' ) t!pri, ail I llirt ri.j .) Iiirt.! of wln I ' kberrio, l!a f r."..l-d tut !" sul-; I I 'tJ.w k, or ef !f. U I-.! J Mr. Viermrtt thai (. WtMild U Ue t'l' -r of o-iiwri (ImI biM.tlUji.iisJch as Mr, Pier. ' M dJ t p'!- et LUckUm, whilst be LJ ixit aaj (KM it was to be eneeidsred grssl fjfor that Ii4 picked the. hiirwuIC But DO black berries were ea! but what b bchl us W, a) be ftlss U.J the UtaJ and butter, auJ every thing en the table, lis aaid there m Jadasss who dippnd U the dh eiia bim. Thar) fU nothing unusual tvnxt BKni , and Mr. I'torwiQ went into the fields. Al iur u'cLark. P. 11. ua TueadaV. be cam bark '" ' 7 and went LAt the bana. My eon KJwirdfsmo to km, and said Mr. Piers. u in fit, end I eon! fur MsUbiaa. Lr d4 not dare la touch him rtlbout Umr twpooni U censure; C ba said, by touching him ws Mj(r4 bit spirit. Mr, Proa was subject fa fits, aad Matthias used la eomtaand bim to get aed. walk before the fits tu broken. When ie Hi. be was sometime bid oa ft tmoch W the per ' .ar, ami Matthias woeld go Is and com ma ad bim to riaa, ami Mr. I'mrm manifested rreal pleasure when the spirit obeyed bim. - Mr. I'lersoa ley oe lit bay ta the Urn oa this eccaava, umh muun a and tlx anas, eamsd Anthony lioh bin up aad walked him between them till ibey cam to the kitchen aleo. whs re ba ft. 11 dvtg. 1I axai raeo. erad tWa tha LlL and aat us Krait, but did not rnrarar aa oa faiar tinma. It u oaual, after bia flu. to lira bin codba, tod it tu ao that tmunr aod Mnbia kaliiad biot, and put pic braad W "" li vmll. but b did out at iL Maitliiaa ihn walked biia about tba hall and iHazxa.and would atand Uik lohifn. I want lo Ibam and dund ba taa d4 weotarad ao aa ta weak, and I told Mat - -- lltiaa that I tltoMzht ba waa very til. lit bad a atronf fit la the chair, ao aa ta eauaa it lo crack a.td f called Iaabelk. AAer lhat ba bad nUber fit in the chamber, is tha fWtb winf. I aknd Mallhiaa (of perrniatuo to weak bia (Mr. P.'i) bead, and I dtd ao. When 1 apoke to bim. be would ear, A on, A on, A nn," repeatedly. He waa put to bed, and in half an hour bena to votntt, and purge, and - - tne ma coounuea an oidu I la waa put to bed at 9 o'clock, and Mallhiaa, ba teen 1 0 and 1 1, went iato bia room aod complain. ad that Mr. Pieraoa a nniiiinjr made bim atek, and j, wm,!ld bad. I beUere oothinf waa f.oe tit h'xn that niirht I aoen that laahelia ween ad biro. TWa waa a new aheet on the bed, whkh, In the morninr. waa Lund tora m kair Meree. He waa eery bali4naa, and waa changed four tltneo du- rinr tha night. No phyekiaa waa called to bim, t arUl ha bad no nwdicaj aid oodl ee dtaOr- lV-Wny Ml A. IVhr. air. wa believed that all Mckneaa. a wore ao many tptrita, which Mallhiaa alone eould caatout drthiiwaa bia oVtdrina. On YVednee. Mr. P, ouid be bad had ft trying nighU At ' v my au;natjn, f mada him aoma Coff-e, but ba t!ir"W it up, and took nothing alee. lie remained all that day m M. - Malthlae waa " fcrfiucliui-r. durina the rnsaler part of the mnroing, i0 1 pf jAr ,j , (f1M (Klfi nd during the rt of i the d4y he waa with Mr, IVnon. Un l ourrtty, I'riJay, and Baturlay, Mr. P. waa up; but waa U- ken, at tahte, auvfrul ' Uroea in a fit, and carried into another roomTMallhiaa aaid it vU lbd tpirit, which waa not auMued. lie did not get up all day -- Bfin ky and Malthiaa contiooed preaching nearly t he whole day in tha parlor, and told tha eervant to ahut the door lo kp out the not of Mr. Pieranna 'tu. He did oof go near him to help bin for he Would help no one, unleae reoueated to do ao. Mr. iVraofl waa k:!Vlha whole mht without a candle, lid i ectuuLJe on Bunday liighU , i waa dwa) in . - thfl kitchm on Eaturday night, and Miaa Vbtmm ii!J mo hat fLthcr wanted Iwbella to wah ha frot :" end ttmt he had aonwiliing to aay to her.laa b"!'! 'ho " tlea bukina at the oven, observed-, : :'Z aayinjr, ahe wai at ffa.il the Cither would censure. fJie afterwards however, did go pp, and ahortly af. . . trrwar.!4, whn I went up and poanftd the door, I "-Wf Mattl.iae and coma out of .Mr. Pte ; aon'a "room, awd'lhoa "atand talking 1n tha hall, at -,.