l FIAT J I ST IT I A m vt fri.f m. T II 13 CAROLINIAN . SALKSIJUIl V: SATURDAY MORNING, JULY l, HTK CANDIDATES FOR CONGRESS The II . ii. ABRAHAM KKNC1 IKK. an I BUIITON CRAIGF,, and RICHMOND M. PKARSON, lr., are candidates to represent this(Rowafi) district in the ii'.'Xt Congress of the United States. There will be a muster anl Tux collection on Thurs day next, July Oth, at Captain Adam Trexler's muster ground, (formerly ('apt. Culbert son's,) nine miles West of Salisbury where it Is expected the candidates for Con tcss will attend and address the people. F.r the. oroceediivs of the Convention we ref.r to our extracts from the Raleigh papers. At the time ot J our las, advices, the much talked of 3'Jnd section was : under debate the third day. Raleigh was overflowing with visiters, who crowded daily the galleries of the Convention. The Trustees of the University were in session. No nomination of a President of this Institu tion had then been made. COL. JOHNSON. TIIR VICE PKI'SIDRNCY. We are at a loss to know on what grounds the honest supiorters of the Baltimore nomination, tan advocate the election of Col. Johnson to the Vice Presidency. Is it because he is supiiosed to have killed Teciiinseh ! We are not disced to question the claim of Col. John son to the bearing of a gallant otbeer in the battle of the Thames. But all his merit in that atlair, is simply that of a subordinate who oxecut ! tiitliMlly the or.lers , notes of any of ,m. Fj.uiks of North or South Ca ro of his superior in cominan 1. And granting that hi kil- j i;n:i rt.c,.jvei U1 payment. led Teeum-eh, no intelligent man will seriously contend vlMdd not the merchants, who mav n-ive notes ir, t!iat such nn exploit argues any fitness tor a legli civil station. B it as regards the death of this Indian ( :uef, tlie only th.ii ' certainly known, is thai it is uak.imcn by whom Tecumseh teas kit In!, or ri-fn irh'-th'-r fir WiM kill' I in the battl" of the Thanfs, though it is proba ble he was. And until recently, we believe Col. John son did not himself, claim to have killed him. Do they support Col. Johnson tor any civil services ot high merit? He has been a long time in Congress, and if distinguished, it is certainly not fr talents or etiic ence as a business member or a debater. And his votes place him in the front rank of latitud;narian contruers of the Constitution. If his Sunday Mail Rert be referral to, it is answered, that the authorship of it was never claimed fr Col. Johnson, although Chairman of the .-ii'iit-".' w i c!i nude that Report. Or, are ti iio.w-t and virtuous supporters of Colonel J .'i is. ! rei.lv to po :.t us to his high moral worth, to h". a '. iry coa ' in the domest ic relations 1 We tr-a not. I:i 'leu inc.-of the laws of the land, of the iu- nt;oiis of C :rist e H i i i. and the usages of the whole t iVh. V i-! I. !! coateaipt of the precepts of our Sa- r, a'l.t in b i'.d Vfolilioti of Gods' laws, he has lived Ul o 'ii. .1 t .),'.. ;.is. s.i.oo-less conciiL?m:ige w iui su .:i an v i-ia il ill a i i 'f such circum-tances. as our oivn st f, md our regird tor public decency w.l! not j .u-n-r us to l-.--.nlv!. Fir be from im the presumption j to sit in ju.'."u.-nt on Col. Johnson. But when it is ! p.-.r-.s-.; i ... n.ri ..i ... ..... ..jtJ.e Hunting I'ark Uours.