of whrrh tbrn- arrl"Llful " ma do;a i -ater HttJav in LaiM:a-hirP V718r ... Ytrkhir 0,HHJt, "Tu ... mr b.-art H f.rK1v.Ml.y pr.iM.irtMm-t- (WiibI1 in Mid-lltrt 7.0.'.3. 'Dm- mS "' ' ' "ur dvanc... .i.i.t.-ad .d" .lprn- ;..( .iHiii.U r i. (;i,ni(tpn.hir-. 4.07.V 'lh 'B " Tl.y wv-r- aarra...., lm, on "(Iip powrra tliat ' , t - i , i r..i. A . 1 1 1"." di-rrp arictiH din IT at our uittwria I haiulx, and wn . , . . .,.u. , ! I H-n-fiire fi adily a.ifn tbv panlon, and take oor leave uf ivIwiNt fhttv I.. iu J vimu! I INHl an Iftirliuin j ' . .".,.' . . . ' .. Ibi.-e will, our iiMt ainialiln wtun.i: irin. P Nllf f im,(HI Willi', ,WIM, I IITFHHr, I" TTI, Warwirk, Witla, Hurry, Nnrihuuil-rliiiMl, Ew, j IVmn lit (hrrntnriiugh Plrint nf Jan. 4. MXU PaiM i.!!" Whwraa tin IVinti-r Ill of tha Wintirn (arolmiaii haa imoftd hit Fmrlantation, wlrtxn be alao-t ao-l a-U tnlH Uiat 0m way ly art prrwl 1. pruil ( I lorar-llilla, , .. Ac. aVc.J a . rnai' And abrrcaa tJif editor, prmlt-r, publisher, (ra loan. jtiur.Miyii.ai., appnitk., and dml, of Urn aaid Ca rolinian, are Uburirig uwlur tl.a au-pickifl of tb hrmy . Vnlliflft.lon : Nnw, th, ba koowu. Uwt I, by Una wy tint and laat prirlaaaitMin, do r.t u tiM'iii lUv ytm luid rrtuUnjf tlw.r diwtr.iM, ami hereby u(y Um a id pruclaiiMtwm of kit kigknf of ilia Ca rolinian, ami inM.i tli.a vrUtinf veto umi the aam. And I do furtbi-r aawrt, atatn, and prurlaim, that alt iri ami mtr4 fiorapbilla, handbilla, and tdm-ritae- uiriitji, aball be printnd tit Hir .MajMty, on aimlx-alum at th othVn ia Um (imrnaburoavb I'alrwit, in a alyle that abali out tin) jnh dKM by Ilia Mj ity of the Can li.iian aa far in llii- back runt. a m PrarUunitlinU of V,vn. J:ki dul H. Camlma .V.illif.ralwin ! Pkvil." flrir Knvy, ahwr envy ! Brother of the ', iImhi ii.aynt rutt in big worda, aa did the "old boy" o.i'.iUni-i-il in (by priclamatMm-vi-lo almve, btil tbi-y are given not wiU. ahuut aa much fth in their Irnlli, and I amire thee Uiey will havo iki .imki efli-ct ..mn ua ti.an i'i U.at celebrated 'war-apeeeh' tiH. Sut.th t'and.iia. If thou, and thy mauler tu help Ihee, ra.mt print "m d IiiJi II," why dt thou nut Imw thy nkill m the 1'ilrHil 7 Take my word fur it, brUhi-t imp, (between our lloyal wl v in,) ll.i're w frrnt riM fr iii.irnveini'i.t in the pre- mi-en. Our Mnjenly wa at firl wiiuewbat nfTended ! at the preteuviona aet up by a d I of low decree ; bill. Tu Cimiumuii I'BixrEi'a D uj In Walea tl.eie an 1.7UA, ami in Jer v I.O.M, mnititwra. 1Tii iiirreai" reported during Novem ber laat in Qfl'iH, and in the tame period nine new a-ei(ilioiii are reported, one of wl.irli (ffuiklera lk.ld) ii returned "with nine aanx-.ali.." Ante lolr yoan u.ao and a female atopood at country tuvern lo paaa a day or two. Their awkward animaranee e.citd the tnriuaiir of imm I tf the family, who commenced a cmeraHtiHi with I " ' the fenvde iy toqtii rinir how for abe. had travelled I It. kl dav. ' Trawllrd" repeated the atraner, t - -l I' i..l. I j il a 'mewnai mmgnnniiji we uiuu i rurr, wo no. It onion Pojf. Tht Mi mornbte Eighth." Tlwt oU Archi. ZZ' tciTiack"Ffi'"irrTinructed" t bridge orer the X "II ,JBtl'(!. aJvrilio crineiit.g from P.irt KeM lo Burtifig'm it now brik and mtlh ; i Toe fr.enila of the Admiiiiatratioii celohrated the ,....-.