. i, I i - . t -f . i . ? ', i :)t. ! i tliiiM : 1 , I 4Reccf m Tk( MfaM. PM t elf mu m mb .. v Wa IM fat' I AM Mea (HtM IM irt4 w tto. . TUB SCAR OP LEXINUTON. V Miae H. I. epvLa. With ehernS Smile, the prattling boy, ' Who, on the vrlein'shreet recline, Has thrown smdc his fivorite Viy I AnJ around hit gentle lingers twines The scattered locks, that with Uie night Of foor spots yesrs are snowy white . And as lbs scar arreats bis view, , lis cries, grand pa, who wounded you t "Mr child, His five and Mr years, , This very dsy, this very hour. Since fVom a scar ofblaid and tears, .. Where valor Ml by hustUa power I saw retire tM setting sun, Behind the bills of Islington ; While pale and lifls on the plain -., My brother Uy fx freedom slain. , "And ere that night 4he fir that spake - In thooder to our land was o'er, Amil4 the clouds of Are and smoke, ' I Ftlt my garmonu wet with rore t Tie since tlt dreaJ and wild allrey, Thtt uymg, dark, eventful day, Prom this calm April eve so far, " 1 wear upon this cheek sear." -, WVe thou to manhood shalt be grown, " And I am gone to dost to sleep, . May freedom's righta be still thine own. And thou anil thine in quiet reap, ' The anblighted produce of the toil, . - In which my Wood bedewed the soil I ' And while those traits thoa shalt enjoy, Bfthink thee of this scar, my boy "Aid should my emintry's voice be beard, To bid her children fly to anna, Gird on thy grsadeire'a trusty award j And umfitwayed by war'a alarms, R uneinber on the buttle field, ' I mfle tlie bund of Ood my shield I AmLbe Ukmi soared like Die to tell. What hore me an, while othere WL" -VAniETYi Th Pneer-Perhaps it may not be annus to remember the Printer in my discourse. He is in ' very disagreeable aituatioo.- Jle trusts every do. dy be ww not whom bis nwwy ia scattered every where, be hardly know where td look for it. Hie paper, hit ink, his press, hia type, bis journey, men's labor, hie hrtrg, murf be punctually I id Sw. You Mr. ' nd Mr. , and lr. , and a hundred others that I could name, have taken hie paper, and your wivea, and your children, and your nmghooure have been amused anTnformed, tod 1 nope improredrlrHH-J if you ntiea one paper, you think very hard of the printer or the pwt t'r it J ym bad ratnor go wiin- Ml your best mewl, than be deprived of your new. piper. Hive ever complied with the terms of "your subscription t lieve-you taken ee much pains lu furnish the printer with bis money, as he has to fimish Yon with the paper t - Hive Ton contributed . your mite, tot his band-work nnd head-work ? If you mvw not, go py nun on, w unw ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO ASd.S8INATl? THE ' nn t'nirM'MT . -i.-.- r ivroiiyi. 4. Police httUtgtne Extraordinary f " ' : Canst thoU driW out Leviathini With " booil-ijoe, J will drive Cm out ul tby kiugvlou with a dn-rof Intli.' ;'. ' T r: -rvunkn ' A Ttw-boned, kratern-jawed, bow-legged, ragxedl, ' and measly looking iit&nt of twenty, was brought -- before one of the Mk"M rates of ..Ihie City, inat Tuesiliy, oo the alfidaviti of the lreaidents porter fcnd gardnerIWgingtha thpnsonfpb at teutiied to awousinate Andrew Jackson, President . m .T .t a of tnu Umtod tstatee or norm Aiuenca. if ixilrte What is your naine f Lf i -- Primmer.-' Mv name ia 1 lay nee. ' " r- Afof.Tour Chr'iatUdr'ortlwrvTour legal ria. Jootithao among the jfVophet, or rather, ai you aay of them, as it s written Pris. Varmount. M,ifWi brought you to Wellington f --r Vis. Shank's mare, 1 gueea. "Mig. Diyou mean that you walked atl the way t . Pfll "Fi CA a'lttOit . alL. i .mwmxrK:?stm.?j?::-i. -Mug. How fcr ia it f v--t--'-'-u M'i-What;buieM 'db-yim tttOwirt.'