.S3 Recess "micii virr REMUNS OSlM'. L:EXSilJL.E FLIGHT OF TiAilL BY MOXTtiOMl'Ii Y. This shadow on the dial's fice, Tn it steals fro.n d ,y to tl. y. Willi slov, unseen, unceasing ace, MuiUc-ntb, aihl moatns, and years away, Tins .siiadow wineti, m every clrne, S.nce light uiivi motion first bojin, llatn held lis course sin-lime; Wnit is it? mortal nun! It is tin; scythe of tune: A snadow only to the eye; Vet, in its calm career. It levels all lo:ieatii the sky ; Ami still, through eacii succeeding year, Ki-ut onward witn resistless power, lts struke shall darken every Jiour, Till inture's race be run, And ti. ne's iat shadow shall eclifte the sun. Xor only o'er the dial's lace. Tins client tiiant.;tii, u.iV by I'a.V, Witn slow, iiii-oen, tmcea.-uig pace. Steals in niieiits, i.ioutn-, una years away; Fro:ii hoary took, and aged tree, Froni pr'.ud Palmyra's uioul.iering wails, From IVnentie ti.'.vernii,' -r ibcM-a, i'ro.u every blaue oi grus it lads; For st.il where'er a s.iatiow sweeps, Tue scvtne of Tune destroys, And in in at every fooUtcp .veeps O'er ovaiiesc-nt joys ; L;f -.s ll v'rets gl:tt ."rnig wilh tlu dews of morn, Fair for a moment, then tb;'ver shorn: Ah! soon beneath the inevitable blo.v, I loo snail he in dust and darkues low. Th ii Time, the conqueror, will suspend H:s scyt.ie, a tropny, on my to ub, Wh js moving s.rUow -tin 'I jrteu.l Eirtn's frail beholder's doom. OVr the wide, earth's din minted spare, rhough tuna's triumphant rhgit be shown Tie !ru -st. index on his tc-, Points fro 11 tne cii ire-i-v ird strr.e. i'rottl the Aitti musimic Ad tttrutt. SIMIUTS IX Till: HAY am. IIARYFST FIELDS. Mowing is heavy work and so is pitching hay, and picking it away in a cl -e barn with the ther iiii ....f-o r nt sii thii'.i- but Ii"ht work. Reap- III' 'iiiv v - y ..... ing and cradling grain is, if any thing, a little i ouuher still. If ever a man has need of spirits, to c irrv him forward in any undertaking, he cer tainly h is in this. He is up at early dawn, and tons with little intermission not ' from six to sax, ' bat holds on until twilight gray. Has in her sober livery all tlunjs cl id." IF; labors hard during the fourteen or fifteen Murs ;,inl he has need of spirits without, he wo-1 1.1 be stowed away under a hedge, or, as we used to siv in bve-gone times, bushed," before mid day. it is a fact, p: tin a i l palpable, and we plant it do . fi as a fact, without further prologue or argu ment that every man, woman, and child, that la bors all day in lhe hay or harvest fieid, has need of spirits. W il what sort of spirits does he need ? We shall answer this question 1st, negative and rJnd, po sitively. 1. ile doe not need that any new kind of spi rits should le created f.r lain, or made by him. The Creator prouoiiuc-d all things g-W, and yet he made no alcoholic stimuli. Such spirits, then, are either not goxl, or the w isdom of m m has ail tit:! a g.M.d thing to the ptrfert w orks of the Cre ator! ! Tue labors of the field were carried for ward, fr in my centuries, before grand-father No all, like too many professed friends of temperance in t'nii d 'generate age, took a little too much w ine ;nd a much longer time U-fore the discovery of the pr -cess of making alcoholic lupiors. Anient spi rit contains no nourishment not a partich "no more," savs a nervous writer, "than a llah of lightning." It is, then, of no use in the harvest fieil. He does not need the spirits contained in wine, ha;d cider, orfer, al", Vc. Tin se are no more nuiricious than ardent spirits. True, they do n t " . 'h-e drunk route " just as soon hut they do just a-i llectu.iHv , if persevered in. Hard cider makes v:', and beer and porter makes stupid, much s .oner than any man can all'rd to take leave of his ,-enses or his energies. Ail the spirits aluve alluded to are eril sdrits an I while men u -e their scythes, and sickles, ani cradles, to gather in their crops, the Dtril m i'ves im- .if the jug of bran 'y, gai, whiskey, wine, -i ! t, v.Ve., to m w d ovn hir harvest, that he may hi .i 1 them in bundles for that "day that shall burn ;.s an oven.' 