POLITICAL. From the liichnvmd Whig. M A R T I N V A X B U R E X . I propose to present to the public a few facts in relation to the "arch-magician," whic 1 I shall de rive from recorded testimony; and, iu respect to their verity, I shall give my authority, chapter and verse ; and I not only invite examination, but defy contradiction. And, first, of the Tari.f. In some parts of the State, his partizins have had the hardi hood to assert, that his votes in favor of the highest duties on important manufactures were in pursu ance of instructions from the Legislature of Xew York. The assertion is fdse. It is true, that he voted fjr the Tariff of 12 under instructions notoriously procured at his own suggestion ; but what was' his conduct in 152 I, when Mr. Clay's obnoxious bill was under consideration, and when it is not pretended that any legislative instruction whatever, had been given him? In the absence of the Journals of the Senate, it is fortunate that the indefatigable I'ditor of the Weekly Register has preserved faithfully the proceedings of that lody, of which Air. Van Buren was a mernlwr. Let us look into them. April :20th, 1S-J. The bill from the other Huse, "to amend the several acts lor imposing duties on imposts," was taken up for a second rea dingMr. Lloyd of Maryland moved that it should be referred to the Committee on Finar.ce, to ascer tain the elleet of the bill on the Itevcnue, .Vc. The motion was negatived Aves 22, Xavs 2.) the Southern Senators voting in the affirmative, and Mr. Van IJuren, &c, voting in the negative. Vol. Z new series page l-t. A run. 2. Air. Mills moved to amend the bill, by striking out the following clause : On iron, in bars or bolts, not manufactured, in whole or in part, by rolling-, ninety cents er ll'-i lbs. weight." De cided in the atfirmative : Yeas 24, Xays 2-i. The Southern Senators in the affirmative, and Martin Van Buren, ovc, in the negative. Vol. 2. page This clause was afterwards restored to the bill. AritiL 20. Mr. Lloyd of Man-land moved to amend the bill, by striking out the clause, "on hemp, two cents per pound." Decided in the affirm ative: Yeas 'J I, Xays 'Jo. The Southern Sena tors voting in the atfirmative, and Mr. Van Iluren, Vc, in the negative. Page loO. Mav I. The question being taken on the mo tion of Mr. Harber, to exempt "German linens," an article of Southern consumption, from the duty of " twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; it was de cided in the negative Mr. Van Buren voting with the majority; Av'es 23, Xoes 21. But, on the same day, on the proposition of Mr. Holmes of Maine, to exempt " Russia Hollands, and Ravens Duck (articles used by the Xorthern ship-owners) from the same duty Mr. Van Buren voted in the affirmative. Pages loG, 157. May o. Mr. Klliot moved to strike out the clause which established thirty cents, as the mini mum price per square yard for the calculation of the duties on cotton cloths and cotton twist, yarn, or thread a clause in the tariff bill which was par ticularly distasteful to the South. Negatived Ayes 23; Xays 24 Mr. Van Buren, (Jen. Jack son, Scc, voted in the negative. Page 15"?. As the bill came from the House of Representa tives, the duty on unmanufactured wool was to rise five per coat. p?r annum, until it readied fifty per cent. On the 0th May, Mr. Mills pr oposed to re duce the prospective duty to twentv-five per cent Negatived Ayes 21, Xoes 26 .Mr. Van Buren voting in the negative. Mr. Mills then projnjsed to reduce the prospective dutv from fitteen to thir tv per cent carried in the affirmative Yeas 25, Xays 22; but Mr. Van Buren still voted in the ne gative. (It will le recollected that he was the own er of 20,000 sheep, and was therefore in favor of fif ty percent, duty on imported raw wool.) page ICS. On the same dav, (6th May) Mr. Chandler pro posed to exempt all goods of ll ix and hemp from the ad valorem duty of 25 per cent. ; negatived, 25 to 22; Mr. Van Buren voting, as unusual, lor re taininf the highest duty. In one instance, on the same day, he did vote with the Southern Senators. Mr. Macon moved that the duty on cotton bagging of four and a half cents per square yard, should be struck from the bill Mr, van Buren voted in tin. ailimative, but his vote was of no importance, as the motion was negatived, 24 to 23. It is to Ik; observed, also, that there was no irool in cotton banging, and that he had just voted to return the duty ot 2o per cent, upon all goods of hemp and flax, of which that fabric is composed. He did al so agree, with a considerable majority of the Se nate, to reduce the duty on worsted stu :T good from 30 to 25 ier cent., (a great concession!) but that reduction was intended fur the tienetit of the North ern and Eastern consumers. Mr. Hayne of South