&to: Prw- lilting and killing. jVay. Mr. Clerk, write down assaulting and killing. You are paid, I suppose for your work! - Pnt, tlenerally, l.,,,MIL,;lJl.,. Mm. Write down thtt the prisoner is general- ly paid fir abutting nd killing. - Were you ever the Sonnte of the United States t " -iPris. -No; but 1 have been in the Legislature of VarmiHml but that 'ere kind of btininosa dicTnt gibe well, and I took to pork and prophecy. " Mig Thia fellow is as crazy, as a bed-bug. Mr. Snook (tho Preeident'a porter,) what do you know about thia businei? ; r" .f ' ; Sioolfs. May it plaze vour honor, I waa walk- !--4og aWt-the huH of the-Preeidetit'e llmtse, f eytnrj , mm I can t at.nd euttuisr jih to amuse myaoir, you Inoiv, when the door bell rung as if all the divila iu,iLlljeralhcoriJtndjwytl to myljlsntf hnt ' r ... , -fig y urfof tTinre, yro ;,r.t: l' come up the steps, aa ragged as, your honor, 1 corp ratin note ; and, saya I, what do you want I . .... ,.,r 'wiattt to see tlte rreeidont, eaye m ,. But you - ; ; iilwii't do uo such thing, says I.fBut I am a pro phet, ays he, andl have come to at the President fo giw me' back the letters wrote to him, about the bWt-offmnE'nn mcrafkw. Ana what burnt oft liuingai soya I. The Treasury Department, aaya i .(,. : A(kj wna acrancesT said I. Tlie sacrafiee of the fitted calf at the Baltimore Convention, mid hev And theoi your bonorf i- iitchd the fellow a : k!i kvaml he sung out niurther, in Irish, and the gnr . iioiior came up ; and so, ye see, we cotch him in the .act. ... f.....:..- ' Mag.Slr. OflTicer, can you throw any more ': lCffht tirt thia bt$nI.ii;..'::i:-..-.r...... . Oficrr. The porter has given the substance of all he tohl me. When I took. -Ihe prisoner out of the h.inds of the porter and gardonor, searched . . him thorouithly, . , . ;; r : .Vig. -What deadly weapons did you. find about him T Of.X f wnd a wnodoo skewer, Very grea"y. and a m:ill piece of pack-thread Witt) fUn-book attached to it. . . . . Jonathan, what did yog mean to da with the skower f " ' n' -j Jimalkait. I guess IM a stuck it into somebody. ; Mag. Who I ... Jo tioiiM whole hog, I guess. Mag And what did you una to do with that h-hook t . Jon. 1 intended, kind a, to bait it with 4 pro clamation, and bub tor an otlice. Mag. Circumstance ar very strong again you. Jm h'pel to ret along br hook or by crook, that' a. r - : Mi. Did jroti rnrnn to kill the President f Jon. tell you tnr business ia bog-killing. Il would have rone against the f rain to hare stock wooden skewer into his Excellency's body. Do you thiuk I intended to put hook into Leviathan's nose I but touching the mm of David, Mag i on must so to mil, Sir I Jon. The prophet Amos opened his mouth, j Mag, Hold your tongue, Sir) V""-"The sons of Levi i Mag, Silence Jon And (saao said,- . Mag.-r-VW gag you, Jonathan I ft Andrew, the son of i Mag Silence t I say, OiTicera take this fiU tow to jail He is fully committed for flat burgla ry, and an attempt to kill the President of the Uni ted States, with the deadly weapons, namely t one wow too bog-skewer, of no value and ooe fan-hook and pack-thread, being of tlte value of half a mill thereabouts, more or km. "7" ' . . Tb prisoner wu according committed. We have seldom met with a more agreeable jru d'uprit than the following, which we copy from the Saturday a Magazine, Pr April lit RURAL CHRONICLE. Arnu DeparturesFot the north, Frost, Ewj., and suite, amongst whom we noticed Messrs. Woodcock, Fieldfare, Redwing, due, ate Arrivals Early in the inoulh, Mr. and Mrs. Swallow family expected to follow anon. si. D Mr. and Mrs. 8. go ou( very little as yet. TM Messrs. Blackbird aud Thrush have begun to give their annual concert f r the eeasoo. Their respective Ltdioa "are at home." The musical foreigner of distinction, the Bignor Cuckoo, whose favorite cantatua are so reonatedlv encored, is said to be on the look out for lodging in mo ocignuornoou, oi range siorys are in circu latino reporting a branch of the Sparrow family the Widow nightingale to bcr acat in Poplar isiana, The Mmm Martin for the season. Dr. and Mrs. Rook have made a great progress in their new dwelling, which .is built on the old site. TAe-JgrniArnjly, so famous in the annals of ar 1 twi ,i 1 1 m iMUimjj ' ww tiro .iiimid u, chitecture, have lately deiTgnod aome" edifice, which show tliem fo be as skilful as ever in that admirable art, Court Nrw$Qartte Extraordinary, Yesterday, her Serene Highness, Queen Flora, held her hret drawing room thia aeason, which was moat numerously attended."