nn WESTERN INIAN 3 A PUBLISHED UEVEHY SATUDAY MORNING A33TJ521IL SJUiaJl iTSsJiaiPIll Va IBJlSlU'Dil EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. Number 12, of Volume 1G: SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA, AUGUST 22, 1835. XuW-YomVcSmumS794. .in.' Farmers' fKNi?' Department Vrom the Ileum ssi e Variiu r. tup; cultivation of win: at. The following paper, on the cultivation of Wheat, was read b. fore the Agricultural Society of this folate, at its meeting in February last, Ly II. Hick ock, Esq., f Rensselaer county : There are two causes which, when our winters are often, operate injuriously on ttlicaf crops. One is, the high and dry winds, which prevail in March; these blow oil" the soil in many situations and by leaving the roots of Wheat exposed, oooa sion their destruction. Another cause is the heading of the soil, occasioned by the alterations of cold and warm weather. The water in the soil, in the act of freezing, expands ami raises up the eartii, and also the root. of the wheat plants which the earth embraces when a thaw sue.;i-d, the earth lieing h aviesf. f.!J down tirst and lo ives the roots of the wheat a little elevated, and by repeat ed changes of the weather, the roots arc so fir thr. vii out as to perish. 'armors, when convenient, usually sow their winter grain early in iSeptemler, upon :i supposition which guides their omiii 'i) practice, th.it grain thus early sown withstands lest the action of un favorable seasons. This supposition is founded up m the very p' lus.ble theory, tint as the oldest roots will b? longer and more numerous and take a firmer hold of the soil than tlm which are you.ig er, thev will Iks less exposed to In; thrown above it, and at th? same time, from t'eir strength, he more tenacious of life. But experience informs us, that wheat, S't-vii as ate as th first or even the second week i'i October verv often survives with less inju ry than that which is sown in the early part of fc5LVte?iiler. Ii-lee I firmers very generally admit, as the result of their experience, that rye, whoso laws of ve etiition mast hi ne rly tfie same as those of wheat, snvn so lale in the. season as liarley to come up, is ru st likely to withstand an unfavorable winter. Si ill tlie very plausible tneory, wr.icn lias been mentioned, very generally induces thiu to sow rye early as well as wheat, in direct opiositio: to conclusions, which have been drawn from aciual observation. An experiment was made last autumn for the purp se of collecting some further information on this subject. On the first day 'of SeptemUr last, I excavated a spot of ground six feet square. On thi one side, the excavation was afmit six inches deep; on the opposite side, its depth did not exceed one inch, Sjed wheat was placed over the bottom, so that the kernels were about fnir inches distant from each other, the excavation was th mi tilled up. Toe soil was n suitable mixture of gravel, sand, and clay, fr wh-at, and of ordinary fertility. This w is the latter part of th? extreme draught which prevailed last summer, and the soil w. is dry, warm, and finejv pulverize,! b"fre it was thrown .,,) the vvhat. The circumstances, except the extreme dryness of the soil, were highly favorable to the vegetation of seed at the greatest depth in the earth. O.i the f I'irfh of the month there vva? a heavy shower which not on!v wet the soil, but bvit it dowa cfo-v and h ird. O.i the i i r t of the mor.th, ine mam began to snow tn-nwives ; Mil moik1 ...in., no fiom rr..iter f,.of!i ill ii i! :it t S ree n.vl t. a. ........................... .j.-. . u.at.i '.. ' . - one-half inches. I'vo or three days after the sc. con ! feat find disp!:iye itself, some ot the roots j and top be cut off, and the bulb if, planted in a ge were taken up and examined. It now apnea roil ; nial soil, the p'ant will grow. that, nearly an inch IHow the surf ice of the ground a new jc.:t was found which was the basis of the second leaf, and aI-o of a now system of roots. There were now two tiers of roots ; the seed or knot adjoining it, had generated h: lower tier, and the new. j tint the upier one. These two tiers or systems of roots were connected together by a root resembling a cord or thread, and in or:e instance, I cut oft this connecting thread and transplanted the uper part. This grew with little apparent check from its curtailuvnt ; but the under part died, alth Mgh the soil above it was opened so as to af ford it t!i a 1 vantages of air and solar heat. On the iOth dav of Septemb r, I examined another plant, which ha I its regular formations as exact ed, and, whit was not exported, a blade was disco vered about an inch long, which had started from ihe lower sy -fein ( f roots, and would doubtless have iad its wax to the suiface, had it not lieen dis- turned. It is to be remarked, that this plant sprung from seed placed und.r cover of nearly tour inches of soil, which was about an inch deeper than any of the other plants examined, and that some of the tops of the wheat plants ha I boon eaten oiTau 1 trod den down by accidental intrusion; a fact unregard ed at the time. On the gOth day of September 1 ex itmined another root, expecting to see the blade "from below more perfectly developed, none howev er was discovered; but a third tier of