r-f- "1 i f i r I I, Mi!U?Mirj', February 'iH, I M3.1. l. hm lk Mt Ttmct. :u,,,,oaT voca owv jiju.vrnrjJi Heeling t article bJd MHiiiirt your own Me e'ifiuV b Unlmd u to thru kilner I few re- mtk tm lit habit II people of lit W Ml ! g4 lit' ; , of palruUiaiHg' (rfeijfti otrpiMif Ml Mi li fnurr U) i ui Un'ir own Uwiiif end Mala, uy rof iyu pa jwra, ni" tins priuled at Ui Etru dim, and witicli obtained o Urut a patron if in lh Weal- nt urtinlry. W oliptl o Una tabu (urvery ubtiou. ItMM( ami one rea la, Uiat it Ml great UiKlfui y I, i prevent prosperity and inrWnc of lit WfeAepi t'rtkai If an indivulu J w able to pairouiM mors Umq am trnwupaper, let him first subscribe fbr on printed in bis on County, Town, ur Sum, and then we care tKA Whsrs M m M tlio second. . in Una mailer ' ratiftaj that our feeling art sectional, and why irfioul iH-r wit mi Our interest are tli interest of Mir fullow-cilixna, and it bocowt u) then to work lo titiian' band. There can w no taint evidence of t In growth, prosperity, and iiiulligrnee, of any country than lu see Ilia pica 10 a lourialiiiig and prrru condition amonif iU inhabitants: and when we re pwppir in a ligihing Ul, ppering our in two Df three wwl, iu column poorly nlled, ana the pun iher inflating Uiat be must have more subscribers, or railing upon hi old otw to pay up, w invariably lot upon lli people in Uiat section a poor, ignorant, am badly managed apt, who do not know how (n manage their own interest We, tin, have been in the habit. ainca w 6rat beratit acquainted with newspapers, of judging or the town by Die appearance, we men the ixilaul look, of tho papur printed therein ; for, when ever it M well executed, the imprison I "fair and clear," and every Ihmg arranged in order, we take it -, uf uNultfd that UmI papur ha a ffiajd aupport, and ihe inhabitanta of Iho town and counlry are in a proapnrou con liuon. VV un thia ia tlie cju, the Printer gtum to work with a cIiih-huI aiwl buoyant aiiint; he ue h bt enlevora to plt-ao hi potrnna, and improve I'w apiteariiH-e an unfulne of hi paper; and micb a a Printer nover thiiika about "writing Ibr ((lory and prmtim on (rut In Miliciltnir uWribrr fur our own pper, aiHne in rl v !utl Inve to u MUh, I cm fel Hie Situnlay Co iner for the ai-iie price vihi clurire Tor yourm ami .jot mi ro in it t'un yiMir Pper." We kimw thia to ti irn", tut kHnetmi'- tliouht oT ayini( "to ami ,!."' but l'i Wljf'il have been coiumiered uncivil. Tli :Stiir.i CMirier, it ia true, ia a lartfn pap'r, ind ban jM i nre pitrona;e that it can be alloided it two :i in por year. A tfreal many people in the country t I. ml ptm-r, to tlie ei luion it( all othem; ami wli i '. t i I'H'iii w.ien they gi't it! ("an iliey linil in it . axij? ia.Orf loucbinir t) allair of ihairown town,eotin- f. or Stilf! Dulliev linil the rwMillof their eli-cliiMw t.i' pr eelinj!" of their l(l'",lir''' 'be projrew n t leir i-uiimfrnienia, and manv other mmtera which are Ol' vital imuortance Cb them! Ni, lliev rim I none of III.; but they do find all the fi.'lila, ilut-la, molm, inur tier, uinrrel, accidt'nta, and uc.h like trash, which Uki' l.ice from Maine tu Giwji. We couawhir it fltHuinr old woman i jwprr, hi only for Ilium; who are Kxnl of the marvellou. We m airainxt the Courier ton becauae it ia an Eart frq paper. We want to ee W intern litoralure and Weetern periodical encourajred. AnillM?r th'ng we Vulike to ee, i the habit a i;rel many eatern edit im hare jTot into, of publiahinr long advertiaenienta