k) ERMJ3AE0LINIAN. 7 PUBLISHED EVERY HATURD VY:-AS311ID2ia; OBiaJl AWMaJl UlAUIPVln IPiDTOaaD'ii'aVoL 1C, No, 1. -Whole No. 783. AT TWO IMUXAKK A YliAIl, If rait! In Advance. SALISBURY, NORTH CAItOMIYA, JUNE 0, m - OrTwo IMInra and I iHy tent., After the nplratlon of 3 month. ) 'ftMK 0 roetlo "raw neccM "awe vsr atala tiwi'wi.' O.V DEVOTUW AN INFANT DAUGHTER TO CHRIST. The statements txpresaed in the following lines, front the Mothers Minina, will meeti joyful re- tpunas in the heart of many a Chriatun Mother. Iinl rc'jK my infant child. TivmI the iiflirinj wilt rereive; Tli'i baft oft ua children fin Jed ; Help mother to blieve. Clen hr infant aoul fcom ain, Hon rViair ! on her shine, N Uh UtMMxl work bcfc'ia. Which ahall seal Jiff ever thine. Ivd, that heavenly wieilom (rive, ll.tr iimthor'a ardent prayvr That her cliiUlrcn Wf may live, Wiellen'd ly thy U-ud-r car. MollnTa wi vising children bh-t, llnly rliili,l round your heard, II -M on iida aweet promise rcl Faith will mi-et rich rrwsrd When, with agony you pray, Ami tli" dew-drop dim your rye j Then the truth divine display, I .cad tha little wanderers niih. J axes, oh! how rich the blesainij, lie your ouiring will receive. If, while llannah'a love piieiing, Vihj with Hannah win believe. M'l'hera! Infanta! lend your voire, Join the sweetest srwig to rawe: Hark I the angelic Ihm( rejoices, - Tuuuig heal la tlld harps U praise. SELECT MISCELLANY. v5 Frrnn thr Chritlttin AdoiHMlt jhuI Journal. A KIKM'KIM; OCCURRENCE. Home years since, I wna travelling from tlie Slutu of New Vork into the province of l'r Canada, by tho way Cae Vincent, ami Kingston. Between the two channel of the river Ht. InwrHiHe, we I m sued over Wolfs, or Grand ImIuikI, w inch is but thinly settled, it was in tlto depth of wiuter, lule in llio evening, w lieu I culled at un inn. Aa is but too cttmtnnn, at -pil4tU4tiT .auvor.il gnuticuicu were aiding round tho fireside, engaged in conver sion. A liltle interrupted by my coining in, ihey nude, short pause. 3o.ni, one of Ihe company re named tho conversation, ami, with the epml of ww dignalion, mid: " Well, that man ought to lie hung for such couduct to hit wife;" lo which the compa uy reepMided in the atlirmalive. Aa I did not knuw the pnrtirulnra tt' wlrnli tloy - wurc couversiiij;, I llMiunht it WM .the elaiKfc'r of Imr rooifi, and I tr u'u eiiilanntio i. The rnmpniiy worn di--pt rted. K-trly tn the inoniihj', I r'alliv! ori n itmn 10 the neilib irhood with whom I had aoiiie lmi n: tulruimcl, .. a jw'nilmir.iii rode up t' the d mr wislnug In know if I n n miuitur, aialinK that ii woman had died th day Ind'orc, imd wished in'? to winy hih! aliuixl the fun ml ; to which I con- sented. and learned the lollowi'ig rnrte-ulttr: J. II., thn inhu nan hmlniml ol tlni decraed, was the sou of a tav,ni l;een:r on the Lthuid, aud was early addicUsd tu habits of iutein;K;ra:ice. Ho had IhWi uiarried U MUiJL four or tivo years. Not- SKliillLt'lJiiliJ1'" ear' "'" dirp;itinn, ho had bn meXgTTaTrirdatHiiliiiit till ho wa v-- .awirriedk ; Jl 4ha vohjin" ujit .b is eg jwand hi cunnitala, .negUx tmg hi bisnies, scalliiring and destroying spending much, of hi timo in tho J towu of Kingston a place imtH for intemperHnon and guinhliuii. It was u t I ng bufiro the last of hi property "tottered upm a siri'l card." Ho iiad ii JJ 'lie cluTCiaifW nf .trrs -oitii h'nw Pr turn, and his wife wna M to coutund with powrty and despair. IIj snub-Minn one of Ihe in nt alun- d mml orunhiirds err-.wr II ! h idi t4iMlyeernr el to have forgotten. to proviJe for bis family, but it had Iwcoino hu duliglit to rob his forsaken wife of cvty liltlomf rt she might earn, or receive from a bwvnlentTrien1."II liveW orr-tll wt side of the island In a lug hut.