d r "'V 5 1 0 1 '. Wa did not mtiii th pfoJiitjr f th Meck lenburg Celebratx i time Una wk'i paperr They .UU4)piiluiwrDetUui!jL'iQ(iik'itfi Rowan u-'u y ' . Tb tyW la whkb Jadg White if dernvee' by th Via Bare paper I liUl of th kitwr ei , Tn. ne m now icommunkatd from tlx Cbucb 4 Ui real democrats party," and laatied nd lampooned with (Hit mercy. It is npocted that the Gaaa Cauita will apwiat eotar sneriAL, to try Jve Warra I Tr OA Ijainif the f Democratic part.? uf tha iroug. tat proof kirn. K that W U support bf Um Pinie DankjWhig," aa Philo White aery k writ K,'nd-ty tha awful iNhU.4W! ,K doebt they wilt And bim guilty, end will orde him to a liy. J alive by XWmtXj praWin Naw York which obey tb word cttmnmend. But wt hop that Judgo Wblta wilt Dot U discouraged. l!a should taka baart from th ft thit, th CAUCUS, ba Igaim bim, tlta rZ'JVLC tti M mm. Jtirth Cmtina U th BjUimnr Came. Tka M lowing art tb name of the individual who re atind iaj "ttia Caucui In Biltimor deleg ln from North Csroliaa, viif Robert Strange, It iimilun M. Smnler, Jwiah O. Wateun, PIIILO WHITE, Jame Riiney. J An D. Huka, lUnry F.IU, Henry Blunt, DinielTui dm, John H. WbMU. (QUdian Drops' eon.in-lw,) jjhn J. Lnckhut, Alfred M. SUJa, Wm. P. Fcrral I juK a taker doten of them. From th City of llilti more, alone, them ar about 4 delete. It wdulJ teem (hit tha Hon. BJJ Brown, bu biekeJout from going to theCaaeus; without Joo'jt ha f.:ll 1 t:ttla arjtrrlly at tha w whU thing ara join 1 in Nurth Carolina. We diJ not Inland kny lnjuatiee to tha Town of Cam den, or to tha good-natured, mbtu)m aoul of tha Jour nal, by tha miooor ia wbick wojooUd bia "rtintrb 00 lha Cutton Uirktt," aoma woek amce, and of which ba eoTipUini ' Wa bava not tba paper t hand conta in j bia rrmirki. but think thara wm aometiiln to qua lify oar adding "market dull," if, indeed, it wn our. But th fnngraph from tha Observer wia given mora m tha remark of tba editor of that paper thao our own. We will take Ihia ocetaion, however, to aijr that Cam den Dtoilly aSbrda at good, ar better prieea ( Cotton and other produaa, than any other market to which our Camera timl. , . . . , CoU Spring. T-Th preaent Spring, thin fcr, hai been UeoUtt-UhoccurreJ fur many jeara jn thiaaeo tioa of country. Owing to tiiia, the crop are extreme ly backward; Wheat looki indifferent, Corn not good, and the prospect of Cotton ia worm atilL Owing to the culd aad wtt, tba aUnd of Cotton, in many pla ce, ha been ancommonly bad. If frmt thonld ae( in early till Fall, tha cotbHa-crepia thi partwf-NarUl Carolina wilj be even won than .it waj ?bft1at year. ' All tltit helua to )iaatify oar farmer with their condition, and wiH continue to ewell that tide of emigration which now bearing off to Sliauaiippl tuchrrjuwdj otljar P0la. OAiaTEa tloverobr oTDUw ha callejlEogtier the Lcgialatnn of that Suta, lo meet at Col umbo on tha 8th of June." The bullae to ba eooaiderad i tha ditpute between that 8 tale and Michigan, about their boundary line. Thia diaputA'hu nearly brought on a war between tha two contending parti. We hope it "will bVeeJUled. wftlTBoof-vL - -i . . 1 Epi$c.Xm.nliw.1'-Ammiknrmim of the Epiecopal Church w now in aeaslon liTPlinaocTpnia; TlieJlL Rev. Bialiop White prewije over ita deliaer' tiont. it beuur the 61 time that he ha officiated in that capacity. I , The Cpiacopal Convention (or Nbrth Carolina meet in Hillaboragh on the 4th of Junei VTiSarln-ttie NMhvillerTann tfnpr" q'prifo togufeprCi7ggrmytriiBs to b4hat waaJ.., oj thi waaT cabou.iur.J i'fiinouGwin lutUrof dictation ha failed of the ,.kga AJaJthe aceplre ha departed from Judah." Coii'Woa or WffiMrSiemBi. At lha Superior Court of Iredallfpun.ty, week before Iat, man ay tno numa of Mowberry w cooicled fcr negroe alealing, and aedtohcaiTto ba bifljja on the 19th day of June. EV-peVker StevelnawrBsTgoVan appbrntrnitft itTa Jt q ejr chosen Preaidenl of tha grand CAUCU3whicb mot in; lUiUinore to iwimnate TaoTIlarea fof President of 'Uin'Oniteu StateiThft pbly Jraw-ba'ci'ia, that Uiere i no ssJary atlaobed to it. , . t - 1 1-1 - , ; Savoral hrge rriinufacturih establishment at Pat. tersctvin Ndw Jersey, have recently been destroyed by fire.'"? . ' . 1 - .'1 . . . "Tie Cri."