o 4 Scraps THi: DLYIL AND TUC DOCTORS. The following verses are intended as a "hit" at the English Medical Faculty. Kir Charles and Sir Aftley jire'intcnded for two eminent physicians named Cooper: "The Devil he sat on his gardcu gate. A picking- his teeth with the end of his ta 1 1 ft.nl because he'd been doing so inuch work of bfc, And lie grew sick, and his appetite oitea would Jail ; When a Toad, who came by in a carnage and six. Walk'd no to the idler so grave and so giiasuy. Felt his pulse, icw'd his tongeo,and d id other wisy tricks That are practiced by Sir Charles and Sir Astley. Oh, o!i ! suys the Doctor, your majesty! ill ! You must take night and morning a ur.ugui. ano. it pui , But the Devil the Tcad 'ncath his fo)t ouickly jamm'd, And said, I take your ttu:!": If 1 do I'll be d d !' Then his Imlship grew worse in yam had he mod A draught of the Styx am! a bath of the Lethe Till, worn by bis torment, one morning he cried, .Must I d:e like a dog! no ; go fitch Abcrnthy. The Doctor lie catr.e, looking surly and sage, One hand in his picket, one stuck in hid waist; Said he,. Read mv book; and he mentioned the page; Take a blue pill every night. Where's my lie ! l'uj in haste.' Then said Lucifer, fiercely, 'This crn't be endured! You cure my disease without wishing to learn it! I've ir't indirection how's that to be cured 1' Rushed John: 'Live on six-jKMitc a week, friend, and earn il. . . p. . J. - --4 - from the Anirust.t l(V.) Sentinfl. BOB SHORT'S AUCTION. Wax knocked oil', to the highest bidder, on the iir.-t .Monday in October lu&t, the fallowing ar ticles : Van 1'rnKN. A scant pattern, but a neat arti cle, suited to the newest fashions made in Balti more, bv Ruckor, Brothers ov Company, and sent out as a sample colour, changeable, upon a dark ground. White. A phin, useful article, manufacture,! bv Rip Van W'i.iklo in his best days, and used with the hi 'best approbation in Tennessee color, w hite, with a fptck of crimson. Johnson. An admirable- article for house sr ranfs manufactured by Ilucker, Brothers V: Co., .Baltimore color, Jet black. How thrjj catch Monkey. Th'-re is a curioijs wav of catcliing .Monkeys, without hurting them much, except that it frightens them ; though by the wav th.it is lu 1 enough, tor who had not much rather le whipped stoutly, than to be excessively frigliteued. The Mastcrn hunters, who know how ready the monkeys are to try to do every thing which tl.cy see men !.), renair to the woods winch is frequented bv the-e animals, carr iag with them some very strvigsoapsuds,ar.J a great many pairof little hoots. A'!:(.mi they get to the sjot where the little f.-IIows are chattering in great numbers among the tre:'s, and watehin"- thc:n, they stop and go to washing J th'dr faces and drawing on their own boots. Afi-r lulling on boots and washing faces a little while, tiiev retire a short distanceyind hide them selves, leaving the soapsuds and the little hxits be hind tii- in. liown our: tiie monkeys from off the trees, an 1 go to imitating th' in. They draw on the sanll boot.-, and wash their faces well in soap suds. When they get fairly at it, and their eves l.o.r;., to Kmnr so that thov c.vt hardlv see. out rush the hunters and pursue them. Blinded bv the soapsuds, and fettered by the boots, they are oori an l easily taken. Hard Lirin. We have it from good authority that there lives an old bachelor (?) in the city of N. York, who is very rich and keeps a store in which he employs two clerks. These clerks salary he pays by allowing them extra privileges in the store. II is so darn'd close that he sleeps in the store on the bare counter. His meals consist of two jen uies worth of