- lttowl upon a risa, exp tsed tn Ihe northern blast that swept along the entire length of L ike Ontario. Almost perpetual ly, the h iwling tempest beat upm tho lonely and s'lattored dwelling. Th colli ig waves of tho On tario were teen at a distanee, dashing tboirfoam upon huge banks of ice, and the roar of waters and J Storm, added to the dismal gloom that reigned I within the drunkard's home. Here lived tho unfortunate female whose unhap- py fate I am attempting to describe. Sho haifbeen married and confined to" tliTs "pfrn Tiouso of a - - little did she think when ahi gave, herself to the man she tenderly loved, and who promised to pro- jwt,har7lTint hft Wji3sb3"Dec6mg to "tor the source of a thousand woea. With the pencil of fas cy she had drawn the scenes of future life, and they wera tinged with sunshine. But soon she learned that the husband of her youth was a drunkard and what jcould she expect! ..Despair settled upon her pale brow, and anguish rung her bleeding heart. -NoKa ray.of Mpe Jhejtslimmwin upon her i solitary path. AS " uosxinM iq woes, wim ner sor rows, ner cares increased. Two infant children -jri -tiemanded her attention and her tears, the youngest flf which was but a few weeks old, whea its mother I fell a victim to neglect and despair. ' J And here let simple nanratSw tell her tale of woe. 1 When her infant was but ten days old, she was un- der the necessity of going out, through tlrifl and I snow and piercing winds, to gather hiel to keep I her from freezing her husband being gone on a I - -drunken frolic She took a severe cold, and was 4 goon confine to her bed of straw, (for such it lite. rratty xyp.Ne beget able ta walk, trrven sit p, I early one morning as her brutal husband waa set I ting off to the tavern to spend the day, she eKpoa- i tulated with him, and endeavored to impress upon i hismirsitordistrtdwidcriucalcoDxUtioii. She aoeinej o aiiecMMl. Iliit, )! deluaivo )iojm Hhe told him hQ mnat hava aaeialnrtce aaxi, or her aiay in th la nil ufllia living waa aliorL Ho feemed In fei. 8ho prevailed un liim In go for iiH-dical aid. Un cruaaud Ilia rivur tit. IiwroiM n on (lie i e lo KiaKalofi, ( diaiaiico of four nulea) and oLuiited phial of rni'diciiK) at I he npolliocNry'a atore, and left in haaio fur hia aick family. He wa returning wilh appnriil cmrern, and waa pnieiin the corner of the aireel. when irno of hia aaocinle in prodin cy, looking Ibroujjh (ho window of a coiileiiilille Hri ahop, auw lua cojnradu paaaing, aud Called him in In lnk aomclliiiiu lo drink. Althoii"h thia inehruilx knew that tho relief, if not the life, of lua family uVix-nded un hi iieedy - return, hia huljileaa family b;inj entirely alone, and none of hi neighbor hwviug kiMvMrn of hi al-a-nre, yet I hi iniaerahln wreU.1i, on hearing the ound of rum, and an Invitation to partake of the crlmaon polaon, mon forgot a miff-ring wife and helple infant, left by him iu the jaw of death. He entered the sink of woe and of crime, where de. niMia in huinni, form are wont to mvt and hold midnight revelry. Hern he remained iu a drunk en frolic for aeverul day, during which it waa ex tremely cold, and then) waa a heavy fall of annw. No one chIIihI al hi houtn during tlie atorin, up. poaing (hat he waa at home with hi family. The lire waa out no friend lo render autiiiK:e nor even the call of atrangi'r lo give relief. ' On her bed of atraw, with an infant on each arm, and a few ahred of covering, lay the auflirrer, pierced with hunger and cold the bed, fireplace, aud floor, were all covered to notue depth bv the drifting anow. On tho third or fourth dnv, he returned with a littlo HHMhcine, aud a Imltle ol ruin, (he anow had o drifted ii waa with aoinv dilliculty hu entered hi liouae. All within wili aileul aa the hiMjao of death. It i aid tho fing'ra of the eldeat buF wa ififfJned fo mnrte, and the tear drop had frozen upon the iufunl' cheek. Ilia