-'The Pillowing article, from jthe Bo. tm Atlas, does not look mndh like going over to Van Bure'ni The Atlis i one of the ablest piper publish ed in New England j and, we give thi eitract to lei our Southern Whigieee the tpiritof a Northern Whig,: - ia at inn J, wiien it 1 to ua oeeiuen jvneuier mere ia 10 ba longer an honeat, well-oriacipfedi e,nj persevering 5?pi)ition to J icksonism and Van- Burenism, or who. "ibar th TVnstituOonn iretn be snrren Jereih by food riieiii U.'wlutevetiftUiie imf betide thein. rW cill on,.tha Whig Pre to look tbie-criaii manfully in "the face, and to be prepared to .meet it VVa calf on thos. 'wbo kddreMt the public, through the most important 0 al jfhe mean of commur tniptipn,un(f whue diity it ia t to present thing fairly, . tber conv to f&oli ' ViiowWJfrejr.To Taf Before the --WiHfilui Kill 'Wtriota, tha eorutitutional friends of - tne country, ino irue snu real suiia or irro ctw. -1 ire ' great body of the Whigs are all rigb and all ready. Tliey are dUpoeeit to surrender nothing.' to Compromise - -r-, - .!oihuJ, but t( hold on W brine'iil to tha laat. But we C;r twmpelled t aay that now of tRe-ferfuT,Wd0-'jporiding, or tho time-erving," are likely1 to do great ! 'harm "to the aaa'wiyv ; r; . . .Vw-h , Be it ever remembered, that the Whig stand on conv 'tituttonal principle. " The bond 'of thi union- ia not 'eI6hneas,varieior the fove'oflomce. Their bon4 hi l Ametican patriotism! and if thiii bond hall be broken 'by those who would higgle' and 'huckster with one or 'the other of the Corp or their adversaries, the Whole eauae ofpatriotiam and the country i inevitably rained. ' We auggeat tnia mo5iaroeiiy 10 au mo w oig w we YfjriUt and NnrtAernfitateind wa invite, thorn tore-linir Dost m the iiwUnUtioous diaorgaaitatioM and paralysis I. ' thnwtaned dv any intimation 01 a purpoa to espouse 'either1 de of the. Jackson qtiarroL .Wa fully believe that the Connecticut Election WM lost by. this course 'alone.' Out friend ia that State must think, put ;J a deoutve oowrse too long, and thereby left roam for - - ----.-,--.r,: j...,:.;,.;.: t. - . tuwmmmmmlimmmmL.fJj.i.n,, ... ;ff-f. y ' ' japTur -i .1. j.. uum saiair- tka (Wend of on of tlta JuVmm etnjidate to hope, and for genuine and dL-tentnned Wh'ff to fcar, Ut vine lll-OMiaidnrrid rvrtiofl of etpndicnry might lu a deaigri of giving that 8uttru'rfW Uaa4WbiJ pixninition. Aa pprhiMuuao(Uiit kmil mill btulai t Vv4 (vr mLm0 to Hi can af ibe comtiiutum nd VWco'inlry. Agiin, waai.tlierf.w. to Ua Whig of Hie .NorUirrn and alalia ouieiuwa 10 ti and act, ia tliia criiia, bcnur vigilajit iiUoal( on Uia wttch lowe r of uoerty, , Lelln nfjh Han. IUJvrJ HrowaT (a lie GmmtiUt ' nfhtLatien yik JUam Pvblie M-tMnf, " CUawtu, N. C, ltth My, CcmiMia: I bavw the honor li acnowlt tha receipt of your note of tha 4ih irvet , Inviting ma to at tend a PuUie Meeting of the citiierM of Kowaa to ba held on Die 19th of th month, In lha Iowa of Hal ry, the ohiect of which aveiyoe inform ms toeoo wlt ugiher on the prant eoodilion of tha count ry." I reg'at that it will not ba eonvement me to raava bom at thi lime, which will prevent me from availing mvfir or your p Iiia rnviuiioo to ptiiicipve m in delibentKma of tha pruwiaeit meeting. jVrinil ma, however, lo avail mrvalf of thi occaaKM to aproa my tincrra irrnncition at the ilnvxt unevampled pmaoeri- ly which w ao tnpnily vwibla In "the areaem toaditioA of the country." - ' Recently emt m, aa onr country naa, rrnrn a pmiw- cvl eontot In which It bait Xn eneounler tha mot pow erfully concerted an I etronjly orirnit avaiulU oa ita erelit, it oommerca, and iu tgricullura, dirrctaJ by a poweiful mtpf yel rnMitution, it i a auhjoct of tha oiot mncera mLwctiuu. that it lit eom out of thtt ennteet, aAaa mny piimKia eiliten fnerej it wmilJ. with In lustry proiimlfd, inJ a oVprecialeJ currency, hot, hippily. with reolu the tery rcre n tmro- K currmry titer t$'H rrmrte. In mr oa nion. no reull in th h tHnry of tfi rivil dminimrtion af w Government, i to be mora highly onrecitl than ihia. It h Uuchttha lavaliwbl auo. thai tba aoirit of fraohrn which hn at all lime oervaJeil our tountrv. m unronauoreC and oivoooqoirra Ma. It baa mot