dried apples for breakfast, eaten dry and wit lout drink; tor dinner he drinks a quart of water to swell the apples, and for supper lie eats :md drinks nothing the year round. This is but little bett r Ixiard than the Dutchman got, whe-i apprenticed to the Tailoring trade, who .icver had any breakfast givei him : fir dinner he'd get a f ggmg, and for supper tlrdt which was left from ilinn"r warmed over again. He would have almost starved, had it not been for the cabbage. .1 uburn AH seel la nj. Married. In Matilda, Upper Canada, on the ICtli ult., Mr. Israel Sifan, journeyman cabinet maker, to Miss Grace Parlor. Since Mr. Satan has obtained for hi use If a 'local habitation,' and a wile, it is hoped that his " goings up and down,"' tve, will bo limited f r the future to that section of ihe country which he has chosen tor his residence. Mankind are free, peace shall abound. Since (trace by Satan has been found ; And in full proof that oace :s meant, Lrarl by (truce lias pitch! his tent; No more in deserts wild he'll roam, He's got a Parlor for his hone. Rule in Singing. Never pronounce the words distinctly. The ladies should, and in truth they do generally attend to this rule, at d for an excellent n-iwrtn. 'Plif lir:rop' ntlotilir.n i . I ... . .. I anv id the word mbrht ,.,..',,, 1. c, -.i v..:::. : .r":-, J . in i iir i in; 11.1 iu ui ?oi4i,u. This couplet, for instance At anchor laid, remote froni home ; Toiling I cry sweet spirit, come, Should be sung thus; A-tanchor laidere rro-tfro mome, Toi-linI crysu ee tsjirit eo:ne. publ ubheations not long since, the f;o!utiori of wliiHi j ,as nLtM,i.Kerss. lifnnd.r, an orror or mistake , ,- , . - , , ,- '' oi.e , nd bus, a kiss or salute with the hps. (),, being .vas nnd '. . I. la i ... . .... ' reiui io a iauy , was now she ri.,j!CS( when she innocently replied, she liked a re-buss sweetly. j A I urKish napor says, ' A sou'-anirnafing ro-e-' Dusn, uud and tlossom yielding, tn the hapi.y im-! peri il rose-garden, has exhibited signs of v'egefa. j tion." By wliich we are to understand that the j .Sukan is expecting an addition to his fuinilv. j All publisher'? of newspapers nr. not such small bugs as Mrs. Butler supposes them to I. Among ! them is no less a tersonage than the son of the ! , l . ... .... t Moon, the grand Sultan Mahmod. the publisher j f the Ottoman Monitrr " f-r.ro i. 1. 1 .1. I., a re enue - of 1 S Ififl f 00 " ' a revenue ot loO,uuu. , Remarkable Warm Weather. A Keutuc1 ian ' Fai l, when he was Smth. the weather was , hot I ? that his buttons dropped oil" by sjoon fulls ! Useful Discorcries. Tt is found that bv mixing lard with butter, sauJ with sugar, water with milk, and brick bats with cotton, they will go much far- V h ! iher , . Si 4 fTMIE Subscriber, having determined to remove to the south-wesl, i.fil-rs for sale tlie above pro perly, with or without the Furniture. 1 he Plan tation contains about 700 Acres of Land; be tween 95 and 1(0 acres are low-grounds, cleared, ditched, and in good order otherwise; and is ei ther good fr Grain or Grass there being about 12 Acre of the latter, (viz: meadow land.) About 200 Acres of the high-lands arc cleared and in fine order for cultivation. In all I think it good for 11,000 bushels of Corn, with a proportion able quantity of small grain. The Houses want no repair, and nre sufficient for entertaining GO or 70 boarders, with line Stri blery, Carriage-house, and Threshing .Machine. No building of any description is requisite for the place at present. The property is now positively offered at a price so low that it '.vill pay tor itself in three years, by attention to the Farm and House. Persons wish ing to buy had better lose no time, as it shall be sold, and the price at which it is offered will f rce it immediately. Letters to my address, at this Oilice, will meet prompt attention. (r NEG ROES, for my own ue, will be taken at fair prices. Application may he made, for prices and pay ments, to the following Agents, viz: Maj. II. W. Conner, of Salisbury ; James A. Johnston, Esq., Charlotte ; C C. Henderson, Esq., Lincolnton, and A. .M. Burton, Esq., of Beattie's Ford, who have the terms and will make sales. WM. S. Sl.MONTON. ' I S. I tf.