POLITICAL. From the Richmond Whig. THOUGHTS ADDRESSED TO THE OLD REPUBLICANS. As has ben for some time anticipated, the Anti-Masonic Van IJaren Candidates to Congress, in R iodc Islan 1, are supposed to bo elected, by a ma jority of one or two bundreJ, ami the Whig Can didates, Burgess and Cranston, defeated. The Van l.irei organs have set up a simultaneous an ! upro rious shout of exultation. The democracy trium phant ! The Aristocracy defeated! Arc the word in which they announce their pleasure at the re sult. Mr. Jefferson expressed the opinion that New England would support any administration that continued more than four years, excepting Massa chusetts from the bearing of the remark: and the course of Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island justifies his sagacity. Patronage is all powerful in those States, and the demagogues have yielded to its allurements, carrying enough of the People with them to secure n majority for the lovernment. Besides this, other principles are at work at the North, which the South and West will do well needfully to regard. There is undoubted ly tho indication of a purpose to take up Mr. Van Jluren as the Northern Candidate to support him as a President who, from his position, will be more favorable to Northern and manufacturing interests than one from the South or West. The rumor of Bucb a disposition has for some time prevailed, and the obvious inclination of New England, to throw herself into the arms of Mr. Va-i Buren, as mani fested within six months by Vermont, Rhode Is land, and Connecticut, confirms its truth. Jona than knows his interest, (his pecuniary we mean) and we should not be surprised that he prefers M. Van Buren, who voted for the Tariff of 1 r'J, who lives at his door, and in a State strongly TaritF, and whose powerful influence in the Union is so important in carrying schemes, to Judge White, Southern in all his opinions, or even to Mr. Web ster, who Ins nothing but Massachusetts to bring into the scale. The South and West arc receding fromt he ijuiiiuuist ration and the Administration's candidate New England, always Federal, is taking him up. Why is if so ? Can the intelligent mind be at a loss to decide? Is it the Republicanism of Jack son's Administration which has lost him so large a proportion of the old Republicans of the South and West, and gained him the ever Federal States of Rhode Island and Connecticut ? Is it his Jefferso tiianism which has driven from his ranks the almost entire mass of the disciples of Jefferson, and again recruited them with the Federal population of IWaine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Con necticut ! Apostates and Federal minions tell us eo, but who besides weak dupes believe the silly nonsense ? No. Let the South be told the truth, and let that truth sink deep into the heart's of the Southern people, and the friend of State Rigfits. The Proclamation, more ultra Federal thin Pick ering and Hamilton, has won New England to (e ueral Jackson ; the promise of his favorite to walk in his footsteps" and "carry out his measures," has inclined the heart of New England Federalism to transfer the favor it entertains for the Hero to his favorite. This is the explanation of the change in Rhode Island and Connecticut States once liCarly unanimous against Jackson, but his firm ad herents since the Proclamation and the popularity of its author, gave promise of a restoration of Fe deral principles and Federal ascendency. The TariiT principles of Mr. Van Huron farther contri bute to enlist favor for him throughout the North, while his aid of the Missouri Restrictions and Ins free negro vote in the Convention of New York, chime in with the Anti-Silhern and Aiii-Slave-rv feeling which so extensively pervades the North. Let Van Uurcmsm exult in the acquisition cf Rhode Island. e wish as we believe it nowise improbable, that ho could also get Massachusetts, i"r his principles entitle him to her support, and with all the Federal States in his train, we should have a hope that the South and West and Pennsyl vania would open their eyes to the Federal thral dom with which they are threatened, het Van Uarenites rejoice in 'he acquisition of Rhode Is land and Connecticut. Republicans will know then, where they ought to be found. If unable to discriminate upon the nature of measures as they arise, the Republican States will know that the principles of 'U3 are not to l found in the ranks which contain States that have uniformly opposed these principles. Take Rhode Island, gentlemen federalists take her and joy go with her, sav we. Tennessee and North Carolina have abandoned the Federal ranks, and this circumstance, conjoined with Rhode Island having united herself to them, will open the eyes of thousands of erring Republicans. From the Xew York Court r tj- Enquirer of Aug. 20. TIIE MEETING IN TIIE PARK. We had not space