9 political r.:: cellany. EIQNJ 07 THE TIM Li . !To'ry utcI4 p4:iot, to every genuine friend to liberty and to th rijfhu f man, lb re era aWU-4 iai.citiags M lUt preaoot aspect of I tit plit'el h jriljn, todiaviitrate tb iitoienea. Lla iiecesMty of aocurrooc (a first pYiocipto, and of anl ity, firm, mnte, and ntrin rt M tli.nr prt fit auiotaiuitlj th ascendancy of th priacip!,-iJ fir lb prrsemtijin ef "if lYss instil utwas. The! most alarming liutariora tkw of tb politic, morality f lb ntry to a prominent trail to th national character at th rr) 6 if, is a wdema truth, which w think no n:irtii, uaLl &". Pi mn of ordinary latel!.. jw, mhj b. nut ptrimtted pirty pm M ritiav goi.i hi booi try prk eflrue patriotism, vol dariy. s T err4 th prorsas of tbi down WjfJ (wn-U restore th ascendancy prmei plf ever ptrty eplrit, of integrity and rnina ovar (Tlfti'inata enj ambition, In r-kiod' tit the trend of the pinole tha aiereJ Htmi of Liberty. Timo ar th bib end holy oi-jecte which now V nrnl tha ir)Toa, lb eoceasing and mnljr aar ta au of very Anaricaa eitiis who la unwilling to Miran ler thai ((1 on out inheritance mirehased tor b tha blwi an! toil, and hertofrt wwd an! miin!uin,l by thairtue and patriotism of our - mitn. .The Cauu u w with in utt or our j'j ..try.,.. Thai country calls on all bar aooa,"abf lovbrei thera to fly to her wr.ua, to prewrv litxr Itborti, aad to transmit tbem, uniropsirvxi. Oi!ircliiUro, Shall thiseaU enheeded 8'iill the .ip;1irtiora b diireardedt '. iliiavw f.rhiJf B;rirrtcf VVaihinztofl, and hia compatriot! . if, In your presotit itata of axiatenna, It ba parmiiied U van to b.'b:Ii tha (Jin?)ra of tuat country wnicn - you a; ardently lwl, to wboaa aerico your ba wa airth vara dovotwl, wild saai aoa bjomij , : wUich wiB aecura to ytwr iaeawn tof r iH an J Mneration of tha wia and rw of fT aa anj of awry ctima, to tha Uat gintion ofl ' UJJ1 Oa airth, toa w w lunnor permuicu w U aHrc4,ny tJ 4 prewrraiiifl i of thm !jftuiiJitIulx,Oort-J Dyour wMwura, ami baTtttbod by your palnotiam to aw, yt ungraia ful and d!08r cooutrymett. O WMr,b thia itr and tryln hour, aiart afl that lofluawW l Hi revival in ui of tnat pwroua painoiwuviiiM Boijia Wa of libortyanJ lt manly eiiril of tad psfhWa whwb gluwad with auch holy fcrror in " your ora bmuu. Lot wa Will J tlwpalr of tha . Republic No I Alihuui too many of our eoue Irymeu ha parmitted thanwcla, 6r swment.to , k AAuAi'J bv tha hollow rateoiorta, lh eunnin trtif. :a, an J tha wily machiiwtiona of a bund of . ' mi'Suh and amhiUoia afnntnt,n1 Mr'";'' nB l' tn;a of thildcluwontoaurrwvlor thoiuulctto,tha antira doiuiuati' if party apiril j , Yat lha BolU . firo of truapntrioliam, tb gauerooa loa of Libar ly, ar Out aitinlHd i ttxHr brwuU, they ara j pnj Q)-iird fr a hwinent by tha niata of piion. -Tlna udtii cao and will ba diwipated bythw ray of truth, thry will then ri to their fonwr dignity, ""reoiwnHoJ nJdw!hraUH,aml "th ftobk J toilon v ttvrt counlry, thoy will indifrnantly (hub piecea tba fotiera wJmcbj Lffof t aWT her. . . '.'I t I O VV .. Frienda aud Counirymc.nl ot erypdrty,and of Z atrf cvm. va l"n iH, wa inoka yo by wary a. Juration rfcar to Frectnen. by' rir lorbf foiiiry B-il of I.vnyi by your fegra mr ywr Q vn li jnor, by your lova ta.your po;,!t;rity,b your rf'ira to Uannmit, utiiinnaircdto thctn the glorvnia Liligfitanca reccivsJlfom your Eiihcra, by yuur t Mroul and philamhropio eJ for tho etpanwcw of throti-iiout tha word by your diiro to eacapa'tlia i:'ra l.dlm 'ut alaverv. tha aevcre and bittor hi- Br.t!i''iofvaurowncoiicicr)c,and thecoatempt anJ dtftestaucrfi of ail eurceading pcmsratiooa to tbo. a-! of tHfi-s. IV nil thwa onnwJoratwna wt inv kl.tiya tjut l(k irtM rutin V.iU ari(hT.rir.f fka-aw. anxyr- ur..,i.it.-,t iit.w warr.ni b'twn am ittvN a Ki.'i, nn I intri uiii apir.inn di!inn2"'ii"i, ay UiUt, hn tho rn5 hand, and Liber f 0;i'l tilU. ft.lJ I'.U tv. h.iiinr. into rUy and paJri'jtwfU. OO I ha othor. Nrthiaj U ira tiid to iiwuro gtariuUs aM tri o .i,n!mur ric.torr t tha U tar, but thai iuth bo ' h;.,(o"J ta tho iWte, an that tbw oooapiratora, -i-t f,r th-ir m v-ikt. ba held u t tha tiew of (',.'