-, near Ptula-;. j.:.!,. a. At ti. sure i v i . i i r n , oi i .rnmuoii en iou .ijire, ii'tiie 1. me-t a;id enlighteri"d citizens of tii. se V life! States, t iey who feel some interest in the virtue of t'i -ir wives an I th -ir daughters, and w may add of their sons too, ar prepared to elevate to the se c i'ld honor ia their gi:";, to hold up as a pattern of con d iet b- r . r 'ii::g w th one of the highest places of worthy amb.tion, an individual to whose domestic his tory they caaiiot allude by their own firesides without a blusi! , . If Col. Johnson is to be supported because he is asso ciated in nomination with Mr. Van Baren by the Party, we ask the virtuous anl reflecting yeomanry of the South, what we must Hunk oi me leauersoi mai oin, who in selecting Lol. Joanson Jor the ice I resiliency, traaiple underfill, public decency, who require them ; w ,lic(i apiK.ars to contaitl ll)ucf, u,f.ftll i(lt;,rniati.ti re to sacrifice to the demon of party organization, their re- j r thc ,nlinf.mcIlt uf tM silkworm, and the cul- gird tor private virtue an-l morn vvonn : ,s io uie n- minitioii having been in vie iy a conveiuion -iresu from the; People," every intelligent man of any party krvws it to le a gross imture. A few leaders, Van B iren himself, design ited this candidate tbr the Vice Presidency. How meanly must an Limm an l lus as- j toms and habits of the Turks, Armenians, Jews, and tvociatos think of the citizens of this country, when they , (;reeksas mod.-fled by the p dice of the Sultan M ihuioud. propose f r our suffrages-, a man confessedly not distin- J y an American, long resident at Constantinople. The guished for high talents or important services, one, i author is Commlore Porter, who has been several whose private history cannot be related without a blush ye:irs American Charge ,r AjTairs at the Porte; arid but who, it is asserted on dubious authority, killed a j,- work is very favorably spoken of by those who have renowned Indian Chieftain. seen it, I?t no man satisfy himself with the delusion that po lilical integrity is disconnected with private character. The Execution of five Spanish Pirates, who robbed and that therefore we have no right to inquire into the tbe Brig- American, and afterwards attempted to destroy latter. Private worth is the basis of public virtue. We ; the crew by setting fire to the vessel, took place near do not seek in the domest ic vices of a Caracalla, tlie soil Boston on the Hth of last month. They persisted in .vl.icl. shall nourish the public virtues of an Antonine. - D'X?s "our neighbor" of the Camden Journal wish to misrepresent, or is he ignorant of the true nature of tlie question of free negro uifrage, as it was discussed before our Convention, and as it is looked ujiou by a jNjrtion of the people of this State! In our opinion, there is a vast ditlerence between universal sutfrage aad a property tjualif cation. And we know of none, ia this State, who have advocated the right of a'l free negroes to vote. But a very respectable portion of the Convention, and of the people, we believe, are in favor of admitting that portion of our free colored population to the privilege of voting w ho are possessed of sutficient amount of property to make them feel an interest in the prosperity of the State, and in the peace and good order of society. Very true, as the Journal says "the Whigs of North Carolina have condemned," and do still, and we hope ever ici7, condemn Mr. Van Bureu fr voting in the New York Convention to extenl uni versal sutFrage to his colored friends; for we believe a large majority of the free blacks to be entirely unfit for the exercise of this high privilege. Their destitution of moral feeling and their dissipated habits fit them on ly to be ued at the polls by political demagogues tor base purposes and they ought theietore to be excluded. At the late Convention of the State Rights Party, of Georgia, at Milledgeville, Judge White was recom mended for the Presideney, in prcfi.Ter.cc to Martin Van Baren. Fourth of J.ify. The Anniversary of our I)-i-':i ra tion of Indepcu ience is to Ik- c-b. bratcil in this t" n by a meeting of the Rowan County Teinnrinee Soci ety and its several Auxiliary S--cieties. Th'; Declara tion of In h-peti.!ence will lo re:if by C. I Torretice, Esq., and an Oration delivered by (Jen. James Cook. MRKCIIAXTS BANK OF SOCTII CAROLINA. We tender our thanks ta a correspondent in ('lie raw, fr his kindness in forwarding us the following 5urticulurs relative to the condition and transactions of the nhove institution at that place. From our correspondent's letter we 1- am. tint, on the "S)ih ultimo, the Merchant's Ihnk of South Carol i m, at Cheraw, declared a Dividend of .