y o jTO' J JO Jl0 - w- lTl)TITt"" .TUN CAROMYlAiY. SALISBURY:, ft.ifurd.iv Jloriiisiz, Jul v If, r r - t t - OA.ViHMTES FOtl CO.NflitKSH The ll.ii. ABRAHAM REXCIIER. and WJRTO.V CR.UGE. and RICHMOND M. PE RSN. Er., am candidates to represent. thi( Rowan) Uiotrict in ilie buxt Congress of tlie Unit-id Slate. Tho aixtietl, Annivery of our Intependenro w TTUiv VAT CfZLl'N. celebrated ,on t.ie 4,h innUnt, ,n tla town, by a fXr ' mMmlV have a I ned. vir.uou,, ,n,.e,.nd. injr of thn Ri.wan C.Mtnty Tem(ernce Society. The i h ' v , ';, ' v,r. Tll. lant, trruproachabln Judiriary, wliirh ha not hi fur aa I Kx-tety with the DelejMtJa from t!ie Auxiliary Socie- ti.-H, ten in number, and a miiiier.nia cunipuiy of ciee. ' Fitxrand'dph, Fiiunhee, Frink, Owyn, Harria, 1 lay wood, ermine in the tilth of party. And ita iinnwuilalde inteif talom a'.winbli'd in Mr Vc;ler' ('.rove. The meeting i lln'ehistMi, R. Jone, Jit.lkina, Kenan, lye. Lyon, Mar- rity i itarrime. They were (obe displaced to mike rnn wa. opened with prayer by I he Rev. Mr. U-hridge; tho journal of proree.l:ira at tlie InM meeting were reud and the Deleati of the Auxiliary Sieietiea pre wnted tlicmelvca. The Declaration of Independence u.iH rpait with iT.'nt iliut ni'tni.tfii liu f J. .Turrinru!. Kmi.. ... , . ... n nuiiri i fr.ii ion ajipnipri lie 10 I'e' occriBiiin name niiiii day of our country' fr.e Io n, an I aa the annual in.t't in' of the Teuii"rnnen Swty wa pronounced by (Jen. Juinca Cook, . Theopuiujiofeveralorthe plivniciana .i i j r'.i... i v were then read dia proving ot ilie iih. - .' ,, , r .i .irita. The (Jlftoera .rf the SH i.'ty lor tlie ul Ui.m county ol ardent apirita. The OlTicera of the Society eimging year were cIkbmmi, and after tx'vernl reaolutiona and vulva of thanka, the aoeiety niljoiirncJ. VIRGINIA. THE PRESIDENCY. At a l'.r;e meehngof lh cilien. ot' Muckleuhiirg ciuiily, Virginia, on the IVh of litet month, aaaeni bled fir tlie purpose of nominating Judge White for the Presidency, and adopting mich otVr meaMire aa hniild be deemed prott-r to d.-feat the Biltimore llinn bo Hcheine for fixing the succession, tho lollowing Re &'1til'.inrt, were passed : 1. "bfoivj, Tlmt we will i"ipport Hugh L Whito a the caudiclati! ir the n.;xt Presidency of the United St. ten, and will use every honest ind iiouorable mean to U4tnu Ins election to (hit olfice. 'i. " Itetulu il, That we pntoe P. P. IVtrhonr aa a tu ' iLle peraon fir the Vice President of the U. States." KesolotHHis wre also pifoxvl apponitin .' Coin mtlees t tike til" necessary -te in that County to promote the election id Judge Wlnb;. A n-far Is the n iniinatioo of P. P. Birbour for Vico President, we declare our ducideJ dii Ml from 'I. We In I enough of this gentle itn at the lit President ill I'lecuuii, wlien Ins name wad h'dd up fir the sit ue olBce in o'Vw.tiou to Van U.iren. I lis laslirdlv letter on tin; 1 re of tint election Ins le-troye I the court leiice of tho State R,gh(s wrtv in h.s lo ssy -Mh n? else, 1I siiedl too slrou lv of Jickon-Van B ire.itsm. He rii I bring no siren ;th to the Whig ticket, but his name wunlil operate as a dead weight. North Cumlma will never support him. We lo not believe bo could receive the vote ofa single State in the Union. In reference to the Vice Presidency, we would re mark, tint Julge Mingum Ins been fr-'pie.illy proK ail in ditTttrenl aeelious of tie-country as a auiLible can li late for that statio'i. Tlie Wing Pr-ssof the OIJ Ijijiitiaioiuapecially-h'is aliown-ilaclf- fivorablc. ,or "a m-..mation OfluImMVttwViw'aificioM " Wi,lI"--S1-UJt"-J-,l P -Tl4im.uu..u.il.. -cait pmum.r nA u Hid tt lag lW'-1 f C111(,f,htflf r.UL-MnJrr.mrU '"' er.il Counties wHlVonUtleJ under tlio. new Jj t'apl M.-eaW H n,,or : A u.des Unite otf hm. wTannrTt-mrirr-ite-a hMr ..lat.m. : prplltative; , , ihite m.