i MM TTTf WESTElir? CAM LIN ILL? . PUBLISHED U'EKKLY: JOHN JJEAUD, Jr, Editor and Proprietor Number from the beginning, 7C0: Na 39 OF THE XVth VOLUME Salisbury, Rowan County, N. C. Saturday, February 28, 1835. yr-: . I LEGISLATIVE DEBATE. BPEKC1I OP NR. BRANCH, or IUurx, Bt tit Rrtolut'um instructing Senator Mangymu Ms. Brasses r The Senator from WerretLwho w 'rust reaumvd his seat, has asserted that our i government of "popular Jttling,n and tliut tit Genera Assembly possesses "inkrrtnt paw ft," under which it may rightfully adopt the reso. yions ouw under ckwmIu ration. In the course of a ig public lile, I have never Uura heard sentiments iika these advanced. Had fry bmi delivered to a promiscuous sssemhluge all casts, they waild have Lorn, to say I lie least 4 tbem, very objectionable. How much mora nn-henmble are Ihey, llien, wlieii earnestly pres- pd in a grave dclils'ralMHi un the representatives an enlightened people T In we hold our liber- a on so frail a tenure aa "popular feeling V If a, ttrn have I beeii laboring under a delu.ion all m life. I cannot, however, believe thul the peo. at of a State, which waa the fir to throw off a Jieigti yoke, and among the first to guard the kts which were asserted on the 4th of July, J76. bv a written Constitution, will subscribe to I gra dangerous heresies. I propone to examine these dogmas to test them ihoae fundamental principles to which our Bill Rights enjoins upon us often to recur; for if aer there waa a time when recurrence toests Wished aliUcal maiime waa necessary, thia is the lime. I cannot be disguised that the preaeot,- ia tins of awful import and it behoves us, thefore, I bring to our assistance all the aid which may be fcrrred from the wiadom and patriotism of those ifco have preceded us. In December 1770 when the fervor of a disin- treated love of country waa at its height, did the a4 patriot! of the Kevohrtton tn this Hae, when ftry assembled (at my native village) to form our kale Constitution, deem it anfu to rely on " popular Nig f"t the protection of the liberties they had scent ly asserted ! No air, No they well knew est political freedom, the greatest boou ever be. Svsed by I leaven on man, could be preserved ou- bv ID erection ot Darners rosswwiosoi oar- n against the assaults of tumultuous asaeinbl. , or the more insidious, but not less dangerous, ads of arch intriguers. The memorable epochs 1 1 lie history of the mother country were fresh in jt,-i recollections, when I Irt i despot sof the old rjfld were compelled to acknowledge on parchment it rirkt$ of man, and to swear to the observance ( the fundamental principles of civil and religious Isadora. ... . ' Again: after the achievement of our liberties, ad th formal mcofioiiiunr nf our independence it all nation v do you find our sagacious forufuthers jdying on tlija..!? popular fecling-Whicb yw have, turd an much eulogised T No, sir, yon find those sry was who- bad done, and suflkrad. so much, for ae cause of human liberty, assembled in Convert ixi to devise efficient checks atiinst the inroad i power. DiTply conscious of the insufficiency those, guards, which b.il bciui lustily throw.ii raond their rights by the articles of t'onfrntron tuu find them, ia a spirit of . mutual coucessUsi, sf- tr dt-hberate discussion, adopting and presenting the M tkirterH- plantations" (as the- rermtor has Tirght proper to-deMgnare those aorcrrign States) i Constitution or Frm of gtivernmcnt, in winch wer is cautiously distributed among the various rpnrtmcnta, m' gimfiwa tn its exercise by the Must salutary chocks and balance. So distrustful Iken was North Carolina of conferring power even JLD"X?USnrt J.nRt 8ne vn" ,"e ,at'' ait one to come ititi the tnlon, ' Will site now be the first to break dowir these safVgiwrtk of public kbertv. and to rest our nshts. not on a wntten CoastitotinnJ- but on unoowlar feelin r? With a'ncplesa vigils wee you find those, who wcllkaew lit our Ubertiea cost, jealous of power, although the hands of the father of his country : Kr even rVashimrton erred under a written Constitution, in the recognition of the protective principle, and tn jentin2 to the charter of the old United States nk in 17 9 K But such was the confidence just ly reposed lu Washington, that his very errors (if ach thy-wtwv were -treated -with great firbear. j pace. ...