i I: -J from (Af farmer1 Homier. Masta. Hoit-oasi Whn, ft f day freemen of 8t .In C siuty, living in ' ie'''y of rJ.lem, mH at ihi p.!l- awn-Jin to 1 1" propositi! of our Ut L" lisUturs, in rJ r to sigify wtitnir il ilMHr !! H w Ilia cours of ibe present M i iter, Convention should m-t, ftr lit purpose of fra ninj a m :ai Constitution, under wcb r. triili hm a it lis pleased Ibe LegiJstore to pre. scribe ti llicircistitoent. il ! lively feeling of roortifkatiw and regret that I perceived bow the m rfive it iHt fo cituiiM, a voted again! such C mention, wr either altogetlier unknoen, of, when k wwi, tht t!viy wee misconstrue! a il a tuUil II rail a toy nuroU1l "'""a' 10 ,h" minntyi that c ml 1 oH giv lliif einwul to such C nvs.ifi hi, it will, I oVmed Imperii n-fit, eV'i ia ywr hinv I iinuunicto lo my fiil...ciiieu the uiiiif'iaby which myself with a ft friun.1 to .11, " recorduij our vote anifwt IN prip-wed Cotiswotioa. ' When, in llie y4rT6ioo aftemur Declaration of Irtdepemlinefi, our prysenl it Cswiiiution 4 framed, it will b generally known,!!! f l"r!U' western pirt pf Nortli-Carolma wa nuW very thinly, e rtlnm almost wilderness), dotted only hn od iber by In habilatiowof i fsw f,r nors and huiitBrmTXii lhereml rlwtaraf Two-" at thai tun belonged In the ehsrts reel linw w Wall, thmigh I presume entirely unexplored ly :i- i!izaJ man, ami eontsiuing only the wigwai!" fj 4vag and I'm haunt of wilJ b. Te li niti illMt momiettk MuAtr weru, in f imnneiwa, tlmii'y elniu4, Iwo or tlinn, perbapa More, of h proirt cogiloaconi''ilinj ai inai linn a ma fionV ?,"r hapomwd, tlwt ainra that lim , t!i frw p-putaii in il'iBtero couirtwa iocrea A in a much more rapiJ raUo lhaa in th aairtorn CwnliiM, which waa ow'wfl, I prewmo, to ibo tut, . that Uhj number of alarea iu lbs wwt ia oomparably airull lu whit it b in tb ea-it, where chiefly Ibe d aua tdaiita of the fir mUlkr of Ibe Slate own, in iany cl,1trtiVBfle tracfl of land, nnf hundred of tvea to eullirate them, of which we in h awe f rf uiwloiy Iwf vary 1 w io(anca atwmg ua. Our landed pr"mrt ia much mora aqually didd il ia ctiwlly, (wrwbf I ) 0.)d we could eay mrraltg) .eullivatfd b free uen f bodily labor, or the earning , of our bread bi tl-edt of the brow, ia iwt cm " ' ifered dicrO'laable or dogradinjr, mmg ua,aa it u frjunr1y in vbcee where aJauM ecluiveljrlare art employeii. Tbia rapid incrwiae of population in the weM, rendered il from ti me to time nuceeaary to dtfi'le our e Witt", which to frequeolly occurring, occaaioned ,l "our a4taru Uolltam to take bambrag at ur grow, iuj priperity they grew jealoua Uo-lof tfte well grounded apprahonaton,tbat the pmkNniitanl power to regulate the concern of lit til ale accordiug to , ilieir Cuicy.bilbertoeicluaifely enjoyed by Ibe eaat, might gradually alip bio the hand of tba weat - - tbattlutely dirgrding the principle, oo which alone rrppoblicaft gmwrnneat ean oootimta to ti U any U(flh of time, Eq-alUf of Reprt la linn. ' UureaaterqbmnrenMaanefinoifWiMm anoti'n reluctanllr to ft divisioQ of eurne weatero , tnnty, eonlaining, ia auute inatanceav lhouauKU of - iiwrHHunra. io limn oa iuo uiihwu m ji loraUe ttrn eounty, containing perhapa only a lU hundred frwh'ler. -TW PU l a pua cssrd bT the Bait and etercwod wilfi rulhloaa msvt. rii. has at la it become auch a nvMaitruoa cryuig avd, thai tha w paid into tlie Bute Trwwunr by aome of th' eattera couiitiea are even not uiH eomt to defray the daily pay of Ihe iooiJibora aent by thasa. ooujilim la iLoJBUhtMro Et.JI eaiiensea o loeir DupefHr uouns, i pifreiwoo, i .; atnnd m"nlr Ibe aauw prIicHml. It wa mainly "Ihi inlolMraUo grievance-, TiXT the preponderating inluenca of lo east in our Legilatun, justly ac- atiirelabiut aitty years airo, but sinco in4 unjust- ' y maiiitaitm whon the free poulation of the west far e0BoJ h trt p p il iti w of the east, and some ol!mr miikir goliMrt, niacovcreo oy no ffrwwn nf li n. in nor (Vxixlihllion. tthirH roused in tllO ... . . 