c -. s r.v''4ai.-ff.,'.4 I- tr.wtiiv and liappinr, nj add Mre to the cba rW.hHui.. IU.nif;flWAiv... EM-.iii Department, North 'f.liM, Nv. 1". The reading of tlta Ms" h.mnf ln finish J by the (1rk, ofl to" of Mr. Mily, U wi orJerod to bo piiuiA l the Hooe aljourued. , Tie dWay, S'etmbrr. If, 1 ML ' - H.XAU- r Mr. p,.lk, from the Committee rai-d tt . furpose, reported fli!- of Onk-r f lb , m-m of lite Amnio, whieh, wi mtwo of Mr. Wel kin, were sine end adopted.' ? "' ' The Fpesker Uid b fU tM Hit tha proreed In i.f lU riiiom. of Chart-.!, h reference to ti, rf.J Ril KiJ from CuMjiilmli l I'UarlA MgiiiriAii w v uarie. tVlt wore order V f ni winch, oo wi.m of Mr. Ed . aJ ut be kud on lb touto .' nousn or coMMoxi ' ' ' Mr. Graham, froi It 8-lwl Committee appoint ' , rd lo prepare Rub of Orfct (of tls gotuiummit of this House, reportwd the same, which ware read '. i and adopted with'jtil mood menl, end ordrrwd to be printed Cr lU ua nf the member, together with - " the Cuoitiitio of the Btat and of Ihe United 1 . -stab. - " ; ' J. ' '' ' , Mr. Graham from the Mod XaH Committea app-iiiited to prepare Joint Rufce of Order for Iha rernmi of Iha two Housm, made a Rrpurt, ... which jraa adopted iMr w jiw mmwww firrwice.. It wa auhapqiM'jilIf ajrewlta in Uial body, and orik-rw! be pniilrd. ' v A nviihin harinj buen nvuhi thai tlta n'm1 pro. V , cuod .i tlfl appointment of ita Siamlinf Commit. V , tM HpMknr t it Uo Chair, ami Iha iwoibpra 'U tlw mertt! t'onRnri-ional D4rMa having ae Iwlnd the Miriduala to eompti anld CMitmiilaM, thereautt u mounccd lo tha Hju aa Mlows, , rial , , - " '' ' ' Commiltft M Oaiaw. K. Rayner, A. M. PUi Jp, J. L. FirmaiK Jainna Haiwr.'fbfwiaall'iwi'rt.io, Char!a INirr, Jatira McNeill, Ma SinrUrd, ISIako W. Ilraawcll, J. C. Cotfw, Hry CamJer, John L. Smith, and Jocialhau llurtna. I Oa Prepcuitio m& fTriraaarr. J.T.Gran Twry;R.3. Gary, !. PVtry, J.Sin H." H- kin, laaafl' Lano, J-hti B. Kelly, orrt Jorxm, Caleb II. Mail he wa, C. finiinmeil, f. M. Ilulcluiv rm. iina W. Guinn. and Jamoa A. Kinr. ' On EJueation. John B. Mu, Macoa Moye, Solomon Joflreya, f t-tfir R. Lillf, L. A Uuinn, " "7 7 Jk-U. II 4, TIw.imu L dw?man,: Rr4w?rt Bond.Jamea W; II war J, O. R. Kna. William A. Graham, Mo tniwl, and Edward J. Enriiw " 0 ilirnWrinrf.W'hitinclSiallinffa, J. Pippin, Elijah IItMiir, Gtg Tfrxm. rHephen iXM-oii, r J. A. Dunn,T. II. 8pfllor,.- Women, R. Lynn, Jub'i Stockard, J. 8. Guthrlo, Nalliankl llarriauo, ? tiid Wnwllrrtoo. ':" ' " ' ; ,(1 PrivilrerttnJ PrrtiW Th. B. Hoakina, . '.. J." L. Swindl1. 8mia; Brown, John A. MarRae, J. It. IitUy, Mirha. I Il.ke, Wm. M. Wt, jJuUn H. U'immond,Vin. R. H ill, J. . William- nn. Win. I). Lane, John II. llodford, and Solomon - . Lotrlcrniilkv 0t. h'tnal Impr0rmri-JML II. Jarorka, U. W. gwonner, T.J. Judkina, Th. L. Iljbart, : Ralph Gorroll, Il Hope, Sterling H. Goe, J. W. ILnt, E. B. Didlcy AHr-n Rnj?ra. Willia.m Cham ber, Mnv Jervm, and Monweai rmmmr - O i motion of Mr. Hanivbirt, ft ineauee waa rent to the Poiinte to rain a Select Joint Committee oo ao morn of the Goernor'a Meaije aa reUtea to iha aubjoct of AbolrtioA f anrl tb IIwmo tdjouroeaV SEN ATE1-' ......a.-.. - The Speaker announced to the Senate the follow. uii CoinnSitlacaTo" wiTf - On Fiaanec Meaara. Wyche, Marateller, Moo- ry, celbr, Vann, Fox, uavin, and Wellbarn. On biucntion ind Literati VeJ Meaara. McQueen, Gambill, Exum, Akixander, Moore of Etuki, Cowper of Galea, Jiowd, and Uharpo -s J?f tifcjxt . ?nd XAttwu-.Muwr. Allison, Arnntmi, nullnck,'Brittain, Ilarriaon, McCor onck, Retd, and Btephena. On Prrtprmtion and Ortmtnctr Mewn. Ed- itKmt(m, Cooper .nf Martin, Bnly, Kendnll, Hue. 1 aey, Martin, Moye of Pitt, and Williamt, of Per. aon.' ' ' : '"r ;' On Ctiimt Moaara. Move of Greene, William xf Franklin, Tlllntt, IlouUer, Twinci I4llew,Pat ' ' terw, and BeWK-s-st-rr - rrrrry-r ' On WrrmA airoremrar Meaw. Hill, llarrv. Mr KeirrLindtRalP'WauiTir iir UainatiT rrankhik On tht Judiciary- Meaara. Bryan, Edward, II3n, Little, Polk, Moore of Rutberfold, More liciid, and Wilson. ' " " . . On LnrolUd Billt Meaara. Marateller, and Moore of Stokea. " '" "f ", . . On ikt Library Wcnn. Mr bane, Alexander, , : and Hill. ' ' ' ' ' " Mr. Polk prpeentod" a eeriea of RcanlutWa,' re, ' fcrnng the variiHia aubjecta contained iu Uk Go- Ternor Mewapi to appropriate Committeea. " i One' of tlieae Reliiliona proponed that ao much r f the Messajre a relate to the Abolition!!, he - -rfArrwi to ft J4 Selept Committee, eonwMting f . n meinoef .from etcb. CangrtuiOMl VtAxidiMx V the part of each House, i ." . ': -.v :t r: ; - -: r . riQra.og-C03?.3. Tlie Peaker announced he: ppoiiitiien4 ,of ibe following Committees I v.