! ' y" 3 t!i-'ir tw ch!ractorii.""TcT'Cl this, y .nr u i ' '1 n il u;if irin j fxcrtiona ar required, U'aTjr.lsJ. lar.miiit and they will ba completely a,tccc ,0.L I f withheld, frnud, duoepUon, and delu - aiot will triu.nj!w- 1 Ua Ub3rty,tUe prosperity, and t'i n-i ' - it ntymt counlry, your own nghta and t;vv :, and tl'ia h-p "i bf your ibllJrea wit! bt ov;r 'i '' is J i-i ri'iiii. AnJ to y'liTwiil roin lirrorf. y t!,si te.rturi.14 r' l'H'lion, t!(;il thia fiig!itfu pitua 0':a! imit.v h b it tho j'l 4 reward f thM aTriminal ani u ipard'waldo negli jouco, apathy, and indiIeN a i ;e, by which, when ictory noa inumpn worw vfljih-ifily ail pfrRictly within yoar frapV'yini tiisiUf 1 1' 1 :i to l3 wre-t(!i trnm" you, Dy an tft' 1'iii.ni t' ii). t: . uirt'V of Freen, m, and most 1 1 in U.iij to rstrutj. Tha taA which yMf ra n..Uit)i v.ic f n'-'"'""!li -'Iit""! 2j sironAn 1 ii.!,) ililti ra tits niuj.ti'iils by which -iiir o..;i HH-tif fife end'vorinj to doluJw tha peo- . p' th it b it r.t.?S-t.i!--nt H"r'' pirel toxp-e them, l ilu .trv, X'vd, 'd puhl'O ;"' al.Hi'J wa'utioi ""ii," A V tv jcur c -n 'rt, to ft.eitwt n 1 iv d 'ijre pf ) )riidtTiJ to the m:i;nfoj:ht of the ob "ct at s ilto.aad ftll issaf. The causa of libae- t- 9 i of y iiir cnuiitfy will tint inurophaot fiom thrt C'iritest,- inoir, ana your eneuiiei win vm 1 .m ts, ia fi;;n rit eteTafiima of M -injured, ,'v-'1, and nuiid. renplo" nd ih'-n'e-inijifii' w,; r :rve as a I a to duter auch characters in all f 1 lure tim from engaging; in aimilar machina tivn f r pmm stir-; their own ocfariouj deiifrna, by v--'t -, nriiifs aluistui th ioaJanco, and : .;.t .. v x; ' j. jT-.c.f t hnr counJrymQn v, r 1 -,;( y.vi t ari -a fiwn your fn;torioua y-s 1? ! - with the a vord of truth, 1 ' -'y a -l mi'-.-V.'y march 'onward to cor if hi J vi (rj, Vi'eprnp.-we, inournext, i s Mini ;f tha artlr.cpj resnrtod to by tha 1 r tit Ci.-ili I arty, and from ttma to time, to proaecut f9 1 . ' -cj m,,u wo fch",'.t have laid V f .r mir'rev icrs a full view of xi'a it we beSieva 1 1 19 tho rmst and i .ir-r-'n attempt ever, berctrdtr '.r t' irrpnse o- t;. Ameriean pepio, to cor. : f- 1 f d-jstroy t! . c'-'ive f.ancV.and, final. f r rt fr rrc iint r", .ica-f pvarnment into c !,'.fj-ti r't corr'pt, tha roost cruel J c ' ive, end, to crown b!! pVa mo?t !.st. rrnnc C. a, 0.1. re-hunters, a j corrupt political aspirants intent only on their 1 B 'iliiciinrt ait! alwayaVwdv faUra I nl by any nn-i it, bowoor bao, (ii.hutioi.Llo, aud .'tm(ira tf tba ptiUie pm). t t ) . f From tkt Vmttd Slain Trfrfrtpk, " "A)a0.1 KENDALL THE FACTION."""" Wa, whu knnw Mr. Kendll well, who hava Uxig eeeothai hiaeyl wa flindfto tba Preaidoflcy ! ! ') aod hire carefully botod bia approacbea to tha object of liia ambition, ara at no Ljee to underatand him. tie ia aatd to ba on of tha proprietor of tba Globe. Thar U 00 doubt of bia holding that peper under bia control. It la the of gta of the party, and lb check-erring which goveroe tie machinery. Kendall is the faroril of the FraaiJaot, and beoca be tells bia adherent a, that be la dependent upon the Pre dent toUlf tor bU nppointmaol. Deing safe in the! aitirter, hMobtect ta toeraate aa iotaraat adaawkara. 11a fcnove thai the eaaiae of the nauniaannta of the DopaniDeot, ae well as the etrangeat object toe to its prarioaw adeumalralioa, ka ita prowitulmn to party pwrpuaea t beoee be aaya r mttt per atif atyarA aee tfr lk$M wmJer mg oaefrof, if I to M4 awe fntm it, to trmt tki power of of. tct le ptntlt trowi tUrtimu, ' " 1 -. Well aware of tho weak potnle of the Oppooitiofl, he had ptd tha 'way -1 conciliation r and the National loMHigeoeer. baneg Brat aactrtaineal thai the patrooajr of the Senate, aa wall a of the Da partmenta, would, f rr the oaU two year at leaat, be under the rontrul of the dotnioant party, opabed ita arma.and ollared ita pmetituiod ombroeaw f the eoarteoue euitof, by prownaarig to ge el im oew Poatmat?r General by fia acta. ' 1 Do the editors aoppaet that the people of the Toited States are draggej by- stlf intereet as they a.ra t that they are drunk witb lb water of Lethe t liare they Cirgritled that,ifnravliriy aitee aemiau came into odtos aw itb Aaditor, be wrote t lb Edi tor of lb Dabiiwor Patriot as Mbiwai iU The ioferaat of lb country oVmaaxJed Ibat the ofnoe ahouU ba fillril with aareo ana oot with babbling polilicUoe." V. !' " xParxixae tMluHra shall bm) enter bare, if I can northern out."' Poor A awe I bow bard bo ba trirea to wahut at panlzaa beliag end babbling politician " bat they bare tumid their wayialaoV pita of him.".' 