THE WI N CAM tlAT i PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING 33232521 SJiHIISll AHID J4)3I?ILI Wo 02 A32I? 31)11 EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. JVnmbcr 14, of Volume 1G : SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA, SEPTEMBER 5, 1835. OLINIAN. The Western Carolinian BV ASI1BEL SMITH & JOSEPH V. HAMPTON TKISMS OF FrULIC'ATION. 1. The Western Carolinian is pnUi-hed every S.v TiKDW, at Two Dollars per annum d pai! in advance, or i'vvj D .liars and Fifty Cents if u A paid before the expiration of three inoaih .11. .o piper will be .hc iti me 1 n.n'i'i fill arreragesa j, re paid, ualess at tiie iisen-iioii of toe Editors. 3. Sabscriptions .vdl not : tece.vo.i tor a bvs tii'' than o!io yeir ; a-i i a fa lure to notify the :!itors of iam.i to discontme' -it liio end of a. vaT. will be CO Isl - " T - J dered as a new e?r:.aer;(ent. 4. Any person wi w.l! procure six subscribers to th: Carolinian, an 1 ti!;. the trouble t collect and trn isim: their subscription-money to the E htois, aha.ll have, a pa per gratis durinr their continuance. 5. I'rsi is im!-b'.fil to the Editors, may transmit to l '.em through the M til. at their n-k prove'ea they git ihf iickn t foment of any rrp'ctib!c person lo 2rove that such remittance tens regularly mane. TKIJU OP AUVKRTInIXt:. 1. A lvertise n -.its will !k? conspicuously and correct ly insert 1. at "! ce-its ;.-r s.pi are for the first insertion, an 1 :M ce ils for each continuance: but. where an ad vertisement is or iered to go in only twice, 50 cts. will b?ca irir ' l for each insertion. If ordered tor one in sertion oily, l will in all cases bo charged. 2. I' r-io'js who ees'.re to emmie ty the year, w il ! acc'fli'ii ) Jatod by a rmsy nbiu deduction from the above changes lor transient custom. T CO K tt KS I'O N I K N TS. 1. To iu-ure pro n t ;ttt mi! ion to LMtrr.s a' iress"il to th :tors, 'i ' yv):.ta ;e ft;io:iM in all cass i- ; t"J. Mrs. S. D. Pendleton, A N l II ANT - A rvIAKKil. Has just received from c;r- YrJc the Lai est Spring and Summer Fashions FOit li". K M P. l A i I G LADIES' MORXIXU. DIXIXU, A XI) EYI2X- IX (i DRESSES. LADIES CAPES, CAPS. iUiXXETS, Jc, istie flutters herself I hat. from a know U-le. of li f bu iiteS8 acquired in ten jrars, and having mnm arran:tMne(its with ote f the most fanlu nall tVliilinerv tvstablt-tbinents in tli; Citv f New York, to supplv her regularly with the latest fashion-, she will be enabled to have her Millinery made up in a Superior Stlt and on the most reasamstbie terms. Mrs. I. respectfully invite the Ladies of Salis bury, and the a Ij anin eountry, ti call and ea inin', and assures them she will ell every articl iu her line uii aecom.noo'atifi terms. Jiie is pre pired ff Cleaning and Pressing Tusenn, LetHjrn. and Straw lioimets in the Northern St le. Specimen- of her work, both in Dressing and Making of lloimet.s, and Dresses, t::u be seen at her fchop Smn of the (JIIKKN IION-NKT, t-A, doors above .Messrs XV h-elir and lu i ns A pot iio carv ind Dru Store, where all orders will le thankfully received and punctually attended to. N. II. Mrs. I, always keeps an assortment of Fashionable Ilibbons on hand, and can supply, on reasonable terms, those who may wish I5ounct trimmed. tf- April 11, l-:J". AT SALISBURY September '2, l-V Cacon, . Uran ly, apple, peach. Batter, . Cotton, in seed, clean, Cotlee, . . , Corn, J-Vatiiers. . . Flour, . . , . 