I ' t IV... II , r. l . 7 -J mm rj m , ... I. ! f f I it t a-th e-t ; V.W.I' .-t fJ f. ,.n.l. i fc'H f re)f: t - Lraa. aa u '..kM an. UlM Ww MM f VOW i M l).Jotxf CJj4 there, S atSafiCe, 1 4 mdl af Enf li W B sta-thar - - J d af w&-m4arf . . . J . . I. ai ttlmw, Aria" nn hi im mu. . . . i .4.. W-wi muU to-- MTT,LV"r k few. si ii m a atara iMnanVi w a WHrrtUl Km aa Woe. f.1 V? X palp. - e7e - fiTTi (m mwk, i-w-aaw "," - at brothel wka tawat fl rrT-. TU art kntWM aftr.Ml Swif C ' t "T !tku M'n li-r. tU r.'l m te fcfcm . 1 tW . fv. - ' U.M isvm, nwraiT, nr. r Tr?a - thi fi mj Vl tjtm hmt jm A4 n k.rJ thftl M ITW Bit T rioter. 11 w "itr pkMMl wit Qk mm Unit tht tK dA Al MWlMl h tte m .k mm mud Lok: W mm- miUm Off M ir0 moM .. . Kall.bury.pf.C) to luirl.b,(.VC) , CAlIibury, North CwolSni, (Si,Ummi4 mm IU Uf fvrnsttf mttufki m Af. UmI mj ,mtk CmrmI-.) ttf riionxn A MAcaxj 1 Mr. II. Ik.l k mMM Ully MirclMkMl i W. 1 HXlOCt 7 Tl"f Uf Umg mcu hf M M IW A PmH. mmmmmw Ut ttrf !riBt gJ kmwa by lH " UfcU m w rf-. iu iU in h i .hunt coMjurt." , MX M M lm V - atl kT bm MM. H X Ml I Lmm. Winmm. M4 I UlkM t M M W (bin iXM) IM R j )7 New TA1L0II KSSOr IN ROWAN COUNTY. THH BuWnUr UCrm lMril!t, lUt Mhfmt- it ortS'Ki) a piiop, tt IM MUM) of tWui, Hr m Dm Mure Rut- Uttuif 14 Milrt HwU) of BtlMMty, illM ftWUI Of IV- Tlin TMOUbUCII.BRCI) IIOREE fit I k. mikihiim viii i, I t i VMiMilaM A k tk...W m lkr. I 1- toT'oT vim M m onmrwl IV1 Und ,W Komin &MM at tlx fvlW tormMMTit)iriof m-I " iflff place la Rra County, vis I Ono-lbtra' M tM mam f"1 of bit liiM ! im HutU of lh Miiwioa Hotel, ia 8o!Uburf Ona-lbir. at Mutktvilb, aad lb Ul mmrmimim. h1 j TabM IM liar. Br . ... . . . t i J l .-:r .7. . . m.ki. i "t .. o, ., .. m.iuii iMirUm fi T "T - I taia Uaw.a. iui uratafy. aa m M. T?ZmZTZi I rUr lor KMk a4 nn b tM jmm yreaUat Cira will ba lakaa to pravent acciJania, but Ika aubacribar will out ba Itabt for any tbal ma? kappao. March 1, 1833. R. W. LU.MJ. af im ana I NHUk ra wvO to MMlMtr TM)baaaM' TW arrwaii U U aVwMtara GmlWaM f M mn B..I.I:. tmmA Ikal (ka WILKES- lk I. an wU will ba x. f p.tra- k- T-&fMin II ACADEMY U .n.ro-tad to tka l i w.H ..ffVrUotl ralirad I i- v i " 1 '- i -j m r! : ' . - - . . - . PkiiikLj.- .i ., . a v. I auka U 1Uk.1L Tm bouM la coavaataoiiT i Ur raeaiol or im hi mi iwm ""7 -'7: 1 tooa of km iiom ai air. uaorra Hclxwoaaf mt a ?rfSrlj JteaiJlrf Mi' HHMtlrt.- miUt W of 6.1. it will arraaM lor im axoaawwaiww m m "t unaan to My mm hi thlaaoetwa , , , .. . , A . . ... noomta. AU Or- T ,w T. "7 .T f. . aUaaaM to, and I Beat, payaut on, or oniorv ina 101 boot 01 01, .1 11 1 1 " - Kim, m wutvu mm lit. smmmtn win iinin iniUilT JJWk.Wtl. H ' " .... JACOB Bump. Kowaa Connty. oy !. 