1' ' ' ,-r: mi v T ether balooi lb buwneae of electiwiawnnrf to m irvd my clerks other dutie are tasigaed.' ' " Proud 1 ant that tb President be grrew me n opportunity to aid bins i proving that rtorm it not a mpty ouodVd U oof la apply rowrwry tw a change of men.' llenceCmh aaoidowiily ckvotod to my efliciaJ duile," 4. AoT T-rr, :;rrrp' Hare they rorgottoa)'tut toe pnnetple Browed ia tb a bar bitter were carried cut ia the) manner eihibitrd b lb Rriowinontt 1 ' r 1 '. ' ' - Wunmo!f,JlpriI 23, 1532 , Diii Sit:' Itake the liberty to encloewyow cer tain proposals, which epeak fitr fdiemselre. : ,The people need only correct information, and'the1 pro: poaed paper will ' gir it 00 TIIE aiF.APCST TERMS." It 1 Intended to rearh-EVERY NEIGHC0R11COD IN TOfftTNION H-bihI It i weeeiery dtdrohlt tint ti $k(mld bt tier fared THROUGH ALL KENTUCKY.- It. will REN DER ESSENTIA L SERVICE IX ALLlYOUR ELECTIONS. Will you take tb trouble, tor the sake of our good causa, to rmis mbteriptim in your qui rter, and toM tpttdf return of mod tod MONET t';1 uulii j- ""-' -J ''-'.'J1 ' VTHETTME FOR ACTION 13 AT II AND. Tbd Preiidcnt i welt and tn ewenent apinte.' do not d.Hibt that lb 'people whom be ba so oa rr served, will triumphantly aunUiit hiio." 'With t2h respoct, yoUr truly, ' ' , " ,' ' ' i VT ' r AM03 KENTLL J A nJ "io tTie ' not ' know that M t1." Kdndalt , wu limn, and baa been ever since, on of the most be- ' Ti , ' L' j . .-J . ... Ll ,Li i live poniicai paniAaiw, aou oiw ot ura own yrw acrintiv of the central dictator t 'Have they so soon, Torgottea that the Central Hickory .Club of this citywat'organiziid .under!, ..feia. auepiewt, and that their list of proscription .reached, th nrst, as 8-aa-tlWiaiat.)fficcritXK? rei ltMit alone excepted T And yet the Intellijron- is prepared tojude of MTTa?mmtellyp, than, that 'Ihe National CovewneaLttBOl f rat.ua by bii act,,of wVicb of feourso"W9 'prff smm comoituts the ofily mode of construction. ' No one can b at a' hx to understand either of tKas purtie. f r."K?ndalir'MrV;ro biy fbTCit.4 Bdhlort.' Mr.' Rives, Cot; Johnston, and Mr. Woodbury ,'are alt am enlisted in support of Mr. "Van Duren, be cnu each tjoaircstft bThe Ail euccewor Ken. dali has the advantage of a "nativity la Maisachu eott; and "i resTdence In Kenfiicky.He-tata pne ssmoA of- th most notsnt political enne of the party. " II t control the ruer-u.nce ana tne press, and through tfierir h eontrot the' p!rty. Mr. Watiior,misldd' by a euming ambition, Wa thrown hlrrtietf or t'he nortlieraintertsta.' ' If Vaft Barerria-etBcted (whhsWJodr ift bwJrcy ibrbid,) he' wilt endeavor 'to'' run hi eight I jrean.' , Thit will brinjt tha flnnr adjnttmerrt of the TarilT(t 842) In the Irii ltit of4he Conflicrfot hi re-electron.'-The Intelligencer1 Uf identified with th North.-and ita co-operation with the Glnbb would eonsolidate the Northi " Webster himaelf will becomti k imott- ersaloliteof the treat head of th Northern Con- . - f . . a i . . A i K , -i f tIPX fcdnracy; 'V rwp" r , , . T -:-The oiilyq'ufstron for Wr Kendall now to dMeS yheHiiich;mR put id nominatlr'n' b"i Vnn! Duron's ticket. ffTh time ba: nbf yet arrived ifor Awa to draw the lihej ."Thd' trdft'stttt Why thsmaelres, thai rotnmac tii a,T.auilbeaa lie MihetM' 1 ni' U-esswdiat to tila fiitur anccess.' Fifst Col. Binton,1hon Mr. Buchanan, were impelled togivii wsy tor Cof.!John4tiin,'rtd bow Cd. Johnson will be Compelled t give way d Mr. Uivet: It Ss ea. sy to thai this ia reaivelupan.' LThe Glob is p'ubdjshinjf-wvrttacr flatterinfl the Colonel'. Vanity, j M in nf rclieviii his mortification and aMurina? f his adhesion not eonvicn nia aanesmn to van uu-1 J ' . " mr "I ren as his future uppmt oritendulK 1 Up to the date of tho late tleetjon in Virginia, Cot Johnson was taa .CaaCluJ&te, nscause hwbs wmviiva ymxni in fluence would be required in Ohio end lhe"orth- western Stutes. ' Wow BJr Uenfhiil is interested id pmtina dowat alt eometti6n! ia the ' Went, itnd he would much pretertoeomesi nercam-r wunr. Rives as tha Southern candnliitff, to eonuici wnn Col. Johns-m as the Western candidal nno. unner this new ipect of the ce, he will fto dwbt prefer the nomination of Rives oS the candidate I r, ne Vice-Preaidency.' 