1 G J J '(LITIL'AL. tit: con -;r:ijf.'F.rn.i ok ijuunion. - While I ho l-l "f rKfU of Northern f'uos i tlm ut.K I iff fiwp ill convrranttoa at th North, and evry mail from ll South epcake to ut Iramp-Monguod of I lii buultrraU determine. li.Ht of IB ftiOlllTB Btlte lo recOil from III 1'iiion, uul-H w put down lbs Fanatic and prevent tlieir tending iiiwliary publirali'! among lb fluve of the Houtb, while, w sny.ttiea Ibiug ar : 4.1 under our oUiemiUt," w greatly fer that lb C(meqttmiri of uh atraur npou lb pro, juiriiy of lb Njrth i nd duly rorxiilwrod, or IS valu of lb t'oiott uflkieiilly understood of pn. CisJed. ' W daily hear wn who nhmtU know better . and who, if they would ercie the reasoning (k culia nature ha bestowed upon ibem, would b totter acquainted with lit subject rgu that lb eomeqifoc of diufMia would be most dissstrou ft Hi South, and thai lb North would b bul lit (la. if in any way aflectmj by it. W ara awara - (Ul U U alwav ao unthankful otpce to undeceive those who an happy in Iheir ignorance; but, at it U fremsenlly lb duly of lb fbyWciaa to lay be fr the patient lit Iru stat of hi c , in order to aecur sttention to hi remedies, ao U it incum bent upua lb public prcs to point nut to il read r lb danger which may aria from ignorance of th txmseqtiwnre of t wpe ration of tit kUala. Tho (if lb North who do not (man, or will Rot admit I ha fearful crmteqitoitce to ua of disunion, ar guilty of a species of suiciif which threaten destruction to all our vlsim of future greatness. There i not, under tin aun, a country mor pro, perou tfaaa lb United Bute of America at Ihi moment and, aa reaanaaU men, ara tailed up on to examine the sourc of our wealth and tb cause of our prosperity. There ar bar, very few, ao utterly ijrtiora'it of cauae and efil-ct, aa to b enrt acioue that Cuminerc, Aricultum, and Manubc ture ar th only true eource of national great- neaa and IndivMlual proapentyl and, in tM firat place, w would aah, what rorwtitulea or aupportt our CommerRer To anawer la at MQd-Af rv. rultura and Matufaclurra. W do not, at tit ' N.xlh at leant, poaeea lb prwciuu metala lor port alum, and wt preaumn that all will agre with US that if we pumnmil neither nuniifitctarea nor agricultural pnalito to eiport, w would not pn. torn any mean for paving for imiorta J and, c(Hiae 2'ieiitly, thM we wouM not hav bit roployment it ahipping, and I heir (lire no commerce. Tb an nual e i porta of th Uuite. State havl Inereaaed to atKit on hundred million of dollar, and thie am'Hint ia returned to im in impnrta which giv en jlynHvit l, and create wir commcrcwl marine, auppttrti the government by the payment of I rifling duties, nnd amnloya the wh it or our popuklinn in ' the raitiigand manufacturing the article of e port, ail the diatribution through the country of ' rho merchandis received in eacKanje and deno tninated imports. Of the $100,000,000 of eiporU, th aouth raiao mora than ninn-tenthi, conii(ting . of cotton, tnbocco, rice, grain. Inc., &c. ' W of the North recive Ihi pronuc from them, ahip it to ; Kitmpr; brinjr horn it valtw in inporta, m than, dintribut il thmujrh a ihomaiiid difliirenl channela, enriching and giving' activity and employ men, not only lo our ehipping interest, but to every claaa of our ponulalHMi and every section of our widely tl len loj country. Tb South and tb North ar mbtuully benrfifted by this rrangement, but to lb B-xiih itjU.p mer matter, of convenience, wbilo to tho North it ia iff very heart.' blood, and one let Ihia arntngemnnt ceaa,and w becom th poorest . and moat tk'piwtit peoin on earthl ; - Let not the render ttart at the declaration, bat .let him rather inveatijate the truth of our position, ' and thon calculnle th value f th Umon.' . A diatiiiffuisiifvl Soutlrrucr aaid to ua, a torn daya iiK-e "If tlm North will not put down the rana tica by th atrong arm of th Law, but force o to a sftKtration, they mint bear in mind that, aa th oijci oi arpirauoa ia io guara againai in mcen diary proceeding anJ publicatlima "of ih North" the very first act of th Southern confederacy muat tf tiflt ;Afry'bb:ir decfare" wtrrn-Tfmwrotffs' .with the. Nortlicm Plates, and the Jformntion inf al liance 0iK:nive and DtTviwiye with Engtaod and I ranee, in order to aecure th alupment or,, and market fur our produc.H.Wa fully. admit the truth and tb necessity of thir ptmilton, and