! D 0 II. r u y iu- -I- ? ml !e ! 4 n in 0 0 10 4 in 1 , JACK UmT.ft , Intrrfirrnr trilk tht I'trrtira l'rm,u hit' TU T, - - ' . . 'ii.. " ... antra J'.ntn. JM UAiata 7', ,iiro "mptrt, am Va finnnml J kaon haa written i mul ekiin.ifiliinrjr Letter Irt t political I'trmm by tha nimn of Uwm, an I (ha It-viifniJ guiitleaaa h glvan it to the public. W do A think it ncaary to p iMih this letter, but ws will (ivs iu purrft ami iU U ,rf. Tlx circmnataiices are Hillowa; Soon after the Legialalure of Alabama rvi'iiinatej iu Ig White f if the I'roaidattry, llit R-prea-iiUlivea to Cm;fsa from Ten nfw, witu tlit ee"jti'ifl of two, addr.! J. V. liiitiT, riiit(inj t kii i whether lis wiuM conaent li run aa s candidal. Tint Judge promptly giva the aiawer whu b ws lnv already piblihi'd, mi which, it will bn rocollt.-ctc lam miilu I In (Vi'iwml Ui five the u of hi name, Tiiik at mica pvo i alarm to Van It irrn, and h Cu.ii ih'Im:hI opralijfts lo il Mirny Ju'ls WiiiU'a prxrL Tun plan writ. In make til" imprcaaion every wle-re lint i. n. J.iraon w inml Ju I'h While, and in favor i if Van ll.jrnii. and thm, through the uirtuf nr (if J n k.n' name an I will, turn tint current aif,aiiiiit hnii. Tim Kli(nr if the Niia pr in Ti,iiiim'-, frien lly In White, "mit tlinwih Una artiniiMf, fir tli p irr"' 11C riMitil'Ti'-tillif it, n--ny r mi 1 it, at J i'l if? 'I. I n it !! !'i it e'i ick hi wimiI'I fir fnrij-t hitiM'Tf UK to iiiir fi-re iti the i-Iit. IbKI if tna aucrrwif 111 1 lint, if he lial a'l pri'fer- ' cure at all, it fur to pn-iiui that it man in fhvor of hiaulil, I'Mijtrie l frii-n l mi I aupfatrter, Jc'l;e '.iite. The Ni'hville K'iMimrt," r-nx-l.i.W.1 a lxi articU on tin iihjwl aa fulliiiaa: " II w, then, rn ii, Jirkm prefer Martin Vin Biren v, llu.'h K Wii.te WK Wll.l. MlT. Kll OAS' IVSrwr. I1KI.IKVK Til k I' UK Wll.l, DK. S K'll V.i'tW IMS - HI ;il,MTTK." Tu I'AKK a cnvj-: I'Mtr in tiik KsriNi ki.m1. Tt.N. oit 0'Si; ;r To I.KVD S IMI'itoi'KIt AS'I I'StiKI'lMll.lCW Kl.n:.i.K l Tl IK Al'I'itOXCill Mi AIM'OISI'MKVI' OK HIS SUC t'KSSOR; but we ; t k ti-i of bu private ati.l mt nil f'-'lin4, of tvhirh, n a limn, h mini it cnlnely ri'l Imiifll', an I we i.k I'fin, lm ran In; prvf.-r .l ir tm V hi Hurei to llujli K Wmle 1 "U 'l'eall li'li"" ( illli!lTlt il, llllietiTH.Wetlte! of t in e,ij(ie or li'iiii""', ire iom iiir nl, are in tuvorof Muh L Wlntn ; anl rmn it tn-liee tint tieu Ju Nm Will aeparate hi'iiwlf fni'ii lua lun-trie I, h Ctiditl, an J hi iuicuru frm:i'K w'l -re nn rmrii la at xtikn, aii'l every reason e(i(a that they alnnilil think ahke. If, linwevr, we are 111 : f 1 k ' 1 . we are certain of one lliinif, lint .nnrh a the (-. 1 of Ten- U l-e love ti.'ll, J irl(ifj mili'Jla tliejr ven'Tlte hj mm' tliey w.II nm er aiirieu ler, even it In a Jirtntion, t'nl fiiri'H pnje, f r whx h h" an l they an hrmely cnuie., e at tlin ImIIIo or ew OileiiH TMKH linr' . Mj aikjuiu duLGi'iu Jockun r'l UiU arlieU than h toKik tire, tiii ail lr -wkiI to l'iiriti tiwin the letter a bive alln I.nI Ui. In tin letter he romea out phnnly fir llm Hilliiuorc (invention, anl clearly in-l i-ntn lua preference for Van lluren. Nn clouhl Mr Vrn Buren, wIhi VrhaM la the autlmr of the letter.) foilillv Cllcu la'e l thai thi okiik from h-nl-i irtern wontil at nice iilell the diMit'erteil iril in Teli'le-we, anil make the whole Stale mihinit to the ilerree of the Hiltiinore t'-ini'Mi) ; hut fir oiire he h 11 ralenl.it without lux lout : limt-t every piper in Tenneanee ha received thin let ter with iii'litriiiiUon, and re.'l the alte iiit at DICTA - TIO with a anrU hiM4iiitf fruu uuu. The ".N'iilnillc It. ublcaii " c iiirlu lea 11 apirited alle le aa follow : " (Jen. Jo k.i(i. it will Ih dirovere.l, ia in fivor of a Natiootl (Vxivenlion. On Ifna iuihect, much aa wo Duy regret it, wc sre compi'lled to Jiil'er with inn in "oniiiiirtl. "Wr burmriTrndf pivw portiuaoi' our fef aamafiir ntir opposition to thm rJnnerm jnle uf lectinir the can dilute fi,r tint biifheat olfirea 111 our n- .'