an avowtsl abolitionist himself, has told u that there is n danger; that when there is dauber he will whiikJ the alarm, and that before he will permit an interference he w.hiM seced? ! ! Thus making se cession our only remedy arainst plunder. Is there no danger now ? We put the question directly to the Editor of oouirer. e already bee )ty? Is not y yo;i not know that the abolitio a most formidable poli une our candidate for t ! r candidate ? an 1 will not his f- their power and intluence ? Conists relv o?i the i ne la iifN. aii'j mind for the cafas. .of the pius, the ni;, the sympathy tnd sensibility of ktlie ambition of -iv of the noor. oinismg cnisatle piev inflame the Thiin that the re A to put down free rAnn to " eire a pre ee, over stare labor there is no danger ! ! fiori to raiw thirty thou- nioaMou of their inflam- "iiihmi the spot fimrteen TTuollirs ; aul yet Mr. Ritchie t'M's in there is no danger ! ! They pledge them selves to tjive th"ir votes f r no public o'fier or members of Congress who are not pledged to im mediate emancipation. They show us that they are pea liir over the entire North, nnd confidently assrt th'dr ln'ief that they will soon have posses sion of Kentucky ; and yet Mr. liitchic tells us there is no danger ! ! Is there a parallel in the history of man, where a whole rv" 'pie were so much absorbed in a false s-ctiritv ? Or where men, tHissssinjr so lare a i'-.are of public con4! lence, were crying, "all is well," tinder of sueh irrrninont peril ? J tes aov one ask us what is to be dne ' Our re ply is, hit tfie people arouse from their lethargy; I 't organist itiori lie counteracted by organization. Let our own houseliold l put to rights. Let every mao unite in a co nmori w.irfire on the influence o the pure has d instruments of AVIeral power. Lt the mercenary motives which govern the time serving, office-huntm? recreant retainers, who would betrav the South, le exposed, and the just opinions to Northern teachers, let none but those who are orthodox in our faith le permitted to live at our expense, and von will soon find fht the Vvholo tone of nrthern sentiment will change. Teachers and Preachers an? now manufactured, to become missionaries fir rnreadin:; their incendiary doctrines among u prohibit their introduction, a new manufacture, suited to the market, will s-xm spring up. To the S uth wo say awake ! awake ! Cor the ene my is upon you. . Frnm the Somhern Christian ll:ruLl. SLAVERY. fifured ifrira. The 44 woumIs"and 44 injuries" iodicfed in Africa, bleeding and tramp! I iifvtn, h ive b rn stun fnd through the length and breadth of our 1 in 1, till their very echo con j ire up, in the mi ids of many, a multitude of imaginary horros as toe otlspring of Slavery. It would a;;par fnwii th ? of many, that only slivery has pre ventetl tiie Africans, or at least the s'aves, frm U iti as free, wealthy, intelligent, and happy as the wiitCLS are. W' will riot condescend here to notice the rnvirios of fmatic, who are perfect mani ics, vv'i-Mever they mention the subject of slavery. Thinkimx and reasoning on it, are things of which t.ioy .are utterly incapable. We make the follow, ing quotation from the 44 Instki'itiov of the Pru dential Committee to the Iter. John wihton II' '!, destined to a .Mission at C")e Palrnas, in Western Africa ." 44 Shall the White man, after having drawn myriads of slaves from its shores, an I made his intl aence felt, like that of a demon, in everv valley, plain, and mountain of its fertile regions, and on every oasis of its mighty desert j shall the white mm now turn his back upon that j unhappy continent? fchall the Church do this? J Snail we do nothing to heal the wounds of Africa, which our fathers inflicted." S fir a this miv hive a reference to the wick ed motives and b irharous conduct of those who con ducted the slave trade, we make no objection to it. In our vi nv, they were the monsters of tuiq lity, ! w'i s enormities were not less3ne 1 either by the character, color, or condition of the Africans. Tliev wen; actuited nlv bv tiieir twn interest, not "1 W Imvif press, tv" y chilW f tropbf of inv l chi'X I J are a J ? fill vis sarrl 1J riiat'i f f 1 I r r- i indignation ot an at.usi an .n,urei poop arouse., aM,r UTM ' r. U1 " 7 frarian chief, S'Lhambi, so accurately represented tics ,nto 2HJthrn nu'mts and Southern