wife neither amiled nor wept hie atill flickered with them all. In (Ilia wtualHMi In) found hia iu:glucted and k.tL1j ing family. He wa inlotieatisl when hu ri-lurned wet hi nHHlicinu and mm on a ahelf, and iinine- diuiely left for his father's, (near half a mile's dis tance,) told his mother the fire had gone out, and his wife was al homo sick, nod wished sho would go over and see lo her at the same time, stepping into his dither's Imr, took a glass of brandy; 'as he cans) out, staggered and fell, and there lie sja nt tho uftemm . , .. , His mother was, unfortunately, given to habits of intemperance, and was then under the influence of anient afurila. However, wit Ii fire nisi fuel, she jrt off lo VWI tlMI atsatu of dlsln-sa. Mfin tinitiil lie: woman and children hmi-cIiIcm, bwilly frozeu, ami npmrently in the agisiies of death. With some dif ficulty she made a fire, threw a brick and stone in to (lie flaiiM-s, and, while they were henting, she dis covered 'the iMfffl of nrn." Ih-ing-PTrrdifijrly chilled, she drank freely f it.nud IhtMightit would do lx?r gool; Isit only Jcprinul her uf rcim. this time, the brick and sloue had b-cnine IU' verv warm, ami !tt drunken mother aplied them to the naked P.et oT the ' "dying woman. I will only odil, that in uImmjI thirty iiuiiute.s the kindest me.s. ifm'ft uifi-T heaven eainu lo her rebel that me f "''T ' Tlf . It li 'l to inv lot to deliver the nmcrat iiisconrsn of tliis.uufortuii.ite fjuinile. The feelings of my heart, on this occasion, I uill not aitempl lo de- Hc.rilsi. . Whon tho lid of the colliu was rcuiuvud. and manv weentnz eres were easdnfj ntunfitl looks iiU-hcx.Jth.2. had en a victim lo the casulities of intOmpernnce, I saw her 1 RTialwiil'aterumW-wfi her tmpless fate) stagrf np to the-rHMRn, and, UjU apisinrance, with a heart as unmoved, and nu eye as tearless a the cold and lovely form on which he fixed his drunken gaze. We ull proceeded to the burying ground, and f felt a pleasure in seeing the CUlfiU-Clsigned to ils raeeful nlxxle. Hut, when I hni dismissed the audience in a Christian -rprm, with my own eyes I saw that drunken tnnniac stag jrer over tha fresh-grave of his Dosim companion. My heart fnilod, and my spirits tnwwl stiiifi.ne, ana I could not retrain iroin exclaiming in my heart, Almighty (Jod I if it i thy will that man should suffer iu this life, -imposo on mo what seem- etti good in thy sight let me live in the cottage of poverty all my days, and have nought but the bread of sorrow to eat, and when I am thirsting on a dry and parched desart, let mo find no water but mine own bitter tears; and when my enemies persue me and seek my reputation aud my life, and I fly for protection to my last friend, let that friend forsake mo but Ol gracious Heaven! deliver mom for Ihe all-devouring and overwhelming fate of tho drunkard. J. ALLEY. Sh has. sines killed herself! .7.. FAHWNABLE fi-TiUW-lJt. V" ' (BV TL K. WUH. - r. We are killing oumlves4n this country by inch es, and ihaTTfof S taHmait oratr amazorrian woma is a dreadful reflttctiou. In sooth, our late hours break in terribly upon real comfort, sound health, and that refreshing sleep which "seals up the eye lids" in calm and soft repose, and ministers to real enjoyments. We marvel why fashion, instead of being represented in bewitching and attractive co lorsW and snaky crest or, tindor tho silken, cowl and wreaths of roses, skeleton head peeping out as a warimgh In this coowry we eat ami dance ourselves to death with much more rapidity than tliey do at the Sand wich Islands. I met a friend on the pace last week, who said, " Will you eome to our party to-morrow night J" A party? HowT Comfortable dish of tea, game 6f whist, glass of whiskey-punch, and a sandwich, ehf M0h, no a real tearer a dancing jam a Tggula -faro ioutsebeen preparing a