-1 he court opened soon aAer auoriae; Mr. Skylark was in attendance to announce the company, .The Miasea Daisy were the earliest visitors af ter which amvala were constant. r- Measra. Bugle, Broom, Lilac, Orchis, Perwinkle, Ranunculua, etellaria, cm, all richly and tastefully attired. "TboHwowrou's ramTIy"oT"tne Anemomee paid their devoirs i early,--; These i elegniitea were varioua- ty habited f aone wore ricn scarlet UKMicea, oth ers purple white," and green,' almost aurpawsed in beauty their more splendid relatives. - The Miaat Violet, on their return to the coun try, introduced-by the Ladies Primmee ; the ami able "aod " iniidost appearance of the firmer waa much noticed the costume of each party was thought very becoming, and skilfully assorted, to act off the charms of both. The Misses Blue Bell wore robes of azure tissue, and were much admired fitr the sylph-like elegance oTtneir furina. . The. beautiful .Germander family, with their oever-to-be-lorgoUen eyes of heavenly blue, at IOl.HIHmMWplUII,c!na The arrival of the Rose family was anxMHisly epeeted.; - The Miaaee Cowslip were presented. It has been the fashion to call them the ''pretty rustics but : tliey- were moat arackmslT received,and the delicate Dropnetjf ot their drei w drift red."" The Lady. Cardamioea, costutnc"of the-finest linen. Mrs. Tul'Pi body and tram of crimson and gold. This truly grand dress had superb ettoct Messrs. Cneanut, Uak, Birch, JUmi, ate, 6ic, ported new bright green liveries, of various ahadea. . : " - Messrs. Blackthorn, Pear, Apple, &c, Ate. crowded- round their sovereign, eager to pay their dutiful homage .They made a magnificent , show in rich auiU of white, red, and green. The company were greatly delighted with a concert of vocal music from' a large party of the - m ' .1 ' il I. . .1 : Devi peiiormers w ins nviguuoruuou,cuniug XNlXJIJIOStfiHBb. The Court broke up, haying partaken of few drSpa of light and charming beverage, but not before the Widow iMffntinimm. twno nna imneu ine per. mrmertTDrrmonnnaVad been entreated to a4 .. r.'i ."rx'rrrrn-xrra'T.: for the company vim i song tine weu-oreu muy instantly complied, and poured upon theeareof her delighted auditors one of her tnuat neart-umiung melodies. " from tA JVeaj York Morning Herald, ",' Cot. Bra, we learn, ia now very much India posed, and iahnot be' expectjd1o five 16ig,-" He is ighty years of age i - He seat, the other day, for 1 particular Itiend of his early year, unaer ine ap prabAoaioA bjuuWJad.JlotJaOa world. , " I sent for you," said he, -1 sent lor you now, because at another time we might merely look in each other's fkcea; but have oo disposition to talk."-: He then handed over to bis friend aeve- Val important manuscript", part of them intended for puoucation auer dis ueaiii, -vAmwg tho paj imr iournal which Col. Burr kept dunng hi tra vela in Europe, after the unf irtunate affair between him and General Hamilton. For beauty of descrip tion, shrewdness of remark, and originality of thought, we are informed, this journal ia particular ly pre-eminent It will be recollected, that Lionel Burr, while, in Europe, moved in the highest cur- clea, waa intimnte with the calling politirl&ns of Kngland and prance, and aociiitd with them in private and in public. Part of this journal is iu Ilia form of Ciuuliar lettars, written to the late Mra. A Uni, of whom a styry wu recently published, which, in C'ol. Burr's opinion, is ridiculous and im probable. The grace, beauty, and Piling which are scattered through these Nters, are heightened from the circumstance of their being written to bis bulovod daughter. 