o THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN. srs... . 0 rUDLISIIED EVERY SATURDAYAOJlJJiail! QWL AStO) tftSPlPai WfllAiallfDXI .IPD3afDrJ53-Vol. 10, No.-$,-Vho!c No. 783." 6 1 "TrSZr'1"'' ' SALISBURY," KOItTII CAROLINAJULY It, 1835. ' " - .- . .-,-, - ;-; f - - - . . T ' ' " - - J - - . ' . OrTwo Dollar and Tilly Onfi, itr lite riplrntlon of 3 months). "The Western Carolinian. ' BY ASIIBEL SMITH L JOSEPH W. HAMPTON Ttim or ri'HUCATin. 1. The Wet. ,i Carolinian n puhlinhod every 8a ti nt, tt Two Dollar per annum if paid in advance, ,ir Two Dollar and Fifty Cent if not paid before the expiration of throe monthi 2. No paper will txt discontinued until all arrearage ro paid, unit' at the discretion of the Kdilors. 3. Subscriptions wsll not be received fur a vm time than oiio year; and a failure to notify I lie Kditom of a whIi to discontinue, at the end .of a y'tr, will be consi dered a a new engagement. 4. Any person who will procure ix subscriber to the I 'arolinian, and lake the trouble to collect and transmit thoir subscription-money to the Kditors, shall hate a pa per gratia during then continuance. 6. ry Permni indihlrd to the Editors, may trn'mii In them through 'the Mail, at tlimr t'ukfnviJrd they jfrl he (tckmvl'.iinmrnl of any respectable jxrwii to frost that such remittance was regularly made. Tram or adv;tiiji. 1. Advertisements will bo coimpifiuously n) correct ly inserted, at M cent per square for the liit inaer'inn, and 34 cents fir each continuance : but. where an ad Viirtiaemeut ia ordered in e in only twice. Ml Ma. will In' charged for each insertion. If ordered for one in sertion only. 1 will in all rasr be charged. '. PcrwHU wli'i .esire to e:i;c by III'1 year, will be acroni'n.) I itnd by a reasonable JuiluctMin from the above charge for trnient eurtom. TO roKPOini!T. I. To inflire promrt ati.-ntina to letters addressed to t'i" V. litis-, the p-mti'." dlioiilil in all caw e paui. ii it THE Proprietor. of THE WESTERN XX CAROLINIAN wiwld reeclfully inform J the Clerk if Courts Hhenn, Constables, and ; f other gentlemen of business, that they have I T i i ...... i . -U. it.. T iiuw mi imihj, nimeu in nipvrM ! j n-, wii hip m vary beat quality of pa pur, a large aupply ol J J Of almost every Deteription, Which the will it'll on verv moderate term. S 1 J ToUraae who become regular cuitnmrriuel J J all their Blank of u a very ONuiderable t X reduction will be made from our rojpilar price. XX Any Blanks that we may not have on hand, XX f J wUl be printed to order on viry alKUt notice. J 5 Ordera triwij a diatance will meet with prompt J XX allcntion; and Blank put up and forwarded - X m tliv aafent and nvwt expedition manner. . Z X ti JOII IMtlMIX;. They would likewire inform Merchant and otliara, UiaU having an aaaortowiit of A'iry X X J'b Type, Cu'a, fc, which ia probably un- J X aurpaaaed by any in the Hlale, they are prep- J J red to execute all kmda of BOOK and JOB IMttNTINti inaaerMPerir(ite. Hucliu X Bonki, I'amphlrlt, Ctrculari, CariU, llaid- UtlU, LulHlt, VVuy-Mi, Tor Wlajea, 6iC. HC, rdt-r executed with drapatch. Kalubury, June 'J7, , V" 4 ft All 0 .Liiipuritiiu ol' l'anbion. Mrs. 8. D. Pendleton, MUilAMUt Vf' h MANTUA MAKUIl, linn just rrerinrd from Xew-Yrok the l.ateil Spring and Summer Faihioni r)R 1h:Bi E M II R A C I N ( IA DIES' MORlU. DIM SO, A.VD EVES- tU l)Ki:s.SF.S. lADiF.V V.XPES, TIPS. IIOXXETX, Jfr., 4-r. She llHtleralinrM'lf lluil. Iroina knowlt dneof her tiHH!M Hcijinred in ten enr, aud Iihviiiu nmde nrrniiiieineiif with one of the moft filitoille Millinery UtalliHl)iiieit in the L'uv of New York, to mi)ily liar regularly with