1 V m ...1 1 I W..ut. .Itaalbntt U ear la IM awnai r 1 ate Vlmi 'ml fto. lUWa at NartJk. I win a W W hn Mwar M gm '-; . -i:-i.k-M I u taihirr fwii-J aWftto bj I n" IV -.,0, uatinoniala. land Virginia, to piateo many amxl pMnitfor f tto rMW; liM IWa, m Ml bum rMaMaara tra tatorowo, imi im ,ubriottB Mtuattoo of tbt plea, Im cheap. a Um NmUK Tibbp 111. a. I Groat North ra m4 Soatkar. Um of BU I . aieallonea of Boardinf , and tht raiaci. Uentlemea wwhina to raiaa 6m horara would do U't, rUtotdto, EaMtil I ,b Marcbaat'i Um Pack 4 WaUford Cooiracl. .M;1u.I41Ba of im TMcber. wa om will well to ambraca tbia opportunity, lor tuck a bona LmwoiUMiii i 1 IW-torr.TVrSDAT twi trrfra at Md aVpart froar tM Baliabun Ho- fa . M(mnaF, to agnWiahmant. i raiely ofS rrd to Iba Public in tbi aection of t-lTt'tDAY at t a-ekicl. A. M.-Ji M tri-waakly. floaU aacartd ia all otbar Btagaa I v' . . ... .i,,i, -ill com. wwntry. Tba Wlowin Pedia raa. tijrnrd by on ia ufliciant to warrant tba public (bat UalWm ia SkjMtorr aaat ra to 4 a'cb, P. M.-ailawiaf aa nnv.innn tmn F- I- . ". V T " 7:. a, ft I" - Iriintiaiin Tf1 Ltt1- I iaaviov i-uuvn m , I Urtonfrapfty, naMtng.ana nminpr.,., . . . k- TtofrtMaf a afoaor,Mi f . aoaliftcationa a ml ia bin Ibeir Mlrooar. M to p ,. . ' . 'j 1:1 I i.i.-l i. i att milm bJB Im. I !" . 7. . ... ' .L.HlMfhalM IM LHHi KIHn,' - ivi ni"i in r-i " ' ' ' - I II . - I.. kkU M hUl llflikA I A KnMllfMB IDffl 1 . I I. iL. 1 f . .1 I I ...... wih mtwi i" www-, w. ww w. r-- mtk- noral rnrlh Bra BliaMCO BT IM I COMiaeraO. DV IM OBM lUUfO H buin BlarVlaiKJ I ran. w - ' - I . 0 m m -------- j - - Dcscuimox REFORM la a Dark Brown. (Mm. hand and a, mane and laiil and ty Tka lUekaara AJkaay wu. tirly tojr.iad aawitoaarM-i U OMXrltad omm; UmTomm Aa k iu Drnm ratvAil aad attoatrfa, aad UTCJ iwtmi on Mkwr-1 itorarakiw i) eO-lwaaatfara aat Law wifl to tar JAJIw-Am. coufcctiohiuy. . CHEAP rOR CAfillt THE IVibjeribor ra-pwrtUly bfcnnt kl Treod. tuW tba Pablia that ba baa raowved bit Confectionary ftwm bia oil ataad at tba ocooart aide of tba BtrrH, aad packapa a IM rial af tba U few aoora tViatbof Joba Marpby . Btora, Miiaatrert, .rtrv I wtor to to. aW te ki awUbf-f a lUivUom vium I AwrtawMN of DRT-GOOIW, GROCXRlt at .eoo- JOSCPfl L MOma MUaf- ia put. of Uk? CWirata, Limn, Domettict, aWtba Booth wb wa to t axillary ax Tba Bciemwa. Latia aod Ureek, includinf the abora ii dpawM S A. CARMICIIAEL, JOHN FIN LET, J. VANNOY, M. CHEATHAM, J. R. DODGE, A. MITCHELL, April 1, 1835. 