schools hi- f ) owlvns all,j wil ,, in instead of surrendering ur consciences and our , bv any regard fr the iniserahie victims of their ! b!e of freedom, then we ask to what is tlvir eleva avarice and cruelty. Vmt so fir as the atve Ian- i tion in the seal" of lining owing? Hid they lieen g iage Ini a reference tt the ed -ct ot slvery upon j in Africa, ym; I they have been thus eievated in tiie chare-ter aid condition of the slaves, it is not oidy irisupp orted by facts, hut it is th? very reverse of the truth. How an; the eiTects of slavery to fie determined, fut by co.aiparing ti condition f the j 11 itive Africans with that of the s'avr s? ."virnly the , pese. it condition of the native Africans, living upon j their ivn native soil, will not yt atrrihuttl to slave- r . An! yet it might, wilh as miK.h propriety a ; iiitnv other thifigs whidt are. In short, with :suk, ' the word slavery sorijs to as much magic as lil the occult qualities of Aristotle. It evplai is the origin and nature of every evil, physical or 1110 ril, !elo:igiug to the African race; and even ac counts fir the greater part of the crimes and mis- fortunes which exist among slaveholders. If, how- 1 ever, men are under any obligations to adhere to j til ? truth, let those w ho talk of injured Africa, tell i us whether there be anv difference between the na- ! five Africans and the slaves of the Southern Slates; ; til inftnn us, if there 13 a ditFrencft, to what it is owing. Men who have the means of informa- j ti n, and yet are guilty of misrepresentation, are lit- i .1.- 1 . :c.t ut: .1 1 1 j- 1 . 1 1 tie ir-tier mail 11 titey puuuxtcu wiuui iaisenoon. j We will venture to lay down the proposition as in controvertible, That there is not one particular, in which slave ry has not had a renovating influence upon the ne gres brought into this country as slaves. In eve ry particular, it has elevated their character, and bettered their condition. Whether we consider their physical, their moral, their social, their reli gious, or their political condition. Every man who knows any thing of either the past or the present condition of jhe Africans knows this to be true.! Every one who knows any thing of the Missionary intelligence received from Africa-? even- child, who has studied, Ceography, knows t,hat there is no comparison between the condition of the slaves! in the South, and that of the. native Africans. We could soon plac e this bevotv! dispute, did we believe it would 1? doublet! for a moment, by any one, who has so much as rend Malte Brun's abridged Geo graphy. And yet intelligent men will indulge in this cant about injured Africa. And, alas, forrhrit ian charitv ! men that ou."ht to know the difference j bet w fen the condition of the slaves at the South, and that of the native Africans will seize the ocea si n, when the South unite with them in sending missionaries to Africa, to make insinuations, to say i nothing ot the christian love, which exhibit an un- hlu.-hmg want ot common politeness. Con h I it bo possible, by any human ingenuity, to crowd, within the same place, accusations more un just, or falsehood more glaring than are contained in the following sentence, taken from an article in the Evangelist, and copied by the Recorder, with out any comment upon this part of it? The arti cle is headed, 44 Tin; price of Souls." It is a com plaint made against the Hoard of Charleston Foreign Missions f r not joining ii: an active crusade ag iinst slavery. That the writer of -uch sentime ts should advocate lite wicked practice of perverting every benevolent institution, be its profe ssed objects what they may, intoaboliiion engines, need pjear strange to no one. Speaking of the slave, he savs: They have fallen among thieves, who have rob lied them of their property, of their rights, of civil liberty, of their chastity, of their fathers, their mothers, their wives and children; yea, of their in tellfctual improvement, of their morals and charac ters, of their happiness for tune and eternity, and of their rank in the scale of huma:i existence; and have lowered them down in the .scale of being, far bent nth the rank of cMtle and swine; and, having done all this an 1 a hundred told more that is not to be described, they have left them, far as any feel ings of sympathy and compulsion are concerned, to welter in