4" !' t: WESTER l CAKOHNIAM. PUIIMSIIKD KVKUY...SATlJRI)AY.MOKNIN(i-AaJljjrji SM'iU'JJ AV1J) UliPJJ 1V in-ptfra-KDITOKS AN I) PUOPUIKTOUS. Numlcr 2,'of Volume 1(5: BAr,lSl)URY,AOilTJl ;umY)cr fromk'gintmv,; HOC). Y. I ,!';! a by at ml '5 1 'l ,.9f .'1 The Wffclrrn Carolinian. tx AflffccL smith ti josem w. iiampton Trus or rvBLir atio. 1. TVt Western Carolinian m puuliidvd every 8v ii4T. s( Two IMIar in ! annum if mm! in advance, or Two illr and Fifty CiiU if uut paid before the cipintwa of three months. J Vu miMf will b discontinue! until ill arrearsire arg panl, uiil si the djucrrtioo of tint Editor. . . . I s i . ' & KutMcrtpii'MM win mi do rrctjura a wme taait on jeari a a future tu notify the Kditor of a wn to diroUiiua, at thvf ml of a yr, will be cooi- derwl u a new riiggaiint. 4. Anf person wiwi will procure six itiiMrribcr to thii Carolinian, and take the txinible to eolb-et awl traimuiit tbrw iiiH-triituii-iiRMmjf to tim Editor, shall hats a pa- ar grati during continuance. cT l'cr$om mdi'MrJlo the llihion.may tmntmit to them through the MtU, at ttteir mkfwtM thi get A acknoedment of any rmpretalle jwraoa lo front Una icura reaimacr itxti rtf many maue. Ttan or uyimiin.iu. 1. Advertiisvnvwit will bs connicuouly and correct ly liwrUxl, at 5iJ cent per ure lit the nrt inwrtKm, ami 'Ai centa fiir fcb contmuanci; : but, wlirru an ad- mtueinnnt M of liroa to B- in only iwirfl, ikf em win b fharjfed (or each iiwrtiim. If ordrrfd fur one in fertxio only, l will in all cv bo chargnil. 2. PerM who fx.ire to enjre by lb yir, will be Ccn'ivtUuJ by a rt-awniaUe deduction froui llic above lirg ir ttauuMtbt uixtom. , , to cocro?nefT.- 1 1. Tn inimrfl priKnpt atli'ntion to li"tt7n -adilrrnw-d fa Ui'1 fihtom, the oowtat'e iJmmiIiI in nil e lie lwl. Poetic Reccti k ii vrr arMiN riin. From Ik Ijontltm A' 10 Moulhly Muqiline. COUSI NH. Hud you ever 1 Cousin, Tom ? )l your oaiwin hpien to to nine ' Swter we've all by the dozen, Tom, But a eotiKin'ii a difl'crent thing : And you'd limnd, if you had kised her, Tom, (But ll thin be a secret between ux.) Tbst your lip wou!l hnve been in a bluster, Tom, for they're not of the awter genu. There in something, Tom, in a awter' lip, When ye give her a good nijrht kia&, . That nvor m much of rclikti-hip That nothing occur miiw: But a mucin's lip if you once unite Instead of ploeping a wink that niffht. You'll be dreaming the following day. And people think it no harm, Tom, With a cousin to hear you in Ik ; And no one feel any alarm, Tom, At flniet cousililv walk : .r Cut, Tom, you'll noon find what I feafnto know That pjtli walk often rvfiio utrayinp; And the voice of couass' ire wine tin" o low -. Hoaven onrelloua whs! you'll be naying! ithappcaETnm, I rfff" Soti prtwure 01 nanoa ana nngnrs f nu lonKB limt were iiiwiwmi v "'in ii, . uin, And tonwot) which memory hngern; nd long ere your walk i half over, the string Of your heart are all put into play, By 'the voice ol those fair demi-sisterly things, ' Jn not qnite the most brotherly way. Huch tone as the anjrel woo, 'But 1 loaf if tout coni!n nhonld Jtnjr to yon, Tom, Jou d take her tor an angel, too; For so curious a note u that note of their, That you'H fnney the voice that pine it Ihd been all tho while singing the National Air, " " Instead 61 the P(ltn of fiBrhfc " Toneo had a cousin that sung, Tom, And kur.Bftiaft ma be iuunules now. But the sound of thoee songs is still yoiing1, Tom, Though we are no longer so : ' Tw folly to dream of a "bower of preen, . ..... When lef is not a lesf m tJ ui -' But.'twixt walking Si 8inging, that cousin ban