XORTil C.1ROLIX.V STATE For the Boi'St nf the SALl.SiiCliY ACADEMY TENTH CLASS FOit 113. To he Drawn at Concord, A. C, O i Fril.ii, the 2:W October 1530, OX THE POPULAR Terminating-Figure System. STEVEXSOX & POIXTS, MAXAGCRS. CAPITA Ij prize i ti ii i-i ri rj i 1 Prize of 5,000 DOLLARS is 5,00" 10 " of 1,000 DOLLARS is 20,00u 10 " of 500 DOLLARS is 5,(Ki 10 " of 300 DOLLARS is 10 of 200 DOLLARS is 2,000 80 " of lOO DOLLARS is 6,000 109 " of SO DOLLARS is 5,f0 110 " of 30 DOLLARS is 3,450 201 ' of 20 DOLLARS is 4,020 300 " of 13 DOLLARS is 4,500 6 0J0 " of 10 DOLLARS is 00,000 6 000 of 6 DOLLARS is 36,000 c'oOO "of 4 DOLLARS is 24,000 f l 8,8-18 Prize?. amounting to siso,ooo A Package of 10 Whole Tickets will cost .And most draw nett - 40 1? DO 823 00 A certificate for a Package of 10 Whole tickets xvill he - S23 o' For 10 Half tickets, - - 115' For 10 Quarter tickets, - - 5 75 OCT All Orders from a distance, by mail (post paid) or by private conveyance, enclosing the cash or prize-tickets in our previous Lotteries, will re ceive the most prompt attention, if addressed to JAMES I. LOXG, Salisbury X. C. ; and an ac count of the drawing will be forwarded immediate ly after its event. 07" All prizes payable in cash, Forty days after the drawing, subject to a deduction of fifteen per tent. Whole Tickets, - - - S4 00 Halves, - - - - 2 00 Quarters, - - - - 1 00 To be had, in the greatest variety of numbers, at JAMES I. LONG'S Office. (Corner of Mansion Hotel,) SALISBURY, X.C. October 3, 1935. td Salisbury Hotel, Hl Tr 11 0 1 AS A. T5HAU13E1. Salisbury, A. C OjTlflE Subscriber informs the Public, that In has purchased the above mentioned establish ment of William H. Slaughter, in whose hands it lias been long and advantageously known as -HOUSE O F E X T E R T A I X M E X T 11c Hatters himself that, by care and dilligent at tention, he shall b able t keep up th former en viable reputation of lhi3 House. His Tabic Shall be well supplied with the best that a plenti ful market can afford. His liar Is furnislied with the choicest foreign and domes tic Liquors. His Rooms are large and commodi ous, ills Beds and bedding are at all times par ticularly neat, clean, and comfortable, and war ranted secure against those annoyances that a tra xeller so much detests. His Servants are honest, faithful, and obliging. His Stable are inferior to none always well supplied with old (train, and attended to by faithful Ostlers. Hp invites the travelling community to call once for his sake, and he doubts not but that they will call again for their own sokes. To Slac Passengers: The Stages on the main Xorth- ern and Southern Line, con ducted by Tech and Wellford, and known as the Merchant's Line, arrive at and depart from thw Hotel on evey Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and twice on Saturday. (jThis is to correct an impression which has licen produced abroad, that another Hotel in this tillage is the Stage-house for this Line. Seats in all other Stages, arriving at or departing from this place, can be secured here. Salisbury, August . 15, 1835. . tf LAXD TOW IJUiteUAXT to a decree of the Court of Equi - tv, for Rowan county, the Clerk and Master will sell, at the Court House in Salisbury, on the 11th day of November next, being Tuesday of the County Court, A TRACT OF L VXI, Belonging to the heirs at law of Frederick Ford, dee'd., lying on both sides of the Yadkin river, at the mouth of Second Creek, containing about COO ACRES. On the premises, there is 17 Acres of cleared land, mostly River low grounds; a large part of it fresh cleared. A good Orchard, and a first rate Cotton Gin and Threshing Machine. At the same time, and place, will also be sold, the undi vided half of a Tract ofl Acres, lying near the other. A credit of 12 months will be allowed, and bonds with gcod security for the pur chase money required. The Guardian will le disposed to give two or three years longer indul gence for a large part of the purchase money, with accumulative interest. SAMUEL SILL! MAN, c. r. e. October 3, 1S35. pO BLUM'S CAROIilAA and VI RCJIMA Calculated for the meridian of SALEM, JV. C. V SMALL SUPPLY of the above