-. . .. .. . Not so. however," with the elder Adams. It rannot be denied that, under the administration of Cen. Washington, two parties were formed, alike patriotic, but Essentially dilR-rent in their political tenets. "Their diflerehees, under his administration, ere not brought fully, into public view. But no f rs under bis sucoesanr, tlianthe pfates KigTil f arty, with JcJ-'wcin at their Jietid.jiw!g.. jftble (3d successful stand against Federal usurpation. The people were roused to i "just aenso of The dan- riiajfnicJukiiL ml of condemnation was affixed to the odious measures of federal misrule. - On Mr.'-Adam'a everthrow, wa established those principles which I then reoogmaod aa orthodox, and .which J have ncr-dolighted to cherish aa f indamental truths in tnr political creed I mean, air, the exposition of irfef)afit Ma and Kentucky KesoIutMXiS of 179S-99, and in Xadisoo'a report. ) Under the administration of cifurson, inese principles were cimutieu in. iuu reticj. The same exposition ot the federal Uon itution waa faithfully observed under the Repub ban administration of Mr. Madison and, as part the history of this period, I beg leave to call tfia attention of -thisi House to a proceeding in thia fcry Assembly, (it-which 1 had some share) very pertinent io thejsillyeot of the present-debate. ' I ffr, sir, to certain resolutions touching the votes " Mr. Btone, our then Senator in Congress, on the Measures of Mr, Madison's administration in sup wt of the war, into which he had been driven by fce unjust potior of Great Britian. I myself, sir, oved the resolution 81 years ago, disapproving of e conduct of M r. Stone, t ermit me io present tt whole proceeilinw to the Senate, as they stand pears that Mr. 8. was elected Io the United Sutes' Buuala in 1I2, a few nKmths a Aer the declaration of war against Great Britian, with a distinct un. denrtanding on the part of the Legislature and the r"T"" n" s hi wvor or a vigortais prosccu. tiisi of it. Io the session of Congress which en. sued he waa found voting against the supplies that were necessary to prosecute the war with eEsct. His abuse of our confidonce was, calculated to cite, and did excite indignation in every patriotie uosom, bjmi csiieu into action the energies of every man who believed that the war was waged in do fence of our just rlffhts. I can never foriret the feeling which iiorvaded this body when the votes of ,ir. oiuiic came io our Knowledge, Utjr country was in arms, with a fierce and powerful enemnt our doors. Our army under the command of Gen. Hull had been surrendered up, if not from perfidy, from gross incapacity, and the few men we had mi I lie held were destitute of lisid and clothing. Our Treasury empty, and the country without' the abil ity to borrow money. This desperate state of our ajiairs waa in a great degree owing to the refusal of Congress either to raise the necessary funds or establish a basis for national credit. These facts you find embodied in the report which I hsve just mid. We then believed, what I still believe, that they were sufficient to justify us, before an enlighu ened community, for the resolutions which were then abopted. But, sir, compare our course then, with the proceedings now under consideration, Do you find ua doing rnorQ than waa indispensably necessary to sustain our country? On the other hand, what are you now about to dof Prostrate and dishonor the 8tale, and digrace your country, by ordering your Senator In do what no honorable man can do. For what purpose is all this done ! To prove to the people that you are aoa rood season ipso, and tntrety to wuablw sosm of you io rnie inio oince on me strong current o popu lar fseling," whkh the gentleman from Warren very seasonably invokes. Has he practised as a representative of the people what he so earnestly preaches T W e shall see by and by. In the re tmspect I, am presenting to the Senate, we find little to attract our attention from the conclusion of the war to the end of Mr. Madison's administration, aave the chartering of the United Slates' Bank in 1810. Thia renewed usurpation of Federal power was submitted to Trom a coovi turn that something of the kind was imperiously called for to correct the doranged condition' of the currency,' resulting from the abuse of the paper system by the State authorities. When I hrst'took my seat in the So. nate of the United 8tatee in 1823. 