been, God forgive herl4he rum of met And now I care nauglrt for society, Tom, And lead a most anchorite life; For I've loved mysolf-into sobriety, Tom, And otifof the wish for a wife; But oh ! if I mid but half what I might say, So fad were the lossona 'twould give, That 'twould keep you from loving for many a day, Ah! from counins kmff as you live! MISCELLANY. From the. Seneca Farmer. SHIP NEWS. PRESIDENTIAL 8QCADROX. The American Ship, Old Cradle of Liberty, 4?ed veasej, commoiily freighted with lots of honest .ld.fashioned 'constitutional notions sails risht ahead, fearing neither wind or tide. She is tre mendous in outriding storms and hurricanes, tor it is then she best displays the strength ot tier urn men aw often astounded at the thundering of her tiroadsidi?S7ond cnemiPriurn pate at th flashes her Lone Tom on the upper deck, when once fair- jy engaged InlTlose Yomfo enced old tars, except in her own waters w here she is best known, thmk it prudent to charter her for a voyage to port President, till they shall become more familiar with the giddy heights of her masts, and the extent of her hull and rigging. The Ameriean Ship Tennessee, Judge Hugh Luck White." Commanrffr.--The intrinsic quali- tics of this yesuei have not as yet been fathomed in our Northern seasC She is said, however, to be of the Old .Hickory class, and withal an excellent sailer, end a great favorite jirawgWmeri in her xwn waters. ' Though she has been long fitting for tho Presidential voyaget she still carrk's the em blem of peace on her nmin top, a, broad white pen dant, with the -motto in Inrcre gold leaf letters, ANY MAN BUT VAN BUREN"." Whether lliia iliip will centiniM) lo Iriin her m for port Trf idrnt, iU(h iJ jti great mcuMire on tlw tide. IT l'iilri.itlctip, Amrritvn Xyttrm, Hank (lay ('0mmltr.'Vhu wHI built, ataunf.li Aiim fwmi lni(toiiieM4d(4iiiipiittedenliruly ofdoiiwn- Kc nmUTmU, fnm tlu-ktsdlotlid top f.Hjnd of tlie maintiMiMt. law klnH h.ive WJt mora nubulaiitiiil anrvire in i in-ir country m pearo and in war, forma awl in calnm, nhe hu ever iteered a atralglit lorwaru rotirw, lumiitf lite eonoiuutKiM ami the Country a lu irf fr her polar atur. tor Una nnwHi, iihi i iraie nuve Oono more to utile and aink her limn they hnve to dettroy any other ve. m I on the orenn. KeulMed, linm and time again Id their iiiain urKiw, they uionii'wrcd no do iter noly by tln-ir pre-cHtcertH hlue-liithl aignnl, that the hol ll"l kiiiinliHiHHKtwIy fired their broadMde of Mwdered chan;iNil and slubber at the ronnnan fhr, that true heartrid Ameriean tan might n1 re. cognino him the saimi oft tried frieml, wt o atock to tliem and their country' hip lhrugli the nemt periltMia atorina. H41111C old mariner are fearful her rigging ha been aomewlmt nlmltered by the crape, uod caiiinter of the eiH'inv, though her tun ben are thought to be ou,i l .1 ever. I here 1 a report aloti'! the cunnt, tlmi t 1 Coinmnmler, di li ning to tuke a I'rcKideutiul trip, Iih iIibiih''I hi crew, after ailmoniHhin them im ver to ceate their hostility agint the i rt-. The American Ship, Ks-l't Jmuittrr drnrrnl, Jnck M'Len Vommamler-'Vn Ana in thoujihl to bo a Maunrh, well built, well niiL'ed, American . ' t I ' 1 i I , 1, n mm Min i wnoni, un a inir toum ( in uiiiiiuiicin which o'ian- 10 proiutu iiiobu on- pijl,!. re(Uirea that you tak") care of It. Some Weteru seamen condilionnllv chartered her er-i e aro wortliy ul tlie most attentive exauu-, 2. W hen you are alxmt to h ave your fire at sta fur voyage U IWlontwl Urls-r, Ih.i lwy f witd j imtmn, Mr. C. h, we ihn.k, pretty clearly