the Utet fuahiona, aim will be ennltled to have her Millinerv made up in a Sueriur Style, mid on llio inotit reasonable term. Mm. P. resportfutly Invite the Iirliea of Sali ttnrv, ami the adjoininx cinintry, 1 mil nnd ea wiiiue, mid aure lliein he will e evrVy article in her luif on accouiinouatiuu tirnii. She pre jwreil for Cleaning it oil lrewiii Tunn, L'gliorn, and Straw (Lkiimms in the Northern Style. Specimen of her work, both in l)reiing and Mkinf IWnets, nMr--, wny I eetfn lit 0 o Spring t Hummer I'aauloiiH, Tor mi. HORACE IL DEARO, Tailor, II E(JH h?ffve to inform hi friend, ami the pulilic "'in jreimral, that order in hi line will alway lie tliankfiillv received by him, and executed in the moMt Neat, VanliiiHialile, and Durable ntaniH-r hi erin aa reawHuible a any in (hi section of coim- try. II. II. It. hoe, from hi long practice of hi buHineae, (a number of year of which lime he reaided in the city of I'hilaiHpliia,) and from the general mttHfaction he ha heretofore given to hi iniineriHi reMk'table and foahionable cuatoinerit, to nH'fit and receive a portion of the palnMuige of the public in general. CO-, lie Antler himmilf that hi CUTTING ia really wijierior to any done in tin State, a nny lie tented y the yiMlinputed clrganca nf fit wbirh attend jjarnienl made in hi entahlihment. lie in in the regular receipt of the Report of the Fa Hhion a they change both in the larrt ritie or tbi cotmtrv am) of Euroie mi that genlleiiHn may lie aatiMfied that their order will alway be exwuled in the very latent atyle. Order from a diniam-e will he attended to with the wine xinctuulity ami care a if the customer were preent in penioil. Sdlinlxiry, May 9, IhM. ly. . i in... .1 I i ' .....!. -1 . . . ' . . ' iK-vw jpmr AVIwmler ami- llorn' Atoth . . . . . ta ryand."rti jH.pr.nfiBllJiiiU-Jue. ihiinkfullv received and nuiielimlly nttenilnd to. . H. Mm. P. alway ktH'p an assortment of FiIikouL1o IliblMini on .hand, ami can supply, on rein .imlile teruu, thoiw who may wish Bonnets trimmed. tf Annl 11, 13". 4 mmmmi. m - Clock and Watch-Maker, ji:Yi:ixi:it, " A.tD ImrnKxaoSi SILVER-S.1IITII, 'PAKES (hi method of informiiiK hi Friend and the Public generally, that he atill con linue lorarry on the Watch Making and Jewellery RuHineM at hi old stand, on Main Street, one door alxive the Store ol Sauil. Lunly Ai Son, and take tin opportunity of exproiwing hi gratitude to the J public for the pHlHMWue which ha Imeii bestowed on him ; and hope that a more eduloua attention to hia lxiiuei will not fail to elicit a hare of the patronage of the people, a heretofore To ninke hi eaialilnhment Htill more deserving of it, he ha jual received fr.im the North, where wn wlected hv a gentleman ol tate and experience, a very ex loiiMve and Mierir aMortmont of ao Faney lioodH. CONSISTING JN PART OF Silver double caned and double bottomed I.fver. Plain, and Hunting Wntchea : (i.old, Silver, Plated, Read, Silk, and Ribbon Guard Cham; Xl4d ICeU iii.citWirirH .Vv -XS j spcVt VVUs . TIIOSF, who are afflicted with HEAD-ACHES, a III". I ItT.ltl'H S'S mid ullier iliMlrMMin.r .vimi. - s r MECELENDUHO CELEBRATION. urrcnl Price of Produce, Xc AT SAUSBURY.......July 8, 1935 ,Bcon,. t . Bridy, apple, peach, Butter, . Cotton, in aeed, clean, Tolfee, . . . Corn, . .. ....... . Feathewt . J'l"rt i'laxneed .11 a.2 Molassea,,, ., "40 a 4"taila, . . . 4il a Ml (lata, . . . lllaliVRye, 4 jSu'ar, brown, 14 . loaf, . Hi . iaM,iK mi: i ft 10 25 a 3(1 75 10 a 121 la20 MTullow, . ... .. 10 . 30 a iWjTobacco, -- - - -8 a 20 G30..3Wl.Wbaat, (buJicl). 