-wr-,.,' v On tht JuJiriargiesaru Qrahani Caraon, - Hoke, Ilvbart, Mauly, WUliwpaou, Clark, Hutcbi. - eon. and Jordan. : i f ,.f,4 - Private ifa. Messrs, J W, Gultm, Guth. j-i", EatoB J A. j)reNeitVKjl;ttZrii,ndolpfi, s . . J . ' uuivJUjjw wy UttMrt IHa Uant,-and strtnii' ... d:ll. ''; - '!'.4".v".rr T'" T. . On mation of Mr. Gary, ft MeaWgo wm sent to , tlie ..JJciinte, prupoeing iho rtfctoc4 Juutt Se lect (oinniitifw of o much of tho Governor' Mee. aaj: n rvkloa to changing tli periods at which the Court are required to be held in the 3rd Judi cial CirniiU , Tlie proposition waa agreed ta by the Semite. ,.'. - ' .- . , Mr. Manly submitted ft eoriea of Rcaolntiona, inert were adopieu, relncring to appropriate toinv nittiM- go mu'-h of tlie Executive Communication a alutoa to Internal Improvement to much aa relate to llie Revenue and fincal aytom o much n relntea to the exchange of Law Report with 'other State, and ao much aa relutca to tlie Public Priming 'i . On motion of Mr. Hawkins, memmno waa aent to the Senate, pmpoi?i(j to ra'we a Joint Select Committee on Military Aflkira. v , , , . IlruJrfd, That the Committed on the Judiciary lie instructed to inquire w hether any further legi- 4nlui Un oerenry nnre rf!liw1!y to mpprrMj the Mt i' tA (mii.Minp, nl lhi rum. Mr. Cnrm, pr any d lint n iitnn of miwlry ci turn tt l(iiiln'rli.fil ainl !unritnlir, fur tlii irr. poraUmi if a Turnpike t'oniHtny. Iunl vu lh ta Liu, on hi iimMiixi. f Jua, Xortmhrr 90, 1 m :. 6ENATE.' . ; : " ' .X)oniotioa of Jlr. Bryan, ordered Owl the Jmli nury C'ofnuiittea ho iiMructed to inquirf into the etipi'dwiicy gmuiinff to lh Miiiiroino t'nirt pow. er aid auihoniy in all cei before Court, by apeaJ utMlmmn), to aend any ml matiera or iMia primug in Mid en-, to tho Courti below, from wbkh aovf tliea wertbnght,jlal Ilia bet may bo more roily and projierly atM.-eriaiw d. Ma. 0;wr, of Martin, prewnled tha Ibltowinf tlowjytiottf ' w '" ' RetottJ, Hat the General A aaemWy adjourn no the UOtbdayeif IeecBiber neat, dm diet and that Ihw Ckrba be directed to make ap their eii matna to that day J which waa mai the fin4 and eeond timeaand oaed-Ayea 99, Noea 29 llie apruker anting In the afTiniHitive. Mr. Kdnkffwtoa mowxl that tin Reaolulim lie npon the uWe, which waa nepiiired by a vole iif i Zi to 88. II waa IIkni read the tniro lime, wm n Mr. Cooper moved to amend it r whfch a di. cmwton amee In wheb Mrmrn. MeQn-en, Ed- ward Wellborn, Cooper, end llocan look part the thw Irat ginat,and the two aameil o tlfiue In bvor T the Kaaotuttoaj M More tna ueetioai waa taken the Peeeteairoed. HOUSE QY COMM(8. A iitNwagq wa reied from tlie Senate, prnpo- ainx ft reftratte of ao much of the Goemor'a Mr aagfi aa reUtca to the right of .'NortM.'art.iina io a Cirttue of the poblie doruatn, and ao "torn a ra te to the Abntit'wnwliuf the North, to Meet I. tint Committee. Mr. Getbrie moed that llie firrf brairb of the pronniilian be laid on the UUe, which waa carried. The remainder waa agreed to, and the 8imUi mfrmed thereof. Mr. Ravner rooed Cr let of ahwfire from the eerviceofthia llMie,fof Mr.Geiy,of Narthaiapt'in, atatinr thnl boawieaa of impnrtanco bad ra!W bi n away, wliicb would detain two until Monday. Granted. The tpoaker aunounced the futlowiflj Commit teea : Cvmilt cm naiiBrr-Meawm. Slade, MNeill, Ileefer, Brummejt, and Jark. 04 jfilUarf AfirtDtrmr. Hakiiu, Inoo, Loiidrrmilk, Powell, and Cottoa. V C'lrroirr Land. Mew. Guinn, of Ma eon, Erwin, and !lrrt, of Buwcnmle. On'lke L,W Me-r. Cdlina, Gr-m, and n i ' Mr. Walton prenled the petition af the Com- m'Meioned Omcer of the (Mth Regiment uf Militia Mr.' Pickett, tlie petilioo of aundry titiretia of Runconibe. an the u!rc1 of ooorunff a Rd, Iji eomroence ftt the North and South Carolina Ime, 1 " aad Rrra-nrativr. from U.. Sute la the - If-f-!