... t-' WESTERN PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING A3H22i SlHLIJl AITID !HA31I?P2)i? EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. JVumbcr 20, of Volume 1G SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA:, OCTOBER 17, 1835. THE CAM OMNI AN- The iVcfetcrn Carolinian. BY A3IIBEL SMITH &, JOSEPH V. HAMPTON TEBMS OF PUDLICATIO.N. 1. The Western Carolinian is published every Sa turday, at Two Dollars per annum if paid in advance, or Two Dollars and Fifty Cents if not paid before the expiration of three month i. 2. So piper will be discontinued until all arrearages re paid, unless at the discretion of the Editors. 3. Subscriptions will not be received for a lets time thin one year; and a failure to notify the Editors of r wish to discontinue, at the end of a year, will be consi dered as a new engagement. 4. Any person wuo will pmenre six subscribers to the Carolinian, and take the trouble to collect and transmit their subscription-money to the Editors, shall have a pa per gratis during their continuance. 5. rjr Persons indebted to the Editors, may transmit to them through the Mtil, at their risk provided they get the acknowledgment of any respectable person to prove that such remittance was regularly made. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. 1. Advertisements will be conspicuously and correct ly inserted, at 50 cents per square for the first insertion, and 33 cents for each continuance : but, where an ad vertisement is ordered to go in only twice, .V) cts. w ill be charged for each insertion. If ordered for one in sertion only, S;l will in all cases be charged. prmnj ivbn . nirp to omrie bv the vc.ir, will be A.. V t il ' " " w "I - I accommodated by a reasonable deduction from the above charges tor transient custom. TO CORRESPONDENTS. 1. To insure prompt attention to letters addressed to the Editors, th? postage should in i nil cases he paid. ..V V jiV XX JVC A c : A ? r O X V X j r yj- A J. y ' , if .' Vr V y : . V.' 0c y.. iff tttt- pmn,;in,nfTHF: VF.STERN C A HO LIN I A X would respectf ully inform w the Clerks of Courts, Sheriffs Constables, and 2 other gentlemen of business, that they have now on hand, printed in a superior style, on the very best qmlity of paper, a large supply ot Of almost every Description, Which tiey will sell on very moderate terms. To those who beco no regular customers get all their Bl inks of us a very considerable reduction will be ma le from our regular price. Any Blanks that we may not have on hand, xk will be printed toor ier on very short notice. Orders from a distance will meet with prompt Z attention; and Blanks put up and forwarded in the safest and most expeditions manner. .-7- V. JOB pi:lt3w. 'f, "i t: 1,1 i;irouM? inform Merchants and others, that, havin? an assortment of Fancy ----- W t f.. - M-h !ii i4 nrotviulv tin- surmssed by any m the state, tnv are .r.-pa- " red to execute an mnaaui uww - PRINTING in a very superior riyie. oucn us Joos, Pamphf.-ts, Circulars, Cards, I la id Bilh, Labels, Way-Bills, for Stages, &c. ic. All orders executed with despatch. if y V Current rricc of Produce, Vc. AT SALISBURY... 0:tobr 11, 1335. Ott 50 9 a 10 20 a 25 75 00 a 121 10 a 20 112 a 125 JSacon, ... Brandy, apple, peach, Jtuttcr, . Cotton, in seed, clean, CofTee, ... Corn, ... Feathers, . . Flour, . . . . 10 a i Molasses, - . r0 a :j."i;XaiIs, . . . . . 10 a 50 Oats, . . . . , 10 a 'Rye, . . . . . 4 Sugar, brown, - .11 I loaf, . . . 10 a lS.Salt, . . . . 40 a 45 Tallow, . . . 30 a Tobacco, . -.G'A) a fjOj Wheat, (bu.hel) . 100 Whisker, . . rears. . 10 8 a 20 80 a 100 SO a :J5 Flaxseed, linseed Oil, per gallon, Al 25 AT FAYETTE VI LLE. October G. Bacon, ... Brandy, peach, apple, Beeswax, . . CotTee, . Cotton, ... Com, ... Flaxseed, . . Flour, . . . Feathers, . . 9 a ll'Iron, . . a 50' Molasses, . . . 27 a 30 Nails, cut,. . 22 a 23 Sugar, brown, . 12 a 14M lump, . . 11a 15 loaf, . GO a 05 Salt, . . . 130 a 1 10 Wheat, . . . .000 a 7(r; ; Whiskey, . . 35 a Wool, . . . 4 a 5 29 a 33 G.', a 7 9 a 15 10 a GO a . 1 30 a 1G a 11 17 G5 15 00 IS AT CIIERAW, (S. C.) October 5, .... 8 a lOXails and Brad: lvio. Bacon, Beeswax, . CofTee, . . Cotton, . . Torn, . . Vn -sped. . 20 Sugar, brown, . 