Poetic lMm ReCCSS "MITII Vfrr OEM llS t'NSl'0. j'nrn t'ie eiv York Courier ami Knquirtr. OS THE DEATH OP CHIEF JUSTICE MAR SHALL St the s u-ward tweep of the river's wave, In the hearts of the tree enshrined, He went t.i sleep with the mighty and brave; And left nt a rival behind. In the mild warm light of the summer's sky, A the sun in the view w-t-nt down; He fll as a warrior dMitri d to dip. Fro.. i tin; land of his young renown. As a cliff he stood, in a stormy clime, ".li 5 t!i- strife of tiie tempest I-hukI ; Witli his tewipics bath f in a light sublime. That aidM on the element round. On the tranquil brow of his bending frame, T'uie uiov'd with a slow-pad hand; Hal ti-i sii arpen'd his scythe when the dim glance came, And nuuiber'd his years by ais sand. Fro u th ? moiirr.ful shades that around him spread, o w ir-m.to funded his don n : Jlu where they have gathr'd hun home with the dead, JSweet Liberty jiomts to his tomb. As t;i- white shroud fdl o'er his liuilis in sleep, An d Ins funeral din.' w is rung, Th.- voice of hij country's gref was deep, And his death-pall widely thing. In the fir green land where he sunk to repose. As the breeze on the tranquil mam, The bright'nin g beam- of h:s f ime arose, With the depth of his country's pain. They bore him home to his land of fame, To the soil of his cl is.-'c clime, Where his star look- f rth with a quenchless flame, Thron-rh t!ie !arkenin" rlu"s of time. S. SSL."2CT MISC SLLANY. J-'ntm the Knickerlxu'lir Maaazi.tr for June. THE VICTIM OF A 1'ItOOF-READER. "Foul murder hath been done lo! here's the proof!' OLl F-LAY. "Oil, for the good old times of Typography, when operatives in the art could render the an cleats when Caxton translated "Ye Sovge of Troye,' from the language of Greece! Would that, in this latter age, vae;i C iauipollion has decipher ed the hierogly phics f Egypt, when the spirit of inquiry is everv where abroad, some one might lie fou id, who could continue to shelter from typi cal aggression a writer for the press! "I am the victim of a proof-reader. The blun ders of others, and not my own, have placed me in a state of feeling akin to pur jatorv. Ever since I bc'i'i in ivo tor a lie.ird, I nave been more or 1;s ajllicle.l with the cacotthex scribe 'id i, and I flatter .ny If that I hae not. -il.vays lyen unsuc cessful iii my writing. Hut my printed efforts, hae neither li;en h noraoln to my genius, nor J grateful to my vanity, 'on the contrary, they have berra quite the reverse.' I have had the sweetest poem turned into thrice widen stupidity ; s.nten ces in prose, on which I doated in manuscript, have been irust; 1 in a deep perspiration, and with posi tive I'Mluing, in print. All tais has ari-;n from a conspiracy which seenn to have lieen framed against in lv all the I v pographieal gentlemen of the c)iin- trv. It is trut. i write wiiat urs. .waiaprop nn-ni ! laj,,,!,, t,f IIIV chai-rin, I deprecated the julg caM an ineligible ii a id ;' tor, to the piiilul , Mi. nt ol lis i:'inil ; thought even M.lv could we lire f crossing ti, and dotting t, I never could de- ti(, ,,rr(,rs a(1 tvi;,ct ., as rea(; s' .j. un, see id. I hive often .r.ven dueclions to publishers, j , , mv y,lUI(;, fr.end that she mu-t have been that if a word was otherwise pa-t fin-hng out, Verv stupijr maite(jiive, not to see iiow the p n they roul I count the marks, Imt the plan ta.led, f(,, ,( rt.i,. 'j-,lis naiM.t vl .r ,soin 'all the as have iu.Ieed all my plans for correel habits f MjmhJ ofthe iJr,,,,..,,,,; She handed me mv fiat, th-.ug'it Iwfjre the public. If this narrative shall ; a1(j H,I:I.,M si TtJ,lieantlv to the door. I went out prove to be correctly printed, it will lie the hrt ar- ; a, lf(. UIK.rtllJ.e thus indicated, and have never tide from mv pen that has ever met with such an j 4iU kM., Kmilv is now the wife of a Con- honor, and I shall l; pr p ntion ally ple.is.l. ,K.c,icut schoolmaster, who blows the pitchpie and f.ike all other m rt als, am penetrable to the ,ea js je cJl jr tm jjlJ(11av in M,;r fltllers church, arrows of Cupid. My heart is not encased with . ' ,,is was mv first passim, and inv last, e.. pt this epidermis of a rhi nicer .i, r the ball hides id mto w,irtl" iaVe Ih'oh rou-ed "every time I Ajax; c(insquentlv, I aui what they call in ro ;.an-)SCit a pi(.ct. to bo published. Yet I still h.ve to ces, a susceptible person. When I was nineteen, .t.llSl,0 my ,rearv bacheLnship, bv writing, and I fell in love, and as I found prose too tame a ?