rm4 mi third airir of f. iuUmtyn, tL proline- Uoflsmir to onderniins the rogre r.f rrDuUicinixn. and I in gv dm him imarj, a ii.e,iini-iiin, aiwi l)ie-at tlio r m I of Ui fc. apmara to be tbiMit 31 yesra of ag. II" runoi wiiilow in Irnnt and another behind, ltd li hJ taken I'm precaution to .Util rojxi t tin) latter, to Uifl leading measures nf my id mun.trat.oti. ANDREW JAClwSO.N, Ths Kev. JlM(Jwll.,, " P. 8. " V.mj w.II that ll ahova luttrr hit rU. Oil, Maa. I. IIM m.1 n AMtlM lit. II. M It..... Im m.T I . - . . w - imih ... tinMi;i ' "!' Kiw mHli IH lliM ... tnV f....,.. .l I ........... some of lbs barrels, altos n.uinr,.iof .xpu..on, the ltml rrn,Ptt Uut tm4 Win UM w jbu- U,. publ.e m the f mhraJ, tt nk, 4IM 1 j ntmi m rmmmMt s,,,,, M w C)froff the lip, iN.4iili-Urdinjr hi wounds, ho ru.hed out ..f j u, ini t1(l ,),, ,Um!eri in the Nash- the win.li, Hoitio polieo officer bavins; rin into llio innr court, and csin tltrstd slipping down tha rp, one of thriii exrlanrwd, - All wretch I we have you.' (jirard, who was at tli moment lbs h-" ijf tt of wall, , thr"r hbnaelf over into an sljoimnf court, anl there a i!ic officer spprehandcd him, Il.i waa placed upon hand-barrow, and enveyd to the ,(op''U''X rJ'c". "At Uie moment ir Ma arrest, ton aawma d'tUrrd iwiiM la bo Jacqurt fiinrd, lorn it lxlcvn, whnre he ftirnvxl b bid li ft bi ifn inri chilJrMi. Nut witlutUtiilinf Uio KmiiM ntiura 1 hi wmiMl,b h ip-cid to rpfwflf. Tlis fil(infi nf IIkim gun tmrreli tUt burnt ttriKk him ou r 0110 of tli 170 bruwi, Ilia n, and tli lower' lip, which wi an imirh cut that it hunj ituwn. Twu fi(tr wnro aU n lillrfL Thn niist lUngf-itm wouml M lUt nv!f Ilia rbfnw, Which injured tli fmul Imhi. Tlo w tMiml in 1Im lip, which at firl prcnM Imn frinn jn-ak-inf, buying bcn arwn up, h w now ablo lo convrrw'. Ha ia full of tr-nflh and ni-rjr, ami m I ha full f nyty mnirtofhit inllltnal fvwltira ll hn Wn Mit"f ljratod bjr th Kprr if th Hrala, tha Vrt umir dil Kiiu and ilw) by Ilia Mmi-ti-r nf tin- iniiTmf. Il inif timtionad a Ui In motiirM fur committing "iicli a JTimo, and lo drcUrn wlii'llirr ha hid any ecmnplU'in, ha fully admitlml hia cnill, tnd mm that ho ktcw bin ft n m''itiblf?, but ai l hia mntivin, ha rimfinMl hmi-kflf to myin.7 thtt he dmlikH the Kill', and lurthar UiTlarwl, Hut ware ha rvin put lo tha tnrtura, haeuulil ri'it ui 'lie bia iRcO'iiplicpa, fir, in firt, and in troth, ha hid nona. Howarrr, iiiria liave bt-un rii'Mlly (Mirwi l in all tha Ixnutoa auiroiMHlnii; that in hirh tha iu-fi-rnal opritiM wa pi icvi, and wa arc t'lld that a wo rn in lio rinni bnlnnd lint houK) ln (lrp.wi, tliat an inotanl after Uia axplrmion alio raw two men, both WrMiiidcd, niikinjf th.'ir rMpa. Twi-nty-ont wra arrmtrd in the caln at 1 in ted next duor to (iirnrd'a bl-ini-a, arvl ara niirci tlmt upwanla of one hundred arralatinii hac altu'-ctht-r bean l3d" 0:5 Thr PmiJmt and kit Frank irtg optralwnt. It w atati-d by un, wmin lima yy on tlia million! nf oilier inprri, that tha I'rctioU'tit hid barn in llio luthil of franking, in ha. nama, lrj;o quantitua of Extra Olobft, and ot "r ltt turnac-nii;; pajiora, fit tha puriMO of working iiffin tiio public mind in favor of hia rhoirn tnrrrtmr, Mr. Van BurrTi. Thii wiia prmiminrod y t'io (itoha, tho mouth-pifro of tho I'rwlani, to ba a ban filnrltuo) and alatvlcr. Tlia l'raidnt could drny IL, an lon aa kt waa cliarcad with thn art Rul iIh I'Ailar of tho Nashville Republican, who had already aliarcd a (ood portion of lh I'raaiilant'a wrathy danun ciationa in tha Jirt Gwin Mtrr, rharrjad thin frnnkinq operation on Maj. lmetwn, the I'raatifant'a Private Ho crelary, and that it had bee.i dtaie without the 1 r-i-dent'a knowleilffe. Tho (iiniral, it aeenis, could not atandthit: ho tt to, while at the Rip Unp;w antra a trrpnd lellrr.uf ninth the following is a copy, to his Rtrewtct, Parson Owin, who, if he ! n: oid of the (jii.ilifiraiionn hr minii'terini; in ancriil tliin(jt, ni lie in of politicul orthodoxy, had U-itcr net iipataianvlbiiicliw. The intelligent reader will no doubt duly esti mate the object and U nor of tli.n letter. To !uit a i-isb have we come, whrn the I'rf -tidiint of U.c.