13 a 10 do. lump, . . 10 a 17 do. loaf, . . 03 a 07:Salt, per sack, .100 a 120 do. bushel, . 9 a 10 . 11$ a 10 . 10 a 17 .250 a 275 . 05 a 70 . 25 a 30 - - - Ilruir mnntrv. .750 a OO rot ton Biggin' do. northern, . t?00 a 900! rtKnr . 31a 37i Rue Hope, . 10 e 12 115 . 1G alS Wheat, . . ron, Jlolasses, 41a 5 Wool, . . . O . r, ! 33 a 40' Whiskey, . . . 40 a 47 RATES OF EXCHANGE St the Merchant's Bank of S. Carolina, at Clieraw : Checks on New York, . per cenu prem. do. Charleston, . per cent. prem. AT COLUMBIA, (S. C.) October 3, 135 Bacon, ... Brandy, peach, apple, Beeswax, . . Jlutter, ... Coflee, . . . Corn, ... Cotton, ... Flour, . . . Iron, . . . 9 a 121' Lard, 10 a 121 75 (Molasses?, . . 40 a 50j Mackerel, . . 15 a 1 O.Sal t, in sacks, , 40 a 45 ,700 a 950 a 300 25 a 31 i bushel. . 75 10 a 9-jSu?rar. brown. 10 a 12$ .871 a Wi loaf & lump, 18 a 22 14 a 154 Tallow, . . .10 a 1,'$ .825 a 875rreas, 00 a 125 5 J a 5i I Whiskey, 40 n 45 Mother," said a little fellow the other day, is there a y harm in breaking egg shell?" "Cer tainly not, my dear; but why do you ask ?" Cause I dropt the basket jist now, and see what a mess JJjn in with tho naety yolk." Baltimore ftar. noetic Reccs3 " HITCH YET REM VIMH I'NSCVU. From the. Token. YOUTH RECALLED. bv j. a. fERCIVAl In deepest shade, by fountain sparkling clear, Iligli o'er me darkly heaved the forest dome ; Sweet tones, long silent, mdt upon my ear; They soothe my spirit like the voice of home ; Ami blended with them, floats a beam of light, Itadlent, but gentle, through the shadowy night. Mv heart, that sunk in dim oblivious dream, W'aTies at the tones, and feels its life again ; My downcast eye uprises to the beam ; Sottly untwines my bosom's heavy chain: A stream of melody around me tlows ; Anew the smothered fire of feeling glows. The charm, long lott, is found ; and gushing pours FroMi fancy's heaven, its beauty, as a bhowcr : The mystic deep casts up its wondrous stores; Mind stands in panoply of fullest power; I leaving, with wakened purpose, swells the soul; Its larriers fall ; its gathered treasures roll. Lilit covers all around light from on high, Sort as the last retiring tint of even. Full as the glow that tills the morning sky. Pure as the'midn.ost blue of cloudless heaven : Like pillared bronze, the lofty trunks aspire. And every leaf alove is tipped w:th fire. And round me still the magic music flows; A thousand dillerent tones dissolve in one. Softer than ever gale of evening blows. They blend in harmony's enchanted zone : With pictured web and golden fringe they bind, For higher flights, the renovated mm 1. I feel it round me twine the band of power ; Youth beat- in every vin ; lift- bursts in bloom All seems, as when at twilight's blissful hour, Brt nthed from the flowery grove, the gale's .'rfume; The laugh, the shout, the dance, and then thy ttralu Oftendcrest love, dissolved the heart again. Ye greet me fair, ye years of hope and joy. Ye da-s of trembling fears and anient loves, The reeling madness of the impassioned boy Through wizard wilds agiin my eplrit rove?, And beaut', veiled in fancy's heavenly hue. Snides and recedes before my longing view. The light has lied , the tones that won my heart B.i'?k to its- early heaven, again are still : A deeper darkness hroos; with sirlden ttart Repelled, my life relapses from its thrill : Ilr avier the shades desrend, and on my ear Oidy the bubbling fountain murmers ne-ir. ABOLITION. We cheerfully comply with a request to publish the folkwing proceedings of a meeting of the Students of the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary, at I.iexington, S. Con the all-engrossing subject of abolition. The Rev. Edwin Abiel Bollls, we understand, is ex pected t-hortly to take charge of the Lutheran Congre gation in this place. Editors. From the Charleston CourUr. At a meeting of the Students of the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary, located at Lexing- ton, South Carolina, which was held in the Chapel of that Institution, on the 20th of August, for the purpose of expressing their opinions in reference to the incendiary conduct of the Northern Abolition ists, Mr. James I. King was call d to the Chair, and Mr. Eiwin Abiel Colics requested