o RN CA PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING ASJUIIBSIL 31213 AH2 SSJSIPILl Wo UlAiatiT EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. JVumber 9, of Volume 1G : SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA, AUGUST 1, 1835. ubev iYOi)cgg 701. JE ROLEN IAN. o o o FOURTH OF JULY, '76 '35. CELEBKATION AT LINCOLNTO.W The ."9th Anniversary was celebrated in Lincoln ton in a ban Isome and appropriate nwnner Tin large number of stranners from the neighboring villa zes, nn'l the Citizens from the different sections of the county, t who hal assembled together on this occasion, gave . . ...it Tk i. .- ti... weather, added to the unanimity or reeling wmcu ex- Lsted, and the absence .of those scenes of revelry, w.nch too often disturb our National Celebrations, was griti atiarn frntl- fying to all. Invitations had been tendered to all the Revolutionary Soldiers in the county, to (lov. Sw:iin, Senators Man gum and Brown, and II. W. Coiiuor, Re presentative in Congress. At an early hour, Capt. B vdens Troop c.f Cavalry, and Capt. Harry's company of Light Infintry paraded on the Courthouse Square. Tlieir elegant equipment, nd military appearance gave universal satisfaction to the largo assembly who participated in the exercises of the day. A profession was formed, escorted by the Mibtarv, and headed bv the Marshals, Col. Daniel Sea gle, and Capt. Willtrd Hoyden, inarched to the (.rove adjoining the Methodist Church, where the Declaration of Independence was read by Dr. Armmd Sunnier, pre faced by a pertinent and h mdsOuie Address; and an Ora tion delivered by James l HenJerson, Ese.. which, for beamy of composition, has seldom been surpassed, and the hi i iMerlv .style in which it was delivered command ed the attention of i crowded concourse of people. A timer was prepared at the Globe Tavern, which rellctei credit upon its proprietor, A. H. l-oretz, and ofv!,x!i a lirge number partook Col John Hoke r re .M.. !. -Ut 1 by Jacob Forney, Esq., as Vice President. A m-rr the invte-l go 'sts were th Revohit onary Pat riots, G vern r !I. (.. IS mon, and G m. Josepn Graham. regular toasts. 1. Th" Di? w Ct h brute: The brightest era in the anuds of Politic il 1 1 itstorv. 2. Ttr N i!?rs a id lb-roe of 'TO: To maintain the xig'its they bequeathed us " we pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred hori r." 3. Washington While tyrants tremble, the friends of Ibertv, political an I religious, rejo c- at the glori ous name of Washington. 4. Jefferson awl Adam: The author and the de fender of the Declaration of Independence. ". Malison, Mmrof, and .1 'ims: DiTerence of opinion is the Id'e of Republican Government. 0. Andrew Jttckson: President of the Unite 1 States: History will do justice to the man, his civd an 1 milita ry career, and the doctrines and elfects of his Adminis tration let her unbiased judgement decide. 7. The Court it ut im of the United Stat-s: The pro duction of splendid talents, pure patriotism, and sound fcens.: Mav it lure continue ns the bond of our Union, unmiyaireJ by connecting interests. 8. Th" U.'iion: Its w rth is incalculable. A strict adberence to the Constitution is the surest guarantee Jir its prp nation. 9. State ItisrUi: Let the General Government keep within its Constitutional sphere, and there will be no ca dime; alvit State Remedies. I in A i L x" ... ... . .ainl. . . vaL't nnro jiin . J t . inin slliincoc1 tlio ITniori Mli tliast if no I J3,0. IVJlllivl mi" (iii.iii. -J. ... w...... . member more consistently Democratic. 1L Oar Veteran (iaslx: TIk? joy of meeting them at t!,H e -iiivivial Uvird is only excelled by the gr ititu !e we fefd for the blessings their toils and scares hive pr c,if"d us, .X ' huniel Musnn: Cons:;,t"iiey is a je wel. The pri.i.r !' t'nt 'sn hira t.'irough lilo, governs his acts in tv C mv '-ii on. pi. 77, , Furr: . 