fortnight. I must give a couple every year for the sake of the world, you know." The world, ha I Well, I'll come, and if I don't you won't miss me in the squeeze. Tell me, for old acquaintance lake, how much will tho party coat f u Why, about fiftiK'n liundrcd dollar. " l-ilieen liurHlred dollar r I rrjdigHMi How many charming Itrluliai in ftuiin, ronrma titnwi In duly, and &irtti in France, would fifteen hundred ilollar procure and all thia auiu swallow ed up in one dancing frolic I" I determined tn gn, and friend prnmiaml to II ' f I . ' can lor me in ma carriage, i wa reouy at even, ml aat quietly until bine hall nuat nine ten when, juitt a I wt ringing for my flipper, and prcimriug, a Monarur Morbleu any, hir my night cap, rat-tat-tat goea I he coachman, aud in walked my friend pump and light punt on white glove and perfumed hnndkeruhicK "Mn, air, a pn-tty timo yon have callec fur me ; why I have bmn rea dy inco wnven o'clack." " !'vcn o'chick ! why, bleaa you, tho comp:iy only begin lo aaaemlile al len and even now w are rather early." M IiarlVi do you call it ? (Jo otit lo aa(Ml llm veiling at half pajt leu o clock! vV'.-ll, well, I aupiiuao we must not fie out of (he faUio o como along." Our carriage rattle up tie of the principal at recta, and a glare of light waa showered in all di rection from the houxc. We fell in behind a range of conches, aud had tu uit until our turn, and found, on alighting, a retinue nf yellow servant tu iilicr ii iu I lie manxion , to take our coat, htils, sihI pn-pai ua for thai tnlrre. Kvery thing waa elegant gaiety, faahiou, and jileanure rvignetl tri iiuiplmnt ; beaulv, iu reapleiwient beam, ahud ita half over tho aeeno ; plenty, from it goldtu horn, waa iNam'd fourth in all directions ; niiiiie, s.mI the giddy danee, were kept up with unulxiti-d vigor un. Id the nisM't morn Imd nearly flickered tho cast. I got home ; tiwacd and lumhlod for two or three hour m bed, and then ruse for tho duties of the day. . Having occnaion lo call on an old gfntlemnn about twelve o'clock, I Pmnd him in In parlor, with the breakfast lublu before hi ill. " What, not breakfasted yet Y t) yew, long ag" thin m for my daughlers, who canio from tlie jwrty about thne o'clock, and arc not yet up." In a few mimilea tho young ladies entered ; but oh, how allerml! whcio were tlie Ixannling step and elnalk gnil tho brilliant eye, the jocund smile the silken at tire tho well dreaeed hair, and jewelled form of hint night culerluiument 7 I hey were pnllul and exhausted their eye, their hair, their dresn, nil tn dithahiVt lth with a hectic cmigh Tiotfj looking a wo-liegoii and "spiritless a if Ihey had juatt;iiped from tho siego of Troy. " Havo yiaj slept weir.'glrtsT'nmirt 1he"arixlo4H parent. " Not a wink, futher we toesed and tumbled and worried for several hours, Isit not a wink of sleeii oh my head, my had and oh, my tmca, my boncs,, I'mhebly y our restk-wmesa arono froiu cat. ing too heartily at supper." " .No such thing, fa ther why, I only ate a little chiclien, salad, n wing of turkey, aowe jlfy, a few mnenronies and mottoes, a dozen pickled oysters, nnd drank a few glasses of champaign, I lull's nil exc.Orting a simnge J' fake or two, and a glass lemonade, during dancing, : wi a nit ginirer swenmeais. meres Kiiuv, I ' ' T,.".r."":'- - L.i' . rwi ate twice as much as I did. "No I didn't, bui I wa more select, father ; a few slices of cold tongue a piece of a la-modo beef three pickle a few olives, some blanc mangr two plates of ice cream a little ilontiiis isjand some truffles hriffliona nivT' rirnnj1, pltlHF'ake, nisi t tHnrrli'dtfritiy-tie levenuiir. I in sure inoui care muni lor solids. ml liil ion 1n,M-e nlnr ttiioiM'r? y nu ilnnco niter supis-r f "low sure wo ditlj oik: cotillion, one contra ilnnco, the uia f rm irka, and a galUstiUj " mm... t . wonder al neuu-nciu's, a nu issie-Bcnes, ami nenrt scmisVaWttLslej'J'Irs rniuis, lllli i so iii'loh- ch.