-c (,'rnl.i StwUw unbluJiingly ituipk fiouilhe, dignity ut Lin ta tiuii, t' frank, in iiuma the piltry abtiao of a hireling editor, fir the purpose of biainj 1J10 opinioiif of the people in favor of any man whom he may pleaw? to de aiiiata aa bia Micccasor ! A nd, in it n. t a n insult to our national character, to overy mn who haa one spark of palriotu'iu left, for the Prcudunt to attempt to dictate who ahall be clnjeen fir our ruler I la not auch a courxo unprecedented ! No other President ever dared at temot auch thinr. A aimilr eouraa, am the part of ny other President, would have been sufficient to cruah hm and hia Adminiatiiliua to the e round. Hut no entJ chanting, to portn of the people, ia the name of Jaclum, that, were he to mj that the 44 Moon ta made of green chceac," tliey would believe it Thia ainarle fiict : that General Jackson is using hia popularity, and the power and influence of hia official station for the promotion of tho New York jugfler to the Presidency, ehould bo aulKcient gronmla for the ctiva oposiikn of every lionesl iiidividiral, who is demrona of preserving our Republican Inntitution in their original simplicity, mmm jM.MiHujm inn hu'i jhi! t am u iiw . Dut, tho language used in tbia letter, is such as to wound Uto national pride of every true hearted Ame rican. It i of a low, vulgar character tlmt woubt disgrace a gentleman what will bo thought of auch language by the I'rcsidcnt of Republican America I "I intended it aa a rebuke of what i considered an un warrantable abuae of my name to subserve the view of iccaoua MTUeVc&n. JWiktwr.tp undermine the courao of Republiconiam, and to defeat the retuilt ot ttie teati iug meaaure of my adimnwtration." M U the rroai. dent really in earnest, when lie aAJiimrs thtrt K judge of, and censure the motives of fargt" portion of sovereign people, who may choose to differ with him in trille Republican, U lm h I Lava adverted intli ' now, A. i 0- T conditio of BETTERED ty thr tfurtt 0 rW AMthnit. 1 the mUeraanU i tha Nurtli.acling im Ic: tho gart of Plnlantliropr, lead tho fillowlng, and bluJi for aliamo, The tbiditMiUa pre tend lo bo laboring la hciut the cuudiUon of tha f mf-frting'-Utrding" alartuf Uia Knilh. Have they done o or ire thay likely lo do ' Hitch Philantfiropy ia the offspring only of flendt, in tha human form. Who ever, before the preaent fearful criaia, hcird of Maatera being compi-flod to prohibit their alavai, in Uia field, from knllnttiig, whittling, or tinging ! Vet, ueceui ty now coinpela them lo thia unnatural, inhuman coura. Iimtead of the abolilumiata ameliorating tho condition of the Wave, they will, through tlieir hellwh clu ini a, Miwlcr hw yoke aluxwt uuoipporuble : "('fruit roiirri, At.a Angu-4 l", " At a mi" ting of the citizen of Flatml aHtle mant, the following Rvaolution weru uiuiiiuioualy adopted : " Int. rVfW, That the rir be rcqnenti.tl lo in flitt tha law to it fulhut extent "i'nd RfnArrd, That every owner of lavn prulnliit erery other alave fnan eooung atiout their plantation without a Kcil permit, aod tiialif any negro U' caught in the lioijue of a negro, w iUmmiI a permit, thn nee'ro lull mforin tliair owner) anl if they tail Ui iiilitrui llieir owner, they ahall be whipped by the alrol aa if they were rntight from homn without a pnax. .".'Ird. Rcmlei-d, That every owner of atavea, in giv ing their negroes pnaM-a. JkhiIu bo particular to dvmg nate tha place or plnn they are to go. "4th. Rriilrri, That Ilia owners of alarea be re queled to pruhibil ihrir tlutrt from giving Miy ununoW mund, tiikrr ty hollowing, imgii';, or in u"y o(irr Koy. " ."Hh. Rrmlvrd, That all alave be prohibited from selling ginger-bread. tiom liit Rahiqk RrKi,iff, nf SrpirmUf fiov. Hw tia ft thn fily, I dy nr Iwu anire, on a tuit lulus reahlvnc ia Ituntonil County. II tptt4 lo b iberil aoveful week, t U'orMir o" mllinlmn At maatini rerrntlr held at Warrrniim, in thia Histe, in n-Ution to the ,.atli"rn r'analira, a rawoluiHio, amringother, waa'liin, wlurli avert "that lha Hiavra is) the Houth, whethrr regnnU d a tha lowat clasa, lit the rulumve llriiig clasa, are kellrt fntirr1rd and trtlrr pranJtd , in tirknttt ' una ik nrmin, ilia n ine low or laooring ciaMiai any othT Hlata, Kingibim,or Co'ltr''.', Tin e aincwly iK'iiove 10 tw true, A'lfaa in Prnntifltmni.