11a 1-J Molasses, ... ."Ml . 40 a 4" .... Ha Hi . 4l a ."lM)ats, . . . . 2- a 3 I . 10 a V21 ttye ?-" . 4 iSti'.'ar, brow n, . 10 a l'JJ, .11 I loaf, . . Hi a . Ifi a l.S-ilt. ... 11-2 a 1JT " '. Tallow, . . 10 . -30 a UTi'obaejco, . . . a J0 Cx rM a 7lHj Wheat, (buliel) H a HHI Flaxseed, . Whiskey, Va) a 3- Linbeed Oil, per allou, 1 V2 AT FA YETTKVI LLI1 August 25. Sicrn, . . . Brandy, peach, apple, Beeswax, . . Co'f;e, . . . Cotton, . . , Corn, . . . Flax-eed, . . Hour, . . . Feathers, . . , 0 a 11' Iron, . liO a 70.Mola.sses, . . . f0 a t0 Xails, ciit, . . '2 a Sujar, brown, . 12 a 1 1J lump, . Ii a IT! loaf, . tti a u-J Salt. . . . l-JOa i Wheat,. . . Ak Al a 71 Hi ( Whiskey, . . IJo a j Wiml, ... 1 1 a -i -M. a ai V a 11 Fi a 17 . iir '3d a 10 10 a JS AT CIIERAW, (S. C.) August 19, 1-35. Bacon, .... 6 a 10-Xails ami Brads,. 7.J tleeswax, . . . J0 Suar, brow n, . I) a 10 Foffee, . . . . 13 a 10 do. lump,. . Ill a 10 Cot ton 17 a do. bwf. . . 10 a 17 Com, . . . . h. a !K? Salt, per sack. .2-"0 a !7. FI ix-s..el, . . .100 a 12 I !o. bushel, . 70 a 7 Flour, country, .7"0 a K"iOj; otton BajTirlng, . 1 a HI) do. northern, . HH a iMH! Hale Rope, . 12 a i Feathers, . . . Ill a :t7 Wheat, ... 1 Iron a ."jWool, .... 2 JSIoIasses, . . . :W a I'SWhiskry, . . . 40 a 47 RATES OF EXCIIAXC.E A the .Merchant's Hank of S. Carolina, at Cheraio : Checks on New York, , per cent. prem. do. Charleston, , per Ctnt. prem. AT COLUMBIA, (S. C). .August CO. . . . .10 a U'Jl Bacon, . . . Brandy, peach, apple, Beeswax, . . Butter, . . . Co- ee, ... Corn, ... Cotton, ... Flour, . . . Tron, . . . 10 a 15 Lir I, . . , 75 I. Molasses. . , 40 a ."jO-Mackerel, . , lo a 10 Salt, in sacks, tlO a :n bushel, , 10 a tlO.Suuar. brown. . 40 a 4." .700 a !." 27-r? a m V . 7." . it a v:x 7-" h 7M loaf &. lump. 1 a VJ 15 a lfjTallow, . . . 10 i V2I. Ot) a OfMvTeas IN) n P. 5 5. a 5, Whiskey, ... 40 a 45 A Spleiiilicl ana of Macks 5 SaSilKiry, (A. V.) lo ICalriii, (A.C) 4 NlOL':s t a .brd every ftcilitv to the Travelling! mm mmm fvrf W Mm m. V m w fW I - V i'a )..c, aow announce that fiov hav-. c milett-d an u.e.r ana can wun iruui -.y. pre- ; -x WhicJi IMJerale terms ft at ,ju with a Line oj Harks .osscssimr ,t.J vantages ? To those who become rngtdar custom' rs et -.nvr any other, if you ,e,sh to qet an u ith eane an, all ttt.;r , i:ik s (f .. . totli.lerable It snatch naviiij' obbaine t tn it -Teal !esil ratum with i all Travellers no htfntion u the rvml. It is so ar-! rane-J as to crrK)iii, n its arrivals at Itab-ih, w.tii f tlie l'.'partirre of the following Ste.;es, viz: Tiie (Ireat Daily Line to Lilikely, rCorth-Cirufna, is-in- throiiirh lioiii-hur, Warrentoii, a i l Hal :".x; at the latter place a Line of Stages comueencale- v it!i the Portsmouth llail-Uoad fir Xorfilk: by en: lu'ii; on to Jilakley, you t-trike th I't'ter.-burir Rad-itna i; ml on your ar rival at that place you hue the c!u:ce of two Lines either by land to Wu.-hin 2on (' ty. via. Richmond aud IV' .!eriek-.bur'.', r bv St-im-IVat. to Norfolk. There is also a I j iH of Stages from Rib'iirh lo Norfiilk, via. TarlMrou'ii, Murfre'iKroiirh, Winton, tc, over one at' tin bet Natural in the United States. At Norfolk tVre w-Il be no detention, ns there is a line of j Sim - ti-lit j , t for itiltimore in cuti "Xkui wth this line. Tais line also C'--,:iects witlionefroa lialijh to Xewbert. I 'he arrivals at Saiislniry is rrulated aho'ther by t!e I'epirturn of tfi lt-.linont Line South, and the (ireat Western Line tor Nashville. Tennessee, via. L:neolnton, R itlierf.r Hon, A.