$, tut ha WtmM a re-e- tWUuUun; - r- - Representative lo i I)imU:1 nd. Stale, but a uaefUt. - r OnUtistuhjecttJi-' VirginmS'ip.Mlurlil tlie follow- ,vtmn P. A Lynn, who ma candidate to fill the scat SENATE: tool in the lian la td Martm Van Bureo, the oince-liold. ing judicious remarks: of : Sen. M., is a I Vh il e man Col. R .r who is also" .Northampton. Hertford, Bertie, Martin, Halifax, Nash, era, Snd office-seeker. :. o ve ginet.rely rogmt. that we-are cnpelk'd U dif- a .c.mdiJ-ao for Congreaa, is not only a IV'it'r.min. W, Wak'V Fnukltn, J .i.nston. Warren, Edgecombe, Put, By Capt C. McRee. PuUic (tyinion: The ulli fer with our per-imal an l p:hlitil fnejiLs,.m not Hup f r iiinny years, his been an avowed'Stale Rights man. Wayne, Cnven, ii'juh'iin, '"Ir-inVdle, Person. Cu ubor-: mate arbiter, alike in alt.thm lrwtne.i, we recutr- 'portiivf JaJg.v Uu-Jrmr-wj h.ve n. alUirmtivii left. Then is a Mr tiayl r also a cinlilat" (r Coigress in lin !, Hcnnsoii, New-! Ian over, Dui.lm, Onslow. Anson, mzenone so mighty as to defy iU power, none no lowly "What claim his ti tri"BirhV"tmi'-itrtir-Man-- thwdistrioi, k .. The touiteat. wdl ki bift wa. Ca-UarruCuwell, Rockmg'ia.i, Orange, Rjiilohih, as to wcae its euects. L gum! llulia nr hnnei-!!. h .n-.re Apa'ty f LvwatH Bites. TJrr are tKith nihtiiin let honor ible finilfirl, i'St .k,. itowan, tiva.'tm, Surrr, -l.tneom, By IL W. Allium, Sort h Carolina; Rich in resour- lias he more firmness' Or 1iw he more stan Hug! "la men. anl I in cause of White cm lose nothing by the Iredell, Riitberlord, anl I'ckI -nbur Counties wdl ces, nay sho try exporimonta to ebb the inghty tule of Virgmia more entitled to a Vie" Presi lent than .North election of cilhe'." j each be entitled It S-n .tor, in ikmg, in all, .17. ' The emigration. ' Ciraliui1 we wrv to Iwid". wi are cl'irly of tho I remaining Id senaiir.s are destrdmlml aa follows: I Ity It C. Carson, of Clear Creek. The DViig Candt- opimonthat Wil.LIE P. M A M 5U M lias nanv eUims, M (i v h jwi(vl , jnt ! lo Pernui uons and Piuotank ; 1 to Ca.fl.len and Cur. dale, ,, M rtMnrg : Fighting under the banner ttT f ir b.we Philip P. Barbonr-nesi les, we have lo lou'.t . Jflllr -Wiiijr to" f-n and Lenoir; I to B-aufort and -tnrt -mrr V.nbnremam and Trmp, . TKkAmtMMUW4lkiUAJ4;mM- VH f ' i,m'" m ,s "" '-i-stoo l to be con- Hy,le; 1 to Cart-ret an l Jones ; I to H'.i iswick, Bla- By John W. Sadler, lion. J. C. VnlKoun: The firm " " States. A majority of lh"oppwil on to tlio premtdy- '"ciic'lmg"bV'' .1 nrsty einnot, will nn, and ou-ht n . to s.irr-nder t.a and the Kitchen. It is to be published in th. name, of Moore and Montipi.iiery ; I to Wilkos and Ashe ; 1 to his c..ntry, the f.w of her enemies, may the remem- miKihm the election ol P.lor.t .l V:co P lent; .1... d;..i.... n.... k ... .d ft. um vrtio omit? iviviiis riiy aavi w mi .... j ... ...... r.. i Wiu-z- .nr.,.,,T r.tfnrt another more objectioniibje to place upon hia ticket.. If thia should be dono. thounnd. who viel I to White ;;tuciiirt; "Mr- Van Buren ia expected to arrive'in thja city, in a few days. His equipage, it is atat -d, exceeils that of any other dignitary who has-travelled lbro.i-'h the coun-1 try in a long time. Two splendid match horse went on from here to meet him a few .lays ainca. I he v ice President travel in hi lfsHiehnd lour, witli his out riders" JVfio York Daily Adwrlimr. We saw it stated aome time sinco, that a cariage waa making at the Amherst Coach Manufactory for Mr. Van Buren at a cost of 1,400. For our part, we shall fin.1 no fault with Mr. Van Buren or any other person. because he mav choose to travel in princely state. We - leave to Van Eircn anTTi?rsaianr"rjirTrifffdgtTTaTon. 'of the natural enmity of the rich towards the poor," Uamm Uk. u.wu. ti,.lr.k ... d(sA,iii I n vro mat t Uflln. . 1 1 1 -4- -JO-Wi in-' Hertfl, Hyde, lenoir. M.a.re. Martin. Naah, Onslow, av (! pi, ' ii- W.v. A ii,ira 'Co rZ r wli ml, 1 eUbiv ioato '"d ! rT' '"'T ' a Socrates in w-a iom, ind in i " "I .....r:;" .j"..' .k.....,;...,i haw in the nrideof Uieir erulition. would spurn the, ne wnowin voiinuea win oe mime, ow.n.o.n- diaciple of our ereat Washington. . rem iron iu . mom- n . ' . . .. monera each, VII Anson, H.mconbe, Cu nberlind, nJ Wm R.rrinr TI.fi.mnof I . . 