1 i i i . : oxoole of tha we4 tU ootivictiou of thd heceaiity tot a CiMiventi.ja, for the purKae of amending our CtMwtimt'i.Mijr in which HvioHW I (ully and unre, " irvoJIy particiiat9 with inV v7e4tcrn broth ren. Riil lh Conveuti.i t.to which I conaciniitiou.djr can ""giv fny huinbla cjnent, twiM bean uurericted ooi 'Oiitra'it.iitttiHt oflwluckbd by tiniitatraws, ) . , acli'J by a ael of iwn .who cannot even pruW' ;Xitt.jilwJu iifiba Btlority,umtrr, which iny act; e l, when tliey pnUeiHlod to preacnlio to the aovur eiu peoulo, to U" amblod by tlieir dlegirtea in ponveutKNi, on what aubjocU tbey bavo gracioua idve to diilibwrute, ant im what others they are jntriMw!y commanded to keep silenc. Haw meo, emerging; freh from the ranks of a free peo- ftBj HctoJ, r hope, on -account otthoir aujairior 'arnrngrtotuIirjieiK'e.and angiicity, invested barely ,with tbe.aujhority to enact laws, in ordof to carry fti! Jho curreut b'itne? of (be State Government; pien, who themsolvea, in tboir imrtriction act, ac knowledge tha nijla of the people to declare by ' its vote, whether any convention ia to meet or" not, how thetw men, almost m the same brent h, after- to preseribe i tdTtVia prpterowwvention asaeinbled, wht .'they are allowed Jo aneuk, ittoi!f iiicotn- . " ' preheiwible to my weuk uiidontanding. It cer- "' 1 laintyrtnese few yearwwlr baa boaiiioo muck-mural fuahionable thrtn formerly among our publie men 'to flutter the people with their uaalieiiable rights and reserved privileges. ". Popular sentiment, the will of the people, the aovorciijnty of the tiiate, have been the fruitful themes on which veniKHia . innumerable hava been delivered in stentorian tone, and homilie been ung io the hL'he'if Btrain. T A'ld tliia has been. done bi none more loudly lhnn by very n,en who, either themselvi committed v Vunt " eiic"rM nliieii'u)''on''tne' libertres f ttifilt ti Jo'W" cttizwi, Of -dftfended mmilar:nen . initted by other, whom thy conaidered their su- periora. And this eharge, I aimreheud, ia exactly applicable to most of the wi-w men of our lint Le gislature, who cither framed or even cny.ited to that odimw convention 1ayt Whoavor ''recollect that most, if not all, the restrintions contained u tlie eaid ww, were proposed by the eastern mem bar for the avowed, undistrtiised wirp(se of retsio in, even in the pro)osed convention, the undue weisht anioyed hitherto by them in the Iegwla. ture f whoever will undertake the trouble of com. ' paring the population of our 65 count ies, hcc wliivj " ', to the last census, with the limited number of 130, as designated by tha restriction Uw, must irreMrti ,y bncomo convHiced that, by a convention limited -inaueb'a mantie'rihowetit rcanTn"T"iy ROliN if any thing. 4ut it ha tccti aiMj-ed by some jiiond of he convention, thaf we cuimiq' loose any fMif?, and tHat, wU( Utile perhaps f f'n fiinol li arrjiiid with grliil". A (tril cm proiiiiae,il U mid, IllUtt iimo;i! Jti8 Prom If Wll aa the mU rn nn-iiilmra if lli wnivBiili'Hi. I wil inly airv, llial viir.Hiiuifig irit in prial aa wall aa in poblie bfe iamitliiii a ry d"aira U and amiaUfl ir1ie. I5-I, I tru. he ge- rurally adimiKid, that in m rl aa wull aa in polU llire ar aioe principb a an which w emnpro tmm ould bi Tali pWdT t h'of thwur Minciplwi, ( bm, ia epiali t rprMUtioii arnrtbr one ia lb nailinbiK etrictly the p-i.r of our public imm wiihio Iba'apber oWribml by law, which tmh prio. ciU- in Ibe preaenl caae ap.wir to b Wtinialely bUmM wgihi'r. ConfiJono ewiiwwlly rpawl in miMic Nfiii, U wrtainly no rpillcair virtue ail il U h'tvoa a pwl, willing In continue to f n j.iy fretuioin, lo wlch piblic mn inmid wilh imuMrv oower. wilh a wl-iu eye, aoJ to check lbin iin(iidil'ly, wlmn-r lb"y irarHgrwai llwir proper bmilaj we kiww it iy our own apeneoce, that aa frail, onaid.and iciii bfinra, we are only loo apt to alo power eiilntUd to ua, when we find it uncontrolled. ' A Convenlion, in order to be an efficient one, and able to give the leiat aaiUfaction to the wrat, niut U inveaiod wilb the riht to chooi one of two al tenialivpa I either, to aHuw lo each mntnljf anch an additional aumUr of rupre-unlalifoa aa it may be utillnd lo by it population, which would give to aome of the woafera countiea trvm 6 to 9 drk'gnlfte, i and. conamiumitlr. would incrnaie III numU-r our of Ir-iUlor to a ory inconvenient f. wioea rcn- .'