- ; a.M-iII4r ,y thoughts in print, but I despair of ever dium, too staid a drajiery for my thoughts, what ,sr.ilI;; riIltIv uttered. Fate, in that regard, could 1 do Imt express to .my lair one mv pass, ,,i in songs rne was a ip-amum rirnunt:, i u. n cious arrangement of 4tl"sa and bl.md a country parson's daughter, with excellent taste and accom plishments. Sne was fond of poetry, and so was I. This circumstance sent mv fancy a wool-gathering, tor tropes, t.gures and emrM-uis. i oung have a passionate admiration for genius, ai nd I Jvi- ' lermined to show that I was not deficient in that particular: that I fiel ongeil of right to those who merited the saving, 4 ieta nascitur non it.1 Du ring the spring of IM , I was attacked with a ht fect incontinence of rhyme. My I idy-Iove was al- ways my theme. Hut of all my ceiq.t.ons none sat.sn -d n,n siv tlie f .lloxvmg which I produce.! with . reat W labnr, and stu hous care. 1 trunk p.rly .no:h of it now. Mr. Nale would call l Xtcadd'e and so d I. "Tt) EM II A 11 . 44 D ir Cirl! an angel sure thou art, The muse of every SX'1I Which brings one transpirt to my heart, Au 1 bid my Usom swell. 'A il oh, carnation on thy cheek Its richest lu.-tre leu Is; And thy iilue eye- forever sp -ak A welcome to thy friends. "Ahs! if fate should bid us part. Life wuuld be nought with me; A load would rest ujion my heart. Without a smile from thee. 44 Wle re shall I meet a leaf so fair In Nature's open page! With tnee the beauf.inis flower compare And e'en ray grief assuage.' "Forgive, my love, this hasty lay, And let its nu'iiliers b-; Sweet moirtors, that iiay by day Rid thee think of me!" "This production I sent to the village newspaper. I waited a or wet k, to see it appear. Finally, the important Wednesday arrived. I hastened to ihe odice but the atlair was not published. I "lanced with a hurried eve over the damp sheet, nnd found a notice at last, commencing with three' stars, turned up and down. It read thus; 44 4The tribute to Kuiily, by 4 J. S.,' is unavoida bly postponed until our next, bv a press of adver tisements, for which we are thankful since we do lhat kind of business, as like. vise all unrl on the most reasonable terms. b! lis of joh. o.ks, ear Is, j handhills, and other legal documents being execu ted bv a at the shortest 'uo.iee. Not to digress, however, we would say to 4 J. 3.,' let him cultivate his talent : he ha tremendous powers, but he writes j a bad hand. He should make his penmanship uk t his poetrv, perfect.'' r "I had the curiosity to look into the advertising columns to see what envious things of tratlic liad displaced inv lines. There were Imt three advertise merits; a sheriiPs sale, a stray cow, and a wife j elojied from bed and boar I. I read the sherill s no tice with that deep interest which these documents j usually rxcith. It discoursed of lands, messuages, jatal tenements, designated 4 by a line, beginning at ine noriitwcsi corner oi .ir. jeiiKin coy iiou.se- running thence north seventy-five chains, fourteen links, thence east twentv-nine chains eleven links, to a stake and stones;' and so on, to the end of the j chapter. " Vet the notice filled me with exceedingly great delight. I sent it to Emily: I told her that 4J. 5.' was tnvself, but liegged her not to mention it to a third jiersori. She kept her secret as women usual- lv do. In three davs it was all over town, that I had a piece, that I had made out of my head,' coming forth in the next week's newspajiers, ad dressed to Emily Uriiikcrholl. " Never diil seven days roll more slowly round than the weeks interval which followed the fore- going notice, in the publication of the "Elucidator of Freedom ami Tocsin of the people." When it did finally come out, I sent Emily an aflectionate note, with a copy of the paper, assuring her that the ioem contained inv real sentiments. I deter- mined u it to read it myself until I visited her in the evening. IU great self-denial, I kept my re solve, and when the young moon arose, bent my steps towards the mansion of my mistress. "She received me coldly. I was surprised and abashed. 