1 liaillC Ul SlIlTUIIllLC ! , II ft . : I . . .craven, oaswen. mviusou. j working classes of the North. Vailfarnnhatfede.X' elunively, thete many yam, at the Public Cll. He Ira I in, hin carriage tetirlh 1. 100, wi'h four horte and out-rider; a ityl perhap unrivalled in thit coun try for tumpluaunet ani iplenior ; and hia parasites cry out Lo iLthe .Puoa,-Jifaai' -FjnitB, tho Paopu's CAiioiDtTB. the Acyocyrc or rtiroaM, the ueorn ene mj -nf fA"B.ir w-TiHn o -tii' Peo-. And they who Will Dot join in the tdisgnating ulolatry to thii pampered hypocrite rolling in-luxury on the Pbopli'i voikt, are stigmatized by his servile presses and mte- rested parasites, aa "Aristocrats," tne "sua atocmng nd rufBoJ abirt gentry," aa HIR3D, BRIBED, COR RUPTED by the Bank to calumniate the meek and mwlt Mjuti. Vam Bures ! Editorial cAange.-rTlie last No. of the Charlotte Journal appears under Uie editorial guiApiMtHkJ IL.Madra, formerly of thia place. From our acquaint ance with Mr. Madra, we feel assured that much may be eapected from hia labora in the Whig cause. He is a geptle'nan every way quilifled fir the laborious task which be baa assu ne 1. Tli? Jinrrial, hitherto neutral in politics, baa hoisted the White fl.ij;. Success! TUB M'BIJC LANDS. (XT' Aa there inn to bo ureal interest felt on the subject of the Public lamia, and m the People appiatr anxioua to knnwhow Uiririproiipritt-ftrth1ii'r "'W?ij!C10tMjr-.liuU!L.upaatlMa Wjnrtj we pnblih, for their information, tli Yrat and .Vuy. It will bo seen tint both of our Representatives and our Senator voted lor tlio Resolutions submitted bj Dr. Henderson, of Surry. . Tnoe who voted for the Resolutions, were Messrs . Albntton, R. II. ALEXANDER, G. II. Alexander, All). . ft. ker, Barrinarr Battle. IjTsifilrtV. BMriifiiriL son Hla1ofh.Bran.lnn. Brar. Hrummfl.Canter.CLKMENT. , lom Htw pnrintf Kihrttona.; I Cnur, CRAKJE, Crump, iMveniiort, Ditrhery, Wnlley, ! v 'r V Ht 'it" wicJiiifl.1.!uUy antlritniml that the ' Fleming, Foreman, (iorrcll, (traham, Guinn,'llawhiiM,'i Spoil I'urty would, on CMninif into power, fill all iilll- Ilarner. lUrrmon, Hartley, K.mde...t, K,.ry, Koke. Ce. at .their li. M with . h a. had r.t.d their re- W. llorUm, J. Ilorum, I l.wlder. Howard, KmKittrell, hv,hlll. bl,n Mi Tt. I,- Utha.n,IJnv,I.i.y,hrke,Hilf.L.dorm,lk,M.n'M t lh,r ,,"n !?'' ..T 1 ley, Manney, Martin, Matthewa, Monk, Mullen, Mc-1 ,l",le",,, however or the V Bnremt. were even ('cue, M'l'an, M'Neill, M'I'herwMi, Norciim, Ouaby, I arMI'e"han I could hate bt l eved. They attempted, Outhw, IVrktnM, I'oimlexter, Rm.h, S'awetl, Hlonn, ' ti brinir Jnd"e. of our Supreme Court under the Hmallwood, (1. Smith, St.ckard, Swindell, Taylor. Til-! proscription of I'artv. In U.ia State the Jd-e are re- roml.i.;m. Uadnworth Walker, y.tmnWanCh, n,,..,. lnM. Rn.wn. Rvnmn. Rvmm. (!rier. I V " r- ' 1 1 'I0 K'r!l The Senile, it will be recollected, refu.-.! to conxi der thiw Reaol.itiona, but laid them on the table, which . Kltuilllilnil 1 1 m w. I (i i.f lliAM i. . . . - v . . ' r r " - - ' - 1 '"" hi aauwln I table, were Mewir. Arrington, linker, ltritain,.Bni,' ... ,i I. . .... n...-. CooiN'r.C'owpor, IMiann, Durham, KdinoiiKtnn, Rlwarda of Warren. Flwanla of Pemon. Ennett. Flvnt. Flow- ; Kawkina. Holmea, Howell, HiiMey. Kerr, ( I.in.lwy, lK-kliart, M'(Wmick, Montiromerv of llert- j , ' u. J , . u. i iv i f' I, Move, o t,reen. Suley. Snaiifht, Stephen, N il- . iVh-,,.Lr v'k!ii.,.,- der, Whitaker, WhiUfhurt, Wyche, Wilton. Tho who voted agninm layiny them on the table, were M..r. Bnrco, Biteman, RK A K D, Caldwell, Dowd, F'airlv, Harrison, Hotran, Kendall, Little, lwrv, M'Millan, M'Quiwn, M'Williama, Martin. M.st, Mont, joinery of Orange, M"ve of Pitt, Parker, Pheljis, Saw yer, Sherard, Shipp, Wellborn. Tlie WHITE Cnunr. The moat cheering prospects of the aurcesH of the Peopl"'s candidate tiir next Pre. udent are daily cmwting upon u. In thi State tho lamest purtion ui tlio Van Ourmi pxrty arc dumb-fimiid-ol by the nomination of lurh a man as II. M J i innm for Vice Preaident on the ticket with Mr. Van Bureii. The pdl i tmi bitter, they cannot swallow it. An I we cannot blame them f r it. thoii 'h they deserve to lie punished Willi a memtH'rslitp of Col. Johnson' domes tic circle the balance of their lives, to answer fir the p.d.tical sin they committed in aidin" the btsc scheme ofth.