80 a 100 10H . Whiskey,.. .Linseed Oil, per gallon, 1 V2 30 a 35 Splendid tfs of Topaz; (TqtiatriartnPTAKatTSwi".? Ptttnfmgi Gmer 4ris jJorncUaii, ami Jrv r.ur Rinif.and Breast I'lim ; a variety ol 5reat rni and Vinger Rinji; Gold Filagretfamf other Simpx, 'niclie, Read Bug i Coral Bend r Silver I'linn ble; (fdd. Silver, and Shell Link", and Collar Buttons; a .fine assortment of Studs; Music Runes; Silver Plated and Bead Ptines, Silver Spoons, Silver and Steel Snectiiclea, white and ijreen ; S m or; Evr pointed Pencil ('aeand Lend; Silver Toolh Pick and I we. z.er ; Gentlemen nickel and Dirk Knives; Ladie Silver Fniit do. ; Silver Butter do j -Silver, and .Silver, plaited Scabbard Dirk; Dainav'u best Wire I wist and bra barrel pocket Piatola ; and a great variety of other Fancy Good. Watches and Clock repaired with neatness. accuracy, and dispatch ; warranted to perform, ami every etideaviirniaile io'gTveTttltlsIacTlon- paid for tilif Gold and Silver. .... Saliborv. Mav ?3, 1935. AT TAYETTKriLlE..::Tune OT. Bacon 101 1 ron, . . ..BrjujJy, pewh, 4. . 00 SJMolaaaea, ; aPI110! aiw, cm, . trim thif VHutUitte Journal, 1 ORATION, Diliorted the Mfklrnhurg C ti bralinn, on the 70th of May, 1135, fry FtaHtua L. Smith, Eaq., Mr RiurxcTrD Ai'dicmlri Had the Committee, appointed for the purpose of electing mik perMi to'addreiM ) ii on tin occa ioi, consulted either mv alality or yir gratifica tion, the choice wihiU have fullon upiNi hms more distinguished in public life and more capabloof im parting additional intorent to the subject by (lie lN-uuty ol hi style ami the power of hi eloquence. The MulocliiHi, however, having boon made, a refu sal to comply with I ho reutmst of the Committee would have proved the individual who now ha the honor of addreiMing yog recreant to theme fouling which hMjld fill tlni biMtoin of overy Aniorican cU' tiften, much less of one wht claim a hht residonce this the birlli-s;ot of Auinrican Independence, But w hat means tbi immense anaemblage f Why this flitter of arm and military array? W hence this collection ol bright eve anl beam ing couiilenance? -Why have the ditinuihnd .ind honored ninnoftho land graced with their presence this humble village T Why ha this litllo band of patriarchs shaken oir, fr a ti ne, the uilirm ilie of age, and atlnu led, at loa.-d for once more Iwfore their head shall be laid low in the gnve, tin public festival? Have wn met to celebrate (he birth of siiiio iiif.int witose brow, by the riht of primogeniture, is to bo decorated with the royal diadem, aud who will govern with despotic away the slaves who r-j iee it hi appearutce. in Ihi world? f l ive we assembled (oexult at thfl strccoss fill camNiign of sum military cliiefli in, who now claims a the reward of hi service the wy of imperial power? No! None of all tin. We have met together for a purer, a holier Hir'. In protortion u the spiralion of mlriotisiii exceed in purity the involii'itiry plaudit of sluverv, or a loin of disorderid stomach, bowels, and liver, may finil relief in Dr. Beckwith's Anii-Dveptic Pills, winch can be had at this omce price fifty cent per box. I he Doctor, who once reided in this place, In it now live in Raleigh, has, ttflcr. a lung and ex loo- I the breathings of vnnertiti.si Hod jjfatiludo surpass sive practice, Mwn enabled to compound a most vu- in holiness the syhs extracted by the torture, so luable remely for the chronic diseases of the di- for do the fading which o;i this occasiiHi cause gc-Mtive organs, so coiiiiimsi in Southern climates, your "cheek to grow pilo and your heart to boat iwsriallv witti those who leao andi'iitary livos. quick, excel those cr;atol by the joy o rcal It would be an easy matter to make out cert