-hevdle, Knoxville, &c Lvivesthe Mansion Hotel, S dishurv, 1TTESDA Y ami SATURDAY at !) o'clock, A. M. a"fter the arr.v-al of the l'l- hnont St" from the South arrives tn Raleirh next ij-ivs at 9 o'clock, l M. leaves Raleigh TlIES I.Y and S TURDAY at 2 oVl.ick, A. M., arrives in Salisbury next days by 4 o'c!x:k, 1 M. allowing suf ficient time on the road for S' E E E I' . jCtT" The Hacks are Albany make, entirely new, and cannot be surpassed for comfort and eae; the Teams are excellent, the Drivers careful an-1 attentive, and the Faro low only SEVEX DOLLARS all inter-me-Hate distances 7 cent- p"r mile. Passemrers from the South who wish to take our I oie will be careful to enter to Salisbury only. All Bundles and Packages at the ri.-k of the nwer WILLIS MORIXC, JOSEPH L. MORIXC. tf April 11, 133. The F ire from Rnfrish to Washington Ciltj amounts to .al, as follows: From Raleigh to Blakley, Sta;'e Fare, . . . 7 HI lkl -y to Petersburg, Rail-Road Fare, A Ptersbtir to Ric'iuueid, St tL'e F ir . 1 .0 ' It:crinv)ii i to Fredericksburg. St ux' Fire, Fre -'r.ckabur to Was.hinton City, Steam Boat Fire, -i T!ir Steani-I at Fare from Petersburg to Biltimore, via. Xorf)lk, is Pour Dltnrs. Lectures in thi i..titntion wall be reu- ine on the third Ma.div in t ) :ber next , and continue, as usual, mx n.o.diis. Tn I' Ctuie will le d liva red by L. A. DUGAS, M. D., on Anatomy and Phvsiolo irv. PAUL F. FVF, M. I)., o;, the Principles ami Practice f ur.i r. A. CFNXINt; - AM. M. I)., on the Principles and Pru ' n 1 .Medicine. JOSFPII A FVF, M. D., on Therapeutics aim Mairia Men a. M. ANTON Y. M. D., on Obstetrics aud the Dis rises .f Woom I Jiinl I'dalits. L D. FORD, M. I)., on Chemistry and Phar macy . Tltc Terns :trc Muf ricidation Te ket, to he taken once, S 00 Tickets for the I'oM C in se, . . . 10O 00 Tickets for Practical Anatomy, once only, 10 00 Diploma Fee, . 10 00 JOHN W. WILD. Pies. dent. L. D. Fokd, S-crefary I loan I of Trustees. AuisiM-i, !a., July 1, ls;l". P H rlIIF Subscriler is desirous of p'irrhaitio a laree number of LIKI'LY YOlJNO NLliROl'S from ten to Iwentv y-ars t are, for which he will at all times iye Ihe highest prices in Cash. Persons liavinr such pn perfy to sell, ivoitM d well t call on him, at Salisbury, or on .Mr. Joho Jones, his acnt at (,'harlotte. At any time, when he may be absent, ('o. R. W. Lmig, will Ih; found at the Mansion Hotel, in Salisbury, prepared to make purchases All letters addressed to him or his Aent, Mi. John Jones, will it.cet with pren pt attention. June -J.-fh 1-35. if P.OP.KItT IIUIE. I) Cllj:illlill I'm Icy respectfully informs his Friends and tb; Public at lare, that he still continues to carry on the Tailoring Business iu all Us various branches, in the Town of Salisbury, on Ma in-street, a tew dors Fast id fh? C urt)ioue, adjoining the Slerehiii.