their hiid." What have the whites stolen from them? Their mud huts? their 44 routs, berries, ant-eggs, grass hoppers, mice, toa Is, and lizards,' up .'i which ma ny of them lived in their native country? Ilavt; they stolen from them their parctu'd corn, their stMir milk, kept in hag made of .kin, or th"ir boiled bef, without any ihi i; ei to eit with it; upon which those I i v who liive the Ivst fare known to the native Africans f Of what prerty have they lieen robbt Of their 44 bnu-elets,, ami ear-dnps?" their '4kMds, their 14 shells," r their 44 leathern manlles," tuly rene.we, once a year? Of what rights hive they 'teen robin-. I t Ot" the with half starved dos? of the riijht to heat one another to deith with clulis? or to lie hound down till eate:i up by large oisouous ants? to le lied to posts with leather thongs, and roasted at slow fires placed all round? or to be iiuiled from some preci pice? or to le fastened in treos cleft open, and per mitted to close again ? Let any man, not utterly insane, think f r a moment, upon the charges made agaiast slavery, ami s;iy, if fie can, with his hand upon his h art, whether the above ravines otiht not to be sufficient evidence of mono-mania, in any court of justice. The African Negroes roblied of cavil liberty ! The most gross polygamiits, the .shameless, naked, victims of lust ; sunk in the low est de jiths of moral pollution, robbed of chastity !!! The murderer of fathers, mothers, wives and chil dren, rh!cd of their fathers, mothers, wives and children! The nvst stupid savages rohlxd of their 44 intellectual improvement!" The most supersti tious, immoral, degraded race of .uortals; the most wretched upon earth, tfie most destitute of all pros H'cts of !nppiu"ss in eternity, robfed 44 of tlrur mo nils an I character, of their happiness tor time an.l , ;t jSj y((1 f,,,,j t,,n s) attached to the Caucus Sys eternity," and lowered "in the scale of toig, ftr to,la system whi h we fear will ultimately sub beneaMi the rank of rattle and swine," and left 44 to, Vert the filterties of th Am 'He in People, welter in th'nr blood!!" there is no possible light, j Tint the people may see and ju Ige f r the-n-in which the aUve quotation can lie viewed, that . selv,t nv the prt.fessions of the present Van Bo will permit a .ler an I intdligont mm to come to ro jtltiien accord with tiieir practice in re-ard any other coiichision than that it is the offspring of t( tj,(, Jjght of I 1 truction, we will simply advert bo fit re them the earliest intelligence of the inte rna luess. If the writer h id assecto 1 that th'J vvhole j,, the course pursued and the vote .Mveii by t.ur : resting circumstances in which the Colonel has be- of the native Africans were once angels, rl iced 1 Crawford Delegation in Congress, .n the PreJi.len to their present c on lit ion by slavery, it would not ! tial electio in f-Jl. By so tl.,i,T, it will at once Have been less true, nor less wis-. j perceivd, that .some of our self-stylet! Do.nocra- D oes tie; writer intent! that his remark should j tic (and those, too, who are now ma in? apnlied to the slaves in the Soul h ? D oes he : kin- a oreit a lo ah out Senator M aenim's it ot ohev. mean to say tint thy are more stupie 1, immoral, ! more destitute of character, more irrdiginus I' ' t,aPpv j,, this world, and have fewer pr .sn-cts t.f haupiness in eternity, than the native Africans ?; Every negro in the South would pronounce this a ; course pursued, the language use 1, and the unjusti gross slander. If this !e his opinion, then all idea' fiable means restored to, to prevent (Jen. Jackson's of emancipation is madness in the extreme. He obtaining tiie vote of tins State, were such as ill might as well demand that they should be trans-; barne a eo;.ie who should have been grateful for firmed into angels and placed in Heaven. To 1 his Military services, and notwithstanding this same link? such lieings free, would not !e less difficult. O 1 the other hand, if he supposes they have be- fc me stiTicientlv elevated in character to Ikj capa the scale of being ? S! ivory, then, has greifly added to their moral,. l'iTei;eciua-. an i reu ;ious improvement; iKiit-n 1 , V . II I I ! . ...... t... It. their condition in every respect : elevated them in the scale of b. nog, brought them from a land of ig noraric.e. sup n-stiti