'J.id. Wr sav, then, poxitir'ly that the kind of .v.'e" .-'., th it are necessary m t oe hay and harvest ii ! I, are -iu.p'v 1, the ,itimal spirits with which man is e.;d wv-d by natun-: and 'Z, u spirit of gra titti le and thaokf jlness !r the plenteous havest with which a b iiintifui Providence has favored bin. To siv tii it in in has not a quantum xuj' 'of ani- in :i spirits, i to sav that he is mi. ri r to the brute 4-rejtiou. Wiiv dout tiie lovers of whiskey give a btle to their horses and oxen, to brace up tin ir li-M ves, and assist them ia h.iuluiig home the hay an I grain ! The spirit of gratitude ought to bo a sufficient stimulus in securing the fruits of the earth. Look e!'oad Uou that enlai.t meadow that b'aufiful ti I 1 of clover and timothy behold the waving jrrihi the fields whiting to the harvest are they ns? !5y wiiat power or art b;cauie they yours? 'Fine, vou turned up the soil and scattered the seed but did vou bring down the genial showers, or th earlv dew? Who caused the vernal sun to shine uoii the swelling seeds, to invigorate the tender plants, and rien all your crops ? Think of the blessings you receive if the absence of all claim Uhmi the Donor think of the jM.wers you possess, and your accountability to preserve them in health and vigor and you will have .spirits suf ficient to support you amidst tlu severest toil. Vom the (Hfors'm Canslittnionulixt. THK SABBATH BL'LL To me, there is something exquisitely sweet and lifviug in the notes of the Sabbath Roll; and I often think, and irid-ed feel, that I hear letter mu sic and letter preaching while walking to church, . w ii i ii a ii than while there, in an places, at an nines, aim in till seasons, I tak mhnite dchglit in liearing it ; , I tako infinite delight in hearing it ; a place where the solemn stillness of an 1 when in the Sahkith morning is ii"t wakened into lively, Mire, and relieving reff -cliou by this sacred music, I leel as it 1 hail lost a ilea r a liosoni IreMitl. j .'Int. .1. Ah ! we!-n-tmy ! Ami especially at the present season, when nature j Dr. It. Ar-piisitirentss strong, too! is arrayed in her fre-hest and finest rolios whenj Mrs. A. Ay, ay what's that ? all her t are is rising (,p and all her energies are i Dr. It. Why, it means a de-ire to possess, exerted to give beauty and n i fVtio.i to the work which, in a ly, probably shows itselt in a love oi assigned her, the' liell has a double off ct iiHn my ; marhles, and apples, without leing very scrupulous mind. It carries me away to childhtMid's earliest jas to the means by which they are acquired, scenes, when 1 tirt rejoiced in its ehoeiing melo- Mrs. A. (! it's a wonderful art! See, il dies; and from the dim coufu-ioii of the pa.-t rolls j bam. how the doctor finds you out! es, he h ick again tli t current of tender emotions, v . hieh, take sh itu to sav it stole all the apples otf our '- i i . i i . . . i . i ..i.t- ! . in eariy years m in..: ii.-u.. o. .w , love to all iHii.-atli, arouu.l, and above me. And ! in this case it is elili:i both in a relii "is and p ii!o. iphica! s i ...j .,w. ni.n it ' t-aches me the seusatins that children, trained curnintion that urrounds the,,, ; co.,-eMuet!tlv, t!e-v are not capable ut couvertiiig into impuriTV in-u which is pure; and, as far as they do compr'h'-?id, -ee nothing but gofwiness and love. They indeed have an idea of jxiwer, hut for them that power ex ists only to protect and bless. Crime, injustice, and crueliv. have not vet ivt rifled their feelings and at such limes as their atl'ctioos ate evrciod ' on subii'cts of devotion, churitv. or love, the