. . . . i d'-iiKg tlie legwlaiure artill more eieiiive or m otuiT allernaiive, which conaiitt in uixJinng the irt WMiiimtlad noarlprf year peat by our legia-Ulurr-t a number of eaatero countiea ought come-. quootly be again eondutawd into a ainlo oo", ao aa to equali in aue degree tlie large weatero coun tie iu population, .but lh application of both If him reiiHMliea, which alone could cure the evil ra dically, ia reo.bred impiaiible by the rentriclion law, which tiiU oo every (ouuty, even the ioumI incorMnditraUe one, rrtaiuing one ipreontative, and limiting ibe whole number to 120, Were the- pfopMeJ couvoiitioo even coduwnod with auperhiliiun wiiHoio, and eninialedg"nerally and MMlividually willj the rwwt fervent wih to re dreaa every grievance, we mut eipect of ooonw, thai limited and bound aa tbey muitt remain by tho law, that, after I painful labor, the eooatitulion which ibey will ualiar into the world, cannot but bo a rickety, niiaerable, and sickly creature, which, if tha people cma be gulled into, it acccpuoce, may perbape be careawd and fondled a abort time, but which certainly, aooner or later, whn il inionml doCHcttand real do&riuity bucoine generally known, will bo rejected with acorn and dutetutim. Tlx; oaw constitution will pot, cannot, ou;rht n4 toaatiafy thfl west i tba injustice of the east will continue lo be felt, compUiuta and recrimination will not cease, a the main grievance muat be left without redreaa: we shall, before many year elapse, insist on. ano ther oon rent ion, ia order to frame a new constitu tion, and the good people of North Carolina will preaaottoueotaecineiiioBraoijour junioo.tne. cu- rloua unenviable spectacle of I riming, in tne course of a law years, at (east two, perhaps more ow con stitutions, or playing witb conatilutiona nae cnuu- roa With tbnir buublca. A consniuiion, I anoutci suppose cooalitule, Ihajundameiital . law. of the Slate, which every officer, the highest aa well as tba. lowest, is compelled by bi oath to support.; even our legislator, when framing new laws, are Iniperiouiily turd by the ;prineipl laid down in our CoOJMIIuuotl. 11 l consetueuiiy our uuir io regard It with feeling of profound respect, and ao lemnawe, to manage H,-wbcnYwjuiring alteration, with tender circumspection, and not to undertake any aTlera'tiooa TWIUiouf Vi : imsiTurgenr t)Meiryd . ... . . . . i I Any law, -by being orten changed, losses will ev-j ry change,- even oy a truung ooe, saioo oi. ua. uio. ral force, which It ought to posses over the com. muuily, and iu enactor instly incur tho suxpicion of fkkloness, levity, and weakness of mind. If, therefore, we are to have a new constitution, 14 it hs such a .perfect one a can poibly .be.de. vised by the eoaeen.ttteAwjs. us not be aatisfied with onwmtseraHepatchwwk, which in a short time must be torn in piece and then ba nmo jelled, again. convention, in onler to frame only a tolerable constitution, must not be prevented by any mean lo apply boldly the pru- mug kutfe to every dofect, which is anjicknow- But what are we to dot what will the gentle meek advocate of compromise say, if the east ia not wrll- j ing Id oo U lull juwica l - t lis njiinniy m aiun nls ono, and can be pointed out in a few word. Let v$ trparatr. Let us imitate the.exainpktofJ Tennessee, which upwards of forty years ago, ao tnatod by certain riavance, Ae exact sjiocihcaJ lion of which is unknowo to me, separated from North Carolina- and declared itself an imiependent State. "Why cannot we form the State oT :wesl Carolina! It ia only a peremptory declaration of! this linnorL which m my 'opinion will bring our eastern brethren to their proper senses, and render them willing to grant us the long domed justice. I havr-already hinted somewhat atnother ao- foct in our system of jrbvernment, which in my hrrmWenioni!lit4oWmodiod, iixLtha Jfi, presentation of slaves, which, by the regulations oi ; th M(LegisiriuiiarRw many engralteu on our state M)uuiuuon. u mny flat; reauniptioH ot ft slavehotiier to- know, that three fifth of bi luves are to be represented in the State-legislature, a they are most unreasonably in Congress; though but even few intelligent slave-holders will be found willing to defend, ly serious arguments, the Ju stice of tho jo presentation of elaves. But certainly every free ihanTnof oWnliijtslavekrihusf deeply tart Interested he In cense to protest, both by word and deeds, agmi ireffiMmTwIiicfi : . 