pro-' .,) J1IM.S) (,llkl, XMlT cu,.ua,jIHII, b,.fore haiMj, , it somewhat dillicult to enlist a Kulikieiit crew to ' v,;d that " in in I nittni Male ihc reward of the Mw.n. iir',. ihun rm, H,.n.. of mil. navigato her with safety, while tlie rommand er had on hoard n cargo of the " siil." w hich it wa feared would luinhrr up the ship and retard her progress. A lie has not ihought proper to throw hi cargo overboard nor return it to the ship per, it is upxmed these W extern tar will think it inoNt csiihicive lo the public iutert'st lo emlmrk on board n neighboring ship, Irii, or rather not at all enrumlsTed. The Ultra American Ship, Slipftrry Elm, the Kinderhtsik Magicinn Commander. This i a I'i nitienl laiilt ve.nel, of a foreign model, excej)! the painting, which is put on in the American sty In as a decoy. Yet, like mot Pirates, she has tntet of the most nbrnis-iivecrews that sail on the ocean. Huch ia her dicipline, thai the rope's end is applied for tha least oflenre; and for disobedience of orders, the culprit is instantly thrown overlswrd "o feast tho sharks r tuekod up to the yard arm a a target I'm the. nhara jdiooters On the iciuLii'lifk WiiaweVvtsuitriiui. n ramd Uut tho demand lor1 ' , .1' l 1 - ' rommirrui ; on jf 'niaiiimasi wave a nu flag, on wbri'Fis puinted in larjfe cnpilal redarViie heart', bl.sid, "TO THE VI -JTElONtS THE SPOILS OF THE (Jl ISlll-'ll I" Tho. III. in hnrA nu.lt.. committal on JrtYiainniast waves a liuue black I tetter, UTORS THE VAN QUISHED!" This Blue B'ard nMtt emigre cute thousands of the most reckless in the service ! of the 8lipiry Elm. It ppears to be perfectly comprehended by the desperate buccauiers in all ses-h Whenever ony of the crew or subordinate conscience, the boatswain point to this black flag. If it does not remove the disease, he points to the y ard arm. 1 Ins invariably clleets a cure, before the most nimble seamen can sphce'a slipper-nose. As her hull is known to he leaky and her tim lsrs unsound, tho Sljppery Elm never attempts to boal against tii-or mj ajrauwt h htk et cept in tow of Old Hickory- If a breeze strikes her nbnft, she hoists Iter "Tiwi eomrnittaV1 flag,- puts up helm, nnd slides off into a more favorable current. In cnlms, her ofticers assemble in the state-room, to calcuhue their profits and divide tho sps3hiJto,TOP3r.,rf Jhe S"!" fej?J5!II!li shi)s, bousing and cunting their beads, r discuss ing their promotion ami happy prtsp csr when their ship sliull tw safely nusired in rresidchlial harbor. Tlie Slippery Fm never conies into chse quar rs ih rud ves-nl, W ty 4jee loHig plumler; Hence she waschartereil by the congre gated Plratesat Baltimore, tu run into port Presi dent, and Beize the money chest, and the public stores. Some old American tars have got a no tion that she is tho Flying Dutchman, so much dreaded by the mariners in certain foreign sea and that she can dodge a flash with the facility of a witch on the main top. Seldon can she be twice seen steering towards the some point of the com pass or twice in the samo latitude. She is rion committal in every thing except the tpoilt. Site is hereshe is there she is gone. She never drops anchor but w ith the spring cables ; and if a little breeze happens to spring tip on her starboad tack, raised peradventure by her own magic, she is there. In these ever varving courses, she is of- i her boilers nresafeH ly anchored on terra firma The Slippery Elm has her midshipmen in eve ry port, enlisting new recruits by offering extrava gant shares of the spoils. It is whispered in some of the harbors, that the commander prefers foreign