...7...., jT.;.1V filrt fil'orn- liniirrnilTtT nt fj omltiminif nr remrk " N'ifI teir w'iH, is-ver, n r- I . f - I f V ,. ... . . .....(..in.. ! iti .n.nln POUl ft .1 HlOnil I 'livriiu ni 19 l inn ,ne-, u, ,ie.- nim.i.- which pr.wluceil ill a le'-tor, ami wu are uncoincioui of ever having conrf-rte-l wh' iM'm', in any way, with whil we conhereil nn' irrenjaiusilile Caucus, or with an'v lectioii it nr'liT milje.'- Harrw Wn left to coiij-vuire hiH onoi'ini, ahoiihl hive i(iheit.itinu- j J? concludel, from Inn wlmle life, and from the priuci pfoa upon WftJCtl tlffflrw rir-t HwMl Utat hu uaa op- pone4Wa CullvcuUuil Wa look iipon the People la aovereiifrr. and as nhle In tlriik fir tl i1! -, without the intervention iif a holy, irr.ponsiMe in it nature, and entirely onknown to tin ( jinatitutum. lt Con ventiona lie eHtablished, aa one of our Republic in nvli tntioiw, and where ia the bon-ted lilierty of the p"oie ! it m leil to the incii, mlnm-f.anj iMite?Pi !'-' PJ!; IiIiciiih ami unromeientiou-. Iilfuje aeAer. H"T!ie eTei tivi frocliiM wiU-locjie a u b'i privihuriv and Uic ballot box, which in now our .ureKt s-iten ml, w ill be trampled under fool, and broken into a thousaml pieceii. The " National Hnnner,' m a 'lohtj and able eom- .menton ahe k'tleriapeakii aa fulloit : Aa te Tennetwee, Ucmu, ajuiidependcut in peace a.tliey have proved lln;ioJvu LrVe.u war, bav al-. rt-aily recordid their verdict. Th-y iro fir IIul'Ii L White, without a division. With them Mr. Van Bu ren never wia a favorite. Ilnniled by the influenced!' On. Jackson's tliiii'1, he wool 1 never In ve. been tWurlil of. And bickcl a.i he tu now by the exitim of some of hia advocates, the embryo candidntp of the Bultimore Convention will not pet an electoral vote in the Tennessee college! Who will deny thin ! We Miiaefiira ;plv.-- " But the miserable attempt of the (Jlohe at deception jatooalmllnw to micceed ! The reitl ohjection is, not that "thu iVa.sliville nnta thus openly tke fmch a per aon aa CriM'ketl into alliance." No, the (Jlolie, know- H iiirr thia to be fnlse. wuh well aware that it could not , ' au.stainl ne Viw'rtion by Tsbaitor-cprriof-- -Btrt;-rhe trim nbiiiction is Uitt.AanJ iV.i le prints ar most lustily fa .I.,,.,'. Iwayiina ibn -i-if.nf.AJullion-of .the I)e'iliiieraey of I dMMin-l - Ah luiJ. yiMiJUttijitftei.ire yo.i'..TtCilic: Nashville printH Uarr to ecao mt opinion, ana w a rl the r iti hi of iiukprnihnc of the hVreine tttnotuf flhfj dare lustily to decry tlw I ittrtict of the New York achool of politics, and are not willing silently to-allow a firm and anient anpporter of all the nrincitilea which Tenrteas;aJULJ-iit-..dvoirat9d, in sunnortin? their favorite Jackaon, to be put down, and succumb to one who never supportedMhose principle until he found such a course the only road to power I . " For thia, they must be put down, for thia they must be tfenfflmreftY tfljr. a nreaa should apring up in the neifhNvhood of the Her' ?- mitirpe"! ! We appeal From the decision of the Globe I -.kto that of the People. If Tenrieiwee'a favorite candi-"- htrt ia to Wpiwcribed, because a. wily iiidiyiduaL baa tnirratiated himaeii into me ravor oi hc, wmiin ne gtill congidcrg her prounoiTt boa"), v'v yhni "ing at f i diat.anee. doea not thoroughly know the viewaand wish fTT ea of hia ftiendgj then are we witling' to be proacribed i f with him. The- Union yea, even the tthole Globe, h .cannot turn the tide of Tennessee's ftvdr from Huoh fcrWinTr. The ' Truth Teller and Sentinel," a apirited and well conducted paper, printed at Jackson, in the Weat , em District, ahowa the pluck of a gallant free man on the occaaion, and hurla defiance into the ve teeth of the Old Hero. The following ia an extract ' Let the-Preaident, if he elwses, descend from the Kih station to which he has been elevated by the love and confi lenee of his crMintrymen, to the low condition of a political partizan lot bin., if be wilt, desert Uie ra.iart4l.apopl and offrea auffiaje, anJ U.hii . "f 'I advi.nW 4 lfrrilaililerirtlHMltiiMla of ill.b ittrliai aft.1 .m I.. .I,!... 