-so' per Share on the Capital Stock, payable on or after 1 1 1 "Jnd inst. Being an interest of 1(1 per cent, on the in-tadiiieiits as they have been paid into the Rink. Numerous individuals, snys our correspondent, are now otlering S;13l er Share f r the Stoekof this Mink, but no holders to le found who are v i ! 1 ! n to t.ik- thi high premium all asking more; and that there is a surplus of more than 1 percent, on thu capital paid in, atler paying the Dividend. From this, it will be s-eii that the condition of this Hank is most flourishing; and its prosperity must be a .-source of much satisfaction to our citizens, who are deeply interested in the currency of its notes, as they constitute a very la rye portion of the circulating me- dium in this section of country. Our oorre.-ondeiit thus proceeds: "Probably no location in the Southern country is so favorable to a well managed Bulking Institution, of small ra;vtal, as Cln raw. Tliere was, during the last season, -JI,tMH) Kales of Cotton sold at (Vruv; to fur nish the inonev to pay fur that amount of Cotton was. j j.jf, a handsome business f.r one Bi:k; and the whole amount of sales of this Coitoti is to the credit of the Bank, (furnishing the money) either in N. York or Charleston; which gives the Bank ample means to ac commodate merchants, and others, with Cheeks fr re mittances, at their rates: which are 2 per cent. prem. on New York, and per cent. prem. on Charleston Xew York and Charleston, find it to their interest to make their notes pavable "At the Merchant's Bank of South (Carolina at Cheraw"! Tliev would tle-n only fnve tf) tra,.Illt tie roiiey (of eith-r S'a'e) to the C.. shier of the Bank at Cheraw to meet the note. The cashier attends to receiving and applving the funds as directed, without any charge; and also receives funds jari(i f,rwards checks by return mail, without any e'l irge, for ,n,..rc;nnt3 who find it inconvenient to visit Yh.-raw. "The whole amount of Fxchango Umgiit at this Bank, since the loth of September last, is si 1, H 7,( M I. All of wliiCii is payable in Charleston r N vv rk. Tins enables the Rank to command whatever soeete it may want at any time, and then leave a large balance to the accommodation of those who mav want Checks on tlnse places; ami in New York this Bank is allow ed an interest on any balance until it may draw lor it." The information contained in the above, must In of much interest to the merchants and other business Mien in this section, when we assure them that it comes from one well versed in the Banking anl commercial trans actions of the country. C7 Racing appears to be coming pi te t!i vogue in some of the Northern cities! mil liorsf r.ieiti.r t,nt A u wi,, n r, o., . ,t uns r,m not owJ. s5nce over Ulo i,,,,, Uu,a (:olr.,. . a:,j r(j recont, a 1Mirse of slKl w.s com-,,.!. I f,r on word, thirteen competitors started oT, we are t'dd, in very gallant style. At the end of the second mile, all were withdrawn or distanced except three; an Ir"jM .is Indian named Barefoot, Stannard a Yankee, tie- victor of the New York turf, and another. Btrcf t lead, but as they approached the stand, Statin ird passed him ml came in first. Time, l(j minutes and "J seconds for a three mile heat. The sjwd is certainly fir fro n ex traordinary one mile in more than live minutes. Se veral instances are on record, in which perso.is trained as runners have outstripped the tl.