yesterday for any commenta ry upon the resolutions passed by the l'ublu: Meet ing in the Park, even if there had been time suffi ient to draw the attention of our readers to their nonconformity with public opinion. With the ex ception of the Editors of the Keening Past ami American the abolition feelings of the former of whom, and the peculiar opinions of the latter, some of the Committee thought proper to propitiate we suppose none of the corps editorial, had any infor mation in relation to the character of the resolu tions to be offered. Such, al least, was our ease; and of course, we could only judge of their appro priateness after they had b en passed upon. Now, however, that thy have come to light, wo all know that if they had leeri much stronger in their de nunciation of the Fanatics they would have passed with the same unanimity and fir greater enthusi asm, and that, indeed, any resolutions which might "have been ofTcred by the Committee, not of an aim litionary character, would have parsed by accla mation. So far as theso resolutions go, they undo ib'odlv embody the feelings of our f?ov-ciiz"ns ; ImU it is due to the people of ibis city and t. our brethren of the South generally, to say, that there exists a Verv gcr.eral feeling of disappointment in relation Ik the tone of the Resolutions, and the feeling of apprehension which appears to pervade them, lest we should go too far in the expression of our sym pathy Tor the South. We, vho have laboured so long in ttiis cause, have probably nioro opjiortuni ties of juogingof public sentiment than most others; and we hazard nothing in saying, that the feeling is almost universally, that we have failed to meet the crisis, and stopped shw'rt o w hat duty to our- selves and to cur country ir.j iirtd ofu. The er ror was in sullering these resolutions to be offered and passed the same day. They should have been submitted to the public through the Press previous to the meeting, arid then, by a free discussion of the question, the true feelings of the community would have been elicited. As it was, the Committee were not in possession of public sentiment, and of course tliey have failed to embody it in their resolutions. Much has lieen said of the right of discussing the question of Slart ry, and of the danger arising y - t .1 t 4 Irorn any attempt to "abridge the ireeuom i speech and of the Press." But in our opinion, there is not sufficient attention paid to the position of the Slave-holding Slates at tho time of our union and the adoption of the existing Constitution. e know that Mr. Van Ctben holds the doctrine that the Constitution may be altered on this subject, and that in his disclaimer against interference with the question of slavery, he used the ominous words without " an alteration and amendment of the Con stitution ' and his authority has doubtless misled many in relation to the peculiar character of the question of slavery, and the manner in which it is interwoven with our institutions. We all know that the Constitution, in most re spects, may be altered and amwded in the mode pointed out in that instrument; yet a few brief ob servations will show that Mr. Van Buren and his followers are entirely in error in supposing that any amendment, touching the question of slavery, would be binding upon the Southern States, even if having the sanction of the requisite number of States thereto. If such amendment should le pro posed and carried according to the mode prescribed in the Constitution, it would be virtually an aban donment of the fundamental principles of our Union, and the States would consequently stand in the same relation to each other that they did previous to the union. To illustrate this, it is only necessa ry to revert to our then condition. A union was proposed of the original thirteen States, and the South said, " we assent on certain conditions." In the first place, you shall guarantee us in the peace able and quiet jossession of our Slaves, consent to our importing others for the criod of twenty years, and hold the forces of the confederacy in readiness to put down any insurrection that may occur. Se condly, although our black population are to le con sidered Shires they shall be represented in Con gress through their masters, and three fifths of them shall be estimated accordingly in forming the basis of the representation in Congrcsss." What did we of the North sav to this ? We abhorred slavery then as much and as sincerely as we do is done, provided the press be the instrument of jn now, but we found that, upon these conditions and I Hiding it that there is no redress' for injuries, none other, would t fie South treat with us, and af-! however malicious, or cruel, and destructive, if ter duly weighing thr? value of Union on one side' those injuries result from the freedom of discussion ! and the ci!s of Slavery on the other, our patriot- This argument, to