aigntlly and iinprtMivety rebukad lima who. furtreiTui of liie ntture of our free inrtito- bona, would eiavour lo aontml tba action of our go- varoment, and tha public will ay mean or Incorpora ted moneyed power and it hu etublwhed wr repub- lieaa vtem of government, I most atnoerely believe, 00 a still mora eodurutg baata thaa aver. EnterUinina the view. to tne present eoodi Inm of tha counuy," 1 wiJI adl, that I see in it much to animate the hope of the lover of eow4iliidoaj li berty, everv thine to encwraire ut in a devotod attach ment to the Union, and nothing to indue aa to look with diminished conodem.a on a government wincn ha produced so man bleaaintr to th American Peo ple, and which, I trust, m destined lo continue those blecaung to. the remotest posterity. I beg too; Uenllemen, to convey to those 01 my luu krwcll!ene whom yuu repre wt on thia occiiioo, my most reaoectTul acknowleUireinenU, am) accept, your' solve, MMuance of my high rrojvct hrJVr)U.U UUAtWii., To Mnn Burton 0i(r, T bonus C. Polk, Charlea Fisher, II. C. Jonea, johrtChJmrjt. John Beard, juar and R. IL Alexander, Committee of Invitation.' 'i . . roa ma waarraaiN coumia. "7 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA: - --Tittnnin (Wt ft Plea d Quarter ArrHon. fo tm, iSSX The reMgnatton of Maj. John Beard; a County Tree rtrrer, W read eatordermtto be entered oa tha mi- nnte.""-WheTeo, lW Court adoptod jha.Mowuig Keaonrtirawt- ' 1 -JksWaedL Uaapunoeelr. that, tba thanks of the ma -gitnte of Rowan County, in aeasion aaseinklad, ,ba, and they are hereby, tendered to Mi. 'John Dean), tor th faithful, upright, and reguhr manner la which he ha managed Ui iaea of una bounty, ever since he came into office in the year l&JO', sort that tne e eloq jegrcl ve MUf II the km of bar servr, ia the eV fice, and itill mora tbitho finJi. it nccpiry to Tcmov mn imwi u j i ; ; ;i-. : Rrtoltxl, That we recotnuend. him to the confi dence and friendship of the people with whom it may hereafter ba hi fortune to live, a a man of biwine mmlifiiMlinn. and nf iinimnMrhsble imVvritv. T - -r - . - -r. i Rftolft, That the Ulcrk the Uort make out, un- dcr the seal of thi office, a fair cony of these proceed-I in. and transmit th same to Mj. John Beard ; alaoTTrj- 1- th.i he would -voto-to txoance with that he cause the same to be piiWmlied in the Western Carwinian, nd m the larolina v alcJiuian CORD PRESBYTER?. Wa Druuma that a brief detail of th part hifnrr and prrvent stat of thi instiluiion will be gratifying I to th Presbyterian public. At the aeMion or rreshy- leryrueia at rrospeci unurcn, in aisrca 01 ma nitmm year", lha flrat Prosbytorial eteprweretaken thiawt- ter. JLwa then resolvod that w would mane tne ef fort, forthwith, to build up an inMitutiou of thia aort and a Committee wti appointed to select a location, am report at an adjourned meeting of the Presbytery, to be held at Roc key River Church, in the latter part of April oceeeJtinjKAjrrmbly orderr trre-oramHto ap. aaaraa a f rpabytery, aoq reported, laat they bad looJt datjereralplnntation within th limit prescribed to them, (a aemirircla with a "radiuiof Bfleen mile, to the east of Beatties Ford,) but were unable to agree in re commending anyone to the Presbytery. Wherenpon, the Committee, were discharged, and another, composed nf Kev. Messrs. Walter H. fbarr, K. It. Morrison, P. J. Sparrow, Col. Wilinm a AlUenn, aad William Dm viilaom Eb.4appointod ia their tead, with the tbllowing instructions: . . . IrTo elect and awrplocition1or Ihe achnof,, 2. To appoint an aent or agent, to visit the ehurch ea and take subscription in behalf of thi institution. - -8. To appoint a Bjiliing Committee, whose biuine it ha II be, aa anon aa the kulaoriptiona will warrant it, toprepire miterialafor the kinklin On Weilneiday, 13th of May, agreeably to appo'nt ment, the Committee mot at the' house nf William S. lviuWnTa 1 r .