1 ... mmhlf frte punBlmM, considered as property in law. ' - " 11 ':"-. - Finally, I drwin it noeejsary to mention another point, which - seem to mo. to demand imperiously the attention of a free, unrestricted Convention, yu the irra ltial ahofitiori of slavery. WThever consi ders sirioiwly th? fct, that in a few year slaves will m1 to exUt iit the British West Imlie,and, in einnquenc, almost certainly in tho French, Danish and Snama'i Idand t whoever is acquainted with tha Hooinphicil situation ot the west imnes, ana w 1 . . . . a . a their tvar vicinity lo mir most southern ahore, nvwt come to tha irresistible conclusion, that this cseatinn of atavery iti the West Indie must exer cise a powerful influence on our htve. If no prr ibeci, a relield mil to theiiS TfiiFf heir smduafjflaiar tion and filial removal of their chain, wa certainly. c time not very remote, shall hava our alave-wr, a wutl aa the Rnmana aiwl Siciliana bad tlwirs- TlMifinipt',f of rpirlnoaoil Adu will bn imttatmr by mm cn'wrrrd wi.W, and the fairt pofiion ( the Union will be devastated with fir aitd sword, , i 1 forU-sr to tnd my rernarka, by stfaking dif. fuily on the unsnisimabl tiros for bol'ling the (Miveiilion, wbrni lbs VK4enca of party spirit has reached Ha uiimat heighth, wbioh violooc certain, ly inrapv-itiit mrof difRfol pdilicl paHU to t limine lb toinlanvutal defkitncie of tboir Con stitution, in ft calm, dipaaiortat manner. fliose, MMra. lvlilora,r lbs principal reaaona winch iiKluced ne to vote against the restricted eonveuti m protioand to ua, and they are herewith submittoil to tlie candid ind iixlulint pulmmit of your ra br. AHCLKI'IAIll-a. B ELECT MISCELLANY. r-'f.-r ii Ti "Tin" '" - CUt'UTMIlIP AND MARRIAGE OK WA8U . l.VUTO.N, I.N 17M. Voai th lifntf Xlrt. Mmlk WuilmgUiH,bf Utorg Winking ton P. Cut! a, Y..,itf Arlington. It wa iu 1754 Out an olhcer, attired in a mili tary undreM, ami attended by a body servsnt( tall and wilitane a bis cba-f, crmxl the ferry called William's, over the Painmikey, a branch of the York riv On Ibe boat loux biug the southern or New Kenl si'le, the soldier's progress wa arretted by one of ibuae persiMiages, who give tlto beau ideal lot' llifl Virginia gentleman of tlie old rrgiints,Jho very soul of kimlooiM and hospitality. It was m vain tlie soldier urged hi business at vVilliaiiinburg, ifiixirtrtiil coinmunicatiofM to the governor, &c. Mr. Chamberlayon, on whose domain the inihlarie bad just landed, would haruf no eicune. Col. Wand in'ioo was a nam and character so dear lo all the Virginimu, that bis pacing by one of tho old tal lies of Virginia, without calling and partaking of tlie hospitalities of the host, wa entirely out of the ques tion. The Colooel, however, did not surremler at discretion, but stonily maiiiuiiiiod his ground, till CbaniberUy ne, bringing up his reserve, in the inti mation that he would introduce hi friend to a young nd charming widow, tlwrn beneath hi roof: tlie solilier eapitututed, oa condition that he should dioe.'only dine, ami then, by preisong bis charger and borrowing of the uight, bo would reach M il liaiiKiburg before his excellency coijjd shake olf his morning slumbers-Ordei were accordingly issued to llmliop, the Cobxiul's body servant, and faithful follower, who, together with the fine Iigtuh char ger, bad Wo bequeathed by -the dying Itruddock to Major Washington, on the fumed und fatal held of the Mononguhelu. limhop, bred in the school of Kurnpean discipline, raiM bis band lo his cap, a much a to ay, u Your honor' orders shall be obeyed." The Colond now proceeded to the mansion, and wa introduced lo various guext, (for when was a Virginia domicil of ibe oldou time witout gueolsT) and above all, to the charming ' idow. Tradition relates that Ihev were muluully ploaned on this first interview nor is" it remarkable ; they were of an age when impression are striHiest. The lady was