-. B.It'..n.,reC.ie.,Hiteg. , , , , , ,, ,. ,, , , We think that, if Mr. Van Buren actually hl any real merit of hia own. or any claims noon the suinrt of the American People for the first oHiee in their ''ift, his Ihmii? asHociiiled with such a morollu and oolit e allv i . . ill,.., e corrupt man as It. M. Johnson rIiiiiiII blast them for- 1 ' ever -"J.i Ige the man by his aasoriate. Our oxch inre piper a'e crowde.! with the proceed- . f meeting of the ?ople in favor of Jud-re Wlute. .Even in K"ntu kv the wAife ball is rolling. A recmt letter from a h.L'hlv reKctable gentleman of tliul Sute, shvm "Thn State will go fiir White the iioniiiialion of Johnson for Vico President ha blasted what few pneivei is Van Buren ever had here Johnson te est resiweted al homo, whore ha U best known." From Alalnmi, is., we have cheering news. Thn following extract of a letter, though of a private cha racter, we have ventured to publish. It coms from a gentleman of the higVcgaecji Wwtrtci, anU dat4 imWf .n-, - v . ..... Mr.. VVdliiun EniinoiM hiatoriimiahw tetWilair. An,. Fur a they . " ' ' , comuo. Haywou.1, and Macon. , y ueorge muiih, r. nay me nuipp in. un . . J narei.t. I ..i i 11 . i ...:i. ....u.l uu C n.trnnt PJ"-m- f ' ' ' I We hive recoived anchor N.i of the Apprentices " Tall Oakt from little Acorn grout." From a few remarks of ours, in regard to the Camden Cotton mar ket, a considerable controversy has grown up between " A Cotton B iyer in Cheraw," and the Editor of the Camden Journal; but, before the matter at issue was settled between them, a thirdsman appears in tho last Watchman, who writes from King at, Charleston, and . conclusively (as he probably thinks,) settles thn whole I affair in favor of Charleston. Now, we are not anxious In take nn liie e.idirel in fay or of either nartv : but we i f - i v. - thmk- a paHtf the roanoniwy-ef -the wiiter"WJtti8 Watchman is entirely fallacious. We cannot conceive ho.jtK':-tthM.j good at Cheraw as at Charleston, that our planters can c.ear ...ore money 0y,Wrry...n.u.u.r crops u. u.o inner l l u.;. .... market, at a great increase of expense, labor, an.l time, The difficulties with which the Cheraw merchant has to contend in transnortin the Cotton after ha huvs iL matters nothing with the planter, so he gets a fair price for hi. cotton. VVe do not believe i.wlet for hia cotton. We do not believe that, let thorn open L whaievcr. source, of comunni cation -Uiey. raiy below Cheraw and Camden, tho Charleston market can ever supercede, that of Cheraw in interest to the planters in thia section of country. I Mi' i H'n. im t iiiiaiii .. ir mill . 'Mjsjaaaa 1 . . ". .' 'n t,;,"";7 At recent Convention of the Whig Party of Rhode Inland, Ihe Hon. Tristram Burgess, and Henry Y. Cran ston, Esq., were nominated as the candidates for Con gross from that State it being entitled to but two mem bers. The aame Convention -nominate 1 Diniel Web ster for next President of the United Slates, ' r" Some time aince, we published ati "account of a negro outrage in Hartford, Conn. We see by tl newspapera that a Mr. Conxion, an abolitionist aome where down East, waa cow-hided by ' free negro. "Sawed hira right" " ' ' Extract from a Lrtltr rrteht'd some lime tlnce, doled IhaTroan t?onn., ' KV. (), IifiUriiM ha just terminated it He li.JH.j:,Kfutiv8 Patronage linn been ton .troti f r prill-1 . ACP"f'"n u Pf""Hw arrange.nonui, U.c cil.ae.i of Cplo-thia State i. .!J lb Van Bur. n. ' 'IT?.'"4 - - ... ........... ..... here, the grow adulator of the K.tchen Administration, ml blind defender of all iU nieaaures, hi- been appoint-; cd Comttrollor ' , ' I -They have obeyed in. iwil p.ry inMrt.eti.mai !n'1 i41 KT,u""n rP,,"I",!r ."r 8t'nstur to "uta . ,,v . (J( ,V(.riH,r im t v, f Ho ,lf , know. ben even charged wild wnlmir the mirilv of ita U the fining toola of the J,rkm Van Buren Part,.