- ytir tMl4Cwmf he ifwl elW - Saluda. ' . Saludft. Saturday, .Vorrwirr 21, SENATE. Tlie Remdulioo fixing the day of adjournment of the Legislature waa read the third time, and, on motiuo of Mr. llogan, ordered lo be laid on the ta ble. HOUSE OF COMMON'S. Mr. Clingnun submitted the Allowing Reaolu tion : . Rtiolrfd, That the Committee on (be Judiciary be inatrucied to inn ui re into tlie expediency of amending the Road Laws. ... - .. Mr. C. remarked, that the object of hi Resolu tion -ww to amend a portion of the Road Law which wore ft auhject of much complaint with hi constituent I hnt pert giving to Overaeer of naid the power of calling out u convenient " band. He wiahed to make the Law more definite on tbi point, and to limit the exercise of this power by Over aBflA l" ''STrVBuie u1)fnilte3 Aie" fotlowing TteaoTutlon"! Retoltd, That the Committee on the Judiciary bo inst rwled to inquire into, the expediency .of; aniemling the Revenue Laws, by increasing tlie i ax oo rcdlarm -r-. Mr. Clark said, that fbr aevcral yearspast, if hia memory served him, this question, as In the expe diency of increasing the Tx on Pedlars, had been retirred to ft Commimv, and ihv Jiadas uiufitfaj. ly reported Bjrnirist it, thereby precluding the lTsie' from any opportunity 'lotttpKAung' its hjiiriinii a to the expediency of an increase. At tbi wiwi.Ki, be witdied the sense of the lloune to bo sscertaincd on this point, and ahould therefore move to amend the Resolution offered, by substitutiui in its phioe tho following! '' J v Rftolred, Byth 3eneral Atseinliy of fiorth Carolina, tbnt tlterc is a class af moschants in this State, called Pedlars; the, number qf whom have ra pidly increaaed within 9 fcw.yeara, ia still increas ing, and ought to ba diminished. J Rtxdeed, That the practices of the Pedlars are io high degree corrupting to the moral of our citizens, fraudulent upon all good and unsuspecting and prejudH-iaJ lo the interest of the regu r and statiooed Merehants, whose prosperity in any comnmnity bepeJi the properity and groith in wenlth of that cnmmonity. -1 .. . . toiww-a,Tfait ffurtamimlKw onmrJuttictirry be mstructod to report bill increashig the tax o on Pedlars' licences, to such an extent, as to make it exceedingly inconvenient for them herenAer lo collect in such numbers in the State. His objoct,coiitiiiued Mr. C wa to prevent these PIlra from, vititirig our Stste altogetho, if possi. bteteasrtrrthnw e wa 01 rjjeir getting nore,aa greatly 10 lessen ineir nuftiber. 'I he only objectunta lo nil tncrcese of the tnx, which he bad ever beard 'suggested, was that the tax raised fnwrtWaafwsoiMwadde considerable sum to the Revenue of the State 5 but that if it be increased, the eertaia eHect will be to diniinish the Revenue, by Icweninjt the applications for licence. He tboufrlit thnt this branch ot the Revenue had better be lopped eO altogother, thaa that (he evils which it engenders ia the community should be tolerated. K In the' Eastern part of the Stute, said Mr. C, tlieso redlor have so increased in iwmter, of late year, as to eicile complnint, if not alarm. Former they were so lew, that bo objection waa made, to their passing and repassing on pood behavior f but their sudden augmentation, taken in connoction tith pacing events, renders some measure wcesMnry to. atop their influx. ' 1 1 rue it was, bis Resolutions were courhed in rather harsh terms, but not undeservedly so. Those I persons engaged in prd1inr, are all from tlie North, tor tho moat part are men u bad character at home, ainl are ln,tid by m ir f iiil )( r i,hi ty on ronnt of llwir uVxtcrilv in lrn iil' a trade. I lio finud mimI rhiraiKiry of a Vaukne Pedlar are pro verbial, and the rpttheta abrwrd upn llmm uow in wlxtl entiniMti'Mi