o v. v, m ' i - - - k 4 ? mn r :... 'PHI.-' W P!TP.n V r a k n l.l I A V wmilil respectfully inform ? ! in? Clerks of Court, SheriJfs, Consta Lie?, and ot:ier gentlemen of business, that they have v; now on hand, printed in a superior style, on the &Z very best quality of paper, a large supply of a a ( . A k . . - . . - - - I - - Of almost every Description, 3 Which they will sell on verv numerate trms. " V . V To those who become regular customers get : a!l their Blanks of ns a very considerable reduction will he made from our regular price. - A n I?t-..,1- v-i-i.r r-rf lmt-r nn tinrifl 5c y will be printed to order on very short notice. Orders from a distance will meet wuh prompt r? attention; and Blanks put up and ibrwardeJ r 'n me s-irei an'i moi trxpfumous iain.i. JO 15 PKIMIW. y : y Vf if- At A- '. if AX They would likewi.-e inform Merchants and y ' other, that, having an assortment ot tancy a J h Type, Cuts, ij-c, which is probably nn- Ayr suqvtsaed by any in the State, thev are prepn- red to execute all kinds of UOOiv an.l J()K ' 1RLTLG in a very superior slyle. Such as Il:os, Pamphlets, Circulars, Curds, IIuxil-X " ?;. r. III. .?;. C,r Sliws .tr. y. 3C 'X S.1lis!iirv. June J7. 135. V ' . . - ' v.- . DAVID L. POOIi, JEWELLKR A: SI3VK2:-V1IITII, RKSPECTTU LLV in forms his Friends and the Public, that he still conti nues to carry on the above ha V business, in all its various "3.9 AMf.' i i ' . : 1?TT m-aucnes o n'.i-. u it. .-it His fttiop is sun kept on the Main-street, in Salisbu ry, one door above the Store of Samuel Lemly .V Son. Watches and Clocks of every kind will Ik? REPAIR I I) with neatness, at short notice, on reasonable terms, and Warranted for 1 2 Months. lie will always keep on hand a variety of arti cles in his line; such as Patent Lever WafcIlC. (English, French, Swiss, and Dutch.) GoM and Plated Fob Chains. Cold and Plated Watch Guard. GolJ and Plated Watch Keys. Gold and Plated Watch Seals. Gold Car-bobs, Breast-pins, and Finger-rings, (latest fashion.) Silver Ware ; Kver-pointed Pencil Cases, and Lead.-. Silver Spectacles, and steel frames and glasses. Fine Pocket aud Dirk Knives, and Silver Fruit Knives. p!. Uet Pistols and Dirks. Urea.,t Iluttons and .Musical Boxes. Gilt and Steel Watch Chains and Keys. (SCj Old (old ami Silver taken in exchange for articles purchased at his shop, and in payment for work done and debts due. D. L. P. Salisbury, August 22, 1835. tf 3IO JH NEW CJOOIS2 MClirV W WalMUl would inform his friends and the public, tint he has ju:i received, directly fr-t-.'i t!i JSortii, an entirely nw Stock of Staple and Fjiu'V Iry-(ioods,Groceries,and Confectioneries, which lie :!1 dispose of CHKAP for cash. His Stock con-i-ist-, m irirt, of Fine blue, and olhr Cloths, Suttinrts, Circassians, B nr.hazinrs, and Drillings ; Vest in gs of various kinds; Hats, Iianii'.ts, and Shins ; Hard-ware, 'Jrterns-ware, Cull fry, and Crockery-ware , Sugar, and Cojfte; Powder, and Lead; good smoking and e 'i'.wuig lohareo, eye. eye. His CO.NFECTIOXAUIES consist of various Can dies, Nut, &.c. II. XV. XV. particularly reelects t ie public to call anil examine his Stock, as he is very certain that he can find fomethinjr to please all. Salisbury, September 5, lSv. pi A The Dank Iot asul 3ouc, iN TN the Town of Salisbury, will he of 13 1 11 fcrrefl al Fnhlic Sale, in said Town, jjTN&Ea on Tuesday of next Rowan Superior Court, (the 13th of October next.) on a credit of 0 and 12 Months, the purchaser giving bonds with approved Security. The Sale will be made with out reserve. By order cf the Board of Directors of the Prin cipal Bank. D. W. STONE, Cashier. July 25, 1S35. ts i n