-iMiiI tn ihe Plantation is n fine stock ' f ,I(),rs ' , c t , , an ou!stamin? Crop of Corn say 2,000 bushels, which may le had with the plantation. U . S. S. Catawba Springs, September 20, 1 :). tf TUB Ci'B-N'TLBMAVS T h. 1 W 31 11 13 IS Tl Or Tm; SroitTi.'.o and Dramatic Comtvmon, Knibelished witn a multitude of Bnirravins, including lortraits of celebrated winning Horses, Philosophi cal and Natural jihenomena, Legerdemain, vVe. ST is now hx ruo'iths since this publication was co:n mt need in Philadelphia and nlthougii the publish ers base used no extraneous means to circulate a knowledge of its merits, yet such is the satiUcci-m manifested by that portion of the public who have b en in ule ai nuainted with its character and contents, that i:s 1 st of patrons continues con.-tmtly ai 1 rapi-lly to increae. Tins papT is now distributed regularly eve ry week over a wide portion of the Union, and the ::ost siti.-d'idory assurances are received that it will eventually become one of the most popular among the numerous excellent p.-nooicais which issue iroin me American press. N' exertions will be spared to esta biish its perina .cut reputation more c.t nsivcly; ami it the liberal sanction of those for whom it is especially designed shall warrant, its tuture improvement both as regards typographical neatness and ciuocliudmicnt will be materially advanced. oO" The dillerent Plays and Farces that will appear in the eoerse of a yar, of themselves, will be Worth more than Four times the amount of sulcri;f ion. Tiie I a '!.".! 1 . L . I til 1 1 . lowing is a nsioi mose wincu nave airea-.y ai-peareu; -!,... M If.'. -.1 Is She a Cr-gand. . . , The Hunchback. . . , The Doep. Deep Sea. . Cheap Living. . . . . Shak.-poaro's Barly Days. Henri in arte Quite Correct. ... Beggar of f !. thnal Green. HusLan.ls an 1 Wives. Man of Ten Thousand. . The Ladie.-' M m. . . I'll Tell You What . . The Golden Farmer. . Speculation Olympic Devil-. . . . Bnghh in India. . . . Shikspearu Fe.-tival. . The ivi-rt Indian. . . . My Friend tae Governor. Victoriue Tae ( Knrubus Tiie Child of Nature. Tiie R'T.eontre. . . . The Duel The- Si.r.ers Video I le run n i Irish Ambassador. . . , My Neighbour's Wife. . R. P. Smith. J. S. Knowlcs. . J. R. Plai.che. F. Reynolds. C. A. Somerset. T. Morton R. P. Smith. J. S. Knowde?. Thouris Holt-roil. Vi!!i on B. Carton. Mrs. Itic.ihald. B.Miji!:Hn Webster. F. M. Rev nobis. PI me!. I) u.ce. W. T. Moncrieli: Y. G. Bonis. J. It. Pi" ache. II. M. M ilner. Mrs. Incii'jild. R. li. Peake. W. 15 irrvmorc. . James Kenney. . . Tyrone power. Alfred Cunii. Aladdin, or the Wonderful Lamp. AO" Tfie Sporting Intelligence (at liomt; and abroad ) leccupie-s rt eonsiiicrable pvtion of our columns, and is! J collected fro ui tije most authentic sources. Among the I ortrasts ot celebrated Winning Horses which have i been given, are The American Trotting Horse. Bdwin Fores-l. The Imported Racing Horse, Mes-.-enger. The favourite Racing Mare, Ariel, an 1 her fjal, by Be! ipse. Bond's celebrated Trotting Horse, Norfolk Phenome non. Tiie true blooded popular Horse Chateau Margaux. ihe well Krio-vn Ln gush Rice IJorse, I oucli.