fair to behold, of fascinating ninunera, and splendid. Iv endowed with worldly bene6t 1 lie hero, fresh from hiaearTTIiitlds. redolent of fame, ami with a form oo which "every God did seem to set bi seal, to give the world aasuraiicejf a roao. The momiiig passed pleasantly away, evening cameL with Rishopt true to hi orders and fitn at his-part? buiding tha iavorita charger with the one hand, while the other vu waiting to oflbr tbe rea dy stirrup. Tbe sun sunk in the horizon, and yet tlit Colonel appeared not. And then the old soldier marvelled at his chief' delay. HTwas strange 'iwa psming strange surely be was not wont to be a single moment belood his appointwcoU, lor he al. a a I - f !l t ... . a I ik. was tlie most punctuul of all nieu. ..Mcuntimo, the host enjoyed, the secoe of the veterah on duty at the gate, while the Colonel wa ao agreeably em ployed in the parlor ; and proclaiming that no guest ever left hi bouse at aunaet, hi military visiter was without much difficulty, persuaded to order Hishop to put up the horse for the night. The whew the enamored-aoldter pressed wkh- his ssur hi charger' side, and speeded on hi way to the seat of government, where, having despatched his nnbliebutHne, he retraiced hi steps, "and, at the White House, theengagement took place, with preparation fbr the marriage. , A.nd Tfttucn hath, the Uographer hfard of that marriage from grey -haired domestics, who waited at the board where love made tha feast and Wash Infftrvrfwaa the gtiest."-And rare and high was the revelry at that parmy period of Virginia'a festal ' age for many were gathered to that marriage, of tha good, the great, and the gifted, while Yirgina, jvith joyoua acclamation, hailed in hej y outhfuljie ro a prospenaia and nappy Drioegroom. " And so you remember when Colonel Washing ton chine ft cmirtin of your mistress !" said the bi ographer to old Cully, in hi hundredth year. ' Aye, master, that I do," replied this ancient fa mily servant, who had lived to ee five generation : u great times, sir, great times 1 Shall never see the like again ln M And Washington looked some thing like amart, a proper man, a proper man, hXsJU'l'lyj " -ieyer a0"' ,ne "i6! B'r new the J 11KB ni mm, inougn t nave seen many iu my uay 1 attiall8ft-tralght 1 Ahtsiry ha-wa-tike-ao-one else l-Many-at the wedding but none looked like the man hunselfl strong, indeed, must have bften the iinpresMious which the person arid man" nor of Washington made upon tho rude, " untutor. ed mind" of this poor negro, aince the laspe of three qimrtor ofji.eeiiturjrjbad not aufticed toe face them.- - . ; The precise date of the marraige the biographer has been tjrmMe to diseovert having ia search ed among the records of the vest rv of ot. reter Church, New Ken,' of wh'ich lhe" tlev. MrMun 1WW6;Jcljf . -..I .. .!. . - . A -. .!.-! . ! "I 1 I . . I If A soon lime siinr innir inarnnge, nionei ana inra. Wkshington removed to Mount Vernon, on the Po, tomao,and permanently settled tKcre." Another Vr$ulint Concent. We are happyto announce; (saya a Duplin paper,ythatTheTlu"ltev7 Dr. England, Bishop of Charlostan, arrived yester day (Sunday) in Cork, by the Victory steamer, frn Urwtol. - we nave thr gratification to atate, that the estimable prelate enjoy the best health, and proceeds in a few day, via Liverpool, to Charleston, South Carolina; accompanied by aome ladies from the Ursulirm community at Black Rock, who propose establishing a convent of their order in the vicinity of Charleston. The venerable j; re 'hitelleiftTvemy thelathor of the faithful, and the various congrega. tiona.conoected with hi legation, - . Vest tk '(( ;An ftiorfmn, -J. A.UT-'t ;il (.'t'HTOMKR. It it most astonishing," said Richard Mervyn, aa ha reliiKtjislM.'d the atteniHi to rise from the gut. lor at the corner of Hixth and Frmt treeU it is really astonishing how ion this dreadful climate of America brings oa old age. I shall never sur vive lo get home ami write a book about the place never. Hers am I, six feet two, without my stoc k Ing, sprawling in a dirty republican gutter, without being aide to help mywdf out of it. IVrc's a lamp winking and blinking ia my dice, a if it