mmmms A ! I if . mm m V M 1 mt n m Lincoln jJ.i County, EIIE Subscriler, grateful for tlie very lileral patronage heretofore lestovel upon his esta blishment, legs leave to announce to his former patrons and the public especially invalids and gentlemen or families who may desire a pleasant Summer Retreat that hij establishment is now ready fijr their reception, and thut he is prepared to accommodate them in a style, he flatters him- self, that cannot fail to give entire satisfaction ; at j least, no cfiorts shall In; wanting on his part to render his guests comfortable. WILLIAM S. SIMONTON. Catawba Springs, June 0, lri35. t f ffilAi) t'iil iX. On the 8th of September next, I WILL ofrer f r Sale, at mv Dwelling-house, in the Forks of tlie Yadkin, Iredell County, N. C, near Gnt?iVs, or Albea's Store, Two Tracts Of Land, (if not sold Ufore,) Containing 203 Acres; Lying ima-jediately on the South Yadkin River JC 9 'i with an excellent seat for Mills, factories, vVc. Monday the 10th of October; the h7th on Wed This land is fertile, and a'PJ to the culti- Csday"tho 2lst; the 0 1th Regiment, in Rowan, ration 01 uoni, ir.i:, ioimcc", tve, wun gooo Dvelliiis and excellent water. Also, my Crop of Corn,Oats,and Fodder; Blackout h's Touts; Stfcli of all kinds ; Household and Kitchen furniture and all such articles as movers generally sell. Aug. 21, -3 JOHN LEA. Salisbury Elotel, Salisbury, ?. C. jTHlE Subscriber informs tlie PuL . 1 j,a!, purchased the above mention' mcul f William II. Slaughter, in wh am, advaa us,y I - ?TI1E Subscriber informs the Public, that he cu estauiisn- hose hands it known as a -nous i: u f i: n t i: r t a i n m is n t- Ile Hatters himself that, by care and dilligent at tention, he shall be able to keep up the former en viable reputation of this House. !iTa?Ic Shall be well supplied with the best that a plenti ful market can afiord. Hi ISar Is furnished with the choicest foreign and domes tic Liquors. His Rooms are lar:e and commodi ous. His Beds and bedding ae at all times par ticularly neat, clean, and comfortable, and irar ranfed secure against those annoyances that a tra rtlhr so much detests. His Servants are honest, faithful, and obliging. His Stables are inferior to none always well supplied with old (train, and attended to" by faithful Ostlers. lie invites the travelling community tu call once or his sake, and he doubts not but that they will call again for their own sakes. To Slaijc Ias ciicr : The Stages on the main North ern and Southern Line, con ducted bv Peck and V ellford. and known as the .Merchant's Line, arrive at and depart from this Hotel oneve.y Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and twice on Saturday. OCT This is to correct an impression which has been produced abroad, that another Hotel in this rill age is the Stage-house for this Line. Seats in all other Stayes, arriving at or departing from this place, can be secured here. Salisbury, August 15, l-'i-l. Coiiiiitiiou A NO Forwarding BUSINESS. THE undersigned has made arrangements for Ware-IlOUSC Room and other accommo dations, to enable him promptly, saft ly, and satis factorily to attend to receiving and forwarding up the Country, or down to the Sea-board, Goods, Wares, Merchandize, and Jroducc. As he will devote himself to this business, it may be for the interest of Country Merchants and others, to give such a direction to their consign ments, that the undersigned may have an opportu nity to prevent accidents, delays, or other embar rassments, which sometimes happen to Goods and Produce 14 in transitu.1 The strictest attention may be relied on. The charge which will be made for attention, will be fifteen per cent, on all mnev piid. FELIX LONG. Refer to . . J. G. MrKESZIi:, D. S' J- M ALLOY, LaCOSTF McKA V, liliOWy IWYAX, JAM US YlllGlll HOIST. C. DA VIS, JOIIS C. COlTy A. HLVF, D. S. HAUL LEE, GEO. II. DUX LA P, A. iV 1L McKEXZIi:, Cheraw, August 1. 