, r . I i i r i j j PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY : 1 AwdJUJaJ J Oludlf JI Ailll) 33)y3iIPal UJilimPirDiT lPlli(DIPJiUIMtf DlJ-fVu.Hfj, No. 52r-Vhol No. 782. n. 1 (,-;- - - -. - ,f, v.i,,., i ;.,.- , i '.i. i p.- , ,i i ,n r'- . i 'i ...( 4 ... Ir "idi . - , . . . ,. -. ,; ' : . ., 1 1 li'iiI r.'ntfl THE. WESTMft i AT TWO DOLL AH A YEAIt, Ifl-UillAAimiic. 111 ! THE CRATE OF TUB CUTO. ' ' A frr (jr Ut riftttWwkm-? whw (ImU it ka, Jy tit achoinf man T U kukiv-w4 m I Ob bol lot Hum m)im a lu( iuk la rMl- J Um ifM liW WtuliM U( w frtrt ) llal tral m (Ji prvcimi Ocm' hur w, "' To mub of lifa'a UnwU tnd immilu Wm inrw . To oerf utrtPOM b lb lovly on burns, ' AVherl do luud Mvagt turni Uk Ut atill mooaliyU tir, BtK (U Wcm tweet sm from llotven tlitU bctr ! A fttv for Ui ffiftad wher wbr aUll U U1 NV'her the bright wnuner treMrc yieUl wmIUi to l)it IWr Um Caot tbrilliiwt of um fountain bawd. And the rich ur m real by tiighl paaatoaata bird I Whafa ok) chesout traaa ahad tarilifht of f loum. Which doth, hallow and mallow the wild floweri DMck bloom Whore ttie (Vagrant apring-raina daoee in joy to eath'l Hwrat Earth wuh a Uoaaomy richnaaa appraaiad ! Where the richeat of roan undent tfi?W blow, ' Vlore p-jre and. more eoft tbaa unwrwlbed mountain eoow- . W'lcre the atar light abail tremblingly algnal the houra And throw tudden gleania o'er the wood-bonoied bower " " Where the an a flower ehall born, and thr Wly ahaU bend, Aad the accacw ita laaviw with Ike widow abaU bleod, Ol I the oW knightly launrl'a ilbjalrifdw gloom, Ovenhadowed her liie be tbM &r fruro ber tunbl A grave for the Gifted! e grave for tk Yoang Hiuce eealed the buna lips that ao IhnJIing aung. Jlnt fat fnnn Uie IiureL the tempest the btllvw . Where etilLneee ia deepest, there spread ye ber pillow. 0EUEXTT MISCELLANT. .NAJtRATlVE or T1IB STATE OF RELGION. " We aivite the ettsnliua ot wt readersia-1 JtSum tatwe of Um state of Religion," ia the Swith Carolina Presbytery, whiek wiU be found beWw: -NARHATIVK OF THE 4TTATK OF REUOION. - TU Presby tery oT &wtk CaMilina woulo pro sent (he following Narrative of tbwiitate of Relh . gt"At wikio their fcottneta, to the Goworal AaaemWy BioirTBBTtij'. Wi oWirw ywr grace, ' irierty, nrnt penea, Xrout Cud. lbe Kailier, Gd tlid Son, and Cod. tl IWy Cboat.. - ' ,-.r.-.:.--Iii (aking a view of I be aUta of Bvligion in, the dilTvroat Churchea uudcx our care, we are eorry tliat we have not more t communicate, which i caleubtad t encoyrojfo our kturii, ercauae pott to rejoice It i true, we have lwen favored, in armw degree, with the preaching of the Word. Our Asaeu'ibliea of worship are iwoorullv' lurge I the attention of the neoul ile reapecirul t and lUe uao id -- : friiitlnQa. - TKa ftmulliv ftnhmil. ,....- .. . . .. T . . f adJEeniDerance causes, have not TrrKT.m a WuaiTiofluWin . . . l. i ..n ktie -:.k.. . to believe that God bus not loft himself without a witne ..... faldtrfjlMXroal, to declar thetjlad Ridings of ' salvalMMi. '.7.r.' " But, Brethren, there are tome things which pain Hir hearts which render Ihe preaching of the . Gospel more arduous and which have umjue. nS5habTr impeded the pnMeaaiiiLtrjiitAhndjm " tion W lAEi,aJ"well iw-Ar pwriaof .the jrinej vardef our eommon toTd and Redeflmea. Yew '- wiH bear- with- ua, thmfiH vrhikt we amkosem uraalvM to you,, in Christian affection, and relate h7au aosae joCut ; atrrqv, tiaat ym may ymp., tkit with us if no more. " " 15rr .The the Umentuble hereais which have found t heir way into Um Freobyterian Church, (aa have been noticed, bjMhe ' kA and TagtiPrOoyJl eflbrod by the minority of the Assembly at their )ast meeting,) have inflicted a wound upon that branch of the Church of Jeaua Ciirist to which we have the honor to belong whiclPwill not soon be healed. The existence of these Wrora, in ho moat distant braiiches of our Zion, would be an ' - evil not,to b toleraind. But whoA .