we then put it to every mnn of common serew - m In Northern Stnto what would be tb conseqiiencca ol a VparHtion uinlcr aurh riirinWuitoraT " -W aiiHwer -Our export and our iinporta would be re tired nine-tent IN i nine-tenlha of our ahipping would bo rutting at eur vrlisrvesj nine-leolba of our population, now auppnrtcd by commerce and the wealth it produce and the industry it difTusee, would be driven to agricultural purauiiaT the ata plo nrticlci of Northern Agriculture commtmd but small prices abroad, ami they would find but lew consumers at home;, grass would grow in the street of. our citic and villages, and a general acene of poverty and desolation would follow our present unexampled prosperity nod generally df. fused wealth! , Agnin, w any, ttart not at llii picture, but let every man put to himwlf the qutuition, U it or i it not true! Bo certain as two and two make four, w certain Is it Ihnt at thin very moment we of the North, as wel as.our brethren of Ihe Siuth, owe our prosperity individually and nalitMially td the slave labor of the Southern Slates! If it were not f"r. ihCilton awl Ric raiHl by Ihe alwyes of tlia Houth, neither Arlitur.Tappan noFJohn" GaTikm and their murderous associate, could find the tnonns of importing their merf:ham!ize, or conau liiers fir it able to pay thejn its. value after bring Imported. "And Vet theso vclrv nion, and thousands tnemacive and Ihe iNortliern Mate all the evtls we have attempted to piui1ry." Neither the Eve uing Post nor lha rexpnctablo and intelligent Edi. to of iLa Americans Cl Attciupt , la duny tho fiital connoqiiener to the North of a sepnrut'ion of the Kiati a twit when we call Uxn iTiet to aid in pro curing uch Legiahtion as w ill avert tliese conso quencea, and u j istjco and a H eard for our plight. I'd faith demand, they will tell u, "it is imoossi. lie, we have no right to prevent the publication of .jiu.m incetwiary pamputcta ami paper which we admit will inevitably destroy the Union and bring upon ua poverty and ruin !" And this ia denomina. ted patriotism this is colled independence, and at tributed to a sacred rejmrd for the liberty of speech atul r.f tlie Trent f ilhaine on such cavilling Vhfn our revolutionary fithera and segea cuiuiJ crcd this question, end the atcmbled wisdom and fiitiv cf tho country dtteruijaed upon Vuioij of the Plate, titry f.reiww, ami J.ily wri-hd the inipofianee of (.o rilita they were ealM upon lo aurrt-mb-r, Uut ti., v luuknd mjk llio mailer like oh h who had Die Wilfumof Ibe bola Cmiilry, and of g'tie ration yvt unburn at their dppoL the no Mk Diey w and adinilled lb avilaof ala very t tml ihry saw, 4ki, that tbw could n4 U averted, an-i tbn weighed in tb UUnre with tb happiurM and procpi rity of rnilliona f frw-men, lliey wivly determhimj Ibal their philaulhripic C Jm-a, b ceub) never do away with the curse of slavery, ouht rv4 and ilKiuld not be entartained al lit expense tf ll blearing snd advantages of th t'tli'MI - IVy, tberef, JieUbnl V question lf Shivery to tlie Houlb, and plighted their Ciilh lo protect them against domestK; iiisurrnciMM, t lb basis upm which to aocur I lb whol country Ilia ineatimabl blessing (4a Union of lb Btslesl Ar w wiser than they were, or ar w mor phiUntbotiic T mor oppxl to slavery! mor nnpreawd with th linportaoc of liberty of speech and of lb preset Ar w better PatrnXa or roor deeply imbued with desir lo perpetual th bk. sing of fre government than thus men who ar rayed thamselve against lit greatfst power on earth, Cerlsly declared tlieae Htate fre and in depeodmil, staked their live and Pirtune on th result, and, during seven year' war, encountered every specie of hardship and nrivalkai that their descendant might be fre f W at least can per. cciv no evidetr of such superior wisdom and pa Irtotism in th preaeni generaiKm, and w hop and trust that all who ar aliv lo tU prosperity of lb North will unit in petitioning our Legislature to enact such law a anall effictually put uViwn th Fanatics and tlierehy preserve tb Union of lit fcHalos. . . . , f)rom tU CUrtotM Journal. (rh it not ludicrou lo bear member of lb Baltimore Caucua, wher h went lo represent ttttnli individiuU in fact, but fit tkoutan4 ia ep pearanc w ask, is it Dot Microti to hear such a man prat about the "sovereignity oft h people f In speaking of Ih anwndmMrH anauo to our tMat Constitution