'Hi . it t!i" home that pli hfed love endears Wh-vit the smiles from parti tl beauty won, O! what were mnn' a world witliout a sun!" VOLUNTEER TOASTS. Tlv the Prosi lnt. Let t!i Srites nver c!i:m w aat lV?v hive del "1t J to t,i General mt; an 1 palsied be the band of that man who Will grasp at grafer power. By the Vice President Our State Convention: Mav s-ir.' of co n promise an I concession arvi le the Eis" an I West, and the result of th"ir leliberations pr .a 1 'stin? Iena'it to North Carol n. By Cant. ASi n Forney, a Revolutionary guost. Fame's Trumpit shall sound J aekson, the renowned, Who scorned to yield. Or quit the field. An ! cro-vned our diys with pare. r,y n. Dni-1 S-jIp, Mars'nl V n. C. Rir: An n1:g'itfT'l States-nan, a Dure Pttriot, an ' a ster ling .-writ: "IiJ resign itioi in pref Mrtnc - to a vi oIat;oa of latr ict'oas. aT)rIs an ex.n:le worthy of im tat'-m, and en loirs hi n to tho D j nxjraovof the couvtrv. By Capt, J. P. Alexin 1-r. TS- 'Ton. W. P. Min gun: ay he receive from the Pn'of Vorth (Caro lina that re vard to which his abilities and pitriotism eit.tl h -n -or his nmly, tir-n, inl';idmt ourse in the sn ite f tie Unitel S its wl fyr h's trMting with manly firmness, the Resolutions of th last !?ois latur instructing him to do an u lcrist'tuti "iil act. Ry Join VVilfevr. Esq., a Itv l if ioaarv (I ae-t. France, our ancient Ally: President Jackson's Mes sage, claiming the payment of a just d-bt, d'i fir more Mt ,.. When we owe 1 France, the debt w is naid in ifl fiit'i and with grafitule. I,et our gor,l o! I Ally in likefiith pay us, and anoloise fir her long delay, an 1 t!ien mav our friendship continue uninterniDte I. Bv Col. Dmiel II ke. Anlrew Jiskson. Presi lent ff the United Slates: The Snfil Hickory that never iia b-en win lshiken, and withtoo ! t!ie artiller of the ijn'ish Armv, and the monster Bmk. I5y John Motz, Sr. The Farmers of our country: fio-.v to their windmills to blow the ehafFfrom their ivh"at, and then to the Billot Bxes to blow the chaffy 4)pooition from their seats in Congress. ' Ry I. P. Ien lerson, Ej., the Orator. Our Cust, Gov. II. G. Burton. May his success in pihtical life eoual his moral excellence. Gov. Burton's reply was very complimentary to the citizens of Lincoln county. We regret thai a copy of his sentiment, was not secured. By Doct, A. Saunier, the Reader. The Resolutions of Virginia and Kentucky in aul '1J: The Test Book of true Democracy. By C. H. Bssell, of Charlotte. South Carolina: The spirit that produced the Declarations of 7" and '70, an imates her sous in their gallant defence of the Riahts of the States against the assumptions of irresponsible power. By C.ipL Wm. Sla le. Mirtin Van Biren: Virtu ons, tilented, and patriotic, his empire is in the hearts of the Peonle. By Thomas Williamsen, Sr., Esq. The hostility of this Administration to the United States Bank is a jewel found in a dunghill. By Jacob A. Ramsour. May no political rancour rnar the festivities of the day. The Hon. Bedford Brown, an invited guest, com' in nicated tho following sentiment: The intelligence uuJ virtue of the Democratic Tarty : In 15K) we are indebt ed to it for having rescued the Federal Government from ii.su rim t ion, and placing at its head the Kepubli can Jefferson: in lsjl2 for vindicating our National Ho nor against a foreign enemy, and the advocates of sub mission at home; and in l"S3l for having indignantly resisted and defended tho attempts to sbjugate the jcountry to a corrupt monied aristocracy. IJy in. I). McLulloh. I he excitement with re- May reason guide a,,..,,,!, mbargo on Caucus - " ' '- " no.'iunations : nde the People are sovereign, merit will receive its reward. By Geo. W Motz. State Rights and State Reme dies: The one a perfect nullity without the other. IJy Cant. J. II. Harry. Almvc all things let us hold dear our National Union. Tranquility at home will en sure peace abroad. By Capt. James Holdsclaer. The Peop'e: Adequate to sell-government let them alone and they will do right. By John Killain. Tho United States of America : May the demon of discord never be able to sever tlieir bonds of Union, while the sun continues to rise and set. IJy P. E Saunier, of Ch irl .tte. The ladies of North Carolina : In war, our arms shall defend th in, in peace, their arms shall protect us. By James A. Johnston. This Congressional District: May it be represented by a Shia bearing the White Vla of Constitutional rights. Bv G. A Miller. The Tree of Liberty: Planted bv the intelligence and valor of our forefathers, and wa- I tered with their blood, may it never Ix cut down by the bickerings of fact on, but be preserved with et.