lor thoaa Mern paper, ami puthnr them mo notwe An editor who doe thi i certainly blind to hi own intereaU, (iir he i helping to briiiK theiw paper into omptitkm with hi own. AH they gel in return i in exclianife and we have known even thia to be reruw-u - - W prMMint that bo oo will aay that a nwiaer la of no advantage to the town or county in which it it printed. Whr then not fcater nd cherish them in pre- f-rence to those printed at a great dirtance from their wl -We hnpethe Weetern people will aonn ee tne mjiixtice thev are doing to an invaluable branch of the mechanic rtajtj refUaing their aid and aumiort We lio-ie. too, to ee a decree of metumal prtile and tea- imtay eortnf mong tw, which will indue our peo ple lo uamorf ffterr own Mrrkmtc." kTh" a-bove remarka apply, with equal force; to Vat whole Vetevn and Houthcrn country, vy e nave or- hi eei urpriwNt te mm with what avidity the UltU liitori of the wboto interior country, catr h at the long - 4veri.roiit of Renter and Northern publicaiiona, Alltlia earoertneaa with which they puff tlie aaid pub l:tinnvM wortliy of all patronage ndhat, too, f u extraordinary kinduesa of the foreign publisher in .ed4ii! to cMjiawf with ikm I VV wiah.Uie iilitorfof newnpaper in the -interior could be brought tn ee their true intercut in tliia mailer : tlfey not only fiter and enoouraga an opposition to themwlve by tlun nniimnir thn catch-nennv nub lication which are i ,...r..,B r rf , -i- arintrA at the North and Eaat, (becauaa printing there iipgTwai iWj bat jupfiortrify w moneft j I . but they aIo uphold a double oppoauioo 10 me more f . iriind nd lalentedpf theVesternnd Syuthprn Mi; tnra, wh are thoe deprived of a great portion of the :ytmof they )urttr.cntit,?,lt0D with put which it will be impoftiible to raiae tM ; character if western and aouthern literature and arti to an ele- fated stand. 'ar be from u wlsfilo depriTe any one ' pf fhe pteaaure or prriflt t6 h dftrrved from Ihe perusal pf reepcctablo foreign joornnl ; R only desire to open faym of he publi ao the twe whichwhibj they "exult, will mort effectually prevent their own printer -Trom arriinaatthst propr.rity and pecuniary indepen deuce which foreign publisher enjoy from the patron age of Southern and Western reader. We venture the -ifi if ibm furaifrn naniir wii tikpn in thft i 1 1 1 U V II lit ' WW1 L I pectiona of country where our journal haa it greatest t- m reulaiwnanjtAll ihft jnmajmjjujwu X Arlneed te-fttronu Wr ahould-not, only Jje.ri)a' V4uMto improve the general appearance of the Caroli .ptm, but eouUriswie it three lime a week, and thu f 'li"5L,lJ5!! new, at a lower price than pey now pay lor u rrom anroau. To our offending EdiUirial brethren we desire to , kmdly.and iniprovewjicklyr i-Consider that you give 1 paper or paper in your Kchnge with-other jevejtt. I .... . If ypnf feprnals ehotild not be ao large a thoe yon get lo return for thero, recollect that every sheet coots you : aa much, or tnore,than the foreign publisher has to pay fw hi, anl ia therefore worth aa much to you- 2. If your patronage will not allow you to employ auffioient - f tree to fill npjour column with new matter, ml you ci'iijot obtiin aufpeien ailvertising patron!!rp, for which ym lire to receiv pay, to m?ike up the rieiiciciicy.cw- . .. . a r. l. i.:-L. - rje tJireW!r yjy -yn WIS"- "Tycofiluctcv1" wv w'"" 'm w" T"mr of vour type, and withdraw your own helping hand - 'from a competition which ia already too powerful fur rnur means succeasfully to comhat Or, if you arc de termined Ut puhlish large paper, and keep them filled jip wah aVajl Mfrtj let joujLc!fj'y tlJiM at loast beVin at home, by giving the preference to pro spectuses for publication fo be "ismied in the sectiona of j pountry whose interesU you are oounu orw. w uiviuuw. "A wiuM(r-'lWii!Mii.