- a . .t.ti 1.. A . r " I I 1 a location, ai can ne-iipni, nuer sniemn m pecMi prayer to Almighty .God fijt tKo! aiiiaf .nil ''grace, jhef enurea upon tneir oeiiDerationa l24Thrjrlcc!fidorJhe kwat ion of the institution. trtclof land lying partly In Meckienbiiig, anTpartIV in Iredell, a few mile to the t of Beattie Font. The ituatioo i'htUiy, 1h naiffhborhood Mreaable- and moral, and at a distance from all nadntaof diasipatioo. Tbe track of lend contain 409 Acre. ' U lie Well, and about 200 acre of it ia superior land ( the remamder i of about, middling quality. ... J here i a .considerable mianiitvef meadow land helonirine to it: and there ii on it aWach erthard of ItWO haoJewrTreW'Ti the whole' we- bare agreed to giver 1521 dollara, and Mr; UavKlson, tne geTHieman from whom we have maaa the purchasevhaa ootited hmrself to ake,oea title when, it shall be called fbrjl Justice require that men tion should be made of the er liberal terms en which Mr. Davidson let uihft tbeUnd;- It i tha opinion of the Committee that tha plantation la worth at least, Ki,- 2. Th Committee appointed .two agent: ,Mt ft' R ' Motrirorl' and F5 ' J. flnarrow Mr.! Morrison field af operation embrace Mecklenbnr Cabarrus, and LineolnJHr. Haarrow 'a, Kowah, Iredell, and Barke r ,i JV 'lbe foliownif eenueawa were ppomta a Build. Committee:. .. ,..,a,-i. a . Jlev, John Williauison, CoL William S. Allison, Wit if m n :,-' 1 v. L . ' ' , VI t 1 liam L .Davidson, John D. Graham,' end Robert Potta, - We must aot;mTiit Wineirm,Xhkfelhd moat entire nnaairaUy characttrtied all tbe deliberations of the Com mittee. '.Cri -ifoul njib:) rt-o3 '. frr.-..j . t-, , mniif riiiiMMiiais'siiiiili i'-!!'"'! 'ri- "?' .:"'. mil j i ' '--i-ui.ia .-n-r. 1 :'i J.ji"-''"-r;iti..': The Cillowing leatoig faaturt of the Institution were sgrimd upon 11 th last SMins of Prwihyiery. 1. Tha Institution iMIl be ander the vuUvi and d ICCtiun of lha Caiffd J'rrvf'jtery. ! The great nd admf Jift sT!I lVi ski. lion nf young men f" the GokiI Ministry, and of landing th mean of duration mora gorally among II claw of lh Community. -' . S. Iu privilege ImI( be accessible in parson of all ffligious rienntniiMtion, of good moral cbartitrra. 4 Th rlitil conUlned ia the cVnpturv of the Old and NewTrumeoU,hall eon.litui the Mpreme rule of control in all the yegulstions of Una inMitnUm. ft. Fur the profiM'ilua -f hasl abd to dimmish th ekponw of education, all the atiidrnta who shall enter this tmxrttttmnsMl W svswrvd ta-MtlwMiuaiual 1 hour, igncwltnral or mochapicsl, in the minner, snd to lb stent, deemed pmper aad naorvaary by its director. . fl. Tbil inatitulMfa ia digned lo fflrJ tli eotnpe Unt ino tut Ui afiiuisilkin of an acconiplishad cla. ical adncatkm. " " " 1 Much ta plain ttatement or what dh wen nn la ihia msuat. ' We bv wow arrivJ at Mi amac whar - wa miM hav th assMtanee af ell th tVsta I of our '. Pranlerian Zmn. The auevtion aaa now to, dotorminato-not whtshouUnUiardoJ hut,whulull Idol Hum cllectively, anJ inJivtdually. ia Uirvwn ' th reonsib lilf ofyin, whether mi.W.tulIou tball n or not W have never been c illod to Uetermme I more Important menum. it involves, a w uiina, UirM other quest ior-Shll th Preshvterisn triiub onlinu to M nd Awrwh M VVato', North Caro-1 nst 0 shill ifdwlntle wiy Ontil It breon utterly I extinct f ' Brethren, uk. thw aneti.m with yoa to a Throne of Gr.ee, aad there detorm.oa it We eawiot, j I a moromiaooM to whletrm.nil.on ymt wJI r- .... , i.i.. i....i ,,.r...t ,n 1 ..IZZr'Z'Z ZTZZ "LS ! ..... ,.....T :r,., . - ... . librrally, ami aright, toward an object, so vitally con nected with the well-bein? of their country, ami liteir own beloved Church. ' ONE OF TUB COMMITTEE. (Er The ddlowlng paberii ir reepectfully reouasted to give t has sot an insertion!' Carotin Wstchman, Southera Religion Telegraph, RJf ifh RejfisUr, Mi ners and I trmcr' Journsl, anJ North Carol iu syoc Utor. roa tb WBrnak OAaouma. ' TO THE ADMINISTRATION MAJORITY IN THE LAST GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Gam A lha cond Tburaday ia Aaguat ia not far suuit, and no doubt man of yoo will ba Can dida to (i re-election, you will of course f it 14 b incumbent on you to aaltaif your conatnuenuj tnii your acting and doing, aa their Rrenaisi " have necn such ai to merit a renewal or tneir conn ience. But yoo have learned, by enperience, thst in the de generate time, when true republicanism seeina to be on tb wf much may ba expected from a good stamp speech ; and thaVin apd ofwitools and