want to laugh, and would, if it had a mouth and a big brute of a dog just now nosed me to sea whether I wa good to sat. What a country I what gutters I and what liouor ! I only took nine swallows of whis. key, and what with that, and lh prematura old age, I verily believe I'm assassinated I'm a gone cbkkonl" Mr. Mervyn now clamored ao loudly that assist ance soon came. . Hilence liter I What's the matter f Matter yourself I'm being done, or a some people say, I'm doing. Tbe nwrch of mind has lril, and llichanl Mervyn is too deep for him self. Help me out gently there. Aint 1 iu a pretty pickle f This is whut the doctors call gutta trrtnn, isn't it! WImmi I wa at school, the boy would have called you a irutteral.' They would'iit have known much grammar, if tliey did. I in a liquid hj me drip. Oh ! ho!' said the watch, ' d.xit try to tie funny ; I know you well t"! sigh, now you've wiped your f.ire. You're ibe rhnp thiil listed me up in my box oore, ami when I Isirst ojx-n the il'mr, you knocked me heels over Iwud, and legged it.' That's me. I did llint thing. How do you like tlie up and downs of public litu t Is'ut variety charming V If it wasn't that I'm a public functionary, and muwi't give way to my fts-luii;, I'd rrack your cocoa, and eaite my iiuihI by doing as I was done by. I'll make an exaiupbi of vuu, however. You are my prisoner. I lull j) cotuhn to the wutch 'us.' That' the .Dutch for ; being tuck up. . . ' Well, givo ua your arm. lKn't be afraid of .ii mud. (fuller mud is very wIioIimkhiki. Look at the pigs, bow fat it makes 'em ; and if you like fut pork, why shouldn't you like what makes pork fat ? 80 so titi-udy. Now I'll tell you all alxsit 'lo I her night, I was pacing ymr box iu a friend'y, promicuu srl of a way, I thought you were asleep, or hni run down, and I turned the key to wind you ii. If a watch aint wound up, it cun'l either keep gmMl time, or even go.' Well, whal el-e T Why, then I watched the lox, and when yoo came mil, i bixeI the watch. 1 hut sail. It grew out of toy utilising itirtpoition. Ha! very obliging. Now it's my turn to wind you up, and, lo do it in tho some way, I'll lake you before the watch-maker, to be cleaned und regula ted. You go too fist, but he'll put a spike in your wheel : he'll set you by the Stale Houe, and muke you keep good time.' Why, walchy, you're a wag. Why don't you say that I was a horizontal, and that you lifted me up like a patent lever t You're wide awake now ; but that night you wer'n't up to trap, or you would have caught tuc. I caught av weasel asleep that liioe 1 put fresh salt on you for once.' To add one more to hi vagaries, Mervyn now refuned to walk a step further, and,' sitting down on a step, loudly avowed hi resolution, declaring his name was not Walker. Whether your name is Walker or not, you must go.' . Not without a go cart you can't force mo to go -I'm a legal, lender, and you must, take me. liavu't I gut an ollka, oral least a public sihnWton, here on the steps, Mr. Charley Rattletrap's? If I must go, it shall be on the .Yaukee principle of rn tation bring a wheel-burrow. Reform me out regularly.' Persuasion being useless, the ofllcer procured assistance and a wheel-barrow, ia which Murvyn -80 we go,' eaid Marvvn . I Charley ! ronkiryj a barrow-nii;ht of me. Gently over the stones, I don't like bumpers, except when I get them of por ter. Thi tlie way to Wheeling hurra ! carl before the horse I' When arrived at the watch-house, Mervyn in sisted upon being wheeled up glairs, and styled the place a ourrow-niaj cuaiio. l I'm aoKxlest man,' said he, 4 and no stairer. . If I cant ftnve a 'Tideup,-1 thinkr myself entitled to draw back.' So saying, ha attempted to escape, but not being so nnnlile with hi lect a with his tongue, he wa soon caught, and lugged back, being, as he said. like goldsmith work, beautifully chased, - illing hand make short work, and in consequence, the unsavory MinHtor was soon carried up aloft, and next morning, sober and penitent, paid his tipscy fine, and hi ca rriage hire with a doleful countenance. sa True, every kord T If you want to make a so ber man a drunkard, give him a wife wbo will scold