X - TIAT JISTIT1A Rl'AT COZLl'M. THE CAttOIit:lzVi, SAT. I S HUM V: SATURDAY, SEPTEIDGK 5, 183f. ANTI-AlMLITIOX .TIMINGS. As an act of justice to the X-.rtii, which riwy right fully demand that the' vi.'.vs of h-r intelligent an.l pat riotic citizens on the absorbing subject of tae tmi.'s, he mile generally known, and as miners of int Tt to our renders, we publish this week accounts of the An- i-Abohtion M-'Otiir's in li -trn an l I'hil i bdphia. Si milar meetings, htve bon heM in l'ortl.wil anl a f.w -other places; and a cill for the sune pur;io--.: f is been in vie by a very lurire number of the lei ciii.Mis of New York City. We hp not (li.-;x.-p.l to b- ciptbus about th? expression of opinions on s! ivery if. t!te ;il stract, by tlie Northern nietiu'; but we tl ,:ik th:tt such avowals are uncalled f.-r at the pre-n' linns and tint their reflations would be b--tt-r coiinu-d to the comleiniuuioaof the conduct and objects of th; abol.t 011-i.-ts. Still something more is ncce-siry to le done t'nn the mere pn-.-ing of resolutions of rbuk mii! cem-iire on the Abolitionists. These meetings are or tdiouliJ If; Lul the first step in the embodying of public op'n:.ii re piratory to measures that .-hall be e'Tectu il to pu down utterly thcellorts of the fanatic-; ii'de.-s, indeed, such a decree of indignation be excite. I (which we iiifbi'.ti ly mis- lotib!) as to frown them into silence. Of the way ;n- jMxed to arre-t the movements of the ineend:iris two only are practicable and edectm! the leni in 1 in;' tlie ?-r-,ns of such individuals a- shall concern-! I in the printing or circulating of ahubtMii tracts from the V.x ccuilveof tin State in which th.-y miy reside. Thus course ve think mii'ht be tiied, though :it ! -t a very uncertain one: tor it won'.! d-iv'id, in a good de cree, cn t!ie r.rsnn;d minioti anl f-Mdms of the Hxccutive ofr.c r-'t'the Stare fr ih titn 'i"'n?. Iirg rewmls for th 1 H..reueni--.r the Addition Uin ilea 1'rs any hrrrj a gre:it o;Tbi:tl'-r to merited punishment, but b riides b.vnr e.uite inepectnal, it his insu;Tablo objec tions. Where laws are im bpiit or ill adapted to tlie wants or protection of the community, they should not l violated but amended. And this is what we pro pose as tlie ri-lit am! eF-ctml course to oal-y the Inn.! and the tongue of the Almlitio'iists, t' to avert the cenes ' bloodshed with d suniori wh'ch must ensue. unless their career of delusion and madness te checked. 7,f7 the non-sl'tve-lndding States make Abolitionism ynal within thfir own juris l-rlion, or rupiire their Fxt entices to ib liter tip In the str.te-htt'lin" Stilts u hen jtroprrty if' iimii-h il, nil person in any way ron irernett in prinlintx r rirrub:! 'its' tttntlilum pnmp'.h ts or journals. An.l Oml th( sir'jerl ht tn' pst.t bf tci'ft simple neltet, nil tlf slnr -Inddina Sia's si on Id lull tfu- intention of the Le isfatvrf of the non-slmr-hoblinn Stat s to it in the usual nt'tnnir of ifi.ri? ptteh things, mat retjiest tloir action oi iha same. One .! consequence at le-t would result. It would test the strength of the a! li ionisf s, an I ?hov ts moreover at the South what L to be exovcted frcm them. MCETIXC, IX WILMINGTON. We cheerful'y cooy t!i" f d'o-ving Resolutions 1? re. quested, which were a lo ifeI at a v-ry numerous nee!- i!,o f 'tiniw ot 1; n:n "-ton. in tins rt ite. n-ll on th-' 2 nd ultimo. We should c py the w hob pn- cee.lings, had we room. i he address or jr. wr.gnr, C!n rman of the meeting, L ery aporopriate to the oreision; it is couched in language, an I eiiiUrli.M; fientim-vits that" should ani nate the breat of cv .ry Sou thern man at the present cris-s: " !lcsolre1, Tliat this neeting fuMy pa r!iei pales in the indignation and abhorrence whicli pervaie the southern country against the reckless fanatics enrolled fcs " A lift' Sla very Si cif t'us." "Resolve,!, That as mnn by and extermination are the only results which reason and reflection c in Mitiei jnfe from their Ialmrs, their motives, like their acts, merit the reprobation of the wise and good. "Itfsolvcf, That the conduet of our social relit ions and the nninterupted contmuim-e o: our norne-in: pii cy ire sacred, inviolable, and ( 'iixkikrkd Riiiins, with hich we will permit no interference, but maintain them as paramount oblig itions, against all aggression. " Hesolve.l, Thai the thanks of the country are due to the pitrio'ic citizens of Ch irle.