-rnil vi gilance, untii every nation shall partake of its fruit. By Robert A. Rurton. With re.-jiect to the lite in structions of W. P. Mangum, examination witliout par tiality will establish Irs superiority. By A. (J. Forney, of B irke. The Fair of North Ca rolina: May they n-ver ; disappointed in their expec tations, but ever reap the full enjoy uent of their Wishes. By Oliver V. !I ill in 1. The" right of Instruction : May tiie political existence of the creature soon cease, who will not o!ey tu i express instructions of its Creator. By Alfred Graham. Our firm S.mit.ir, Willie P. Mangum, who disregarded the instruct o:is of those who had no riht to instruct him. By Maj. Thou, is N. Hera don. Willie P. Man-um, our distinguished citizen: The noble advocate of the rights of the People, an i firm op;er of Executive en enwehments. By D pcL W. W Nolan I. Our present Chief Ma gistrate, Andrew Jackson : The great apostle of Ameri can Liberty, both in war an I in peace. The People have rewarded him. May they speedily consign that reckless majority of the S-mate of tiie United States their Nrtion with hypocrites and base deceivers. By Wui. Williamson The Minority in our last le gislature: Al linn rh a minority in votes, an overwhelm ing majority in talents and patriotism. By Miles W. Abernathy, Esq. Thomas II Benton: An able debitor, an enlightened .Statesman, and a disin terested patriot: A good supply of his Yellow Jackets to every clever fellow. By John S. Heath. May the enemies of Martin Van Buren and our present Administration, be choked by the bread of a free soil. Bv G. W. Cox. Nullification: The true principles and "doctrine of SiUth Carolina's free brn sons. By E. Osliorn. Jackson and Van Buren: The guar dians of Democracy: with the same abibty that they op. posed the encroachments of British oppressions, they conquered tii :vwers of t i; Bink monster. By J.'in U. Vogler. Jo'm C. Calhoun: With an eve of discernment ever stands ready to repel invasions of our Constitution, an I uphold it in it? purity. For example, see his course in l-'Ji anl li, in securmg the rights of the n-o;!e from u'.ter annihilation, an 1 in ';i, his reprt on Executive Patronage. By Daniel Hoke, Jr. BMf.rl Brown: A fiithful representative of trie princial-'S of North Carolina. By x'tn. Williamson. Willie P. Mangum: Unse d i iced bv the wiles of pitronage, and unawel by t!ie frowns of power. lie has fearlessly dischirged his du ty, and maintained the ilignity of the State. By Daniel F. larns''ir. T-'ie present admtnistratinn : The principles that sustain it will coutiuus tiie doc trines, in the promotion of Van B iren. By Tho nas William-ton, Sr., Esq. The next Presi dent of the United Slates: The best mm is the peo ple's man. r.. t T m i , ,i;.(;n;.i..i c.i Alexander. Our low c-taz-m, i.en. J.isepn i.rinam: I lie scars or uie Revolut on are amongst the best proofs of his attach- ' it . ii , m"nt to ldierty, and his country s c m-e. RJam-s Vrnstrong. Mirtin Van Buren: May ho be as auceo-isful in the ensuing Presi lential election, as Anlrew Jackson was at th battle of 'ev Orleans. By ')c . A. Surlier. Mr. Van B iron, alias "Slip pery Elm." May he have the bark pealed off at the approaching election. Bv Moses Martin. Nullification, when the Consti- tut on is violate 1, is the rightful reaiedy By Col. Jim I). Iike. The Democracy of North Carolina : Aceu-to ne 1 to tht? sneers an 1 abuses of those vli i cl i on to be "all tue talents an l "ail tne decency. Miy th" success that atten lei their support of a Jef ferson, a Malison, and a Jtckson, crown their efforts fir -lartm Van Buren. By J ic b Forney, V.. Tho People of Lincoln coun- M ly thev b v the last to