Carolina, on the same day, (to'th of May,) endeavor el to etl'ect a like reduction of 5 per cent, upon " blankets," an article of universal use; but on this most reasonable proposition, Martin Van Buren vo ted in the negative, (p. 100.) On the same day, Mr. Holmes proposed that goods which were or dered and cleared in foreign ports beiore the pas sage of the bill, should not be subject to the in creased duties negatived by one vote, and that vote .Martin Van Bi kkn's. (page 100.) Various other propositions were made in the course of the discussion, generally unimportant in deed, but on most of which, Martin Van Buren, who ellects such tenderness tor the "sweet South," was, nevertheless, found in the ranks of those who voted to fix the highest duties on iniH. rted articles. These are stublxrn facts, and matters of history, and vet do the friends of this doublo-fai:eJ politician unblushingly persist in representing him as against the policy of restriction. In 121, it is probable that the Presidential Chair had found no place in his "isions of glorv" his flocks and their fleeces were the peculiar objects of his care. Four years niter, however, the imperial sceptre had already haunted his imagination and stirred up his wily nmbition. It was necessary to conciliate the re fractory spirit of the South, and tor that purjose the mockery of instructions from a Tarijf State to rote for the Tarijf, was resolved on as the specious, but hollow pretext to cover his designs. More anon. I X V ESTI C, ATOR. Where, says Xoah, are the original friends of 4A. Jackson," Tyler, Tazewell, Leigh, Branch, Iredell, Berrien, McLane, Calhoun, Hamilton, Mc Duffie, Verplanck, Wilde, Selden, Arclier, Ingham, and a host of other men Sacri ficed to appease the intriguing ambition of the little magician. True enough ! All these distinguished and patri otic men have been one by one sacrificed to the miserable intrigues of the Kitchen Cabinet, From the Charleston Mercury. IT IS NOT A CHOICE OF EVILS. Since the radical change of the Tariff Laws, which Nullification etf-eted, apaihv and despair cv. 1 herefore, since sectional leeling is to lead hae given p!a in this cuiiiiinimiv to u hopeful ; the La-tern States into support of Mr. an Buren, and cheerful spirit of enterprise and industry. j P" 't' iheir knowledge, yea, and their profess The people arc- made happier bv this confidence of i" di testation of the Regency System, we call upon security in their rights, arising "from a wholesome j the South and the West to meet them on their own reliance upon theirabilitv to repel f-deral aggres-j . oWs and if federal Xew Enulanw chooses sion,and are prop-iouiv and contentedly enjoying j Martin Van Buren, because he is a Northern man, the beneficent refill of "their determined struggle i preference to Judge White, let the democratic tor m-tice. Shall this peaceful and promising l'u- uency ot unrigs ne cm cueu, oceans? we are uia gusted with the degradation of the Federal Govern meut, in the hands of the present rulers, or will not every good citizen, of whatever party, exert himself to prevent the recui reuce of another season of oppression, and another crisis of doubt ami dan ger I And to this end, how better can he direct his patriotic etl'rts, than by preventing the manage ment of Federal ad airs from devolving upon those who would violate the Tariti Compromise, and again doom the South to privation, oppression, dis content, and strife ? We cannot stand neuter, in the present contest between the White and Van Buren parties. The prosperity of the South is deeply involved in it. It is not only a struggle be tween a good man and an unscrupulous intriguer fr the otlice ; it is not only a struggle between the people and " the ( Jovernment," which shall choose the next Chief Magistrate; it is much more, it is a struggle between the South and the Xorth le tween section and section letweeri justice and robbery between Free Trade and the American System. The policy of the new Administration will take its complexion from the politics of the section which brings it into office. Even under a rigidly honest President, this must inevitably be pattially the case; but under one who has lecn all his life calculating the chances of the game fr office, there will be no scruple to sacrifice every thing to the sectional preferences and antipathies of his par ty. When we rememV'r, then, that the only Sou thern men who have abused the Tarilfeonipromisc, and avowed their disregard of the pledge to respect it, are the very few who have notoriously sold themselves to Van Buren, to be the indiscriminate supporters of his measures, ai:d the unscrupulous instruments of his intrigues, and that at the late session, Beardsley, if AY;r York, avowed similar sentiments, we must set; that " the parti"' has al ready an anchor to windward on the TariiF ground. A siiede glance at the map will tell us it cannot Ije otherwise, and shew us w hat must inevitably be the policy of a Van Buren adiniiii-iiation. Maine, Xew Hampshire, Connecticut, Xew Vork, Penn sylvania, and Rhode Island, are the regions of Van Burenisni. The broad South, from the Potomac to Texas, is the section that must vote for White, if he lo elected. We deny, then, that to choose Iietween the two parties is to make a choice of evils. It is a choice Iietween positive gtod and positive evil, for it is not only to choose which man, but which section shall prevail. In connexion with this geographical view of the subject, it is instructive to reeit to the course of Van Buren in 1,2, on the Tariff question. He spoko one way and voted another. His words were wind, and he gave them to cajole the South, but his vote wa.s something suhstantial, and told, and 1 .!" I 1 I I ' that he gave to the monopolists ; and gave it, too, at the expense of an act of downright treachery to the Southern Delegation. An apology has leen made for him to the Virginians lately, y a Imsom friend (presumed to le Benton) that against his own opinion 44 he went with his State." Aye ! and if Senator Van Buren, courting the South for her vote, was yet compelled to go with hia State against us, will not President Van Buren, elected by his Empire State, in despite of the South, go with his State again. And with what State The hot-bed of Agra nanism the I lead-quarters of A1m lition the Atlas of the American System. Con necticut, too, must 1m' rewarded lor her patent " Democracy" of the Hartford stamp: the A7.? of Xew Hampshire must !e gilded by the light of the ascendant luminary of New Hampshire's worship; his rays must penetrate the gloom of the iron mines of Xew Jersey, to make glad the soul of Mr. Dickinson, who would make the South pay a tax on sunshine ; ami his benignant glance must Ik? gluited back gratefully from the polished machinery of Pittsburg, and then the lmltl asserting Benton will tell us, not in apology, that the .Y-,r Yorker only goes with hi State, but in arrogant derision and defiance, that his bosom friend only goes with his party. In another article we may further examine the probable results of Van Buren's defeat, and answer the prominent arguments of those of our friends who still object to supporting Judge White. From tlir Xttsh title Republican. FOR TJIi: l'RBSIDHNCV, lift II I JL WHITE OF TENNESSEE. The Whig of the United States w ill have to choose ltetween Judge White and Mr. Van Buren lor the Presidency. Between these two individuals will ultimately, e the content. The nomination by Massachusetts, of Mr. Webster, will fall to the ground. Xew England will support Mr. Van Bu ren. Old federal Connecticut has lately gone over to him Rhode Lland will fdlow New Hamp- shire anu .Maine arc alrenuv his bono: servants. Vermont and Massachusetts alone are doubtful now, and sectional feeling will, in the .flcl? carry ihcm over to the Albany Regency. When the struggle comes on, the bani ers of the North and East will waive in amity, side by side ! Let the South and the West le line to themselves, and to each other, and they will triumph. We eschew sectional feel ing as much as any man but if the East and the North choose to le governed bv it. they cannot blame the Suth and the West for fighting them with their own weapons. e go then against Martin V an Buren, and for Hugh Lawson White; against Martin Van Huron not !ccause we are indiridnalh opposed to him, on account of his leing the candidate of X:w York f-iiot localise we have an individual hostile feeling to the Empire State. Far from it we would op pose no obstacle to her legitimate march to great- .. . li ii. t ness anu glory wo would n.-t wisn to seo me rising sun" of her State standard eclipsed, nor her proud and aspiring motto, ExceNior," oblite rated, but because we consider the political system of those who hold her in chains opniessive, tyran nical, and anti-republican because we wish not to sec- that system established throughout the Union because it enslaves the mind, which is far worse than enslaving the body because, w hile we have the name of freemen, we w ish to indulge in the liberty ofoninion and action, without being proscribed, and tiersecutcd for so doing and because we believe 'this Union trill not be worth preserving, if it be ! prostrated beneath the feet of the Albany Regen. uui anu est unite upon me iiuitr. x ue oppo nents of the administration in the South form a vast party the balance of power is in their hands, and, even granting that the choice between two Jackson men (so called) is a choice between two erils, they owe it to themselves and their country to choose the