to domestic Wo seiMnetas U'lter dibciplioed.ui practical-adventures. Some old weather-beaten tars, thmk lielias made a leagn with th Holy Al iiance,.the Lord High Admirable of the Holy See, and CmtmwrWe Prince AleUejiuch, to supply Jtuu with the necessarjcomplimenl of seamen to navi gate his vesseTinio Presidential harbor. Others, less acquainted with the SlippervElm's naval' tac tics, suppose he only, stipulated for a supply of Ho ly Water, to lay t(ie evil spirits of his foreign crew, should they show wmptom of mutiny, or attempt to blow up the ship Wore 'she reached her destined port. Many of the more superstitious seafaring men, who have lately deserted, will insist uponit that the . Sljppery Elm is a' haunted vessel. Some, nights if they happened to feel the spirit of despondency creepinr upon them, while swinging their ham mocks and preparing for reflection and rest, the ship would be" literally and suddenly filled with gold. The hold, the lower decks, the iorccjbUe, j trw ward rooma, ilia iiwgiauneVtf itale-rootn. bikI amid aliiun, w.niIJ ttlttr with milm fciva. Tli IwutetMuHa and midaliipme! w'uuld ahout i J cctary of j., ami tb treir wmild fondly in I gaie with ailotiiihiiMtiii,iil weary of bikina.tbey would turn in aiui dream of tKrflnng aave ld and pro- ( imitioii. In tlm mornirij, wlio tlw Umtuwain had In iH) all hand to quurti'f, all lnwl tamlied I Not a yellow boy would bo to be ami ! At other Urn, j llieir aU-ep wimiM be dilurlcd bv wtmu immmw and atrane aighta, aa thnjh lh ahip wa aniling in muhiir, among hail Mtorm and thumk r ( I nxN, or tumbling down tho Hinokiiig eraler of a vokaoo. From the S. Y. Cvurirr and Finuirrr. E88AV O.N TIIK ItATK OF VV AfiCH, H'm an rtumnvtum of thr ilifttttati in the onJt- ium 11 oW .Woif t')fknhi ihniMKktml itt mm Id. by II. C. tj, of J'Miitltljihui. The author of tin iiiierentiiijf litiy hu embo died 111 a more popular lor in andkivle tliuo aiu utuuli) udopted by writer on I'oliticui lkwiomy, the rt'nult of a iuboriou Hi(mry into one ol Hie .. . . .. . ... I A......t. ... .1 .... I 1 I iiiom iHipunaiii sihi uiuicuii auuj.ii w uie wuoio, rane of ihui ncmiiicii. It impose lor u to do more than glance at the general oliject ol the nler and tlie most mi-' portant ol tin; piosmitiona he ha labored to wriu- llllnll. Ill- Vie of the " Compar-dlVe n ward oi l Iul--r in uilk-reut caiotno, . repuie wilil liiHtler lor rvll-c.ii.i. and hi remark uom toe ililk.n;iit ' ' uuorer n mmi jjn aier, i nix iiiih.', wiicii mere are I.) milliuii ol 'opl', than it was 40 yearn ao, when inert; were only lour imiIii;i." 1'n.il while the money vucof uiimt laborcis have UM'n-a-cd those ol neatly all tin ir arln le i4 toiwuii.plioii in rlothtng Jiuve jjrenlly (liiiimiilu'd wlmc tnow ol looii have noi materially iocrea'd. Tot it: im, how ever, one other ctrcutrntam-e winch, to a wrtam extent, iiiunt t iller 111 this queittioa, and that .Mr. ('. apK.'ar to huve nverliMiked. llie lutsuer ha iMt'o oi'thrtttr u well a ol proviioa and clotuing ; ami tiiere may have been an increas ia trnti which will quite counterbalance the apparent gam of tlie money prico of lalstr. Wo dit not mean to wtnert that tlie rent paid by the jtMrnii tlaic have in- crcusvii ouo, uui n i inoivvimi iinjin I . ,!.. ........ 