by tb Ixmvenliofl recently assembled at Raleigh, Ihe Standard ha tb following t M But I her i one amendment, in which w can not bring ourselves to scqukssce, b Hem'tal election. It do reslly appear to our humble compruhension, in dciprt of all th lucid argu menta to lb contrary, thai it i aW Iging tkt tovrrrignly of tKt propie to rtttrict Ikrir ekenci ef rtpnteitfatiK$ to once in two vean la tb Mm of IlJinlwggery, wher did Ih Standard Editor get his notion of sovereignty T l Jo two vote a year make a man mort sovereign than one. vote! . Ar a i eopte sovereign only in proportion to the frequency with which they ttrr. eiMAhirilht rttQtinglJyf had not been of Jhia opinion and w conen onraelve little incredu- loua yet, eapocially when we recollect that in South Carolina the People only tied their Repre sentatives iriM4t((, (and it will require a stretch of asMiranc to say that th People of South Car. una ar not sosrmg ;) but, if it should be true that tb sovereignly of men is lo be determined by Ih number of vote they cast into Ih ballot-box, w still think we can alio, even to the eatiafaction of ttifftornod Peruvian in Raleigh, that th Pro. pie ot North Carolina have lost none oflhat virtue by th acta of tb recent Convention to amend the stitution. Proof i thev look (ram th Psoole Ih right of electing Member of Assembly oftener than one in two years; but they gave to the Peo ple the right to elect their own (Governor one in two year. So Ihe People hav aa many Vote a before rro, according to th Stanford's own rea oning, they are a sovereign aa before.: -- Let os see if we cannot give a good guea at (he reason of Ihi solicilud about tb abi iJgement of I th fvereignty of the People,"-Col.-White foresees, in biennial elections, that the People of! norta uiroiina win luw more light and more tin.e to consider the qualifications and the princi ples of those whi aapire to their favor; and, ai light and reflection are commodities incompatible wUhth success of tb shallow preteodrf -th rarty to which be belong, be due not know bet- ir ranting a pry anoui tno - sovereignty oi ino pen. o" being u danue . Let the pcopla look to it; for we we, in (hi and oilier indirations, that the amendment to Ihe Constitution will be opposed by ajrrriW party, in yariwis parta of ih Statej because those amendments have abridged their power to humbug the People at Iheir pleasure. The Standard crtw michtily in relation to then success oi uie lory inuiuaie tor congress iniini UiMrict. - lleer whut it saysof .CUurus Couiity r .1 w ri 11. i1 n . i I M But, in CabdrrvM, there baa been the most as tonishing change in favor of Ihe democratic cause. aa indicated by the vole between Messrs. Conner and Shipp. Iloretofore the Cabarrua majority in favor of tho' opposition has varied between three and five hundred t now we End the saddle on the other horse political revolution haabeet. efRicled, and the Republican candidate, receives a majority of tH ynteal Well done Cabarrua 1 1 We have the best hope that site will be fnind rallying her strength in the Republican ranks in th nest Pre sidontial election., , " -1 : Thouftis, that tie change ia," indicated by the vole between Messrs. Conner and Ship," in Cabar rus I The majority in that County, in favor of Li berty and the Constitution, ha always been from three to five hundred ; and? (to reverse the, figure of me atanuuru,) t&tmddlt it ontae tamt horn gill. If 'iiwi;"wulpwaTT ticket ;pf their own Y Surely the tnajorityof 81 votes, which they claim, as tho "result of "political revolutioncouhj have .aervetj . Jbeni.to eloct a TV ry reproMentation I Uut the btnndard editor knows, fmiatmwtrj body eW, who know anything about it, tbatvt)ie Torieii ''navim&awlirnMjurTtyv1h'' Cabnrrusi Take a case in proof of thisi (Ine gentloman in that County, who ten a member in fhelailLrislatiirmi voted withjk CpHnr-inen, came out a a candidate at the late election, but found hi principles ao obnoxious to the Whig of Cabarrus, that he ojiritfy adjured Van Vurennm, and became a White than ; but even thia could not wash away his former political sius, and he was beat by a large mnjorify So pure are the princi ple of the Freemen of Cabarrua, that they would not even so much a touch the unclean thing that had been offered in racrafice to idols." " The nwjority of 64 for Mn.Conncr ia to be ac counted for in the