--f I i'ii,.ylvnui heve alrueli tlia llK Ul, thn papif publiahatt a (ov, Widf. Ilarriaoa u ca bun in I'liintyUania. The Convention of the Trotattanl Fpiacnpal Church recently cIomm! it la bora in Philadelphia. JUv. Francis K. I fa k, I). I)., was rloct'il, II liop, and awignd lha Kpicomlcbrtreof FlorMla, luiin,and Arkamsia. lift, lukmm Kemper, P. P., wasewvtrd 1 I!iIm., ami TT 1 Li 1 .It 41 li:: !-. Hi i.J! ymt Wolf paper, la ..I if I r:f h I I Van Burr fL.y "; I ' 'V.rf' ' H til it MNuri, the riirnre of f, ' -, ,.r j I II VILKi:M)()I(()l(jI iKitkimi 1 rear in .i. : j i- t ...n- 1 . ag,,a,f the Epi-vH-l cluirgaui Mu-.M.ppi and ln.li- I ,,! 1 1! ! 1 ' ana. It 1. thowhl that, in add.ti.Hi to the aU.ve Ubor. ' . m WilkeelwhMiKh, Norlb-Urulim, wiUg.ve Pr. Hawka will undertake, provi.ionally, lha charge of; "'" IN'nlinn lo render it Mliafaclory Ut In tbu diu-Oti of Alabaitu. friends, in nil lha retui.itea of a House of PI. It- I Lit' KSTKItTAINMKNT. All lU comforu Orel Hoax f Ona of the New York nanera pub-1 and anioyineiila Mini idertMnril end lieallhful si In lihitfa fowdsyaaoaiMngcniousaod wall written ar- alnMi, cheap and plentiful roiintry , and roininoliooa tide, purportiag lo have been eilractvd from the rilin-' a,iM,nga will admit, lie will endeavor lo insure In burg Journal of Hoience, giving an . count of sundry ,M font T()(MM, wh h ,nrelofie favored iiiuVflotia discoveries in tho moon, represented lu have t ' ,. ,, , .. . . . i.-. n...t- I.- n...i 11........ Li ' .. .j- . , "n with Iheir coinpnny will tlwa) a find thai lie crulit aunaif lie go.1 plo of 'the t ty, aud eac.uM I r"",u mi,t of etartioiia lu descuo a cwilinu- a greal iWul nf atlenU.ii and remark. It Uled that he " 'br,f hud ciKitrueiH a Telescope which bnnglit the iinsmi Housw ia well situated for the accomniodv lowii w, thin half a mile of the earth, aiai enabled him lion of Families ami Individual Hoarder!. BI welt not wiy to discover land and water, but c loulil. tn-as, aa Travellers; and hisHtnldaa have ample tuppUls, verdure r.w:ka, and even aniu.s's. Rut. like Robin.0.1 arm0d by a failllful (Ktlrr. r" h I i?'" ! ! U''k7 UT' !I CtT Thn Office of the WilkeaUirtHigh Singe tiiriiiaittobearonummati luiiiiUig. r-uch an allxiiiist 1 . . v . e to ,.. p,a, U,e credulity of the public -such a j ''' ... ,f . . ... proalilution of the nroas uieriis lio severest reuroiien- All r.U lAHHllllAl.Li. prti bmi. Hull iff h Slur. (fj Tlie Northern (rropondent of a Southern pa per, in commenting upon the condition, nnmlier, and tneani of tho Abolitionist, makes the following very just remsrks: "liU'k at the Tappans, Itmkins, iiC , that head thia formidable clan, are they pour dev il tlmt j-hiii 'lioir mo ney by the "sweat of the brow ?" No! fiir from it. The silks of Italy, France aud India, line Uieir Mii'lvc ; the costliest ahawla of Cashmere and I'luli' i are M en Di fruwline Ihr Ri irnut. t)u Uia 1 t of Aueust h, Mr. lieorge llowen, of the firm of Itowen 4. Ad- dom. No. .VJ. William st, iuisrler. rweived an in- vmec uf gmsln, which were entered in the. usual form at llie Cuntutn llousa. Amongst llieni wssa esse cou laiiiing, acconling to bis own sccouot, a quurtily of me- rmo cMii Sul".ui nlly, it waa diat-uveml, 111 Uie ap praisers office, that tlia case cnntaim-d colliai priiila in- sieaa 01 1110 vsils lie bad sworn to; aud a it was evi 8epf. 10, I ISA. VilkrilMirotisli NlaRc 1,1 nr. Tfyx TIIK HTAIJK on inis routo rWS?3&i leave. 