Almanacks have been received, and may be had it THIS OFFICE, Vrie 10 cents per cony t?, JEUULLliR A: SUjVER-KIHTII RESPECTFULLY in forms his Friends and the Public, that h btill conti nues to carry on the above business, in all its various 'A i 4, branches. His Shop is still kept 01 the Main-street, in Salisbu ry, one door above the Store of Samuel Lemly A Son. Watches and Clocks of every kind will be REPAIRED with neatness, at short notice. on reasonable terms, and Warranted for 12 Mouths. He will always keep on hand a variety of arti- Ies in his lino: such as Patent Lever AVatcUcs, (English, French, Swiss, and Dutch.) Gold and Plated Fob Chains. Gold and Plated Watch Guards. Gold and Plated Watch Keys. Gold and Plated Watch Seals. Gold Ear-bobs, Breast-pins, and Finger-rings, (latest fashion.) Silver Ware; Ever-pointed Pencil Cases, and Leads. Silver Spectacles, and steel frames and glasses. Fine Pocket and Dirk Knives, and Silver Fruit Knives. Pocket Pistols and Dirks. Breast Buttons and Musical Boxes. Gilt and Steel Watch Chains and Keys. 0$- Old Gojd and Silver taken in exchange for articles purchased at his shop, and in payment for work done and debts due. 1). L. P. Salisbury, August 22, IS35. tf WIJL.KESIIOKOUGII pilE undersigned, occupying this Establishment in Willrnwlioniiiirh. iS nrt h-C !n n il i n will irivf? his main attention to render it satisfactory to his friends, in all the requisites of a House of PUB LIC ENTERTAINMENT. All the comforts and enjovments that a pleasant and healthful situ ation, cheap and plentiful country, and commodious buildings will admit, he will endeavor to insure to his patrons. Those who have heretofore favored him with their company will always find that he remits none of his exertions to deserve a continu ance of their gfod will. His House is well situated f r the accommoda tion of Families and individual Boarders, as well is Travellers; and his Stables have ample supplies, and are attended by a faithful Oilier. 0j The Office of the Wtiktsbomuh Stae Line is !ept at this house. ABNER CARMICHAEL. Sept. 19, lf-35. IVilke-boroiish Slao Line. T,n: STA(;1: lhis" rcu,(: '0y5p5? leaves S LEM, N. C.,on Sun - - d iy morning, at o clock, pnss- es through Utiulsville, Hainptowsvil!'..'. WilJesbo ro Hiid Jcflen-on, and urries at SHOWN'S CROSS ilOAlX, Tenn.. ..n Wt-dorsilay, 12 o'clock, where it intersects Kdh s iine f Stages. Leaves Shown's Cross Road-, fame day at 1 o'clock, P. M., and arrives at Salmi n Saturday it 4 P. M. Tbere is ri w a c itii.ii"us line of Stages from KXOXVILLE to SALEM, by wav of Wilkesboro. This route is lelieved to be near er. by fifty miles, than any other from Salem to Knoxvillc. The utmot attention will be devoted to preserve the road in good condition, and travellers will find their accommodation excellent n;d tit low rates. The undersigned, who is Contractor for the route, undertakes to tiirnish gorl Coaches ami superb Teams. He will, also, for a moderate considera tion, convey his passengers from Wilkesboro to Morganton, Salisbury, or Statesville. FARE, from Salem to Shown's Cross Roads, S7, distance 120 miles. ABXER CARMICHAEL. Wilkcsboro, Septcmler 19, 1635. p9 BRIGADE ORDERS. Head Quarters,? MocKsviLLr, August 14, 1835. j npHE several Regiments composing the 7th Bri - gade of Xorth Carolina Militia will parade at their several Muster Grounds, armed and equip ped as the law directs, f r Inspection and Review, as follows: The 88th Regiment, in Davidson, on Monday the !9th of October; the 87th on Wed nesday the 2lst; the G 1th Regiment, in Rowan, on Friday the 23rd, and the G3rd on Tuesday the 27th of October next. The Reviews will commence at each place at 12 o'clock. By Order of JAMES COOK, Brig. Gen. tm MtMKouD McKenzie, Aid de Camp. Mcnc CiiUiusr. THE Subscriber respectfully informs the Public tbat he is now carrying on the above business, in all its various branches, six and a half miles South of Salisbu ry. He assures Gold-miners, Millers, and all interest ed in his business, that he will, on the shortest notice, furnish tbern with GOLD-GRINDERS and MILL STONES, of the very best grit, and on cheap terms, ex ecuted m a style surpassing any other work of the kind done in this State. Also, Tomb-Stones. Window-Sills DKr-Sills, &c., kept constantly on hand. Mill-Stones. heretofore costing from Ul") to $10, he will now make tor 25 or Gold-Grinders heretofore costing 25 he will cut tor j20. Window-Sills costing 4 tbr 2 Door-Sills tbo same. He on I v asks a trial of his work- being assured that be can irive the most entire satisfac tion. "JOHN 1IOLDSOUSER. May2H,l?3.