- prilit and talenl.il t'hief Jnnlire a u have been Hirceediil by an iodividii.il nnl piMinr the run. fidence of the coiimiumty either in hm moral MHiinlneiM w IimmI ltiiimiinl. . ... J..t.'uiIT lu.tl. .ia ; ... . j.n llcP-ltoMef of Una nty, rorlnnjtily liir nefirioiia "fheme failwl. and old Comwctirut wan .pired a erene of det'D din .'race. The I'artv on ciMinnnir their noaea in Cauciii., fiir tin iiwive, mustererl a innionty aa wa nn- lerstiKid, of the House, but would not make up the re. uuisite majority of two thirda. '," W give tin extract as it is w tli only this eoin uent; lM the People here see the prouiiM'd Iruitaof Van Bu renisin H.iii The Cantfnlion.M our I .test .late from Raleigh, tlie l onventien was expeeie.i io aiijoiirn to-oay, (inn; aa they had got through with the most iui;sirtant Irnsi. neas tx-f .re them. For p-irticulars we refer the reader to the following extracts From ihr RuUigh ll' ninttr, of July 7. STATE IHIXVENTIMY ' The Debate on the T.'nd Article, which we noticed , 11 Thr lttlr: T1"-, M endurable arrisliK racy, who in 1 ur last, was not rr.t.sl until We,l,,..l ay. w.,..n -lWt without voOm, govern w,th,..it law, d.H-ide w.lh the Convent,.... deterin ne,!, by a vl,.f 71 .o.VI. U. "'"'I'lH-'l.and are never in U.e vwo..g-(a.tJ, anJ amen I the Art cle, bv str k u t the word I'roirnnnt, wilh 'hne t" ) and inserting the worl ('hriiiimt: Tiie'elT'ct of tins , am-n lin -nt. if literally c tn-troei, will be lo exclude ; The following are nrrnie d" the tr,,,n u",c" 1 u" u 4,1 J-l 'w . deny the trut. f Hie Cnr-at iv-btr.H.. , .the divme authority either ot the Ol I or n-w I .st. "i The .f,,.. ,.lv,.r ., . t, ,, cnnoi f, to prove a rich treit to I he pilil.c. Jile (iislon'i sH-ech, which oceup ed Hie best pari of two day in the I I .-..' it... I ..... .ir .... i ' i . i ry w" '.es-.....y im- r.M... enor. wuici. u niu ever been our gsl fiirtune to hear, and suriMswml the . . . . ... . , ,' inort eluvatiMl ant'cinatifni l an audiance long eni- b0 , ?el), lfl..r, f,,nn. t will hereafter be raukisl anion:.' the hrnt s(v-iinns of powerful Oratory that our c.u .try h. ever prolocl and be read with del" .'lit, as long as tubaiis an I learn ing are a I nired. R i' 'he r ch an I fiii'dy no Intate.t in tonations of his v ce his animated an I powerful deli, very must be lost lo all, nut t ioe vvl. i witnessed the dispt.y of h's ivnwera nd sKiolaneously acknowledged their influence. On Tliurs lay, thn Convention deternmeil, by a vote of 71 'o II, lo e.ct the Governor of the Stite by the People, bieiim illv. ' The whole of Friday wa occupied wilh the Report of the (,0'innittee aoinmirtl to arringe the Senatorial ln'r;;jst an J appnrtmn thp Mcnib -r of tho House of u..i.v w auua,- -jhrxjn:JL.ttt:1JlE:jm Ml.lMiiiuiii.aiC.lh.. a,.iUnt-ttnrSBTtlllDIWT.l Tlr iVTr.t .t. l I I ....... . I.. I ... vv'i.,. l,..-,.l..... v"r?0 ).M,r.v' 1" ! iof B.nc,..nbe, and to of The following-Counties will be nnlitlo.1 each to one 1 iia...k... !... i.i.. r'i.A.. i:,,.i, B dgecn nle, Randolph, Roc ki ugh. in, Person, Bauforu B 'rtie, Duplin, Frank- lin, Johnston, Montgo ery, .New-IIannyer. .Northamp- ton. J'itt, Robeson. Richmond, Sampson, Warren and Wayne 50. The following Counties to three Commonera each, via. Ouilford, M.wklenfHirg. Kowan Riithertonl, Wake, ci i i.- i....i . i....:r... ( l..l. i 1 I mirry, uursu, uainam, umiiviiie, iiiiuian, ireueu, aim time Stokes 3(1. By Thomas 8. Henderson. Tlio Ladies: The bind And the following to four each, vir : Lincoln and ers of-our irctiona, the folders, jratherers, and collect Orange in all IM . ors of our enjoyment The Convention met for a few moments on Saturday, rjy James Corrigan, Esq. May the blood or a David- the 4th of July, but the only business transacted wa , kI1. snd a Rotberflird never be trainuled noon ii CSSJlSjilUiL : vateegislition, from the Committee of Thirteen, through the Chairman, Mr. Meares. ',AI I yy.rwy l!?:'!!?..:"'"' .r'!LLi''T" t'g!.?.'