8ALEM.N C.onSuii- vVlv - day morning, at A o'clock, peas' es through Huulsville, llaiiipiis,sville, Wilkesbo. ro', and Jefp-raon, and arrives al SHOWN'H CROSS KOAIM, Teiui., on Wednesday, Vi nV.lick, where il interned Kelly's line of Stagea. 1 ueni now en nail letinHl lalsi-lr ih order U deceive tlio Iwuvea Hhowna Cross Honda aante dav at revenue, Mr. M. Suriwoul, the deputy collator, unite ,,'clock, P. M., imd arrives at Salem m Snlurdav '"J'Ty ". " -rui ioe ... 1, 1...1 -tar. 4 M. .p, now , i,,,,,,, f K"'K uowen won wiuui anu crrua which a warrant to bis arrest winsrran liv Justice Wvn.sn. Wlion tin- I' S (to ex..(ut. ih- pr.4vss, he diK-ovured Hat H wi-n hid rr Tilly miles, than any other from Salem ! i.ei,..i, m.iciwr- 4 p( M .j, ow , fmni,,,,, f L"n Sugv from KNOX VI LLP. lo SALEM, by av mie. lorn MMirmiK' , ... . , . . ' rt Mnrli..l came "' ilkelxiro . I hi route 1 ladieved lo he nrar in innumerable uusutitie in their tir(i.. Kvery thing liken g in llie picket fi I,iveri.il, w',.f U sailed , Knoxville. . . . ..... . , l.ii . -i ei ii . 1 . i that can adorn the r rh or add to female ptenilor w t.er-. ThoUMtmls they can talk of ; yea, ten. Kicli liave tlit-y grown, and increased in rirhes with v. hat ! it;i tie; gold of the South I Thnt Southern gold la returned to us in the shape of incendiary paper. Ve, like the ..truck flairlc, we aeeon the 1'ital dirt our own leathers tint propelled it, and vihich if is-netrating our vitals. Ves, to llio1 complexion hs this gold conic at last Our inerchanlH may now learn wisdom by experience. Kel ler Mould it lie that the merchant shi)M Mtled at the wharves than their cjrg.s' si-nld Iw pot to such use, and be lha means of pending lighted lurches amongst us. Yes, I say, let them rot rather than our fire sides should hecouin the scene of sigliU at whith huiuanity shudders; the scenes uf bliBtdxhcd and civil tomuiotiou -of brother steeping his hands in the blood of a murdered brother, or frenzied slaves glutting their vengeance in lliier ma U'r' bbssl. let us be on the alert ; have an eye to nor own security. To home wo nwist look and repel every invasion uf our rights." ()M CircmtoncrafTCnie. "-Jons. QtlJicv Ad ams waa abused and turned out of olheo for rewarding a f'W inembera of Congrosa and newssiucr E!itors winch waa very justly calbil " bringing the patronage of tho tiovemment into conflict with the freedom of the presV and a tampering with the freedom of elections. Urnrrai Jackmn appoints more members of CtMigrcsa, atMl newspaper Kditor to orlice in four years, than all hia predecessors put together But, if the people or the pre apeak Cinidemnatory of hit acts, tliey are " fuctioua intriguers, seeking to undermine the cause of Repub licanism, and to defeat the leading measures of his Ad nrinistratTcml" "'nrmmj(anoi alter caaat;" General Jackaan did it Hurrah for General Jackson!! at U 0 rl.u k. J ha cU'ct.H' kvin? i m anuruod uf . I'l,- .-i .iin.,i..n ,;i I.L.u.j.! 1.. r.u the cirru.Mstance, ordered the r-v. ,.,.,. culler 10 set M. 1 ri(H(J M, t.(mjm Bnj riIVClrri .jj, filM III liur.llll ait lliai ftiifii nil airf Ii4rt i.ii'lr.il Ksiit 1u- u,..r. st.n. ,t 1. .;.......,.li,i.. .1....1.... .1,.. ..,11 llH irttccoiii.ii.Mliiti.Mi excelleul and nt low rale. be able lo overuiku her.- lurur d r.nmnrrr 'l',1P ul'derlgMuJ, who IS ClKltrOClor for lllfl r.Slte. underlukes lo furnish gissj Ciairhea and sii"'rli I I cams. Ho will, also, for a niislera'n coiisiderii Thr Hurrhn,, of Trx. -The N.ateher (M,,- j(,n ,,nvft poa.,,,. fr0m Witkosboro lo pi) Courier, id the 1 tlh ultimo, furnudies the following , u..n 1 . u. . ..11. .ntelk-eno, relanve lo tho purchaw of Texas by the , ". ""'7. I nit.