hart 1 of no ceature oneai ih is more di interested, w arm, ai.d tender. I see in them r liiioiis purity, without uile or (!isiuiii!atio.i ; th-v have no double mean ing, but act out their thoughts in the eye of heaven and earth. The recolh-ction of childish religion is In-nerlcial in a philosophical cne, bv teaching the impres sions the young mind mo-t readily receives and lastingly retain-. For mv- lf, there is nothing lb it has transpired, for the l it fifteen ears which I m re di.stiuctlv rememb-r than the iirst lesson:; of piety I learned of my mother P.ut this is not all the i:i!luence the SabliJith-lH-U exerts on me; it not only brings the p isf to mind, but inclines me to beautify the pre-ent, bv devotiu" mv whole time to useful aetin -r and thinking. When its sounds firM greet mv ear, I alwavs think that mv lite is shortened one wceK, since I i i-i t heard its hallowed iwal. Then I ask myself, what ; ... i testimony that week has carried to eternity lor ine:j and if. uioii review her mv actions, dav bv day. I find that I have left any duty undone, I feel that there is one blank in mv life which I never can fill; for I do not burthen to-dav with the duties ofj yesterday. To every poition of my time I allot some particular employ ment ; a-id if I tail to fulfil mv eu"a'remeuts w itlia single lion r, I never ex pect that tlie next will lie long enough lor its own business and that of the past too. I am not of the opinion that to morrow's duties are lessened be cause I have done much to-day, or augmented lo calise I have done little; for time carries all things with it, sparing neither duties or those who should wrtorm them. And while the Sabbath-bell is bringing the past to mv view, it never do"s me the u ikindncss to neg lect th" liiture. It tells me that if I will improve tlie present, and judge of the futur? by the past, I shall lav up for coming time, if not nil the luxuries and comforts of lite, the greatest of all its luxuiies ami comforts a well regulated ami contented mind. Hut it des not stop here, it points forward to mother world more pure and bright than this; and fn Is me couspier this one iav et sevtrn, the n'in- - t . b! i'o- it convenes, and its own soft and sacred inn- ! ic, as but taint hieroglyphics of that dav and - j seniblage, and celestial song, when the happiness man seeks on earth shall be found in heaven. A PIIRF..OLO;iSTS STITHY. Casts, Jto.res, and Skulls arranged around the roo'n. I!t. rmI, tlKS. ITKIXS, AM) II i r.i. Dr. irain. Well, mv god Airs. Atkins, I see that you have brought your son to Ik- examined. .Mrs. .Khins. l es, sir, u vn win n.ne in .... . , 4.1- t I- ' that trouble, Airs. .tkin. Our discoveries are, , , irl rl tni 1 1'. 11 - to tl.tit l..liit ol urv 1 1 itr nut I .11 hi- - ii;g the natural indications. AIv friend, Air. How 1 . stofi, I thick, sent vou to me? Airs. A. Yes, sir; he toll me that bv lookini at tin; Imiv's skull take off your hat, William and feeling the humps Dr. Ii. Organs, mv gofwl madam! Call them org ms. Mrs. A. I log your pardon, sir, I will. Air. H. said, that feeling his huir. organs, I unn you would ; able to tc!i me what to do with him. I should like to bring him up to the grocery line, like his fit!ier, and fake him into business at a iro. kt time; but the boy, it seems, has read a f dish book called itobinson Crusoe, and is wild to go to sen. Why don't y oil take off your hat, William, and h t tie doctor look at your bu orans ? He won't hurt you, child. For all he bold and full of tricks, the boy is as sh.ime-taced Ix-fbte com;:i..y as his sister. H !d yourself up William. Dr. It. How o' is the ouug gentleman .' Mrs. A. Twelve, come next Micha hnas. Ib-'s but a shrimp of a thing, in spit'- of his great spirit too puny by half for a boy. Fanny and he are so inucii niiKo ui.ii u u were net mr im ir cl .tm;s we should not know t!c:n asunder. Rut I suppose, ' doctor, that's only their face ? I take it their bum I f'g pardon organs are ipiite different .' j Dr. It. Fndoubtc.iiv . mv 'M.d Mrs. Aikins:! 