-etest horses. uv havc rPCcivPf the first x f ,.. silkworm, a T(Pri(i!ca Mished at Alb-mv. N. Y.. t sil ier nnnuui. tivatio (ff th,. mulberry. We shall publ.sh eom ex tracts from it next week. Constantiiinjile ami its Environs. In a series of letters, exhibiting the actual state of the manners, cus- asserting their innocence to the last. 1 lie two remain ing Pirates have been temjorariIy respited. A grand dinner was recently given by the merchants, bankers &c, of the city of Ijoudon, to Sir Robert Peel. The galleries at the ends of the room were crowded with ladies. The healths of Sir R. Peel and the Duke of Wellington were successively drunk, vvhereujxm the gentlemen made speeches. We copy the following from the Miners and Farm ers Journal, printed at Charlotte: " M w -Jlst, IT,. "Mr. Holton: Sir: Having been nominated on the Committee of Toasts for the Celebration, ami not feeling disposed to participate in tlu Federal Whig banquet on yesterday, I was precluded from oaering a sentiment on the occasion. I now offer the following sentiment, and ropiest you to give it an insertion in the Journal." STLPIIF.N FOX." Whereupon, old Fox raves for near half a column in a paroxysm of wordy fury, which he calls a Sentiment ! .' Hurra for Nat Lee ! ! ! " " .Yi?-ro Stutlinr. Dr. Win. II. Mowbrv was Rxe cuted in Iredell county, North Carolina, on Friday last, tbr negro stealing." II ilifax Aflvtcate. Stop, Mr. Advocate: Dri" Mowbrv is not hung yet; at least, not according to law by the mvk; for we un derstand that the Governor has delayed the day of Ex ecution until some ttui in the ensuing fill. It looks uncharitable to publish a man's death Lcfure it rcally takes place. 0"-i - 'li't l'!i'.i'"i't. A r-Klig:oi-! el,',.:!. wa f front th' A'',;"r' St cfritr. of Junr "JH. raided in the ranks of a certain party, souie twelve; I MJ.STivCCTl VR FiRR ni"!ithsno, by the passage ot" what they called th" "Test j We !mve to perform the implensunt duty f re (Ja'Ji" by the Legislature of South Carolina. I ";nn i eon'mg one c.f tlie most extensive fires that wo ever this sulject a Mississippi editor relates- a very amusing ; w ttnesul in this town, which took place on Tn s sery of a man who recently vis-ted his otlice. Arter J day lust. It originated in the bnil ling occupied ;is seating himself, and rnKlerating his steam a little, he ! :i dwelling lious and store by Mr. NVoitliingtoii, on coriimencel abusing SoufhCandina. and the ".l.iZfiVr-v," j Jbe West sile of Craveu-treet. and was not disco in real Jackson st!e; ha declared that they were no-! vered till ulwuit two VlK-k A. ?L, when the llu.ic thing but a band of t ories and traitors; that the Test ! h:ul burst through the roof, ami made such pro Oath was an outr i-e upon tho rights of the citiens so' Mow that it was iMi,.,ssi!,le to save either great, that he thou-ht those wh.. passed it ou-ht all to bo i ,lu ,u,,,0 or ,,s contents. Lvery eilort was ,ade hung, :.nd St., p. friend," said the edit..r, "let us get j b' Uti " cor.ime the tire tMr. W o, tiling this obnoxious act. and see what, we can make of it." tOU s V"- h"1 nn-t K ctiiahy. n a very siio, t r. , , ., . , , . . j tune, the ailioitung hMH'.iiogs, oil lotli sides, vveie m J he editor tli-n got a volume exutamm"- the ( onsti-' , , ' .7 , , . . . , w. , - . , . . ' il.iiii''s, and not w ithstaaiiioj the Uiieeasmg eei tioas tutioiis (,t si' vera I Elates, an-i turned to that of (tt-orucm ' ' , t- - . .. , .,, . , .. ... ot ie;nl- our wljoje ti'clivo i k tptthtt ion. we ha ! now, s-avs tlie editor, I wiil read the Carolina " lest , ' ',- , . - the inortilieatioii of seeing h nise aner liou-e disao- Oath winch you so m:,c!i dread; and,just to try lum. j m the ,esfruefive element was ana-ted, . readofl the Co ,! ut ,o,t ,f ;-or. W hen he tinished, , t Vave-stieet, bv the Merchants' Bank, and o V d the fellow rav.sl like a mad-man the p-rson whocould j I,K-k--t rt-vt, bv Mi. Priinro.'s tluee-storv biiek take tint .-itli he w,s certain must be derang.tl. The j ,,,i.iz. T,,o loss is XOrv great, not li'ss tlian ed.tor then turned to the South Carolina Constitution, ; A-J.