- 2Gp fj eib?.e-iuarti:r$, I & SALISBURY, October 3, 1835. $ SMIE Commissioned Officers of the 63d Regiment of Xorth-Carolina Militia, arc hereby commanded to ap pear in the Town of Salisbury on l f LI Thursda sday the 22nd day of October, at yJJ 10 o,clo Drill ; a lock A. M., with side arms, for and on the following day, at 9 o'clock A. M., with their respective Companies equipped as the law directs for Review and Inspection by the Brig. General. lly order : I). R. LYNX, Col.-ComMt. H. W. CONNER, Adjt. A Splendid yfey Same of" &Sacks5 FROM Salisbury (A. C.) to RiiieUii ( V. C.) TS3 CU2S0?.:S3?- VXXIOUS to afford every facility to the Travelling Public, now announce that they have completed all their arrangements and can with truth say, Ve pre sent vou with a Line of Hacks possessing advantages over any other, if you wish to get on with ease and despatch having obtained that great desideratum with all Travellers no detention on the road. It is so ar ranged as to correspond, in its arrivals at Raleigh, with the departure of the following Stages, viz: The Great Daily Line to lilakelv. iNorth-Uarolina, passing tnrougn Loui'sburg, Warrenton, and Halifax; at the latter place a Line of Stages communicates with tbo rortsinoutn Rail-Road for" Norfolk: by continuing on to Blakley, you strike the Petersburg Rail-Road; and on your ar rival at that place you have the choice of two Lines either by land to Washington City, via. Richmond and Fredericksburg, or by Steam-Boat to Norfolk. There is also a Line of Stages from Raleigh to Norfolk, via. Tarborouirh, Murfreesborouirh, Winton, &c, over one of the best Natural Roads in the United States. At Norfolk there will be no detention, as there is a line of Steam-Boats for Baltimore in connexion with tins line. This line also connects with one from Raligh to N ewbern The arrivals at Salisbury is regulated altogether by the departure of the Piedmont Line South, and the Great Western Line tor iSastiv ille, I ennessee, via Lincolnton, Rutherfordton, Asheville, Knoxville, &c. leaves the Mansion Hotel, Salisbury, TUESDAY and SATURDAY at 9 o'clock, A. M. after the arrival of the Piedmont Stage from the South arrives in Raleigh next davs at 9 o'clock, P. M. leaves Raleigh TUES DAY and SATURDAY at 2 o'clock, A. M., arrives in Salisbury next days by 4 o'clock, P. M. allowing suf ficient time on the road for SLEEP. z7" The Hacks are Albany make, entirely new, and cannot be surpassed for comfort and ease; the Teams are excellent, the Drivers careful and attentive, and the Fare low only SEVEN DOLLARS all inter mediate distances 7 cents per mile. 07" 1'as.sencrers from the South who wish to take our Line will be careful to enter to Salisbury only. tT All Bandies and Packages at the risk of the owner- WILLIS MORING, JOSEPH L. MORING. P. S. 77is Line, from Salisbury to Baltimore is S cluaper than any othtr. April 11, 1KJ5. tf The Fare from Ilnleigh to Washington Cityi amounts to 819 50, as follows: ' From Rileiirh to RIakley, Stae Fare, . . . $7 Uliklcv to Pcter.sbnnr, Kail-Ruad Fare, 3 Petersburg to Richmond, Stage Fare, . Richmond to Fredericksburg. Stage Fare, 1 50 5 Fro Jor.cksburg to Washington Citv, Steam Rat Faro, . . ." 