1 I..,, , I" " " - ", .. .r. w,i ii Hiin-a bia old fneoda, and throw hia lufluenr Into the -je. f ih.MH tth) tt ifra.jiin at lha apoila and pU rmijw of tint ffuvruiiiiMiL llut (real aa hia mpulari ty i powertul aa bi hirunr, b will rind that tha raaa mil' T11 11 lie a ibey who bav U en itiaullod and atitfmatiml aa alave and bada, byi revkb-aa o)i itwm, M their devotwlnna b bun can Viait ludigiM turn and deftanca to failhlea friend in power, aa well aa ahield him, when weak anil powrrlcaa, from the dad! abalU which calumny ami wruntf aimed at bun, fioin every piMiil, with tji nnt rt-md like hate. M Thu ta atrimf lang'iagn, and, eominj frmn ona ao littla advanced 111 life, may avin tu many like pre anuiii'i'in ; but it ia the lan.'uan 1 a fteeui'iii, and th roiidiM'Uif of an inJPfndrnl pnti, who find that be ia plieed aa a aentinel uv'Mf the rn'hta 1 tha p,pl. Our duty, whlla wa Inild the ataliim w now do, alia 1 1 Ui ixTthrtuud 4o tile Ixnl of (Mir jii.f nM'iit, at any and every haard, The letter of (ten. J11 aaun, we bouea. ly ami couwumriienly believe to lie an uuwarrantabla and dlil.'er.ioa llitelh relira 111 ei-cliim, and Uliloaa i"ich an liiti nt Ion ia dmtiuctly dliHVoWeil, we ahall not reiae to raiae imii voice aaiiit it, and to opeimr 111 fl'ieiien, however feeble, to a Ciairae ao lllirepubliratl. We lauiiol, however, but indnlee the hope, that, when the l'riilrnl ajiall have relle, e. more muturely 11 pin the roiieiueiiri-a which liitiat erow out of thu puhlmli in j hia l'eelin,' aixl wmlnn to the world, he will priMiiiilly diivow any iuteulMtn of infliieneiu hia fel iiiw ciiiii'ni in uieir tuoice ia nia am ti-aaor, aim, aa lar la i leiw in hia wiwer, reUri the harmony which aiMpicon of a wi.li on hi. iml to control ,..,.ular f. e. nilf haa alieidy ao materially diaurbcd. We btdieve there ia Uol atnlll 11 thi cimioiuuity wIm wieilil not bo rejoici-d at Una event. We certainly abutiM." The fid ia, them ia ararcely a auiiflo jiaper in all Teuneaee, but haa come 1 Hit fur While, and it laaaacr- led willw .it the f. ar of contradiction, thai ai-rrii out nf (wciiy of U10 e-opl of that Sutc, are III favor of M,n' Another thin-, i. certain, that if tie,,. Jackaon inter- 1.1.1I.II.-in the . out.,! ,y further .,. Tenoee, he 11 . . 1 . 1 . n 1 a.. t , . 1 ...ti win mil 011 ir um' an 111a iiiuueuie mere, on I uu ill he run down, and become odaxia to the p,-opl, Clinrlrilun and Jlnmlmrg Uml RintA. Tlit Charlea ton Patriot, of the 4th uxaaul, aaya that the iiH'rcamjr tnvel and trunaporlatKin on the Kail Road, ainco the coinineiicement of the pnwiit year, have exceeded the mwt aantrume eTprrtatnm t(' ila pTojertnra. The receiila of the rnad, fir the firat threi monlha of in were A.'li'HH ; and thiaia liir ihu firat thn-e Ul j.jlki Ui Wuru ili.L'iiJ. j The nuuile r of pnaaenifera from the lt of April, ' hA., b llmry Keller, iia.t Mr. JAM KS (JIIKKM lo I Sill, to the U of April, Kli, were VI,'.'H. On the ' Mi JA.NK UVKKV. Jnd inatanl, Ml paen.r. r. went up by tUSteani Car, ' ,n ,'lnr"'" coimtr, rm tbii 3U lijm.H W W. I. Will WilUm AdMit, jlumtT . - liAMMELL lo llm MARY Tina liaika well. -Kvery irt of the country ia doing , j,, .',rolii 'county, on the 2nd inst . by W. J Will omethinsj to " g ahead" except North-Curohna ; aon, l. Mr. A. N. KAI.I-S U Viae M.ViKJAKKT, el and ahall we never awake ! dint daughter of Ca)L Jami-a Quinn. In I.iih'oIii county, on the 3 1 nt ulL, bv the Kev S. I. mi t t . i ,, . , Wataon, JOHN H ART, rW, of Mecklenlmrif countv, bxlrmyrrnnrr. The late .Mr. iaT. in a letter to .. ... . . .Jvnli iv ri i . , ' ,,, , , , , lo .Mra. IOI.M W. ld.XDSlY, of Lincoln county, the Reverend Mr. .eum, !. ribi-a the etfecti ot in- , , , ,, . . .,, . ,. ., n , I In Ireilell countv, on the .Hat UlL, bv the Rev. J. temperance in the following very forcible lantfiiairH: v,!,u..n. Dr. (JhORCJK W. STINSoV. nl lnraa " It raliii thu arm, the brain, the heart all Die beet ter'di.trirt, S.C., to Mum MARGARET RYhltS. of In airei'tuuiH, all the eiieriea of the mind, withci under dell county. ita influence. " The binjuaife ta not more forcible than At ''"'c..rd, Calwrrtw county, nn Thursday, the 2nd 1Br i uialant, by the Ri-vcrend Dr. Robertann, C,(. DA.VIKI. lm Tnf; wiw real rBoi,rru. AlnnHi. r.ntToae: n is now generally unueratravi n . i . 