1 met with the gentleman from Warren, then and Cr some years firevious a member or the House or Kepresenta. ives of ,tM United -Statr.--Did thiir ' Mitutiori findjhyor with the jentlrmin at tiwt jynej jqrsjrfts lie then, as he ii now,ita implacable opponent W were then in Jhe habit of interchanging opin ions, and 1 had a lull knowledge of, and well re member llie course which heand his" parly "then pursued and, in order that it may' be seen who has boen filse to ptinciple, I must Ui permitted to matte a nrnn nerrntmn i fuels. At thnt timd I was desinsis Hint some stsfesmnn should be found, who, as tlio niK-cesir of Mr. Mon roe, should Carry out in his administfntion the re publican"" principlog I tictd.TriKl 1irlng"the (Jovern motit kick to llic.good old doctrines of '99 and 99, In casting about for wich a one, I f mod if was ne cessary to pass in reviow the pretensions of various rival carKiidatos. Mr. Clay waa objectionable, among other reasons, because his wild enthusiasm in the cause of liberty made him, in my opinion, unsafe. His 'project-of connecting our destinies with those of thftsepij-barbarinns of South America made me afraid of him. Mr. CalhjHin waa a lati tudinarian in bis construction the Federal Com stUutjon as roanifcsted.by .Jus. -reports while eser cising eonlroling influence over Mr. .Monroe's administration. Mr, Adams had forsaken his old friends umler circumstances wellxalculated to ex cite distrust. Mr. Crawford was not merely ii favor of the United States' Bank, but, in his admi n rat rati on vf the Treasury Departtnent, he had aided the state linnks in a way that 1 decidedly disapproved 'of"et'"tb time, and by 'whiehthe ge vernment wet upwards of a million of dollars. Io whom then should we look t The Tennessee Ijb- gislature had hut recently pn-seiitod the name of Andrew Jackson as a candidate. t)n my first ac quaintance with him, early in December, 1823, 1 was pleased with the main." Before a general ac quaintance, I had most enthusiastically admired his m'ilfitaaclueveimnfib' 'Hie punncaToo1sTvVfti orthodox so tar aj fcould learn them, in my daily interviewt with,. the gentleman fjrjj'm; Warren and his collcanuea, who flow, forsooth, claim i to lie i the exclusive friends of General Jackson; is his avowed i and,,warmfpportera I was comrlkwl to hear the most unmeasured vituperation of Oen. Jackson. now Mitniibtj so much reverences. Do you find him and his party influenced by principle any more Ihen lhaa now f No, sir. , Mr. Crawford received the caucus nomination-! be open and atovrd friend y t inwra piaier liak Inst monster which the gentleman and his party now prtltnd Io bate wiw sucn noiy tervor. but more especially In his Inaugural Address, on had been assigned to me, I would go into the Tost the 4ih of March, IM'JO, lo which 1 beg permission Office Department or if, oo the contrary, be pre- to call the attention of the tynaio. fcrred tbe War Department, the Major ehould go The management of the public revenue that into the Tost Office Department. General Jackson ; searching ojieration inaM governments is among not only eonseulod to uiv proposition, but expressed the most delicate and important trusts in ours and a nign awse ot wnai ne was picasoa hi twwwr it will, of course, demand no incomsuV'rable share I my magnanimity. Borne of tlieee facU are now, "poo the Journals of the dav7 d resolutions were read. From these it ap- Jlore the report then stood alone in his support and sir, I can never forget the malignant hostility of .the Senator from War re a, andlliuse who lhoughLwith hiavto thtix present idol. He was then a cruel, vindictive, blood thirsty "tyrant, not gifted with a single qualification that fitted him io be I lie President of the United SnUes'Cnaf Statute Book 5 and, in fine, his election, it was as serted, would prove a "curse to the country." - As to the victory of New Orleans, it had been better, they said, thai the city should have been in flames, and the beauty and booty of the place offered up to a licentious soldiery, than the Constitution should have been violated by the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. - One of the Uentleman s colleagues .1 mean General Saunders, the present Attorney