-.... (x-caatnn in thia tillwiro, in a yery apiri rrf. mnnner. X W havo uiure and better ice. under the pre..! J.!. Oirice.bf it may. "JI'MKir to whom hon- . ur j due." A4ciii Argute The interirmnla in New York in the year 1S34 m" ' ww twie thiMiwmla and eighty .two, U-ing aii ex- J " ?cVi of oyer the "pri-vimia VV" ".Tliere were" rpilK following ia a hat of the Blanks generally kept on hand, fir aale.at the Wealern Caroli nian Printing OHire all of which are of the numi approtvd forma, printed on very aoperior paper, ami will he diHHM-d of on ler.na a low aa any. J)EKI)M of Conveyanre fur. Land ; Ciii.Hlah!ea' Warranta ; ('imiIhIi(i h' U.mda; 8iiKTinr and ( 'oui.ty Court Writa ; " " " Kieriiliona ; " " " St.iiiuioiiX'a ; Witlww, and Jurors' Tirketa ; Writ of Altiichmeiit ; Venditioni Rxponaa ; Murringe Lufi.nesii IVtttery Honda ; Proimwwy Nutaaf Writa of Kjectn.eiit ; Apjienl DuikIh; Hherifl"-.' Honda ; fallen. Teatainentary ; AdininiatrRliori Honda ; Execution ; LHter of AdnvrttRtnitton on intestate estnieY: Apprenticea' f iidenturea ; (iiiardian Bonda Sim. Fa-againal EiecuiKfhl V -Weiea Kacto Can ia.- IUmhI f InjuiM tioMn to Htay Proreedmga ; Writa of riert raciaa; UHHtardy wmda; 'oonty Court Cnmmiwiona to take Itepoaitiotn ; d.' itl.a of consumption 1411 ; amull poi 233 ; cl.o- . A bud rule that won' awfc jia trdu. A ful F Jo w recently appeared b 'fore the police of Boston, " to nhtain a warrant afminat a if irl firat. aa an abo- mi.nbla and wibl liarajid aecmidly for stealing i '1'" 've j"B ifd'oriiMuljUiat wtr-cptr prmtawy akeina of wlkrjrtoJridiMiceJiacoM brtrigp"Tnlt3" "7, ou very abort uolice, and in aa . nor own conirumtu i ma was a icawr ; lor u me Buiida to Proacctite Si. Hi ; - Cnrnmiiwiona in Equity ; Equity Somnion&el Awittt and Rr tr-ry indielmenta j 1 Military Warrants for Fines ; fitr Persona desiring Rlai.ks not to lie found in a suiierior Nth. hmisiiiii , i t:uoini j I, .:.' . C.4 clwre. was proved, how could she be convict- ; - gf M JUS( I . ., , . -w lintain- Ltnl Lyittlhursl) ia .Diaiy of Oost n, . Jtl.us, , ,le left. BostqQ with his father (the bile Sir .John CaHstaVthwdiiy nrwediiif tlie bailJe of Li- " iii,mtwh,bei(viManc al their la n.ily prjn, p rty ftwa 'cmS""wl:ilXaw' tlie Jlan- ' eH:k estate . oo Uoneon street, now ocoupiel by i . 't.ne of the most splondid pritaW residences In the 'j UtMon, beliMiged .to the Gplcy family. The wi. d of lit Ut Gardiner G reen, of Boston, is sister to Lord Lygdhur8tAlcrrafif.-; Reward OfferedX-kri English paper contains the) following paragraphsf : fl , An eldgant and comfnodimw house, sitimted in ""tfriirhToflfwilf tm;;fr Jk lim proof jpLhil NyiejR rei ,,stnle farth inH by evading pnyiiieiit of the Kln't duties, or 'Ar arrt.rb1imriyftflrt bring forward Jestiinony of hW hating go rich by iwjrkiiig ;oiT tjiiihrsVth TfaVi Letters (wast paid) " addressed In the bditcr ot the IJrihr.iri-UeraM; ""-wtTtpriHica.ilue altention, anJ the utmost sec re ty observed. .-.. "r"T-"T- . ' A1'.'JmM annuity for lifa will lie cranted to a .y individual who can furiiwU biideniaUo prooToT 4 LL (lersoiis that are indebted to the Sobscri jJpKi.mlhcrJixJttttt Open AccouiuYJnust come forwafd-fli)d settle tnc same bv the rcbruary fjoufi or they iiiav L'fraVawajreJ they will hive to 'Milk,.-with u Utlkor. ., .Tiuit:4UWjEU.itlcBi the subscriber, or osTMr. Woodson Monroe, who is his authorized Agent. The Notes and Accounts of the late firm of Cade At Crnige are also in the hftnds.of Mr Monroe, and tluwo who wish to save cost will do well to call on him imeHdiatelv and settle theti respctive accounts. BURTON CRAIGE. SttlistHiry, January 31, 1835. 