f f iiiJitV, KOIlTil CA ';i-r ? "3 O o C) o . U A" ;:.L ;l W. IIAMSTON II t1 I T ri i Ui ATtol. 1. 11,9 V.V.1, 'f Cur ,',,, nq M hJ.!wIi'.1 every 8v Sji ii i ,Y, ltTq I '" -f Snimm if pin) in hsnee, rTw D ili! and I i '7 C. h! if not paid LSl,r tin 'lifxhuti of tl.ri'K rnoe':, I. . I, r,'.i M--f n;i La d.ji'iiimiol until ill rrenze re end. !.'! ctjfrt ;.in of th I-Sittff 3. tijWri-i'.' ra i.it Lfl reeej tr a bs time one yuri snl fohir I" notify the lldiUwits Wi-h Li d,C'i,'v.n at fie did of I year, Will bo Conni- shord fieW tn-'irmrirnt 4. Any prwn w Itowiil poiriir six subscribers to the Carohu;ari, and Uku the trm'i! Li collee; and tminunt their sul y-ript ion-money to llie EJitors, iU!J ha p- jw ersti during their conuoiiattrw. ft. rT I'trwni iwb-htri to th r.ilitnri.mnv trantmil to iUm lhron;k the Mad, l th'ir rik prtwulr d thry get th mi kmiklimrnt of y rfpsrluUt frrv la fron that tuck rtmUtunct leal reywany ssaue. Trim or DvrHTtlJ(ii. 1. AJvertie,rwnti will bs conspicuously nd correct- 1 in'ii-t,it .VI cmi!i pi'rimr Firthe first tnsertton, and 3 ! J cent Cif ech eofltiimtnce: but, liMt in ad vertisement M onj.ovd to fo ia only twice, ) Cl will ba chr- d It evh insertion. If ordered fur on in- nni..n mitr. il will in all esse be crisreed. '1 IVrtii lin n-itir to en:."i?e by the year, will be arrounnUtvl by reain:ilo Uihiucuuo iroin uieauofr t'lir'i fur iriitn'nt uatutn. to ( oiinroinnf 1. To fnwire profnjH atirntinn to fatten di3nwd from Iht La'limor t'armrr mud Vrndener, ;r an Arrnu, - To th of At old Statf$ farticuMtf, Among th many wax, cooe) inoTcra to the Ve-t. win h daily pa thronh tin town tu Ofio, on TVJ.'!y, attended by thirty fivo persona, -twent v-mt of hrn were upon it, t!i otlipra f!!ow. ei on fxft. Tlfy were fivo fnmilioa Irom th went, rra ihiro of M idland, who haJ uniteJ in charter ing a iin-lo wnjon. Ilia upper loading of which was UtlJaig piled to tlio hciM of 12 k-ct from llif ground, on t';. top of which 1 woiiion and child, ren wr re pert hed. On thn next day, f -ur fdinilioa, cont yninj 23 x;non, with a aifiglo wajon, follow. tJ from tlie tamo ncightxirlwod." V'keelitp Cat. We know not what effect mrh parnympht have upon the f !us of othen, but (or ouranlvea, we can in sincerity and truth, ater that they caus rtho I! W)d to cmiro thronjh onr vcint with- more than icy-ciildiijH. U'e lovo, we trust, our whuls country with all the anlorofjnuinf patriotism; but tall human afTrtioni hire ttwir gradca and do j;ri' j aro our rf .--d it! with retpct to ihnt particular membt-r of the great A mrrican family of Slates, in wliich it w aa our humble It to be born. Tor Maryland, we cherish an afP-ction whih we 'will not name: anJ. although we Hmc with all the warth of younij k?a in tl advance of any member of tha confJcrar.y ia the march of pro pcrity and greatncM,'. wliwt we iefl any evidw of the downward chitm ff tiling in the M old Uiir-frfin-.