-d States (,overamnt. . Is it true' Cannot the rAUI irom tulem lo Bliowii a Urns Konds, WasJnngUm (jpera give us some light utsm tho aub- 87, ilistunco 10 miles. pel It: trig h Ri gmtrr. "We mentioned, a few week ago, that there was a romonr abmnd that a treaty was in Washington, bc-tw-en tha United State and Mrs am, by which Texas was ceded to the former. Our information Ru is such as to leave us but little doubt of die fact To avoid all constitutional questions aa lo llio righrto pur- rhn4 lilt, tlljkUonf fllan U M nn.la . n,l kutn adopfed: aa the lino between Mexico and the Cn ted . ,""MT 'J fr"'n1 gfHy. Omt be ia now Slates Ima never been run by the authority of the two1 romving Ins 1 nil supply of (food ; which ron eovernuients, ami of course is still unsettled, to avoid sists of a general, heavy, and well selected atnrl- an expoiiHO anu controversy tierealler, lor a certain pay- men! of 111c.n1 ui money 10 oc mad to uie Mexican government : fisfl Aaiain Te a mm es5")' mn rvsfa wsiwwaiaisaii S1 w w ? w a f AKNER CARMICIIAF.I.. Wilkcstx.ro, September ID, IH.iX pl To Country Mcrchants. rpiir SuWrilier b'g leave fo inform bis cus hy the United Jitatct, it ia agreed that Ue Rio dd Norte r aiiall be llio dividing lige. The W ashmston Globe is industriously at wor DARING ROBaERY. On Monday night last the bod-nsmi of Capt. J. II MtloY, of this town, wis entered while the Captain was asleep, without awaking him, and robbed of a con siderable oimiilily of clothing, among which were those which he hud worn during the day, and in the p-ket of one of the pieces of which was the sum of Thrf JIundrtd VullarM, principally in United Slaicj iionk notes. Diligent search waa made the i.cxt morning, but fur aomeumc without success. At length, however. ,-. maiMQ -wai.d. reeled. tva Jtm.Jbty ,uLeukr4mnml.L k to J , ,L.. .,. .. . r Hardware t Ciilltr), 1 1 ATS AND SHOES, Drug and .TlrdiriiK, Without further enminieration, hia Hlock com- (irises almost every article now in common use iu (In country It ia interior lo nanr in r nvctleville C. J. ORRKLL. N. Bi Personal an.l strict atlein,m will be given lo the receiving and forwarding (mods; reeaivin t olton ami older I r.Klure lor olorngo, Sale, or opiniim! And, prny.'lrtve Hot FREEMEN a right to oppose wliat tliey believo to be wrong, even if Arulnio Jacknon sliould be the author 1 These ire new doctrine m this country. The name ia only wanting to complete the American Despo tism we have a "military chieftain" at the head of our Government, who says and does ad best suits hia pleasure, and takes " the rttpontibdily ," So luia Rua ua, and other Dedrwtiiima of Europe. "Gallatin, Aug. 20, 1935. Cor. W. Barbow Dba Sib: I herewith send you a copy of abetter recently received from President Jackson tlie" Whole of which I renuest you to hae the mwHnna to nulilifili in the Nashvil lo remibliran. uVoura,rpcctrully, AMEWIiV;11- " Rip Ram, Aug. 8th, 1833. . uririD Ri? IT.avinnr seen, in the Nashville Repub lican of the !48lh of July, 1835, chargee agamir Maj: AiHlreW i. IKKieiOD,w ' aousing uio rrcswciti a na.i for political and electioneering purposes, I feel myaelf callW61n Juaticrto pronounce thia chargS ifc calumny; tilterly destitute Of ir.llll. III J,v. p.i.iM-- '- " the IfepaWicartr' ' I never taivo franked- any1 letters tw package fur Mai. Doncleon without being informed ot their contents. The public documents, and the news paper containing them, which I have franked tQ lny constltneota, and old frienda and acquaintances, have been addressed aud directed, fbi the iiswt part, by Col. Earl bad. Andrew Jackson, Jrm? adopted aon; and never by Mnj. Donelson, excert in a few instances, when they were addressed by him at my request, have further to add, that all the aUtementa in the Republican, in regard to the agency of Major Donelaon and P. P. Blair, Ej Editor ot the Globe, in inducing or in preparing my letter to the Rev - Mr. Gwin, is equally false and unfounded. I wrote it immediately on ino the article in the Republican, and intended it as a rebuke of wliat I considered an onwarrantablo use of my name, to auiwene me viewi oi raciioua uu-igueia, implicate the Whigs at the north in the schemes nf the Aboirtionists ; becauseT some one or two old Ferlcrat Editors and associates of Van Jluren, favor their doc trines. Wa would advise lha Globe to drop thia subject aa soon as powible; and we wonder how it m that Mr. Van Bnren baa permitted the Globe to atir up a ques'ion which rniie.t..bf anything bnt favorabla lohiaproepccU in the somt Ho that live in a -ghiaa houie should not throw atones." The New-V'ork Eevening Post, the organ of the Van Buren party In that City, favora the abolitionisU; so doea sevefaV Van-Buxca mcuibcrj to Congrew from New-York what aign ia Una, Mr. Dlair I . 