1. !:!.- .. . -i ... nmerence ot sev is :i ii'n. ... o . . .... n ..r ,-.. .. . - . . . . .... . . cully. 'Fhe perceptive organs, for instance, are usually more develoxl in women; the reffoctive org.oi in man This is quite a Imv's forehead. me, sir, ici me icei : 1 su ill do you : i ... i- it r no harm. The doctor feds of tlie the child's head M rs. Atkins walks about the room, l.mking at the casts, and talking to herself. J large tli. tlricti rents a prodigious combat in nrss ! firmness strongly develojK'd adhtsirentsssuidW. ' Really, .Mrs. At kins, this hoy- is the most strikiii" instant e of the truth of our science tliat I over met with in the .-w..l Jiwtonti.irw. wli.isi' 1 i i IK-lit iirinii midor uri.-M-r .roveriiuieiit. and will 1 the departure ot the tollow nij Uies, viz : 1 he Urea t to make it pleasant. .. i -i.. . i .. i :.i i ....!..! ti,;,!,.,,., ... .. 7i...;r.. t..'r 1 r.tlt liios ...ml f laily Line to Ulakely, Xorth-Carelina, iKissing through , arranged for the mm.sareear.XH.- nou.M .. .o.u , ............. . - j I.ufsb.ir-, Warrenton, and llaldax; at .the latter place sinMe .arsons, either as works, a love t the.r parents and all they see, are ,nn,s!, argosies ou mut send n to sea a comiuuu;CdUs wi h lhe lorts,nouth Clea and well ai .... i,. ..v..,..-;,.. I .r ; r U :in :iui sir mri !. 1. Mi' we -a-i iv 1 Sut doctor how is , T, , . ., at r. Liean dim wtu-.ii i. ' - t - . - ! i.:t ii-iKKi.i ior .orioiK: d coiuinumtr on to liiaKiey, - . r I.- ... .......l- .l I ..... . ... t .;..o. v. ol. the nn.nl it voo e:o. trdl th..e tli n-r ? ...... .1... l iT.i ' '"S servants, well fu mi i ii nun ii. viiiii ii! i tia.itvi . - - - - - -, . . ... i kiita .-ii mt: i i n - riri uin il.iii-ili'iKI . iinii tin -rootless. Childrei, are a .Meat pleasure but f he,, lM,t v ; '" wcUr I, ami e.gnt watches f ul hue the tirt ot September, they will be r tfered rhey are great care, and" a widow, esoi-eiallv a "' Toy we.e l it.! upor, the floor tor rent or lease. AL S. W. HAYES, lone woman, cannot help teeliag anxious ab.uf f. '' sagaciously- seb-cted Ins Charloite, June 27, JSia. p6 ting them out in life. To be sUP. I hue o,,!v ! ,,,:"t,,r S WilU'U f"m th" f' 1 ""U,:lU ol ""l e mv twins, a girl and this bov ,.t still it is a , at "u ""r on ,!"; 1 "' V pn od "iporiSillt Of E-ahlOll. tr uble. One does not know what -is fitte.sl for to IM a r.otonons oJlend.-r arid w;,s se,,tenc;d to five ;;i them rxKir t! i-i-rs ' ixeai.s impi i-onaiei.t bv tlie Paris I ribunul. : 4 V . !i iIrs. S. D. Pendleton, nl it iM.".'.t.... !.,. .. ;m ....... ! ig'&tJ' .ISl.IilXF.tt thousands that I have examine 1. I never -aw the.liont all the rest. propensities so strongly indicated. Let him go to sea by all means is indeed, it would be of no use ifj to keep him at bona-: with such a : you were to try firmness and nensitireness he would certainly tun it "i i . . away. iesiuo-, it wou. he thousand nitn-s. Here are all the organs that make a great warrior a t superb distinctiveness a finer combat'tcenns than Lord Nelson! I should like to have u cast of the! ,..v. : i . - i . I . 1. . ,. ... . . .. v- . . ,..;-,. v-..r, .u. - r Ikmtv in (ho irarden ,.r him. I can trust bis sis. , ti r aiy where, she's such a good Ml httle quiet thin- j i...t Jli-.... I . ... . . ' Dr. It. Never fear, Mr.. Atkins it's an ex- : Dr. ?. Whv, J.k here, mv irood madam, do vou see that projection on the side of jut here, Mr. Atkins; 'here my I.idv. If I hid a no- f her child I could show vou in ii moment what I mean. Mrs. A. Run and fetch your sifter, William. Dr. B. Av, then I can explain the ditieren.