-OM who Ibllawe.his party right or wrong." It is said that this article was ?cry plenty about Raleigh jjuring the last Legislature; and that it is now no very scarce about Vyasrjington, .Vnrrirtf.! have thrr of mnrniij'e, I'lier iIkmiIJ be im i n,r liw in Amnion. ")! injf when nature put Ml M lier liifllitle f ltrNT, trill. irH with fioWi'M,! im iirHrialn in'umKi tt ll yiMithfiil ainl roiiMiuiic tlni h'h In In art iml hoi"' ruinnier f"f the more nnture, worl'llr, mm liUU lierinJj Vinier fr llm cM ami prnl.nt iln wlm tm k ailJitiotuit caati ami comfort from In K" aluil.irv " blil haa LhiV been CIlMinffed," ail " NiniftH't auUtiiutiil in it place. Hut in itw mtunn if falln'ig b ave ailTdrooping flower, lii"i lli" Inru hrear it wirif w lien the earl i tilled with filling Joveliriea and I lie aun i dim. hmkJ jn honven, nona but Ihe widow and the widow r hoe of blunted ami blialilrd feeling ami af- fiMilinna, on wlimn wivr wore "tb frmlinea nf the heart Utl Call like dew," liouM, a Ilia law yeri mv, "join iiuu" in tliu ettua of licaolaliuri Mini (tl'H v. . J)ulf. Hiere U no virtue that ail'l an noble a clmrm In tlm lineal trait of beauty, a thai winch ei rt ilaelf in walcliiii( over the tranquility of un iiLioJ wr'iil. There are mi tear thai give ao mihla a lustre In tliu chock of iumxtuiictf, u thu tear of filial aorrow. Character,- A imnig the tsaloua and devotrrl CliriHtiHii win) were raixl lo ilo gmid iu the world tbrougli W'bilefield'a iiwlniinefiliilily, wa a nan by the naiiM) of Mogg, a gruner ami large bnlchrr in UlouccNteralnrc. Ilia clutracter M integrity wna ao inoriMighiy aniins-intea iiuit even tne irrvii K'imt firmer in llio ix'iglitxirlioixl uflon aaid tu biin indoaling: "Mr. Hogg, we know you wi give u the value of our cattle ymi are Ihe Usat judge of Ihe profier price j take Ihetn, ami pay u what you llunk tm-in worth. Never in a single iiiMlance, il i kuid.did lliey rngrei llieir confitk-noe in hi hiMMiNl y, ' hen tlie world in mi full of I hn tiana, why ia il llmt aa iiwlum e like tin i rare ? Think of a Chrmtinii mil iK-rlecllv Inml-worthy win wit life fur iho ten or twenty yinraof hii pro- lemion ha been such that In neighbor will mit trout him where hi own pecuniary interval come in comp-litioii with their ! nupmwe the prearnl generation of young chrixlinn worn to aim at chnnge in thi renixrt -fixing llieir eye on nothing lea than a alale of lliiuir iu which the title ol Chrinlmn ahall imply in turn thai hear il, such hm eHiv and alnlliH-aa from the love of money, llint h will be tnitti d as Mr. Hogg waa! V. Chronicle Thf A'rir Trnr. Thi being the day of all th duy in the year lor burying old grudge, recent aniiiathie, spilt, envy, malice, and all uncharita lileix-i m tho iN-ean of oblivion, we have, a fur a iM.Hilf, eTcluik'dall ix.litics from our columns. For this d.iy, at least, we are mHi-comrmtant. We fur givo ihe Tone nnd the Agrarinnti, the Utopiun and Ihe ranalica, with Ihe single exception of Ihe Immediate AbolllHHiiila, J lie Lord forgive ua but we caniHil forgive Ilium -r-Covrirr dj- Knq. Edicatioui Kit. A precious youth in a county in MasMachu setts, had arrived to Ihe BLf of hum