newspaper, th very good people, tha very weet People, the very gene rout people, maybe flattered, cajoled,' and completely drilled, at pleasure, by lhos who, whether the have heretorora been rederalwts or Kepubitcana, now oeciara themselves fu Gen. Jackson, who, let hi word aod ac tions ba what they may, Iheaa good folk will hav to baa lieoub icaa or lb reouioe alamo, wovaoi l- cauae b fought the Indiana and tha British; and be cause, in his Meamee, Vetoes, and Speechea, be seldom rail to flatter the dear erealurea htrmwlr. It has been tha practice among; print e and ruler., when tliey dtaeovere' thair popotarttv to a iadanrar. to draw th attonUoo of th people from thir fault; aud na it, upon auma furaign-aubjcct upon which ail toe people were likely ta unite, sucn as war, occ., ana rmy be polaie lor yeu loaoot a sunUar updianL...BuUl it Ton cannot fesort W ttimrs abroad, ya snost coO; tinue to excite the people -ha anraathing at Jtome, and probably the convention law, or the food ar bad effects expected to result from in proposed change or tne Constitution of th State, may answer your purpose. For if vou ara conscious anv act of Your, which Too nave Found, on rviomimi nome, ia not qone so popular a vou eroected fcr instance. Pott Rrtnlatrons. then your huaiae will ba to mouW that af&ir. If chang ing iha aubioct wheoe'vef it ia mcationed.f It ii to be feared, however, that the people, good Dttured acuta aa they are, will not let you off quite ao easy 10 Uira ciset they see that your instructinirresoluriou were intended to drive Judge Mangtim from the Senate of th (Jailed States. Rut whv aid vou-aiit includd Sons tor Bmw : 0.1.,,,. vri. vni anre. bevnnr! the mud. btlity oraTfOubt. that he would vote to xoone with out uutniction I It ia certainly true tliat, jmlging from trie past, you and little to h ar oa that score; but acting, as you did in this'case, in the charctoc of " Repreaeo taiivet of the people," and attaching to the affair ao muciKimeoHnee-e-Ton--preerrfed -to do, yon shnnld; have closed tne door even gaint remote poesibilitle. Wa mut uk Kranled, iherea. that yoo knew wty that Mr, Brown needed no such prompt- it titta wa,thaa( mag be forUir,mfj4,r to a carta in ty from tha inordinate aeal you mimftwled for the conti nuance of bii Senatorial services; for you acarci ly had fotinijrweelyef.atjh Capitol b;fiire you elected him for another term of sirrenrs. Tlif re was another tliinir yoo appeared, to have in view : you intended to cast in oJiiirn on the'political course of Judge Manjjum, aa S I I'M - mm k Sfc 9 m cootraaistingHianea irora uat or air. srown. 11 m, therefor, too plain that you intended to exhibit Judge Maugjun. befuf . Hut pu blic, herauae. h ia ui b taluoUaad unnmcning nrmnes stool in ih way or your party. But Judire Manirum waa aenaibla that the inJeoen dence of the States depended onon tha imleen lence of the Senate of th jUniteJ jstates anOeffljdanJ,1-' . 1 ... tA i " :! 1 . 1 ! irm siorm. ana anana yoo aiotea a aim reonunueu uin yourselves, and the honor of tha Stale waeuDrel served." - But what did -your Inatructioha .reuiiir f .. Judge Mangumf Thi qn est ion ia easily answered ; 1 they placed before' him the insulting alternatlte.'eilhef to swear Men ind tote again wh it ha had voted fr( ar teat?. - Tbie wa the am ofUhe whole plot , T lw proceeding ha th 'appeamnce of persecution in iu. wont form, and it will devolve upon you to satisfy the people that h ia not en in Tact, Tor they will certainly require yff'to do ao. How will you do it? In the first pliice, yow required flie . Senior; to do an unconstitu tional act. , Porbapaoi that point the plea of ignorance mat avail you, for you have hone "other to ofl'or. BuL ayine nrat wierrram we w aw, snow mat Judge Man rm' voto on Cly'a Aeanlutieoa wM wrwurJ ' If vou dutjnsTa teLeoiimdorA guw owevTT ,r jfH ynorem 01 inai wai. Did the friend of fhe- Eaeeutivw in Cngrarhow-Uat. the allegation In Clav'a Resolutions Were untrue 1 If they did, lei Thai, be shown' also: but no, they did hot, Could not" z'- i.".a..ia: - . 