surren ler the principles pro- m ilgated by Jefferson, and sust lined bv Jackson By L"oni las W Soratt, When the sons of Ameri-! ca cease to worship prejudice, then, Carolina, and not till then, will people know thy worth. By Capt. Willard Boyden, Marshall. Morality, but no Temperance Societies on the Fourth of July. Bv Felix M. Abernathy. Andrew Jackson : I lis Ad- mmistration has restored tho original Democratic Prin- ciples. By Elkanah I Shufbrd. May every one stand on his own merits; and let us lay all party strife aside let us go tor measures, and not for men. By Franklin A. Hoke. North Carolina : The sons of Rio Van Winkle are awake to the formation of the Va, and in November, 'IV, the Democracy will, as in triumph in the further promotion of Martin Van Buren, all opposition, arts and tricks, to the contrary notwithstanding, By A. Cm. Forney, of Burke. The Biltimore Conven tion: an illegitimate,filthilyc?outcd by a wittul parentage By Dr. W. W. Nolan 1. Democracy is Freelo-n's Chart, Mav its snirit reign in every heart, Fro'n North to South. From East to West, Till the whole earth be with it blest. By Andrew Motz. Here is the grand fabric of our free Constitution, As built on the base of the grind Revolution; And longer with politics not to bo cra nnied. Be Anarchy cursed, and be Tyranny damn M. By Wm. D McCuIloh. South Carolina: Whilst the Genius of Liberty was weeping, to view the inroads ma le in the Constitution, she threw herself in the breach, and nobly, fearlessly, and successfully struggled jlo maintain our Liberties. THE CURRENCY. AN ACT To Incorporate the Merchant's Bank of S. Carolina, at Cheraw. Whereas it is beneficial to the citizens of this Stato that a Hank should be established in the Town of Cheraw: Therefore, lie it Unacted by the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, noic met and sitting in (ieneral Assembly, and by the authority of the l same, Sec. 1. That, in order to establish the said Dank, the following icrsons be, and they are here by appointed Commissioners to receive subscrip tions at tho several places hereinafter named : The names omitted. And the said Commissioner-, or a maioritv of them, at each of tho said places, shall, on the first Monday in Mav next, and the div fdlowin-r. ooen subscriptions from the hours of 10, A. M., until P. M., on each day at the above places respective- j lv, f r tho purpose" of raising the sum of two hun- j dred thousand dollars, whereof four weeks public ! notice shall le given in the Gazettes of Cheraw,; Camden, Columbia, Charleston, Georgetown, and j Sumter; and the aliove named Commissioners, at ' all the above named places except Cheraw, shall, ; kied, with whatever monies may have been paid on the second .Monday in .May next, respectively j thereon. f .rwKri! correct lists of the shares subscribed, to- lt c- - T1,,lt the number of votes to w hich each gether with the monies paid on said shares at tho Stockholder shall be entitled, shall Ikj in th- lollow timeof subscribing, for the purpose of apportioning ' proportion, viz: For every tour shares, one the same to the above named Commissioners at v"tc for every four shares aliove four and not ex Cheraw, who shall make out and forward to all tho : feeding twenty, one vote; for every eight shares on the second above named Commissioners respectively, a sche- dule of said appointments; and such said subscri- - liers paying their subscription monies resoctivcly as hereinafter mentioned, then lieing stockholders, und all persons who may thereafter become stfck holders in the said company, shall be, and are here by incorporated and made a corporation and b'Mlv politic, by tho name and style of the "Merchant Hank of S mth Carolina at Cher tic,'''' and so shall continue until the first day of January one thousand eight hundred and fitly-five. (ISoo,) Sec. a. It is further provided, that in ca-wj t he nm .ii it f tu-rt hundred 1I.00.101.I d.iii.ir cVoi I i..t have been subscribed on the days and at the places ! ,luJ Umted States, shall be allowed to vote, and above mentioned, then the books of subscription : ,l,:lt stK.kholders, being citizens of the United shall lie again opened at the Town of Cheraw, on States, and actually residents therein, and none tho first Monday in July next, bv the ab.ve named , 1,,er' inxY v,,, b" lrov' prodded, that such Commissioners,' to remain open for thirty days, un- Pr,,x.V bo a stockholder and a citizen of the United less tho full amount of stock shail bo sooner sub- j States. scrib 'd. ! Si::. 