to act as Secretary. The Chairman, in a brief and pertinent manner, Pn1:iinpd the rdiiert if the meeting. In his re- marks, he stated. that inasmuch as the nrrhts ot " - -j . . . . . the Southern Country had been wantonly assailed 7 w - - f-j 1 by a class of fanatics, the Abolitionists, w ho, under , the garb of religious zeal, were throwing in our midst the tire brand of war and bloodshed, it was highly necessary, yea, an imperative duty on every Sotithernor, who loved liis domestic institutions, to express his decided disapprobation of their ooduct." lie also stated, that, according to the declaration of Christ, the Christian religion was not of this world ; and thinking that these misguided philan thropists had perverted its holy requisitions to an swer their particular ends, it behooved every lover! of his Bible to guard with vigilance any violation Jly , , ,, . ... of the same. As members of this Southern insti-t Retired, That although we view with horror tution," says lie, "we ought, with Christian mild-1 an,i ith just indignation, the attempts which have lies, but at the same time with decision and firm- i t "m,,e h' lho Abolitionists, to excite msurrec ne, to express our feelings on this all imjH.rtant ! tlon among our slave ,K)Pulation ; and whilst we .!;.. in onler thnt those arotm.l us mav know i W(,u1,1 cheerfully see them made to sutler the pun. (Hir sentiments, and Iks enabled thereby to calculate : : . . . V upon us as willing and ready at a:iv moment to lend our nid in nnttiixr down the mud and dangerous! fbtrovers ifnr iman and h:m - piness, and consequently enemies of religion." professors of religion, must look with dread and d.s Afler the Chairman had concluded his remarks, l' "I lj Lynch Law Clubs, as well as Mr. P. A. Strobe! rose and said, "that in addition j the assumption ot the right to execute the laws, by to the views which had U-en already expressed bv i vbs au.l unauthorized collections of the populace. in-fnoJ ulwww.i.nll thn. fThair. he would le.r I o the more regret these proceedings, mas- lenve to say, that whatever might be the religious scruples of some to express their sentiments on this subject, he, for one, felt none of these scruples. That, as all present were Southernors, and memliers of a Southern institution, he deemed it a duty which the memliersowed tothemselves,and tothe commu nity in which thev lived, not to withhold their opinions on this subiect." He further said, 44 that the period was not far distant when some of the members of i-UUI,ly this institution would enter upon their duties asj "wired, That we cherish the most unlimited Ministers of the Gospel, and he deemed it important confidence in the patriotism and public spintedness that the public should know their sentiments, in or- of ,he Trustees and Faculty of our own Institution, uVf that thev might rest assured that the influence fn,I.we are confident that the sentiments contained which thev.'as Ministers, should hereafter exercise ;in the above resolutions, will receive their cordial would not" be of an improper character, and that the confidence of a generous people, (as far as they were concerned,) would not be misplaced. Mr. Stro- lel offered the following Resolution, which was unanimously adopted : Resolved. That the Chairman of this meeting do appoint a Committee of Five, for the purpose oft drafting a Preamble and Resolutions, expressive of; the sentiments of the members of this institution, relative to the efforts which are making by the Ab ol itiouisU to excite dissatisfaction and insurrection among our slaves, by intruding upon us their inflam matory and seditiMJs publications, and that the Committee report at a sub-equent meeting. Agreeably to the above Resolution, tho Chairman appointed the following Gentlemen as the Commit tee, viz: Messrs. V. A. Strobe!, David Bernhard, William Uerly, Elijah Hawkins, L. Bedenbaugh. Accordingly, iti compliance with the above Re solution, an adjourned meeting was held on the 26th ult., at which the Committee read the following Preamble and Resolutions, all of which were una nimously adopted : PREAMBLE: Whereas, the public mind is at this time in a state ot considerable excitement, on account ot the ellurts which have