1 here is, also, we learn, a Urge number ot nigh. y important letter from Eurpean eorreHpowh'ots of high rank, throwing light oo hia mysterious ex pedition to Mexico, which Mr. Jeffrrson turned so efEictually against him as treason aguinet the Uni ted Stale. i appears that William I'ltt, then the British Premiur. was concerod in that proioct, and aiiecially countenanced the attempt of Col. Burr. Lngland wu then at war with spurn, and the un- tiiih Cabinet waa very denirout of cripting thoir .1 a - . ' ' power in inu oouin American poaseawoiiB. Of that period of hia life, during which he waa a formidable competitor with Mr. J-mrmm, tor the w a . a . a !.. rresioency, there ia no letter or document remain ing. 1 hat portion of Uol, IJurrs eventlul hie rems, titerefore, on hia own perwrnal character, tor truth and accuracy. In that rexrt, he stands on pre- cisnly the nine footing as Mr- JWUiroo. The letters and memoirs of Jeflhrson made great kenaation in the world when they npieared those of Burr are calculated, from thir revela. lions, touching important pervids of hiatory, td be even more intereirting. .The papers and diKMimnnta already put by Col. Burr into the hands of his early friend for puUica lion after hia death, would fill several volumes ol modern typography. The following paragraph not only gives us a pica sing account of one of the tnont elegant structures of thia country, but conveys aoine uncfut hints, both in an architectural and practical point of view : Ators Hotel -decidedly the largest private structure and the moat chaxle and beautiful in iU architecture, of any edifice whatever in our city- is rapidly progreuug to completion, for aome dnya, the side-walk has been fenced in to give an opportunity to raiae.one of the pondnromt colunma of grautte which flunk the yeatibule or great en trance on Iiroadway. This precaution was deem ed neceawary, to prevent accident to the throng ol person who are cmiirtnntlv pn""in tn this part of our great thoroughfare; but who, during this inter ruKion, have run a greater rink from their prefer ring to paw through this narrowed part of the streot, close lo the fuuee, because it is the Cumiou able aido, rallter than pas over to the park aide. It is a miracle, that some have not been trodden under foot by the cavalcade of omnibumns and hacks which have necemarily been more crowded togeth er here thau they are in other parts of Broadwsy. We are- reduced that -the column is now erected, and hope that the other will be put up u expedi tiously. The one raised ia a aolid block, ear 20 feet in height, including its capital, and about 8) to 4 feet in diameter, deeply fluted, and tapering very gradually from the bar. It ia of the same dark blue Boston granite u the large oblong blocks, of which the entire edihee is 'composed. A re markable feature of the building is, that there ia no cement between tha joints of the blocks, and that the fronts present a ainooth, handsome furnace, without ny ornament whatever, which, with .the symmetrical position and harmonious arrangement of the windows, gives an air of mathematical trim- pticilyT6"lhe" building whrcbdemonjiHTeilne au"-' perior elegatice of this c lassie style of architecture over the ginrbr3ad rioeiy-which disfisurw too manr w our edrhceai 1 he-whole- too has been raised by-the crank and crane without any ncfrM- tng. We wish J hia building jnay be atudicd and cupted after m a tnode) by our architects generally it ta nign lime tiiat tne money making jouoing ays. fern of running up to an extreine height, grotesque shells of brick work, riddled with windows and so ahatpofully thin in their walhv that ihey tumble dowr) the moment tiie timbers which wpporl them are burnt bv fire, ahoulj be abandoned, 1 he me liic4ojjatnvtrohe which i hapirene! e-yyar or iwt since to the large new store on t 'I i If-nt roe t, where snyerai he were crushed under the mnt is dreadful lesson to those who. to witinfy their cupi- any ami lor greater cneapiNMM, cauao mee living CiriEua to lie coluucted.''