07" Dr. Ruckir.Thi diitinguuhed gentleman is singularly unfortunate in hia political career ; he can please neither friend nor foe. One would liave diouglif, that, after the very great sacrifice which he must have made for the "Great Republican Party," in leaving his practice of Steam, in Teunessee, and travelling all the way to Baltimore, and there disposing of the fillecn votes of Tonneaseo, to the best of hia abilities, and all for the benefit of the "Great Republican Party," we say, Uiat we think this, should, at loast, haye screened him from the abuire ot the members of. that Pyrty. But be ; The terraqueous Globe ia out upon him, in the same language uanally appropriated td the Bank Whig and Nullifi- cra." Kucucrwyg mat ne acteu unoer oiw.uun Etwurd Carter, who had been lurkim' nh.Mil the town . Shipment us fhf 6wiirrrwy flirec'i;' tTJ J'.'fX' fir some week., and who, it was suid, had lell tliat i Hriek Row, flayinoiinl, rnomiBg for- Lancaster. A. jnrtr imntecli".tely ftarti-d i Fnvelteviile, Seplenilwr 19, 1S33. rjm in pursuit, and overtook bun about twenty miles iW-- - . l...- .. Camden, where he had taken up for the niirht On! PinZfH afJiir fir nilt ill if searching hi.n tho whole of the money was found, and f " UJflU' w",t' tj. the culprit brought back and lodged in jail. Ho bad ,i.fcrh,lhe 0W"'Ct ,rH,-,."f M TE Eaamiiiation of the Bludonla of thia insti giatratea and rreeholdcra; and, being found guilty, waa I . . . . . . . , . , , , ,, Sentenced by thf Court tp be hmZ m the third f nrtayT -l (f,-- -h?.l7'.,., in October next CutnJr Journal, of September li. j county, N. C) will lake place oo llie 14lh of Oc tober next, wii ine uay i. mowing, mere win on an Kxhibition of polite, instructive, and entertain- wo aaid at die time) from the HrAire-nou at Washing ton, and tliat he travelled from Washington in company with Speaker Stevenson, Blair of Uie Globe, and Sha drackPenn, a- member f the Caucus from Pennaylya nia. Blair gives tliia the flat, and says lliat he knew nothing of the miscreant ! ! at the time of die caucus I Now, If -we ware in Ruokar'a place, aincciia oiuat have aufTered, both in a pecuniary and pAyne-al light, wa would, makaout a iaHajccfiiint again?? Jilt Tjrwaorcf and Directot-General of the "Great Republican Party," Mr. Van Buren, and present it fbr payment And, in ease of a re:usal lo pay, a recourse to the lately frequented tribunal of Judge "ZiyncA" would probably heal all dUsentiona amongst the parties litigant f Judge White in Missouri The frienda of JudgtS White have already commenced die formation of an Electoral- ticket in Missouri. The Fayette Monitor says: "The Slate ia undoubtedly fbr White against Van Buren, and die ball will move onward." It pre dicts Uie election of the ticket by 4,000 majority. A correspondent in die same paper says " We have seen and heard enough of the late election to know that Mr. Van Buren will be badly beaten in this State," UMTED IV WEULOCK, "tn Iredell enmyr4be. flttt-intoV by A. IIowardY Esq., Mr. BENJAMIN NOLES to Miss CVNTHIA HEAD. ' v, .... AUs on tho sanio day, by die same, Mr. JOHN A. CARTER, formerly oT Raiulolph county, to Miss MI RANDA C. ALBEA, of Iredell. All for White t In An .n county , on die 20th ult , by 1 lerly, Kan., Mr. W. G. BUTLER to Miss ELIZABETH HOOK ER; Also, by the same, on the '27th ultimo, Mr. SA MUEL HOOKER to Miss ZI LP. IA BUTLER. Also, by the sann Mr. HAMPTON L1NSEY