aid to its force, is urged by ism and our in'crczt triumphed over our philan- those who never !efbre were guilty of sfrii't con th ropy, and wo solemnly agreed to the conditions sfrucfion by Federalists and Latitu.Iinarians ! of the South ami embnlied them in our Contitu- i If this frethe Constitution of the United States, the tion ! How idle, therefore, is it in Mr. Van ttritr.x, or any body -else, to contend, that the Constitution may be amended in this regard. It is not possible, and the moment such an amendment takes place the Union ceases. What, then, we would ask, are the fundamental principles which should be the rule of action in eve ry State Legislature ? We answer, those upon which was based the Union of the States. As a condition of that Union, we pledged the faith of the Northern States to protect the South in the quiet possession of their Slaves, and we neither have done, nor can legally do any act which in its na ture will prevent our redeeming that pledge. If onr people are publishing incendiary tracts, hand bills, or newspajrs, which in their tendency are calculated to excite insurrection among the slaves of the South, then the condition of the Union itself, which is paramount to all other considerations, re quires at the bands of our Legislatures special enactments intended to sttjtpress and prevent anv such publications in fuMirv: And it is clearly with in the powers of the Legislature, as it is its duty, to define what character of publications are calcu lated to disturb the South in that peaceable posses sion of their Slaves which the States have guaran teed, and all such not only may Ik, but should be suppressed by the strong arm ot the Law. These are not only our views, but we believe them to be the views of nine-tenth of our fellow citizens; and such being the fact, we wou'd respect fully ask Do the Resolutions njfered to the meet ing in the Park, anil adopted because none others were offered, express the feelings of the inhabi tants of this city? We answer No. And we fur ther say, that they are not such as will in anv way tend to allay the excitement of the South on this subject. We are sorry to add, but it is neverthe less true and undeniable, that these resolutions owe their feeble character, and we had almost said, dis reputahle want of manly energy, to a dio:ition on the part of the Committee, to deprecate the cen sure of that portion of the Press, which, although nominally with us, are at heart devoted to the cause of the abolitionists. In our estimation, they leave the whole subject in a worse situation than before the meeting, and having omitted any speci fic recommendation to the Legislature, the only tendency of the meeting will le to induce the be lief in the South that the real and thinly concealed alo!ition spirit of the Keening Post has but too ma ny advocates among us, notwithstanding our dis claimers to the contrary. Our only hope now is in the Legislature. In that IknIv we fondly trust, will e found those who dare do their duty to the country in defiance of either open or concealed ene mies, ami whose first act will bo to enact the se verest ptMialties of the taw against any ami every person who shall cither publish, or cause to lie pub lished or circulated, Tracts or Pajers calculated to promote insurrection among the Slaves of the Southern States. From the Richmond Whig. ANTI-AEO UTION MEETING IN NEW YORK. Afler much note of preparation, ami tho rather ostentatious display ef Vice-Presidents at the meeting, New York has spoken. We confess ourselves less pleased with the pro. ceedings in New York than we had hoped, and fir less so than with those ol Philadelphia, containing, to our apprehensions, much more heartiness and less parade, and omitting a good deal of offence contained in the former, unnecessary at any time, and especially ill-timed now. Wc proceed to spe cify examples. What need then was there for "deploring the existence of slav.-ry, and all the evils which attend it?" Does i slavery impinge "upon them? Does it jeopard their safety, or endanger their souls with Cod, or injuriously affect their interests, or com promise them in the eye of foreign nations?