General in bis public addresses to the people of his district, went so far, as 1 am informed and be. lieve, as to superadd to his other charges against the General that of moral turpitude, manifested In the abduction of his neighbor's wife. He professed to know him wellv having lived in his immediate neighborhood. Soon after the meeting of Congress in 1823. where do you find tAis present leader of I the-clrarjffl--party t mngnterucus-lor-the purpose of controling that popular focling, he Early in 1821. IVniuvlvama inniMJ il Nun J m . -..ii.i.uU ravi In I for the Brut time, made known, and thev will doubt of Gen. Jackson, and his most formidable rival in which it can be considered, it Would spprar thst less surprise both Geo. Jackson and Major Katon. that Slate, Mr. Calhoun, was drono.! his friends advantase must result from the observance of If necessary, however, they can be established In.' joined our standard. Inspired with renewed hopes strict and faithful economy I court of justice, and, when taken in connexion. oy sucn an acquisition of strength, we entered Hie -44 The recent demonstration of puWie sentiment j witn a movement maue. a iuw oays aiterwaroa, lists with these trclvrivet, and, in spite of their inscribes on the list of executive duties, in charac. which I will not weary the Senate by narrating, Coffin Hand Bills and Benton pamphlets, circulated ters ton le Bible to be overlooked, the task of re-1 they will convince, if mot eonrirt Gen. Jacksoa or by thousands at a heavy expense to the party, we form which will require, particularly, lbs correc- Major Eaton, or both, of their ingratitude, overcame them in North Carolina by a majority of lion of those abuses, that have brought the patron. As a tateiman, Mrr Van Btiren, in my opinion, more than five thousand votes. . Do votl find the sge of the Federal Government into conflict wilh stood pre-eminent J ami hence, aa you may Imagine, gentleman from Warren yielding a ready obedience the freedom of elclisis, and the counteraction of j I heartily concurred with Gen. Jackson In hie se to the will of the people, as thus unequivocally ex. those causes .which have disturbed the rightful I lection of this individual for the Slate Department. t is anowo to many w my inenue mat i oia nox hesitate, on all proper occasions, to express the fused to obey their will. It is known that General Suffice it lo say, the people triumphed io the opinion that be would be the moat fit person we Jackson received a plurality of electoral votes, but election of General Jackson, in 1828 and do per f"lM r,rct he successor of Gen. Jsckson not a majority of the whole number. Hence the M,. R..L.r r.niein.iMt In ibii iriumnh mora Mr. Calhoun and bis friends were not ignorant of - election devolved oo I be House of Representatives, sincerely than I did, onder a firm belief that Ihe " hence I was by oo mesus a fitvo- , There you find the gentleman and his Van Buren principles 1 had been advocating alt my life would Hte in their estimation. - . r party, pertinaciously resisting the right of the pec form the basis of General Jackson'e administration. A soon as Geo, Jackson was inaugurated, and . pie to choose iheir own Chief Magistrate, and vtr- In aAlition to which. I entertained towards him a T nominations were confirmed by the Senate, tually co-operating with Mr. Clay, who was charged moat ardent personal attachment j and in the full- prober took charge of the Department as. with so improper coalition with Mr. Adums. The ness of my heart, I believed him to be one of the "(P "' particularly anxious, I doubt not, to result was, they defeated the well ascertsined wish- reatest s nd beat of men. and in a festive hour. o the Administration, by a diligent and es of the people by the election tsT Mr. Adams. J nid o. For this idolatry, I have been often lauo- ihful discharge of toe trust committed te him I Not having been able to direct them by their cao- led. and. ncrhint iurflv. - Did anr one. however. I Pc for myself, at all events never did I la - cus nomination, they contemptuously disregarded doubt my sincerity then f No, sir j my acts spoke bor mere aaaiduoualy. the direct instruclksit of the people, through the louder than my words. Does any person tisibt my About th last W 'MJ my Bmily csma 60, to -1 ballot box. By the