m-1 births or tlio fUttoring attcMtions paid to iinponal cates to prove that these Pills are a "sovereign re- power. uiedy for "all the ills that flush is heir to; but I We have assemble to com mints an evont. it is not pretended that they are an universal anti- distinguished alike by th p.itrntiin in whiclni dote. Certificate of the most resis-ctahlo Physi- was cHiceived it daring boldness th suliering riaus and other gentlemen can to shown to sub-1 under which it w.is snp.nrtti I, a il thu S'lcossful stantiatn their ctlicncy in the particular class of perseverance with which it wa siista'cind to re- (Iihcrhc above spoken ol : and t'.iu Editor ol this call to our memory the toolings and action ol lh:e paper can testify that f has derived speedy and who, in a moment of idiiuineut peril, dared sulijoct xrmaneut relw'f, in the use of them, fnm a most themselves to the displeistire, and dtclari ttiein- distressing and long-coutinucsl hend-ache. Somo selves indeiiendont of the mart powerful nation ni if his friends tried them, nt his suggestion, and ex- earth, ami who proclaimed to tho world, let others KTienced the ftamo Is-neficial ertbets, Salisbury, June 14, 134- If A CLE Kid W AN WiU. iE that is tndiiitrioiii and attentive In husi- a. tnnw;'B mt ptttt cnmrwe1t 'TwmnTnimitit". Fof 1 THIS OFFICE. i-r- furllmr jmrlieulars, apply at July 4t 1-35. d a they may, as for us, we will die as freemen rather than live as slaves. In order to torm a pro per estimate of the patriotic ami ind inemlent fuel, ing by which our forefather wetw setimted, in ta- ,ni ,'H.LMnl'anl.te.P J!! J!llJVi'uUWu'y P'v-. ry of our country, it may bo necessary, itt-a-Wief manner, to alluile to ninenf the events with, which it was unincdiatulv catinecled. Our ancestor left their I Mnnnluir linridtt AlWMflirtullinJtAi riWtiiTiuiIj (UI jm - . w 1 littl 1 L: t inittll I KIIUCJ WUUf liuimivva ui.i.mimi i wia Of if Mrmlhly Mn 'trtrzine. y - I aviaai in. iMi I mrw tt lit I ? A J L.. Uiv..ai.uij BfuAAalua fiscal iJW 1 i Iff li Vaa fMmttoe American Press, an I liberallr ptron- l n-form, than that "no people crsild be legally izp.1. n has lieen a anh.net of ifeneml rei'reL that amce taxed bv an assembly in which they were utirepre the dmcontinuancc of that able work, the Sfsithern Re- sentod." In violation of this admitted principle of view. Uiere has been no Matrsxine esubliaiiinent nilCn'st Britain determined, for the first time, in ; . roupcciin -m"- . . " ciilaied to imprese on tlieir auud the fijuduiweiilal TJWH -toutMn . j . wf 8.,M i.berty-among which, nom U',w"4'", m Cliarl"'on' was inore important in it .'if. or more strenu.Hisly est bmeae of hope might have dissipated, ws per nulled to increase until it covered the whole hrma. iiii'ni and, by the muttering of iu thunder, (rave token of an approaching atorin, fnxn which after Vear of irlooin nod dwiKindeiuv. ilia Sun nf uur Nulionat Glory wa uWinnd la bunt forth with - ' brilliant effulgence. ..... In tlu emergency of their a Hair, the Ameri can hold meeting over I lie country to lake me.. ure for resisting, at (he point of the bayonet and at the caniKsi' iikhiiIi, tin outrage upon their po litical right and peaceful poasessbm. The excite ment of the public mind wa increased, and the feeling of parental love, which our forefathers bore for the mother country, were lt in the indigna tiMi of insulted pl riots. Still, oppositiKi to an uo just law and a reiire of grievance were the mdy avowed object of the colonist. Scarce a whisper of r-partlijin and mdepeudeuce wa sutRjred ( esrape, ' nve in the wcIikM roorn of some UdJ tatfuaii,' or in the tent of the indignant