- We consider this Ian-mage itself as intermeddling as calculated to encourage the I anatics in their no tions of removing a great "evil" as tending to dis content the slave. Is the proposition, that the Northern People have no possible concern in our domestic relations, so unreasonable, so void of f iree and truth, so difficult of comprehension, that they can neither admit nor understand it? Of all spots on the face of the earth, the city of New York has the least right to complain of Southern Slavery as an "evil." It has been none to her at all events, whatever it may have been or now is to the Sou thern States. Her wealth and her palaces have lecn created and erected bv the labor of Southern Slaves. Nor can we but repine at the tenor of the first and second resolutions. The South has asked the North to protect her women and children from as sassination, by suppressing incendiary publications, calculated, if not designed to produce that conse quence. She has appealed to Northern justice, hu manity, and fraternal regard to effect this. The right of the South to require it is sustained by the laws of nations. What says Valtel? "The sovereign ought not to suffer his subjects to molest the subjects of others, or to do them an injury, much less should he permit them audacious ly to otlend foreign powers; he ought to oblige the guilty to repair the damage, if that le possible, to inflict on him exemplary punishment, or, in short, according to the nature of the case and the cir cumstances attending it, to ueliver himself up TO THE orFENDED STATE, THERE TO RECEIVE JUS TICE. This is pretty generally observed with re spect to great crimes, ami such as are equally con trary to the laws and safety of all nations. Assas sins, incendiaries, and robbers, are seized every where, and at the desire of the sorereign of the place where the ojfence was committed, deliver ed I'P TO HIS JUSTICE." Will it be contended that foreign sovereignties can require the enforcement of this principle against each other, and that confederated sovereignties cannot? That we may obtain that justice from nn alien that is denied by an ally and brother? Has the Union reduced us to this helpless and humili ating condition? Is the silken chord of brotherly love not only to bind us to friendly offices, but to tie us neck and heels and submit our throats to the assassin? We are aware of the adverse argument that the Constitution of the United States ami that of New York guarautie the unlimited right of opinion, of the Press, and of discussion. To what does this amount ? Whv, to this that no wrong South, with one voice and one acclaim, would dis solve its allegiance to that instrument. Hut it is a gross lilKd upon it a shocking jw-rversion of its be nevolent snirit. The entreaty of the South to restrain the ma chinations of the Fanatics, js met by a great deal of profession indeed, by strong denunciations of the Fanatics, (wind) and by high-sounding talk about the Union, o.ir Southern brethren, eVc. cVc, very well in its place, but totally misapplied when con nected with a plump refusal to do what the South asks, to punish those who may instigate murder and arson; and yt more out of place when connled with a direct recognition of the right of the Fana tics to continue their agitation. It is "great crv and littlo wool." It is encouragement to the alo litionists for it i a vindication of the constitution ality of their past and future efforts. Th meeting profess their rerdiness to aid the South against do mestic violence nn overture which they will ne ver fo required to full!, f r th South wants no protector in that matferr A little perrntion is what was aked for nnd no military aid whatever. We regret ti speak thus, but these refl-ctions frce themselves ntwi us. We regret that the New York meeting fet itself ciljed upon to levail the evil of slavery, and instead of an affirmatic re sponse to the call of the South, to give to the world a vindication of the constitutional right of the Fa natics to agitate the subject. Silence upon Iioth heads had leen as well, had leen more prudent, had been more wise in the present state of things. The South is satisfied with her condition, and wants J no bevailings and lamentations from anv part of the earth. All she asks is, ' bauds ofF" and since it is plain that words are only to le employed to subject the villians who arc plotting against her tranquility, from fhoe who alone have the power to net in her !eha'f, he mut stand in her own de fence, and look not beyond the vigor of her own laws, and the arm? of her own sons. Those are sufficient. Her pride will now ask only to le spared the outpouring of symrathy, lamentations for her condition, prof'ssons of a readiness to pro tect her, and all that sort of thing, which has leen repeated until iiauea has supervened. Hread has leen aked for, and a stone given. Stones and rm.fwions cot noting a fict which has been dis covered elsewhere than in New York. Tho Rosfon Commercial Gazette publishes the following reminiscence. It is of momentous im Krtance, and ought to le repeated to every man at the North, who would palliate the ofToneos of the Alolitionists. Mr. Rirnkv's words shew what are the visions which Abolitionists make the subject of their familiar contemplation. REMINISCENCE : At the Second Annual Meeting of the American Anti-Slavery Society, held at New York in May, the speakers were Mr. S. H. Rirnov of Kentucky, the Rev. Mr. Stow of Eoston, the Rev. Mr. Kirk, and Mr. ( eorge Thompson, the English Missiona ry. According to the official Rc;ort fr the past year, the Auxiliary Sx'iotics