-are find'the jmjority of the General Assembly, the guardian - least of it, at Ue8 wrbra in doctriner imtinnova? - tioMiitdisc.ipo--when' we' find brethren w,honi Ve believe to be Bound In the Ttiithi from talse oVM cyTistwed to lb w.MTyrBlttthejLtJyat -J - .4 k. '! r.Um. .uMUiri XaaVT1wwl "fhe torrent hich:w 'preparing "jo. aweepi ouTTwf-tTBf iters, and to demolish eur ancient and beauiilul spirnuai edifice, where our fathera worshipped vhen we discover tbaHhe Confesaioa of VutV, tnd .nnfc'r'disdrfline1 of 6ur Church, it assailed with almost ma mucfil viorenc lliTbW Pritr Agw'rf Reason," and thai, too, by men mho bave taieimniy fdrirlhal fhey bcliefetha i lruthe which ire con tained i that hook, tad that they wiH support and mttoi& item ii'Whea)5 wiiinartVayfarOur . . .. i nr. 1 t l k' "t.- ..k ti mi fallow sinners. iiAoiL with aa ancieoi nwarta an sonxmiui ' w mwwtj iBuvwun-w mle diacipM lot our awawloi&1r hia aepuVDharar M eoontraioed to ayrYlTbey hava taken myoat tord,nd w MW jM Where ttbaj iwi IpM hinv"iA ivrtwiii iWr-? is t4ti' k ?coJ--Thf roiaguided ,an4 -mistake ieal "avhicji fanatic jwjt Jba North,,hay aUempje4;ro 'a'M..)k ptjxflnwopz Mi nl ' which haa teceived unpnden( encouragement, ho, ''perhaps, from ; the General asemWy.' htit ; from egynod nd Fresbyte'rlea of our order, hat had aj fredy n unhappy efTectf and fs pending (o clos, -j rw iml(ss anmetfiiriir' la done1 to Prevent iMg interftrenc; witl 'UMjfkto the dodr of our ifiitricagtra FibvnanW'ain6DLthi.d of -7-,-,. . u ii-s-! ; ; uafiKntuhUniJ il'nlu wit 1 SALISBURY, .i -,i ,,n v it.'i I. . I T l ; ii )4 .itgayTi iir it, Tni'it(wiiwii out pipgUon Vti look iorward with horror Jo the day, when rresbytenAiusm will only be ther Mine fcr AUJUioa, r troancioatiog na aowe if erKtentlr 4ipomtd la make it, Ia cot Dua take u here, brethren. . Do pot suppose thai Ihk horror MUopalud m ia eonawjueuca af any re a4ttrtitau.likh a nuy ewaiaia by such aeveak Ia rues, ef other man, aAil cooaqiMace, (hut U, tnil a BTsxter of minor, indoed.vf m irk portenco, , ,w allude ! ih . misery, aa4 Uuoa ahed which would DoceaaarJy Mlow in the train of auch an aveut nd the total eicluaion of any oma, pmfeaaing to be a Prwbyleian, from the pri vilege o preaching the Gospel of Jesui Christ, h Mir ptlopt. If brethren, who prufuaa to love the cause of Christ to love the colored Moole who are in a state of Luodaire among u mdr Iran how jrreai.aJLJ'Uory.thejr were doing Mm Vff vj iiteir oiuioifiy, loipruoeni, injuniriooa Macfiw renre if they could believe that thflir measures and efliirta would ultimatuly preveut Prtabyluriaiia from ever preaching, or instructing pur trrvantt in the truths of solvation; we swat think they would no longer attempt to mar our peace, by menuiing wnn our ciew lajctrunoaj. v jth these error countenanced by the General Assembly, and the. Vindlinc of this match 10 the North which is preparing to blow up our useful Dcaa among a certain claaa ut our population, it ii no strange Ibing to find, from the ataliatical report of (be General Assembly, that the increase of our number is toe 11m last, than in former yean. II ia bo at ranee thing, that ministers of our order are discouraged that the friends of Jesus Christ, gen erally, ao far li our branch of the Church ii coo ccrned, are found without either jojf or tong. Brethren, pray for us I Thai. the. great head of the Church may be with vou, to atfeel juid Llc jrbuuTtue prayer of: your brethren, in the Lord. era w . US oroor oi, tne rreaoytery. ANTHONY. V, ROSS, Moderator. S. B. Lew cas, Clerk.. Vom CWtanatt Paper, April 23. Mr. Clayton, who made a. Balloon Aarensisa from Ihiacity.oo Wedneaday, th 8th of April, returned ytklerday morning. tie haa politely far awuca m wun in sjuuwing sneico au inpr ' i . i .a sf il i