-to i, f.r their pi-ompt, manly, and spirited resist mc to this imautaeris 1, da-rin"-and destructive me..;iiug with our peculiar insti tutions. That we fully encur with fnmi in the Reso lutions they have forwarded us; and wdl zeilou-iiy co-o;-rafe in "the i',ef.-:ice of our Rights, aud tiie priserva ti'on ot the public p -ace and order. "Resoled, Ttiat our Fellow Citizens of the Town and Country, Iv reco nnjend d to guard with vigilance all the channels of coiirnunication with tlie pm-sl iye holding St'?t."s and to examine w ith rigor ail susjicious persons and papers," A call fir a meeting of the citizens of Mecklenburg county a po1 ire 1 in the Charlotte Journil of tLe 20th ultimo. The meeting was to have taken place on the 1st instant. We extract the fdio ing remarks by tlie Editor of the Journal, urging upon the crtizens the im portance of tlie meeting, and of a general atter dance. We do not fear but that the citizens of old Mecklen burg, in will be fund ready to take up tlie gaunt let in defence of the sacred rights secured to them by th:; noble resistance of their fathers to Rritish fanatics and tyrants in 1775. "It ramot he lni.l. bv any n who his wnfrhed the "signs of the times" in the North fir the last teilf y-ir, and the rffrcls of t!ise signs niKi th quit t of the South, that a'erisis threatens u-, which can only be averted by the most prm;t nml energetic rneisuris oir jvirt. We say no one can tf-ny thi. What nei-d is there, thn, of stirring apHals to the p.cplr, to in duce them to arose in their own di fevecl None, we believe. They see the danger, ami they will prepare to avert it, by acting in concert and with spirit, "Te destruction come upon them as a thief in the flight." Come, then, old and young-, to th mating on Tu s.lny next, and speak to the Northern Fanatics, and to the Northern People, in a voice which shall rebuke to in inaction and silence the one, while it shall convince the other that we of the South are determined to hold our property inviolate, and to resist "even unto denth." any nttemitt 10 interf re with our social or political institu i,. I vnthimr keen you away let not political feelings interfere to detain you from meeting with your l.,.nilnn o..d mvin'r your sa!lCtloil lo KlKiMiri l. lor Ule k-tv m.l welforeof all men of all psrties ! In this mat ter, there is but o.ic question, and slioul 1 be but one feel in t. U.-unemb'T, 'tis your dear Snuh that calls npon her sons to protect her; anJ remember, aho, that the recreant who disregards that call, will Jiave no claim to the hiirh an J holy title of a lover of his coun try r TIfK XILXT IJUJISLATURK. The thin is now settle! beond dispute, that the Van Iiurenites have a majority, on joint ballot, of one or tiro, in the next Legislature. We nre indebted to the indelatinble Editor of the Kaleih Register for the following li.-t of inemlMTs, in propria personea, claimed as Wliiirs. This lit would rie the Whis a majority of one on joint ballot ; but when the Counties of J lay wood and Yancey are included it will turn the scale the other way. We learn, verbally, that Haywood sen Is three Van Burcnitc, and Yancey two Van Du rcnites and one Whijj. Anton Mes.-rs. Little, Mac Rao, anJ Centon. Ashf Mr. Ilorton, Iliiifomhe Messrs. Rabun, and Harrison. Hrunstrick Messrs. 