4 What is the matter, Em.' I te iderly inquired: 4 did you get my billet-doux and the verses to-day 1 ' 444 Yes they came safe. 44 4 Well, how did you like them?' "4The note was kind and go.d, but the verses were f(lish, ridiculous nonsense. 44 1 was thunderstruck. I usl;ed to see the paper. Emily arose and handed it to mo; and sitting down by the vine-clad window, jatted her little foot an grily on the floor. " I opened the Elucidator and Tocsin, end read my poem. Solomon of Jerusalem ! w hat inhu man butchery what idiotcy ! Hut I will jrive the effusion as it was printed, 4 and shame the Dtril TO EMILY D . "Dear 'irl! an angel sour thou art, The mule of every spell; That bray's o'er trumpets to my heart, And bids my bosom swell. "And oh! darnntion o'er thy cheek Its ru le-t blister fiends; And thy blear eyes forever speak A welcome to thy friends. "Alas! if fate should bind us fist, Life would be rough with rue; A toad would rush un my heart, Without a snele from thee. "Where could I meet a lamp so fair In Nature's oen passage With thee the barbarous flower comjiare, And o.tn my nef" a sausisie! "For jive my lre, this nasty lay, And let its numbers le Sweet monitors tint drily dry, Siiail bid thee tiiink of ine!" J. S. 44 When I had read litis dia!lical mass of stull over, 1 new into an uocontrolable rage. In Ine a ujJ prubabv aw;iy wili U "JOHN SMITIL" 7 Vow "' Mobile Commercial Register of July li). THE FATE OF MRS. ALSTON. I have for some time observed an article going thu ruil!ls of the llt.svsl)a,K.r. in relation t the . ... i ... i i . 4i. . i . i . i- mysterious death of Mrs. Al-ton, the daughter of Col. Aanai Hurr, taken from the Alabama Journal. This article, although true in many particulars, nevertheless, contain several errors. I supose it grew out of a casual conversation 1 held in Mr. I Smith's Hook Store, in M obi in some six months (jce; an , jw yw vcry b(iv . t J w.v,.ra, .eMtleineu U-ing in'the store, he pro- Ui,(v mi,u;Hk.rst,KK, Iuy i(1 nv st;,tement. 1st, as L() ti'fll,N anJ oMdlv, Usl lo theWeiving the conies. sions of the pirate, either personally or as a physi cian. The article was also wrong in many points, as the statement itself will shoy. I do not charge any one with irilful exaggeration or misstatement, for nothing is more liable to occur, than for a story to undergo trivial modifications., by frequent rejie-titi-.Mis from one individual to another. It is well known under what circumstances Mrs. Alston left South Carolina. Whether vhe was the only daughter of Col. Hurr, I know not; but one thing was evident, never did a father love a daugh ter, or a daughter a parent, with more fervor and de votion than thev did. She quit Carolina and emba ik ed at Charleston, with all her cfleeN, consisting principally of plate, to join him in New York, She sailed, and was heard of no more fir years, It is said, her Io- afilicled her father more se verely than all his jw dilie;il troubles and adversities. For as lie (ore remarked, he loved his daughler.-r- In his I ist letter to General Wilkinson, written at ! the most important crisis of his life, says he, 4.'. I shall le on in such a time, and my daughter will i r n SO' fit t oi or The firl indication of the nature of Mrs. Alston's death, which had for a long rime, excited the pain ful and anxious feelings of her friends and the com munity, it is said, was communicated iu the coufes- sions of a pirate in the iieighborhoid of Norfolk, Va., many years since, who stated that the vessel in which she was embarked, was seized oir the coast of North Carolina, and that Mrs. Alston's plate lining considered valuable, caused the mur- .? -r of all on board, and the ro!dxrv of the vessel. I do not know what degree of credit the rcjiort ob tained. Somo years after this, another man died in South Alabama; T think tt was said to Ie fn Marengo count v, who also ailiiueu to ine oeain 01 .Mrs. ai- .... I . 