n, pill;ition of every kind a ! land buried in worse titan Egyptian darkness, when; j the people rvri-lifor the lack of provision, where 1 n wic: of mercy ever reached them, no ray of ! h iv ever dawned; and placed them in a land en-, nehe I !y arts an 1 scmce, ci vihze-1 and enlightened ; whrtre the Sua of Righteous. ioss shines frth with .a splendor se"n an I felt by the most degraded; where the f tuntain of life sends forth its immortal 1 streams to rich and roor, to bond and free ; a land through which thousands and tens of thousands of Et hiopean trib s, are in their successive generations marching on intlio heavenly Canaan. Had Satan, in view of th"s; things, with bitter disapoiutiiient, trnnsftrmetl himself into an angel of light, and ad- dressed the Ah ditio lists i t the language of the writer in the Evau 'dist, how appropriate would it . ' ' nave lieen. An aged an I pions African, addressing his fellow-servants on the subject of religion, sjvoke to the following efF;ct : 44 1 was a chif in my coun try, and had many slaves. I often thought it very hard, th at I should lui hreii jht here to Income a slave. But now I rejoice, I thank God that I was ever brought here, that I might become ac quainted with Jesus Christ, and that I might be enabled to tell you about him." How much more is this like the language of a Christian and wise man, than that of the writer contained in the Evangelist? In tha Met hot list Church alone it is estimated that there are about eighty thousand colored communicants, Were slavery to be instrumental in rescuing only this number from everlasting burning, how little, in comparison with j the good, are the evils of slavery ! lt any can i did man, then, consider these facts, that the condi tion of the slaves in this life has been rendered better in every respect, and that countless numbers of them will 4idiinc as the brightness of the firma ment and as the stars forever and ever," through the instrumentality of slavery, and deny, if he can, that slavery, instead of being a curse, has been the greatest blessing ever bestowed upon a race of mor tals, in a condition so hopeless as that to which the negroes were doomed in their native land ? i e do imt hesitate to put this question to the Editor of the I lost on Recorder. Could any missionary ope rations, could any other means have leen dev ised, or any combinations of means, by which so great a multitude of mortals so degraded, could, within the same length of time, have been elevated to the same degree of civilization; could have made the same progress in moral, intellectual, and religious improvements, as there have been of slaves bene fited in all these respects? We will not hesitate for a moment to argue this question with any can did man. Let me, in view of all these things, ask, why all this clamor of the Emancipators against the South ? Why so many bitter denunciations ? Why so much excitement? Why so many plans of operation ? So many societies formed ? It is proved, we think, beyond doubt, to every honest and candid man, that it cannot be because shivery has injured the negroes, but because the whites of the South have not ren dered them in everv respect equal to themselves have not given away all their own labors to benefit the slaves in short, change places. From thr Vetrrshun Init lligencfr, of July 30. ABOLITION lMJltl AC AT ION S. A number of packages of the 44 Emancipationist" were received at our Post Office, by the Northern mail of yesterday, directed toyhffcrcnt individuals in the Smth. We have also !een inf rmed that packages of the 44 Human Rights," another Aboli tion Paper, have lioeu received, within a few days, at two of the Post Otlices on the Rail Road. Co pies of these PaMrs have likewise been received in various parts of the State. The Noif.Ik HeratJ.of Monday, says : 4 A bun dle of incenfliarv missiles from the Alnditiooists' Pandemonium in New 101k, were a tew days ago received ai ine 1 nisi wmce 111 ims ioiouo. iiosj new e-nissi.)ii of mischief, (a little '2 by 11 sheet, j issued monthly, by 44 R. (5. Williams,") comes forth under the imposing title of 44 Huuia 1 Rights," and j received at the Post O.lice in this Borough. This imposing tine 01 "iiuma i uiin-, ami is filled with matter of a tendency to excite sedition s,m)P time, tried by the Court a" Assizes, and ac among the