1535. n 0 penj.imin Fralcy respectfully inn Friends and the Public at large, that 'orms his he std! continues to carry n tlie Tailoring Business in all its various branches, in the Town of Salisbury, on .Main-street, a few doors East of f lie Ci urthouse, adjoining the Storehouse of Wm. Murphy, where he is preparer! to make all kinds of Clothing in a very superior st le in the most fashionable style, and warranted to tit well, and on very moderate terms, at short notice. AH Orders from a dis tance will be most faithfully attended to according to order. Produce will be received in payment for work. B. F. Being Agent f r some of the most Fashionable - r Tailors of New ork and Philadelphia, he would take a pleasure in teaching, or giving instruction to any Tailors wishing instruction in the art of Gutting; and any one wishing the New York arid Philadelphia Fashions, can receive them bv gi ving timely notice to Benjamin Fraley, Salisbury, N. C. Letters postage paid. Salisbury, 135. t f ''IIIE Subscriber is desirous of purchasing a large 1 number of LIKELY YOUNG NEGROES, from ten to twenty years of age, for which he will at all times give the highest prices in Cash. Persons having such property to sell, would do j well to call on him, at Salisbury, or on Mr. John j his t at charlotte. At any time, when he may lo absent. Col. R. W. Long, will be found at the Mansion Hotel, in Salisbury, prepared to make purchases All letters addressed to him or his Agent, Mr. John Jones, will meet with pron pt attention. June 25th 1-35. tf ROBERT II FIE. IIUIUAIXH OltDUUS. Head Quarters, 3IocKsviLi.K, August 14, 183 35. ) lIII-' several Regiments composing tlie 7th Bri- their several Muster Grounds, armed and equip. I.od nS tllf I.IW iIiiimOj C,,r I i.r...l i.wi nril I'oiion- as fi,Uims . The & -Mb Re-iment. in Davidson, on on Friday the 23rd, and the G3rd on Tuesday the Xi7th of October next. The Reviews will commence at each place at 12 o clock. By Order of JAMES COOK, Brig. Gen. MiMiottD .McKhnzie, Aid de Cacip. tra. t 7 FORTUNE'S home:: NORTH CAKOLIXA STATE Fur the Be nefit of the SALISBURY ACADEMY NINTH CLASS FOR 18S5. To Ijc Drawn at Salisbury, N. On Thursday, the 21th September, 1835, ON THE POPULAR Tcrminating-Figure System. STEVENSON & TOINTS, MANAGERS. CAPITA I j c :: is i: is 1 Prize of 0,000 DOLLARS is SG.000 1 " of 3,000 DOLLARS is 3,000 12 " of 1,(KK) DOLLARS is 12,000 15 " of 500 DOLLARS is 7,500 15 " of SOO DOLLARS is 4,500 20 " of 200 DOLLARS is 4,000 00 " of lOO DOLLARS is 0,000 100 " of 50 DOLLARS is 5,000 116 of 30 DOLLARS is 3,10 201 of 20 DOLLARS is 4,020 300 " of 15 DOLLARS is 5,500 G,0()0 " of 10 DOLLARS is G0.000 0,000 of G DOLLARS is 3G,000 0,000 " of 4 DOLLARS is 21,000 1 8,8 1 1 Prizes, amounting to 81SO,000 A Package of 10 Whole Tickets will cost 40 00 And must draw neit - - - - 17 00 82 3 00 A certificate for a Package of 10 Whole tickets will be 823 00 For 10 Half tickets, - - - 1 1 50 For 10 Quarter tickets, - 5 75 K?" All Orders from a distance, by mail (post paid) or bv private conveyance, enclosing the cash lor pri.e-tickets in our previous Lotteries, will re ceive the most prompt attention, it addressed to JAMES I. LONG, Salisbury, N. C. ; and an ac count of the thawing will be forwarded immediate ly afier its event. 07" All prizes payable in ca-di, Forty days after the drawing, subject to a deduction of ffteen per cent. Whole Tickets, - - 84 00 Halves, .... 