following manner, and not view ed as tht effect of any Apolitical revolution " in Ihe minda of the People, upon the subject of Van Bu- renistn. . Mr. Shipp did not go into the County of Calarrut ut ail whilQ Mr. Conner nd Jits fritwM; k ft M Wotie tmtiinieJ, o eflort uutr md, to eecur lino a Urge vote, for politw al rffi cl abrd. Il is well kiwwn, here, that be told the peph f)'t it)'y in Cabarrus, but in lb hol lhtrn t, that alibonh He preferred Van 4 htllt, yet hi was a White msn fliev wer for IVhiitt fty ibese mean, and Ih apslby of Ih Wblgs, (who did not llmtk it oece. ary to eounlerscl ll l(rt4 making to get large vote (rr Mr. Conner, because they did not behev their friends could b humbugged into hi support,) that gentleman succeeded by lb majority of 64. - While Ihi is warning to lb Whig la net with mor promptnrs on fulurtt occaatout, k4 litem not ftrg'i tb attempt which their enamits ara now makuig lo prov ihal, by their apathy In tbla (n tance, they hav sold ibrnvstlve lo lb Dutch and tb AfrK ans (iariVwv orJ. GENERAL BUMMARi-. On th l&th of Angus!, PuUi Dinner wu given, at Eliaabeth City, to lb lion. Wm. B. tf bo ps rd, in letimony of Ih utidiminished catifulenr of bis fijltow citrxen in him aa a faithful public servaut, at which Emm Nawby, Esq., prewiM, assisted by John C. Eringbs.ua. Tb 9rd Regula Toaat wai a follow t M Our guest, th Hon. War. B. fheprd. Rv the firm, consistent, and energetic manner in which he has advocated our right in the halla of Congress, b baa secured our warmest admiral." Thia Toast called up Mr. Fbepanl, aho returned hi thaiilu iu a Sputcb, of which lb following u an extract t ' M Th Political event which has an lately taken place among us, i of no more importance than an far aa it illustrates and establishes Ibis political axiom, vii i that the People of the district of EJro ton will Out sutler a caucus dictation from Wash ington City, from Raleigh, or even from their own towns. Thia election proves satisfactorily, that lb great maaa of the community think themselves ca pable of Judging of th nines of their represent tives,and ar determined to exercise that judgment, unrestrained and uncontrolled by any foreign influ ence whatever. Titer is on consideration attend ing th caucus, or contention system, which the partixau of Mr. Van Daren ar endeavoring lo establish in Ihe United States, that deserve lb mature consideration of tb People of this section of the country. The caucus system efloctually level all State distinctions, and resolves the People 01 toe umiea watea into on umiiaimguianaoi as . )f . an.. 1 maaa. 11 oiroy me mnuence 01 ine amaii cnaies, f. 1 ....,... ' f.L- 11 a..... and tajbject every political movement to the whim and caprice of Ihe great democracies of New York,. Pennsylvania, and Ohio. That this is the neccs. xtairw ffwLfWt tarvl iinAsTtMilalilgB) -tern, it aeem-.to me extraordinary thai any ' ' - ----- result of I be caucus should doubt; and it ia very strange that those State and individuals, which profess adherence to the ttnne of 8tat Right, should tolerate such a system. II is, however, but another proof, thai when indivi lual or communities ate laboring uu- 4 r any very strong excit(ment, there ia no absur dity they ara not ready to adopt, no contradiction or abandonment of pMfvasion they do not incur.". ExtrnorJinarp eire manre and providential etcapefrom (Tent. On "Miinday iiflaiit week', the hand employed ut the quarry of Mr. Ihrman Ly decker, situated umler In high range of mountain below Blaeghten Landing, in this fjounty, were alarmed by th cry of murder f proceeding from a female voice, but were totally unable lo discover Ihe aourc from whence it came. Al the anine mo. menl, the crew of the sloop Henry Edarard, which was passing down Ibe river, saw something suspend ed at th aid of the mountain resembling a frmal form. ith Cwnuv?oJiibJe- pfiMitjititud.?, they im mediately put alxsol, droppoj auciwr, and iumpod into the small boat, rowed tw the shore. Oft ar riving at the foot of the mountain, they fliund it to be a young glrV?aged about 16,) hanging by one foot in k cedar bush, about 100 fuel from the bane, and 00 met from the lop of the perpendicular rock To ranch her from the bottom waa impossible ; but, providing thmsele with- rope, they battened around to the top from which they lowered it. The V.nrn,ew?' J' W t fit il around