a ,. , MR. CLAYTOTTH ACCOUNT OF HS'J3UAt EXCURSION, 'i 1 i At fir eVtoel look, my oVoorture (rbtri thr Am phnkRatre, wfMcfl was pretty wefT nned "wrth tpee mtora,the hcauty aad faahlon ef the -dry, and ascended1 with celerity into IrM irmosphertf,' amidst the cheering soohds or muste,' and the acrlama lUMwef ar friewda. :- la a few momenta I' had a full view of Cmoinnati, of Newport, and Coving. ton, and of the thousands of (spectators 1hat tor- rownoW the amphil heat rej and covered ertry potnt whk'h aflSirdtid 1 (avorable opporroniry for seeing. I soon arrived at a aufRcreVit altitude to iVrihe ectloTt a good view t the desrent ef my para chute, containing a dos of about SO pounds weicht The parachate, on being- liberated from the Cor, descended with great velocity, for a considerable distance before it spread open.' When it opened, ita descent was more alow, and, as I watched ita eoursa do wnwarde, thought for eomn time It was falling tn the Canal, but at last saw It jam a tittle - i . i . j i . - .J . en nnn vinnjro I navpiuMwinH H,arriTeq anin be came mora exUingcdarHVrinrrt. hirt evert ol- jnct Taor diminutive. The spectators shrank to Ltltiptrth;'tvd 4h horse and carrtagea n the roads were hke the lovsxif children. The hills around the city, which forms the boundary of )ne'a view when' below, sank into the earth, and became on a lew with th plain and fur beyond them, amidst the vast woods, I could dittinguish'mime. fooa tow wad) awhivated apoU.x-The whole ap peared t'kew extwvsivw-map spread at .my eef, with every street, and" alley, and building, and eve ry improvement plainly marked upon it. 'Through the centra the Uhio paaaed, and wound lis terpen triieeers m each direction, until lost in the' mist which surrounded the scene, and for a number1 of miles 1 could trace the river Licking, the tijr-sag course of the Miami CanaT, and the turnpikes and different loadiTbraochTng ling, the Barometer stood at 29 3-10 inches, and Thermometer at 79 degrees.' Tbe wind carried me Last South-hast, in the direction oritatavia. , At a quarter after 3, the Barometer atood at 19 inches, and the Thermometer 30 degrees, I began to feel coldL aod put on mv great coat. At thia time 1 heard a report ofa Cannort, aiu) could hear at una neignt tne joiae oLcauig.jno.ine trooa- a aitef. ''About this time I -passed over the TS, lhrokei myight, anq auer descending a Iittia I had a tine view of.tbe towns Tand piilUvale4 'srota1 on jeatjh ffler A liitle before six I passed over Batavia, and eoatinaed to .travel ia an- East South-East direc tioo.. My altitude, at this time, aa indicated by th Barometer,' was 24 Tnllet. " 1 again felt a little TChU.;ih Thwrnonifler stood at 23 degrees, ; J .... . . i .''-'i-i'iv?'."ri.'.i."r.J a' sat myaeu qowo in ine ear ana iook some rrprgn swsf. 1 wits now moving del'ghlfiilly through bj air; the little agitation the alldQA received on jjUaxUog hadrww.cesed, there was not the least rotary or oocilatory motiofie)iib pie in the silk of lh Balloon to be seen, and all perfect sJence;, ! could have almost imagined I thkt I wai an inhabitant ofa little worldrnW owirfthemr fixed in pie immensity of Space, and could new at my feei, thf earth in ootioo, revolving on its axis. I' , felt , oo i unpleaaaot sensatioo, no difiiculty in breatbing, ao pain nor swelling lay head at has been said by some 'JEronauts, to be experienced at - m . ii .. great altitudes 1 hut I have ao doubt, that at the altitude of 3 J or 4 "miles, owing to the variety of the atmospnere, a aiincuiiy in, nreaiuiog, aui a awelling in the headyia experienced. t itrt, At Uiellitudeof ii milos.tba Knery ur;not so heauti ful as it i when; about half t mile from th earth ff the objects afpear concealed m ma , NORTH CAROLINA; . . ' -;' r'1 r f'-B .