-e of Wm. Murphy, where he is prepared to make all kinds of Clothing in a very superior stv le in the most fashionable style, ai.d warranted .to tit well, and on very moderate leriiis, at short m?Tice. All Orders from a dis tance will le most faithfully attended to acrordini: ti order. Produce will be received in pa ment tin work. IL F. lieinn Aent fir some of the most Fashionable Tailors of New York and Pniladelphia, he would take a pleasure in teaching, or giving instruction to any Tailors wishing instruction in the art ol Cutting; and any one wishing the New York and Philadelphia Fashions, enn receive them by qi vi hit timely notiee to Benjamin Fraley , Salisbury, N. C Letters postage paid. Salisbury, l'.io. t f V -A A- V- TI I R Propriet rs of THE W ESTER X CAltOLIMA.V wotdJ respectfully inform the Cierks of Courts, Shenls, ConstatIe, ami A-v. other gt-iitieineu ot business, tliat they have - now on uaa.J, print! in a superior tyle, on the X Z Z Z very be tpiahty of imikt, a larire biipi)iy ot Z ' -A . - a - . ij A.' W Ot' a lino t ert ru Description. reduction will ! ma le from our regular price. x. '.f Any Biauks that we may not have on hand, Z 'yr will in- printed to order on very short notice. Ow rs from a distance will meet with prompt attention; ami Islanks put up and for warned f- v X' v V j0 X- X . V ii iin- 1 n-i juri iiiom .xpetiiui'iis maimer. . f v: jo- xy They would likewue inf jnii Merchants and & - others, tliat, having an assortment of I incu v Jolt I yje, l,uts, J-c., which is probably uti- $ Mil passed by anv in the State, they are prepa- hn! to execute all kinds of BOOiv and JOIJ PRINTINC ma verusuriort-ttf'. Such as x- V looks, Pamplil'ts, Circulars, l't:rt's. Da - Z Hills, labels, Wny-liills, for Stages, &c. &c. All orders executed with despatch. X- X' Salisbury, June 2i, Salisbury, June 2i, l'io. J'fj'ISEJC SALE! "j'O carry into elT-ct a IK ed of Trust from Wi! 3 liain P. Stockton to the subscriber, dated tin 18th of August, 1:U. I will expose to Public Sale, on the premises-, on Wednesday, the i)th day of Septemhtr, l-o5, OAK TRACT OF MAI), CONTAINING 210 ACRES, L m on ihe main road from Salisbury to Char lotte; this place having Iieen known sis a Public S'aml I' r the past forty years, a minute descrip tion is considered unnecessary. At the same time and place. Fit HcjI of HOUSES ; One li-trouche ; One fsowl HO. I) IVACKhY ; . In excellent Carriage ; Grain ; Iloughness. Ss'e ALSO .111 the Fanning Tools, Gear, and Harness of evert kind, A short credit will le iven. Notes with ap proved Secunties will be required Such titles oidv as aie vested in me, to any of the properly, will be executed. The Sale to couimence at 10 o lo k, A. M. JOHN SCOT T, Trustee. Row a a County, Auu-t I, 1 35. Is P. S. !t is n que -ted that all persons having e .ti.iis u.i u-r said Trust will present them on or fore the day ol sale. J- S. 3UIA V MIX SCll All 4 rS! I A LL attend, wi:fi good M asicians, at Salis burv, on Wednesday and Thur-dav, the 2m and 3rd of . pc-inber et, also, at M wksville en Friday ami Saturday, the 4-h ao ' 5tii of the sinif tiiot;th, for the purpose; of or- a .; and estab lishing a Military School in Ldaetry and Liht lofantrv tactics, torctiier with Broad-sword i i.e to Troopers. All persons disposed to improvement in tliiss i e ; e will please nive their altem anc, at w!:iv; iiit: tb- Drill will rtiiiii Hi e, and be ct.t iou it I two davs in every four weeks, for lour tunes. Ti kms, Font Dollvks from each subscriber ; f ! paid one half at the c n'dus'ou of e:ch four da drill. CARTER JONES. August 22, IS35. i.a- .Tlcilic'tl College olS. C-troZiiia, Queen-iitrc e t. Charleston. T Mill Annual course of Medical lntiuction in tins Institution, vvill commence on ihe 2nd Monday in Noveinlter next, and terminate on the lt Satnrdav in March eieuing. Anatomy. By William Hume. M. D. Snrccry. IK Flias Horry Deas, M. D. Th'ory and Practice of Medicine. By Tho mas Y. Siiiions, M. D. Institutes of Medicine and Materia Medica. B Henrv Alexander, M. D. 