1 1 i i ii . r thit Mr. an Huren haa etilahlihed a Imiiwh not ol ., vi . i . r ,i tu- n , ,i u . c the Mint, but ot the ".l(i lirtrrnry, at the Seal of ..i,, c . .i L. r i it I fiieriiniefi( in tola Ntate. IimT tlie iiiirimMA ,,! ililtiiiiur , . , , the benoata of . tbeJSew-lork avewm of Utica uvor Nlh-Cd,.. J order Uul.L p-H.ple of the Slate may derive all the bc.iefiU from IhiabnU nfthe.jr - i - ...- f - i i .i....u ... I., i.. L... who are tbc a-rcnts-at Rilt-uh, ami th mnt ill hi il ,9 i.n I nil,-. n,i,n w will u iu biiv ' . . . . . I other pjrU of the State. I hope you will- write on to VJ ... the E-Lha of tbo Riloigh piper, to procure a l.sV of, commun.ty where ahe lived. the Manveman.1 Ollwera at -that place, ami alau in' .OnJJlcWt instant, after an illnea of ten daya,t the other pirta of North-Carolina, and let the mini' be pub- residence of bis father, near Morjmnlon, Burke county, Irsherf, that all may aee. 4 ain iwmUv wire that wa ha vti.N. C. AJJS.XANPUR, fourti.ion of Col. Jainea Krwin, -.veraJ of the aulwitfenU, or de(utiin. about Charlotte, aired 17 yeara and 2S days. In ihia diapenaation, we MKCKI.K.N'IUJIUj. j have another inatance of the mystenotianeaii of Divine .Yitii Huie Let the list show what office each of IVovidence. A youth of a hiirhly resp-ctable order of tin: M.inaersiit It iliMeh.an V m other irl.s of the Suite, Vthlenla, ami ft.TOnrtnjr pmapecta, is suddenly anatehed (Tinn-rlv ia.-cuni.it, or now' lavsTaa, nrare in mrttuhim away, leaving all Lhe loud auticipaliona of hia family, ' .. . . 1 ,. ., .' . ' c. i ... i . UI.....-I k., I... ....i, .....I.. .i of reeeivin-. irtrrv Ac all tne mnci-a penaniui to the lLdnich of the Mint at Charlotte yet filled up! -.. i" ! -aH----'- From the Rtilriiih Slar. -. . roRflKHY. A5.U r TRICJiEttVJ: If ia witlr h-ep iiiortificntrou tlmt-. we- fimhrmrrfprevtrtiw trr hnrrlearh.-trrttrr' rtimsrhtrrof Col.- Allen of- .selves compelled to adopt the! term in reference to a North Carolina press. I he period bus am vud4 however, when it. .has become necessary to cull thinyijiy ilif ir "nghl uaineii, and, MHfdeaaant as till tnslt i my be, wc-wtHn-t shrink frM air luly. We ask (be altowtion of lhe reader to (lie liillowing article, the first- taken fiXM the- Siuutlurd of llw 'JTlli of March, the second from that pajier of the U,l of April : From the Siandirtf nf the JA of March. As a peace offering to the old federal whijpi of blue-light memory, he laya at tiieir fcet a most, luborcd report, gotten up for the ex press -purpose, on the sub ject of executive patronage; mill makes a full confession of faith in the rankest of lhe blue-light doctrine. He re-' Tnarktrthttt From the tamf paper of the lira of April. Corns now, no trickery. If the "Register" beliettt what it states, in regard Ui our pnifuisijig to give " a IiLi-mI extract from Mr. Calhoun's report," we would ah ise a tecond wading of our article on the subject. It will he ' seen we quoted from Mr. - Calhoun -"- reiiuu-lu'-ou ..." If they wished to have the subject, not from hia the nuhlic busines transacted " rrjml. Se. w5 have d1luH7-f' fte made tnfe, ot lure of hit tween iwo niremrnaa. - it place at jL.were a free- has cither, from obtuse- r perception. iv- policy of lite government, wrong reading to our articleorJmJ Ty attempted to practice a deception in relation to it. " No obtiiseness of perception" ean extricate the jiirms of etpression in the language have any defi nitfl signification, tie is convicted, out of his own mouth, of having attempted to disparage the most important report made to the Senate last winter, by pretending to extract" frorn 'il literally a aenti- fiiieiit wliith ia totalHrat variance with cur renublin can institutions. Upon such a transaction com- n n . 