election of M r. Ada ins, a wound I gincerity now f No, sir. Cao Ihe parasites and 'fcl hkh Ihey were strangers, was inflicted on Ihe elective franchise, in ihe person v cop Hants, who surround him, say as niuchT They found the lady of Ihe Secretary at War, a of General Jackson, which instantly elicited all the When powerless, they ojposed him with the most tive of the City, excluded from this society, and " . the palriutic frrvour which eoHnaivd his early malirnnnt Kf : hen hm is clothed with cower dd not deem it tlS4r duty or rijihi toodKr to friends, knd prompted them, with one accord,' to and patronage, and able to reward them, they fawn Control or Counteract the deciaions of the ludiei oT exert every nerve to vindicate Ihe violated righta of and flatter, and, tor their fawning and flattering, Washiugtooj nor did they consider themselves at their country. When Mr. Clay (who, like the expect their pay with as much certainly as Ihe la- liberty to enquire whether these decisions were gentleman from Warren, had disregarded the will borer does bis hire. At that time, I bad a strong correct, or otherwise. Engaged aa I was continu." of I lie pooplfl, in voting flr Mr. Adams) waa nomi- hold on the affections and confidence of my fellow "7 fj'h M all engrossing affairs of the Navy ." naled lo the Senate, I fl-lt it my duty to oppose, the oitisons of North Carolina,. As aa evidence f it. Department, I did'nt know at night when 11 y funi . . nomination and lo denounce the coalition. I had, during the previous winter, been re-elected 'j na1 visited ia the day, nor beo Ihey had m t It was not, sir, until the gentleman and his party 0 the ScnaJe of the United Stales for six years "d thu ,n0 ,'m pssscd without I csn confider,t!y discovered that Ihey could no where find safety save from the 4th of March, 1829, without opposition. Mcrt. interference on fny Jiart, with mnt under the banners of our national ship, which again On the arrival of Gen. Jacksoo in Washington (er ,hBt belonged exclusively to them. Al length held her glorious course upon the dorp, with the jn February, 1829, 1 met him with an affection however, ft friend of ours, with his family, cuiiie broad pendant of the Hero of New Orleans flying almost filial, and as milch alive to Ihe success of his 'rora Nashville a gentleman of high character, , at her peak it was Ihen, and not till then, that this administration as any man living. I was perfectly "particular friend of the PresidomY" After " party were willing to enlist under her commander. mtjHficd lhnt the eolicitude of his friends should be hing token one of my daughters on an excursion " They were generously tsken off ihe wreck of the directed to I lie preservation of .his well-earned lnu- ,0 Philadelphia and New York ahd returned, tny Crawford boat j we "pitied their distresses ; and nn, and that thia coujd be eflljcted only by a strict family, for the first time during their residence in wlnrt is Ihe return they have made us f They have and faithful adherence to the principles which bad the City, determined, on the eve of his departure risen upon Us, their benefactors, and, seizing on borne him into office. I often told him he would borne to invite a few acquaintances to spend lneUip,1iavel bave Mcuso in disregarding; these prineipjee lb tfetiinwltll wir foest and his family. Wbom f - - Crvic.-Tn!.ir, jro had. but Jitltle ctmfi.. (ban any President since the days of Gen. Wash- thev had invited L inw noj, and seeordingly tint - dence in the disihte.rcstcdiK)ss"orsoine of their lea- kurton t that km u mtmlmtA k n nvurxkalmlm. with many ladies and gentlemen t and of this n.eel. : ders ibut as .the mass of all parties are honest, we I majority of the American people, and had it in his if unimportant in itseK I ibouM.tMit.have thought 'S.L uiu mn. Bcrupivio nFiv mem into iuii communion, power alwaya to da light, without regard to exps I fiain, dux lur a ainguiax communication, a lew flays ... To tbeTomgHial sio 'bTMr. Adams, in, goias; . into dieney. -.'r . :.-jofWrvrard;"- front Ova. .Jachson,-. touching ft g by . ' J office in opposition to the wislms of a majority of Without solicitation on my part, he desired me I hih I was informed that Mrs. Eaton waa dis. the. people, tie. very-w soprabled otliers, avhtch te become a member bflis CaWnrt," and" take 1 pleasodboCaustf ' Mr; Campbell ars Doctor Ely :H we attacks. in tbi first inception.