-. the lop of U atmra, Iji balfao hour or Ihree cjuar. ten. f ' " "' He waJe a motion (or ma to leava tha ball, whkh I did. I came again, and (und them coo. ' Versing in a low tone. then aaked what ha wish eJ n to dot and ha aw id take tha candle away, which I did. On Monday Mr. PiereoO waa much . t w.r.,aeJ tj i.ihu-r waa rubhinr himMat- tliiaa waa then Iruiuig bim in hia breakfdat. v I tayed with Mr. Pieraoo acme time, and ba wiahed j ria to "ve him an enema, (injection) and aaked ma v...T-: j mitun c,4jl uAt him yea, and would do hun. ii.fj ofr thinja tr Liin, if our Father would per. - (nil. TU enema waa not aJmiiiintered, and I heard ,.pr.:.'4w Mr9 a?Hiut it. At atnper time, on 'Monday, I ' board a uoieai if he had LSIen out of bed-Cathv Hie (JaUway, myaclf, and I think piiahcth, were aetwl at the UiU. ' Culharine, being the qukkeai, --" ; atartod up aisd got a little before me, and Matthiaa told me alio waa always lb re moat without ordera, -; a ltd ahe came back and eeated herself again. Some time aAerwarda, Matthiaa and I went op and aaw Mr. Pieraou lying on tha floor with hia foet towarda the door. 1 wished for perniieaion to call Isabella to help bim up; but Matthiaa aaid no, let him lie i ' I am watching hia eirit. -1 then walked out in the r.mrt.vard for air. and when I returned, I Hound "-"jjotthiaa sitting C the centra '-'"labia" '"reading with the door open. I aaked iflaaliella'ahould not Wake JlVrauft.ft Ortl Oft . jnejtair, ana mniiniBs awra No. So Mr. ricrwm lay on ma imick, ami no- filing mora waa doiwvftf him alt night, nor until " " Tucm!sv, whn ho got a worm bath.. On Tueadoy, Jlr. Drake earns tiicre bftween 1 1 and 12 o'clock, .,ri wwt.ot id mm l.inu I told her ahe ihoolJ if the I Athft DerniiUeJ. la d hiia, but betook no no4 ii-e, and coolinued preaching to us. After nipper, J went into Mr. Pternaroom,andalth!)tigh aenae- J..-t, le waa liye. Wfcilat in thia itate, Isabella aUwd Liin oo tha riylxl choek, and told him to . mil ut hia " hellinh alorp.' I afterwarda p ,.J Ma'thiaa if I abould Jay Mr. Piermm on the f. .r, andlie at Jenttth cuonenlsJ. , We put the bed , t a r ) f tfr4 mid r'lersoa oa al-thia waa on Mon Iyi' on tha bed, afiif in bia limb and anna; il.is atn'ies comnvneed oa S5tthbatb---bi head waa iuc1' " I Jo- the right hia arm remained in ft pro. Wted ps:tiiin usupTrted ty any Uurifli IiS "Wag )n'n-."a during that day. I went to bim ft num. . r of tiiix' to keep the flies out of hia mouth, vl.ifh r,m:nedr open. Elizabeth, hia daughter, jf-ai in the room aomctimea; on that day there waa filx done to him till towarda evening he had a warm U'X BIr. Drake came-up that day between Jl and 1J; he waa an acquaintance of Mr. Pier- ami's ; ?..'jit:!.iaa received her no one waa ever al lowed to receive any one but him; ahe wished to I'jewn's co.lition we were then alJ io tho parlor, a-e tlr. riurson: oiwoi nmtttu hcf i mi. ntt to tha wins ! Mallhiaa told tiT ah (IkkiIJ t un ahe rniwui' d till (ImiM-r, Im aim aipr! a wih to a Imn Sraoi, lifi I enld I would (1 m( aa Talker (U-) atJ i .Maitlu-a and Mtliug in tit parhiur. 1 then a-krd bia prruiMaMl aarlv m lh aAwrmcml be male no anawwr, but keut oo brearhin without takinr any ni of what I aaid( adnr eu)Mr Mr. Pierwrfi had a warm bath, which wa nrrpared by laahelia and Calha line he waa at that tune inwiia.Ua Matthiaa waa M In the room; by Ihia time he bad another ni; laabtlla thee at ippwf him on hia (ace, and told him W come oul (A urn neuiau amep; no waa wm pu w Ud on the floor j tU alap waa bard, on the right cheek i he waa iiMwtiUI 'at IfcU rtme." 1 thm went out la Matthiaa, who wee aillutf with Mra. Drake, and lutd bim that Pieraoa had bad ft warm balk; ba talked en, aod did ant notice me. Matihiaa. was E reaching during the evening, and ail I in with Mra. trake in the Parlour, t.U be went to bed; Mra. Drake did nut ana Pieraoa, who was laying oa the bed all this timet he made a auiae eoewtaoily oa this eve ning, (Thursday) and bad also awde noise the Bight prevHMiei 1 lliiok tne noise arose irom ineoo st ruction ihe throat, and a dryness of the stomach, as ha bad no water; laab-lla waa told, by Matthiaa, to bring in some water, which abe did in an iron bowk . ..' - - lie I! Isabella lo bold a alteet oa each aide of bis mouth, while he rave Pieraoa the water ba bad laid all day with bis mouth open, Aa Matthi as poured the water into Pierson's mouth, be made a distressing noieo the pitcher Taa held ft good distance from his'moutb; Piereoe was lying down oa the bed oa the floor Matthias stood an pouring the water dowa bis throat. I walked away from the aound of tha noiae-tbe family retired, and Pier son waa loft alone, ? - r.