1 1 ,1 li atituipfli.fuia. Vii kminiuu 4fiin .n...v wwiu.v... V" is nailed to the counter, and L"Ul-Jt Tjlcarly edliylcTecTol' having " knowingly attempted to practice a deception." lie who commits crime, naturally enough at tempts to avoid the consequences by a rcfiige to evasion. "It will oe seen we nuoteo iroin ir. Calhoun's remarks on the subject ! not from his re port " shrieks the Standard when the lash is ap- plied. Jl his rs equally untrue, w e again putuisn in parallel columns the sentence professed to be ex tracted from Mr. Calhoun's speech, and the rc- Hiarh rUy made by him. II ia imiI ncOaaary to r'ad lh"iii, lorn4ivii the StaiulttrJ, Ui aeroiiil in-I.UH e, to uai) hfl inil'leat leruia, yf forgery aiei "trickery. rMrm t m Mr. f W aena a Sptnk. I, (k rny part, mut aay that arrtifdmjf tu my turn repliori lha trua princtpla M, bi render thoaa who ar cliarnd ilb tuera rniniaterml nfiii r uiin tfi their place, ai kaif aa they wmtliiw to dwebr .- gift mm Mr, (" Anua'i Uperrk by tk - If they Wiahod lit hiva the puUir buauieM lianaac led laithfully, tkf nflfrr iKnulJ If nutdr afr, mi int ttf Kit flitrm at if U Mr4 ft W., Ar4 ih"ul,l hi- Me ththry of iht Uieir atuty with ability (J.itrrnmi nl, Ac. and inU'irrity ; and I wHild , no MHira ("runt the Chief Majriatrato of a daintry ' to diaptacn ihmi willnnit cauae, mi pr'i ground; than I would permit him to dive.t tbeia of tiieir fieehnlda the power Ul diveat them of I lie one, ia calculated to make them a aervile nxl di aoi.lent aa the powei tu diveat tHerr? of the other. It ia no matter of "irnriae llml lli Kdilor of aiirh a print aliiMild etinl lit m ini and politicnl puritv of ( ol. Ileiiton, ami tiHial that " mi iiiun in llm nn 1 . 1 .. ,.1.1 ...... r 1 11 ,. . a,. , , . ,. , ,, 0' Aiihh kendnll. " "" ! f'ullim. The Columbia Tunea, nf the lrtli metant, Mya, that the buaincaa of Uie week Wmi lare f!ir the ' aeaaon, and all lha Cotton that came to inaket waa 1 readily diaae-d of at 1 1 a 17 cerila. ... ! The poUication of the Cberaw C.arHte, from which we hereUifi ne ohtainl the ir ice of CotUm, al that mar- ' ket, having Iwcn diacoutinueil, we are at preaenl under ' ,. n,((y )(f mklnjf t) u ,Mir u,u ()(11t.ll,m,i but ti U(U 1M,.., one (con. .,,i.i., ,,i., , . . .j ,1 w ni..,ir,' iim WW i Ml mil MXIHIU IK 1,1,7 IIIUIIIITi W . hull endeavor to make arrangement for receivunf the pricea current repnlirlr, thnnish private aotirrea. L'MTKD I.N W KIiMM K. In ihta Town, on the 17th inatant, by the Rev Sam I Rothrock. Mr. UMtV TRKXLWl to Miaa AHJ.LJuJL In thia County, on the 2nd inatant, by dain Rne man, K-. Mr (JF.ORUK DL'KK to Mi- MAR(JA RKT KKSI'KRM AN. I In (he- Knrkao' the Yadkm. (Rnwan.V m lh lilh jCOI.h.MA to Mim M.KI M. 11 AIIA.N, daughter j of tin.' lute John K. Miih:in, IJ. tk'iaUTii-ii this 1 1 rr. ......... ..... .... I , ,, . , ., . . n In thia Town, on riiuradav, the 1 ,th instant, after a .. , .,,.. .... , vrry 'verc illn, Mr. rRANChS LALDWhl.U ' . n ., , , conaortof David f.Caldwel, Rai., affed about 37 yeaja. . I ' TllZi'.l.CJfJ?- I" 'hifCwintv. Mra. ' f,"1 UWRy. i.tUrt :67eara, 1 --Wt lm l.wry, deced. him wa. a w.Miiar. of i exem pmrv piny, auu I ' many of the fineat XralU of w:our,?a un5'n'"n " "" . i i IT '-'.. I - . ..i i - r .....i. i , "'"'"v t'l'i uuiin.ci, uio.Lt. u, ,,,, unuuii:i; ti.u, In Mecklenbiirij county, on the 20th nit, of a pulmo- niry aflection, Mra. MINTY S. IIK.VDERSO.V, wife of .lr. Duvid llendfiraon, aod years. In Tipton county, Tenn., COXE.N C. PELOACII, Esrt. . Mr. Deloaoh bad been married, only three awlu ... . X . . Somerville; and ia ajaikeu of as a heavy loss to. the whole community iu which he was a member Front the .Viier' tf- Farmm" Journal. . ARRAXGEME.NTR ' " ... ;;,': For Ciiehratinsc the Anniverinry of the Mrrklenburg , :.,...JL.J)vclaralkn qf IndepetuliMC, ... . In pursuance of previous notice, a nvieting