-,jMlO; and we are s-rrvto learn that many of and read it off, "Test Oath" and all naming it the t . suilorers bad not insured their pmjH'rty. (liorubi, instead of the Sunlt Carolina Constitution, j (.'rcat loss was sustained bv the hasty removal of When he got through, the mm expressed his entire a- ! goods and furniture from the stores and warehouses proval of tiiis very "Test Kth,'" which he had just a itimute. U fire 4 violently abusetl. The editor bust in to a torrent of laughter, and explained the hoax to the discomtitted politician, who made his escape without even a nod to the editor. Now, we would wager the veracity of White man against that of ten Van Ba ron men, that tli.s "Test Oath" ie-ro goes the "entire sicine" lir Van Baron, Johnsoi. and his amity folks. Ciitrivvv, (S. C.) June CO, 1SVJ. To the F.ililors of the Wtsltrn Carolinian : Dkk Sins: Toe LMitor of the Camden Journal ha- ving reiterated the assertion made by you, "that Cam- ueii usually aliords as go.d or b Iter prices tor produce man any othir market In skUwU our tanners trade," and, at the same tune, having respect tullv called on me for , , .... . me proof of the assertion made bv mo, "that (If ram ,rasa b,ttr market bv to A ri ,it per pound, I here- ! with send you a list of prices pail ia Cheraw tbr Cot- ' ton, at various dates, from the beginning to the end of i last business se.isn. You will observe these dates and i prices aie taken promiscuously, so ns to show, as re -:;r ! as ih.ssd.ie, the prices throughout the season. I should ' send mop-, but I am under the impression what I have ,, , J , , sent vv ill at or 1 the l.litorot the Journal a tair chance to e.tiblsh the cnirectness or incorrectnt s of the' statement made by me, with regard to p-ices. i I am so unfortunate as not to lo able to get a file of the Cuu leu Journal. irs by that papr I .,p,, ud j Ai-'' "',,''; ' ( '" f '";'rk"-. ,H,,.t i nones ttte L litor of tue Journal will publisli t ieir prices i .;, i r j ; i i I ... ' . at thesnnie p riixls vii:-h I have ours, tue matter at issue i wdl the,, be settled. lie appeirs d.-sirioi.s of having ! the tnitu; and if si.cli is really his wish, (which I am f not dise I to ioubt,) he will at one- publish the Cjiui-! den prices, which will bo conclusive either tr or aga inst : ( heraw. ! If any one doubts the correctness of this list, I hold j in v self f h mi i id to wubltsh the names of the seller and pur- j baser; an I shall, if I think .roper, require the same j fours- from the I'ditor of the Journal. i I hav no desire tor a n sti;wr cotitrover-v ; but J such an error as you made, in your remarks relative to i markets, could not tliink of let.uig pass nun. t i. e, ; and that it was :ii error, will fudy ap,ar, iftiie Lh;ir of the Journal wdl publish the.r prices at the sane. pe- riot Cuttop sold in Cheraw on October 7, 1-31, at 1" Do. do. Noveui. 7. " Do. do. " 2", " 10 Do. do. Deem. I, " IO- I . do. " 2'i. " IO' Do. do. Jiti.'y 1 at l'i' D. ilo. F b." 23, " 10 D.. do. March 31, " 17? Do. !. A;-ril 3. " 17 D.. do. " H, l- D. do. yiiy 22, " Pit Do. do. " " 2 . " 20 I have said, our prices are letter than those of Cam den fir Cott.iii. If the editor of the Journal wishes it, I have no o!MecV n to go into a couinaris. n of the two market - m !.e f .Mowing subj.