---, I laid myself dowa about 1 or 3 o'clock; lha ooise ceased. Matthias went out of bia room aod held a candle to Pieraoa and looked al him be tbeo came out and said to ane, "he U dead T POUTICAL. t'tvm tk firm Yrh Omrir awd nqukr. . NEW P0dTMA8TB-GE.RAL, , We do not liet diapoavd to deal in epithets upon the name of the individual now appointed to one of lbs creel Peparrmetits of the Uovernmeet, and who, accordinf to the practice ef the present ndaiiniav tratioa, takes bia aeat tffieU as a member of the Executive Cabinet. We will not speak of Amos Kendaii oertouaUw. In tha tamrusf prompted bv biscbara;ter oor wiU we sutler our Ukligneiioo at ! bia appointment ae indigiwtioo "tft la corottion,! wa inn, wiih nioa out of ever lea raaoecuoie eitisena of the United States to betray ua into'bor, we eonfidently predict that the cause of the the axoreaeioe of denunciationa incooeiatenl with tha rravity of the aubject. Wa will endeavour to convey our feelings in language suited to com mentary on new rpointawnL.to tne-ftigB. ano resuotiaibU station ot roatmaaier uenerai me United States, and bret,aalrMposUe,lhe terms most appropriate ia epeaking of Aaw KteUlt, tha person who has received U - Were it warrant, able ia such a case, to spaek of kirn a hia charec ter deserves, we should M onrarlyea obligcdJo adopt a diObrent phraseology, and describe a paltry demaaneue, in the fauiffoaae proper to such ft task. But our duty graver ooe . A poor imbecile old man, retaining no other portion of hia fcrtner facullrre than hia obstinacy and hit be paasieos, has been wrought up to tha maJooas of making Ihia man one of bis ministers, and of placing hia al the head of us of the saoal iaaoortant branches of the National Oovertimetilr-Anwa IsmcUI. Utereibre, ONiat be spoken of aa ft high public funct.ionart, and dealt with more decorously than his personal cha racter deserves. -This is probably tha first instance, since) the organization of the American Govern ment, of an ippointnient manifestly and palpably derogatory to it dignity--where the individual was by almost universal- ftctmuwieagenieni ewe uni versal amorur all others than heated part tirrly ouwortby of the station, and calculated to do gratia and disgrace the fjnbmet and tne eoumry.-.. We do not say, for we do not believe, that Mr. Kendall ia incompetent to the discharge of the do ties of ft Postmaster-General, wbrui talent is concerned. Ha is, without question, not only ft man of ability, but man of industry and business ba bitv well xakulatedjfjrjroi details of the depart, ment erere a Jaooaf, and . were be able to carry into it ft reapec table character were it ia his na- ture to be any thing but biiler and malignant par. tiaani an unprincipled rrovellinff mtriwier f a anThC tar and ineakina demarrue-Ho'ahorti'lo be any ' thing buuAmoa KflndallL; For such ft man to be selected by aa American President as an official counsellor, aa a wietnbor of his upper Cabinet, and be placed in control of the whole internal inter course of the country, la a point of degradation never before reached, even by Uen. Jackson and il ia as mortifv in? to American Ibelina as it ia alarming to every well wisher of our republican system. If i men of this description can be called to the higher departments of our government, we ought to find hula fault with the foreigners who argue again its stability, and prophecy the failure of the experi ment " or ft free republic v e nave saia inai we doubt not the ability of Mr. Kendall to do the du. ties of the General Poet OtBce. We do not ; but who that knows the man ia not perfectly satinfjed that ba will make that office one vast electioneer- Tni' macRIn t"3ht) rlwr1iorknowitha4a) been placed there for that pttrpotr. J, v If, indobd, we are Vi credit the statement of the Washington Telegraph, the friends of the Vice Tremdent do not hesitate to avow it-for. that pa- per tella-ua that, iipntt .theppoinjjnenyteinaa nounced to a member or the kitchen traterniiy, ne replied t "Now 'Mr. Van Buren will be President." There V no mlataTienabnurt Amor Kendall haa taken charge of the Post O.fice with the express understanding that it js to be irari aa the instru- ment for carrying into effect the royal will, that Martin Van Hureo ehou Weuoeeed to the Presiden. cy ; and all its operations will ba bent to that behest. The Gatieral Poet Otfi?e with iU tremendous pat ronage, and its host of opeiioV'iits tt aWnjr of fiP toco thousand Postmasters, its eontractore, aubon tretors, printers, purveyors of paper, twine, -dtc dfij; decif will air be made euoaervient to ihe yiw purpose of the vilest political party that ever ob tained possession of n government profiling to be free. The funds, the favor, and the frowns of that department will be brought to bear upon the ques tion of the Presidency, and every mmifieation of the Jt'ot Uiiice, pervading as tnoee ramincauona do, every corner of the country, will be made lo yield its share of effect to promote the President's " preference " for his wiccetwor. Instead of Major Barry's culpable easiness of diposi,io,lrM' K1"01 incapacity for efpticution and care, we aiiall have the running and tle corruption of a more niirhe VHMia, loxaiiMi a iiMrs iihIu.i rioua aifl mora aoM-ru pul a auccr I Asm UcjmUII aill be KmjikI iihliaaU. aiJ h-r-f.ra,a more dan nrwua pUi tl.r of the pr.4 'a pmih-g'-s, than his pre.le eeaawri and aa the payment ia all lo be mawle with their owe money, we Jo nut bt-Jiv bre will ba a very rigid eciaaxpy start: wed M too ojratM. Kemlall will be mmh more ethcieot ia misrhiet than the retired oflicer , bncau-e he is mur.b loom la borious and ntetbodieaL . Ilia peot4e of the Uni ted btates have no rolsietioa of crruitioa lo hope for io the Ltimn ef Amon Kendall ; (of, in the eastera pbraaeoiey. be will be "up al fcur e chick ta every 4hing that feUtM, lo the advancement of bts owe interests, or the ioleresU of ma masiar whatover ma becuens of Ihuee of the people. The anpuuMment, however, is made, and Amos Kendnil a, to all intsota and purposes, our Poetmaa- lar-Ueneral onlil the end of toe next sewnoi Congreea. The culinary system ia uppermost. site kitebea ntemals kre eeJlaO Into ine parkier, and the Upper inmates must submit to the eonlact, aa beet Ibev anav. If they see fit lo soil their court eUbes bv rubbinc acainet the soot with which Ibev are inetled. at is no Concern of ours, exsctly. If the lw reanaiolng members of the Cabinet, who are respectable, choose to remain in office with such a man aa Kendall acting as Pre. mier aad Premier ha will be, past all doubt they will certauily have be one lo Maine nut themselves. Vase tie CWihnom (X C.) TWs. : . - THE ABOUTIONWTS. - We received, lew days ago from the author, aa Address .delivered before an Abolition Society in Vermonl, by Mr. Oliver Johnson, from which we have made very copious extracts, hi order to ebow the existing stale of feeling hmona the people of New England, on the subject of Bia very, Let it ba remembered, thai tha first Abolition Society waa (rmed ia 18321 there ia uow 150 in exiatence, ex erting all tbeir powers to accompliab their damna. ble purposee. Tbey are inundating the Southern country with rneir Incendiary pampriKie eewman. Niw presses (Sir the pfoceiralioa of tbeir doctrines, ana openiy inreeiening ns wnn a rvrou iwhp recliott of our slaves. ' Wbjr ia H that Northern presses attempt to iruuk the designs of thess fane ties to blind ne with the belief that they are but a -i- . .. . r .!.t.- i. J i few- individuals, aad that-lbeir ssyines and doings are not in accordance with the popular will! tie cause, ao long at, the Northern Manufacturers can I receive faa Ihev now do.) the aroAts of slave labor, they wiH ant interfere with the question ; but so soon as the tariff is brought dwm ten revenue atan. I dard. and thee bit to naekel the taiee en stave la. Abolitionists will be the cause of the Frt4 Slate. Tbey consider the Constitution aa givina no pro tection to this species of property, aa it ia held (ssy they) in violation of Di vine Law and we must sur render it peaceably, if we desire to remain in the Union, or resort to