-e I'll venture to sav tlr;re is not such a combative ness whv don't vou iro for your sister, n.y little j man, as your mamma bids ou V Mrs. A. Why do vou stand there like a sim- ! pleton ? Oo f .r 1'annv, this monu-uf! t Child Prav mama, don t be airrrv, I am ran- MV. ' Mr?. Wilh im' ,!.(), dear! dear me ! this is one of unluekv tricks! (Jot out of my sight vou r,M.d-t!r-!iothi'i hussy. What will the doctor sav, to t' made such a toot of ? Dr. Ii. Make a fool of me! Mrs. Atkins, I should like to see the eroii that could do that. It i not all the tricks ot men, women, -mid children tliat can put down Phrenology. l.ut I ive you , I warning, mv g.n.d in id un, that whatever trouble ; 'vou m:.y liave with v-nr son, vou will have more j i Mb v-'nr dau.ihier. I w as never mistaken in mv Iif. and there :,. organs in that little noddle fit to 'ii.. ..l i- t .... i I T . ir'iong io a .i"au m vie. o.-u kins. She'll f.,iow lhe drum, I tell yon or go to sen. IJimmI morning madam! Alake a fool of me .indeed. A Ca'd'ie I'-dire (itfirrr. The f . llowing extra- onbnary m-tanc;- of sagacity, was the subject ot j much conver-ati n at Pari-, during the last sum. mT : :"!de,,nn. followed by his l(,g. wetit to x auxhail : the gf-o learmes at lhe u-kit reiuseu to ai low the dog to f llow his master. Some hsoute eisn . and the othVr enme up. lie f Mind th" visiter pleading; with all his e!orpienee, lor jiermissjon to lx? atfertded bv his old faithful friend. "All I can do," said the othVer, " is to take care .f our dog till vou Invi' this place; you will find him sat" on your return." The gentleman ?e luetandv left his d-g, and entered among tie- gay coneviuv. Pickpockets are as dexterous in Paris as in Loudon, and h was rohlied of his watch. He went out and conmlained to the officer. " I have hm rebhed,' said he, "and he misfortune was oc casioned v your refusal to let mv dog follow me. Had the dog b 'en with me, my property would commodious T A V K K X which he occupies, si have I -n safe.' The nlficer ordered the police to tuated in the Town of Charloite, Xorth Candiua, make search tor the depre 'ator, but the tverson who tiuee doors west ,,f the (Courthouse. This esfah had l-en robin -d said he had not the least doubt li-huient has all the necessary conveniences for his dog w-.uM able to detect the thief. I 'he of. ficer was j:t re hiloiis upon tliat M.int, but jwrmit- ted th" dog to oo with his master. The animal da-he among the company, and fel- : poses ot a Tavern, this House atlords many ad lowed a d indv. whoso ;,ir ai,d apjva rauce entitled . vantages from its situation. The v iilage of Char him at least to the respct due to a Duke. The lotfe is generaily healthy, and its condition ll-ai-gentleman who h id lost his watch pointed out the rishing. It is situated in a po- ulous and wealthy person to the Police. "It is impossible that that community, and is tlie thorough-fare of the tra ejeg.mt young in in could commit the crime' said veiling from the Xorth and Lastern sections of the gen'.'earnie; " I am certain my dog is not mis- the Tntou to the South and South -west. Having taken,"' replied the owner of the watch, "ho has determined to remove, the premises will be atibrd Itrace.l the proMMMy." The Police arrested the ed at very liberal terms. if they are not sold be- lil I III I IHPII.IIMill. ... , . . c .1 .1 I he Monthly Alaga.ine, m itsn-.tes for the month ... 