-111. - - tt mum i iwnnipy -mwrmr t -tn' lilir..i hi ,t- ; 1 ! and have a anonotonoaa appraranee. At 23 mi. autaaaAef sit, I had a fine View of tkAsatitngof the Duo; 30 minutes afwr wx I passed over Williaau burci about 7 'clock ever Ueregttowa I and, a though 1 was several railew drvtast from the Ohio river, it appeared bat very little to the right ef lad I could daKinctly soe Augusta mid MaysvilU, and tnt lowp ana larma aiewgwoe 01 ine rivers A little be lure 8 o'clock I paMl over Wast Uomm. The wind chanrad a Mile to th 4Vmia, about oo point, makiaa 8. E. by East. Abwut 9 o'clock I passed a littl to tk left at Portamoath ( could e plainly tbe 8ciota river and th canal. , 1 was enabled to aa lbe different places over which I passed, by tk light of lb Afoon, and by th lamp and light in Iba house. These lights, which war numerous, and which I could see in every dirwclioa io which I turned my eye, lormed a 5eM of fiery stars at my ieet, sad coot railed finely with th brilliant stars that shooe ia th cloudless be OMsbere above me. A littl beyond Portsmouth I had a fine view of the Iron tor ft and Frnet$, whoa fires illurnU nated the atmosphere for a number of milea. J could not, by the light of th moon, make any I hermoroetrical obssrralwaM, th quicksilver io th tub being so small I could not see ita height ; but th quicksilver in tho Baromtr being wf Irealer volume, I could plainly aea it move as and wo; and although I eoulaV out ae th figures on the scale yet, 1 could tell when I was at a a distance from th earth, by lb distance that th Quick oilver stood abov a piece of brass which formed a protection to th Thermometer, immedt. ataly alongside of Iho, Barometer. Whenever 1 full tired 1 would seat myself in th bottom of th car, placing lb Barometer opposite to me, watch Ha beigbt and a ba I iutind it rising, would throw out soma ballast and untract4U coure.iSow and than 1 would look. oyer the car, aad notice particularly, the direction and siluatioa of tho wa tor courses which 1 bad in eight nearly the whole of my voyage, and ailbout which 1 should not have been able Io trace my course. ,8ooo after passing tho flciot River, 1 entered another cur rent of air, which carried me due Cast, and imme diately pvar Concord. Soon ajlei, 1 paaaed into another current, which1 carried me iUst North and brought ASti I o clock, jjearly up to uainpoiia, a niw oetow wuicu t cromeu in uuto River-, Oo passing inura paw oorrant of air, the ii- a- a . . t a i a1 I ."i n ii I. Balloon was slightly agitated, at which time I would U, rUACUkr ia ascertatoingUad'xaclwn.. Soon tllfir croaaing- th Obio-,tbo.ikllopo .was agau agitated, aad I found thai I bad parsed from Um beat North at current, into, another, which carried ine South East, and soon brought me over the Kanawha River, and from, the, raphfiry with which, th terrestrial objects appeared to move, I found my rate of travelling bad uicrcascd- ALluJf.ailerJwdv I paaaed rfiverChrleataodrj Uia lew minutes I was carried over th Jfursacea of tlM ivsiuiwh 5ufl.'.Vorkf. -I continued thia- course until I wss io eight of the iuk fur mod .by Gouly aud New Kivers. Wbile.in sight of Nw River I approached the earth i any ballast waa -nearly exhausted and as the place over wbich I was Boating-appeared to be an open country, 1 prepared lor a descent. ' I threw over' board my anchor, which, after drag ging tor littl' msianco, cangntnrmry okioj a m t". . -m , I I m TrlinTniiritn fiillllliir rrrnr V- 1"rs I fminrt In my surprise, that instead of a fine opca country, 1 I In ikirisa fuseat, on a rnnsirieTsMe eleyiwMw. 'be wind waa olowinir powerfully, and Undine it imposaibTe to break the hoM of th anchor, th on ly wy ornoeratmg mysnii trom una wiuation was to cut away th cule. This 1 did, and in a abort tiro ascended to an altitude as great as I had ere- viously at toiaedTbo cold, was intense, but 1 could not ascertaia tha height of the Therrrmme ler? t hare-oo doubt it was nearly at low at Zero. aaff ootr" lost-asrtt-of iho watorvouraejL andj could soe no iignta an ny oirecuon-1 laid mv " a.