(lmt glurioii culaxy. whose chivalry and Uo-fl waa the price of our freedom oi it to be fuund in Iho piranph which f irm our text, we ctiH' it nuke lit k k at.hwuU- What ia the epeclaclo pre"iitej 1 In 1 tro short aixty-f xir of our citi."iis, fro:n llie m.oo ncighlwrhrw-d, aro teen paiijlhrmij;i a ik town on th Ohio, wendin th-ir wiy't the fir W'H, or aonllvwcst j 'and'liow' miiny inprertf- wn" wiil f.Uw,.ixir" una. giu iti'Hi f nnimt cinreive ( fur it i but a few mouths enico, we heard of a geulleumn from ouo ofthe low er C'lunties on the western ahoroof rhis Piat, who wm ! ' 1 nn a-nt fir thirty.five fi 'lilies to rti it da Wc.-t, to ax'k out an riiiMo location fir ihem t,i c;r.; -rate to. H it hy do they leave t'v eon 1 o! r y i i t "V i' r . t i i ,t lulling oi ineir cniij irt 1' the il heh-tui their fvufailwr. iJ-U f..riCtit(ura-af ny do they (L -ert th.i-o ..icrcl fitiei, in which their an (-.,! irf nnd then;-- !vr?r hnvn-so of:en, nnd so long, ,. J i ;!,. If auih-'tH a-.J t'.eir prr.ypri t.- ll.m viho 1. - 1:4 iu ii!'-rry 'd i t in j'l-tu e? II no tlo.se :iv n f, !.!, thorn haunt i, th.it noil, an I tle'c fuif, no lorefT nnv Ivdd upon tlifl a.T ctionst Do not o iatioiH of early In Jo not tlitwo con nexions, C,i ii.r J in the M-it '.;-tMe of their cxi-J-nce, ver Cfew th.'ir ru'm.NJ do not those EnJ rccol. lectioiH of earlier nn 1 more I.i -'ing friind-,hirn ro Ciind t'.s' in of the t'li-icp h'il'ow e 1 scenes which were once so dc-.r to them I. If fcT'Ctrntw, ieh a we baia cf th m. t!i--w i n ho.ni I.mI rr human nature t. not i tirl. 1 d.t not ril.tni lo KDon thn th uroits ..... , , : w '. -5 eyes nro cast townrdsi thn setting v ' -.t v. e ( ! ;'; hAr to j she h more otcMnf to.-'n ... , ('.. . if ) s ."iefS ))"s s'r sl over their riii'iili, "! i - -.! i e I; I'i it (ill I. V Vet be wr'l fi lilnio t threatens .Ml J ii i.I b i..'.',t ill ,l,the in hi. i c ft', i n u . , .i. i,; I' U of os'.! r i,.rl, 1 1 i'.i Ii !j wu: r iJ. .iiii ! :, rnny L ear- md fir L-vxit the L , 'e t p .i .t (4 tie ir ori tiuiifti!:ieiA, Sil l that, Uxi, ktaCo4hlill Ik ill b Uf no comp'iriwxi with tha inert iv4 aiiiimut aiti va Ion of the pro.! ice which nmy L riiJ from a f iven quantity of bind. If thil be practicable, ahiHild mt the whiHiMrrmgaof ptriotinn tne tcne. rat km fr ancient and present a : ! t ionaM ho tiea which bind man to the place of bit birth ihoulj not theii adm'K.i .h lum to mnka otiO n.!,;n, one grnrroMi elTort in it U half 1 This question is so simple a not to admit of d bote ve ry Tittu oua and ennobling unpad of the heart responds a warm, a amcere. and ardent aUirmatire. ihey call upon ua, one and all, to make that efPrt Who it tlicre among us, whoe drtuiw it bay hava beeo to have ben born in one of the old r'tatea f tfiose Fuca which laid the fmmlation of human btx-rty no nmtfer how humble bia spherw of life that doea Dot fcM-l the diNlinction an enviable one? When we any this, we mean nothing disparaging to the new Ftatea tlioee tigoroua arid patriotic oriont fif the old stock for God knows wa love them all, iq siorrrity and iingler,es of heart. Tlieo let each and all .f thaa whom we aJdrese, turn with n (tewed auction with renovated