-tone, Vh'; l'od-horse Ilundig, the winner of the l)y June, is. Bxplanation of the Automaton Chess Piaver, illustra ted by Llevcn Lngrav nigs, 'JT The f-:iajeets w inch are particularly embraced the Yade Mecum will be more distinctly understood ft t!l:'Ving summary of them :- . 5 , r" u?0 i t!i'. Structure and ( .imraeter ol the Horse, o Improvement of Horned Cattle. n Ine Jinpn I ;.,,.s for Novices in Shooting. MethvJsh.r IY.ii:ig and Training Dog. Ihograpiiies of celebrated Hurst.-, vvitii t!iclr Port- H.nitn.rr. r;,:.;, r.v-T s.-n - -": Appioved (i.imes, from H:yb riid others, ('ntieisms ot. Plays and Actors. Th-' nii.t popu! ir Songs, tn music. Tiie .rt ,,r, .rdetmm Ii!u?trateJ. A variety of Recipes ndantea to Domestic Economy. An Miio'rse oi rmrtant nas.-.T'- events. (""it,!'l!l!'ll's I'Mri'lprlv li iv-ii'W oftho I-'iisli io:i i i - - y To Agents and ot.'iers a Premium, consisting . ' '' tp ech, neatly bound of the ' ' i,lsl aznie, containing tight du. i rent Aovl.-, hy t!" n'' '-thor.s will be presented to an Vscni cr nef, i:,!ir ,..,. to ,!jo j ,trn Actl"- Drama, or the Gentleman's ado Me-1 r",m:t lho at"W ot o:ie yr & subscription (-'5) thr each Tins journal is printed week!', on large itnperial pa per, with new type, at Three Dollars per Annum, pay able in advance. Specimen numbers will ba snt "to Til' r-.rt ,.f !... I... .. I .! , . ..VK.? . -r.yuv. pw. SMITH &. ALBNANDBR. N", 4.1 - TX. 1 I . " 1 U T t " I ..u. j, .vun.n;ii;i D'liiUiiif, i rar.j- .iu i .jce, i in.a. if"- ii c ll"urecI a ivacc course, occupying me Cotton and other Produce for Storage, Sale, width of seven coumms. Shipment as the owner may direct. C. J. O. A complete treatise on Ruling, with I ourteon Illus- 1 i ' t i ir trations, tbr the improvement of Indies in that most T, .., e Brick Kovy Hay nunint, l.ealthv of all exercises. Fayettcvidc, September 19, ltvto. Cm fjTjvj A Splendid 0 FROM Salisbury. (."V. C.) to Ilalcigh, (IV. C.) A NXIOL'S to allonl every facility to the Travelling V Public, now acnoimce that they have completed all tiieir arrangements and can w ith truth say. We pre sent you with a Line rf Hacks jmssessing advantages over any other, if you wish to get on icith ease and despatch having obtained that great desideratum with all Travellers no detention on the road. It is so ar ranged as to correspond, in its arrivals at Raleigh, with the departure of the following Stages, viz: The Great I aily Line to Rlakely, North-Carolina, passing through LouTsburg, Warrenton, and Halifax; at the latter place ;i Line of Stages communicates w ith the Portsmouth Rail-Read for Norfolk: by continuing on to Rlakley, you strike the Petersburg Rail-Road; and on your ar rival at that place vou have the choice of two Lines either by land to Washington City, v ia. Richmond and Fredericksburg, cr by Steam-Boat to Norfolk. There is also a Line of Stages from Raleigh to Norfolk, via. Tarborouirh, Murfrcesborouirh, Winton, &c., over one of the best Natural Roads in the United States. At Norfolk there w ill be no detention, as there is a line of Steam-Coats f r Ibltimore in connexion with tins line. This line also connects with one from Raliirh to New hem. The arrivals at Salisbury is regulated altogether by the departure of the Piedmont Line South, ami the Great Western Line for Nashville, Tennessee, via Lincolnton, Rutherfordton, Asheville, Knoxvillc, &c. Leaves the Mansion Hotel. Salisburv.TURSDAY and SATURDAY at U o'clock, A. M. after the arrival of the Piedmont Staire from the South arrives in Kaleiirh next davs at .) o'clock, P. M. Leav es Raleigh TUBS DAY and SATURDAY at 2 o'clock, A. M., arrives in Salisbury next days by 4 o'clock, P. M. allowing suf ficient time on the road tor S It 11 1Z I . itj- The I lacks are Albany make, entirely new, and cannot be snrpased for comfort ami ease ; the Teams are excellent, the Drivers careful ae.l attentive, and the Fare low only SIIYKX DOLLARS M inter mediate di.