3t 4- v, I'resli Garden Seed a If AS lout ooened his Porin Assortment of hEI.IM. en.rrisin( auuh as suit the wants of the citizens of this fend the surrounding Couit ties. Persons wiahing U be supplied, bad bettel call and select before ih assortment is broken, as he dues niH intend lo vet a recruit again during the Hprmg. The followmg lial contaius a part of his aaMHirwent, vu t CAHBAGK HEED. lata Dutch CAUBAOK. nrurubeail ' " " I argii KriIah Havoy M Late Hujfir " Karly loth " Red do. fi Pirklinjr " ( eaanart Kals ur Cow Culeweri , " LETTlcK HF.EI). CaWmge llrSd LLTTttE. Plorenee Vawu " Criwin Oiaa, or les " KUrly Cabbage " Royal Csbbage " RADISH lmg Kcarlel SaliiMin 'VS'bite Tomip Ulark Winter HEED. RADISH CTCUMBER PEED. Farlt CVCVHBUL Karly Bunch Long ureeo PARSNIP 8EED. Hollow crowned or Kugar Cup Parsnip, (s aew and - choice kind.) Mwsliiug Psrsnip PEAH. Dwarf Msrrown.1 PRAS. l-irly EsUa Frame " Blue Prnaaian " Dwarf Blue Imperial " rly Charlatan I5EAN8. Fmt1j Chins BEAN (biub) Mrly Valentine " llefuee or Vm to 1 " Wh.U KmIiicv " (pots CARROT HEED. Bloud lUxl CARROT irar.g karlet " BEETbEElI " Umg BKKT lllil Turnip " Mangel Wurtzel " TI'RNl7 HEED. Fnrly Harma. TL'R.MPi Ute Flat ThitcK Ruts Baps or Yel low ii-"ian " VelJow Malu " Irge .Norf.ilk Field " For all of s-A iV A Ac rill kact the Cask in hand CharlottB. February 7, l'tSu. 3t VARIETY, Ate. UiodiMi Flag lek (a choice and bealthy vegetable lor the table) ' Knurled PsNer Meed IM.g White ckrs (Cayenne Pepper Red Onion Ket-d Top Dnion r5eed White Portland Onion da .Suhd CvuVry . . - Sage Ninorgis Muk Melon italaam of Pear bevd teun Flower Seed. Ac. ic. ate. r xrM,M - Wjes Conrh nntl ( -a triage M akin gf-&c. In fialistrurf by S.W. rRainey." -. acts of benevolence.- Iietters (post paid) to be ad . diossod to, the rditor ol Jhejtrtghtoti Herald. . . An Old SuhBcriber.-Tii Massnchnsetts Spy , any thnt Deacon Benjamin Godilant, of Mimvy JbftrrmtK suhscrtbeir td thitt"p'upr froth its' cohi. Iiiooceiiw.it to his death a period of sixty-five - years. ' . , Prwimtt-nitii. I asked two little tillage bfva, w seven, llio other eight years old, what they iiumiit to be when they were men. Says one, I shall be tho doctor of the villaie." And you, svlmt almll vcHi bet said I to the other. "Oh ! if brother' doc.t .r, I'll be Cure. He shall kill the r people and I'll btiry them -so we shall have the 'whole village between u," Miwr'- Franre. . A wonderful WiV. On. the south wall of Stra tham church there is a monuinnnt with the follow ,idir insr.riplion i EJiaabetli, wit of major i,neral , Hamilton, who. was married 47 years, and never did one tb'otg to displease her husband." - Abr the future i th dreaming, the deceiving fu tirre, which' promises every thing, and perform V tking what would the present be without it I n3 Shop is on the Mnin Street, between the Mansion flotef and the Western Carolinian Printing-Office, where he'if? prepared to make, on short notice, ond on the most reasonable terms, every description of Vehicles, from a sjige.-coach down to a wheel-burrow. " OCf A large, stock of ready made Work always kepi 'on haiid, fir sale as cheap aa any. .REPAIRING iu all its branche will also bd jiroii.pl W attended to, and pxemted in the very best style of durability and neatness. Jan. 17, 135. tf J. W. RAlNETf. yilE tluhsrilr is about to move to Batesville, l-in Arkarmaw Territory, and attend to. mat king purchnset4 ssjHing'feml'mf ftf rHin-rfwih'i.ts. There are many tracts of Military Bounty Lands, which, if not attended to, will be sold for taxes, and lost. Letters