every time he comes home then storms at bet-IQft. BiHnocIt'Tom over tlie skillet handle 4fabxNaA4n4no wto the kitchen with a broom stick. .' . If ou want to render your husband unhappy, blame him for every thing he doe, right or wrong, scold him for doing this or that, before You know" wnemer ne 010 u. . If you wish your eons to become tippler and to pers, make it a point.to use ardent spirit in the morning before dinner and when cold and wet end also when heated or fatigued, and occasion ally recommended it use fa their presence. L And, finally t If yoii . would. always hava aicteftr eooscfentr; be an honest man and a Christun ,' and - I '" - - .-o".. j.!.......-. . !.,,. . OUR ABIDING PLACE , When we cast our eye upon the coutles multitude of youth who are daily sporting in tha sunshine of neyttyand feasting upon the luxune and vamties of this sublunary existence, we are ready to enquire, ia thi their continuing city f When we behold the female, say with' the bloom of youth, and ar rayed itfttis eoetly habiliment of earthly grandeur, gliding with cheerful countenance and nosieles step, through the piddy mazes of the dance; we are anxious to know if one reflection is ever directed to that bright world, beyond the grave. The youth of both sexes are so generally addicted to tha con cerns of tlie present life, that death pale and sick ly death seldom occupies a passing thought.' Think not, O, youth I that your days will Continue forever, white Burrcunding objects daily fade, and wilher, ImJ dir While you this iey sjwrl and re. vel, and mingle In ibe scenes of a Uiy world, d ath may beextrnclingrowardyiwliisky Lamt" .To-day ? your cln ek may b wrm with the glow of youth ? your eye burn and sparkle wilh iuli Ihgeoce your limb may posse the vigor ami activity of Iba ' Antelotw, a ha bound from cliff to crag. To. morrow, tlie glow upon your clieck may be dijU. cod by lbs pallid due of oVtlr--your ey may be closed and your JimL cold, and at uXnd itraight ened for the grave. Ti wilh Ibe rapidity of tha lightning' flnh thai death can work. Then H ua be prepared for every change let our thought be engaged by olijecl beyond lb visiofl of mortal man, ami thus bo ready to meet ondismayed, that great change, which ia the lot of all. Larly arrival of the Sea Serpen'. Our cast. ernamuluurs have commenced I heir summer amuse, incut a mouth or two earlier Ihaa uuul, as wo leara from the lloston sJlers, tlial Iheir stoisliug lion, the St rVreut, bus sln'sdy nuulu his advent, and his first apiearencu for I he seajHMi, on the Clou, center board., was n'gulurly annoaiM-ed some ilays simrc. ('uptnin Shibles, of tho brig Mohegan, having "diktinctfy mmmi" liini si Huiurday lat, uhoot ten 1111 U-m from Kare I'oiirt. The Curtain ami crew are ipiile certain (hut it was the veritall Sra Heqw-nl, ami there is nothing lurking Isit lli usual ullidaviU to wili.fy his "adiiiiring fellow ciu iwi" tluit he has artu.illy arrived, in gixsl fitilh. I lis old l.id frii'mls in difC'reul jmrU of I tie cismtry will be gratilH-d to bnini lliut he lias grown yi'iy mHiHid'Tuhly sim-e his Inst vi-it bring at prcwulk from '.'(Ml lo 'J.Vl fii-t lnig. lie apx-nr, tmi, lo ls iu "excellent voire," as they sny at lis () rs, for " wiy the "alliuiilit," every licit.- ut bis beudabovu wuler liu umilcu hoimu like a ulrani engine. . A drnf and dumb Ojjire-tctker. J. Jifohu Flouruay has insoed an uililri-x to ihc voters of Clark county, ., aikiug lliein tut their snlliuges. He is" desirous of reprrgi-iiliug that county in llio Slule IyginlUlure, and, ncrordiug to the indorse. iiM'iit of the ILirlford Tini' s, iu vIikJi piiH-r wo find the address, he might by nil rvans to tw rfrc ted; for the Time tills us that he is a grulltvi u ih4 only di;af und iluiiib, ImI an ar I -ml ailimrcr of (no. Juc k si id as the editor know I from having been a fi-llow boarder wilh ihe cafiuidalo while ho was at Ihe Ik-af ami Dumb Aylurn, at ll.irlforil. J he circumstance, that be is depritt Jof ss-Th and hearing, qu.ililii's 1 1 i 111 xx-ulu.rly, ae think, for Ihe arduous it'spouMhihly of ui-ling is a Ja kwn n'linx'iitative ; und iPlie hud Im f ih-i l to have been born blind we