0 And aa to the House of Rrorewntitrveai they, in the words of Jdr. John Q Ada ma, on mnolber, but net very : fbnato ocCMion.)" dotlred theeueMion ,. Now.irert' tlemen, if you dq not satisfy your conatiueot on all the fbratromg peitit. jtuUmu , enviable, you must be coni idere a l band of ronspira tora, whose end and aim wai th destruction of a fellow jcitia..wiliioul a ickiMti.';.:! ..;:,. ... iK-. w .-9.isv ONE, OF- YOUR .COS8TTrUENTS aMt wi'jtoN rYa i J3um Jhoii,) .it' tWI . tm ',1 1 1 J." !!( iii ,lrbltt.iisUl rl! 'I i -ivi mix:wawmcAKciHui ,; ... if '4tlt W-i;lTfiii Si VrWiVajr" .11 Tba Row to Count Temperance Sorietv held a meetinz b' the. Methodist Churchl'tn'thia' place, oh Tuesday evening the 19th iwt ' The PrasidenK being atMMnt.'lha f!han. mrmd IkkaH Biwl tha maatinn Wiaaa3 wjw prayer, 0 tbe ttev-;ir..KoUirocaor tla iuU- r Uiarcrt .1.1 -s,X.T'Tfni3TrK:i Hit , Thfollowing Raalution wer accompanied bv an propriato and interesting addreeaee pom thowt gentle men wbo offered. them:, r ', ' ' ;. By Gen. Cook i Rtmlted. that the Temperance Re formation nas an tntunate onooo with our civil and political welfare. , ' " ' '" f '. '.'"'A. : - yr': - ' I uUi'lI "2'.itK '-..i.! ." '1 i'i"..M.i"i"i ii' '' ft'1" . "'i 1 '"" 1 1 ' 1 '' 11 ' " """1 By RV. iir, MctVmaldi RiJ4, that the Tmna ranc ctu rUim id d-fiir! lha cordUl supoort sod the prsyr 4 t'irit'n s-yvrj rlrnomuistioii. l!y IUv. Ut. Hptrrowf Rrutvi, that lii biUiertt onmyled auenra of the Tsmpnrance aana. at(4 good groun toaapert it ultimata and anUr ncte Tbea U4ulMia beuig vrlly rd end aJorud, it ws lUtoliii. tht lia Rv, Mesa Raihroek aad lc I Dooald,nd alichssl Brown, E.. be Ohiihi ll to 4 'j . e ik ..r Ik.- ruii.i rauuaatiaf of ihem, rprprctuMy, written opinion on th effect of arJent spirit apt th human consti tution; to be laid be for late Society at it annual meet .Rttoltti. thit Mr, JohoC. Palmet, aad Col, S, tar ly ba a Committee to invito mm gvutlamul to drlim an addrraa bfor lb Society at it annual meeting, and also to select eouie prud to read the DaclaraUo of Independence. ..;'''' kitoltti, Uist the Rev. Vfevors. Rmhrerk, McDomlil. and 8irruw, Gen. J. Cook.aad IU htmn-l M. Paaraon, fc. Unnm.lla to invite any gmiHeaaaa at a oi- " wnom mey may wuia Mvwaoia 10 u aaa Pnl it Ua annull martmg. . :. . , .1 ba UnstiWUon lniagraaanu,Mnr)ayg.vtn P'wg. iweiuy-hmr ptraona .nanovn w -r K f. . . - ' r"m "vTOVUU,v v r procaedinw of thi maetuif; 1 ' ' ' . 1 "aty lkarnd to hold it Annual meeting to rrenyiria VMM inia lown,on awwrgay.M- u'7 f"and. of l"w wua are lespHrtlully wvtted. , Tbaloc.l Soc.e in County ' .re wnd Vleirfie with a Report to the Annual maftmg of ihl. Soe,.ty,. - J. J. BLACKWOOD, . of thi Socisty.- r- - - . .. .frotm wwrnacaJtouau. - - '1 -,.,..-.. T. . ... .. ... , '. . Mrwaa Eomaa:, ! anm lima read the ao Buren H3uilard,N printed at Raleigh by Philo While, who asad to be so much .gainst Van Bura'n ; and I scarcely sea a number in wh en h do not nor bu greit dialik to the word Wkm: tha vary eouod of it aaema Ui discompose nin, til ovsr. vroai 1 rtowinf hi 1 r bp R lose from om ktrtiiitry dislika be hai to th word. One thing i certain, noToai af th Revolution hated tba word WaJo mora than I'hilo Who ow doe, ind no doubt their dislike ara attributable to tb lame eisr;V4 ta, hstrad tor Whig prmcipl. . Tb prin- eiolea avowed by th Wblg of 1770, and now by the Whiga of 1833, are priely th earn) an no doubt the prirxipUeof the wboopjajsed th Whin oHO, and those who oppose tb Whifi of ,33 ar liktaiae the asm. -Like wiU beget like." A W11I0. m mm r ! -- . Froto (JU Hatienal lttttilitnerr. r -POLITICAL REGISTER, FOR lS33U-r Th (billowing rticl k worthi of preaarntloB fcr future rrrnce; UNITED STATES. Andrew Jackson, af Tnneesee, President. Msrtirf Van Duron, of NaW'Yara, Vice Pfidat, -- - John Forsyth, of Georgia, 8eoreUry of Stat. Levi Wood burr, of New Hampshire, Bee y. treaaory. Lawi Cam, of Ohio, SeereUuy of Waf. Mahton Dickeraon, of N. Jeraey, Secreurt of Navy. " Amo Kendall, of Kentucky, Poelmaster-Genersl- '1 ' B. F. Belr of Nw-Yrk, Attorney GaneriL .. Jobo Bull, of Taanease. Speaker ot ta liouaa. ; , ,. t . ivuvriurl of Ikm &1mU. ... . .. . " . , .. ' Deeted". M.ina, j Robert P. Dunlip, Ne w-llmphir, Wm. Bulger, 1 115 T1S35 MaanftehiMetto,': -John Davia, Vermont, Wm-A. Palmer, , John R Francis, . Joha Edwards, , Wm. L. Marc, Peter D. Vroom, George Wolf, Caleb & Bennei, " , . 