1 1:!!, Hall, and Hiker. lieiiufort Messrs. Williams, Small wmjd, and Clarke. liurke Messrs. I tliew, I'rwin, and lVrkins. ('ahurrns Messrs. Ijnfj, 1 irrin'jer, and Hope. Curler I Messrs. liryan. Hunt, and Il"ll. Chatham Messrs. McQueen, and Ciuthrie. Choiran Messrs R:il!(K.'k, anil I Joskins. Catt'bn Messrs. Til'.ett, Mcl'herson, and Rares. DniJson Messrs. !Iran, Smith, and Rrummcll. I'runkliit Mr. Williams (irnnville Mr. Raton, and Mr. Taylorf (in tie Mr. Ilarp'-r. (,'aiffnr.l Messrs. Morehead, Lindsay, and Gorrell. Halifax Mes.-rs. Joyner, and (inc. Ifirt'oril Me.-rs. liorlaml, and Rayner. Ilyfe Messrs. S Ibv, .Moore, and Swindell. Ire.ffl! Messrs. Younir, Km:', and liuderinilk. Jntfs Me-rs. Il.iriison, Howard, and Hammond. Lincoln Mr. Harry. Macon Mr. Sder. M'ton Messrs. Kelly, and Dowd. Mantgomery Mes.-rs. Kendall, Lilly, and Harris. .Xorthawp o'i Messrs. Moody, Crump, and tlary. 'as (j itttt an k Mr. Mu se. Pitt Mi-jmk AIfnl, Moye. and 1'oreiiian. J'trif'tintons Me-.-. Wilson, Jacorks, and (iranbury. limra.i Messrs. l'oik, Ch iiient, and Walton. lian.tolph Messrs. Staley, I-ane, and Ru-h. I'ifiinon.t Messrs. Martin, Thomas, and ISuie. linlher'a-'l Messrs. Moore, IJ-'dlord, and Carbon. Surry Mers. (riinman, and i'lemim.'. Stores Messrs. Moore, l'in.ie.fer, and Matthews. Tyrrtll Messrs. MeCleese, and Hassell. UVti'iyonMess. Reardey, Davenport, !L Swanner. W'Uk's Mesrs. Wellbirn, Horton, and Watts. Wake Mr. Roi-ers. Wtl ni tgton Mr Dudley. A' u-'i. tii .Mr. Manly. HilllinroHh Mr. t ruham. 1 lil if a r Dr. IJond. Salishun M r. C h a n 1 1 k r s. .'.' ton Mr. Collais. Mr. Williams we c!nim as well from general report as from the mthority of tin Fayetteville Observer, the Editor of h 'i cIi w mu informed by a gentleman direct ironi i ranKiin mar, .wr. . was uecmeuiv .m-i- an , T t t . t it Mr. V . was decidedly Anti-an , Rnren. jit is seen we claim Mr. Taylor, though Mr. Wychc is returned. Iwcau-e of all tlie individuals from Gran- ville witn whom we have conversed, we have not seen one who diws not say say that Mr. 1 ay lor is unquestionably elected, and that the legislature must so decide JOHN A. MURREI rpi v - i i ,i . t . . rv..,;t.r.f In This individual is now in the J ennessec 1'enitentia- ,. . . , ry fur negro.- stealing. I his, however, appears to bo . tne least ot ms crimes; so uarmg is ms mu amy, aui so adroit at deliberate murder ami robbery, that he has ac quired the appellation of the " (ireat Western Land Pirate." A pamphlet of (0 pages has recently been p.ibiishcd, by a Mr. Virgil A. Stewart, which d:sc!o-es the existence of one of the most daring and foul hands of robbers, murderers, an! conspirators that ever was known. Of this clan, John A. Murrel was the ouster spirit. Stewart fell in co.np.my with him some where in the 'fir West,' an 1 so worked himself into the con fidence of Murrel that he was adopted as a member of this crew of hell-hounds, and received front Murrel a full history of tie-ir pi-t deeds of destruction, their pre sent number and plan of operations for the future; an 1 ji!so. .n l-st of Murr d's confederates, who are scatter ed in every shvehoMin-r State. Stewart accompanied as rul as it is prover bial, and as the question is him to the" head qu a. f rs of the party, which is situated i s,",,a. hundred tes a i!ay, " U hat is Lynch's far m the interior of ti.e w ildernescountry on the Ar- ; I lt.'1i,K- well to rehte the f dlowm- a,iec k .nsas side of ti.e Mississ.ppi R:ver. He afterwards ' ue h may .mo as au answer : , . i.i ii i . 'r ' In Washington Conn v, I'a., nianv vears ago, managed to have Murrel arrested and brought to 1 en- i - .. - , , . - T c , , i . .1 ii . , there lived a poaching vagab ud, who, it was be- uessi-e, wheie he wis condemned to the Penitentiary. .. . . . 