-tanccs 7 cents per mile. Yy Pass.-ners from the South who wish to take our Line will be careful to c-r to Salisbury only. All Bundles and Packages at the risk of the WILLIS MORING, owners, JOSKPII L. MORING. P. S. '";. Linr,from Salisbury to iudlimorv is jV5 cli'ap'r titan am ollur. April 11, l?oo. tf inc tare irom irnrmn m uingtun u ar.iount to 81!) 50, as follows : I1ali:iuii, Nov . 7, I S3 1. From Raleigh to Blaklev, Stage Fare, . . 7 j For sever:i, ycar ,sa!tf 1)r i;eckwith'S Anti Rlikh'v to Petersburg, itail-Road I are, d I ., ' , lVtersW- to Iliclm.ond, Stage Fare, . 1 50 fl-eptic I ills have been used as a domestic me-Richmo-i l to Fredericksburg, Stage Fare, 5 jdicme in my lamily. I have myself frequents I re !erick?hurg to Wadiingt m City, Steam- used them for the relief of head ache, acitl and it Fi ire .5 Tli" Steam-I.at Fare from Pete4tburg to Baltimore, via. NorlMk, is Four Dollars , ll it o - PRIVATE CONVEYANCE, FOR A-fl..ASLl.V 1 2.. 92m rVW Public arc respectfully informed that the Subscribers have provided themselves with a neat and easy-rid...;; OMNIBUS, a team offirst rate Horses, ami an obl.gmg and experienced Dn ver, for the purpose of accommodating all who may nave occasion, or ties,re io employ private conveyance from Charlotte to any of the neigh boring Towns. Terms of Hire, very Reasonable. The vehicle is capable of containing .srren persons with the greatest convenience, and is so construct ed that a distance of forty or fity miles per day may be performed with perfect ease to passengers. Gentlemen or Families who stop in Charlotte for the purpose of visiting the Gold Mines in the neighborhood, can be accommodated with an Om nibus and a driver who is acquainted with the country, at all times. B. P. BOYD & CO. Charlotte, Nov. 7, lw:M. N. B. There are ;; lines of Stages from Salis bury to the North, and two from Yoikville to the South. 7t To Country Merchants. fIIE Subscriber begs have to inf.rm his cus- 1 c: l ..n.. .i... t. : ii mm iii un i. lit i i 1 1 , in. ii ut; is now receiving his IVd supply of Goods; which con - si-ts of u general, heavy, and well selected assort ment ot IJATS AIND SHOES, ' ! iT. anI .Ucdit'iiiOM, fjmt3 Without fin ther eiiuiinieration, his Stock com prises almost every article now in common use in this country It is inferior to none in Favetteville. C. J. ORRELL. N. B. Personal and strict attention w ill be given j to the receiving and forwarding Goods; receiving or FOR l'io. HORACE H. BEARD, Tailor, TT EGS leave to inform his friends, ami the public in general, that orders in his line will always le thankfully received by him, and executed in the most Neat, Fashionable, and Durable manner on erms as reasonable as anyr in this section of coun try. II. II. B. hopes, from his long practice of his business, (a number of years of wliich time he resided in the city of Philadelphia,) and from the general satisfaction he has heretofore given to his numerous respectable and fashionable customers, to merit and receive a portion of the patronage of the public in general. 