7. That no Stockholder, who is not a cifi- Sf.c. 3. An elec tion sh ill lie held at Cheraw zon of United States, shall, nor shall any Di on the first .Monday in Juno next, by the St ckh IJ- rc,or of an-v O,hor B;tnk nor copartner of such ers, for seven Directors from auJ.ng llie nsdves, director, nor m ro than one p.-rson of a copartner who shall h ld their odice until tho first Monday s!,il "r!"' director of this Bank; nor shall any iu .May ensuing. There shall be an election in ors m act as a Director who may bo under protest said corporation on the first M ii-lav in Mav i.i i the said Iiank, as drawer or endorser of any bill each year, and in default thereof, on such other of exchange, or maker or en lorser of any promis dav as shall l" fixed by ne said corporation of se- s'r' ,,ote. b tho s;""1 either fir dis- veii Directors, who shall lie chosen by the stock- c,ur,t or collection, u iless he shall prove to the sa holders, or their proxies, from among' theins-dves, tisficio a majority of the other Directors, that and by a plurality of v..m actually Men; and :n just reason, and legal an 1 sufficient cause, thoo w!io shall b. actually chosen at auv election shall le capable of serving as Directors bv virtue of such ch ice, u itil the end of the first Monday , I:,y ,,exl 'i ' the time of such election And the s.iid Directors, at their first meeting after such election, shall choose one of their uuiiiIkt as President, wh shall receive a majority of tho votes actually given. And iu case any Director shall dio, resign, remove from tho State, or bo removed from office by the Stockholders, his place mav be filled bv the other Directors for the remain ler of the year. And a fair and correct list of tho Stock- . holders shall be made out by the Directors, at ieast one month previous to an" election fir Directors s .bsennent to the first election, to be submitted to. ! the inspection of any of the Stockholders. Prori- ; i - ' so!,erild f capital block snail not Iup iwii Miiscrilcil i for no the first nnnninrr of tho l wl-! iiliTlnfi.m n 1C url opening oi mo ioo- o. mids ription, ; then this election shall take place at such time thereafier as the Commissaoners at Cheraw .shall : s,,cn OI,u r P 'ers an i auin iruies ior me wen go name, whereof twenty (20) days public notice shall vernment and ordering of the officers of said cor- ! lie given. Ami to prevent a division of shares f .r tho purpose of obtaining undue influence, the mana - gers of elections for Directors of said Dank shall administer to every stockholder, ollerin"- to vote, ! the following oath, viz: "lou,A. Is., do swear, 1 (or affirm, as the case may be,) that the stck you ! now represent is bona fide your property, and that : no other person or persons is or aro coneerni-d therein." And to any stockholder offering to vote ! said Dank, shall directly or indirectly receive any as proxy, or for a minor, or in right of or in trust compensation fir any agency in negociating any for any other stockholder entitled to vote, the f d- business w ith the Hank in procuring discounts, re lowing oath, viz: You, A. B., do swear, for af- newing notes, or receiving money, fir individuals, firm, as the case may be,) that ihe stock of C. D.. ' whom you represent, is, to the best of your knowl- edge and belief, the property of C. D.and that no other person or persons is or are, to tho best of jour knowledge and belief, concerned therein." a"V stockholder refu-mg to make such oath or ahirination, shall not be allowed to vote at such : Directors, or a majority of them, or by any Direct election. or w ho may protest against