'Ila believe 'that bo can essily ahsorb Cot. Job'naon and, as to Emiton and Hires, when the day arrives, it wilt be enniirrh that they are residents of slava Slntnv to roily Mr. Kendall's oor them'' Confifderacw 'alwinst them. ' Ia the' mean tim. Mr. Rendu, will devote tiimiif to the conso lidntinn of th North tv,Northni rhi'sn'ro- p'srjhe proud Arkt.Mo.i&ts -h lank-lrwing Io teIlignor--nd th Anti-Bank Post, the o'' ti.Hi niii4m i;,ti.iUt4, th Librstor,td iFi Ara. riaita, i! 'U tiuai wooed and wo.- t ulii this end is aMmrjlihd, Mr. KiM and Mri Uitth. I will ba bsd aa ttMtniirWnta to au ditwiun, dia. eaed. and eorrutrfioa In tb Hoiith. All POWER ill be retained north of the Potomac, wbil olli- cera, bribes, and contracts will reward feithleie pur. baf miuKm in fli SouiH ofllc wbich grainy a ww did vanity, or contracts which toad more sordid avarice. " ". ' It la a iked, what (a to become of Hen too and Forevtht TbT are puppota lr tU band of a mastlrr, They or I be atwP pigwma tb W or ducks to be eaed in ennaring tb cooAding South. .. Such are Mr. Kadail'aacbost auckaratha ioetniroenis by wbirfc be play upon lb public ere. dulittV Did ww wot, Joe ell bis moremoet against the) Book of tb United Stat twrle tavMihe b (on it took pleo f D,d w O.4. ww t"w thre nsontb ago, wbeai esare an todm.ll wf bia ww partywbw lb Praaidewt birwaaif dnl 4 baler it. (netuU th frr day I wbwb b wnuld be m ataUed as tbaCW of tb Pwat O boe DefMrtnMwJ f Doe any ane kw wbotbor Me. KtwadaR bf ar to ba rvaliawit T WUI Mr. avwun rr eco tb goal to whack b tow openly are f (Wbjr , peolv pir, b-KWae be toil tbet bie ambiiioa) htoadeaaaw ay w repofwiioo r) Weaewwef . Th hu wtoctiaaw to Virginia bar obliterw ted th imerWa wkkh bar beretutUr weakened sod deAwted ae in th &Utb. ' Thar ta t0 Mfr aCbt aartr rr Cafbowo pony in I K ( b. Tha appWiM) 10 Vm BurVa ia, lor lb first tin, aniied. Tm bMMt of M wanie s lb daogerooe tetvVo. ey of the fearful abmatio0 of corrupt 6Vmeg guee whu haaa aMzad uooo th admiixistratioo. nd they aea raaulead to rallv ia suooort oT th wat RifhU of tb Sutta,' a lbs sol defeat again th dan pr wbicb tbfwcuo u. ." t -' ;. - V' SW. , . .,,-, -;i4..- nr. Fri(ht TesoWneas AU.) jrpater.; , i - . CITI U3 YOUR HAND, BHOnia..i -! i : We bare suntHimea tbwurrbt that, wotwithstsnd ms th violeot oot-cry wbicn was su twoeral aome roar ago agaiwot th doctriftw of nulliftcation, there ar very fcw prnav who bSr giej tb form of ear Uosraooi but f moowrwie siisiwof attorn wo, who will not acknowledge tb truth of tb doctrine, whewtproroccatoriniMTlrriew, m presented br 4tt apphcattow. T-b Editor of Jh National Intetlireoeee, who, from Their youth up, "accord rar t lb etraigbtest sect'' of the Uoiooists, bar adhered to ibe- Nalional-RepuUlcaa creed, turr Dwrcrtheleaei ia their papvr ol the 7th raataot, as I conceive, clearly Mknowledjw?d th gerrain Jaro biwidoctnn Bat w proceed to the prOo. Ilia in. tellireneer lotorni we, that' th Board of Baptist Ministers, in and near London, bad recently Wrged upon their Baptait brethreif in that' country; tb propriety ef etertiitg themwahred to procure tb abolitioa) ef si very ia tha Southertt State. u Tbi soricitatimt oW from 1ho-Rev Dtv DoUeevO be half of tb Aiuericsi Baptist; Board of Frelgn Missions, th tollowinrf iuat remarks; which ar in Ulowing just remarks, which ar in ; notice by the Intelligencer jfl teVms lecided ppprobationi Jjj "".V '' t place, the political orjrwiliatioo of troducd to our of strong and dec "In the first the United 8tates is widely difltrent from thai of Lngland tod tht flilfcreneo make rt impoaatbl to adopt, here, a course similar to that 'which tb British Parliament bar adopted ta reference to slavery to in nest 1 nates.' - ims coomry is ooi