1.1 . .a ...l .1.U1I.I...I ....... mou lliat lucre baa U-eu a couUut au I stcauy 111- croase in that article their epndituro The growth of population in the Uniled .States, both in I ' - . . - i . j. . a a.u..I Iha aiiiu.lt! I hm L'.itou llonu .a m,u - .1 Ika , .vr,j. . , v wria oi our prosperity. ue incline w iuiiik tnai mis excess is now coosineraoiy greaier man u waa at the period which Mr. Cirey baa chosen for comparison. II, therefore, the laborer should con tinue to rweive the same, rale ol wages for twu years to conic, and the money prices d' clothing aud provisions should remain tlie stunc r evensuf - fer a reduction, there may U Mich au increaMi iri l prove the c oudilioti of the laboring classes. We imiNt look nt till tim m-ceiry eLK'mJi(un's ol the laUirer, and all the circumstances which ullitt - - thein, before we can venture to pronounce that he is benefitted by the-increase of wages, atlded even to reduction of prices m his necessary provision and hl Iklilgr .-;! .-' i..-Ar.r w.TiTE.-.-..-T-t-n 'ri ;.. -..i .l;ir. ;.. ,i. ..1' ... 1 livm IS tttao u uioi'iT'ui.v 111 011; vutur. 01 mvuru turn. We do not bv anv means ertimato it at tho rate which many li-oide are uccustolttd lo. who judge merely from a few isolated facts. To some ublanl linu'.vur It ftMlilitLui 1.1 ulillUtrul.. Jl. t ,.v..., .. ........ Tlmt the lubfiring classes in the United States: ,wu'"' Jf, V , S . ;"'u". p " are in the enit.vnvent of more comfort and w.riaDVt' luxtrries at a less pricey that is, that the same quan tity of lalsir will Mirchase a greater amount ami .variety of articles of consumption, there Cannot we think -be a doubts- . And ia iii r&iptsct, w see no reason to doubt that the increase of population, if industry and capital m the Lulled States keep pace with them, as they ought to do, will be altogether lavomble to improvement in their condition. The idea that there is any such state of war between increased population ami subsistence, is long ago exphsled. Mr. Carey quotes a computation from the Encyclopedia Brittanica in which the writer makes the continent of Europe alone capable of subsisting 3,000,000,000, or about four times the population of the w hole globe ; and Mr. Carey him self, proceeding on the same bases, makes tho whole earth capable of providing fiiod for ai,Ut)0,000,001, His observations on this subject are so entirely con sonant with our own views, that we will take leave to extract thorn: Mr. C. says -"-WVli ndrv whore-th vernmctit will permit it, there is a steady improve- mem- of condition with the increa of powilatlon : j we know that the difficulty is not to supply food, 1 but to find a market for it ; that in a very largei nrt of F-nrnne. ihe rultivfttnin sre noor ami misc. change their products freely for what they want ; that, in consequence. iheretif, prices .have been so nmch reduced in many places as to render them totally, jinabte, la pay seut.l and with thk know ledge we may be content to hi population take its own course, and instead of fettering it by restric tions, endeavor to improve the condition of the peo pie by increasing their liberty of action and light ening their burdens. Doing this, we may: safely trust that population will limit itself, and that the wisdom of the arrangements of the dicty in regard to man, will be as evident as it is in every other part of the creation.. We shall find that, as in eve ry thing else " laissez novs faire ' is the true doc trine ; that, when allowed to come into action, there is-alrcady ellabiished system of checks and ba lances, action and reaction, as for superior to that which has haunted the imagination of some of the writers on population, as is that which regulates tho motions of tho planets to that of a windmill IT Tli coinpiirim i eirrllcut and wt roeoinnirnl it to all I lint ac bout of political cionii4 who tM to imagine that nil of tho leitlalura an DH-em. ry