03- He Hatters himself that his CUTTING is really superior to any done in this State, as may lf.;ttH,,,,v the ljn,ii,pUted elegance of fit which ... . i i- . ii i '' pirments made m his estabhshmen . He is , the rt gular receipt of the Reports of the Fa- shions as they change botli in the large cities or this country and of Europe so that gentlemen may !. satisfied that their orders will always? Ie executed in tiie very latest style. Orders from a distance will lie nttendetl to with tho same pTtnettiality and care as if the cuitomei were preent in pT-.in. Salisbury, September 19, Ij-J lcckvit!i?s AiUi-IJyspcptie extract, from the Hand-bills accompanying each Box-, the following testimonial to the efficacy of this valuable Medicine : From the lit. Rcr. Levi S. lresy I). D., Bishop of Sorth Carolina. IiALEir.ii, March 2, 1S33. Having, for the last three years, been intimately acquainted with Dr. John Beckwith, of this City, and enjoyed his professional services, I take plea sure in stating that his character as a Christian gentleman and experienced Physician, entitles his testimony, in regard to the use of his Anti dy.pep tic Pills, to the entire confidence of the public. My experience of the good effects of these Pill, for two years past, satisfies me of their eminent value, particularly in aiding in impaired digestion and warding off bilious attacks. Hav ing been for a long time subject to the annual recurrence ot such attacks, 1 was in the habit of resorting for security against them, and with a very partial suc cess, to a liberal use of Calomel or blue Pill. But since my acquaintance with the Anti-dyspeptie Pill of Dr. Beckwith, which he prescribed in the first instance himself, I have not been under the necessity of using Mercury in any form, besides, being wholly exempt from billious attacks. Seve ral members of my family are experiencing tin same beneficial tllects. L. S. IVES. From Cover nor Iredell. Arui sT 21, 1S35. Dr. Betkwith's Anti-Dyspeptic Pills have been used in my family, which is a large one, with the most beneficial effects. A number of my friends who have been afflicted with the Dvspepsia, and other disorders of the stomach, have spoken to me in strong terms of the relief they experienced from this remedy. Without the evidence I have received from others, my intimate knowledge of the professional and private character of Dr. Beck with, for l he last twenty years, justifies me in de claring, that he would give no assurances of facts of his own experience, or of professional deduc tions, ,.f which he was u t perfectly confident, and on which t lie public might not s ifelv relv. JAMES IREDELL. From ,;rnrrr r nadrf- otherwise disordered stomach, resulting tror.i ini- j prudence or excess in diet, and I have had many (opportunities tf learning from others their t ilects, when used by them for like purposes. My exp rienee and observation justify me in saying that the relief aflorded by the Pills is generally speedy, ami almost always certain that they may be ta- ttlrl 'lit ! Ill' timn li'lt Lri'lt abv iVvVM i..-i-r-iitf-r.-v tl.olr nr.,i;,,n nlUn,ln.l !,.- .... ..o., j disagreeable eflects wl-.atever and though I have i knovvn many persons use them, I have known none lvjr did not approve them none who sustained ! any ijlirv, and none who failed to derive benefit j ,, lhe;r US1. Aml i:po the whoIe, I do not , hesitate to recommend them as an agreeable, safe. and eiiicacioiis remedy in Dyspeptic affections, and biliere them myself to be ihe best Anti dys peptic medicine ever oOercd to the public. G. E. BADGER. OCT" A constant supply of these Pills on hand and for sale, at THIS OFFICE. September 5, I .35. m6 Ei!tlicrroi'ritoii -Male and Female -Seminaries. rSIIE Trustees of the above Institutions having selected Mr. Alexander A. Hall, and Mrs. M. R. Hall, as Principals, would respectfully announce to Parents and Gimdians, that the first session under Mr. and Mrs. Ii.!i's instruction will com mence on Monday, the lGth of Xorcuzbcr nc.rt. Rates of Tuition: Reading and W riling, per session, . 