on4 State, with aa uoiwstricted legislator', bat a' confederscf of State, vnitod by a Constitution, ia wnicn cenaio powers am graiuoa ra tiw iiaummi dorernmeui, and all otfttr powere ar reeervod by tlie States. "' Among the reserved powers is the regulation of ! every;' Congress1 hare no' powvr to interfore with the stare in the reepectiv States 'aad aa Act of Congre to emancipate the tlavtt f T ituA Guuu-Mai.I Kxl mm wlrilt Mull m rA w j.i4 ia (hose State would bit atwjbolly null and void as an' Act bf the British Parliament tor th same pur pose. ;;Th Legiadature of the reapective Statee cannot interfere with tbe Legialatoree of each other.r. Ia aome of th States, rherw bxwa ferbid- iiat, the eu'aortfy cannot, if lajaposed, giv irecaom in ineir waea. rui per t) peoplk t th JSordhena Stale bate bo power, nor '. right, to adopt any direct aaeaaure ia .refer nee talks eaaauci potion of stave in the Soulhera State.'; Tha dax-k8tdbrt"tJieBwTree are the nar ly aim who can dofinitcly act on thia subject r and Uh only phopei. and use ful. influence which the moods on 4manctpAtK m other State caa una, jorj.iirtf in argument And rrtraty.WTh existencw of our -Union, aii ita. saanifuli. til si nga,-dflpsid Jon.ljvthful. adherenr to tha principle and kpirit of our Cossiiiirtioa,en this and on allot tier pnluto 1 . These political positions, tnken by Dr. Bollee, am) approved by lb Inlelligeneer, ara uadeoitibly just, and ynt "what do tbey amOunt to I ; ; Thnl an AcLpolbjf Cmgiyjrar-w a povyera, is absolutely void, and nf tm mnre validi. ty than an .Aot passed bv the British -Parliament on the same subject. Will It b aaid that , such an Act of Conirre moat b ulimitted'. to,! until the Supreme iCuurt declare ,U nid T i; No, that can not i ba said, f' Would ww respect an 'Aot of the Britiih . Parliament liintii loun eonrta doctored- it yoidt Suppoaw lithe1' British Parliament were .to pa an Act extending their- West India eiuarri pon.to.iba.S;nrthem Stntef:thi Unioit Or, snppose-lbey -'teere to pas anolher;taiA raiio rsvciiuo irom tnese wtiwii-w, wmj ooi ask if the-w act would 'be submitted to,' until a court of. tuatic dactared: "thera vd,';fT There afM'lo)rDTra suhjecti a cUrt of iice may deebxrean act tt be void, and it dociaioo will be entitled to much or little respect aecordint to CirCumtinces j .but it ennnot make that void which is Valid, ol give. va Mti to, thai whk5 i vdiaT It Is: but a' ttttnsm,' ad ;identfeal.):prcaaCsi aaiit" tEal WMMSSJiTit i . , 11 ' .:.,.J ... j O40, is wooiiy tnprronFc,'anu tanuiao ivrespDc front, aoborly. iiTo apeak of Ua being' biodina tor a time, or until a court shall pass upon if, is palp. bin;, abwirdity.-rTdwcev whole rans of, American politics, that approach nearer to mntherjt(ical cortairdy .than this :tbaf an unconstitutional Act of Congress is yoid 5 .and that it is therefore pnither binding on individuals nor State,, And, 'as the. National Intelligencer : has ackpowleded thq, (heory,! w request, all candid men, all who are free from ,tha poUnr, to give the matter up, . As to the aworn pubalterna of execu tive idfillihjlitythe bloor" hounds of. the,Vaft Bn rca hreed, who have aceuted the f spoils," and are in pursuit of , them wa lo ,,not, of course, reason with Ihm, .They are past redemption Ephraiia ia joined hi idnlat let him atone, :,.i"Httift i .. .,h "... .;,), h C-ci.riinta fGa.) 3Iay clljrrihtt IurdtrmmVk4hHrp been infnripd,,by Some gentle men of tb fit tit respectability, direct TfrUn Xaa, that Mr. Ellin, of the Pit of C.,f. Jia, welUiUfdcml by hu cort'peni'io, a Wf. James snkina.on the Oolnndo mer, iu Auxin's Colony, 00 III 27lb of MjixIi Ut, under circumatances of the nvwt shaking and aggravated oalure.. . . . Tb doceaaod and his murderer, Jeukina, had, during the last winter, left Georgia la Company, with Ilia view of visiting th Pronoc of Itaa. They had aiptored much of tb country in compa ny, had Witn aclecluma or purchase of land tor their future reHdenre Ellin, the deceased, wUhing tovwmaiA ia.Taif to Jeukina a power of at torney le g on te lUwgla and bring his negroHS to Tatss, A day or two before bia (Jeokin s) do- r inure, whtto Umt with lUka bs tb wwade, Jew