Seeeaetoq and Revolution. This is the prospect before ne. . We invito the attention of the reader lo be fol lowinr extractai " ' ' - 1 Dfoljcctiont to thCfp&jJeierijvery 8oetttit; end ef objection to thetr meamtriiT It will be necessary, however, in the first place to state, eooeieely, what are the fundamental prin ciples of tlieae Societies. . And lThey maintain, that Slarery.vbkh consists in holding and treating human beings aa property, is, in all circeiustaacea, altogether awful; that it ia heinous and aggravated -crime, for which there is, and can be tie more eacuse than tor robbery aod mqrder. - Hence 2, They auuuUSn,'dia( the rotsters are solemnly bound instantly le emancipate their slaves; to afford protection or law f and to treat tnem, not as eAtfawftM. but aa sara.' a.-Tbey maintain, that the people of color ha ve a riirht to ft home in this country; that such of them aa poasese the mialifi manded of oth:!!, ought Jo be admitted lorttiwitn to' the enkrytnentof the same privileges, and the ercise of the same prerogatives "as othersl that the path of preferment, of wealth, and of intelligence, shou.- be opened as widely tu them ai to persona of a white complexion; and that lo make the color of their skins a pretext tor excluding tnem rrom these privileges, ia a violation of the laws or love. e4 :n Xft iooiider field t .Sea that human being, on whose countenance ia depicted sullenness and de palrrlle hat dropped the implement ef. labor by his side, and stands fn idle todiuereneev Wow the lash flourishing over hi) head and failing upon his tmked body, whilar be bleeds afresft.ftfcevory strokeiTHe Veins to -worh,-eet every. motion iravs an asitated and despairing mind. The whin at length ceeseatta strokes, and again the implement of labor b"s to the g round I eeo I leu you, tnai matt is a mn e -..i", e. e v e - a Objection to fat aacasaWj of AntuSlaterf So- cxttxeu h it taid, thev tri exciting the Free State on a nbject which Joe not concern, them AdA 'u il true, that the People of the Free States, have no concern with slavery ! Suppose the slaves should universally rebel against their masters, and seen re venge for the wrong which they have sutleredj would the South be willing, thenlnat weshouic havanodiinic to.do.with the matter? Do we flat ter ourselves that such a crisis will never comeT that the slaves will always remain peaceable, and submit to thflir fate? Let us not delude ourselves with such ft hope, -Unless they"aro; yolunlanly emancinatcd. the day of retribution will come I In air the angulatnaTllopg oeferi, theyilRake such an etlort to secure their rights as wiU battle the akill of their enpresaora, and fill the land with mourning and woe) And where would the South look for succor in such a crisis, but to the people of the Free States r Would she nfltpoint tojhe ConatiTution--', the i iC red nationaXcompact "and demand our assistance under its solemn stipulations! And have we then no concern with slavery 1jjq riht to utter a note of waoiing aod e xpostulation To whom, moreover, doea the South look foraa. siatance in recovering Wr.,fugitive8,w but to the of. ficera taf iuil!tkJhe.Frae Stateat ' Mint wojaUun our hands with the guilt of oppression, and become partners with them in perpetrating the highest of all cnmesT and have we no right to remonstrate T Are we slaves ourselves, having no right to utter ft word, when we are required to assist b fastening the yoke of bondage on those who fly to ua for pro. tectionT v:"-; Z',. iJlj I maintain that, so far from having nothing to do, with slavery, the Free Stales are under the ma solemn obligations to seek its removal, by united and persevering exertion. , The groans of the op preswd, walM to us on every brr-r. the puilt of lha ojprfMur riwng up lo I-avru sue calling i-r VoiigfuiK-i our l nio Dilaratioii of liKk-x'i.h auue Ji.rtiarilod in lite perswia of mure than to millions of uianat-kid and bkaidtiiit slaves the blad ing reputation of our country, and ibewHenwi in juurjioo of lly Writ, lo remember tbem thai are in bowls as bmnd wiih ihero" lay us uwlsr an ob liniMm. as weiihtv aa any whkh was svrr presaed im Ihe cMisr.ionro of man, to sock lha removal of thia mighty evil. a ' a e e a e