less. Furthermore we go against Martin Van Buren because he has been substantially designated by (eneral Jackson as his successor, and btcause we believe it will be an evil hour for the American H,'ople when they allow their President, directly or indirectly, to nominate his successor, and, by so nominating, cause him to be elected. That hour will see them subjects of a man, not citizens of a free n public. (Granting, for argument's sake, that Mr. Van Buren and Judge White aro on a par in every respect, tiiat they are equally fitted to preside over this nation the mere fact that the President has adopted the one, ought to induce free men, jealous of the least direct or indirect interference with their sujfrages, to go en masse lor the other. In (leu. Jackson's most extraordinary letter to the Rev. Mr. Cwin, he comes out in favor of the Na tional Convention, and it is known that the said National Convention, which is to meet in Baltimore next month, trill nominate Mr. Van Buren for the Presidency and this contemptible farce, got up by the ojjice-holders, will be called the act of the democracy of the country ! Judge White is a supporter of the rights of the States. We do not object to him on that account the evrnts of the last year have satisfied us that the tendencies of our political system are centripe tal, that the arm of the (leueral tlovcrnment is I too strong, whereas we once thought it too weak that a President may construe our Constitution into a monarchical charter, and find in its letter what its spirit never meant. We would rather see the rights tit the States pushed too far, than not pushed far enough. We go, then, f.r Hugh J. White, yWc suffrage, and toleration, aad against Martin Van Buren, executive usurpation, and dictation. We unfurl the wlutu anil spotless banner to the breeze "And as our cause is right, So be our fortune in the coining tinht." From the Charleston Mtrcurij. WHO ARE "THE DEMOCRACY?" Xt you Xulliliers of the South, nor you Union men of the South! You have neither of you part nor lot in the great Democratic party, of which the Olobo is the organ, (len. Jackson the Lieutenant (leneral, and Martin Van Buren the Commander in Chief, The South was once thought the nurse ry of Democrats, the strong hold of Democracy; but lhat was in the rude and ignorant days of Jef ferson and Madison, long lie lb re the Executive dis covered that he was; the sole depository of the peo. pie's pow er. In this day of illumination from that tount of light, the New York School, patent Demo crats are very diflerent things from those simple souls who ?upjorted the last war, when Van Buren opposed it, and voted for Madison, w hile Van Bu ren joined the Federalists There are none now in the Souths ' Andrew Jackson says so." Hear his organ, the worthy priest of such a deity: " If Judge White carry off the South, the pos sibility is admitted then, Mr. Clay will come into the House? as the real competitor for the Chief Ma gistracy, against the candidate of the Democra cy." According to the Olole, then, take the whole South from the Union, and "the Democracy" still remains. The Democracy are those only who will obey Mr. Van Buren's caucus at Baltimore. The Democracy are the office-holders. Martin Van Buren their candidate, is the candidate of the Democracy ; and (Jen. Jackson declares that the man nominated at the caucus of Baltimore, to wit : Martin Van Buren, will be the candidate of the great " Republican Party." See, too, the admission of the falsehood which many of the government prints have endeavored to palm upon their readers. '1 'hey have pretended, and some of them still pretend, that the Baltimore Convention will deliferate and choose, anil might select some other candidate, than the elect of (Jen. Jackson. But here the (Hobo clearly excludes Judge White from any such chance, for it says he may "carry off the South" and Henry Clay will oppose "the candidato of the Democracy." It would seem, then, that let Virginia, South Ca rolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mi sissippi, Missouri, Alabama, Louisiana, and Geor gia, all go over unanimously to Judge White, and vet "the Democracy" remain to run their candi date. And whence conies this Democracy ? They are composed of the ofiicediohk'rs and employers of (Jovernment, from a Cabinet Secretary down to a door-keeper, and from a Mammoth Mail-contractor down to a "paper and twine" mercenary. And what States will they carry ? First on the Iisf," hail Connecticut." Yes, Van Buren has carried Connecticut, and tho land of the Hartfold Conven tion leads the van of "the Democracy" of the Uni on ! Let Southern men mark that, and infer from it, w hat principles Van Buren has been making in terest with, and what interests his administration will subserve. Already his organ gives out that he can allord to dispense with the South, and if he dare tell us this while seeking ollice, w hat will he do and say to the South when confirmed in power? lectures Against Slavery. Among the contin ual, determined, and increasing cflorts, of our Northern "brethren," against our domestic institu tion.'