the proceeding of the Si:c. 4. That the said Corporation, by its said Board, and who may w ish the propriety of his dis na:ne and style, shall be, and is hereby made cajKi-' sent to be considered by the Stockholders, or whene ble in law, to have, purchase, receive, possess, en- . ver the holders of two hundred shares or upwards joy, and retain to it, and its successors, lands, rents, shall require the same. Provided, That no such j tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels promis - j ry notes, bills of exchange, and all other c hoses in action, monies, and effects ot wliat kind, value, lie given iu at least two public Uazettes, and unless or qualtity soever, to an amount not exceeding in j a majority of the stock in said Bank lie represented, the whole three times the amount of tho capital! Sec. 13. That the lands, tenements, and here stock of the said corporation, and the same to sell, ' ditaments, which it shall lie lawful tor the said cor alien, or dispose of, and also to sue and be sued, ! poration to hold, shall lie only such as may be re plead and bo impleaded, answer r.nd lo answered, ! quisite fir its immediate accommodation, for the defend and be defended, in Courts of Record, or any transaction of its business to an amount not exceed cther place whatsoever; and also to make, have, ing twenty thousand dollars; such as shall have and usu a common seal, anil the same to break, al-i been bona fi le mortgaged or assigned to it by way tor, and renew at pleasure; and also to discount bills of exchange and promissory notes at a rate of interest not exceeding one per cent, for sixty days; and also to order, establish, and put in execution such by-laws, ordinances, and regulations, as shall seem necessary and convenient for the government of the said corporation, not being contrary to the laws of this Stato or of tho United States, or to the Constitutions thereof, and generally do and exe cute all and singular such acts, matters, and things which may be deemed necessary and proper lor the gnd government and management of said cor poration, subject nevertheless to such regulations, restrictions, limitations, and provisions aj shall here after be prescriled and declared. Sec. ) That in case a ureater sum than two hundred thotisaed dollars le subscribed, the Coin- missiones above named at Cheraw shall not, in ap portioning said shares, take from subscribers for ; onlv five shares, unless thev cannot otherwise sut- i ficiently reduce the amount subscribed. That the capital stock of tho Hank shall bo divided into two thousand shares, of one hundred dollars each share. That one fifth of each share shall le paid at the time of subscribing, and one other fifth on the third - -Monday in August next ensuing, and the balance ! f 'e stock at such times as the Directors shall ; doom most conducive to the interest of the stock-i uoiuers, tney not requiring more man one nun or Cac!l every stv Jays, of which thirty days P',,,,ic -tice shall be given, and all shares on w''r' the payments duo shall not be finally made iG d:ys above mentioned, and at such other ,i,m's tl,e Iii'ctors may require, shall Ik-for- aliove twenty and not exceeding sixty, one vote; for every twelve shares above sixty and not exceed ing one hundred and twenty, one vote ; tor every sixteen shares above one hundred and twenty ami not exceeding two hundred, one vote; for every twenty shares above two hundred, one vote. Pro titled, alirays. That no person, copartnership, or b ody iolitic, shall be entitled to a greater number than forty votes. That after the first election, no share or shares shall confer a right of suHrage which shall not have been held three calendar : ,uo,,u,s Prov,,,JS " l!,c Uilv OI eccuon. i nat no other stockholders than those who are citizens of ,,r ""Vg payment of the demand on wlncli such protest mav be founded. Sr:c. That no less than three Directors shall constitute a board for the transaction of business, f whom tho President shall always bo one, except in the case of sickness or necessary absence, when his