13.1 20.1 Trvateea. Aar-ll, lSO. TU rart fnm mUkigk to fTa-Aiaffcn Of fiat tit VUmO! Proai lUWijh to BkkVr. ftra ra, . . . $7 -r- Baiter at ilwiiiiBrg. wr-WM xanv .i2 " IW-UlMl-wMbl, r J SO - R kawid at Piadw a baton. Safe Pkra, , lialu w katorg at WaM-afoa Crt. 8uaa arut. . . . - . I Tba tUmm B at Para Hat Pataaaarf la ria.NtiX- ma aad bav.ar aoL m mwm tboav r iwvww ur w iTanu tVl-Wy. M.y 18. 1831 Pedifjree and Performance. REFORM ru got by Mary Under, dam by Richmond, randam by OgU'e Oarar, g. grandtin by Grev Diomede, g. g. grandam by Hall Union, f K K grandam by Lronidat, g. g. g. g. grandam by Otballo, g. g. g. g.'g. grandam by Ciore't Juniper, g. g. g. g. g. g. grandam by Morton' Traveller, g. g. g. g. g. g. g. grandam by Col. Taaker't 8lima, by tke Godolphin Arabian. Mary lander, Reform' .8ire, by Rattler, dam Noli ma Tansere, by Topgallant nut of Caitianira. KaltUrby UIJ8ir Arckv. dam by imported Rolxo Red-Rreaat, and fu I racer Bumier, Fly- tb yielor of the cle- 120,000 a tide. kkliabury, aad Mr. Jonas at Dr. Boyd'a Hotel, in rAy Hopkm, Jackann, and Lady Reln-f, the . ' ' I mmlmm Jlkat A-.aw.aai.iwwl Tv.tlm. a. . wAsmitm I TtvtA1 m itw ivmwirwv a i ill" in iwfiii y nil Iff I fata. Bi a a H, oWar, aa4 VlJ, m IM aaa. a,aamy t HjrCSTlOP. WATPn. atanMfai - ' ' V V iT7 mnv o..i :v.. .;.t. i. M,w.k.M I.IKF.T.Y ITk toTIll. I X NEGROES, from tea tothirty year, old, and ' at Caaa aarcaaasra, II lar iu all la aoata aad axaaiiM kit Mock, I m'M lha moat liberal ortoea in Caah. I ka.. aiVii k -wk Jrwwf la -U .m.U do brother of the diatinviithed ln . ii ki-. M. J-J,- ki. Aaant. Cbildera, and Flirlilla, ir iw. twwwl .t if v. Ri.,..kir'. llnifll. in breted Ariel, in a match ibr EXXXaTlTITn'S T10SE wU are aiScaad a ilk HEAD-ACHES, HEART-BURN 3, aad atber deauwaiag ayaaa. f aWdaaad ataaaack, kowcla. aad kw, aaay and whack . a w . iw FF j. pit)Mr to J.. ihat be i not eon. race, bare alao deacended front the a me illuatri. MfiaxwMin Trr- .5T?.T A.Q oaroed ia buaioeaa with Mr. Jamea Hui, Of with 1' l'Tr; Ww.Tw-w.0, iU, AUi "" Rkbmond, the aire of Reform' rfum, by tba 7TV1I1! flwaaeribar baa bat rataraal from NwYork AU Letter addraaead tobim,or Mr. Jonea, will i m Dunciuaiir anwwa ao. ROBERT HUIE. Baliabary, May t4, 18S4. tf U aad rt.kUelpbia with a aer box. Tka Doctor, wWa eaca raaidaa is tkw aaaca, ha bras ia RaJeirh, kaa, after a baaf and ajaa-. aira pr-ctk)a,baaa uaalfad la tuaiptaad a aaaal aw. bjabla iwaaMfyaVfW ekromm dWMra of tba dt- grwtiTa aaraM, m cotBraoa ia Soutbera eTuMlea, aapacially wok tboaa wba lead aodeotary Lraa. '" It wouU be aa aaay anartwrla awkeaot ewrltA- eaiaa la aroaa that taaaa rul are a "aoeretga eM.TI .V. TTT. ik.l ILk 1. Vm tA a at-a, W . . ..' ? T .r' ' u Ut wU lk.1 ilkw. imu aniveraal anti. IB IM M nana, J--- 7 J . . J . . ., r i' l. S m XLaJU-TVa rVH-Jelpwasa araeoa. "1. U t! Airy of ahaA aa w laa, ka a bta :.,,,-...