to kwp the heavenly U-Ih in orlcr. ,We are happy to liod lht the antidntn tu aonieof the bane, ful ultreUm af the doc In org of the veneralile futlier, haa tlmi aprung up by their aide in the aarne fami ly. Thi ia a it idiould be i and we ahall not x "urpnacd tu hi&r tluU Mr. Carey, the elder, ere lonjf, enrol lnm lf amoiis the wartnnat atlvocalea of ihw onlinnU'd "liberty of action" in the com inerre of the world- We cannot tuke leave of tin work without re. Coiiuih ihIiiiu it to tin- attentive pcrwunl of all who wih t giiiu eorrert information opi the interest, uhjocta id whirh it treat, it i emphatieully a book tor every Ameriean cili-ii, wln wihe to umlerniuiNl the trim inlen'iiU of aocioty and the dungrr to which they are liable from tho meddling of inorunto and m'IiUIiim;. From the lUnlim Mi rranhlt Journal. !M)K WKLLTO yOL'KTIttrX Tlie following eicellent rule viWe circuloted 111 t.y qUuii r ol a century since, iii the form of a prtlllC(j bandbill and Hit into the public rooms M a colw,ail, m.Hutor to guard against the danger j.,n., , niay j m,tm g,! can do 00 harm ,0 r.-jlliti it at Ihi lime s 1. f1.mmi,l.r n !' . nUmnl luil ...,.,.1 .. .!.... - ,..n . ,,. ,1 a ui I iiumler : 11 ranooi use care ol itsell : and J nM H IPPIH1I IIHI I' "l( H. WVI, HI j 1 rj 1 IIHI, will he , i ly. 3. Never h ave one stick of wood ujsm another, partly burnt. 4. Never h-ave a stick partly burt standing in the corner. 5. Kxumiuc your bru.!) alk'rtwceping a hearth, e'ciully at night. H. Never sutler hot aslM'i to sialyl in a wooden VCIM'I. 7. Never leave pas'n or linen near your fire. t. Never read in lied by candle light. 9. After ull precautious, remember that an in. hiibited building is liable to tit Kt ruction by fire. Ill- prepured for an emergtMiccv : Keep your water bucket filled. When a tire ha begun, suffer it not ..- t . 0 ncreAel Dy B needles current of air from p, 8n wmdows. j jo, tsluuld.tho fire have mado Rich progreaa aa i0 orevent vour escane bv a stair cju. and hould ,i.w w.naiiw ,vu gi- u, u nu ll v.. m miwwn . . ' L l-I.L . .t .. .11.1 or vy tying your oca cimnee mgemer. 11 wouiai j be welljo keep a ropo in your chambcrt for thil vcry purpose. II. It tety doei not appear protianie m this way, wrap yourself up in a blanket, hold your ' breath, and rush through the flumea."" If water be , nt baud, first wet the blanket. u.c-- .i : It would bo well on tlie family' feliaflg; to bed, bare all the middle doors "bRlh houso closed; iiua.apiirtiiwiljroayto coo- - fhicd thcVundiMitci .ijnl not commumcato luiinediinw. with olhcr oarU ulAiie building Tiihe South-pnat n.yl Ea-t f, ,.. k-. -:m i f-. 9 Frouhlftr london Timet. " AR. What a picture of Ihit dnes the filhrwhiff par .wr.iwfcit?,--r-wwta; s . . . ujii ini 3i in i - inn Bvvu oiim, " mil uitnrcrT SunW l,r,cc. b,lt ,,b('rty "'r- hould ; Pa,' b? m'"m,s ,or jf L four different wars between England and France,1. J! m dillicultof access and , . J?....I..J A U...I..J ..'I.. I.. countries in all-AHy-one wars ! There have been six wars within 100 years, viz: 1 st ..war, .endui 1 ODI ccal. .2 L5QQ.0Q07.-. JOD. O00.elai.n, 80,000 died tfJBumu.t---2nd war began 1702, cost 43,000,000. Slain ! not ascertained. 3rd war began 1739, cost 49,000,000. not ascertained. 