..Tuo'. nTuiliclllt auiliuiri. . i ii.i . ' r " "K i . ' i i iy snoii(i iaKe tne limner in nimu, ano enianuan a board of ediln, nn the Roirmna did, or eommiasion. cranio iiipcriutehu theerection of alLbttildinga ac cording to id substantial plan. N. For the LaditoA van to make Cuticots'vatn ceua. -Infuse three gills of Salt in four quarts of boiling WHter, and tiut the calico in, while hot, and leave it till cold." And in thia way "the colon are rendered permanent and will not fade by aubse- qoent Washing. so says a lady, who has frequent ly made the experiment herself. , Ifudory When, after the battle of Aumnle, in which Henry IV. of France waa wounded, he in quired, from the officer collected round his bed, what had pqared subsequent to hia having ten the field, and found that no two agreed in their narra tives, he exclaimed, "and yet, thus it ia that history must be written T Pvriovi FrrdiW.---During the Spring Circuit in England, this year, the Jury, who had doubts of and their foreman gravely answered the uaual que. tiony by saying, MiY0t Guilty, if he. mill leax the town 1 1'' Power of Uglinet Mirabeau wu both the ugliest man and the moat effective orator in France. He was proud of bis ill looks, and counted his per aQoalv.app speaker. M You know not, aaid be, all the pow. er of my uglineea." Girard College. Some idea of the splendour and magnihcence of the Uirard College, now erect' m Philadelphia, may be fortoed from the factthat the sura of one tkoumnd tkret hundred dollar has beeu contracted to be paid for the mechanic's labor upon each of the marble cape, placed upon the Ihir ty "fcnrConhfhlw outside of the building. It is estimated, that, to complete each of the caps, it Will require the c tinuod daily labor of two mechanics for upwards of one year.- I be aggregate cost ot the thirty pur columns, embracing materials, tabor of finishing. and cost of erecting, may be conjectured, when the coat of labor upon the caps alone amount! to fifty lour thousand two hundred dollar. A Splendid r Ejino FROM 8aIialur),(.T C.) to Raleigh, (I. C.) - T33 0TO03?wS3R0t VNXIOUS to aflbrd rfvery fkedity to ths Travelling Public, now announce that they have completed all their arrangements and can with truth mj, Wt prt unt yon with a lAm of llacki fo$$euing idtmtngei ever say other, if worn wi$k lo get on with cms mnd tftjmlrh hiTing ouUined that great aeitarrorum wiw all Traveller no dtHmtion on tho rood. It is so r- ranged U to correspond, m it arrivala at Raleigh, with ths departure of the following rJUgea, ii : The Great Daily Line to Blakely, Nortli-Carolina, paaiing through Louwburg, Warrenton, and Halifax; at the latter place a Line or Stages communicates with the Portmnouth Rail-Road for Norfolk: by continuing on to Blakley, you strike the Petersburg Rail-Road; and on your ar rival at that place vou have the choice of two Lines either by land to Washington City, via. Richmond and Fredericksburg, or by Hteam-Bnal to Norfolk. There w also a Line of Htage from Raleigh to Norfolk, via. T arborough, Murfreexborough, Winton, &c., over one of the beat Natural Road in the United HUtear- At Norfolk there will be no detention, as there is a line of Hteain-uoau for Baltimore in connexion with this line. This line also connect with one from RalightoNewbern. The arrival at Halnoury i regulated altogether by the departure of the Piedmont Iine Hotith, and the Great Western Line for Nuhville, Tennetaee, via. IJncolnton, RotherfbrdUm, Asheville, Knoxville, dtc. Leave the Mjiiwoo Hotel, 8libury,TUESDA Y and 8ATURDAY at 9 o'clock, A. M.