-.- taluaUa biata" hi that branch of aoliUcal aoooooiy. U ma -ro r wiww JCWIXLCRY aad WATCHES, aad will aril caawptr thaa they caa be obtanted ia thia part of lha Buuj ttoy eiaaiat. ia part, af the flowiag, ml GeatlaaaaaGaU&ramUml - AmmtCU Int...... r k. IW RkAk.'. IkhJVanlii nSa. l-k . v ij. a k r.U 1 aUCOf, CSJ1 b bad at till. Okw-frica Ifty I aadSwaa J Pw Gold Fob n4 Gaari Ujm; Paw Gold aad Plated Guard lay; PWmI Lfier-Jiaked aad Carb Cbaia &ler IWmKaiwa aad Tooth Pick: , Silver Em-eoiaUi. IVwoiW-w)proTd J -IWSMttllL'SIC-BOXESi . . .gaaeriar Raaor aaada by Roger and Butcher i IWIaadlwtkevIuuveei ; 8bca.Tark.ti-) itWUCOIf Bkt ----Vnk. Pl.STDl.S imI kUaor Strata l Vj-j I A Baa tiaiTBinni ta XifuiitweMaw, ana Take Notice, , , .. , . , . i r I IMTwo iiro country. nr. " K iiwi iTinAT, ia ikiM mmlhaj'roio . . 1. w.Ta -. applicatiow will ba made to tkTrtoV t aa.aMaaaa-a, diatintjuUked raiwr Ball Fkirizel, dam by Old Diomede, grandam Wickham'a Abkrman Mare, wbo produced Hie ,ditinguinhrd race bora Turk aboe, g. grandam by Clock faet, g. g. gramlam by WiriUir-tborough-bred, and from whom hire mm of the moat diaiHiguialrml r boraes ia the country. Mr. Wick bam, of Vir- kind the ft to a l bard, pretty awe. aiUr tto dota.Citificiea of 11 moat rpecUW "J" I tkkiJiia of hracic t on tho cpt of yiwaf Ckoetow, aad I etan and ather ioileraea caa .wi. aa tho baka Joban caka ia CvfinacticuL . .. , , . FWnhBiln. Rltef TUmbJa, Bead and Ltatber INiraai 8aer Bpectaclea ami SUm Spoon ; i J- Mr. "B. W PendQetoB. .miwMTOlV V M - - .WW ... . - VKlAOTUASLilaXIla aa jmd rtceitti from Xc-Ynk tkt Latt Cprtaj and Cammer FatsMoiui v tor wa. ' EMBRAC1 N 0 LADIEf M0RN1XQ. DIXISQ, Aim EYES- ISO DRESSES. Steel Chaiee, Seaki, Key, Kay-Ringf, : bt. Sut ke. far Old Geld aad IWraf will be takea kucchaop Baliabary, April 4, l83kk Spriaf 4k Summer FauhJont, abowa to aub- aka ia Cn-tticot l,,, 1 efiicacy ia ibe partkular l!a thea to pl.oed befijra the flrwU to taaoMl i.,,, bore apokea aft aad tka Editor af this fcr Jowwllery, Uiorot i.'bly, wiUwut otw. ""T"" paper caa leetify that li ka aarirad Bpeedy and - Watebaa aad Clock. wpaird aad Warranted, aad VM rJ ilni Sra-aawt nU - tba a of t-ent, from m'c Lm W.r. ma-a lacJIyTS - .-k, arucU awrrr, vu. u "7 "T" " ' . -Tf r diatremin- aod low-eoiaUnued beaUcbe. Borne at tto Jaarallary Um ia kept eoaataatly aa aaa. ay But II ICUOUI par , ...J i- . I . TaY. m r I.Im. ... r. 1 . - 1- IW mm Hicuna um imbmi. ai rj.iwMumww mm- i - . aawMH y . lirr ia w - . T. Z ; I ,k. I I .ffiw... - - - LI thit turned Jim Drown, (not -IMI for om man r"r . ' Tr... . m an ofta bear talk of) eaina out of th Penitentiary I BalwUiry, Juna 1, iSSiU : wrn morn r!