4th war, began 1750, cost 111,000,000. Sin in Slain 250,000. , 5th, American war, began 1775, cost 139,000, 000. Slain 200,000. Cth, last war, began 1793, cost 750,000,000 Slain 2,000,000 amongst all the belligerents. At the conclusion of the war, which ended in 1697, the national debt was 21,50(1,000. At the conclusion of the last war, in 1815, the national debt amounted to no less than 1,050,000,000. MAXIMS FOR WIVES. ubja l ''. hat they are supposed tof have been compiled ' a My. If so, some pnttorn of good husbands mt himself to the tssk of presenting four niaxinw on the other suie, t match .f - L A good wife always receives her husband wit!,i, smiles leaving ooth(iguncnft,.to, render, homo ngreeablo and gratefully reciprocates his Ittndneea and ttention II. She st lies means to gratify his inclinations, in regard tafoodaiid. cookery in themanageincnt of her family in her address, manners,- and de portment. , r . ; III. She never attempts to rule or appear to role her husband. Such conduct degrades husbands and wives always partake largely in the degrada tion of their husbands. .. IV. She in every thing reasonable complies with his wishes ; and if possible anticipates them. Meditation. ' Well, Mr. Jackson," said a cler gyman to his parishoner, " Sunday must be a bles sed day to you. You work hard six days, and the scvetithuyou come to church. " Y'es air," said Jackson, " I works hard all the week, and then 1 comes to church, sets me down, gocks up my leg, and thinktsf-tiothuu" . - From th Hull igh R, fititr, TIIK Ui;TAIS Or XOitril (MROM.VA. Tlw younger Michaux, on hi way fr.n tlie Val ley of the Minsiipi, in the F..1I ijf I WW, p d thnsigh the counties of Yancy ami Burke, and in tha amall Volume ; eontai.iiuj an aeiMNjnt of Ins travel, that a a publnlied sishi after hi return to Pari, tho opinion i expit-Med, that in these ftsin. ties, the Allegliany Mountain muni tln-ir greatest elevuiion. Ha iih-hIioii, in cvitlem-o tint tin be. hef i well fouisW, that hi father fund tr' and plants growing upon them which he did not meet with again before reaching Camilla. ITie Geology iJ thei coOuties ha nn peculiar feature. They were visited, during the lui hum. mpr, (or the purpose of tracing the bouis..ine of their rs:k fnrmalMra, and ahsig with other cullaie. ral oltpH-ta, proviHHi vu mail- for iiaasuru.y -tho height of their principal Mountain, witn t ieir bearing and disiai from each other, b-.ma geiitleiirt-n in the Wet, whi expreineil an interest in the aubject, were piomised an aceismt of in result ; and they are communicated with aome . planatory remark, to the Register, m the hehrf Ihnt they will not be withtstt interest ftr s roi living in other part of the Stale. It i well knoHti that the Mercury in the tube of the Barometer I continually iWillaliii, tx inlly in the high latitude ; so that we cimiol, from single olsiervatiis. of its height, infer th- ek'ta'ton of any place als.ve the levef of tlie sea. ftut l). ville ItMind, iMm a coniari-sin of the Meteorologi. cal Registers, kept wiih great rare for a vne of year hi dtllerent pnrtu of Enr ipe.thut tie- ehanges aresiinulltineiKi and similar in place c.i aoderably remote from each other. One llarous'ter was thn'fore stationed at Mor ganion, and a record kept of n movemetits by Mr. P-arwKi of that place. This served a a artandurtl. The I'bterrntiom mnde at the same time (nearly,) upon the tt of the MtsJiitains and at Morgantmi, I'urniMhed the data for calculating their elevations above that village, and the mean of ten observations, on successive days, gave what is probably a near approximation to tho height of Mnrgaututi above the level tf the Sea 964 feet. Deducting from this the descent to the bed of the Catawba, tliero remains only about 800 feet of full between tho Ford leading over Linvillu and the Sea. This will not be regarded as an extravagant estimation by those who are acquainted with this stream, and