I'Dost-Daid) addressed to the Subscriber, at Batesville, Arkansaw, will be promptly attended to. DAVID KKINH AK.U1, - '" ., ' i Late of LthcMnlon, 4V.C" September 27, 193 1 " 6m ??.CD?33TrD THE A.SO.K ADVERTISER. rllHE Subscriber proposes to publish, in the Town of WtniesoaoiiiH, (Anson County, North Carolina,) a WKP.hl.Y PAPKR, entiiled "THE AMiOS AD VERTISER." According to cu.tom, he proceeds to lay befiwe the Public an analysis of the plan upon which hit paper will be ewnilju'tud. lis columns will b desotsd to tbs rn.iae of Politics, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Literature, and ricssnca is general ..It is the intention of the Kditor diligently anil fairly to report the waning political and other Aiewa of the Day ; ami, while he cannot, citciit!y with his principles, advocate the .. . - i . .i ' i , . -j course pursueu oy uie preseni .luuuuuiirauon, ue aa aures the public that he feels erery dispositioo Jo do full iuHtica tu its niBrits.r-Tlifi preaa will be open to both parties the Alitor will endeavor to sdherw strictly to principle, and to disregsnl all party influence. The Alitor intends to avail hinHwlfof the advantage of ...any oflhe best publications on the adbiect of Agri culture snd' Internal Iuirove.iM'nt by which means he will be able to select and lay before his readers a large number of ry which cannot fall 6f being ln- tenftiog to even one who has at heart U.e prosperity of his country. All the most Ui.portunt snd interesting proceedings of l Mingrew and U.e State legislature will tie du v rpimrtiHl. and a nort.on nt the nmcr.wul st all 4ee V-n'oyoFi'd toTiWrlahWlii're. The SuliserilsT is aware of the" many difficulties he m.ot encounter in advancing to public tsvor ; he relies fre'jMt the" tihmhty always shown fcy an enlighti cned public towards enterprise well conducted, and as sart his pntrons thnt no pains shall be spared on his part to render his pa per both a useful and interesting lH.hlK3.tUin. . TEiiiIS-T4m Anson Advertiser will bs printed on an iniefiit Ahoet, it jjtjper annum in sdvanee, or f:t 00 at the end oT the yesr. : l he hrst number to issue as snitfi as 700 enbscribvrs are .obtained. No siibarrip-imMtiUtoJmm!&r&.-i.lm period thsa li wonth. and no paper will be discontinued until orders ire re ceived to that effect, and all arrearages i.d. WILLIAM E. BIRD. February 7th,'l3. 3t State of North Carolina : SURRY COUNTY. Court of Ptras hnl tyHftrfrr-bessions, Nov kmhkr Trkm, 1834. .k.. I..l...j...n N - - - .. Jl I Orignwl Attachment, levied 1 N this case it appearing, to the satisfaction of . tbe Court, thht the Defeudnnt, John Jackson, is not. an inhabitant of this State : It is therelore or-. '-dererfj by the Cwirty that ptiblienhon be made for week swccessitety in The Western Carolinian, notifying the said Defendant to appear at our next Court Tif Pleas anrtQnarter BesRiimr to btj jrctd Cr said county at the -Ctirt house -hr Rockfitrdi on the Vd Monday in February next, to show cause, if any he has, why the land and other property le vied on shall dot be condemned to satisfy the Plaintiff's debt. Test, - F. K. ARMSTRONG, CTerk. January 17, 1 $35 (it Fec$3 r..nor.H waited. fIHE Sulwcriber wishes to purchase LIKELY NEGROES, from ten to thirty years old, and will pay themoet liberal prices in Cash. All who have such property to sell would do well to call on him, or Mr. John Jones, bis Agent. lie can tie lound at Mr. Maughter a Hotel, in Salisbury, and Mr. Junes at Dr. Boyd's Hotel, in Charlotte. .