1 kl'I'IO' !. kP III I 'iO Iii'i 'tir ci.lnf. o afT noticin" some o tne womlers whicfi are -on-ta!:tlv ntaib-d in fhe daily pajiers, and especi ally that of a drover who fell asleep by the sid4 of a lime kiln, and slept while his eg was burnt off, 'and then got up and asked a man by whom ho was roused from his slumbers, to assist him in lot king j for his shoo, gives lhe following fact, which isequal- , Iv credible; A h cond i iac, who occasionally took odd lancies, at last imaginoil iiims' 1 1 ;t tta-Ltt- tie ; and. sending the servant mi some sieveless er rand, took an opportunity, in h"r absence, to seat himself on fhe kitchen tire, where, on her return. sue t.und him sigg. lie tne,, cautioned her to ; Mijimorv I establishments in the City of Xew York, be careful how stie took off' his lid, b-st she should to supply her regularly with the latest fashions, be scalded by the steam, and would not consent to slt. will be enah'ed to have her Millinery made up her removing it till she procured the kettle holder, j a Superior Style, and on the most reasonable to save her fingers from lhe heat of the handle. j terms. He was at length rescued from his pleasant position, Airs. P. respectfully invites the Ladies of Salis nnd a surgeon was sent for, if Niihle, to remedy 1 bury, and the a Ijoinmg country, to call and exa the ill consequence of his vagary, when he received , mine, and assures them she will sell every article a Mitional pleasure from a persuasion that the son j jtl jier me tm accomuKMiating terms. She is pre- ol t .seulapius was a ri,tr, who had been called to mend his Ixiltom ! A furious wife, like a nniskct, may do a great ileal of execution in her house j nit then she makes a gn at noie in it at the same time. A mild wife will, like an air gun, act with as much jower with- i . . . i. . ..i ir.ur' ue.i.u. Miss T,andon. I'raser's Magazine says, " she i i5 n very nice, uub!ues.tockingish, well dressed, and ! trim looking young lady, foml ot sitting in neat and ! carefully arrayed costume at her table, chatting in : pleasant and cheering style, with all und sundry who approach Iter." j j Nothing is so great an instance of ill manners 1 flattery. If you flatter all the company you pleas.? none; if you Hatter only one or two, ou af- A worthy lately remarked, that if one would seat himself in a strong diai't of air, place his feet in a bucket of colli water, and jingle the shovel and tonus, he might enjoy all the pleasures of sleigh- j ridings, at a great dUcuiit from lliv livery stable ' prices. ryr?f A Siilciiriitl LIJ Jplst FROM .Salisbury, (A. i) to ISali'igh, (X.C.) XXIOL'S to ailoid every facility to the Travellin? liih!ir lu.vi- a1m.mu e"tli;it thev have comnleted - - -v-.. 1 all tlieir arrapemeiit ami can with truth say, We pre- S(li iri(ha Lhic of firks efsin!Z ativatages . . f i .., rith ,-asr and spate hzy obtained that -real desideratum with u.ii rr... n.. it ; ruTi-ed as to correspond, in its arrivals at Raleigh, with rivai at tial ,)!ace VoU !laVO tho cUolce of two Lines Vlllll ii either by land to Washington Gdy, via. Richmond and Fredericksburg, or by Sleani-lloit to Xorfolk. There also a Line of Stages from Kileigh to Xorfolk, via. rarhorough, Murfreesiioroujli, inton, &c, over one ot tlie best .Natural Loads m the United Mates. Xorfolk there wdl be no detent.n, as there is a line ot Steani-lJoats for liillnnoie in eonnexion with this line. pi ; . .1 . ... .....I. ...c, . ,i ,i; ,i.nY..li-lni.n 1 liis line also connects w luiuiieirotn Ivaliirlito.Nevv bern. The arrivals at Salisbury is re-ulated"ahogether by he depurture ot the Piedmont Line South, and the, ( 'reat Western Line for X.ishville, Tennessee, via. ; '-cnmn. uuuierior.uon, .isnevu.e, ivno.xvme, vc. i, eaves T)i .vi uisnui iior.-i, tiisnurv. i llmia l ana SATURDAY at M o'clock, A. Ai after the arrival of Urs, arrive at and depart from the Salisbury IIo the lV dmont Sta-jfe from the Soih arrives in Rnleigh ; tej tri-week'.v. Seats secured in all other Stages next days at !) nclnck, 1'. AI. (.caves Raleigh I L r.S- I ) A V and SATURDAY at o'clock, A. M., arrives in Salisbury next days by 4 o'clock, P. AI. licient time on the road for .S' U 1 llowing suf- CO" The Hacks are Albany make, entirely new, and cannot be surpassed for comfort and ease; the Teams ;;ire excellent, the drivers careful and attentive, and t:.e l ire low o , .. I .x JUIjIAli all inter- meoate msuoites , cents per mile. (TT Pass.