regard, and an un- werin detorniiimtion, to make anoilier manly ef fort, oi which shall be alike worthy of ouraolvel andofourrcupecti.aBtatea. The rotation of crop, wherever tried, with tha aid of clover and plaster ahrne, in many intance, have wrought wotnlers ix the wsy of on liorating the condition of tha aoil, and where lime, and an economical and discreet huNbamling, and application of thoan manures nro duced on eatateji, have been adiled, the improve nieut hia born still more manifest. . Lime, it will probably be eaid, ia costly it ia costly, in one tense to all who ha ve to purchase it to many hot localitice are remote from t!a depositea, its obtninment may be said to be impracticable t but to thoeo who live within a ditanr aeeeesibie to navigation, ita first cost, whethnf that be twelve or twenty. five cents the bushel, ia not, and should not be, an object; tor it will pay an interest of more than an hundred per cent. SSo, eluo, would the marl prove cheap to such as can procure it, so a to have it delivered on their fie Ma, at thrw pri ces; and we have been favored with the perusal of a correspondence, which shews that, in some situ ations within the marl districts, it can be delivered on the landina of many gentlemen, at from 6 to 8 centa, and in some aituattona more favorably loca-1 tod, at 4 cents tha bushel. Tio one acquainted with the fructifying propertica of mart, will que. tion the correctness of our asoertion, when we state, that, by Iho application of from 100 to 200 bushels to the acre, aceording to the degree of exhaustion of the aoil to which it ia to be anidied; iu ! of yielJ may bo raied from its present depressed state, to from 20 to 30 bushels of wheat to the acret in fivorablo"eamB, that of corn to from 8j to 10 bbhand other articles of proluce in like proportion. The first cost of either lime, shells, fuarlaft. or ahos. aUould nui ocicr any larweciroiu trying their eflVraey, where they do not exceed the nrice namet, as there can do no question oui iniu the invi-ttment would prova aafo, and of lasting bo- m ht to lum who lieiv maKO it tons l-hnd. Now York, pay from 8 to 10 cents a bushel for leached ashea, then have to pay freight for fifteen or twenty milca of water carnage, and the expense, of land trnnportation from five to six miles, and still grow rich. The mmlui oprrandi of solution. By itte'B'Wof tlv aho they make one acre produce what tl forninriy rcqoired thrre to do, and thn- they save the expence of cul tivation and of la Won two acrea, tojjcthcr with the interest on the Taluo of the land. Cut there r another fell ojxm to those who do sire to remain a fiU rich in promise, and which t-..!; id t ;! i. :.',((. An . ie ii iy In , full gruwo, 'J feed 61'),L'.;'J wormi, and tinwn, as Z:0 cocoons, ara vj ml to a poui I uf s.lli, will make, if proj-erly att'oi !rdt-, Hi) hs.,whii h, when reeled, at the very .urrrf euliulatiun, wutilj U wortn tt per lb., equal to t7'-!!l. .Nuw b t us s-t hat would be the evjx use attending the f elm? of the Worms, , The eipf!rinore uf r.uropo, at