1 , . . ... , ,. -. . ,r ' . . .i i- . . . Iieved, maintained hiiusell and family bv pilfering This pubhcat.on has greater interest, fiom the fact that ar(ii?ijl liim Murrel was the instigator ot the recent msurrectiona- . y i5 cRmjt yet ,,e Inanai.0il so adriotly as always ry movements among the negroes m Mississippi. I nm j avoi(, ,ot:!ilM1. At egth a Mr. Van Sweariu iiis own confessions it .pjMars that there was a plot in j on t(, f Uovviu trap lor him, in which he was progress for a simultaneous insurrection of the negroes cai,t. Having a newly-born c llf, h cooceuled from Maryland to I.uisiana. And so skilfully did Mur- i jt fauU j, neighbors for several days ; then rode rel conduct his fiendish plots, that he had, w ithout de- i tm.r t( t,e jMKicher's, and told him that a vonng lection, travelled through all the slavehol ling States, . selected agents, and made arrangements for a general ( i i. . I . I : . , insurreclion on me itu oi ieeeiuuer ih-au hi lios whole tour, Murrel said that he killed and rohhed only! . stvenmenl Some circumstance which was abnit to b ad to a discovery of the plot in Mississippi induced i the managers there to pitch upon an earlier day. Rot, ! lio uni 1 xr :fp the cwntrv. their schemes were defeated. ! and they received the punishment due thorn for their crimes. The. following ?re the namesof Murrel's confederates in this State; wh-ther they be real or fictitious we are unable to say. We publish ihem to the world, hoping that, if real, every good and virtuous citizen will spare t,o eirorts to ferret out and bring them to justice: A I'entrts, 2 Mnlejnhns, D. llarihon, M. Coonu vod, Ii. llaistin, W. Par im rs, llHt'l' w - ---- --- r X Hacks, .. iSecei, if. itarnei. J. Harris, S. StogdoH, S. I In Ikes, V. Miles, J Hackney, 4 Salomons, 3 Perrus, 4 (1 uilfonls, .M. Johnson, Jj. Smith, Jt. Kclit, A". Fanner. (r Ahnlilinn Publications. Wo learn, from the Emancipator, that, during the month of July, the Ame rican Anti-Slavery Smuety primed and distributed the follow ing number of their seditious papers: Of the paper called Unman Rights, 50,000 copies, Aiitt-Sba. Recorder, T0,MK) lnancipitor, r0,0tK) Slae's Friend, 2.VKM Total, 173,000 " Obi Virginia nexrr tire." An election has just taken nlace in Virginia, for a Senator in the legisla ture, to supply the vacancy o .casioned by the resigna tion of Cieorge C. Dromgoole, who was. elected to Con gress, and resulted in the election of Richard Iv. Meade, a staunch Whig. In this same District, at the spring' election, Mr. Dromgoole, Van Buren, was elected by a large majority. This is cheering ; and just such a state of things as would be in North Carolina if a fair issue could be made up. Mr. Dromgoole 's personal popularity carried him through, as was the case in many instances in Uiis State at the recent elections. Col. John McLeod, the gentleman who opposed Jes se Speight for Congress in the Xewbern District, has been invited, by the citizens of Kinston, Lenoir coun ty, to partake of a public dinner in that place, on the 17th of September next, as a testimonial of their grati tude for his able, thouirh ineffectual efforts in opposi tion to the Van Rurenites, in the recent contest. Col. McLeod has accepted the invitation. THK MARKETS. A letter from Messrs. Iicoste &. M'Kay, at Cheraw, dated August 31st, says "On Saturday, the 2!)th in stant, the first bale of new Cotton, for this season, was sold in our market. It was raised on the plantation of Mrs. Harrington, in Marlborough District, and was pur chased by Messrs. I). & J. M alloy at J!) cents. "The second was received this day; it was raised on the plantation of the Hon. C. R. Revues, and was pur chased by Duncan MWair at "20 cents." We also learn, by the same letter, that the Pee Dee River is in fine navigable order. Through the kind ness of Messrs. Lacote &- M'Kay, we hope soon to be able to present our readers with a regular list of the arrivals at Cheraw. eu Cotton. One bale of Xew Cotton was brought in on Wednesday, from the Plantation of Mr. Robert Aiams, of this District, and sold yesterday at ,M cents. Columhia Tib scope of xJJ ultimo. Xcw Cotton. A bale of New Cotton was received in this place on Thursday last, from the Plantation of j Dr. J. Risiiop, of Sumter District, and purchased bv ; Messrs. Iiolleyman fc (I.iss, at 18 cents. The quality was not the best. CannUn Journal of UOj ultimo. Supreme Court. This Tribunal, after a Session of several weeks, adjourned on Friday, the 'J'rth ultimo. ' The Register publi.