colored p pulatioti of the South, and , quitted by the jury ; but the judges, aftr the acquit-tver-turu the existing s;tcial and p ditical relations together with'the lawyers and doctors for the of the country, tie constant aim and object of the j n'aintifT, formed what they called a r'tril cour. and AlIitionifs. as manifested in this instance by the fict, that the whole of the 'JO or "50 copies mailed 1 f.r this Poi Ovice, WERE DIRECTED TO FREE NEGROES, in the Borough and vicinity a. id all sent gratis, of course." G! XL. I V TL.r,IG CJCE. V' the I lull fix A'h'tH-iite. THE RIGHT OF INSTRUCTION. Inconsequence of the unceasing complaint of j the Van Buren gentlemen, ot Senator Ma.xgcm's j not obeying too ins' ruction in our last legislature, requiring hint to do whit no honourable man could do, a id f r the continued abuse of the Van Buren party heaped upon him, we, as faithful sentinels on the watch lower of lilierty, conceive it to be our duty to make the following remarks. It is a fact, which cannot be controverted, that the present V an Buren party are composed generally ot a uart ot the oil iJttucus irnirfora parly. Hence ingllMrVvrcVi of the Van Bui mi party in our last L ; nsj ,ture,) voted far Wni II. Crawford, in .f tiie instruction of the nconle of North Carolina. For. mark vou. notwifsfandin the then Crawford, but now V.ui Buren party, thought and said as Thos. Ritchie, that Gen. Jackson's election would Ik a curse 44 tqnu the Country." We say, notwithstanding these things and ma-iv others, such as circulating Benton's hand hills, fi' Coffin hand bills, and reporting that Gen. Jackson hat! taken away a man's wife, the goinl people of North Carolina sustained the old hnro against mese siamiers, ana lie receiveu in tins mate a majo I I II .! . . rity o- iip vards f 5!.K)0 votes, thereby instructing our Repro.,enta"ives in Congress, in the event tho election shou I ' tothe House of Representatives, to vote fr G t. Jackson. Now, ;nark yu, what did oar tii'm ('rawlord I) degatittu do; did they obey the instructions of the nconlc ? Oh. no! they, by their vote fr Crawford, de.-.ied the people tfie right to instruct them. The question naturally arises, who faithless representatives? Thev are a part of the self-styled Democratic lie- publicans of North Carolina ; wdio then denied (by their vote) tli jteople tfie right to instruct, are now calling often and louldly upon Senator Mangutn, to resign his seat in the Senate. For what? for not obeying the instructions of the people of North Carolina; oh no! Why, then, do they call on him to resign, f r not oltoying the instruction of the 4'wiry'' in the last Legislature!!! Are these things not stubborn facts? We say they are! and that tie? fteople of North Carolina may remember to despise those then faithless representatives, am! now si'.ion purees of the Van Buren party, we will give you their names. R, M. Saunders, R. I). S .eight, Mr. Gatlifi, Dr. Thos. Hall, Weldon N. EI wards, and Mr. Conner. These are a part of the good Democratic Republican party, who, after having insulted the people of North Carolina bv refusing to obey their instructions, now call loudly upon you, the very people whom they have treated with such disrespect, to sustain the 44 party." The prayer of every patriot should be, deliver me from such a fraud such a 4 party." Are not such things insulting to a free and independent people; js not a uua a hi subject for his master's use, who will si- lently submit to such things, and much more so, those who w ill advocate the procedings of the 44 par ty" in our last Legislature. From the Richmond Whiff. THE PRESIDENT AT THE RIP RAPS. President Jackson has been at the Rip Raps for some days has been visited by sundry persons, some for curiosity, some for incense, and is to be visited by all the faithful in these parts, who rejoice that the object of their adoration is brought vv ith in reach of a few hours' pleasant ride. The Kitchen have entrusted his person, during his absence from ' 1 - - I I . 