roots was found at the surface of the ground, which proceed ed from the second, as that hat! from the first sys tem of roots. On the 10th day of October I placed j -rJoine seed wheat atiout two inches in the ground; their delay in coining up induced me to suppose that t!ey had perished from col I and wetness; but at the expiration of three weks ihey made their -appearance, and although the ground remained open several weeks longer, no second leaf appear ed, of course no j oiut or sec nd system of roots had Leen formed. Tn? very di.fcrent form itions in the joots of wheat, which this experiment has disclo sed, preceded from causes appropriate and capa ble of being ascertained, but to distinguish them with certainty, other trials must lie made and con ducted with greater accuracy than the one of w hich an account has been given. From these experiments, though inaccurate, some conclusions mav erhajs be drawn of practical use. All J.ints which live over winter, possess an appa ratus, by which they supply themselves, in autumn, with fiod tor their sustenance in spring. This food consists mostly of saccharine matter, which is enclosed in a proper receptacle. When this recep tacle is formed near the surface of the earth, the fomentation of its contents is excited by frequent changes of weather, the saccharine matter is de composed, and the plant jierishes from the want of food, and perhaps also from a rupture of its vessels. All wheat, shallow-sowed, must have its reser voirs of food but slightly covered with soil, and of course they are fully e.Xosed. When wheat is sown earl at any depth, a second, and sometimes a third system ol roots is formed within an inch of the surface. In these, many stems originate, each of which has its receptacle of nourishment at its base, and it is quite certain that in most instances, the food, which was contained in the &ocd and the adjoining knot, is entirely exhausted by the supplies of nourishment it atlbrds the upper portions of the plant. The life of early sowed wheat must, then, like that which is shallow sowed, depend upon the preservation of the reservoirs of saccharine matter which are placed at or near the surface of the ground, and of course oxjiosed to the unfavorable action of variable weather during winter. Wheat which is late sowed, generates no second blade or new system of roots, and of course the nourishment lor spring's use is retained in the re ceptacle which adjoins the seed. If, thru, we sow sufficiently late in autumn, and place the seed deep in the soil, we shall provide every security against the hazards of bad weather, which the nature of the case admits of. Jn the ordinary course of husbandry, some of the wheat is necessarily deposited at a considerable depth in the soil, and when this takes place sufficiently late in the sea. son, the receptacle of fx will be protected by its covering of earth, and a partial crep will often be realized, although there may be, when the spring opens, no signs of life on the sur face of the field. In such cases as the destruction of the blade, w hich issues from the seed-roots in au tumn ct.i be but of little imjvirtance, one would supjiose that the surviving plants will grow the more vigorously, from their lemg less in numlier, and by tillering produce many stems with large well tilied years; such, however, is not the (act; usually the stems are single and the heads are not lame. To account for this, it must 1x3 recollected, that after the ground has thawed in the spring, the earth settles and often becomes so extremely hard that doubtless many plants die, in their struggle to overcome the opposing resistance, and the surprise is, that anv one should possess vigor enough to pro trude even a single stein throu U the hard earth tSiat covers it. From this view of the subject, the practice may le recommended, of effectually harrowing the field in the spring alter the ground has settled, in order to supply the plant with fresh air, and give a free pa -sage to its upward growth. After the harrow lias ben used, the roller ought to lie employed to reset such roots as have lieen displaced, and di ; i msh the ova juration of the moisture. In England, a wheat plant has leen taken up, separated into eighteen parts, and replanted, and by successive divisions and replantations, a crop ot tiiree and one-third pocks of wheat was obtained in less than eighteen months from the time the sc"d was sum,. If the roots of wheat can be so minute, ly divided and successfully replanted, there is little danger that the freest u-e of the harm v can lie in jurious, provided the roller hi also used. The fact appears to lie, that nothing is nec-s.sary to the vor- nul rowth ot the plant, ir.it tno preservation oi in .. ....7. t .. 1. 1..'. .....a.m.: tie. :, ri - ie Ml iMer ' tI; '41 (11,111 lllVil ,.