1 ston, in the same manner and under the same cir- cunistances stating, that be had been a pirate, and concerned in the transaction; and that after the vessel was roblied, she was scuttled. More recently another has died not very far from Mobile, bearing still stronger testimony in fa vor of the same horrible transaction. The pirate who died, and the facts of whose case came into my possession, was by the name of Fos ter. He was w ithout family, and kept a grog shop. He was taciturn ami silent in his disposition. He for some time befre his death, grew gradually more intemperate. lie often spoke of being a sai lor, of having been much at sea, or as the phrase goes, of having " en much scrriceJ" He fell sick, and was confined lor s -me time. His brain ap peared disordered, and his mind at times haunted , by strange impressions. lie, on his death toi, 'confessed to a very worthy and resectable gentle- j man who stood by him, that he had boon a pirate, ami belonged to a piratical crew, who took the ve sel in which Mrs. Alston had emlNirked. That af ter the crew ami passengers of the captured vessel were all dispatched, she alone remained to le dis posed of. Each man expressed an u-iwillingness to become her executioner, 1 hey finally drew Ms, I to see whose duty it should le to destroy her, that it unfortunately It 11 upon him. Upon learning her 1 fate, she begged strongly and pathetically for her lile; she entreate.i theni to spare her l Jsne t ld them that she was Mis, Alston, the daughter of Aaron liurr, who had been Vice President of the United States, and that he was awaiting her in New York, where she was going on to join him, and to console him in his adversity that he made her walk the plank which, finding she could not avert, she finally did with great firmness and com sure!! He was an lliterale man, and had pro bab'v never read any thing on the subject. For some davs previous to bis death, he ima gined he saw her in his room, and would convuls ively point to tlililueiit parts of the chamber, ex- i claiming with much earnestness, 44 There, there she is!" and ask the by -slanders if they did not se her. This delusion tormented him as long as he could make himself understood, when he died a most miserable death! In corrobiration of this statement, the testimony of several gentlemen could be mentioned, whose standing and character are of thn first order iu the community, and whose veracity where known, ne ver has nor never will be questioned, and who know the above statement to Ik? substantially true; but I have no authority for calling them hv name. If" Col. Hurr should vet doubt on the subject, evi- deuce could le adduced, to establish it in any court of justice, which, being a lawyer, be would be obliged to admit. I do not consider it necessary to le more mi nute on the subject, unless I should be more for mally called on by some one. who has authority or claims for more particular information. Rocause, as before observed, nothing of the kind can do any good further development and discussion can on ly tend to revive melancholy feelings and unpleas ant regrets, which time ha measurably buried in oblivion. ali:xam)i:r jonks, m. d. Oontcst of Tjire and . The follow ing al legory, from a female pen, is amusing, and the mo ral is instructive. According to the story, Love and Folly arrived at the sa ne moment, at the gate of Jupiter's palace, to a least to whicli he had in vited all the deities of Olympus. Follv observing Love just going to step in the hall of the festival, pushes, him away, and enters in first. Love is en raged but Follv insists on her nreced'Mscv. Love perceiving there was no reasoning with Follv , bends j II II l.tl si II I nts now ann shoots an arrow; nut she nam -d liis;rc ,:.r.tt,A ,.vv soaner in the mioimr nf.trv. v:,s attempt, by rend -ring herself invisible. In turn, she becomes furious, falls on the lmy, tearing out his eves, and then covers them with a bnnuTge, which could not be taken off. In despair tor the loss of his -iht. Love implores the assistance of his mother: she tries in vain to undoe the ma.'