her wsiat, and, by (hismeuus, waauruwii from lie! loui situalion, and rescued fr un ioinendinir and al lihMt certain death. Brie proved io be Miss Plidefo Wells, niece of Mr. Benedict Wells, who had led hi residence without the knowledge of his v , -. j- , v . t 1 XKUitu Ultun illiij Vim jower Claws in populous CI- I family, with J view of going lo New York To eeTtici while human nature remains what it is and ever Minimi ma KiKiwipuinj ui owineno. vnajftmimea wiin iite pawwgo ot too has been, interest will be th moving apring of human mountains, It t supposedshe was unawr? pCJho actjon.'ahd will be the only hebn by which hiiinan'ao danger until ah found bcrsclf descending the pre- eiety can be succeftfiilly governed.. Reduce ihe price cipice, and the rock being nearly perpendicular, her bill could only have dohq broken by the alight snrubtorf wTrtelk prnjocti from the trideof the cliff, until, luckily for her,vshe struck the cedar bush, in which her Cmt fortunately caught. Her situation here may be imagined, it cannot be .described i banging by one foot to a slender bush, and a yawn ing gulf of rocka and stone 100 feet below una ble to extricate herself, and for aught she knew, far beytMid the reach of human call I It is not at all probable that in five hundred thouannd cases, one could have paased the clifTas she did, and not have been dashed to piecea long before reaching the hot torn. She was not materially injured, and was conveyed to her1 friends in New York by Ihe simp Henry Edward, the Captain and crew of which are entitled to the highest commendation Ibr their promptitude and humanity. North River Ad - TruA i truth, komever homeh.Wa conv the fidlowioi pq-fff fr-nn a H'r fld-Vd lo rtia FJ. r ,k. v-.: i in,.n:M... ,.. ,i,- c.., I .U V, lira a,iusuuu ftUIUIIIOUVCI, uj ,uv usiii.ni9 David Qrockett, in which bo attributes his defeat for Congress to the open and active efforts made against him voy ' the 'Treeidmt cd"the UnitIWaiesV . "Infect, 1 sue no hopet,The people havfalnMwrt givn up to Dictator, - Androw Jacltwn has ftank ed loads of the Extra Globe to e.veryPosI OiBce in thia District, with a prospectus to get subwibers for il. Now, I wujh to ask the worldaqueatirn, or the oldest manTivTnglftheyhfheeverk dent to sorv dull his time, and then to sit down to lopen electioneering fr his successor t -The very paper iranKoq oy mm, mates mai juage vv ntte Das sold himself to the Rank, and that there are no Jackaon-White-men ; that all must be Jackson-Van Ruren-mon. I have come to the conclusion, when the people will sanction the like of this, we have but little to hope for. I do believe Santa Ana's Kingdom will be a paradise. The people are near-, ly ready to take the yoke -of bmdageL and say "Amen! Jackson done it it,i alj right ! The receipts of the Boston and Providence Rail Road, the lust week, were, $4,900. . ! ti ,v iv aftt, Htm Ya, Angut '.Mb, Ms. ri t I ba g4 a hH mf head about t), N ,,, oMMimn that I think will Win? th matter to a puriv e s-idrrabls of a fir uvlMnling, anJ if i ... II L.l. - ..... tJ il ixka riit, in erwm on win sn" frteiid Ma ajniiiff. fr bs waa th on who llM pul lbs mittiin in my hsd. la lbs fift plare, b sa-l no man woo Miit ot Nig gers hd any right to mco dl in tb matter si all, unless in lbs war of bargain, and fcs tofiu-a with lli-'i who did ewa Nil'. fi that lirs would'nt bs ao umWhafvlnJ work aUiut it, and Ulal it wm ju It mean and ey a buins fir lika iHHlk lo ttr np bad bbd brteea mUf and lav aiaiih, aa it would bs f Cilas smith to stir up bid bt.irwt between factory Silks or other wurkieg (Jaa north, and lUm Ko iiipti)d tbm.Th Mays' hss ke goiaj deal ia lbs south himaetf. and I hav bear hn my one thai b nser aaw Niirrer do half as much hd work in on day aa b had don binvwlf, day in and Jay' out, fbr ysra together; and many a day, wbeq h waa cutting limber or biggin in winter, and bit dinner iru as bard ai a brick bat ia bia buket, b would'ut tlunk it a mean awop f pick citton down amith. ' But, ty 1, Major, would nt ths etu cli mat be Id hut lur yai V ' Well,' aaya be, ' I appe it would, and jnat si it U wi'h nigger: our climate north would kill bun about quick and in this you are lbs I'rm.aiencs ot Uod. II not only gives to this earth ill climate and all kinds of plants and fruits sui ted lo thns climates, but be created dlka to suit those i'hmate tuo. Cotton