., and to involve thein and the whole South in one general scene of the most awful and entire ru in, are the Lectures of a Rev. C. (J. Finney, in New York, who, in the course of them, strongly denounces the religious denominations, generally, tor admitting slaveholders to commune with them! and says that he and his church " have excluded slaveholders, and all concered in the traffic, from their communion;" and that he "conscientiously lielievos tho time is not far distant, w hen the church es w ill be united in t!eir expressions of abhorrence against this sin." What next ? And how lon do these people presume we will tamely submit to such unmerited persecution ? Augusta Chronicle, fiat jistitia RUA.T CQ2LUM. THE CAROLINIAN. SALISBUR 1 : Salurdav lorn iitu, .Hay !), 1S:5.. . QZr The Flection for Delegates to the Convention takes place on Thursday, the 21st day of May. We are authorized to announce JOHN CLEMENT, tjie Esq., as a candidate to Represent Rowan county in approaching Convention. PUBLIC MEETING. The Free-men of Rowan will keep in recollection that, on Monday, the ISth day of this month, (the same being Monday of County Court,) a Public Meeting will be held in the Courthouse. It is hoped that all who feci any concern in the present alarming state of the country, will attend the Meeting. It is expected that the Governor of the State will be here, and also Se nator Mangvm. CAN MARTIN VAN BUREN BE ELECTED Tiiip-mnvn . .1 t r 1 11 V. A iVS St KJH US IUU DALllHUKb AIU3 MWll nail; uiauv, ... c ,rr. the nomination of Martin Van Buren, all the Urace - , , ,VlV , mi i . ..l. holders and Othce-seekers will begin to cry out, that , , , . . . , now there can be no doubt of his success. 1 hev know ., i, - ., "i that in an communities there are some persons who are . i .i i .i .i i i . n anxious to bo in the majority, and they think, bv talk - ,- . i .i - i'.i . i- t " c mg big, to make these think that van Buren is sure ot hem? elected, and thus carrv votes that would other- ; , :. . .. i.:... t... .1.:. . 1. ...:n .... :.. .1.., wise izu ugumsi mm. iui ims ira. k win 1101, m mc ,;i.i v.i ,. ji lm ii i vast--, 11 ai i mi 111, 101 111c 1 1 'ison, ill il uiu su unj; en 1 of the Caucus candidate is already too well known. A moment's lHk at the state of the case must satisfy eve ry candid mind, that Van Buren has not even a proba ble prospect of success. But let the figures count for themselves. There are 2s-s Electoral Votes in all the States, and of these it will take 1 1 to constitute a majority. Now where can Mr. Van Buren get 14" Electoral Votes? Let us give him all the States of which he is tolerably certain, and see what they make: New York 42; N. ! Hampshire 7; Maine s; Pennsylvania o0. Although! Connecticut has gone for the Administration, still this' t does not make it certain that she will cast her votes to Van Buren ; but, to avoid quibbling, we put down to mm ner o voies. .xew jersey nas gone, .iasi ran; uy a very small vote on General Ticket, tor Jackson, but .11 . .t i l Ml aV "1- T - this does not prove that she will go for Van Buren, still we give him her t votes. Delaware and R. Island are, at best, but doubtful, and the late election in Rhode Island would prove that Van Buren cannot get her vote still we w ill put down both these States, say 7 votes, to him thus making for him 110 votes. Now, where is he to get the other :V votes His partizans say that ViRui.MA will go for him. How does the ease stand in Virginia ? Why, although the late elections may liave resulted in the choice of a majority of Jackson men, still it is known that a majority of the members elect are for White. It is not believed that Virginia will go for Van Buren. But even give hirn Virginia's 2Z votes, and this leaves a deficiency of 12 votes. Where can he get these 12 votes? Some sav in Xorth Cart linn! Now what well informed man in North Caroli na will, in candor, say that Martin Van Buren can get her vote. No one, we are certain. The contest in North Carolina, though it may be warm, will result in j a complete route of the Van Buren forces. In the for mer contest, the Caucus candidate was beaten more than 5,IKXI votes, and we believe that this vote, with proper exertions, can be doubled against Van Buren. 