-n.lti- ...... ...... i . . ... winch is its projior vernal food; so, th.it it the roots Notwithstanding the argu.uop'.s which !i sve been urged in fr r of sowing wheat late, it mus? lie con ceded that when earlv sown and our field-, are cul tivated in the usual uiuct, it produces the largest crop, if it survive the cold season. W li ther such improvements may not lie made as to combine the b;nefits of a sure ami large crop, is a question still oren to investigation; the probability is, that both advantages may be secured, by a more correct knowledge of the proper time to sow, and of the best methods of culture. In the first volume of the transactions of the so ciety fir the promotion of Agriculture, arts an I ma nufactures, instituted in the Mlo of New York, it is stated that in Huntington, Suifilk county, fii'ty tvo bushels of -wheat hid boon raised by manure on an acre of land, and Mr. Downs is sai 1 to have raised, on a poor, gravelly, dry soil, by the use of i'ish as a manure, at the rate of 1JS hushe's of rye .n-r acre. In this case, the rye would doubtless have lodged ami been of little value, were it not that it was twoe eaten off by bis neighbors sheep, which broke into the lot ; once, when th rye was f inches hi di, and again when it was about G in dies high. The production of so large a crop of wheat and of rye must have proceeded from causes which are steady and uniform in their operations, and if all the circumstances which had occurred to produce them bad been distinguished am! noted down, sinii- I 1 ir crops might have boon again raised. Some things which iccurrel miring the cultivation oi mis rve crop may lie ascribed to accident or chance, so tar as Mr. Down's sagacity was concerned, bat the cause which proximately occasioned the crop, did not work by acei lent or by chance, but agree ably to the laws or ' rules from which they never deviate. This uniformity of ojeration lays the foundation for making future discoveries, an 1 brings within the grasp of our faculties the knowledge of increasing our crops by methods the least labori ous and expensive. The period may arrive when the firmer shall pursue his methods of culture with an anticipation of the consequences which will result, analagous to that of the mechanician in the construction of a machine, and when, by direct means, he shall pro duce greater crops than ever were obtained by mere empirical trials. Time was, when the greatest philosophers taught the doctrine, that all things pertaining to the sur face of the earth were too irregular and too much under the government of chance, to admit of scien tific inquiry ; this error has, w itliia the tw o last cen- turies, lieen dispelled. Hut a similar error, in re gard to rural affairs, is embraced by almost all our practical farmers, and the task of correcting and excising it is devolved, it would seem, upon the un aided efforts of a few individuals. Here then is the difficulty. I V01 the llU hmunil. LAST HOURS OF JOHN RANDOLPH. The subjoined deposition of Dr. l'arrish. of Philadelphia, read before the (General Court of Vir ginia, in the case of .Mr. Randolph's Will, has exci ted a very general interest : Joseph Parrish, of the city of Philadelphia, Doc tor of Medicine, aged fifty-five years, or thereabouts, lieing pmduced, affirmed and examined on behalf of illiam Meade, named in the annexed commis sion, deposeth as follows: That, lieing legally re quired to make a deposition relative to John Ran dolph of Roanoke, I hereby state my recollection of such incidents as I consider calculated to show the state of his mind during the period of my med ical attendance. John Randolph died under my medical care on the morning of the fifth mouth, (May) twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred thirty-three, at one quarter be fore 12 o'clock. He breathed his last in a chain- lier of the City Hotel, No. 41 North Third street. I was present at his departure, closed his eyes, and placed his limbs in a decent position. I was called, to visit him, on the 'JOth of said month, by Fdward I'adger, one of the proprietors of the City Hotel. It was a stormy night the patient had arrived that afternoon in the stcam'mat from Raltimore. He was liomid for Furojie, and had Ijeen disappointed in getting on board the packet. lie soon informed me he was acquainted with me by character. 'I know von through (liJes' alluding, I presume, to Win. I. (iles, late fl overnor of Virginia, respecting whose case I was repeatedly consulted. The pa tient apjioared much disturlied on account of some difficulties he had encountered after leaving the steamb.at. It was evident he was extremely ill ; his debilitv was such that caused much distress in respiration. He apeared fully aware of his dan ger, told me he bad attended several courses of lectures on anotomy, describing bis symptoms with medical accuracy, declaring he must die if he could not discharge the purifonu matter. On inquiring how long he liad been sick, he replied 41 Don't ak me that question ; I have been sick all my life." He svn told, however, that he had been affected tor three years with his present disease, which had been greatly aggravated by his voyage to Russia "this had killed him." On feeling his pulse he said: " You can form no judgement by my pulse, it is so peculiar." I soon ierceivod, that to ma nage 'he case liefire nie would lie like steering le twecn Seylla and Chary Iwlis ; and concluded to proceed bv cautious soundings, rather than advance under full sail. I tol l him he bad lieen so long an invalid he mu-t hive acquire 1 an accurate knowledge of the genera! c mpse (f practice adapted to his case. He replied Vrtiinlv, at forty a f ml or a hii iaa, you know." I remarked there wore iditrvneracios in ni.inv constitutions, ami wish- 1 1 ascertain what was peculiar about him. lie sud, I have !oen an indi osyricracy all my I if?. This appeared tiuly a most trite and correct view of th" subject, although the querest did not consider it necessarv to give a concurring rOlv. He illforill" 1 I1IO that all the . . ... . .! i : :..!!..:..: 11.:... i prep 1 nil ions 01 c.impn r inv i ri ni v inio i '-u :n ui, .too, as f ether, "it would b! .