weil as that of our own cwntry, show that two prms are coin!"' tei.l to feed ene miHum of rormi the lfrsf we k, 4 the iteonl, 8 the third, and from 10 to VD thu remainderol the time, wliw Ii 1 thesnkt of data, we Will set down at two we-k more. This, we wwh it recollected, it the calculation of the number of bands requisite to attend to l,(!!)i),0u3 worms, but as we wish, in all cbarge aguinii the culture, to be rather over limn under t!m aniount. wo will las tit &40,uii) wurnt with the tpene of atmoM twice that number for attnndniits. And now let US se boW the account Will Und n tar.. TJ.-r the 11 . m 1 cut six). I m M l,v iy, ao. . I, .itrs, it I, l.' in ev-ry ( . ' ' i f.ru i . i, i i..n uu.'j, are t!,i-re t'. 'y re ;-( livn r 1'i'y to rue it rii .'i in, t i.r tvun!f i u i:. I t L.- i !, I i it. In b .0 1, 1 1, i i,i , f y J I :i" II , I . I ir In 1,1 (' !i. ifV.Vv bsve Ijf'u .- i .!! v i $ a s.a a tr. o " a r. r r "tr - ij i. ia -- 0 r 1. a h w SI tr , -i r.' i X ' . n . s r m W s as" n ' I 3 t " 3 r r PfSM " '1" 0 1m IPS S?ff sgs-?'-? n e 1 7 '2 ? 2 es o hotild eratifv even the most exorbitant thirst for Iho accumulation of wealilu a'lu lo to tha Sim CfU'i'KK a la:i..;-j' w Lii'li, if wtlbcanucf-' ed, is calculated of it4f, to make every owner of a small firm eemfTfii&'e, each holder of a hrge ono ricl wo o.5. both terms ia their, broad and most qui j do s"P.r-o. As we have before rcmirkcd, by the adoption of this as a branch of hn-hvvlry, those very worn-out fields which are now driving thopenpl.iof New Jekset, 5lAri.iS!, Virginia, North Carousa, and Soitii Caroluxa, to seek homes among 3trarier, and encounter all tho hard ships and privations incident to new and border set-tlo-nents may bo converted into so may mines of wenkh. We nk no man to go into it as an exclu sive business we desire no one to rik tho support of hU family upon it ; but we do a -k we do conjure every ono, who still clings with au ction to his first I 7 iho iul.1 .: ,-,t'.o h, e 1 1 the ii t, v 1 ! I i ' t r i to his 1 ui'i pi tee, to e'"Ti'T' to it ai a ; ir .flil I,i t f "iv . 1 1 r 1 1 W 'j t'rt, tf,nt'Mni sri s n o'ire"-'ry, In 3 t'.t n and commence the v til, ao ih.it tho in H KMico of tlieir c.xntrjdo rnny bo f It and followed. Let Sho,0 Mho Can ,ot ulllud to R-,r.kC B3 W.'fJ U tho fVrr.., buy one, two. three, or four ounces of the 4"w tho V. h,!o or Itihm .'1 'herrj,nnl . . i i i t n r ot I ifl tu i 1 I r t l lli-J ll' S. iJl I lhre,then, we have, as the clear profit resulti ig from an acre of ground in the silk culturo, after making tho most literal allowance f r all nossibln charges Bceruin r after allowiii . S20 f r an acre Tiio farmer 08 0f woro out land, which, in many cases, would not bring one fxirth of that worn, and but seldom more than a moiety, after taxing one acre with nearly the expenses of labor f r two, and after putting the silk at th lowM or minimum value we sav after dealing thus hardly with the produce, we have a cf. .d pflp, M 6n6 'acre lu'us'VpprV.piiated, Vf SoS' 6YJ." This c.'ilcul ition