-T ... -J 4 sr . k self down- in the iibttom of tho Car. buttoned m coat tightly around me, put oo my gloves, covered myself wun two blank la, wbich I had taken as wrappers for th Balloon, drank some brandy; felt eomfoftablhnjdhighlvdelighted with my novel trip, and ibvim auuaiion. mfmtvwmfrwu awakened at hist by my Car striking. I immedi ately sprang on my feet, and ia another moment th car waa dragging ovr tne, top or the tree. 1 taw before me a river and 1 thought some buil dings ; they appeared but a little distance from mej but 1 afterwards round mey were about four miles off. ij attempted to top my liallooo by clinging to tne orancne loomca, oererai til them and, fcy; itingmg; with all nry-atrengtb wrth-one handiind polling 4l1e I waa ana bled in a short time to draw my Car down the tre several feet) and to secur ii by meant of a roperTinrTr peni tf eeiHMioiii tiiai i iiadjecared my ballooot 1 looked- at my watch, and found it to half after S o'clock. At thit iHtoe or th mor ning I thooght it vrould be aseleos to go' in search of aay aaaiatane.'.' I thsrafbr wmaioed. in 4h Co 4ttiis4. Uaslfxoin hf;groiind, until da break, and then descended to explore tK wilder nem in which I bad landed; t t w I could discover oo traco of human footstephd man; 'Numeroua large; trees' had tn leveTlwf to Th 'grmd, but itiere was no mark of the woodman a axe upon .... i.--.,.'! ..I . m i - . nurricane. rerceiving tnat i was on a mountain and that there Wat another point still hiehef. 1 a tended to the top of it and Could perceive ill th alley, knd in (he direction that I had seen tha ri ver the previtUS evening, a cultivated spot. ' Af- tor vrsToiiiug loogsig oi oeauiuui spring rivu let Ibr. about threw miles, I found this' epot, but had t follow a track of two miles further to get assistance. W conveyed the balloon to the house of MrT Joseph "Graham, a respectable and mtelTi gerit farmed with whom I remained tbreedavs.be- fhrt I "edulif icf a cwvyance" to" return 'During mY 30, 1835: . ' -.' i . ,' i.t , f . . f - ' : uin i tb p srir ji titi t nrr, Mnrrurn if'ifijs w.ifiitm aijiili, i. ; an -ijjrj. Tri-iTg r I I i I i ; '1 1; . l IMl 1k I , ' ' 1 ' '- my stay at Mr. Graham's, 1 woo viaitsd h)r great number of people from th surroundg owfttry Tho spot on wbich 1 landed, is lh loo of tho asuonuw, 8,000 (sot (as indicated by the liaroins. ler,) abov th level of Iho aea, and is talW Si: M9slCOlk m) Koob.'or Bli noon's Knob, new Keoiwy Knob, Monroe county, 'Virginia about 4 mile from Oraasv Brier River, 18 anile from Uoiuo, VO from Louiaburg,.witkm sight of tho Alleghany Mountains; and at a dietetic from Cincirmaiu, ac cording to th route I travelled in lb Balloon, of 830 mile, but, according to tbe uaual roetbod of travelling, more than 400 mllos, which distanc 1 travailed m 9i boura. . -v i This voyage, 1 belie v, has filled th promise I mad in my advertisement, and is th longest oy (? h fr rr pariormod by any psraoa in a liaiioon. - .. . ' FAIR FLAY, Mr. Lewis David keep n my good oyster eel iar at th comer of Walnut and Fifth streets, and after tk mtigues of th day and otooing he car. full? locks up hi ptacO of buainem and retire to kis boos fat Iho Mirhl. Boom tnoroiog. sine Mr. David discovered, or thought h discovered, a sad diminution of his edible. The ggt craclu srs, ind oysters, uttds roasted, and rewi which he lull at night, ware not Io bo found... in rmxi morning it was th mm J and ai night ho deter. mioed I ho raraaili ho I here fur looked into . ry recess and corner of bis cellar, to ae that bo on secreted for th purpose of depredation then he carefully iootened the windows and doubly lock ed th door, and mid Io himself with autno