ItUmU.thntl mti-Slareri Soeietie ore inlet' feting with the right of blaot .holder fight gvannited as the VotutunHm. lha we onny tnai the fnin wra ttbs Coorfitutioo could amist the right of holding slaves. What authority bad the framera of thai instrument to nullify Ihe laws of Jehovah ILlh God said, M Whoso stealeto a man sad snllelh bim, or if he ba Cauid in bia bands, he shall surely be put to death " and have men the right to enter into compact which binds them to protect earn other in ateahna: men. women, and children f We say with Pnr, M A legislative contract fbr Ihe coun tenance of slavery most have been void, even Irom the beginning ; (ut if is an outrage upon justice, and only another name lor fraud, robbery, and murder. As well might an individual think himself bound bv a Dromise lo commit an assassination.'' Others may talk of the right of slave-holders to Iheir vie time; but with Ihe eloquent BaoreHiM, deny the rightI tehnowledge nut the property, rue prin ciples, the feelings of our common nature, rise in rebellion aninst it. Be the appeal made to Ihe Lunderstanding or to the heart, the sentence is the same that reiecti iU In vain you tell me ot tne laws that sanction such a claimU There is a law above all tha enactments of human codes the same throughout the world, the same io all times such aa it waa before the daring genius of Columbus pierced the mirhl of ages, and opened to one world Ihe sources of power, wealth, and knowledge; to another, all unutterable woes ; such it is at this day i it is the law written by the finger of God on the heart of man; and by that law, unchangeable and eternal, while men oVijiae frajd, and loathe ra pine, and abhor blood, they ehall reject, with indig. nation, the wild and guilty fantasy, M that man can hold property in man!" We say with Rica, "The owners of slaves are licensed robbers, and not the just proprietors of what they claim t freeing them is not oepnving inem ot pnJjwmy, nut imonua; ii 10 the ngbt owner; it is suffering the unlawful captive to escape. II is not wronging Ihe mauler, but doing justice, to the slave, restoring bim to hinv self. emancipation would only take away proper ty that is itaown '' properfyTand hot "bun X property that haa the same right to convert our children in to dogs, and calves, and colts, aa we have lo convert theirs into these beasts ; property that may trans fer our children to strangers, by the same right that w IraoaTur theirs.' From tht Botton Allot, A CABINET SCENE. iere mni Ame in otttion.' Room hung with liken- e of the Hero, end with ProcUmlion end fro- feat on ssm, sss is gutjrwme. Herot Welly Amos, I've at last got you where you ought to be, my boy. INo more Kitchen la btnet, ehl In the Cabinet Proper. Ami May it please your Majesty, I have no claim to this distinguished honor, except ajjue sense oi your unmonai glory, ana a oevotioa wunoui bounds to your illustrious person I erst I know thai, Ames, 1 know that. But don't say that you have no qualification. You have the beat qualilication,.rm-he best I It is my wiw and pleasure. Amos, thai you should be a mem ber of the Cabinet.'T Brinir tne" the man who can show a better claim or usJificaJwew.Jt iamy will and pieaeure. Gainsay thai-who darea I Asms. Illustnous man I To have awed under you is indeed sufficient glory for my aspirations but to have received your confidence and kindness is more lhafl I could once have dared aspire to l Conqueror of Napoleon's conquerors I Illut rimia and immortal Hero of .New Orleans ? A mong the brave ihe bravest Uistory will record you as (be wisest among Ihe wise. ilero-Yn no doubt of it, Amos, I've no doubt of il. History, Amos, yon have often told me, is the mirror of truth. I believe it. ajfou and Blair shall write my History. But it s time for my ee. cretaries. What the devil has become of my Secre-4 tame r Amo.