2 00 Quarters, ... - 1 00 To 1; had, in the greatest variety of numlers, at ja.mms r. coxns otvi (Corner of Mansion Hotel,) SALISBURY, N.C. August 20, 13.. td r!t X Sph iulid Cp-iH !ILiiae of" ISaclis, FROM Salisbury, (A. C) to Etalrih, (X.C) VNXIOUS toailbrd every ficility to the Travelling Public, now announce that they have completed all their arrangements and can with truth say. We pre sent you with a Line of I fachs possessing advantages over any other, if you wish to get on with ease and despatch having obtained that great desidt ratum with all Travellers no df te ntion on the road, ft is soar ranged as to correspond, in its arrivals at Italeigh, with the departure of the following Stages, viz: The Great Daily Line to Ulikely, North-Carolina, passing through Iiouisburg, Warrenton, and Halifax; at the latter place a Line of Stages communicates with the Portsmouth Uail-ltoad t'T Norfolk: by continuing on to Blikley, you strike the IV t-Tsburg Rail-Road ; and on your ar rival at that place you have the choice of two Lines either by land to Washington City, via. Richmond ami Frederickslur!r. or bv Steam-Ilat to Norf lk. There is alo a I.u.e of Stages from R ileigh to Norfolk, via. Tarborough, Murfreesborough, Winton, &c, over one cf the best Natural Roads in the United States. At Norfolk there will ! no detention, as there is a line of Steam-Boats for I Villi more in connexion with this line. This line a!.- connects with one from Ualigh to New hern. The arrivals at Silihury is regulated altogether by the departure of the piedmont Line South, and the Great West era Line tor Nashville. Tennessee, via. Lincolnton. I'li'.hertbnlton, Abbeville, Kn v !!e, &c. Leives t!ie MiiHinti Hotel, Salisbury. Tl:E.SDAY and SATURDAY at 0 o'clock, A. M. a'der the arrival of the Piedmont Stage from the South arrives in IJ-ilei gh next d ivs at i)V!ock, l. .M. Leaves Raleigh TUES DAY aii ! SATURDAY at 2 oVbirk, A. M.. arrives in S ilib:iry next days by 4 o'clock, I. M. allowing suf ficient time on the road for S L II F. P . (cT" The Hackare Albany make, entirely new, anil cannot be surpassed for comfort and ease; liie Teams are excellent, the Driven- c-i refill arid attentive, and the P-iru low only SFYFS DOLLARS all inter mediate distances 7 cent- per mile. j7" I'assengers from the South who wish to take our Line will !e careful to enter to Salisbury oidy. Xy All Bundles and Packages nt the risk of the mvnors- WILLIS MORIXG, JOSLTH L MORIXG. P. S. This Line, from Salisbury to Baltimore is sS cheap' r tha ant other. April 11, 1SV5. tf The Fare from Raleigh to Washington City amounts to 810 50, as folloics : From Raleigh to illakley, fctacre rare, . . . S7 151a kley to Petersburg, Rail-Road Fare, 3 Petersburg to Richmond, Stage Fare. . 1 50 Richmond to Fredericksburg. Stage Fare, 5 Fredericksburg to Washington City, Steam Boat Fare, ..... 3 The Steam-Boat Fare from Petersburg to Baltimore, via. Norfolk, is Four Dollars. Stone l iiKing. 'IlIB Subscriber respectfully informs the Public that I he is now carrying on the above business, in all its various branches, six and a half miles South of Salibu ry. He assures Gold-miners, Millers, and all interest ed in his business, tliat he will, on the shortest notice, furnish them with GOLD-GRINDERS and MILL STONES, of the very best grit, and on cheap terms, ex ecuted in a style surpassing any other work of the kind done in this rSlate. Also, Tomb-Stones, Window-Sills, Door-Sills, &c, kpl constantly on hand. Mill-Stones, heretofore costing from s35 to sll), he will now make tor s;25 or s30. Gold-Grinders heretofore costing j!s25 fie wilt cut for ,s20. Window-Sills co.