- me up." Not so of opium and its prepar if ions ; fir I soon discovered he was accustomrtl to the free use of this drug in some firm or other. On one occasion, he told me that he either del or could (I am not cl ar as to the words ?bd or could) lake opium like a Turk; but I certainly receivd from him the impression, that h was in the habitual use of opium in some shape or otbr. His conversation was curiously diversi fied, an I he complained with no small asperity of the dilfi-ulf ies ho encountered after leaving the steamboat. He was out into a wretched hack the glass of the carriage was broken he had lieen oblige 1 to go from one hotel to another, in search of lodgings, exposed to the jM'lfmgs of the storm, and every thing was in a state of discomfort. He soon introduced the subject of the Quakers, com plimenting us in his jwculiar manner of neatness, economy, order, comfort in every thing, except jo litics "there, always twistical." Before I re tired, he Topnated a portion of the litanv of the I'piscopal Church, with apparent fervor. The fol lowing morning he sent for me early ; I was called from lied. He apologized handsomely for disturb ing me ; and from this period we apcarcd mutually to enter into our new acquaintance in the capacity of patient and physician. After considerable ex perience in sick chamliers and death lieds, I may say I never met with a character so perfectly ori ginal ami unique. He might sometimes lie com pared to a spoiled and fractious child ; but a little oliservation convinced mc; that, in the midst of bis extreme constitutional irritability, pefuience, impa tience, and sarcasm, there were some noble traits of character. Among these, was a keen sense of propiety. And when this was greatly apjiealed to, there was a disposition to be convinced and acknow ledge indiscretions'. On more than one occasion, it seemed proper for the patient to understand, that, w hile his physician felt every disposition to treat him with kindness and respect, he was not insensible to what was due to himself. On one occasion, when I proposed something for his relief he petulantly ami positive ly refused compliance. I paused, and addressed a few words to him. His good sense predominated; he apologized, and was as submissive as an infant. One evening I proposed a medical consultation, leaving the choice to himself. With an assurance of entire confidence in his medical attendant, he promptly objected to the proposal, with the remark, "In a multitude of counsel there is confusion ; it leads to weakness and indecision; the patient may die while the doctors are staring at each other." On parting with him, and especially at night, I would receive the kindest acknowledgments in the most affectionate tones, generally with the addition, " God J bless you he noes bless you and he will bless you." It seems as if his disposition to criticise on the pronunciation of words could not be restrained under any circumstances of lioddy suffering or im mediate danger of death. The slightest deviation from his standard of propriety must be met and corrected. In the application of words to convey id as, he w. extremely exact. He once remarked to me, that although the French was a vile lan guage, yet it was preferable to any other for trea ties and public documents, becau every word was in its exact place " no double nieanii.tr there it stands." The night preceding his death, I passed about two hours in his chamler. He told me, in a plaintive tone, that his poor John was worn down with fatigue, and compelled to go to bed. A most attentive sulistitute supplied his place ; but neither he nor 1 were like John, who knew where to place his hand on any thing in a large quantity of bag gage prepared for an European voyage. The pa tient was greatly distressed in breathing in conse quence of difficult exH'ctoration, and requested me, at myr next visit, to bring instruments for perform ing the ojeration of bronchotomy, for he could not live unless releived. Yet, in the same interview, he directed a certain newspaer to be brought to him. It was found, affer a dillicult search. He put on bis spectacles, as lie sat propjied up in bed ; turned over the paper several times, and examined it carefully; then placed his finger on a part, he had selected, and handed it to me, with a request that I would read it. It was head ed " Cherokee." In the course of reading, I came to the word "omnipotence." I gave it the full sound, omnimtence. He checked me instantly repeating it according to Walker. I offered mv reasons for pronouncing it as I did. He did not rebut, but quickly said, " Pass on." Not long af ter, I pronounced the word " impetus" with the e long, lie corrected me instantly. I hesitated on his criticism, and in an inquiring and doubtful tone, reMated the word as he had pronounced it. He sharply replied, " There can be no doubt of it-" An immediate acknowledgment of the reader, that he stood corrected, appeared to satisfy the critic, and the piece was concluded. 