-' 'Mi!?:'???!:: "Bliair"Be'iiiT(ir n-Vth r.itijTioiirtTift'" Statier The General Assembly shall have power to pam ge- i i . i ; .1: J . i a i -.11 "- "-""''J ' " I"""" . - -tinir i voren snd lummy : hot shall j not have power to grant a divorce or secure alimony in j anyindividnal cae. . The General Assembly shall not have power to pass 1 Priv,te 'ier "'e nvn f "nJ 'J,1? . zensn.p, any perwrn convicieo. m anyin.anKHis cn.no. --WliwiaiwrBin-of i11wr-alaJrV4ir-oi!Thti duced into either "louse of the General Assembly, it shall not be passed rtpon, until a la of 10 has been piid. by the person introducing tha same, to the Clerk of the lioose ia.M Dy, jwnawuateo. luc, aiMi.p.iinovi?c.toHia. Treasurer of the State. j From CWW.Our letter from Mossn. LaCoste & .u o i. . . ... -..... . , M Kay, Of the 6th instant, states, that Cotton, has do- dined aince the accounts from Liverpool of the 27th of May ; we quote it at 17 to 20 cents very little coming te BWJtel-Whtsliay Spic 10i Corn 9341 Wr Flour, norUtern, A3 a J Hour, country, & 50. ' " ., 1003. We present Jer Shear for idleness, walk. 1 ing Up and down the atrcol tu neglect of hi calling. fl'OR TIIK WtaTKM Ca.r.lU! ) 4TII OF JULV CUIJ-IHIIATKJ.N AT CONCORD According Ui previous: arrangeinonl, U.e cilixu of c.ieuraung ma iixuvin Anniversary ot Aiw ricin in dependence. At tlio hour of II o'clock, a procetaon formed in lite tfwl fronting Dr. Karri', with the Military, wlMivi.liinl.wml their 'rvicejMtnUieocaion, jlfTt 'J?'" S" '",t .r'"'1. W? '.7 Cn,.U of Arptngmrt.-.tU, u a.-l l r of lit. Iktcl iratioit, IWl.Ttt and Vico I'rwi.l.-iit and lUmm fmi f the r.-ir, all iimler the command of Mjr. Ibaan Vnim, aa Maraliall of (lie .lay, wiio. bedire n-acltmg "f hUx "I" r7' ,n.rr,H'L .Aftl'r "l" " om'l'w, ul' U tl,fl thnm in1 h ""' R"v- lbibeii; when, IW . few ininalucbiry re.mrka, llw lWliratt.Hi of lndeHiii.nce waa read by ('apt. t.'. I. Mcltue, and an elegant ami rornle oration delivered by William S. Ilarri. After tit. "rvl'r1,'.g 1,18 c''"r'y re.e.led to lite Cm. ' i''. TJW .A STk? AH'fi.T-h r. liillowui' were aniKiiiiioud an the fteg.il ir Toaata: ! TV DnUraiUm of lultprndmrt! A buacon of lilterty to an eu,iveil world. 'i. Thf iluy ipr ttlthrulr: Never will it ceaae to be joyoimly reinemlN'red uniil the funeral knell'of liberty an i putriotiMiii, im mhiiiIiiI tiirouguiHitour Union. 'A. The SiutnmiH uml Ih rortof'lQ: May Uieir uio inoriiH. be uniiKirul. 4. Untur H'tiiliingtnn ; The adamant of hia cha racter uiiDralhed by Hie lapae of tim. , ' TC'Kh'iinttt'UiluyrUr: Whilirt liberty and patriitimn tiiKla an almlin place in our country, tiia inemory will N, cherihed aa avc.md only u our illuatrioua Waaliing ton. 1. TV Siinrr'of Ihe Ihclarattim of Indi funtUiict: May a halool glory encircle Iheir iiieiuorie. 7. 'The Union : Cemented by the blood of our ft thers, let not heartier, ambition and grasping avarice, which cemented it birth, produce it tiiMolulion. h. ,itrth Carolina : Did Rip give sign of ruuci tat ion. 0. TV Srnatr of the V. Slale$ : Their palriotiwn worthy ihe best day of tin Republic. ID. Will I'. Mangum : I he learles oppoer ol law- es power, and able d. len ler ol the people may tliev honor him with iheir cmifxlence. rufhU, H- '''' 'rain: ()..r prex-nt Governor, the iiri'l.. of our Slate, may she delight to honor him. l' Thr Orator a f Ihr Duu! Msv tlui native talent 0f liri, Carolina find eiicouragouient in her own Ik aom. V ll.CN PEER TtJASTS: Dy Gen. P. Uajrmger, i'rvuluut ul llw day. Tlui day years ago .Mir lorelatliera declared lhems!lve fr4 fro,n ,. yi,0 f (;ri,t r.l,in; let us, iheir -...s, 11H day declare oursdves ready U) oppose the chain ,,(,. ninn'' fiir us mid our cli.ldren by .Uarlin Van Buren . ' . . ' B. nto u.,,M.r t ji.icu. Ity Archibald Houston, Esq., 1st ire President. Tli- Kinhrhook l.igiriuii: May he never presiJe over the destinies ol a Free People. By Col. li'sirge lliroliart, 'it I Viee Pr.aiide.it. The iiirnruig l'alnol$ of'HS: M iy tbe.r future day be crowned with peace, as their former wan lyuh itIott. By-Maj. II.mii Camion. Thr Whigi of (he llh C'.'