waa held at the Court-I louse in Charlotte, on the 2nd insL, for the purpose of making Arrangements to Celebrate the An niversiiry of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Indepen dence, on the iflith May next. The meeting was orga nized by appo nting Col. William J. Alexander Chair man, and Braly Oates Secretary. On motion of F. I Smith, Esq., the. following Pream ble and Resolutions were unanimously adopted. Whkrea, it is hut a proper respect due to the pat riotism nf our forefathers, that their acta should be com memorated in such a maniret as to shew our admiration for the noble fueling and daring courage by which they were distinguished. And whereas, no event waa more better calculated to exhibit the independent spirit of our ancestor, than thr Declaration of Independence made bydhe-citUejia of Mecklenburg .on the 'ifKIt Mhv, 1775, ami nntw which ahould.be celebrated, w.itli jnoro deinorj- stration of joyful remembrance, without regard to parti . Y" fHitl.T. cf the people of .Vorth-Carolinajand parlie- ularly by tliose of the jountj in jKulu-ltccrred:"-lte Rttolvrd, Tha! we will Celebrate the approaching Anniversary of that day. Rrtolvrd, That the Chairman appoint a Committee tA ma L all anifuhla riin,r,kmnta fit. f l,a aluKa.i.,n and that he appoint some proper person to act aa Mar sliall or the day. Rrxohrd, That the Chairman, in. conjunction with such persona aa he may appoint, act aa a CominitUie of Invitation. , " . Ilrtolvfd, That the citizens of thia State, penerally, be iuesled t6'attead-that the Major General of this Regiment of Volunteers, and of Cavalry attached to his Division, ami that tneTolonele tkwnmanuant in tins. county, be rnmiaitnd to rinr nirftlrffTiffirlirr To pursuance of the preceding resolutions, the follow- in appointments were made : Committee of Invito ion. William Davidson, Wash ington Morrison, Franklin L Smith, and William J. Alexander. - .. Committee nf Arrangements. J. D. Boyd, W. 8. W. ITayea, Dr, P. C. Caldwell, Maj. G. W. Caldwell, Dr. Thomas Harris, Dr. D, R, Dunlap, Jaa. XV. Osborne, Joseph II. Wilson, Lwoy Springs, J. J. Dunlap, Jamea John ton, Joseph M'Connaughey, Wm. A. Davidson, N. W. Alexander, Dr. Rufua A. Wallace, Dr. C. Mor rison, Maj. W. V. Long, Samuel McKee, Santuel C. Caldwell. Ir V. CUwcll, M II Wala.irW, Car-Ki, W, W. Elma. It, Oalea, J, IL Ulaka, Df. 1'rau cm M. Iti and ir. iif lwi-y.--. .- Marthuil pM Iky CI, J.Jm Kbam, W. J. A LLWS DIAL, Chair luan. B, OarKa, HicrUry, Tha ('.Hniiiittce ( ArraneinnU appoinled try tha Chairman, ui purauancvof Uia rnanlutioo tiioptnl at tim alaive-mrnlnaied liiwtiinf, acoa-dilitf to provnaia ap riiiilmeut, held inei'tiiitf on tha awning i4 Uio flid mat., when Jiaa-ph II. Wilaia Ym ,4 railed Ui lha Chair, and Dr. r, II. Ru-a rfiuoatd lo act aa Nccrrta ry. . - tn Trvinn, the Committee, went Inw tli a lection of Him prraon to deliver an addreaa on the irraauMi, When il appeared Uial KraukLn I. Wiiiith, Ymy, waa unani rrKMjaly t-ln-u. ,Mrr. Writ A. K. lUvulaofl, and Jaiiiea Johnaton wora amamitod a CtHiiniittee to wait on Mr, Month and Inform luin of lha appxintmeni, who re ported hia acreiKaiK-e of tha aame. On niothm, Jaa, W. (Wairne, K)., waa ananlmoua ly cboaen Ui read 0a MtkUiilr iWUraUm nf In- drpeiidriH-c, made on the 2)Nh May, I77.V Mr. W. W. Elma, and I)r. C. Morriaoa'wero amannled a Con initt.j Ui jiiMirtn Mr. OidjoriHi of bia appointment, who have not aa yet reported. On in. dam of Dr. Dunlap, tha dllowinf peraooa were appointed a Committee to contract with wane perm Ut lurnish a Dinner on the day of celebraUm, ail : Jaa. II. Blake, Dr. I'. C Caldwell, Wm. W. Uaig, WilUm (Larson, and Dr. Thua. Ilarria. . The fol low mir -riiia were appointed a CiantnirUs to prejaire a amiable numbi-r of Tiaiata l the orcaamn, vi: Dr. D. R. Dunlap, Dr. Stephen I'm, Col. W.J. Alexander. Dr J. McKmtt Alexander, Dr. Tboa. Har ris, and Win DavaUai, Ea. On nertkin, the following oenaaia ware apfanntsd by the Chairman to aid in obtaining auUcribeia to Oie ho lier Ui, lie furnished on the ia riaion, each of whom Ilia Morrnary waa instiucUsI Ui furnud) with a notu-a of their ipointiiieut and a aolxriKMai paper, vu: Jamea W. ( h,lirne, lsi., Jamea VHiibnrty, rai., Richard I'eo- p'ea, Ew , Oil. Tbnoiaa . (ireer, Mai. II Morrow, Wui. I'oila, wu.. Col. Evan Alexander, (Vd. Z. M.irri-, Maj R. M. Ca-hran, l-ainl II. Narria, !