-cts, viz: The pric es at whiidi (Io-Is at . sold; Rates of Freight on our river; The expenses of receiving a ud forwarding (loods; Ad varices made on Cotton or other produce left tbr sale or '"I"1 ' - ' ". A COTTON BUYI'di r CIIKRAW. From ('. i nr. Our last letter from Messrs. LaCosfe &. Mt Ray, at Cheraw, says: "We quote cotton at 17 a 20 none coming to in irket ; Flour, (country) -7 ."0, northern, a xO ; Bacon, 0 a 10." From the U.ileih iictzister, of Jane 30. STATF CONVENTION. On Monday last, it was determined, by a vote of K4 to 40, that in all future election of officers hy the (Jeiieral Assembly, the members shall vote rra rtwe. On Thursday, the Convention decided that bien nial Klections for Members of the Legislature, shall hereafter le la M, by a vote of i-o to 3o. It was stated, however, in the discussion which took place; on this ipr'stion, that this arrangement would not necessarily put an end ti annual sessions. The Constitution as it now stands, gives to the Legisla ture the (tower of "adjourning to any future clay." The (ieneral Assembly is not divested of this low er by the adoption of this provision, hilt can, as heretofore, adjourn for a less interval than two ears, if tin? public convenience requires, or the Kople so will it. O.i Thursday, the Convention determined, bv a vote of 73 to .")!, toal dish Ii irough Representation entirely. The majority was much larger than could have lieen ejMcted, from previous indications. The deRite on this question was highly interesting, and when published, will richly repay those who read it. Rut the dehafe which, in interest, has fir si i passed all others, is that which is now in progress on the "Catholic question," as it is termed; that is, whe ther the Religious Test now existing in our Con stitution -hall bo modified or obliterated, or whether it shall remain untouched. This deliate commenced on Friday, and had not terminated yesterday, when our paper was put to Press. Yiat tronltl ire hare done The last Stand ard leg.ins a paragraph with this interrogatory 44 Wh it will he do ?" meaning to ak whether .Mr. Senator Mangurn, in compliance with the polite in vitation of 44 the party" at the lat Session of our Legislature, intends to resign or not ? We are not authorized to speak for the honorable Senator, and therefore can ou'y answer the question of the Edi tor of the Standard by asking him another a Yankee mode of dotng business, w ith which we pre sume he is lerfoctly acquainted. Taking it tor granted that tbe relation he occupies to Mr. Sena tor Rrown is of a much more confidential charac ter than we can boast of with Mr. .Mangum, we wish to know, what he (.Mr. Rrown) would have done, if he had leen in Mr. Mangum's situation? Would lit havo resigned! We pause for a reply. j of those in the iciiutv of the fire. We have never seen a lire progress more rapidly and destructively, or one which so long resisted so active u controlling jKtwer. ''Ac Wheat Crop?. The -Wheat Crop in this section of the country has improved considerably; ! wo have received the same 'om1 tidings' from tlier sections; and, although the crop may ie ileii cieot in comparison with other years, yet it is ie lieyed it will tiir exceed our eiectations. We ! have a fine prospect for corn, and an abundant oats I crop. j Accounts from Virginia state, that the prospect 0flh. Wheat cropfs Verv unfavorable, and is , ... ,r - n i . c i doubtful whether a su Iiejencv will be made tor do v , - . . . . "',,S,M" " h '" hnro of Maryland, it ls to,K! certain that halt a crop cannot be real- ized; but on the western shore the crop is god, and promises a lair average. The accounts from Pennsylvania, Ohio. ew JPrv.,.v, H; DdavMire, as we'll ns limited accounts V - i o v . , from New York, are verv flattering. Sjltm Iej. . Appropriate. Mr. Van IJuren has been faco- tioiislv dubbed the " S!ipory Kim candidate." . think this the most appropriate designation we have met with. Van Ibiren's resemblance to this . i i i . i c i r i s ipperv p'anf, atid .lohasop s hafreif of Indians and . ' 1 ' . , ,uVO t,,r tl"' sab!o daughters d Africa, must pn.ve irresi-tiide so the " lute" p;,rty had IVst give up the contest, unless the Judge liecomes more slick " than the Kim, or can pr ve that lie i not evai-llv W hite lie li:is Im'o thou rtit to he. (Krfor1 Fxa miner. Altar of Hymen. ' I. t.l thr nup'inl ritr-Miii hriela. I In h :.