1 - . ...All -l.l 1 1 vv asniii'Moii, to me soio cusiouy, uni wcn-n ij delitv, of Francis P. Blair, who, gifted by nature for the sphere, plays the consolidated parts of Keep er and Gentleman Usher, with dignity and deco rum. He ami the President (ego et rex me us) are ex hibited daily at the Rip Raps to admiring crowds, and a Republican cannot but be edified at the re presentations which are given of the scene. The President, we are informed,speaks freely,for he has neither the refinement to feel the indeli cacy, nor the information to apprise him of the im propriety of one in his situation doing so. He thinks undue honors have been rendered to the me mory of General Marshall, and predicts that the at tempt to erect a monument to his memory at Wash ington will fail ! A prediction which we hope will not, like some predictions, accomplish itself but as it ought to do, determine every man who despises demagogue malignity that it shall be fulfilled. Messrs. White, Leigh, and Bell, are chosen themes of denunciation by Jackson and Blair. W e understand that, in a mixed company, the President had the indecent indiscretion to denounce Judge White as a man who had deceived him, (in not de clining the solicitation to permit his name to be used as a candidate for the Presidency,) and Mr. Bell as a man not fit to be trusted and who would sa crifice every thing to the motive of retaining his ost as Speaker. 44 Bat (continued the successor of Gen. Washington, clenching his hand in passion,) trust me, h shall be Speaker no longer !" From the Xcio I'rA Mercantile Advertiser. Iisulf to on American Consul. Our Corres pondent at Marseilles, under date of June 2nd, gives the following account of what is deemed an outrage to the American Consul, Mr. Coxall, by the autho- riiios of that place: 44 Von will no doubt have heard, ere this reaches 011 wjll no u you, the treatmen ;UV,j.rt to, on acc he put out of his nt the American Consul has leen count of a drunken servant woman 1 f,e put out of Ins house. lie was imprisoned for condemned him to a tine of 2000 franks and costs. According to the opinion of many, this act was done from a spite against the Consul, he being an American, and from some observations made by the Judge, or President, on account of the 25 mil lion affair which is likely, the Americans not be ing on such good terms as formerly, especially with the opposition. The Consul has written to Paris to appeal, and but little doubt exists that he will there obtain redress. Su-h a decision has never it0fnre t)0eil known, which gives the affair a more ao-.i-ravated" From the Richmond Whig. MADAME PARTHENE JOHNSON. In 1632, the Cincinnati Gazette announced that Col. Johnson (Tecumseh) had had the misfortune to lose his wife, (Madame Julia) and nine other ne groes by the Cholera- The same paper publishes a letter from a correspondent at Columbus, (Ohio,) detailing events connected with the recent elope ment (to ust? the elegant phrase of English crim. con.) of Madame Parthene, with one of the Choc taw youths under the Colonel's and parson Hen derson's suKrintendence. The whole hog gentle men will feel indebted to our zeal in thus laving come involved. 44Con.MBrs, July 6, 1S35. 44 Columbus was quite in an uproar on Wednes day last, ami exhibited a specimen of practical amalgation in high life. Madame Cornelia Par thene, the reputed wife of Col. R. M. Johnson, the Convention candidate for the second oilice in the gift of the American people, and one other of her own colar, of the African line, were the hero ines of tho farce; together with two young Indians, fresh from the Choctaw Agency. The f ur had set out together on a marrying match, or matches. The Indians left the Colonel's residence three days previous to the wife of Tecumseh and the ueice of the Colonel's first wile. 'Ine la, lies had their horses saddled, under pretence of riding some five or six miles to procure a supply of stra wlierries, with which to regale the palate of the 44 Hero of the Thames. They joined the young Indians, who tiad conveyed their trunks with them, for the pur pose of facilitating the elopement ; and the whole company were making good their retreat to Cana da, wiien they were overtaken. One or two re presentatives of the Johnson family arrived in this city, and ofFre 1 a- reward of 8500 fir the appre hension 01 Madame Parthene, (or Johnson) and her adopted neico. They were pursued by the sheriff of Franklin county, the Kentuckians before men tioned, and others ; captured at Medina examin ed lietore a magistrate ; and the Indians permitted to continue their journey. The ladies were brought back to Columbus and deposited, for