.ie 111 lot, the knots are never to he untied. Venus Hie,, presents herself at the tee of .injuler, to com- i'""'"'1 u - o-o t .... so-.. '"r"" o.ot.ms ..my .o .q. a, , see repn-s, a.i(J ,ho uu-i ring aim of the keen eve of the wes that though s!e h is leasons sudicient to justify her ton, hunter raus(,j ,l!ie f their men to kiss his conduct, she, wdln- t vemure to plead her cause, ; Loi oartl. Tl)CV iat.l!ltv inaile chase after as she is apt to speak loo much, or to omit what is .1 i .t ...1 material. Folly asks f r cmii -sej, an d clmoses j!er. cury. Venus selects Ap ll to advocate tire cause of her son. In a long plea. Ap dlo demands justice against folly. Seduced by hi eloquence, the gods are ready to condemn Folly, v ithout hearing her counsel, Mercury. Hut Ju;i--r commands silence, and Mercury replies. His pl -a is long, and his ar guments so plausih.e, that v fieu he conehides, t hen lennies, then- is a diveisilv oj opinion; some siii-i lir the cause 01 n , .100 ome 10. n 01 r-'ii. -V inr irvio-jr ii . . . . . ... 1. .. .... t . I . i . - . . : : van, to make them agree, Jnp.ter p.onom.ces the ; n,owmgaw:,rd: "On account ol the didieuhv ar.d : m.jiortarn-eof your d.sputes, and the d.versdy of j votir ...unons, we have suspended vour contest , from this day to three times seven times nme cm,. tunes. In the mean tune, we command on to 1 a . . . . I l . -. I I- r- . .a! ..a I fl.or- I..... I I I .1 .11 i i .. ..7 . .J . - ti n i ' ' 11 1 I . y 11 iii Mil 1 li ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 r f if r 4 -o-ont-.io iinuiaMMiieiHv vvnun- i er sh' p'easefh; and when restored to his sight, sentence shall lie pronounced as the fates may di rect and compel. Judge White, the iwople's candidate, is eainin" ground in Noith Carolina, with unprecedented ra pidity. Oar iuf.rmation from every quarter is most cheering. Oing to local circumstances, and the artifices of the wire workers of the Regency , some counties which are decidedly for White', have returned Van Hut-en men to the Legislature" ; but the c.ople are beginning to open their eyes, and it is the last time they will suer themselves to be deceived by on interested baud of office-holders and office-hunters, who, impudently name themselves 'THI-: DEMOCRATIC." Their presumptuous attempt to dictate to the freemen -of tho country under this assumed, opu!ar party title, will 1 spurned by the yeomanry of the country with the spirit and indignation that become an enlightened and independent people. The real Democracy will acknowledge no connexion with such a compa ny of mask, d and tra dug politicians. Their over weaning zeal lo identifV their candidate with Gen. Jackson, and their repeated and flagrant efforts to deceive the people witl regard to the true issue in the elections (erroneoisly placing it upon the Ad ministration and the flank,) have lietrayed their want of candor and siicerity, exposed their cloven j foot, ami plainly showi that their real object is to promote the amoitioiisdesigns of the office-holders candidate; and there can, therefore, lie no more communion w ith themaud Democracy, than that of light with darkness. MURREL. "THE LAND PIRATE. This individual, who has figured so largely in the incipient insurrectionary movements 1:1 .hsis- sippi, apiears to be a man of no ordinary eharac ter. lie has been, we understand, for n.auv years . :.i . .e ,. K,.ri. K.,!,l .in,! I.i.rli I ! ; . . . - ...!ho nut Ufif pi .' The y.enhvrs are too roiiijrh. Iianded UepreUalioiis ameti lor nun a conspicuous notoriety, .md the cognomination of the " Land j M. (til m. m U i. v. i . w ... 1.-... " II o . ntcu-i...,! cmivirli. i.i- were effect- , ed u stnk they d under circumstances full of incident peculiarly ! come, rouse her aflection, enkind.e the fires of her trikinr, and wildly romantic. We give them as beart, and mark her then. How her heart s rength ihey were hastily detailed to us, iv a very inlelli- j ens itself; how strong is her purpose. 1 lace her rent and respectable Weorgiau, who has just re- Fumed from the South Wet. They are as follows: j Murrel had stolen, in Tennessee,several negrs j and respH-ta!)ie Ceorgiau, who has just re- j 11 ;d from the vuth West. They are as follows: j urml t,,li. .. Tupinuicw eel cr-i I iu.rrrw : I belon ri,r to a H .ntist pi-ewcher, and a Mr. Stew- art, a very enterprisin and intelligent young gen- ! 