(., Andrew (Jreer, l'j.. Col. M. W Alexander, John llartt, Y., Maj, (J, W. Caldwell, lira I y Oalea, Yj, Col. John Sliain, Slaj R. B. HouaUm, Capt Samuel Cox, ami Iavl Ihirka, IH JOS II. WIIXON, Cbairuian of Com, I". M. Roaa, Sw reUry. iotii or Tlay, 1773. The nnmmrttv-rtri'nted lor thit purpose, reapect fuMy tnrtt th nfewrft end Ai. J Jir o4' th KevoJuUoO Ui unite with the cidreos yf Mi-ckleiiburir cinioty, in cclcbraliuir al ChailoUe, the appnavcluoir Auuivcraary ol the Mii klenhurtf Dit-laratioii of liideN.-ndvlice, nude at Uiat place isi the 'Jhh Msv, I77.V WILLIAM DWIDSON. ' WASlll JTt I.N MOIt RIS( I.N, FH VVKLI.N L HMI 1 11, WILLIAM J, ALEXANDER. Committer of lnvaim. .lli:CKI.EYBlJRCS llrclaralion of lndrpriideiirr! in v lsi oTo l KUH t " Ilead-Quarlers, ) Salisbury, April 8, 1835. ( TfOR the purjMiae of commemorating th Flrft ' Declaration of American Independ ence in a niumie.r suitable to the imparlance of thai interesting event, the Uegituent of Cavalry under the command of Col. (Jreer, and the First Regiment of North Carolina Volunteers under the couuiwihI of Col. Coleman, are ordered, to parade.! m ( hnrb'ef on Ihe WHh 4nf tf Mwettt-m-1 o'clock, A. M. Ry order if Muj. fleid. 'IHOMAfl a. POLK. R. M acm ANtaa, Division InsixH-lor. RETURN their sincere acknowledgements to - lhtir frnd- aud . itnaliiiimrai narlicularlu to the Merchniits and Physicians for the liberal pntronnge heretofore bestowed upon them, and hope, by a strict and constant attention to their business, to merit a continuance of the same. They have just reeeiaed large and full Supply of I're kIi Medicine, PAINTS, DYE STUFFS, OILS, CANDLES, PERFUMES, Brushes, Instruments, and. Glass- Ware. ALSO A Choice and General Selection of &aTi...SnuJ1,Tobarroi Rice, Wines, and Spirits, Which they will be pleased at alt times to accom- modata thai foe-nds and customers with, upon fea sible for the quality oLanv-article- ther rnar lelt. SaTTaburyjApriTTSri 835T -ro-- Ial R. Ilirckhead begs leave to inform his - friends and customers, and especially County Merchants,' ami Peoars, Ihaf he has no a tianasome currjux oi iixuaei 10 ms line of business, math? in the very .best sty ! of Workmanship, which he will, dispose of on terms which cannot fail, to auit purchari.....,. L-J!ejaaarBfltjl for Ware on abort notice ; and he flatjerAixiaiaelf-i. thaVfrom-hrs Inmwleogo'oT the business and de sire to give aatisfiiction, his work cdnnof be sur passed by any done in this section of country. Al any rate, he only asks purchasers to give him a call, a few doors Northeast of the Mansion Hotel, on Main Street view his Ware, and be their own judges. REPAIRING of every article in his line will be done neatly, on the shortest notice, and on accommodating terms. (T Old Copper and Pewter, and Feathers ta. ken in exchange for Ware, at the market price. Salisbury, April 18, IttUj. tf i -7aaanT1 ' r Cmporlntn of Iahion. I - Mra. S. D. rndlf ton, . i au ,,-aiANTUal .1IAKi:Uf us Jutt rrcrind from Nnf ark tU LnUsL- Bprinf and Bummer FaaUlona roR ixi ' EMBRACING LADIES' MURMXO, VISISG, ASM EVZlt. t.SO DREX3E1. LADIES' CAPL. CAPS, UO.SMF.TS, tf., f ef 81 flatters berasiir l. (torn m know Wgti of buaioeiw scijuirod in Inn years, and having mauls arrangtiments with was of tha rrwt fahiooabJai Millinery tUlabli-hmenls in IheCity of Now York, lo supdy her regularly with the Utast faahious, . aha will be enabled to bav bar Millinery mads u in a Hupahor Sty U, and on lbs most itaeonaWw terms. Mrs. P. reajavl fully loit lha Udis tof Salia. bury, and lhe adjoining country, to call and mi mina, and aaaartw them soe will wU svery articl