to Miss ELIZAJIETII BELEW. : In Montgomery county, on the 31st ultimo, hy Jisieph' Pasons, lq., Mr. JOSHUA HURLEY to Must SUSAN JENKINS. DEPARTED THIS LIFE, In Iredell county, on the 30th ultimo. Mr. ISRAEL MORRISON, aged abcrat 27 7eara.AIo, irr Btates4 ville, on the same day, tha infant child of Mr. Uaniol viije, Slotit too. aged about one vear. Also, in Uie same coun ty.oo the 6th iortant, WlLUAM TUCKER, son fj Mr. 1 nomas Tucker, aged 4 years. uig Dialogues ami rlayts together with a variety of,orrgTnar8Wecheirdrc Pa rmi r tiurduuuT and frienda or lilernture are requested In attend. The Hxercisea of the next Session mMiths) wilt be rtisuiiKid on the 1st Monday in Novtmber. Rates of Tuition: Latin and Greek Languages and sciences . 810 The following is the Course pursued, vi : In the Latin : Adams', or Rudditnan's -Oramtnar. Jifcoh'a Latin Reader. CiBrfar, Virgil, Cicero, Sullust, and Horace. In the Greek : Valpv's Grammar. Jacob's Greek Reader. Greek Testament, GrmciB Minora. Grrecm Majora. Any Student can have the use of the above menlinnod books, Uigether wilh.lhe necessary vo cabularies, at 19 50 per session; or can purchase tliem on moilerato icrms: nnarrjmjr can be harl, iinwctsiM BMW I WILL SEM Ona Credit of Sis Months, on Ae 22nd of this month, the following property, viz r TWO PIANO FORTES, One of which is of the heat tone and workmanship: A good let of Globes; Six large Mapt, on Rollers; Four uedi; TWO Allien cowi; All my Household and Kitchen t urniture, com prising many articles' nearly new, and valuable. . Also, at the same time, tha Houses' sod Lois where I now live, will be rented until the 1st of January next. BENJAMIN CXJTfRELL. September 12,1835. , ' pa in respectable families, at from SI 00 to fl 25 per week. a a a . a a . It is lo bo hoped, mat ine saiuonous aiiuauon of Poplar Grove Academy i, the,, moderate terma of Tuition and Boarding, and the good moral so ciety of the neiehhourhood, will induce a liberal georgI: t. emersom. SeirtaiiiliMilSimJ iJ2r The Charlotte Journal, and the Yorkville, 8. C. Journal of the Times are requested to in sert the above Advertisement until the 14th of Oc tober, and forward Iheir accounts to Mount Monroe P.p., Iredell county, N. C G. T. E. BLUM'S J: CAIIOLI.A ami VIRGINIA Aljl Ai ACliH V O II t30, Calculated fi the mrrulian of SALEM, N. C ASMAIX SlH'l'l.Y of the above Almanacks have been received, and may be had at THIS OFFICE, Price 10 cents per copy ta. . ' .. , - no hi: xlxv jr.ivr.LT.rnv. 7 Watchct Till Hol.arr.ber haa jusl return rd from I'lnlad. Ipliiu, here ho jiurch4cii & rich aasortmeitt of WATCIIEfl, . a) a4 vV aaarfarfaaa ai a Aatf msxLI f'f,e vml recent Fashions, tjeiitl. MH u's OolJ and Silver Lever, ' lo. d.t. Di.plei, Indies' Gold Iifver and do. Ilsin I'rtglih and Dais - , Fine Gold fob-Chains and Keys f 7 Fine rialed Fob Chlins and Keys , , Ladies' Plated Neck Chans" A rich aenrtmeiil of Breast Pins tad Rings 1 Fine Kat Rings, Gold and Plated Ladir s' Jel, H.lver, and Gill Wtiat-ltuckWa f ' Shell M'isi Boies and Silver Pencils A lsra aaaortmeiil of Spectacles fur til Eyes J , Indies' and Geotlemen a Fine Pocket IWks f Suierior YVadea and Bulchs Ceocara Razors M Pocket Knivet and 8ciasNrs faiher and Silk Money. Purees Indies' large Turk and Sida-CtHnbs . Do. Snuff (t.iiea, ami Thimbles Fine Plated Castors and Caiklle-tticls, ' ( Touether with Chains, Pistols, Seals, and Keys. Ac Als Silver Spiams and Sugar-Tonga. llu hopes thai b.a rrieuds and Lualonrera will rail and ae bia fine saanrlnient. and BUY .He will at II biw for CASH, or on a sh. rt credil Ordera from distance will be j.romjilly filled. natthesand l.hsrks repaired well, and Oar. ranted for Tweht Months. (O" Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange Sr Jewellery.. . , JOHN V. PALMLR. Biilisbury, Bi-plember Vi, 1833. If 0L03Z h VTATSU IliZS?., ji:vi:i.Li:u & milvu-hitii. RESPEt TFU LLY in. forms his Frienda and lha Public, that he still curiti. nuea lo carry on I he above busmras, in all its various bra ih lies. His Bhop ia slill kept on the Main-street, in Salisbu ry, one dor above the Store of Samuel Ltmly it Ami. Watches and Clocks of every kind will be RE P AIRE I) with neatness, at short notice, i resartiiubie terms, and Warranted for 1 2 Months. . 