safe keeping, in a room of one of the H ftels, under the care of the nephew of Col. Johnson, who secured the door by locking it, while he went below to wash. But bolts and bars could not confine tho sable appenda ges of the family of a renowned hero and 44 milita ry chieftain. They both leaped from the window of the 2nd"story of the Hotel, unhurt, ant! made their way to the woods, about day-light. They were pursued, Madame Parthene retaken, and placed in Columbus jail for safe keeping but the neice escaped the hunters. A writ of habeas cor pus was procured for the release of the Colonel's lady from her gloomy residence, by some of our citizens. Col Johnson's nephew getting wind of this, gave an "extra allowance" fee of one hundred ami fifty dollars to the stage company to convey the ftir lady and her suit to Cincinnati, by express, in fifteen hours. It was done, vvith an injunction to the first driver to be in JefTerson, fourteen miles west, in one hour or le discharged- 1 am told that the distance was performed in four minutes less than the hour. 44 W hen passing through Columbus, on their way north, the party stopped at the same Hotel to which they had been returned on their homeward passage. A piano Forte being open in the parlour, the accor plished Madame Johnson amused herself by pe: forming a few choice an.l select pieces of music , and evmced, by her conversation, that she was, by education, superior to the ordinary slaves of the South. They were termed 44 parlour servants," by their pursuers." From the Augusta Georgia) Sentinel Interrogations lobe presented to Bob Short; to which answers are respectfully solicited without delay. Interrogation 1. Is Martin Van Buren a Repubhcaa or Federalist, or both, or neither? Int. 2. If Martin Van Buren is a Republican, how does he define the term ; if a Federalist, can the South support him; if both, how can he reconcile them; if neither, what is he? Int. 3. Did Martin Van Buren turn himself out of the Secretary's office, or did he tell Gen. Jackson to do it ? I11L 4. Why did not the United Suites Sennte con firm Martin Van Buren's nomination to the Court of Sl James! Int. 5. Was not Martin Van Buren very much sur prised on hearing that the Baltimore Convention had chosen htm as a candidate for the Presidency ? Int. 6. Is Martin Van Buren truly and indeed in fa vor of. irivmg free negroes a vote? Int. 7. Will it not increase the popularity of Martin Van Buren to be associated with Richand M. Johnson, who has ever been, and still is", in piactice and princi ple, opposed to negroes? Int. 8. Should Martin Van Buren be elected Presi dent, and Jv'efiard M. Johnson Vice President, who should be Secretary of State, "Uncle Curly," or "Un cle Cudjo ?" The above questions are submitted to you, under the belief that you can gii e definite answers to all of them, taken searate!v and singly. On those subjects, the pub lic should be informed FAIR PLAY. 7'o the Jirst, he ansicereth : That he knows the said Martin Van Buren to he a Dutchman, half bald, and ra ther more than knee high to a june-hug. That th" po litics of said Marliii have been found, by phrenological examinations to be all located in the head, and to have divined themselves buldiully and htiruilly. That the buldy polities are lodged un ier the bald or slippiry part of the head of the said Martin, and are decidedly repub lican. Between the two is a dirt-dauber's ne.-t, hi led with spiders, worms, rlie&, and all manner of little hate ful vermin. Many experiments have been made to as certain the relative weights of the baldy and hairy. But they change their specific gravites according to la titiuie. Weighed in hii'h northern latitudes (that is, about the meridian of Boston.) the baldly kick the Kara high and dry; hut as you come south, the hairy preponder ate by large odds About the meridian of Phil inelpiiia the dirt-daubers nest outweighs lioth of them. His jk di tics, therefore, may be properly considered Jedent-T pub licodirt duuberious. To the second, he answers : Mr. Van Buren jfines a federalist to be one who independently, magnani mously, courteously, and chivalrously kisses General Jackson's foot. Of course the spirited Submissionists of the South can support hiui, or the foot aforesaid, tr both. To the third, he answers : General Jackson beinj in quest of a 14 unit" for