-hes the following Opinions delivered by the Court during the last week's sitting: Ry Chief-Justice Ruiliu, in the case of Henderson vs. Hoke, in Equity, from Lincoln; Decree tor Plantilf. Al.-o. in the case of Elliot vs. Elliot, in Equity, from Rutherford ; Interlocutory decree for Plaintiff. Also, in the case f Chatlin vs. Chaflin, in Equity, from Rowan; Rejiort .set aside, and new account to be taken. Ry Judge Daniel, in the case of Franklin vs. Cage, in Equity, from Rutherford ; Decree f r Plaintiff Ry Judge Gaston, in the case of Dennis vs. Morris, in Equity, from Mecklenburg; Decree according to Report, Alx in the case of Simmons vs M.xre, in E ptity, from Rutherford ; Decree for PlamliiK William E. Rird, has been admitted to County Court Practice. -J- ------ lllit THE WtSTFRS CAROLINIAN. J Mfssrs. Editors: "A Citizen" is informed that i there are, in Salisbury, a Magistrate of Police and 1 Commissioners, forming a Town Council: and that in t .consequence of the absence of several of its members. i Mas ieen inmoss jt his been uniossdle, till recently, to appoint a pat ml. This, however, has now I wen done, and the Patrol is executing its duty faith fulhi and according to l.me. Nevertheless, this patrol, so greatly needed in this time! nf funeral excitement and so urgently called for by the ! citizens, h is been threatened to le put down by a large ! slave-holder, who is no other person linn the .Magistrate cd Police himself. Perhaps this gentleman is ignorant of the movements i.f the fanatics id the North, and of t i e t j c t s d isc liwJ by the icksburg aifair. Rut if he . . i i ; .1 4-.i is 1 mor ant of w hat is taking place m other parts of the t , w knmv ,.,, Uvo imr:inr ,:,ve .,n c,Mnrnitted in our I own witlim the part week, by that prtion of our population which the Magistrate i f Police would protect in their violation of the Laws. As ; we are now so ahly represented in the Roroujh. if the present laws do not suit the gentleman he can make, b-'tter ones. In the transaction whic !i his so angried the Magistrate of police, the patrol has faithfully executed ifn duly, hm 1 ( artfd utrictly according to I saw, and will continue to do so m defiance o! tiireats from any quarter w hatever. .Ire there any abolitionists in this Town OXE OF THE COMMISSIONERS. I'rorr. the Vailed Slates 7V It graph. ORIGIN OF LYNCIFS LAW. As "Lvtich's Law" has recently become nl most Calf hatl recently strayed to his farm, w hich ho h id j penned, and was anxious to find the owner. The I . i ii- i i. ti i ; . l' poacner jiskpu nun now long ne nun ii, us si;t; aim color, and Iwing told, said it was his, and that it had gone off just at the time spoken of. Reing thus detected in a lie with a design to defraud, Van Swearingen reproached him with it, and told him he would give him twenty-four hours to leave the neighboring!, adding that if he remained long er he would prosecute him. The poacher only laughed at his threats, while the latter went to consult with his neighlors, as to what was to be clone. At the expiration of the twenty-four hours, five or six of them repaired to the poacher's, whom they found perfectly unintimi dated. The party, however, proceeded to try him in duo form, choosing one of their number, a farm er, named Lynch, to bo Judge. Van Snearingen related the olleoce, which the poacher of course denied. The case was submitted to the judge, who decided that the poacher should lie tied up and re ceive three hundred lashes, "well laid on," and then be given