exuia lion, M master thief will not tickl hi guma with my goodiea looiKlU." In the murwng, be repair ad early to his cellar tbe locks were safe and Ihe I windows ttcht he deacended ond Io I the whole stock wa licked oa If clean a were tho treuchara hefure ttm image of Bl and th Dragon. The good man stood ast'oeiahed oysters and egg were not thuigs thai "take to tbemsolves wings and By away," especially when th door and windows are closed. Wbilhcr, tbon, had, these usually, qu,irt artklea withdrawn, and, what had at the earn time encouraged the beet, tq a mora than usual activity t These were qiwstiorif mora easily asked than am awerod, and the worthy pwnerof th establishment began to think that hit collar waa haunted. . It it true that a friend, who beard the. hitimatiw of such a fer eidairpe with; a coraidrble degree of energr, who ever saw a ehost that at ovsters and eggat Su, ia reply, the. poor man duiqgnJpdJ or hut 1 n terroga lor, w oet bor, iio. Bad ever eeea a ghost that did not eel them. A thought, kxrvrver, oecursed to Mr. Dayid, which aseiiakjyiy .to.rjad L to ao elucidation of tlie matter, lie asked a watch- roan. 1 go wilh him, and spend, the night io tho cellaf. Jhis they did, watching carefully lor the ingress or any form when, about daylight, a email head wa ea Dokirut through a broken pane of guns a? tne back part ot t do-cellar, ana snoruy a small body dropped oq 'tli floor, and proceeded Io mike abort work with the comet tables of th place, Ue bad left st tbe broken window a companion, whose dimensions did not allow of $ squeene through I tmojl aperture, or at leett he could, not trust to Its' caoacilv to re turn after eatimr.-rThia one. finding' the. little follow was taking tho cream of tbe prize, remonstrated airainsrthe eroceeding Stop that," -mid- lievibtarirrJ ones are mine tail miiiiuiiiL.?-rJusf thnn-'ihr men in ambuh "th ruthed out, eiznd Ihe little fellow, buC rfTd 1fftaT 4-foyuflr aj i gpfirrtllY the yassr cootnrod to as cape, l lie lad waa handed over to the Mayor, who'ai"!'rrobably, before this time oeotr. him where he wil!4earn Wter maoDct Jhwjoeat au tne ttcweo; pysjer uatctli,. ,.r., ,.v ., A renu-tcine A'cnwt-A rougb-tooking Am. rican eeamean,' whose -wild aopeoranoe miahl per- Jamif7 Yankee gazetteer injJeacribingJiipi a half altigator, half hyon, or half juiything but a human being, was placed at th btr, charged With having forgotten the leoos tompeiance learned in tbe United Stat, by getting beastly drunk, on th previous night, and wallowing in th kennel, thereby obstructing tbe wheels of carts and J hackney coaches, and., disgracing .the American flag. The priaooer, clothed ia a capaciou frieze wrapnacaL or great coat, vita famre black whisk ers, and long lankey bair to match, waa introduced to his worship by tbe watchman, who, in note Irish, mid : This devil-me-care feller, yer wprehip, 1 catcbed but night M bahf past on this morning, chateing bis lodgings, by taking a snooie in the kennel and so, says. Ij holloh !. me friend, Ibis te the king's highway, and I'm the king's represent,- ttTQ.J.1 . i n ihe king, jsxyejM.'ii could whip bis wefght in wild cats and youre too I'nt ft Ken tuck.",-44 Nevor-wmdr my JrweJU'LliyeLot you is; i'm a, watchman and o 1 whips bim to Bxidsewell.'jind here he s to answer the san, iYiOTirrt(ja1wiuogI.guetoet.l'ffi A Cenatoi The Mayor asks what trad you aret.. , ,77T',, ;? a . Frmntrrl cakulajeail jm a isnuwine Ken. I ...-i. it u 71e JUstor- .What do you say for getting drunkt-,; i , uL.fi .4 -f--,";v""' ii'.W.i . Prisoner Cm a singing toneV I've a notion that rdou't knoi bu do aomethuig for mei aojKUsJyojiaj PrimmerObt no, I guess i.ban t, ,t, ii: The Jtjfor I think I had better dwebyge you. rtttonerl think so, too..:.