- - - -'- He thinks it proper to say, that he is not con cerned in iiusinm with Mr. James lluie, or witfi any other person. , . All Letters addressed to htm, or .Mr. Jones, will be punctually attended to. KUHbKT tit IE. . Salisbury, May 24, 1934. tf Almanac for tal nt thin Office. JQ-Copnrtnrrriliip rormctl.- rpiIE Bul-acrtUn h this day asanriatsj ibsm- 1 aelvss litgeiher, in this) ls, under the t irm of Ml'otJe A MfKwj'r' rot thi rvirosa or T"Tna a Wholesale and Hctail IIiifsiiieMM . 1NAIXTIIB TieupU tnd Uftdlnff 1 AKTICLL3 , ADAPTED TO THIS MARKET. (fir It being our intention to sell exclusively for Cash or negotiable paper at 00 or WJ dsya, we are determined to sell iosls aa lorn M they can be booghl io any count ry t.wn in South or North Ca rolina. AEG. P. LA COSTE, DONALD I MiKAY. CheraW, (. C.) Jamiary 1, 15.-4 F1 dkHa Sk J Soiling Off! riIin Subscribers, with the view of commencing 1 the rowing season with an entirely NEW BtOCk Of Goods, otKir their present large and valuable Klnck at at Wktdrmte dr Retail. Cm.ntry Merchants, Planters, and others wish ing l porehsae, will do well to call and examine for themselves. LA COSTE At McKAY. Cheraw, Jsnunry 24, 135. 4t KANIKiri'IIH UNDKUrULL, No. 143 Pearl Street, New York, Slort farmrtty otrujnrit 6y Ac latt Jlrm of Randolph tf PiMotway, Respect fully inform the Public that they keep constsnlly on hand a good asaortmenl ol IIItlTlHll AMI T1I ICIC A WUV-UOOWH, And solicit an etaminaiioii of iheirhlocll by the Southern ami Weatrrii Merchanta who may visit the city, before making their purchases. 1 ... (D" Oidcrs promptly and faithfully executed. ftew-York, Jan. 17, 1m:. Situated at the North Corner of the Courthouse, NALIMU KV, .". i rTHE Subscribers respectfully iufttrm lb Public tn general, that they have recently porch and taken posst-saion of Ihe shove well known Es- hlishment. I hey deem il unnecessary to say any thing in regard to the location of the Hotel, as ils many couvemences are already known to the Ira vell.ug public, or can be seen at a single view of the premises : I hry therefore content themselves with assuring all who may have occasion lo visit or travel through this section ot country, (Stage Passengers, Private Gentlemen, and Families) that the accommodations at the Mansion Hotel cannot be surpassed by any house in this State. With a well-built ami well-arranged house, ele gant Dining and Lodging-Rooms, clean and well aired Beds,- first-rate Cooks, attentive and indus trious Servants, well-furrushed Table and Bar, and au accommodating Landlord, the proprietors of the Mansion Hotel can with Ihe greatest confidence insure to all who may honor their house with pa tronage, a large amount of con.forL To Traveller. . (XT The Great Western Mail Line, the Direct Line to Ra leigh, and the Cheraw Line, all atop at and depart from Ihe MANSION HOTEL and, hating an extensive and secure Stuble, and Ostlers who are industrious and well-disposed, travellers in private conveyances or on horseback are assured that no pains will be spared to fit their horses for duty on itwr road after leaving; th enabhment. HENRY V CONNER, RICHARD W. LONG. Salisbury, November 5, 19.1l.--6tn ,r7 T Y PiWoMlyii a""""" ... White And William Hjijjrr ESPECTFULLY inform the PRINTERS of the United Slates (towhonijliey have Jong lieen iiidividuttlly known as Letter-Founders) that they have now formed a Co-Partnership in said business, and -hope, from their united and extensive- j experience, to be able to give full satisfaction to -..ii .. iJ : e i" ' .i .