- I am afraid, may it please your Majesty, that some of the Cabinet may not be disponed to inina aujnai mey snouia mini oi my appoinimeni. rroWhyinosiyouknowyeryHvelltbatmy i Cabinct-sTlfe dt aitd as soon as they leave, off thinking as want ta Jinve tbem, then they have pertmuoo to rdtifd.' Amo. 1 rue, may il please your mjesty -but irrovBut, menobnla, Amos, but mono buta. I tell jou they all think as I do. Besides, Amos, they all appreciate you they all understand you. That is precisely what troubles me, may il nlease vour Maiestv. . Now as for Dickerson it a al well enough. lie's a single man, and siogle men need not be so particular about their associates. Besides, may it please your Majesty,' we understand each other about Dickerson. "" Hero (finger on hi nose.) .Ilndoretand him I Te be sure wa do. Say nothing,; Amoa, -but Djck eraon is a bit soft.- Don't too think so t Not much braiiiaven Amo. Why, between ourselves, since your Ma jesty baa been pleased to say so, I don't know but that your Majesty is mote than half right. v-JM Hero, Why, H is'nt Woodbury you re afraid of? IVoadbury ould Pot dare to- say his soul is his own; without my permission. Woodbury would be very glad to have you in. Amos.' You're one of his own idney. Why do you know, Amos, that Woodbu- ry entertains aa high aa opinion of my miraculous military nowercie you. dolIt a a fact, upon my : word I I do love New Hampshire, Amoal. It has given birth to such men. There') . Hill, what a jewel of a fbllowl No more principle, Amoe- why, he'd do any thing to serve me. See that he w weii paid, Amos.' lie) i good horsr, but you most' keep-his erib .(blL-4..::,t.,., , rmi;,,,,!,;,, llili'Li Amo. I know, please your Majesty, Mr. Wood- bury entertains the most exalted- , , , , , ' Hero. Why, Amoa, I m sure of it. - It is not four and twenty .hours since ho told me that he re ally thought there was no battle of the present cen tury to be compared with the battle of New Orleans and, that man who could display such signs of ternhe and tremendous courage as I shewtmon that eventful day, would live in history, poetry, painting, and sculpture when Nesper, and Orion, and Au rora, and all Ihe other great Generals of the mid dle ages would ba lost in oblivion. Benton told me the same thing )4 a inter I Sixl, Colli, A i Itfvs lin y are ure than half right. . A nun. Tln-y sre unite riht. Your was unimrishsblo as lha sun. ' Jlrro A nd like the son, di-niiii light and heat to ihe republic.' But la tl'aae thai yne're afratdofr : , Amu. No, sire, it is 4 Cass, 1 knew very avoIT that t "ass will eeeutMMudsJe biiustlf.to your dnsirrs. To bim your wish is iineralive. i our word is law and goi'b' No, no, sirs, there ia no thing to (bar from teas, f - '. , , j ljare, Who is it ihea f Is il that cursed sneer, ing devil from Georgia, who wanted to have the skinning of me F is he the man, Amoa T I bave never forgotten thai of bim, Amus. Skin mat would he I Amos, Amoa, lhal man Forsyth ought to be hung up along side of Daniel Webster. Aav. Your Majesty luieaks truly. May yoa live to confound your enemies I Forsyth iaaofrknd. Q Did I ever letl yoa bow be treated me, when be first came into the Secretaryship? Hero, No mailer bow he treated you, Amoa. Ne matter. Are you Hero of New Orleans I Are you Ihe Conqueror of Napoleou'e Conquerors? Bui bow did lie I real me, Amos, me I He wanted lo thin me, Amos, stive, I supmaaa and IVe no notion lhal lliere ia any thing very ploasaul or af, fbctionate' in deairiug to akin me alive I Amo. Uut you must use your tools, ilhistrnus man. Hero That's il, Amos. Forsyth has boon useful to me, very useful. I was forced tu gi hun the phice. lie had Ihe wax, Aiimm, k moulds in his picket. There's no love ba4 between ua.- It waa only a fuir bmtiiM-as Iranam tim. Servicra remlerou ; lull on lime and paid al maturity I Why, Amos, between oursulvea, I hate Foratth g Worse than I do Ibiutoo. W Aimt. YuU diHi't say so, ilhistrions man ? Hero, Yes, 1 do, Aiimjs, and I till you a hat, I'll keep a pretty stiff upper lip with fomtli. My Cabinet shall be UuiL Fomylh shall kiiia k; le to you, A urns. Next lo myself, you're the grent- est statesman in the country t and, excepting uiywlf, I don I know any otlief oan who could bave writ ten my Protests- - Doyou know, Aiimm, I think that is the best specimen of my prose stile ? It brut a my Proclainatiou all hollow. I wrote it one duy alter dinner lietween my nap and tea time. I never comjMMMd with such wonoVrful rapidity in all my life. But, Aiimm, Forxylh ia no such man aa a. ! ..... ... ymi snd I sre I lie can l hold a canom io ua, in Ihe real pictuinsjue and rhetorical. He'a more of a gentleman than you, Amos a good deal and a much better speaker rather an eU-gant man, Amna. but Looifer, Awos,auddeapua . Jnu from I lie bottom of bis heart. I fear we ahull Q ave trouble; and, Amos, if ws do, I'll muke a ge- . neral promotHMi in the Kitchen Cabinet. . You shall be Secretary id State Reubeu. Whitney of Ca nada memoryi the rogue shall be Postmaster and Lewis shall hike Cass's place. Clair ahall lie Secretary of tlie Navy end I'll blow all llie pre sent Cabinet to lite Devil. Come along Amoa . , - (Exeunt.)