'Chemistry. IK Charles Davis, M. D. Obstetrics and Diseases of IFozici and Child rtn. B'. Francis Y I'orcher, M. D. A 'ititjmical J)nnonslrations.-y II. V, Crouch, M. I). Qr Clinical Instructin will be daily afTtrded at the Marine Hospital and City Alms II auso, which are u.ader the .Medical direction of this Fa culty ; also, in ihe Lifirinary attached to the Col lege", which is appr -priated to negroes. FliANCLS Y. PORCHFJ1, M. D., D an of the Faculty. William Hi me, M- D., Scretary. Charleston, S. C, August 20, 135 plO. Head (Quarters, MorKsviLLK. August 19th, 135. ITTMFORD McKENZIE. Kmi.,o? Rowan has ' licen app-'iried Aid 1 Caep to tie Brigadier! (ieiu ial of the 7th Brigade North Ctrolina Mili tia, and HA MILTON C. JONFS, Frq., Brigade Inspector of the -aui', both with the "auk of Ma jor. They will be ole ed and resjtetted accord ingly JA. COOK, Brig. Gen. 7th Brig. At. 22. p3 E2otel ali!54iry, A. C ?T1HF Subscriber informs the Public, that he has purchased the above mentioned establish ment i f William II. Slaughter, iu whose hands it has been hn; and advauta;cous!v kiuwn as a -I! O I! S E O F E X T E R T A I N M E N T-II- flatters lumseK that, by care and diligent at tention, he shall lie able to keep up the. former en viable reputation of this House. His T:hlc Shall be well supplied with the best that a plenti ful market can eflord. v IEi Kai ls furnished with the choicest foreign and domes tic Liquors. His Rooms an; la rye and commodi ous. His Beds and bedding are at all times par ticularly neat, clean, and comfortable, and war ranted secure against those annoyances that a rm rder so much detests. His Servants are honest, fait fid, ami obli;ini. His Stabler, are inferior to none always well supplied with old Grain, and attended lo by faithful Ostlers. He invites the travelling community to call vucejor his sake, and he doubts not but that they will call again for their own sokes. To N In are I'aeiiarer : The Stages on Hie main North em and Southern Line, con ducted h Peck and Wellford, and known us the Merchant's Line, arrive at and d. part from this Hotel on eveiy Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, anil twice on Saturday. ''Plii.t is to correct an impression which has been produced nhroad, that another Hotel in this village is the Stage-house for this Line. Seats in ail other Stages, arriving at or departing from this place, can be secured here. Salisbury , August 15,135. tf Sju'ina; and Summer Fashion, FOR 135. HORACE H. BEARD, Tailor, O ECiS leave to inform his friends, and the public in general, that orders in his line will aiways lie thankfully received by him, and executed in the most Neat, Fashionable, and Durable manner on erms as reasonable as any in this section of coin try. II. IL I. h jes, from his long practice of his business, (a number of years of which time he resided in the city of Philadelphia,) and from