--, ,u ;,,, , , Tie Jlaysr Well, go about your business,. , Pritotur l staring with hie mouth wide, own but ncringto go-V, I-,. .w.wbtfipHt fk. nr ' v oy pon t you goi . risimer yea (laughter JUit,; with, hop, atep,sijdjujripwrjijcrj;j w "A l&M&n Editor of the fcsmdenfS; Journal ba better right; probabW, to use the peraona) 9 A. ' ' u mm . A mra W J ' l , si A ? o uounre anq m fiiy trnii,, l Afirr Ike rinirntlon if 3 month!.' ii t- , ,t i. tf t.: I ri I' I i r -l pronoun plural tha alnoat any other member of the ttvwkpepcr brvtberhuod : for bis vucsImos ere awes mol tiUrUtus Uian tins of that varattil gefiUstnaa, th c lebrstsd Caleb ttuotem kimssli: ' la th first pleco, hoi w High HasvdTof Um district, and of courts ha not only to ssrv " saia pros" apoa hi suhscntsra, bufeto hang' Umm as ocoaamo may rwr Umagh that eortion of hi duliea ks wiU aover a ealled ape I esetcaM, we, trust; for they ar among th bast va of booth Cars-; lint's citiMne. toUMbvitplace,Biaarnrchant,andf buys cotton and bacon. Thirdly, he is aa aoctkoeer and Inoet down iodiscritJiiiiatciy la at direction; which capacity a baa th aevenug of a ssrUia pre''' esaur of kis, who aaed sobm tmrns m get koockod down hiowwlf, but who geporally left on about eauare with tho or w m wm Bwuor or, ry Mow, , ruvrtaJ, aut not, lastly he ia "oommitawoar of locauoaa," which, w. tak it, ia a preUy unporuuit office, aiocs it knpliss th privilege of going where I man please, ' The a, again,' b fa agent of aa ineuratK Company, aad supsHaiseo.' snt of tsuadav hchuola, Mow, b a Siaa hoMmg all thee oficaa, aad diver others, M mo tsdisaa W woxtoa," tor' . gnht with Um diteraaip of a aowapapsr, has net lh right to mr Ws" in hi luulufona capacity afcreswaV w should Lk to kaow who th dens baa. ( Tk editor, apologised a abort time tine for lack of original mtttsc,' as ft was re'ora day," and instead of fructifying hie readers with hi pen, be vu taking aom of than boW tinenUy into cusUtdy by authority of (he State of Vou lb uiruima. Vmm Smn mm m a tort ooaiuveoidi umui of that rsgwav who stands vory aiucb upon aW sr of on of his cards, ther is no such thing as sot be, inir " at hama." Tha tttiii. iharetsw. bakes a nsr- iecdy1 trgiubaui excuse. It is gratifyuig, too, to Bod' editorial service so brooerlv aoDrsckled a they anJ pear te K aowai, io food old Xtrahaw. Your dk Ion in that oentry, ware wont whilom, to be eontoat with Um duruit of Mirth eorporaJ, aad aavsr asoired to: any Uitng aaare elevated than " Orderly SergejaBi" of a, most disorderly squad of annuli'laiy and SSisanageaUe, wage, sometime called ft txeeUrnct, and by way or extraordinary distinction, th 'barvfboted beat' It U' gratifying, also; to ae th Journal man protnowd fat th' ' etpft department a weft arth military t for th nolo aorsoulMf did tnjuatic to tw IsWuT LLlor'a forarmvt nor, or th oulumos of that paper were not aJwavi gpoet so eiwti a M a they might havf beesw At pfsstnl however (h conduct of the Journal is equally good ioj, all. Lie capacities. That be is ta excellent aheriff.a good merchant, agent, ictloneef, Ate., it,'' we bavenf th least reason to doebC becaba k it in aH respects en excellent fcHoW: tnd that he is a good ditor, ia wo miosis by km pspart coadueUM waa spirit,) tact, and good very rarely .found at the deak of ao, inland aaublisbmeat bke lAat sad we save only lox prem th bop that a may find am rosea and few Uwrna in bis editorial path Uian fal) to th M of tf those who spend in beat yean of their lives in the o- detvor to benefit the fwblie u editor of iMWppr.''i ) i ',! i nit- it J Ik Yttmont rWmV.