had increased from a!out 50 to two hundred, and under the direction of the Society, within the last year, had been pub lished no less than 222,000 opiVsnf different works to promote their object!!! Mr. Hirncy made a speech on the occasion; and, among other remarks, uttered the following : "I SAY IT ADVISED LY, THAT IF IMMEDIATE EMANCIPA TION IN THE SOUTH HE NOT GRANTED SOON a GENER XL INSURRECTION MUST TAKE PLACE THERE. WHICH MAY EM) IN A DISSOLUTION OF TIIE UNION. A writer in Aug'usta. fi3s written n longand able erpo xurr of the Baltimore Convention Address. It was not wortfi his trouble; the thing In been only read bv certain unlnnpy editors, as part of the drudgery of their vocation. It was a deadbnrn monster, and todig it up to exhibit it, is as bad as criticising the Alcnikns. From the Rnleigh Register. PRECEPT versus PRACTICE. The chief ground upon which the pretensions of Gen. Jackaon originally rested, was the necessity which existed for a retorip in every branch of the Government- The cry of corruption had been raised, not merely against the immediately prece ding, but every former Administration. Abuses, it was said, had crept into the Government, and Gen. Jackson was the Hercules to whom was as signed the arduous ta?k of cleansing the Augean Stable. "The recent demonstration of public sen sentiment, (says he in his Inaugural Address,) in scribes on the list of Executive duties, in charac ters ton legible to be overl.Kked,the task of Reform ; which will require particularly the correction of those abuses which have brought the patronage of the Federal Government into conflict with the free dom of elections." That these pledges have bee..) openly ami shamefully violated, there is not a corner of our country, however obscure or remote, which docs not furnish abundant evidence. The most recent instance which has occurred, happened in this State, and is disclosed in the following article from the Elizabeth City Herald r the Times:" To the Editor of the Herald of the Times : Sir: Enclosed I sen I you a correspondence which has accidentl y fallen into my hands. I wish it publish ed, that the people of the District of Edenton may see tfie attempts which have been made, by persons not re sidents of this District, to interfere in our atlairs. The Editor of the Glolie, it seems, was too wary to be entrapped by Mr. Kinney; he would not reply to his letter until fie was satisfied of his orthodoxy. If any thing was needed to satisfy tfie people that attempts are continually made by the Office-holders at Washington City to control the State elections, this letter of Mr. Blair's would, it seems to me, entirely dispel any doubts. Who is this Mr. Blair that pretends to judge of h norable men! I am told he is one of the hired slander ers bought up and carried to Washington City tor the express purpose of publishing a paper to sustain the Kitchen Cabinet and their tool, Martin Van Buren. I sir, am no candidate; I never sought, nor would I accept of any public office whatever; but I cannot re strain my indignation, when I see persons, that I know to be the very refuse of all parties, attempt to pronounce judgement uKn men of character and respectability. Your obedient servant, AiiATOIt. Ar. Neither Kinney, Fowlkes, or Blair are re sidents of this District, or Slate. Elizabeth Citt, N. C, April 13, 1335. Mr. Editor : I wish you would do the Jackson party of rm. IJ. Shcpard's District the kindness to gi e me a particular account ot the political character of that gentleman's votes and s;)eeches in the House. Shepird will lie opposed by a true Jackson mm, and will cer tainly be defeated, if you will be so goo 1 as to give me j the means of showing the people wiiat fie has been about j at Congress fr four years. .More than three-fourths of j his constituents are Jackson ; and some of them are de- j termineu that he shall nut misrepresent their views a no- i mor ixvo years. io jrne an account oi rtiieporu s worK , act vith aa, VlTr,iVrh men who had ltraved the co-r-at asmngton, as early as convenient. We want to i ? ., r v . m, , , ' , j , . j" i i i . i i . j uence ot the Keoujl.can party". TJiev acted wi-e V Ki ow how he has acted, and send him to his plantation. 1 - uut-u HLl')i it he has oppo"d the Administration Respectfully, sir, your servant, WM II. K1NNEV. P. S. This is private. Editor of the Close, Washington. Washington, April 2, 1335. Dear Sir : The enclosed I declined answering, be cause I was not certain tint the writer was a friend ; and if he were not, I thought it possible that his object I OIL,, was to draw out such a reply as might beheld up as an insidious attempt to injure Mr. tshepard and an impro per interference, on the part of persons at Washington, with the business of the people. Understanding from Mr. Whccl-T that you are a true friend of the R -publican cause, I have no hesitation in giving my testimony as to the ficts about which I am interrogated in the letter, with liberty to you, to make whatever use you tiiink proper, V to be as decided an opponent of the President and tfie Administration, as anv member in Conirrcss. He has of the enemies of the Administration and on all party questions, his ote has been counte 1 o:i ascertantly be forehand by them, as it has been uniformly set down bv the friends of the Administratioi jainst them In fact, mi mill 1 1 lu ii iii urn v.