place may lie supplied by any other Director i lie i,y writing shall nominate tor the purpose ; it an(, 111 (,e:!t ' uch noonnati .n by tho President, or in case of ckness or necessary absence of the person so nominated, the Board of Directors may b-v ,KI,M aP "nt a temporary President, Si:c- - T!,:lt ,he directors fir the time being &,,aI1 ,iavo P,nvPr to appnnt such officers, clerks, aI"1 ervants under them, as shall bo necessary tor renting the business of said corporation, in sucli i manner and upon such terms as they shail deem I "eeessarv and pro.wr, and shall also have power to - i ' ' , ,i remove sucti oncers from time to time at their , j " " uiu jne.uitr, uio .ia.i oe tapauiu m .u ioig lation as shall be prescribed, hxeu, an t aeter- ! mine ' hY t,l , nvs aml regulations thereof. j Skc. 10. That the Presi lent, Cashier, and Clerks, employed in keeping the books of said liank, shall 1(0 ami tney are nereny neciareu exemprei trom the performance of ordinary militia duty, and from serving as jurors. ! Skc. 11. That no Director or other officer of on notes discounted; and every sucli mrector or other officer thus receiving compensation, shall be removed from office, and disqualified from thereaf- . ler holding any office in said Bank. Skc. 12. That a meeting of the Stockholders mav be called at any time by the President and ! meeting of the stockholders shall be competent to 1 transact business, unless one month's notice thereof ) of security, or payment for debts previously con traeted, in the course of its dealings; and such as shall h ive been purchased at sales uihmi judgements previously obtained. Sec. 14. That the said Bank shall not issue any bill or note f r the payment of money, nor com mence discounting, until one third part of its capi- tal stock in specie shall be deposited in its vaults nor until a bonus of four thousand dollars be paid into the Treasury of the State: whereupon, :he said Dank shall lie, and the same is hereby declared to be exempted from the payment of all taxes du ring the tune that it is hereby incorporated etc lo. I hat the stock ot said assignable and transferable according lations and upon such terms as mav It and fixed by the corporation. "t Sec. 16. That the bills or notes wli issued by the order of said corporation the President and countersigned by thereof, promising the payment of ij person or persons, his, her, or thei the bearer, though not under the set (Miration, shall be binding and obligate) said corporation, in like manner, and f C irft o n 1 lt:-wt . . . . . . ...... . ! . 1 . , ny private , or them, y$ I shall be ilL us if they a7 , emu 1,111.1,1, as upon an pi nine jrj sons u issued ov mm, her, their private capacity, and negotiated in like imnnpr ; iiiuiiiivi U -1 1 HV- H t J . by such private person or persons; thai those wliich lmll lw iit ol.U t.i - sons, his, her, or their oider, shall" lie assV - - -J - ..... ( i '-' IH'IV, 1 1 I IT!J i - ' J indorsement in like manner, and with like eii;v foreign bills of exchange or promissory riotesTt are and those which are navable to auv iwrsonTlT persons, or bearer, shall be "negotiable and assign able by delivery only. Sec. 17. That the total amount of debts which said corporation shall at any time owe. shall not exceed three times the amount of its capital stock, exclusive ot the amount of money then actually de posited in the Bank fir safe keeping. And in case of excess, the Directors under w hose administra tion such excess shall happen, shall be liable for the same, in their private and indivi lual capacity, and an action may, in such case, be brought aguiust them, their or any of their heirs, executors, or ad ministrators, in any court hai ing jurisdiction, by any creditor or creditors of the said corporation, and may be prosecuted to judgement and execution, any condition, covenant, or agreement to the con trary notwithstanding; but this shall not be con strued to exempt said corporation, or the lands, te nements, goods, or chattels of the same, from liemg also liable for said excess; and such of