-after the arrival of the l'iedinont8tage from the Mouth arrive in Raleigh next day at 9 o'clock, IV M.-Leavea Raleigh TUES DAY and HATURDAY at t o'clock, A. M., arrivea in Halifbury next daya by 4 o'clock, P. AI. allowing suf ficient time on the road (br SLEEP. 0" The J lacks are Albany make, entirely new, and cannot be surpaned fbr comfort and eaue; the Team are excellent, the Driver careful and attentive, mil the Fare low only SEVE! DOLLARS oil inter mediate dinUnce 7 cent per mile. OJ" Paiwengera from the Buuth who wih to take our Line will be careful to rafrr to Salubury only. 0r All Bundle and Packagea at the risk of the omKn- WILLIS MORINO, JOSEPH L MORINO. April 11, 1833, ' -tf The Fare from Rnleigh to Washington City amount to 919 GO, at follow I From Ruleigh to Blakley, Stage Fre, ... $7 HUKIpv to Petersburg, Kail-Road Fare, 3 I'etentburg to Richmond, ttUge Fare, , 1 60 Richmond to Fredericluhurg, Stage Fare, 5 Frederic kitburg to Washington City, Steam Boat Fare, . ' . 3 The 8 team-Boat Fare from Petersburg to Baltimore. via. Norfolk, ia cheaper. JQ M M Valuable Stand for a Tavern 'THE Subaciber, desirous of removing to the South-West, Offers for Sale the largo and commodious TAVERN which he occupies, si tuated in the Town of Charlotte, North Carolina, three door weat of the Courthouse. This estab Imhnient hu all the necessary conveniences for carrying on the business for which it is dewigned. 1 he Krtchen, trtaWe, lb, &,ar in get -re pair. . Its present patronuire liberal, for the pur puses xdt-a jTarera,. thia Huuae afjurua juany. d vantages from its situation.' The village of Char lotte is generally healthy, and iu condition flou- riahing. It is situated in a pofulouf aqd wealthy community, and Ts the thorough-fare of the tra velling from the North and Eastern sections ul the Union to the South and South-wet. Having determined lo remove, the premises will be afford ed at very liberal terms. If they are not sold be fore the fir! of September, they will be offered for renr or leane. WM. S. W. HAYES. pLXhariulicvJiinn 27, 'T'HE Suharriber, grateful for the very liberal JL patronage heretofore bestowed upon his eata- eliahment, bega leave to announce to his former patrons and the public especially invalid and eeleiwn or-faiMt-wh rnnir-d summer Ketreat that his, eatabliNhment ia noa readjr ffir their reeeptionj and that he i prepared to accommodaie i iliem Ta a atylei hs fluiters liim self, that canm4 fail to give entire satisfaction ; at least, no etlorts shall be wanting on hu part to render hit guest comfortable. WILLIAM S. SIM0NTON. Catawba Springs, June 6, 1835. t f TILFORD'S rrilL SUBSCRIBER havine purchased the ex rlllivil PlltKl tnr Malrini ftiiinn mnA Vt.nAtr.rn the above valuable Machine, Tor the Counties of .R'lwaoJfwdeJJadjPabarr the r armors of those Counties at a very low price ; the rjght of making single Machines can be had at any time. He will have a number of Machine wXltmCToIlialC JAMES COLES. Rowan County, March 21, 1B35, tf Take Notice! npiIAT, in three months from the date hereof, application will be made to the President BndjDjrect lira, fbr the renewal of Certificates for three Shares' of Stock in the said Bank, in the Eliza Conner, (now Eliza Simon ton;) aaid Certifi cates baying been lost mislaid. , ' WM. S. 8IM0NT0N; Catawba 8pring,' April 25, 1835. . 8m Ten Cents Reward. n AN -AWAY from the 8oberiber,in: the Sth of April last, an indented apprentice, .byjhe name or KUWLAND J. HILTON, about air teen years of age. All persons are hereby for warned from employing aaid boy, jmder the pe naty of the law. . The above reward will be gi yen for hia delivery at my residence, but no expeo eapaid. " LEVIN WARD. llowao County, June 20, J935. p3 FORTUNES HOME!! NORTH CAItOIJXA STATU For the Dmrjltoftko SALISBURY ACADEM SEVENTH CLASS FOR 163 To Im! Drawn at jnorganton, IV. Cv On Ytdnelay, tkt 29 J(u1y, J835, OM THE POPULAR Termlnatlns-Flgure System. STEVENSON At POINTS, MANAGERS. o a a a n a i 1 Prize of 6,000 DOLLARS is 80,000 1 of 3,()(X DOLLARS is 8,000 10 " of 1,000 IX)LLAKS is 10,000 10 " of 6tH DOLLARS is . 