Hh v are held. Tl y route lo the Niuih. imliuDtl with all the fiuiatkul r4ion of a Thoinpaon or a Garriwai their catting five tbein free acre to oor lvea,"iniong whom they illHM-miunte, notion at war with the beat inti reat both of iIim nwter and lie aiHike from ex- wirK'nco of I lie iniurioua influence of thi cInw of! trailer on ourcohurd ppilulion, ami be tru-led that elS dive meaaurea wiokj now be adopUid to dip tha evil in the boJ. The Reaolutiotia were read and alopte.u r-v nar imtiti a cat raui. TIIK CAItOLLVIAN. SALISHUItV: Saturday Mornlng,NoTember28r 1 C35. UTATK iXGLSMTL'RB; ' Tmm oar aeeoont of the pmeeeiliBg ia another eo hMna, take from Ibe lUgiaWe Rpud, il will be that yet but pfJe die baa beoo dor than merely ippmnting the variou CotainiUee, and other praliuii kry pmcewlinga On Thorly, th 10th, Mr. CUngnum, of turry, in tmlnced into the lloiueof Comnwua, the aute Rea lutioa Jeoted br tbal Howe at the but feaaion on Uw awtiiMi uf the PbUic Ik and which were 'Wealed j - . . ' 1 01 the Senate tliruugb the lafluenc uT the ao iJoreo , "' ""J" oiairry in una country, party. On Mr. Clmpnaa'a urtioB. they were onlor! ' When cm-pin.lent of llie Richmond Enquirer W to be printed, and mut the order of the day U Mm- J trihut"d airoilat expreaiiooa lo Mr, O'CwineU o aiaHb day the lrd. Th RmJution are follow! ' oertwun. it w indigntntty ilemed by hi tricml in A la tinwe of thj Gtl Aambly. thie country, on lk ir oirn rrtfomMity. Tl.cy then Utataay Art by which UrC4ogTrB of the United Htttr promised Mr. OToniicFTffcnuncwtioo of w hat tkey aUU give the I'ubl Ijfrl to lh Mtatca wUhin which zarded u a alamler on him. Not a word tW Mr. they are irtoataH. or Act by which the inm.i.iuoi irCtm h Wo mtde publ in denial of thea pnee at which 0 Ul are now la atl he red. T . red, would amoaaly a!T.t the pwieritv of all the old 1?" j . r . x, ... , ..J i, J I.; th.L.Si.i K whirh ur poo-e' ref. r. t to Mr. O Connell let- thrr wrrr iiif null cied in the ronWi-met. "Urtoivd, fmriirr. A the ojhiiii of tin Geaeral Aa"Wy. thai the Public Ibt Uniubwncxtioguiah- ed, aad the eWt which tii. cape uf U repeat- le portion of Vm aulilx duia by th Sla!- hich nrighial'y arid thenVlmmr Ihw iWn "womidUh. th ao-4) di.owli.ai of the PnWic l-aod. or the pro- , reedaben ouzbt to be mad aft th- Sute. of -" ---- PT r; S, . -"H",u, fjj j;,,,. -UnJrJ, That the Goemnr be. arv! he U, hereby req-wsted to trarwmt eo9,r of Uie R-aoln'ieu to Hie 1 Th',n nn! With IIoum, and we thermit hive IhiI little iHipetof the paarage of thfae Remiutiun. Tlie.dipwition of tln-fn, however, will nhow one thing in the language of llie Regiator, " we tha'.l now are who will have the temerity. the nak'of peTmiotinj tlw arbetne of Pre aidentnil candidate. 10 vote ajim a propiaition, the otoeci or wnicn to rrure Aorm uaroima ner jum prooorUin of th proceed of the ale of the Public I . V t I !' land to which ahe i s much entitled a alia ia to the revenue collected rroTi Iter cif'en. U . n 1 , 1 wuUaloheWth.taRe.lUlHH haa brenj)ff : ciod, fixing the 2(Hb or IV.-einlr f. tlie adjournment " i """." wilulion boukl paaa, will be oceaainoed by the adoption of the amendment to the Constitution, which might render uaelen many nf the act of the prevent bmly, aMembltd aa it ta-upon principle at variance with the expretaed view of a majority of tlie People of tlie State There no longer remain any doubt of the Bnfifica- il i : J L .. htod-oftHaftmetidriftM11wCfT 1 17 Countiea yet to be beard from, which we think will increaee the majority fbr Ratification. The following additional return lave been reeeircd tince our last: For Rejection, . . . . Ifit For Ratificslirm, . . . . 7,117 Majority agate Ratification, 270 Sulitnet tbi from the inajonty ofAH f . 7 a given in our but. : '"'TTfJIH " "S, " Lesvinj a rasjiirity still, of 4,1ur Ratification ' o.