- M ant Been at uoeny o boot. ' I . " - J-Likk.' tt..k.ta' atwM. 'JKaM -AnwkA I ' tohir to h a paw 01 t". " w . 1 af Mr.' hUt wall, in the Bowery. Ha waa ouf ht sawSej act ta.cn to tue t'ultca aem uwukniw w we r,u,ri nf R minn. tried, eonricteq, M aent Baci at Clackwcir MM a Bxmtlia Uuruif U V Dour l!.t h wat l.U-l-f, 6 enmnvea 10 BMnuraciare, pew, V.;: , 5 T, or r . .,w ama arty; 19 akeletoaptck lock kt-rt, wUivU wer Lao4 on hi pcrtoti. r; wJ iJi,. On tlia recan or alanlial Boolt lo flnrm.nT. tn th awitirtanra of NC!Ol h i id ta tiara F.a Hi Sif a-x oi aJic lo bia aor: Vb'nerer y 6uJ H BriiiiA army m retreat. m tK-m alone, and the will r to ux aeu tneir owe war 1 if roa r aear thorn, Uiey wUl get inlr their pU- ri m.1 pivt yoa aota a aiuuwng w j pto w w rmnr tks XVTuiU Fimrt.Thm F-!itar of the Nan- titckH foTiirer qneation lha pnaaibilily of crxlinjr, a the rwJia turfiicn, I beinj teat worthy of the Pretidaa ty titan Martin Van Bureat twi Mntntuu. aad Director of tka Bute Raak of North Caro Uoa. tor tba raoewai of Certiflcatea br thraa Sharea of Stork ia Ibe tald Bank, ia lha name ol EXiam CooMr.foow Bisa JBiowntOBi) aaid PertiB caiea baring baea loot or wiiaUid. I w a ataf mb m ar.TWaA . wi m.sw etwtu.xiu.i CaUwba 8pringa, April 25, 1 tlXllZ ?m 7 State of-Norlh-Carolina. ASHE COUNTY. AHnr Ctoai tf UmSrimg YVrai, 1851 MaruoGambill ) rrrr, ; irPBtitioo for a Divorce. Nancy GanbiO.'- S - TT appearing, ta tba Mttffactiorwjf the Court, -a- that lha Defendant k not within thrraach the araceaa of tbia Court, and aolemn Proc nation harinr been publicly made at the Court bouaa door, by-tba Sheriff af aaid Uounty, tor . aa a the defendant ta appear and ajiweruajKl the hay ina failed 1 It ia therefore ardered by the Court that ptiblicatioa ba made ia the Waatera Carolinian Drmteo at BeitstmrT, aaa inw tvawrrn oiar, tor inree rnontha, calling upon tba aaid Nancy Gambill to ItOllACE ITIJI- fiGS leaaa to Wbf- kU iWa. aad tba public JTJTZImZ Tk. TrT'Z nmt aifiTuaiii aaa aw.tv aavaaj wn -- --- y answer or de- itrbehetl'del- It. im BHkrwing remark are eopico irom Mr. J. 8. Skinner's Sporting Magaiine : ' a iReAirm) run many Hue race, gvnerally under iaadraolagea a lo training and management, but always With credit era fnat and foment rcer. To eafabliah bis character as a race borne, it j( only aufTioiefit la rammd our reader that be twice beat Ace of Diamonds, who. beat him once) that he at. eojwice beat .Tjrrbicua, who alao toat bi'm-onc. Ha roa a fine - raee'el the" Central Cnurae' h ' Spring (of 1033) beating fine hones, vis. Cadum. Inm, W'bileAiot, Ftoretla, and diatancing Oran Buy, wbo afterwards beat easily lha Aimed racers Medoe and AvW... ; - CO Orange Boy, it will be recollected, beit Mr. Mull's gray mare, Beisy Sanders, at Salitbt- lha foil of 1883. . - ' GEORGE 8EMMES, 131. IrEB-tt..r.ra Pninilji, Mryh-i geaerel, that order, id bis Una will always naT' m rTJ-VJi ,klL ,' . Sirred by bi, aa-aiteca ta tha ffiSlS bvtilatwTkful -k fe.W . k most neat, raWUOnawc, am uurum nionr-on 1 - , j; JllJ erm. aTrl-ra-LU a sarin this section of cous, P-rta ,nd V6 T. tryi 11. IL B. bopea, from bis lortg'practica of his 1 . -r uu k. aooineaa. t my aiiuiMw. ' v. svaiw w w iuw. uwfw m 1 v r-Jw7L.k- f af pJl-delnhia. and Wtbt-- -A9 7 "A"!? wel aalUiM bai bM heretofore mimerona resteetable and &hiooabU cuatwners. to ." f McacBfaoil, D, , c. nv!iamlreriTearx)rtioaofthapiix-M APnl 4,183r 1 .. v-V W'ttmsa. WILLIAM BAKER, Clerk of the id Court, at Jefferson, th 3rd Monday In Manib, Pr. tee $8 74. .8 V Cilcrn Carclialan. by AninL E!imtt jossm w. hampton UDIESrCAPEX CAPS, rBOX NETS, fa ft. . - . m . a . m a s i a. I She ha tiers beraeu that, iroma aoowicaeeoi aer 1 mihiif ia aeneral . 1 . . v -ma r nrmnirtt businem acquired la tea J"? bsying niU jUum arranfements Vitb one of The snoaf laabionaWe I; mtr - to w u .ku State, aa may ?.T"?. . TV --u'i Millinery Eatablwhments ia tbn Otyof New Twfk.1 to the ondurputed elegance of fit whkb to supply ber regularly with the Utest faahiona, I tlend j, u bi eauUiahment. He Tbe Tborau slUrrrd Yetin g florae , WniTE-STUIaJLli. aVILlj 8tand the ensuing Seaeoa at my Stable atBeatlie ' Ford, Lincoln County, N. Caro. Iina, and perlorm service at I0 the 8eaon, 115 lo Insure, and 5 Ibe Leap; 60 cents lot he, groom in esch caae. Particular sdention wilt be paid to Mares IcA with the Horae, but no Jiability for accidents or escapes. The Season to commence on tie 1st of March, ana end on tk 1st of July, PEDIGREE. :tta'wt 0 rxirtiTAttfrr.-" "w":"" : I rtmuw aupenor 10 any oona in iiua otaio, u 111.7 1 . vv. ,. . ,. . . . fj;.. r VAn.jk7 urv, 1114 w, hw.hiiii unuro. I and Gentlemea of Balisbury, that he has ta- .he willbeeMbledtobaeberMilliMfy--laBp r . Whlteitreak was got by Lsfayctte.be by to a Superior Ryto.T'od M m tlU.ehanira bntk jb tbi Ura- cities "oil Hotel, where he ean be rouno at an limes, (auo. the imported horse Bluster, he by Orlando, a ton Ji-Z'iJ. tfieJi ' ii. . . d.. rn Uri wtn"i ... . I honor him wilo. tneir calls or oraerfcAs it has 1 to Escspe. by PensuK her dam by Squirrel 1 Pt. bew b-t areTf abrtii several or tM nortMrs c Mrs. P. reapectfulJylnvItas be 1 ThsWeatera Carolinisa is pyblwhed arery Svl bury, and th aifioiwng cowOV, to MuLliKLe . T-tT.atTwo Do'r pr annam if paid m advaaeavi mine, and asaures them aba will aellsvery rttclelr;twdcrt m fatum allended ta witb a Two DoUrs tna r try uenia u not pau aeiort wei ; i.r m on accommottating terms. -.Blie, ts pre; I fkj, -un-j!:.