-"." . " 'i : ait woo n.av luvor mem wnn orders.. . JjJSjntrotluction of Machinery, in place of the leuioun ai.u uuneaituiu. process Ol casiing type DV bautL (a desiderate fclt by the- American and Fit- ropeau blunders,) was by Amencun iuirenuitv. and at a heavy expendiluce of time and money on the part of our senior partner, first successfully ac complished. Extensivemachine-cast letter has fully tested and established its superiority in eve ry particular over that cast bythe old process. 1 he Letter-foundry business will be carried on by the parties before named, under the firm of .... WJte,Hager6t Co. 1 Their Spccimen.Book exhibits a complete se HeKTitom tlianW and News Tjrpe buingjn them pro veil style. White, Hager, Ac Co., are agents for the sale of the Smith land Rust Printing- Preseee, which they can furnish to their customers at the manu facturers prices. -.''"..- - Chases, Cases, 0omposing&iicks4 Ink, and eve il E'ravclloro' Enn, n SITUATED SOUTHWEST or THE COUrr HOUSE, IN THE TOWN OP IJ;XLlsTO4K,L.CAIl0LI.l.) rnilE auWriber Ukea ihia method of mfWa, JfBtellere that be keeps a llouae of tainment In Islington, (N, C.) oo Mala btrttt Southwest of the Courthimse. ' Hit Table will always be supplied with ib, fare that a plentiful Beigliborboos) eao aftord. Ua House being capacious, and attended by mtntl who are iuduatrMiua and xealooa to ph-am, TravaJ. lerscan always be actomnMKlstrd with GOOD BEDS in rooms with fire places. And Usi, bg not Ihe least imHrtsnt consideration, IlORsyj trill alvayt rtreivd nek attention. In fa of the SSvbtcriber, that they may leave it itk is, creased ability to K the service of the ni, JOHN P. MABttTT Lexington, March 8, 1H34. It iii:TiiviTiri rpiIOSE who are afflK ted with HEAD-ACIItf 1 HEA RT.BURNS.and other distreasin- 2 toouiof diwirdered stomach, bowels, and liver tin find relief in Dr. Iteckwith's Anti-Dyajieptie pj? which can be had at thia Office prin T cents per box. - ' Tlw I Victor, wlio once resided in this pbee, bx now lives iu Rulcigh, hss, after a long and riss, sive practice, been enabh-d lo compound a moats, huiblo reinedy for ihe chronic diMeases of the 4. gealive organs, so common in Southern cliaaisa. ce'iHlly with thime who lead sedeniary lives. It would lsen easy matter to make out ewl, cotes In prove thai theae Pills are a "aoverejgas). medy " f!,r "all the ills that hVh is heir tor kst it is not pretended that ihey are an universal auti. ihle (Vrlifrates of the mowt rpspecfable rbit ciana and other gwit lemon ean be sleiwa td ix stantiate their efficacy in the particular cleat f diwa above sjioken ofi and the Editor tfuu xi per ran testify that he has derived speedy s4 M'rmarwnt relief, in the use of them, from a ami distressing and liMig-continucd bcad-achn. goaw of his IrieiHla tried them, at his suggestion, and ex. periencfid the same Ivnefkial efB-clii'T!'"""" Salisbury, June 14, 1834 If TALL & WI2TTS?. PACZICItt" . FOR 1834-5J5. HORACE IL BEARD, Taflor, 7 I EGS leave to inior ra hia friends, aiwl the puUit II in general, that order in his line will alsiri Iss thankfully received by bins, and executed ia it most Neat, Fashionable, and Durable manner erms at rraaonabte U any ia this soctiisi uf c am iry. II. 11. li. hopes, lnm his ksig practice at M UiaioewH (a number of years of which thnt at resiiled in the city of Philah-I.hiii,) and from lb general aatisuiction he has heretofore given Is ka till niW FeU iM rilsilsKflB