6,000 10 " of 400 IN)LLARS is 4,000 10 " of 300 DOLI-AUS is, SJjUO 10 u of 5i(KJ DOLLARS is 2,tM0 100 100 IK)LLARS is 10,000 100 of 50 DOLLARS is 3,000 116 " of 80 IXJLLARS is 3,480 201 of 20 IM)LLAKS is 4,020 300 " of 15 DOLLARS is 6,fl00 6,(MK) of 10 IM)LLARS is 00,000 6,000 of 6 MLLARS i 3(1,000 6,000 " of 4 DOLLARS is 24,000 1 8,HG9 Prize, amounting to . 1 1 80,000 A Package of 10 Whoto Tickets will cost And muni draw tic It .... $40 17 00 00 (i 3 00 A certificate for a Package of 10 Whole ticket will lie 00 For 10 Half tickets, - 11 SO For 10 Qunrtcr tickets, fl 7S QrT All Orders from a distance, by mail (post paid) or by privnto conveyance, encloningthe cosh or prize-tickets in our previous Lotteriea, will re-ct-ive the inont prompt attention, if addremed to JAMKS I. LONti, SalirlMirv, N. LY; mid an ac count of the drawing will be forwarded iiiunediiite ly after it event. OiT All prizea pnynbl in cash, Forty day after the drawing, Mubject to a deduction of fftctn cr cent. , . Whole Ticket, - - - I 00 Halves, . . . . 2 00 Quartern, - - - 1 00 To be had, in the greatest variety of number, nt JAMKS I. LONCS Office, - rjornor of MarwiorrHntH.) SALISBURY, N. (Y Julv 4, 1835. Id Cash Yor Ncgvots. 'IHE Subscriber is defirousof purchrining a Inree 1 number of LIKELY YOU NO NEGROES, from ten lo twenty yoarsof age, lor which he will at all time give the higlicxt price in Cash. Peraona having such prupc;rly to ami, would do well to call on him, at Sulmbury, or on Mr. John Jonea, hi agent at Charlotte. At anv-tiHterwben lie may be-alutent, CoL-.R- W. Long, will b foinid at the Mnnion Hotel, in Sahaburr prepared lo makeurehaaea All letiera addresed to him or Ins Agent, Mr- John Jief will meet with prompt tteit-fn. -.JMHo Soth IS33.-tf HORERT Hl l C ASH roil A Cta UOIIS. rrMlE Subecriber, intending to settle himself in the Vest, is dcirvus of purchssmg ten or fif teen Liktly Young Negroes, for which he will pny the highest prices, in cash. He may be found, .UJring.kejaujlln North Carolina Letters addressed to htm there. will meet with prompt attention. . 4OIIN 11. uARNER. May 2, 135;- t f. " 1W ISH to purchase TW ENTY or TWENTY FIVE NEGROES, for which I will give It- Persone ;havi(uf ewh 'rny"lbr'''''nl0'-irmildv',,: do well to give roe a call, either in person or by totM4jy.coilirftMPi Salisbury, N. C, will meet with prompt attention. SAMUEL REEVES. June 87, .1835. t f Laud For Sale. PURSUANT TO A DE- Iffjvl cree of (he Court of Equi i f:- i UPJ-T ty-fir-Rowan-CouHytihe--"J Clerk and Master will aell. at the House of I sham P. Ellis, on Ike 2Ulh dap of July next, on a credit of Twelve Months, the Lands, belonging to the heirs at Law of David Smith deceaaed. in three strpanrto low r . Oiie Tract, of 1 73lTcres ; And EIGHT ACRES, on vkich it situated tht Metkodist Camp-ground, called Smith Grove. The Land lies on Cub Creek, and on both sides of the Public Road leading from Mocksville to OakYs Ferry, . Purchasers will be required to give Bonds with approved Security forthe wrrhae Mftny'tttr th day of sale. SAM. S1LLIMAN, o.m.b. June 1 3, 1 835. -. .p7. rplIE Examination of the Students of the Lin colutoo Male Academy will commence on the 28' day of this nontaand terminate on the evening of the 29th. . Parents, Guardians, and rHrtrwntof Edacatmire-iw attend. .. vry.'- -- ' - - The Exercises will be resumed on tht 1st Mon day in July wf . The price of Tuition per See sion, (in advance,) for the Ancient Languages, ; Algebra, and Geometry, $12 50. For Engliah G rammer and Geography, $8. Board 97 per monthT O. W. MORROW, Principal. Lincolnton, N. C, May 88, 1835. "" p8 3 3