- iiiiiiu i Huron gin v in lentified with the opposition than both sides have held Mr. Shepard to be and as for myself, I sincerely assure you, that I shoul 1 consider tiie chance for the occasion al support of John Q. Adams vastly more to calcula ted on in behalf of the Administration than the mem ber of Congress from your District. Mr. Adams sometimes under the impulse of patriotic feeling wlrch gets the better of his party propens.ties-Mr. kie-,ard ! never, in one instance, to my knowledge. Your obedient servant, F. P. BLAIR. P. S. Von may retain and preserve this letter. To Dr. J. Fowlkes, Elizabeth City, N. C. Trade of Scxd Orleans. We are furnished, by a calculator, with die value of a few of the leading arti cles embraced in t he trade of New Orleans, for the past year the estimate is as follows: Cotton, 37,000,000 Sugar and Molasses, 9.0'dO,KK) Tobacco, 3,'J.j(1,01H) I,ard, Pork, and Bacon, 3,500,000 Flour and Corn, l,7oO,tXM) Ixad 1,000,000 Rigging and Rope, l,:i(K),O00 Wiuskey, 500,000 $37,300,000 Other articles received from the inte rior, probably $12,700,000 70,tXK,000 The amount of the trade coastwise, and from abroad, including- the goods that pass through the city, will amount to about an equal sum. The whole domestic exports of the United States, for the year ending 30th September, 1S33, amounted only to the sum of .70,317,00 Tho value of the im ; orts for the same year was $10,113,311. AVic Orleans Bulletin. The whole Union seems to be marching to the tune of "Blow ye brettes." The people of Burlington, vXcv Jersey,) having resolved to mob a black porter, attacked the wrong man, who defeated them, wounding three with buckshot. Sundry other riots, too tedious to mention, have occurred in different places. From a statement of the affairs of the Rink of the United States, up tothefith cf July last, it appears that, after allowing six mifliims of didlars for bad debts, that institution lias still a clear surplus of seventeen per cent, to divide amonst its stockholders! A lot of cotton, comprising 0,000 hales, says the New Orleans Bulletin of July 7, changed hands yesterday, the amount of the bill of which was near ly half a million of dollars. This, it is believed, is 1 1 1 A t A 111 me largest single iraiisacimn ever acre rccortica in the annals of cotton opera?c : vi supported the press here, winch has not only abused the tilG Northern FHeralists are advancing to the support Administration throughout the last six years, hut which ' of Jackson Van Bnrenism, even Tennessee is receding has abused the private character of the President, and Has not North CiVmi withdrawn from tV ;,i-..vrt c excited that feeling m the opposition which it is not un- ' t!ip YwAmmrtvan! V,',rr - n-' -r ' to i t i i i. i - ii i.i me yurihCTii pariv anu .yori.irrn nn icih pof m Tt i. Iikelv has led to assaults on his venerable p rson. She- ; , , ! 1 uniu pard's association has been with the most vindictive !ron? 11 not f,,vo bcen fr t!ie all-fw.vcrful name FIAT JCSTITIA KCAT C CULL'S?. IE CAltOLLYIAiV. jL ii : i SALISBURY: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER "SIGNS OF THE TIMES." Ever since the promulgation of the rank federal doc ttines contained in the Proclamation, by Gen. Jackson, his Administration has been gradually gaining the fa vor and support of the Northern States. They have been gohig over, one by one, until there is now but one (Massachusetts) remaining out of the flock which is to be transferred from Jackson to Van Daren. The re cent elections in Rhode Island have resulted in the en tire overthrow of the Whigs, ani the election of Van Biiren Federalists to Congress ami a majority of th same stamp to the State Legislature. At this result the Van Buren presses have set up a general shout of "tha Aristocracy defeated "The Democracy"' (!!!) "tri umphant!" " Rhode Island regenernttd .'" &c. We must beg leave to differ with these presses as to the fact of Rhode Islan i's "regeneration" or that of any other of the New England States that have lately taken into tiieir embraces Van Buren and h;S princi ples. These States have not a ban ionel their old ani long cherished principles in taking up .Mr. Van Baren. In what resp-7-ct does the principles held out in the late prominent measures of the Administration alier from those of the Northern Federalists and Tarirfiits? In their construction of the Constitution, tho Proclamation and Protest