1 he great Counties in the est, with the exception of j one or two, are far more united against Van Buren than ! they were against Lrawtord; and in the Last the cause is likewise stronger. Wuitk will take the vote of N. Carolina from Van Buren just as certain as the day of 1 election arrives. here, then, can lie get tne votes he wants J No where in the South, and no where in the West, unless it be in Missouri, w ho gives but 4 votes. So that, even with the vote of Virginia, Van Buren's prospect of success is but bad; and if Virginia goes against him, as it is next to certain she will, his case is a desperate one. He cannot, then, be elected by the People; but how will it be should tho election go to the House? There he will have no chance at all. New York there with her 42 votes w ill have no more weight than Delaware with her Ik Out of the 21 votes, (each State giving one vote,) Mr. Van Buren will not get 8. So that, in any event, the Caicis candidate has tre mendous odds against him, the Otlice-holders, and Office-seekers may strive to their utmost, but all wont do, thev will be defeated. THE SOUTH SHOULD NOT GO FOR MARTIN VAN BUREN. Sir Walter Raleigh, in the history of his voyage to Guiana, gives an account of a people who were born without heads. The Albany Rfgf.ncy must surely think that this headless race is still extant in the South, or, if we have heads, that they are void of brains, oth crwise, they could hardly calculate on Martin Van Bu ren receiving any votes on this side of the Potomac. Why should the South vote for Mr. Van Buren ? Can a single good reason be assigned w hv ? We boldly an swer no! and we challenge any OlHce-holder, or Of-ticc-seeker in the State to assign a good reason. If party prejudices could be laid aside, not a Southern man, from the Potomac to tho Mexican line, would ever think of casting a vote for him. Why? Because the whole course of his political life, his system of politics, his party discipline, all show that he has no feelings, no s) mpathies in common with the South. He is against us in every thing. Ixxk at his conduct on the Missou ri Question look at his votes in favor of the Tariff look at his votes in favor of Internal Improvements by the General Government, and then say, is he the man for the South? The prosperity of the South, nay, the continuance of the Union, depends on the economical aifminislration of the Government. Every dollar that is unnecessarily expended is against us. Therefore, the Southern States are, and must be opposed to all un necessary expenditures. Not so with New York; the more extravagant the Government is. the better for them, for the money is expended among them. Mr. Van Buren knows this, and therefore it is, that he is for large expenditures; he is for a splendid Government. Do we not see him, and all his partizans, :o.B v thing in their power to prevent reform 1 Within the last four years, have the expenses of the Government not run up from less than twelve millions, to nearly twenty-three millions of dollars per year I And do we not see the Van Buren party opposing every attempt to diminish this extravagance. Why, therefore, should the people of the South support him ! Is it that we may have the Protective System renewed that we may have new taxes imposed on us ? Freemen of North-Carolina! do not be deceived by the tricks and artifices of tho ntK.hnJ.Wv: an,! OtTire-seekers. They mav vro- 1 by his election, but you will differ i I Van Buren Meeting in Mecklenburg. U e see, t?y m , . t. ,t t. r,, Uurcnites in Mecklen- tu(iuut t j w v t . burg have actually succeeded in perpetrating a meet ing in that County. We learn, from other sources, that : though something larger than the one which was held in Northampton, consisting ot eleven souls, it was, ne vertheless, not quite as large as was the army of Xer xes, when lie crossed over from Asia to Europe. We understand the meeting was a small one and, mark you, it was not called a Van Iiurtn meeting. Oh no ! it was a Jackson meeting! Had the leaders openly come out with a call for a Van Buren meeting, it would not have been quite as large even as it was; but they knew this, and kept Van in the rear. Will the plain, honest, open-dealing Republicans of Mecklenburg sul fer themselves to be bamboozled by such humbuggery as this 7 Why do the Van Bnrenites not come out at .,.i -t i,;- fi,,i vhi. ...-.t tn ti,,-. n.iAAlu tK-t , , " , . T 7 ' V,-V the whole ana soic ooject. or me iiiiirnore uvutuo, f ' 4 1.. . . , . I . .. 