by such m have had do experioncu in iuvcstigatiuosof this kind, it will be condemned as falling- far below the truth ... . : North of the point where the James River leavci Ihe Mountains, the first hijjh ridire of the Allecha. im na:e is apptica t. the range that separata - ' ran if e that ae oar tea tha Extern and Western waters. This It commonlv the first high Mountain, but not always. - The Ti. ' ble Mixmtaini which forms an fine and' striking t feature ia the scenery about Morganton, is not - part of the Blue Ridge, hot a spur ir outtier. It ooma, whea seen from Morgariton.lo be l round -tower rising perpendicularly from the summit of" the first range of the Alleghauie. It is, in fact,, naiww -liderffiirditifl; a jwjr-fine propecTif "rtio""" fertile vallev of the Catawba and Iw i " iivi vnu est aressijjhere the Linville pours over the rocks along a deepwjivholly untenantnd and uncul. tivated, and of a vast exh'urif Jlauam peaks nnd raoges on the. -North-east. . . Its too is SX'STTftsM- Ahf,M.m:4ra!tannji a JtlLuj.aiMtfft.ihaaLWiuUea. distant in a right line. -The Graw1fotherrl7 miles lr..rrilhe"TaUe7and 29 from Morganton, has hitherto been irenerallv supposed! the highest Mountain in North Carolina. wn.v.iijHUjj miVkh u uiyao-iyi, 11 nas nappeneri to him. as it does ridTTOlienuentlv ,io men. nlamd corwtin'ctm bim fcr.jre4 - a reputation to" which he is by no meajis entitled. The best point of departure for ascending the -tolTlfi of John's River, where , the traveller will find a pleasant home in a beautiful valley, and at James Riddle's, l.BOO feet above, on Ihe side of n'MouV tain, a faithful and intelligent guide. From the distance and the roughness of the way, it will prove, as my friends and quondam pupils, Messrs. Cling, man and Roseborough can testify, a severe day's labor to a person inexperienced in travelling ort foot, to visit the top and return. The summit is 4,5S feet above Morganton. We may notice here an error in the Act of the Legislature establishing Yancy County and assign, ing its boundaries. It is said, that they shall run with the Tennessee line to the Coynty of Ashe ; thence with the line of said county to Uie Grandmo ther Mountain,?1 &ic. It is here" supposed that the Grandmother is either tho same Mountain with tim nd in the Ashe line, whereas she is 3 or 4 miles distant front both. She sits humbly and submissively at tlie feet of her venerable spouse, with tlie little Grandson between a pattern to all good dames in the coun. try below. From the fact that her head is crowned with ilw Uimm-fir'(nittfmnlwtf1mV '" probably have an elevation "of 2,600 feet. Ifthere 4 should seem to be atiy thine to warrant misnieion of a want of affection in this worthy couple, in Ihe distaneraTWli from each other, their great bulk should not, whilst we are forming our judgment, be neglected. The Roan Mountain is 15 miles froni the Grand, father, and 35 Northwest from Morsanton. Ivintr directly over, or beyond, the Hawks!!!. If touch. es the Tennesseie line, but the highest peaks are in W....I. f i: fin.- .1 .1 . .loiin v4noniia. 1 ins is ine easiest 01 access, the most beautiful, and will best repay the labor of as. cending it, of all our high Mountains, ' BV one. of my menus, me preference is given to tho Y ellow, which is in fact a continuation of the Roan, on ac. count of the symmetry of it form s hut it ia consi. derably lower. v ith thfr exceptwn of a bojy of rocks looking like the ruins of an old Castle, near its Southwestern extremity, the top of the Roan may be described tu a vast meadow, without a tree i. J- .