are as latitu Iinarian as the most ultra Federalist of 1793 could desire. They are the very same doctrines conten led for by the old Federal party in the Convention that framed the present Constitu tion of the United States. Wh3t nore could the Fe deralists desire, than to see a President who had ben elected by the Republican party, fbr his Republican principles, whose popularity was almost u:il)onn-5eJ, and in whose political orthodoxy a large portion of the American people unfortunately placed a confidence al most amounting to i-lnlatry corning over and making a full confession of fiith in their political creed, ! Ne ver, since the overthrow of the Federalists, with the elder Adams at their head, by the Republicans, with Mr. Jefferson at their head, had the ausoices been so favorable to the re-ascendency of Federal ien and Fe deral principles. It was unnatural to suppose that the Northern States would blight prtsoects so fiir f r their once more grasping the reins of power, bv refusing to am! they are acting steadily. Mr. Van B jren's principles, in regard to a Prnfrc'iie Tariff, is another ground fir his support bv the North ern an Manufacturing States, tie will be el -t ted. if elected at all, (which GnJ, in his mercy avr! !) by the votes of the Tariif States. lie voted for the Tariiror lS the "Bill of Abominations." He Ins ever been , ,J O.,...'. I C' - -l -. ' "sT1 to oouu.e. .,,...,.. oouuiern principles ; it ,s a 't'wnright attempt at m-iposUioti for Ins presses in the out!i to si t:iat he acted under instructions from his own tate, in voting for tn uritT, vv'in lie hi procured these very instructions to be gotten up. The only link now wanting to co npleto the train of Van Buren Fedfralism is, for Massachusetts to inve in her adherence. The South then, probablv, would be gin to tear from her eyes the mask of Ji'v;sonism that ! has so long rendered all the efforts to arou-e her incf- Actual And we are not unmia Iful of t!-n course -hi ; . , , , . , -ujm .n.i evor,ts have aJrea"'J tak-!1 ' tne South and West. As of Jickson, van burenism, m North Carolina, would have fallen to the ground still-born. L t the content .t i . . i i - in mis c-taie do exclusive between an Buren a id an- ? rentable opponent, an! then see how iw akened rc- publicans will flock aroun 1 the standard of Liberty. VAN BUREN AND ABOLITIONISM. It makes the Southern Van Buren men quite nnfrr7 to tell them that their idol is an Alvditionist. Wheth- -J ' ri tone ha :or.a c.- t ' .--- -.1. -. . . , ' , r. "7"lt s ,,r nnl endeavor to mriKe ot icrs b;i,love t?llt that is said about him by the Wings anU .Aoilihers is utterly false. We lave sellom heard it alledged against Mr. Van Buren that n lo.iii Hunt- ujiduuiir in me unrighteous caur,e oi the Abolitionists, or that he is a member of any of the Societies at the North. But, this we believe: it is not the injustice of the course and the diabolical intentions of the Abolitionists, or the dangerous consequences re sulting to the Union at large, from the prosecution of their schemes, that has dictated his present no.-i-com-mittal course. His recorded acts, however, w:ll show that his predilections, if he has any, are on the Addi tion sid of the fence. At the time of Missouri's ;oiis slon into the Union, when an attempt was making to restrict Slavery within her limits, which is Aliolition in its worst form, did net .Martin Van Buren use his utmost efforts for the election of Rufus Kin" to the United States Senate, on the express grounds of his resfrictio i principles ? He wrote a labored pamph let in favor of Mr. King's election, who teas, through these means, elected, took his scat in the Senate, and voted for the restriction. What renders the picture still stronger is, that a son of this same Rufus King edits a paper in New York, which espouses the abolition doc trines of the present day. As this son seems so cor rectly to inherit the principles of his father, is it not fair to infer that Mr. Van Buren still retains his ! we think so, especially when there is no proof to tho contrarv. Mr. Van Buren voted, in the New York Convention, to extend the right of suffrage to all free negroes, which -is another straw to show which way the wind blows. I5ut, there is another evidence that he, and all his par ty, are not only abolitionists, but tunaTzamationists ; that is, the nomination of Richard M. Johnson, a practice amalgamator, for the Vice-Presidency on the ticket with Van Buren. From these facts we do not say that Mr". Van' Buren is an abolitionist; but, if there is any truth in the old ada?;e, that "acts speak louder then ward" m,:t- lie had better - ff J have a few of his exnuttrrp.I CO- The creatures at their dirty icork again. The band of northern desperadoes and mad-men annenr de. - " I -1 t. - 1 lermmea upon tne cestruct nn of the Union and r?eln ging the South with tlio blood of its citizens. Foiled