'rehead ; praying tor life to protect the helpless, tlcman went in pursuit of him. Stewart had no ! Transplant her into the dark places of the earth, personal acquaintance with Murrel, but in the pur- i awaken her energies to action, and her breath be suit he accidentally fell into his company, whan, by comes :i healing, her presence a blessing; she dis some expression which escape 1 Murrel, Stewart ! P"los icch by inch, the stride ol the stalking pisti with an admirable tact, drew from him his name ; . lence, hen ma ., the strong and brave, shrinks upo w hich Stewart expressed his high admiration i away p ile and aili ighted. Misfortune daunts heiQ of Murrel's character telling him, he had heard not ; she wears away a b!e of silent endurance, or of his high chivalric exploits, and had long desired Z forward with less timidity than to her bndal. to f dlow so gallant a 1 ader. Murrel, won bv Slew- L' prosp-'rity she is a bud lull of impris.)ned odors, art's llatterv, an 1 his assumed character of a des- 'waiting but for the w inds of adversity to scatter perado, c nli!entially couinrunicated to him the in- ' them aaroa 1 pure gold, valuable but untried iu surreetionarv plot, whicli he and his banditti had : t, furnace. In short, woman is a niiracle, a mys. then in embryo. Stewart immediately intimated a i ,er. Mrt. Arm S. Stephens. desire to league himself with the great Chief, w liich ' of course, was readily granted. Murrel then in- j An Artcre? Ca'jht. The Magazine and Advo. funned him, that the head quarters of the baud j cato s iv ,thnt w hile tlie M ,rmon Fr' p!iet,JoSinith, was iu Arkansas, and that tie was on his way to was it: Ohio, engaged iu proseiv teing the people to attend a meeting of the Grand Council, in that the faith of ihe 4 Golden Hible," he sought to give Territory, and invited Stewart to accompany him. ; addition; solemnity to the Haptisiual rite, b af Sfewart readily accepted the invitati ai; a!id, noon tinning flint on each occasion a:s a; gel would ap his arrival with Murrel at their place of designa- p"ar to-. opposite side of the stream, and there tion, was regularly inducted into the great c- ;ic!ave ; remain in if il the conclusion f t he ceren.ouv. Tiie of the conspirators, '1 he mystic signs of toe ban 1, such as the grip, countersign, &c, wen? then made known to Stewart, and the whole plot, m all its de- tails, deve:ojed to him. Tno rand Council having adjourned, Murrel . i . .. i . . .i ' . a i U..I1 irMt wari, reiuliieu nigeioer lo ieiltlss-r-, .j.-ii, j.oto a uh- i.oioui u.nu-'v "irauv hum. iii the latter, l?ing in possession of the facts we have Suspicions, as to the incorporeal nature of the re narrated, had Murrel arrested, tried, and s ; d to . jmted angel, at length induced a company of voir ; g the Penitentiary. On his way from Ai Unnsas to men (unh-iiewrs "f" course) to examine the quality Te ui ,'s-ee, Murrel communicated to Stewart the ' of the ghot, aod having secrete I themselves, they fact which had probably been overlooked in the awaited its arrival. Their expectations were sooa Council of there lieiug twenty or thirty w hite realized by it appearanec in its customary p-siti in, men in (eorgia concerned in the plot, a id rushing from their lair, they succeeded in !hrc- Our infirmant tells us, tnat Mr. Stewart is a ing it into the .stream, and ahhengh its efforts to young gentleni.m of great respectability, indexable etcapft were pvverful, they succeeded in bringing tin.iiii'ss, and m ''a liiig decision of character it in triumph, to the opposite side of the stn am, and that his patriotic and gallant conduct, .ms eli- when, who should this supposed inhabitant oi' t!,e 'cited the gratitude and admiration of the peoplo of M iss i ss i ppi . . 1 usta Ch n m icl e. A U.N" WELCOME GUEST. One clay last we.k, the vife of Mr. John Kean, of this town, was surprised by finding on the ljoor, close bns.de a,. mhi;.t, a very large brown adder which bad ma-ie its way int the room unpereeived, there lieing is tlie hai -e, at the time, no one but herself and three small thil Iren. She imniediate Iv seized the fir? shovel, and placing it upon his neck kept him a prisoner, till she had sent her little g, ..ear nan a nu.e , , auou,-, u , ,o..u 1 . 