-a-- ' - , (JOV. SWAIN'S MESSAGE - Tetba Igalatore may he foond on oor first re ra it ia an sble, awnneas-like docament, presenting clear aad iiodend flew of tliff several snhjeetrf of wliicb it treats. . The Measage, a a liternry production, ms MFses great merit, being written in I clear, nervous, snd finished styhi;ia exeellonce fbr which Mate papers are not elwaysdirtmpolitoed. ' The Governor hu called the attention of tlie Legis lature to the operation of the . A bolitmniiitc As no dif ference of opinion exwts od this wibjert, we trust that party politic will not be permitted to uUenrupf Uie har mony and unanimity which should characterize what ever legislation may be deemed screws ry hereon. invite the. attention of the reader to that document-. - Jfcje. Election hj the Iirgisofcre. We learn, verbally from Raleigh, that Richard Dobbs Spaight Esq'r., of Craven rnty. hu J br a irmwrrrflTTrotes ovef William R Mears, Esq., fotjaears 6ft 1. " , v Oa SsturJay, flie 21st, Philo White, of the Stand ard, was elected Publie Printer . by the following vote : menroTlouai "JT tomatiyitor uf tha Star,); 89;Blank.i' . . ' 'V . On the aaroe layiHVUliam Hill, Esq., was re-elected ocrctary of State witliout opposition. . , On Friday the 90ih Alexander Troy, Eq., waa re-elected Solicitor of iho 5ih Judicial Circuit Or ifafOB. Several hundred head of large hoga would find a ready sale st a fair price in Salubury. Mt nagni end Circus. On relerence to an adve tiaemmitin another column, the reader will see that Messrs. Miller Yale, tnd A C intend visiting Sa lisbury with their aplcndid Menagerie, and nnrivalled Circus company, as Thursday and Friday, the 3rd and 4th dnya of next month.: Thf ahow going publlo may expect a rare treat. Their Equestrians number smong tliora Some of the fin performer io the country. ' DAMHIi OTONNULI Aiv We ive.imre than wire lluld to tlw lfih Afi-i ttir umI hia riliiiniiim on tha Foulh. Ii4 berau we rare at ill r hi oii iiiorw a aa Mulivhlual, hot bvcaaae , lilita rirrlrJ a coiitnilling indu w over tlie larger portmaofbi countrymen in America, Tina influ'-nce i by. no mna to be iIiwiiimkI, when n fliK-t on llie irn nire aimiWof Irn tote given in the Northern Klate. In the city of New-York nUm, there are ten tliiuid lrili voUiri, with inl at whom OToiiih H' word li been law. If tliey adopt liii (reqnently eitpreaaed opi oiona on Klavery, they firm no enteniptiMe acrewinn of alrnnjih to the AlmlUimiiH, vilk ickum VCmnrll itfrrfndf UrnlfieJ in opinion. We do not nuke tin aawrtion pwhly and every remrk whii:li webava it any tiioe mailo reapectinf Mr. ffminell In a been juetiM by antracta from In apetehea publiahed in llw Caroliuiio. Our attention baa been ajraio called to (hi aulijuct by a cooiniumcation which we aubjoia from a big lily evteeuied friemt, wIknii w utkltiratand lo deny Uiat Mr. O'Conuell ever uttered aucb opinion aa are contaiiwd in' tlie extract of p.-ecne aUributed Ui biia W will briefly menta our authority. The at'iiii EJilof of the Carolinian w preaent at Uie debtrn in the BriUah Purliament ia 1112 on Pow. ell Buxton' Bill Emaocip-Uinj; the Weal India Slave. lAirinathe progrvaaof trial Bill plunderinf tne Wcat India Pltoter, be fvwrd Daniel O'ConnuU in bi place io Parliament, denounee the rilavery af the negmea m the .Southern U. H. in the moat gma a nJ ofteoat ve man ner, nd in lb nioat inxJi-ut language, he demanded the immiliule. abnlitio U oor Slave , The Editor cannot be miataken, lor ao indignant wai he that be wrote down with a pencil OTounell'a language tt the tune. On a iilwiiMit oocanion, at a imi'tirg of the Horiety, abolishing Capital Puniahmenta which wlhen ailarnawd by Mr. Hume, Dr. Luhington, KirHVonl Mot.tajiir, liinl Nugent, and Mr. O'Cotiarll, tlie F-Ji Wrd lit latter genthmiaa travel wit of record lo j . ... . .... t a IwJon FtltoT, V coTrrrt .ie error of hi re- porMd epparh. Our friend ban aurely forgotten the content of tKal l.-tter, or he would hardly have refcr- to Utt ,r aannell rr . the in- . . . , . . ' rorreW the rr f rrp,. V"" bt Tftpng to lie Suva-unLOUi of Ike Sot th. i,ud of o tkt Ami grmmll,. yjjr crnpvnH-a coirespniMeai na pomt'iy wui ui m Ynl """' TrM Irtfrr, . U wiaa.v Jons newnptpor piibbte,l in ey 1 .k City, auJ PtreoUy th OXonnell oran in tbi Ccunlry, coo- Uuiuig awne tpeeche oi ibi gentleuun', acd notice Uh ml lo SrrtUnd. W will tike no exception to f, ...n,..,;,. 