-ting s;l for ,s2. Door-Sills the same. He only asks a trial of his work being assured that li2 can give the most entire satisfac tion. JOHN IIOLDSOUSER. May 23, 1S&V 20p Morgan to n nns. ImWux j. polk I ESPECTFULLY announces to the Public, that the first session of the above Seminary will terminate on the 2oth of September, 1835; at which time there will be a general Examination of the Pupils on the various branches usually taught in an Institution of the kind. She also takes great pleasure in announcing that .Miss E. , Maria Douglas, late cf Virginia, has been selected j as assistant Teacher, and more especially to fill department of Music in this institution. 1 he high respectability of this Lady, her superior attain ment, and her success as a Teacher of music has been fully and satisfactorily tested both in Virgnia and North Carolina. N. B. This Institution is now in a very flourish ing condition, having largely upwards of 40 seho lars, and has only been in operation about three months: in point of location, it stands unrivalled in the State of North Carolina. The high mountains by which it is surrounded, pure air and delightful water, renders it a stranger to fev rs and epidem ics of every kind prevalent in a S ut hern climate. Morgauton, Septemler 5, 1KJ5. p3. 3IcdicaI College ot iforia. 'fIIE Lectures in this institution will be resu-- med on the third Monday in October next, and continue, as usual, six months. The Lectures will be delivered by L. A. DUGAS, M. D., on Anatomy and Physiolo- PAUL F. EVE, M. I)., on the Principles and Practice of Surgery. A. CUNNINGHAM". M. D., on the Principles and Practice of Medicine. JOSEPH A. EVE, M. D., on Therapeutics and Materia Medica. M. ANTONY, M. D., on Obstetrics and the Dis eases .. Woim it and Infants. L. I). FORD, M. D., on Chemistry and Phar macy. TEic Term are Mutriculation Ticket, to betaken once, 85 00 Tickets for the Full Course, . . . 100 00 Tickets for Practical Anatomy, once only, 10 OO Diploma Fee, . . 10 00 JOHN W. WILD, President. L. D. Ford, Secretary Board of Trustees. Augusta, Ga., July 1, IS35. p 10 3i!ical College ot" S. Carolina, Queen-Street. Charleston. rlIIE Annual course of Medical Instruction in this Institution, will commence on the 2nd Monday in November next, and terminate on the 1st Saturday in March ensuing. Anatomy. By William Hume, M- D. Surgery. By Elias Horry Dea, M. D. Theory and Practice of Medicine. By Tho mas Y. Simons, M. D. Institutes of Jledieine and Materia Medica. By Henry Alexander, M. D. Chemistry. B Charles Davis, M. D. Obstetric? and Diseases of Women and Child ren. B Francis Y- Pore er, M. 1). Anatomical Demonstrations. 41 v 11. W. Crouch, M. I). 0O Clinical Instruction will be daily afford 1 at the Marine Hospital ami City Alms H which are under the Medieai dirt-etion of this Fa culiv ; also, in the- Infirmary attached to the Col lege, which is appropriated to negroes. FRANCIS Y. PORCHER, M. D., D an of the Faculty. William Hkme, M. D., Secretary. Charleston, S. C, August 29, 135. plO. 30 REW 1I. TANAWaY from the Subscriber, in Ruther- f .ni (' uiitv. North Cnrolinu, on the 15th in stant, a Negro Man named WARDY, aget! about 30 years, quite black, heavy built, about 5 feet s or 10 inches high. On examination of his face, one or two scars will be discovered supposed to be occasioned bv a bruise; he has a very large foot. When he eloped he had on a dark colored pair of pantaloons, a black bat, half worn; other clothing not recollected. In his countenance he is inclined to have rather a down cast. Also, a Negro Woman named LUCY, aged about 3S years, very