1 u- - 1. c . u 1 1 with two women, he omy assistance sne con pro- cure. During all this tune, M rs. Kean held the snake under her shovel, when the women with an axe severed his head from .as Unly. He measured tnree feet and a hail, and was of toe thickness of a man s w rist Ilaho.rt ll I cess. AX UGLY ANECDOTE. I use the word Anecdote, "Mr. Editor, in the old sense, as being a "something'" as yet unpublished. Dr. P., who is a very eiticient and cqi.bie editor j - - - - - j j - - - - - j -1 t one of the -most active and daring soldiers, that strtnle his horse to meet his savage enemy iu (lie last war Willi the Sacs a:ul Foxes, which closed about Septemlier log. Strolling out from the camp eaiiy one morning, accompanied by one of his " fellows i:i arms," they suddenly met three In- : lhvtltU.vs ,1Cy escad unhurt. The Doctor's :t.om,K,;oq,IK.kv Lr,,lJ;rt his rifle to Ins shoulder, 111. .iii.i iii.r i.iei.ii ioiiiui' ii.cii 119 .iiif iifix'fi ; his pistol, and another 44 son of nature" was brought 1 to the earth. As he approached his enemy, he observed that though life was still in him, that . death was perceptible in Ins eye. Having; no scaip- i ing knife himseii, he drew; the Indian s, and began ami irsiiau to execute that which Indians of every tribe per- c i...h;.... 1.: .":.. . 10. mi, 1 '". -.'-wii- 10 nm,t:iriiiBP ro,i;M;n 1 !,.,:-. i:., ..vi,-....!,- .t.,n ti. ;t? ! ;;.. .. .;.n ; . . rvf.ili- in iuV.iiii'iu.i viu.i, inv- i;i ijo-u louiuu hiiim' ...1 1 : 1.? i.. .1..; 1 . .. t 1.: . i..a 01 imin 1 , u.iM'-i iiic "Livi.tiioii , iiu iaiit-:o ms oario - .... 1 1. ..i.. , 1.:. . c... 1 :.!.., fil, ; to the fo ltack wi,h h firjn fixCl, 01 his conqueror. As the knife S"U : m is a ho writhe.1 hnrril.lv, , the Doctor with a great deal of sang froid, quite r,u,lW Mlia,ked, Why did not you keep a sharper 1,. . ; ,.i.i 1. i., ...ir ' . P 1 1 i i II I.' J 1 1 1 I II- H 1 1 tl. a J irr rt llilil S " I rai I T J 1 nihl vvi ith this remark he concluded his work. 2?u- .,,.,, . .l)j;t.1, - From the Midifletoirn (Co?m.) Sentinel. UXCOM V. ON CI UC U M ST A XCES. The facts communicated in the following notice are believed to U? strictly true. The comnimiica- tion is from the parties themselves, one of whom is ! ine starIl" declaration that he had 44 met the oe personallv known to us: j vil out therein the old field, and we had a hard Singular Marriage. In the month of January, 1 4i-r,lf-" 'The uov il !" squired the man of grog, 1817, Mr. Henry Rockwell and Esther Niles were " h"vv dld he !ook f' " U h-V ,ie "as black, and united in the bands of matrionionv, bv the Rev. M ,uu a r""t Pa,r f horns." On reviewing the. West of Last Hampton. In Oct.dier," 181 9, business jold of b;ittie the following morning, there was called Mr. R-n kwell to Savannah, fro which place tiWl,i 'lcositestible evidence that fighting had been lie intended to return in about six months; but tin- i done so,ve body. Temperance Star. 1 " . 1 . m ' loreseen circuuisiances prevenie i ms return until the 4th of the present month, having been absent sixteen years, eighl months, and twenty-seven davs. During his absence, Mrs. Rockwell obtained a bill of divorce, and was a second time married. With her second huslmnd she lived until his death, w hicli happened tho lsJlh of March, lol, and from that to the present time she has remained a widow. i,n turaay, t.m -itn instant, .vir. inkwell arnv ed m Chatham, Last Hampton Niciety, and found On Saturday, the 4th instant, Mr. R.ickwell arriv- her that was once his wife, in the same house in w hich he had left her in the year 1817, and on Thursday afternoon, the 9th instant, they were again united in the hands of matrimony, by the Rev. Mr. Loper, of Middle Haddam. A short but comprehensive address was delivered on the occa sion. Like Noah's dove, that from the ark Wtis sent forth nl! alone. He found no ante to cheer his heart, Entil he did return.. WOMAN. Woman, woman ! trueiy she is a miracle . Place her amid lowers, foster her as a tender plant, and she is a thing of fancy, waywardness, and some thing of folly annoyed by a dew drop, fretted by the toueh oi" a butterfly's wing, ready to faint at t , a the shouers too heavy, and she ,s overpowered byJ ucnui.ir 01 n i.w -uuu. -' j . ""o - - - - j thins? s: o loves or pities, to protect, and ee her, as related instance, raising her white arms as a sh.eld.and as her own