year, when his father aent In in to achool. II stmxl bemile his teacher, lo re pout ihe letters of the alphabet. " hut a that ! aked the muster.' " llurrow, vociferated ihe urchin. " No, ihal a A." "A." "Well, whut'a the nexl !" Ox yoke." " No, tlwl'a II." " Taint B, weilher, il' an ox yoke ; crotch all hemlock ! IiimIi ninety think I don't know Motion Truntffipt. Travellers' Inn, M Sl'I UATlCf) SOUTH W EST 4pTnE COURT HOUSE, IX -THE- TOWN OF Li:l.CJTO., (. C AKOLIAA.) r"pi!F- Subacriher take thia method of informing Travellera that he keept a House of Enter- tniriment in Lexiniflon, f N; C.Y on Main Street Southwest of the Courthouse, Hi Table will always be supplied with the best fare lhat a plentiful neiifhborhood can afford. II House being capacious, and attended by servants who are indujrtri'MJs and zealous to please, I ravel lera can alway be accommodated with GOOD BEDS in room with tire-placet, And last, hut out : "the feaat TiiiWtar coHTuWJio4k HORSES iriW alwayt receive txich attention, tn the Stable of tie Mubvnkr.ibAl my nay lynye it with in creased abihry tu do the aervice of the road, - JOHN V, MABHV. jexington, March 8, 1834. y , rWi C. WAttttlCUT" "IAKES this method of informing the-Ladies -lnd GehtleiheiSBf Siirtshurtrfhat heTiaa' ta ken a Shop a few doors below Mr. Wm. Slaughter's Hotel, where ho can be found at all lime, (Sim day'a excepted.) ready to wait upon all who may honor In in with their calls or order, Aa it haa l.becn-Jiut-fl-.ej-v hoxL-liiiie-inceJifl-haa been in Reveral of tlie Northern States, for the very ex press purpose of completing hirnself in theT'on- onoTaf, he flattert i TiimseinnaTTiriWrTiWnlT bir done with aa much tale and in as good style as it can be any where South of the Potomac. Salisbury, February 21, 18U5 tf. ItWITlI S THOSE .who are afflicted with HEAD-ACHES, 11 HART-BURNS. and other distressing aymp. tome of disordered stomach, bowels, and liver, may find relief in Dr. Beckwith's Anti-Dyspeptic Pills, which can be had at this Officeprice fifty cents per box, 1 he Doctor, who once resided in this place, but now lives in Kaleigh, has, after a long and exten sive practice, been ennble.rl to compound a most va- 'uble .remedy .Jor.tJhS. hr,c..?wr,j pj th at- common in ghem climates, wftfcwjwi- ie4 adeaU live. It would bo an easy matter to "make out certifi-" cates to prove that these Pills are a ".sovereign re. medy" for "all the ills that flesh is heir to; ' but it is not pretended that they are imi universal anti dote. Cortificates of tho most recipoclahle riiysi-ciaoa- nd other gwotlemen mi he shownto sub stantiate their efficacy in the particular class of diaeaaes above spoken of: nd the Editor of this paper can testify that kt haa derived epeedy and permanent tejiet, in the use ot tnem, irom a rnosj distressioff and ,loru?-eontimied headache. Some of his friendi riod them, at his suggestion, and ex perienced the same bencficml effects, ' 'i -Salisbury, Jgrje 14, 1834. tf vamjawj: laxd-s - En tho Idarkct ! 