warrior, lie who, in public, would have dared In express icirtiiixmlt having u,h a tendency, would probably have been ndiculod a a political fanatic or treated a a trai toron rebel. Amid the existence of auch feeling, the first drop of American blixsl wa sited on the plain of Lexington. It wa the blood of an infant, llowing from a wound inflicted bv a mother's arm the talisman to open and united resistance, which spread thisizh Ihe country with electrical rapidity. To arms! To arms I wa Ihe birth-crv of our na tion ;il existence. At such a lime, ami under such circumstance, at the request of the lea ling Wmgt of the c anity, ami at the particular order of Col. Thomas Polk , a Covention of tho c it i rem of , Meek- loolMirgi then including Cu harms, consisting of two from each Captain' company, wa called to take into consideration the public alfiirs of the country. They met at this place on the lWih of May, 1775; and, amid a vast concourse of ieople, who were drjwn together i'i that intoreiing otscasion, bildly entered ml the considijralion of the engr nsing siibjl tlio attempt on the purt of th"! mMher country to make Ihsin les than f roe men, little in irn than slaves. It wa in achoolboy (homo of docla.iriti m no matter of mere expediency no subject of mere theoretic il discussion, 0 1 o;ie side of tho qu'sti,i'i were prosont'sd peace an I :irj prity, coniiecte I with ahj -ot sub nissi m to a l iw in oppHitio'i to the first principle! thur pilittral freedom -O.i the otlmr thi W smv c mlliet ofbtttle' ihe ravige of unequal war ; Iwt, ami I tbeeo clNids of darkno, shono the stars of liberlv and indepMhlencn. They knew that, in a contest with the mother country, theirs was the atripli.ig eu. ' tering the list to contend with the strength and milunty of nanhiod the imr'ni.l eiti mm-' flint with the w.ill discipline ! an I well funiaiied soldier the poor in open controversy with the rich. rhnsn thought must have filled the mind and oc cupied tho discussi'MM of t Sat little band of pit riot Whig But they need 'd not t ie response, of a D dphian eeele w direct I hmn t; their choice " " What Jo JMmjwerethojf uiajiilialiinjuu of prlperity, if ncircled by even - the glided chain of slavery t What ti them the horror of war, the bloody strtle of battle, or the . tbey were eiwbled to aocure tor thotr children the - - - - htrth-right of freemen I 1 he spirit of libarty ho. vered over them, and impUnted in each buHmn a spark of that fbime which burnod tu W r on. Thev felt and ackn owlodired its influence. The South Carolina, atWIing a suitable medium through 1795 J,v that most odious system of taxation, In mm a revenue Projri tbfl Ametici colonists. Tills law passed apparently to test the winch u options ofottr best writers migU b Msugbu b d,ltv;lo reflect a r6venu6 fronl'ttW American to bear directly and usefully upon the public mind. Ill , ....,. 1 .1.. ...... .1.. a with a view to meet the demand that the publication of this Journal u proposed, and tliat the irnsral and sub stantial rapport of the citizens of the Sooth is respect fully solicited American fwlinff. was received with universal exe cration, by a people who hid braved the dangers of the ocean, to seek in' a foreiirn land, religious JhjttfuiMwd4dgMhw will liuuBiirof Orrifoat?oni Its eieeutkiq.WM Beeswax, Oortee, . ('.it Ion, . Corn, . Flaxseed, Flour, . Feather, 2Ia 23"S'ugir, Brawn,' . 12 a ltl lump, . 17j a H loaf, . t5 a 90 Salt, . . . ,120 a I Wheal,. . . .t300 a 700i Whiskey, . . . 33 a I Wool, . , . 4 a 5 29 a 33 n -i tral 15 10 a 17 00 100 a 110 36a 40 1020 AT CHERAW, (S. C.) June 25, 135. Corrected Weekly, by LaCotte d McKay. lUcon, . . . . 