and rice won't f row north, and a hit nun ft n't work ai aafuly aa a llaek man wher they do grow : and,' eys he, " lo pily a Mark msn lor working in Ihe sun, would be juat aa funny aa lo pity a hardy white nun like ins lor working in the frost; and, altogether, yiu may aa well pity a rae fir gwng bare-lu-it ia all ateunlin' lo natur. The aailor in bia tblp the tamet in his field the miners away down under lb earth the doriot among bia gallypotn the lawyer and merchant at hta bmka ami writing denk, and ao on through all eretii, to the Nigger 19 the cotton and nra field all wfk it a living ; and ever ainee time began, every aian tbiukt bis own profession the hardtrt lo ti by." Bul now In th notion I firat started with. t that it th nob of thia lutter. Aa in this country there might bs more danger in preventing free diacusaion on all matters, than ie lettini all have Iheir aay in nvwt mat ters Ui only conrae Irft in thia nigger nutation, ia to Uial on ael of folks don t um uther loik a property in carrying out llieir plan of philsiillmpj,' aa Uiey call , it. Tli meaning or this word philanthropy, aecUin warm hearted and true trwou to Uie Houin tnd her in to the dictionary, ia ' to kv men." Now. if any man I mimjon. Ho carries with him our most ardent wishes lovs a nigger more than hie master does, there tint . fi pw,titj. 9 ftH.. confident tlaat th Htar jot of phi antlirony in IL Now, acconbng to lb la a a I ' ' ' ... , , . , of tb land, a nj - a much th property of b ' b the fhP ,n, llf character whxh master at my ahirt ta mine; il any man wants my shirt, 1 it baa hitherto tuaUined, aa on of the ablest and mut and 1 choose to eel) il to him, its a bargain but if he aint readv to par me I lair price lor it, then 1 aay lie .' hi m th. mti. n.mr.l.rl, if 1 m - ; a,, nitur & - diacowam M to dsnriv Bie ofinv abut. 1 without compenaalinf me at all. Now, then, if the Abolition (olkawtnt to free a nigger, 1 they mvA be ready to pay thr hrni, and eomethm bks . P'n mTn " rr"' '"-' at - . : - : n . ;- .. JZ ISJVAlLmS is ao brim lull of philanthropy that be can'l find work enuf al home for it, lei him send the amount of the fix'd value of a nigger to Una committee wnith, and eiiniiply My "Gentlemen, incloted is $ ; plcaao send me 'Nowlhiawoukl be wttIsvould call true philanthro - py ; and if Ui Abol.tmo Mks at home and tbrosd would lust trv it a aoelL thev would fiml at least the true dif - fcrence between right up and down jtutiee. and their kind of philanthropy, winch is very apt to averlook it, Vourfrieud, ZEKlEI. BIUELOW. Front Ih Aufiula, (Gs.) Sentinel. MOIW, RIOTS, etc. The frequent mobs snd riots which have of late dis graced many of our large towns, cannot have failed to arrest the attention of the most carclcsa observer. Our whole community aeema to be laboring under an unna tural excitement Mobs, strikes, riots, abolition move- ments, insurrections, Lynch clubs, seem to be Ihe en- P""9 UM P . l ucuraoer wmcn mea groaiing topics of the day. There really appeara to be ; ured 15 inches in length, and 13 metres in circttm- aomeUiHig eonUgioua in these excitements, nince the arrival ot the new leopecling the tragedy of" the YlcfcaV burg gamblers, the whole country baa been in a ferment, and seems ready to take fir upon Uie most trivial oc casion. Politics also, are, the present, in great nicaaure, Wied hcneilB the embers, but, no doubt, fa thering fuel fur a tremendous conflagration The rauacs of these excitements are, doubtless, vari ous. Some have attributed them to our mild system of laws, ana in character ot our institution generally. dui mis. is evwenuy erroneous, to attribute in over- flowinira of eorruntion in lbs bnnun hnart In tha mil.l. nms of the laws bv which they are to be restrained perl-TThe Te'iiily 'oTtlle li'Sa may be bi W 'afl vantage oToy the unprincipled wretch, for the commiaaion of outrages upmrthe good order of aoeietyr-btil Unot be rvgaid- eo aa ine rsa ot uiese outrages. One of the true onuses is, tho collision of interests .k:-u k- i i : , t. m laoonr, ana you suixe uirecny ai in root ot Uie poor man a intereaC He baa no officea, no honors, no pub lie character at Uk) nothing to bind him to snctety, but tharbecciity which compels htm lo labor from day to day, Sir the aupport of himaclfand bia family. When the price of labor ta diininiabed, this necessity Inept its biuding