1 1 V Virtue of a Peed of Trust to me execute J, Irv William I)amukea.fuf the purm s there in expreaaed, I will eiiNww to I'ublic Male, in the Town of W'ydeborotigh, tut Tvtidaf, the 1 4 Jjr of April ntxt. fit being lha week of Anon Loon ly Court,) the following TRACTS OF LAND l ONK TRACT, f'oiitalnlns; 3.10 Arrm, Lyinir irt iIm Gold Mine Branch, known by the name of the Pinion Land J this Tract has COLD on it, a several pieces have been found by Mr Diamuke and others the soil is suitable to the growth of Corn, Wheat, and Cotton. ONK TRACT, The iHie-lbird iiilereat, tlie other two-thirds be loniMiiif to J.icob Austin, and the hair of Jona limn Aualin, which can be bought on reaaooable term. Tin Tiact contains the celebrated (Jold Mine where a piece of Gold weighing tlO IIm. wa fouod. This Mine has yielded upward of Ten Tlwitiaaiid Ilollara worth of flolJ williout the aid of iiiHi liini rv. 1 am confident this snKiunt, or iimie, ciiuld be gotten from hi nitne, if pro pirly mked by men 'of acieuce, aud the know ledge of Mining. 0K TRACT, Conttining i!00 Acres, Known aa ihe Roe Tract. This is good fot -all deacriplioo of grain, and well improved. Containing 100 Acres, Known as the Jeae Barnell Tract ; il i excellent Ijnnd and under good improve nent. One Tract, Containing 145 Acrea, Known as Ihe John Holly LaiKl, adjoining Rich ard Kodcera aud Archibald Laney ; tin i second rale Iinil. A Credit of Nine Month will given. AI'EXANDF.K W. BRANDON, WadcaborV, Feb. 21, J:W. (3t) Trustee II Y Virtue of a Ihsed of Trust lo us executed, by Daniel Li'vpard, for Ihe purpose therein named, will be Exixwed lo Sole, on SiilurJay, thr 14A Ary of Mitrck nert, on ihe premise, a Tract of Land, containing .0 AtTfX, adjoining the lunula of J. A. HodgeiM, Jvse Tatum, Frederick Ford' heir, and others, on the North lido of the South Yadkin Rtrer. Term made known on the day of Sole. BURTON CRAIGE, Trus- J. A. HOIXJENS, jlec. Rowan County, Feb. 81, 1M3. 'H Situatexl at tlie North Corner of the Courthouse, SALIKIII IIV, IIE Suberriber resiectfully inform the Public in general, that they have recently purchased ami idkcii pow-asion oi me above wen-known Es- blishmenU 1 hey deem it unnecessary to say any thing in regard to the location of the Hotel, ns its many conveniences are already known to the tra velling public, or can be seen at a single view of the premises : They therefore content themselves with assuring all who may have-oceaston to visit orlrave! through this section of country, (Sfage-' rasscngers, I nvale Gentlemen, and ramilies) Uiat the ac(uimnKid.aions at the Mansion Hotel cannot be surpamied by any house in thia Slate, W ith a well-built and well-arranged house, ele- gam Dining and lyidging-Rooms, clean and well- aired Beds, firat.raJe L'ookt, attentrve wnd indus-l triou Servants, well-furnisbed Table and Bar, and an accommodating Landlord, the proprietors of the Mansion Hotel can with the greatest confidence insure to all who may honor their house with pa tronage, a large amount of comfort. ToTrarellerfi 03-The Oreal WeTltdni Miff Line, the Direct Line to Ra tigii; and the L'heraw Limr, all amp at and depart Irom the IMAiNSHJ.X HUl L, ; and, having an cxUinwve him! secure Stable, and Ostlers who are industrious and well-disposed, tra Tellers in private conveyance or on horseback are assured that no pains will be spared to fit their jiorae ibr duly on Hie ruau utter leaving the establishment. , , HENRY V. CONNER, RICHARD W. LONG. Salisbury, November 9, 1934. 