been made and are still making, on the part of certain individuals and societies, to I interfere with the internal policy and peculiar iturti-t the first importance, which involves many partial tutious of the slave-holding States; we, the Stu-' lars, hut mav lie termed the preparation for do- dents of the Lutheran Theological Seminary of Si Hjth -Carolina und adjacent States, deem it a duty . which we owe to ourselves, and the community in! which we live, and in which we hereafter will be called to labor as Ministers of the Gospel, to irive . such a public expression of our sentiments, as will at nce convince the misguided advocates of this unhallowed crusade against the rights of their bre- tbren ot toe fcouth, that they may exett no cun- ; tenance or support from us, but that their course meets with our decided and unqualified disapproba- tion. Therefore, Ilesolrnd, That, as the religion of our Lord and , Saviour, Jesus Christ, is a religion which proclaims i" - " ijjh , uiu 01 me Abolitionists can Ik? productive ot no good, and must inevitably result, (if they succeed) indis- cord, strife, and civil wur, we consider such efforts as h ghly criminal, and springing from false and mistaken philanthropy. Uesolrcd, I lint, as citizens of tlie South, we feel a deep and lively interest in the welfare and pros- , K2rity of all our peculiar institutions, and we .hall ever reprobate any and every scheme which may ill doue ; and the habit of neglecting their own affeet their prmanency or their stability. j concerns ncessarilv leads them to occupy themselves Resolrcd, That, in our humble opinion, the Abo- with the afTiirs of others, ami to interrupt them in litionists have been persuaded to the adoption of their occiipntion5, or interfere with their peace, their mischievous designs, either from a desire to Let tho daughter, thot,, be suarded ainst this scatter "lire brands and death" i it the Southern pernicious fault. L"t her be "trained to feel, that community, or from an tbs-.lute ign .raure of the hr first great dutu, when not ensured in the ac actual condition of our hlave jMipulation. If from quis'ition of n-eful knowlegde, is at home that she the former, we truly pity their motives: If from- i her mother's natural assistant or substitute, in the latter, they are not excusable, f.r their ignorance the care of th" nursery, and the family. When mu.t be cither the result of negligence or of de- she has well-learned" the lesson of "obedience S-M and solf.c.ommind, she mav safely be entrusted llesolrcd, That we will use our best effrts to u jth the direction of the other children, but not enlighten the public mind on this important subject ; , tm then. Under the direction of her mother, she and vw; do hereby pledge ourselves (in as far as our ,ay, in this wav, complete her course of training Mtu.ition will allow) to discountenance and to rouu- in self-government, and learn to imitate her heaven" tcruct all the elK.rts which may le made by these lv father, who is kind even to the evil and un misguided men, to interfere with those rights which thankful.' have been guaranteed to us by the Constitution of IJut she must also learn in the nursery that pe our country, or to sow in our midst the seeds of culiar duty of woman, the care of the feeble an I discord and of civil war. ,j,e sic. " KVery family, and every child, are every nrnrea9 i nat, as our saviour, wnen ne was up- on earth, did expressly declare My kingdom is not f this world," we must consider the ellbrts of the A!ditinits, loset at defiance the laws and autho- ' rit n,the country anl to excite mistrust and in- surrection amongst our slaves, under the pretence i - , - , -. from motives which ought not to be cloaked under the guise of Christianity. lltsnlred, That we deem it a duty, incumbent il it I v:i iifiri'T !lifir uiii riinril i nifril . nlitl wm-iniririt, upon every slave-holder to see to it, that those whom fl!J; por this ,ur)OSe, she nmst acquire, not mere God has place.! under his authority and control, are jy jj, m watching and providing for the wants of duly mstructeti in tne essential uocinnes and pre - !..,........ .i. u: . i:..:.. i'13 " maiaii oisii And we do like- wise deem it an esjK'cial duty ot all christian mm- Mors, to devote a portion of their time to this pur- pose, whenever an opjMrtumty may beatF.rded them. Resolved, That,chenshmgaswedoadeepcoii- ceru for the welfare and happiness of our common country, as well as for the perpetuity ot those civil j afl religious hU-rties for which our fathers fought, and which have been transmitted to us ; and as lovers of our country, must ever deprecate any de signs, which may tend to atFect the permanency of. our vjovemmeui, or wuicu may inreaien ne ue- ( st ruction of those blessings and previleges we now i:. i . a.. c... .i.: . . i: 1-tiniii.iii uuc n ilium iui iiicii inn i hjiuihx, li ving as we clo in a country where laws, good and wholesome laws, have been enacted, fully adequate ! any emergency; we, as good citizens, and as j uci as the laws of the country (which should bo . ,ie.Id inviolate by every citizen) are thereby set aside, and in meir place is substitutes tne win ol a few individuals, whose excited passions and feelings know scarce any restraint, and who, by their influ ence, often lead a body of men to the perpetration of acts of violence, the record of which would just ly disgrace the annals of any civilized and christian approbation and support Resolved, That, in view of the danger which seems to threaten our lieloved country-, from se veral quarters, we, the Members of this Institution, will appoint a meeting for special prayer to Al mighty od, that He would continue to bless us as a nation, and grant a continuance of these exalte, privileges, by which we, as a People, have alway alted s been distinguished. Resolved, That the thanks of the Meeting be presented to tho Chairman and Secretary, for their services on in is occa: .t sion. It was also resolved . K3 published in the papers of J that our proceedings be the day. After singing and praver, the meeting adjourn ed. JAMES P. RING, Chairman. Edwin Abif.l Bollks, Secretary. SELECT MISCELLANY. FEMALE EDUCATION. Domestic Habits. In advising as to the course of early female education, I have insisted on the necessity of cultivating, in childhood, the habits of Temperance, Order, Activity, Industry, and Self command, as essential to the health, happiness, ana usefulness of woman There is another branch of female education of i mestic life. This involves both habits and skill in domestic employments. Ve must begin with forming domestic habits. ! No quality is more essential to the digmt ot the female character : and without it there will never patience in the acquisition of domestic slcilf. On the other hand, the domestic disposition is best cultivated by giving domestic employments. ITse- less objects and occupations soon tire us. Splendid j furniture and ornaments, and mere amusements, ; produce a weariness, from which there is no escape, but by perpetual chan. On this plan, how many females are made, not autom 'tons, unfortunately, j but locomotives, active only in vain and mischiev- j uux eiions ior some new ininirs. is capaoie 01 t happiness as their neighbors, they have never learn- ed the true mode of enjoying it. They promenade the streets ; thev wander from shop to shop, from house to house, from street to street, gathering nvi'rv snbirt frr vnnitv rr riflinrr pwrv orft or witticism, or renort. thev can find, to enlarrre their supply of occupation f .r idle hours. Such busy- bodies always leave their own duties undone, or , jav naulc to accident and disease. Xothino- in the nursery is so important as habitual care to prevent disease, and to relieve pain, or remove the cause at once, when it occurs. More can be accomplished to secure the health of children bv the faithful, in- . torosP ,mrse, always present, than by the absent pnvsician, nowever skuuoi, m occasional visits, which often prove too late to remedy the evil .. This oirjc0) the sistCrs, and each of them, as ; tnv ,rrmv. un sjimiM failrht and accustomed to - t , mi i , . hor charsre : nrcsencc of mind, cent leness of disno- cjtion .combined with firmness of resolution, nre mdi-pensble to the good nurse. These must, therefore, be cultivated and matured by constant prnctice. Daughters, who are not trained in this mannPr, can never be safely entrusted with the health of a family. P.or and