86 ! Natural Sciences and Belies Lettres, . $10 Languages, vl-0 lvxtra charges for the Ornamental branches. .Music will be taught at the usual prices as ear ly as arrangements can be made for a Music Tea cher. The Recitation Rooms being conveniently situ ated, the Latin, G reek, .i'uI French Languages, together with Drawing and Painting, vv ill be at tended to in both departments. OCT" Board can be had, in respectable fa miles, at 81 i0 per week. The Trustees hope, that the many advantages derived to their Sceools, from location, good mo- rul society , and the qualifications of the instructor and instructress, will induce a liberal portion of patronage, r.DMDND liKlAN, JOHN Mc ENTYRE, W. B. RHTHERFOl I 7 MARTIN P.EAM. j 2 WILLIAM T WITTY, J ? JOHN W ILK INS, Treasurer. Rutherfordton, N. C, Oct. 31, lSo-3. p7 R ECO M M EN D ATIONS. Linc olnton, N. C, Oct. 23, 1535 1 have attended the several Examinations of the Schools taught by Mrs. Hall, in this place and vi cinitv, and I am of the opinion that the different branches, were taught with great accuracy. LAWSON HENDERSON. Lincolntcx, N. C, Oct. 23, 183o. 1 take pleasure in saying, that I have occasion ally visited Mrs. Hall's Schools, taught in this place and vicinity, and also the Examinations of ! the same; the progress of her pupils gave evidence of great attention and ability in their instruction. S. P. SIMPSON. Cuxthc, Iredell Co., X. C, Oct. 2G, 1S35. This is to certify, that I attended the Examina tion of Mr. Alexander A. Kalls School, at this place in the year 131, previous to his entering College and completing his studies, and take pica sure in testifying to the care and ability which had evidently been devoted to the instruction of hL pupils. JAMES McREE. ; The Wclorii Carolinian. CY ASH EEL SMITH JOSEPH W. IIAAIPTON TI UMS OF lTBLICATION. 1. The Western Carolinian is published every Sa turday, at Two Dollars per annum if paid in advance, or Two Dollars and Fifty Cents if not paid before the expiration of three mouth; g. No paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the discretion of the Editors. 3. Subscriptions vul not be received for a less time than one year; and a failure to notify the rxlitors of a wish to discontinue, ?t the end of a year, will be consi dered as a new engagement. 4. Any person w-h-fwill procure six subscribers to the Carolinian, and take ihe trouble to collect and transmit tiieir subscription-money to t:ie Editors, shall have a pa per gratis during their continuance. 5. T Prmons ind b.'cd to the Editors, may transviif to (hem through the Ma!, at their risk provided they get the qrkiuHclcdj; meat cf any respectable person to prove that such remittance was regularly made. TERMS OK ADVKUTISIXG. 1. Advertisements will be conspicuously and correct ly inserted, at ."0 cents per square for ihe first inser'ion, and cents for each continuance : but, where an ad vertisement is ordered to go m only tvv.ee, "0 cts. w ill, be charged for each insertion. If ordered for one iu-; sertion only, .sl will in all cases bo charged. 2. Persons who esire to engage by the year, will bo accommodated by a reasonable deduction from thenbovo charges for transient custom. TO COItilESI'OXTiESTi. 1. To insure prompt attention to l etters addressed to the E liters, the postage shul.' m all cases lie paid. - -i : - -i S -A -ft. TIIE Propr iet. rs of T 1 1 E W E S T E R N CAROLINIAN would respectfully inform the Clerks of Court.