7; 1 r -v-i. iiiawim 4 " i praoUal AwlgMMh nt lo th Vice Preeakwey ef i our Keibi. a a wmt after all doe the troth teller io wimi aripr an ooeiuie 1 mm minwroiiirii unn 11 win 11a way cro llie Mlmlic, with great violence and eoaneneaa of and la fireqiieiitly to tie aeen in tlie iVw York Ameriraii, of our whir Prewc bul it d "i ' ','v,'n,l,l' Star, and nioro particnlarly m the CtKim r mid . . , I Kuuuirer, eilill by tlie nulorioua nUnilrrtr, V eW., iho aay ! 1. tbuac language some dray ia nj, MNer wiaferrr, tie ctmoetneu nf Ikt exirncU from Mr. CTVonnrtri erra, wnr, et fir a toe can dweneer. inti il rrrn allude to Ike tuhirrl Th 0tnc wnHunKl bv our eorrennomlent wa trorn ! apeech of O'Connell delivered at Olwgow. We a ! t .1. t n . j k. 1 1 ens find t ie Truth Teller no notice dT n, pecch havinir been lielivcred at tilaaoniv. U aiiUl the TmiL i - ' - -- ,.m ni mutui uiit iiuruiern pnucnk ponii'uiariy wblhj aPBOUM.lnr the Vhlg Rdjtmnave&ilod'tho. slreadv menlbaied. to UmlerVa.i.l euueavur lo ,0 mlke t,)6 cb, MlfwU( . w j poiw Uie diiimI .4' the cilixon of the Umad Uuti-a, ffrhd? iv,. II rorefuUmmtuda earn tkrmtnliim of them. B Jdwp England thought the evidence of O'Con nell'a having expreaaed eeutimenU inu)Ung to the alave-bol'lera, sufficient to autburixe writing io Inoi tor . a dciMul i.f them. 11 any answer ever been received to the Bishop' abU, spirited and patriotic letter I We f . . . ' ' l .l.ive hoard uf none; uor have we ever aeen any da nial uuthtirurd bv Mr. O'Connell of th anhirmmita nn ' i ' " T" . Ln ,(,,.. bv , . . m,M-ut,ta v, k.. LUei KuiucL 01 ad pni'iTi n ivptt. inirnnnimr in nw m fftmi4 iUmw!4 (ilt Um ,y 4etM tioa whatever on thi subject tWhat ahall ws iy then ! We know from permnal knowledge lluit Mr. O'Counell has averted base libelt on the South. Our testimony i supported by undenia ble proof Hi ore an in New York does not deny the fact Hto'Bitrionarftt luile iTlarjp cliss of Irish citixna in the Northern States and to unite them with the Abolition ists. While this is tlie case, we shnll not shrink from exposing the inso lent snd bla.phemotis libeller of our inslitutms, nor fcil to warn his patriotic countrymen among us against being seduced by their admiration of this Foreign co adjutor of the Abolition incendiaries. Of Mr. O'Conneir patriotism, we will only remark that that rain's hynenly may well bs suspected who de rives a revenue of $00,000 to 100,000 per annum from his patriotism. .Ajgd hi republican principles are lit tle, worth w ho spea ks of f b is pride of tlie ancient chief taincy of. his finally in the same sentence where he vaunt bis democratic love of the People. Our correfpondeut ha fiillea into a very excusable error io his last paragraph .The Carolinian is not alone ia it course on thia subject. We can name a great num- opiniona of th Ituh Agitator- But Una is matter of, utter indifference. The Carolinian is not in leading string. - . ' ' -- , U'e trust we base done with O'Connell. Our cor respondent tlowan, will boar us witness that we have and trampled on Ireland, and to do notice to the gone rssity, the valor, and the patriot wm of her noble sons hi. our opinion of Mr. O'Connell alone we differ, and we are sorry that we must differ. It gives us no plea sure to witness bis high snd powerful intellect degraded to the service of ib Northern snd English Abolitionists in villifying snd traducing American slave-owners. roB THB WESTBBH CABOUNIAS. I - " Masess. Smith & IUbpton : In looking over your paper of the 21st inst, I observed a paragraph reapeW ing the lllUKlrious Irixli liberator, Daniel O'Connell, ap- fuying 10 nun, perwnuuy, mow aousive ana scurrilous angusge, uch s Bloated hypocrite, Indolent creature, Ac, &e., concluding'with wluit yon supposed to he an extract fiwa one of his speeches delivered in Scotland, wherein be is made to abuse the American Slave owners. J'- ' t V 1 Iii one of your firmer papers, you gave lis an' extract of what you called a speech delivered bv Mr. O'Connell