pitiable matrons sti W)on. r an,, more pit:abiej tieir companions, I an,i tiu,ir fam;i;M I lut tne nursery is noi me omy piace ior uoniesuc lnties and skill. Humble as the theme is, we can- ()t com,,iete our view of female education without descending to the kitchen ; for the table of the king himself must be furnished from it, and even the J health of the family depends upon its right manage ment. Order, and skill, and vigilance, must begin there, or comf rt can never inhabit the house. She who governs it mut learn in the only way possible bv acquiring practical skill in all that is to be done. This is an every -day business, not to be ac complished bv one great etfort, or by some wonder fill plan, but by the regular, returning care of a directing eve, and a skillful hand. The mistress of a house" becomes a pitiable cypher, if she has not the practical knowledge to direct the when, and the where, anil the how, of every thing that con cerns her family affairs; and she can learn this on ly by exjierience. Respect is paid to authority, only when those who exert it know how to give directions in the right time, and the right manner. Let the daughter, then, as much as possible, learn every part of household duly, pra tically. It was a wise step in a circle of ladies in one of our cities, to finish the education of their daughters in a cookery school. They attended punctually, and daily, for a certain number of hours, long enough to give them a competent and practical knowledge of the arts and the economy ot the kitchen. Their works praised them ; and the convenience and plea sure of a well regulated, economical, and healthy table was the reward of their efibrts. Regularity and order prevailed in every department of the house, because the whole was directed with inlelli- cence ant; ! skill. The incessant causes ot scolding. aiid fret fulness, and discontent, were in a great mea sure removed, bv the training which not only gave these matrons habits of industry and self-command for themselves, but taught them how to direct the employments of others with regularity and success. In visiting the house of Mrs. .every one is readv to ask, ' How could you bring your family to this regular, quiet, pleasant state?' The simple answer is, bv understanding what every oac ought to do, and bow it ought to be done, by beginning j right, and persevering in the righi course, until every one knew her duties, and could do them well. A course ot actions will form a habit ; and habit, we know, is second nature. In this way, hard things become easy, and labor pleasant. Mienesa will be at length painful, and fietfulness intolerabio. It will be easier to do right, than to resist the stea dy current of order in the family ; and every dis turber of the peace will be frowned upon, as an enemy of the whole. And while I am urging this duty, I canuot help alluding to the said neglect of it in modern daj-er. Wnat is to be the history of the rising gene ration! Must it be told in language like this? Fashion and. accomplishments, and amusement?, and unnecssary display in literature and scu nce, absorbed the whole time of the females of this periou. jomestic cares ana virtue "seem to liuvs descended to the tomb with their grandame, or to be consigned with their pictures to the garret. Their domestic skill was lost, and their domestic 1 TV . i- habits forgotten or despised; and when the tale was told bv some rchc or former days, or appealed to as an example, it was only met with a suppress. ed smile at such antiquated notions, or an open senfT at those who busied themselves at home in ignmnce, or submitted to be slaves to their hus- bands and children. The immediate conseauences were such as might be anticipated. The wealth which industry abroad and frugality at home had accumulated, was scattered by indolence and igno- ranee, and prodigal expense. " The noble dwellings which it had raised and furnished, were sold to pay wuia ui Airavuguiice, or puueci oown to make , way for others, which soon shared the same fate Many a mechanic, who grew rich by the obsolete" virtues of industry and economy, occupied the splendid house of those w ho looked down upon him, and despised his virtues ; and his daughters lv ld