1 now observed to him there was a great deal of sublimity in the composition. He directly referred me to the Mo saic account of creation, and repeated, " Let there le light, and there was light," and, "There is sublimity." He spoke, in this interview, of the slanders and lies that had been published against him in the newspaers. Kven his domestic arrange ments, his silver cups, A:c, had been noticed, when every tine might know that silver was more econo mical than highly finished china, or cut glass, that was liable to lie broken. I believe the patient never fully relinquished his hold on life until the day he died. It is true, he had often said he was living, he must die or words to that effect ; but these were rather to Ihj considered as ebullitions of a morbidly irritated mind. The hoje of getting off to Lurojie still lingered with him. In proof 1 will state, that perhaps on the third day of my atten dance, he informed me that he intended to goon to New i ork the next morning, and w ished mv bill to fie left at the bar. I undo i stood it to be his in- ' ieiitiou to embark at New York for Kurope. In stead of going in the morning, as lie expected, he was so ex remely ill in the night that I was called from my bed to visit him. He also requested me to have some sulphate of morphia, which he had in his possession as a pure imported article, divided into pajiers of one grain each. This was done by my direction at the apothecary store of Charles Ellis, No. 50 Chestnut street, who put up my prescription fir the patient. The morning of fhe day that John Randolph died, I received an early ami urgent mes sage to visit him. Several persons were in the room, but soon left it, except his servant John, who appeared atlected at the situation of his dying mas ter. I remarked to John, soon after I arrived, that I had seen his master very low several times before, and he had revived, and perhaps he would again. The patient directly said, "John knows better than j that." The interview of this morning was pecu i liarly impressive. I had not lieen long with him lie lore he looked at me with great intensity, and said, in a very earnest and distinct manner, " I confirm every disposition in my Will, especial la titat respecting my slaves, whom I have manumit ted, and for w hom I have made provision." "Thisdeclaration was to me altogether unexpect ed. It involved a subject w hich inour previous inter vlews had never been touched. It was one I should not have introduced. Iassured him I was rejoiced to hear such a declaration from him. He appeared anx ious to impress it on my mind. Soon after this I pro posed to go, fir a short time, to attend an urgent message received just In4 fore I left home, assuring my patient I would return as speedily as possible. He positively oljected to my leaving him. " You must not go; you cannot, you shall not leave me." He called to his serv ant John to take care that the Doctor did not leave the room, and John according ly locked the door and soon reported, " master I have locked the door and got the key in my pocket, the doctor can't go now." My proposal to leave him for a short time, even on a promise of return, evidently irritated him for a moment. It may show the situation of his mind, when I state that in the moment of excitement to which I have re ferred, be said, " if you do go you need not return." I apjiealed to him "as to the propriety of such an order, inasmuch as I was only desirous of discharg ing my duty towards another patient who might stand in need of assistance. His manner instantly changed, and he said, "I retract that expression;" and, probably a quarter of an hour afterwirds, castin" on nie an expressive look, he again said, " I retrsuT that expression " I told him I thought I under lerstood him distinctly on the subject ho had communicated, and I presumed the Will would ex plain itself fullv. He replied in his peculiar way, " No. von don't, understand it ; I know you dou't. Our laws are extremely particular on the eubject of slaves; a will may manumit them, but provision for their subsequent support requires that a decla ration be made in the presence of a white witness; and it is requisite that the witness, after hearing the declaration, should continue with the party and never lose sight of him until lie is jrone or dead, lou are a good witness for John you see the pro priety and importance of your remaining with me, your patients must make allowances for your situa tion." I saw and felt the force of the appeal. The interest of the scene increased every moment. I was now locked in a chamber with a dying states man of no common order one whose commanding talents and elevated political station, combined with great eccentricity of character, had spread his fame not only through his native land but over Europe. He then said, 44 John told me this morning master you are dying.'" I made no attempt to conceal my views. On the contrary, I assured him I would speak to him with entire candor on the occasion, and told him it had been rather a subject of surprise that he had continued so long. He now made his preparations to die. Between him and bis faithful servant