tveity-f ur hours to leave the place, under the penalty of receiving three hundred more, if found after that time. The first part of the sen tcoce was inflicted on the spot, with such good in tent as to render its repetition unoecessury. The culprit made ofif as fast a his lacerated limbs would pennk hini. Longevity in Xorth Carolina. It appears, from a Tabular statement, ing the rounds of the papers, compiled from puh'.icdocuments, that there arc in North Carolina TS white and 297 colored j persons of the age of 100 vears and upwards. This fact sjeaks volumes m hivor ot the salubrity of our climate. Virginia contains JV1 white and ii2S colored centennarians. is somewhat remark- J able, that the largest nuniliei of indiv iduals of ad vanced age should be. found ii the States of Alary land, Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Georgia. New York, with her immense popula tion, only contains 115 porsws of 100 years and upwards: whilst, in old Massachusetts, there arc but 15 individuals who have attained to such an age. Raleigh Register. Joicc Iletli, the nurse of Gen. Washington, axeJ one hundred and sisty-one years, is now exhibited at Niblo's Garden, New York. She is said to re semble, in apjea ranee, an Egyptian Mummy, so dry and attenuated has her flesh become. Joice is a liaptist, and was immersed upwards of one hundred years ago in the Potomac. UNITED IN WEDLOCK, In York District, on Thursday, 30th ultimo, bv A. Hardin, Esq., Mr. DAVIS COLLINS to Mis .MAR THA JACKSON. Also, on the same dav, bv the same, Mr. CARTER PARKER to Miss JANE GUILDERS. On Thursday, the 0th ultimo. Mr. F. R. JAMES to Miss ASENATII C. PATTERSON. All of Lincoln county, N. C. DEPARTED TIES LIFE, In Ixixington, N. C, On Tuesday evening, the 25th ultimo, AUGUSTINE SMITH, supposed to be about 4-"i years old. He was round in the road about 12 miles below Lexington, on the day previous to his death, and was taken up and conveyed to the house of Christian Secrist. He was never, after being found, able to tell who he was, nor from what country he came. He left a superfine blue Broad-clot li coat, dark coloured vest, and pantaloons, two Ixxtks, a few pipers, and 82t?7 in cash. Among his papers is tlie following certificate : "This is to certify, that Augustine Smith has been well recommended to me by a respectable gentleman at Amsterdam, to be one of the greatest sufferers by the droadfull inundation in Netherland. Therefore, I grant ed him a free passage on hoard my ship; and, during th" passage, he conducted himself as an honest man, and as such, I recommend him to the attention of the humane and lienevolent. Given under niv hand, this the 10th April, lstt. "JOHN FISHER. " Master of the Ship Cadmus." In Iexington, Davidson County, on the 21) ulL, Miss SUSANNA 1 1 A I .BRIG I IT, in the 20th year of her age. She died in the full hope of a blessed immortality. At Jamesvdle, in Mecklenburg county, on the 19th inst., SARAH AMZI SOPHIA, only child of Mrs. M. Delia Alexander, widow of the late Dr. Amzi Alexan der, dee'd., aged 4 years and 8 months. At St. Stephens, Ala., on the 17th July, Dr. D. MID DLETOX DOUGHERTY, lately of Chirlotte, X. C. iZccIi Willi Anti-Si1 ptiic I? U IL 2i 3J An infallible cure for Jlead-aches, Heart-burns, and the various diseases of a disordered sto mneh, bowels, and liver, .HAY Ri: IIAI at THIS OFFICE, Price 50 cents per Box. IROM among the long list of testimonials as to - the excellence of these Fills, we consider it onlv necessary to publish the following. September 5, 1533. tf From the Rt. Rer. Levi S. Irrs, D. ., Bishop of ISorlh Carolina. Raleigh, March 2, 1S35. Having, for the last three years, licon intimately acquainted with Dr. John Beckwith, of this City, and enjoyed his professional services, 1 take idea sure in stating that his character as a Christian gentleman and experienced Physician, entitles his testimony, in