the first station in society, while those of his em plover might b found in some obscure corner, with t . . . i ... . j . little to cover them but worn out finery, and appar ently with little to sustain them but their pride in what they had been. Nay, the domestic was often to be seen taking the place of his master, and oe. cupying the station from which his children had fallen, by the neglect of forming domestic and in. dustrious habits in their education.' Whether this shall be the. record of the whole generation or not, such is, unhappily, the history of many a family, and is likely to be that of many more. Perhaps I shall not even obtain a hearing from those who have already begun this course The whirlpool seldom permits any to escape w ho have once entered, even its margin. But th-o who are approaching it may, perhaps, hear me ; a d and I warn them, that they guard against its p w erful current before it is too late ; for I have wit nessed more examples than I can mention, of irs ruinous ellects. I am aware that econmony and its attendant train of minor virtues are old fashioned matter?. They are found in here and there a family ; but th very names seem rather to belong to the dio tionars of the last century. Put there is a section in an old book, too seldom studied the last counsel of a wise ma i which recommends them ; and as it describes particularly the virtues and the defects of women, it ought to" be often read by mothers and daughters. Although not new, its" very anti quity, I trust, will give it authority with most reav ders ; and in addition to other salutary truths, thev "II I .!.. . . . J win team mat in temale education, and in female duties, above all things, the fear of Cod is the be ginning of wisdom.' Sexes, WASHINGTON AND THE HUCKSTER. It has frequently been said, that Washington waS not only distant and reserved with those of his own household, but more so with the soldiery. This was nt the case, but the reverse, as many anecdotes will prove. The General, when not absorbed in the more important duties of his station, would familiarly sport with the rank and file, and some, tunes engage in oiverung nis troops vvim amuse. ments ; particularly at a time when the prospectg of peace and a happy termination of the struggle wore an aspect of gloom and dismay. An old coporal, who had been attached to Wash? ington's service for many years, related several anecdotes of the old General ; among them we re member that of the Huckster of New Jersey. 44 The army," said the veteran corporal, 44 had been a long time on a march, and when encamped wae almost destitute of provisions. Reduced to allow ance, every one prepared to receive his morsel, iu hopes of seeing better days. During the encamp ment, there appeared among the troops a huckster, with a cart load of nuts and fruit, which to the soldiers offered a great temptation. Washington, who knew that his men were pennyless, and would be grieved at not being able to purchase, ordered the huckster to leave forthwith the commons ; but the man, anxious to sell, obstinately refused. The General (whose orders probably had been disoley ed for the first time,) sent for the man, and thus explained the condition of his men : that it was useless Cor him to remain any longer on the ground, and in the mildest tone requested him again to begone. The huckster still remained unmoved, and persisted in staying on the commons. Wash ington was determined not to be out-generaled, and by this time had lost all patience at the stubborness of the man, he therefore ordered a few soldiers to upset the cart, and such scrambling I have never seen before nor since. In a few minutes not a ves tige was left, save the nutshells. This was the only time I had heard Washington laugh out. During the scene of the eager contest, he seemed so diverted, that if it were possible for one to crack his sides, he surely did on that memorable day. Nothing was afterwards heard of the obstinate huckster, who must have discovered that it was no small thing to trifle with the General. Army and Xavy Magazine. . -- The celebrated Baron Humboldt, calling on Pre sident Jefferson, was received info his cabinet. On taking up one of the public joarnals which lay upon