7 A!.. . . I'.ir. I ls Ilul oniy iu nuimiiaie, uut ej Hiat -uji 1.11 cii uuitu , , r.,. , President of the United btates J i he answer is plain : ' . r 1 Inev know it the people see the whole scheme, they t - , ...... . - ! would turn from it with indignation, and pat its authors ... - , r , . , . i down, therefore it is necessary to do the thing bv de- , - ",, , T " j greos, little bv little, and, hnahv, to throw Jackson s ' fc , , , , i cloak over the little man, and smuggle mm in at the - uacK. uoor. iuu l eopie oi .wechienuurg, Keen a hk iOllt! mark the result: about the 1st of June you will 1 ' hear a new tune sungyou will then be t thai the 'Democratic HcpidJicaii Xalional .fncksnn Conecntifu j have nominated Martin Van Buren for President, and, ! therefore, all good Jackson men mast go for him ! ! Then all these V.v.vites, who are now shy-hog ing it. will come out and talk oiviiiv. We sav, mark the resml 1 1 The Ilonnrtftde Ihilfurd Brmrn has recently attend ed a Van Buren meeting in Caswell County, tor the purpose of taking measures send a Delegate t the Baltimore Caucus. In that Congressional Distriet the good people of Caswell seem to he nrctty much alone ; iey may have been responded To from Rockingham, but from Guilford they will not ; and, as yet, they hae not from Stokes, as we have heard. It is said, that a , few ((f tl( Vm ruron;t(,s were VPrv ;tnxi1!S uri(r ; Stokcs Superior Court, fo get up a little moot in- there, 1 1 1 but their hearts failed them, and thev let the thing drop. Aii! and many more of them in North Carolina, before the contest is over, will wish that they had never taken up Yat IIurenlsHt, or that they could quietly let it drop. They will fiixl that the disinterested jx:rtion of the Jackson party, the plain,, honest, and hard working men of the country, have too much spirit to setter themselves to be t ranstWred like so many horned cattle, to Martin Van Buren by a seif-Constituted, and irre sponsible CAUCCS. Xotc. Since writing the above, we learn that tho Hon. Bedford Brown has been appointed a Delegate to the Baltimore Caucus, and has accepted the appoint ment. 'The occupation well be-tits the tnan. HEAR WASHINGTON'S VOICE Let the people listen to tho voice of the Father of his Country George Washington. Harken to w hat he says, on tiie subject of such meetings as the Baltimore Convention. He says, such Associations are "incom patible with all government," and surely he is right. If the people are to be dictated to by Cai ci sfs:, what Js the use of the ballot-box ! The Caucus system doesv ia effect, strike at the freedom of electionand if per- mitted to go on, will soon take away even the forms of election. But hear what Washington says: " The real People, occasionally .i-scmhled. in order to express their sentiments on political subjects, ought never to be confounded with permanent, self-appoitttt d societifs, usurping the right to control the constituted authorities, and to dictate to puUic opinion. While the former is entitled to respect, the hi iter is ineompat itle icilh all (iovcrnmrnt, and must either sink into, general disestcem, or finally overturn the established order of things." Another De ft at. We learn, from the Greensborough Patriot, that the VAX-dais have recently been badly defeated in Rockingham County. The- called a Pub lic Meeting, at the Court-House, for the purpose of sending a prop to the Caucus, but the " Panic Whigs," as the classical Editor of the Standard calls them, very impudently knocked the r-Rop away, and "clown came butter, and cheese, and all." A Resolution was oiler ed, approving the measures of the Administration, and was voted down, 00 to 19 ! Another w as ofl'ered, to send a Delegate to the Caucus, and this was voted down, 01 to IS! ! If these eighteen had been up to the tricks of the party, they should have retired into some back room, passed a long string of Resolutions, elected a Delegate, and then published the whole in the Stand ard, as the proceedings of a "large and respectable meeting of the Democrats of Rockingham." Thev, the Van Burenites in Rockingham, are at least a half a century behind those of Northampton, and a quarter of a century behind our bonfire friends in old Mecklen burg. MANUAL LABOR SCHOOLS. The Evangelical Lutheran Stnod has been in ses sion in this place for several days, during this and the last week. Having finished their business, thev ad journed on Wednesday. We are gratified to hear that the Synod unanimous-, hj adopted a Resolution to establish a Manual Labour School at some convenient place within the bounds of the Synod, and have appointed a Committee to take the necessary steps for carrying this most laudable and praisewordiy plan into execution. We are also highly pleased to hear that the Presby terians, within the limits of this Presbytery, have not only decided on the establishment of an institution on this plan, but that their active and enterprizing Com mittee have already made considerable progress" in the noble work. In addition to this, we have reason to believe that the Synod of the "German Reformed Church " has also in contemplation the establishment of a similar institution. We say, success to the whole, and to all such noble ef forts !