allows 3,ti00 eocoona ta maksf 1 lb. cf reeled silk, whereas, tha experiment of 5fr. Clias Frst of PlainfieU, Massachusetts, proved that 1,213 yielded him 7j ounces of ailk, when reeled, being rather better than 1SJ o'mees of si'k to 3,01)0 worms, or of one pound in a fraction less th in 2,527 worms. This experiioent was upon a small scale, it may be ani.l 5rranled-.it was upon 1. I . fl . ' , ' "I . ' . .. smuu acme; out, uv a.ie vtgiwt.ee, unccaneivigi. lance, and a proportionate increase of attendants. tha same 'reiatr "mi 'hf to roa!'u-d lo tua extouf of many- were - Vt' do not wi to cwent the fift from tha agricultural community, that thoeo who enter ioto the silk business mut imitate the worm in its toils. He whoexpects, without exertion dur ing their feeding, to realizo profit from their I ihirs had better not engfige in it. Cut if he will give, during the very limited period cf their probation here iy five weeks due rii!tincf, be will, in deed, reap a harvest Worthy of his garner. - The calculation of f od fir the worms is based upon the production of 10 3 full grown trees, placed on an acre, 23 square f et apart but tho aame, or a greater quantity of leavsa might be raised on an aero of land, planted in hedges six feet apart, the f 1 jetr ttf.nt fnwinjv; thetrr.;,. if: tiii ZiHs. w "re pu -died ahead by manuring and clean cukiva. tion. "' 1 1 ' I It' 1 1 I'I o L.IVO r tl 1 (' r 1 t . v v t 1 1' I...-, 1 1 " ' 1 1 r o c ' .t re a hit nj, a 1 1 hi euh, u -r", vi r 1 V s 11 I t u . 1 pi". ,i r q 1 t t t I r to b s a' titr 1 1 I . o, 1 t and ,, . C; .OT ( Ir. - : : t t it .'yofl, 1 i! v, 1 r 1 f 1 ' '-, ' r, ti-uni too nun, her serf-' . '..r I t 1, th 1 1 1 ' 11 ' 1 ' s 1 f it 1 U rry 1 tut t ' t d f n not t r 1 r. ; rf.tf ri ." 1 i. 1 . i . t ( f t 1 1 . 1 t t t r ' VI 1 r t 1 1 , M it tut tu' ,ifv if V -'l 1 . I i r , 1 ,yl 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 t 1 1 1 1 'si' till I ' I 1 c 1 e, r V(l'' k lC iMl l' S 1 ' t til ll-t 1 1 (ft; it It It) V', !' ' t 1 1 fc' y I) ll' t Mil rt'I.t' 1 t, v w V have sp-dcen of worn out Ian 'i bring olspt ci to t!.8 C-!;-u of X'.o 10, "j! fry I, , 6J wo re. pent, that the evperience of Europe frhows, that thin ui'ty or pnv( ,,y lund.s, vie Id a nufnnient which -t, in., t c 1 Mo a t ro r r p-w S t i f 1 I Ut I . I. r P Mir vm r v r " trees, or 11 h ho le; t 1:1 a years, l v en tl" 1 1 ' ne ' ! 1 ii. t U u ,1 t 1 e t 1 I i S W ! ' o 1 , 1 , 1 ir, t J ; Ci wilhont t . ir L t f 1 I: . 1. I I,' 11 r l ft-: ' f t ?f r r ! I H S VI 111! r f hC.l I t it ! v t; 1 Tt or t r c fr.'lrv i ir f I 1 ' . 1 v Mac' ' f IT I I or I, n-1 v , t s Ii- -ition. (.'lover I, 1 1 iT-ji t 1 1 a 1 y 1 11 hit I ) k ti t 1 y : i ' 1 1 in ( f 1 r 1 1 r i IH Ki II s 1 t n' 1 Icr rows, sot:, .?, v t - rr I v '1 ; in to it) t lilxs imdly, f-r ns, 1 t r r Pr in I tit fjrtheriiij its culture am the 1st ol March nft,nj almo.4 h.i!y we n fi..:.. t,f ih roiii''iii'S about Liii- finned. Tie - ,:i r as they should be, and w Would app'-.d to the J n 1" of thn niiddle and southern