black also; her front teeth tolerably worn. She is spare made, and of com mon heighth; has a good open countenance. Site had 011, when she eloped, a calicoe frock of light color. The above Negroes were purchased in Sampson County, North Carolina, (to wit: Wardv of a man b the name of Hicks, and Lucy of a Mi. Elling ton;) by Dr. Harrison Jordan, of Madison t 'ounty, Mississippi. A reward of FIFTY DOLLARS will be given for the apprehension aud securing in any Jail in this State, the above Negroes. Letters may be addressed to L. F. Henderson, or C. C. Hender son, at Lincolnton, each of whom is authorized tc receive said negroes from the apprehendors. THOM AS COLE, Agent For H arrison Jc hoax. Lincolnton, N. ('., August 22 135. 4i 3III.1TVKY SCHOOL. COL. CARTER JONES WILL attend at Salisbury on Wed nesday the 30th of this month, and on Thursday the 1st or next month ; also, at Moeksville on Friday the 2nd, and Saturday the 3rd das of October, for the nuroose of instructing his sebid;rs at each of these places, being the cond term fcr each. i i n J se September 5, 1835. tm- Beeves Wanted! gL-w! rTIIE Subscriber, intending to carry on the Butchering Business regularly in the Town of Salisbury, wishes to purchase a number of For which the highest prices will be given, in cash. His customers are notified that he will be ready to furnish them with GOOD BEEF on Mon- day, ednesday, and rneav mornings of eacli week the balance of the season. DAVID KERNS. Septeaiber 5, 1S35. tf. t JBcekw ilU' Anli-Dyspcplic I? II IL1L39 An infallible cure for Jlead-aches, Ileart-burns,. and the carious diseases of a disordered sto mach, bowels, and liver, JIAY BE HAD at THIS OFFICE, Price 50 cents per Box. fROM anion" the long list of testimonials as to i- the exci xcellence of these Pills, we consider it onlv necessary to publish the following. September 5, 1535. tf From the Hi. Her. Led S. Ires, D. D.y Bishop cf JYorih Carolina. Raleigh, March 2, 1S35. Having, for the last three y ears, been intimately acquainted with Dr. John Beckwith, of this City, an! enjoyed his professional services, I take plea sure in stating that his character as a Christian gentleman and experienced Phy sician, entitles his testimony, in regard to the use of his Anti dyspep tic Pills, to the entire confidence of the pubbe. My experience of the good effects of these Pills, for two years past, satisfies me of their eminent value, particularly in aiding in impaired digetion and warding otf bilious attacks. Having been f .r a long time subject to the annual recurrence of such attacks, 1 was in the habit of resorting for security against them, and with a very partial suc- j cess, to a liberal use of Calomel or blue P.l!. But since my acquaintance with the Anti-dyspeptic Pill of Dr. Beckwith, which be prescribed in the first instance himself, I have not been under the necessity of using Mercury in any form, besides, being w holly exempt from billious attacks. Seve ral members of my family are experiencing the same beneficial effects. L. S. IVES. From the Rev. Wm. MrPhccters, D. D., laic Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Raleigh. Algi st 20, 134. Tiie Pills now oflored to the American Public, sivled " Beck vviib's Ami-D speptie Pilis," I have long used as a family medicine, and have no hesi tation in hearing testimony to their value as a safe, convenient, aud efiiciert remedy. Iu Dys pepsia, and its usual attendants, Heartburn, Cos tiveness. Head ac he, loss of appetite, &c, evx, these Pills seldom fail of i-il'itding the desired re lief. Dr. Beckwith, long known to the community- in which he resides, as a scientific and suc cessful