6in rpilE Sobscribcr is about to move to Batesville, 111 Arknnsaw Ierntory, and will attend tQ ma li1rrg"fiirefining noti-ruNKicnts. mere are many tracts 01 .Military Bounty Lands, which, if hoCuttendod to, will be Sold for tn x ex, ami lost. Letters (piwt-piiid) addresseato the Subscriber, at Batesvillo, Arkonsaw, will be promptly attended to, 2 DAVID REINHARDT, r-oto-of- idmeotntinX'ltXZ September 27, 1834. - - fim -LandnntlVcjrrocs FOR MA MO. J 1 THERE will be sold, on Motulay the 2d day of March next, on the premises, a VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, situated on the Catawba River, one; half mile above the. Island Ford, in incoln County. Also, Light Likely NE- GKOLS, - - - ; A credit of one year will be given, upon appro. MICHAEL HOKE, Adm'r. test, annex, of Sherill, dee'd. February 7, 1835. V 4t Ov Col. Caraon't) Ce. ?jr$ lebrated Horse, Hcform. Will stand the ensuine Season, et the Stable of the Mansion Hotel, in Salisbury. Forparticu Feb. 21, 1835. ars see nand-billi. I'ardicn-Wnrc, China, ' Aa1U)(DAS)4 - t. j. ii ikkoiv a: co, (No; 88 Water Street, New York.) ARE bow receiving an uncommonly great tari ett of (loods in the above line, aelecleil with ;reat care by the senior partner of the firm, who is now i Eiiglaml expressly tor Ihe purpo of pro curing Ihe AeuHit and mom tatkioMblt ntyies. As their purchases have been made at Ihe low est rates for Cash, they fonftdiHilly invite the at tention of Customers and Merchants generally to ihejotrry. large . aud handjoma Block; assuring lhm of a deiermination oo their part to o(Tr lha beat advantages in point (4 prices and liberality of terms. Every attention will be given to packing and forwarding our Goods, and all Orders executed with fidelity and promptness. New York, February 14, l3.V Ot Coach and Carringc Making, Vc, , In fiallabory, by J. W. Ralnejr. 1113 Shop ia on ihe Muin Street, between the 14 Mansion Iloie and the Wealern Carolinian Printing (lln e, where he is prepared to make, on short notice, and oo the moat reasonable term, every description of Vehicles, from a stage coach down lo a wheel-barrow. (r. A'large stock of ready. m de Work always kepi mi band, for sale as chesp a any. REPAIUINU in all iis branches will also be promptly at tended to, and executed in the very bent style of durability and neatoe. Jan. 17, .ia. if J. W. RAINEY. PLi i TI2TT3?. IMOZZ20Z7Q FOR Hs34-3. HORACE II. BEARD, Tailor, . 11 EG8 buve lo inform hi friend, and the rmlJicl ' in geonral, that onlera in his I me will always lie thankfully reooivctl by him. and executed in the! mont Neat, Fashionable, and Durable nmnner M ertii aa rmiMNwhle as any in thia section of couaw' try II. It. B. hMMt, frMH hi hmg practice of his ' biwinesH, (a numlier of years of which time bet rtwidod in tho city of Philadelphia,) and from Ihe generul stttisfikction lie lias heretofore given to his numerous resSH:tuble and flutliionuble customers, lo merit and receive a portion of the patronage of the public in gi;iHral, (FT IU (Utters hiuwclf tlmt bis CUTTINO i really superior to any done in tlus State, as ma' he toslod by the undisputed elegiuice of fit whicl attends garmonts mnilo in his establishment. He is in the reirtilar mooipt of the Remirts of the Fa shiMHi as tfrny eluingw lsth in the large cities ot this country and of Europe eo that gentlemen may bo satiafiod that their orders will always be executed in the wry latent style. ' . (U. J.rf..i.. will w hIImvU. n wj, the same punctuality and care as if the customer were prenent in person. SnlUiry, May 17,'! 83Iy T'lIE Exercises of this Institution were re -com-mcucefl ou Ihe vfirsl. week, ia January. The Course of Study pursued is preparatory to ad in is ion into the University of our Slate; yet it will always be varied to accommodate such Student as wish lo enter any other CbIlcge.".Tlie follow mg is the CoorseT - In the L&Uu Adama Oraromar, IIietorH-8a l. 144 err J jhrougn fhe second uuiu war, xsmvw 1 uum oaiiuai inn wnote, uvi dii Expurgate the w hole, the Eclogues, (Jeorgics snu o books ot the J.neid of 1rg1l, Cicero 9 U ra il ons, Horace the whole, . In the Greek-Goodrich. 