t'!ti-, lie k. ar, I climate are so mm h U-tter suited to the cult ore of the mulberry, not to M our eastern and noiih- rii brethren outstrip u in tins lucrattva tram It of bos. bitndry, but rather j-.iri with them in the g'-iH-inus rivulry of brothers, fr the p,hn of vii tory. And may we not U-re ak every s-ncuhurah.,t, Bving in those Btats immiMliatidy mte rested, to at-p f,rard to the rescue. In a b i -.' which rq.ially run. cerns all, n'Hie should indul In iiid.,11 tr, 0 tS fvehng. What we auk, thi-refi.re, is, thnt aome geiiiloinen in each neighborhood, will tuke an aelive part and give an " in.pf tu to th ball of the revo. iutioo" it needs but a liegluning, and he who shall be f .reiiKt in this jjlonous work of rer'iention, will deserve to live ir) (he f ,ndest reeoiht lions of his countrymen, Tho orr'iilio of wwi'-tie f,r sgrieiillural purrxwes, wlerever lliey hive been f rme l, have conferred t!e,ings, and we e- j -.in it upon th'xie who psrs iu!"iienca to rxert it oi f.r iw i the time when tlieir count rv ftne 1 it. Ml I- " 11 " 1 '.. "IS . iVom Yiy'f tikrtrkft, A FPLF.N'DID Ir.:'C HI ITION .OP T1I2 ALTJL Mocbaaweialkof rmtursthreare p1seswhisie we f-cl that our previous cooceptiuns bsve been dim and narrow. He who crxxm- the Alps, will experience this seriHfition, mingled with a certain ty, that thousands of pointer and poets, an I mil honaof others, live and dio without even u-pct. in the iwiwcr of scenery over the mind. Our iouniey rros the Hologn was, to us, a ' iv mt mora bia forever. ()ur recollections are of gran drur gloornv y a sinews awful solitu do et.-rfiid sublimity. There w ere moments during tho ascent, of a kind sxran-rn and rnw to me. Whoever ses ks "sou thing new under the sun, if ho has dwelt on a' plan, b-t bim ascend a tcritnUe mmmtni, and li will find it. Awn, amszeineM, (loom, won der and rapture, Curing wiucn you cannot suuio. coinhiuo to t-lev ute )ou. The rw l ain.li uo, anJ up a mad stream, whifa with foam," thundering all day by it si Jo amid sbpo and chilX funj.-u and valics then a plain and a poor but, nr a rag ged town and some beggar. You pause and rr 4 ; end then, sjain, up and up winding and turiiin sometimes thrmii'h tremeiidons ravines somcfiiiu by magnificiuut water-fufts wnnetiui" ahmg gi,. dy and yawnirg gulf yet still always up a il up. Then the face of tho earth change, and the grass fif nearly awny, and the nnke I, everlasting ns k J lift their cray barks through t!io soil. The torn- pest of six thou and years have biii,-u ,;: t l.m, Now, the rid through a ort of er- .etuuea, broken and acatiered aUit now lhwi,;'i a lKig dark gallery, wet and dripping now at tho brink of A tremendous precipice, which jouf ima gination, would receive as the summit of any mom tain; but, anon, tho toiling, panting, sweating horses drag you around in an anlo of rock ! and lo ! above you overhang other ch.Ts and other moun tains in theky ; pi!n-e!!s and py rami ! of mnv and ice ; and, so near their awf d heights as to star 4,'o yu,4he La "in rus yi bi.