- ..r -. l-n ' V.ii.Mir I... l.i i. it l:mji ill lirM, ii.l nr hi tur; k ttnir." CNITLD IN WLDLOCK, In Wilkeslxiroii'di. on t!ie 2oth ultiino, by John Fin b v, iUi, IlKt.JAMKS CALLOWAY to" Miss MA RY LOUISA CAUMICHAKL. eldest daugh'er of '('apt. Abner Carmicha. 1, all of Wd kesl-reugh, N. C. j In Salem, on the 2o'h ultimo, by th Rev. Jo!in C. P. cider, Mr. JOHN V. VOtiLKR. of Lmcolntoa, to Miss MARIA LOCISA RK1CII, of Salem. N. ('. Ia Stokes county, on the 2-th ultimo, bv the Rev. H. Tatum. Doct. WILLIAM WfTHF.RS to Miss ANN AMANDA, daughter of (Jeorge Brooks, Ksajuire. ! In the vicinity of Liticoluton, N. Carolina, on the i I-tli iiliimo, bv "the Rev. .Mr. Miller, Mr. MILKS W. I AliKRNATllY to Miss ANN HOKR. In David .son County, on the 1 1th ultimo, bv the Rev. Joseph Pickb r, Mr. FRANKLIN W. HADLN to Miss 1RRNA M1LLKR, daughter of Thomas Miller. In More-anton, on the 1-th ult.. bv the Rev. Mr. Mc CutcheotirMr. WILLIAM C. FdlWIN, Merchant to Miss MARTHA M. WALTON, daughter of Ttiomus i .- i. " ' . .. ., f, o i ., oi ,..o: i... Ill I in soi i ii 1 1 1 , mi eiiniiiit, it 1 1 oik io in; Rev. Josiah Wiseman, Mr. JOHN HOWERTON to Miss RACHLU daughter of Boyd McCrery, Esq. That wretch who has the mother beat That brought him into life, No doubt the woman will mal-treat Who beeo-ees his lov ing wife. Commvnrd. Clock and Watch-Maker, .ii:wki.i.i:u, AND SIIA'EK-SJIITII, "IRAKI'S this method of informing his Friends - and the Public generally, that he still con tinues to carry on the Watch Making and Jewellery Business at his old stand, on Main Street, one door above the Store ot Sand. Lemly S: Son, and takes this opportunity of expressing his gratitude to the public for the patronage which has been bestowed on him ; and hopes that a more sedulous attention to his business will not fail to elicit a share of the patronage of the people, as heretofore To make his establishment still more deserving of it, he has just received from the North, where was selected by a gentleman of taste and experience, a very ex tensive and superior assortment of V mm m SmiW AND CONSISTING IN PART OF Silver double cased and double liottomod Lever, Plain, and Hunting Watches: Gold, Silver, Plated, Bead, Silk, and Ribbon Guard Chains; Gold Key s and Seals ; Gold, Plated, and other Guard Keys, i Splendid setts of Topaz, Aquamarine, Agate, Swiss Painting, Cameo, Ceral, Cornelian, and Jet Lar Rings and Breast Pins; a variety of Breast Pins and Finger Rings; Gold Filagree and other Snaps, Catches, Bead Bags; Coral Beads; Silver Thim bles ; Gold, Silver, and Shell Links, and Collar Buttons; a fine assortment of Studs ; Music Boxes; Silver Plated and Bead Purses, Silver Spoons, j Silver and Steel Spectacles, white and green; Scis ! sors ; Ever pointed Pencil Cases and Leads ; Silver Tooth Picks and Tweezers ; Gentlemen s Pocket and Dirk Knives; Ladies Silver Fruit do.; Silver Butter do ; Silver, and Silver plaited Scabbard Dirks; Damascus best Wire Twist and brass barrel pocket Pistols ; and a great variety of other Fancy Goods. Watches and Clocks repaired with neatness, accuracy, and dispatch ; warranted to perform, and every endeavor made to give satisfaction Casr paid for old Gold and Silver. t f Salisbury, May 23, 1835. JmiiiiirniniiiinQiiiiSinwi ! 1 CT,r.RI; W.VXTEI). N1' that is industrious ami attentive to busi " isess, and can come well recommended. For further particulars, apply at THIS OFFICE. July 4, l-:io. t f FORTUNE'S home:: XOR'riI ( VKOIJXA STATE For the i. itefit of the SAL1SHFRY ACADEMY M-:VF.NTH CLASS FOR ly. rS hv 4av it a I JSorjfaiiton, IV. C, (hi Wtthustlay, the '2ith Jnly, 135, ON THR POPULAR Tcrmina ling Figure Sjstem. fci:v;;NM,. ov points, .aianaciers. 