-niug tl.;c iiinguliir nin-- of f.Hsl and contra- dictory condiments in a (leTicnle' fi)Yn'afrj'Stothtn!tt; with s-arcely siiflicumt gastric juice lo digest the uuig of a pheasant, 'flint's tho way our girls kill themselves prematurely ; that's the cause of our heavy weekly lists of interments ; of the many , ..ii ' . 'i creoii oi our tiiumie. aiusi now many cnarnnng women are hurried lo Ihe grave by carelessness ; bj thebewitehmg A ing lato hours ; by thin cloJtung, and by eating too much I Ihc obscrvatioti mode by stranirers is, "how palo and thin your ladies are!" Why will tliey not liave" resolution enough to discard these seducing and destructive allurements; why nut en joy life soberly, discreetly, prudently T What can be more agonizing to true affliction, than to see the girl nourished with tenderness in infancy, amiable, intelligent, and accomplished, gra dually sinking into her grave ere she reaches the age of womanhsod 1 The pride and delight of fond parents and numerous friends, the rose which ear ly bloomed, daily fading in the brilliancy of its co lors, and drooping like the lily of Ihe vale ? To. see the eye,jonce so. briliiunt, sunken, heavy, and duJl; and the lips, once so rubby, now thin and pallid ? ToHwitueaiiha le victim of slow but unerring disease, not constitu tional, but brought on by neglect, by fashion T r To scelhevision wcde frowr the sight, vlnp by-step, until evening frowns upon its setting glory, and the tomb closes upon it forever f The rtnlt of Gambting-Ve rejoice to learn, that the gambling shop which has been so boldly established in our peaceful and comparatively mo- and that our fellow townsmen are unwilling to risk their fair fame for the appellation Gambler t toxchaiiga tlwat prospwts o petence for the precarious andtlisreputuble chances offered id the haunts of indolence and vice. For khe first week after the establishment of the house in question, the plea of curiosity availed a tnaiority of those who visited it, but that has ceased to be an apology, and the few calls (hat now continue to bo made are attributed to the proper, motive. And proud are we to say that they are indeed few We understand that our last allusion to this sub ject, modorafe in mariner and welt Tntehttdhed as it . was, gave oflenee to those concerned. We as sure them that we did not intend to wound the feel ings of any one; ourv motives was of a different I. "'. 'TT'r'' " " """'m-iu-imapartd kind. If, after this aaaurauce on our part, any per mt be so silly at In pervert the pcrformiwieo of a duly, to a desire to irritate or wound, h i at Ii berty tn iislulge in hi erroneisi ojinli, whirh we wholly disregard. Al we said before, we have seen the evil efTi-ct i-f exeessive gnmbling in l irsMiy horrid aha pta to aland quietly by and permit a repetition, if we have even a hope of preventing it. One case which came immediately uinler air nlssrvalion we will brefly rrlate. In a town in Kumpe, in which many of (hehnppieat days of our life were spent, chance brought ua acquainted wilh L'harle Barclay, and, through him, with the fami ly of which he wa a mcmlier. Charles's father had risen, from a small beginning, tn gasl circum stances, indeed tn comparative wealth, ami wa re spected by all rlaaws, for hi industry, sobriety, and integril v. Three of hi son, c.f whnin Cbnrlet was the ohicst, were our aclioolfellowa, and more promising youth than the young Ilarclavs we have never known. Well do we recolhsM the day when, with trar in their eyes and sorrow in their heart, they took k-avo of Iheir class-mates, to leave the home of their youth, tho scene of all the happines Ihnv had ever known, and to become wamk rer and out cast for the crime of a parent I In