force, and poverty goads on it victim to deeda of deeneration. Enrajef on account of the accumula tion of competition, which ktilaily making inroads upon bia patronage and depriving him ot part of Uie mean of sustaining h family, h rcgardnhiacomuotitora with a jealous and invidioua eye, and is ready to take fire upon the alii'htest occasion. Ilia competitors, on the other band, regarding him in like manner, an occasion cannot long be. wanting to bring about a collision of persons, corresponding to the previous collision of inte rest. But the matter doe not usually stop with this personal reneountro. The patrona ot.alie respective parties are exposed to their fury, while other diaafect pcrsons join, in the attack. Thin, like fame, "crencit eundo" the infection spreads till Uie whele of Uie low er srnl dujafTec ted. claw of the place become suddenly seized with the mania every one having soma private grng to gratify, and screening himself in Uie general conkision. The great want of sympathy, existing between the higher and lower classes of society, is another cause. ot ..rather Decision of. riots,; ,;Jlhe immense distance it whicn the lower classes are kept from the hipher the n tor that kind and degree of information, which would fit them for the society of the hiirher orders--the absence of that common inferei whTch reaulW& similar ssrsuits in life, all operate to dotrtroy the eommon sympathy which should be felt throughout the entire population ot , every couun unity. Man, goverued by feeling, and in onlertoenliut hi feeling in your favor, yon must not only enlist his interest, but contrive meant to convince bim that you are really bis friend and well wisher. Yoo muat not Buffer, him lo suspect that you are indifferent to his interest. Having gained the con fidence of the poor by pentuadinir them that vou have their interest at heart, they will not dare to engage in any thing, tbat might tend to disaffect a friend on whoso good will they feel themselves dependent They will make you Uicr counsellor the directorof their pursuits, and wdl place in your band tha guardianship of them selves and the direction of their conduct Thus a nnw interest which we have said is the imvernmff nrincinle in society, is-hrou;ht to bear powerfully upon the lower classes among whom these riots usually have tlioir ori gin. It h not true, then, that the want of strong armed pft'ire, la th ua of ttU and ff'ts, TliS d.wlTrcti may Ink eteiuin, from ibe Imity of lb lawa, and floor the slaens of an lpwls ft-rc Ui auppreiaj them inmieibatfly, Ui euouuil mor ftr'pitnt cut rafs i Ih coovnutiity, but the css t"tt b Iracud to 6ppiilion of interest, 1hTtD th wanl of that rmmniiiiilr of filling which attache tb kr to lite bigber orilara. An armed twn fuant, of sufficwiit strength lo kep in check th f banded wrstcbe win csnm4 l9 attarhed in any way lo lb body of th jmiple, either in filing or interet, may, bo daibt, be very neceary in every ciiyl rat If greater sak guard. and lbs one which almuld betmpbiysd bv all tb mfluotttisl purtion 0 U sommonity, wJl a (amd to eofiaist in aturhmg th lower to tb higher and order. I clawe IH fueling, tlierehy making lhm fuel their Ji-peiulriM e, and securing Iheir Cuiifldcnc to th Coun m;U 1 lbs akv tbut. " MAT ilSTITti ivar oatLeab Till CAItOLINIAN. HA LIS BURY: SATURDAY, BErTEMDER 19, 1R35. 0t" Tkf AkiatAer Li I it ary Journal la our no tice, last wctk, of the first No. of this Periodical, wo omitted to state, that th Kdilors ot th Carolinian aro agents for thia publication at Hslinbury. It will give ua pleasure to receive and forward the name of any who may wish to aiibacribe. EJitoriat thang We omitted, last week, to men tain that Amexaudcb J. Law a km. a, Esq., baa retired from the position which he baa occupied fbr 13 yearn, as Co-Kditor of the Rah igh Star. That pujwr ia hero after to be conducted by the junior Eiitor, TruNoae J. Leniay, H-n. Mr. Lawrence's course as ao Ebtor, ba been tht of a mild and high-iiiiiided getiUeinan, awl a consistent Republican journal, in the south. Public fUntimrnt.