-, Themis, Cenlables, and ' other gentlemen of bus-iness, that they have vc now on hand, printed in a superior style, cn tiie very be;t quality of piper, a large supply of v Of olmost every Description, - -V. . Wliich they will sell on vcr moderate terms. To those who become regular customers get : all their Blanks of us a very considerable -. : red action wiii be made from our regular price X Any B.auks that we may not have on hnnd, w.ll he printed io oruer on very s'iort notice. y Orders from a distance will meet with prompt attention; and Blanks p:.t up ana" fuiwani-d .v in t!ie safej-t and nust expedititai? maimer. Xsl , - - V l-x- They would like wife inform Merchants a no r.taers, tiiat, liuvini' an assort .oent ot lancy -' i Job Type, Cuts, t)-c., v,h c!i is probably un- v i'-l v I-!; surpas.sed by any m the State, t!:ev are prepa- 11 red to execute all kin-is of B iOK and JOB PRINTING in vl very superinr fitlr. Nuchas ; ... Bonks. PamphU is, 'Circulars. Cards, llw d- i' ;' Bills, Labels, Way-Bills, for Stages, &c. &:c. All orders executed with tiespatcfu " ISalilurv, June y - BLUM'S Calcu'aKid for ihe meridian of SALKAl, A. C. V SMALL SUi PLY of the ame Almanacks have been received, and may be had at TUBS OFFICE, Price li? cents per conv ts. Mi KG ANTON 'SHE Exercises of tiiis Institution were resu- ined on the 1st Moaday in this month, under the conduct ot the firmer competent and very ac complished Tutie.-scs, Mrs. Polk and Miss Doug lass. The Trustees renew the assurances they formerly gave, as to t he great advantages of this School. If health, and great moral and iiferary instruction be aimed at, they say with confidence, that there are few institutions more likely to af. ford them than this. TIR TRUSTEES Morganton, N. (.'., Nov. ?, 1 -:?.". tf To tiv EnlcrprSziiajr ! J WILL Gl E i.t ao.uiao.e ?eu for a Factory, -- tr other water machinery, to any person who wishes to enter into such pursuits. The scat is on the Yadkin River, iii miles below Stokes' Fer ry, in Montgomery county, 1 will also give with it a small quantity of Land. The seite is unsur passed for convenience a.id water power. Apply on the premises, to U . ('. BFRIA;I'. Current Lrsres oi' rodasee, .Vc. AT SALISBURY November IS, If 35 rents. , Cent. Bacon, ... 10 a Molasses, . . . f0 Brandv, apele, . -Jo a 00 Nails, .... 0 a 10 peach, . 30 n 3-1 Oats, .... 2" a 25 letter, P-! a -Rye, .... 75 Cotton, in seed, . 24 a 3 Sugar, brown, . 00 a 12.7r ciean, . 12 a 13 " loaf, . . 10 a 20 Coflee, . - . 10 a 1 Salt, . . . 112 a 125 Corn 25 a (K) Tallow, . . . 10 Feathers, . . . 3M a 33 Tobacco, ... a 2f Flour f 0 a 050, Wheat, (bushel) 80 a 100 Flaxseed, . . . BH jWhiskev, . . . 30 a 35, J Barter, Linseed Oil, per gallon, Si 25 AT FA YETTBYI LLB November 12. Bacon K1. a J! Iron, . . . 4 a -I Brandy, peacli, . 4(";. 50 Molasses, . . . 32 a 3'1 tipple, . 30 a V Nads, cut, . . . 0 a 4 Beeswax, . . 22 a 23 Sugar, brown, . 8 a 11 Coifee, . . .11a l-U; lump, . . a f Cotton, .... 13.1 a 14 loaf, . . 14?5 a 17 Corn, . . . 50 a 00 Salt, . . . . 05 a 75 Flaxseed, . . 125 a 0U Wheat, . - . . 90 a H0 Flour, . . . .050 a 002 Whiskey, . . 30 a 32 Feathers, . . . 35 a 30 Wool, . . . . 1C a lb AT COLUMBIA, (S. C.) November 14, 3S35. Bacon, . . . Biar.dy, peach, app'.e, Beeswax, . . Butter, . . . Ccllee, . . . Corn, . . Cotton, ... Flour, . . . Iron, . . . 10 a !2,Lnrd, . . . 75 ; Molasses, . . 40 a 50;Mackcrel, . . 15 a lOSalt, in sacks, 25 a 31 j bushel, . 12 a lolSuar, brown. . 14 a 15 . 37$ a 40 .700 a !J."0 .2 r? ! ao . 75 . 09 a 11 -0 in ii ii .?vi a 14UTallow, . . . 11 a 12 900 a lWTras, . . . .100 a 112 It lUu I lUKit'f A CI 5 a 5' ' Whiskey, . . 40 a 4 j AT CA?dCB, S. C November 11 Bacon, 10 a 11 I Corn . 75 a f") -V h 1000 137 a 1"0 . 35 a M Tin,, U i?i.:y, peacn,. S Hour, Do. a pole, . W!e Cotton,- . . .131 111 Whiskcv. o o o o o o 5