at an Anti-Slavery Meeting in London, wherein he is sgsin represented as having spoken In a disrespectful manner of the Slave-holder of the United States. . . In another number of your late papers, vou amused some of your readers, by exhibiting Mr. O'Connell as jrtet!iigfiembiim;ir.u - rii.rd oui.lr) nienaatiUjitui ' --rvM-a- Willi reieft lo ViHir mrtunnt 'ir nf Mr. (t('nn. ... O I !,.... I .11...... I.i U.V l.lll I Iibum tuitk i., r, ..... .. AnuA- ..f,--1?,i-, l,i "T'riuitiiJ.a'I grre lliriMih jtiaral, and 'cuIIiiimI, Imi fonUiniiig citrrrrt trfHirl fioin tliu honrt iiajirrauf tlnmr coniitria, ot all the Kir In- lie ddier"l in thetiliea ami Town., coiintienri'inir at MimcIhmI'T, and riMling in liublin, iim cannot timl that lie ban run ui'Tili'iuid tlicae Iniitj Sialu,m ny erciiinn UiO jiajieni are wiit jou fi peruml. A to hfrroew-hrTrpnrteOy J'f.if WhSve 'ln iWiT vrrnt. at (ii AiitHlavcry mei'img in 1.hhI.po-i very lima you were 'pJ'liJniig tna iik(I (Hoi,, Mr. O't'mrH-ll' Irtirr to the lit.r uf the Lmdun Tune wt going tlie riHiiHla of tliu Knglu'li, and mmiiq of llie Aincriran paiiern, conlradictuig, 111 tliu iiumI pu ilive li rnK the objertiimiihlo purl of ln jm'.- Ir, Hhirh waa liainelully garlilod, tnd lucorrectly n-ri J by that Tory Alitor. Vour next charge, reacting tho O'Conuell I'mjdJ denrrvea nme notice. The 1'ntrmtir agitator, Lung drawn the atl'fclHma and aupport of In grateful r.HiiH trymen rouud bun, they voluntarily riNilributiil liin.U in lieu of hi lucfritive profaaion, wlntb be had to re lilKinah for their benrrit. Mr. UHUnnt'U )oily aay of hurmelf, tlrat he t th abonrd nian in Knglaiid. By wImhii latin illnMri oua indivKlual iImiwkI I On inquiry, you will riml, tUj thi y are tlie H"d and haughty Ariabicriry ; the bigh Tory Tyrant tlie kiwi; the DIood-thirMy ( IniigeiiKtn, and all lh advocate of liitolleranci', Ty. rauny, and IVruotum -Uw t uemtuM of civil and re lieioua lilx'Hv. The di-lnnnind if to retorm m (Jlnirx.il and uie ; a ml the upholder of that nitatnoua import, Tltlu-a. The tiirrgoiuir are the calumniati-m uf the man wbe ha c trruid tlie lUforw Ihll llmnn-h tht: lliMiariif CmiiiiMiiia, and by hi pi-rwvurcnce and inairli. luaa ekKjiifuce i'iniiM iiUt bia beloved coumty tr.iui a bloody cod of I'imal Uw,, under wbidi alM' gnam-d Sir Kuutune, which Uie uuiu-d UlenUiof GralUn, llurke, 1'itt, and Pox wi re unable to accoinplihh. He diMilvt-d llie Tory Adtniiitatralion nt Wclluigtiia ami I'eal, and ia now mdmoring lo refimn ihnt inaw uf bigotry, illi berally, and eirrutHion, the Dritodi llowae at r"nan the and unny other noble dmil, llie name of O'Counell w complutrly identiried With the freedom ami welfare of In native land, and contributed to give Inm Unit wonderful aMiidanry over the puiple' iiiiimIh, w hich ia without a iwralel in mrnlern linn He em- 1 brae Uieciueof tlie iipprnuaed throughout tlie lint . f dothmiolw, Without regard Uie reed." Irge.! on by iialn- iliim, aiiiisl by gemua nf a very high order, lie alaie tiir the wnm.'iiof ooprenaed Ireland, to obtain re.ln-n (r hei miiiunrralile wriaiga. Hu haa bun lw F mikI wiping a war of argument agaiuM the eneunin of fieedun and humanity. Mr O'Conuell b Ittoly made a triumphant yMirnry through England ami Srirland, and waa every wh. ie received by the pis(ilu with tmliiiMaalH; adii.ifnin.11, rrirct. and gratitude. In nmny Hiiea ami T OWIlN III' an hailed by nearly the whole popnlnt.oii, and wa obligad t accept public I'eal iva la, in bonrot httiwlud wifta. Mr. O'ConnelP publie entry into f mbitrli. win a triumph of pnlriotiani over anxurrary and c -nnjii .on. liiKrt uurivitk'd iu tin: pniroa of biatiuy. Upuin. of l.'itl llhKlKind tmpinbied Ui ti-atify tlx'ir adui,nit of the Patriot, the hberabir of In country. Tho Tory Kuitora .t hnjfUnd Iwn- fouml it il" ir .lu- lf Wt'ii aa Uiir mint, to aweil Mr. HI ..ninll '"J" Kxlle,' ,,ki, ij'tihble cuUmnv, I - - cain ttiey .re. aunu.i-t.