7 He wtH always keep on band a variety of arti cles in his line; simIi as Puieni Lever WafclltMs, (English, French, Swiss, and Dulrh.) G.dd ami Plulrd Fob Chains, (ii Id and Plated Watch Guards. Gold and Plated Watch Keys. Gold and Plated Watch Seals. Gold Ear-bob, Breast pins, and Finger-riifgs, (luteal fushion.) Silver Ware; Ever-pointed Pencil Cases, and Leads. Silver SMc(actf, and steel frames and glasses. Fine Pocket and Dirk Knivee, and Silver Fruit Knives. Pocket Pistols and Dirks. Ilrenxt Buttons and Musical Botes. Gill and Sioel Walch Chains and Keys. OT OIJ Gold and Silver taken in exchange for articles purchased at hia shop, and in payment for woik done and debts due. 1). L. P. If ' SiiliHlajry, August 22 MO'U NEW (JOOI)S! Hf tiry W, WtOH would hiform his frienda and the public, that be has just received, directly from the North, an entirely new Stock of Staple ana: Fauey Dry-Gioila, Groceries, and Coufecliooanea, which -he will dispoe of CHEAP fbr ciudi. His Stock eon sisK in part, of Fine blue, and other Cloths, Satinets, ISrrattmns, H'lmbaiinrs, and Drilling! ; Vrstings of mrinus ktndt; Hals, Bonnrts, and Short; Hard-ware, Querns-ware, Cutlery, and Crorkeru-ware , Sugar, o4 Cofa; l'owJerr mo4 Ltad good smiiking and chewing Tobacco, f-e. fr. His CO.N'PECTiONARlES coruist of various Can way -skav H. VV. VV. particularly requests the public to call and examine hw Stock, as he is very certain that he can fiud aouictiung to please all. . - waiishiiry, M-iitfliitiajeteaav2 .H M " aai IV li &..TOTT3n PA02Z0270, tUK. 1835. HORACE JL HEARD. TaJlor. EGS leave lo inHirm his frrenoV, and the wibHe - in H)IU aa I ftiinfr frilPm in Ik a as I i nam u.il I -J.Ua.a.a aaa viibh.i ai asaaaa vawss iia ssi liira Wlli ajwfly sj Ka llmnlcliiltv nvflivaaii Kv liim. miui vnarnawt in ksa. "-"-..i .ww-..v mrj aaaaa-w waw vitwUIVU UI most Neat, Fashionable, and Durable manner -00. ermaaareaaonablc aa any in thia section of covo i. try. IL IL B. hopes, from his Iwg practice of his busineNS, (a number of years of which time be resided- in the city of Philadelphia.) and from lha general satisfaction ho has heretofore given to hia numerous respectable and fashionable customers, to merit and receive a portion of tha patronage of the public in general. ,tr He flatters himself that hia CITTTTVn really superior lo any done in this State, as may 1 . . 1 . . if. . . 1 , ' . . f lie losioo oy ine unuispuiea elegance 01 ht Which ' atteiids garmcnU made in his establishment. He ia in tho remilar roceint of thn Reoorts nf tha fa shions aa they change both in the large cilieaof tnis country ana 01 Europe so that gentlemen - -imv bA-aatiarled- that-4heir ordera will silamra ka . - - - ..... -, eveuieu in ine very otiesi aiyie. " . 1 ' e ' if . tit Orders from a distance will be attended to with the same punctuality and care aa if the customer were presenj in person. Salisbury; September. 19, 1835. ly Dricki-Masoni and IIone-Carpntera rwraajaj Tf5X?TM-L'JMIZram--aMom 'pFIE Building Committee of the Manual Labor lour or ure lirlcu Houses' For said institution, on' Ortohstr lha Tik i tl. - - . - , t I1W residence of Win. I Davidson in Mecklenburg County, two miles from the site of said institution i when and where a general plan and specification. ' - aa a -'' 01 construction win oe prepared and contracts en tered into." Contracts for the- Brick and Carpen ter'awork will be combined or seperate, as cir. Cttmstances may require, ah persona who hava a winu 10 undertake are requested to attend. By order of tha Commissioners. WM. L. DAVIDSON, September 12, IMS. . p4 1. I' t - t 1 i', t

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