IIm iAHt -t- a i. ii , , ","'",w s asral iris- MfflVf lss'llf If lffll' I fflJflfl TB merit and receive a portion of the patnsiage aflat public in general; -Or He rlatterw himsdf hnt nis CF1TINC rcajr superior lo any done in this rotate, as say be jested by the indisaifed elegance of Ja wfcrk attends garnwiiiia luauo iu bis eslaldi4iMieiiU Mi is in the regular receipt of Jh Rcportaufihefa shiona as they change both in the large tiliesa this cisintry ami of Euroiie so Ihut gcntleoM may tie satisfied that their orders will always U oxeculoa tu Uia very ialest style, Onlers from a distniice will Is attended to with the mime ptmctttnlitr and enre aa if the customer were present iu person. - Sdtislairv, May 17, IW4. -ly " 12 J a l-jjMolasses.r, w a t-l YS1I8, 411 a hits, 124 S 11 10 a 1 Bacon, Brandy, peach, . apple, Beeswax, . .. Coffee, . . . Cotton, . .' (hhti, . . , Raxseed; V' realtor's, Tr ry afticTu usid"Tn the" Piinlinjr Business, kent for sale, and furnished al short notice. Old Type ta- an in exchange tor new, at tf cents per pound. E. (WHITE, . , :Zv;..'.'.vt-Jf.W. HAGER. New York. Jan. 17. 1835i 7 6t University HofcT, (Kr AT CIIA PEIi HILL. nnHE Subscriber informs the Public that he has J- opened a House of Entertainment at Chapel Hill, the scite of the Umtersity of North Qadina He has taken the: buildings and loU immediately opposite Mr. Watta'i Hotel, and has erected large and commodious Stables, which will be attended by a faithful Ostler, and plentifully supplied with Provender. i He nopes that the travelling public will call on him : he assures them that every exertion will he made, by him, to please and to accommodate' ' riTPATRiDGET January. 10, 1834. . Ct Xurrrnt I'ricywjof I'rothiiTACv ATyALISBURY.......Fcbnisry 11, 1 lutnnn 1 z 1 1. i:TMifiauasMi r "'"M t Brandy, apple, peach, Butter, . CotUm, in seed, clean, Coffee, , , . ... Corn,;-.'-...i.i,. Featliers, Ffaaiv-v-: Flaxseed, MlaflO a. in it, vmti iRte: . -rr . 78 1 ' tn Suear. brown, . ! i. -'loat .-';" lt ',. .. . 4' a 45!Tsllow, 10. -V . I 30 a SliTobaoco,'- . -7. r--o5ttatM0VVhcat, (boahcr)-Jtlt'l . . HHP W tfskeT." . '. a WiswrjnriWn; T AT FAYETTEVlLL!L.FebniarJ 3. 84 a 10 60 a 70 50 a (JO 18 a 19 Iron, . . . Molasses, . Nails, cut, . Sugar, brown, -. . 121 a 14 lum I4a J4i! :bf. -;13t rlTlOi Wheat, 77 Aa'SmsWiwker-- 4tU 8 . lb I II 1'1T ttosim 3610 Bacon 13 a 16 Meal, (scarce,) . 621 Beeswax, . . . It " Molssses, t - 40' Butter, t - -15 30 Naila, . H' ' Cotton, new, . .M a lSl Rino. . AWlE. Corn, Feathers, . . Flonr, super.t fine, . Iron, . . . Lsrd, . . , Mackerel, . ; 75 fill- . ii pfwnmon. . :ioafdtlump,15 It.ti... ftrptiS. lUa Teas. . . . " 'Z. 85 a 00 Salt, in sacks, . 25 a 40 bnshel, . .145 a 150lSugar, prime, .Otto .7f)0 a" . 5 .10 a 121 .KM a 900 Wheat,. i n rrT mrtt i ta r v Bsron,-.1 . . . .- 11 a 13llrd, Brandy, peach, PP'e. neeswax, . , Butter, . . , Coflee, ... Corn, . . , Cotton, . . . Flour, -. - Iron, . . . 4 a 5J 85al Juniiarr 29. .12115 - a 87 75 Molasses, . , . 40 a 50 Mackerel, . . ."15 a 00 Salt, in sacks, . 18 a SMK bixshel, . 1- m 11 ftnfntr twnwn. . 85 l.(Nl fcaf top, I ; . 12J 15 Tallow, . . . JK -.750 a Mlfl Teas, r-- -125. 2 22flsf Whiskey, Bacon, - AT CAMDEN, (S.C.) January 31. Brandy, peach, . 75 a 00 Beeswax. Cottotti""" appple, .-35 a 4ffllron, 12 a 16 Corn, Fsatlier "r'v;30aa) sir, un vi' (C.milU900.1 lard, : 13 a 15iTsftwf- 75 a 87tWhibkey, Wlisaf, miv , . ' Ma" 10 lOOiP1 n

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