-ngers fioni the SiaPh who wish to take "r !' will be careful to en!, r to Salisbury only. All liauules and Packages at the risk of the iOiiiS. WILLIS AIORIXG, JOSEPH L AIORIXG. tf April 11, The Fit re from lltlciali In Washington City amounts to sVJJ) ), as follows: From Raleigh to R!akh-v, Stai-e F;ire, . . . V7 Rl ikley to Petersburg, Rail-Road Fare, 3 Petersburg to Richmond, Stage Fare, . 1 50 Riclnnoii-t to Freieri-ksturg. Stage Fare, 5 Fredericks!.. irg to Washington City, Steam Roat Fare, . . . . 3 The Steam-Iioat Fare from Petersburg to Baltimore, via. Xorloik, is cheaper. 4 L Valuable Stand for a Tavern FOll S A. Vila. rfIU:I Subscriber, desirous of removing to the - South-Wcst, Oliers lor Sale the barge and 'carrying on the business flr which it is designed. 'Fhe Kitchen, St.ddes, CnL.s, c., are in govd re- j pair. Its p-esent patnuiage liberal. For the nur "i-Z A N 1 7if Just recti nd from Xt ir-Yrok the Latest Spring ixnd Summer Fashions FOK lsr. i: Al II K A C i X G LAD1I2S' MUh'XI.XU. I) IX IXC, AXD EVEX- l.Xd DRESSES. LADIES' CAI'ES, CAl'X, IlOA XETS, 4fc, i$c. She fla iters hei.s. If that, from a knowledge of her hit-mess ac pined in ten years, and having made a ri aniu moots with one of the most fashionable ' pared for Cleaning and Pressing Tuscan, Leghorn, and Straw Loitnets in the Northern Style. Specimens of her work, both in Dressing and .Making of Ponnets, and Dresses, may lie seen at her Shop Sign of the GRLLX ROXXLVF, two doors aUive .Messrs Wheeler and Burns' Apothe cary and Drug Store, where all orders will be thankfully received and punctually attended to. X. B. Mrs. P. always keeps -an Assortment of Fashionable Ribbons on hand, and can supply, on reasonable terms, those who may wish Bonnets trimmed. tf April 11, 18.35. TILFORD'S Y;cviV SlvaAY-CwUcY. rymz SUBSCRIBER having purchased the ex elusive right for Making, Fsing, and Vending the above valuable Machine, for tlie Counties of Rowan, In dell, and Cabarrus, offers the same to the Farmers of those Counties at a very low price ; the right oP making single Alachines can be had at any time. He w ill have a number of Alachines made in a very short time for sale. JAMT.S COLES. Rowan County, -March 21, 1S5. tf Salisbury, North Carolina, (Situated oti Main Street, a few Joors above the build ing formerly oceupied as the Branch of the State Hunk of Xorth Carolina,) RyTISOlI VS A. IIAUI E; TT7HO informs his Friends, and the Public pc- ? T nerallv, that he has lately purchased cf W- n. oiauSnier, rsqr., me iiuiiuiu-s, ..... .. have been lonsr occupied bv him as a Hotel ana en - j T T"i advantageously known by the name of "UbU POIXT COMFORT." ..." 1S n"w PrePf,ea. to accommodate Hoarders The location is convenient to the ctuu x a t"i lei s. uusiues oi me piacu, ami miii siiiiiurmu ....y. 1 . x a X 1 -,... T rnti rml 1 lie nouse is convenieiuiy acconiiiH'dation of families, or regular or transient boar red beds, honest and ohhg- rnished Table and liar, first . . rate iooks, a iuu t.ramery , auu an uMi to ai aim character tor attention and care in the manage ment of Horses, is unimneached. The Landlord will do all in his power to nve general satisfac- ,ion to a wlio xvill be kind enough to patronize his : ea.tabIshmeilt. The frie!uis of predecessor, he , ... , . . . . 