the said Di rectors as may have been absent when such excess was contracted or created, or such as may have dissented from the resolution or act whereby the same was so contracted or created, may respect ively exhonerate themselves from being thus lia ble, by forthwith giving notice of the fact, and of tlieir absence or dissent, to the stockholders., at a general meeting of the stockholders, to be called for said purpose. Sec. 18. That the said corporation shill not bo permitted to purchase any public debt whatsoever, except stock of the State or of the United States, nor shall directly or indirectly trade iu any thing except notes, bills of exchange, gold and silver bul lion, or in the sale of goods really and trulv pledg ed lor money lent and not redeemed iu due time, or of goods which shall be the produce of its lands ; neither shall tho said corporation take more thin at the rate of one third per centum discount fir sixty days, for or upon its loans or discounts. That if the said corp iration, or any person or persons, fir tho use of said corporation, shall purchase, trade, discount, or loan, contrary to the provisions of this Act, all and every person and persons thus pur chasing, trading, discounting, or loaning, contrary to the provisions of this Act, shall forfeit and lose treble the value of the goods, wares, and merchan dise, notes, bills or loans, thus illegally purchased, traded for, discouuted for, or loaned; one half there of to the use of the informer, and the other half to the use of the State. Sec 19. That the bills or notes of said corpora tion, originally made payable on demand, or which shall have become payable in gold or silver current coin, shall be receivable by the Treasurers, tax col lectors, solicitors, and other public otlicers, in all payments for taxes or other monies due to the State, so long as said Bank shall pay gold and silver cur rent coin for their notes. But whenever there shall lie a pretest on any of the bills or notes of said Bank, for non-payment iu specie, the Comp troller General shall lie authorized, and he is here by required, to countermand the receipt of the bills and notes of the Bank, in payment of taxes or debts due to the State, unless good and satisfactory cause shall be shown him by the said corporation fir contesting in a court of justice the payment thereof. Sec 120. That dividends shall be" made at least twice in each year, by the said corporation, of so much of the profits of said Bank as shall appear to the Directors advisable, and once in every year the Directors shall lay befire the stockholders, at a general meeting, for their information, the amount of surplus profits, if any, after reducting losses and dividends. Sec. 21. That, in the case of the failure of the said Bank, each stockholder, copartnership, or body politic, having a share or shares therein at the time of such failure, or who shall have been interested therein at any time within six months previous to such" failure, shall be liable and held bound indi vidually, for any sum not exceeding twice the amount of his, her, or their share or shares. Sec 22. And the said corporation are hereby authorized to increase tlieir capital, to a sum not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars, should a majority of the stockholders, at a general meeting, at any time during the continuance of their charter, deem the same necessary or advisable, by disMsiu" of any number of additional share?, not exceeding three thousand ; and for every hundred dollars of additional stock, so disposed of by the said corpo ration, the Bank shall pay into tiie treasury the sum of two dollars. Sec. 23. That any real estate, bills, notes, mo nies, profits, or other property w hatever, which may on tiie dissolution of said corporation, be owned or possessed by it, shall be held by the directors of said Bank, for the use and hew fit of all persons .holding shares in said corporation at the time or, its dissolution, and their legal assignees and reprec V 1

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