- From the Arkmntn Aihornte, TIIE TERRITORY OF ARKANSAS. We are gratified in observing the rapid advance- ment and growing iiiiNrtatK.-e of this Territory. Lands are incronsnu; iu value, and a turn f enn- gration is puurtng in ttpon tta, bttWinj. tWtr t tmtl us soon to the rank of a Stale. The unlit vouiahlu impreasioos which our brethren nl the fiaiea have entertained, concerning the country and its inhabi tants, are rapidly wearing away; and (Ik; great re sources uTj lie Territory are bfcoming known. " It is certain that there ia mil a Nate or Territorf itifl our whole land which can CHiiptd wilh Arianfta, lit the extent and value T its mineral itmIu:Ikmm, - Zinc is abundant in many parte of it Cola If is fimnd at -llie Hot Spring simI there is nodailt that Gold is trt be found in the nKiunlainenue regions of IheTerrilory.-.-Tin- will pmbably become tho uhmI valuable mineral export Of which there w a 11111)49 00 Im CipawiU. . Il ia a mctul which is fmmd in- but lew plnovs, and will be much more Valuable then a mine of- gold or silver. ""' " ' . We were highly gralili-nl, short lime since, tiring a hasty trip In the Hot Springs sixty miles to the South of this place. The road to that place ii i i .i . . is wen BeiiKNi,au luecounirv mucn more improve than we had imagined. The Hot Springi willW hereafter be llie niosl valuable Watering ttlace in ifie tJiiited SthieaVliht the- great tttMce tit" fhsihhma ble resort- for the South and VVnsU - The place which jbearaj lhal name ia a narrow valley.botwcen. . '' ? rpnnga urea, out .rom i . a -i aw . a a . s apd:pl(VHWjaairrbe .water of I fie Hot Sprinjja . tV jri iitB, vnm iv r i iuiiiiiii li aiM.n ui cimu ia, not enouga w poir an eggj -ana whether otrwr - when cooled, it is pleasant to Ihe taste, resembling ime water. Itdepoeitsa sediment, composed pro- bnhly in part, of lime, whkh soon hardens into a kind of rock, resembling scorite, sHingy and light. nail chronica diseases and bilious attacks, thrxe waters are of grfat use. Bath hmiacs and sweat houses are already built, and experience is daily showing the value of these watera. 'Fifteen Iniles this side of the spring, in what is cnlled the Magnet Cove, are a number of fine sulphur and chalybeate J springs, which are Cmnd to be very efficacious. T The onty cause which prevents the improvement ofthe Hot Spring, is the fact, that-the place aud c'6uiitryih(mrymrtaff7iotbemsrv to a large quantity of the natural magnet, iu Mag net Cove, which affected the. compass, and to the furhef IhcTTlittthe prernptinn right to the Hot Springs is in dispute and unsettled. Great quanti- lies of find whitfluarii (of on the heads of the Washita, and brought lo the Hot Springs, ami oil stones abound af thfflatter place, equal in value and excellence to Turdey oil stones, nfA i,'.!?f .'Jl8-? p!ce is now erecting a machine - lor working them. - -? - - , Take Notice! . nPHE Subscriber, having purchased of LeonardQ --"and flrtrdeir thrPatent for E, Hi Porler'a lo proved STRA W CUTTER, for the Counties of Rowan aM'vld'annlaties ihiaowthc of inrirm -1 Tng t'chiMnilTtni' CTounfiesperalryy be is now preparing materials, and expects lo make - number ot these Machines. . All persons wish ing to purchase an article of the kind, would do well to call at the Mahaioo Hotel in Salisbury, or. at iciiiinoiisviuo in iJVyjQSOJLIpuniwMJ nlisx;r1ber Byes, anT esamina. the machine) for themselves. ; Alt orders from" person) wishing to purchase machines will receive immediate atten tion. . JAMES HOUGH. . Clcmmonsville, Maj S3, 1633. ., p6 - ri .' ! r y. . -i :W ij '

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