shmild wonder ttill lesj at bis ixtrtmli- ly fir the Ihth iiik! his u'l. : niiiue '.v umild, in tli.it case, have more c.xciimc I linn moM of (he bn-llueii for overlooking the mud acts of our " repuhlicuu " desHili.sm. 1 1 has la-cm matter sf axtnuuhiiit'iit for a Iimm' Inn'', how it was ik -mI . for auv imliti- dual, m t ahs-ilutcly deaf, dumb, ai. it blind, 10 li e I aught liut disgust for the pn-wnt rty uismcr: MiHirnny has gieut claims, and it 111 at Im' uckikiw. ledgnd that he tiroes them with sini tilar force. He uvi: 1 ottbr uivselt' bv medium t fa tree Amen. can unshackled l'reH, for the mdep 'ident and con- scicutiou aufti.ie of ull w!io i.ceai me, though, " deaf as a while oak poHt," also in a good cause, inrlcxiblo like that -same oak, at th r period rd' acorn bearing, and fil to toll in MiIIedgv'ille w hut is good for Clark, and ought to be done in (leorgia." Ho declares that lie is " atnlMiesw M.ly to do good. . .one, men, can extraorJinnrny o( 11 tf me; but the emlriHtfed jirtap- si I iis in I jmrtrtr a, or t hw wpoinrif -concerted und!riator of the pe: jurious, for only Kiverty' sake." Let Mi. l'im.ay be eli-cled J H cerlninlv scorns to have a grnxfrdeal of Benton clspicm'0 about him, ami e litPibt not can make as good an evteniporit neniis-preHi , i f you come to thut, U4 the Hon. Iuac Hill, uf ".'w Humphire. f iwr. and f.iiq. From thr .Vne York Drily 1 htrluer. '. MAJOR DOWNING. We have been much gratified at receiving the following letter from Major Downipg's friend, Capl, jJtwopoy, of ilia Tww-i'llius ) smUwe give -it tu our - " radera with as utUtdeluy as pioy bv.j Lkktiekou II ah noun, Miirch 20, lSIlo. . Air. Dwiuut: I put iu here yesterday, and I sup. J pose if there's been one, there's been fifty, ami I itiiirht suv ni'dier a hundred iiciImiiis 011 eoard the 13 , 0 1 ------ Two Pollies, iiiquiring of me if it was really Iruo that I took out Majur . Dowoini to Paris.: Twas lucKy lor me mat tne major, cm leaving the j wo MiiUa!B.,f.Ig&jaiti wJhith.I.frjjiBdi, and hunir up, tlie iransum locker, and, snvs I. there. gentlemen, look and satisfy yourselves; I can't stop to answer every body's ouestions. But this I w ill sny, before tlie Major's face, and behind his buck, a more agreeable up and down sort of a -man 1 never broke a biscuit with I've kig'd a good ninny yarns of hjs'en, but as he spun 'em put lo nie in confidence like, I dont nie in to tell any of em, unless ho comes out with some of mine. He seemed to bo a leetlo hip'd once or twice on the passage, and says be to me "Caitain, if I should not live to see home again, I should like to have yoq s Mr. Dwight, and give him this bundle, it contains very impcirtant pers, which are not to be made puhlio ft4?n-5-" UiIC?1 !?,!'J bwr thai the Major naa tjoiie otherway's thaiT well, Ermo know, nnd I will permrm my promiie. I hope, sir, it wont be considorod out of the way " or vain in me, if I should ak you to put in your nuniiv paper the Major' letteY to mo above mentioned Your friend, SOLOMON JUMPER, Here' 1 the Copy : HiTtitDTi5ftWTiTfiscrJaflr30, 1835. "To Captain Sniper of the Two Pollies Presetin Daaa 0jrm I ,1 tight I&morrow morning, for reasons best known to royeelf 1 but I hope I'm not the man to sneak off. and notjayJJhanWouJforJjra I qa. I yer palayour nobody, but, Captain, if I know what's whatrvtMi'ra tha man" of all nihr irt "iti"Tii, Pollies, the vessel of all craft, which I shall alway(J I one to cross me ocean witn ; and whether the tie neral send out old Iron-side or not, if you happen te be here wJtel!gmft0oiijrtian..ba ve the re fusalofme. J, D0WNJNG," , RtrfgnaHon. Mr- , a. covetuou man, lost his only son, an event which overwhelmed him with, sorrow. .The minister came to comfort him. and. in the course of conversation, remarked that such chastisements of Providence were merriet 'm dit gaie that, although in the death of his son, he had Buffered a severe and irreparable misfortune, yerundoubtedlywjBwn reflectionsjiad "already suggested to him some source of. consolations YeaV.exclaimed the! weeping father, "James was a sioftsVrovj eater ! M C ieVHl N f n "ck w 1 V- " " 1,5,1 1 7r m ':i':.-- f t:', ' ' il - 1