9 a Ilk Nail and Brad,, 7 V a 11 Beeswax, Cotton, . .ry Coni, . . . Flax-seed,. , Flour, country, da northern, .Feathers, . . Iron, . . Molasses, . . .13101 20i Sugar, brown, llUOPr v do. loaf, TxViiiOnio. Ilflljnillill Fralcy respectfully informs his Frie.nda anil lbs. Public at largo, I hat ha still continue to carry on the Tailoring Business in all Ws 1 various "branches', m the town of Mhsbmy, Ofi Main-street, a few doors East of die Courthouse, adjoining the Storehouse of Wm. Murphy, where he is prepared to make all kinds of Clothing in a very superior style in tho most fashionable style, and warranted to fit well, and on yery moderate terms, at short notice. AH Orders from a dis tance will be most faithfully attended to according to order. Produce will be received in payment for work. B. r. Being A (rent for some of the most Fashionable rounication on Literary and iicienlitic subjects, of no-1 0Dnnv resisted, and the olTioer by whose instrU .: . li.....: , ikiJ.hiisit ' '.. . . . . ... '. . '""J "' ZT '1 mentality it wao io. be carried iuio.jeuuct,treaioc e, ot popmar ran 1 ....-,,... ... ,,m Thi. ;.X.ni sngpemw oy nisioricai ami local kwcu.uijtw.'ot 1 iku j, i - - , , f . , . . . . . I nnnnhiiA tiivMlhnr with a rhttfiim fit ministry 111 .rul M.i itiAat Inl.i I11MH1.A ll i iimni ar illtnnilAtl III I w 'if nimmi . ..j..... " m. j - mOotd selnele. Iiw4he freff.tmt temperate iwilion of the British councils, pr)ducted i reimlVfllieVtamp all questions, which, from their importance, interest, or act, 0 it to ne reviven uimnr oinor ininisioriiii an attraction, are deserving of the attention of an enlight-1 nice in a different form. Dutfos, to bo paid iihmi ened communilf . list stwll bsoome wisi 11s sin-He- ports, a Journal of strictly Southern Utrratn.rft -if it j-serve-rrj Tptace lifTin record a true account of the opin ions, feelings, and general tone ol thinking, ot an en thusiastic and high minded people if, under the enli vening inspiration of the srenins Unr, and with the ap proving smile of the penerons and the fair, and the con currence and effective aid of the learned and talented tKrTlWlWaltTTierclJrO T2U .100 a 121. da bushel, . 70 a 75 .600 a 7Hnotton Bagging,. 20 a 30 SOtMBale Kope, . . 10 a 12 34 a 371 Wheat, ... 100 41 a 5KVool 20 30 a 38 Whiskey, . . . nontf. - AT COLUMBIArfS: tr.):7Jidy 2r ..Bacon, 12- WUraV - 1 H 12J Brandy, peach, . 7a Molasses. . . . 40 a 4i apple, . , 40 a 50IMackerel, . . .800. 950 Beeswax, . . . 15 a lfllSalt, in sacks, . 275 a 300 Butter,. . . . 20 a 25 bushel, . . 75 ' C6fter.' T' 7 -"T' 17 WSngar, brownr": - 9 12J Corn, . . . U2ial2TJ loaf dilump, 16 a 25 Cotton.. . . . 18 a 21 Tallow, ... 12 Flour, . . . .00 a 8G0fras, . . . . 00 a 125 Iron. ... . 5 a Whiskey, . . . 40 a 43 Bacon, ... . Brandy, peach, ... appple, . Cotton, ... . Com, . Feather, . . AT CAMDEN. (8. C.1 July 4. -. . 14 a OOrFlour, f N. Cara)000 000 73 a OOi (Cam.mills).900 a 1000 t 35 40 Ironr . 12allrd, . . Kir 19 Tallow,. . . .100 a 12J Whiskey, . . . 80 a 50 Wheat, new, . 00a 00 . 12 a 15 . 10 a 12 . 50 a 00 .100 a 12) take rilearore-itr-tCTehtng7OTWtnir instruction to any Tailors wishing instruction in the art of - . - ... ... we 1 Cutting; and any one wishing the new lorn ana Philadelphia Fashions, can receive 'them by gi ving timely notice to Benjamin Fraley, Salisburyr N. C Letters postage paid Salisbury. June 13,1835. t f rpiIE Subscriber respectfully inform the Public that JL he is now carrvinir on the above business, in all its various branches, six and a half mile South of Salisbu- rfr- fte'ssiiiCk)W-mtnersi ; Millers, and all interest. J. . ., . .a 1 a I -- - ed in hi business, that ne win, on me Bnoneav nonce, furnish them with GOLD-GRINDERS and MILL STONES, of the very best grit, and on cheap terms, ex ecuted in a style surpassing- any other work of the kind HnfiA in this State.