ia her lina no aruKnanaialing terms, tfha is pS pa rd dr Cleaning and PrtMMiug Tuscan, Leghorn, and Rtraw Doonels in lbs Northern Hi vie. Hirciinens sf har work, both in Drrsainf and Making of Riaioeta, and I)r-es, may be arn at her 8hop-8iKn of the GIU'.KN BONNET, two diHirs above Meaairs W hoc ler and Hunts' Apotha. eary and Drug Hiora, whera all orders will ba thankfully received aud pouetually atlendcd to. N. 1). Mrs. P. always keeps an aaanrtmeul of FiahiiKiable Ribbons oo band, and ran supply, oo reasoiiabbi teroia, thoaw wbo uiay wiah Uoonui Iriinined. tf April II, IW, Anollirr ,Vw Supply Of v'. aUaaiUa 0 J VV riaial A a naain "ItllE.Subacrihw haa juat returii.-d ftian New-York 1 and I'hiladelpbia Willi a haiihne a-HtuHnl uf JKVEI,IJ:RY and WATCIIEX.an.1 will --II rh,apmr than they can be obtained in thia part nf Um tUUj they eooaiat, in part, of tha fidlwiii, via: Geutlemen'a C.J J U Silver Lsvetl lduV (iold Walt hea. Milver KnifluJi, French, Lapme, j ami Kwiaa - J Fine tlold Fob ift.f fiiiard Chaiiia,' : Fine (iuld and I'lated uard heyi; FUud Jiag-hiikvd a A Curb CbaiiiaL Hilver Uutler-Kiiivea and Tooth IV ka. Silver Lvei-poiiiU.-d I'cncila ntiprovud; Fine Hindi MCSIC-BOXKS; fup'-rair lUiora inad by linger and BuUher ; Fine IVn and I'orket-Kniwa Hliell, Turk, and Hide COM IIS ; Fme l'ISTl)l-S and Raaur Straps; A fine artiui-iit ut Car-Ruigs Rreaat-I'ina, and Finifr-Kiiijfa. Hilvrr Thimblea, Itnnd and lrthr I'urwia ; Hilver HMa'laclii and Hilver Hnn, Hle. Chama, rb-ala. Key. Key Kiiifa, Ac, Ac, io. (ty- Old Gold and Silver w ill be taken ui cicbangs for Jewellery. Watches and Clocks Repaired ami Warranted, and Silver Ware made to order; and, in tart, every aitrtla in the Jewellery I ins m kept cnneOiaUy a baud ly , John V, Ih liner. Baluabory, April 4, Z tf- RFSPECTFULLY IriP.rin their friends tod the lubhc that ttrer have tterrwvwf frwn Hir OldSund, NO. 143 l'earl-Stwet, New i'ork, - , ,- To Ho 3t Cedar;' near William St . Where they keep constantly on baud a good as sortment of IIItlTlSH AM ATIi;iUCA,V " X nY-GO()UH, For Sale on liberal terms, and solicit an eiami. nation of their 8lock from Soulhuru Merchants visiting the city - (& Orders promptly and 'faithfully executed. New-Ynrk, Feb.V8, 183.V H NOTICE. PHE Subscribers" having been separately en. ale Dry-Uooda iluniuCMft, have entered into Co-Partnership,' Tor the proaocutuiu of tha same business, uudur the firtit of SALICOZ & .a.?SQ( . At NO. 234 Pearl Krei, ttirnrT of Bwrlm Slip, TlliW-VOUli, . , , They have availed themselves of ample room, by completely arranging, together with the first floor and Cellar, tha spacious Lofts of lha building in which they purpose to keep Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry4Uooda, Comprising an Assortment which trill probably not be surpassed by any in the City ; They, therefore, respectfully invite their friends and Merchants at a distance, lo call and examine their Stuck of Goods; aud I hey venture lo assure them that the prices al which they sell Goods, taken in consideration with lhe assortment kept, render Inducement CHA R LE HA LLOCK; : ULBBX4iTES. J1I-F0RD1 Yalcni Sltaw-Cuiicr. THE SUBSCRIBER having purchased the ea. elusive right for Makiug, I'siiigarid Vending the abpye ,yaluable.;Mariin9,. Rowan, Iredell, and Cabarrus, offers the same to the i rmert of those Count ies at a very low prtee j the light of making single Machines can be had : at any time. He will have a number of Machine made iir a -very short time for aU;- -JAME3-COLR3; "RolnuvCourity, March 8I,"l83S;TTTtf Temperance. Friday the flth day of May next, the Annul al- Meeting of the TemiHsrunce Society oflm. del) County, will be held at the Presbyterian I'U. L tl.... '. -Il W.. . . vourcii uenr niaicavine. me UiOmDers. and all who wish well to the highly important cause, are invited to attend. The Rev, P, J. Sparrow ia ex. pected to preach on the occasion. - , JAMES CAMPBELL, Secretary. April 11. 1835.' 3t ..-X s it 1 y . " ' ''T v; ..' I, '"' V . -