the general satisfaction he has heretofore given to his numerous respectable and fashionable customers, to merit and receive a jtortion of the jiatronage of the public in general. UCT He Hitters himself that his CUTTING i really sueri'r to anv die in this State, as may lo tested bv the undisputed elegance of fit which attends garments made iu his establishment. He is in the. re rukir receipt of the U sports of the Fa shions as they change both in the larrre cities oi this country and of Europe so that gentlemen may be satisfied that their orders will always lie executed in the very latest style. Orders from a distance will le attended to with the same punctuality and care as if the customer were present in person. Salisbury, May S, 135. ly. IIail (iuaFtoFS, Mot ksvillk, August 14, JS35. rPHE several Regiments c.-iiiposing tl e 7th Bri udo of Noith Carolina Militia will parade at their several Muster G rounds, armed and equip ped as tie- law directs, for Inspection and Review, as follows : The brMh Regiment, in Davidson, on Monday tier '.Dili of October; the 7th on Wed nesday the 2l!; the G4th Regiment, in Rowan, on Friday ihe 3r.l, and the 63rd on Tuesday the 27th f Oct. In r next. The Reviews vill commence at each place at 12 o'clock. IK Order t JAMES COOK, Brig. Gen. tm Mcmford Mc-Kenzie, Aid de Camp. ----- w KiA 1 1 'p r m ww, Lincoln S5AMji County, N.C. IHE Suhscrilxr, grateful for the very lilieral' patrnage heretofore bestowed upon his eta-j blishment, l)egs leave to announce to his farmer patrons and the public especially invalids and gentlemen or families wdio may desire a pleasant Summer Retreat that his establishment is now ready for their reception, and that he is prepare! to accommodate them in a style, he flatters him self, that cannot fail to give entire satisfaction ; at least, no efforts shall be wanting on his part to render his guests comfortable. WILLIAM S. SIMJONTOX. Catawba Springs, June 6, 1S35. t f Stone Oil ting:. ''HE Subscriber respectfully informs the Public that he is now carrying on the above business, in all its various branches, six and a half miles South of Salisbu ry, He assures Gold-miners, Millers, and all interest ed in his business, that he will, on the shortest notice, furnish iheui with GOLD-GRINDERS and MILL STONES, of the very best grit, and on cheap tortus, ex ecuted in a style surpissin.'- any other work of the kind done in this State. Also, Tomb-Stones, Window-Sills. Door-Sills, &c, kept const-intly on hand. Mill-Stones, heretofore costing from 35 to 40, he vvill now make for 25 or 30. Gold-Grinders heretofore costing -15 he will cut for 20. Window-Sills costing l or o Door-Sills the same. He only asks a trial of his work being assured that he can give the niot entire satisfac tion. JOHN IIOLDSOUSER. May 23, 1835. 2Gp DAVID li. POOL, iviiorr. I I li l in forms ins Friends ai u ti e Public, that he still conti nues to cany on the alove business, in all its various brandies. His Shop is still kept on the Main-street, in Salisbu ry, one door above the Store of Samuel Lendy & Son. Watches and Cb-cks of every kind wi!i bo REPAIRED with neatness, at short, on reasonable terms, and Warranted for j 2 Months. He will always keep on hand a variety of arti cles in his line; such as Patent Lever "Watches, (English, French, Swiss, and Dutch.) Gold and Plated Fob