Practitioner of Medicine, having, bv nu merous experiments and long continued attention to the subject, brought his Pills to their nresent state of perfection, 1 am free to suv, as far as my experience and observation extend, no medicine beret, fore olK-rcd to the public, of a similar nature, ami for similar purposes, has higher er equal claims. WM. McPHEETERS. From the Hon. George E. Rodger. Raleigh, N v. 7, 1834. For several years past, Dr B -ckwith's Anti Dvspepnc Pdls have leen used as a domie me dicine in my fa mil v. 1 have myself frenurniJv used them fur the relief of head ache, : cid and otherwise disordered stomach, result i-'g from im prudence or excess in diet, anil 1 have- had e.uny opportunities of learning from others toJ:r tlloets, 1 k . I - 1 when ii:-e;i ty mem lor line purposes. viy expe rience and observation justify me in sav mg that j the relief afforded by ttie Piils is generally -peedy, and almost abvavs certain that they mav be ta ken at any time without danger or inconvenience, and their operation is attended by no nausea or disagreeable e fleets whatever and though I have known many persons use them, I have known none who did not approve them none vvi.o sustained any injury , and none who failed to derive J nefit from their use. Aud upon the whole, I do not hesitate to recommend them as an agreeable, safe, and eifieacious remedy in Dyspeptic affections", and beliere them my sell t le ihe lesl Anti dys peptic medicine ever oil? red to the public. G. E. BD'.ER. Ciim'tif lrire of Protiju-e, -1c. AT SALISBURY September 9, 1535 Bacon, ... Brandy, apple, peach, Butter, . Cotton, in seed, clean, CctTee, . . . Corn, . . Feathers, . . Flour, . . . rents. 10 a (Molasses, . . 40 a 45: Nails, . . . 40 a oO Oats, . . . 10 a ;Rye, . . . 4 (Sugar, brown, 14 loaf, . Cent. oO 9 a 10 25 a 0 75 10 a 12 ?r 1G a 2U 112 a 125 10 6 a 20 . . 10 a 1 Salt, . . . . . . 40 a 45,Tallow, . . 30 a 33:Tobacco, . 0 0 Wheat, (bushel) 80 a 100 . . . llK (Whiskey, . . . 30 a 35 Linseed Od, per gallon, S;1 12l Flaxseed, AT FAYETTEVIL1.K September 1. Bacon, . . -Brandy, peach, apple, Beeswax, . . Coflee, . Cotton, . . . Corn, . . . Flaxseed, . . Flour, . . Feathers, . . 0 a 11 Iron, . . . 50 001 Molasses, . . . 35 a 40 Nails, cut, . . 21 a 22 Sugar, brown, . 12 a ll.'i lump, . 10 a 17 loaf, . 00 a 02 Salt, . . . 120 a ! Wheat,. . . .600 a 700( Whiskey, . 35 a i Wool, ... 4 a 5 29 a 33 7 a 7s. 9 a 11 15 16 a 17 60 . 115 30 a 35 16 a 13 AT CIIERAW, (S. C.) August 31, 1835. B:icon, . Beeswax, oiee, . Cotton, . is. a 10 Nails and Brad: 7 . 9 a 10 . 14 a 16 16 a 17 250 a 275 70 a 75 IS a 30 . 12 a 13 100 21 40 a 47 20,Sugar, brown, 13 a 10i do. lump, . do. loaf, . 20 a Corn, 85 a 9" Salt, per sack. I Flax-seed, .100 a 12(1 do. bushel. Flour, country, .750 a 850; Cotton Bagging, do. northern, . XJO a yno.liale Rope, Feathers, . . . 34 a 3 Wheat, lron .... a - Wool, . . Molasses, 33 a 4( i Whiskey, . RATES OF EXCHANGE At the Me rcl truths Bank of S. Carolina, at Cheraic : Checks on New York, . leT cent. prem. do. Charleston, . ier cent. prem. AT COLUMBIA, (S. C.) September 5, 1835. Bacon, .... Brandy, peach, . apple, . Beeswax, . Butter, .... 10 a 12 Lard, . . . 75 jMolasses, . . 40 a 50jMackerel, . . . 10 a 12$ . 40 a 45 .700 a 950 . 275 a 300 75 . 10 a 121 15 a lOjSalt, in sacks, 183 a bushel, 16 a 20jSugar, brown, j foni j Cotton, . . 70 a 87 J loaf d: lump, 18 a 22 Tallow, . . . 10 a 12 .10J a 11 r lour, Iron, .80O a OCKNTeas, . (K) a 12T . 40 a 45 o a o Whiskey, . At CAMDEN, S. C, new Cotton is selling at 19 cts. To the (lfflictcdl O o o o o o O O c s

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