-'u-rv J yoab Iwvft not that il is your.pjthjU'l . Ur above you and yet it ia. - - - Tho earth is now totally change !, and Iho tem perature and atmosphere-, and heavens are changed. You wrap your heavy clonk around ynu in tho bi ting Cold. Dark clouds are rolling rlunniilv over your path, and tho white snow shift- bui-a!h you. and tho winter wind shake violently the cl .-ed gHsei- your cnrrinpe 5 an-t, as too r'i'i, fi.s mouutinir and bendins Ui) rfttd ui, turns lour fe e mw to the-right now to-the b'iivs catch, f.ir below, auch awful g!eamir.s of sublime scenery such dim, and d. pih of azure such firms of col I bluo, lifted and built up around on in the eternal -ilence, and shrouded in the mist and storm, that your very sou! is hushed and chilled, nn l you feel as if death, tho king of terrors, bad here fixed bis home ; and, were a spectre to stand in your path, or to lean and beckon to you from bis car of rolling mist, you would behold him without starting, for your imagination, can scarcely bo more excited. A cataract, which, on the plain, would dra w all To rope to it as a fashionabla resort, is here no euriii sily. Its lonely thunder swells and dies aay in the interminable solitude. Twenty times we thought ourselves 8t 'the h.-i-ht oft hie aiupendons rd, end yefTti.r'Z'iij coui,e'epj""ireJevVr iitouniuig Cir before us, up and up, till t c.1J e,v e di . and the darkness of niht overlooked us; and o WOf COfh.l,.y &,d i.u.v,i,.d i.l liiuVV, Wi.I clouds rolling around us like a mgy occaa. i (. 1 I . I ; in h, lie 1, - f. "At a I " i t I ' 1 1 i rr-i 1 e I rt.'. ' ' 1 !-.! tVi , 1, 1 I; 1 I r 1 r 1 I y a 1, t v, ! r . e. if t'.-ol I ill ly ( 1. , I hy t: y ii,-ii,-.r ' . ' re.-u, !. rv, n (' - 1 " I - - , 'r- .:-n i 1 en !,.'.), .-, I ji tr , ' wl.i. h is t.i n.irr it. ; V.'b !..': ; in", ,;,-...t a ,r con-, ,.-o.j w, - f .r, rn-'d any 1' r 1; r tU'e n uiif-s, t' in our si.i Wol, or'-ni', p.ir.',.,;, t 10 their nie-jiori. S, I con, i-n'i..ttj ('.. Ir ro...,-r a 1 t :n I It, I', i f r t:,? j ' y it r . -tt .1. . I, ' 'I , r 1 . r f f. r 1 - ' I : r 1 I,' 1 Si" eoi rr 1 - t-vtrn ;l f oe t'li-iu." KI.I'4 w i iu i ro th' 1 1 ll.ea r. 'I n ,. b- :!,', tiii.i' :.; w," iv.. k; I to Iuke of ( '! in III., wjs !irii An Uth,lul, h r, Lin--" Tii r. Hutu Moineii' :m "I s 1 of ( ; 1 f , ! ',1 A ' -1 Car 1, n, (' t a ,,'V , . ', l! i I : 1 : ,'in, 0 M t , ! f" 1 ,l. : t.. 1 ; - e, a , I t I 'M 2ht, i; el; no I! ',:!, . ., A W",l !,: ., J', Iiaino 1) t-ll .1 , "t lioorg.i 1 redeni k 1 l.-ir:.- ., r- ; . Kite Mi. in n ..'ii, a. id In 1, 1 1 1 i t, , died tho d iv f both, liu I !',. t ir-r I,., b'ts linn liirre m x.t'i. Tl.'-re t-i . . Ih'-n living hy tho k, ', 4 duiiht.-r and only chil I of ' - J , f J ; fitlu-r U lug ih ,1 1, is h. ir pr 1 ) , .,, 1 , 1; h ll.r.s. f.lie wtis Ix.rn .'-l v V ! 4 liviw, (July 15 M,) i, Lr 1 titer, the I).k-I..' K",t, ii h tt'm with the u .i:,!, I , of hi-rihr! -ho r'si ! i- n,. n. is a highly accom; ! clurms, and it p..p.,,!:,r i ino imue 01 ,mxs x oimr.'t f .,;,. The terms, their ap;;ire,it a id the throne will bo .h.i-. ., us e; f-rmer to designate a n or d..n.h big rnonirih, if one. Ii bviiojj 1: p i d c ;t the 1,. an:..t t',;,i, a,-, ,.,.; h!ied law f.r tha d. ,irrit of tl c km-' h is lm hrir uf 1 ; f on 11 I, ' -. of Wi'h.im IV,. ; ii , 8! 