3 Th Stemi-Bnt Fare from Petersburg to Baltimore, via. Norfolk, is Four Ddlrrs. To Country Merchants. r61HF Subscriber hers have f inform his cus tomcrs and fiirnds reiieral!y , that he is now receiving his Fnli supply f (jnods; which con sists of a gciu-ral, heavy, and well selected assort ment of tmamm, f, m,m 4 El arc! ware A: V nil cry If ATS AND SHOES i)ru and .Tlcciiri&tc, n id-oil! lui Ihor t;oiiuiin:iation, his Stock com prises almost every artirlc now in common use in this country It is inferior to none in Fj vetteville. C. J. ORRKLL. X. R. Personal and strict attention will be given to the recfivmir and forwarding Goods; receiving Cotton and other Produce for Storage, Sale, or Shipment as the owner may direct. C. J. O. Rrirk Row, Haymount, Faycttcville, September 19, 1335. Gin HPHE Subseritar. having determined to remove A to tiic south-west, offers for saie the above pro perty, with or without the Furniture. The Plan tation contains about 700 Acres of Land; be tween U5 and 100 acres are low-grounds, cleared, ditched, and in good order otherwise; and is ei ther good for Grain or Grass there being about 12 Acres of the latter, (viz: meadow land.) About 200 Acres of the high-lands are cleared and in fine order for cultivation. In all I think it good for 3,000 Injshf Is of Cor., with a proportion able quantity of small grain. The Houses want no repair, and are sufficient for entertaining CO or 70 boarders, with fine Sta blery, Carriage-house, and Threshing Machine. Xo building of any description is requisite for the place at present. The property is now positively offered at a price so low that it will pay for itself in three years, by attention to the Farm and House. Persons wish ing to buy had better lose no time, as it shall be sold, and the price at which it is offered will force it immediately. Letters to my address, at this Office, will meet prompt attention. 07" X EG ROES, for my own use, will be taken at fair prices. Application may be made, for prices and pay ments, to the following Agents, viz: Maj. II. V, Conner, of Salisbury ; James A. Johnston, Esq., Charlotte ; C. C. Henderson, Esq., Lincolnton, and A. M. Burton, Esq., of Beattie's Ford, who have the terms and will make sales. WM. S. SIMOXTOX. P. S. Attached to the Plantation is a fine stock of Hogs and Cattle, and an outstanding Crop of Corn say 2,000 bushels, which may bo had with the plantation. W. S. S. Catawba Springs, September 2G, 1835. tf (XT' The Yorkville Journal of the Times will insert the above until forbid, and forward the ac count to Catawba Springs for payment. To llcrchants, and others. V LARGE QUANTITY of excellent white WR AP PING PAPER, of ncwSfjaper size, now on hand, and may be had on very cheap terms, bv application at Oct. 10. f . THIS OFFICE. LOOK AT THIS! c iFAV GOODS ALL ctiE VPI! 1AM now receiving, from ISew lrk and Phi ladelphia, my Fall Supply of G O O D S , which have been selected with great care and at tention, and bought from the latest styles, for the Fall of 1835; consisting of pg DRY GOODS, !?KJism Hardware Cutlery, I. AND The Public are most earnestly invited to call and judge tor themselves. Country Produce, of all kinds, bought at the highest market prices. CO" A liberal discount made to cash customers. The subscriber feels grateful for past patronage, and hopes, by strict attention to business, to me rit a continuance of those favors bestowed upon him by his friends and the public. WILLIAM MURPHY. Salisbury, September 26, 1S35. p4 MOKi: AEW JEWELLERY. THE Subscriber has just return ed from Philadelphia, where he purchased a rich assortmentof WATCHES, bad WadaiBi CWa Oftht most recent Fasnions biraizE Gentlemen's Gold and Silver Lever, " I)o. do. Duplex, i batches Ladies' Gold Lever and do. j Plain English and Swiss Fine Gold Fob-Chains and Keys ; Fine Plated Fob-Chains and Keys ; Ladies' Plated Xeck-Chains; A rich assortment of Breast-Pins and Rings; Fine Ear-Rings, Gold and Plated ; Ladies' Jet, Silver, and Gilt Waist-Buckles; Shell Music Boxes and Silver Pencils; A large assortment of Spectacles for all Eyes ; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fine Pocket Rooks; Superior Wade and Butcher Cencave Razors; Pocket Knives and Scissors; Leather and Silk Money-Purses; Ladies' large Tuck and Side-Combs ; Do. Snuff-Boxes, and Thimbles; Fine Plated Castors and Candle-sticks, Together with Chains, Pistols, Seals, and Keys, &.c. Also, Silver Spoons and Sugar-Tongs. He hopes that his Friends and Customers will call and see his fine assortment, and B U Y. He will sell low for C ASH, or on a short credit. Orders from a distance will be promptly filled. Watches and Clocks repaired well, and IFar