regard to the use of his Anti dyspep tic Pills, to the entire confidence of the public. Mv exKrience of the good effects of these Pills, for two years past, satisfies me of their eminent value, particularly in aiding in impaired digestion and warding off bilious attacks. Having been for a long time subject to the annual recurrence of such attacks, I was in the habit of resorting for security against them, and with a very partial suc ccss, to a liberal use of Calomel or blue Pill. Rut since mv acquaintance with the Anti-dyspeptic Pill of Dr. lieckwith, which he prescribed in the first instance himself, I have not been under the necessity of using Mercury in any form, besides, being wholly exempt from billious attacks. Seve ral members of my family are experiencing the same bene lkial effects. L. S. IVES. From the Rer. Vm. MePhecters, D. D.y late Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Raleigh. ArorsT 20, 1834. The Pills now oflered to the A nerican Public, styled " Reckwith's Anti Dv speptic Pills," I have long used as a family medicine, and have no hesi tation in bearing testimony to their value as a safe, convenient, and efficient remedy. In Dys pepsia, and its uual attendants, Heartburn, Cos tiveness. Head ache, loss of appetite, etc., eke, these Pills seldom fail of atTbrding the desired re lief. Dr. Beckwith, long known to the commu nity in which he resides, as a scientific and suc cessful Practitioner of Medicine, having, by nu merous experiments and long continued attention to the subject, brought his Pi'.Is to their present state of perfection, I am free to say, as far as my experience and observation extend, no medicine heretofore ottered to the public, of a similar nature, and for similar purposes, has higher or equal claims. W.M. McPH METERS. From the Hon. George E. Badger. Raleigh, Nov. 7, 1834. For several years past, Dr. Beekwith's Anti Dyspeptic Pills have been ued as a domestic me dicine in my family. I have myself frequently used them for the relief of head-ache, acid and otherwise disordered stomach, resulting from im prudence or excess in diet, and I have had many opportunities of learning from others their etTects, when used by them tor like purposes. My expe rience and observation justify me in saying that the relief afforded by the Pills is generally speed v, and almost always certain that they may be ta ken at any time without danger or inconvenience, and their operation is attended by no nausea or disagreeable efiects whatever and though I have known many persons use them, I have known none who did not approve them none who sustained any injnry, and none who failed to derive benefit from their use. And upon the whole, I do not hesitate to recommend them as an agreeable, safe, and efficacious remedy in Dyspeptic affections, and beliere them myself to be I he best Anti-dyspeptic medicine ever offered to the public. G. E. BADGER. Beeves Wanted! THE Subscriber, intending to carry on the Butchering Business regularly in the Town of Salisbury, wishes to purchase a number of For which the highest prices will be given, in cash. His customers are notified that he will be ready to furnish them with GOOD BEEF on Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday mornings of each week the balance of the season. DAVID KERNS. September 5, 1833. tf. 3IO!E XEW GOODS I nOIiry W. WnlOU w ould inform his friends and the public, that he has just received, directly from the North, an entirely new Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry-Goods, Groceries, and CVueetimaries. w hich he will dispose of CHEAP for cash. Tf:s St. ck con sists in part, of Fine blue, and other Cloths, Szftnitts, Circassians, Bombazines, and Drillings; Yestints of various kinds; Hats, Iionntls,and Shoes; Hard-wareT (hteens-ware. Cutlery, and Crockery-ware, Sugar, and Co fee ; Powder, and Lead; good smoking and chewing Tobacco. y-c. V. His