- mM e.M aa if tha cuatomer J (.. Pl..:.. ..J Tumi luknm ' . . . . parw w.jure-...g . - -- a ') wre prawnt In peraon. I Ci 1" 1 4 A I d -!'- . a ..a m 1 mrwysj aut uic 5. 1 pS?r will as amn lines aa. .rra.r.ges . g - r, Northern SlVte. a ansa iMraa utia ra r riaa n liirtPt a ---- - - w press purpose of completing himseir in the Ton, I Emetine, was got by Highflier; ber dam by Mi aortal art, bo Uattert bimself that bU work shall LimonV Sister Marden, by Mafchem SaltrumTr ava mhL anlcts at tha diacretion of tba tutilors. 8. bu'wcnption will nut to received tor a last time than on yer ; and a (Uur to notify the Editors of Salisbury, May 0, 1835 ly. mrorars 'Yatcnw-SiiOT-Culict. Specimens of her work, both ia Dressing aod Makinv of Rnnneta. and Dnwtea. may be aren at ml to d.MXuUaue, at tha end of t year, will to cmai-1 ber Eiioo Sian of . the G REEN BON N ET, two dered m a new en.-jomem. . ' ' . Idoori aboye Messri Wheeler and Bums' Apotlv 4. A-yp--P'wpHwswu. eary and Dra.&ora.wbera.aU -rdarvitt.Aa mHE SUBSCRIBER bayia aarebaaadlhaaav: in l-a iria trmiQia in ouiieci ana iranamn 1 - -. - .. . . ...... t . .1 a . . . . a . n-rnoney to the Editors, shall bars a pa 2 tl.oir continuance. iii.lt f,tfd fa (Ac Editor. wuntranmit (0 (.. 11 - v. 'd, at tiioir ri frwuie taey reasooabla terms, tbosa who may wish UooiksU A' m j. .tffMf JU WH HMWlJ. .UM tm I . . - gin ,.,n w ...j- rv-iirunriiea, ai1 m rwiawre aa rrgmmrtf Miug. 1 - n - tar' (heir pf r ft. .- , ana WK ue uwu.e . iHuaci an uanmui ,-.., anrl nnnrlnall attetided to. . I I -z-k. r. M.VU- ft.';.- .J V.-J:-w iiiwauaii M " J - a GIUMI1 I lie Ha ivi i-aaaaBsaaAa vmuKimira Y BUwIllX " - - . . I . - are N. B. Mrs. P. always keeps an assortment of I the above raluable Macbine, lor the. Couoties pf Ftshionabte Ribbon on band, and can supply, on tZ-'li Df At)Vr.BTVtJf0. I. Alvert;-omcuts will be conspieuoualy and It in'artol at C'J cent pr aviare firftha fimt inaertion. and 5' ' i ':-. fir each continuance : but, whra an ad- aerj.,. "-.t i cr '."d to ro m only twioa, E3 eta. will beer.-- 1 f r - i irn,on. if ordered fr one in anrtif.n o ' f 1 .1 in a'.l esse ta cha'-'d. rood j. A bytr- t.'