ranted for Twelve Months. OCT" Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange fr Jewellerv. j JOHX C. PALMER. Salisbury, September 12, 1835. tf l?2tclical College ol S. Carolina, Queen-Street. Charleston. rTMIE Annual course of Medical Instruction in -. this Institution, will commence on the 2nd Monday in Xovember next, and terminate on the 1st Saturday in March ensuing. Anatomy. By William Hume, M. D. Surgery. By Elias Horry Deas, M. D. Theory and Practice of Medicine. By Tho mas V. Simons, M. D. Institutes of Medicine and Materia, Medica. By Henry Alexauder, M. D. Chemistry. By Charles Davis, M. D. Obstetrics and Diseases of lFo;en and Child ren. By Francis Y. Porcber, M. D. Anatomical Demonstrations.-By II. W. Crouch M. D. Q& Clinical Instruction will be daily afforded at the Marine Hospital and City Alms House, which are under the Medical direction of this Fa culty ; also, in the Infirmary attached to the Col lege, which is appropriated to negroes. FRANCIS Y. PORCHER, M. D., Dean of the Faculty. William Hume, M. D., Secretary. Charleston, S. C, August 20, 1635. plO. FOR 1S35. HORACE H. BEARD, Tailor, 11 ECIS leave to inform his friends, and the public in general, that orders in his line will alwajrs be thankfully received by him, and executed in the most Neat, Fashionable, and Durable manner on erms as reasonable as any in this section of coun try. H. H. B. hopes, from his long practice of his business, (a number of years of which time he resided in the city of Philadelphia,) and from the general satisfaction he has heretofore given to his numerous respectable and fashionable customers, to merit and receive a portion of the patronage of the public in general. He flatters himself that his CUTTIXG is really superior to any done in this State, as may be tested by the undisputed elegance of fit which attends garments made in his establishment. He is in the regular receipt of the Reports of the Fa shions as they change both in the large cities oi this country and of Europe so that gentlemen may be satisfied that their orders will always be executed in the very latest style. Orders from a distance will be attended to with the same punctuality and care as if the customct were present in person. Salisbury, September 19, 1835. ly.- North Carolina Roican County: THIS DAY, was Committed to the Jail of Rowan county, as a runaway, a negro man, who says his name is ISIIA3I, And that he belongs to Robert Har- A4aL-Z--- ston of v irrinia. The said negro is about 20 years of age ; about G feet high ; black and sleek, (very likely.) The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take him away. F. SLATER, Sheriff. Salisbury, October 0, 1S35, 4f- Beckirith's Anti-!Tspepti TE extract, from the Hand-bills accompanying each Box. the following testimonials to me efficacy of this valuable Medicine : From the Rt. Rer. Levi S. Ives, D. D.y Bishop cf North Carolina. Raleigh, March 2, 1835. Having for the last three years, been intimately acquainted with Dr. John Beckwith, oi this City, and enjoyed his professional services, i wht, jno sure in stating that his character as a Cbiisuan gentleman and experienced Physician, entitles his testimony, in regard to the use of his Anti clvspep tic Pills, to the entire confidence of the publ.c. My experience of the good effects of ihese Pills, for two years past, satisfies me of their eminent value, particularly in aiding in impaired digestion and warding off bilious attacks.. Having been for a long time subject to the annual recurrence of such attacks, 1 was in the habit of resorting for security against them, and with a very partial suc cess, to a liberal use of Calomel or blue Pill. But since my acquaintance with the Anti-dyspeptic Pill of Dr. Beckwith, which he prescribed in the first instance himself, I have not been under the necessity of using Mercury in any form, besides being w holly exempt from billious attacks- Seve ral members of my family are experiencing the same beneficial effects. L. S. IVES. From Governor Iredell. August 21, 1835. ' Dr. Beckwith's Anti-Dyspeptic Pills have beea used in my family, which is a large one, with the most beneficial