CONFECTION ARIES consist of various Can dies, Nuts, !tc. II. W. W. particularly requests the public Co call and examine his Stock, as he is very certain that he? can find something to please all. Salisbury, September o, l"?3-. pi Morgan to ii lUKS. LAUU1 J. POLK RESPECTFULLY announces to the Public, " - that the first session of the a!wve Seminary will terminate on the 2oth of Septenilter, lr-3-" : at w hich time there will be a general Examination of the Pupils on the various branches usually taught in an Institution of the kind. She also takes great pleasure in announcing that Miss E. Maria Douglas, late f Virginia, has been selected as assistant Teacher, and more especially to fill department of Music in this institution. The hisrh respectability of this Lady, her superior attain ment, and her success as a Teacher of music has been fully and satisfactorily tested both in Virgnta and North Carolina. N. B. This Institution rs now in a very flourish ing condition, having largelv onwards of 40 scho lars, and has only been in operation about three months; in point of bcation, it stands unrivalled in the State of North Carolina. The high mountains by which it is surrounded, pure air and delightful water, renders it a stranger to fevers and epidem ics of eveiy kind prevalent in a Southern climate. Morganton, September 5," 135. p3. 3III.IT . KY SCHOOL. COL. CARTER JONES WILL attend at Salisbury on Wed nesday the 30th of this month, and on Thursday the 1st of next month; also, at Mocksv die on Friday the 2nd, and Saturday the 3rd days of October, for the purpose of instructing his scholars at each of these places", being the se cond term fir each. September o, lSoM. tni- NORTH CAROLINA STATE For the IknefUof the SALISBURY ACADEMY NINTH CLASS FOR To lie Iratvit at Sali.Ji:sy, IV. f v Oi Thursday, the 24 September, loo, ON TIIE POPULAR Terminating-Figure System. STEVENSON & POINTS, MANAGERS. CAPITAL AP1TAL i g PRIZE ( if c:: 3 2Z 2 : lit 1 Prize of 6,000 DOLLARS is S6,00u 1 " of 3,000 DOLLARS is 3,000 12 " of 1,000 DOLLARS is 12,uoO 15 " of 500 DOLLARS is 7,500 15 " of 30O DOLLAR is 4,500 20 " of 200 DOLLARS is 4,000 00 " of lOO DOLLARS is 0,000 100 " of SO DOLLARS is 5,000 116 " of 30 DOLLARS is 3,4b0 201 " of 20 DOLLARS is 4,020 300 " of 15 DOLLARS is 5,500 6,000 " of 10 DOLLARS is 60,000 6,000 " of G DOLLARS is 36,000 6,000 " of 4 DOLLAJIS is 24,000 1 Prizes, amounting to 8180,000 A Package of 10 Whole Tickets will cost 840 00 And must draw nett - - - 17 00 823 00 A certificate for a Package of 10 Whole tickets will le 23 00 For 10 Half tickets, - - - 11 50 For 10 Quarter tickets, - - 5 75 OCT" All Orders from a distance, by mail (post paid) or by private conveyance, enclosing the cash or prize-tickets in our previous Lotteries, will re ceive the most prompt attention, if addressed to JAMES I. LONG, Salisbury, N. C. ; and an ac count of the drawing will be forwarded immediate ly after its event. 07" All prizes payable in cash, Forty days after the drawing, subject to a deduction of fifteen jw cent. Whole Tickets, - - 84 00 Halves, - - - - 2 00 Quarters, - - - - 1 00 To be had, in the greatest variety of numbers, at JAMES I. LONG'S Office, (Corner of Mansion Hotel,) SALISBURY, N. C. August 29, lS3o. td roil SAiLTSU On the 8ISi of September next, I WILL oiler for Sale, at my Dwelling-house, in the Forks of the Yadkin, Iredell County, N. C, near Griffin's, or Albea's Store, TWO Tract3 Of Land, (if not sold before,) Containing 2G3 Acres; Lying immediately on the South Yadkin River with an excellent seat for Mills, Factories, &:c. This land is fertile, and well adapted to the culti vation of Corn, Wheat, Tobacco, Arc., with good Dwellings and excellent water. Also, my Crop of Corn,Oats,and Fodder; Blacksmith's Tools; Stock of all kinds ; Household and Kitchen furniture, and all such articles as movers generally sell. Aug! 30, 1835 3 JOHN LE,. 1