1 Prize of 0,000 DOLLARS is 80,000 1 " of" :),OOQ DOLLARS is 8,000 10 " of 1,000 DOLLARS is 10,000 10 " of 5(H) DOLLARS is 5,000 10 " of 400 DOLLARS is 4,000 HI " of 300 DOLLARS is -3,om 10 " of 200 DOLLARS is 2,000 100 " of 1(H) DOLLARS is 10,000 100 " d 5() DOLLARS is 5,t00 116 " of lU) DOLLARS is 3,4 0 201 " of l0 DOLLARS is 4,020 300 " of lo DOLLARS is 4,"00 ,0d0 " d" 10 DOLLARS is 00,000 0.000 " of 0 DOLLARS is 3(5,(KJO 0,000 " of 4 DOLLARS is 24,000 t ?,!iO Prizes, amounting to $1 GO A Package id' 10 Whole Tickets will cost 840 00 And must draw nett 17 00 823 00 A certificate for a Package of IO Whole tickets will I? - - - - 623 00 For 10 Half tickers, - - - 1 i f0 For 10 Quarter tickets, - 5 75 QF All Orders from a distance, by mail (post paid) or bv private conveyance-, end. .sing the cash or prize-tickets in our previous Lotteries, will re ceive the most prompt attention, if" addressed to .1 AMI'S I. LONt;, Salisbury, N. C. : and nn ac count of the drawing wiil be forward, d immediate ly after its event. CciT" All prizes pavable in ea-h. Forty days; after the drawing, subject to a deduction of f fticn per cent. Whole Tickets, - - - 8-1 00 Halves, .... 2 0O Quarters, - - - - 1 OO To In had, in the greatest variety of irimU'ts, rt JAMKS I. LONC'S Oilku-. (Corner of Mansion Hotel,) SALISLI UY, X. C July 4, l-3o. td I " CJj:iBaiSJ ?VaJV respectfully informs his I'ii, ;oi(l the I'ifldie : I l:i rue llint lie sti!! continues to cfirrv on tlie Tailoring Business in all its various branches, in the Town of Salisbury , on Main-street, a few doors Last of the Courthouse, adjoining the Storehouse of Win. Murphy, wle re he is prepared to make all kinds cd' Clothing in a very superior sty le in the most fashionable sty le, and warranted to fit well, and on very moderate terms, at short notice. All Orders from a dis tance will be most f'aithfuliv attended to according to order. Produce will be received in payment for work. I. F. Being Agent for some of the most Fashionable Tailors of New York and Piiilaiielphia, he would take a pleasure in teaching, or giving instruction to any Tailors wishing instruction in the art of Cutting: and any one wishing the New York ami Philadelphia Fashions, can receive them by gi ving timely notice to Benjamin Fraley, Salisbury, N. C. Letters postage paid. Salisbury, June 13, l5J3o. t f- VILK12Slltiia' ACIDEjIY. riMIK Public are informed that the WILKES-- BOROUGH ACADEMY is entrusted to the care of Mr. Roland Jones, whose qualifications as a Teacher of the English, Latin, and Greek Lan guages, and whose moral worth are attested by the most satisfactory testimonials. The salubrious situation of the place, the cheap ness and excellence of Boarding, and the capaci ty ami qualifications of the Teacher, we hope will induce a lilieral patronage to this establishment. The First Year of this institution will com mence on the '-2nd Alonday (13M) of April. Terms of Tuition : 'Orthography, Reading, and Writing pr. year, 810. I lie Sciences, . . . . . L". Latin and Greek, including the above II. BROU N, A. CA R.MICHAEL, JOHN FIN LEY, J. V ANNOY, j Trustees. M. CHEATHAM, J. R. DODGE, A. MITCHELL, A;rd 4, I - 3."i. 3m rrHAT, in three months from the date hereof, applici.iiou will be made to the President and Directois of the State I 'auk of North-Carolina, for the renewal of Certificates for three Shares of Stock in the said Bank, in the name of Eliza Conner, (now Eliza Simonton ;) said Certifi cates having been lost or mislaid. WM. S. SIMONTON. Catawba Springs, Aprd l!-3, I3o. 3 m Ten Cents lie ward. I IAN AWAY from the Subscriber, on the ofh r f 1 tii'll I - wt - Hi tiai. tf I 'it.r. mf ivo lii - I tta name of ROWLAND J. HILTON, about six teen years of age. All persons are hereby for warned from employing said boy, under tbe pe nalty of the law. The above reward will be gi ven for his delivery at my residence, but no ex pen ses paid. " LEVIN WARD. Rowan County, June 20, 1S3". p3

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