- s. i BUDDEN DEATO BY fXM80JCl.I DaasUt VvnfL a Um 3rd east Miss Mart fftehhin daughter of Capi, Elijah tjtshras aged 20yeara,r.Tkie u, tereatingvoung kidy. the day previuua to err death, was in. pa nesiui, ana ai nmner aianircvisu oer usual vpcigui- Unem and plsaaantry, , Boon ineT dinner the walkeor out towards the rfref4 and visited miniature taw mill' of kwiittla4hrr) maU muVl batWden" Mmd-f dw Uill Bodtborrrtatt within a few rods of the heumj and playralty inqnhod of th lad whsthw .be ipectdX to ait op all aighi, hk other nwyenv to toad bia j&UUf Vc Oa ber return Io th bourn ah amused tha child, ren of the family by treating them with the bark or birch twigs, which she had procured fat her walk, stilt Cheerful and pleaeaat. Bumf time afterhow tons cannot be determined, e ao attosiioB wa fold to the1, o lock her another observed paleness anusual on Ma ry's eonntenaoce, tad aahod if ah waa wwflL '. Mary, readily replied. I do feel tick, and perhaps I have mien too much birch bsrk.ha aoon.bfcam much dislreas- edi attondad with diiininr at. rkilrnf reUbuiga,"ahd'oe caaional apasma: and, on furuier ujquTfTbf mother1 -- roasting lh eans af jfy rjgfj'1'1 Blarmhrgdiatromi aiary recollected aad readilr-eiatsd, that, Cuiu walk U ptoek seme pads of. Apple 4am a eatea aom of th seed, which wr discovarad In the content of lh stomach, spontaneously ejeetd.Dul ring tbem srenea, hsr unci Gea &,JStabbjn came in, tnd joined her mother in stating to ber, ber imminent danger. Her father being absent on bosiness, th wo-' cl went In bait for e phyekian. The Doctor being at thatfima oyer the tfrer, could not be ooUiaed till ft elckxk FiM., , !. 1 ".'"J" ! At that time eh was W' Igonhtlfif dlstjem-tmblo to speak eye red. tod charged with blood pupils, much dilated petechial eruption over th earfaco re embling a highly atarked case of spotted feer almost perfect torn of muscular motion, and generej ftupor J the stomach and bowels not excitable ky huge and re pasted doss oTTmetics, oatbartica and enemas ' extrm aritiea, anrfta, tnd hroachooldjntena thirst, but on any attempts to f wallow, the organs of deglutition were thrown into spasms resembling hydrophobia great dif ficulty of breathing ia fine, ber appearance waa that of agony : Although apparently wishing for relief, it was very difficult for her to swallow any thing.' Sometime m tbe Utter part of th night oh bad a abort lucid hx terval, during which eh, with aracb difficulty, and fat ft harried manner, talked turn, th powers of locomotioo appeared returning She inquired of th oottorv Dn you think m dangcroualy tick! and being answered, n the affirmaUve, she rejouiedljywilbuiX there it any chance for in recovery f Shermid she should b glad to drink ttd .Uke remedies, but that when ah tried to swallow sh felt aa if choking to dMtlpr- Site" passed -aflecriotiat ml lion . with beg parent udjriftTjJrMtr A littl before fljn th mornings she sunk again into paraly W Stupwrsjid for nvaretnavr four hour manifested do toe Mt ion or motion, except (Vom deep tnd laborious respiration,. till death closed " (he scene at 10 o'clock Ai' M., AprU SreV t A mile Pru. Thorn Annla. aomatleies eallad JamaiT"' tun Weed, or, baUaiiiiially fitinooium, br pcreHbA narotilj. When swallowed, it producea aausen and tiaxint'ss. even j small doses ( .but if th quantity b irge it- brings on great prostration of strength, lorn of hil, (reni4cheTdc1rTOm; and soriMtiiM euuvulX, sions' some,' she death. ' The powdered leave orfx tnu!taromeume giver to doheaor a gram.u4Tad sards of the Thorn Apple art eoostdered more povwfut toaa tne rest oi wa piantf ana may ie given m haJtoq - twohirda tb ijase.; mAJf m.itti$ t pit t8trchingt 6pHnmk rmf 4srt " where have you been at' f Ilia irn of night,- to get your shirt turned wrong' eide "afore T ' "Beerf, mol v ther! ' Been tdi tn Auctioh,' where a mad lost hii . pocket book, and they alibi Iho doort and1 soartheJ us all from had to fodtl radfs how t gof itry ski. ' furnef f gM to clear out vtif hov faid two hoiira, -efid (her tWothoIf atript whebTcftm., -q ' .'"' t . A 'V r ! -- - - l'.'"f v''WWi7vn4rttf'-tftvw''j ! . i - ( stffJSS!!; ,,1. :.vt ,t-:-.i. ....... ., . ii i. iimniriin)iTi -j , ....