- - Alsa Tomb-Stotiea; Window-Stlls, Door-Sills, tc, kept constantly on hand. .MiU-Stanes, heretofore costimr from 35 to 40, be will now make for 25 or $30. Gold-Grinder heretofore costing I25 he will cut for 20V Window-Sills costing ft tor 'i Door-Sill the same. He only asks a trial of hi work being assured that he can give the most entire satwfac- Um. 4Uiux rnjLJv'uor.iv. May 23, 1835. -26p tholr arrival In the American piirts, wore imposed won s. variojy of articles importod into the colo nies. In the me in time, a spirit of inquiry mi the suhiect of their political privileires had spread ainooif the colonists, and they soon understood this evasive scheme to violate their chartered rights. The iiidisuant spirit of freedom wa aroused in men amung 11s, it shall contribute in any small degree, I ij,. breasts, and they determined at all hazards to secure tor the Mouth that fievatea wiorary position to which it is entitled, and which it is capable of main- fear of the timid were dispersed the scruples of the diNibtinz remove) the dartns- of the bold in creased, ami in obedience to the dictates of patri otism, and the voice of their brother's blood, which called-. prm them from the pUma of Lexin"" trusting the issue lo the God of battles and their own good arin, they boldly adopted and procJaimexL-., on the succeeding day, the resolutions which have just been rend in your hearing. Thus, in the language I of a recent hmtorianof this . event " whilst the sage - of Monticollo wa pondering on the various project. , of recMiciliutin with the mother country, and ne ver for once looking beyond thai desirable end, whilo Virginia, and even Massachusetts were con. . linually avowing allegiance to the tiirone,and North Carolina herself, through the medium of hor Con gress, wits declaring that independence was not her olijoct. the pwiple nf M4cklfliitidr; wdh the sagaci ty of an honest and injurod rsc i, untutored in the craft of cunning politicians, recoiled at once on the power that oppressed them, and dissolved foruver the unhallowed union of British domination and American allegiance." So far, iiideed, had these bold Whigs anticipated the action, if not tne teeU ings, of the country on tha suliect of independence. taining, it design will then be fully accomplished. This work will be conducted by tlio Subscriber, as listed by several litarary gentlemen, who have pledged themselves to contribute constantly and liberally to its l coi 11 iftnsi. M Lf rj9miereia.,jn. jia success wunin hmk the present t wvoraWe penon tnrttie I'lHtimeiice ment of such an enterprise, it will be printed in an liberty, could be appeased by the paltry sacrilice octavo form, on fine paper, in monthly numbers of fifty-1 r noun,;,, ahillings, and pence. In vain had the a a 11 1 r 1 -- . six pages eacn, anu win oe pui 10 press as .n as a am- ro)).,jc thumbirin; hcient number ot subscriber can De ootainea to aumor ize its publication. The Journal will be furnished to subscribers at five dollars per annum, payable at the ex ' .. . . .. ... . I.u... .k..;. J.,i....... 1.0 , ...... a n to resist the attempt, by tni aespicauio artince, to " .",, - x,Srn. obtain that which the Parliament did not dare open- with a copy of their proceedings, wis advised that y to demand. Again the British Government re-1 tne expressions comui-iou mermn were 100 warm lented, and the duties were all repealed, except that savoured too much of dissolution fr in the in her couniry, 10 rentier unur prescmaii'm ai inai lima either prudent r expe Tieirt- A mid theso prudon. piration of aix months from tlie date of the first number. Charleston,' 1835. DAN. K. W IIITAKER. PHTTlSrECTUSOF""" The Cheraw Uazette. rffIHE mbscribere prosose publishing, on or about the 1 1 prophetic thuiHuiring of Chatham, the persuasive eloquence of Burke, urged uon Parliament tho 7 . 