'Jarne Tbom, - 1 'f -Littleton W. Taaewell, 1-CU Rhode Island, Con neat ut, 1 New-YorlT, Newslersey, . Penoelvaaia, Delaware, WafyTjndi ' 1833 1531 1S.34 1SW 1537 1S34 rirgmis," .1833 NortfvCamlina, - Devtd If Swamr S..-.1834 South Carolina, ; George Mc Duffie, Georgia,' . t TKWiUon Lumpkin, Ohio, Robert Luc,- Kentuelry,(eting)Jr TrMorabeaaV , , 1834 .. '1333 1834 .1S32 Indiana, Nosh Noble, . IKJ4. Illinois, Joseph Duncan, Davai Dunklin, . John Gayle,- WiwCarrolK H. G. Runaella, 1831 183d Missouri, -Alabama,"" Tnnie, Mississippi, Louisiana, 183 1S33 1834 Edward D. White, The fcllowing Ubular autemeot oTlFeTJorWlr5ri'j Salaries, th number of Senator, an,i Represent lnd their pay perthiy, of each St.te in the Onkm, kn from tha Amarwamaoa. fcr 1531 r.-1 tatitea, It- Governors' Number Number Paypef ' - Balariea, Senstora.- Rep. Maine, 1 1500 Ti ' -199 N. Hampshire, VW'"W 8-13 Massschdiatto, " 8313 63 43 ' r10 Rhode Iriini. 400 10 . 74 2 IXJ 9 OU - l-M a 00 Gmneetieut, , 1100 . 21 ," 8uS Vermont, 7)0 sen 2.10': laW-VeMk.' mvm-st New Jersey,. Pennsylvania, lk JSV, 30()0 u 4000 1.1 1X3.1 0 3 J33 33 84 M " ,3 00 1W 8 00 21 3 60 -r 4TJO 1.14 4 00 n-i .,. Virginia, M T.Jm S 00 ft r.mlina. 424 - 4 00 Georiria, Afaonrha, Misaissippii IxMiisuna, Tennessee, V . u Ohio, Indiana,.. Illinois, Missouri, ' iltrignlAg Softrrigns tfEv. . StatiL Name. Title Sweden Russia ' - Ocsnnisra. "" Great Britain . Chitlea JfTL ;.T Km Niehola 1 " " J 'Emptror Fr-dertek VJ Kmg Willmm IV do 88 W 69 Hntl ff Belgium JPruasi . , Saxony Brunswick : litopoM !" J -ld Fred. WUliam HJ - do Anthony ;t--t":-:- da -; William ' ' Duke 44 68 28 Nsaaa--. t' WHlian-i---l Jdov Hesse-Hovborg 1 Iooia J . , - Landgrave Baden .', r " Ch. Leopold . Fr. Grand Duke llsas CaaIjfew,VYjllian U.i., Efectoc, i 64 49 48 Worwmbarg jit William ; . vmg Biajj.a Louia '; 'u ' do Austria t France Switterland Spain.: yri ; Portngal 8ardi8t- Tuscany Parma Franci ;. .Ftnpexor j... , Lmiia Phillippa ,i; King j .j ..66, 1 61 uilll 01 MO. 1 jr. Jmi'V wm. ;?, , , Maria Isabella 11 Queen 4 Donna Mariar W "srM 15 .-Chaa. Emanuel :. Kjnjr - 66 Leopold II nf n CramTDuk 87 ' Maria lAui-i1 5rD.,lrhM At Modenai i Frarwi Fv as i.h Duk -J.fl69 Luoeail 'ml oCtsirie Itukiiw. rtVr-V: k81 Rutaoftha) C- Gregory XVL U ' Popn atis30 Two tHciiie terdrnaAd King. 4 ., 20 Olho . . ... .1 do . ' Ifl r ' - - - Mahmond H J ' V ' Rnlt.W " ' " AO do',., , 1. "AM''i,,."""J S!Ll . JSince thia table wm ebrrmited, fte Emjierrtr Fra'ncla hae deoessed, tod ii tacoeeded by bis ion, Ferdinand, nowin bia 42d Jfaa. ilijA .'pfftfi grhJ0 - - v ' iiniT'-wniKinninn .'i m 'n't ''iMiii iii's'wi air'i, am.ai iniMwniiiTi;rwMiiiiiw.i 8000 :. 61 131 3000 - 90 .,. 115 . ( 4 00 twoo -.n i 00 2VK) 11 83 8 00 J7 ' 60 4 00 2000 - 20 -Dfy-"r- rjO 2000 83 100 9 W YXX) . S3 i . . 7-4 8 00 1000 . 80 2 t , 2 00 1000 20 t , M 00 iooo 13 ta too "'rf ratitf wk with Hum irinlnt." Diahruw Itlivei Mr, 17. nl Mnd'lan, JonaTnaa. 1 lfit in '( f j 11 I donl car 1'J rail.' r work it?l nothing atvmt it. In''t'" ibim that do drink V. t ::,wttr- ! M. n. Why do you rnUt to woik with the that rlrmk spirits t ." . Jo. Becaus they can't a,Jhll " ww aa men that Am'i drink any. J orM wita f both, and I tell yoo ii' hard pui.'mg P "? with thai eold -water fulwra. ... ..li ,4 UNITED iv WfcUUK-H. , , - In thii County, an tfta Cflth rwtanf. h IU". mul Rothruck, Mr. CHARLW BARRUNCER, ELIZABETH AREA." ittv : In Lmcolnion, N. C an the 14th lntnt, hr th T Rav. W,ll v,m C B-m. Dr. A. B. CROOX, of Oi !!, a Cto Ma HAR.UJ UOAB, daugbtf r.a( trd, John Jle.ofuncolntin. rtTT- rirrtt 8AUCT,,M.y M,lt. ; MR. ROBERT COCHRAM toarJoointodan AgentL ba obtain lutacfiben to all or uriet of my publieaiiethV ind to recrhand reeaipt tor "y," acweirt threof. 1 ! 1 lLFF GREEN. ,- 1 1 1 L'a rOCL-..t ' jv ' .MttiiH 1 ? 