there appeared to be a complete understand ing. He directed John to bring him his father's breast button, which was immediately prtiduced. He then directed him to place it in the bosom of his shirt. It was an old fashioned, large-sized stud. John placed it in the button hole of the shirt bo som ; but, to fix it completely, required a hole on the opjMisite side. When this was announced to his master, he quickly said, 44 get a knife and cut one." I handed my penknife to John, who cut the hole and fixed the valuable relic to the satisfaction of the expiring patient. A napkin was also called for, and was placed by John over the breast of the patient. For a short time he lay perfectly quiet, his eyes were closed, and I concluded he was dis jxised to sleep. He suddenly roused from ,'iis state, with the words " Remorse !" It was twice re peat - e I ; the last time at the top of his voice, evidently with great agitation. He cried out 44 Let me see the word." No reply followed, having learned enough of ihe character of my patient to ascertain that when I did not know exactly what, to say no thing. He then exclaimed 44 Get a dictionary- let me see the word." I cast my eyes around, and told him I believed there was none in the room. 44 Write it down then let me see the worth" I picked up one of his cards from the table. 44 Ran dolph of Roanoak," and inquired whether I should write on that ? 44 Yes, nothing more proper." Then with my- tiencil I wrote Remorse. He took the card in his hand in a hurried manner, and fastened his eyes on it with great intensity. 44 Write it on the back," he exclaimed. I did so, and handed it to him again. He was excessively agitated at tins perhid ; lie repeated 44 Remorse! You have no i'iea what it is, you can form no idea whatever, it has contributed to bring me to my present situation, but I have looked to the Lord Jesus Christ, and hope I have obtained pardon." He then said, 44 Now let John take your pencil and draw a line under the word ;" which was accordingly done. I required what was to be done with the card ? He replied, 4 Put it in your jmcket take o-re of it when I am dead look at it." The original is now in my possession. 44 This was an impressive scene. All the plans of ambition, the honors and the wealth of this world had vanished as bubbles on the water. He knew and he felt that his very moments were few, and even they were numbered. It afforded his physi cian an opportunity, without being obtrusive, of of fering to him a few serious observations, and point ing the expiring statesman to a hope beyond the grave. 44 My situation at this peruwl was serious and embarrassing. Locked in the chamber of a patient, and solemnly called upon as a witness, confirming a will already made for the filtration and support of his slaves, when the only human ear that heard the declarations, except myself and the testator, was one of the very slaves included in the bequest, it required no unusual foresight to anticipate the construction that might be put upon such testimo ny, erhaps in a distant court where the witt.ess might be personally unknown. When, added to this, it was found he was a member of the religious so eiety of Friends, who had long since washed their hands from the stain of slavery, and whose senti ments on that subject were universally known, I saw that even under a charitable construction of the testimony, the force of early impressions, and the bias of education, might be supposed impercep tible to influence even an upright mind, and give a coloring to words and facts which, to others differ ently educated, might lie viewed in another liMit. 44 Under these views, I introduced a subject of calling in some additional witness, and sugg-ested sending down stairs for Edmund Badger, whose at tentions were very great to him. lie replied, 44 1 have already communicated that to him." I stated it was my intention to be with him as much as pos sible until his death, but with his concurrence I would send for two young physicians who should remain and never lose sight of him until he was dead, and to whom be could make the declaration. My son, Doctor Isaac Parish, and my young friend, and late pupil, Dr. Frances West, were proposed to him, saying that the latter was a brother of Cap tain West. He quickly asked, 44 Captain West of the packet?" On receiving an affirmative reply, he said, 44 Send for him he is the man I'll have him." From some circumstances that had come to niyr knowledge, I had reason to believe that Cap tain James West was a favorite with the patient. Before the door was unlocked, he pointed towards a Bureau, and requested I would take from it a re muneration for my services. To this I pro:.nrtlv objected; informing him I should feel as though I were acting indelicately to comply. He then waived the subject by saving, 44 In England it is always customary." The witnesses were now sent for, and soon arrived. 1 he dying man was propped up in bed, with pillows nearly erect. Those onl- who knew his form and singular physiognomy, can f rm an idea of his appearance at this moment. B":.ig extremely sensitive to cold, he had a blanket over his head and shoulders; and he directed John to place his hat on over the blanket, which aided in

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