's Grammar, in the Testaroeni John's Gowwl and tWAels of lhoAp it. r.o ; - f ar? ' .1 . mo, .uwn ivcuucr uu pogca, virioca .uiiHirn ine whole, bneca Majora 10( page, j ue sctioiasTic year ia uiviued into two sessions of 5 Smooths, each, commencing oa the first Mon days of January and July. TuItibnJis 14, $8, 1 10, per aesaion, according in ik. .1. .e .....1: hid jjniuo ui aiuuii-s, -. ... Board can te obtained 111 respectable families, at ft to VI .00 per weeltrx 0 Having devoted; wveraT TearslcTtnTTO ncss of Teaching, and intending lo pursue it thro ,!e- t ,j 1 ,., .V . .... me anouia nis neann permit, tne Shiosrrtuer has made great exertions to keep pace with the im provements that are being made in Literature. lie Iherelore confidently hopea In ho able tn iperji a share of public patronage. UUSilUlaLlU. Iredell CminryrNTCT February 14, 1833. v - 3t Just received and for "'WiiREEN " . JI0F. sale at the Signof At GOLDEN -FRESH RICLV ' Medicines, Painis, Dye SluflsJWINESSpirits, SPANISH C1UAR3. fine Chewing 6i Smoking t IUHAUCU, SIMUFF, Leniona, Candlta, . LX8TRCMWT9, Porter, Nuts, &.C cVc WHEELER 61 BURNS. Salisbury, February 7, 1835. 4t IEUOES WAITED. ?pUE,lawhe te poreliaseXIKELY -N EG ROESrfrorfl ten tothittr Teara oldr and will pay the most liberal prices in Cash. AH who have such property to sell would do well tp call on him, or Mr. John Jones, his Agent. He can be found at Mr. Slaughter's Hotel, in Salisbury, and Mr, Jorioa at Dr. Boyd's Hotel, in Charlotte. , He thinks it proper to say, that he is'not con- cerned in buaineaa with Mr. James Huie, or with any other peraonv 'JX- All Letters addressed to him. or Mr. Jones, will be punctually attended to. KOKExvi I1UIE. Salisbury, May 24, 1834, A " tf " ilk mtT id or Tlif AVrslrrii Carolinian. IHrtUKD Wri:KLy.t:nT;;:a,::::::;.J01I tKAUD,jpJ , ..TBM W TUCATIOII. . 1. Tli We. U rn Carolinian is miblaJied ever B. Ttan!, at Twq DoHars per tnni -Mld in - j.' or 1 wo Dollars snd Firty Cents if M paid befur tb,' aspiration of three montiis, ' I No paper will be discontinued anU j 'rretrlrt ' s paid, unless at the disc ret u of the Editor. 1 are 3. Hulaajriptions wilt not be received ( s baa) tirrJ man one year and a failure to notify thi fchu of Wil to diacontuius. at the end of a vear. will ka dered a a new engagement. 4. Any perwai who will procure six subacrilers to ii Uroliinan, and Uke the trouble lo collect and transmit their ubcripi ion-money lo the Kditor, ahall bate a pa per gratis during their continuance. , , A. (r Prrmmt in.UlrJ lo lis VMttr, nun hwntm, lo htm Ikrotiffh Ike Afn7,l bl rik -raWc" tkrv g, the mhnawUdgtnmtof any mprrtMe perton lo Prn Ihot itu h remittance wot regularly mod. TKIMS Of AOVKITISINO. 1, AdvertieniH'nui will be etaiapicuoosly and correet ly inaerUf. at ) cent per sonar Ibr Die nnt liwrnn and 3.4 cent tr each continuance ; but where an ' vertiwineni la ordered to go in only twice, M da. wi be charred fix each inaertHifi. If ordered lurtuu, I. ertion only, $1 wdl in all case be thargmt 2. Peraooa who unrlre to enirtre bv Um vr. will I. accommodated by a reiaible deduction L100 llw Um charge fur transient cusbsn. , , f to loiiEsronriKNTSv V' " 1. To Insure prompt attetrtion to 1tMira addre, io tlie blibir, the postage should ia all k be paid. joii rnuTiAf.V ?l rpilE Proprietor of tiE WmERN CA ROUS IAN having f.