a lady, offered all the offices of his Cabinet for said unit. The then incumbents rin-ung-. their plates tiius in the market, became all alarmed, and counselled with one another, as to how thev nhif it transform themselves into a unit for the accommodation of said lady. Xo sooner b id they met than they all with one accord declared that Martin might hanj up his fiddle at once; for, so fir from being a unit, he wis legion. Mr. Van Buren insisted that there was a mis take in the print of the President's proclamation; which, 'corrected, would make him the very man to fill his eye. He said that Mr. Blair had purposely inserted a "u" in the word to exclude him from his place, and that he would go immediately to the President and inquire in to the matter. . Accordingly, lie went directly to the President and asked him whether he wanted a nit or a unit. Whereupon, Mr. Van Buren gave up his place to avail bein- turned out. m " c ro,e7 . nit- ouaif uiu noi con firm his nomination, localise they all took, it for grunt ed, that, as soon as he got to England, (where he was when the nomination was made) he took the oath of allegiance to that country, seeing he always coincides with the pp!e witii whom he is cast. To the fifth, he uitsacrs : This question is answered by himself. To the sixth, he answers: He is; and as truly vor of voting fw free negroes. See proceed uiirsof Bal timore Convention Silvy Johnson's letter and Union papers, pissim. To the sen nth, he answers: Certainly it will, at the Xorth, but not at the South. The negroes in this quar ter say, 44 1 go for bro'er Dick up to de hoe-helve; but de man dey call Bin B arum, he loo slippery no truss him. Nigger tink he gvvine 'long vvid him ebber so fass, ftios ting you know, he cone hick to i uckera Buekera tink he got him here he come 'gin to niirsrer. When he marry nigger, den I know I gv.l hiuV'fiss: for de scripter say, when de Lord put 'em to-redder, no man can part 'em, 'cause he wrap twine (the twain) round triii i u maivt- em o e uean. To the eighth, he answers: Neither. Cuffv will be sent to the Court of irst. James and Cudjo to the Court of St. Cloud, to make room tor Messrs. Tappan and Gar rison. It is said that arrangements have actually been made vvith Mr. Ritchie, to support these nominations, tor whicli his paper is to be made the Government offi cial ; but of this, witness doth not gpeak from Ins own knowledge, farther than that he knows the said Ritchie to have strong leaning to all the parties in interest. Answered an 1 subscribed by me at this :27th July, 15. BOB SHORT. Shocking Murdtr. We learn, from a Corres pondent, that a shocking murder was committed w ithin a few miles of Chapel Hill, week before the last. A man by the name of Alston Durham, went to the house of his cousin, Lindsey Durham and finding no one but his wife, (who was sitting cardinir,) took up a gun, and, vvith a single blow, inllicted with the breech, killed her ou the spct. He then went out in the field, where the husband was at work, and insisted that he should go to the house. On his arrival, he found the lifeless IkkIv of his wife lying on the floor with the cards in her hands. He turned to his cousin" and remai ked 44 Oh! Alston, this is your work!" who immedi ately replied, 44 if you say so, I will put you in the same fix;" and suiting the action to the word, he commenced an attack on the husband, who saved himself by flight. The murderer was arrested, and is now in jail. It appears, that he courted his victim some two or three years since, but she re jected his addresses; and from that time he has been subject to occasional fits of insanity. He had told the husband, that as she would not have him, she should never be a source of comfort to any one else. Both families are highly respect able, and the oc currence has created great excitement in the neigh bourhood. Raleigh Register. A mile a Minute. A Steam Car has been built in England, for exportation to the United States, which performed the distance between Manchester and Liver pool at the rate of a mile a minute, (nearly forty miles.) At that rate, when the New York and Erie Railroad is finished, one can breakfast in New York, dine in Buffa lo, and be at Detroit, Michijran, the next dav, a distance of nearly KX) miles, which is not now travelled in much less than a week. Sum c