1st'? ! Clock nd Wlch-aiAker, Biisvm-wiiTir, , f nAKC4 IhU method t rnf-ming bit FiKJe A-l.mini. U fuLlio acncrally. that Jul Mill coo tinuet to carry 00 the Watch Making and Jewellery tuainea at bia old atnod, on Main btrcf,nt dour bov (U Store of 8aaut Lttnlv V 8un,nd lukr Ihia import unify 1 prcing hit graliiuda to lw puWifl Ar lb pfftrvaaga bich bai Ucn Utod on liiin ml )ip lhl anor rdiilotii alKnlma l hra buaiM will not Jail ticK a ahare 01 n,, Mironag U its pxoU, a Larctoforc T mikf iii eatablishmrnt alii) mor dcaervipg f it, Ii juat received irhrn 'lh North. wlrj ra aikctrd by kenlleman of tail flM xnaricuc, t nry tl tasaiv and euperior aaaoilment of - , ,WATonro,';S7-j-s?.?a jt . " ,, t Fancy OoOti. .. C0N3I3WlNfARTtrrn . ' .. , Silver d-HWaad and efiMiUe J)MtLjted Lm, Plain, and llmitiiig Watchae: fJolJ, Silver, J'lsitd, liead, Silk, and AibboA Cuard Chain ; Cold Ka) , and Seal j Gold, Plated, and other Cuard Kea, Splcedid swttl fTipj Aqeimariue, it', Pttintig,CroW, vttritrnlian, tia 'at ta. Kinga and Hreait I"ini j aarieiy f Utttm rn and Finger Ring; Gold Filagrc end ruber Caafi, Catche. Uaad Begat Coral lndit Bilavr nia. lOaar GoW, Bilvar, tnff 'Shell -Lint, arwJ VUaf Uotieo fa ww aaaorl menl of Eluda j M uaie UN I Silver .Plaied, and ' BeddTuraea 6ilvf Ppot.D, Silvef and Steel tnetaelei while bud M Scav sors t,Lver pointed Pencil Ciatt and Lead J 8ilwcr Tooth Pick and Twetsra 1 Cantlemao'i PocUt an4 Dirk & Xadic" Silver Fruit do. I Eilvar uuiter dnBiKcraflCi fciiiar, piaiiencaouara Dirku Damaacut "rbert 'Wrrt Twtat-trid braa I barrel pocket Piitoli t ind rreal rari!1 of otlr , Watchei and Clock repaired ,wlih nflttneit, accuracy, and dianatoh 1 warraoled la rr(rmi and ry andeeor made ia git; aati&clioOCtil. paid to ow cold atwroiivaf. .. .: "t.-i-.riTT' Tr--' Sarmbttft; Ma S31; 18033: Sprjnf dk Hammer FtaHlontt HORACB IL BEARD, TRllOP.- DECS fcare to iniurra hi friend, aad tha put!I f-in.gnefaJ, UMuUirderata Jtialioa will aiwavf bhanlcfully received by him, ajuUxecwtal b tha) moat Neat, Fashionable, and Durable manMr m rma a rwaaonaUe aa anv in Ihia section af etata. try.7ITff.bpi7frn buinav(a Jiumper of yrt ofwhich Hm hi resided in the city of PhiladcipbiaV and from tb ' general shtiafaction ha haa bwtofor givtn to hi -iiumerou respectable and. faabiooabl Ujatortera, to rnerit and recerra m portion of tha patronaj of tha public in" gttenL-rTrxyrB' . ,- -h; .-. - ' OCT !1 rtattera bt'riwelf that hit CtTTTJN'O Ii rtaUf superior' to any done in thi State, aa trar be tested by lha undisputed eleganc of wbica UcafafMSaml anin Ji.j;tahlinpent. Uf i in the regulr rxetpt of tb Report of thw F '" abiotia aa they change both in tba large title cf tlw country and ofuropeiJiat Uerra . . may br aatiafied that their order will aJwaya b executed irf the) ry lateat atykj.- t , Ordora from a diaUoee will b attondedl ttitb, -thjyam punctuality and care a if the cwtcacr were preeenl jnerton. ' , V" ; ; , Salisbury, May 9, 183oU-Iy. f AafjaaJaaaAaawf L. '?'-! ii-lElopcdf'r --r IJROM tb Subarriber, on the 'night of the 24th instant, a bound Colored Girl, by III nam t4. AMANDY HARRIS'. ' 8oid girl ia about ISyrafa of age, light cofri)lecid, arid tolerablylnlelligeiit it ii hiulilv prubabte thaTah will atiemnt To naai hatfidls;jiiltme perienc inlhebuainOs; i -Frbhl t'erthlfl trrcurn -aiBncw;;t am inrlocrd to bclicvo that phe-wa per suiulod off by aotn While man i if ao, 1 will iv - i 1 j t 1 - . - - ia libernl rewwid ir their-ap it-thni-w- may be brought to justice. 1 wilt alao cite rca. aooable reward for in-appreficneion ami delim ry of aUf girl to me in SalisUry. - And I cnutioa all.jroroliarboririg her.iuil.irilLbfoTXi.. hf jaw against any who may do art. y n ' w 4 pTEFUEN COWAN. I"'.'"" '"t, ti .? ...u I'll;! nEISuBenlwrTha hmmri " and Boydcn the Patent for E. It. PartePa Irak proted STKAWi CUTTERifof Uio Cmmtie of Rowan and Davidarm, take thia method of inform, ing the citizena of thne Countiae generally ibat bwia noJ piparing aoatflrlala, and expect to make a number of hei Machirjaa. p Alt noraon wish. inTlotpbr'chaeo ah .'article d (he kind, would do well to call at the Mahaioh Jlotel In SalisborV. or jt Clemmorwiyill in Davidson County, where tho upaertDep nv, imi examinithe -machine br- thmaelve? - All order from, fersnn wiahiflg ta fMircMa machine Wilj ,hcf Ui. inimcdiit alter tioA;.rii-"AMP woyciL f, Cleinmorunillii, iffy 33, SU -,.pj, ,.' Vi'.'. ,. ,.''1 " - l- r -"t-I -4r"-- r 1 1 r, ;'- v . - - 'vim..-- ''... 1 --.m., uv;;a-.""v-Mji-,Ji:-f'1'"' "t)hynttwn sm