.afes f r tfaaaicnt custom. - - TO Cfl8RK8r0PEHTV April 11,1835. JC3 rxn.TLo. rniiE Pronrietora of THE WESTERN CA R0LINIAN having a very large supply of Job -Type, Cut$ &c4 i . . - a n . .. mi 1. J , . e to en-Te Vy tl year, win bal'verr W"P w rrmnng win m oorw in toe .wUa'tiwiacuaatciatLs sieve twatest possible style, ind on the moat moderate terms. Uraera from a distance will be promptly attended to, and forwarded in the safest aod moat !To r.oir f roirpt auenuon w iawars S4are4 1 c-xiU4oua rowwr. ;ie t I.'-ors, the rxaUjthou!d ia ill casts to paid. - . t&alitibury, February 28, 1835. ba-oiMjftilbirmiirb tastn and in ti good it) lei ton of Eclipsa, Hut uf a Calwh Maray-Hsrodt-aa it can be any where South of the.Potomac I ber dare. Heraa. by Matcbem Reaulua. and ha bv Salisbury February 8t, 1835 ' tt . the Godolphin Arabian, out of a Cbesnut Mara 5tFvrl I bands high by Alexander. Orlando . g. g. g. i , iJUktV CLI. .... I k, rtm-ji mil nf Rmw was-,kPiB. - FROM the Subscriber, oa tba 31st ,,! 0WB to tn celebrated horse Macedonis. arof AFTW0"mU Ulsyett.diinlryWterebr Klttrea J ooe three years old this oon, ha by Medley, out of a Mark Antony Mere. Hnrin. Mnnna man, with a uipm l '. Roiran, Iredell, and Cabarrus, ofler. the same to Um, la her ry thick mane and tail ; !ha jTf 1' ? V "JV,001 the Farmer of tboae CounUe at every low price ilk.. . it. -,kii- mrjt .k.M r 'nuf nd Wildatr stock, descended from the right wfjakWSa:MarAhei U ba bad h fos at anv time. He will have a number of Machines t. l. r v.....-l j :. : i.-m- .i.. I po"" Ms re, Mary Grey. Foi waa raised by made in a very short time fortale. , ikj trvjn- to t back iiamr flosi eomi. t pI-trgHMa,ho-Bid ahtnrs a w lAILta. u ,L. -..i.r.. I .ill ;.- . I" D'oooe- of ibe above stock of horses. rilVIO ssa anv wviiiviirvva- "in jBw m wa , a - r THREE DOLLARS to any person who wilt Uke Whiteatreak ran one Race, at Danville, Virgi her op and deliver her to me, in Rowan County, "' frwor borses, lor 100 Barrels of Corn two mile abovs Chamber's Ferry. ' Jo P'.k-rrel. He DISTANCED THE Tba other ta a colt, onlv one wear old. with a FIELD at a single heat. Mr. A. J. Davis i of white spot in ber forehead. I will give TWO opinion tbt but few horses la the world can beat rinf.r.aRO. Ia anv nirana aha will laka her I him, SS to SMed-r-his bottom nnl IriatL ' i Printed in the best manner, and on good paper. L-j k. k-r to -y.. mikI ir word, as abnaa h Wbitostreak ia S veara aid. .! in.kl.M. Orders from Qerks or others from a distance will j v , v WILLIAM'S BUTNER. I HORACE A. BURTON, ba promptly and carefully attended to. . J Rowan County, May 2, 1835 tf February 28, 1835. ' tf ' Rowan County, March 31, 1835. - .DLAJVKS. t ' WE have oa band, and will dispose of cheap, A Large Eupply of ELANSS, '4 i 'V TV '' V'Y

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