- Meelinga have been recently held in several counties in thia Htate for the purptne of expreasing the Voice of the People upon the all-absorb- mjr qnevtion of the day the fanatical proceeding of tic Northern Abolitioniats. In Warren, tiranville, " Mecklenburg. E-lgecomb, New-Hanover, and ; oU'" i " which, Resolutiomi of the uwrt j decided nature were adopted denouncing, in the ml Indiana nt terms Die lawleaa and wicked attempts of the ! fumtin toMClle cjvi commotion amongst uv; and alan. l'1 -omecif the meet mg Ihe oninum tUt a severance 1 of the Union wouhl bs preferable lo a submwaioo to tho 1 mad schemes of disunion avowed by Hie immediato emancipationists Well done North Carolina ! " Brat thi mho en! A Cucumber grew this w ton on Uie plantation of Andrew Cor line, in Cabarmx, meanuring 13 inches in length, 12 io circumference. " Wulrhmt i, of Aug. 71. Why, w can ! Our neigbbor'a Ca bar rut Cucumber is, without doubt, a repttably large one ; but, old Row an, in Cucumber aa in poli'ic, ia a leetle ahead of Ca barrua. Mr. Wm. Murphy, of Ibis Town, produced in I i t .i - r . . Terence. u Beat (am who can! IMPORTANT FROM FRANCE. " Rerrnt arrivals, at New-York from Pana, represent that crty ai being in a state ot unparalleled excitement, in consequence of an attempt to asaasainate the King. Tho following account of Uie bloody -scene ia from a Pa ris paper. Thirty -four persona were killed lud woun ded: . From OaliannnCt Mn ATTEMPT UPON TI1E KING'S LIFE BY AN , INFERNAL JACIIINR. Tiaia, Jutv""!: It is with the deepest concern that we lay be tot t iw rrucr um unaiisu, 1110 uovn uoinuiv cvnii, mat iw pTace at the review yealerday. After having pm-ed I .k-J-.-.1-.1 1 l .1.1 .1 . 1. along the Boulevard to the fkrUieat point at which the 2alionarijifarJant too Troops were drawn up, hw ftla jerify, accomjMnted by the Duke of Orleans, the Duke - of A'eaoura, the Priuc do JoimiiUe, and a numerous snd brilliant staff, was returning aloof th same lino to the Place Vendome,-wher lbs troop war to file off bejore bim. At 12, at the moment when ho had reached the Boulevard du Temple, a little before the Theatre dc Funambulea, a tremendous explosion, rcsombling ir regular platoon firing, waa heard.' At first it waa aup posed to be s discharge of tiro-works, but Uie falling arid cries of the victims soon revealed the reality, and ex cessive confusion ensued an Infernal Machine had juat poured forth a shower of balls upon tho cortege tlvat sur rounded the King, Marshal Mortier, Duke Je T re vise, fell snd expired without uttering a word. Several oth er officers, and aome of the National Guards were also killed, and a considerable number of persona wounded. The falling of ome horse, among which wu' that of Q Marshal Mortier, and the capering of others, added to the tumult,' which it would be difficult to describe. During thia scene, the King, whose arm had been grazed by a bullet, and whose horse had received a wound in the neck, maintained the Calmness by which he is dis tingtiwhed, and displayed remarkable courage by riding up in the direction of the house fiom which the explosion caniu. After Uie first emotion had passed, Uie cortege conimueuTuTToiiteTTOiiidt simuu or joy fbr mo prase i -vjtion of the King's life, and threat of veangeanco against the awasum . " The bodies of the slain, and the persons who were . wounded were immediately carried to the Ca fit Turn -opposite, wherd medical assistance waa immediately af- forded to such as were still alive.. Smoke was seen to thW Boulevard du Temnle. of which the irrotind floor and first floor are occupied by a wine dealer named l'arault. fck. story, fousta qf one, sbsmher, which wj'ghtcd by a single window in front , The house was immedt- 'r " atcly surmunded, and all the persona found in it arrest eI. The room in which the machine had been con-' strnctcd is very small, its dimensions being only six and a half feet by seven. The machine was made with gTcet skill, of wood, with iron braces, and extremely solid. ; Two nprighta supported two cross bars of wood, placed parallel to the wuidow, and in these were formed grooves,.ln which were laid twenty-five gun barrels. The front cross bar, placed at about a foot from tlie; window, Was rather lower than that behind, so that the ball micht reach the body of Irian on horseback in the mtddie of the Boulevard. The charge was so hes vy. Uiat IBve out of the twenty-fivo barrels hsd burst, rtotwithatanding they were very substantial snd new. " The assassin was immediately taken into custody. ... . About three- months ago Le lured the rooms of the so ot ' I !..

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