- He asserted charge f tin Ntt fVimrtment" I rr-urA I,; I were at mvKjse on such an occasiotw-J had the right to act independently of tlie Senate, in the my warmest acknowledgments for so diminished 1 f ""T i"g Conhecled with this delicate . spiKHiitineiit of Ministers to Panama. As the hum- an evidence of his confidence but remarked, that subject before J but this was the first time any We organ of the patrini band with which 1 had the doubted my ability ;'lo discharge the duriesofthat thingina tangible 6nh had presenlod itself;-.A- b4 siig in UieiWtW4lie U4ii4ed Drportmrrrt.rithrr hrmjMW saiWUctWor tK you.wUl readily imagii, my foelinge were excited 1 forthwith suhaHtted resolutimM disapproving, in 0f my countryVand that I must ask time to consult -1 iostatly demanded of Gen. JacksooT by whaf"- ! - strong terms, the unjawful claims of power made with my friend. - To this he consented, and I pre- authority Maj. Eaton, of any one else, questioned - by Mr." Adams. A most' able and elaborate dis- miant tn euft Jnn ; iWM M,i 'li.;l,'. my riirht to invite whom I Blessed to rnv hoonn--' cussion emmed. Tlie rights of Ihe Senate were The first person 1 asked counwlofwaa my friend I" 1,0 uthori'y be replied, but Maj. Eaton Coo. : """ iiiauiun wni.iipii.iii iihui- j and colleague, Uov. Iredell, now perhaps within I '""rs u very uiikiikj in you io give an invitation to oer. But, sir, we were in a minority then, ae we the hearing of my voice, a gentleman whose high I gentlemen, iimsmuch as tbey.hava beeo Ulk. are now. 1 he argument, however, went forth 10 clainjaJiuiiiuldeiice are-wuvereany saowMged, I Mrs. Eaton.-: . rrrr rr.? ' ' m theAmriipcapHandMrAAnTiiTlo inj (to borrow a figure of the gentleman rromr Mr. Campbell waa the pastor of a church, in the " before them. Abisit this time, some of our re- VVsrren whoae iubereni virtue nd talnta mmlor. city, in which Gen. Jackson had a new. and which cruits, anxious to sTgrmlixe Ihemselves In their new ed him occuliarlv fit lo nerlorm so duncate an oftW I he had regularly attended up to thia ti me. Three ' '"" " rervice. and willing to remore the suspicions whichllla iinbesittinirlv sni that inmiirh aa k m i of. his Cabinet ministers, ravaclf WluJud. Lkawiaa... properly attached to ibem, made an.asaault upon Ul. first appointment of that grade ever tendered PP he an me church, and were generally Mr. Clay, then Secretary of State, General Saun. to eititen of North Carolina, and as it was an n ttendance on Sundays. This gentleman was. ders, of whom I have before made honorable men- honor intended to be conferred on the State through so far as I knew or believed, one of the most ex. Iwn, led the attack. Mr. Clay, he said, had re- Was not at liberty to decline. The next friend mplarjLpejrsorti jn ihe place and, S'ithall, a most s the Senator from I wjut divine. Uoctor fclv was a minister of the Honsw tf RiiyutGospeli a'- resident of Phi ladcluhia.-then nn a vlult"'0''' This he censured aa an insidious attempt to control tutive. of ih United Siatoa frnd indd t m.v to the City of Washinirton. and war invito k. the.Jhom.i)f..lLQ.pn:aa. ..The . tocain of alaroi ciUm-aiuwliiaJa ikvrTbut.aUll more a Caropbeil- to aocotnpeny-him to my hmrse. was sounded j the palladium of .liberty was pro. rrwso& whea in adversity.-His merit ajid just These things -rou jnay be assured, created some elaimed to be in danger and 4he patriots of the claims on the State I will speak of elsewhere emotion t yet they were of so contemptible a char. win, wcniniiiiiiiuiKu w HiB-ioacuo. r I ilia cotinaela wm anhtttanti.il v lhaTanKr aa tknaa I SClOr IlUU 1 Mrstiaoed mvaeir tha Pnuiulnnt .m. Retrenchment and reform were the order of that f Gov. Iredell, t then ami.,ht inirvic'. :tk United States would soon become abml ftf tt.., day. The prodigality of Mr. Adams's administra-1 manv others, and findimr them waa hut on nninim 1 1 therefore endeavoured io renreaa mv wlinM tion wrar loudly condemned. - A committee of re-1 amotig my friends'' as to the course proper for me I Not so, however, with the President. He became trenchment was appointed j and an elaborate report, I j0 pursue, I,in. due lime, signified iiiy acceptance Jmop room petulant, and soon after quitted f -reflecting or) the kviah-expendittireof M n Adams's t-nf itw-trust-'-TlnStrW'Tniiiin wt iilriww itssw I GampeeUV ehtirclw oren me tn dVfwn -Kkm administration, spread on thej fTthi brMijVonritcntelyriied Iho-oru,. gress;irot twelve multons of dollars were re- mean time, tho Cabinet arrangements were an- nary salutations whilst we were in the discharge of quii byiira- to the Government, and this was-signwtiaedeoan the rnfemhers wan : Maior ftath.1. m iM.ranr fti-wf ation in his manner tost ebdiif the metrn r r "" extravagapt demand on the Treasury. He was a gentleman for whom I entertained the kindest I in 1M9; and. on one oeession, I wm Bn. er accused OfrelailHIlg Ollicers to perlormnOs I fiiaUnmLaml whum LwmdrL kat nn. fi.rfkr. T Dnsichedbv bTrn wll Ii annnrenl kid,.eM. Tl.- minaldudessjjJieajry expense to the nation $ and serve than any other member of the proposed Ca'. c"u bich led to this, I may or may not, at some oo this head, specifications were made among binet. We were bromrht un in th am eihknrJ future period. lav before the mihlic. When tkl. ot.heraA.t.ditotkr --?5- The freedom of our elections was pronounced in many of the best friends of Gen. Jackson ex Dressed preat forbearance, both towards Gen. Jackson and iintnfaent peril from the pktnmsps of the General their decided disnnnrobatioo of hit apnointment 1 1 Eaton. Government's being brought in conflict with them, first one, and then another remonstrating against Mr Tan Buren, it must be borne io wind, was Tethi4wggif4ssUtyw a widower, without daughters and he adroitly Adams's having placed Mr. Clay in the line of saft stances connected with his recent marriage Fi- 'aV'iflcdfineeff precedents t and the imprudent manner in which naflyV' on" -the" urgent representation of one of the ttentions to 'Mrs. Eaton were of the most marked Mr. Clay had eicused himself for voting for Mr. President's friends, he consented that Major Eaton character. Polite and assiduous on all cessions, Adams, in opposition to the instructions of his Le- should not go into the Cabinet, as oriirinallv d. he wal particularly so in the nresence of Genot gislature, was seized upon.and produced a powerful signed but shouM be transferred to the Post Office Json or Maj. Eaton. His influence, in every effect on the public mind. The bare ides of Mr. Department, which was not at that time considered nety of form, both official and unofficial. Was ex. Adams s employing the patronage of the Govern- j a CabiodLappiiitment, This was communicated rted to make it apparehfto those gentlcrreri tTiat " ment to control, in any way, the right of the peo-j to me in a few minutes afterwards, and. in order t Ihe'entered deeolv into their flinrt , ; r. pie to choose a sucoessor, was made the basis of a enable Ihe Presirlent to accomplish his bject with. ,hl hcVared any thing about them j but he forea -v most violent assault both upon him and Mr. Clay, out wounding the feelings of Major Eaton, I im- th o be acquired by pursuing such a course And "hSre: I Jnust pause to render an act of sheer mediately waited on Gen. Jackson, and nmnnsed snd had no 'scruples to restrain hi justice to those distinguished' statesmen If ever to him, in Ihe presence of Major Eaton, that, inas-1 ' his friend, he made an effort to defat -h m the patronage of the Govern ment was corruptly much as Judge M'Lean's friends hnd manifested from tb line of conduct I considered it my duty to employed to carry out the coalition with which some anxiety for his" promotion, Major Eaton and pursue. f7 beixmctuied in our n"xt. ' they were charged, no instance has ever come to myself might be permitted to tender him the choice v L-' JJ1tJL ' "' " " L u-j- ji .j my knowledge. In fine, we pledged ourselves, ui of the three DtpartmentaI40 hia (Gen. Jackson's) t, A New Orleans' paper affirms lhnt Missouri is every possible manner, to bring back the Govern, name, remarking at the same time, that it would V -v "mie m Ina L,n'on whch has not a Burk ment to ito pristmepunty-All these pledges were, give strength io the Administration t ddingnsn incorporated, by the State legislature, rri j no or'v from-time to time, assumed by General Jackson, that if he preferred the Navy Department, which 1 1 ". in T Slala " trancb of the U. S. at Li

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