1 11 -e -.! 1 - impolicy aim III consequences 01 miauling even una small duty, while the violation of constitutional lib erty remained. The colonists, in a spirit of con- of three pence a pound on tea as if that spirit of V ji'if Biu'virTi 1 elf Tiffil boeiV e xcTfetf ' a inmi ihe ciilo nfararsrmtnirinTn tlW B Vllt'lllUlU ftf kUcceediug -. r r ,.., i, . . .1 1 , - events, mo niwuieunurg ii.-ciarnuon wouiu nave been overshadowed, and wmi l have probably sink into oblivioti, but for the -exertion of the descend ants of thtse wh i particiMll in that important event. Let it be our duty to commemorate the annual return of this day in some manner calcula ted at once to show our admiration and grafitudo, while at the same time ws inculcate on the rising getierauon me nnjxmar.ee o preserving in ineir purity fhp poihcal righUi for which our ancestors reneal. and remonstrated against its execution. Tlu.;. armimonU were noheednd. their oelitions. - , i-...r. ui-j j j:.i sourned. their remonstrances disregarded, and, m "ou?,,, u, , first of November next, a weekly newspaper, in .fc anleen of nettv DrimhaMMninMeal nii TbAilecklenourx .Dechitinttvsit; mere OumwTintended' ttinee:th wanti of the'town "fiwl 1 ion the British Parliament doterminwl, by force sally of patriotic term's a collection of threatening me country arounu. We shall endeavor to be accurate in publishini Prices Current and Commercial Intelligence; ami ireni in seiecwoir omer topics common m m couiivrT 1 ; .. ,- 1 . . ,, . ,1 : -.v.tA - . , oer: ind particularly snch a may ptdmate th cause of diehce, or force it destruction, by (he aid of a mer- j of battle, were ever found among "the foremost in ... '' . II 1 I a I ' I ' I I ' TL I. .L:.L . 1. . an. ...aha ...... a M. JM a ,nAl. ... . L .. ! Religion, temperance, and mo puouc gnoo. Icenary ann nirenngsoimery. a mm mri, wnn.11 1 um wn, auu wem tmr imuj w unur up mcir , The Uaietta will be pubiumed on an imperial eneei, o,,e drop of the waters ol conciliation migrtt nave treasure 10 sac n rice meir pioon on me attar of 1 -.1 A1 OA ma. annum if naiit milttiin IhrM I i- . 1 ..... ,:i IS 1 .L..;'- J m kMU pu win um w .. i i quencneri, was lannen imu luniiii'iu, uhh m mu montbs, and $ it paid after that time. -- - ' 0er Ernies, a nT burst forth in the The paper win be contmuea i me opuon me pu- olmion which resulted in the loss of the brightest jewel thaV decorated the British crown. A speck in the horizon, which Ihe taint th of arms, to attempt the execution of this odious law. boasts where no act was to follow oa danger to i?dil The mother, who should have nourished the infant", be incurred no deed tf)be perforcrted. The Whigs L L in her arms, was foun-t preparing In compel its obe-J of this County always willingly entered Jh&lriie lisheri until all arrearages are paid. JOHN C. COIT, . JOllN WRIGHT. Cheraw, May 28. their country's good, , Scarce a battle was ought in the South in which their blood was not spilled, where their bones did not whiten the plain, aid where -their bravery, did not aid in rendering the , issue doubtful, or the victory triumphant. Hei fa 1 -1

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