ins NHirxWred F.llismk from his person brtwerfl 11 fin and 3,000, and baa m alt ptxibability iwo ealedfirihilbtw(;wfia,toksp.awoO( th aaid agrees, wndwr tb forWof atrorwey, with the tew ef ewivertig tbem tot Cab, ffnd making his rp bef w any tnltigwnr of bia ertrti horriWe Karl rroeb th swetttm of country wf tb deevwavd. Said Miooeeee, Jfww Jenkins, is about all reel blfh, dark wye and Mir, and between to and JO yare of ag ! Tb rivil authoriiie of Texaa bs, used every etertioa (t bis arraat without toy avail ' ( - Vewj rA Dh$Uk CesefW, ' " h ' " Wsm.TO)i Crrt, East Room,' Aprif 23k 1F3' To ML Jack Downing. Editor of the Cowirn; Ciette, roruaira, sway sows &esT, in in p n 1 moer ouie ; yraa wwvsim jack: iu mv iat letter 1 as so artieat ia telling you how the f Her fried to gel into th Gtnerar bed rKm, that I forgot to tH ou bow 1 spraint my ancle, after all. After w look ed into th alibi and ae th feller was gooe, we had a liltW dipu( shout how h could get out. Them was only two ways that be could get pot) Hie one waa a high window Ibat the Uioeral suld ha) didoH think there waa a man in Hi country could climb up to, aud the other waa through the key bote." 80 we called io a' number f our f'lka, and bad a try1 to see if any body could climb up to It. Th G inerel aaid be wouldn't trt. for his climbing day wer noat over1. 7.8o he told" Mr. Blair to trr, but be couJdnl get up half way. Then be fold Mr. Kcodl to try. '.Well, be went op' a little blglier tbad Blair.'but coufdo"t get much higher than half way to the window. ' ' "' "" Wed. then, ears be. Sarrreot Joct. vou must trr. for you are 'real snr1n?r chap, and if any body can do it, it seem to me you can. "So T'sr rambled to it, and up I went.' clrngingTilii'a'good IcTIcr jiuasHiioo .nojuggeo i.u i got !nin,aoout tnre loot Oftbe Window, and eouldul boU eai aIonger, -""-v y . rT ;r w -r I aprmiit my ancle eo bad. But the Gineral has ryb- i.' j :. .. ' l -..jj-ij,. jlI. ;. . I u n vrwr aw niuco wiiu vpeuuuoc luai 11 a gw most well, eo I caa begin iu bobbl about a littl A - . . A. . .. with a sun, and go op aud down stairs by boiding 4alha benniatam. . iia"','' ' ''- ' V .i.Walt after I fell, tb Gineral said there) want bat onbehance 'left, and that waa Mri Vae Buren. If be, couldn't do it, there wanl a man to be found tUt could. So be told Mr, Van Buren to try. So h striptofl bis" coat, and pulled off bia boots and hat,' spit ia bis bands, and begun to climb And, by jiogs,b wa tb adkkeat climrr that ever I did so. You couldn't e bosfb held on, nor what ha braced bia, fcet against, nor -what be took bold on with he hands, nor nothio. But, soma bow or other,; he. worked along aw aiili- a a aaooos, aad kept rtinin up. bitch after hitch,' till be sot with in about a .toot of the window, and wo thought be wasjekA reaoy io, iase poiujM i wuen au at once b alipt and down he come. . But it dido?t diacom boborata him a hair. 7 He turned right round to tb Gineralr aacalin-aa tnoonsb iiie, anXsay be, Gioe. rat, i.t. wouldn't prove any thing if I should got up to the -window,- and I guess we .ney a weU let it absje. i -..,-.., i. Tvrr r. ! Well, well, says the Gineral, then I'm convinced that tb feller went out through the key hoi; thal'a aa true as preecbtnt he aever g4 op to thi. win dow in the world, tor there aiht a man in the coun. I try that can cliaib aaaal to Mr, Van Buren, Well, eayal, Gineral, not to dispute your word about it, but a ior- bcbeiegad:tb fclder.got through the key-hole, 1 don't believe word oTTt.Vl don't believe any body can grtaroogh keydioU but witch, nd l evese rwibche arwllw scarce arti cles new, daye.' r:?,,' i"t n i X,. But, lay )be Gineral, bow ean that ba M am sure I'm rishLMrwiVan Buren coubln't etimb up to-thewuidowTa&d, there's no body-in. the country thai MttJunlseqUBllP llimr7;6ylr,CM,ii a you know,! on ther'a folk ir thia country Thai can climb litter than you .ibma tor t did yw ever see Judge White eiimel --r'-nrir - i.n-w t. : At that the Gineral colored un as red aa a rooav ier, arnd, torped on h' Jhrli and aaye, be, hut up! ttrntatobaHK , ) . ' ' ' t i nor loving ciHjHiii, i tH) ";.:;SARQENT JOEL W)WN,ING. r ted Statea,' and aenteiiced to thre year impri, aoimeut' " ; . , i , -, Thd ' Land 'aint." concerninir which eo nuch i... u r i i. . . " .i i i.