an evil hour, Mr. Barclay had been seduced from the path of rrclilouu whiuh h bad miraue4 iu iipwr) of forty year, had followed some unprincipled knaves lo Ihe gaming table, and, in a few week al ter hi first transgression, he was a bankrupt, and his children were beggars! Well do wo remem ber the day (hat Ihe noble row of buildings which Mr. Itnrclay industry had reared, and winch was wholly his own, was, together with much oilier pro perty, briaight,. under the auctioneer's hammer. It wns the Inst time wo saw the warm hearted, general Charles. The father ami his sons attend ed the sale. Misery was depicted on Iheir rouu- lennnces. The reverse wa sudden, over whelming, and the strfrcrer seemed to sink-unremittingly un. ler it, notwithstanding an evident commisMcrtition was geiHTilly entertains! by thecommnnily. Once or twice afterwards we saw lite wretched father; and in a few days the uufortunnte family left (he town. Fifteen years had clanscd. when, in 120, wo again visilef the place. Tlie event which we have sketched was still fresh in our memory, and we innuircd of our acoumntnnces. concerninir the Hardays. Hut little was known of them, but thai little proved that the iniquities of the futher had indeed lsii severely visited on Ihe children. Capt. ,of the stcarnaTiip" Chieftain, plying be! ween Liverpool and Ilelfnst, had met with hi and our old friend Charles, alsait a year lsforc, travelling IwHwmn tw Cwmf jamaanil IlMm, Ht Ineaslur), whithor he had been to visit hi youngest sister, who was hired as a farmer' Servant somewhere in tho neighborhood of Hoi ton ! Poor Charles was a common sailor, contending with tho elements for a precariisis andsscanly siipsrt for himself and a widowed mother. .Veirfcrra Sptetatort r An Amrriean HrntMt. A few days since, young Huchaniinsjiii i of 1 Judge J. Iluohanan,) was tried at AnnaiHihs, Md., on an indictment for the murder of Kllis, whom tho firmer shot down, in self-de- feticci from a mob headed by Ellis, a few week since. l.Ilorls bad tecn matlo by tho most respect fill rtnd ' intfi rrnrml "tnm f llm Htats tn iiiilum tint Attorney tJeiKmil to enter a noli inrotqvi ; but tlie application being made known to Judge lluch anuii, (th luth,ct of the accuse,) hp, with Roman firmness ami virtue, steruly forbade the measure. and directed the trial to proceed. He was attend- urtil AiintMiriod In Iliwh Kv Rmrnr W rTitnnt ttll,j ult uTTTnSTnbtle.t-Miirrrmiders. Tk-am. HiguistffnaTThwiderei TW-umjJ taclc iiiiisit have bona'stfb11riWih' grey baired andJ fond hearteil, Isit nolilo and hrm old man, sitting in judgement in a case of life ami death upon his own son. 1 he trial was full and fiur. " I ne evidence indicated the existence of a preconcerted design, on the deceased and his comiwiiions, to i mob nd mnltrent Mr. Huchan anati : tHat he avoided a collission with him as long as it was consistent n4h was only oa ooaipukim and in the last resort, he took tho severe measure which ended latnlly. Towards the conclusion of the trial, the agitation of fhe farther became extreme; but was joyfully terminated by a verdict of Nut '.uilty, which tho Jury returlicd without leaving the box. Such in cidents prove that, nowithstanding (lie inflated eulo giums upon the stern ami inflexible virtues of the ancients, the history of the present timo, if impar tially told, will exhibit as sublime instances of ex cellence, without the harsh and barbarous trait which obscure the lustre of the Roman name. Philadelphia Gaxettt. A Hubtie Danetrk- glutton of s4ellowjras diiiinir at a Hotel, who. in the course of the-"bat tle-of knives and IbrluTicHoeiifi which was observed by a lankee joker, sitting ... near by, wiio uawiou out, "1 say, inond, aon t makohnrfffehnteTn tomnw-nybrU ger, fur God's sake, for death!" e rest on us will starve I Beauties of