l! od crimsons ner upiun hield, and as her own bl xl crimstns her upturned rite was administered m the evening, in Grand River, nmr PaiiirsvilJe, i,r by the prophet in 'r( j son, but by h:s i!icieles. In agreement with the 'pnviielia - of the pn p let, on each occasion, a figure in white, was seen on the p- site Ixmk, and the. e. . r . i... e .:. e. .i . i.. : i upper world be, but the Mormon Prophet bin. self Rochester Re pit bliea n. li'ck Dole fid' "I paid Captain Chronic a visit one day and entered his room just as Mr. Doleful was leaving it. Uoilul sigheo audibly, snook n.s ie m 1 1 tto r-f 44 mir 14. ior trionI ntwi vi.tK Ure Tm. fmm any other 1 shf!iJ h ive construed into a hint that our "p-or dear friend, was at his lust gasp; but, being acquainted with Dr. Doh fill's ways, I approached the captain as u-u-al, shook his hand cordially, and, in a cheerful Tone inquired how fie was getting on. 44 Ah, my dear 1 t- Mlow iui he, at the same time slowly lifting Ids hea JVoW Uje fil.vuloUj tt r, ,at to jt fj( , . yU you k ag if a ho r,,t iere ulls'Sl)tne ,tl, in nie. u ,at jr,,, ,,,re he ct s,fj three ti(nes a t!ay ; ua,ks info (he on as Jf he tho1,,l' j bad'nt nerve to bear t be squeaking of a shoe ; touch- j es the tip of one of my fingers, as if a cordial grasp ' vvmld shatter me to atoms; and says, "well, how ' ,1'ye do, Captain ?" Then he sits down in that ..'hair; speaks three words in two hours, and those three in a whisper; puHsa lon face; squeezes out .. o... 1.: 11 v j 1110 ui riiitii undertaker countenance lovver- ; hig over ine all the w bile ! I'm not a nei vous man, Imt ;" and he here rose tVom his sofa, struck a. blow on a table which made every article up'n it spin, and roared out in a voice loud enough to be heard from stem to stern of ids old seventy f-ur, ; the Thutultrer: "I'm not a nervous man; but ' larse to my own funeral, with him tolhwm a as? chief mourner!" i A man of the middle class of society at Berlin, lately took it into his head to abandon his occupa tions and set up for a fortune-teller, and attracted 'crowds of credulous persons. Among the rest was a female servant, to whom he predicted that siie should die on a scatlold, The girl became so ilepressed that it was remarked by her mistress ; who, having extracted the secret, recommended . . . - , : "r j "' ' ' '? y 'er disguised as a lady of rank and wealth. Th he I vuivie'ii i J. IK tl ivril The ,. 1 v . , I ,lo v was cunsoieuce-st ruck, and confessed that she 1 poor i , i -. r- . - , TT 1 ri.ii lie.i riiilt.- t .1 int ii.t..,, 11..... 1... .1 ' - " t-- , v. iuiMuiii.iin. tins, me UP pxet as well as herself was taken into I ' he s,ected of having been privy j t0 the Cnme' I A fht trifl the Peril. A toper in a certain I county in Virginia, wending his way home from a .rro.rcrerv alter ni..l,t swiofm0i:n iL. I r- fn- J " ivrvu, ttllU SiUIKJn . ' times on a.11 fours, was in tiiis last position met, as we suppose, by a wicked goat, who had learned to but, and who made instant fight with the son of Hacchus. After battering the poor fellow to his satisfaction, he was permitted to return to the rog. man, w ith broken head and bloody face, and with Kare Accomplishments. A 'Tcntleman observed to Henrv. Prince of Prussia, that it M.n verv mm 7 - . - ...... -u-aT - to find genius, wit, memory, and judgment, united; in the same person. "Surely there is nothing as-, tonishing in this," replied the Prince. " Genius takes its daring flight towards heaven he is tho eagle. Wit moves along by fits and start he is. the grasshopper. Meinorv marches backwards j he is the crab. Judgment drags alone slowly " j he is the tortoise. How can vou exnect that aU Va ovv can vou exnect that all these animals should move in unison ?" A Yankee Shot. A good story is told of a ma jor and another Yankee. A Yankee says to a Ma jor, 44 Can xou shoot a rifle, Major?" 44 Pretty considerable," says he. 44 1 can hit a chip in the air," says the Yankee, 44 fiv e times out of six shots," The Major replied, 44 Well I can beat that, I guess, lor I can hit one seven times in four sho." " Well," .,ays the other, 44 that's enomdi we won't waste powder, and I knock under." Q

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