- j . i- 'i i 1 . m'uasta'.&lt . . ... -i . . . , :;.rrr .r;.-j isj.::T;.i.:": were .cinunijeo, a .SinsejwHngaiaiu u .jojgfj merit' reridered. in one of IhemT f r , the ' purpose bf.prcKnltog 'tnoi.ditf were cameo ro tne oiioreme viin oi me uni ted Stntea, this time hiYffigf0'''A CTfem uyi i e3J. nlnii:: " Ifo fw kyt'tma Fapir, "VVht-n yob blt tt the of fice far your paper, and the Postmaster very prompt! Mill yen be, baa no- paper for treo-'wnv4,w evtThfllerwwdvW them once and saya there's do paper,,ask-Sim to be so t U nnrt a m MM lh.M'. M MM, hl.M tA M OA I good is to look strain ,. it may be, he has overlooked it And, when b snan tiav exammea carenuiy, anu re ports se pflpcrit is a close question, hot ask him if he reflects towhent he-lMNteo Ut-And if he ba n iw eolleclionof bavingdoaned it, Inqoireif any of his idle Customer (tor Ountry post bff.ee ar Nqneotly 'kept in stores, bava neen lounging eoouv ois coaming room that morninat' And if he bas not been visited by these dronr; inquire if any of the children have been about the oflice since the mails Were openedl And if yon can't get on th ririit trdit, go to your neighbor who takes Uie sain paper, sna as a mm ii ,n naa tccqitcu his! And if be has not, yea may conclude th mail hu fkiled, or that all not aa it should be with tb Printer, or some intermedial postmaster has pot don bis duty. But if rour neighbor ba received his, co back and tell the pnstmaxier that your paper must be in his office, if he has not toaneo it out. . Ana, aiier auigeni aearcn, u may be found in some dark nook. ' .'. ' ;'. " ; , ' Tbeae rems rks ara not applicable to ell offices! Thera ar many diliffent Poatataatom, who discharge their do twt mtnetoaUy. LTbev bav th thanks of the whole eommuoitj, and especially of lb Printers. Vnited tiiart Circuit- Cuurf.. At Jh recent terrrf of.lhie 'Court, 'held th'fti City, Nathan Younri; af 'Surry eountyy4 was 'convicted I i.C aind Counterfeit Note of h Bnnk of the Uni "ft" 1" ' " Vl-"''.... rUTi'PSTtTU a vat coaca. r-a ATI . v THE -CAROLINIAN.- i, wr 1st t m ur ii 11 n ut fsTM Xi :SALISUUKY:i Wattirday jriornlng, nay 30, 1835, Ws sr satliorise4 to announce !- JAMLU & KERR e earHlidaur le rat reseat Ilewsn Ceuoty ia Ibe lleuae of Uooioiooa of tba aaat Lrgwuture, t . - iJ Taa Coir? awnw meet t Raleigh ea Thursday, ths 4ib of June, W have beard fioaa the elections ia (be (Ulowing Ctwatiesr " ' ' " For Davidaoe.XAa D, nofia,"JuJia LIhrgrsvs Stokes, Emanuel bh-iber, Matthew R. Moore; b'urrj, Mesback Frsnklra, W. P. bob; Chatbsiii, Rsntsry, Hugh MeQoeeat Esodotph, Cee. Gray, E Elliott Ca barrus, U, M. Barr arer, It kltichor; Iredell, ctamnel Kih, tfeenirt Wike, Kmibre Joass, Henry Ke well Frsnklio, II. J. O. Muffin, Vm. P. WillMmst Cmnberlswl, AKbibald AlclharmNl, Job D. Te erj Rob son, Jba W. Puwal, R C. Buotiagt Aneoa, Wa. A. yorna, J. W. Wbitr I RithMmod, AirieJ L'rkety, Henry W. ilarrinntont Bladen, John Uwen, Bamwl n A.ul.. K.'.it,..,.l M.. U '1. V E.I wards,' Crsntille. Bolrtf R. CiUnni. Ji nth Crudupi Naah,Juaeeh Arrietrton, Wilbs Buddie Pampron, Tbos, J. Fasion, Wm. R Mearea; Orsnpr, Dr. Mi.ntcon.m, ?r. J Smith Burke. Paml. P. Carson. R S. Caithr't ncy, Abner Jervts, B L Bmilhj Itak.njbam, R, Iirodnaa, T. L Laaeur. . , THE SAUSBURY VAN BUSEN MrETtNO. 1 Tba Globe, and iU rcho, tb Standard," Ulk stout public sentiment In North Carolina, and, to pro, that it is in fkvor of ths C ucot, tbey refer to the " meeUtifi" held to send "rfeegses" lo lbs Baltimore Caucus. Now, bow have these "meetings" been got up, and bow ma. ny of tb Peopls bars sltended tbeml W arwwtr thee quest ios by referring to Ik 8lilrj Van Bu rr merting. Jl is new acknowledged Ibat there ws actually a meeting " held in Sslisbury, for the purpose of sppoioting Peuoates to go on lo Baltimore ; snd, that by rtrtva of the authority o tow' meeting, Paiu) iVgrys ajipetred ia lb Caucus as lbs renretentiUre of the freeme of Jtowan, )Dsviooa, and Voulgpoery m oi WM xb oeeling i j w ra,h, Courthouse. a Aer pxri4aoUcgivan) bald Ibat. for it to a held