-d b, the rn-niiea id Ot.Wll. .11 Vm ,M.nil .nil rletix.mlu- i I,. .1... catr. I am torry to And lhai ibi. diauiliim Ui !mi sen itonm-ii haa tnand ita way a cnu the Ailmt comiUnr ami peraevermg alanderrr of H t'onnell nd ba Countrymen in America. Thia ciNitempiible b- m?, imapable, or unwilleiif to appreciate OV-onm U' rx. r- """ " 'be eu of liberty, or hi beroUc airugi-Ui. fur UJl've wna ' "j"" n'" ) u"l"t!,' " b'm, wotivo uf s Oikbooorablo nature, , llve wi, f)f , Wk , .1;....; t v .1 i L . . . I I i i-i . ""i " voiineii, ang ma cminirynien . .Ui. . . D... .1 ...ii' . t.ii. i- j ta tbi country. But tho intelligent, the high-minded American are gencroua, re grateful ; therefore, will not credit those unprineiplod re viler. Tliey are aware of th devotion, and bravery of Irishmen during the no ble struggle fur Independence ; and Unit Irishmen were found foreuiuiit in the ranks repellintf Die enemy during the iat war. The American ere alo well aware of lliH ftlljielimnnl tf 1 riulinuin Ck ah, ...n.. kl n in ,,.. i;.. i .1... ,i .' . . ' "T- ' ".prmc,pi. 1 sniKirryin say, urn ttie n rttrrn I arolminn 1 the only southern journul I a'n arquainttd wiln, that would venture to tike extract trout ao Uoubtl'ul a puptT a Um- ew Vurk touner and Kiwiitrer. I a ., gentle men, your obedient servant 1UJW A.N. November Uie 2.")lh, l' Q3r Great Whie F(iirat in Baltimore. The Whigs of Maryland appear" duly to appreciate the iui portance of tlie ictory whijdi 1 they recently .xtftned .eset the Van Iliireniles in tliat State. . Tlie event was cele brated at Baltimore On the 11 th instant, w ith s spirjl of patriotic enthusiasm well worthy of the great ranse of the Constitution. The most distinguished of tlie land Were invited 5 Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, Daniel Webster, Hugh L White, William II. Harrison, Wil liam J. Dunne, and many diners less prominent From the letter of Mr. Clay in reply to the Committee of In vitation, declining to attend we, extract the following concluding sentence and Toast : " I sincerely hope that the auspicious event which you intend to commemorate, and oilier similar events, limy lead to the defeat of the Baltimore Convention, which you justly so much deprecate. I believe, with you, that the election of Martin Van Buran, under all the circum stances by which H ia attempted to be brought about, and with the consequences which wuuld necessarily flow from it, would be fetal to the purity and existence of our institutions. Entertaining, sincerely, tins conclu sion, I ofler as a sentiment at your table " Union and concert, and a sacrifice of individual at tachment, in the support of a presidential candidaic op posed to tlie Baltimore nomination." We copy tho letter of .Mr. Calhoun entire, and deem it unnecessary to. say niore han that it .is .. worthy.?, the patriotic and prophetic mind of tlie man who penned itr " Fort Hiix, November 4, 115. "GrmxuE: The mail of yesterday brought mo your note of the 2nd ultimo, inviting me, in the name of the citizens of Baltimore opposed to the President nominating his successor, In attend I Festival to befi ven on the 11th instant in honor of the late triumph in Maryland of those opposed to the Executive nominee. The great distance, and the shortness of the time, puts it out of my power to attend. No one can look with greater alarm than I do, on the attempt of the Chief Magistrate to appoint hi successor. Should it succeed, open and undisguised as it is, and resting, as it almost exclusively doe, on the vowed ubserviency of the , nominee to the will of the President without those high qualifications and services, on bis .part, calculated to command tlie regard of thejwopte, or to fit him for the duties of the high office to which he aspires, it would afford eoncbisive proof of the consummation of rxecu live usurpation, over the other departments of the go vcrnment, snd the Constitution and liberty of tlie poo pie. . " ' ' :' Entertaining these views, I regard with pleasure the decided victory achieved by Maryland il) the late elec tion, over the Preside-1, nominee,' and, of course, over executive dictation. It is tho mors honoiablQ to the

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