.gr .i"Hii l)itricl: May llcy s'mw to the world, on ihe 1:1th of August next, Uieir abhorrence to Collar men and Collar principle. By Samuel llama, lit. i(g Whilr and 1lm. W'dlii I', Minium: May tin. lirsi receive the It, ghost office within the gift of the American Pooplo, an I the Initer Ihe wcoiid. By l-vi Hope, Fq. The People of ihe United Stale ; Ihr nourcr of nil ixiw r : May U.ey aeek to b" enl.glit- eiwd, ta Ui ablu U )uJ ju betw ecu right and wnmg, that Bun-.J""'' TTJr c. "T 'IT h4.i--I n.l. D.'WHilwr-wilb tlie top sails spread to the l.ilv ol v aslnni'fnn. n (. William C. Means. Martin Van Burrn : . . . ." " ' i. l "L i "." .' I 1 . n . i l ' - . .i'iL. t a ...I wthtmmi in de (Mtriutuim a worthy Wnshinirton : R,mii,lo.l nnlv hv tha mot nf tha Sun. based uimn the eternal foundations of Liberty and Virtue, and lifting iu broa( a)umnt Ut tle skies, it will continue to stand ;,nmtl0ib)e ,nd imperishablo, while truth and mercy g,a en,ire on the earth, lookmg down upon all things et,, (,,(, to oblivion, gatherini? atrenifth from the WSste of ceuturiiat and brightening amid the ruins of feeV- n t.,mM s Iliirh. Hon. II. 1 While: A native 0f Corolina. honorable and independent, may he can People, B A jj, The young men of Concord and Ca- 7 . . IM A. 11. itiosa. t. ' ... ni. r.... J.... .k rca,iineSs prove their devotion, and their watch word be our Country, right or wrong. n J.mm!w lliiowin. kie of Crockett' District- The .Lad im: The? have their waya, and for all that, all thathe fkct, there-., flodoing witUqrt them 1 so go, ahead, 1 Three cheer. Byi); tJ. Walken thlihrufyTlvjVtt'K n(1,fy celebrated by every true Democrat of the Union, wt)e t(l0 Fjtie the Star-spangled Banner wavet 0er Ul8 anti tie free and the borne of the y n. Bv F. G; liOgan. North and South Carolina: Iden- tified in interest and in feeling, may the aame apirit w,,ich wM ,t,,em n TJl Z preiMion, anunaie and unite them against wiggery and J,olllnMljon doctrines and despotiam at home. jjy ( 'artoe, of Rowan. The Dinner: The balm air and lively scene that surrounds the food ren- -T, i rU5 The'SalUbury The. piaM reS()6Ctfuy inform th) Pubici tnBt lhey will make Iheir first appearance, for thia Season, 00 Thursday reining, tht mh rtf August next. ( July 11, 1835. - - ' -t 07AL r-.v .l.li.DliJ UiliRW. 'H r5 Ai'' 'I t Alil.sr.TMAKIllt, 'WLy.iifini-AYYifi FL'LLY i..U...a DA VI II V,tTMO., p if?,, --y. b friend and the public, lhal Im Jl haa rei.K)V?il but flmp from hit old tand, lo the npiaatto 4 the Street, four kara Kaith of John Murphf'a Sturc. ami nearly oppmule Uia Snlwl.ry Hotel, where lie i prerni to execte a'l ordrm article, in hi line IB) a trry tuprrior manner, al abort notice, and on mode rate term. I lo will keep regularly f.rf tale, audi Fur- nitnrn a Sidrhonrdt, linrtnn; ftrrrrtnrirtf rWaTefa, TuMr,Vundie-ttand,htnili,fe,,,qe. He return hi rrateful acknowlcdirnMnU lo hia eua- ' louier liar the very liberal patronage hereUifore ricei- v.aj, ami hope, by atrict altentioo lo Duainaa. k tucrii ita continuance. ' (Kr TO DEBTORS 'All UKfcs Webted toth. on. derignet inul pojii iWy osne forward andaetil tlieir accounts, u longer indulgence canm be given. Sal.wMiry, July II, li3 DAVID WATSON. 'PIIE Cmnniille nf Omcord Preabylery will receive Prup-wat for making and delivering At Ihe aim of the Manual Lalx.r Shool, on th ii I.I ic r.w.l leading from Hileville toChurlnlte mm mile below the Iredell line until ihe lat daj uf-iuguai, ifj.'w. - r z:r ProptMHila may be directed ib pilheFof the Com. mitte, under nnrnn, or lo Hickory Oror Poirt. Otlko, Meckleulmrg c.mntv, North Carolina. w. l. nvinsoN," W. 8r ALLISON, RORKRT IUTTS, ) 3 JOilN I). (ilMIUM. JOHN WILLIAMSON, I ? P. S. The Committee will iiH-et at Ihe houae of W L. l).ividon, on tho 3rd of AugiH, at 1 1 i clock, A. M. 1 p-3- Julv II, IH3.V A List of Inciters REMAINING IN