-yey large supply J Job Tj pt , C., Vc Every description of Printing will be done In ti. neatest poaaible style, and oa thr niowt moderat lerma. Orders from a distance will be nromoll attended to, aud forwarded in.tlte safest and mo4 cspcuiuuua iiiaintrr. e . j a:: 1 Salmbwrj, febraaryZ 1833. - '-- THE following is list of the Planks general! kl'' hand, for tale, at Ihe It astern Carol Printing Office all of which are.of the ntoif approfod forma, printed on Tery superior par "d will be dpoaf dof n lernie m low as any. DEEDS of Conveyance for Land t Constables' Warranuj Constables' Bonds; Superior aud County Court Writs , . u m w Execulions . J . ' ?.. M m Sumnioiwes Witness' and Jurors' Tickets j , Writs of Attachment; Venditioni Exponas t Marriage Licenses ; t Delivery Bonds Promissory Notes 1 ' ? ; , . Writs of Ejectment ; Appeal Bonds; BherifiV Bonds ; Letters Testamentary; Administration Bonds ; Executions ; Letters of Administration on intestate estate's Apprentices' Indentures) Guardian Baud ; 1 Sci. Fa. against Executions ; . f t Cm. K. U4 ; Injunctions to Slay Proceedings ; wnisoi fieri racias; liHsisrdv I5ooi!j R . Cecity Court Coinmimions to lake Dcrraitionij Bonds to Proaeculs Suit r xyuuiuuaBiuoa -iu xtuiy , iuiiuy oomieonaes ; Asaami ana unttery Indictments ; Military .WactauU fur Finea ; OCT IVrsoos deairing Blanks not lo be fiiund the abcive list, are informed that wti can print at oiner lorms 10 orucr, ou very short notice, aud superior sly 10. Suiisbury, February 7, 1835. " Current 1'ricew of Produce, Ac AT SAUSRURY. Fcbroary 25, 1SI5. Taaw. . Ilacon, . . . 11 a rMolanse, ... (Ml a Brandy, apple; . 40 a 4."i!Nai!, .... Ha .Treadlr miner, . . 1-4 Cotton, in seed, . 3 r 1cTcah7"Trnr" Rye 75 Suear, brown, . 10 a loaf, . . 10 a Coffee, .... 18 a 18 Salt, , . . 112 a Crn, , Fouthor, 4' a 4rjTallow, 10, flour, " . i50 OWWlieat, buLcl).-i.il . list , wi.;.i,o.. ., .. t-Jr.. Fiajuead, . 1(10 1 Whiskey, . .'.r Lrnsced Oil, 'per gallon, $H2-: ninny, , ;i "AT FAYrTEVILLE-csTrrf. Baron, . . . . 81 a I0!lron, 4a Brandy, peach, m a 7(1 '(H Molasses, 28a apple, . 50afJ0Naila;it,. . . 18 a 19jSugar, prown, . 121 a 14 . Itmh- 0a 8a Beeswax, . . Coffee, ... 14 Cotton, . rT -IflTT Corn, .... (HlanolSalt. 60 90 1 Flaxsoed, . 125 a 13(WheaU "301 16 Feathers, .-.y-v. 33 a 35 Wool,: ipri AT CIIERAW, (S. C.).....Jpiaary 22. Bncoh, i5nMMrrcc-,r.cr bV'oswax, , . , 17 MolaiKw.. . 40 a Butter 15 a 20 Nails, s C ..... 71 Coflm.,J,;,,;-f,l4.il Ootton, new.; 14 154 OateiseiJu,au Kice.::A- ,4W Uirn, . . . B-r)aUti Salt, in sacks, . 300 Feathers, . . . 25a4( btLshel. . . 75 4450). Oia iiwS awJ Flour, super. fMWa .. vieonimon, . V a 1oaf Si lump, 15 a Iron, v, . . . w m . 5a fTalW, (scarce) . 10 a Iard, , , Mackerel, , . 10 a 121! TeaA . .va a j ,650 a 9001 Wheat,. . . . 85 a II AT COLUMBIA, (S. January 20. Bacon, .. . . 1 1 a 13'Tirf, . . . 12 a Brandv. npach. "" 75' I M nlamies. . - 1 ."37 ,r .-- -. : x .1 . 40 a Mackerel, jsju a ei Butler, Hi . 18 8 4. busheL . . 75 Coffee, . Corn, . Cotton,. Flour, . Iron, . . 12 a f! 'utrar. brown, . 9 . &5ali loaf&.lump,12t . 121 a lOTalloW. . . . 121 a .750 a SttWaasfY . .125 , . 4a5ijWhiekey,4;.. .-40, AT CAMDEN, (S.C.) Fctrusry 21 Raeon. . . 14 a OOiFlour. fN. Cara)000 ' Brandy, rpeaeh.TS 1 fJO (Am"ra);9(Xra Tfi appple, 35 a 45Iron, 00 Beeswax, 12 a li liSrd, .. . . . l'i . 10 . 50 Cotton, . Corn,. . Fcatherfl, 15 a M Tallow, . . ' 75'a87 30a50 Whiskey, . . Wheat, new, ,. .100 a 1