1 hind, Duke of ii'.i --'ex, , ; ;..' litter vice r y f ." .vu r; Tl are the Prince.- An .11, i :., ami Auie'i-i, I'.:. 1,: rh jt., 1 ; former of tl. a l'n:e i f 1 tha laiter of the I .'.j I? , 1 1, i 1 1. ;e.-n r..,. 1 : v . prim e and prim---s i f t trui-hrd by ihw t,t!Mf II'" r.-pn r. fi' I f,.. ' to ( !'(' c: .f c 1 1 , 1 11 t; di . .-' L.iaill I l'lor , ,h 'tfn! r , var con-iiituilon . ,,, , :,..( im-ii 1, J l y 1 , :' , , mori.il.tv, a deii.i.M of tho d rv:., M ,1 , cally Culled, may soon e ;-e r 1 ; i v ! thclh it;.,h N',i!,(,n b, I,:, !' to I, m a If tho IV. Vk'toiU s:...i,ld I, -1 ii I, ."eent iiel, t'" r i-i ;; r ;j , K , . Cui..i-i.'4ii. and hi IhiiKiy, !,. I, 1 s a (Jeorg, .f (hui.b:,'., .ifi:..,y v;;h. Next is the Dukeof ..iiifx, w!i,, ,. ( :', .. suecee.1, hi n;rri,igi hiving ,1 , rarhainent, ai i:.' ,1. ,N, t n t.y I) ' a bri , v.h 1 b 1 , 1 ' , :... r j 1 V Thu luAtij oi1 J... 1 . .. Tlie Allowing is a nWription of the j-Wnmbere r t the.rn'ih'.si.f j!:e a:. ".-:''';-.,:... " I acnded the wiialmg road whl-. Ii le-tds f,o.; Cl :irl.)Me;vi!'o to V- ''ice'l,). The J "l - '-( to a circuitous n - ' i,t of about t .10 i- ' 4 10 t' .0 1 i t t -re moe'tt iiot to the-frn fc 1 th " of J. r. son. On entering tho eve which o, into t' e r ,i! :re, nuiiK'.ro:.. p:',!.s ihver-o hiv;:n..ei I'li: -t ) s, winding throu;.;'l I'ai;;f.l to i-e o.n. i. t of the hut. ' From the rv.k on l.h-h tho Ie.. 1 s' i ' , a gru'i 1, pearly u;ilimite.-l vi.-y ; - - i r,- -i f' 1 t ...k wfy .'.:$ bill and f r ' v ,'. i v.VVh II t 1 1 - 1 '1 out on r,,'."r m.i 11' ,:e, .. ,-' 4, t 'V 1:1 tho ! 0:1. I . 'v 1,-Me.,-:. No t; Co! mad.-s Illo'.NVlllo it r 11 I- i r ! tO 1 ., "I 1 t I V t I V ,"tl f l I J erf Tl: i'--r fc-.Hnnt: Inn s is no !! ;;. o-t ft ,1 I r t 1 of jgr-t:.' f? in it r-. rh o t I t ' I 1 a son Prince ;. 2"lh, 1 13. Itisrxe, ti'tn a-i'l rr.rrrv i f to (';:-: el '..,, !.,,,,,;- 1 ti.h llirotH, tho IV 1 ':- - -1.1 f--:.:,',-:;,-:.t of llrun- ? i. k, I r, 1. Uf Will V0 t!iS lu. ',. ... long as kiegi 11, iv l i time yet to com", C, if (', 1 1 f : t r 1 IVi ml.,, . ii is t- ) (1 1, a ,1. ml. t I 1 ! t I, ut 1 'vfi it y. tit ' ! ) i t f ru'tVnee pf?irri-l ,-.. ;.. V.f.- ofHcer of i'tato I ' ! - !.- t.) ('.,. f I'..,hn. . s, I. is j ; t vie lu'.'d a ly vi h never seen I ;J'iro !' irri ' ( h f tho country,) n I who 1 I m . 1 I 1 f f ! beauty as t!e) 1 iiiarri.-i '", tho t. 1 I of 1 f t . 1 r 1 1 r 1 le 1 1 1 r t 11 1 v r ,"r;e'- 1 I In ' ban 1 1 I'm; -sr. yd t: .' - ; h t ri M 1 y 1 1 it. !. "Ii : ; m ,: ' 1 I n. 1 he v : " '.-t 1'. f. : It it ( r 1 .' , n . -- e i; . - f (Si.S t i . ... : 1 , 1 " -) 1 r r f ry 1 to m:r , 1 m n 1 I ; a n 1 Hi. fc- ir . i t ... 1 r 1 f 0 to t ,1 t !' r: !1 ., i'r, I -1 :! a C !v I 'ft r a i t )

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