THE POST-OFFICE AT Llncolutoo, Lincoln County, No. Caro ON THE 1st DAY OF JULY, IU a ::.T. MOSES T. ABEKN VTHT, Jauie. Arlrnaon, Mdes AlHrtiathy, Sr., iVuAtun Alexander. IL . David B. B-inck, Jacob Baker, Allen Iliker, Jo shua Beam, John Hull', or In children, Robert Brown, B.'iijamin It'll, tiov. II. tS. Burton. C... David (Tluh, David Crouae, Jacob Thompson Cal ly. Rlcrt Chddera. I).. ..Thomas Dickson, or Father Davis,. Luke Da vi or James Bevina &' Co., Peler Dellinger, Jacob Uauar. E. .. B M. Edney, Win. Enlaley, Ja.ne En lsley. F. ...B.rls.ra Fulbright, Jeremiah Frayaur, Rn. Fall, Jauie Ferguson. ll.....Nelson'ti..iry, Samuel Galea, Jorcmiah Goodson, Solomon Rudisel, or Aimer (ioclnn. II.... William (lough, lwis llinklo. J....AIwalo.n J arret, James W. Irvin. K....Smion Killian, JMiii Keener, Abram Kisl.lcr, Christopher Kner, J.wepb Keisllcr. L... Daniel l.utx, Judah lantz, George Lantz 2,) John liwe, Jiaiua Lre, George IsHird. M....J0I1.1 Mono, Alexander MTurkK ppiriou Mur phy, Col. A. Moony, Jow-ph Morris, John Marton, Jan. M'Ginuis, Georgo Mauney, John-M'Clunglian, Mojcs Marton. N.... Ja.ne N'itil, Adam Niell. Q.... Michael Quickel. R.Jacoff Ramsrmr, Franklin Retnlttrdt, R Ram sey, Wm. Roderick, Peter Rea, Jobn Roberta; S....A. N. W. S.dlera-i, David S.gle, Geo. Shy em, Samuel Sullivan, P.linaheth Sliuford, Elias S.nyer, Mirgaret A. Springas, Codiaa Smith, Kxrkiel Sullivan, BfjHert SmillmWillwrn KpHtmey, -Alexander SUitU.y, - Ll " 1 I . . L- - - i,iniioi-w rnip, jr., m vi. ninnir. Ti.i. David Thovwnbnry, Jamer Absalom Taylor. W.Mihr WtkM, V'ittcmrf VW,-J.n-W4Mter, Henry Warren, Eliinlwlh Ware, John Wacaaer, r Jiunoa Cody, Suloinoa Willsou. Y....N.h II. Yarber. p8 July II, Ktt, .a C. UE5DEIIS0X,P.M. A List of Letters REMAINING IN THE POST-OFFICE AT ' lriiiiKtoii, .V ON Tllli FIRST DAY OF JULY, 1835. A....Rev. D. C. Allen. ftJn-M1-HB'tl1h ly Brown. - F....Gia.rge A. Freeman. duJawea Gibbon, John Gobble, William Gordon; II.. ..John Heath. J....John Jarratt l....JaA Llvlligood. "" M.. . Tboma Miller, Aloxandor Miller, Simeon Mor- ; ria, Mr. Nancy Mima. P....Sila Peace, James Palmer, Herod Pope. R,..,Rey, Ikjiiiel L ll'iswl,.,. . , & TtMunaa J-.SIielliia, Buxyaaauv Sliavavj 3Ih- tervThoinaa-Slwijilierd, . -r:-:Z.:.--w-i-uJ'-vv.-; - T.... Mia Sarah L Trantham.. . " , W....Jame Wiseman, Joseph Walk, William Wil liams, Francis Williams, Henry Walser. p3 July 11. im . M. ROUNSAVILLE. P. M. Salisbury, North Carolina, (Situated on Main Street, a few door above Ihe build ing formerly occupied a the Branch of tha Stale Ban of AWA Curnlina,) II y THOMAS X. MAGIC ; .17110 informs hia Friend, and Ihe PulJic. ge- " nerally, thnl he has lirtety purchased t,f W. II. Slaughter, Esor., Ihe n.iildi.iga, &c, which hae been aVmy wwiipird tSr-trrrn-'OTar tiniBttliir' advantageonatv known by the name of "OlLD POINT COiFORT." r lie i nttwpirfnaTtrd-m arctTrnmodfltr Hoarderf and Travellers. The location ia convenient to I ha business of Ihe place, and alill sufficiently retired to make it pleasant.' Tho house i cmivunietilly arranged for thtr accnmimdaitoo of families, or -ainglo persons, either as regular or Iransient boar ders. Clean and well-aired beds, honest and ohli?. ing servants, Well furnished Table and Burl first"" rateCoW,"iTuff tu his spaonwaand well contrucld Stables, whose character for allenlion and care in tho manage :. .i" li "..... , n. . mom oi norses, is unimpeacnea. a lie Landlord riB"tfraltift lion to all who will be kind enough to patronize hit establishment. The friends of hia predecessor, ha hojies, will extend to hiiri their patronage, as he will devote the whole of his time to promote the well management of his concern. . (Kr Stage Passengers are informed, that Ihe Great 'Nortbeirnahd Siuthern Linn of Stages " the Merchant's Line Peck 4e Wellford Contract- -ors, arrive at and depart from the Salisbury Ho tel I ri-weekly. Seala secured in all other Stage leaving Salisbury. ' T. A. IIA.GUE. ' ' Salisbury Jt. C, May 9, 1835, . U . '."i.'icr.'.tj v 5p 0 J, - F