1 - . iioi-s, lit Airuu hi iinii uioi it. 1 1 oi la "re , its. IICT .;. ' , wi" devote the whole of his time to promote the wen management oi ms concern. Sta:e Passengers are informed, that the ; (rt.at Northern and Soutliem Line of Stages tne .Merchant s ijine l cck v euioru -oniract leaving Salisbury. T. A. Salisbury X. C., May 2, 1S.35. tf Spring V Simiiiic-r Sahioii". FOR 135. HORACE K. BEARD, Tailor, ?E(iS leave to inform his fi iTii Js and the public in general, that orders m his line will alwavs be thankfully received by him, and executed ir. tlie most Xeat, Fashionable, and Durable manner on erms as reasonable as any in this section of coun try. II. II. Ii. hopes, from his long practice of his business, (a iiuhiIkt of years of which time he resided in the city of Philadelphia,) and from the general satisfaction he has heretofore given to his numerous resectable and fashionable customers, to merit and receive a portion of the patronage of the public in general. CO" He lktters himself that his CUTTING is really suerior to any done in this State, as may le tested by the undisputed elegance of tit which attends garments made in his establishment. He is in the regular receipt of the Reports of the Fa shions as they change both in the large cities oi this country and of Europe so that gentlemen maybe satisfied that their orders will always be executed in the very latest style. Orders from a distance will Ik attended to with the same punctuality and care as if the customer were present in person. Salisbury, Alav 9, 1 -o.. I v. Lincoln -UJg County, rlHE Subscril-er, grateful for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon his esta blishment, begs leave to autiourre to his former patrons and tlie public especially invalids and gentlemen or families who may desire a pleasant Summer Retreat that his establishment is i. w ready tor their reception, and that he is prepa'red to accommodate them in a style, he flatters him self, that cannot fail to give entire satisfaction ; at least, no efforts shall be wanting on his part to render his guests comfortable. WILLIAM S. S1AIOXTOX. Catawba Springs, June G, loo. t f Land For Sale. PITRSITAXT TO A TiF. ft !s cree of tiie Court of Euui fJMs tv for Rowan County, the &iUs3 Clerk and .Master will sell, at the House of Isham P. Ellis, on the 2?th day of July next, on a credit of Twelve Months, the Lauds, belonging to the heirs at Law of David Smith deceased, in three separate lots: One Tract, of 173 Acres; One ol SO Ac re , And FIGHT ACRES, on which is situated the Methodist Camp-ground, called Smith Grove. The Land lies on Cub Creek, and on both sides of the Public Road leading from Alocksville to Oaks's Ferry. Purchasers will be required to give Bonds with approved Security for the purchase money on the day of sale. " SAM. SI CLIMAX, c.m.e. June 1., IS35. p? siour Ciittinr. rITIIE Subscriber respectfully informs the Public that - be is now earn ing on the above business, in all its various branches, six and a half miles South of iSalisbu ry. He assures Gold-miners, Aiillers, and all interest ed in his business, that he will, on the shortest notice, furnish ihem with GOLD-C-KIXDERS and A1ILL STOXES, of the very best grit, and on cheap terms, ex ecuted m a style surpassing any other w ork of the kind done m this State. Also, Tomb-Stones, Window-Sills, Door-Sills, :c., kept constantly on hand. Alill-Stones, heretofore costing from js35 to j40, he will now make fur scio or si"'.!. Gold-Grinders heretofore costing s25 he will cut for s-'JO. AVindow-Sills costing 4 tor ss2. Door-Sills the same. He only asks a trial of his work being assured that he can give the most entire satisfac tion. JOHX IIOLDSOUSER, May llj. J6p Tiincoliiloii Jlalc Academy. rIIE Examination of the Students of the Lin--- odnton Alale Academy will commence on the 28'A day of this month, and terminate on the evening of the 29th. Parents, Guardians, and Patrons of Education are respectfully invited to attend. The Exercises will lie resumed on thclst Mon day in July next. The price of Tuition per Ses sion, (in advance,) for the Ancient Lancuaees, Algebra, and Geometry, 812 50. For English G rammer and Geography, S. Board $7 per month. G. W. MORROW, Principal. Lincolnton, X. C, Alay 2'i, 1S35. pS'

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