J)cspoAsm.C?mhya, a King of Persia, was addicted to intemperance. Pnraxapes, one of his favorites, one day after a dolmuch, re- presented to him thai he had drank too much wine. "1 wltf cotmiwSydTlT never deprives mr of my judgment or-addreas." lie then called for anotheriiowl, and having quaf, ing youth of 12 years of age, to be tied to'fhe trunk of one of the trees in the garden of the palace. lie then selected an arrow, and, while fitting it to his bow, be advanced towards the terrace, saying, "If I do not pierce the iearl of your son with this ar row, I will frankly acknowledge that wine has a paralyzing influence over my faculties." The ar row flew through the air, and lodged in the bosom of the youth. On being opened, his heart was (bund cloven in twain. The courtiers present, including Peraxapes, were loud in their praises of the ad dress of ; the tyrant. . ABOLITION or BLAVEnyr; NORTIIEILN HMVERT. W invite attention to the article below, is a fair ssm lU of -.VorOrrs fUntfry," which find In a Nsw. , Vors pier; and we ak thsquwtkm, whether th con. ditisi and treatment of th Umeh Uvs of tlie Bouta is nt a tfxxi-an.1 trine b- tt-r thaa Uit meted out to thia1 ' Wfeli lie,ITi;i helpleiai llttls wkU tltv of the North 1 How oftr-n iki wo wiineaa such scenes la ths Boulh I Kelkan, if ever. Yt, tliers is a band of fkoatics at the north, in ths very midat of this "crying evil," who are ' continually aitreading tlirough the country their accursed ' doctrines ( Uuj t igljt sad duty of the Northern people to interfere with ths iksnestkj propsrtjr and inatiluUuo of tlie riaith. Why do Ihey aot put dowa the vil at htsne, befire they attempt to teach lessons of philaa thnsy tn Iti peopls uf the Bnuth. ; "Cltarily beginiMtii at bom," it is said ; but these iirinlrrrttrd friends of our colored populatksi seem to think otherwiae. Dot, if tliey are unwilling to preach agiiwt Northers slave ry. f ten-fldd greater rigor than that In ths Booth, why do Ihey not come to the Houth, where they sty the pvd does esist In such an alarming extent corns and fare the evil if you wiafi to hauls with it effectually No, tliey are too senaihts of the reward they would re ceive at lliu nanda of an insulUst and injured paopls. who snow Iheir rights and dare defend them. Ws do believe that, if ever Urn right of the 8ithern people to retain Iheir Waves as property iscognkwd as such by the Corn itul ion and lwaof ths country is touch ed in a legal C.rin, Uien ths bond of this Union will bs cut asunder. If, (Jien, our northern brethren value tlie Cni'Si of the Rtatea,tnd the peace tnd htppincs of their . fellow men, let theni frown down the seditious attempts of fanatical crew among them, whotre kindling a firs winch, when once Marled, will result in the eutirs con fligrnlksi of oiir Usiutdul pidilioal syalain, iMt rot t specimen of ths means uatsl ky Uia immJimt . abolilioniat tt efft-ct their pttrpoae-, ws reft tlie read - b tu trucle below, fnsn llio Columbia (R. C) Teles- , cope. J he lolwwng la Uui vxuicl we alludul to al the couiincncctnent of tii j article : Enrroaa Casa " ".Winer Sierj. .1 It hill Mate. A most ss traordinarv and isitsaircous abuae uf uaurnud aulhorilv . over a fullow creature wis developed at tlie upper Po lice ortice on Maturrtsy. Mr. James Mctinlly, of r ourth Htret-t, ifMiliod to Air. Palmer, the magistrate, to send a litlln girl ihtsii fisirteen year of age o the lliwse of Kefnge, aa he sast ahe was so very bartlr disposed that it wis unpuaaible to get any uud of her. Mr ' I'llmer conente4 to take the girt ind send hot lo the House of Jkfiige or Ibo Alms House, ai JK.'jBcE-T nelly brought tier to the 1 olice oflice. When b wis leaving ths office, lie stretched out his hand to shake hands with her. but inslesd of putting out her band lo meet Ins, she shrunk back from him as if his aUemnU torta touch her had twrrnl! 