effects. A number of my friends who have been afflicted with the Dyspepsia, and other disorders of the stomach, have spoken to me in strong terms of the relief they experienced from this remedy. Without the evidence I have received from others, my intimate knowledge of the professional and private character of Dr. Beck with, for the last twenty ycais, justifies me in de claring, that he would give no assurances of tacts of his own experience, or of professional deduc tions, of which he was not perfectly confident, and on which the public might not safely relv. JAMES IREDELL- From the Hon. George E. Badger. Raleigh, Xov. 7, 1634. For several years past, Dr Beckwith's Anti D speptic Pills have been used as a domestic me dicine in my family. 1 have myself frequently used them for the relief of head ache, acid and otherwise disordered stomach, resulting from im prudence or excess in diet, and 1 have had many opportunities of learning from others their effects, when used by them for like purposes- My expe rience and observation justify me in saving that the relief afforded by the Pills is generally speedy, and almost always certain that they may be ta ken at any time without danger or inconvenience and their operation is attended by no nausea or disagreeable effects whatever- and though I have known many persons use them, I have known none who did not approve them none who sustained an' injury, and none who failed to derive benefit from their use. And upon the whole, I do not hesitate to recommend them as an agreeable, safe, and efficacious remedy in Dyspeptic affections atid believe them myself to be the best Anti-dvs peptic medicine ever offered to the public. G. E. BADGER. (s A constant supply of these Pills on hand; and for sale, at THIS OFFICE. September 5, 1835. m6 LIS'F OF LETTERS REMAINING IN THE POST-OFFICE AT Uucoliitou, Lincoln county, A. C.y ON TH FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, 18:i5. A. .. William Aoword. B. ..Casper Bringle, Giles Reel, David Barringer, John 1 Boiles. Catharine Bullinger, Matthias Barringer, Wil- liam Barney (3C) Philip Burns. C. ...Moses Cionmger, John Cockren, Bosten Clme David and John Costner, Junas Cline, Henry Cresimer., D. ..Jobn Daniel, Salorn Duncan. E. ..B. M. Edney, Daniel Eacre. F. ..Josepb Foster, William Fulenwider (3,) Elizabcth Fornebarger, Andrew Falls. G. .E. Goodson. II... Daniel Hollman, John Hovis, Lewis Iluit, James Hartt, John Iloyle, Sr., Jacob Hill. J...Thomas J. Jugnot, Ali Jones, John Johnson, Jos.. K. Irby, Reuben Jenkins, Henry Johnson, Penney Jar rat, Able Jonas. K... Abraham Keistler, Jacob Keener, Abraham Kee ner, Elizabeth Killion or Simon Kilhon. I..John K. Lawell, Mrs, M. Lorctz. M....Mary Moorman, George Mauney, Marmaduke Maples or Andrew Wilson, George Masteller and Ben jamin Howard, Spyrus Murp!i3T, Nathaniel Mitchum. Benjamin Miller, William Methvine (2,) Alexr. Mc Corkle, Moses Martin. N...Patrick Norton. P Elizabeth Parisb, Henry Peterson or Geo. Coons. R...Solomon Ramsour, Elisba Rice, William Roper, James Robertson. S... William Slade, John Shettey, Solomon Strcup David Shell, Coonrad Seaboat, Daniel Seagle, Jacob Sumey, Daniel G. Smith, Ely Star, Henry Speak, Sa muel Sullivan. T... David Thornbury. W...Jictheriecke Williams, John Wacaster, Jr., or William Hill, John White, Margaret Willson, Joel Williams, Solomon Wilson, James Witherspoon, Mr. Winrarb. Y.7.Noah II. Yarbrough. C. C. HENDERSON, P. M. Lincolnton, October 10, 1835. p3 Beeves Wanted! SSSfeTIIE Subscriber, intending to carry on the Butchering Business regularly in the Town of Salisbury, wishes to purchase a number of For which the highest prices will be given, ia cash. II is customers are notified that he will b& ready to furnish them with GOOD BEEF on Mon-. day, Wednesday, and Friday mornings of each week the balance of the season. DAVID KERXS. September 5, 1835. tf. 4 Pair of Xorthern Horses ; well broke, welj formed, and a capital Match. Any person wishing such an article as this, combined with good age, will call on the subscriber. JOHX I. SHAVER. Salisbury, Sept. 26, 1835,. tf (

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