Chaius. Gold and Plated Watch Guards. G id and Plated Watch Kev,s. Gold and Plated N atch Sea'ls. Gold Ear-bobs, Breast-pins, and Finger-ring (latest fashion.) Silver Ware; Ever-pointed Pencil Cases, and Leads. Silver Spectacles, and steel frames and glasses. Fioe Pocket ami Du k Knives, and Silver Fruit Knives. Pocket Pistols and Ditks. Breast-But tons and Musical Boxes. Gilt and Steel Watch Chains and Keys. OCT" Old Gold ami Silver taken iu exchange for articles purchased at hi shop, and in payment for work done and debts due. D. L. P. Salisbury, August 22, 135. tf FOll SALS. The Itank liOt and Ilone, IV li,.Tlllo.rS:.lii1,.ri ui!ll,Afi. be Sa'e, in s lid Twn, next Rowan Superior Coiirt, (tin 13ih of O'-tober next.) on a credit of G and 12 Months, the purchaser giving bonds w ith, approved Security. The Sale will be made with out reserve. By order cf the Board of Directors i f the Prin? cipal Bio k. I). W. STONE, Cashier. July 25, 1835. ts Commission AN It Forwarding V-Jr irfV;---?.' "Si am & U S 1 x ESS. 'lHE undersigned has made arrangements for Ware-House Room and other accommo dations, to enable him promptly, saftly, and satis factorily to attend to receiving and forwarding up the Country, or down to the Sea-board, Goods, JJa res, JUcrchandize, and Produce, As lie vvill devote himself to this business, it may be for the interest of Country Merchants and others to give such a direction to their consign ments, that the undersigned may hav-; an opportu nity to prevent accidents, delays, or other embar rassments, w hich sometimes happen to Goods and Produce in transitu." The strictest attention may be relied on. The charge which will be made for attention, will be fifteen per cent, on all moi-e p3id. FELIX LONG. Refer to J. G. M-KEXZIE, D. 4- J. M ALLOY, LaCOSTE 4- McKAYt BROWX BUY AX, JAMES WRIGHT, ROUT. ?. DAVIS, JOHX C. COIT, A. BLUE, I). S. IIARLLEE, GEO. II. DUX LAP, A. 4- IZ. McKEXZIE, Cheraw, August 1, 1835. sj f S p G fc30 REWVHD. I JAXAWaY from the Subscriber, in Ruther-- i:.,-.i i ...,.., vmi, rt;., k. -is:.i. m umiii f i. t i III illllU) I'll I I I X J 1 III stant, a Negro Man named WARDY, aged ah ut 30 years, quite black, heavy built," ab ut 5 feet 3 or 10 inches high. On examination of his face, one or two scars will le discoveted supposed to be occasioned b a bruise ; he lias a very largo foot. When he elop d he had on a dark colored pair of pantaloons, black hat, half worn; other clothing not recollected. lo Ins countenance he is inclined to have rather a down cast. Also, a Negro Woman named LUCY, aged about 33 years, very black also; her front teeth tolerably worn. She is spare made, and of com mon heighth; has a good open countenance. She had on, when she eloped, a calicoe frock of light color. The altove Negroes were purchased in Sampson County, North Carolina, (to wit: Vard of a man by the uame of Hicks, and Lucy of a Mr. Elling ton;) by Dr. Harrison Jordan, of Madison c ounty, Mississippi. A reward of FIFTY DOLLARS will be given for the apprehension and securing in any Jail iu this State, the above Negroes. Letters may lie addressed to L. F. Henderson, or C. C. Hender son, at Lincolnton, each of w hom is authoiized to receive said negroes from the apprehendrs. THOMAS COLE, Agent For Harrison Jcrdax. Lincolnton, N. C, August 22, 635. 4t er$m3 rv" a Pub vs2i3 on 1 l esrfay of