1ieT."-Mr Mcttwftrrrrira- left the otGoe. Mr. Palmer observed the occurrence, aiwl, perceiveing that ttie girl wu from some cause or other in a stats of extreme terror, he addressed her is a solacing manner and endeavoured to encourage her, by aayintf ltai U should bs takes good care of. and nuuls comfortable. Whilst ha waa speaking to her h"r Uiik" 'h'cr '.by the hahd On- doing so he perceived thai -' it was black ind bruised from tome hurt, iMfraTuier aM ier what bapened to her hand, and she replied, in the most piteous manner, "Oh I air, my matter has boat me, and my back is very sore.', Mr. Palmer then examined her person, and found that, from the small of her bach dowe to tits call of her leg was eoversd with black marks, bruises, and cu ta, sums uf which weisv&a. lermg i On making this discovery, Mr. Palmer made innui. ries into tlie maUer, and, from what lias as yet been de veloped, it appear that a Mr. R., tbrmerly of this city, obuined possession of the girl, but by what mean is as 1 yet unknown, when ahe was only a few years old ; had reared her and treated ar enmnltl !.. a few monthsback Mr. R. left this city, and went to re side in TTewerw;yTIriaw7icTr gno'TCWBfsjtr3ut Mil ins gin w wcnwif vi toe same' way tft aey state- V, LT ... - owner wouui nire out a tiave, at twenty shillings a monui, me money 10 oe pain w K. and the girl to get nothing but fond tnd raiment. -Th unfortunate tiule -girl naneaiMjs aa extremely agreeable and rather nreUv countenance and evinces too much simplicity in the history ahe-gisss of herself to luase any ground far ... doubt of iu being true. She is altogether ignorant of her or parentage, and only remembers that she ones lived in thseoentry. WkeojiU came koto the potv.t , seasion or air. inccnaiiy ne named her 'suaowsaaa, which, when apeakinir to her. he frenerallv abrevikted to the word Phillv, and this is ths ont name aba re. collects to havs beea ever called by. By her ewn ao . count she has always been treated aa a complete slave, and since she hit been with her last matfer, with the exception ol food, of which she sayt the got sufficient, she has been treateVt worse than most slaves havs been treated in this country during the last half century. She was obliged to sleep on the garret floor, without any thing bet one blanket for a bed and covering; and, i as to her apparel, the sayt it waa never better than what the now wears, and Iter outer garment is seem ingly composed of a pioce of an old tack," From tts Columbia Telescope, of May 0. ELOGCm Thcreww-armrTOTmr froiri tlie7uhacknowTed jriid hand' of -some secret wretch, Added inside of a Northern, newspaper, a TarrrgTrrrrmaeft, an'wMwtg wave. .iiy hik ii ua arts of exaggeration and cant that the institutions of t fhe South are to be rendered odious aud horrible it- is by such despicable stage-trickery as this, that the, ! sensibilities of our neighbours are attempted to be -y worked up to the due degree of tragic frenzy.. : ;, VVe would lhank tho, whose imaginations are to tell us jtflw hejiflairs of mankind are to be car- ried on without it, or snmethihg equivalent. From , the rrehat. school, to Jejpoqueror tipon the v Held or, the wave, its necessity is acknowledged, . and its use universal.,, Of the Abolition-scholars who quote Cowper and Slerne so sentimentally, how many would ever have learnt their A B C s, , without trie stimulus of the Birch T In this country, . and in England, in Boston or in London, they groan t over the unhappy (ate of the poor negro who is . whipped with a moderate sized hickory switch, by his jnaster. in South Carolina a country distant from theirs and all the while these same philan- g thropists every day unconcernedly see sailors and soldiers the heroes of Lake Erie and Trafalgar e .. "