ny xvbtr el . . . ' t, . , whatever was given. It was t ! ' No no public notice given."' It wss held In secrtY in s beck room, with tbd W eleW . Who composed it t We eoderstsnd one Office-holder acted at Chairman ; ano ther Office-bolder acted aa Beerelaryi a relation of tia'Cbilrnun. a brother-in-law of, Fhilo Whitehead another Individ- represented - tb P aorta in this great meeting!" - Now this is a samp! ef'th Vaa Buren -asaotiags ia Nerlb Carolina. ..coording to the aoticea ia the Suadard," " tLre have been meeU iogs bald ia about 24 CoaaVje In the Stat ; om of these aneeiinga, doebtlsss, war larger than the one held la 8alibu7 jbut wa boldly assert that, at tha Whig aneetiag bald, in tbie place on the 18lb insUnt, rber were more People present than attended all tb twtn tv- Vaa BorM BMMian aa Maalk Carolina, nut getlier: -and yet the Globe and tb Standard Ulk about public.. ssniunenL.in. lYortfl taruimai IJ yea, tbare are te bssa dsmunst rations of public sentiment in North Caroline, but tbey ar most anexrarvocally agamst afar Un Van Bur and the Caucus. . :'-'-' rireo4s done.- "" a . a a n 1 fTtvayiu iiiv up wun ny tnvj v au xnyn vauvu irxc is Baltimore on th 20tb instsnL and foruiwitkproceaded lo do what we alt know tbey went there to do i ye to Reminat Marti Van Buren, of JN'Jf.fcr PreaideBt-and Richard M. Johnaoo, of Kentucky, for VkfrPresidejtKsTJniled States. "Among ths olhef repeiUnting himaelf to bs ; frem . lbi district: no doubt Ito alrWsd off s large 'uad sw if be carried in hie pocket tba caarjsrrui of lb whole districtnta now remains 10 be seen-whether tbee'" - pie rf;lwtnnOroB to thedrf SUob of-:- toCAyCU3:, whether tliey intojid-tttnold pa to th coostitnlional rijhl of clioosirm their own President, or servilely sumnder it into. m banda of a avt of hungry OffieeWerKandjOfflce-eeckers; m a word, whe ibeiThey intend to rlmain Fre-men, or become Slues.' ' If sbef retain on spark of that Book spirit which ant ataled our forefather,, tliey wilL' reject, with seornrthp Caqetaf dicta tie, and show the world that tbey ar yet free. '-v. ', ! , v - ii FrtVfnen oTNorth Carolina J no matter to whiitlwr- ty ye teUwerf whether Jackson-men, National Repub licans, c 8piteRignt Republicans, awake from your slumbers, and stand up for yoiir righti put ywir mark 'W'Cieeiia7 put - yodr fharl, jon, od those who, by means of the Caociis, r plotting to deprive you pot only of jour consutu .iHgbta, batVtWrtyitaelt' '? 1 r 111X4 IJ pyuvi ALUiAU. 'iVa baverecent accounts, that exh be reliri'on, from ,i..w.,.j v:. ..u.,.,u ..... . " Ttrrr 'errci va emwn vtta vw?rj ecrn v"'"J eiairiroiu wu.bu ii ap pear4 'thai 7d.lge' WartT it carrying evVV thing be- - mnwaajasaww, renj.jBjmejiwerja tvounuea. - ihh am trauaiurrcu, iiab aa inaii. ikw ;.ch ciuip, u- , SjartinWan Buren, either by. the Caucus '".or ihriutP" agency 1t Beigh, anl'tbey r' f'verjf whet pitying . under the White flag with astonishing unanimity.. There are, boi:e Countiea,iyv;esl, pf.tb Jfadkin, ift 'ahick . in these counties they will . I. L , . . J il ,. :i ii ' -.- 0 aoip muco, ranger w so ao, is aioojeuier qypsnona blfc : We Say, to the Whigs ie tb Easlero part of the Statti if the do their duty. North. Carolina, WU o against, Vktt Jurea byji majority Cat JesetJea tAoit ' MCaThia ia not said by "way of brhvado,Jtut n eareftit MtewlatiwAIt -wUl be ixVectedittat the Psona'a Ticarr ckriried id North' Carolina by more . lhari five thousand Vote n the 4here wa much iW Vision' In almct-n the WeeterrfCoonrdeit now" a ma jority re7elrnost ananirnoqa for' Wb'4hfl:Hartni van uuren m woaa cwry iviicro. in uuuiqra. inrvw sori. Rowan.' Montgomery, Anson' CibarruaV Willie, and Bark, Van Buren men are aa 'scarce is Wri's teeth, to say .nothing about other (Unities wlierefn 1S24. tie Caucus run strong. We then say to the Whigs In the Eastern part of the $tat; do your duttL aa w In ih. West intend to do ours, and the triumnh'over bid KinV- Caucus and bia disciplined corps will be a'glorpus 000.7 We go for a majority of tt Taotnuiia Vpjraw nothing leaa wdl talUfy lbs Coaatilulion and tha cause of Liberty. S1 a-: 0;

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